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more than hadの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 533


Since Masayuki HOSHINA, the founding lord of the Aizu-Matsudaira family, was reportedly a big soba lover and since the Aizu clan had a very close relationship with the Takato clan of Shinano Province for more than twenty years, soba was eaten with the miso-seasoned 'karatsuyu' (salty sauce) (made from miso, grated daikon radish and green onions) in this area. 例文帳に追加

会津松平家の初代藩主保科正之は大変なそば好きだったと伝えられており、また二十数年信濃国高遠藩との密接な関わりがあり、この地域では味噌味(みそ+大根おろし+ネギ)のそばつゆ「からつゆ」にて蕎麦が食されていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Danjuro the ninth maintained the name 'Shin Kabuki Juhachi Ban,' which had been given by his father, Danjuro the seventh, but the selection contained more than eighteen programs, and in the end he selected thirty-two or forty programs based on an interpretation of 'Juhachi Ban' not as '18 programs' but as 'Ohako, one's favorite stunt.' 例文帳に追加

九代目は、父・七代目が銘打った「新歌舞伎十八番」という名称は維持したが、その演目数は18に収まりきらず、結局「十八番」を数字の「じゅうはちばん」ではなく、むしろ得意芸の「おはこ」の意味に解釈して、32ないし40を撰じた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The audience liked it because it had a lot to see, such as the brutality that every act contained the scene of murder, Hayagawari (quick-change technique used when actors play more than one role), the scene of a threat and so on, in addition to the performance of Koshiro MATSUMOTO the fifth, who played Daigakunosuke and Taheiji at its first performance. 例文帳に追加

初演時の大学之助と太平次とを演じた松本幸四郎(5代目)の演技もさることながら、幕ごとに殺し場が用意された残虐性の強さと早替り、強請場などの見どころの多さも観客のし好に合った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In addition, there are more than a few opinions that, even if the story of discovery of the two princes were not a historical fact, it is only that 'a story which is not a historical fact was appended' and it does not deny the Imperial lineage itself, thus advocating the actual existence of the two emperors who had been called Oke no miko. 例文帳に追加

また、両皇子発見譚が仮に史実ではなかったとしても「史実でない物語が付加された」ということにすぎず、天皇系譜そのものを否定したことにはならないとし、億計・弘計の両天皇の存在を主張する意見も少なくない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


One opinion on this theory is that such a masterful intellect as Mitsuhide would not think that he could come into power through such a rebellion, and that it was the best chance for Mitsuhide to kill Nobunaga quickly because Mitsuhide had more than 100 times as many soldiers as Nobunaga did. 例文帳に追加

この説に対しては「知将とされる光秀が、このような謀反で天下を取れると思うはずがない」という意見や、「相手の100倍以上の兵で奇襲できることは、信長を殺すのにこれ以上ないと言える程の機会だった」という意見がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The forces of the Yamana clan, however, grew much more rapidly than Katsumoto had expected, and Katsumoto considered the expansion of Sozen’s power dangerous; therefore, when rivalry for the head of the family (the Buei disturbance) occurred in the Shiba clan, Katsumoto supported Yoshitoshi SHIBA, who fought against Yoshikane SHIBA, while Sozen supported Yoshikane SHIBA as they were related by marriage. 例文帳に追加

しかし山名氏の勢力が勝元の想像以上に急速に拡大したため、勝元は宗全の勢力拡大を危険視するようになり、斯波氏の家督争い(武衛騒動)でも姻戚関係から斯波義廉を支持する宗全に対し、勝元は義廉と対立する斯波義敏を支持した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Nariko became "nyogo" (a court title given to a consort of the Emperor) as Narihito's togu sakuritsu (formal decision of Crown Prince) took effect, and in the year when Konoe was appointed Emperor, she became Kisainomiya because she was the kokubo (mother of Emperor Konoe); furthermore, on September 13, 1149, she was given an ingo Bifukumon-in, and gained more power than FUJIWARA no Shoshi (Taikenmon-in), whom Cloistered Emperor Toba had earlier decided to formally appoint chugu (Emperor's wife). 例文帳に追加

躰仁の東宮冊立とともに女御となった得子は、近衛即位の同年、国母であることから皇后宮に立てられ、さらに久安5年(1149年)8月3日(旧暦)、美福門院の院号を宣下され、鳥羽法皇の先立の中宮藤原璋子(待賢門院)を凌ぐ権勢を持つようになる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On the other hand, it is also an undeniable fact that, because such a solid control system had been established, the bakufu government could end the Sengoku period (period of warring states) (in Japan) and could be a long-term stable one that continued for more than 250 years, an unprecedentedly long term in global history. 例文帳に追加

一方、これほどまでの強固な支配体系が確立されたからこそ、戦国時代(日本)を完全に終結させ、そして江戸幕府が250年以上に及ぶ世界史上類を見ない長期安定政権となったことは否定できない事実である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In April, 1880, in the forth Aikokusha meeting, a resolution to appeal the government to establish the National Diet had passed, and Kenkichi KATAOKA and he submitted a petition asking for an establishment of the National Diet to Daijokan (Grand Council of State) and Genroin (the Chamber of Elders), on behalf of more than 87000 signatures from all over the country, but it was turned down. 例文帳に追加

明治13年(1880年)4月第4回愛国社大会は国会開設を政府に訴えることを決議し、片岡健吉とともに、全国から集まった8万7000名余りの署名を代表して太政官と元老院(日本)に国会開設の請願を提出したが、却下される。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


After more than two decades passed since KI no Natsui had gone, SUGAWARA no Michizane was appointed Governor of Sanuki Province where its peasants remembered Natsui's good politics, and Michizane is said to have faced difficulties in running government affairs due to the people who wanted to contrast Michizane with Natsui in every aspect. 例文帳に追加

紀夏井が讃岐守の任期を終えて20余年後に、菅原道真が讃岐守として現地に赴任した際、讃岐国の百姓は紀夏井の善政を忘却しておらず、道真は紀夏井と何かと比較され国政運営で難渋したという逸話がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


When Mitsushige died at the age of 69 on June 15, 1696, 42-year-old Jocho asked for a permission to the authority to let him enter into priesthood, because he had devoted all his life to Mitsushige during more than 30 years with the spirit to 'take charge of all the family affaires of his master by himself,' but he was not allowed to follow his master to the grave due to the oibara (following one's master into death by committing ritual suicide [seppuku]), and in May 19, he received the religious precept from the highest priest of Koden-ji Temple, Ryoi Osho and took the tonsure. 例文帳に追加

同年5月16日、光茂が69歳の生涯を閉じるや、42歳のこの年まで30年以上「お家を我一人で荷なう」の心意気で側近として仕えた常朝は、追腹禁止により殉死もならず、願い出て出家、5月19日、高伝寺了意和尚より受戒、剃髮。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

With the backing and authority of the Kamakura bakufu, jito could (and many did) treat shoen very harshly; given their total contractual power over shoen to collect the predetermined amount for the annual tax regardless of whether it had been a good or a poor harvest, and their power forcibly to divide the land in a shoen into the jito's private section and the (absentee) owner's section, many jito were oppressive and little more than tyrants, in a sense. 例文帳に追加

鎌倉幕府の権威を背景に荘園を侵略し、豊作凶作にかかわり無く一定額の年貢で荘園管理を一切請け負わせる地頭請や、荘園を地頭分と領家分に強引にわける下地中分など、一部で横暴も多くあった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In addition, the kokuga side found it more efficient to collect the tax through a small number of tato farmers, who owned a great amount of movable assets as well as many subordinate people and managed a large-sized farm which was expected to bring stable management, than to collect the tax from many peasants who only had small-sized unstable farm management. 例文帳に追加

また国衙の側も経営の不安定な小規模経営の多数の百姓から収取するより、多くの動産資本と隷属民を蓄積し、安定した経営が見込める大規模経営者たる少数の田堵から収取することに効率性を見出した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As evidenced by the record; Buddhist statues and paintings; 193 statues of joroku-zo and half joroku-zo, 3150 statues of full-size statues, and more than 5470 Buddhist paintings had been created at the wish of the Cloistered Emperor Shirakawa when he passed away in 1129, many Buddhist paintings were created during the Insei period. 例文帳に追加

大治(日本)4年(1129年)に白河法皇が没したとき、院の発願で制作された仏像仏画の数は、丈六像・半丈六像合わせて193体、等身像3,150体、仏画5,470余におよんだとの記録があるように、院政期は仏教絵画も多数描かれた時代であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Tokugawa shougunate even violated Hideyoshi's grave during Iemitsu TOKUGAWA period and had pursued remnants of the Toyotomi Family including Morichika CHOSOKABE for more than ten years (Chuya MARUBASH with his real name Morizumi CHOSOKABE, a righ-hand man of Shosetsu YUI, who attempted the overthrow of the Tokugawa shougunate, is said to have been the second son of Morichika CHOSOKABE's concubine). 例文帳に追加

徳川家光の代には秀吉の墓まで幕府によって暴かれ、長宗我部盛親はじめ残党の追尾は10年以上に亘って行われた(徳川幕府転覆を企てた由井正雪の片腕とされた丸橋忠弥は長宗我部盛澄といい長宗我部盛親の側室の次男という)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In other words, in this edict Daikini (Ouji) and Shokini (Kouji) namely clans who had the clan head whose rank can be positioned more than the fourth rank and the fifth rank in the ritsuryo system were established; by this prescription the Emperor tried to interlock the official rank system in the Imperial Court and the system of clans and hereditary titles. 例文帳に追加

つまり、官位の改定によって、大錦位(大氏)・小錦位(小氏)、つまり律令の四、五位以上に位置づけられる氏上をもつ氏を定めたものであり、これによって朝廷内の官位制度と全国の氏姓制度とを連動させようとした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It would appear that Wa had a high level of seamanship and the ability to travel across the ocean in that Wa continuously fought on the Korean Peninsula more than a few centuries and in `the battle of Hakusukinoe,' they dispatched one thousand warships and several tens of thousands of soldiers to fight against Suigun (warriors battle in the sea) of Tang at sea. 例文帳に追加

倭は朝鮮半島で数世紀に渡って継続的な戦闘を続け、「白村江の戦い」では約1千隻の軍船・数万の軍勢を派遣し唐の水軍と大海戦を行うなど、高い航海術・渡海能力を有していたと考えられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

At a press conference in Sydney, Australia, on Nov. 21, Thorpe said, "I think I'm far too young to retire, but ... I've had a great career. I realize there're things in my life that are more important for me [than swimming]." 例文帳に追加

11月21日,オーストラリア・シドニーでの記者会見で,ソープ選手は,「引退するにはあまりにも若すぎると思うが…自分はすばらしい経歴を築いてきた。人生には自分にとって(水泳より)もっと大切なことがあると実感している。」と語った。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave

3) In the case of the "Business Select Loan" unsecured loan product which does not require a third-party guarantor offered by Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation to SMEs with an annual turnover of not more than \\1 billion, for example, around 190,000 loans had been made as of the end of September 2006 worth a combined total of approximately \\4.9 trillion.例文帳に追加

3 たとえば、三井住友銀行の年商10億円以下の中小企業を対象とした無担保・第三者保証人不要の貸出融資商品「ビジネスセレクトローン」は、2006年9月末までに累計取扱件数約19万件、取組金額約4兆9,000億円という実績がある。 - 経済産業省

Considering firstly trends by industry, it can be seen that whereas more than 50% of enterprises in manufacturing and transport/communications responded that their revenue/expenditure and financial status had improved, the proportion in construction was just 29.7% (Fig. 1-3-4). 例文帳に追加

まず、業種別の動向を見てみると、製造業や運輸・通信業などにおいて、収支・財務状況が好転したと回答した企業の割合が50%を超えている一方で、建設業においては改善したと回答した企業の割合は29.7%にとどまっている(第1-3-4図)。 - 経済産業省

In addition, among enterprises that had not yet decided on a successor, approximately 3.8% of those that responded that they would “exit” (without selling off their business, etc.) were financially in a position to remain in business (i.e., they did not have more debts than assets). 例文帳に追加

また、現時点で後継者が決まっていない企業のうち、最終的に後継者が決まらなかったら、(事業売却等をせず)「廃業する」と回答した企業の中で財務的には経営継続可能(債務超過以外)なものも約3.8%あった。 - 経済産業省

Previously in East Asia, there were more than a few countries and regions that had developed their industries by specializing in assembly relying mostly on Japan and NIEs for basic parts and materials.例文帳に追加

従来、東アジアでは、基幹部素材の多くを日本やNIEsに頼るなどして加工組立に特化することによって産業発展を実現してきた国・地域も少なくなく、裾野産業を持つ数少ない山の裾野に裾野をもたない山が付加されたような状況であった。 - 経済産業省

Similarly, in enterprises which had 50100 employees in fiscal 1996, the rate of increase in average employee size over this ten year period was considerable. Based on these points, it can be said that the effects of sustaining and creating employment by SMEs were more significant than large enterprises 7) (Fig. 3-1-13).例文帳に追加

また、同じく1996年度における従業員数が50~100人であった企業においては、10年間での平均従業員数の伸びが大きくなっており、こうした点から、中小企業が事業を継続することによる雇用の維持・創出の効果は大企業を上回っているといえよう7(第3-1-13図)。 - 経済産業省

However, it should be kept in mind that, according to the MOJ's Monthly Report on Judicial Statistics, following the enforcement of the Companies Act on May 1, 2006, there have been more incorporations of companies than during an average year before enforcement of the Companies Act, suggesting the possibility that these incorporations had the effect of pushing the opening rate upwards例文帳に追加

ただし、法務省「法務統計月報」12によると、2006年5月1日から会社法が施行されたことに伴い、会社法施行前に例年より多くの会社設立が行われており、開業率に関して上方への押し上げ効果があった可能性があることには留意が必要である。 - 経済産業省

By contrast, the United Kingdom did not participate either in ECSC or EEC for a long time mainly from the viewpoint of trade, due to the fear of a potential need to sacrifice the privileged relationship with the British Commonwealth, which had accounted for more than half of its trade in the 1950s, for the common market of the Western European countries.例文帳に追加

一方、英国は、主に貿易上の観点からECSC、EECに長期間加盟しなかった。1950 年代に貿易の半分以上を占めていた英連邦との特権的な関係が西欧諸国との共同市場のために犠牲になることを懸念したためである。 - 経済産業省

The date of certification of compliance of the test facilities, etc. (refers to the date of receiving certification of compliance) shall be the date of performing inspection (the last date of the inspection when inspection had been performed for more than 2 days), in case the test facilities, etc. are judged to be complied with the Industrial Safety and Health Law GLP and received certification of compliance例文帳に追加

試験施設等が安衛法GLPを具備しているとして適合確認を受けた場合において、当該試験施設等の適合確認日(適合確認を受けた日をいう。)は、査察を行った日(当該査察を2日以上にわたって行った場合にあっては、その最後の日)とする。 - 厚生労働省

If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind. 例文帳に追加

一人を除いて全人類が一つの意見にまとまっており、一人だけが反対意見であるとしても、人類がこの一人を沈黙させることは、この一人が権力者で人類を沈黙させるというのと同じように、正当化できないことなのです。 - John Stuart Mill『自由について』

Thus more than 2,000 years ago the doctrine of the 'survival of the fittest,' which in our day, not on the basis of vague conjecture, but of positive knowledge, has been raised to such extraordinary significance, had received at all events partial enunciation. 3 例文帳に追加

こうして二千年以上も前に、「適者生存」という学説、それは今日では曖昧な臆測ではなく、実証的知識に基づいて、非常に重要なものとなってきましたが、そういう学説がともかく不完全とはいえ表明されたのです。[3] - John Tyndall『英国科学協会ベルファースト総会での演説』

By faith, Abel offered to God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain, through which he had testimony given to him that he was righteous, God testifying with respect to his gifts; and through it he, being dead, still speaks. 例文帳に追加

信仰によって,アベルはカインよりも優れた犠牲を神にささげ,その信仰によって,彼が義人であるという証言をその方から受けました。神が彼の供え物について証言されたからです。その信仰によって,彼は死んではいても,なお語っているのです。 - 電網聖書『ヘブライ人への手紙 11:4』

Article 200-3 (1) When a witness or expert witness who had sworn under the provisions of Article 201(1) of the Code of Civil Procedure as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 185(2) or Article 185-4(3), has made a misstatement or presented a false expert opinion, he/she shall be punished by imprisonment with work for not less than three months or but not more than ten years. 例文帳に追加

第二百条の三 第百八十五条第二項又は第百八十五条の四第三項において準用する民事訴訟法第二百一条第一項の規定により宣誓した参考人又は鑑定人が虚偽の陳述又は鑑定をしたときは、三月以上十年以下の懲役に処する。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

The author had been a lady-in-waiting for Kenrei Monin (TAIRA no Tokuko) under the name of Ukyo no Daibu since 1172 while the princess was still an Empress, but left the court after less than six years, later attending Emperor Gotoba and his real mother FUJIWARA no Shokushi for more than twenty years, although she was called by the name of 'Kenrei Monin Ukyo no Daibu' in the imperial anthology at her own request, saying that the past was unforgettable. 例文帳に追加

作者は承安(日本)2年(1172年)より右京大夫の女房名で中宮時代の建礼門院(平徳子)に出仕したが六年足らずで辞し、のち後鳥羽天皇とその生母藤原殖子に合わせて二十年以上仕えたが、昔が忘れがたいという本人の希望で勅撰集には「建礼門院右京大夫」の名で称された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The picture was supposedly taken by Guido Herman Fridolin Verbeek in 1866 or 1867, but the notion that Saigo and others who had made achievements serving the country in the Meiji Restoration got together around that time is historically impossible, and Saigo himself was already obese by this point, but in the picture his cheek bones show and he had a normal sized body, so there are many problems with it; moreover, the picture was distorted by Taneomi SOEJIMA and Guido Herman Fridolin Verbeek, so it is likely to be nothing more than unnamed men of the warrior class in Saga, instead those who had achievements serving their country. 例文帳に追加

グイド・フルベッキの写真は撮影されたのが慶応2、3年と特定されているが(明治初年の説もある)、比定された西郷ら明治維新の元勲がこの時期に一堂に会したことは史料的にも有り得ぬし、西郷本人に限っても、既に肥満体になっていたのに、頬骨が出、普通の身躯をしているなど疑問点だらけで、副島種臣とフルベッキ、さらに無名の佐賀士族の若者たちを写した写真を元勲たちの写真とこじつけたにすぎない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In Chichibu region in Saitama Prefecture sericulture had been thriving business for a long time, however, at that time the industry there was somewhat biased to raw silk production and in addition had been more strongly connected to the French market than other silk-farming regions such as Shinshu (Nagano Prefecture) (the first elementary school in the Chichibu County was established by French aid, therefore, a secretary in a French legation in Japan visited Chichibu) and as a result it had a greater influence of the above-mentioned heavy fall. 例文帳に追加

埼玉県秩父地方は昔から養蚕が盛んであったが、当時の同地方の産業は生糸の生産にやや偏っており、さらには信州(長野県)など他の養蚕地域に比べてフランス市場との結びつきが強く(秩父郡内における最初の小学校はフランスの援助で設立され、そのために当時の在日フランス公使館の書記官が秩父を訪れたほどである)、上述の大暴落の影響をより強く受けることとなった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

(ii) in the case where the articles of incorporation define, as a requirement for concluding a resolution pertaining to actions prescribed in Article 144-7, paragraph (2) of the Act, that more than a certain number of Specified Shareholders must agree to the resolution, and when the number obtained by subtracting the number of Specified Shareholders, who had notified to a Member Commodity Exchange Surviving an Absorption-Type Merger that they would disagree with said action, from the total number of Specified Shareholders is less than said certain number, the number of Specified Shares held by said Specified Shareholders who had notified that they would disagree with said action; 例文帳に追加

二 法第百四十四条の七第二項に規定する行為に係る決議が成立するための要件として一定の数以上の特定株主の賛成を要する旨の定款の定めがある場合において、特定株主の総数から吸収合併存続株式会社商品取引所に対して当該行為に反対する旨の通知をした特定株主の数を減じて得た数が当該一定の数未満となるときにおける当該行為に反対する旨の通知をした特定株主の有する特定株式の数 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(ii) in the case where the articles of incorporation define, as a requirement for - 102 - concluding a resolution pertaining to actions prescribed in Article 144-7, paragraph 2 of the Act, that more than a certain number of specified shareholders must agree to the resolution, and when the number obtained by subtracting the number of specified shareholders, who had notified to a Member Commodity Exchange Surviving an Absorption-Type Merger that they would disagree with said action, from the total number of specified shareholders is less than said certain number, the number of specified shares of stock held by said specified shareholders who had notified that they would disagree with said action; 例文帳に追加

二法第百四十四条の七第二項に規定する行為に係る決議が成立するための要件として 一定の数以上の特定株主の賛成を要する旨の定款の定めがある場合において、特定株 主の総数から吸収合併存続株式会社商品取引所に対して当該行為に反対する旨の通知 をした特定株主の数を減じて得た数が当該一定の数未満となるときにおける当該行為 に反対する旨の通知をした特定株主の有する特定株式の数 - 経済産業省

The following 11 families and the Yoshikawa clan of Suo Iwakuni Domain, who had been raised to the peerage since the Meiji era, received the title of Baron: 5 families who owned more than 10,000 koku of crop yields as the attendant chief retainer of three privileged branches - the Ando family of the Kii Tanabe Domain, the Takenokoshi family of the Mino Imao Domain, the Nakayama family of the Hitachi Matsuoka Domain, the Naruse family of the Owari Inuyama Domain and the Mizuno family of the Kii Shingu Domain, and 6 families of kotaiyoriai, a family status of samurai warriors in the Edo period, who owned more than 10,000 koku of rice during the Meiji Restoration - the Ikeda family of the Harima Fukumoto Domain, the Ikoma family of the Dewa Yashima Domain, the Hirano family of the Yamato Tawaramoto Domain, the Hondo family of the Hitachi Shizuku Domain, the Yamazaki family of the Bitchu Nariwa Domain and the Yamana family of the Tajima Muraoka Domain. 例文帳に追加

その他、御三家付家老として1万石以上を領していた紀伊田辺藩安藤家、美濃今尾藩竹腰家、常陸松岡藩中山家、尾張犬山藩成瀬家、紀伊新宮藩水野家の5家、交代寄合のうち維新時に現米1万石以上であった播磨福本池田家、出羽矢島生駒家、大和田原本平野家、常陸志筑本堂家、備中成羽山崎家、但馬村岡山名家の6家、長州藩の支藩とされてきた周防岩国藩吉川氏の計11家も、「江戸時代以前は藩とは見なされなかったが明治以後に華族になった」と見なして男爵を与えられた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

I have a question for Mr. Mikuniya. Since the breakout of the global financial crisis, Japanese financial regulators have had to pay more consideration than ever to overseas developments. On the other hand, the domestic political situation is very fluid, with the possibility of a change of government growing, so the FSA is in a more difficult position than ever from various viewpoints. How do you intend to manage the FSA and what do you think are the challenges for the FSA? 例文帳に追加

三國谷新長官にお聞きしたいのですけれども、世界的な金融危機が発生して以降ですが、日本の金融行政も、海外の動向を前にも増して意識しなければならなくなったと思います。一方、現在、国内の政局も非常に流動的で、政権交代の可能性が高まるなど、いろいろな意味で今までにない難しい環境に置かれていると思います。長官として、今後の舵取りの方針や、課題について現時点でのお考えをお聞かせください。 - 金融庁

(2) Where the Registrar has granted an extension of time for more than 3 months or has refused an application for extension of time for more than 3 months under rule 100(2), 108(1) or 108(4) for any act in relation to an application for a patent that had been published under section 27, or in proceedings under the Act or these Rules, and where the court reviews the decision of the Registrar under section 90 or 91 and decides to vary the decision under review or set aside the decision under review and make a decision in substitution for the decision so set aside, the Registrar shall cause to be published in the journal a notification of the decision of the court.例文帳に追加

(2) 登録官が,規則27に基づいて公開された特許出願に関する行為又は法若しくは本規則に基づく手続における行為のための期間について,規則100(2),規則108(1)若しくは規則108(4)に基づいて3月を超える延長を認めたか又は3月を超える期間延長の申請を拒絶した場合で,かつ,裁判所が第90条又は第91条に基づいて登録官の決定を審理し,当該決定を変更するか又は当該決定を破棄して代わりに新たな決定を行った場合は,登録官は,当該裁判所の決定に係る通知を公報で公告させる。 - 特許庁

Article 74 (1) Any person who has had collective stowaways (those aliens in groups who intend to land in Japan without obtaining permission for landing from an immigration inspector, or intend to land obtaining permission for landing from an immigration inspector by deceit or other wrongful means; the same shall apply hereinafter) under his/her control enter into Japan or land in Japan shall be punished with imprisonment with work for not more than 5 years or a fine not exceeding 3 million yen. 例文帳に追加

第七十四条 自己の支配又は管理の下にある集団密航者(入国審査官から上陸の許可等を受けないで、又は偽りその他不正の手段により入国審査官から上陸の許可等を受けて本邦に上陸する目的を有する集合した外国人をいう。以下同じ。)を本邦に入らせ、又は上陸させた者は、五年以下の懲役又は三百万円以下の罰金に処する。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

This applies especially to the case of grand sumo tournament where there is a custom that "there should not be more than five ozeki (sumo wrestler of the second highest rank)"; if new yokozuna (sumo grand champion) and new ozeki come into being simultaneously when there are already five ozeki, this situation is sometimes called "tokoroten-shiki promotion" implicating ironically that "the new yokozuna has become yokozuna by being pushed out of ozeki's position (in spite of insufficient scores) because someone had to move upward in order to avoid having six ozeki." 例文帳に追加

特に大相撲では、「大関は最大で五人」という慣例があることから、大関が五人いる状態で新横綱・新大関が同時に誕生すると「誰か昇進させないと六大関になってしまうから、(成績は満点とはいえないが)押し出されて横綱になった」という揶揄の意味で「ところてん式に昇進」といわれることがある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

While gendai budo establishes the systems of the arts and places emphasis on competitions or matches for the purpose of disciplining mind and body from the point of view of the human development and physical education more than polishing the arts (for example, judo, kendo), the fundamental purpose of kobudo was not winning a match (some of the schools had forbidden trainees from competing in the contest between different schools), but defending themselves actually to live or disciplining themselves to carry out their missions as samurai. 例文帳に追加

現代武道が技の錬磨以上に人間形成と体育的見地からの心身の鍛錬を目的として技術の体系を構築し、また競技、試合を重視しているのに対し(例:柔道、剣道)、古武道は基本的に試合での勝敗を目的とせず(流派によっては他流試合を禁じていた)、実際に身を守り暮らす事や、武士としての使命を果たすための鍛錬などが目的とされていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Fudai Daimyo had relatively small stipends, and aside from the prominent Fudai Hitto in the Ii clan who received an unusual 350,000 koku in the Hikone domain, the Torii, Sakakibara, Honda and Ogasawara clans received relatively large stipends, but throughout the Edo period only a few Fudai Daimyo maintained more than 100.000 koku, starting with the Sakai, Abe, Hotta, Yanagisawa, and Toda clans. 例文帳に追加

譜代大名は比較的石高は低く、譜代筆頭井伊氏の彦根藩が突出した35万石の大封を得ている他は鳥居氏や榊原氏、本多氏、小笠原氏などが比較的大封を得たが、江戸時代通して10万石以上を保った譜代大名は酒井氏、阿部氏、堀田氏、柳沢氏、戸田氏をはじめわずかである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He also had a firm belief that Sumitomo should always keep a spirit of serving the nation before everything else, and Sumitomo should be willing to join hands with other major capitalists all over Japan if necessary, without being caught up in their small pride, in order to accomplish great businesses that should need more than Sumitomo's capital to be completed but would definitely contribute to Japan. 例文帳に追加

また「もしその事業が本当に日本の為になるもので、しかも住友のみの資本では到底成し遂げられない大事業であれば、住友はちっぽけな自尊心に囚われないで何時でも進んで住友自体を放下し、日本中の大資本家と合同し、敢然之を造上げようという雄渾なる大気魄を絶えず確りと蓄えて居ねばならない」という言葉も残している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

First, although there must have been rebellion ringleaders who had united the widely dispersed Emishi and presented a written petition to the Imperial Court, their names weren't clearly recorded on the long list of casualties (more than 500 people were killed or captured in the battle of Mt. Yake-yama alone). 例文帳に追加

まず、広範囲の蝦夷をまとめて、自分たちの要求を朝廷側に文書にして提出するなど、反乱を指導した人物がいるはずであるが、この人物が朝廷側の多数の犠牲者(焼山での戦いだけで500人以上が死亡あるいは捕虜になったという)にもかかわらず彼らの名前が明確に記録されていないなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Thus the bakufu emitted Ansei koban, which had been made lighter to four fifths of Tenpo koban, and Ansei Nishu gin silver coins, which weighed almost half as much as a one-dollar silver coin, on June 30, 1859, in an attempt to shift to an exchange rate of 1 bu to the dollar and to modify the exchange ratio between gold and silver to 17:21, a ratio a little more favorable to gold than the international standard. 例文帳に追加

そこで幕府は、安政6年(1859年)6月1日より、天保小判の量目の4/5倍に低下させた安政小判と、量目がほぼ1ドル銀貨の半分である安政二朱銀を発行し、これにより1ドル=一分に誘導し、かつ金銀比価を国際水準に対しやや金高に設定された17.21に是正しようと試みた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The greatest benefit of Tashidaka system was that a financial load of the bakufu would be reduced because an amount of yield was returned to the past amount after retiring from a post under this system (however, taking it into consideration that ongoku-bugyo [the collective name of the magistrates placed at important areas directly controlled by the government in the Edo period] had more opportunities of spending expenses than people at other posts, yakuryo [executive allowance] was supplied separately whether or not tashidaka [wage] was paid). 例文帳に追加

足高の制によって、役職を退任すれば石高は旧来の額に戻るため、幕府の財政的な負担が軽減できるというのが最大の利点であった(ただし、遠国奉行は出費の機会が他の役職よりも多いことを考慮されて足高の有無を問わずに役料が別個に支給された)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Since the storage of rice in the husk and the placement of Fudoso warehouse were encouraged in the Daijokanpu (official documents issued by Daijokan, Grand Council of State) on September 2, 708, storage of rice in the husk had been carried out year after year nearly 30 years; existing records of rice tax suggest that there existed the storage approximately the same quantity of crop yields of more than 30 years from the rice field tax during the Tenpyo era. 例文帳に追加

和銅元年8月10日_(旧暦)の太政官符で、稲穀の貯蔵と不動倉設置が奨励されて以来、毎年備蓄が行われて、約30年近く後天平年間田租収入の30年分余りの(田地からの年間収穫量とほぼ同一)の貯蔵が存在していたことが現存する各令制国の正税帳から推測できる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, at each of the firms, deficiencies were identified in the review of CPAs’ training,partly because some certified public accountants personally lacked recognition of the importance of training, and partly because the review by each audit firm was not sufficient due to the recognition that fulfilling the required training programs by the JICPA was basically a personal matter.At more than one firm, cases were found where a partner had not acquired the minimum credits required by law. 例文帳に追加

公認会計士個人の認識不足とともに、研修は基本的には個人の問題であるとの認識等から法人の管理が不十分なため、法令で要求されている研修単位を充たしていない事例が複数の法人に認められるなど、研修の管理態勢はいずれの法人においても不十分な点が認められる。 - 金融庁

The person who was arrested this time had been working for SMBC Nikko on loan from Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation (SMBC), so we may say that this is an insider case involving SMBC. In that sense, this has a significant impact on the banking and securities industries. What do you think of the fact that an employee of a megabank, which should have a more rigorous compliance system than securities companies, was involved in the case? 例文帳に追加

今回は、三井住友銀行からの出向者ということで、いわば三井住友銀行によるインサイダー問題だと当然捉えられるのですけれども、そういう意味からも銀行・証券界に対する影響は大きいのですが、証券会社より厳密なコンプライアンス体制が求められるメガバンクの行員が絡んでいた。この点についてはいかがでしょうか。 - 金融庁


Incidentally, you assert that Japan's general government indebtedness will be entering "uncharted territory."Clearly, you underestimate the advantage of the huge domestic savings, and ignore the fact that the U.S. had public debts equivalent to more than 120% of GDP shortly after the end of World War II, and that the comparable figures for the U.K. were close to 200% in the early 1950s.例文帳に追加

ところで貴社は、日本の政府債務が「未踏の領域」に入ると主張しているが、巨額の国内貯蓄の存在という強みを過小評価しており、また、戦後初期の米国はGDP120%超の債務を抱えていたし、1950年代初期の英国は、同200%近くの債務を抱えていたという事実を無視している。 - 財務省


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