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Offsprings of Masanobu left names as court nobles being divided into various families, namely the Niwata family, the Ayanokoji family, the Itsutsuji family, the Ohara family and the Jikoji family and, at the same time, offsprings of the fourth son, MINAMOTO no Sukenori, who was sangi and Omi no Kami (Governor of Omi Province) concurrently, put down roots in Omi Province and developed into the Sasaki clan as warriors, and they were deeply involved in Japan's history thereafter.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


"Kanadehon chushingura"(Revenge of the Forty-Seven Ronin) of Ningyojoruri (Japanese puppet show) and Kabuki (Japanese classical drama) could not directly portray the incident of Forty-Seven Ronin, Ako Roshi that the setting was changed to the Muromachi period to portray this incident, but incorporated the story of KO no Moronao by introducing Takasada ENYA and his wife, Kaoyo Gozen (Lady Kaoyo), who wandered in streets, at the beginning of the play.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


OE no Mochitoki (a grandson of a poet, OE no Chisato, and a professor of literature) who is said to have actually listened to Tadasuke's lecture at home in 999, wrote down how great his lecture was in the diary, and in later days, it was highly praised by OE no Masafusa and Sadatsugu HAMURO.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, during his administration, he had to face various difficulties; in addition to the fire that occurred in the center of the town and a great earthquake, the domain was beset by a large-scale ikki (uprising), 'Manzawa sodo' (peasant's revolt in Manzawa) that broke out triggered by the corruption of nanushi (a village headman) and the successive injustice and mismanagement in the post-incident procedures, which provoked further confusions, and even conflicts between the urban wholesale merchants.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



It is said that 'Sanada Juyushi,' famous as ninja of Yukimura SANADA, have their origin in the title of an omnibus of 'Sasuke SARUTOBI,' a book in the "Tachikawa Bunko" series, which was based on 'Sanada Sandaiki' and 'Nanba senki' and lauded throughout the world in the Taisho era.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



However, the futures market that was established by Dojima Rice Market in Osaka with a permission of the bakufu in 1730 was the first futures market in the world, and some people think that it was impossible for a samurai, who was not a merchant, to understand such a new financial market.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


He was born on September 26th, 1830, in Korai Town near Kagoshima Castle, Satsuma Province (present: Korai Town, Kagoshima City, Kagoshima Prefecture) as the eldest son of Toshiyo OKUBO, feudal retainer of Satsuma, attatched to the Ryukyu palace, and his wife Fuku, the second daughter of Hotoku MINAYOSHI (his childhood name was Shokesa).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


It is said that he was called Binwari (jar crushing) Shibata because he crushed a water jar and encouraged his troops by shouting 'Men, it is the honor of a samurai to die on the battlefield rather than to die of thirst, so remember, the water you just had was your matsugo-no-mizu (water of the last moment)!' to approach the resistance by burning their boats while holding Choko-ji Castle (this is believed to be a later creation).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


He raised a high goal of 'putting all the knowledge he had about Ukiyo-e into a doctoral thesis' and aimed for passing the examination of a graduate school at the age of 100, but he was found dead by his acquaintance in his bathroom in Higashi-Osaka City, Osaka Prefecture due to an acute ischemic disease.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



In collaboration with Izumo TAKEDA the second, Shoraku MIYOSHI and so on, he produced not only the three greatest joruri: "Sugawara Denju Tenarai Kagami," "Yoshitsune Senbonzakura" and "Kanadehon Chushingura," but also other masterpieces which remain in the history of Japanese play, such as "Gunpo Fujimi Saigyo," "Iroha Nichiren Ki," "Futatsu Chocho Kuruwa Nikki" (Diary of two butterflies in the pleasure quarters) and so on.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



Since he does not appear in other documents from the same period, Minoru NOGUCHI argues in 'TAIRA no Koremochi and TAIRA no Koreyoshi' in "A Research on Togoku Samurai in the medieval period" that he is the one and the same as TAIRA no Koreyoshi, who was the son of TAIRA no Kanetada and Chinju-fu shogun (Commander-in-Chief of the Defense of the North).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Mr. Minoru NOGUCHI argues in 'TAIRA no Koreshige and TAIRA no Koreyoshi' in "A Research on Togoku Samurai in the medieval period" that he is the one and same as TAIRA no Koreshige, the Yogo Shogun who appears in Episode 4 'TAIRA no Koreshige gets killed by a retainer' and Episode 5 'TAIRA no Koreshige slew FUJIWARA no Moroto' of Volume 25 of "Konjaku monogatari shu" (Tales of Times Now and Then collection).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Samurai and landlord in the medieval Japan took charge of the territorial management and ruling by assuming various posts and powers such as Gunji shiki (local headships), Goshi shiki (sub district headships) and Hoshi shiki (executive officer of an Imperial demesne) granted by Kokuga (provincial government office), and Shokan shiki (officer entrusted with local management of the private estate) granted by the lord of a private estate (family head or guarantor of manor), as well as Jito shiki (manager and lord of a private estate) granted by the bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The sacred tree or the meotoiwa (a pair of rocks in two sizes, the larger one is thought to be the husband, the smaller the wife) in the himorogi belief and the iwakura belief in the Ancient Shinto, and Mt. Fuji as a sacred mountain are also called a kannabi which means the place or object where a quieted god always dwells or secretly lives (stays) in utshushiyo.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The modern customs are shameful to the Buddhist record written about the future, and the students of Buddhism turned away from the will of the Buddha as the samurai of existing families built a tower, young men decorated their houses in order to have his name heard many times, gained profits from it, sat at drinking parties, or made it into kaisho where poetry is read, and held many rude activities.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


FUJIWARA no Hidesato, TAIRA no Takamochi, MINAMOTO no Tsunemoto and so on are considered as the first generation of bushi; in the local lands they signed contracts for farming the koden (field administered directly by a ruler) with kokuga in the similar way as wealthy farmer class (tato fumyo [cultivator/tax manager]) did and got an economic base as warriors.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


For example, "the Vocabvlario da Lingoa de Iapam" (Nipojisho, Japanese-Portuguese Dictionary), published in early seventeen century, gave the meaning of the terms Buxi and Mononofu as 'bujin' (warrior) and 'gunjin' (military man), respectively, however, Saburai was translated as 'a nobleman or person to be respected', suggesting that samurai were special people within the bushi class.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


It has been discovered that kondei soldiers were later included in the cohort system once the cohorts were revived, and subsequently, a special tax exemption system called kondei-den was established in order to maintain kondei, and approximately 3,600 kondei soldiers were deployed throughout the country (kondei were deployed in Mutsu, Dewa, and Sado Provinces as well, but not deployed in the Saikai-do Region) as a general rule in the tenth century.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


As a result, the legitimacy of the positions of a great many medieval-period middleman tax collectors and the like were repudiated, since now cultivators were paying taxes directly to their local lords; at the agricultural village level, Hideyoshi's survey had eliminated nearly all the extortionist middleman warriors who lived off others' effort in one clean sweep.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


This trend also reached Daigaku-ryo, where professors, with the aim of bequeathing the post of hakase to their descendants, tried to monopolize knowledge by denying access to education to people other than their household, and they gave lectures only to their children and a handful of disciples not at Daigaku-ryo but at their private residences.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Cases of revenge after the killing of a close relative are found in various parts of the world, including southern Italy; however, the characteristic of Katakiuchi in the Edo period is that it was legitimized as a method to supplement Kenka Ryoseibai (in a quarrel both parties are to blame) and that the aim was not the revenge but the pride or honor of a samurai.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Once the shoen-koryo system was established in the 11th century, however, many samurai were appointed shoji (also known as shokan), gunji, goji, or hoji, and they began to own some manors or the Imperial demesnes such as gun, go, and ho as their settled territories and to have tato and fumyo under their control.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The period of 'bushidan' was mainly after that insei period, and the union by 'house' and inheritance became stronger gradually but will be misinterpreted if one is looking too much at 'a direct descendant' and 'honke' (the owner of the highest-graded patches of land under the stratified land ruling structure of Shoen) and 'paternal family system' notion of later generation.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Two picture scrolls were just circumstantial evidence, but the expansion of bushidan started around the time when entering twelfth century and 'Hogen Disturbance' and 'Heiji Disturbance' were the first phrase and reached the peak with the Genpei War if asked about when it started.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Keiji NAGAHARA stated that military power of the bushi lord of a manor from the twelfth century to the period of the Northern and Southern Courts (Japan) when the formed bushidan had a house of the same clan as its unit and the army unit cohort consisted of several dozen to two hundred military forces, and many militaristic conquest of a vast area structured the union of house army.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In later ages, a procedure was established such that ichinokami (the ranking Council Member) of Daijokan (Grand Council of State or Sekkan - regents and advisers) confirmed the contents in advance, sealed the documents again, and returned them to tenmon hakase, and then the documents were submitted to Onmyo no kami (according to "Saikyuki" - record of court practices and usage, written by MINAMOTO no Takaaki in Chinese style), "Shingishiki" (New Procedures in Administration.)  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


At the beginning, rekihakase participated only in making calendar books and were not involved in the onkoyomidokoro and goryakuso, but from the late ninth century, he began to participate in goryakuso together with Onmyo no kami and suke (according to "Nihon Sandai Jitsuroku" dated on December 4, 886).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In the early 9th century, the study of ritsuryo flourished and a lot of Myoho experts were produced including SANUKI no Naganao, OKIHARA no Miniku, NUKATA no Imatari, KOREMUNE no Naomoto and also clans of Myoho doctors for generations were produced including Sanuki (future Wake clan) and Koremune (future Yoshimune clan)  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The people who experienced public fear owing to the appearance of samurai, despotic acts by armed priest, a down fallen court noble force, and natural disasters such as extraordinary natural phenomenon, epidemics, fire became clearly aware of Mappo, and the concept of the impermanence or a pessimistic view of life among the population was intensified.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, public opinion cooled down because of the British stance in favor of Japan allowed the Times to carry opinions of experts of International Law, Doctors John Westlake and Thomas Erskine Holland, that Japan took measures following International law.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Also, residences of many daimyo (feudal lords serving the Tokugawa family) were built, and a large number of daimyo's vassals and families, and shogunal bannermen and retainers moved in, followed by the influx of merchants and craftsmen who supported the lives of those people, all of which contributed to the rapid expansion of the town.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Agriculturist and thinker Inazo NITOBE explained the nature of the island country and how Japanese who lived in society were affected by the four seasons, using philosophy and scientific thinking of the late 19th century in "Bushido" (1900).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Kotosuga TANIGAWA opposed to the enthronement theory and doubted the worth of Mizu Kagami as a historical material in "Zoku Dainihonshi Shiki" (a commentary on Japanese history) in 1774 and asserted that it was inconceivable that a state ceremony of enthronement was held immediately after the death of the emperor even in a turbulent age, not to mention the war immediately followed the ceremony.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In the medieval period, soldiers were basically supposed to carry hyoro by themselves, but at the front, they took along only a few days worth of it and got konida to carry the rest, because the term was unpredictable and the heavy stuff could prevent their military action.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Apart from those soldiers, the people including 'lower-ranking nobles' (shodaibu), 'lower-ranking government officials' (samurai), 'lower-ranking government officials of influential families' (samurai), who were officially approved to arm themselves in the kokuga forces system by the Imperial Court or kokuga (provincial government office compounds), became warriors, organizing an armed group with 'the new-type military art' which was established in the 10th century.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Today, the Kinki region, which contains Hanshin Industrial Zone, hopes to lift the human spirit by working towards building solutions to youth problems and tackling issues of declining motivation relating to working not only in Japan but in the world as well, with a particular focus on contributing to economic development based on manufacturing in Japan.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


As a result, the ruins are considered extremely important as historical data providing a picture of the medieval castles and buildings of the Kanto warriors particularly from the Kamakura period to the Muromachi period, and on December 6, 1984, the site was designated a site of national historical importance under the name 'Kawagoe-yakata ruins.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Recent years, comparative studies on the Chikama clan in the West and the Ando clan in the East, both of which were Tokuso's bureaucrats taking charge of the respective peripheral border in the east and in the west of the medieval nation, have developed and it is revealed that both of them had a huge extension of the territory compared with the samurai groups in the center, and their territories were even reaching outside the national territory.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

紛争・脆弱地域において、政府の能力強化が重要であることは論を待ちませんが、既存のインフォーマルな団体を活用・強化する視点や、そうした団体同の連携を強化する視点も銀のプログラムに盛り込むことで、inclusiveness を確保することにも繋がるのではないでしょうか。例文帳に追加

In fragile and conflict-affected situations, there is no question that government capacity should be reinforced.However, I think the regions will be able to ensure inclusiveness more effectively if such perspectives as utilizing and strengthening existing informal organizations and enhancing cooperation between such organizations are incorporated into the World Bank's programs.  - 財務省


To provide a system for a cellular phone of the next generation having the increased communication speed for voice, moving images or the like, capable of steadily transmitting a moving image from a portable personal computer having whatever communication function without caring about a file format, even the moving image has been transferred only between the specific information terminals. - 特許庁


To enable reflecting orders of consumers directly on own income without being influenced by hidden agendas or personal connections of people in the entertainment world, exactly measuring a barometer of popularity, and exactly reflecting public opinion without being influenced by the degree of exposure to media. - 特許庁

スキルについては、人口に占める高等教育修了者の割合(Tertiary Graduation Ratio)、界トップレベルのEMBA(Executive MBA、すなわち企業幹部向けの経営学修)コースの数、スキルを備えた人材採用の容易さを切り口としており、GFCI上位10市場の市場のランキングはコラム第23-4表のようになっている。例文帳に追加

The skill assessment uses the percentage of higher education graduates in the population (Tertiary Graduation Ratio), the number of top ranked EMBA (executive MBA) programs (MBA programs designed for corporate executives), and the ease of hiring skilled workers as the criteria, and the ten highest ranking markets are presented in Column Table 23-4. - 経済産業省


His four children were as follows: Mitsuyoshi YAGYU (Jubei), the eldest son, well-known as a one-eyed swordsman; Tomonori YAGYU, who won Iemitsu's favor, and died young before his father; Munefuyu YAGYU, who succeeded to the post of sword instructor to the Shogun family in place of Mitsuyoshi who died soon after his father's death; Gisen RETSUDO, who became the first chief priest of Hotoku-ji Temple, a family temple of the Yagyu clan.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

KUMONでは、グループ内の従業員が課題別に価値観を合わせる場として、人材育成の責任者が集まる界人財開発会議や、広報担当者による界広報担当者会議等の場での情報共有の機会を設定しており、さらに、年に1度、界中から教室指導者、社員が指導事例を共有するために集まる界指導者研究大会、使用する言語が違う指導者同が情報交換をするKUMON Global Forum等の開催に取り組んでいる。例文帳に追加

Kumon holds World human Capital Development Forum, where the personnel in charge of nurturing talented people gather, and opportunities for information exchange, such as a World Promotion Forum, for employees to share their values on each subject. Additionally, it holds an annual Global Instructors? Study Forum, and KOMON Global Forum, where instructors in different languages exchange information. - 経済産業省


However during the middle of the 11th century shoens spread rapidly and the armed conflicts between shoen koryos (public lands and private estates) in various provinces often happened, and many bushi were appointed to shokan (an officer governing shoen) of shoen or gunji (district managers), goji (a local government official under the ritsuryo system) and hoji (an officer governing koryo, or public land) of koryo (public lands) as the managers of tax collection, police activity and justice for shoens or koryo such as gun, go, and ho; consequently the bushi were established as the managers of public lands who owned these lands.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Furthermore, "Heihanki" (diary of TAIRA no Nobunori) tells that in the shoshi exams in 1154, certain numbers of seats had been allotted to Kanpaku (chief adviser to the Emperor) FUJIWARA no Tadamichi, Sadaijin (minister of the left) FUJIWARA no Yorinaga, the Emperor Sutoku, shikibusho and leaders of the daigakuryo beforehand, and they held the exams (a few centuries later, according to "Keirinihosho" from the 15th century, the seats were allotted as follows: two for Senji (emperor), one for (the retired Emperor and the Cloistered Emperor), one for Denka (sessho and kanpaku), three for Shokan (Shikibu no taifu and Shikibu shoyu), two for two hakese (monjo hakese) and three for (examiners)).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

15 この法律において「夜間対応型訪問介護」とは、居宅要介護者について、夜間において、定期的な巡回訪問により、又は通報を受け、その者の居宅において介護福祉その他第二項の政令で定める者により行われる入浴、排せつ、食事等の介護その他の日常生活上の話であって、厚生労働省令で定めるものをいう。例文帳に追加

(15) The term "Home-Visit at Night for Long-Term Care" as used in this Act means care provided for bathing, bodily waste elimination, meals, etc., and for other daily activities that are as determined by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare. Said care is provided to an In-Home Person Requiring Long-Term Care at his or her home by a long-term care public aid worker or other personnel specified by a Cabinet Order and as set forth in paragraph (2) of this Article, according to periodic night visits or as requested during the night.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Among them, Nichiren Shoshu Sect still insists thatevery other schools, including Nichiro School, and even other Fujimon Schools (later, it took a conciliatory attitude towards Nichiren Sect and did not follow Taiseki-ji Temple) are took as hobo because Nichiren's correct teachings were only passed to dharma lineage linked to Nichido through Nikko and Nichimoku  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Moreover, the control of the Regents was waning, direct Imperial rule was resurging following Emperor Gosanjo ascending the throne, and influence amongst the Minamoto and Heike gradually reversed: parent and child in the Earlier Nine Years' War, subjugation in the Later Three Years' War, standing of class and military leaders, increasing wariness of the Imperial Court towards the deepening trust between regional warriors and MINAMOTO no Yoriie of the Kawachi-Genji (Minamoto clan), and under the rule of Emperor Shirakawa relations gradually began to grow frosty.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



Around that time, when Emperor Gomurakami decided to present a special service reward to Yoshisuke WAKIYA (Yoshisada NITTA's younger brother) who lost the war against the Ashikaga clan in Hokuriku and fled to Yoshino, Saneyo TOIN objected, saying 'It will be the first time to give a special bonus to the head of a defeated army since the case of TAIRA no Koremori who lost the Battle of Fujigawa.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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