
「状況がどうなるか」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(12ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > 状況がどうなるかに関連した英語例文






該当件数 : 635



To provide a means for immediately informing a parlor staff of the possibility of fraudulence being performed even when other errors related to the put-out of prize balls are simultaneously announced in a Pachinko game machine in which a full-tank detection switch is disposed near a sprocket of a prize ball put-out unit to be a target of fraudulence using celluloid or a piano wire. - 特許庁


Thus, it is easy to treat as a component, easy to attach and replace inside of the storage for commodities in the vending machine compared to a conventional multi-purpose deodorizing filter, and adhesiveness to a bond is improved and it can be screw-fitted according to the situation because the resin sheet is an attachment base material of the deodorizing filter. - 特許庁


To provide a portable imaging display device capable of restraining the deviation of a projection display image following the vibration of equipment itself corresponding to the widening of a usage situation generated following the portability of the equipment, and projecting the captured image at the same position even if a moving object is followed for photographing in a fixed range. - 特許庁


A plurality of video files whose contents are the same but amounts of information are different are disposed in the transmission side, while in a reception side, the video file to be dynamically transferred in response to the network condition is switched from one file to another by estimating throughput of the network from a transfer size and a transfer time of the video data received from the transmission side. - 特許庁



When a slippage is caused between the sales plan and an actual sales condition, simulation is performed using the supply chain model to derive a supply number of products on and after that point of time which can minimize the disposal cost of exclusive materials to be disposed as excessive inventory upon the termination of product, and a sales plan, a production plan and a material procurement plan corrected based thereon are formed. - 特許庁



A hybrid AF camera having two kinds of focusing means, such as an external range-finding system and TV-AF, is constituted to decide focusing by tempering with a diaphragm value (f-number), when photographing, so that the release time lag is lessened by photographing, by only the external range-finding system or focusing operation at rough focusing reference, according to the photographic circumstances. - 特許庁


A game different from the fluctuation display of the reels 3L, 3C, 3R is carried out on the liquid crystal display 5, and the game machine 1 decides whether a situation, in which the stopping control by the stop control means is performed based on only the operation to stop by the player, is produced depending on a prescribed operation by the player while the different game is in progress. - 特許庁


Another game different from the variable display of the reels 3L, 3C and 3R is performed on the liquid crystal display device 5, and in accordance with a prescribed operation by the player performed during the progress of the other game, the game machine 1 decides whether conditions of reporting information required for establishing the winning of the winning prize decided by the winning prize decision means are generated or not. - 特許庁


To improve the operability of a centrifugal separator and to improve maintenance and control function by using the operation recording data not only the person in change of the centrifugal separator but also all of co-user by surely and easily specifying a user of the centrifugal separator and leaving an operation state in detail as a record. - 特許庁


第二十三条 裁判所は、申立人の資力、破産財団となるべき財産の状況その他の事情を考慮して、申立人及び利害関係人の利益の保護のため特に必要と認めるときは、破産手続の費用を仮に国庫から支弁することができる。職権で破産手続開始の決定をした場合も、同様とする。例文帳に追加

Article 23 (1) When the court, while taking into consideration the petitioner's financial resources, the status of property that is to constitute the bankruptcy estate and any other circumstances concerned, finds it particularly necessary for the protection of the interests of the petitioner and any interested person, it may make temporary payment of expenses for bankruptcy proceedings from the national treasury. The same shall apply where the court makes an order of commencement of bankruptcy proceedings by its own authority.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム



With respect to revenues, in light of the drastic review of individual income taxation on both the national and local levels in FY2006 in connection with the Trinity Reform, we intend to reduce the benefits of the proportional across-the-board tax credit by half, while taking into consideration improvements in economic conditions compared to those of 1999, when the tax credit was introduced as a temporary exceptional measure to stimulate the economy. - 財務省


This parking lot is provided with an entering counter 11 and a leaving counter 12 in a management ward 10 to be the entrance/exit part thereof, entire entering/leaving conditions are grasped, the parking lot is divided into plural zones A1-D2 and E and these respective zones are mutually connected by a one-way traffic road. - 特許庁


The electronic document security system has a function for setting an access level for each part of an electronic document, dynamically acquires a user list by using a card reader 100 and can perform access limitation corresponding to a change in a situation by controlling an output at the spot with reference to the access level set in each part of the electronic document and the acquired user list. - 特許庁


At the same time, data received in OADL or/and net DL in common is managed and OADL or/and net DL data are received simultaneously, thereby eliminating the time and effort for re-receiving data received by one means by the other means. - 特許庁


The information processor extracts a specification item that is likely to reach a limit of performance in daily use as a critical point based on operation status data of the apparatus owned by the user, and provides the advertisement information for recommending the purchase of the new product having improved specification in the critical point. - 特許庁


The data recorder 10 records information needed for insurance contract to the electronic contract certificate 30 when authentication of the electronic certificate 30 is successful, varies the remaining amount of the insurance fee preliminarily recorded in the electronic contract certificate 30 according to the operating state, and records, in the event of an accident, evidence information for showing the evidence of insurance benefit payment in the electronic contract certificate 30. - 特許庁


When communication is made between terminal apparatuses accommodated in the different networks, respectively, a communication resource allocating unit 205 allocates the same communication resources to both the transmitting and receiving terminal apparatuses referring to statuses of the communication resource allocations in the two networks, managed by the DL resource management unit 203 and the MS resource management unit 204, respectively. - 特許庁


A communication resource assignment section 205 references the communication resource assignment state of the two networks managed by the DL resource management section 203 and the MS resource management section 204 to assign the same communication resource to both transmitter side and receiver side terminals when the communication between the terminals accommodated in the different networks. - 特許庁


A controller 103 for posture control controls the controlled variables of actuators 131 to 139 for controlling the motion and posture of a vehicle based on road surface situations to be supplied from a sensor group 102, and when the road surface is turned to be a bad road, decrease the gain of posture control, and increases torque so that it is possible to improve a feeling of riding regardless of suspension. - 特許庁


This invention provides some automatic agent assignment paradigms providing different effects onto the performance of a call center from the statistic standpoint on the basis of the quality and quantity of incoming calls by means of optional selection, which are used to assign an agent to the processing of a contact received at present depending on the presence of an agent surplus condition. - 特許庁

2 前項に規定する判断の基準となるべき事項は、当該指定省資源化製品に係る使用済物品等の発生の抑制の状況、使用済物品等の発生の抑制に関する技術水準その他の事情を勘案して定めるものとし、これらの事情の変動に応じて必要な改定をするものとする。例文帳に追加

(2) The standards of judgment prescribed in the preceding paragraph shall be established by taking into consideration the status of reduction of generation of Used Products, etc. pertaining to the Specified Resources-Saved Product, the technical level related to the reduction of generation of Used Products, etc. and other circumstances. Necessary revisions shall be made to the standards depending on the change in these circumstances.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

2  前項に規定する判断の基準となるべき事項は、当該指定省資源化製品に係る使用済物品等の発生の抑制の状況、使用済物品等の発生の抑制に関する技術水準その他の事情を勘案して定めるものとし、これらの事情の変動に応じて必要な改定をするものとする。例文帳に追加

(2) The standards of judgment prescribed in the preceding paragraph shall be established by taking into consideration the status of reduction of generation of Used Products, etc. pertaining to the Specified Resources-Saved Product, the technical level related to the reduction of generation of Used Products, etc. and other circumstances. Necessary revisions shall be made to the standards depending on the change in these circumstances.  - 経済産業省

2 前項に規定する判断の基準となるべき事項は、当該特定再利用業種に係る再生資源又は再生部品の利用の状況、再生資源又は再生部品の利用に関する技術水準その他の事情を勘案して定めるものとし、これらの事情の変動に応じて必要な改定をするものとする。例文帳に追加

(2) The standards of judgment prescribed in the preceding paragraph shall be established by taking into consideration the status of utilization of Recyclable Resources or Reusable Parts pertaining to the Designated Resources-Reutilizing Industry, the technical level related to the utilization of Recyclable Resources or Reusable Parts and other circumstances. Necessary revisions shall be made to the standards depending on any change in these circumstances.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

2 前項に規定する判断の基準となるべき事項は、当該指定再利用促進製品に係る再生資源又は再生部品の利用の状況、再生資源又は再生部品の利用の促進に関する技術水準その他の事情を勘案して定めるものとし、これらの事情の変動に応じて必要な改定をするものとする。例文帳に追加

(2) The standards of judgment prescribed in the preceding paragraph shall be established by taking into consideration the status of utilization of Recyclable Resources or Reusable Parts pertaining to the Specified Reuse-Promoted Product, the technical level related to the promotion of utilization of Recyclable Resources or Reusable Parts and other circumstances. Necessary revisions shall be made to the standards depending on the change in these circumstances.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

2  前項に規定する判断の基準となるべき事項は、当該特定再利用業種に係る再生資源又は再生部品の利用の状況、再生資源又は再生部品の利用に関する技術水準その他の事情を勘案して定めるものとし、これらの事情の変動に応じて必要な改定をするものとする。例文帳に追加

(2) The standards of judgment prescribed in the preceding paragraph shall be established by taking into consideration the status of utilization of Recyclable Resources or Reusable Parts pertaining to the Designated Resources-Reutilizing Industry, the technical level related to the utilization of Recyclable Resources or Reusable Parts and other circumstances. Necessary revisions shall be made to the standards depending on any change in these circumstances.  - 経済産業省

2  前項に規定する判断の基準となるべき事項は、当該指定再利用促進製品に係る再生資源又は再生部品の利用の状況、再生資源又は再生部品の利用の促進に関する技術水準その他の事情を勘案して定めるものとし、これらの事情の変動に応じて必要な改定をするものとする。例文帳に追加

(2) The standards of judgment prescribed in the preceding paragraph shall be established by taking into consideration the status of utilization of Recyclable Resources or Reusable Parts pertaining to the Specified Reuse-Promoted Product, the technical level related to the promotion of utilization of Recyclable Resources or Reusable Parts and other circumstances. Necessary revisions shall be made to the standards depending on the change in these circumstances.  - 経済産業省


(Reason 3) Ideally, the water supply work should be run on full cost recovery basis in which both capital cost and O/M cost are covered by the water rate. In Myanmar, however, it is very difficult for the local government to mobilize financial resources for building water supply system. The diffusion of the water supply system has not progressed yet, and some cities of substantial size is equipped with no water supply system. In the early stage of development, it is necessary to utilize funds from the central government and the foreign organizations in order to build the nationwide water supply system. Then, it may eventually come the day to mobilize resources from the financial market by issuing local bonds in the near future since it may not be sufficient enough to cover all the costs necessary to diffuse the system by the funds from the central government and the foreign aid. Regarding the issuance of the local bond, it is not probable for the local government to make it real without back-up of the central government. In order to serve this function, it must be needed a ministry which is in charge of planning and executing those funding within the central government. - 厚生労働省

ロ. 持分法適用となる関連会社は、評価範囲を決定する際の対象に含まれる。ただし、当該関連会社が本基準に基づき内部統制報告書を作成し監査を受けている場合、又は当該関連会社が他の会社の子会社であって当該関連会社の親会社が本基準に基づき内部統制報告書を作成し監査を受けている場合には、イ.のなお書きに準じて取り扱う。なお、当該関連会社における他の支配株主の存在の有無、当該関連会社への投資持分及び持分法損益の状況、役員(取締役、監査役等)の派遣や兼任の状況などによって、子会社と同様の評価が行えないことが考えられるが、そうした場合には、全社的な内部統制を中心として、当該関連会社への質問書の送付、聞き取りあるいは当該関連会社で作成している報告等の閲覧等適切な方法により評価を行う必要がある。例文帳に追加

B. Equity method affiliated companies should be included in the scope for management's assessment of internal control. In that case, however, where the affiliated company has prepared its report on internal control based on this standard, and the report has been audited by an external auditor; or the affiliated company is a subsidiary of another company, the parent of the affiliate has prepared its report on internal control based on this standard and the report has been audited by an external auditor, these affiliated companies should be treated the same as the listed subsidiaries under the preceding paragraph A. When an affiliate cannot be assessed in the same manner as that of a subsidiary due to factors such as the existence of other controlling shareholders, investment interest and equity method profit or loss in the affiliate, or dispatched or interlocking officers (directors, corporate auditors, etc.), management should focus on company-level controls and perform procedures such as sending out questionnaires, inquiring, or reviewing reports prepared by the affiliate.  - 金融庁


One criticism concerns the fact that the fair value option allows a company to value its debts at a low level when its own credit risk grows. This probably reflects the concept that the company can repurchase its own debts, or securities issued by itself, any time in the market. If debts can really be repurchased, this approach would be rational because the value of debts is less than the balance sheet value. However, doubt has been expressed as to whether there will be sufficient liquidity to enable repurchase of securities when the issuer's own credit risk is growing.  - 金融庁


However, it is difficult to predict the ultimate loss at this point in time given, among other things, that (i) there are no precise statistics for measuring the scale of and the estimated losses from subprime mortgage-related products; (ii) the amount of losses from subprime mortgage-related products fluctuate significantly depending on such things as the valuation method; and (iii) the losses incurred in the actual settlement process, including the auctioning of homes pledged as collaterals for subprime mortgages, are expected to be impacted significantly by future price trends in the U.S. housing market. It is therefore necessary to continue to monitor the situation closely, paying careful attention to the trends in the U.S. housing market, which is the source of the subprime mortgage problem, and the situation of the securitization market, as well as the various risk scenarios in the markets.  - 金融庁

第十七条 一般貨物自動車運送事業者は、事業用自動車の数、荷役その他の事業用自動車の運転に附帯する作業の状況等に応じて必要となる員数の運転者及びその他の従業員の確保、事業用自動車の運転者がその休憩又は睡眠のために利用することができる施設の整備、事業用自動車の運転者の適切な勤務時間及び乗務時間の設定その他事業用自動車の運転者の過労運転を防止するために必要な措置を講じなければならない。例文帳に追加

Article 17 (1) The general motor truck transportation business operator shall retain the number of service vehicles and the number of drivers and other employees required in accordance with the conditions of loading, unloading and other work, etc. associated with driving of service vehicles, prepare facilities where drivers of the service vehicles can utilize for rest or sleep, define appropriate working hours and driving hours of the drivers of the service vehicles and other necessary measures to prevent over-strained driving of the drivers of the service vehicles.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


The examination base is a three dimensional block composed of linear bodies of mortar or concrete blended with vegetable fibers, wherein the linear bodies are partly bound each other and spaces 7 are formed between the linear bodies. - 特許庁

2. 世界経済の回復は、主としてG20の前例のない、協調した政策努力のお陰で、以前予想されていた以上に進んでいる。しかし、それは地域内・地域間で異なるスピードで進んでおり、多くの国で失業率は依然高い。我々はこのような状況では異なる政策対応が必要であることを認識する。成長が未だに政策支援に大きく依存しており、持続可能な財政と整合的な国においては、回復が確実に民間セクター主導となり、より確固たるものになるまでは政策支援が維持されるべきである。既に出口を実施している国もある。例文帳に追加

2. The global recovery has progressed better than previously anticipated largely due to the G20's unprecedented and concerted policy effort. However, it is proceeding at different speeds within and across regions, and unemployment is still high in many economies. We recognize that in such circumstances different policy responses are required. In economies where growth is still highly dependent on policy support and consistent with sustainable public finances, it should be maintained until the recovery is firmly driven by the private sector and becomes more entrenched. Some countries are already exiting.  - 財務省


With regard to the issues pointed out on the occasion of the last inspection (non-minor issues in particular), it is important for the management to take the initiative in developing and implementing effective improvement measures. If only stop-gap measures or insufficient improvement measures have been taken, the inspector shall focus on grasping how the management recognizes the current situation and on identifying the cause and background of the lack of sufficient improvement measures, and give a rating in light of this. It should be noted that the evaluated improvement in the issues pointed out on the occasion of the last inspection shall be considered as a factor when judging whether the financial institution can be expected to take improvement measures on a voluntary basis with regard to the issues pointed out in the current inspection.  - 金融庁


At a subsequent informal meeting of cabinet ministers, which lasted for slightly more than one hour, ministers explained the challenges they face this year in a free-discussion setting. For my part, I argued that although pursuing a welfare-economy approach is naturally the right thing to do for this government, brisk production activity is the prerequisite for that, so it will be necessary to carefully watch the actual state of the people's lives and national economic conditions and take appropriate and bold measures to deal with the situation.  - 金融庁


In the process of the rapid spread and expansion of the financial crisis through the market, Japanese financial institutions faced difficulty securing foreign-currency liquidity in their overseas business operations because of a considerable weakening of foreign financial institutions' capacity to provide foreign-currency-denominated funds and an increase in the counterparty risk in interbank transactions. In light of this fact, it is important to take measures to develop an international framework for securing not only yen liquidity but also foreign-currency liquidity in case of a crisis  - 金融庁


In the north eastern area, the residents who connect to the piping system have to pay the water charge. Since only the main pipes and the limited length of sub-main pipes are installed and secondly and tertiary pipes are not installed in the area, the high house connection cost is the obstacle for realizing house connection particularly for the poor citizens. According to TDC, however, many residents desire for the house connection and the collection rate of the water charge is high. - 厚生労働省


This financing was intended to be based on a plan formulated by the Greek government concerning fiscal reconstruction and economic structural reform, and implemented after a mission, consisting of the European Commission, IMF and ECB, assesses the progress of the plan on a quarterly basis. And, it was assumed in the initial plan that the fiscal reconstruction would bear fruit and the fiscal deficit would be reduced to below 3% of GDP by 2014, that market confidence would be restored through the progress of the reform and that financing based on issuance of long-term government bonds would resume in the first quarter of 2012. - 経済産業省


If I said that the current situation represents "overbanking," it would make news headlines. However, from region to region - I am a native of Tochigi Prefecture - the local circumstances, the conditions of borrowers, and the needs for advanced financial services differ, so I find it difficult to say whether the description "overbanking" should be applied universally to all regions.  - 金融庁


There are other factors as well. Suppose there are two areas in which there has not been any difference in institutions or other conditions, but through agglomerations or otherwise, great differences have appeared in economic activity. It is easy to imagine large differences in the status of institutions and their effectiveness (assignment of private property rights, formulation of laws and services related to their enforcement, fund supply mechanisms, R&D mechanisms, labor market, commercial practices, etc.). - 経済産業省


Changes in the number of birth, death and international population movement that they assume have been projected by reflecting the result in the past and the past trend on the future, so it is necessary to be mindful of the following pointsThe point that is different from policy targets incorporating effects of policiesThe point that this projection doesn’t include change of the society in the future and economical situations, since they cannot be projected with the actual demographic datesThe point that doesn’t reflect citizen's hope for their marriages and their births. - 厚生労働省


On the other hand, as for the practical application of fair value accounting, the FSA is aware of problems, such as the possibility that in cases where the market is in a state of great turmoil, for example, when the liquidity of financial products to which fair market accounting is applied has dried up with only a very small amount of extraordinary transactions being done, the uniform application of prices observed in market transactions could significantly sway financial statements or cause an extreme deviation from the actual state.  - 金融庁


The blocking-up member 40 is provided with the locking mechanism capable of locking and unlocking an installation state to the closing cover 4 by operation of an insertable-extractable key 41. - 特許庁


When looking at the business confidence of SMEs per region, it can be seen that in the Kanto, Chubu and Kinki regions,4) which rely heavily on manufacturing sectors, business conditions were stronger than other areas until 2007. After the overall manufacturing industry weakened in fiscal 2008, the SME Business conditions DI of these three regions dropped to the same level as what was seen in other regions during the period of October- December 2008. The decline continued into the period of January-March 2009 (Fig. 1-2-4). - 経済産業省


Because of these restrictions, the 1979 Agreement did not cover a large percentage of government procurement contracts and parties to the 1979 Agreement became especially anxious to have the scope expanded to cover service transactions. Because service transactions have become so important to the world economy, their exclusion has led to numerous problems. Parties to the 1979 Agreement also became interested in expanding the range of entities subject to the 1979 Agreement. To resolve these and other related issues, negotiations on government procurement were held in conjunction with the Uruguay Round. On December 15, 1993, negotiators reached a new Agreement that covered the procurement of services and the procurement by sub-central government entities and government-related entities. - 経済産業省


A higher insurance premium for thepayment and settlement deposit” can also act as a restraint for financial institutions to collect additional funds through this means at no cost.  - 金融庁


I am aware of a media report about what you mentioned. However, the three megabanks are individual financial institutions, so I would like to refrain from making comments concerning their tax payment status. Generally speaking, the FSA believes that it is desirable that banks appropriately secure income from which to pay taxes and fulfill their social responsibilities including tax payment.  - 金融庁

(1) 特許は,特許所有者の同意を得ていない第三者が,当該発明の本質的要素に関連する手段をその発明の本法の施行領域内での実施のために,本法の施行領域内で,特許発明を実施する権限を有する者以外の者に提供又は供給することを禁止するという更なる効力を有するが,ただし,当該手段がその発明の実施に適したものであり,かつ,そのように意図されていることを,当該第三者が知っているか又はそれが状況からみて明白であることを条件とする。例文帳に追加

(1) A patent shall have the further effect that any third party not having the consent of the patentee shall be prohibited from offering or supplying within the territory to which this Act applies to any other persons, other than such persons authorized to use the patented invention, means relating to an essential element of said invention for use of the invention within the territory to which this Act applies, if said third party knows or it is obvious from the circumstances that such means are suitable and intended for use of the invention.  - 特許庁

. 国際化や金融コングロマリット化の進展に伴い、海外監督当局との連携強化の必要性が増すとともに、規制・基準の収斂の動きが加速している。こうした状況を踏まえ、内外無差別の原則を貫徹し、わが国の金融システム及び金融市場を明確な理念及びルールに基づいた普遍性のあるものにすると同時に、金融に関する国際的なルール作りに受身ではなく、戦略的見地から積極的に参加し、主導的な役割を果たすべく努力する。例文帳に追加

As internationalization and financial conglomeratization progresses, the necessity of strengthening partnerships with overseas regulatory authorities is increasing, and the movement towards the convergence of regulation and standards is accelerating. Taking this situation into consideration, the FSA will strive to adhere to the equal treatment principle of domestic and foreign financial institutions; make the Japanese financial system and financial markets universal based on a clear philosophy and rules; and at the same time play a leading role in international standard-setting activities regarding financial services, participating actively, not passively, from a strategic standpoint.  - 金融庁



In accordance with the provision in Article 63 of the Act, the MHLW shall promptly list the names and addresses of importers who have violated the Act or any actions taken under the Act, as well as the names of the violating imported foods on the MHLW website (names and addresses for one year), for the purpose of disclosing information to the public regarding any potential harm from the viewpoint of food sanitation.(In principle, the list includes importers who are subject to administrative actions in writing due to the violation.However, if the violation is not very serious and if the importer remedies it immediately, such importers are excluded from the list.) - 厚生労働省


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