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there theirの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 2036


There were three major different types of Hyo: Gahyo (handed at celebratory occasions such as Emperor's Genpuku [coming of age], investitures of the Empress or the Crown Prince and Sakutan Toji [celebration when the winter solstice falls on November 1 of the lunar calendar. Once in 19 years, this is an auspicious day and has been celebrated at the court]), Kohyo (handed when the Emperor's family members wished to decline the Emperor's offer of abdication of the throne or people to decline the offers of privileges such as Fuko [salary] or Zuishin [having bodyguards]) and Jihyo (handed when people wished to resign or leave their government posts). 例文帳に追加

表は大きく分けると、天皇の元服、立后、立太子や朔旦冬至などの慶事に奉られる賀表(がひょう)、天皇から皇親への譲位や封戸・随身などの特権など天皇から賜る恩恵を辞退する際に奉られる抗表(こうひょう)、官職辞任・致仕する際に奉られる辞表(じひょう)の3種類があった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In "Tale of the Heike" it is said that Yoshinaka won the title of Asahi no Shogun then, and since Yoshinaka and Yukiie did not like the fact they shared their assigned territory with each other Yoshinaka was transferred to Iyo Kokushu, land related with Genji head family, and Yukiie was transferred to Bizen Kokushu; however, it was only Yukiie who showed his dissatisfaction at the difference between him and Yoshinaka, and there is no record of Yoshinaka's dissatisfaction ("Gyokuyo" Entry of August 11). 例文帳に追加

『平家物語』ではここで義仲が朝日の将軍という称号を得て、義仲と行家が任国を嫌ったので義仲が源氏総領家にゆかりのある伊予国守に、行家が備前国守に移されたとしているが、義仲と差があるとして不満を示したのは行家のみで、義仲が忌諱した記録は見られない(『玉葉』8月11日条)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After Hidemasa read the article on the board, he put on Hakama (formal men's divided skirt) and washed his mouth by chozu (purifying water), held the board three times over his head and said, "There is nobody who can give such precious words to expostulate me, those words must be given by God," he put the board in a sack and put it in a box as family treasure, then denounced bad behavior of his retainers and changed their behavior completely. 例文帳に追加

この高札を読んだ秀政は、袴をつけ、手水で口をすすぎ、高札を三度押し戴き、「こんな立派な諌めの言葉を私に向かっていえるものは誰もいないはずだ、これはひとえに天の与えさせ給うものだ」といい、家宝として、袋に入れ、箱に収め、家中の者の作法、善悪を糾し、ことごとくを改めさせた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There is a big difference between Shinto and Buddhism, and while people have believed in Shinto for the purpose of having Kami (God) protect communities (tribes and villages) connected by territorial and blood ties, like Kami (God)s do in mythologies, people have believed in Buddhism for the purpose of securing individuals' Anjin-ryomyo (spiritual peace and enlightenment) and have their souls relieved and keep the state's peace and security. 例文帳に追加

神道と仏教の違いについては、神道は神話に登場する神々のように地縁・血縁などで結ばれた共同体(部族や村など)を守ることを目的に信仰されてきたのに対し、仏教はおもに個人の安心立命や魂の救済、国家鎮護を求める目的で信仰されてきたという点で大きく相違する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Within the Imperial Court, there was a struggle between hard-liners that wanted to destroy Choshu's military force and others who wished to appease them, while Keiki HITOTSUBASHI (later known as Shogun Yoshinobu TOKUGAWA), who served as Viceroy and Protector of the Imperial Palace, called on the soldiers to withdraw, but the Choshu soldiers clashed with various groups of samurai warriors from Aizu, Kuwana, and Satsuma clans near Kyoto's Hamaguri Gate (in the Kamigyo ward of modern-day Kyoto); but the forces of Choshu, chanting their Revere the Emperor slogan, were annihilated, and Matabe KIJIMA, Gensui KUSAKA, and Chusaburo TERAJIMA were among those who died in battle. 例文帳に追加

朝廷内部では長州勢の駆逐を求める強硬派と宥和派が対立し、禁裏御守衛総督を勤める一橋慶喜(徳川慶喜)は退兵を呼びかけるが、京都蛤御門(京都市上京区)付近で長州藩兵が、会津・桑名藩・薩摩各藩の諸隊と衝突、尊皇攘夷を唱える長州勢は壊滅、来島又兵衛、久坂玄瑞、寺島忠三郎らは戦死した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In the tumultuous years of the Muromachi period and the Sengoku period (period of warring states) (Japan), there was a tremendous increase in agricultural production, but because all Japan had become a jigsaw puzzle made up of nodes of local authority who went through an endless cycle of prosperity and decline, and because the period also saw many feudal lords begin to declare their independence, it became extremely difficult to keep track of the true total agricultural productivity even on the land within one's own jurisdiction. 例文帳に追加

室町・戦国時代(日本)の混乱時代、農業生産高は爆発的に増加したが、各地にモザイクのように存在する割拠勢力はそれぞれ消長を繰り返し、また支配下にも多くの自立領主がいるため、自領の実質総農業生産高を把握するのも困難であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

First, although there must have been rebellion ringleaders who had united the widely dispersed Emishi and presented a written petition to the Imperial Court, their names weren't clearly recorded on the long list of casualties (more than 500 people were killed or captured in the battle of Mt. Yake-yama alone). 例文帳に追加

まず、広範囲の蝦夷をまとめて、自分たちの要求を朝廷側に文書にして提出するなど、反乱を指導した人物がいるはずであるが、この人物が朝廷側の多数の犠牲者(焼山での戦いだけで500人以上が死亡あるいは捕虜になったという)にもかかわらず彼らの名前が明確に記録されていないなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Meanwhile, being granted a more powerful authority due to the contract system of kokushi (provincial governors), kokushi often executed confiscation on grounds of the Manor Regulation Act issued as a 'new policy' when the Emperor changed in order to increase kokugaryo (territories governed by the provincial government office) as their own territories; therefore, there were many cases that the authority of ryoke was insufficient to maintain Shoen ownership. 例文帳に追加

しかし国司請負制により権限が強化された国司は、自領のように扱いはじめた国衙領を増やすため、天皇の代替わりに際して「新政」として発布された荘園整理令を根拠とし依然として収公を進めることが多く、領家の権威だけでは荘園の所有が維持できないケースが多く見られた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, after the late eighth century, as henko-sei (the organization of the people) by the Ritsuryo and domination over the citizens by Handen Shuju ho (the law of periodic reallocations of rice land) gradually loosened, the mechanism of domination and organization of people by the gunji class collapsed, and there were established relations in which children of native kokushi who were newly called the rich and powerful class, gunji, influential farmers and other people turned many citizens into their private slaves by suiko (government loans made to peasants). 例文帳に追加

しかし8世紀末以降、律令による編戸制、班田収授法による公民支配が次第に弛緩していくのと並行して郡司層による民の支配と編成の機構は崩壊し、新たに富豪と呼ばれる土着国司子弟、郡司、有力農民らが出挙によって多くの公民を私的隷属関係の下に置く関係が成立していく。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, it is said that there were some cases where although the kenchu was carried out, the kenchucho was not carried out due to the fact that the administration costs called kenryo including the cost of paper used to make kenchucho, as well as the cost of the mikkakuriya (three-day banquet) which was held when they received kenchushi in their land, was all defrayed by the local administration. 例文帳に追加

だが、検注帳作成に必要な紙代をはじめとして勘料と呼ばれる検注にかかった事務経費や検注使を在地に迎えた際に行われる三日厨などの経費は全て在地の負担とされたために検注を忌避する動きも強かったため、実際に検注を行い検注帳作成に至らなかった場合もあったと言われている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


On the other hand, it is difficult to imagine that Yorimitsu and Yorikuni, the main line of Mitsunaka, did not inherit Mitsunaka's property while there were no conflicts needing military forces as the regency was established, so it is considered that Yorikuni and Yorimitsu left the management of Tada Manors to their families or retainers and stayed at the capital, but it is still controversial. 例文帳に追加

これに対し、満仲の嫡流である頼光・頼国が所領を有さなかったとは考え難く、またこの時代は摂関政治の確立により武力を要する政変などが無くなっていたことなども踏まえ、多田庄の経営は一族や郎党の者に任せ自身は在京したものであるとの考察もなされているが、現時点では判然としていない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There are several theories why Masayuki and Nobushige dared to side with the Western Camp while the daimyo in Shinano Province all sided with the Eastern Camp, and it is said that the matrimonial relation Masayuki and his son Nobushige had (Masayuki's fifth daughter married into the Uda clan, which is the family home of the wife of Mitsunari ISHIDA, Masayuki's second son Nobushige, being associated with Mitsunari, married with a daughter of Yoshitsugu OTANI who sided with the Western Camp) had a significant influence on their choices. 例文帳に追加

信濃国の大名がこぞって東軍に与するなか、あえて昌幸と信繁が西軍に与した理由は諸説あるが、昌幸の五女が石田三成の妻の実家である宇田氏に嫁いでおり、しかも昌幸二男信繁も三成と親交があり西軍に与した大谷吉継の娘を妻にしているという姻戚関係が、昌幸・信繁父子の選択に重要な影響を及ぼしたと言われている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On the side of the Army (and a part of the Navy), however, since the imperial rescript was given by Emperor ahead of the Constitution of the Empire of Japan, there was an idea that the Imperial Rescript to Soldiers and Sailors secures their independence from the government and the parliament (Some members of the Army even interpreted 'Military men are neither perplexed at political opinions nor involved in politics.' as 'Military men need not care about what the government and statesmen say'). 例文帳に追加

ところが大日本帝国憲法に先行して天皇から与えられた「勅諭」であることから、陸軍(および海軍の一部)は軍人勅諭を政府や議会に対する自らの独立性を担保するものと位置づけていた(陸軍の一部には「政論に惑わず政治に拘わらず」について「政府や政治家が何を言おうと気にする必要はない、ということだ」という解釈すらあったという)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Based on the decisions they made there, they had petitioning activity and negotiations with usurers only to fail, therefore, an uprising was proposed in order to make an petition for tax reduction, postponement of compulsory education and deferment of debt to the government, and Eisuke TASHIRO, whose family acted as a nanushi (village headman) for generations in Omiyago (Chichibu City, Saitama Prefecture) was recommended for their representative. 例文帳に追加

そこでの決議をもとに、請願活動や高利貸との交渉を行うも不調に終わり、租税の軽減・義務教育の延期・借金の据え置き等を政府に訴えるための蜂起が提案され、大宮郷(埼玉県秩父市)で代々名主を務める家の出身である田代栄助が総理(代表)として推挙された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As for the conference, counter-evidence was given saying 'the Chief of the General Staff Iwao OYAMA and Aritomo YAMAGATA attended the conference in the presence of the Emperor', however the reason why they were there was that they received treatment of Genro and had to be inquired about the state policy, also in the record at that time their titles were described not as 'the Chief of the General Staf' but 'Genro.' 例文帳に追加

これについて「参謀総長であった大山巌・山縣有朋が御前会議に出席している」という反証が出されるが、大山・山縣はこの時に元老の待遇を受けて、国政について諮問を受ける立場にあったために参加を求められたものであり、当時の記録類にも大山・山縣は「元老」として記載されて「参謀総長」という肩書きは書かれていない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to "Haga Kikigaki," most of Kira's retainers became too scared to come out from their long house since the guards in the yard truly made Kira's retainers believe that there were more than a hundred people joined up for this raid by shouting 'a group of fifty go around to the east' and 'a group of thirty go around to the west.' 例文帳に追加

『波賀聞書』によると、庭の見張り組は「五十人組は東へ回れ」「三十人組は西へ回れ」などと声高に叫ぶことであたかも百人以上の大勢が討ち入ったかに装ったとしており、これが功を奏し、長屋にいた吉良家臣たちは本当にその人数がいると信じ込み、ほとんどの者が恐怖で長屋から出てこなかったという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

By the way, the description of the situation in which Munekata "was killed due to a crime" on May 4 is included in the article on May 8 of Sanemikyoki as follows: on May 4, Sadatoki was having a meeting for deciding a measure to handle the rumor that Tokimura was killed by an order of Munekata at the Morotoki's residence, and Munekata "was going to come there;" Therefore, Sadatoki sent Tokikiyo SASAKI to inform Munekata that "they did not want his participation," but they became to "fight with each other, with both losing their lives." 例文帳に追加

ところで、5月4日に宗方が「誅せられ」という、その状況が『実躬卿記』5月8日条にあり、5月4日に、時村殺害は宗方の命令であるという噂に対処するため、貞時が師時亭で評定を行っていたところに宗方が「推入来」したため、北条貞時は佐々木時清を使わせて「暫不可来臨之由(暫く来ないで欲しいと)」 と伝えようとしたが、「打合、共落命」してしまったという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to the entry of February 27, 1204 in "Meigetsuki" (Chronicle of the Bright Moon), a rumor that Tokimasa HOJO had lost to Shigetada HATAKEYAMA and fled to the mountains and that Oe no Hiromoto had been killed had already spread; as relatives of Hiromoto panicked and moved out with their belongings, it was clear that there was bad blood between Tokimasa and Shigetada. 例文帳に追加

『明月記』元久元年(1204年)正月18日条によると、都で「北条時政が畠山重忠と戦って敗北し山中に隠れた。大江広元がすでに殺されたとの事だ。」という風聞が流れ、広元の縁者がそのデマに騒ぎ荷物を運び出す騒動になるなど、両者の対立は周知の事となっていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the Kamakura period, although Kuikaeshi against the descendants were allowed in some cases even in the Kugeho, there were some severe restrictions such as no Kuikaeshi was allowed against properties handed to married women who were not under their parents' protection; and especially when the previous owner or the descendants who received it by compromise gave it to a third person (compromise to a non-blood relative), no Kuikaeshi was allowed. 例文帳に追加

鎌倉時代に入ると、公家法においても子孫に対する悔返が場合によっては認められるようになっていたが、その場合においても親の保護下にない既婚女子への譲与分の悔返の禁止などの厳しい制約が設けられ、特に本人もしくは和与を受けた子孫が第三者に譲った場合(他人和与)にはいかなる場合でも悔返は認められなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Based on the research on skeleton, there is a theory in anthropology that a group of toraijin (settlers) from northern east of Asia settled down in the northern Kyushu (northern Fukuoka Prefecture, northern Saga Prefecture, western Yamaguchi Prefecture) after the middle of Yayoi period, and conquered or mixed with Jomon-jin people who lived in the Japanese islands, extending their influences across the west Japan little by little, and finally spread to the Kinki region by the Kofun period (tumulus period) (hypothesis by Kazuro HANIWARA). 例文帳に追加

人類学では骨格の研究により、北部九州(福岡県北部、佐賀県北部、山口県西部)に東北アジア系の渡来人集団が弥生時代中期以後定住し、徐々に勢力を西日本一帯に拡大し、それまで日本列島で暮らしていた縄文系の人々を征服し、あるいは混血しつつ古墳時代までには近畿地方まで広がったとする説(≒埴原和郎の仮説)がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There are those such as Goshogatani which seem to have been repeatedly reconstructed, others such as Mt. Rai which are very far from the living space and food-production areas, which could not easily provide water, were inadequate for taking refuge and unusual in their position in relation to the sacred area, and those such as Mt. Otsubo located on a small hill with an area of rice cultivation and agriculture. 例文帳に追加

御所ヶ谷のように「最初期形成時代以降にかなりの手が入っていると思われるもの」や、雷山のように「生活域、食料生産域との隔絶性が高く、水も確保しづらく、籠城に向かず、、祭祀遺跡との位置関係が特殊であるもの」、おつぼ山のように「稲作農耕地域の小丘陵に設置されているもの」などである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The inside of each resident area remains uninvestigated, but these regions are presumed to have been living spaces for various craftworkers from the fact that in the southwest of the village there is a market-like place where earthen vessels carried in from Kawach, Omi, Ki and so on were found, in the south a place where unfinished wooden cups, remains related to bronze ware casting and remains of furnaces were found and in the north a place where raw stones of sanukite and their fragments were found in clusters. 例文帳に追加

各居住区の内部は未調査であるが、村の西南部に河内や近江、紀伊など各地の搬入土器が多く出土する市的な場所、また、南部では木器の未成品や青銅器鋳造関連遺物や炉跡、北部ではサヌカイトの原石や剥片が纏まって出土する所などがあり、各種工人の居住の場所と推定される。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Moreover, in the case where a family line of the Sekke failed, there was an additional provision that only the adopted child from the Imperial Family or the adopted child from the same sekke was allowed to inherit the sekke, and the tacit provision that only the person who once took the position of regent, chief advisor to the Emperor or seii taishogun (literally, "great general who subdues the barbarians") could be appointed as the grand minister of state, whereby court nobles from the Seiga Family and other families of the lower position were expelled from their positions as mainstays of the Imperial Court. 例文帳に追加

また、摂家が断絶した場合の後継の養子には必ず皇族か同じ摂家からの養子しか認められなくなり、太政大臣の任官要件に摂政・関白・征夷大将軍の経験者という暗黙の規定が追加されて、清華家以下の公家は朝廷中枢から排除された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As maternal relatives, Morofusa's descendants were at the height of their prosperity during the reign of Emperor Horikawa, who was a biological son of MINAMOTO no Akifusa's daughter, FUJIWARA no Kenshi, as can be seen from 'members of the Minamoto clan positioned side by side as the Minister of the Left and the Minister of the Right, as well as the Major Captain of the Left and the Right Divisions of Inner Palace Guards, which has never happened before' ("Chuyuki" (diary of FUJIWARA no Munetada), the article of January 22, 1094) and from 'there are 24 modern-day kugyo (court nobility), of which more than half are from the Minamoto clan, which has never happened before' ("Chuyuki" (diary of FUJIWARA no Munetada), the article of written on August 15, 1102). 例文帳に追加

源顕房の娘・藤原賢子が産んだ堀河天皇の治世では、「左右大臣、左右大将、源氏同時に相並ぶ例、未だ此の事あらず」(『中右記』寛治7年(1093年)12月27日条)、「近代公卿廿四人、源氏の人半ばを過ぎるか、未だ此の如き事あらんか」(『中右記』康和4年(1102年)6月23日条)とあるように外戚として隆盛を極めた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Therefore, the failure of regional banks in the United States is not directly related to the financial health of regional financial institutions in Japan as there are substantial differences between their situations. Few financial institutions in Japan operate on a business model of specializing in housing loans, and Japanese financial institutions generally conduct very rigorous screening when providing housing loans. 例文帳に追加

したがいまして、米国の地方銀行の破綻が直ちに我が国の地域金融機関の健全性に直結するものではなく、だいぶ事情が異なるのであろうと思います。住宅ローンだけに特化しているビジネスモデルを有している我が国の預金取扱金融機関はあまり見当たらないということでありますし、また、住宅ローンの供与にあたっては、かなり厳格な審査を行うということが一般的であろうかと思います。 - 金融庁

In Japan, there are seven AIG group insurance companies, which are operating either in the form of a subsidiary or a branch. Of course, the FSA (Financial Services Agency) has been striving to supervise these insurance companies so as to ensure the appropriateness and soundness of their business operations, and will continue to properly supervise them with due consideration of the bailout plan. 例文帳に追加

我が国国内におきましては、AIGグループの保険会社7社が子会社又は支店形態で業務を行っておりまして、当然のことながら、金融庁としては、これらの保険会社に対しては従来より業務の適切性、財務の健全性などについて適切な監督に努めてきているところでございまして、今後も引き続き、今般の救済策も踏まえ、適切な監督に努めてまいりたいと思っております。 - 金融庁

(3) If the auditor determines that there is a significant risk that requires special consideration, he or she shall perform substantive audit procedures to verify whether the identified significant risk does not result in a material misstatement of the financial statements.The auditor shall evaluate the design and implementation of controls and perform the tests of controls to evaluate their operating effectiveness as necessary. 例文帳に追加

3 監査人は、特別な検討を必要とするリスクがあると判断した場合には、それが財務諸表における重要な虚偽の表示をもたらしていないかを確かめるための実証手続を実施し、また、必要に応じて、内部統制の整備状況を調査し、その運用状況の評価手続を実施しなければならない。 - 金融庁

There are concerns in the United States that the delinquency rate will increase further as the "reset" of the interest rates of subprime mortgages granted since the latter half of 2005. Developments in the U.S. housing market, macroeconomic trends and other factors continue to require careful observation also from the perspective of their macroeconomic impact on the Japan's economy. 例文帳に追加

米国においては、今後も、2005 年後半以降に貸し出されたサブプライムローンの金利更改期を迎えることから、さらにその延滞率が増加するのではないかと懸念されており、わが国のマクロ経済に与える影響という観点からも、米国住宅市場やマクロ経済の動向等には今後とも注視が必要と考えられる。 - 金融庁

9. In relation to the client's general control over the IT-based information system, the audit team failed to consider the accuracy of their calculation results made by the material spread sheet and user-developed program related to financial reporting. While they noted there was no design of control, they failed to perform alternative procedures for that. 例文帳に追加

・ ITを利用した情報システムの全般統制について、財務報告に関する重要なスプレッドシートとユーザー開発のプログラムの計算結果の正確性を検討していないほか、セキュリティの確保について、被監査会社に統制のデザインが存在しないことを把握しているにもかかわらず、これに対する代替的な検証手続を実施していない。 - 金融庁

On the other hand, there is a basic framework that is commonly applicable to all organizations, irrespective of their size and type of business. Chapter I, "Basic framework of internal control," is designed to provide a basic internal control framework, which constitutes a prerequisite for evaluating, reporting, and auditing internal control over financial reporting as required by the Financial Instruments and Exchange Law. 例文帳に追加

一方で、内部統制については、個々の組織の規模や形態等を問わず、共通の基本的枠組みが考えられる。本基準における「Ⅰ.内部統制の基本的枠組み」は、金融商品取引法に基づく財務報告に係る内部統制の評価及び報告並びに監査の実施に当たって、前提となる内部統制の基本的な枠組みを示したものである。 - 金融庁

(Note) A “business associationrefers to a group formed by a substantial number of business operators engaging in the same type of business to which the laws and regulations under the FSA’s jurisdiction are directly applicable in order to promote their common interests, or a federation of such groups (limited to the top-tier organization in the case of business sectors where there are layers of associations and federations). 例文帳に追加

(注)事業者団体とは、当庁所管法令の直接の適用を受ける、業種等を同じくする事業者が、共通の利益を増進することを主たる目的として、相当数結合した団体又はその連合体(当該団体に連合会、中央会等の上部団体がある場合には、原則として、最も上部の団体に限る。)をいう。 - 金融庁

I will ask the question from a different angle. Apparently, there are several banks, including regional banks and major banks, that have received public funds and that are unable to implement their management rehabilitation plans as scheduled or do not have a clear prospect of repaying the public funds because they have unexpectedly slipped into the red as a result of the subprime mortgage crisis. 例文帳に追加

ちょっと質問の仕方を変えて、公的資金注入行がいわゆるサブプライムで予想外の赤字の状況に陥って、予想どおり経営健全化計画を達成できない、もしくは公的資金の返済のめどがなかなか見えないという状況に陥っているところが地銀、大手行を含めて幾つかあると思うのです。 - 金融庁

Regarding executive pay, too, circumstances vary from country to country. While it is natural that managers receive pay based on the assessment of their financial business, while fulfilling the social responsibility, there are variable factors, including the salary base in each country, so we cannot apply a universal standard around the world. 例文帳に追加

役員報酬も国によって状況が違うわけですから、ただ、経営陣がきちんと社会的責任を果たしていく中で、金融業務をきちんとやっているということで評価されて報酬を得ている、ということは当たり前の話だけれども、それは、これも各国の全体の給与ベースの問題もあるだろうし、いろいろなことで変わっていく話ですから、世界一律に、というわけにはいかないでしょうけれどもね。 - 金融庁

Last weekend, Chuo Mitsui Trust and Banking and Sumitomo Trust & Banking announced a plan to integrate their business operations. Since the outbreak of the financial crisis last year, there have been similar realignment moves among major banks, including a merger plan announced by Shinsei Bank and Aozora Bank. Could you comment on these moves? 例文帳に追加

先週末に、中央三井信託(中央三井トラスト・ホールディングス)と住友信託銀行が(経営)統合を発表をして、それで去年の金融危機以降、新生とあおぞらとか、ほかの大手行もそういう再編の動きが顕在化してきていますけれども、これについて大臣のご所見をお聞きできればと思うのですけれども。 - 金融庁

One thing, though, is that in general, many small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) neither need to seek financing from overseas nor go public. I am from the city of Kitakyushu, where there are a large number of SMEs, many of which are unlisted companies but hold exceptionally good technology and are quite outstanding in terms of their strengths in technology, agility and other attributes. 中小企業というのは、技術力だとか機動性だとか、そういったところ非常に優れたところがあるわけですからね。 例文帳に追加

ただし、基本的に、私は、中小企業というのは海外から(の資金調達の必要がない)上場しない中小企業は多いですし、私は特に北九州市ですからね、たくさんの中小企業がありますが、上場していない中小企業、しかし、非常に良い技術を持ってね。 - 金融庁

There is no doubt that as politicians, we are held to a very high standard of ethics. Therefore, I will do my best to ensure a proper statement of income and expenses. Individual politicians' statements of income and expenses are a matter that should be handled by themselves on their own responsibility, so I would like to refrain from making comments. 例文帳に追加

閣僚として、非常に高い倫理観が求められるというのは間違いない事実だと思っており、そういう意味で自分としても政治資金ないし収支報告書等々につきましては万全を期していきたいと思っているところでありますが、まさに、個々の政治家の収支等々の報告につきましては政治家として処すべき問題でありますので、私の方からはコメントは控えさせていただきたいと思います。 - 金融庁

Generally speaking, a rise in the long-term interest rate affects the financial position of banks through a drop in the price of government bonds they hold. Of course, there are risks involved in investment in government bonds, which I understand banks strive to appropriately manage based on their analysis and grasp of the market condition. 例文帳に追加

一般的に言って長期金利の上昇というものは、銀行が保有する国債価格の下落等を通じてその財務に影響を与えるものですが、こうした国債等の運用に係るリスクが当然あるわけでございますが、リスクについては各行においてその分析・把握を踏まえた適切な管理に努めているものと承知をいたしております。 - 金融庁

There are growing concerns over the management of insurance companies and their financial soundness. How do you view the impact on insurance companies? Also, could you tell me what will be the likely amount of insurance claims payments related to this disaster, which is estimated to exceed the amount of payments in the case of the Great Hanshin Earthquake? 例文帳に追加

保険会社の経営とか、財務の健全性に対する懸念というのが高まっていると思うのですが、それに対する影響をどういうふうにご覧になっているかということと、あとこれは阪神大震災以上とも言われているのですけれども、保険金の支払い等がどのくらいになるかというような想定を現時点でお持ちだったら教えてください。 - 金融庁

For example, in relation to the Great Hanshin and Awaji Earthquake, life insurance companies paid insurance claims for 8,396 cases, totaling 48.3 billion yen. The 46 life insurance companies in Japan earned combined net profits of 942.3 billion yen in fiscal 2009. In that sense, I do not expect that there will be any immediate serious impact on their management. 例文帳に追加

一例挙げますと、阪神・淡路大震災における生命保険会社の支払金が8,396件でございまして、金額にいたしまして483億円でございまして、生保会社46社でございますけれども、平成21年度の決算でも純利益が9,423億円出ておりますので、そういった意味でも、経営に直ちに深刻な影響があるというふうには考えておりません。 - 金融庁

As for the financial results in fiscal 2009, the 51 non-life insurance companies earned combined net profits of 216.2 billion yen and their net assets totaled 5.6 trillion yen. Although I hear that various harmful rumors are circulating, I do not expect at all that there will be a serious impact on the management of non-life insurance companies. 例文帳に追加

また、21年度決算でございますけれども、損害保険会社51社の純利益は2,162億円、純資産額は5兆6,000億円でございますから、そういった意味からも、色々な風評が流れているやに聞いておりますけれども、私としては、損保会社の経営に深刻な影響があるとは全く考えておりません。 - 金融庁

There is no sign of concerns over the European financial sector subsiding as Greece, the flash point of the financial crisis, is flirting with the possibility of breaking away from the euro. How large is the amount of Japanese financial institutions' loans to and transactions with Greece and what impact do you expect on their management? 例文帳に追加

欧州の金融不安、相変わらず収まる兆しを見せず、特に金融危機の発火点となったギリシャがユーロからの離脱が浮かんでは消えという状況ですけれども、日本の金融機関が保有しておりますギリシャ向けの融資、あるいは取引、この規模と経営に与える影響をどのように考えていらっしゃるでしょうか。 - 金融庁

According to the TSE's announcement made on Thursday, February 16, in response to the order, the cause of the glitch was that when a hardware malfunction capable of affecting the system operation occurred, the TSE employees in charge judged that there was no problem without proactively conducting their own checks. The TSE submitted a report that described plans to implement institutional improvement and enhancement measures so as to prevent a recurrence of a system glitch and conduct a wide-ranging inspection of its system. 例文帳に追加

これを受けて2月16日木曜日に東証から公表されたとおり、障害の原因は業務に影響が出る可能性があるハード障害の発生に対し、東証職員が主体的な確認をせず、問題なしと判断したことであり、再発防止のためシステム障害発生時の体制面の改善・強化のほか、システムの広範な点検等を実施する、との報告書が提出されたところでございます。 - 金融庁

Regarding the situation in Thailand that you mentioned, businesses related to Honda and Toyota were significantly affected, but their forecasts for the current year are very favorable. I understand that most other industries announced favorable forecasts. However, regarding the overall economic condition, there are problems such as the slump in Europe. Could you tell me about your outlook on the current year if any? 例文帳に追加

今のお話で、タイで言うと、ホンダ関連やトヨタ関連を中心にして非常に影響を受けたのですけれども、当期予想は非常に良いということなのですけれども、他の産業も押し並べてよいように承知しているのですが、景気全般については、今、大臣は、欧州の低迷等もありますけれども、今期の見通しがもしあればお願いします。 - 金融庁

While I do not think that there is a direct causal relationship, Japanese banks own a relatively large amount of shares, so it is conceivable that the stock price recovery will have a positive impact on their financial soundness and encourage them to take risks. 例文帳に追加

それほどストレートな因果関係が、直ちに働くということでもないとは思いますが、ご指摘のとおり、日本の銀行は比較的株式をたくさん持っておりますので、株価の回復というのが財務の健全性にプラスの影響を及ぼし、その財務面でのゆとりというのが、銀行にとってリスクテイクをしやすくなる一つの要因になるということは、十分考えられると思います。 - 金融庁

There is also a question of how long the transition period should be until their full-scale implementation. Seeing that every country has considerably different circumstances, as you know, it has been made clear that this and other points will be taken into consideration once again in the deliberations at the September meeting. 例文帳に追加

それと、どれくらいきちっと実施するまでに段階的にやっていくのか。それはご存じのように各国、各国によって置かれた金融情勢、あるいは金融情勢が非常に違いますから、そんなことを考慮しながら、9月の会合において改めて、ご存じのように検討する旨が明らかにされているということになっております。 - 金融庁

As of today, there is no fact of such a decision having been made with the METI. My opinion is that any decision on the application of law has to be made on strictly an individual, case-by-case basis and, seeing as, among other points, cash advances vary in terms of, for instance, the type of transaction, parties involved and the form of awareness, so one cannot, at this time, make a broad reference to their legality as a generalized view encompassing a money lending business perspective. 例文帳に追加

本日、ご指摘のような決定を経済産業省との間に決定した事実はございません。法の適用はあくまで個別の判断によらざるを得ず、現金化については取引類型や関係者の関与、認識の形態が様々である等から、貸金業を含め一般論としての法律上の成否を現時点で一概に申し上げることはできないと考えております。 - 金融庁

(ii) It should be kept in mind that, with credit rating agencies that are a foreign corporation, there needs to be a system in place at their business sites and offices in Japan, whereby the officers, employees, etc. stationed at the said business sites and offices can check with materials (internal rules, etc.) by which they can ascertain the status of the development of operational control systems of the said credit rating agency. 例文帳に追加

②外国法人である信用格付業者の国内における営業所又は事務所においては、当該営業所又は事務所に駐在する役職員等が、当該信用格付業者の業務管理体制の整備状況が確認できる資料(社内規則等)を確認可能な体制となっている必要があることに留意する。 - 金融庁

There are arguments that restrictions will not be necessary if the loss-cut rule is properly enforced and that restrictions are not necessary because customers make transactions on their own responsibility. However, as a very wide range of people participate in FX transactions, I believe it is necessary to ensure that transactions are made in an appropriate manner 例文帳に追加

例えば、この中で顧客保護という観点で、ロスカットを適切に行えば、この規制は不要ではないかといったもの、あるいは、自己責任だからいいのではないか、といったようなご指摘もございますけれども、一方で、やはりこの取引も、相当幅広い方が参加しているわけでございまして、その運用の適正化を図るということが必要かと思っております - 金融庁

They are doing business in Japan, where all things, from laws to customs and human relationships, are different from those in their own countries. The same is true when Japanese companies do business in the United States or Europe: we cannot do business there based on our values alone. The same principle applies 例文帳に追加

ここはやはり日本なのだから、法律も違えば、習慣も違えば、人情も違えば、全て違うところでご商売されているわけだから、それは日本の金融機関がアメリカに行って商売する場合も同じことであって、ヨーロッパに行って商売する場合も同じであって、我々の価値観だけをもって商売できないでしょう。それと同じことです - 金融庁


Also, if there is "material weakness" as of the fiscal year end date, the management shall write in the Internal Control Report their details and the reasons why such weakness have not been remediated. 例文帳に追加

また、期末日において「重要な欠陥」が存在する場合には、経営者は内部統制報告書において、その内容及びそれが是正されない理由を記載することとされているが、これは、投資者等に対して、有価証券報告書に記載された財務報告の内容を利用する際に留意すべき事項として、財務報告に係る内部統制について「今後改善を要する重要な課題」があることを開示することに意義がある。 - 金融庁


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