
「your」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(906ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索










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Then, Shaka said to him, 'Your mother is highly guilty. She has not done any favors to others and has been so selfish that she fell into Gaki-do.' and 'Prepare something special and recite sutra on July 15 after many priests finish the 90 days ascetic trainings of rainy season, and pray for her from the heart.' 例文帳に追加

すると釈迦は『お前の母の罪はとても重い。生前は人に施さず自分勝手だったので餓鬼道に落ちた』として、『多くの僧が九十日間の雨季の修行を終える七月十五日に、ご馳走を用意して経を読誦し、心から供養しなさい。』と言った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is prescribed in the Kushiki-ryo (law on state documentary forms) in the Taiho Code, and it says that ketsuji should be used when words such as the following appear: 'a grand shrine,' 'the Imperial tomb for a certain emperor,' 'the son of Heaven', 'an Imperial carriage,' 'shosho,' 'chokushi,' 'an Imperial edict and Imperial order,' 'an emperor's cultivating his or her virtue,' 'Emperor's blessings,' 'Emperor's grace,' 'Emperor's words,' 'Your Imperial Majesty,' 'the Emperor's residence,' 'an Empress,' 'the Imperial Court,' 'the Crown Prince,' 'His or Her Imperial Highness.' 例文帳に追加

大宝律令公式令に定めがあり、具体的には「大社」「○○陵」「乗輿」「車駕」「詔書」「勅旨」「明詔」「聖化」「天恩」「慈恩」「慈旨」「御(至尊)」「闕庭」「中宮」「朝廷」「春宮」「殿下」などの語に対して用いるべきとある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

A good example is Ganjiro NAKAMURA I, who performed the same Kabuki play in a different way every day, and who scolded his son Ganjiro II (Senjaku I at that time) for performing "Kamiji" as he had learned from his father, saying, "Why you perform as you were taught? There is no ingenious thought of your own." 例文帳に追加

初代中村鴈治郎が同じ狂言を毎日違う演じ方をおこない、子息の二代目鴈治郎(当時は初代扇雀)が父の教えられたとおりに『紙治』を演じたとき「何で教わったままにするんや。お前の工夫はないやないか。」と叱った事などは、その好例である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

For your information, Nihon Sakasho Kenkyukai has the opinion that the classification of taste using "amai/karai" and "tanrei/hojun" as coordinate axes has no practical meaning and uses the following four-category method using "strong/weak fragrance" and "much/little taste" as new coordinate axes. 例文帳に追加

ちなみに日本酒匠研究会では、「甘い/辛い」「淡麗/濃醇」を座標軸とする味の分類には実用性がないとして、温度や料理、酒器を連想しやすい「香りが高い/低い」「味が濃い/淡い」を新たな座標軸とし、次のような四分法を用いている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Typical examples of Wasanbon sweet cakes include the following: one called 'Uchimono,' which is made with a similar recipe to that of Rakugan (a hard, dainty sweet made of soybeans and rice flour mixed with sugar); one made by wrapping a pair of hemispherical Wasanbon sweet cakes in Japanese paper and giving it a twist so that it looks like a shuttlecock used in a Japanese game called Hanetsuki (similar to battledore and shuttlecock); and one that can be carried around in your pocket once it has been wrapped in pocket paper. 例文帳に追加

代表的なものとしては落雁と似た製法による打ちもの、半球状に押し固めた二つ一組を和紙に包んでひねり羽根つきの羽根に似せたもの、懐紙に包んで懐に入れて持ち歩けるものがある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The expression 'meate ga aru' is used to mean that you have an end or intention because fixing your sights gives rise to the expectation of hitting the target or prey, and the state of expectation is called "meate ga aru" or "ate ga aru'" and such uses are thought to have spread. 例文帳に追加

「目当てがある」は、心積もりがあるという意味で用いられ、照準を合わせることで的に当たる期待、獲物に当たる期待が生じることから、期待できる状態を(目当てがある)(あてがある)と称する使われ方にひろがったと思われる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Your master, the Judge Takasada ENYA had some disagreement with my lord, Mr. Moronao, who drew his sword and slashed him in the palace and it ended up with the judge's mansion being closed and him being carried as a criminal on a palanquin. 例文帳に追加

うぬが主人の塩谷判官高貞と、おらが旦那の師直公と、何か殿中で、ベッちやくちやくつちやくちやと話しあひするその中に、ちいちや刀をちよいと抜いて、ちよいと切つた科によつて、屋敷は閉門、網乗物にてエッサッサエッサッサエッサエッサッサ - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1577, Kenmotsu MIZUNO presented whale meat to Nobunaga ODA, and for this, Nobunaga ODA returned a message including the following description, thanking Mizuno for the present: "I received a pack of whale meat. I am delighted with your kindness. We'll talk more when you visit me. By Nobunaga ODA, on February 13, 1577." 例文帳に追加

1577年(天正5年)水野監物が織田信長に鯨肉を贈った、その返礼が信長よりなされており「鯨一折到 来候細々懇 情別而悦入候 猶参上之時 可申候也 正月十六日信長」という内容の感状が書かれている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

For your information, in the United States, the situation that a half-eaten food comes out of the mouth is considered to be very bad manners, therefore, according to an extension of the idea that people should bring food to their mouths mouthful by mouthful, they cut them into small pieces on the plate and scoop by spoon. 例文帳に追加

ちなみにアメリカ合衆国では、口から食べかけの料理がはみ出している状態が大変な無作法と考えられており、料理は一口ずつ口に運ぶものだという考えの延長で、皿の上でどんな料理でも細かく切り刻みスプーンですくう。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


As the prince dreamed of cherry blossoms in full glory on one winter day and asked Hinoo no Kakujo, a high-ranking disciple of an En no gyoja (semi-legendary holy man noted for his practice of mountain asceticism during the second half of the seventh century) for its meaning, Hinoo no Kakujo answered, 'Cherry blossoms are said to be the king of flowers and the dream is a good omen of your accession to the throne in the near future.' 例文帳に追加

ある冬の日に桜が咲き誇っている夢を見た皇子が役行者の高弟・日雄角乗(ひのおのかくじょう)に訊ねたところ、「桜の花は花の王と云われ,近々皇位に着くよい知らせです」と答えた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Honen advocated Senju-nenbutsu based on a verse in 'Sanzengi' from Zendo's "Kangyosho (Kanmuryoju-kyosho)" that says, 'Repeat the name of the Amida Buddha with all of your heart, never forget the Buddha when you are walking, staying still, sitting or sleeping, at any time, then you will have the correct actions, in compliance with the wish of the Buddha for the salvation of all living things.' 例文帳に追加

法然が専修念仏を唱道したのは、善導の『観経疏』(観無量寿経疏)「散善義」の中の、「一心に弥陀の名号を専念して、行住坐臥に、時節の久近を問はず、念々に捨てざる者は、是を正定の業と名づく、彼の仏願に順ずるが故に」という文からである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As I have become uncertain of the strength of my heart, I've resolved not to dwell on the things of the past, and not to send letters to your door of tidings from whatever port I may find myself at; I beseech you not to think of my lack of correspondence as neglect or a lack of regard. 例文帳に追加

心弱さもどのようであるかと我ながら自信がないから、今後は何事も思い捨てて、どこの海にあってもあなたのところへ手紙を出したりするまいと決心しているので、おろそかに思って便りもしないとは思わないで下さい。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Yasutoki was deeply moved and, with tears in his eyes, said, 'He is a good loser indeed. Even in what appears to be a lost cause, people usually make excuses. But you have admitted that you lost. Your attitude is truly great, and you are an honest person. I have supervised trials for a long time as the regent, but I have never experienced such pleasantness as this.' 例文帳に追加

泰時は「見事な負けっぷりだ。明らかな敗訴でも言い訳をするのが普通なのに、自分で敗訴を認めた貴殿は実に立派で正直な人だ。執権として長い間裁判をやってきたが、こんなに嬉しい事は初めてだ」と言って涙ぐんで感動した - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

I understand that you are very busy with your own studies and work, however, there is not other talented person among the students that complete this book, so I earnestly request you to write the annotation from paragraph 151 to the end of the book. 例文帳に追加

貴君御事、ご自身御著述御多端なる御事は十分御察し申し居り候へ共、御門人中に、差当り外に御依頼致す可き御仁之無く候間、なにとぞ右第百五十一段より末迄の所、御註解成し下されたく御頼み申し候。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, it is well known that Tadatsugu was harshly criticized by Ieyasu saying, 'You favor your son after all,' and thus blamed implicitly for his failure in the Nobuyasu incident (but, since there is a different view on the Nobuyasu incident as described above, some say that this anecdote is a fiction, too). 例文帳に追加

ところが家康からは「お前も我が子が可愛いか」と手厳しく返され、信康事件の不手際を言外に難詰された話がよく知られている(しかし、上述の通り信康切腹事件に異説が存在する事から、このエピソードも創作であるという説がある)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is said that he was called Binwari (jar crushing) Shibata because he crushed a water jar and encouraged his troops by shouting 'Men, it is the honor of a samurai to die on the battlefield rather than to die of thirst, so remember, the water you just had was your matsugo-no-mizu (water of the last moment)!' to approach the resistance by burning their boats while holding Choko-ji Castle (this is believed to be a later creation). 例文帳に追加

長光寺城に籠城中、水瓶を割って、「貴様ら、乾いて死ぬよりも討死にするが武士の誉れぞ今飲んだ水が末期の水と知れい!」と叱咤激励し、背水の陣で抗戦に臨んだことから瓶割り柴田と呼ばれるようになったと言われている(これは後世の創作だと思われる)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is said that the Hosokawa clan considered the popularity of Kiyomasa carefully and entered the territory with a memorial tablet of Kiyomasa at the head of the procession, after which the lord of the domain, Tadatoshi HOSOKAWA, went up to the Honmaru of the Kumamoto-jo Castle, knelt down toward Honmyo-ji Temple (Kumamoto City) where the mausoleum dedicated to Kiyomasa was located, and said 'Please let me look after your castle,' which was exceptional conduct. 例文帳に追加

その人気を慮って、細川氏は清正の霊位を先頭にかざして入部し、藩主細川忠利は熊本城本丸に登り、清正の祀る廟所がある本妙寺(熊本市)へ拝跪して「あなたのお城を預からせていただきます」と異例の所作をしたと云われている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He also replied, 'As for the donation, 30,000 Ryo is too much and the amount should be only 1,000 Ryo according to precedent. More especially in recent years, merchants entered into the province, trade and dig up gold dust, therefore I can not meet your request.' 例文帳に追加

また「貢金については三万両は甚だ過分であり、先例で広く定められているのも千両に過ぎない。特に近年商人が多く境内に入り、砂金を売買して大概掘り尽くしているので、求めには応じられない」と返答している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Especially, it is noteworthy that Issa wrote haiku relating to winter, 'Tomokakumo anatamakaseno toshinokure' (After doing your best, in the end, you should put everything into the hands of Buddha) and haiku relating to a new year, 'Medetasamo chukurainari oragaharu' (A new year has come and people are very happy about it, but I do not feel like celebrating New Year's like them), and responding to these Issa's haiku, Seigetsu made 'Medetasamo hitomakasenari harunotabi' (A new year has come and people are happy about it, but I do not care about it, I'm just enjoying my travels). 例文帳に追加

特に、一茶の冬の句「ともかくもあなた任せの年の暮」、新年句「目出度さもちう位也おらが春」、に対して、井月が「目出度さも人任せなり旅の春」を残している点が注目される。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Yorimitsu then consults with an onmyoji (a Heian-period sorcerer; in some accounts, the onmyoji he speaks to is none other than the famous ABE no Seimei), who informs Tsuna that 'The oni will definitely come here seeking to recover his arm, so shut yourself away in your house for seven days of ritual confinement, and do not allow anyone else to enter the house during this time.' 例文帳に追加

頼光が陰陽師(安倍晴明だとする話もある)に相談したところ、「必ず鬼が腕を取り返しにやって来るから、七日の間家に閉じこもり物忌みをし、その間は誰も家の中に入れないように」と言われた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When lots of kosa is falling, it is considered to take the following measures against damage to health: Wearing eye glasses and a mask to prevent fine sand particles from entering the body, gargling and washing your hands and face, and avoiding going outdoors. 例文帳に追加

健康面での被害への対策として、黄砂が大量に降っている場合は、砂の微粒子を体内に取り込まないように、眼鏡やマスクを着用する、うがいや手洗い・洗顔を行う、外出を控えるといった処置をとることが挙げられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to the description of June 2, 886 in "Uda Tenno Gyoki" compiled in volume 30 of "Seiji Yoryaku," the Emperor was disappointed and got angry with Mototsune because when the Emperor asked Mototsune by saying "you have served as acting Sessho so far, but please assume the position of Sessho since we are like father and son," Mototsune replied by saying "I was told your order." 例文帳に追加

また、『政事要略』巻30に採録された『宇多天皇御記』仁和4年6月2日条には天皇が以前「卿従前代猶摂政焉、至朕身親如父子、宜摂政耳」と基経に伝えたことに対して基経が「謹奉命旨必能奉」と解答しているのに裏切られたと憤慨する記述が残されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Furthermore, MINAMOTO no Mitsutaka was grieved by his own child that went through shukke (to become a Buddhist monk) 'if there is someone who defies your will, you kill him as though he was an insect, and cut off his arms and legs for a minor crime' in the 'Story of Mitsunaka, who was the Settsu no kami (governor of Settsu Province) and underwent shukke (become Buddhist Priest)' in Volume 19 Story 4 of "Konjaku Monogatari Shu" (The Tale of Times Now Past). 例文帳に追加

そして、『今昔物語集』巻19第4話「摂津守満仲出家せる語」で源満仲は出家した我が子に「我が心に違う者有れば、虫などを殺すように殺しつ、少し宜しと思う罪には手足を切る」と嘆かれている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

One's success in the aristocratic society largely depended on systems such as the Oni, the Otoneri, and the Udoneri, which took your bloodline into account, and the children of powerful aristocrats were educated mainly at home, except during a short period in the early Heian period when such children were obliged to study in the Daigaku-ryo. 例文帳に追加

だが、実際の貴族社会の立身に大いに影響を与えたのは、蔭位・大舎人・内舎人などの血統に基づく仕組によるところが大きく、有力貴族の子弟は大学寮への就学が義務付けられていた平安時代のごく初期を除いて家庭における教育が主体であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Knocking on my head with a short-cut hair (after removing the topknot) we can hear the sound of civilization; knocking on your head with a long and knotted hair, (traditional hair style for young samurai) we would hear the sound of Imperial rules coming back; knocking on the head with a half-shaved hair style, (traditional and common samurai hair style) we would hear the sound of temporizing with old customs.' 例文帳に追加

「散切頭(ザンギリあたま)をたたいて見れば文明開化の音がする総髪頭(そうはつあたま)をたたいて見れば王政復古の音がする半髪(はんぱつ)頭を叩いてみれば因循姑息(いんじゅんこそく)の音がする」 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The program called 'reminders for people' was then decided, which stated the details of weapons, clothes, one's belongings and signals at the time of the raid as well as how to treat Kira's head, and also described that 'the one who cut off Kira's head and guards in the yard will be considered to be equal in terms of serving our deceased lord; therefore, you must not question your roles.' 例文帳に追加

このときに討ち入り時の綱領「人々心覚」が定められ、その中で武器、装束、所持品、合言葉、吉良の首の処置など事細かに定め、さらに「吉良の首を取った者も庭の見張りの者も亡君の御奉公では同一。よって自分の役割に異議を唱えない」ことを定めた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When an expert swordsman from Satsuma, Kiken MURAKAMI, found Kuranosuke OISHI at Ichiriki-jaya Teahouse indulging in dissipation, he insulted him by saying 'you do not even avenge for your lord, this coward, shame on you, you do not know what it means to be a samurai' and spit on Oishi's face before leaving. 例文帳に追加

薩摩の剣客村上喜剣は、京都の一力茶屋で放蕩を尽くす大石内蔵助をみつけると、「亡君の恨みも晴らさず、この腰抜け、恥じ知らず、犬侍」と罵倒の限りを尽くし、最後に大石の顔につばを吐きかけて去っていった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Regarding the need for restrictions I mentioned earlier, we may, for example, explain which sector or project has a public nature, clarify the public nature, and explain that minimum restrictions suited to the public nature are necessary. I assume this would be an answer to your question. 例文帳に追加

先ほど申し上げた業務・事業の公共性に対応した公的規制の必要性というのが、どのような分野でどういう公共性があって、それ故に最低限それに見合ったこういう規制が必要だといった点についての説明というのは、今のご質問に対するお答えの一つになるとは思います。 - 金融庁

Regarding your question about the abolition of the ceiling on the amount of liquid deposits taken by Japan Post Bank and an increase in the amount of additional coverage to be allowed four years after buying insurance from Japan Post Insurance from the current 3 million yen to 10 million yen, we have just received written requests for revision of the relevant cabinet orders. 例文帳に追加

ご質問のゆうちょ銀行の流動性預金の限度額の撤廃、かんぽ生命の保険加入後4年経過した場合の加入金額の引き上げ幅の拡大、現行300万円を1,000万円に引上げ、という点につきましては、政令改正の要望書の提出を受けたところでございます。 - 金融庁

My question concerns the 14 principles (regarding financial services) announced last week. Various opinions have been raised in the private sector, such as one questioning whether this kind of arrangement will suit Japan well. What is your hope in introducing these principles, and which matters will be affected by them? 例文帳に追加

先週公表された14のプリンシプルの件ですが、日本でこういった仕組みがうまく馴染むかどうかという点も含めて民間からいろいろな声も出ているかと思いますが、このプリンシプル導入にあたられての意気込みとか、あるいはどういった点が課題になるのか改めて伺えればと思います。 - 金融庁

The view has emerged that in Japan as well as in the United States, the financial health of regional banks may be threatened if the market turmoil is prolonged. Could you explain your view on the current situation in reference to the implementation status of stress testing, too? 例文帳に追加

アメリカにとどまらず我が国でも市場の混乱が長期化すれば、日本の地域金融機関の健全性も脅かされるのではないか、といった見方もでてきておりますが、当局といたしまして、ストレステストの実施状況等も含めて長官のご見解を伺えればと思います。 - 金融庁

Last week, the FSA issued business improvement orders to three banks due to problems with their profitability. In light of the view that the profitability of some regional banks has recently been declining again, what are your opinions about future improvement plans and about how to monitor banks into which public funds have been injected? 例文帳に追加

先週、収益性の問題で(公的資金注入行)3行に業務改善命令が出たと思うのですが、ここにきて、地銀の収益力が一部でまた下がっているという意見もある中で、今後の改善計画とか、公的資金注入行に対する監視のあり方などご意見があればお聞かせください。 - 金融庁

I hear that as the amount of financial damage caused by the "furikome" billing fraud is increasing at the fastest pace ever, a bureau director-general of the FSA will hold a meeting with representatives from the National Police Agency and Zenginkyo (Japanese Bankers' Association) next week. Are there any new countermeasures, and what will be your future policy in this regard? 例文帳に追加

振り込め詐欺の問題で、被害額が過去最悪のペースで増えており、来週警察庁や全銀協と初めて金融庁の局長が会談するということですが、何か目新しい対策や今後取っていく方策があれば教えてください。 - 金融庁

If I am to answer your question in the most general way, I would say that the foreign authorities have naturally taken similar actions based on a common recognition of problems. 例文帳に追加

この辺の監督官庁としての対応については当然のことながら、現地法人の存在している海外の監督当局においても共通の問題意識を抱いて対応をしてきているというのが最も一般的なお答えになろうかと思います。 - 金融庁

As for your question, the answer would depend on how much need there is for Japanese banks to use this scheme, and that is a matter to be decided by individual financial institutions themselves, so it would not be appropriate for the FSA to make comments at this time. 例文帳に追加

ご質問については、我が国の銀行がそのようなスキームを活用する、あるいはすべきというニーズがどの程度あるかということもありましょうし、また、それぞれの金融機関における自主的な判断もあろうかと思いますので、その点について金融庁として何か申し上げる段階ではないと思います。 - 金融庁

I will ask you again about the review of fair value accounting. Yesterday, members (of the ASBJ) warned that there will be an impact on financing for SMEs. What is your view on the necessity of reviewing or freezing the application of fair value accounting in light of this situation? 例文帳に追加

繰り返しになりますが、時価会計の見直しについて、昨日、メンバーから中小企業の融資にも影響が出てくるという声があったのですが、そのような状況も勘案して、見直しというか凍結の必要性についてどのようにお考えですか。 - 金融庁

Regarding your second question, as individual financial institutions have a role to play in society, of exercising the financial intermediary function and providing the infrastructure for settlements as I mentioned earlier, it is very important to pay attention to the need to maintain such public functions. 例文帳に追加

後段のご質問に関しては、先ほどもちょっと触れましたように、各金融機関が担っている社会的な役割と申しましょうか、金融仲介、そして決済のインフラを提供しているということですので、そういった公共的な機能を維持していくということへの配慮も大変重要だと思っております。 - 金融庁

The FSA issued a business improvement order against Shinginko Tokyo on December 26 - forgive me for taking up again what happened last year. What is your thinking in this regard and what do you expect of this bank? 例文帳に追加

これも(昨年12月)26日の件でちょっと恐縮なのですけれども、新銀行東京に対して、金融庁としまして業務改善命令を発出されたということなのですが、この点につきまして、改めて長官のご見解と、この銀行に期待することはどういうところがあるのか、改めてお話を伺えればと思います。 - 金融庁

As for your question regarding my assessment of the exiting measures and the possibility of taking additional measures, I believe that the most important thing to do for now is to steadily implement the measures that I mentioned and carefully watch their effects. 例文帳に追加

現状の政策の評価や今後の追加的な対策についてのお尋ねでございますけれども、現在は、今申し上げたような施策をしっかりと進めていくことがまず大事だと思っておりまして、その効果を注意深く見極めていくということが重要だと思っております。 - 金融庁

As for your question concerning the BanksShareholdings Purchase Corporation, I should refrain from making specific comments on behalf of the government, as an amendment bill submitted by the ruling parties is under deliberation in the House of Councillors as I said earlier. 例文帳に追加

銀行等保有株式取得機構については、先ほども申し上げましたように与党から提出された改正法案が参議院で現在審議されている最中ですので、ご質問の件について政府として具体的なコメントを申し上げることは差し控えるべきだと思います。 - 金融庁

I have another question concerning Mitsubishi UFJ Securities. At your press conference last week, you said you willkeep a close watch on the actions of Mitsubishi UFJ Securities,” rather thantake appropriate actions based on laws and regulationsas you said today. Has anything changed over the past week? 例文帳に追加

また三菱UFJ証券の関係なのですけれども、先週の会見では、「三菱UFJの対応状況を注視したい」というふうにおっしゃっていましたけれども、「法令等に則り適切に対応したい」というふうにはおっしゃっていなかったと思うのですけれども、これはこの1週間で何か違いが出てきたのでしょうか。 - 金融庁

I agree with the view you mentioned in your question that in order to improve the current global situation, it is necessary to seek to stabilize the financial system and improve the real economy at the same time. 例文帳に追加

それで、ご質問の中でもご指摘いただきましたように、現在のグローバルな状況を改善していくには、金融の安定ということと実体経済の改善、この両方の取組みが同時並行して進められる必要があるという認識は、そのとおりであると思います。 - 金融庁

As it is not easy to judge whether or not the financial sector is dragging down the real economy, I would like to refrain from replying to your question for now. In any case, it is important for the FSA to take care to prevent such a situation. 例文帳に追加

足を引っ張っているかどうかということについての事実認定、事実判断の話は容易ではないので、この場でのお答えは差し控えたいと思いますけれども、なるべくそういうことが起きないように、金融当局として目配りをしていくということは、いずれにせよ、大事だと思います。 - 金融庁

You may want to come to my office and suggest your ideas to me. As we should by all means avoid the folly of having to make corrections or amendments after enacting the bill, we will be very careful in drafting it. 例文帳に追加

私の部屋に来て話していただいても結構ですし、何かいろいろなあり方を本当に、法律を作る最後まで、作ったらまた改正しなければいけないというような、そんな馬鹿げたことは絶対にやってはいけませんので、非常に、慎重に基本法を作っていきたいと思っています。 - 金融庁

It has been reported in the news that in the postal reform bill, a notification system may be adopted for any new business that the Post's two financial subsidiaries would like to launch. Please share your thoughts with us on this matter. 例文帳に追加

報道にもあるのですが、郵政改革法案で、金融2社の新規業務への参入の際の取扱いなのですけれども、これを届出制にするのかどうかということなのですが、その辺り、現段階の大臣のご所見をお聞きしたいのですが。 - 金融庁

Mizuho Financial Group announced a capital raising of up to 800 billion yen, and in conjunction with this, the three chairmen of Mizuho Financial Group, Mizuho Bank and Mizuho Corporate Bank would all resign and assume the position of special advisor of Mizuho Financial Group. What are your views on this announcement? 例文帳に追加

みずほFG(フィナンシャルグループ)が、最大8,000億円の増資を発表しまして、併せて、みずほFGとみずほ銀行とみずほCB(コーポレート銀行)の3人いる会長が揃って退任して、みずほFGの特別顧問に就任するというふうに発表したのですけれども、これについてはいかがですか。 - 金融庁

Regarding the request by the Financial Services Agency (FSA) (reported by a media organization) for the provision of loans to customers who incurred losses from currency derivatives as an exceptional measure-there is doubt as to whether this is a matter in which an administrative agency should intervene-could you tell me about the relevant facts and your view on this request? 例文帳に追加

(報道があった為替)デリバティブの損失を受けた顧客に対する特例の融資を求めているということですけれども、行政が介入をするような分野なのかという疑問がありますが、事実関係と大臣の考えをお聞かせください。 - 金融庁

Regarding the Guidelines of Workout for Restructuring Debt Owed by Individual Debtors that you mentioned at the beginning, preparations are under way in individual prefectures to establish an organization to purchase corporate debts. What is your assessment of the current movements of financial institutions in the disaster areas? 例文帳に追加

先ほどの冒頭の個人の私的整理のガイドラインのところにありましたが、企業の方なのですけれども、各県で買取機構の立ち上げの準備というのが行われておるのですけれども、足下の被災地金融機関の動向について、大臣の認識はどのように受け止めていますか。 - 金融庁

I would like to ask you about the G-20 meeting that was held late last week. The G-7 and G-20 meetings were held in succession amid the continuing turmoil in the financial markets. However, it has been pointed out that it is difficult to send effective messages to the market. What is your view on that point? 例文帳に追加

先週末、G20が開催されました。その関連です。金融市場混乱が続いておりますが、そうした中、G7、G20等、立て続けに開かれましても、なかなか市場に有効なメッセージは伝わらないという指摘がありますけれども、大臣はどのようにお考えでしょうか。 - 金融庁


Q.I will ask you about a cabinet reshuffle. There are growing calls from within the ruling parties for a cabinet reshuffle in order to stress the policy distinctiveness of Prime Minister Fukuda by replacing the incumbent cabinet, most of whose members have been retained from the previous Abe cabinet. What is your view on this? 例文帳に追加

問)内閣改造についてお尋ねします。与党の中から、安倍政権から、ほぼそのまま引き継いだこの内閣を代えて福田カラーを出したほうがよいのではないかという意味で、内閣改造を求める声が高まっているのですが、それについて大臣がどう思われているのかお願いします。 - 金融庁


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