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The custom of making pathways lined with cherry trees in the site of the Osaka Mint Bureau open to the public for one week in the middle of April every year began in 1883 by the order of ENDO who was Bureau Chief then and has been inherited to be still enjoyed as a special spring feature in Osaka.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Concerning the contents of the total of six volumes, when the order was Heaven, Earth, East, South, West, and North, the first volume of Heaven described the shift of the tone seen in the Chinese (the ancient kango [words of Chinese origin]) as well as the principle of the four tones, while in the volume of Earth described the format of the poetry and materials to be depicted.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The following eleven books were established as the major Myogyo textbooks during the Heian period: the three Sankyo (three classics on Confucianism) called Shikyo, Shokyo and Ekikyo; the three Sanrai (three classical texts on rites) called Shurai, Girai and Raiki; the three Sanden (three classics on a Chinese history book "Shunju") called Shunju Sashiden, Shunju Kuyoden and Shunju Kokuryoden; as well as the "Rongo" and "Kokyo."  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Also, each of the scriptures had annotations written by specific authors, such as Gen TEI and Hitsu O for "Shueki," Ankoku KO and Gen TEI for "Shosho" and "Kokyo," Gen TEI for "Shurai," "Girai," "Raiki" and "Moshi," Ken FUKU and Yo TO for "Shunju Sashiden," Gen TEI and An KA for "Rongo."  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



for a transitory enchanted moment man must have held his breath in the presence of this continent, compelled into an aesthetic contemplation he neither understood nor desired, face to face for the last time in history with something commensurate to his capacity for wonder.  - F. Scott Fitzgerald『グレイト・ギャツビー』



The journal of Doyu KUROKAWA's visit Renge-ji Temple in 1681 (included in "Tohoku Rekiran no Ki" (Records of looking around Tohoku region)) says that the Renge-ji's construction was carried out with the cooperation between the poet and calligrapher Jozan ISHIKAWA who built the Shisen-do hall, the scholar of Neo-Confucianism Junan KINOSHITA, the Kano School artist Tanyu KANO, Obaku Sect founder Ingen Ryuki Zenshi, and the 2nd chief priest Mokuan Seito Zenshi; and the 1786 publication "Shui Miyako Meisho Zue" (Images of Famous Places in Kyoto) includes an image of the temple precinct.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


At the age of 24, he wrote "Rogoshiki," where the thought of Confucianism, that of Taoism, and that of Buddhism were comparatively discussed, showing that what was taught popularly was not true (the title of "Rogoshiki" was later changed into "Sango shiiki," with the ten rhyme-based poems in the preface and at the end of the book revised).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In "The Pillow Book," she wrote about everything of interest to her during her life in the Imperial Court of the Heian period, and it includes 'Monowazukushi' (listing items like Utamakura (a place famed in poetry)), excellent poems, observations on daily life, comments on people, and reminiscences, so it also seems to be a record, etc.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Once, at the Oigawa River, when Michinaga had set up boats of Chinese poetry, music and waka poetry, with the masters of each field aboard, and Kinto was asked which boat he would ride, he chose the boat of waka poetry and was praised for his composition, "As the wind blowing down Mt. Arashiyama is cold, there is no one who won't wear the fine dress of colored leaves."  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



The other representative works of Shigajiku made in the early part of the 15th centuries are "Kein-shochiku-zu (painting of a building in the valley)," "Chikusai Dokusho-zu (painting of Chikusai reading a book)," and "Suishoku-ranko-zu;" the painter of "Kein-shochiku-zu" is said to be Mincho and the one of "Chikusai Dokusho-zu," and "Suishoku-ranko-zu" are said to be Shubun, which have no clear evidence.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



It is said that the custom to eat chimaki on that day is originated from the fact that the patriot poet Qu Yuan of the Chu dynasty in the Warring states period (China) died on May 5 and people who loved and respected him threw chimaki into the Miluo river where he jumped into, in order to calm down his soul and as bait for fish so the fish would not eat his body.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The current controversial point is narrowed to the point as to which period sekkobun was made in before the character standardization, and any one of Lord Ran (Qin), Lord Wen (Qin), and Lord Mu (Qin) is very probable and it is also considered that sekkobun was a poem made when Lord Xian (Qin) enjoyed hunting in B.C. 374.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Calligraphy by Chinese Yuan Dynasty Zen monk Zhuxian Fanxian ('Jikusen Bonsen' in Japanese) who worked for around 20 years to promote the Japan Zenrin temple and the later Gozan literature (Chinese poetry composed by Zen monks of the five great Zen temples of Kyoto from end of the Kamakura period to the Muromachi period).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Therefore, although it only offered opportunities for peaceful poem meetings when it was established, as talk of the academy spread nationwide, many young people gathered, and it became to offer opportunities to discuss domestic and international current events, and eventually grew, adding an additional building ("Autobiography of Kinmochi SAIONJI" edited by Ki KIMURA).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Yasunari KAWABATA's famous collection 'Juben Jugi-zu (Ten Advantages and Ten Pleasures of Country Life)' is a book jointly created by Taiga and Buson which depicts the convenience of secluded life in mountains, based on Rigyo's (Qing dynasty, China) 'Juben Jugi-zu' (Taiga drew the Ten Advantages).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


As well as Sachio ITO, Banri HIRANO, Bin UEDA, and Nobutsuna SASAKI, Hakushu KITAHARA, Isamu YOSHII, Takuboku ISHIKAWA and Mokutaro KINOSHITA from the 'Shinshisha' school and the new poets from 'Negishi' School such as Mokichi SAITO and Chikashi KOIZUMI also took park (twenty-two people in total including Akiko YOSANO).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Kanagawa oki nami ura' had a great impact on Western artists such as Vincent VAN GOGH, who saw it and later praised it in a letter to a fellow painter; and Claude Debussy, who got an idea and composed the symphonic poem "La Mer (The Sea)."  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, in the Mikotonori, the commentaries by Ko Ankoku that were used as a literary reference, such as in Chinese poetry, were permitted to be continually used in education other than that of Emperors and the Imperial Family, which supports the fact that this adoption was only to seek political advantage and did not even gain support of the whole Daigakuryo (Bureau of Education under the Ritsuryo system).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The painting depicts a gorgeous atmosphere with a houseboat floating in a pond showing that Jiro, who married a nyobo (lady-in-waiting) from the imperial court and enjoyed entertainment such as poems and music, made a pond and had a tsuridono built within the vast premises and had graceful trees, such as red Japanese plum, cherry and pine trees, planted in the garden.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


By this time he had finished compiling "Dai Nihon Yashi," and a fair copy of all 291 volumes had been complete; on June 28, 1851 he organized a banquet titled 'Yashi Kyoen' (Banquet on Completion of Yashi), which would today be something like a publication party, and to which he and Shigefumi TOYOSHIMA invited their friends; everyone who attended the party selected a character from "Dai Nihon Yashi" and read waka (modern Japanese poetry) and kanshi (Chinese-style poem) about the characters.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Many successive Saiin Priestesses were well known for literary works: the first Saio Priestess, Imperial Princess Uchiko, who was a distinguished composer of Chinese style poetry; the Great Saiin Priestess, Imperial Princess Senshi, whose name appeared in "The Pillow Book" and "The Murasaki Shikibu Diary"; the Rokujo Saiin, Imperial Princess Baishi, who held many tanka poetry contests; and Imperial Princess Shikishi, who became an accomplished poet of the Shin Kokinwakashu (the New Collection of Ancient and Modern Japanese Poetry).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

やがて天皇宿舎付近へ迫るも、それまでの警備とは段違いな警護の前に天皇の奪還を断念、傍にあった桜の木へ「天莫空勾践 時非無范蠡」(天は古代中国の越王・勾践に対するように、決して帝をお見捨てにはなりません。きっと范蠡の如き忠臣が現れ、必ずや帝をお助けする事でしょう)という漢を彫り書き入れ、その意志と共に天皇を勇気付けたという。例文帳に追加

Although he got close to the room where the Emperor was, he had to give up his plan of the recapture because of heavier guard and so he carved a message of a Chinese poem '勾践 范蠡' (which means 'as gods saved King Goujian of Yue, so they will never give up on you, and some faithful retainers like Fan Li shall come to save you' in English) on a nearby cherry tree to deliver his will and to encourage the Emperor.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


As a couplet in a poem titled 'Anraku-ji ni sanzu' (Visited Anraku-ji Temple) (contained in "Honcho zoku monzui" (Further Anthology of waka poems and prose written in classical Chinese) composed by OE no Masafusa in 1100 to Anraku-ji Temple (SUGAWARA no Michizane's mortuary temple located in Dazaifu) had it 'Ruiyo roka no matsuyo tari' (I was the last leaf in a heap of leaves in the hallway), it could be estimated that the school had been kept by generations of the Monjo hakase of the Sugawara clan and at least until the late Heian period.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Since the name of the writer is printed after the bookbinding, it is possible for the individual to write arbitrarily a poem, sentences or the like in a blank page wherein nothing is printed and then to print his name or the like as the writer to the space of the writer in the colophon 1, and finally the book only for the individual which has the colophon 1 standing comparison with any ordinary book is completed. - 特許庁


However, at that time a lot of works were written in literary style Japanese: HIGUCHI Ichiyo, who learned at "Waka School" and was versed in Japanese classics, wrote "Nigorie", "Takekurabe" and so on in the gabuntai style, using the breathing of the classics, MORI Ogai, who challenged a genbinicchi style in his translations, adopted literal style Japanese, and in the field of critical essays Tokoku KITAMURA and Shusui KOTOKU wrote essays in "kanbun-kakikudashi-bun (semi-Chinese style Japanese)".  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Kangakue was a Buddhist meeting held to conduct teaching, nenbutsu (Buddhist invocation), and create Chinese-style poems themed after "Hokekyo" (Lotus Sutra), and was held by the scholars of Kidendo (the study of the histories) in Daigakuryo (Bureau of Education) and the priests of Enryaku-ji Temple on Mt. Hiei, on March 15 (in old lunar calendar) or September 15 (in old lunar calendar) at the western foot of Mt. Hiei or at the temples in and around Heian-kyo (ancient Kyoto), in the mid through latter period of the Heian period.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The contents cover a span of more than ten years at the end of the Muromachi period from 1467 to 1477, and describe the wars fought in and around Kyoto that devastated the capital, perhaps with the intention of describing the world of 'pandemonium and fighting' prophesied in the last six lines of the "Yamatai shi" (Poem on Japan), said be the work of the Liang monk Baozhi.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

この騒動のため晶子は「嫌戦の歌人」という印象が強いが、明治43年(1910年)に発生した第六潜水艇の沈没事故の際には、「海底の 水の明りにしたためし 永き別れの ますら男の文」等約十篇の歌を詠み、第一次世界大戦の折は『戦争』というのなかで、「いまは戦ふ時である 戦嫌ひのわたしさへ 今日此頃は気が昂る」と極めて励戦的な戦争賛美の歌を作っている。例文帳に追加

Although this dispute left her image as an anti-war poet, when Submarine No.6 sunk in 1910, she wrote about ten poems including 'At the bottom of the sea; writing under the light of water; for farewell; the letters from Japanese men;' and during World War I, she wrote a poem entitled "War" that encourages and praises the war: 'This is the time to fight; even I, who usually detests war; feel excited these days.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Although the main point of 'A poem About the Japanese Sword' is to lament that books already lost in China still exist in Japan, and not about Japanese swords, it shows that the beauty of Japanese swords was already recognized by overseas curiosos from the late Heian period to the early Kamakura period as one of Japan's exports.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Additionally, the Rikkei (six documents) books from Zhou, "Shikyo" (Chinese Poetry book), "Shujing" (Book of History), "Girai" (Yili), "Gakkei," "I Ching" (The Book of Changes), and "Shunju" (Spring and Autumn Annals) were specified as Ju-kyo scriptures, and from their Ju-ka-style interpretation learning perspective, "Classic of Rites" and den, or commentaries and collected papers, such as "Ekiden," "Chunqiu Zuoshi Zhuan" (Master Zuo's Commentary to the Spring and Autumns), "Shunju Kuyo-den" (Annotation of Gongyang on Spring and Autumn Annals), and "Shunju Kokuryo-den" (Annotation of Guliang on Spring and Autumn Annals) were organized.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In 2003, a large memorial screening titled 'Ko NAKAHIRA Retrospective, a pioneer director who designed films' that was supported by the 16th Tokyo International Film Festival was held in various places throughout Japan, including Shibuya Eurospace; this screening, which attracted a lot of attention, included not only all the films he made in Japan except for "Yami no naka no Chimimoryo" and "Hensokyoku," but also the two films he produced in Hong Kong, "Kyorenshi" and "Karyudo."  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Kyori who were permitted to participate in the memorial service held in Shochojuin on October 24, 1185, were only two, Hiromoto and Kunimichi, who were recognized to have the same position or the next position to Hiromoto, and when he presented chrysanthemum and zekku (a form of Chinese poem) to Yoritomo on September 9, 1186, Yoritomo was impressed by its fineness and ordered him to present his poem every year, which indicates that he was trusted by Yoritomo.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Since the entry for August 31, 848 in "Shoku Nihon Koki" (Later Chronicle of Japan Continued) contains the description that lightning struck in Heiankyo and damaged some buildings, which included the Kobunin, and since a Chinese poem ('宿') supposedly composed by SUGAWARA no Michizane when he visited the Kobunin in 885 was contained in "Kanke bunso" (an anthology of Chinese-style poetry by SUGAWARA no Michizane) in 885, it was estimated that the Kobunin had existed at least for 80 years after it was founded.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Honki from the Emperor Jinmu to Go-Daigo was written in June, 1676 and the book was completed as "Shinsenkiden," the 104 volumes, between 1681 and 1683 but Mitsukuni felt it was necessity to cover the reign of the Emperor Go-Kameyama and he was dissatisfied with its insufficient contents, so he reformed the compiling organization, created a post for president in Shokokan, built a new building, increased the number of staff and expanded its work to compiling collections of poems.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


At its south entrance facing the Hozu-gawa River there is a stone monument with an inscription of a poem called 'Uchu Ranzan' (literally, "rainy Arashiyama") written by Enlai ZHOU, the former Premier of the State Council of the People's Republic of China, when he was studying in Kyoto so Chinese dignitaries often visit this monument when they come to the Kansai area, and many Chinese tourists visit here.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, unlike "Genji Monogatari" which begins 'in a certain era,' "Sagoromo Monogatari" begins with 'The springtime of youth does not stop, for it is already around the 20th day of the third month' (Yuhodo Bunko), which is based on a Chinese poem and a famous poem from "Kokin Wakashu" (A Collection of Ancient and Modern Japanese Poetry) and depicts Sagoromo's anguish caused by his unrequited love for his younger female cousin Genji no Miya while being true to reality.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


With few forms of entertainment available before World War Ⅱ, movies played a central role, so katsudo benshi became active and some popular ones emerged including Rakuten NISHIMURA, Musei TOKUGAWA, Mitsugu OKURA, Raiyu IKOMA, Shiko KUNII, Kinpa SHIZUTA, Tenro TANI, Ichiro YAMANO, Shuichi MAKINO, Koro GOTO, Shiro IZUMI, Yoshiro SATOMI, Shunsui MATSUDA, and Shiro OTSUJI.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


On the other hand, "Akikaze no kyoku" (a song for the autumn wind), composed by researching the poem 'The Song of Everlasting Sorrow' by Bai Juyi, was a work for koto and song by the compositional style of koto kumiuta (koto suites of songs) and danmono (most important type in shirabemono (the koto solo instrumental music)) during the early Edo period and for this he invented a new method of tuning koto called 'Akikaze-joshi tuning' where he incorporated the mode of Ming and Xing-era Chinese music (as popularized in Japan before the First Sino-Japanese war) that had been popular in those days.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Tokitomo was 178 cm tall and taller than average in those days, skilled in martial arts due to his privileged body, famous as a cultured person so that his 51 poems whose number was next to Yoritsuna UTSUNOMIYA were contained in "Utsunomiya Shin Wakashu"(the second collection of Utsunomiya group's poetry), and a copy of Tokitomo's poems "Collection of Poetry Written by Tokitomo KASAMA" is stored in Imperial Household Archives.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In 1870, when Seison HIROSE was invited to a poem meeting by Saionji, Aizan TANIGUCHI was also present as well as Seiitsu YAMANAKA who joined movement of Sonno Joi (slogan advocating reverence for the Emperor and the expulsion of foreigners) and enjoyed Tomomi IWAKURA's favor, Kaido ITAKURA (Chikushu OMI) who was a real brother of Tenko EMA and would be put in prison for the Ikedaya Incident, Hidegoro (Hideo) YAMAMOTO who was a son of a scholar of herbalism Boyo YAMAMOTO and a Chinese medicine doctor, and Rentaro (Chokuzen) HAMASAKI, so it is considered that some of these were also invited as guest teachers ("Seison-ko Shutaku Nikki" (Cherised Diary of Prince Seison)).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


It is said that the meat-eating culture of the Koreans looked barbaric to the Japanese at that time and this was one cause of the conflicts, and as grounds for this, the following are listed: There is the expression of 'Tsushinshi brought fish and meat into a temple and ate them littering the place' in a comical poem in "Ezuiri Chosenraiheikizen" (Descriptions of Korean visits, with pictures), and part of the picture depicting the arrival of Chosen envoy at Yodo Castle in "Chosenjin Raiheiki" (see the picture on the right), a document in the Yodo province: It is said that this picture depicted the scene where an officer of Tsushinshi who stole a chicken kept by a townspeople was fighting with Japanese while escaping with the chicken.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Furthermore, the subjects of the paintings include children's play and seasonal images, such as two girls comparing grasses they have gathered in a game of kusa-awase (the eighth fan of "hokekyo" vol. 7), a boy trying to catch a little bird (the ninth fan of "hokkekyo" vol. 7) and the persimmon harvest (the 11th fan of "hokkekyo" vol. 6), as well as a scene of a court lady admiring the autumn leaves and a serving girl collecting chestnuts (the 10th fan of "hokkekyo" vol. 1), a little girl and a court official reading a letter (the ninth fan of "hokkekyo" vol. 1) and even a scene of a prostitute and a puppet player (or sorcerer) singing Imayo (a popular style of song in the Heian period) as offerings to guardian deity of travelers, Doso-jin, probably to comfort the spirit.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


During the second phase of its publication, Shinshosetsu published to bring out numerous masterpieces such as Koya Hijiri by Kyoka IZUMI in 1900, Kikyorai by Doppo KUNIKIDA in May 1901 issue, Kusamakura by Soseki NATSUME in September 1906 issue, Futon (fiction) by Katai TAYAMA in August 1907 issue, Uta Andon by Kyoka IZUMI in 1910, Byoin Yokocho no Satsujinhan translated by Ogai MORI (The Murders in the Rue Morgue by Edgar Allan Poe) in June 1913 issue, Sakai Jiken by Ogai MORI in February 1914 issue, Kanzan Jittoku by Ogai MORI in January 1916 issue, Tenshu Monogatari by Kyoka IZUMI in 1917, the long poem Nichigetsu no Ue ni by Itsue TAKAMURE in April 1921 issue, Nichirin by Riichi YOKOMITSU in May 1923 issue, Hitori Futayaku (Ranpo EDOGAWA) in September 1925 issue and Monogram (Ranpo EDOGAWA) by Ranpo EDOGAWA in July 1926 issue whereby the magazine reached new heights of prosperity.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



O, Erin, mourn with grief and woeFor he lies dead whom the fell gangOf modern hypocrites laid low.He lies slain by the coward houndsHe raised to glory from the mire;And Erin's hopes and Erin's dreamsPerish upon her monarch's pyre.In palace, cabin or in cotThe Irish heart where'er it beIs bowed with woe--for he is goneWho would have wrought her destiny.He would have had his Erin famed,The green flag gloriously unfurled,Her statesmen, bards and warriors raisedBefore the nations of the World.He dreamed (alas, 'twas but a dream!)Of Liberty: but as he stroveTo clutch that idol, treacherySundered him from the thing he loved.Shame on the coward, caitiff handsThat smote their Lord or with a kissBetrayed him to the rabble-routOf fawning priests--no friends of his.May everlasting shame consumeThe memory of those who triedTo befoul and smear the exalted nameOf one who spurned them in his pride.He fell as fall the mighty ones,Nobly undaunted to the last,And death has now united himWith Erin's heroes of the past.No sound of strife disturb his sleep!Calmly he rests: no human painOr high ambition spurs him nowThe peaks of glory to attain.They had their way: they laid him low.But Erin, list, his spirit mayRise, like the Phoenix from the flames,When breaks the dawning of the day,The day that brings us Freedom's reign.And on that day may Erin wellPledge in the cup she lifts to JoyOne grief--the memory of Parnell.  - James Joyce『アイビーデイの委員会室』


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