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連邦裁判所は,支払が求められる筈のロイヤルティが,許可に関する発明又は複数の発明の実施に対して,次に掲げる事項を考慮した上で適切な報酬でないことに納得する場合に限り命令を発することができる: (a) 許可発行の基づく所以である人道的及び非商業的理由,並びに (b) 当該国又は世界貿易機関加盟国にとっての発明又は複数の発明の実施の経済的価値例文帳に追加

The Federal Court may make an order only if it is satisfied that the royalty otherwise required to be paid is not adequate remuneration for the use of the invention or inventions to which the authorization relates, taking into account (a) the humanitarian and non-commercial reasons underlying the issuance of the authorization; and (b) the economic value of the use of the invention or inventions to the country or WTO Member.  - 特許庁


This is a complicated field. It concerns not only Japan but the entire world, so it is difficult to grasp entire transactions. One moment we are about to get a hold on them in Japan, and the next moment, they flee to the United States or Europe. However, we are now considering how to prevent the entire economy from suffering significant damage when huge losses arise and spread. These are the two tasks we face now.  - 金融庁


As for arguments related to public companies and corporate governance, such arguments have already been made on various occasions. The FSA has already taken various measures related to corporate governance from the perspectives of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act and the Certified Public Accountants Act.  - 金融庁


This news spread worldwide as it was reported by Reuters, as I understand it. Naturally, while an exchange of information among Japan, China and South Korea is important, the FSA properly maintains communications through telephone meetings with various countries, including European countries and the United States, at the vice-ministerial level and working level, several times a week.  - 金融庁



Furthermore, in this crisis in particular, it is very important that the G-7 members and other countries around the world closely cooperate with one another. The Prime Minister is now in New York, and the U.S. government and Congress are apparently working together on bold measures, so the most important thing for Japan and other individual countries to do now, is to assertively do what they can on their own and actively cooperate in doing what they can do together.  - 金融庁



However, that has changed significantly as a result of the Lehman shock. That is a Copernican change. It is still causing very significant economic, social and political changes around the world, including Japan. Yesterday, I saw on TV a scene of tens of thousands of people gathering before the Greek parliament. That is an impact of the Lehman shock in the broad sense.  - 金融庁


In addition, as the emergency guarantee scheme provisionally removes the principle of responsibility-sharing and provides 100% guarantee, there is little credit risk from the standpoint of financial institutions. However, I hope that rather than relying entirely on the safety of emergency guarantee, individual financial institutions will properly and actively act as financial intermediaries by exercising the ability to assess borrowers that they have continued to foster in therelationship banking” initiative.  - 金融庁


As a result of the sudden enactment of the Smoot-Hawley Act in the United States at the time of the Great Depression, protective tariffs were raised around the world, leading to the division of the world into several economic blocs. Although protectionism may bring benefits to the countries adopting it, the overall impact is certain to be negative. But there may be something of a fallacy of composition in this.  - 金融庁

(2) 出願人は,(1)(b)にいう優先権を出願において主張すると共に,出願日から3月以内にこの権利を証明しなければならない。そうしない場合は,この権利は考慮に入れられない。優先権は,国際条約の締約国又は世界貿易機関の加盟国である国において最初にされた1の出願のみについて主張することができる。それ以外では,この権利は相互主義の条件に基づいてのみ主張することができる。例文帳に追加

(2) The applicant shall claim priority right pursuant to paragraph (1)(b) in the application and within the period of three months from the filing date he shall prove this right otherwise it shall not be taken into consideration. Priority right may be claimed from one application only provided that this application has been first and filed in a state which is contracting party to an international convention or which is a member of the World Trade Organization; otherwise this right may be claimed only under the condition of reciprocity. - 特許庁



6. As is clear from the fact that the meetings went on into midnight for days, this was no easy negotiation. I went into those negotiations always thinking seriously about how the "WTO with a human face" can contribute to the improvement of the living standard of the world population. With that spirit in mind, I was able to contribute to the convergence of views between developing and developed countries.  - 経済産業省



It was news to me but, basically, the JHF was formally the Government Housing Loan Corporation. This relates to a major trend five years ago that was represented by the shift from public to private and reflected an initiative to move policy-based finance to private hands. I have just talked about Lehman Brothers and a very major trend that existed before, which favored "private" and dismissed everything "public," but that trend has been fixed a little bit on a worldwide scale since the Lehman Brothers crisis as if to seek the best balance between public and private, as I mentioned repeatedly.  - 金融庁


It is also urgently necessary to realize a recovery of emerging economies, and Japan will tackle this matter with a resolve to support these economies through all available international organizations and bilateral cooperation and by using Japanese organizations and schemes, such as JBIC (Japan Bank for International Cooperation) and trade insurance. Also, I believethis is most important — that the G-20 should take a strict approach toward preventing the rise of protectionism, watching out for any small signs of protectionism.  - 金融庁


Of course, the current crisis is more serious than the previous one in some aspects. The current crisis originated in the market and spread widely throughout it. Whereas it was relatively easy to identify the previous crisis because it was limited to Japan's financial and banking sectors, the current crisis has developed into a global recession, dealing a heavy blow to Japan's real economy, which heavily depends on external demand.  - 金融庁


As I explained last week, I believe Japan has the world’s most developed legal system against the failure of financial institutions, based on its extremely bitter experience of the financial shockwave more than a decade ago. In accordance with such system, the procedures are being steadily executed in an orderly manner at the moment with the understanding of people in various fields, thanks especially to depositors for their calm response.  - 金融庁


As I have mentioned repeatedly until now, this issue has been talked over internationally several times at meetings of the Group of Governors and Heads of Supervision held in Basel. The issue as to how to what to do with large financial institutions still remains to be solved, but an agreement on this issue has also, for the most part, been reached at working-level and Central Bank Governors meetings. Accordingly, I expect that the discussion at the Seoul Summit will proceed on the continued track of that progress.  - 金融庁

そのことから人類は学びまして、ご存じのようにG8、あるいはG20を頻回に開きまして、世界でみんなで経済の問題、金融の問題を何とか人類の英知を集めて解決しようということがご存じのように合意されまして、バーゼル III 、先般も申し上げましたように、やはり世界の銀行の安定性、そのためにはもう皆さんご専門でございますが、この自己資本の質と量という問題があるわけでございますが、できるだけ質の向上を図ろうというようなことで、この色々な数字が出てきたわけでございます。ご存じのように、この数字が高ければ高いほど一見銀行が安定している、確かに安定するわけでございますけれども、同時に10年前、我が国が金融危機、私もまさに何度も申し上げますけれども、1997年から1998年、第二次橋本改造内閣のときに郵政大臣をしておりまして、そのときに北海道拓殖銀行が倒産する、山一証券が倒産する、そういった時代を経験した閣僚でございましたから、そういったことを踏まえて、あのとき自己資本比率、当時も8%でございましたが、このことは非常に信用収縮といいますか、急激な貸し渋り貸しはがしに遭いまして、私の選挙区は北九州市でございますが、100年前に東洋で初めて近代的製鉄所ができる、中小企業の町でございました。例文帳に追加

People have learned a lesson from this: as you are aware, G8 and G20 meetings were frequently held, and an agreement was reached to resolve economic and financial problems with everyone around the world by mustering the wisdom of mankind, in pursuit of the highest quality of capital possible under Basel III. As there are issues in the stability of banks worldwide, namely, the quality and quantity of their capital, various figures were presented. As you know, banks appear to be more stable when these figures are higher-banks are indeed stable when the figures are high. But on the other hand, when Japan faced a financial crisis ten years ago, I experienced the bankruptcies of Hokkaido Takushoku Bank and Yamaichi Securities while I served as the Minister for Posts and Telecommunications in the Second Hashimoto Cabinet from 1997 to 1998. At the time, we experienced credit contraction, rapid credit crunch and credit withdrawal. My constituency of Kitakyushu City is where Asia's first modern steel plant was built 100 years ago, and is home to many small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).  - 金融庁

連邦裁判所が許可を終了させる命令を発する場合は,連邦裁判所は,そうすることが適切とみなすときは同所が適切と考える条件で,次のとおりの命令もまた発することができる: (a) 許可に関する製品であって所有者の所有下にあるものの何れかを,所有者が特許を侵害していると決定されたものとして特許権者に引き渡すことを所有者に求める。又は (b) 許可に関する製品であって所有者の所有下にあるものの何れかを,許可に指定された国又は世界貿易機関加盟国へ輸出することを特許権者の同意をもって所有者に求める。例文帳に追加

If the Federal Court makes an order terminating the authorization, the Federal Court may also, if it considers it appropriate to do so, make an order, on any terms that it considers appropriate, (a) requiring the holder to deliver to the patentee any of the product to which the authorization relates remaining in the holder’s possession as though the holder had been determined to have been infringing a patent; or (b) with the consent of the patentee, requiring the holder to export any of the product to which the authorization relates remaining in the holder’s possession to the country or WTO Member named in the authorization.  - 特許庁


While I am not an expert in finance, I am aware that the global economy has drastically changed in some ways since the Lehman Brothers shockwave, and that each country truly has its own problems. Over the past three decades, especially since the collapse of the Soviet Union, the United States has been extremely powerful in economic, political and military terms as the single most dominant country, and my understanding is that so-called financial capital has played a central role. I believe the Lehman Brothers shockwave was a major turning point for American-style finance-oriented capitalism, leaving it no alternative but to undergo transformation. As you are well aware, the financial capital had the political backup of former U.S. Republican President George W. Bush. Nevertheless, even the United States had its President changed to Barack Obama. If you take a look around the world, events like the Greek shock are making newspapers headlines nowadays. In that sense, economic policies including financial regulation and supervision are currently at a major juncture on an international scale.  - 金融庁


The meaning of the so-called May crisis may vary somewhat depending on who is using the word. My understanding is that this reflected concern that a succession of companies would report huge losses for the business year ended in March, leading to a series of credit rating downgrades, prompting auditing firms to attach notes concerning the going concern assumption to numerous companies' financial statements and triggering a stock market plunge, all of which may in turn induce banks to curb new loans and cause many clogs in the flow of funds in the channels of direct financing, such as the markets for corporate bonds and CP (commercial paper).  - 金融庁


As a result of the crisis that started with the Greek sovereign debt risk, the conditions of currencies and finance have become unstable around the world, so exchange rate movements have been very volatile. That considerably affects currency-select-type funds that involve complex exchange risk. Therefore, as a priority supervisory issue, we have instructed financial instruments business operators to provide appropriate explanations suited to the nature and risk profile of products from the standpoint of customers.  - 金融庁


According to a newspaper article that I read today, a senior official of the Bank of Japan who chairs the Markets Committee of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) has been appointed to this post upon France’s request, and Finance Minister Noda also mentioned this at an informal meeting of cabinet ministers. It was agreed at the G20 meeting that international debates will be conducted in order to identify the cause of the price upsurge. A global consensus has not yet been formed. Therefore, we must clarify the cause.  - 金融庁


At a meeting of cabinet ministers regarding the monthly economic report, Minister (of Financial Services) Watanabe offered a very severe assessment regarding the condition of the global financial and capital markets, saying that the current situation is very close to a financial crisis, according to a briefing on the meeting by Minister (in charge of economic and fiscal policy) Ota. He apparently went so far as to say that moves to withdraw funds from Japan may increase. Although what he said has something in common with your comments, it appears to me that there is a slight difference in tone. What do you think?  - 金融庁


The lesson of the experience of such severe difficulties has enabled Japan's financial system as a whole to remain relatively sound and stable amid the ongoing currency crisis, and I mentioned that in my talks with various financial industry officials, including the number two at a U.S.-based global private financial institution.  - 金融庁


Managers are looking after many workers and there are numerous affiliated companies. In a sense, cities in which major manufacturers are based depend on the development of their local economy in particular. Around the world, there are various stakeholders, including employees, their families, financial institutions and shareholders. Therefore, I hope that with that in mind, managers will do their part properly based on discussions at board meetings and general shareholders' meetings.  - 金融庁


An application for registration of a utility model right relating to an invention disclosed not earlier than 12 months before the date of filing in an application for a patent or for registration of a utility model filed in Finland, or in an application for a patent, an inventor's certificate or utility model protection filed in another country party to the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property (Finnish Treaty Series 36/70 and 43/75) or the Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization (Finnish Treaty Series 5/95), shall be deemed, for the purposes of the first and second paragraphs of Section 2, and Section 4, to have been filed at the same time as the earlier application if the applicant so requests.  - 特許庁


Therefore, it is a globally accepted view that their bonds are properly protected, so we may rest assured in this respect. In any case, it is necessary to identify the amount of holdings of such securities.  - 金融庁


Four years ago, during the period of the Bush administration, the SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) announced that the United States would shift to IFRS, and subsequently, Japan's Keidanren, as well as the Financial Services Agency (FSA), concluded that Japan should also adopt IFRS amid the ongoing economic globalization, following suit of Europe and the United States in shifting to IFRS, given that the United States is the world's largest market and Europe as a whole is an even larger market than the United States.  - 金融庁

パリ条約に基づいて保護されている当該記章,略称若しくは名称(世界貿易機関協定により当該保護を与えられている記章,略称又は名称を含む)から構成され又はこれを含む商標は,当該国際的政府間機関の許可なしには登録されない。ただし,記章,略称又は名称の予定された方法による使用が登録官に次の通り見える場合はこの限りでない。 (a) 機関と商標との間に関連があることを公衆に暗示するようなものではないこと,又は (b) 使用者と機関との間の関連の存在について公衆を誤認させる虞がないこと例文帳に追加

A trade mark which consists of or contains any such emblem, abbreviation or name which is protected under the Paris Convention (including any emblem, abbreviation or name entitled to such protection by virtue of the World Trade Organization Agreement) shall not be registered without the authorization of the international intergovernmental organization concerned, unless it appears to the Registrar that the use of the emblem, abbreviation or name in the manner proposed-- (a) is not such as to suggest to the public that a connection exists between the organization and the trade mark; or (b) is not likely to mislead the public as to the existence of a connection between the user and the organization.  - 特許庁


As I have repeatedly mentioned, the biggest difference between the period of the Great Depression of 1929 and the global crisis that followed the Lehman Shock is that in the current international financial economic situation, individual countries' authorities routinely exchange opinions at various levels and appropriately cooperate with each other.I believe that policy coordination is very important, especially amid the ongoing globalization.  - 金融庁


Sub-Saharan Africa is not on track to achieve such the MDGs as child mortality and primary education.Nearly two-thirds of all people with HIV/AIDS live in this region.The international community, in intensifying its effort to help achieve MDGs, should place greater emphasis on timely and appropriate delivery of public services, while ensuring effective use of aid.To improve public service delivery, we need to strengthen capacity building in Sub-Saharan Africa.  - 財務省


At any time after a design has been registered, any person may apply to the Controller for the grant of a compulsory licence in respect of the design on the ground that-- a demand in the State for a product incorporating the design is not being met or is not being met on reasonable terms, or a demand in the State for a product incorporating the design is being met by importation other than from a member of the World Trade Organization, and the Controller may make an order on the application as he or she thinks fit. - 特許庁


The participation of Japanese medical institutions too in multinational clinical trials will enable phase III studies etc. to be initiated simultaneously with other countries and large amounts of study data to be gathered speedily from wide-ranging areas, facilitating the comparison of regional variations. The conduct of clinical trials based on joint protocols provides advantages such as greater efficiency and effective application through the elimination of data duplication and allows new drugs developed both in Japan and elsewhere to be delivered to the public either first in the world or simultaneously, thus correcting the delay in public access to cutting-edge medical care. - 厚生労働省


Considering that the very purpose of the EU is to form a community in which the members help each other out, what it is doing may be a matter of course - I still think that it is a very welcome step. The IMF (International Monetary Fund) seems to be involved in this move as well, which means that Japan is also providing indirect support through the funds it contributes to the IMF. In that sense, I am hoping that the EU will solve the problem on its own initiative by making every possible effort; that, in other words, the EU will work hard so that this problem should not drag the global economy down.  - 金融庁


As market movements depend on the actions taken by market players based on their own judgments, I would like to refrain from making any definitive comments from the standpoint of an administrative authority. Generally speaking, there are still a variety of problems with regard to the financial and economic conditions resulting from the global financial turmoil, so the FSA will keep a close watch on developments in Japan and abroad  - 金融庁


From the point of the Bank, issues to be seriously considered include: i) how to respond, as a regional bank, to the decentralization of the World Bank, ii) what role the Bank should play in supporting the emerging market countries with the access to the international capital markets, and iii) how the Bank to provide more active and effective support to private sector development.  - 財務省


the use on board vessels registered in any of the countries of the Union of Paris for the Protection of Industrial Property or in any of the members of the World Trade Organisation, other than the State, of the invention which is the subject of the patent, in the body of the vessel, in the machinery, tackle, gear and other accessories, when such vessels temporarily or accidentally enter the territorial waters of the State, provided that the invention is used in such waters exclusively for the needs of the vessel  - 特許庁

・ この 5 か年戦略の背景となった考え方は、世界の優れた新薬が速やかに日本の患者に届けられるためには、まず日本の企業が欧米に遅れずに日本で研究開発・上市を行うインセンティブを高め、かつ、海外の企業においては日本を重要な市場と見なし、積極的に投資するとともに上市を早くすることが必要であり、そのため、我が国を欧米と同時開発が可能となるような創薬環境の場にするとともに、革新的な新薬の適切な評価を行うなど、国内市場の環境を整備することが重要である、というものである。例文帳に追加

The concept that was used as the background of this 5-year strategy was as follows: For rapid supply of excellent new drugs in the world to Japanese patients, first of all, Japanese companies increase incentive for research and development and launch in Japan by keeping up with Europe and U.S., foreign companies regard Japan as important market and conduct positive investment to Japan and also speed-up of launch is necessary. For this, it is important to make Japan to be the place for drug discovery environment enabling simultaneous development with Europe and U.S. and to arrange the environment of the domestic market such that innovative new drugs are properly rewarded. - 厚生労働省


Supposing financial systems grow uneasy for some reason, under the traditional finance business model where there were only creditors and obligors, it is clear where lender and other responsibilities lie. However, in the originate-to-distribute business model, because a large indefinite number of financial institutions and investors throughout the world are involved in transactions,extremely complex and global business relationships form, and lender responsibilities can easily become obscured. For this reason, it becomes extremely difficult to establish lender responsibility in the event systemic risks develop. - 経済産業省


As you know, we have seen global stock plunges and European financial problems involving Greece, Ireland, Portugal, Spain and Italy, which have subsided somewhat for now. In the United States, there have been volatile stock price movements. These things have a significant impact on Japan. Frankly speaking, I think that Japan has the most stable financial institutions of all the developed countries.  - 金融庁


Some non-oil producing countries in the North Africa have been experiencing a stagnant inflow of funds through tourism and investments since the beginning of this year due to the growing risk caused by political instability. On the other hand, the countries in the Sub-Saharan region, driven by the growth in low-income countries, have achieved growth at the world's second highest rate only behind the developing Asia, and they are expected to further accelerate their speed of growth. Such economic situation provides a favorable environment for promoting development and poverty reduction.  - 財務省


Article 19 of the Act on General Rules of the Application of Laws ("hou no tekiyou ni kansuru junsokuhou" in Japanese, hereinafter, the "Act on the Application of Laws") applies to the posting of defamatory messages on electronic message boards that are accessible from anywhere in the world. It provides that damages can be incurred across a number of countries in which the posted defamatory messages have been read. These damages may be obtained regardless of whether the victim of the defamation has sought an injunction or compensatory damages. The defamation shall be determined by the law which governs the place of the victim's permanent residence (that is, where the victim is a legal entity (hojin) or other corporate association (shadan) or financial foundation (zaidan), the law which governs its principal business location).  - 経済産業省


Director Masaki Ueda, who is responsible for the company’s outlet development, says “One lesson we really learned from opening shops in Hong Kong is the importance of stopping and resolving problems as quickly as possible. In the high-risk business of opening shops overseas, it is also important to set a time limit for withdrawal beforehand, and judge the business feasibility.” With this understanding, ab-out is expanding worldwide. While dealing with the government regulations, business customs and other barriers in each country, they are seeking and educating reliable local partners who truly love Santouka Ramen.  - 経済産業省


An application for the registration of a design that was the subject of a previous application, and that is filed in or in respect of the same Convention country or member of the World Trade Organization, shall be considered as the first application for the purpose of determining priority where, and only where, on the filing date of the subsequent application, the previous application has been withdrawn, abandoned or refused, without being open to public inspection and without leaving any rights outstanding, and has not served as a basis for claiming a right of priority. - 特許庁


A party who has duly filed an application for a patent or for a utility certificate or for the protection of a utility model in any of the countries that are members of the International Union for the Protection of Industrial Property or affiliated with the World Trade Organisation, in accordance with the laws in force in that country or in accordance with treaties concluded between two or more of the aforementioned countries, shall enjoy a right of priority within the Netherlands and the Netherlands Antilles during a period of 12 months from the filing date of the application with regard to the acquisition of a patent for the subject matter in respect of which the protection referred to above has been applied for. - 特許庁


2. The greatest achievement of this meeting is that we were able to establish a firm launching pad for the successful conclusion of the DDA. Especially, I would like to emphasize the importance of the comprehensive development package, which will enable developing countries to benefit fully from the liberalization of trade and investment. This will surely give momentum to the progress of this Round. Moreover, the success of the Hong Kong Ministerial is an extremely important message for the sustainable growth of the world economy.  - 経済産業省


Not only can the story of how God created the world and everything in it never be observed (in that respect it is even more deficient than the theory of evolution), but the Genesis narrative generates virtually no testable predictions, other than one which has been so repeatedly falsified that it has no scientific validity whatsoever (namely, that if all the species were formed at the same time, we should find all types at all levels of the fossilized strata).  - Ian Johnston『科学のカリキュラムで創造説?』


The tasks include considering what the global securities industry should be like and how effective regulation can be introduced. IOSCO is studying important financial regulatory reforms in the securities sector regarding the soundness and efficiency of markets, over-the-counter derivatives and shadow banking (credit mediation conducted through means other than the banking systems) in light of the recent financial crisis.  - 金融庁

成長戦略は財政再建と矛盾するものであってはならない。民間資金を活用した社会資本整備、世界最高水準の電子政府の実現、医療の徹底したICT 化や大学改革など成長戦略に盛り込まれた施策を着実に実施することは財政健全化にも貢献するものであり、また、それは経済成長の実現を通じて、企業所得や国民所得を向上させ、歳入の増大という形で財政再建にも寄与するものである。例文帳に追加

The Growth Strategy must not conflict with fiscal rehabilitation. The steady implementation of measures which were incorporated into the Growth Strategy, including social infrastructure development by making use of private sector funds, the achievement of a world-leading e-Government system, the acceleration of ICT use in medical care, and university reform, will also contribute to the realization of fiscal soundness. Furthermore, the achievement of economic growth will increase corporate incomes and national incomes, and contribute to fiscal rehabilitation in the form of increased revenue.  - 経済産業省


(1) Where a person has made an application for the registration of a trademark in a Convention Country which is a member of Paris Convention or a member of World Trade Organization and that person, or his legal representative or assignee, make an application for the registration of a trademark in Bangladesh within 6(six) months after the date in which the application was made in Convention Country together with the full particulars and certified copy of the priority application, the trademark shall, if registered under this Act, be registered as of the date on which the application was made in the Convention Country and that date shall be deemed for the purposes of this Act to be the date of registration.  - 特許庁



The company succeeded in the world's first demonstration of a SiCinverter in January 2006.In November 2009, the company introduced a technology to further reduce power loss and proved a 90% reduction of power loss compared to conventional Si inverters. Due to a wide range of potential applications, the SiC inverter technology is expected to be utilized in various products, including air-conditioning equipment, power conditioners for solar photovoltaic systems, and elevators. - 経済産業省


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この対訳コーパスは独立行政法人情報通信研究機構の集積したものであり、Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unportedでライセンスされています。
原題:”Creationism in the Science Curriculum?”

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本翻訳は Ian Johnston : Creationism in the Science Curriculum? を日本語訳したものです。
翻訳は http://www.mala.bc.ca/~johnstoi/essays/creationism.htm に基づいています。
Copyright on Japanese Translation (C) 2004 Ryoichi Nagae 永江良一
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