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Accordingly, establishing an Amida-do Hall (temple hall having an enshrined image of Amitabha) called Joroku-do in Kyochi-bo, Mt. Koya, Jogyo put the hair of his departed father Yoritomo into the sitting statue of Amitabha which was enshrined in the hall for the repose of his soul, and furthermore, he held a religious service for the repose of the soul of the third Shogun MINAMOTO no Sanetomo, a half younger brother with the same father, by erecting a gorinto (gravestone composed of five pieces set one upon another). 例文帳に追加

これを受けて貞暁は、高野山の経智坊に丈六堂という阿弥陀堂を建立、この中に安置した阿弥陀如来座像の胎内に父・頼朝の遺髪を納めて供養したほか、異母弟・三代将軍源実朝に対しても五輪塔を設営して追善を行なっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Saicho gained the confidence of the Imperial Court, but when Kukai came back the next year with all the teachings of Shingon Esoteric Buddhism, he gained the confidence of the Imperial Court instantly, and played an active role, and Saicho realized that what he had learned was only a part of Esoteric Buddhism, and made great courtesy to Kukai, and became Kukai's disciple at Jingo-ji Temple on Mt. Takao with other disciples of his own. 例文帳に追加

最澄は帰国して朝廷からの信任を得るも、その翌年に真言密教のすべてを修めた空海が帰国し、すぐに朝廷から信任を受け活躍すると、最澄は自身が学んできた密教は一部の傍系のものでしかないことに気づき、空海に礼を尽くし自らの弟子共々、高雄山神護寺において空海の弟子となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After learning sutra again and again from Kukai as a disciple, Saicho tried to use 'Rishishakukyo' (explanation of Rishu-kyo (Principle of Wisdom Sutra)) but was finally rejected by Kukai, and also, Saicho's best disciple Taihan and other disciples went over to Kukai and did not return back to Mt. Hiei, and for those and other reasons, exchange between Saicho and Kukai disappeared. 例文帳に追加

しかし最澄は弟子をして空海に借経を繰り返し、「理趣釈経(理趣経の解説本)」を借りようとしたところ、ついに空海から拒絶され、また最澄の一番弟子である泰範など諸弟子たちが空海の元へ行って比叡山へ帰らなかったことなど、さまざまな理由から最澄と空海の交流が断たれた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Enryaku-ji Temple occasionally caused Honmatsu disputes; it stressed that Ninnan-ji Temple was matsuji during the Kamakura period ('Gamansho' (a book that advocates orthodox of To-ji Temple's Esoteric Buddhism and counters the misleading view of the followers of Mt. Hiei)) and suppressed Kitano-tenmangu Shrine during Bunan no Koji Sodo (Riot caused by rice malt sellers in the Bunan era) in Muromachi period and Hongan-ji Temple during the Kansei adversity (religious persecution during the Kansei era) to make them accept the matsuji of Enryaku-ji. 例文帳に追加

延暦寺は他宗派の有力寺院の末寺化を目的とした本末相論を度々起こし、鎌倉時代には仁和寺を末寺であると主張(「我慢抄」)し、室町時代には文安の麹騒動で北野天満宮を、同じく寛正の法難で本願寺を屈服させて延暦寺の末寺であることを認めさせた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, there is a view of considering that his body was cremated, based on the following descriptions: "Shoku Nihon Koki" describes that an Inzen (a decree from the retired Emperor) that Emperor Junna sent to the Mt. Koya included an item related the cremation of Kukai's body, and a letter Jichie, To-ji choja at that time, sent to Qinglong Temple included a description that could be considered that Kukai's body had been cremated. 例文帳に追加

しかしながら、『続日本後紀』に記された淳和天皇が高野山に下した院宣に空海の荼毘に関する件が見えること、空海入定直後に東寺長者の実慧が青竜寺へ送った手紙の中に空海を荼毘に付したと取れる記述があることなど、いくつかの根拠を示して火葬されたとする説もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In ancient Japan, many bussharito were built as wooden five-storied pagodas or three-storied pagodas such as Hoko-ji Temple, Horyu-ji Temple, and Shitenno-ji Temple in the Asuka period, but in recent times, bussharito were built for peace in the post war period etc. such as Shiroyama in Kushiro City, Hokkaido, Heiwa Park in Gotenba City, Shizuoka Prefecture, and Mt. Hachibuse in Takaoka City, Toyama Prefecture, etc. 例文帳に追加

日本の仏舎利塔は、飛鳥時代の法興寺・法隆寺・四天王寺のように、古くは木造の五重塔や三重塔として建造される例が多かったが、近代になると戦後の平和を願うなどの目的で北海道釧路市の城山や、静岡県御殿場市の平和公園(御殿場市)、富山県高岡市の鉢伏山(富山県高岡市)などの仏舎利塔が建造された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

About this point, Mujaku Dochu of the Rinzai sect said, after he mentioned that it was wrong to write Shuri as "修理," 'Legend holds that Daigen shuri was a lad (vocative) of Ashoka the Great of India and was a guardian of stupas constructed by Ashoka, and he came to Mt. Shoho in Mingzhou, China, by his divine power to look out over the whole land of China putting his hand over his eyes, and then Aikuo-ji Temple enshrined him as an earth deity. 例文帳に追加

この点について、臨済宗の無著道忠は、修利を修理とするのは間違いと指摘した上で「伝説では大権修利はインドの阿育王の郎子であり、阿育王の建てた舎利塔を守るものと言われ、その神力によって中国明州の招宝山に来たりて、手を額にかざし四百州を回望する、また阿育王寺でこれを祀り土地神とした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Saicho's earnest desire was to establish the building of Daijo-Kaidan (Mahayana ordination center) and those who received Mahayana precepts were admitted as the bodhisattva priest of Tendai sect and they secluded themselves at Mt. Hiei and underwent ascetic training there for twelve years, and due to this scheme he came into conflict with vested interests of Nanto Buddhism which dominated Kaidan-in of the commandment of Theravada Buddhism brought by Ganjin (Jianzhen) (688 – 763) in Ritsu sect. 例文帳に追加

最澄の悲願は大乗戒壇の設立であり、大乗戒を授けた者を天台宗の菩薩僧と認め、12年間比叡山に籠って修行させるという構想によって、律宗の鑑真(688年-763年)がもたらした小乗戒の戒壇院を独占する南都仏教の既得権益との対立を深めていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to "Nigatsudo engi" (Karmic origins of the Nigatsudo), Jicchu kasho, the disciple of Ryoben Sojo who was the kaisan (a founder of temple as the first chief priest) of Todai-ji Temple in 751, went into Tenkai (Tosotsuten (The fourth of six heavens in the world of desire)), where tennin (heavenly beings) live, in the heart of Mt. Kasagi and saw the tennin did the keka for Eleven-faced Kannon in Jonen Kannonin (the hall with kannon statue that is thought to be placed in Tosotsuten (Heaven)) and wished for the keka to be done also in this (the lower) world. 例文帳に追加

「二月堂縁起」によると、天平勝宝3年(751年)東大寺の開山、良弁僧正(ろうべそうじょう)の弟子の実忠和尚(じっちゅうかしょう)が笠置山の山奥で、天人の住む天界(兜率天 とそつてん)に至り、そこにある常念観音院で天人たちが十一面観音の悔過を行ずるのを見て、これを下界でも行ないたいと願った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


"Konjaku Monogatari Shu" (Tales of Times Now Past) completed in the late Heian period also includes a similar story to Taketori Monogatari (volume 31, 'A story of Taketori no Okina who found a baby girl and brought her up'), but in this version the plot is more simplified: only three difficult tasks are given to the suitors; Princess Kaguya doesn't return to the moon on the 15th night; a history of the name of Mt. Fuji is not introduced. 例文帳に追加

平安時代後期の『今昔物語集』にも竹取物語と同様の説話(巻31「竹取の翁、女児を見つけて養う語」)が採集されているが、求婚者への難題は3題のみであり、月へ帰る夜も十五夜でなく、富士山の地名由来譚も登場しない、『竹取物語』より簡略された内容である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In addition, this incident led to a higher reputation of Soboshu such as "Bodaisen," "Yamadaru" (literally, barrel in a mountain), and "Tafunomine sake" (sake on Mt. Tafunomine) in Nara, "Hogen sake" (literally, sake of rich field) in Echizen Province, "hyakusaiji sake" (sake of Hyakusai-ji Temple) in Omi Province and "Kanshinji shu" (sake of Kanshin-ji Temple) in Kawachi Province, which were uneventfully produced with no influence from the belligerent merchants in Kyoto. 例文帳に追加

またこの事件は、争いに明け暮れる京都市中の商人たちとは無縁に坦々と生産が続けられた、奈良の『菩提泉(ぼだいせん)』『山樽(やまだる)』『大和多武峯(たふのみね)酒』、越前の『豊原(ほうげん)酒』、近江の『百済寺酒』、河内の『観心寺酒』などの僧坊酒がさらに評価を高める原因にもなった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He gained a reputation for roles such as Okaru, Enya hangan and Oishi of "Kanadehon Chushingura," Shizuka Gozen of "Yoshitsune Senbonzakura" (Yoshitsune and One Thousand Cherry Trees), Omiwa of "Imoseyama (Mt. Imose) Onna Teikin" (An Exemplary Tale of Womanly Virtue), Omitsu of "Shinpan Utazaimon" (The Love of Osome and Hisamatsu) (Nozaki Village), Tamate-Gozen of "Sesshu Gappo ga Tsuji" (A Kabuki Drama of Unfettered Evil) (Gappo Anjitsu [hermitage of Gappo]), Sakuramaru of "Sugawara Denju Tenarai Kagami" (Sugawara's secrets of calligraphy) and Yoshitsune of "Kanjincho" (The Subscription List) and "Jinya KUMAGAI, Ichi no Tani Futabagunki" (Chronicle of the Battle of Ichinotani) in the area of maruhonmono (Kabuki drama of joruri [puppet-play] origin). 例文帳に追加

丸本物では『仮名手本忠臣蔵』のお軽、塩冶判官、お石、『義経千本櫻』の静御前、『妹背山婦女庭訓』お三輪、『新版歌祭文』(野崎村)のお光、『攝州合邦辻』(合邦庵室)の玉手御前、『菅原伝授手習鑑』の桜丸、『勧進帳』や『一谷嫩軍記・熊谷陣屋』の義経などが当たり役であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When too many tickets were distributed, numbers were classified into major categories such as shochikubai (pine, bamboo and plum trees), shunkashuto (spring, summer, autumn and winter), kachofugetsu (flower, bird, wind and moon) or Ichi-fuji, ni-taka, san-nasubi (Mt. Fuji, a hawk or an eggplant), five seasonal festivals, the seven gods of good fortune, the 12 signs of the Chinese zodiac etc., and then put numbers on them – for example, if No. 2353 of pine tree won, the same numbers of bamboo and plum trees were also given some amount of prize money. 例文帳に追加

札数が大多数に上る時は、番号には松竹梅、春夏秋冬、花鳥風月、または一富士、二鷹、三茄子、五節句、七福神、十二支という様に大分類を行い、そのそれぞれに番号を付け、たとえば松の2353番が当せんした時は竹、梅の同番号の札にもいくぶんかの金額を与えることがあった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Also it is said that the Tesso was got rid of by a big cat which appeared by the power of Buddhism of a high priest at Mt. Hiei; and, against 'Nezumi no Miya' at Onjo-ji Temple, 'Neko no Miya' (the shrine sacred to cat goblin) was built at Sakamoto, Sakamoto-go, Shiga-gun, Omi Province (presently Sakamoto, Otsu City, Shiga Prefecture) known as the Monzen-machi (a temple town) of Enryaku-ji Temple, as if it were glaring down Enjo-ji Temple, which has been made known today. 例文帳に追加

あるいはまた鉄鼠は、比叡山で高僧の法力で現れた大猫に退治されたともいわれ、園城寺の「鼠の宮」に対して大猫を祀った「猫の宮」が、延暦寺の門前町として知られる近江国滋賀郡坂本郷の坂本(現・滋賀県大津市坂本(大津市))に、園城寺の方を睨みつけるように建てられ、今日に伝わっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In part because the glow of the flames on Mt. Hiei was visible from Kyoto, this event is clearly recorded in the diaries of merchants, court nobles such as Tokitsugu YAMASHINA, and also in reports by the Jesuits (actually, according to Tokitsugu YAMASHINA's diary, soldiers thought to be the Asai army set fire to Enryaku-ji Temple's Saito on October 15 (old calendar) of the previous year, so Enryaku-ji Temple was stuck between a rock and a hard place, getting hit by both Oda and Asai). 例文帳に追加

この事件については、京から比叡山の炎上の光景がよく見えたこともあり、山科言継など公家や商人の日記や、イエズス会の報告などにはっきりと記されている(ただし、山科言継の日記によれば、この前年の10月15日(旧暦)に浅井軍と見られる兵が延暦寺西塔に放火したとあり、延暦寺は織田・浅井双方の圧迫を受けて進退窮まっていたとも言われている)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to "Daihizan Bujo-ji Engi" (Legend of Bujo-ji Temple on Mt. Daihi) written by FUJIWARA no Michinori (also known as Shinzei), the temple was founded in 1154 at the end of the Heian period by Kanku Sainen (also known as Mitaki Shonin) under the order of Emperor Toba, with the Retired Emperor Toba's private Eleven-faced Thousand-armed Kannon statue installed as the principal image, and the Niomon gate and main hall constructed by FUJIWARA no Michinori and TAIRA no Kiyomori. 例文帳に追加

藤原通憲(信西)が記した『大悲山峰定寺縁起』によれば、この寺は平安時代末の久寿元年(1154年)、鳥羽天皇の勅願により観空西念(三滝上人)が創建したもので、鳥羽上皇の念持仏の十一面千手観音像を本尊として安置し、本堂や仁王門の造営には藤原通憲と平清盛が当たったという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to a legend about the founding of Hase-dera Temple, in the 720s a big sacred tree washed up on the banks of the Hatsuse River and brought down a great curse, causing fear among the villagers, who asked the founder, Tokudo, to make a statue of the Bodhisattva Kannon from the sacred tree, which was the root of curse, and the statue was enshrined on Mt. Hatsuse near the village. 例文帳に追加

長谷寺の本尊像については、神亀年間(720年代)、近隣の初瀬川に流れ着いた巨大な神木が大いなる祟りを呼び、恐怖した村人の懇願を受けて開祖徳道が祟りの根源である神木を観音菩薩像に作り替え、これを近くの初瀬山に祀ったという長谷寺開山の伝承がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1331, his plan to overthrow the Shogunate was again discovered because of the betrayal of his close associate, Sadafusa YOSHIDA. The Emperor sensed danger, and quickly decided to leave the imperial palace with the Three Sacred Treasures of Japan, raised an army and secluded himself in a castle in Mt. Kasagi in Kyoto (today's Kasagi Town, Soraku District, Kyoto Prefecture). The castle, however, fell to the attacks of the Shogun's army and he was arrested. 例文帳に追加

元弘元年(1331年)、再度の倒幕計画が側近吉田定房の密告により発覚し身辺に危険が迫ったため急遽動座を決断、三種の神器を持って御所を脱出した上で挙兵し笠置山(京都府)(現・京都府相楽郡笠置町内)に篭城するが、圧倒的な兵力を擁した幕府軍の前に落城して捕らえられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Emperor was cremated and his remains were kept at Jo Kongo-in Temple in Sagano, Kameyama dono Hokke do, Nanzen-ji Temple built by the Cloistered Emperor Kameyama, Mt. Koya Kongobu-ji, however Kameyama dono Hokke do was considered as the Imperial mausoleum, which is currently Kameyama no Misasagi located within Tenryu-ji Temple in Susuki no Baba-cho, Saga Tenryu-ji, Ukyo Ward, Kyoto City. 例文帳に追加

遺体は火葬に付され、嵯峨野にあった浄金剛院や亀山殿法華堂、法皇御願の南禅寺、高野山金剛峯寺にそれぞれ分骨されたが、亀山殿法華堂を以って天皇陵とし、現在は京都市右京区嵯峨天龍寺芒ノ馬場町の天龍寺境内にある亀山陵(かめやまのみささぎ)である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When Takauji ASHIKAGA defected from the new restoration and he attacked Kyoto in 1336 after he won from the Battle of Minatogawa, Prince Tsuneyoshi/Tsunenaga, who escaped to Mt. Hiei, was given the Imperial rank and three sacred emblems of the Imperial Family, he was asked by the father and son, Yoshisada NITTA and Yoshiaki NITTA, to go to Kanegasaki-jo Castle in Echizen province (Tsuruga City, Fukui Prefecture), together with Imperial Prince Takayoshi/Takanaga who was his half older brother, under the pretext of ruling Hokuriku district, 例文帳に追加

足利尊氏が新政から離反し、建武3年(1336年)の湊川の戦いに勝利して京都へ迫ると、比叡山に逃れていた恒良は後醍醐天皇から皇位と三種の神器を譲られ、異母兄の尊良親王とともに新田義貞・新田義顕父子に奉じられて北陸地方統治を名目に越前国金ヶ崎城(福井県敦賀市)に下向する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Even after Yamatohime no Mikoto was enshrined at Ise-jingu Shrine, there was no chapel specifically dedicated to her until the Taisho period, when a proposal was made by the administrative branch of Ise-jingu Shrine and Ise City to erect a separate shrine for Yamatohime no Mikoto; the proposal was approved by the government on January 4, 1920 and on November 5, 1922, she was enshrined in Yamatohime no Miya Chapel on Mt. Kurata located between the inner shrine and the outer shrine. 例文帳に追加

伊勢神宮鎮座後も倭姫命を祭る神社は存在しなかったが、大正にはいり神宮司庁と地元伊勢市から倭姫命を祭る神社を創建する運動を生じ、1920年1月4日に皇大神宮別宮として倭姫宮の創立が許可、1922年11月5日内宮と外宮の中間である倉田山に鎮座した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

One version says Shuten Doji was born in Nakamura, in the county of Kanbara, Echigo Province, while in another version he was born at the foot of Mt. Ibuki, Omi Province, the child of the daughter of a powerful local ruler and Yamata-no-Orochi, a legendary giant snake with eight heads who appears in Nihon Shoki, or Chronicles of Japan, and who fled to Omi from Izumo Province after being beaten by Susano, the Shinto god of the sea and storms. 例文帳に追加

酒呑童子は、一説では越後国の蒲原郡中村で誕生したと伝えられているが、伊吹山の麓で、日本書紀などで有名な伝説の大蛇、八岐大蛇が、スサノオとの戦いに敗れ、出雲国から近江へと逃げ、そこで富豪の娘との間で子を作ったといわれ、その子供が酒呑童子という説もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The bakufu was subsidizing the continuing construction of the tower gate at Nanzen-ji Temple proposed by chief priest of Tenryu-ji Temple Shunoku Myoha, but when Jozan Sozen, a priest at Nanzen-ji Temple, criticized Tendai in his book for his part in a feud between Nanzen-ji Temple and Onjo-ji Temple, the Mt. Hiei side reacted vehemently demanding that Imperial Court sentence Jozan Sozen be banished and the tower gate be destroyed. 例文帳に追加

天竜寺住職春屋妙葩の発議で進められてた南禅寺の楼門建造を幕府は助成していたが、南禅寺と園城寺の抗争から南禅寺僧定山祖禅が著作において天台を非難すると、叡山側がこれに猛抗議して朝廷に定山祖禅の流罪と楼門の破却を求めた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

From this time Harusue began attaining power within the Imperial Court yet, as he had his daughter to merry kanpaku Hidetsugu TOYOTOMI, who was Hideyoshi's nephhew and his adopted son of Hideyoshi, in September 4, 1595, Hidetsugu was forced to commit suicide on Mt. Koya over suspicion of his fomenting rebellion, with his relatives, wife, and mistress being killed, and through this connection Harusue was forced to step down from his appointed office and was banished to Echigo Province. 例文帳に追加

これにより晴季は朝廷内で重きをなしたが、秀吉の甥で養子の関白豊臣秀次に娘を嫁がせていたため、文禄4年(1595年)8月に秀次が謀反の疑いを懸けられ高野山で自害を強いられ、秀次の一族妻妾が殺されると、これに連座し、越後国に流罪となり失脚した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Other than the above, several episodes are seen in the printed books of Saigyo Monogatari published in the Edo period, including the ones saying 'the father and his daughter met again,' and 'she became a Buddhist nun upon her father's exhortation,' and 'after becoming a nun, she was engaged in ascetic practices everyday, together with her mother, at Amano located on the foot of Mt. Koya,' and 'she had no relationships with men throughout her life.' 例文帳に追加

江戸時代に広まった西行物語の版本にはこの他に「父と娘とが再会した話」、「父のすすめで出家した話」や「出家後は母と共に高野山の麓の天野の地で修行に明け暮れた話」、「生涯男を知らないままで死去した話」といったいくつかのエピソードが含まれている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

While Emperor Godaigo was exiled to Okinoshima Island, Masashige and Imperial Prince Morinaga, who fought with him in Yoshino in Yamato Province (present-day Nara Prefecture) and other places, held Kamiakasaka-jo Castle in Kawachi Province and Chihaya-jo Castle, which was a a castle built on a mountain to take advantage of the mountain's topography, built in the middle of Mt. Kongo (Kongo mountainous district), using guerrilla tactics, excrement attack and others, to fight against a huge army of the bakufu. 例文帳に追加

後醍醐が隠岐島に流罪となっている間にも、大和国(奈良県)の吉野などで戦った護良親王とともに、河内国の上赤坂城や金剛山(金剛山地)中腹に築いた山城、千早城に籠城してゲリラ戦法や糞尿攻撃などを駆使して幕府の大軍を相手に奮戦する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He also became interested in an unworldly man from Mt. Iwama called Sojo (meaning "highest-ranking monk") Sugiyama, who had enlightened Torakichi from the other world, and grew to believe in such a mysterious existence; having become fascinated with the Gengaku of Taoism, he then formed a new theory of Shinsendo by fusing Japanese Kodo and Chinese Gengaku and began inducting his students into the theory as some kind of esoteric ceremony. 例文帳に追加

やがて寅吉少年を幽冥から啓導されている、岩間山の山人・杉山僧正なる異人に興味を抱き信仰を重ねていく間に、道家の玄学思想に魅せられて、我が国に伝来する古道の思想と道家玄学の思想を折衷した神仙道の教義をうち立て、弟子達にこの秘教密儀的な秘儀を伝授することとなる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Right after the war began, the former bakufu fleet led by ENOMOTO was anchored offshore near Mt. Tempo in Osaka, but when the army of former bakufu was defeated in the Battle of Toba-Fushimi, Yoshinobu and his followers, who had been in Osaka Castle, boarded and commanded the flagship ‛Kaiyo' to withdraw to Edo without notifying the shogun's retainers of the war party (in order to distinguish a warship from a troopship, "Maru" should be put only on a troopship; therefore, ‛Kaiyo Maru Warship' is inaccurate in this case). 例文帳に追加

開戦直後、榎本の率いる旧幕府艦隊は大坂の天保山沖に停泊していたが、鳥羽・伏見の戦いで旧幕府軍が敗北すると、大坂城にいた慶喜らは、主戦派の幕臣に無断で旗艦「開陽」に座乗し江戸へ引き揚げた(軍艦と輸送船を区別するため"丸"を付すのは輸送船のみとされており「開陽丸」は誤りである)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Some people said not to save Hidenobu's life after his surrender, however, Hidenobu forfeited 130,000 koku of Gifu and was sent to Mt. Koya after the battle ended because Masanori FUKUSHIMA who had many relatives of Hidenobu's retainers, said 'Please save his life as my reward in the battle' and claimed to save his life (many people had to fight with their relatives in the battle including parents, brothers, uncles and nephews). 例文帳に追加

降伏した秀信に対する助命はいかがなものかという声も上がったが、家中に秀信家臣の縁者も多かった(親兄弟、伯父甥で戦った者も少なくない)福島正則が「自らの武功と引き換えに」と助命を主張したため、合戦終結後に岐阜13万石は没収されて高野山へと送られた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In Shimotsuke Province which was Hidesato's base, there is a story in which Sarumaudayu (or Iwaji/Iwasaburo who were hunters) killed the god of Mt. Nantai-zan which changed its form into a centipede (a legend that led to the birth of the name, "Nikko Senjougahara (warfield in Nikko)"), and it seems that this legend was linked with anecdotes of Hidesato. 例文帳に追加

秀郷の本拠地である下野国には、日光市と赤城山の神戦の中で大百足に姿を変えた男体山の神を猿丸太夫(または猟師の磐次・磐三郎)が討つという話があり(この折の戦場から「日光戦場ヶ原」の名が残るという伝説)、これが秀郷に結びつけられたものと考えられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1333, after winning against the bakufu army at Mt. Senjo, Emperor Godaigo assembled pro-Imperialist warlords who were in the Chugoku region such as Nagatoshi NAWA, and before the Emperor's return to Kyoto, he sent an advanced army with Tono Chujo (the first secretary's captain) Tadaaki CHIGUSA as the supreme commander to join with Norimura AKAMATSU of the Harima Domain who was surrounding the capital and attacking the Rokuhara Tandai (the office of shogunal deputy in Kyoto placed by the Kamakura bakufu). 例文帳に追加

元弘3年(1333年)、先の船上山の戦いにおいて幕府軍に対し勝利を収めた後醍醐天皇は、名和長年ら中国地方周辺の勤皇派諸将を結集、京都への還幸の為の露払いとして頭中将・千種忠顕を総大将とした先発隊を送り込み、先に京を囲み六波羅探題を攻撃していた播磨国の赤松則村と合流させる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 936, Mamoru submitted a complaint regarding Masakado and Makito to the Imperial Court, who issued a kanpu (official documents from Dajokan) to call for Maki and so on based on the complaint, but he was forgiven for all sins as Emperor Suzaku granted an amnesty on May 24, 937 and on September 23, 937, he and Masakado fought against TAIRA no Yoshikane in Mt. Yubukuro-yama. 例文帳に追加

承平(日本)6年(936年)、護は朝廷に将門と真樹についての告状を提出し、朝廷はこれにもとづいて真樹らに召喚の官符を発したが、承平7年(937年)4月7日の朱雀天皇元服の大赦によって全ての罪を赦され、後の承平7年(937年)9月23日、将門と共に弓袋山で平良兼と戦った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When Mt. Yoshino was fallen by Sadafuji NIKAIDO's massive force, he shouted in order to let the Imperial Prince Moriyoshi escape safely, 'I am Ippon Hyobukyo (Imperial Prince of the first rank, Minister for Military Affairs), Imperial Prince Moriyoshi, the second son of Emperor Godaigo who was the 95th generation from Emperor Jinmu, the descendant of Amaterasu Omikami (the Sun Goddess). Look at how I am going to kill myself now in order not to be overthrown by rebellious subjects and settle my grudge in the afterworld, and follow what I've done when you have to commit seppuku after using up your fortune of war.' 例文帳に追加

吉野山が二階堂貞藤の大軍に攻められ陥落する際、護良親王を逃すため、「天照太神御子孫、神武天王より九十五代の帝、後醍醐天皇第二の皇子一品兵部卿親王尊仁、逆臣の為に亡され、恨を泉下に報ぜん為に、只今自害する有様見置て、汝等が武運忽に尽て、腹をきらんずる時の手本にせよ」と叫んだ。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The City Bus operates mainly around the old urban area: Keihan Kyoto Kotsu from Nishikyo Ward and Kameoka City to the central area, the Kyoto Bus around the Saga area in Ukyo Ward and Iwakura, Kurama, Ohara area in Sakyo Ward, the Keihan Bus around Yamashina Ward, the east area of Fushimi Ward and Mt. Hiei-zan, the Hankyu Bus around Nishikyo Ward (Rakusai New Town), and the West JR Bus from former Keihoku-cho to the central area (some routes overlap). 例文帳に追加

運行地域は、市バスが旧市街地中心で、京阪京都交通は西京区並びに亀岡市方面からの乗り入れ、京都バスが右京区嵯峨地区と左京区岩倉・鞍馬・大原地区、京阪バスが山科区と伏見区東部および比叡山方面、阪急バスが西京区(洛西ニュータウン)、西日本JRバスが旧京北町からの乗り入れとなっているが、一部競合区間が存在する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is a monument of a rectangular column with a round head erecting on a slope which extends from Susuki Pass to Odo-gawa River; in the front of it, a seated figure of Priest Kobo-daishi was carved by han-niku-bori (mezzo-rilievo); on the right side, the distances to Mt. Koya and to Kumano Hongu-taisha Shrine were engraved; on the left side, the distances to Osaka, to Nara and to Wakayama were engraved; according to it, the distance to Kumano Hongu-taisha Shrine was seventeen-ri (about 67 kilometers). 例文帳に追加

薄峠から御殿川への下り坂にある円頭形角柱の碑で、正面には円相の中に半肉彫り弘法大師坐像があり、右側には、かうや山(高野山)・くまの本宮(熊野本宮)、左側には、大坂(大阪)・奈良・若山(和歌山)への距離がそれぞれ記され、くまの本宮までは17里(約67キロメートル)とある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Seeing Kohechi vertically, even the lowest point is about 200 meters above sea level except Hongu-cho (Tanabe City) near Kumano-gawa River, and the highest points are Obako Pass (1,220 meters) and Mt. Obako-dake (1,344 meters), therefore, 'distribution of plants by altitude' (Table 1) by the Nara Prefecture history editorial board positions the plants in Kohechi as the plant of hilly terrain, of highland, and of mountain. 例文帳に追加

小辺路の垂直断面を見ると、熊野川河畔に降りる田辺市本宮町内を除けば最低地点でも標高約200メートル前後、最高地点が伯母子峠(1220メートル)および伯母子岳山頂(1344メートル)周辺であることから、小辺路の植物分布は奈良県史編集委員会による高度別植物分布(表1)では丘陵帯、低山帯、山地帯に属している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is also known as utamakura (a place famed in classical Japanese poetry) for waka and Saigyo's waka recorded in the "Shinkokin Wakashu" (New Collection of Ancient and Modern Japanese Poetry), 'It must be raining in Akishino and villages in mountains, because Mt. Ikoma is covered with cloud' and Jien's waka recorded in the "Shugyoku-shu" (Collection of Gathered Jewels), 'In the course of my trip, it is sad in autumn hearing voice of Japanese deers and insects of Akishino in the night' are known as representative ones. 例文帳に追加

また、和歌の歌枕としても著名であり、西行の『新古今和歌集』に採録された「秋篠や外山の里や時雨らむ生駒の岳に雲のかかれる」の歌や慈円の『拾玉集』に採録された「旅の空秋ぞ悲しき秋篠の鹿と虫とに枕並べて」の歌などが代表作として知られている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Cherry blossoms first appeared in KI no Tomonori's poem, 'When I saw Mt. Yoshino covered with cherry blossoms, I thought it must have snowed' (Spring Poems Part 1), in Kokin Wakashu (A Collection of Ancient and Modern Japanese Poetry), but around that time, snow poems remained more common, such as 'At dawn, when the sky began to lighten a little, I saw sparkling white snow that carpeted the country of Yoshino and I thought the moon might be lingering' (Winter Poems) by SAKANOUE no Korenori, which is selected for One Hundred Poems by One Hundred Poets. 例文帳に追加

古今和歌集において、紀友則の「み吉野の山べにさける桜花雪かとのみぞあやまたれける」(春歌上)と詠まれているのが桜についての初見ではあるが、この頃はまだ、百人一首にも選出されている、坂上是則の「あさぼらけ有明の月とみるまでに吉野の里にふれる白雪」(冬歌)に代表される雪の歌が優勢であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The current Imamiya-jinja Shrine is said to have originated in May 1001 when the temple was built in the current location and the three gods were enshrined after Goryo-e (ritual ceremony to repose of spirits of a deceased person) was performed in Mt. Funaoka in 994, but the year of establishment at the current location is unknown, although it has long been a shrine enshrining Susanoo (currently, sessha (auxiliary shrine - dedicated to a deity close-related to that of a main shrine) Eki-jinja Shrine), the god of epidemics. 例文帳に追加

現在の今宮神社は、994年(正暦5年)船岡山で御霊会が行われた後、1001年(長保3年)5月に現在の場所に神殿が造営されて3柱の神が祀られたのに始まるとされるが、現在の場所には創建年代については不明であるが、古くから疫病の神とされるスサノオを祀る社(現在摂社疫神社)があったという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Higashiyama-tenno (Takanaga) kensho-no-kanro (kanro [a way to clarify things, also called physiography] to clarify the fact on Emperor Higashiyama (aka Imperial Prince Takanaga)) is one of 'Shinpu-kanro' which was a physiographic book clarified by Hosei MIURA, and was a Shinpu-kanro which clarified and praised the fact that the Imperial Prince Takanaga who was the first prince of the Emperor Godaigo was enthroned on Mt. Hiei on November 20, 1336 and was an emperor of the genuine Imperial line enthroned at takamikura (a rank of an emperor). 例文帳に追加

東山天皇(尊良)顕彰の串呂(ひがしやまてんのう(たかなが)けんしょうのかんろ)は、三浦芳聖が解明した地文学「神風串呂」の中のひとつで、後醍醐天皇の一宮・尊良親王が、1336年(延元元年)10月9日、比叡山に於て皇位を継承し、高御座に登極された神皇正統の天皇であることを解明し、顕彰する神風串呂である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Therefore, if we are to respect the historical background, the "Fushimi Period" will be a more appropriate name, but in the first place Azuchi-jo Castle existed only for slightly more than three years after its completion, and in the case of Fushimi-jo Castle (Mt. Kohata), Hideyoshi died just two years after its completion; consequently, the time both rulers stayed within the respective castles was short, and thus some assert that the use of the name of the castles to symbolize the period is not appropriate. 例文帳に追加

そのため、歴史的経緯を尊重するなら“伏見時代”の方が適切な呼称となるが、そもそも、安土城は完成からわずか3年余りしか存在しておらず、伏見城(木幡山)も完成から2年後に秀吉が死去するなど、それぞれ在城は短期間であり、これらを時代の呼称に用いること自体が適切ではないという主張もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1443 (the third year of Kakitsu), Arimitsu HINO, from a branch of the Hino family, who was constantly talking of reviving the Southern Court, sent a force that was planning to assassinate Emperor Gohanazono to enter the Imperial Palace (the assassination attempt failed), where they stole two of the Three Imperial Regalia of Japan, the Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi (the heavenly cloud gathering sword) and the Yasakani no Magatama (the Grand Jewels) before fleeing to Mt. Hiei accompanied by Tsuzoshu and Gonzoshu, brothers of the Southern dynasty lineage (the grandchildren of Gokameyama's younger brother) in what became known as the Kinketsu Incident (or the Incident at the Forbidden Palace). 例文帳に追加

1443年(嘉吉3年)には、南朝復興を唱える日野氏傍流の日野有光らの勢力が後花園天皇の暗殺を企てて御所に乱入(暗殺は未遂)、三種の神器の天叢雲剣と八尺瓊勾玉を奪い、南朝皇族の通蔵主・金蔵主兄弟(後亀山の弟の孫)を担いで比叡山に逃れる「禁闕の変」を起こした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When the second Shogun, Yoshiakira ASHIKAGA, died, the Kanrei (regent) Yoriyuki HOSOKAWA gave his support and advice to Yoshimitsu ASHIKAGA, the third Shogun, and helped usher in a new administration, and engineered Masanori KUSUNOKI's defection and other anti-Southern Court efforts as well as dispatching Sadayo IMAGAWA to Kyushu as part of a push to eliminate the Southern Court's forces there, while in domestic, nonmilitary affairs, he crafted a response to the problematic conflict between Nanzen-ji Temple, which represented the new Zen sect, and Mt. Hiei, representing the old guard of influential Buddhist temples, and also implemented the hanzei (half-tax). 例文帳に追加

2代将軍足利義詮が死去すると、管領細川頼之は3代将軍足利義満を補佐して執政をはじめ、楠木正儀を寝返らせるなど対南朝工作や九州の南朝勢力排除のための今川貞世派遣、内政においては新興の禅宗である南禅寺と旧仏教勢力の比叡山との対立問題の対応や半済の実施などを行う。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Ibaraki Doji, who had found such a kindred spirit in Shuten Doji, also became his henchman, and together they began raiding the villages nearby; Ibaraki's mother, after hearing rumors of his misdeeds, draped herself in his baby clothes and appeared before him, which suddenly caused him to be flooded with memories of his childhood, so he vowed that 'never shall I set foot in this region again,' and together with Shuten Doji, began to make his way towards the capital (Kyoto), passing through Mt. Togakushi in Shinano (Nagano). 例文帳に追加

酒呑童子と意気投合した茨木童子は舎弟となり共に周囲の村々を襲っていたが、そのうわさを聞いた母が、彼の幼い頃の産着を着けて茨木童子の前に立つと、茨木童子は急に子供の頃の想い出が甦ったか、「二度とこの地を踏まぬ」と約束して、酒呑童子とともに信州戸隠山などを経て京へと向かった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Furthermore, in 1978 Toshie KIHARA used the above-mentioned texts as sources for her manga (comic) version of these events, entitled 'Oeyama kaden' (the Legend of Mt. Oe), and in 1986 this manga, in Yukihiro SHIBATA's theatrical version, was adapted for the stage by the winter performance troupe of the Takarazuka Revue Company (with Michi TAIRA in the role of Ibaraki Doji), and in addition to these adaptations, Mayu SHIMADA also created a play in 1996 entitled 'Ibaraki Ibaraki,' which shifted the setting of the story to the present day and focuses on the relationship between WATANABE no Tsuna's grandson, a high school student, and Ibaraki Doji (who is female in this version). 例文帳に追加

また上記の伝承を元に木原敏江が1978年タイトル「大江山花伝」で漫画化、同作は1986年宝塚歌劇団雪組本公演で柴田侑宏脚色・演出で舞台化(茨木童子役は平みち)されたほか、島田まゆが1996年タイトル「IBARAGI茨木」で舞台を現代に移して、渡辺綱の子孫である高校生と茨木童子(この作品では女性である)のエピソードを創作している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

First, although there must have been rebellion ringleaders who had united the widely dispersed Emishi and presented a written petition to the Imperial Court, their names weren't clearly recorded on the long list of casualties (more than 500 people were killed or captured in the battle of Mt. Yake-yama alone). 例文帳に追加

まず、広範囲の蝦夷をまとめて、自分たちの要求を朝廷側に文書にして提出するなど、反乱を指導した人物がいるはずであるが、この人物が朝廷側の多数の犠牲者(焼山での戦いだけで500人以上が死亡あるいは捕虜になったという)にもかかわらず彼らの名前が明確に記録されていないなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to "Koya Shunju Hennen Shuroku" (The Springs and Falls of Mt. Koya), the number of Nobunaga's army reached more than 137,220 in total, led by the general commander Nobutaka ODA with the troops of Shigetaka OKADA, Shogoro MATSUYAMA and others along the Kino-kawa River, Junkei TSUTSUI and his son Sadatsugu at Yamato guchi, and blocking Koya nanakuchi (seven gates of Koyasan), starting from Hidemasa HORI's arrival at Negoro on November 18. 例文帳に追加

『高野春秋編年輯録』によると、10月2日に堀秀政が根来に着陣したのを皮切りに、総大将織田信孝以下岡田重孝、松山庄五郎らが紀ノ川筋に布陣、大和口には筒井順慶・定次父子を配し、高野七口を塞いで総勢十三万七千二百二十余人に達したとされる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There are a variety of views about the origin of the word 'Yamato': the area is a region surrounded by mountains; the Yamato Dynasty located in this region originated in an area called 'Yamato'; 'Yamato' means 'Sanmon' (temple gate) and the name of a place of belief in nature that gods exist in mountains was changed to a country name; or it was developed in the area centered around Mt. Miwa and Yamato. 例文帳に追加

「やまと」の語源は山に囲まれた地域であるからと言う説、この地域を拠点としたヤマト王権が元々「やまと」と言う地域に発祥したためとする説、「やまと」は元は「山門」であり山に神が宿ると見なす自然信仰の拠点であった地名が国名に転じたとする説、三輪山から山東(やまとう)を中心に発展したためとする説など諸説ある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although he rendered distinguished service at the Tokugawa side in the Siege of Osaka, as well as made efforts in the repair work of Osaka-jo Castle and served as Zoei Bugyo (an official in charge of building temples and shrines) for Daito (a pagoda that according to Shingon doctrine represents the central point of a mandala) of Mt. Koya, he died in 1637 without leaving an heir, which resulted in termination of the family line of Honda clan, and for a while afterwards, Kazuharu KUWAYAMA (Yamato Shinjo Domain) and Yoshichika KOIDE (Sonobe Domain in Tanba Province) were placed as Joban (a castle guard). 例文帳に追加

また、大坂の陣においても徳川方として武功を挙げ、大坂城修築工事や高野山大塔造営奉行などで活躍したが、寛永14年(1637年)に嗣子なくして死去し、ここに本多氏は断絶し、しばらくは桑山一玄(大和新庄藩)と小出吉親(丹波国園部藩)による城番時代が続いた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Nara Prefecture and others proposed the additional inscription of 'Asuka-Fujiwara: Archaeological sites of Japan's Ancient Capitals and Related Properties' on the Tentative List in November 2006 and the Agency for Cultural Affairs decided to apply for it together with Tomioka Seishi-jo (Tomioka Silk Mill) (Tomioka City, Gunma Prefecture, etc.), Mt. Fuji (Yamanashi Prefecture, Shizuoka Prefecture) and Churches and Christian Sites in Nagasaki (Nagasaki City, Nagasaki Prefecture, etc.) on January 23, 2007. 例文帳に追加

2006年11月に奈良県他により「飛鳥・藤原-古代日本の宮都と遺跡群」として暫定リスト追加掲載の提案が行われ、翌2007年1月23日、文化庁が富岡製糸場(群馬県富岡市など)、富士山(山梨県・静岡県)、長崎の教会群とキリスト教関連遺産(長崎県長崎市など)とともに追加申請を決めた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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