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However, Michiie was dismissed from the Kanto Moshitsugi position (taken over by Saneuji SAINJI, who was the son of Kintsune) and Sanetsune from Sessho post since Yoritsune was involved with a conspiracy hatched by Mitsutoki NAGOE which happened immediately after and Imperial Prince Masanari (he was the Imperial Prince of Emperor Gotoba and was exiled to the Tajima Province after the Jokyu Rebellion), whom Michiie was close to, tried to ascended to the throne while he being granted a temporary return to Kyoto by getting rid of Gosagain (Retired Emperor Gosaga) and Emperor Gofukakusa. 例文帳に追加

更に直後に起きた名越光時らの陰謀に頼経が関与していた事に対する連座に加えて、道家が親しくしていた雅成親王(後鳥羽天皇の皇子で承久の乱後但馬国に流されていた)が幕府によって一時帰京を許された折に、後嵯峨院と後深草天皇を排して同親王を皇位に就けようとしていたとする容疑によって、道家は関東申次の職を罷免(公経の子・西園寺実氏に交代)され、実経も摂政を罷免させられた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1670 when Yasutomi passed the genpuku ceremony and was designated as Shorokuinoge Kurodo (Senior Sixth Rank, Lower Grade, Chamberlain) and Konoefu (the Headquarters of the Inner Palace Guards), the disputes occurred again with Tomohiro KOTOKUI regarding Onmyoji no kami, however, Tomohiro died suddenly at the age of 35 in 1682, and the Edo bakufu shogunate which arbitrated the conflicts handed down the ruling that the son of Tomohiro was too young to execute the post, thus Yasutomi who was at Jugoinojo Hyobu-shoyu (Junior Fifth Rank, Upper Grade, junior assistant minister of the Hyobusho Ministry of Military) acceded the post, and in the next year, he was authorized to control and license the Onmyoji of the whole country. 例文帳に追加

泰福が元服して正六位下蔵人兼近衛府に任じられた寛文10年(1670年)にも泰福と幸徳井友傳の間で陰陽頭を巡る相論が発生するも、天和_(日本)2年(1682年)に友傳が35歳で急死、相論の仲裁にあたっていた江戸幕府は友傳の子は幼くて職務が行えないと裁定したため、当時従五位上兵部少輔であった泰福が陰陽頭に就任、継いで翌年には諸国の陰陽師を支配・免許の権限が与えられた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Kiyoyuki was pointed out for his involvement in the political change because Kiyoyuki pointed out to Tokihira that all of the students of SUGAWARA no Kiyokimi, a grandfather of Michizane, would be punished and the Imperial Court would come to a standstill if all parties related to Michizane were involved, and he imposed the penalty only on the relatives of Michizane and close advisers of the Retired Emperor Uda, and because Kiyoyuki succeeded to Daigaku no kami (director of the Bureau of Education) due to the downfall of SUGAWARA no Takami, a legitimate son of Michizane. 例文帳に追加

なお、この時清行は時平に対して、道真の関係者全てを連座の対象とすると、道真の祖父菅原清公以来の門人が全て処罰の対象となり朝廷が機能停止に陥る事を指摘し、処分を道真の親族と宇多上皇の側近のみに留めたことや、清行が道真の嫡男菅原高視の失脚で後任の大学頭に就いたことから、清行の政変への関与も指摘されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After returning to Japan, he successively held posts as the second-ranked shusshi (a supernumerary government official) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, gaimu-taifu (a post in the Foreign Ministry), gijokan (a post in the Decoration Bureau), kaigunkyo (the chief of the navy), goyo-gakari (a government official assigned to perform a certain task) in the construction of the Imperial Palace, jimu fuku-sosai (a vice-secretary-general) in the construction of the Imperial Palace, a minister to Shin (China), and goyo-gakari in the investigation of the revision of a treaty; after the cabinet system was established, due to his ability, he assumed the ministership in six Cabinets in a row as the Minister of Communication, the Minister of Education, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Minister of Commerce and Agriculture (between the Minister of Education and the Minister of the Foreign Affairs, he assumed the membership of the Privy Council [Japan]). 例文帳に追加

帰国後は外務省二等出仕、外務大輔、議定官、海軍卿、皇居御造営御用掛、皇居御造営事務副総裁、駐清公使、条約改正取調御用掛等を歴任し、内閣制度の成立後は能力を買われ6度の内閣で連続して、逓信大臣、文部大臣、外務大臣、農商務大臣を歴任した(文相・外相の前後に枢密院(日本)就任)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


For about three years while Hisamitsu stayed in the Satsuma Domain, central political situations underwent a lot of changes in such ways as the Kinmon Incident (August 27, 1865), First Conquest of Choshu, Shogun's departure to the front, an Imperial consent to the treaty with five countries during the Ansei era (March 7, 1866), Second Conquest of Choshu, the death of Shogun Iemochi (August 28), Acquisition of Shogun by Yoshinobu TOKUGAWA (January 13, 1867), the death of Emperor Komei (February 4, 1867), and the Imperial Prince Sachinomiya Mutsuhito (the Emperor Meiji) ascending to the throne (February 8, 1867). 例文帳に追加

久光が在藩を続けた約3年間に中央政局は、禁門の変(元治元年7月19日)、第一次長州征伐、将軍進発、安政の五か国条約勅許、薩長盟約の締結(慶応2年1月21日)、第二次長州征伐、将軍家茂の薨去(7月20日)、徳川慶喜(徳川宗家を相続)の将軍就職(12月5日)、孝明天皇の崩御(同月25日)、祐宮睦仁親王(明治天皇)の践祚(慶応3年1月9日)、等々と推移する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Naito's statement known to the public was as follows; you do not have to study ancient times, and all you have to know about Japanese history is the history after the Onin War, which statement was given in the lecture titled "A Study on the Onin War"; in the beginning of the lecture, Naito made such a somewhat challenging comment; "this lecture should be regarded as Taryujiai (contest between different schools) and it is far from my speciality." 例文帳に追加

一般に知られている内藤の発言としては、「一体他流試合と申すもので、一寸も私の専門に関係のないことであります」といういささか挑発的な前置きで始まる講演「応仁の乱に就て」で示した「大体今日の日本を知る爲に日本の歴史を研究するには、古代の歴史を研究する必要は殆(ほとん)どありませぬ、応仁の乱以後の歴史を知つて居つたらそれで沢山(たくさん)です」という発言がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Dainagon (chief councilor of state) Kiminori SANJO was appointed the highest lord of the Records Office, while the officials in fact responsible for running the office day to day, the controllers and so forth, included FUJIWARA no Korekata, appointed as Uchuben (Middle Controller of the Right), MINAMOTO no Masayori as Sashoben (third-ranked officer of the left), and FUJIWARA no Toshinori (Shinzei's own son and heir) as Ushoben (third-ranked officer of the right); under these officials, 21 Yoriudo (clerks) worked, inspecting the land deed documents submitted to the office from the shoen owners and judging disputed cases of ownership at the office (Shinzei's infamous comment that Goshirakawa was a 'foolish (unenlightened) ruler' was actually first mentioned by one of these Yoriudo, KIYOHARA no Yorinari, who repeated it years later to Kanezane KUJO). 例文帳に追加

長官である上卿には大納言・三条公教が就任、実務を担当する弁官からは右中弁・藤原惟方、左少弁・源雅頼、右少弁・藤原俊憲(信西の嫡子)が起用され、その下で21人の寄人が荘園領主から提出された文書の審査、本所間の争論の裁判にあたった(後白河が「暗主」であるという信西の言葉は、この記録所の寄人だった清原頼業が九条兼実に後年語ったものである)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As for the matter over the personnel of the Imperial Court in 1985, historical materials, records, documents including the "kugyo bunin" (list of high court nobles) list different dates for the matter, and thus, it is too distorted to put in order the dates of accessions in the first half of the year coherently, causing historians to puzzle over the matter; roughly speaking, however, it is assumed that the position of Sadaijin was transferred from Uchimoto ICHIJO to Akizane NIJO and then to Nobusuke KONOE, that that of Udaijin from Akizane NIJO to Nobusuke KONOE and then to Harusue KIKUTEI (former Naidaijin), and that that of Naidaijin from Harusue KIKUTEI to Nobusuke KONOE and finally to Hideyoshi. 例文帳に追加

問題の天正13年の朝廷の人事については『公卿補任』をはじめ当時の朝廷人事に関する史料・記録・文書の日付がバラバラで余りにも錯綜しているため、同年前半の任官記録を矛盾無く並べる事が事実上不可能で歴史学者の間でも頭を悩ませている問題であるが、大まかな流れとして左大臣が一条内基から二条昭実、更に近衛信輔に移り、右大臣は二条昭実から近衛信輔、更に菊亭晴季(前内大臣)に移り、内大臣は菊亭晴季から近衛信輔を経て秀吉の就任に至ったと考えられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Against the opposition of the Toyotomi administration, Ieyasu then reinstated Kanetaka KUJO for the first time in twenty years, who had resigned from Kanpaku and Sadaijin in 1581 during the Oda administration, when he won in the Battle of Sekigahara in 1600; afterwards, however, it was often rumored that Hideyori would assume the position of Naidaijin and then automatically Kanpaku when Ieyasu took over the position of Udaijin from Harusue KIKUTEI (from Motouji SHIGESAWA's letter to Terumoto MORI in 1602). 例文帳に追加

続いて慶長5年(1600年)の関ヶ原の戦いで勝利すると、家康は織田政権時代の天正10年(1581年)に関白左大臣を辞任した九条兼孝を豊臣政権側の反対を押し切って20年ぶりに還任させたものの、その後も家康が菊亭晴季に代わって右大臣となれば秀頼が内大臣となってそのまま関白に就任するだろうという風説が度々流された(慶長7年(1602年)、毛利輝元あて繁沢元氏書簡)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In the Muromachi and Sengoku (warring states) periods, the Imperial Court and the Muromachi bakufu were in severe financial difficulties, and as a result, the reisen as a gratuity was expected to be presented as a condition for receiving the documents of awarding government posts and official positions as well as of the tsugime ando (receiving again the ando-jo, or document to authorize the ownership and control of the shoryo, or territory, in case of appointment of Shogun); before long, the logic was changed, and whether the documents were issued or not came to depend on the amount of the reisen presented. 例文帳に追加

室町時代・戦国時代(日本)の朝廷・室町幕府の財政基盤が大変弱かった事から、官職・役職への補任や継目安堵(将軍の就任に際して引き続き所領安堵の安堵状を得る事)の文書発給条件として謝礼としての礼銭の献上が期待されるようになり、いつしか論理がすり替わって礼銭の献上の多寡によって発給の是非が決定されるようになっていったのである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Around this time, the heredity of San hakase grew in importance, and being part of a hereditary family joined passing Hoshi as a requirement for assuming the role of San hakase; initially, in the early Heian period, the Iehara and Okura clans began to make it into the heredity, but this did not last; then, after the ruin of the preceding clans, the Ozuki and Miyoshi clans began to utilize heredity, made their own Sando into hereditary learning and secret teachings, and excluded other clans by adopting capable disciples to inherit the family name. 例文帳に追加

この頃になると、算博士の世襲化が進み算道によって奉試に合格するとともに、譜第の家系であることが算博士就任の要件とされるようになり、当初は家原氏・大蔵氏が平安時代前期には世襲化も兆候を見せるものの長続きせず、両氏の没落後は小槻氏・三善氏の両氏が世襲するようになり、自己の算道を家学・秘伝化し、また有能な門人を養子として家名を継承させることで他氏を排除するようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Later, ironic histories were repeated, which means that Tshuyoshi INUKAI, who became Prime Minister tried to do disarmament, was killed by an officer who rose in revolt at the May 15th Incident, then the party government came to an end, and Ichiro HATOYAMA who was confined during the war by the military pressure was accused by the General Headquarters of the Allied Powers and purged as a militarist cooperated the rise of the military just before the assumption of the Prime Minister after the war. 例文帳に追加

その後、総理となった犬養毅が軍縮をしようとしたところ、五・一五事件で決起将校に殺害され政党政治が終結を迎え、戦時中には軍の圧力により逼塞状態にあった鳩山一郎が、戦後に総理就任を目前で連合国軍最高司令官総司令部からこの時の事を追及されて、軍部の台頭に協力した軍国主義者として公職追放となるなど皮肉な歴史を辿る事となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

But grand banquets ceased to be held due to the decline of court functions, and in addition, Shuki-daiban seem to have been scattered and lost due to successive conflicts and changes of Toshi choja within a short period of time caused by the formation of Gosekke (five top Fujiwara families whose members were eligible for the positions of Sessho [regent] and Kanpaku), and when Michitsugu KONOE assumed the post of Toshi choja in 1361, 'Shuki watari no gi' no longer took place, which suggests that Shuki-daiban had already been lost before that time. 例文帳に追加

ところが、宮中行事などの衰退によって大饗が開かれることがなくなった上、相次ぐ戦乱や五摂家の成立による短期間での藤氏長者の交替などによって朱器台盤は散逸してしまったらしく、延文6年(康安元年/1361年)に近衛道嗣が藤氏長者に就任した際には「朱器渡りの儀」が行われていないために、その以前の段階で朱器台盤は既に存在していなかったと考えられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Okuma served as the Minister of the Treasury from October 25, 1873 to February 28, 1880, but he had effectively been the highest officer of the Ministry of Treasury since he assumed the post of senior assistant minister of the Ministry of Treasury upon the launch of the modern Ministry of Treasury on August 15, 1869, therefore he continued to be in charge of the Ministry of Treasury and the Japanese financial policy until he was dismissed as the councilor during a conference in the presence of the Emperor on October 11, 1881 (Political Change of 1881), however his resignation as the Minister of the Treasury was because an agreement to serve exclusively as a councilor was reached by 'Proposal to Separate Councilor and Minister' promoted by Hirobumi ITO (a successor Minister of the Treasury was Tsunetami SANO, Okuma's direct subordinate). 例文帳に追加

大隈の大蔵卿在任時期は1873年10月25日‐1880年2月28日であるが、実際には1869年8月15日(旧暦明治2年7月8日(旧暦))に近代大蔵省創立とともに大蔵大輔に就任して以来事実上の大蔵省の最高責任者であり、大蔵卿退任も伊藤博文が進めた「参議・省卿分離案」によって参議専念の合意が成立したこと(後任大蔵卿佐野常民は大隈直系)によるもので、実際には1881年10月11日の御前会議による参議免官(明治14年の政変)まで大蔵省及び日本財政の責任者であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He writes that Confucianism had been overwhelmed by Buddhism since the Engi and Tenryaku Period and it changed into the learning of Zen monks, that Seika FUJIWARA began the serious study of Shushigaku, and that later Jinsai ITO and his son Togai ITO, Ansai YAMAZAKI, Toju NAKAE, and Sorai OGYU tried to criticize Shushigaku for meiri (fame and profit), insisting on different theories from Shushigaku such as Yomeigaku (Neo-Confucianism based on teaching of WANG Yangming) and Kobunjigaku (study of ancient rhetoric school), and finally he stresses that Shushigaku is the right and completed Confucianism from which meiri was eliminated. 例文帳に追加

延喜・天暦以来、儒教が仏教に圧倒されて儒教が禅僧の学問と化したこと、藤原惺窩が日本における宋学の端緒を付けたこと、その後伊藤仁斎・伊藤東涯父子や山崎闇斎・中江藤樹・荻生徂徠らが、名利をもって陽明学や古文辞学などの異説を掲げて朱子学の排撃を試みたこと、だが朱子学こそが名利を捨てて学問として成就された正統な儒学であることを論じている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On January 20, a new U.S. administration will be inaugurated as Mr. Obama takes office. While a variety of challenges have been pointed out, I suppose that the administration will debate, or I should say, explore new ways of regulation in the financial sector and what kind of regulation should be introduced in place of regulation based on market fundamentalism. As a financial regulator, what is the focus of your attention as you look at the new U.S. administration and what are your hopes for it, although these questions may be a little vague. 例文帳に追加

今度の(1月)20日に、アメリカの大統領にオバマさんが就任されて新政権が発足するというわけですが、いろいろ課題は指摘されているわけですが、金融の分野に関してはこれから新たな規制のあり方というか、市場万能主義的なものから今後はどういった規制が必要なのかという議論をしていくというか、模索していくことになると思いますが、金融規制当局、長官としては今度の新政権に対してどの点に着目しているのか、あるいは何を期待されているのか、漠然とした質問ですがその辺についてお願いします。 - 金融庁

Yesterday, I explained the purpose of the postal reform bills at a session of the House of Representatives' Special Committee on Postal Reform, as you know. This was the first time for me to explain the purpose of these reform bills in the one and a half years since I took office as the minister in charge. At the cabinet meeting and informal meeting of cabinet ministers, I expressed my appreciation to the relevant people and organizations. As the agreement signed by Prime Minister Noda and Mr. Kamei, leader of the People's New Party, stipulates that full-fledged efforts should be made to enact the bills during the current Diet session, I requested that each minister issue relevant instructions so as to ensure the bills' enactment. 例文帳に追加

昨日、ご承知のように郵政改革法案が、衆議院郵政改革特別委員会で、趣旨の説明をさせていただきました。これは、(私の大臣就任から)1年6カ月になるのですけれども、初めてこの改革法案の趣旨の説明をさせていただいたわけでございますから、閣議、閣僚懇で関係各位へのお礼と、野田総理と亀井(国民新党)代表と(の合意書の中で)、今国会中に全力を挙げて成立を図る旨、書いているわけですから、司、司でしっかり成立に向けてご指導いただきたいということを申しておきました。 - 金融庁

The FSA has been implementing the Better Regulation initiative as a major task for financial administration since I took office as FSA Commissioner in the summer of 2007. We are implementing a variety of measures. One typical such measure, taken in April last year, was sharing the recognition of the 14 major principles that form the basis of the principles-based supervisory approach through discussions between the FSA and financial services business operators, and we publicly announced these principles. 例文帳に追加

ベター・レギュレーションにつきましては、一昨年の夏に私が長官に就任して以降、一貫した金融行政の大きな政策課題と位置づけて推進してきたテーマでございます。万般の取組みがなされているわけですけれども、その中で、分かりやすい例として申し上げれば、例えば、これは昨年の4月だったと思いますけれども、金融サービス業の皆さんと議論を重ねた上で、プリンシプル・ベースの監督の基軸となる14項目の主要なプリンシプルについて共通認識を持ち、これを共有し、そして対外的にも公表させていただいたといった出来事がございました。 - 金融庁

I am expecting to receive questions about events that happened this year or how I look back at the past half year after I assumed office. I have been a doctor for 40 years. And I have been a Diet member for 25 years and, on June 11 of this year, I was appointed to the post of the Minister for Financial Services and the Minister for Postal Reform. After reassuming ministerial office after a long while, I paid a courtesy call on Mr. Nakasone, who has been my mentortogether with Mr. Michio Watanabefor the past 27 years. 例文帳に追加

今日は私から申し上げることは特別ございませんけれども、(今年)1年間のことを、(就任から)半年経ったので所感は如何にという質問が当然来るだろうと思って、大事なことですが、率直に言えば、私も40年間医者をいたしております。そして25年間国会議員をさせていただいておりまして、(今年の)6月11日から金融担当国務大臣、また郵政担当国務大臣を拝命しまして、久し振りの閣僚でしたから、拝命したときに、27年前、渡辺美智雄さんと中曽根康弘さんは(私の)恩師であり、中曽根先生はまだ生きておられますからご挨拶に行きました。 - 金融庁

After I took office, the amended Money Lending Act was fully put into force and the Follow-Up Team was established. While consumer loan companies have faced very difficult business conditions since the Supreme Court issued the ruling, the people have needs for consumer loans. For example, some shinkin banks are actively providing consulting concerning the protection of depositors and the issue of multiple debts, and I greatly appreciate such activity. 例文帳に追加

消費者金融は、(改正貸金業法の)完全施行を私が就任してからやらせていただきまして、フォローアップチームを作っております。これは最高裁判所の判決が出て、非常に各消費者金融の経営が厳しいと同時に、消費者金融に対する国民のニーズというのもあるわけです。例えば信用金庫で、積極的に預金者の保護や多重債務の問題について積極的に相談に応じているというような信用金庫もございまして、そこら辺も私は大変ありがたいことだと思っております。 - 金融庁

The Program focuses on the development of social infrastructure targeting priority areas in structural reform. Based on a four-part policy framework, consisting of (1) further upgrading and internationalization of urban functions, (2) creation of environment-friendly and vigorous local communities, (3) expansion of growth frontiers by promoting science and technology, education, and IT, and (4) responses to the declining birthrate and the aging society, the Program anticipates initiatives conducive to stimulating private investment and creating employment opportunities, and selects projects whose prompt implementation is possible and needed and which are expected to have an immediate impact on the economy.例文帳に追加

同プログラムにおいては、構造改革に資する重点分野に注力して社会資本の整備を行うこととし、①都市機能の一層の高度化・国際化、②環境に配慮した活力ある地域社会の実現、③科学技術・教育・ITの推進による成長フロンティアの拡大、及び④少子・高齢化への対応、の四つの政策課題の下、民間投資の創出・就業機会の増大に資し、早期執行が可能で経済への即効性が高く、緊急に実施の必要のある事業を盛り込んでおります。 - 財務省

Subject to subsection (2), the registers, the documents on which the entries therein are based, all applications, including those abandoned, the indexes, the list of trade-mark agents and the list of geographical indications kept pursuant to subsection 11.12(1) shall be open to public inspection during business hours, and the Registrar shall, on request and on payment of the prescribed fee, furnish a copy certified by the registrar of any entry in the registers, indexes or lists, or of any of those documents or applications. 例文帳に追加

(2)に従うことを条件として,登録簿,記入の基礎となる書類,放棄されたものを含む一切の出願,索引,商標代理人一覧及び第11.12条(1)に従って備えられる地理的表示に関する一覧は,就業時間内に公衆の閲覧に供されるものとし,かつ,登録官は,申請及び所定の手数料納付を受けたときは,その登録簿,索引若しくは一覧における記入又はこれらの書類若しくは出願の謄本であって自己が認証したものを交付する。 - 特許庁

1. Persons entitled to institute infringement proceedings under Article 77 may, on a simple request, be authorized by the President of the District Court to have a detailed description carried out, by one or more sworn experts designated by the President, of the allegedly infringing articles together with the instruments that have served to commit the alleged infringement, whoever the owner of such articles and instruments may be.例文帳に追加

(1) 第77条に基づく侵害訴訟提起権者は,侵害と主張された物品及び当該主張された侵害行為をするのに役立った器具について,かかる物品及び器具の所有者如何に拘らず,地方裁判所長によって選任された1人又は2人以上の宣誓就任の専門家による詳細な物品明細書を完成することに対する許可を,同裁判所長から,単純な請求によって受けることができる。 - 特許庁

For the effective implementation of Section 3.7.2(b), all concerned examiners together with the Chief of the Trademark Examining Division of the former Bureau of Patents Trademarks and Technology Transfer have been directed to mail to the applicants the corresponding notice to comply with requirements for renewal of registration, or extension thereof, on or before October 31, 1998. Further, applicants who have not received said notice may request for a copy thereof from the examiner concerned who shall issue said copy within two working days from receipt of the request.例文帳に追加

第3.7.2条(b)を有効に実施するために,すべての関係審査官及び旧特許・商標・技術移転局の商標審査部長は,登録の更新又は延長のための要件を1998年10月31日以前に満たすべき旨の通知を登録出願人に郵送するよう指示されている。更に,当該通知を受領していない登録出願人は,担当審査官にその写しを請求することができ,当該審査官は,請求受領後2就業日以内に当該写しを交付する。 - 特許庁

If the examination finding is that the application does not meet the requirements referred to in the foregoing Article, the competent office shall make the appropriate observations so that the applicant may respond to them or add to the supporting documentation within a period of 30 working days following the date of notification. That period shall be renewable once for the same amount of time without loss of priority. If, when the period expires, the applicant has not responded to the observations or has not added to the supporting documentation or met the requirements of form, the application shall be considered abandoned.例文帳に追加

審査の結果,第48条に言及する方式要件が満たされていないと判断する場合は,所轄当局は出願人に通知を発し,通知日から30就業日以内に補正を行い又は補充文書を提出するよう出願人に求めるものとする。この期間は,優先権に影響を与えることなく,1回に限り同一期間をもって延長することができる。所轄当局によって指定された期間内に,出願人が補正を行わず,補充文書を提出せずその他所轄当局の要求に応じない場合は,出願は取り下げられたものとみなされる。 - 特許庁

Where observations have been filed within the period provided for in Article 53, the competent office shall serve notice on the applicant to present his arguments if he sees fit, submit documents or rewrite the claims or the description of the invention within 30 working days following the notification which period may be renewed once for the same amount of time. To that end the provisions of Articles 44, 45, 46 or 47, as appropriate, of this Law shall be applicable.例文帳に追加

第53条に規定する期間内に異議が申し立てられた場合は,所轄当局は出願人に対して通知を発し,通知日から30就業日以内に答弁書若しくは関係書類の提出を行い,又はクレーム若しくは明細書の修正を行うよう求めるものとする。この行為期間は,同一の長さで1回限り延長することができる。本条に関して,第44条,第45条,第46条及び第47条の規定が準用される。 - 特許庁

Subject to the provisions of section 48(7) of the repealed Act, all documents filed with the Registrar pursuant to the Act, including all correspondence and notifications to or from the Registrar shall, subject to payment of the prescribed fees, be open to inspection by an interested person during office hours. Any interested person may request the Registrar to furnish copies of any such documents subject to the payment of the prescribed fee.例文帳に追加

廃止法第48条(7)の規定に従うことを条件として,法に基づいて登録官に提出されたすべての書類は,登録官との間のすべての通信及び通知を含め,所定の手数料の納付を条件として,就業時間内に,利害関係人による閲覧に供される。利害関係人は何人も,所定の手数料の納付を条件として,当該書類の写しを提供するよう登録官に請求することができる。 - 特許庁

(7) Where, in carrying out any transaction referred to in rule 96A(2), a document -- (a) is transmitted to the Registry by means of the electronic online system; and (b) is received, by the server of that system set up to receive such transmissions, at any time before midnight on any day which is not an excluded day for the business of sending to or filing with the Registry that document by means of that system, that document shall be treated as sent to or filed with, and received by, the Registry at that time and on that day.例文帳に追加

(7) 規則96A(2)にいう取引を実行する際に,ある書類が, (a) 電子オンラインシステムにより登録局に送信され,かつ (b) 当該システムによる当該書類の登録局への送付又は提出について非就業日とされていない日の夜12時前に,このような送信を受信するために設けられた当該システムのサーバーにより受信された, 場合は,当該書類は,その日のその時刻に登録局に送付又は提出され,かつ,登録局に受領されたものとして取り扱われる。 - 特許庁

(10) Subject to rule 97(2), where a document referred to in rule 97(2) -- (a) is transmitted to the Registrar or Registry by means of facsimile transmission; and (b) is received -- (i) by any facsimile machine designated by the Registry for the receipt of such transmissions; and (ii) at any time before midnight on any day which is not an excluded day for the business of sending to or filing with the Registry of that document by means of facsimile transmission, that document shall be treated as sent to or filed with, and received by, the Registry at that time and on that day.例文帳に追加

(10) 規則97(2)に従うことを条件として,規則97(2)にいう書類が, (a) ファクシミリ送信により登録官又は登録局に送信され,かつ (b) (i) ファクシミリ送信を受信するために登録局が指定したファクシミリ機により,かつ (ii) ファクシミリ送信による当該書類の登録局への送付又は提出について非就業日とされていない日の夜12時前に受信された, 場合は,当該書類は,その日のその時刻に登録局に送付又は提出され,かつ,登録局により受領されたものとして取り扱われる。 - 特許庁

The notification must-- (a)specify the grounds on which the Commissioner considers that the application is vexatious; and (b)advise the applicant that the applicant may require a hearing; and (c)specify a period of not less than 10 working days after the applicant has received the notification for the applicant to require a hearing; and (d)advise the applicant that the Commissioner will refuse the application at the end of that period if the applicant has not required a hearing.例文帳に追加

当該通知は, (a) 申請が訴訟濫用であると認める理由を局長が記載し,また (b) 申請人が聴聞を請求することができる旨を,申請人に通知し,また (c) 当該通知を申請人が受領した後10就業日以上の期間を申請人の聴聞を請求すべき期間として指定し,また (d) 申請人に対して,申請人が聴聞を請求しなかった場合に局長が同期間の満了時に申請を拒絶する旨を通知しなければならない。 - 特許庁

An application for entry in the Register of Designs of notification of any document (not already provided for), purporting to affect the proprietorship of a registered design, shall be accompanied by an attested copy of the document, the accuracy of such copy being certified as the Controller may direct, and the original or notarially certified true copy of the document shall at the same time be produced and left at the Office if required for further verification at all times on which the Office is open to the public, except at times when they are required for actual official use. 例文帳に追加

意匠権に影響を及ぼすと主張される書類(規定済みのものを除く)の届出の意匠登録簿への登録申請書には,当該書類の認証謄本を添付しなければならず,前記謄本の正確性については,長官の指令に従い認証されたものとし,更に証明を必要とするときは,当該書類の原本又は公証謄本を同時に作成して特許庁に提出しなければならない。 意匠登録簿は,就業時には,庁の実際の使用のため必要とされるときを除いて,常時,公衆の閲覧に供せられる。 - 特許庁

(4) A person, which has carried out the formal review and examination of the relevant application in the Patent Office, shall not be included within the composition of the Board of Appeal for the review of an appeal or opposition. A member of the Board of Appeal does not have the right to sit in a case if he or she personally is, directly or indirectly, interested in the outcome of the case, or if other circumstances exist which cause doubt as to his or her impartiality. The participants in the matter may submit a rejection of a member of the Board of Appeal. The decision regarding the submitted rejection shall be taken by the relevant composition of the Board of Appeal.例文帳に追加

(4) 特許庁において関係出願の方式点検及び審査を行った者は,審判請求又は異議申立の審理に係る審判部の構成に含めてはならない。審判部の構成員は,個人として直接又は間接に事件の成り行きに利害関係を有する場合,又はその公平性について疑義を生じさせるその他の事情が存在する場合は,当該事件の審理の席に就く権利を有さない。事件の関係人は,審判部の構成員の忌避を申し立てることができる。忌避申立に関する決定は,審判部の関連合議体が下す。 - 特許庁

To actively cope with a natural frequency in a wide range by an operation condition (sleeping/general/frequency), to protect an equipment against vibration to fulfill the inherent life of the equipment by reducing effectively power of vibration transmitted from a compressor to the whole exterior unit, and to reduce a noise caused by the vibration to increase convenience for a consumer, in an inverter air conditioner.例文帳に追加

本発明はインバータエアコンにおいて、運転条件(就寝/一般/回数)による広い範囲の固有振動数にも能動的に対応することができるだけでなく、圧縮機から室外機全体に伝えられる振動のパワーを效果的に減殺させるようにすることによって振動から機器を保護して、機器の固有寿命を充分に発揮できるだけでなく、振動による騷音を低減させることによって消費者の便宜性を増大させる。 - 特許庁

To provide a security system using an IC card devised to manage mutually the input processing of occupation information and room entrance processing and log-on to an information system terminal by using a matching system using an IC card which can be installed at relatively low costs without using an expensive and complicatedly configured fingerprint matching system or a matching system based on various biological information such as vein, iris, and face.例文帳に追加

構成が複雑で高価な指紋照合システムや、静脈、虹彩、顔といった各種生体情報による照合システムを使用せずに、比較的低コストにて導入可能なICカードを用いた照合システムを使用することにより、就業情報の入力処理と入室処理、及び、情報システム端末へのログオンを、相互に管理することができるように工夫したICカードを用いたセキュリティシステムを提供する。 - 特許庁

A history data display control part 82 displays the execution history data of various application software collected by the collection part 81 as a table of data for each day in each working day and the operator successively registers which operation section previously determined includes time from the execution of a certain application soft up to that of another application soft and totalizes data in each day.例文帳に追加

履歴データ表示制御部82がこのアプリケーション実行履歴収集部の収集した各種のアプリケーションソフトの実行履歴データを、就業日毎に1日分のデータを一覧表90にして表示し、これに対して、作業者が業務区分登録部83を用いて、あるアプリケーションソフトの実行から他のあるアプリケーションソフトの実行までの時間は予め決められている業務区分のいずれに属するかを順次登録し、日毎に集計する。 - 特許庁

We noted the recommendations of the 8th GFPN Meeting and the 15th WLN Meeting that emphasised the need to include measures that facilitate access to public and micro-finance programmes by women-led SMEs; improve the regulatory environment; develop skills programmes for women entrepreneurs; foster networking opportunities; strengthen educational and vocational training programmes; and promote gender mainstreaming based on the recognition that women are important economic contributors.例文帳に追加

我々は、女性が経営する中小企業による公的かつマイクロ・ファイナンスのプログラムへのアクセスの強化、規制環境の改善、女性起業家のための能力開発、ネットワーキング機会の促進、女性の再就職のための教育かつ職業訓練プログラムの強化及び女性は重要な経済への貢献者であるとの認識に基づくジェンダー主流化の促進といった対策を含める必要性を強調した、第8回GFPN会合と第15回WLN会合の提言に注目した。 - 経済産業省

However, this is supplemented by mechanisms to ensure that risk does not focus on the entrepreneur, including comprehensive start-up support networks such as venture capital, strong capital flows centered around risk money and the presence of direct finance markets, the use of an expeditious bankruptcy system from an early stage, and a culture and systems which are tolerant of failure and facilitate further challenges, and these have played a key role in stimulating a vigorous cycle of exits and start-ups.例文帳に追加

しかし、それだけではなく、ベンチャーキャピタルやその他による密度の濃い創業支援ネットワーク、リスクマネーを中心とした太い資金の流れと直接金融市場の存在、早い段階での迅速な倒産制度の利用、失敗に寛容で再就職が容易な風土や制度といった創業者にリスクを集中させない仕掛けがあり、これが活発な企業の新陳代謝を促してきたことも見逃せない。 - 経済産業省

The main details of the FINPAW include: (1) the endeavor to promote the health and maintain the capability to work of the elderly in their workplaces through provision of training programs and information to the personnel in charge of health and safety at the workplaces, the local occupational safety committee, personnel in charge of labor management, and the workplace and individual, as well as to raise awareness on aging; (2) implementation of detailed health promotion activities for older workers, study on the employment issues and development of a public employment service; (3) development of a support system for lifelong learning by the aged population; and (4) reform of disability and unemployment insurances, among others.例文帳に追加

FINPAWの主な内容は、①職場の健康安全担当者、地域の職業安全委員会及び労務管理者、職場、個人に対し研修プログラムや情報を提供することを通じ、高齢者の職場での健康増進や労働能力の維持を図るとともに、加齢に関する認識を高めること、②高齢就業者に関する具体的な健康促進活動や雇用問題の研究、公的な雇用サービスの開発を行うこと、③高齢者の生涯学習に対する支援体制の整備を行うこと、④障害保険や失業保険の改革を行うこと等が含まれている。 - 経済産業省

In September 2004, under the leadership of the Japan Care Project, training courses for level 2 home helpers were held for Filipinos living in Japan who are already permitted to work through some other means, such as having the "spouse or child of Japanese national" status of residence for instance. The courses were held at Hakubi Co., Ltd., a company that offers nursing care services and education, and consisted of 16 days of classroom lectures (conducted entirely in Japanese) and skills courses, in addition to four days of on-the-job training at an actual facility that offers care services.例文帳に追加

2004年9月、ジャパン・ケア・プロジェクトが主となり、日本人の配偶者等既に別の形で就労が可能な在留資格を持つ在日フィリピン人を対象として、ホームヘルパー2級の養成講座が開講された(介護サービス・介護教育事業者であるヘルス・ケア・サポート・ハクビで実施)。この講座では、16日間の座学(すべて日本語で行われる)と実技講習に加えて、実際の介護施設における4日間の実地研修が行われる。 - 経済産業省

In doing so, in order to avoid a "two strata structure society," wherein foreign workers with low living standards form their own communities that are isolated from other communities, it cannot be said that accepting foreign workers coupled with the economic trends (especially workers who are very likely to work long-term) is desirable. It is important to establish a system for accepting foreigners on the premise that persons possessing at least a certain level of skills will be treated on par with Japanese people in a way that is commensurate with their abilities.例文帳に追加

その際、外国人労働者が、低い生活水準の下、外部のコミュニティから隔絶された独自のコミュニティを形成するという「二層構造社会」を回避するためには、景気動向に連動して外国人労働者(特に、長期的に就労する可能性の高い労働者)の受入れを行うことは望ましいとは言えず、一定以上の能力を有する者をその能力に見合った形で、日本人と同等の処遇を受けることを前提とした受入制度を整備するという視点が重要である。 - 経済産業省

The "job card system" has been launched to help "permanent part‐timer" and those who have little experience of working as full-time workers to raise their awareness through comprehensive career counseling, identify the issues they face, and find fulltime employment, by providing these people with an opportunity for practical vocational training comprising job training at companies and lectures as well as by summarizing evaluations from companies and their job experiences in a job card. Efforts will be made to further promote the system in monodzukuri and other areas. 例文帳に追加

フリーター等の正社員経験の尐ない方を対象に、①きめ細かなキャリア・コンサルティングを通じた意識啓発やキャリア形成上の課題の明確化、②企業実習と座学を組み合わせた実践的な職業訓練の機会の提供、③企業からの評価結果や職務経歴等をジョブ・カードに取りまとめることにより、正社員としての就職へと導くジョブ・カード制度について、ものづくり分野を含め、一層の普及・促進をしていくこととしている。 - 経済産業省

In "Industrial Structure Vision 2010", the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry positioned the following 5 industries as 5 Strategic Areas, i.e. "Infrastructure related/system sales", "Environment and energy problem solving industry", "Creative industries (fashion, content, etc.)", "Medical, nursing, health, and child care services" and "Frontier fields (robots, space, etc.)", and estimated the scale of creation of market and employment in 2020 as approximately 179.3 trillion yen for production value (plus 149 trillion yen from 2007 level) (including the ripple effect to other sections), and approximately 8,658,000 people (plus 2,579,000 from 2007 level) with the number of the employees (Table 3-1-3-1).例文帳に追加

経済産業省は、「産業構造ビジョン2010」の中で、「インフラ関連/システム輸出」「環境・エネルギー課題解決産業」「文化産業(ファッション、コンテンツ等)」「医療・介護・健康・子育てサービス」「先端分野(ロボット、宇宙等)」を戦略五分野と位置づけ、2020 年の市場と雇用の創出規模を、生産額で約179.3 兆円(2007年比+ 149.0 兆円(他部門への波及効果含む))、就業者数で約865.8 万人(2007 年比+ 257.9 万人)としている(第3-1-3-1 表)。 - 経済産業省

However, it has been frequently pointed out that when education and training are implemented as a mere formality without reflecting the real conditions or needs of local labor markets, people participate in the system as a mere formality as a means of receiving unemployment benefits and donot become motivated to work, and furthermore, because company employers hire young people or take them on as trainees only in order to receive employment subsidies, actual employment is not created.例文帳に追加

しかしながら、地域の労働市場の実態やニーズを反映しないまま形式的に研修や訓練を実施した場合には、給付金を目的とした形式的な参加を招いて、参加者の就業意欲に結びつかないこと、また、企業の雇用主が雇用助成金の受給を目的に若年者を雇い入れ、あるいは実習受入れを行うことにより、実質的な雇用創出につながらないことが多く指摘されている。 - 経済産業省

In regards to nationally endorsed scholarships which is viewed as large factor by foreign students, eyeing up other overseas? schools, it is important if anxiety of student life is removed or able to positively draw out the life path by knowing if the notification of granted scholarship to be paid out comes sooner. It is also considered effective to create limited seats for high priority grant scholarships for outstanding international students in order to retain who are in the top level, in additions to who may want to seek employment in Japan and also who may want to return home to continue studying.例文帳に追加

我が国への留学のインセンティブとして大きい国費奨学金について、留学生の生活不安の払しょくや進路選択にポジティブな影響を与えるよう、海外上位校に先駆けて奨学金支給を決定する奨学金支給時期を前倒ししたり、母国への帰国志望者や研究志望者等に加えて我が国での就職を希望する優秀層を確保すべく、奨学金中に高度産業人材枠を創設し、優先的に奨学金を支給したりすること等が有効であると考えられる。 - 経済産業省

As of May 2008, there were about 2,200 specialized upper secondary schools, with a total of 670,000 students. Of about 2,200 schools, 587, or 11% of the total number of upper secondary schools in Japan, had industries-related courses, with a total of 270,000 students, or 8.1% of the total number of upper secondary school students in Japan. Of the students that completed industries-related courses in March 2008, 69.8% obtained jobs in their home prefecture, indicating that they have become human resources that support local manufacturing industries.例文帳に追加

専門高校は、2008年5月現在、約2,200校、生徒数は約67万人である。そのうち工業に関する学科を置く高等学校数は587校で、高等学校全体の約11%、生徒数は約27万人で、高等学校全体の生徒数の約8.1%を占めている工業に関する学科を卒業した生徒の県内就職率(2008年3月卒業)は69.8%であり、地域のものづくり産業を支える人材として活躍している。 - 経済産業省

Current Survey of Commerce 2009 (Research and Statistics Department, Economic and Industrial Policy Bureau, Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry, December 22, 2009) Uses mainly the data in "Census of Commerce 2007" to summarize the outlook of the commerce in our country and the selling styles in diversifying commerce by using charts and tables for analysis--this issue provides an independent chapter (Part 2, Chapter 2) for the commerce by prefectures and gives detailed descriptions on each prefecture with regard to the number of offices, the number of employees, the yearly sales of merchandize, and so forth. 例文帳に追加

平成 21年版我が国の商業(平成 21年 12月 22日経済産業省経済産業政策局調査統計部)「平成 19年商業統計調査」のデータを主として用い、我が国商業の全体像とともに、多様化する商業の販売形態等について、グラフや表を用いて分析し、取りまとめたもの。特に、今回は「都道府県別にみる商業」として独立の章(第 2部第2章)を設け、事業所数、就業者数、年間商品販売額等について 47都道府県別に詳細な記述。 - 経済産業省

On the other hand, even where the software vendor (sub-entrustee) constantly stationed at the licensee company's office uses the software for the purpose of software development business as entrusted by the licensee (=user), if such software vendor is expected to work separately from other employees of the licensee's company in regard to their workplace and mode of business, it is difficult to consider that the software is used by the licensee (=user) itself, and thus the software vendor will not fall within its human scope. 例文帳に追加

これに対して、ユーザー(ライセンシ)からソフトウェア開発の再委託を受けたソフトウェアベンダ(再受託者)が、当該ユーザーの社内に常駐し、開発業務に当該ソフトウェアを使用している場合であっても、当該ユーザーの従業員とは独立した就業場所及び形態にて使用している場合には、当該ユーザーによる使用と評価することは困難であり、ソフトウェアの使用許諾が及ばないものと考えられる。 - 経済産業省

They have such difficulties because they are characteristically burdened with “weakness resulting from people” (as their management is often composed of university teachers, who in general have little experience of business management) and “weakness resulting from technologies” (as most of them intend to put into commercial use achievements of quite novel research that has not been much more than a “seed.” Such projects often require a longer lead time, which raises technological risks, and also have higher commercialization risks because new markets must be developed.) 例文帳に追加

これらの課題が発生する要因としては、大学発ベンチャーの特性として、「人材に起因する脆弱性」(大学の教員等の一般的には企業経営の経験に乏しい者が経営者に就く機会が多い)とともに、「技術に起因する脆弱性」(新規性が高く、シードに近い研究成果を基に事業化が図られるケースが多く、この場合、リードタイムが長いという技術面でのリスクが高いことに加え、新たな市場開拓が必要となる等、事業化までのリスクが高い)がある。 - 経済産業省

At most university-originated ventures, the management is composed of teachers and students of the university. As most of them have little experience of business management, often the company is not administered well enough. Even when the venture succeeds in growing to a certain level, the management is slow to be replaced by people who can handle the business at this stage. “Right-hand persons” who should assist the management can be found rather easily in the field of R&D and they can be employed to supplement R&D abilities of the company. But university-orginated ventures often have difficulty in finding and employingright hands” who should support them in business administration and financing. 例文帳に追加

大学発ベンチャーの経営者には大学教員や学生が就くことが多く、企業経営経験の不足から経営のマネジメントが十分には機能していない。また、事業が進展してもその段階に対応できる経営者への交代が進まない。こうした経営者を補完する「右腕」について見ても、研究開発能力を補完するために研究分野の人材は比較的採用できているが、経営や財務機能を補完するための「右腕」はなかなか採用できていない。 - 経済産業省


In Japan an internal control reporting system comes into operation this year according to the Financial Products Trading Act. In the United States, the introduction of a similar system under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act led to increased costs companies subject to the law must bear to cope with the new system and which has postponed application of the Act to SMEs. We should carefully observe how things go after the reporting system comes to effect, especially how it is enforced in terms of companies listed on emerging equity exchanges. 例文帳に追加

今年度から始まる金融商品取引法に基づく内部統制報告制度については、米国のサーベインズ・オクスリー法に基づく内部統制報告制度導入後に適用企業の対応コスト増加や中小企業への適用延期等が生じていることから、我が国においても、制度施行後の動向、就中新興株式市場上場企業に対する適用状況を十分注視していく必要がある。 - 経済産業省


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