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該当件数 : 161



Regarding your trip to the United States, the outline of which you already told us about, I expect that your meeting with FRB Chairman Bernanke will attract intense attention amid the continued turmoil in the global financial market. What specific issues do you intend to discuss with Chairman Bernanke and (Securities and Exchange Commission ) Chairman Cox?  - 金融庁


Three of the five major U.S. investment banks have been acquired or have gone bankrupt, and the remaining two, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley, are now to be regulated by the FRB. Thus, the U.S. business model of investment banking that has generated profits for several decades is changing dramatically, and some people think that this is the end of the business model, while others view it as a correction of excesses. How do you view this situation?  - 金融庁


In particular, this week and next and in early November, there will be various movements in the financial sector - I am not talking about unexpected market developments, but about scheduled releases of various data - so perhaps, instead of scheduling a summit for a particular date, we should convene a summit or hold a telephone conference as soon as something has happened, although that may be difficult. However, the facts that neither Japan nor the United States rules out the possibility of holding a G-8 summit, and that Europe is positive about it, are evidence that a sense of crisis is shared by all countries, so neither I nor the Prime Minister would not rule that out.  - 金融庁


Regarding the banking industry, Aozora Bank announced its financial results yesterday. President Prince expressed his hope to repay public funds received in exchange for the fifth issue of preferred shares before the mandatory conversion into common shares in October. Could you tell me what the authorities that have injected the public funds think of the fund recipient's stance?  - 金融庁



I think that tension remains in the global financial markets, as the market turmoil triggered by the subprime mortgage problem is still continuing, mainly in the United States and Europe.  - 金融庁



Certainly, reducing waste is absolutely essential. However, even though we will reduce waste, neither the country nor the people's lives can be sustained unless we do the “buildingpart of the scrap-and build approach. That perspective is important for the Hatoyama government, too. I am not just calling for an increase in public works.  - 金融庁


I understand that at that time, there were requests from local interests for bailing out Ashikaga Bank by providing additional capital to it under Item 1, Article 102 (of the Deposit Insurance Act). Now that this kind of solution has been reached after a five-year period of nationalization, do you still believe that the application of the Item 3 provision was the best option available?  - 金融庁


It would not be appropriate for me to comment on that with prejudgment. However, this problem is very regrettable given that Mizuho Bank is a major bank with a public nature and is strongly required to serve public goods at this time of emergency when tens of thousands of people have been killed by the earthquake and tsunami disaster.  - 金融庁


However, generally speaking, there are some thresholds regarding the description "elderly" as used in various data; elderly people may refer to people aged 60 or older or people aged 65 or older, for example. Until now, we have been referring to "elderly people without providing an exact definition when discussing the tax system, yet, of course, we must discuss various matters with the ruling parties further, including the income ceiling on tax breaks, and we must eventually negotiate with the Ministry of Finance.  - 金融庁



Since the Lehman Brothers shockwave, conditions in the real economy have been harsh due to such factors as the strong yen, and deindustrialization has occurred amid the extremely tough business climate surrounding SMEs. While financial institutions which serve as the intermediary for industrial sectors are important, we believe it is more important to focus on SMEs at this time so that they can manage their businesses and make management improvements.  - 金融庁



This news spread worldwide as it was reported by Reuters, as I understand it. Naturally, while an exchange of information among Japan, China and South Korea is important, the FSA properly maintains communications through telephone meetings with various countries, including European countries and the United States, at the vice-ministerial level and working level, several times a week.  - 金融庁


As for the description of the crisis, it may be described as a “once-in-a-century” crisis from the global perspective. However, Japan overcame a greater difficulty than the one we are experiencing now. At that time, we made efforts to establish a safety net and develop infrastructure while studying the case of the crisis of 1929 and the case of the savings and loan crisis in the United States.  - 金融庁


As the business environment for Japan Post Group continues to be difficult, other countries have used the taxpayer’s money to support their postal services, including the United Kingdom. If we are to require Japan Post Group to continue to provide universal services with regard to postal mail, savings and insurance in the future without the use of the tax-payer’s money, the management team and all employees must make increased efforts. As I believe that the government should increase the flexibility of management for Japan Post Group in order to support such efforts, I will seek understanding on the need to enact the bill.  - 金融庁


'For I have learnedTo look on nature; not as in the hourOf thoughtless youth; but hearing oftentimesThe still, sad music of humanity,Nor harsh nor grating, though of ample powerTo chasten and subdue. And I have feltA presence that disturbs me with the joyOf elevated thoughts; a sense sublimeOf something far more deeply interfused,Whose dwelling is the light of setting suns,And the round ocean, and the living air,And the blue sky, and in the mind of man:A motion and a spirit, that impelsAll thinking things, all objects of all thought,And rolls through all things.'25  - John Tyndall『英国科学協会ベルファースト総会での演説』

今日、閣議の方で、公務員の新卒の削減の関係が決まったのではないかと思うのですが、全体の中での財政難という一方で、金融庁につきましてはAIJの問題でもあるように、十分な監督体制、検査体制が取れるのかといった問題もあると思います。 今回の政府の決定について、大臣はどのようにお考えでしょうか。例文帳に追加

At today's cabinet meeting, I understand that a decision was made on the reduction of the hiring of new graduates as civil servants.  While the government as a whole faces a severe fiscal situation, I presume that regarding the FSA, there is the issue of whether it can maintain adequate supervisory and inspection systems, as indicated by the AIJ problem. How do you view the cabinet decision?  - 金融庁


Yesterday, a large amount of capital was injected into the largest Swiss bank, whose business size is several times the size of Switzerland's GDP, and its distressed assets were bought with public funds. I think that these moves have been made promptly and under the framework of policy coordination in line with the basic philosophy of the G-7 action plan.  - 金融庁


The last holdout was Slovakia, which is a former communist country located in East Europe and is where per-capital national income is lower than in Greece - I am speaking from second-hand knowledge, to tell the truth, as I have not visited Slovakia - and people in that country are wondering why they have to bail out Greece, where income is higher. Therefore, the ruling coalition was divided, but a compromise has been reached following the cabinet's pledge to resign en masse and move up the date of a general election. That, I think, is a big step forward.  - 金融庁


According to a media report this morning, Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group is considering a plan to invest in Barclays and form a business alliance with the British bank. Do you know any details about this plan, and how do you view investments by Japanese banks in foreign financial institutions? Also, do you expect that more deals like this will be done in the future?  - 金融庁


I believe that this issue also made it to the list of agreements and, judging from the fact that Premier Wen Jiabao replied that he would absolutely guarantee that funds that Japanese-affiliated companies in China need be made available, I feel that I have successfully delivered a certain level of outcome as the Minister for Financial Services.  - 金融庁


I am aware that the Tax Commission determined in the primary assessment that it would not accept the request to extend the reduced tax rate for securities. At present, however, it is extremely important to overcome the recession due to deflation.  - 金融庁


As I just stressed in particular, I believe that, in a sense, the SME Financing Facilitation Act brought about a sweeping change. This is the type of statute that could only be enacted thanks to the change of administration. My hometown is Kitakyushu. It is a classic SME town, and SME owners there have said to me again and again, "Mr. Jimi, I am really happy that you created this law."  - 金融庁


Regrettably, more than 5,000 people are still missing, and one year is too long a time to wait for the adjudication of disappearance due to emergency. Therefore, the FSA's director-general in charge held very tough negotiations with the Ministry of Justice, which is responsible for matters related to the certification of the death of missing people. As a result, it has been agreed to allow the death of missing people to be certified three months after their disappearance based on a notification submitted to municipal governments through a simplified procedure. While an arrangement like that is made behind the scenes, life insurance sales women are going from mortuary to mortuary with the relatives of missing people. As I am a doctor by profession, I know well what a great mental shock it is for ordinary people to see the body of a person killed in a disaster like that, but insurance sales women are going as far as to do that. As I told you previously, Ishinomaki Shoko Shinkumi, which could not be contacted for four days after the earthquake, continued to provide loans, with employees working by candle light. In that sense, I am very grateful to various people in the financial sector, including financial institutions, life and non-life insurance companies and securities companies, for dealing with the unprecedented earthquake and tsunami disaster through private-public collaboration. However, I am not so complacent as to believe that we have done enough.  - 金融庁


Among such options are a framework for turning the Pacific Ocean into aninland sealike the Mediterranean Sea, which Prime Minister Fukuda has advocated, an East Asian Community, which has already been proposed, the ASEAN plus 3 (Association of Southeast Asian Nations plus Japan, China and the Republic of Korea), and the ASEAN plus 6 (ASEAN plus Japan, China, the Republic of Korea, Australia, New Zealand and India).  - 金融庁


I understand that you are seeking my comment on a media report that the TSE may list its stock by the end of this year. However, I am not aware of any announcement made by the TSE in relation to the media report you mentioned. As you know, the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act requires approval by the FSA when the holding company of an exchange seeks to list its stock. When an application for such approval has been filed, the FSA will process the application in an appropriate manner.  - 金融庁


It is highly regrettable that Olympus deferred the posting of losses, as I said over and over again, and I think that the company needs to accurately grasp the facts of the case and quickly disclose information, and that the administrative authorities should deal with this case in a strict manner based on law and evidence.  - 金融庁


As I said before, we are seeing both positive and negative developments in the current global market.  - 金融庁


In addition, as I said in reference to Nomura Securities, we hope that they will acquire and maintain the ability to respond flexibly and quickly when changes in the business environment occur, when their businesses become much more diversified and internationalized, or when new incidents occur. We would like the companies to consider and understand the contents and purpose of our business improvement orders.  - 金融庁


Could you tell me about the purpose of a meeting of the Financial System Council's working group on insider trading that is scheduled for Friday? I have one more question, which concerns the business integration plan of the OSE and the TSE. You said you will not comment on the affairs of specific companies. However, as this is related to the plan to establish a comprehensive exchange, I would like you to tell me about the government's thinking regarding what the Japanese market should be like in the future.  - 金融庁


As for these exchanges, grains are under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF), whereas industrial products are under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI); therefore, we are not in the position to comment on this.  - 金融庁


I would like to refrain from commenting on a matter concerning an individual exchange-listed company. However, generally speaking, the disclosure of earnings forecasts is regarded as a source of useful information for individual investors, as you pointed out. So, it is believed to be desirable that companies take as positive a stance as possible on disclosure. On the other hand, it is difficult in some cases to compile accurate forecasts because of the market condition or changes in the business environment. I understand that the rules set by exchanges allow the omission of the disclosure of earnings forecasts in such cases.  - 金融庁


By now, it has apparently become very common that a bank and a securities company operate in the same financial group. It may be possible to regard this deal as a new movement in that it will put a major bank and a major securities company in the same group. However, from our standpoint as a financial supervisor and regulator, the important thing is that risk management is conducted properly and the legal compliance functions properly after the bank and the securities company start operating in the same group so that governance is exercised in their management and high-quality services are provided to customers.  - 金融庁


Regarding the cashing of the credit shopping quota, even though borrowers receive cash temporarily, they will grow more indebted and may eventually have difficulty making repayment and face the suspension of credit card use for violation of the rules. I am aware of reports about problems such as credit card companies' refusal to meet requests for the cancellation of the cashing.  - 金融庁


As you may already be aware, the impact from Greece is spreading across the world, not surprisingly. The primary concern is how the European Union (EU) itself would respond to this, and indeed, the EU is currently working hard on it, but ultimately, it will inevitably affect Japan as well. As to whether or not Japan itself has any means to control such impact, regrettably, it has no means to completely shield itself from it, especially in regard to financial markets. Even today, the Nikkei average plummeted by four hundred yen or more. Given that there has been such an impact, I believe, after all, that Japan must determine ways to strengthen itself from within, and ways to implement efforts that are unique and feasible to Japan, while experiencing such global ups and downs, both big and small.  - 金融庁


If I may elaborate a little more, the percentage of loans that a bank is allowed to make relative to the total amount of deposits is also called LDR in Japan. Currently, domestic banks in China are actually required to maintain this ratio at or below 75 percent but foreign banks are exempted from this requirement until, I believe, next year. Currently, a total of approximately 26,000 Japanese companies are operating in China. As all of you know, those Japanese companies that entered the Chinese market each do business with Japanese banks, many of which have in turn set up branches in China but have difficulty attracting deposits in China in the same way that Chinese banks do.  - 金融庁


I understand. As the first Minister who has given the go-ahead to thepay-offscheme, do you intend to create some kind of organization to tackle this issue properly? I am not saying that the financial inspections conducted by the FSA were problematic, but the proper disclosure of facts such as the events dating back to 2002 you just explained would ensure transparency, which may involve providing an explanation dating back to the foundation of the FSA.  - 金融庁


In my view, the FSA needs to take a rigorous approach against the Incubator Bank of Japan in connection with the progress and implementation of its business improvement plan. Moving on to the subject of his two years in office as an appointment of then-Minister for Financial Services Takenaka, I am sure that all of you know that the financial administration was then faced with many pressing issues, ranging from, for example, financial system stabilization and enhancement and promotion of a shift from saving to investment - as a matter of fact, it was a period that was filled with very challenging financial issues, including expediting a solution to the non-performing loan problem and reforming the securities market structure. At any rate, seeing as the recent turn of events, where someone with such experience got arrested for allegedly hindering an inspection later, is extremely regrettable and I am also aware that there is a high level of public attention to this matter, I am determined to exercise strict oversight, bearing firmly in mind the points I've just made.  - 金融庁


Then, in Hong Kong, which you must recognize is Asia's second largest financial market and is also home to the world's sixth largest stock market, I met with Chief Secretary for Administration Henry Tang, the number two figure there (in Hong Kong), and Hong Kong Monetary Authority Chief Executive Norman Chan. I also visited Hong Kong's stock market, which is a Hong Kong company, and met and talked with its Chairman.  - 金融庁


I am aware that there are various reports appearing in newspapers. On a related note, it was announced at the Cabinet meeting today that Japan's unemployment rate is 5.1%. As it was, if I remember right, 5.0% last month, which means that there are approximately 3.3 million unemployed people, it is obvious that the economy, particularly employment, is in a situation not to be complacent about. Excuse me for repeatedly saying this but I, as part of my effort to determine how to deal with this Act, met with four SME business groups in Nagoya and Osaka and groups of small- and medium-size regional banks as well as shinkin banks, credit associations, etc. in the Nagoya and Osaka regions to listen firsthand to them frankly voice what they had to say. As I heard that SMEs are particularly in a grim business condition due to the high yen and other factors, we are in the process of examining the matter with the extension of the Act in mind as well.  - 金融庁


I have a request regarding the work schedule of the Program for Further Financial Reform, which was published a number of times. Work in the stage dated November 29, 2002 involved the acceleration of banking license approvals. It is not impossible to interpret acceleration in this context as pressure being applied to give approvals quickly, rather than executing the conventional approval procedures and checks. Please investigate why this happened.  - 金融庁


This election had many firsts and many stories that will be told for generations. But one that's on my mind tonight is about a woman who cast her ballot in Atlanta. She's a lot like the millions of others who stood in line to make their voice heard in this election, except for one thing: Ann Nixon Cooper is 106 years old. - Tatoeba例文


We must prevent a situation in which Japan sinks and the people’s lives become miserable while we do the bidding of the Ministry of Finance in fiscal management. When I was a member of the LDP (Liberal Democratic Party), I was often involved in the compilation of budgets as a cabinet minister and as the chairman of the Policy Research Council (of the CDP). There is an emergency budget suited to times of emergency like this. If we are constrained by the idea that the expenditure should be limited by the revenue, just like the Ministry of Finance, which is behaving as if this is a budget compilation in normal times, the situation will become very serious.  - 金融庁

ただし、今の問題意識は私も持っておりまして、やはりフォローアップチームを作っておりまして、そこら辺も非常に金融業の基本にかかわるところでございまして、やっぱりどういうふうな、私は率直に言えば改正貸金業法をやらせていただいたのですが、そういったことは非常に、やっぱり金融は、まさにバーゼル III で世界的な視野でも銀行の健全性、そしてなおかつ、私は何度も申しますように、持続可能な企業、あるいは持続可能な経済の発展のために、健全で強力な銀行が必要だと、こういうことを私は何回も申し上げましたように、同時にやっぱり政治ですから、私は鳥の目と虫の目が必要だということを私は基本的に思っておりまして、そういった世界的な、世界のグローバルな銀行の健全性も大事だけれども、一人ひとりの虫の目、生活に関する、やはりどうしても、私なんかは中小零細企業の町の北九州出身ですから、小さい零細企業は倒産して、年末のボーナスのお金が入ってこなくなったから、もう本当にぜひつなぎ資金が必要だというニーズがあるということをよく知っていますし、よく経験させていただいていますから、そういった虫の目も考えて、しっかりそこら辺を補完的にきちっと、非常に私は金融政策のそれが大事なことだと思います例文帳に追加

However, I am aware of the current problems, which is why I created the Follow-up Team. It is because the problems affect the very core of financial businesses. I have repeatedly stated that in the financial sector, the soundness of banks is - that is, sound and robust banks are - required for the progress of sustainable companies and a sustainable economy from a global perspective as reflected in Basel III. At the same time, we are talking about politics here, so I believe it is necessary to have both a bird's-eye view as well as a bug's-eye view. While the soundness of global banks is important, a bug's-eye view of everyday life at the individual level is equally important. As I am from a town in Kitakyushu, which is home to many SMEs and microenterprises, I am well aware of and know first-hand how desperately emergency funds are needed when there is no income to pay for year-end bonuses due to the bankruptcy of a microenterprise. I believe it is extremely important for monetary policy to adopt such a bug's-eye view and fill the gap.  - 金融庁


As I frequently mention, after the Great Depression, which started in the United States in 1929, the world was divided into economic blocs, and that is regarded by historians of later generations as an indirect cause of World War II. It is a mark of human progress that after the Lehman Shock, countries around the world have actively cooperated, as shown by the discussions held at the G-7 and G-20 meetings, despite their divergent national interests. Regarding the international financial regulatory reform, which I mentioned now, central bank governors and the heads of financial supervisory organizations held numerous meetings and reached international agreements. The matters that have been agreed to will be finalized at the Cannes summit. In that sense, I feel that in the 21st century, mankind has made significant progress compared with 1929.  - 金融庁


As I said when I met with representatives of financial institutions the day before yesterday, I received a great number of various opinions after I suggested in a television program about two weeks ago - I made this suggestion because I heard that there were numerous complaints about curbs on loans - that opinions about curbs on loans be sent to me directly. I have to examine each and every one of them myself. However, as this is not a problem that does not concern only me, the FSA (Financial Services Agency) has set up a contact point through which opinions and complaints are accepted either via postal mail, e-mail or telephone. Details will be announced later by FSA staff.  - 金融庁


A.I can reply to your question only from a qualitative viewpoint. If there is a framework for enabling financial institutions to flexibly relax lending terms, such as extending the repayment period and reducing the interest rate, in order to facilitate the borrowers' fund-raising and help their management improvement amid this severe environment for SMEs, it will provide support to SMEs' improvement efforts by promoting the relaxation of the lending terms.  - 金融庁


In this context, the financial sector has ballooned more than the real economy, and risks can no longer be contained within the risks of one financial institution. The Lehman Brothers shockwave was a typical example of this. It has a broad impact on the national economy and the global economy. Back in 1929, economies were organized into economic blocks, which became a remote cause of the Second World War according to some people. Having learned a bitter lesson from the War, G8 and G20 mobilized their wisdom and reached a consensus on Basel III as well. I am looking forward to seeing an accord reached on Basel III at the upcoming Seoul Summit. I believe that the human race has learned a few lessons since the Great Depression after 1929 in conjunction with the globalization of economies around the world. With this in mind, the general rule is to facilitate the financial sector that supports companies, as well as the yen, and properly execute risk management. As relationship of trust is fundamental to financial businesses, financial institutions do not function properly if customers lack confidence in financial institutions, as you are well aware. Taking this into account, we are steering the financial sector at an extremely difficult time. Even at times like this when the financial sector is undergoing dramatic change on a global scale, we are committed to fulfilling our responsibilities properly while seeking your wisdom and people’s opinions, bearing in mind that Japan’s economy is not isolated but interlinked with American and Chinese economies as well due to globalization.  - 金融庁


My focus will be on the post-global-financial-crisis G8 and G20 including China, India and Brazil, as mentioned earlier. The reality is that G8 alone can no longer cover the global economy. There is also Basel III. Populous countries undergoing extremely rapid development such as China, India and Brazil have joined G20 with significant power. China, being Japan’s neighbor, has been the Japan’s biggest import and export partner in the past three years. For China, Japan is the third biggest export destination, behind the United States and EU, ranked first and second, respectively, so Japan and China are in a strategic, mutually beneficial relationship. In that sense, especially when it comes to the issue of finance, the financial sector is extremely globalized; the impact of the financial sector on the global economy is instant. China is the leading holder of U.S. Treasury securities, followed by Japan. With some 60 trillion yen of public spending, China is booming, as you may be well aware, although some people have suggested that a bubble may be forming.  - 金融庁


Okay, let me answer this question metaphorically. In my hometown of Kitakyushu City, which is a city full of SMEs, many of my supporters are proprietors of SMEs and employ as many as 100 workers, half of whom are without exception non-fulltime employees. As I have brought up a number of times before, quite a few of them have told me how grateful they are for having been saved by the enactment of such a wonderful Act, as their companies would otherwise have had to file for bankruptcy.  - 金融庁


On Friday, March 11, I, as the Minister for Financial Services, together with Bank of Japan (BOJ) Governor Shirakawa, requested relevant financial institutions to take flexible measures regarding the payback of deposits to people who have lost their passbooks. In light of the opinions of disaster victims, on Sunday, March 20, the Financial Services Agency (FSA) and Local Finance Bureaus in Tohoku and Kanto asked financial institutions to ensure awareness of our request among retail branches, and to flexibly and conscientiously deal with disaster victims according to their respective circumstances and reopen closed branches at an early date while strengthening cooperation between the headquarters and branches under the leadership of the headquarters and maintaining cooperation with other financial institutions.  - 金融庁


前は法律が少し変わっていましたが、私自身がワシントンに行きまして、ブレイナード財務次官にお話をしたというお話は何回かさせて頂いたと思いますし、また、東京の(駐日)大使にもお話しをしましたが、先日成立した郵政法案には、金融2社と他の金融機関との対等な競争条件の確保のために必要な措置が盛り込まれており、「必要な措置を盛り込まれており」というのは、いまさっき言いましたように、2分の1の株式を処分した後も届出プラス他の金融機関への適正な競争条件の配慮義務、それから民営化委員会への通知、必要に応じ関係各大臣への意見を言うこととか、民営化委員会がそういったことをきちんと法律上明記して通知することが可能でございます。 それから対等な競争条件でなければ、最後には主務大臣による監督上の命令を出す(ことになります)。例文帳に追加

I visited Washington and talked with Treasury Undersecretary for International Affairs Brainard, as I mentioned several times, and I also talked with the U.S.Ambassador to Japan. The recently enacted postal bill provides for measures necessary for ensuring equal competitive terms for the two postal financial institutions and other financial institutions. The “necessary measures” are the requirements that consideration should be given to ensure fair competitive terms for other financial institutions when Japan Post Insurance notifies the authorities of a plan to start a new business after the disposal of half of the government-held shares, and that the privatization committee should be notified and express opinions to relevant ministers as needed, as is made clear in the new law. Finally, if equal competitive terms are not ensured, the minister in charge will issue a supervisory order.  - 金融庁


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