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No Ageの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 591


Doctor of Agriculture, Chozaburo TANAKA advocated that origin of Citrus Unshu was Nagashima, Kagoshima Prefecture (today's Nagashima Town, Izumi District, Kagoshima Prefecture) through literature research and field study, and as the estimated age of a tree 300-year-old was found in 1936 (withered away during the Pacific War), no doubt have influenced this theory. 例文帳に追加

農学博士の田中長三郎は文献調査および現地調査から鹿児島県長島(現鹿児島県出水郡長島町)がウンシュウミカンの原生地との説を唱え、1936年に当地で推定樹齢300年の古木(太平洋戦争中に枯死)が発見されたことからこの説で疑いないとされるようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

For various problems in the modern age, this kind of Japanese sense of worship for religion may be effective, and when regarding this as a methodology, one example is that an idea of 'satoyama bunka (traditional village culture) (Chinju-no-Mori) (Sacred Shrine Forest) has a possibility of suggesting problem solving. 例文帳に追加

現代世界が抱える諸問題において、このような日本的な宗教的価値観が有効とされる場合もあり、これを方法論としてみた場合、たとえば「里山文化(鎮守の森)」の考え方は問題の解決を示唆する可能性もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Having had a hard time as an Obeya-haiyu (an actor playing bit-roles to establish their career and living together with other actors with similar aims) from around the age of twenty, Bando TSUMASABURO became famous in October of 1923 after being casted in the film "Senketsu no Tegata" (The Fresh Blood Handprint), produced by Shozo Maikino's Makino Film Productions with an original screenplay by Rokubei SUSUKITA. 例文帳に追加

20歳前後から大部屋俳優として苦労してきた阪東妻三郎は、1923年(大正12年)10月、牧野省三のマキノ映画製作所が製作した寿々喜多呂九平オリジナル脚本による『鮮血の手型』で名を上げた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In an 'age of decadence' in which Buddhism's standing was weakening, the teachings of 'exclusive nenbutsu' that people are not saved by the aspiration for Buddhahood and that, with the exception of nenbutsu, there is no other method of being reborn in paradise were in contradiction to the beliefs Myoe who emphasized discipline and the attainment of enlightenment. 例文帳に追加

「専修念仏」とは、仏法が衰えた「末法」の時代には、人は菩提心(さとり)によって救われることはなく、念仏以外の方法で極楽往生することはできないという主張であり、これは菩提心や戒律を重視する明恵の思想とは相反するものであった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Emperor Antoku prayed to Amitabha with his little hands put together, but Ni-no Ama said to the Emperor to comfort him, 'There is a city under the waves,' then she jumped into the rapid stream of Dannoura while holding the Emperor against her body, thus ending Emperor Antoku's life at the youngest age among the successive emperors (referred to in "The Tale of the Heike" ('Sentei Minage')). 例文帳に追加

安徳天皇は小さな手を合わせて念仏を唱えると、二位尼は「波の下にも都がございます」と慰め、安徳天皇を抱いたまま壇ノ浦の急流に身を投じ、安徳天皇は歴代最年少の8歳で崩御した(『平家物語』「先帝身投」より)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The Empress succeeded to the throne at the age of seven as Imperial Princess Okiko after suddenly receiving the title Princess by Imperial order from her father, Emperor Gomizunoo, who was angry about the Edo bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun) after the Shie Incident in 1629, and another incident, Shogun Iemitsu TOKUGAWA's educator, Kasuga no Tsubone entered the Imperial Palace without any official position. 例文帳に追加

寛永6年(1629年)の紫衣事件や将軍徳川家光の乳母春日局が無官のまま参内した事件に、江戸幕府への憤りを覚えた父の後水尾天皇から突然の内親王宣下と譲位を受け、興子内親王として7歳で践祚。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Without a doubt, emperors after Emperor Reizei were less fortunate to have imperial princesses, so there was a time when a princess could not be a possible candidate for Saiin, but there was no doubt that her strong blood relations with successive regents kept her life stable even though she lost her parents at a young age. 例文帳に追加

確かに冷泉天皇以降歴代の天皇は内親王に恵まれること少なく、斎院の候補者となるべき皇女が存在しなかった時期もあったが、歴代摂関と濃い血縁関係にあったことが幼くして両親に死別した内親王の生涯の安定を支えたことは疑いない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to it, Homutsuwake no mikoto was not able to speak even at the age of seven, and one day in a dream dreamed by the Empress, Amanomikatsuhime, the female deity of Tagu Province, appeared and said, 'I haven't had any Hafuri (a subordinate priest) yet, if you sent someone who would undertake a religious service for me, the Prince would be able to speak and would live longer'. 例文帳に追加

それによると誉津別皇子は7歳になっても話すことができなかったが、皇后の夢に多具の国の神・阿麻乃彌加都比売が現れて、「自分にはまだ祝(はふり)がいないので、自分を祭祀してくれる者を与えてくれたなら、皇子は話せるようになり、寿命も延びるであろう」と言った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Imperial Princess Sakahito (the daughter of Imperial Princess Inoe) was suddenly appointed to Ise no Saio (Saio of the Ise-jingu Shrine) at the age of 19 on December 15, 772, after the deposition of her mother Imperial Princess Inoe as empress and Imperial Prince Osabe as crown prince, a daughter of Imperial Princess Inoe, and there is a possibility that the incident was related to the appointment of Imperial Princess Sakahito to Saio. 例文帳に追加

さらに、宝亀3年(772年)、母の井上内親王と他戸親王の廃后と廃太子事件のあった後の11月13日(旧暦)、俄かに井上内親王の娘の酒人内親王が19歳で伊勢の斎王にト定されており、この事件と酒人内親王の斎王ト定は連動していた可能性がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, a lot of people rumored as 'Each brother, Yorimichi and Norimichi, has made their own daughter a consort and, if a boy is born, the Crown Prince will be changed' and they looked at the Imperial Prince Takahito and his togu daibu, Yoshinobu coolly and no candidate for the position of consort to the Imperial Prince could be decided even after the Imperial Prince came of age. 例文帳に追加

だが、世間では「後冷泉天皇には頼通・教通兄弟がそれぞれ自分の娘を后にしており、男子が生まれれば皇太子は変更されるだろう」と噂され、尊仁親王やその春宮大夫となった能信への眼は冷たいものがあり、親王が成人しても后の候補者が決まらなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Although he enjoyed political advantages as the second son of FUJIWARA no Morosuke, an influential politician of the time, he had possessed a bitter hatred against his brother, Kaneie, and ever since he was appointed as Kanpaku (Chief Adviser to the Emperor) under the will of Empress Anshi, Kanemichi's younger sister and Emperor Enyu's mother when his elder brother, Koretada, who was the Imperial Regent, who died at an early age, Kanemichi tried to prevent the success of Kaneie on every possible occasion. 例文帳に追加

実力者藤原師輔の二男として有利な立場にあったが、従来から激しく憎んでおり、長兄の摂政伊尹が早世したとき、兼通の妹で円融天皇の生母だった中宮安子の遺命により関白に抜擢され、それからことごとく妨害した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1149, Saneyuki SANJO and MINAMOTO no Masasada, who were Dainagon (chief councilor of state) were promoted to Udaijin (minister of the right) and Naidaijin (mister of the center) respectively, vacancies occurred in positions of Dainagon and lower, and, due to a series of linked personnel changes as a result of such vacancies, Tsunemune finally became Sangi (Royal Advisor) at the age of thirty-one and took rank with court nobles. 例文帳に追加

久安5年(1149年)、大納言の三条実行と源雅定がそれぞれ右大臣・内大臣に昇進して、大納言以下に欠員が生じたことによる玉突き人事の結果、経宗は31歳でようやく参議となり公卿に列した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1960's, he showed his talent freely in movies such as "Wakai hito" (The young people) (main actor was Yujiro ISHIZAKA), "Aoi sanmyaku" (The Green Mountains) (main actress was Sayuri YOSHINAGA), "Dancing Girls of Izu" (main actress was Sayuri YOSHINAGA), "Eden no umi" (The Sea of Eden) (main actor was Hideki TAKAHASHI), "Kikyo" (going home) (main actress was Sayuri YOSHINAGA), and he played an active role in the golden age of Japanese movies. 例文帳に追加

60年代に入ると『若い人』(主演石原裕次郎)、『青い山脈』(主演吉永小百合)、『伊豆の踊子』(主演吉永小百合)、『エデンの海』(主演高橋英樹(俳優))、『帰郷』(主演吉永小百合)などの作品でその才能を遺憾なく発揮し、日本映画の全盛期を飾った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, in the Jisho era he often became ill, so that other persons were in charge of bugyo (magistrate) for kasuga no saishi (the envoy in the Kasuga festival) of Yoshimichi KUJO (the second son of Kanezane) in 1178 and genpuku (celebrate one's coming of age) of Yoshitsune KUJO (the third son of Kanezane) in 1179 instead of him. 例文帳に追加

だが、治承年間に入ると病気がちとなり、同2年の九条良通(兼実次男)の春日祭使や翌年の九条良経(兼実三男)の元服について兼実から奉行を任されながら病気のためにやむなく他者が代わりを務めている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Since he fought under command of Junsei TSUTSUI during this time, he became one of the local lords belonging to the Tsutsui clan after the fall of the Hatakeyama clan, gradually distinguished himself, and as a samurai taisho (a warrior who gives battle orders and maneuvers troops), he supported Junkei TSUTSUI who succeeded Junsei at the age of no older than two. 例文帳に追加

その際、筒井順政の指揮下で戦ったことが縁で畠山氏の没落後、筒井氏に従属する領主の一人となり、次第に頭角を現し、順政の後をわずか二歳で継いだ筒井順慶を侍大将として盛り立てた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

With respect to the opinion that he has no resemblance in appearance to Hideyoshi, it is not worth looking into because, in addition to the above-mentioned blood line from his grandparents, the story that Nobunaga called Hideyoshi 'saru' (monkey) was fiction composed in a later age (Refer to the section for evaluation of Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI.) 例文帳に追加

なお、秀吉との間に外見の類似性がないという見方については、前述の祖父母の血統に加えて信長が秀吉を「猿」と呼んでいたことは後世の創作とも言われており、この点は検証に値しない(※豊臣秀吉評価の項を参照)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He was brought back to the Tokugawa family by Tsunashige, who had no male children as heir, when he was nine years old, and when he reached adulthood he went by the name of Tsunatoyo after being granted use of a portion of the real name of uncle Ietsuna TOKUGAWA, the fourth shogun, and after his father died in 1678, he took over as head of the family at age 17 and was raised by his grandmother JUNSEI-IN. 例文帳に追加

9歳のとき、他の男子に恵まれなかった綱重の世嗣として呼び戻され、元服して伯父である4代将軍・徳川家綱の偏諱を受けて「綱豊」と名乗り、延宝6年(1678年)の父の死後、17歳で家督を継承し祖母・順性院に育てられた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Tsunayoshi had no male child either, but because Tsunayoshi's son-in-law Tsunanori TOKUGAWA was among the leading candidates as heir, he changed his name to Ienobu as heir to the shogun after Tsunanori's death and took residence in the western citadel of Edo-jo Castle in December 31, 1704, at age 43. 例文帳に追加

綱吉にも世嗣がいなかったが、綱吉娘婿の徳川綱教も後継候補だったため、綱教の死後、将軍世嗣として「家宣」と改名して江戸城西の丸に入ったのは宝永元年12月5日(旧暦)(1704年12月31日)、家宣が43歳の時だった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although he was a leading figure of the Western House of the Fujiwara clan as a legitimate son of FUJIWARA no Maro, the founder of the Western House, it is undeniable that in getting promoted, he always fell behind the second generation of the other three families (the Southern House, the Northern House and the Ceremonial House of the Fujiwara clan) who were older than him by a generation in age. 例文帳に追加

藤原京家の祖・藤原麻呂の嫡男として、京家の中心的人物であったが、年齢的に一世代近く年上であった他の3家(藤原南家・藤原北家・藤原式家)の二世世代に比べてその昇進は常に一歩後れをとらざるをえなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although persons who name the family name of Minamoto in modern age are not necessarily connected to historical Minamoto clan, the descendants of MINAMOTO no Yoshitaka take the family name of Minamoto as the modern family name, and in the materials in Edo period it is written that Minamoto is a family name and Minamoto is a surname. 例文帳に追加

現代の源姓の人物は歴史上の源氏と必ずしも関係があるわけではないが、源義高の子孫は現在も源を今日的な意味の姓として名乗っており、江戸時代の資料等にも苗字が源であり、姓も源とある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The usual theory is that the Fujiwara clan aristocrats did not want Tamehira since he was MINAMOTO no Takaaki's son-in-law, but there is also the theory that it was taken into consideration that if Tamehira, who is close in age with Reizei was selected as Crown Prince, the rule of Reizei may be too short (Michihisa HODACHI). 例文帳に追加

為平が源高明の女婿であることから、藤原氏の貴族たちに忌避されたとするのが通説であるが、冷泉と年齢の近い為平を皇太子とした場合、冷泉の在位が短期間になりすぎることに配慮したものとする説(保立道久)もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The term "混一," which is said to have come into use in the age of the Mongolian empire, means the view of the world that the African continent and the Eurasian continent form a harmonious whole with no border. 例文帳に追加

「混一」という言葉はモンゴル帝国時代に用いられ始めた用語であることが指摘されているが、その意味は当時知られていた世界としてのアフリカ大陸・ユーラシア大陸が境界なく渾然一体となっているという世界観を表しているという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

An anecdote is told about this, however, that Tadataka OKUBO strongly insisted that the flag was never fallen, because he worried that if it was revealed that the failure of Hata bugyo was attributable to failure of Ieyasu who left such an important post as Hata bugyo to newcomers by neglecting senior fudaishu (hereditary daimyo), no opportunity would be left for old-age Ieyasu to clear such dishonor. 例文帳に追加

ところが、大久保忠教は旗奉行の不首尾は古参譜代衆を差し置いて新参者に旗奉行のような要職を任せた家康の失態であり、高齢の家康には汚名返上の機会はないと思い、旗は倒れなかったと主張して聞かなかったという逸話がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to its written guarantee of origin, a family treasure of the Takeda family "Tatenashi-no-yoroi" was the one given to Empress Jingu when she prayed at Sumiyoshi-taisha Shrine for long-lasting luck in the battle of Sankan seibatsu (the conquest of three countries in old Korea), and it later came into the possession of the Koshu Takeda family for a certain reason (needless to say, it is not a historical fact because the age of Sankan seibatsu doesn't coincide with the dates) 例文帳に追加

由緒書きによると、武田家の家宝「楯無」の鎧は神功皇后が三韓征伐の時に住吉大社に武運長久を祈念し得た鎧であり、ゆえあって甲州武田家の所有するところとなった(無論三韓征伐云々の伝記は時代的に合わないので史実ではない)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Their crime was later pardoned, and Takaie's son FUJIWARA no Tsunesuke rose as far as Shonii (Senior Second Rank) at court, holding the position of Dainagon (Chief Counselor), but the lineage of Michitaka's younger brother Michinaga became the principal heir's lineage in the Northern House of Fujiwara clan, securing hereditary control over the positions of Sessho (Regent) and Kanpaku (Chief Advisor) and thus sending Michitaka's descendants into a long age of eclipse and misfortune. 例文帳に追加

後に罪を許され、隆家の子の藤原経輔は正二位大納言まで昇進したが、道隆の弟の道長の子孫が藤原北家の嫡流となり摂政・関白を世襲していったため、道隆の子孫はしばらく不遇の時代を送ることになる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Owing to the action of the elasticity, the unevenness-correcting plate for the top end of the foundation is no longer required, which contributes to alleviation of the work for preventing the squeaks of the floor caused by the shrinkage of the sill due to drying with age.例文帳に追加

床下通気用パッキンにおいて、通気口を円形とすることで該パッキンに弾性機能をもたせ、この弾性の働きで基礎天端の不陸対策調整板は不要となり、土台の経年乾燥での収縮による床鳴り対策作業の軽減にも寄与する。 - 特許庁

When the identification of the player is not obtained (S24: NO), the gender and the range of age estimated for the acquired face image data (S25) are stored related to the game starting time to build and update a database compiled per game machine (S27).例文帳に追加

その遊技者を識別できなかった場合には(S24:NO)、その取得顔面画像データに基づき推定した性別や年齢層を(S25)、遊技開始時刻と関連させて記憶して、遊技機毎に編成されるデータベースを構築・更新する(S27)。 - 特許庁

To provide a new type fruit juice drink having new palate feeling, causing no deterioration in taste or quality even with age, not gelatinized even under cold circumstances or hot circumstances so as to have constant thickness, and not losing flavor inherent in fruit juice.例文帳に追加

本発明は、新しい食感を有し、時間がたっても味や品質が劣化せず、冷時でも温時でもゲル化することなく、かわらないとろみを有し、かつ果汁本来の風味を損なうことのない新しいタイプの果汁飲料を提供することを目的とする。 - 特許庁

To provide a non-halogenated, non-heavy-metal, asbestos-free fireproof sealant which has the safety for the environment and the human body, the ease of manufacturing and processing, and the ease of application while having excellent fireproofness as a fireproof sealant, and which is excellent in shape retentivity, with no deterioration with age over a long period of time.例文帳に追加

防火シール材として優れた防火性能を持ちながら、環境・人体に対する安全性、製造加工のしやすさ、施工のしやすさを併せ持ち、長年月にわたり経年変化のない形状安定性の優れたノンハロゲン、非重金属、無アスベストの防火シール材を提供する。 - 特許庁

To provide a method for manufacturing a semiconductor device of a stable LDD structure in which the number of steps is simplified, and a misalignment of a gate electrode and the LDD structure is eliminated, and there is no fear of an age-based deterioration of characteristics; a method for manufacturing an active matrix substrate; and an electrooptical device.例文帳に追加

工程数を簡略化し、ゲート電極とLDD構造との位置ずれを無くし、特性の経時劣化のおそれの無い安定したLDD構造の半導体装置の製造方法、アクティブマトリクス基板の製造方法、及び電気光学装置を提供する。 - 特許庁

An outer skin of a side wall part 2 (a tire body) is covered by a cover layer 7 containing at least one kind of component selected from a group consisting of a rubber, a carbon black, inorganic ores and talc while substantially containing no wax, age resistor or silicone oil.例文帳に追加

サイドウォール部2(タイヤ本体)の外皮を、ワックス、老化防止剤及びシリコーンオイルを実質的に含まず、かつ、ゴム、カーボンブラック、無機鉱物及びタルクからなる群より選ばれた少なくとも1種の成分を含む被覆層7で覆う。 - 特許庁

To provide an image forming apparatus on which the dispersion of toner adhesion amount on a photosensitive body drum is scarce, an image density of an output image is stable with no texture fouling, even when the charging amount of a toner goes through an environmental fluctuation or age-based fluctuation.例文帳に追加

トナーの帯電量が環境変動したり経時変動した場合であっても、感光体ドラム上のトナー付着量のばらつきが少なくて、出力画像における画像濃度が安定して、地肌汚れが発生しない画像形成装置を提供する。 - 特許庁

To provide a concrete stress meter, directly installed in concrete causing quick hardening, causing no error in measurement due to difference in age, measuring not only stress in the compression direction but also stress in the tensile direction, and installed in any direction even in a thin concrete part.例文帳に追加

硬化の早いコンクリート内に直接設置でき、材令の相違による計測誤差がなく、また、圧縮方向のみならず、引張り方向の応力をも測定可能で且つコンクリート厚の薄い部位においてもあらゆる方向に向けて設置を可能とする。 - 特許庁

Cases where the Terms and Conditions provide that the clicking constitutes an offer to execute a contract, while no such notice appears before clicking the button. Instead, a question such as that "Are you of an age of 18 or above?" is posed, and the button merely offers a choice of "OK" or "Cancel". 例文帳に追加

利用規約でクリックが契約の申込みになることが記載されているが、実際のクリックボタンの前には、クリックが申し込みになるとの記載ではなく「18歳以上ですか」の問いが記載され、ボタン表示には「OK」「キャンセル」とのみ表示されているケース - 経済産業省

From these data, for those entrepreneurs that borrowed money, while there are great differences in terms of the industries of the companies founded by male and female entrepreneurs, there are no substantial differences between men and women entrepreneurs in terms of the number of years of prior work experience or the age when establishing the company. 例文帳に追加

これらのことから、借入を行った起業家に限って見れば、女性起業家と男性起業家は、起業分野は大きく異なるものの、起業前の就業経験年数や起業時の年齢は、大きな差が見られないことが分かる。 - 経済産業省

As the 30~50-year-old age group expected to produce large numbers of founders of businesses20) is beginning to bottom out, the appearance of large numbers of selfemployed proprietors is highly unlikely, but there is nevertheless no sign of a decrease in the labor force population commensurate with the decline in the number of self-employed proprietors over the long term.例文帳に追加

創業者を多く排出することが期待される30歳から50歳の年齢層20が谷に差し掛かっているため、多数の自営業主の輩出を期待することが難しいことは否めないにしても、少なくとも長期的な自営業主数の減少に見合った労働力人口の減少は見られないのである。 - 経済産業省

A survey of household holdings of shares and equity investment trusts73 in the U.S. shows there is no income or age strata bias in holding ratios of equity investment trusts and shares themselves, and that all households across the board benefit from investment trust earnings (see Figure 2-2-57).例文帳に追加

実際、米国の家計に関して株式、株式投資信託73の保有状況を調査した結果によると、株式投資信託の保有率は株式の保有率に比べ所得階層、年齢階層による偏りが無く、投資信託の収益が家計にまんべんなく恩恵を与えていることが分かる(第2-2-57図)。 - 経済産業省

Starting in 2007, people of the baby-boom generation, born between 1947 and 1949, will reach retirement age, and are expected to retire from their jobs. Also, the problem of no steady transfer of skills and know-how from retiring skilled workers is drawing attention (“2007 problem”).例文帳に追加

2007年以降、1947~1949年生まれの「団塊の世代」が大量に定年を迎え、退職していくことが見込まれており、これまでベテラン労働者が培ってきた技能やノウハウの着実な継承がなされないという問題(「2007年」問題)が注目されている。 - 経済産業省

However, in the 1990s various problems surfaced regarding early retirement of the older workers, such as the need to control the social security expenditure (in particular the amount spent on pension as no improvement was seen in the unemployment rate among the younger generation), the emergence of age discrimination, loss of experience and know how, and others.例文帳に追加

しかしながら、1990年代になると社会保障費、特に年金支出の抑制が必要になったこと、若年失業率が改善しなかったこと、年齢差別の顕在化や経験・ノウハウの喪失等、高齢労働者の早期引退には様々な問題が顕在化してきた。 - 経済産業省

5 Paragraphs 1, 2 and 4 of this Article shall apply mutatis mutandis to ordinary pensions under the Swiss invalidity insurance, provided that the entitled person has achieved the age 55 years and no further verification of the fulfillment of the requirements concerning the invalidity of that person is foreseen例文帳に追加

5 1、2及び4の規定は、スイスの障害保険の通常年金について準用する 。ただし、給付を受ける権利を有する者が五十五歳に達しており、かつ、当該者の障害に関する要件を満たすための追加の検証が見込まれないことを条件とする 。 - 厚生労働省

Article 143-3 Even in cases where a judge who receives a request for an arrest warrant finds that there are grounds for arrest, if he/she finds that there is clearly no need for an arrest, because, for example, there is no concern that the suspect would flee or conceal evidence, in light of the age and environment of the suspect, the gravity and mode of the offense, and various other circumstances, the judge shall dismiss the request for an arrest warrant. 例文帳に追加

第百四十三条の三 逮捕状の請求を受けた裁判官は、逮捕の理由があると認める場合においても、被疑者の年齢及び境遇並びに犯罪の軽重及び態様その他諸般の事情に照らし、被疑者が逃亡する虞がなく、かつ、罪証を隠滅する虞がない等明らかに逮捕の必要がないと認めるときは、逮捕状の請求を却下しなければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

He had a coming-of -age ceremony when he was 16 years old in front of his father, Emperor Nimmyo, and became Shihon Shinno (Prince), after which he worked as Nakatsukasa kyo (a chief of the Nakatsukasa Ministry), Shikibu kyo (a chief of the Shikibu Ministry), Sumai no tsukasa (in charge of the sumo matches held in the presence of the Emperor), Dazai no sotsu (director of the Dazai Office), Taishu (a governor) of Hitachi Province and Kozuke Province, after nearly all the official positions had been filled, after which he became Ippon Shinno (Prince), the principal of princes when he was 53 years old. 例文帳に追加

16歳で父・仁明天皇の御前にて元服して四品親王となり、以後中務卿・式部卿・相撲司(別当)・大宰帥・常陸国及び上野国太守と親王が歴任する官職をほぼ全てを歴任し、53歳のときに一品親王となって諸親王の筆頭となる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, in reality, Tadazane was 22 in 1099 when his father Moromichi died suddenly and he became Sessho (Regent) at a tender age (younger than his great grandfather, who had taken on the role at 26 years), and as he had not even served as a Minister, he did not become Kampaku (Chancellor) and was confined to private audiences, and his grandfather FUJIWARA no Morozane, who was already retired, had no remaining influence to support Tadazane, leading to a decline in the power of the Sekkan-ke (family eligible to be Regents). 例文帳に追加

だが現実の忠実は康和元年(1099年)22歳で父・師通が急死、最年少で摂政となった曽祖父藤原頼通の26歳を下回り大臣も経ていないため、関白になれず内覧にとどまった事と、既に引退していた祖父藤原師実には、忠実を支える余力が無かった事が摂関家勢力を落とす要因になった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, some say that ABE no Yoshimasa was the legitimate son of Seimei while Yoshihira was the elder brother of Yoshimasa with a different mother, given that the issues; the age difference between Yoshihira and yoshimasa was just a year; the post of Onmyo no kami which was supposed to be appointed to the legitimate son (the eldest son) was assumed by the second son of seimei, Yoshimasa. 例文帳に追加

しかしながら、吉平と吉昌の生年の差がほとんど無い(1年差)ことや、世襲が慣例化していた時代に本来ならば嫡男が任ぜられるべき陰陽頭の職を次男であるはずの吉昌が就任していることなどから、安倍吉平は庶兄(異母兄)であり、安倍吉昌が晴明の嫡男ではないかとの説もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After that, its ownership was transferred for a while to FUJIWARA no Kanshi (the Empress of the Emperor Goreizei), his daughter, but around 1060, it became customary that important events of imperial families and sekkan-ke (the top family in the govermental hierarchy), such as big banquets by sekkan-ke, the ceremony of assuming the position of Toshi Choja (the chief of the Fujiwara clan), the ceremonies of instituting a crown prince and an empress and coming-of-age ceremonies, were held here, and therefore, it was decided after the era of FUJIWARA no Moromichi that the place would be owned by Toshi Choja (the chief of the sekkan-ke) in each generation. 例文帳に追加

その後、一時期頼通の娘・藤原寛子(後冷泉天皇皇后)に譲られたものの、康平3年(1060年)頃より以後の摂関家の大饗や藤氏長者就任の儀式、立太子や立后、元服など、摂関家及び皇室の重要行事はここで行われる慣例が形成され、所有者も藤原師通以後は代々藤氏長者(=摂関家当主)の所有と定められた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Firstly, following detailed research that appeared in Yoshihiko AMINO's "Wakasa no kuni ni okeru shoensei no keisei" (The formation of the manor system in Wakasa Province) (1969), Susumu ISHII's "Insei jidai" (The Age of Cloistered Emperors) (1970) and "Oota Fumi" (The letters of Oota) in "Sobu no bushidan" (Bushi groups of the Sobu region), which appears in "Kamakura bushi no jitsuzo" (The Real Face of Kamakura Warriors) (1978), it became clear that most manors were established after the mid-12th century, during the reigns of the Cloistered Emperors Toba and Gotoba, and that by the time this large-scale expansion stopped in the 13th century, the ratio of shoen to national land was on average of six to four, or about even. 例文帳に追加

そのひとつは、網野善彦の1969年「若狭国における荘園制の形成」や石井進(歴史学者)の1970年「院政時代」、1978年の「相武の武士団」(『鎌倉武士の実像』に収録)における「太田文」の詳細な研究から、荘園がもっとも盛んに立荘された時期は、12世紀中葉以降の鳥羽天皇・後白河天皇院政期であり、更にその大規模荘園の乱立が完了した13世紀においてさえも、荘園領と国衙領は地方により相違はあるものの、平均すれば6対4とほぼ半々であることが明らかになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1964 he directed "Getsuyobi no Yuka" starring photogenic Mariko KAGA which recently became famous, "Ryojin Nikki" (The Hunter's Diary) which was based on the book written by Masako TOGAWA and in which Noboru NAKAYA was stared and played a middle age man who fell into sexual love, "Suna no ue no Shokubutsugun" (Plants in the sand) which was based on the book written by Junnosuke YOSHIYUKI and which was said to be impossible to be made into a film, and "Onna no uzu to fuchi to nagare" (Whirlpool of Women) starring Nakaya and Kazuko INANO one after another, which were experimental unique works illustrating his distinguished talent. 例文帳に追加

昭和39年(1964年)には近年特に有名となったフォトジェニックな加賀まりこの『月曜日のユカ』、性愛にのめり込んで行く中年男性を仲谷昇主演で描く戸川昌子原作『猟人日記』、映画化不可能とまでいわれた吉行淳之介原作『砂の上の植物郡』、同じ仲谷・稲野和子コンビの『おんなの渦と渕と流れ』と立て続けに撮った実験的異色作にも並々ならぬ才気を見せる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, outside of school hours, children 13 years of age and above may be employed in occupations in enterprises other than those stipulated in items (i) through (v) of Annexed Table No. 1, which involve light labor that is not injurious to the health and welfare of the children, with the permission of the relevant government agency. The same shall apply to children under 13 years of age employed in motion picture production and theatrical performance enterprises. 例文帳に追加

2 前項の規定にかかわらず、別表第一第一号から第五号までに掲げる事業以外の事業に係る職業で、児童の健康及び福祉に有害でなく、かつ、その労働が軽易なものについては、行政官庁の許可を受けて、満十三歳以上の児童をその者の修学時間外に使用することができる。映画の製作又は演劇の事業については、満十三歳に満たない児童についても、同様とする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 74 (1) If, when a proposal of the director of the probation office is submitted, the Regional Board recognizes, with regard to the parolee from the juvenile training school, that it is no longer necessary to continue the probation (or that, with regard to the parolee from the juvenile training school who is 23 years of age or older, such parolee no longer falls under the circumstance specified in paragraph (5) of Article 11 of the Juvenile Training Schools Act or it is no longer necessary to continue the probation), it shall permit discharge from parole by its decision. 例文帳に追加

第七十四条 地方委員会は、少年院仮退院者について、保護観察所の長の申出があった場合において、保護観察を継続する必要がなくなったと認めるとき(二十三歳を超える少年院仮退院者については、少年院法第十一条第五項に規定する事由に該当しなくなったと認めるときその他保護観察を継続する必要がなくなったと認めるとき)は、決定をもって、退院を許さなければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Article 81-4 (1) An appointer may employ a person, who retired pursuant to the provision of paragraph 1 of Article 81-2, who retired after completing his/her service pursuant to the provision of the preceding Article, or who, among the persons who had retired before the mandatory retirement age, shall, after considering such matters as the length of service, etc., be dealt with in the same manner as those who retired at the mandatory retirement age by rules of the National Personnel Authority (hereinafter referred to as "a person who has mandatorily retired, etc.,"), or who retired pursuant to the provision of the Self-Defense Forces Act (Act No. 165 of 1954) and shall be dealt with in the same manner as a person who has mandatorily retired, etc. by rules of the National Personnel Authority (referred to as "a person who has mandatorily retired, etc. under the Self-Defense Forces Act" in the following paragraph), based on the previous performance on duty for selection, for a position requiring a full-time service, setting a term of office not exceeding one year, unless the person has not reached the mandatory retirement age pertaining to the government position concerned. 例文帳に追加

第八十一条の四 任命権者は、第八十一条の二第一項の規定により退職した者若しくは前条の規定により勤務した後退職した者若しくは定年退職日以前に退職した者のうち勤続期間等を考慮してこれらに準ずるものとして人事院規則で定める者(以下「定年退職者等」という。)又は自衛隊法(昭和二十九年法律第百六十五号)の規定により退職した者であつて定年退職者等に準ずるものとして人事院規則で定める者(次条において「自衛隊法による定年退職者等」という。)を、従前の勤務実績等に基づく選考により、一年を超えない範囲内で任期を定め、常時勤務を要する官職に採用することができる。ただし、その者がその者を採用しようとする官職に係る定年に達していないときは、この限りでない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


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