
「GETTING」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(186ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索










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Looking at the person not in the job who have never engaged in job seeking activities, the most commonreason given is "I'm not confident in getting along with people and other aspects of life in society",indicating that many of them experience anxiety regarding communication with people in and out of theworkplace if they were to find jobs.例文帳に追加

これを末子の状況別でみると、「子育てをしながらでも働き続けることの出来る制度や環境」としている者は小学校就学未満の者の割合が最も高くなっており、子供が小学生、中学生と年齢が上昇するにつれてその割合は低くなっている。 - 厚生労働省

But I was thinking of a way To feed oneself on batter, And so go on from day to day Getting a little fatter. I shook him well from side to side, Until his face was blue: "Come, tell me how you live," I cried, "And what it is you do!" 例文帳に追加

でもそのときぼくが考えてたのは練り粉を食事にして毎日毎日そうやってちょっとずつ太ること。ぼくはおじいさんが青くなるまで左右にゆすりまわし『ねえ、どういう暮らしをしているの?どんなお仕事か教えてよ!』と叫ぶ。 - LEWIS CARROLL『鏡の国のアリス』

So she was considering in her own mind (as well as she could, for the hot day made her feel very sleepy and stupid), whether the pleasure of making a daisy-chain would be worth the trouble of getting up and picking the daisies, 例文帳に追加

そこでアリスは、頭のなかで、ひなぎくのくさりをつくったら楽しいだろうけれど、起きあがってひなぎくをつむのもめんどくさいし、どうしようかと考えていました(といっても、昼間で暑いし、とってもねむくて頭もまわらなかったので、これもたいへんだったのですが)。 - Lewis Carroll『不思議の国のアリス』

she succeeded in getting its body tucked away, comfortably enough, under her arm, with its legs hanging down, but generally, just as she had got its neck nicely straightened out, and was going to give the hedgehog a blow with its head, it WOULD twist itself round and look up in her face, 例文帳に追加

フラミンゴのからだは、なんとかうまいぐあいにうでの下におさめて、足をたらすようにしたのですけれど、でもだいたい、ちょうど首をきちんとのばさせて、その頭でアナグマをたたこうとしたとたんに、フラミンゴはぐいっと首をねじって、アリスの顔を見あげます。 - Lewis Carroll『不思議の国のアリス』


He was very nice with her, and when she was getting out at the Canal Bridge she thanked him and bowed, and he bowed to her and raised his hat and smiled agreeably, and while she was going up along the terrace, bending her tiny head under the rain, she thought how easy it was to know a gentleman even when he has a drop taken. 例文帳に追加

彼はとても優しく、カナル・ブリッジで降りる時彼女は彼に礼を言ってお辞儀し、彼は彼女にお辞儀して帽子を挙げ、愛想良く笑い、そして彼女は河岸通りを、雨の中、小さな小さな頭を下げて上がって行く間も、一杯聞こし召している時だって紳士はすぐわかると考えた。 - James Joyce『土くれ』


but there is also first day at school, religion, fathers, the round pond, needle-work, murders, hangings, verbs that take the dative, chocolate pudding day, getting into braces, say ninety-nine, three-pence for pulling out your tooth yourself, and so on, 例文帳に追加

でもまだ学校での最初の登校日、宗教、祖先、まあるい池、針仕事、殺人、絞首刑、間接目的語をとる動詞、チョコレートプディングの日、歯列矯正器をつけて、99といって、じぶんで歯をぬいたら3ペンスやるよ、とかとにかくそんなものがあるのです。 - James Matthew Barrie『ピーターパンとウェンディ』

FUJIWARA no Michinaga read The Tale of Genji in front of me. When he joked as always, he wrote the Tanka poetry down the paper mat under a plum. What he wrote was: As a plum is known as an acidic thing (Sukimono), people who see the tree cannot help snapping its twig. Shikibu is known as a lecher (Sukimono) as well, and people who see her cannot help seeing and getting her. Certainly not. As the tree has not snapped yet, who could blow a whistle that its plum is acid? I have not yet proposed it, so who spreads such a rumor?' 例文帳に追加

「源氏の物語御前にあるを殿の御覧じて、例のすずろ言ども出で来たるついでに梅の下に敷かれたる紙に書かせたまへるすきものと名にしたてれば見る人の折らで過ぐるはあらじとぞ思ふたまはせたれば人にまだ折られぬものをたれかこのすきものぞとは口ならしけむめざましうと聞こゆ」 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1159, when TAIRA no Kiyomori, who led the strongest army of the Retired Emperor Goshirakawa, visited the Kumano-jinja Shrine, FUJIWARA no Nobuyori (who had been involved in the struggle to win Goshirakawa's favor against Shinzei) raised an army, getting together with MINAMOTO no Yoshitomo (who had been dissatisfied with the oppression by the Taira family, particularly the inadequate reward in the Hogen War). 例文帳に追加

平治元年(1159)、後白河上皇方最大の武力勢力であった平清盛が熊野参詣に出かけた隙を狙って、かねてから信西(信西)と後白河の寵愛をめぐって権力争いを起こしていた藤原信頼が、保元の乱での賞与などで平家の圧迫に不満を覚えていた源義朝を語らって挙兵する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the Muromachi Period because of its organizational power and the ease-of-getting information the Bashaku played the central role at the riots in which the Tsuchi-ikki in Shocho era and the Tokusei-ikki in Kakitsu era were famous for, and in the latter the Bashaku in Omi Province who were taken under Hieizan Enryaku-ji Temple that was attacked by the riot seceded from the riot force so that the Bashaku power itself was split. 例文帳に追加

その組織力や情報の得やすさなどから、室町時代には、一揆の中心にもなり、正長の土一揆や嘉吉の徳政一揆などが知られているが、後者では一揆の攻撃対象となった比叡山延暦寺の保護を受けていた近江国の馬借が一揆から離反して、馬借勢力そのものが分裂している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, while the 'sui' of Kamigata refers to the cultural pattern that crystallizes after love, decorations, and so on have been thoroughly thought through (resulting in things such as a lovers' suicide or a luxurious kimono) and is literally the 'sui' of junsui (purity), the 'iki' of Edo is said to be the result of constantly getting closer, without becoming detached or attached, in order to keep the above-described sexual tension alive. 例文帳に追加

しかし、上方の「粋(すい)」が恋愛や装飾などにおいて突き詰めた末に結晶される文化様式(結果としての、心中や絢爛豪華な振袖の着物など)、字のごとく純粋の「粋(すい)」であるのに対し、江戸における「いき」とは突き詰めない、上記で解説した異性間での緊張を常に緊張としておくために、突き放さず突き詰めず、常に距離を接近せしめることによって生まれると言われる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


It is one of hataraki-goto in which many Hitamen (face without mask) samurais are killing each other using a blade around the Noh shite and the Noh waki and the shite-kata who appear as the Noh shite and the Noh waki play roles of many other enemies and are got slashed to death by the shite and the Noh waki (On Noh stage, performers express getting slashed to death by performing anza [sitting quietly] or Hotokedaore [performance that represents death or falling unconscious] and fades from the stage). 例文帳に追加

シテやワキなどを中心として、直面の武士などが多人数で斬りあう働事で、能シテ、能シテなどとして登場するシテ方は、その他大勢の敵役として、シテや能ワキなどに斬られる役回りである(舞台上では、安座や仏倒れなどを行って斬られたことを示したのち、能能舞台から退く)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Therefore, since students were able to follow the standard eating style of Japanese food such as 'bringing eating utensils closer to their mouths and getting food down with their throats directly from them,' the scene of their school lunch was not so displeasing, despite they still had some problems such as 'the soup dishes spill over' or 'noodles are difficult to eat.' 例文帳に追加

そのため、和食では標準的な食事方法である「料理の入った食器を口元に持っていって、直接口の中に流し込む」という食べ方が可能であったため、先割れスプーンは「汁物がこぼれる」や「麺類は食べ難い」などの問題点もありながらも、さほど食事風景としては見苦しいものではなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Complete fermentation is one of the important notions in producing Japanese sake, and means that, in parallel multi-fermentation, yeast has almost completed decomposing sugar in Japanese sake moromi (raw unrefined sake), resulting in getting weak by itself and terminating fermentation activity, or that the yeast has thus far completed fermentation by itself. 例文帳に追加

完全醗酵または完全発酵(かんぜんはっこう)とは、日本酒の製法上の重要概念の一つで、並行複醗酵において、酵母が日本酒醪(もろみ)の中の糖分をほぼ分解しつくしたことによって自然に衰弱し、これによって醗酵作用が止まること、あるいは、そこまで自然に醗酵を全うさせることをいう。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1861, after the opening of Japan to the world, when the British navy survey ship Acteon tried forcibly to survey the Japanese coast, ignoring the warning by the Bakufu that said it would not be wise to fuel the principle of excluding foreigners, the leader of the ship was much surprised to see a copy of the Ino's small map which the Bakufu officials happened to possess, and agreed to give up the survey project by getting a copy of the map from the Bakufu. 例文帳に追加

開国日本の開国後の文久元年(1861年)、イギリスイギリス海軍の測量艦アクテオン号(Actaeon)が、「攘夷論をあまり刺激しない方が良い」との幕府の勧告を無視して日本沿岸の測量を強行しようとした際、たまたま幕府役人が所有していた伊能小図の写しを見て、その優秀さに大いに驚き、測量計画を中止して幕府からその写しを入手することで引き下がったという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Before long, as the ritsuryo system became more relaxed after the mid-Heian period, with the Sekkan seiji (politics run by the sessho and kanpaku) and the shoen (manor) system becoming widespread, a custom developed in which 'illegal onmyoji,' who were not bureaucrats that belonged officially to the Onmyoryo, openly violated the ritsuryo by privately getting close to noblemen, starting what became a common practice of them secretly performing divinations to judge good and bad luck or ceremonies to prevent disasters; in some cases, people would even contract them to cast a spell to kill an adversary. 例文帳に追加

やがて平安時代中期以降に、摂関政治や荘園制が蔓延して律令体制がさらに緩むと、堂々と律令の禁を破って、正式な陰陽寮所属の官人ではない「ヤミ陰陽師」が私的に貴族らと結びつき、彼らの吉凶を占ったり災害を祓うための祭祓を密かに執り行い、場合によっては敵対者の呪殺まで請け負うような風習が横行した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In part because the glow of the flames on Mt. Hiei was visible from Kyoto, this event is clearly recorded in the diaries of merchants, court nobles such as Tokitsugu YAMASHINA, and also in reports by the Jesuits (actually, according to Tokitsugu YAMASHINA's diary, soldiers thought to be the Asai army set fire to Enryaku-ji Temple's Saito on October 15 (old calendar) of the previous year, so Enryaku-ji Temple was stuck between a rock and a hard place, getting hit by both Oda and Asai). 例文帳に追加

この事件については、京から比叡山の炎上の光景がよく見えたこともあり、山科言継など公家や商人の日記や、イエズス会の報告などにはっきりと記されている(ただし、山科言継の日記によれば、この前年の10月15日(旧暦)に浅井軍と見られる兵が延暦寺西塔に放火したとあり、延暦寺は織田・浅井双方の圧迫を受けて進退窮まっていたとも言われている)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Getting assistance from family member Soteki ASAKURA, Takakage is said to have repeatedly sent troops to invade neighbouring provinces such as Kaga, Mino, Omi, and Wakasa, which were often in chaos, and there displayed his military superiority and political influence over Shugoka (provincial landowning families) and other movements, finally achieving reconciliation with followers of Ikko sect who had been opposed to and staged uprisings against the Asakura family for generations. 例文帳に追加

一門の朝倉宗滴の補佐を受けて、当時混乱の多かった周辺国加賀国・美濃国・近江国・若狭国らにしばしば出兵・侵攻し、各国の守護家や諸勢力に軍事的優位性、政治的影響力を見せ付け、代々対立してきた加賀一向一揆との和睦をも成立させたと言われている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

At the Genko War, he is considered to have followed the head family of Ashikaga along with other Kira family members, at Kenmu Restoration, he went down to Kanto region, following Tadayoshi ASHIKAGA, younger brother of Takauji ASHIKAGA, and he was appointed as the third tonin (the director) of the six banshu (guards) of Kanto Hisashi ban (people who keep the night watch staying under the eaves of building) in February 1334, getting the assignment to guard Imperial Prince Nariyoshi. 例文帳に追加

元弘の乱では他の吉良一族とともに足利宗家に従ったと考えられ、建武の新政期に足利尊氏の弟・足利直義に従い関東に下向、建武(日本)元年正月(1334年2月)に関東廂番(かんとうひさしばん)六番衆の第三番の頭人に任ぜられ、成良親王警護の任を負った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Furthermore, he became a Buke Tenso (or Denso) (Imperial official in charge of communication between the shogunate and the court), getting involved in grant of an imperial secret edict ('micchoku' in Japanese) to the Mito Domain, and retired as Gon Dainagon (Provisional Major Counselor) for his involvement in an incident related to the friction between the two potential successors to the 14th Shogun's post, in which Hisatada KUJO conveyed an imperial edict declaring eligibility for successor to the Shogun as having intelligence and courage ('eiketsu' in Japanese), popularity ('jinbo') and seniority ('nencho'), thereby inferring the name of Yoshinobu HITOTSUBASHI, from which edict, however, Hisatada KUJO arbitrarily deleted a passage showing the eligibility before granting it to the shogunate. 例文帳に追加

さらに武家伝奏となり、水戸藩への密勅降下にも関与するが、九条尚忠の独断専行(将軍継嗣問題において、将軍継嗣には英傑・人望・年長の三条件を備えた人物、一橋慶喜、が望ましいとする朝議決定事項を、勅書から独断で削って幕府側に伝えた事件)に関与したとして権大納言を辞職する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

A spin-off effect of such construction was the assurance of fare collection from passengers on the turnaround trains then being operated by Keihan (by purchasing a special ticket and getting on at Tofukuji Station for Shichijo Station and then transferring to a Keihan super express made it possible to go as far as Yodoyabashi Station) (special tickets for turnaround trains are currently not sold and it's necessary to purchase a ticket again at Shichijo Station). 例文帳に追加

なおこの構造のため、当時京阪で行っていた折り返し乗車(専用乗車券を購入することで例えば東福寺駅から一旦七条駅に向かい、京阪特急に乗り換えて淀屋橋駅に行くことができた)の料金収受を確実にできるという副産物もあった(現在折り返し専用乗車券は発売されておらず、七条駅で再度乗車券を購入する必要がある)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, there remains the situation in which no bus service is available for persons getting off the trains arriving at the central city area during the midnight period, and there are opinions that midnight buses should be available as in other big cities (at fares twice as high as those in the daytime); perhaps in response to such opinions, the operation of Kawaramachi Yoru Bus (night buses from Kawaramachi), from Kawaramachi-dori Street to Kyoto Station, have started, but extremely inconvenient situations remain unchanged in areas that are located remotely from the central city area and where no railway service is available. 例文帳に追加

それでも都心部に深夜帯に到着する列車からの乗り継ぎが出来ない事例も多く、他の大都市で見られる(運賃倍額の)深夜バスの設定を求める声が一部挙がっており、それを受けてか、河原町通りから京都駅に向けて、夜間バスかわらまち・よるバスの運行が始まったが、都心部から外れて鉄道路線が無い地域では著しく不便な状況に変わりは無い。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

More and more nursing-care companies (especially companies with care attendants who visit customers' houses to take care of the patients or Itaku nursing-care service companies), whose main business is not taxi operations, are now getting a license for Common taxicab operators (limited to carry only patients or the like) for the purpose of taking the users of nursing-care services to a hospital or some other places ('Elder-care taxi'). 例文帳に追加

本業がタクシーではない介護事業者(特に訪問介護・居宅介護事業者)が、介護サービスの利用者を病院などへ移送することを目的に、一般乗用旅客自動車運送事業(患者等輸送限定)という種別の許可を受けることも多くなってきている(「介護タクシー」)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In a timetable revision made in March of 1997 (mentioned below), Rapid Service was temporarily integrated as a regional rapid train, but in a revision made on March 15, 2008, the regional rapid running to and from JR Nanba once again became a rapid train due to many passengers mistakenly getting on the regional rapid train stopping at Imamiya that runs through the Osaka Loop Line, as well as to make a distinction between regional rapid trains running to and from JR Nanba through Imamiya. 例文帳に追加

1997年3月のダイヤ改正(後述)で一旦は区間快速に統合されていたが、今宮に停車する大阪環状線直通の区間快速への誤乗等が相次いだことや今宮を通過するJR難波発着の区間快速との区別を図る目的で、2008年3月15日のダイヤ改正でJR難波発着の区間快速を再び快速とした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the medieval period, this custom was disappearing because belief was getting less important due to the industrial revolution and progress in means of information transmission, but the custom lasts in a cultural way like the cross as an essence of Christianity has been generally recognized as 'sacrament' and essences such as the moon (particularly, new moon and Islam) and Rokubosei (Hexagram) (Judaism) have been regarded as 'a symbol of existence beyond human wisdoms.' 例文帳に追加

この習性は近世になり、産業革命による信仰の重要度の低下と、情報伝達手段が発達したことによって薄れていったが、それでも、本来、キリスト教の要素である十字架が一般に「聖なる物」として認知されたり、月(特に新月、イスラーム)、六紡星(ユダヤ教)といった要素を「人知を越えた存在の象徴」としてとらえたりするなどといった文化的な形で残っている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

For example, as a result of getting to know each other as lovers, two people consider themselves compatible by taking into account both the good and bad qualities in each other and decide to get married; or one always gets nervous in front of a certain boss, and because of it, cannot bring a good result and gets scolded all the time; or one cannot help reprimanding a certain subordinate because of his/her attitude; or one always has great conversations with a certain co-worker, but not with another. 例文帳に追加

例えば、恋人として付き合った結果としてお互いの長所も短所も好ましい性質と感じて結婚に至ったり、どうも所定の上司の前で緊張してしまって良い結果が出せず叱られてばかりだとか、所定の部下に対してだけ態度に不満があって強く注意してしまいがちだとか、あるいはあの同僚とは一緒に話していても楽しくないが、別の同僚とは話が弾む...などである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, the government, getting information on their uprising and its scale instantaneously by telegram that had already been in use at that time, sent a troop of police and military police (Japanese Army) partially by train only to face uphill fights, but finally soldiers in Tokyo Chindai Army (garrison in Meiji period) brought the county boundary under their control, leading the leaders of the Konmin Party to the collapse and subjugation on November 4. 例文帳に追加

しかし、当時既に開設されていた電信によりいち早く彼らの蜂起とその規模を知った政府は、一部汽車をも利用して警察隊・憲兵(日本軍)等を送り込むが苦戦し、最終的には東京鎮台の鎮台兵を送り郡境を抑えたため、11月4日に秩父困民党指導部は事実上崩壊、鎮圧された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to "Kyuso Shosetsu" (Kyuso's novel) by Kyuso MURO, which was written based on things Hakuseki ARAI heard through Kira's neighbor hatamoto Chikara TSUCHIYA, when he stepped outside and shouted with a wall between as it was getting noisy at his neighbor Kira's residence, he heard people say their names, Gengoro KATAOKA, Soemon HARA and Junai ONODERA, and that their long-cherished desire was satisfied by killing Kira Kozuke no Suke. 例文帳に追加

新井白石が吉良邸の隣人の旗本土屋主税から聞き取った話を室鳩巣が書き綴った『鳩巣小説』では、隣の吉良邸が騒がしくなったので外へ出て見た土屋が壁越しに声をかけたところ、片岡源五右衛門、原惣右衛門、小野寺十内と名乗った者が、吉良上野介を打ち取って本望を達したと言う声を聞いたとしている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In particular, getting Daiko class (granting of permanent inheritence of rice fields) was an exceptional case and only four persons have been recognized as Daiko in history: FUJIWARA no Kamatari (645), EMI no Oshikatsu (758), TAIRA no Kiyomori (1167), and MINAMOTO no Yoritomo (1190), each person being granted 991,740 square meters of land (Koden was confiscated from Oshikatsu and Kiyomori for the reason that they or their descendants had rebelled against the government). 例文帳に追加

特にその中でも大功は永久的な私有を認めた文字通りの例外中の例外といって良く、歴史上確認できるのは、藤原鎌足(645年)・恵美押勝(758年)・平清盛(1167年)・源頼朝(1190年)の4人だけ(いずれも100町)であると見られている(しかも、押勝と清盛は本人又は子孫が謀叛を起こしたとして収公されている)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Maita clan (the lord of the Asao clan, later Hatamoto reduced its territory, then reestablished the clan by a review towards increasing the amount of rice produced in the end of the Edo period) in Asao, Kaya County (present Monde, Soja City, Okayama Prefecture), and the Misu-Maita clan in Misu, Boya County (present Misu, Soja City, Okayama Prefecture), which was a Hatamoto established getting a portion of the Aso-Maita clan's territory, issued their own Hatamoto-satsu respectively. 例文帳に追加

賀陽郡浅尾(現・岡山県総社市門田)の蒔田氏(浅尾藩主、のち知行の一部を分知して旗本、更に幕末に高直しにより再び立藩)と、浅尾蒔田氏から分知を受けて成立した旗本、窪屋郡三須(現・岡山県総社市三須)の三須蒔田氏はそれぞれ独自に旗本札を発行した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The act was passed in 1990, and in order to help small enterprises, it was established as a law which had principles of cooperative association such as freedom of entering and leaving, the equal voting right, restraint of investing interest, and the dividend in accordance with the amount of use, under the circumstances in which tiny, small and medium enterprises were getting overwhelmed by big capitals as the Japanese capitalism grew. 例文帳に追加

1900年(明治33年)に成立した同法は、日本の資本主義は発達するに従って、中小零細企業が大資本に圧倒されている現状から、零細企業救済のため、加入脱退の自由、議決権平等、出資利子制限、利用分量配当といった協同組合原則の基本を組み入れた法律として制定された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The court competent to ordering the interlocutory order shall order to the submitter to give security in terms of Subsection by the 7th day at the latest from the submission of the proposal and decides of the proposal for the interlocutory order within the period of 7 days at the latest after getting knowledge that the submitter has given the security, or shall decide of the proposal for the interlocutory order within the period of 7 days at the latest after its submission. 例文帳に追加

仮の命令発出の権限を有する裁判所は,仮の命令発出の請求があった日から遅くとも7日以内に(1)に述べる保証金の供託を命じ,かかる保証金の供託があったことを確認した後遅くとも7日以内に仮の命令発出の請求に対する決定を行うか,又は請求後遅くとも7日以内に仮の命令発出の請求について決定を行う。 - 特許庁

An application may be filed through a patent agent registered at Kyrgyzpatent. Natural persons residing out of the Kyrgyz Republic or foreign legal entities or their patent agents shall conduct operations related to obtaining patents as well as protection of object of industrial property through the patent agents registered at Kyrgyzpatent, except the procedures related to establishing date of application filing, fees payment, provision of the copy of previous application, if conventional priority is required, provision of the copy of the application filed earlier, getting of receipts and notifications of Kyrgyzpatent in respect of above-mentioned procedures, fee payment for maintenance of the patent.例文帳に追加

ただし,出願日の確定に関する手続,手数料納付,先の出願の写しの提供(通常の優先権が求められる場合),先に提出された出願の写しの提供,前記手続に関するキルギス特許庁の受領書及び通知の受取,特許維持手数料の納付については別とする。 - 特許庁

To provide an image forming apparatus having a function of reducing the consumption of toner, wherein the printed result obtained by reducing the consumption of toner is prevented from getting useless for a user.例文帳に追加

トナーの消費量を削減する機能を備えた画像形成装置において、トナーの消費量を削減してプレビュー機能を備えた画像形成装置において、印刷した結果が、ユーザにとって無駄なものとなること設定を反映した印刷結果を確認し、印刷ミスの発生を防止することができる画像形成装置を提供する。 - 特許庁

To provide an aqueous composition having high caffeine content, keeping solubility of caffeine and exhibiting stable pharmacological effect for meeting the requirement that it is necessary to dissolve caffeine in water for permeating caffeine through the skin and getting a pharmacological action such as lipid decomposing effect by applying a caffeine-containing aqueous composition to the skin.例文帳に追加

カフェイン含有の水系組成物を皮膚に適用して、脂質分解効果等の薬理作用を得るには、カフェインが皮膚を浸透する必要があり、そのためにはカフェインが水に溶解していることが必要であるが、そのための、カフェインを高含有量で含みかつ溶解性を維持した、安定した薬理効果の高い水系組成物の提供。 - 特許庁

To provide a dishwasher of high reliability by preventing transmission of erroneous information to a user while preventing the dishwasher from getting out of use even when the user erroneously injects a detergent of high content of surfactant to operate the dishwasher for jetting wash water toward tableware from a washing nozzle to wash the tableware.例文帳に追加

洗浄ノズルより食器に向けて洗浄水を噴射して食器を洗浄する食器洗い機において、使用者が誤って界面活性剤の含有率の高い洗剤を投入して運転させた場合でも、食器洗い機が使用不可能になるのを防ぐとともに、使用者への誤った情報発信を防ぐことにより、信頼性の高い食器洗い機を提供する。 - 特許庁

To obtain a biogas highly valuable as a gas fuel and having no danger of explosion by preventing nitrogen or oxygen gas in a supplied oxygen-containing gas from getting mixed in the biogas in suppressing the production of hydrogen sulfide by the supply of the oxygen-containing gas in anaerobic treatment subjecting organic wastewater containing a sulfur compound to methane fermentation.例文帳に追加

硫黄化合物を含む有機性排水をメタン発酵する嫌気処理において、酸素含有ガスの供給により硫化水素の発生を抑制するに当たり、供給した酸素含有ガス中の窒素ガスや酸素ガスのバイオガスへの混入を防止して、ガス燃料としての価値が高く、爆発の危険性の問題のないバイオガスを得る。 - 特許庁

By utilizing an organic fiber coated with an inorganic matter as a component member, a polymer electrolyte support body is obtained with flexibility and heat resistance, easy to handle, with improved ion conductivity of a polymer electrolyte, and with necessary intensity secured even with the polymer electrolyte getting fluid at a high temperature.例文帳に追加

無機物で被覆した有機繊維を構成部材として利用することにより、柔軟性および耐熱性があり、取り扱いが容易で、ポリマー電解質のイオン伝導度を向上させることができ、さらに高温時にポリマー電解質が流動的となっても、必要な強度を確保できるポリマー電解質支持体を提供する。 - 特許庁

In a microwave detector 10 displaying a predetermined information related to the map information to a user getting in a vehicle by displaying the map drawing on a display part 17, a separated panel unit 12 composed as a separate body from the display part 17 is attached to the upper face of a pad 15a of a handle 15.例文帳に追加

ディスプレイ部17に地図図面を表示させて車両に乗車するユーザーに地図情報と関連した所定の情報を表示させることのできるマイクロ波検出器10であって、ディスプレイ部17とは別体で構成した分離パネルユニット12をハンドル15のパッド15a上面に取り付ける。 - 特許庁

To provide a vehicle body structure capable of improving ride comfort, and capable of improving the getting-on/off of one person by using a seat since a reclining angle can be secured large without interfering with a folding door even if the seat positioned in front of a fold-up position of the folding door has a reclining mechanism.例文帳に追加

折戸の折り畳み位置の前方に位置する座席シートがリクライニング機構を有していても、折戸に干渉することなしに、リクライニング角度を大きくとることができるため、乗り心地を改善することができ、又、前記座席シートを利用する一人の乗り降りの向上を図ることができる車体の構造を提供する。 - 特許庁

To provide radioactive yttrium for medicines capable of changing the treatment performing administration of medicine for acquiring information on distribution within living body and administration of medicine for treatment purpose in two divided steps by utilizing only one kind of medicine, lowering the price of radioactive medicines required for diagnosis and treatment, and furthermore contributing manufacturing of medicines capable of correctly getting information on distribution within living body.例文帳に追加

生体内分布の情報を得るための薬剤の投与と治療目的のための薬剤の投与を2回に分けて行うような治療を1種類の医薬を利用するだけで可能とし、その診断と治療にかかる放射性医薬の価格を安価とし、さらに生体内分布の情報を正確に得ることができる医薬の製造に寄与できる医薬用放射性イットリウムを提供する。 - 特許庁

To provide a program for function simulation of an image processing apparatus which solves a trouble making a customer not getting a consent of license or a customer of low reliability use a simulating program freely, and a problem wherein development of an application program for operating the image processing apparatus is disturbed by one part of the program not installed.例文帳に追加

ライセンスの許諾を得ていないカスタマや信頼度の低いカスタマが、制限無くシミュレート用プログラムを利用できてしまう不都合や、プログラムの一部がインストールされないことにより画像処理装置動作用のアプリケーションプログラムの開発に支障をきたす問題を解消できる、画像処理装置の機能シミュレート用プログラムを提供する。 - 特許庁

In this manner, in addition to collation of ID codes by wireless communications, by authenticating whether the movement of the user (electronic key 10) is proper or not when the vehicle door 5 is closed in getting on the vehicle, camouflage of a position at which the electronic key 10 exists, is made difficult to improve security of the electronic key system 1.例文帳に追加

このように、無線通信を通じたIDコードの照合に加え、乗車時における車両ドア5閉時のユーザ(電子キー10)の動きが適切であるかの認証を行うことで、電子キー10の存在する位置の偽装が困難となり、電子キーシステム1のセキュリティ性を向上させることができる。 - 特許庁

To provide a barrier film complex capable of burying (getting rid of, removing) voids (defects) generated between an object or a substrate and the barrier film complex while its flat outer surface is maintained by characteristics that the film complex has, and to provide a display device containing the same and a method of manufacturing the display device.例文帳に追加

物体や基板とバリア・フィルム複合体との間に生じた空隙(欠陥)を、バリア・フィルム複合体の持つ特性によって、バリア・フィルム複合体の平らな外表面を維持したまま、埋め込む(除く、除去する)ことのできる、バリア・フィルム複合体、これを含む表示装置及び表示装置の製造方法を提供する。 - 特許庁

To provide an outer absorbing package for tea bags, which prevents liquid of dripping used tea bags from dribbling and smearing other places by absorbing the liquid and prevents a desk from getting wet by providing a place for placing used tea bags by installing an absorbing body surrounded by a waterproof body on the outermost part of the tea bags.例文帳に追加

本発明はティーバッグの最外部に防水体に囲まれた吸収体を設けることで、使い終わって滴ったティーバッグの液体を吸収し他に液体が流れて汚れるのを防止するとともに、使い終わったティーバッグの置き場を提供し、机が濡れるのを防ぐティーバッグ外側吸収包装を提供する。 - 特許庁

To solve problems in covering a net or a sheet on refuse bags placed in a refuse collection point wherein, in reality, scattering of refuse cannot be completely prevented due to crows and cats or the like getting in from gaps and beautification and sanitation of streets are impaired, or covering or removal of the net and sheet cannot be smoothly carried out at casting or collection of refuse.例文帳に追加

ゴミ収集場所ではゴミ袋を置いた上にネットやシートを被せたのは、その隙間からカラス、猫などが入り完全にゴミ散乱を防ぐことが出来ず、街の美化や衛生を損なっているのが実情である、又ゴミ投入時やゴミ収集時に、ネットやシートの被せや、取り外しがスムーズにいかない事が多いのでそれを解決することを目的とする。 - 特許庁

To provide an induction heating cooker capable of enhancing assemblability, by simplifying wiring for a lead wire of a temperature sensor of an induction heating coil, and by simplifying also assembling of a heating coil unit, capable of preventing component trouble by facilitating work, and provided with the heating coil unit capable of restraining a height direction from getting large.例文帳に追加

誘導加熱コイルの温度センサのリード線の配線を簡素化し、加熱コイルユニットの組立も簡素化して、組立性を向上するとともに、作業の容易化で部品故障も防止でき、さらに、高さ方向の大型化を抑えたコンパクト化を図った加熱コイルユニットを備えた誘導加熱調理器を提供する。 - 特許庁

To provide a chair capable of preventing a body from getting sweaty and sweating by preventing heat from stagnating in contacting parts such as a back, a buttock part, a thigh by forcibly cooling from the inside parts of the seat part and the backrest part which contacts with the body of a sitter without moving air through surfaces of the seat part and the backrest part.例文帳に追加

座部と背凭れ部の表面を通しての空気の移動を生じさせずに、着座者の身体とが接触する座部と背凭れ部の部位を内部から強制的に冷却して、背中、臀部、大腿部等との接触部に熱が籠もることを防止し、身体の蒸れや発汗等を抑えることができる椅子を提供する。 - 特許庁

In the storage seat for the vehicle, when tilting a seat back, the lock switching lever is risen by a biasing force after getting over the lock switching lever while the cancel lever tilts the lock switching lever 5, and narrows the space between an engagement position of the cancel lever with the lock switching lever and a first rotating shaft by moving to the lower end of an interlocking lever.例文帳に追加

この車両用格納シートは、シートバックを傾倒する際に、キャンセルレバーがロック切り替えレバーを傾倒させながら、連動レバーの下端部に対して移動することでキャンセルレバーのロック切り替えレバーに対する係合位置と第一回転軸との間隔を狭めつつ、ロック切り替えレバーを乗り越えると付勢力によりロック切り替えレバーが起立状態となる。 - 特許庁

To provide a toilet bowl device which reduces cumbersome operations in the resupply of a detergent even when a detergent tank is covered with a cover body, which prevents a deterioration in a portion connected to the detergent tank, which prevents the cover body from being broken or damaged, and which enables the cover body to be easily cleaned when getting dirty.例文帳に追加

カバー体にて洗剤タンクを覆ったものにおいても、洗剤を補充するに当たって、面倒な作業を低減させ、洗剤タンクとの接続部における劣化をなくし、また、カバー体の破損・損傷を防止すると共に、カバー体が汚れた場合であっても洗浄しやすいものとさせる便器装置を提供する。 - 特許庁


To provide a bill processing device which can surely perform detailed check processing of bills, even when the bills are stored under a full state or a state near thereto in a storage part storing the bills to be subjected to detailed check processing, when performing detailed check processing of the bills, and can prevent the bill processing device from getting large, without requiring separately a storage part for the detailed check.例文帳に追加

紙幣の精査処理を行うにあたり、精査処理が行われるべき紙幣が収納されている収納部にフル状態またはそれに近い状態で紙幣が収納されている場合でも紙幣の精査処理を確実に行うことができ、しかも、精査用の収納部を別途設ける必要がないので紙幣処理装置が大型化してしまうことを防止することができる紙幣処理装置を提供する。 - 特許庁


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(C) 2000 katokt
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(C) 2000 山形浩生

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