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the householdの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 3339


China has announced policy measures for industrial development and for stimulation of consumption, aimed at promoting industries, stabilizing society and expanding domestic demand. Such measures include large-scale economic policy measures at a scale of approximately 4 trillion RMB for the purpose of constructing housing for the low- to medium-income classes and the improvement of rural agricultural areas, such as projects costing 1.5 trillion RMB for accelerating the improvement of important infrastructures including railways, roads, airports and electricity facilities. The measures also include financial aid aimed at encouraging consumption of household electrical appliances, which will be granted for four years from February 2009. In November 2008, South Korea announced the provision of 14 trillion won in total (approximately ¥1.1 trillion) for the Comprehensive Policy Measures to Overcome the Ongoing Financial Crisis, and in January 2009, it announced the Green New Deal project, for which it will spend a total of 50 trillion won (approximately ¥4 trillion) by 2012.例文帳に追加

中国では、鉄道・道路・空港・電力等の重大インフラ整備の加速に1兆5千億元を実施するなど、中低所得者層向け住宅建設や、農村のインフラ整備などに、約4兆元の大規模な景気対策を打ち出したほか、2009年2月から4年間にわたり、家電消費促進のための財政補助を行うなど、産業振興、社会安定、内需拡大を目的として産業振興策や消費刺激策が打ち出されている。 - 経済産業省

It is not given at the chance of the occupational skills development, and because that might be a restriction of starting work, the mother's of fatherless family development of the vocational capability is important. To provide the security during training period, when the employment insurance can not be paid and person has dependents, 120 thousand yen per month byTraining and Life Support Benefit Systemif the person meets the requirement such as the person is main Earner of household.例文帳に追加

母子家庭の母は職業能力開発の機会に恵まれず、また、そのことが就業の制約になっている場合もあることから、職業能力の開発は重要であり、安心して訓練を受けられるようにするため、雇用保険を受給できない場合であっても、主たる生計者であるなど一定の要件を満たせば、扶養家族を有する者に月額12万円を支給などする「訓練・生活支援給付」制度によって、訓練期間中の生活保障を実施しているところである。 - 厚生労働省

In FY2009 revised budgets, for the livelihood protection household where the child is present, ① support for a child and the parents to acquire a daily habit, support the entrance into a school of higher grade and develop the enforcement of "the healthy growing program for the child" to give support for truanting childrenStarting from July 2009 the founding of "learning support costs" for expenses needed for book purchase costs that are necessary for learning in the home such as a reference books or basic education books and extracurricular club activities to be able to be fulfilled.例文帳に追加

平成21年度補正予算において、子どものいる生活保護世帯に対して、①子どもやその親が日常的な生活習慣を身につけるための支援、進学に関する支援、ひきこもりや不登校の子どもに関する支援等を行うための「子どもの健全育成プログラム」の策定・実施、②学習参考書や一般教養図書などの家庭内学習に必要な図書購入費や課外のクラブ活動に要する費用に充てるための「学習支援費」の創設を行うこととし、7月から実施している。 - 厚生労働省

(i) Cabinet Office, the Imperial Household Agency, organs provided for in Article 49, paragraph 1 or 2 of the Act for Establishment of the Cabinet Office (Act No. 89 of 1999), organs provided for in Article 3, paragraph 2 of the National Government Organization Act (Act No. 120 of 1948), organs under the jurisdiction of the Cabinet which were established pursuant to laws, organs established within one of these organs, or the personnel of the above mentioned organs who are authorized by laws to independently exercise such authority; and, 例文帳に追加

一 内閣府、宮内庁、内閣府設置法(平成十一年法律第八十九号)第四十九条第一項若しくは第二項に規定する機関、国家行政組織法(昭和二十三年法律第百二十号)第三条第二項に規定する機関、法律の規定に基づき内閣の所轄の下に置かれる機関若しくはこれらに置かれる機関又はこれらの機関の職員であって法律上独立に権限を行使することを認められた職員 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Although the Imperial Household Agency identifies the Ota Chausuyama Tumulus (large keyhole-shaped tomb mound, 226-meter-long) in 3 Ota, Ibaraki City, Osaka Prefecture as Emperor Keitai's mausoleum, its construction is presumed to date back to about the mid-fifth century, so the accepted notion of today is that his true mausoleum is Imashirozuka Tumulus (large keyhole-shaped tomb mound, 190-meter-long) in Gunge Shinmachi, Takatsuki City, Osaka Prefecture which is estimated to have been built in early sixth century because of the cluster of Haniwa (a clay figure artifact) like the lifelike images of soldiers and horses in the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor, were discovered there. 例文帳に追加

宮内庁は同陵を大阪府茨木市太田三丁目の太田茶臼山古墳(前方後円墳・全長226m)に比定しているが、築造時期は5世紀の中頃とみられており、近年、同府高槻市郡家新町の今城塚古墳(前方後円墳・全長190m)から兵馬俑の如き埴輪群が発見され、6世紀前半の築造と考えられる同古墳を真の継体天皇陵とするのが定説になっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Regarding the debate in recent years on whether the divide is growing, opinion is divided over both the recognition of the facts and their interpretation, and the problem exists that positions may vary according to social conditions, popular opinion and similar factors. Nevertheless, an examination of the Gini coefficient of household income after redistribution, which is one index of the state of income distribution, shows it to be presently rising, providing evidence of growing variation in the income of each household.19)例文帳に追加

格差が拡大しているという近年の議論については、事実認識としてもその評価についても見解の分かれるところであり、また社会状況や国民の意識等によって異なる考え方のあり得る問題であるが、所得分配の状況を示す一つの指標である再分配後の世帯所得についてのジニ係数について見ると、このところ高まってきており、世帯毎の所得のばらつきが拡大している傾向がうかがえる19。 - 経済産業省

In one embodiment, the method comprises: a step of awaiting notification of an impending advertising insert period for a plurality of active televisions in a household; and, a step of selecting an advertising, for each of the active television, from a group of advertising for display on the active television and pushing the selected advertising to the active television for presentation on the active television during the advertising insert period.例文帳に追加

1つの実施形態で、本方法は、世帯内の複数の動作中のテレビジョンのために間近の広告挿入期間の通知を待つステップと、動作中のテレビジョンの各々のために、広告のグループから動作中のテレビジョンでの表示のために1つの広告を選択し、広告挿入期間における動作中のテレビジョンでの提示のために、選択された広告を動作中のテレビジョンにプッシュ型配信するステップとを含む。 - 特許庁

In this way, although the Chinese economy continues to be on a high growth track, in recent years the economy has been increasingly relying on fixed asset investments for its source of power in large part. Looking at the share of fixed asset investments as a proportion of nominal GDP, we see that they are continuing to grow rapidly, in contrast to the rate of household consumption which is stagnating, exceeding 40% of GDP for the first time in 2003. This is an extremely high level, even when comparing figures with the peak of Japans period of high growth in the past.例文帳に追加

このように、中国経済は高成長が続いているものの、近年の成長の原動力の多くを固定資産投資に依存している。固定資産投資の名目GDPに占める割合を見ると、家計消費の比率が低下しているのとは対照的に、2003年には4割を超える水準にまで急速に高まっており、これは過去の日本の高度成長期のピークと比較しても高い水準となっている。 - 経済産業省

In regard to the handling of emergency repairs for common elements in sectional-ownership condominiums, relevant prefectures were notified that the following cases were subject to the government funding within the range of 520,000 yen per household concerned: 1) The entire areas of "proprietary elements and common elements (owned by relevant households)" had been partially destroyed or burned; 2) The emergency repair of the common elements (for example, corridors, stairs, and elevators without which proprietary elements were inaccessible) was indispensable in their daily lives; and 3) Cases in which both 1) and 2) apply. (June 30, 2011)例文帳に追加

住宅の応急修理に関し、区分所有のマンションの共有部分の扱いについて、① 「専有部分及び共有部分(当該世帯の持分)」の全体に関して、半壊又は半焼の被害が生じていること、② 共有部分(例えば、廊下、階段、エレベーターを利用しなければ、専用部分にアクセスできないような部分)の応急修理が当該世帯にとって、日常生活に必要欠くことのできないものであること、③ ①及び②のいずれにも当てはまる場合、当該一世帯当たり52万円の範囲内で国庫負担の対象となることを関係都県に通知(平成23年6月30日) - 厚生労働省


(3) If a prefectural government has paid daycare expenses provided in Article 50 item (vi)-2, or if a municipal government has paid daycare expenses provided in Article 51 item (iii) or (iv), the head of such a prefectural or municipal government may collect said daycare expenses from the referenced person or his/her supporter under duty in the amount to be provided in accordance with the age, etc. of the child pertaining to such Daycare Practice after considering the impact on his/her household finances that will be caused by such collection. 例文帳に追加

3 第五十条第六号の二に規定する保育費用を支弁した都道府県又は第五十一条第三号若しくは第四号に規定する保育費用を支弁した市町村の長は、本人又はその扶養義務者から、当該保育費用をこれらの者から徴収した場合における家計に与える影響を考慮して保育の実施に係る児童の年齢等に応じて定める額を徴収することができる。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


He joined the palace staff in 1076, became Jugoinojo (Junior Fifth Rank, Upper Grade) and Tango no kami (Governor of Tango Province) in 1078, Jushiinoge (Junior Fourth Rank, Lower Grade) in 1081, Bicchu no kami (Governer of Bicchu Province) and Uchujo (Middle Captain of the Right Division of Inner Palace Guards) before 1081, Shoshiinoge (Senior Fourth Rank) in 1084, took the title Chugu Gon no suke (Provisional Assistant Master of the Consort's Household) and Kurodo no to (Head Chamberlain) in 1091, Sangi (councillor) in 1092, Sachujo (Middle Captain of the Left Division of the Inner Palace Guards) and Harima gon no kami (Provisional Governor of Harima Province) in 1093, rose to Jusanmi (Junior Third Rank) in 1096, Shosanmi (Senior Third Rank) in 1097, became Bicchu gon no kami (Provisional Governor of Bicchu Province) in 1098, Gon Chunagon (Provisional vice-counselor of state) in 1102, Shonii (Senior Second Rank) in 1103, and Gon Dainagon (Provisional chief counselor of state) in 1115. 例文帳に追加

承保3年(1076年)侍従、承暦2年(1078年)従五位上兼丹後守、永保元年(1081年)従四位下、備中守(これ以前に少将)、右中将、同4年(1084年)正四位下、寛治5年(1091年)兼中宮権亮、蔵人頭、同6年(1092年)参議、同7年(1093年)左中将兼播磨権守、嘉保3年(1096年)従三位、永長2年(1097年)正三位、承徳2年(1098年)兼備中権守、康和4年(1102年)権中納言、同5年(1103年)正二位、永久(元号)3年(1115年)権大納言。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Under the ritsuryo system, such kinds of zakko are known to have existed as Kudarabe (10 each under Okura-sho [Ministry of the Treasury] and Kuraryo [Palace Storehouse Bureau]), Kudarahe (11under Okura-sho and 10 under Kuraryo), Zokuko (Zoheishi [Weapons-Manufacturing Bureau], and Imonono Tsukasa [Casting Bureau] also has workers dispatched from Zoheishi and Kanuchibe of Kajishi [Smithery Bureau]), Kanuchibe (338 under Kajishi plus 217 for Zokuko of Zoheishi), Hakohe (197 under Kyotoshi [the Ministry of the Sovereign's Household]), Shiko/Umakai (302 under Samaryo [Left Division of Bureau of Horses] and 260 under Umaryo [Right Division of Bureau of Horses]) (government offices which zakko belonged to are shown in parentheses with number indicating the statutory number of zakko, which can be identified in Shikiinryo [law which stipulates duties of the ministries]). 例文帳に追加

律令制下で確認できる雑戸としては、百済手部(大蔵省・内蔵寮に各10)・百済戸(大蔵省11・内蔵寮10)・雑工戸(造兵司、典鋳司にも造兵司・鍛治司鍛戸から出向した者が所属)・鍛戸(鍛治司338・別個に造兵司雑工戸217)・筥戸(筥陶司197)・飼戸/馬甘(左馬寮302・右馬寮260)が存在した(括弧内は所属官司、数字は職員令などで確認可能な法定の戸数である)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Under such situation, the Emperor Konin appointed him to Uchitsuomi, a post whose requirement was Dainagon (chief councilor of state) in principle, treated him equally with ministers (at that time, the Emperor said 'Uchitsuomi's duties are same with those of Dainagon and its treatment follows that of minister,' and a regulation stipulating that Uchitsuomi's court rank and so on was same with Dainagon and its jikifu (vassal household allotted to a courier) was 1000 households, the middle of Dainagon and ministers, was established) and put him into a position of the center of the government by posting him at Daijokan. 例文帳に追加

そこで光仁天皇は良継を大納言を経ずして任命資格のない内臣に任じて大臣と同格扱い(この時「職掌は大納言と同じとし、待遇は大臣に准じる」として官位・禄賜職分雑物は大納言と同格、食封は大納言と大臣の中間である1,000戸とする規則が定められた)として太政官の一員として配置し、名実ともに政府中枢に置いたのである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Great East Japan Earthquake on March 11 was the biggest event during my tenure as the Minister. On that day, together with the Governor of the Bank of Japan, I requested financial institutions to take appropriate financial measures, such as flexibly paying back deposits to people who lost passbooks and seals, and quickly paying insurance claims through simplified procedures. For example, household earthquake insurance claims totaling 1.12 trillion yen had been paid as of August 17. 例文帳に追加

それから、最も大きなエピソードでございましたが、東日本大震災の発生当日(3月11日)、私及び日本銀行総裁の連名で、金融機関に対し、預金通帳や印鑑を紛失した場合における預金の払戻しへの柔軟な対応や保険金の簡易・迅速な支払いなどの「金融上の措置」を適切に講じるよう要請しまして、その一例として家計向け地震保険の支払いは、8月17日現在で既に1兆1,200億円となっております。 - 金融庁

I have a question for Mr. Sato. Earlier, Mr. Mikuniya said the relationship between the household and industrial sectors and the financial sector is becoming increasingly close. Could you tell us what role you hope the financial sector, comprised mainly of banks, will play for the entire Japanese industry? 例文帳に追加

佐藤前長官にお伺いします。先ほど、三國谷長官からは、家計や産業セクターと金融のセクターというのは、ますます密接になっているというお話がありましたけれども、これまでの金融行政の経験から、日本の金融業界、特に銀行を中心とした金融業界というのが、産業全体を見たときにどういう存在であるべきというのを、ある意味、金融業界に対するメッセージというか、どうあってほしいかというようなところを聞かせていただけますでしょうか。 - 金融庁

The facsimile communication system where a wireless control unit (Bluetooth function or the like) mounted on a facsimile terminal always connected to a wired line controls an external terminal (e.g. a digital household electric appliance) identified by a sub address and having a wireless interface identified by key operations to remotely control a function specific thereto via the facsimile terminal for ensuring the security and for the reliability of operations.例文帳に追加

セキュリティ確保と動作の確実性のために、常時有線回線に接続されたファクシミリ端末を介して、上記ファクシミリ端末に搭載されている無線制御ユニット(Bluetooth機能等)が、サブアドレスで特定されている無線インタフェースを有する外部端末を制御し、しかも、キー操作で特定される無線インタフェースを有する上記端末(たとえばデジタル家電)固有の機能を、リモート制御するファクシミリ通信システムである。 - 特許庁

The method for producing a plastic-containing paper at least contains a step to melt the waste thermoplastic material recovered from waste household electric appliances, etc., a step to form the molten plastic to a linear plastic form having a prescribed diameter by injecting into a mold, a step to cut the linear plastic material to a prescribed length and a step to mix the cut plastic pieces with beaten pulp material at a prescribed ratio.例文帳に追加

プラスチック混入紙の製造方法において、家電製品等の廃棄物から回収される熱可塑性の廃プラスチック材を溶融する工程と、溶融されたプラスチックを金型に射出して所定の径を有する線状プラスチックに成形する工程と、前記線状プラスチックを所定の長さに切断する工程と、前記切断されたプラスチック片と叩解されたパルプ材とを所定の比率で混合する工程とを少なくとも含むようにした。 - 特許庁

Electricity shortage in China is said to have derived from demand-side factors - 1) a sharp expansion of production capacity by manufacturers following investment expansion and 2) the diffusion of air-conditioning equipment and other household electric appliances, and supply-side factors ? 3) curbing of the construction of new thermal power plants, 4) the shortage of investment in inter-regional electric power system, 5) discrepancy between price increases for coal, a primary fuel source for power generation, and inflexible pricing of power rates, and 6) drought in the vicinity of the location of hydroelectric power plants.例文帳に追加

中国の電力不足は、需要側の要因として、①投資拡大による製造業の急激な生産能力の拡大、②エアコン等家電製品の普及、供給側の要因として、③新規火力発電所の抑制、④地域間系統に係る投資の不足、⑤主要な発電燃料である石炭価格の上昇と硬直的な電力料金のギャップ、⑥水力発電所所在地における渇水、等が指摘されている。 - 経済産業省

(5) If the applicant and the close relative living in one common household with him have an income not considered as work-related income or pension (e. g. scholarship, benefits related to education, provisions based on social insurance, unemployment allowance, other regular pecuniary benefits, withdrawal of business, letting out of real estate, interest income, exchange gain, dividend income), the postal certificate, bank account statement, cashier's certificate of these incomes or other documents suitable for certifying the income shall be attached.例文帳に追加

(5) 請求人及び世帯を一にする近親者に,働いて得た収入又は年金とみなされない収入(例えば,奨学金,教育関連の給付金,社会保障支給,失業手当,その他の定期的な金銭的給付,事業撤退,不動産賃貸,利子収入,為替利得,配当収入)がある場合は,郵便証明書,銀行口座明細書,出納係によるこれらの収入の証明書又は収入を証明するに相応しい他の書類を添付しなければならない。 - 特許庁

A household hydrogen gas manufacturing power generation system 10 is equipped with a reformer 16, a hydrogen purification device 20, a power generation tank 32 for supplying hydrogen gas to the stationary fuel cell 36, filling tanks 34a, 34b for supplying hydrogen gas to a fuel cell vehicle, and an ECU 44 controlling switching a target for supplying hydrogen gas to the the power generation tank 32 and the filling tanks 34a, 34b.例文帳に追加

家庭用水素ガス製造発電システム10は、改質装置16と、水素精製装置20と、定置型燃料電池36に水素ガスを供給するための発電用タンク32と、燃料電池車両に前記水素ガスを供給するための充填タンク34a、34bと、前記水素ガスの供給先を前記発電用タンク32と前記充填タンク34a、34bとに切り替え制御する制御ECU44とを備える。 - 特許庁

When compared with 2000, the total exports nearly tripled, and the growth of the following items is particularly large: computer-related products (HDDs, etc.) (up 6.5times from 2000), automobile-related items, such as passenger vehicles (up by 33.0 times from 2000),cargo vehicles (pickup trucks, etc.) (up by 4.2 times from 2000), and automotive parts (up by 8.2 times from 2000), and household electric appliances/general machine-related products, such as air conditioners (up by 3.2 times from 2000), digital cameras (up by 10.5 times from 2000), printers (up by 109.1 times from 2000), and refrigerators (up by 4.5 times from 2000). It is clear from this that these items have rapidly become major export items through the 2000s.例文帳に追加

また、2000 年との比較でみると、輸出総額は3 倍弱に増えており、中でもコンピュータ関連製品(HDD 等)(対2000 年比6.5 倍)や乗用車(同33.0 倍)・貨物自動車(ピックアップトラック等)(同4.2 倍)・自動車部品(同8.2 倍)といった自動車関連品目、エアコン(同3.2 倍)・デジカメ(同10.5 倍)・プリンター(同109.1 倍)・冷蔵庫(同4.5 倍)などの家電・一般機械関連品目の伸びが大きくなっており、これらの品目が2000 年代を通じて急速に主要輸出品目となってきたことが確認できる。 - 経済産業省

The BtoC e-commerce market in Japan is smaller than that in the U.S. However, the marketsize is relatively large in sectors such as information and communications, which refers todigital content distribution and software sales; and general retail, which includes leadingmail-order houses selling a wide variety of goods; electrical appliances, which mainly consistsof personal computers and household appliances; and hotel & travel. This suggests that salesvia the Internet are growing in these sectors ahead of other sectors.例文帳に追加

日本における消費者向けEC は、市場全体としては米国よりも小さいものの、デジタルコンテンツ配信や各種ソフトウェア販売などの「情報通信業」や、各種商品を販売する大手通信販売を含む「総合小売」、パソコンや家電などの「電気製品」、「宿泊・旅行」における市場規模は他の業種に比べて高くなっており、こういった業種でインターネットを利用した販売の拡大が先行していることが分かります。 - 経済産業省

A household energy management system comprises: voltage comparison means for comparing a system voltage measured by voltage measurement means measuring a voltage value of natural energy generation means with a first reference voltage; and device control means for causing electricity accumulation means to start charging and causing hot-water-storage boiling means to start storing hot water if the voltage comparison means determines the system voltage exceeds the first reference voltage.例文帳に追加

本発明の実施形態における家庭用エネルギー管理システムは、自然エネルギー発電手段の電圧値を計測する電圧計測手段により計測された系統電圧と、第1の基準電圧とを比較する電圧比較手段と、電圧比較手段により系統電圧が第1の基準電圧を超えたと判断された場合、蓄電手段の充電および貯湯式給湯手段の貯湯を開始させる機器制御手段と、を備える。 - 特許庁

Agriculture tax, for example, had been levied based on standard farm production? the amount of an average grain production ?regardless of each farm household’s income levels as minimum taxable income was not applied to farmers, a taxation system that makes poor households poorer. In imposing agriculture tax, China’s provincial governments have leeway in levying extra tax as a way of securing financial sources for infrastructure improvement. Furthermore, farm house holds have to shoulder various farming expenses on their own. All these necessary expenses have posed bigger financial burden to low-income earners in farm districts, compared with urban households and high-income earners in farm districts, worsening the poverty of rural areas in China.例文帳に追加

例えば、①農業税は最低課税限度額が存在せず、穀類作物の平年生産量を基準に課税されていたことから、貧困層にとって、より厳しい税制となっていたこと、②農業税には地方政府が自前で行うインフラ整備のための財源として、付加税を自由にかけることができたこと、③農業経営に係る費用負担は各家計の負担となっていること、等の必要経費が、都市部家計及び農村部の高所得家計に比べて農村部の低所得家計にとって大きな負担となり、農村部の貧困に拍車をかけた。 - 経済産業省

Of Chinese based global companies, in addition to BtoC related companies such as Haier, Shanghai automotive Industry from the household electronics appliances or automobile industry, BtoB related companies such as BYD auto or Hangyang Co., Ltd from component and capital goods sector also achieved a rapid growth, Taking lithium batteries, for example, beside Korean based global companies, a Chinese based global company, BYD, is now working on a tie up with an automobile company with an envision of next generation automobile market. (Refer to the Figure 3-2-1-23 as above).例文帳に追加

中国系グローバル企業としては、ハイアール、上海汽車のような家電、自動車等のBtoC関連企業に加え、比亜迪(BYD)、瀋陽機床集団のような部材や資本財等のBtoB関連企業も急成長を遂げている。例えば、リチウムイオン電池では、韓国系グローバル企業に加え、中国系グローバル企業のBYDが、次世代自動車市場を見据え、自動車メーカーとの戦略的な提携を進めている(前掲第3-2-1-23 表参照)。 - 経済産業省

(3) When the amount obtained by deducting the total amount of Institutional Benefits for Disabled Children for one and the same month as calculated pursuant to the provision of the preceding paragraph from the total amount of expenses (excluding Specified Expenses) spent for the Designated Institutional Support provided to a Recognized Beneficiary Guardian in said specific month exceeds the amount specified by a Cabinet Order by taking into account the impact on the household finances of said Recognized Beneficiary Guardian and other circumstances, the amount of Institutional Benefits for Disabled Children for said one and the same month shall be equal to the amount specified by a Cabinet Order that shall be within the range more than ninety-hundredths (90/100) of the amount of expenses calculated pursuant to the provision of the preceding paragraph and not more than the full amount (100/100) thereof, notwithstanding the provision of the preceding paragraph. 例文帳に追加

3 施設給付決定保護者が同一の月に受けた指定施設支援に要した費用(特定費用を除く。)の額の合計額から、前項の規定により算定された当該同一の月における障害児施設給付費の合計額を控除して得た額が、当該施設給付決定保護者の家計に与える影響その他の事情をしん酌して政令で定める額を超えるときは、同項の規定にかかわらず、当該同一の月における障害児施設給付費の額は、同項の規定により算定した費用の額の百分の九十に相当する額を超え百分の百に相当する額以下の範囲内において政令で定める額とする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(i) Ninety-hundredths (90/100) of the amount calculated with regard to the referenced Institutional Medical Care for Disabled Children (excluding dietary treatment (which shall mean dietary treatment provided in Article 63 paragraph (2) of the Health Insurance Act (Act No. 70 of 1922); the same shall apply hereinafter in this paragraph); the same shall apply hereinafter in this item) by applying the calculation method for the amount of expenses spent for medical treatment covered by health insurance; provided, however, that, when ten-hundredths (10/100) of the total amount of expenses spent by the referenced Recognized Beneficiary Guardian for Institutional Medical Care for Disabled Children in a specific month exceeds the amount provided by a Cabinet Order by taking into account the impact on the household finances of said Recognized Beneficiary Guardian and other circumstances, the amount calculated pursuant to the provisions of a Cabinet Order shall apply, which shall be within a range of the amount calculated with regard to said Institutional Medical Care for Disabled Children by applying the calculation method for the amount of expenses spent for medical treatment covered by health insurance; and 例文帳に追加

一 当該障害児施設医療(食事療養(健康保険法 (大正十一年法律第七十号)第六十三条第二項 に規定する食事療養をいう。以下この項において同じ。)を除く。以下この号において同じ。)につき健康保険の療養に要する費用の額の算定方法の例により算定した額の百分の九十に相当する額。ただし、当該施設給付決定保護者が同一の月における障害児施設医療に要した費用の額の合計額の百分の十に相当する額が、当該施設給付決定保護者の家計に与える影響その他の事情をしん酌して政令で定める額を超えるときは、当該障害児施設医療につき健康保険の療養に要する費用の額の算定方法の例により算定した額の範囲内において政令で定めるところにより算定した額 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(i) In response to a filing of complaint against the operations of administrative organs (herein referred to as Cabinet Office, Imperial Household Agency and the organs prescribed in Article 49, paragraph (1) and (2) of the Act for Establishment of the Cabinet Office (Act No. 89 of 1999) and the organs prescribed in Article 3, paragraph (2) of National Government Organization Act (Act No. 120 of 1948) and the public corporations specified in the Cabinet Order among those which are mentioned in from Article 4, item (xix) (a) to (c) of the Act for Establishment of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (Act No. 91 of 1999). Hereinafter referred to as same as this), to give necessary advice to the complainant and to inform the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications or the administrative organs and the like concerned of the complaint in accordance with the instruction of the Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications. 例文帳に追加

一 行政機関等(内閣府、宮内庁並びに内閣府設置法(平成十一年法律第八十九号)第四十九条第一項及び第二項に規定する機関並びに国家行政組織法(昭和二十三年法律第百二十号)第三条第二項に規定する機関並びに総務省設置法(平成十一年法律第九十一号)第四条第十九号イからハまでに規定する法人で政令で定めるものをいう。以下同じ。)の業務に関する苦情の相談に応じて、総務大臣の定めるところに従い、申出人に必要な助言をし、及び総務省又は当該関係行政機関等にその苦情を通知すること。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(i) the amount after the amount determined by the Minister of Health, Labour, and Welfare after considering the status of food expenses for an average household budget, the income status of the Specified Person Admitted to a Facility, and other circumstances (hereinafter referred to as "Maximum Allowance for Meal Expense" in this Article and the following Article, paragraph (2)) is deducted from the amount of expenses determined by the Minister of Health, Labour, and Welfare after considering the average expenses required to provide meals at a Specified Facility, etc., for Insured Long-Term Care (in a case when said amount exceeds the actual expenses of providing said meals, the amount shall be the actual expenses of providing said meals; herein referred to as "Base Cost for Meal Expenses" in this Article and in the following Article, paragraph (2)); 例文帳に追加

一 特定介護保険施設等における食事の提供に要する平均的な費用の額を勘案して厚生労働大臣が定める費用の額(その額が現に当該食事の提供に要した費用の額を超えるときは、当該現に食事の提供に要した費用の額とする。以下この条及び次条第二項において「食費の基準費用額」という。)から、平均的な家計における食費の状況及び特定入所者の所得の状況その他の事情を勘案して厚生労働大臣が定める額(以下この条及び次条第二項において「食費の負担限度額」という。)を控除した額 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(i) the amount remaining after the amount determined by the Minister of Health, Labour, and Welfare after considering the status of food expenses for an average household budget, the income status of the Specified Person Admitted to a Facility, and other circumstances (herein referred to as "Maximum Allowance for Meal Expense" in this Article and paragraph (2) of the following Article) is deducted from the amount of expenses determined by the Minister of Health, Labour, and Welfare after considering the average expenses required to provide meals at a Long-Term Care Preventive Service Specified Provider (in a case when said amount exceeds the actual expenses of providing said meals, this amount shall be the amount of the actual expenses of providing said meals, herein referred to as "Base Cost for Meal Expense" in this Article and paragraph (2) of the following Article); 例文帳に追加

一 特定介護予防サービス事業者における食事の提供に要する平均的な費用の額を勘案して厚生労働大臣が定める費用の額(その額が現に当該食事の提供に要した費用の額を超えるときは、当該現に食事の提供に要した費用の額とする。以下この条及び次条第二項において「食費の基準費用額」という。)から、平均的な家計における食費の状況及び特定入所者の所得の状況その他の事情を勘案して厚生労働大臣が定める額(以下この条及び次条第二項において「食費の負担限度額」という。)を控除した額 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 30 (1) If a person (excluding persons to whom children are entrusted pursuant to laws and regulations and persons who merely lodge children) starts living together with a child other than children within the fourth degree of kinship at the person's own home (including the case of a single-person household) with the intention of living together for more than 3 months (or more than 1 month, if the child is an infant) or lives together at the person's own home for consecutive 2 months or more (or 20 days or more, if the child is an infant) by separating the child from the person who has parental authority or the guardian of a minor, that person living together shall notify the prefectural governor through the mayor of municipality within 3 months (or within 1 month, if the child is an infant) from the date of start of such living together; provided, however, that this shall not apply when such living together is discontinued within this notification period. 例文帳に追加

第三十条 四親等内の児童以外の児童を、その親権を行う者又は未成年後見人から離して、自己の家庭(単身の世帯を含む。)に、三月(乳児については、一月)を超えて同居させる意思をもつて同居させた者又は継続して二月以上(乳児については、二十日以上)同居させた者(法令の定めるところにより児童を委託された者及び児童を単に下宿させた者を除く。)は、同居を始めた日から三月以内(乳児については、一月以内)に、市町村長を経て、都道府県知事に届け出なければならない。ただし、その届出期間内に同居をやめたときは、この限りでない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

His children played many important roles in the imperial court: Yoshiaki KAJUJI became Sangi (councilor); Kunitoyo SHIBAYAMA who was adopted by Gon Dainagon Mochitoyo SHIBAYAMA became Kudai-taifu (post of imperial household ministry); Tameoki REIZEI who was adopted by Gon Dainagon Tamesato REIZEI served at Konoefu (the headquarters of the inner palace guards); a daughter became the wife of Gon Chunagon (provisional middle councilor) Yasuchika HORIKAWA; Tadako KAJUJI (Higashikyogokuin) became Jusango and Naishi no suke (handmaid) for Emperor Kokaku and bore Emperor Ninko; Toshiaki BOJO who was adopted by Gon Dainagon Toshichika BOJO became Gon Dainagon as well; Tokuko KAJUJI became Naishi no suke for Emperor Ninko; a daughter became the wife of Gon Dainagon Tatefusa MADENOKOJI: a daughter became the wife of Gon Chunagon Kinnori OGIMACHISANJO; a daughter became the wife of Jun-daijin (vice minister) Sukenaru HINO; a daughter became the wife of Gon Dainagon Tokiakira HIRAMATSU, a daughter became the wife of Michinori ANDO who was Iga no kami (governor of Iga Province), Tsuke-garo (attendant chief retainer) of the Kii family, and the lord of the Kii Tanabe Domain; Tsunechika KAJUJI attained Jugoinoge (junior fifth rank, lower grade); a daughter became the wife of Chunagon (middle councilor) Nagamasa TAKAKURA. 例文帳に追加

実子に、参議・勧修寺良顕、宮内大輔・芝山国豊(権大納言・芝山持豊の養子)、近衛府・冷泉為起(権大納言・冷泉為訓の養子)、権中納言・堀河康親の室、東京極院・勧修寺ただ子(准三后、光格天皇の典侍、仁孝天皇の生母)、権大納言・坊城俊明(権大納言・坊城俊親の養子)、勧修寺徳子(仁孝天皇の典侍)、権大納言・万里小路建房の室、権中納言・正親町三条公則の室、准大臣・日野資愛の室、権大納言・平松時章の室、伊賀守・安藤直則(紀伊家付家老、紀伊田辺藩主)の室、従五位下・勧修寺経睦、中納言・高倉永雅の室など。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

(1) Western clothes became more popular than ever in Japan; (2) there brought about a tendency to deny the previous culture because of the loss of the war, and, to make the matter worse, the fundoshi was something the military forced them to wear; (3) because of the advancement of industrialization, people moved from agricultural communities to urban areas to change the traditional family form to a nuclear family, and thus it made it hard to continue the culture in which wearing fundoshi was often symbolically celebrated as a rite of passage to be a grown-up man; (4) as women were encouraged to participate in society, household chores were simplified and thus the time for sewing fundoshi at home became limited; (5) manufacturers of fundoshi were practically decreased and it made it hard for people to get fundoshi at stores; and (6) new types of undergarments, such as a brief type and a trunks type of underpants, appeared at low prices, those functional, and were seen fashionable, undergarments became popular mainly among young people. 例文帳に追加

日本人の洋装化が一段と進んだこと、敗戦で軍隊で強制されていたことの嫌悪感から旧文化が否定される風潮になったこと、日本の工業化の進展で農村部から都市部に人口の移動が起こり、核家族化が進行して「褌祝」の私的祭事に象徴される褌継承の文化が断絶したこと、女性の社会進出で家事が簡略化されて自家で縫製する機会がなくなったこと、製造販売する業者も少なく店頭に並ばず、入手性に難があったこと、ブリーフ、トランクス等の新しい下着が廉価で出現して、機能性だけでなくファッション性のある下着が若者を中心に普及したことなどである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Ushosho (minor captain of the Right Division of Inner Palace Guards) in 1105 (12 years old), Jugoinojo (Junior Fifth Rank, Upper Grade) in 1106, combined with Suo no suke (vice governor of Suo Province), ranked Shogoinoge (Senior Fifth Rank, Lower Grade) in 849, Jushiinoge (Junior Fourth Rank, Lower Grade) and Juishiinojo (Junior Fourth Rank, Upper Grade) in 1109, Shoshiinoge (Lower Senior Fourth Rank) combined with Mimasaku Gon no suke (vice governor of Mimasaku Province) in 1111, chujo (middle captain of the Right division of Inner Palace Guards) in 1115, combined with Bicchu no suke (vice governor of Bicchu Province) in 1116,Sangi (councilor) in 1119 (26 years old), combined with Mimasaku Gon no kami (governor of Mimasaku Province) in 1120, Jusanmi (Junior Third Rank) in 1121, Chunagon (vice-councilor of state) in 1122, Shosanmi (Senior Third Rank) in 1129, combined with Uemon no kami (captain of the Right Division of Outer Palace Guards) in 1130, Kebiishi no betto (superintendent of the Imperial Police) and Chunagon in 1131, Saemon no kami (captain of the Left Division of Outer Palace Guards) in 1132, Junii (Junior Second Rank) in 1134, Shonii (Senior Second Rank) and Dainagon (chief councilor of state) in 1136, Sadaisho (major captain of the Left Division of Inner Palace Guards) in 1140, combined with Kogogu-daibu (master of the Empress's household) in 1141, Minister of the Palace in 1149 (58 years old), Minister of the Right in 1150, and entering priesthood on July 17, 1154. 例文帳に追加

長治2年、右少将(12歳)、同3年、従五位上、兼周防介、嘉祥2年、正五位下、天仁2年、従四位下、従四位上、天永2年、兼美作権介、正四位下、永久3年、右中将、同4年、兼備中介、元永2年、参議(26歳)、同3年、兼美作権守、保安2年、従三位、同3年、中納言、大治4年、正三位、同5年、兼右衛門督、同6年、検非違使別当、中納言、天承2年、左衛門督、長承3年、従二位、保延2年、正二位、大納言、同6年、左大将、永治元年、兼皇后宮大夫、久安5年、内大臣(58歳)、同6年、右大臣、仁平4年5月28日出家。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The underlying factors behind this electric power shortage include, on the demand side, i) overinvestment and overproduction in electric intensive industries such as steel and aluminum, ii) growing penetration rate of household electric appliances such as air conditioners, and iii) modernization in the commercial and distribution fields in urban areas (newly built large-scale commercial facilities and convenience stores). Although demand for electric power has surged, supply side factors behind the electric power shortage include i) plans to build new electric power facilities were delayed and investment restriction measures were taken as a result of the temporary oversupply of electric power, caused by economic stagnation following the currency and financial crisis in Asia, ii) there was a restricted supply of coal that could be used as fuel (such as abandonment of small coal mines due to industrial structural reform and insufficient railway transport capacity), and iii) supply did not keep up with demand because of such issues as the decline in the operating rate of hydroelectric power plants due to water shortages, thereby widening the supply-demand gap.例文帳に追加

こうした電力不足の背景には、需要サイドの要因として、①鉄鋼・アルミ等の電力多消費型産業による過剰投資・過剰生産、②エアコン等の家電製品の普及率上昇、③都市部の商業・流通分野の近代化(大型商業施設やコンビニの新設)等があり、電力需要が急速に拡大した一方で、供給サイドの要因として、①アジア通貨・金融危機以降の景気低迷により一時的に電力供給過剰となったため、新規発電設備計画を延期し投資抑制策がとられたこと、②燃料用石炭の供給逼迫(産業構造改革による小型炭坑の閉山、鉄道輸送能力不足等)、③水不足による水力発電所稼働率の低下等の問題によって供給が追いつかず、需給ギャップが拡大したことが挙げられる。 - 経済産業省

Another point that I would like to make is closer to home. In my opinion, it is critical for a politician to have a bird's eye and an insect's eyeboth of these. Having been a politician for 25 years, I feel that it is imperative that politics in a democratic nation have an insect's eye to really look at things up close. I might get a disapproving look if I use the expression "an insect's eye" in this context but, right after the Amended Money Lending Business Act came into full force, we established the Amended Money Lending Business Act Follow-Up Team, which was in all likelihood an unprecedented move since the Meiji era. While 15 million people use services of the money lending industry, we enacted, with unanimous support, a law designed to prevent multiple debtors from being generated. As the level of per-household income dropped by one million yen amid deflation notably in the past ten years, we hear, and really hear, suffering voices and sighs of people in various forms of livelihood hardships attributable to those difficult times. 例文帳に追加

それからもう1点は身近な話でございますけれども、私は政治家というのは鳥の目と虫の目が大事だと思っております。両方です。やはり本当に身近な虫の目もないと、民主主義国家において政治は駄目だと、私は25年させていただいて、そう思っておりまして。「虫の目」と言ったらおしかりいただくかもしれませんけれども、やはり改正貸金業法の(完全施行)後、こんなことは明治以来、多分、例がないと思うのですが、施行したすぐ後に改正貸金業法フォローアップチームを作りました。これは1,500万人の方が貸金業を利用しておられる中で、全会一致で多重債務者を防ごうという法律を作ったわけでございます。特にこの10年間、デフレの中で1世帯当たり100万円、所得が減ったわけでございますから、そういった時代において、現実に色々な一人一人の生活の本当にうめき声やため息が聞こえてくるわけでございます。 - 金融庁

54 Mr. Arkhom Termpittayapaisith, Secretary General of NESDE in his speech titled "Thailand's Future Development and Water Management Plans," given at the "Seminar on Investment in Thailand: Post-Flood Investment Environment Related to Thai Economy and Japanese Companies" co-hosted by the Board of Investment (BOI) of Thailand and JETRO held in Nagoya on March 8, 2012, mentioned five significant damages caused by the 2011 flood:(A) production chains of manufacturing sector and logistics systems, (B) contraction of household expenditure due to high inflation, slowdown in revenues of agriculturalists, decline in investors' confidence, (C) contraction of investments in construction and machinery and equipment sector, (D) contracted value of Thailand's exports due to the damage of production bases and the economic slowdown of trading partners, and (E) decline in the number of foreign tourists例文帳に追加

54 「タイにおける今後の開発と水管理計画」について講演を行ったタイ国家経済社会開発庁(NESDB)のアーコム長官は、今年3 月8 日に名古屋で開催されたタイ投資委員会(BOI)・JETRO 他主催の「タイ投資セミナー~洪水後のタイ経済と日本企業を取り巻く投資環境~」において、①製造業の生産チェーンと物流システム、②インフレによる家計支出の縮小、農家の収入減少、投資家の信頼低下、③建設・機械及び機械装置分野の投資縮小、④生産拠点の被災によるタイの輸出額の縮小、貿易相手国の景気減退、⑤外国人旅行客数の5点をあげている。 - 経済産業省

It is a document that lodged a very outright criticism against the fact that excessive competition policies implemented by Mr. Koizumi, or Mr. Takenaka, led to a considerable loss of Japan's social stability, including the so-called safety nets. As Policy Research Committee Chair (of the PNP), I wrote that point at the very beginning of the six items in the common policy platform, which was put together in the run-up to the election, and I also articulated in writing that even after the change of government, Mr. Koizumi's excessive competition policies had substantially damaged various social safety nets or regional economies. Further still, the three-party agreement spelled out that the per-household income level dropped by one million yen in the course of ten years during which the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) was in power. While I may not use expressions as sharp as those of (PNP) Chief Kamei, I am still intending to take a firm stance, keeping in mind the original intention behind the change of government, in addition to the points I've just made. 例文帳に追加

これは、民主党、当時社民党、国民新党でございまして、どちらにも小泉さん、あるいは竹中さんの行われた過度の競争政策によって、日本のいわゆるセーフティネットをはじめ、非常に社会の安定性が失われたということを、本当に真っ向から批判した文書でございまして、たまたま私は(国民新党の)政調会長でございましたから、選挙の前の6日間の当面の共通政策6つの中でも一番最初にそのことが書いてありまして、なおかつ政権が交代した後もそのことをきちっと小泉さんの過度の競争政策と申しますか、それが非常に社会のいろいろなセーフティネット、あるいは地域の経済、そういったことを傷めたということを明記してありますし、なおかつ当時自由民主党の政権でしたか、10年間で1世帯当たり100万円の所得が減ったということもきちっと3党合意には明記してありますし、そういったことを踏まえて、私も亀井(国民新党)党首ほど表現は厳しくはないかと思いますけれども、きちっとそういった原点を踏まえて政権交代の原点を踏まえてしっかりやっていきたいというふうに思っております。 - 金融庁


Actions include: infrastructure investment (Brazil, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, South Africa); supporting research, education and skills development and eliminating tariffs on machinery and manufacturing inputs (Canada); reform of pricing for factors of production, promote market-based interest rate reform in an orderly manner and gradually achieve RMB capital account convertibility as stated in its current 5-year plan (China); structural reforms in the services sector to boost productivity (France, Germany, Italy, Korea); tax reform aimed at a more employment-friendly taxation (Germany, Italy); raising standards of disclosure of information by financial institutions (Russia); phasing out wasteful and distortive subsidies in the medium term, while providing targeted support for the poor (India, Indonesia); reforms to energy efficiency and greater use of renewable and domestic energy resources (Turkey), agriculture (Argentina); ; enhanced regional integration to promote trade and investment (South Africa); improved practices and enhanced oversight of the short-term financing markets and reforms to help promote a rise in household savings as a share of GDP (US); transitioning to a clean energy economy through effective carbon price mechanism (Australia) and, efforts to promote green growth (Korea). 例文帳に追加

行動には,インフラ投資(ブラジル,インド,インドネシア,メキシコ,サウジアラビア,南アフリカ),研究,教育及び職能開発の支援,及び,機械類と製造原料への関税の撤廃(カナダ),現在の5ヵ年計画に記載された,生産要素の価格形成における改革,市場に基づいた金利改革の秩序だった手法による促進,及び人民元の資本勘定自由化の漸進的な達成(中国),生産性を高めるためのサービス部門における構造改革(フランス,ドイツ,イタリア,韓国),より雇用に配慮した税体系を目指す税制改革(ドイツ,イタリア),金融機関の情報開示基準の向上(ロシア),貧困層へ対象を絞った支援を提供しつつ,無駄で市場歪曲的な補助金の中期的な縮小(インド,インドネシア),エネルギーの効率性と再生可能及び国内のエネルギー資源の利用拡大に向けた改革(トルコ),農業部門改革(アルゼンチン),貿易・投資促進のための地域統合の強化(南アフリカ),短期金融市場に係る慣行の改善及び監督の強化,並びに対GDP比の家計貯蓄率の増加の促進に資する改革(米国),効果的な炭素価格メカニズムを通じたクリーン・エネルギー経済への移行(オーストラリア),グリーンな成長を促進する取組(韓国)を含む。 - 財務省


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