
「vice-」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(54ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索










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But while successions from parent to child are common, there are no protective measures restricting entry, and overall there is a high level of entry to selfemployment from other forms of employment, and vice versa, reflecting decisions by people on whether to enter self-employment or succeed to a business taken in comparison with the situation of employed persons in particular.例文帳に追加

しかし、親子間での承継は多いものの、自営業には全体として見れば、参入を規制する保護措置等が取られているものではなく、人々は特に雇用者との比較の上で自営業として開業あるいは事業承継するかどうかを決定しており、それを反映して他の就業形態から自営業への流入、自営業から他の就業形態への流出とも活発に行われている。 - 経済産業省

Workers have the priority to change from part-time to full-time employment and vice versa, and their employers must present a list of available positions to workers who request such a change. Any employee who refuses to accept his/her employee’s request for a change in the form of employment must explain the reason71.例文帳に追加

パートタイム労働者からフルタイム労働者へ、フルタイム労働者からパートタイム労働者への転換に関して労働者は優先権を持ち、雇用転換を希望する労働者に対して雇用主は対応する空きポストのリストを示さなければならず、雇用転換を拒否した時はその理由を説明しなければならないことが定められている。 - 経済産業省

In December 2006, Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Akira Amari sent a letter to European Commissioner for Trade Peter Mandelson requesting action to resolve the problem, and there were also meetings between Minister Amari and Commissioner Mandelson and between the Vice-Minister of METI and the Director General for Trade of the European Commission to discuss resolution of this problem.例文帳に追加

本問題については、2006 年12 月、甘利経済産業大臣よりマンデルソン欧州委員(貿易担当)宛に解決を要請する書簡を発出するとともに、2007 年1 月の甘利大臣-マン11デルソン委員、経済産業審議官-欧州委員会貿易総局長の会談等において、解決に向けた協議を行った。 - 経済産業省

In March 2003, the Japan Investment Council, consisting of the Prime Minister as the chairperson, the Minister of State for Economic and Fiscal Policy as the vice-chairperson, and other ministers including the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, put together a promotion program for foreign direct investment into Japan (‘Promotion of Foreign Direct Investment into Japan’). The program consists of the following five categories: the dissemination of information on investment opportunities in Japan both domestically and internationally, the improvement of the business environment, the reexamination of administrative process, the creation of favorable employment and living environments and the improvement of local and national structures and systems.例文帳に追加

2003年3月には、「対日投資会議」(内閣総理大臣を議長、経済財政担当大臣を副議長とし、経済産業大臣等の閣僚が構成員)において、「内外への情報発信」、「企業の事業環境整備」、「行政手続の見直し」、「雇用・生活環境の整備」、「地方と国の体制・制度の整備」の5分野からなる「対日投資促進プログラム」が取りまとめられた。 - 経済産業省


To the Press, “‘Japan As OneWork Project”~Outline of the Measures Taken in the 3rd Stage of the Project, as decided by the Conference on the Promotion of Employment Support and Job Creation for Disaster Victims~The “Conference on the Promotion of Employment Support and Job Creation for Disaster Victims” (Chaired by Yoshio Maki, Vice-Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare) was established with the purpose of formulating comprehensive countermeasures across the ministries and of strongly promoting employment support and job creation for the disaster victims of the Great East Japan Earthquake.例文帳に追加

報道関係者各位『「日本はひとつ」しごとプロジェクト』~被災者等就労支援雇用創出推進会議 第3段階対応とりまとめ~ 東日本大震災の被災者の就労支援、雇用創出を促進するため、各省庁を横断して総合的な対策を策定し、強力な推進を図るという目的で設置された - 厚生労働省


Speaking about the time of the next meeting of the Follow-Up Team, the last one was held in September during the office of former Senior Vice Minister Otsuka. A hearing was held on September 9 with the kind attendance of the National Consumer Affairs Center of Japan (representing consumer centers located nationwide in the 47 prefectures), the NPO Group for Independence of Women, the Japan Federation of Bar Associations, the National Federation of Small Business Associations and the National Conference of Association of Small Business Entrepreneurs, as well as the Japan Financial Services Association and the Japanese Bankers Association, as an activity of the Follow-Up Team organized by former Senior Vice Minister Otsuka. 例文帳に追加

次のフォローアップチームをいつ開くかということでございますが9月に、大塚前副大臣のときにフォローアップチームを開いていただいております。ヒアリングを9月9日にやらせていただいておりまして、独立行政法人国民生活センター、これは全国47都道府県にある消費生活センター、あるいはNPO法人女性自立の会、それから日本弁護士連合会、あるいは全国中小企業団体中央会、それから中小企業家同友会全国協議会だとか、日本貸金業協会、全国銀行協会からも来ていただきまして、大塚前副大臣のもとでフォローアップチームをやらせていただきました。 - 金融庁

Accordingly, I have recently discussed with the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries and the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry and reached an agreement with them to make politicians take the initiative in holding discussions and meetings at Senior Vice Minister and Parliamentary Secretary levels. I discussed with the other two Ministers that since crude oil and nonferrous metals are under the jurisdiction of METI while azuki beans and other agricultural produce are under the jurisdiction of MAFF, both of which have extremely strong ties with their respective related industries, and politicians must take the lead in properly working on the integrated exchange. We would now like to show our strong commitment to having Senior Vice Minister and Parliamentary Secretary-level discussions. 例文帳に追加

ですから、先般も農林水産大臣、それから経済産業大臣とも話をしまして、政治主導で、副大臣、大臣政務官クラスで打ち合わせをして会合をやるということを3大臣内で取り決めをしました。よくお分かりのように原油とか非鉄は経済産業省ですし、小豆とか、農産物は農林水産省であり、それぞれに関係業界にも非常に根強いところがございますから、これは政治主導できちっとやらねばならないということで、3大臣で話をしました。現在、副大臣・政務官クラスで話し合いをやるということで強い決意を示したいと思っております。 - 金融庁

Any statutory declaration or affidavit, the original or a copy of which is to be filed under the Act or these Rules, shall be made and subscribed as follows: (a) in Singapore, before any justice of the peace, or any commissioner or other officer authorised by law to administer an oath for the purpose of any legal proceedings; (b) in any part of the Commonwealth except Singapore, before any judge, justice of the peace, or any officer authorised by law to administer an oath for the purpose of any legal proceedings; and (c) elsewhere, before a Singapore consul or vice-consul, or other person performing the functions of a Singapore vice-consul, or before a notary public, judge or magistrate, or any officer authorised by law to administer an oath for the purpose of any legal proceedings.例文帳に追加

原本又は写しが法又は本規則に基づいて提出される誓約書及び宣誓供述書は,次の者の面前において作成され,署名される。 (a) シンガポール国内の場合は,治安判事,受命裁判官又は法的手続のための宣誓を執り行う権限を法律により認められたその他の官吏 (b) シンガポールを除く英連邦内の場合は,裁判官,治安判事又は法的手続のため宣誓を執り行う権限を法律により認められたその他の官吏,及び (c) その他の地域の場合は,シンガポール領事若しくは副領事若しくはシンガポール副領事の職務を行うその他の者の面前において,又は公証人,裁判官若しくは行政官若しくは法的手続のため宣誓を執り行う権限を法律により認められたその他の官吏 - 特許庁

(2) For the purpose of the application of the provisions of the preceding paragraph, if persons who have held the positions referred to in items 1 and 2 of the preceding paragraph for at least five years, or one or more of the positions referred to in items 3 through 6 of the preceding paragraph for not less than ten years, also have held positions of assistant judge, research law clerk, secretary general of the Supreme Court, court administrative official, professor of the Legal Training and Research Institute, professor of the Training and Research Institute for Court Officials, Administrative Vice-Minister of the Ministry of Justice, law official of the Ministry of Justice, or law instructor of the Ministry of Justice, then, such position shall be deemed to be those referred to in items 3 through 6 of the said paragraph. 例文帳に追加

2 五年以上前項第一号及び第二号に掲げる職の一若しくは二に在つた者又は十年以上同項第一号から第六号までに掲げる職の一若しくは二以上に在つた者が判事補、裁判所調査官、最高裁判所事務総長、裁判所事務官、司法研修所教官、裁判所職員総合研修所教官、法務省の事務次官、法務事務官又は法務教官の職に在つたときは、その在職は、同項の規定の適用については、これを同項第三号から第六号までに掲げる職の在職とみなす。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


(4) Tenure of office as each Chief in the Attorney-General's Office, Secretary General of the Attorney-General's Office, officials of the Attorney-General's Office, and educational officials of the Attorney-General's Office before effectuation of this Act shall respectively be regarded as the tenure of office as Vice-Minister of the Ministry of Justice, officials of the Ministry of Justice, and education officials of the Ministry of Justice for the purpose of the application of the provisions of Article 41, Article 42 (including the case where the same Article is applied mutatis mutandis under Article 1, paragraph 2 of the Act concerning the Exceptions to the Authority of Assistant Judges, etc.) and Article 44 of the Court Act, and Article 19 of the Public Prosecutor's Office Act, Article 5 of the Attorneys Act and Article 2 of the Judicial Scrivener Act. 例文帳に追加

4 この法律の施行前における法務府の各長官、法務総裁官房長、法務府事務官及び法務府教官の在職は、裁判所法第四十一条、第四十二条(判事補の職権の特例等に関する法律第一条第二項において準用する場合を含む。)及び第四十四条、検察庁法第十九条、弁護士法第五条並びに司法書士法第二条の規定の適用については、それぞれ法務省の事務次官、法務事務官及び法務教官の在職とみなす。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Humans not only desire to change themselves but also some kind of wish and interest in 'changing and transforming' more generally, regardless of the time and country: a piece of European literature "The Metamorphosis" by Kafka, and a western tradition that a man transforms into a wolf on nights of the full moon, for example; also in Japan, there are costume dramas like Mito-komon (a drama in which the audience's impression of an average old man changes once he shows his inro and it is revealed that he is one of the vice-shoguns of the Tokugawa gosanke [three privileged branches of Tokugawa family]), Kamen Rider (the Masked Rider) and Ultraman. 例文帳に追加

自身の変装だけでなく、西洋文学のカフカの『変身』や、狼男になった人が満月の夜に変身してしまうという西洋の伝承などから、日本においても、時代劇の水戸黄門(ただの爺が、印籠により徳川御三家の副将軍の一人に変身すると採れる客観からの設定)や仮面ライダーやウルトラマンまで、時代や洋の東西を問わず「変身する化ける」ということに、ある種の願望や好奇心がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

His biological children include, Gon Chunagon Masaaki KAJUJI, Sangi Tadaaki MATSUDONO(Non-sangi Mototaka MATSUDONO's foster child), Sangi Katafusa MADENOKOJI (Jun-daijin (vice minister)Fuyuhisa MADENOKOJI's foster son), Sama no kami (Captain of Samaryo, Left Division of Bureau of Horses) Akikata MISHO (non-Sangi Mototaka MACHI's foster son, founder of the buke Misho clan), the wife of Sadaijin(Minister of the Left)Kinnao IMADEGAWA, Naishi no suke (Handmaid) Fusako FUJIWARA (entered the court of Emperor Gonara), the wife of Naidaijin Sanetaka SANJONISHI, Horakumon-in FUJIWARA no Fujiko(entered the court of Emperor Gokashiwabara, kokumo (mother of Emperor)of Emperor Gonara), and the wife of the Chief Priest of Matsuoka-ji Temple, Renko (third son of Rennyo). 例文帳に追加

実子に、権中納言・勧修寺政顕、参議・松殿忠顕(非参議・松殿基高の養子)、参議・万里小路賢房(准大臣・万里小路冬房の養子)、左馬頭・御荘顕賢(非参議・町基高の養子、武家御荘氏の祖)、左大臣・今出川公尚の室、典侍・藤原房子(後奈良天皇入宮)、内大臣・三条西実隆の室、豊楽門院・藤原藤子(後柏原天皇入宮、後奈良天皇国母)、松岡寺座主・蓮綱(蓮如の三男)の妻。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He joined the palace staff in 1076, became Jugoinojo (Junior Fifth Rank, Upper Grade) and Tango no kami (Governor of Tango Province) in 1078, Jushiinoge (Junior Fourth Rank, Lower Grade) in 1081, Bicchu no kami (Governer of Bicchu Province) and Uchujo (Middle Captain of the Right Division of Inner Palace Guards) before 1081, Shoshiinoge (Senior Fourth Rank) in 1084, took the title Chugu Gon no suke (Provisional Assistant Master of the Consort's Household) and Kurodo no to (Head Chamberlain) in 1091, Sangi (councillor) in 1092, Sachujo (Middle Captain of the Left Division of the Inner Palace Guards) and Harima gon no kami (Provisional Governor of Harima Province) in 1093, rose to Jusanmi (Junior Third Rank) in 1096, Shosanmi (Senior Third Rank) in 1097, became Bicchu gon no kami (Provisional Governor of Bicchu Province) in 1098, Gon Chunagon (Provisional vice-counselor of state) in 1102, Shonii (Senior Second Rank) in 1103, and Gon Dainagon (Provisional chief counselor of state) in 1115. 例文帳に追加

承保3年(1076年)侍従、承暦2年(1078年)従五位上兼丹後守、永保元年(1081年)従四位下、備中守(これ以前に少将)、右中将、同4年(1084年)正四位下、寛治5年(1091年)兼中宮権亮、蔵人頭、同6年(1092年)参議、同7年(1093年)左中将兼播磨権守、嘉保3年(1096年)従三位、永長2年(1097年)正三位、承徳2年(1098年)兼備中権守、康和4年(1102年)権中納言、同5年(1103年)正二位、永久(元号)3年(1115年)権大納言。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

His children included MINAMOTO no Mitsusue (Shikibu no jo (Secretary of the Ministry of Ceremonial), Echizen no kami (Governor of Echizen Province), and Jugoinoge (Junior Fifth Rank, Lower Grade)), and his descendants included MINAMOTO no Sadatoshi (Daizen no daibu (Master of the Palace Table), Echizen no kami, Shurishiki (Office of Palace Repairs), Hyogo no jo, Jushiinoge (Junior Forth Rank, Lower Grade)), MINAMOTO no Noritaka, MINAMOTO no Narisada (Musashi no suke (vice governor of Musashi no kuni)), MINAMOTO no Narisane (Musashi no suke and Izu no kami (Governor of Izu Province)), MINAMOTO no Tametsune (kebiishi (officials with judicial and police powers) Uemon no jo (the third ranked official of the Right Division of Outer Palace Guards), then exiled to Oki Province; details are unknown), MINAMOTO no Suenobu, MINAMOTO no Tadamitsu (Harima no suke (assistant governor of Harima Province)), MINAMOTO no Takayuki (Daigaku no suke (Assistant Director of the Bureau of Education)), and MINAMOTO no Tadamasa (Kogo no miya Jicho). 例文帳に追加

子に源満季(式部丞・越前守・従五位下)、子孫に源満季(大膳大夫・越前守・修理職・兵庫丞・従四位下)、源憲尊、源成定(武蔵介)、源成實(武蔵介・伊豆守)、源為経(検非違使右衛門尉・後に隠岐国配流、詳細は不明)、源季信、源忠満(播磨介)、源高行(大学助)、源忠政(皇后宮侍長)などがいる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After returning to Japan, he successively held posts as the second-ranked shusshi (a supernumerary government official) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, gaimu-taifu (a post in the Foreign Ministry), gijokan (a post in the Decoration Bureau), kaigunkyo (the chief of the navy), goyo-gakari (a government official assigned to perform a certain task) in the construction of the Imperial Palace, jimu fuku-sosai (a vice-secretary-general) in the construction of the Imperial Palace, a minister to Shin (China), and goyo-gakari in the investigation of the revision of a treaty; after the cabinet system was established, due to his ability, he assumed the ministership in six Cabinets in a row as the Minister of Communication, the Minister of Education, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Minister of Commerce and Agriculture (between the Minister of Education and the Minister of the Foreign Affairs, he assumed the membership of the Privy Council [Japan]). 例文帳に追加

帰国後は外務省二等出仕、外務大輔、議定官、海軍卿、皇居御造営御用掛、皇居御造営事務副総裁、駐清公使、条約改正取調御用掛等を歴任し、内閣制度の成立後は能力を買われ6度の内閣で連続して、逓信大臣、文部大臣、外務大臣、農商務大臣を歴任した(文相・外相の前後に枢密院(日本)就任)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Initially, the governor of Fukui Prefecture, Eizo KITA, accommodated the plan 'Framework on Hanko Canal' (運河構想) to connect the Sea of Japan and the Seto Inland Sea via Lake Biwa, but because Sukenori HIRATA, who was then the mayor of Yokkaichi City, was keen on the plan, the alliance for the construction of the canal to connect Wakasa Bay and Ise Bay via Lake Biwa (at a total cost of 250 to 350 billion yen) was formed with Banboku ONO, the Vice President of the Liberal Democratic Party, as chairman, among Fukui Prefecture, Shiga Prefecture, Gifu Prefecture, Aichi Prefecture, Mie Prefecture, Nagoya City, Tsuruga City and Yokkaichi City. 例文帳に追加

当初は、琵琶湖から日本海と瀬戸内海を結ぶ阪敦運河構想を北栄造福井県知事が調整し始めたが、当時の平田佐矩四日市市長が熱心だったこともあり、福井県・滋賀県・岐阜県・愛知県・三重県、名古屋市・敦賀市・四日市市の間で、自民党副総裁の大野伴睦を会長に、総工費2500億円~3500億円に及ぶ若狭湾~琵琶湖~伊勢湾を結ぶ運河の建設期成同盟が結成された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The policy of land-tax reform ('Chisyobaibai-houkinbunnitu-syuzeisisetunogi-seiinshi') was presented by Toshimichi OKUBO (Minister of the Treasury) and Kaoru INOUE (Vice-minister of the Treasury) to the Central State Council in October, 1871, when abolition of denpataeitaibaibaikinshirei (a ban on buying and selling fields) was decided, and its draft plan had been already made by INOUE and Kiyonari YOSHIDA just before the delegation's departure (Among early measures of the Meiji government, only Chitsuroku-shobun (Abolition Measure of Hereditary Stipend) was elaborated by INOUE and YOSHIDA after Iwakura Mission departed and formulated as a policy after the Mission returned to Japan). 例文帳に追加

地租改正も田畑永代売買禁止令の廃止の方向が定まった明治4年9月に大久保利通(大蔵卿)と井上馨(同大輔)によってその方針(「地所売買放禁分一収税施設之儀正院伺」)が正院に諮られ、使節団出発直前に井上と吉田清成によってその原案が作成されていた(そもそも明治政府が実施した初期の施策で岩倉使節団出発前に構想として存在しなかったのは、出発後に井上と吉田によって初めて構想され、使節団帰国後に政策として形成された最後に相当する秩禄処分のみであったと言われている)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

For instance, in regards to the issue of restricting the total amount of credit that can be provided to each borrower by all money lenders on an aggregate basis, I have instructed the Project Team on Money-Lending Systems, Senior Vice Minister Kouhei Ohtsuka and Parliamentary Secretary Kenji Tamura to properly examine and determine borderline issues and other such operational problems. As for the specifics, we are currently performing the task of broadly seeking the opinions of members of the Democratic Party in policy meetings, as well as the respective opinions of the Social Democratic Party and the People's New Party on an individual basis. 例文帳に追加

総量規制の問題にしても、境界線の問題だとか、そういうような問題を「きちんと検討して詰めてくれ」ということを、PT(貸金業制度に関するプロジェクトチーム)に、大塚(副)大臣、また田村(大臣)政務官に指示をしておりますが、まだその中身については、今、政策会議で民主党の議員の皆さん方の意見も広く聞き、また、社民党、国民新党の意見もそれぞれ別に聞くという作業をやっております。 - 金融庁

You have been saying that the important thing is not who will be appointed but what will be done.In light of what Mr. Shirakawa has said, what do you think of his likely appointment.Also, the nomination of Mr. Watanabe (professor at Hitotsubashi University Graduate School of Commerce and Management and former vice minister of finance for international affairs) for the post of deputy governor has drawn objections from the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) because he is a former official of the Ministry of Finance.Please tell me what you think of these matters. 例文帳に追加

そのことについてですが、大臣はかねてから「誰がなるかではなく、何をやるかが大事だ」ということをおっしゃっていましたけれども、白川氏のこれまでの発言をお聞きになって、まずこの昇格をどのようにお考えになるかということと、もう一点、副総裁候補の渡辺氏(一橋大大学院教授・前財務省財務官)について財務省ОBということで民主党の中にも異論があると思うのですが、この二点についてお聞かせ下さい。 - 金融庁

I will ask you about a plan by TCI (the Children's Investment Fund) to acquire additional shares in J-Power (Electric Power Development Co.), an issue on which the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) will begin deliberations soon.According to a media report, the vice minister of economy, trade and industry indicated at a press conference yesterday that METI planned to recommend a revision or suspension of the plan to acquire additional shares.Although this should not be seen in the same light as the issue of restrictions on foreign ownership of airports, some market experts warn that movements like this could discourage foreign investment in Japan. 例文帳に追加

経済産業省で審議がまもなく始まる英国ファンドのTCI(ザ・チルドレンズ・インベストメント・ファンド)のJパワー(電源開発)株買増しについてですけれども、昨日の経済産業省の事務次官会見で買増し計画の変更、中止を勧告する考えを示唆したという報道があります。先の空港外資規制と同列には論じられないとは思うのですが、こうした動きは外資離れにつながるのではないかというマーケット関係者の話もあります。 - 金融庁

Moreover, today, I telephoned a person who devoted his efforts to financing for SMEs until July this year in his capacity as president of Senpoku Credit Cooperative (SENPOKU SHINYO KUMIAI), which is based in Miyagi Prefecture, and asked to have consultations with him. He will visit the FSA from around 1 p.m. Tuesday, and in addition to the senior vice minister, the parliamentary secretary and I, the FSA Commissioner and other senior FSA officials will listen to what he has to say about his experiences for about one hour. 例文帳に追加

また、今日、私が電話で要請して、宮城県の仙北信用組合、あの理事長をやっておられた方で、今年の7月まで、そういう地域の中小企業、零細企業金融を理事長という立場で一生懸命やってこられた、そういう方のお話をぜひ聞かせてください、とお願いをいたしまして、金融庁の私、また副大臣、政務官だけではなくて、金融庁の長官以下、職員もできるだけお話を、火曜日の午後1時頃からお出でいただいて、1時間ぐらい、ご苦労なさったご経験等をお聞かせいただくということをやろうと思います。 - 金融庁

The bill, by its nature should be drafted in this way. It is not something to be decided only by the FSA. Therefore, we should have some degree of flexibility; essentially, I have a flexible mind. I have a flexible mind with regard to anything. We have to make schedule adjustments with people whom we consult and there are limits to the workload that can be taken by the senior vice minister and the parliamentary secretary, so I think that we should spend time on seeking a variety of opinions so as to draft an excellent bill, rather than hurry up. 例文帳に追加

性格はそうでしょう。うちの庁だけではなくて。そういうことですから、ある程度弾力的に考えれば私は良い、大体私は弾力的なのです。全て弾力的な男ですから。そう考えておりますから、いろいろな相手の予定がありますから、また副大臣も政務官も体は一つだから。そういう拙速よりも時間をかけていろいろな意見を聞いて良い内容に私はしていけばいいと思っていますから。 - 金融庁

The plan to establish a comprehensive exchange, which combines the functions of securities, financial, and commodities exchanges, is included in the New Growth Strategy, and it is under consideration by the study team on a comprehensive exchange, which comprises the Vice Ministers and Parliamentary Secretaries of the FSA, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. This team is now holding hearings with users, investors and other parties concerned. 例文帳に追加

それから、総合取引所というのは新成長戦略にも入っておりますが、総合的な取引所、いわゆる証券・金融・商品取引所(市場)の創設の推進については、金融庁・農林水産省・経済産業省の副大臣・大臣政務官で構成する「総合的な取引所研究チーム」により、検討を進めており、現在、利用者・投資家等の関係者からヒアリングを行っているところでございます。 - 金融庁

On Saturday, June 25, the GHOS held a meeting in Basel, Switzerland, to discuss additional capital requirements for G-SIFIs, which have been the subject of global debate since the Lehman shock and which are described as being too big to fail. From Japan, FSA Commissioner Mikuniya, Bank of Japan Governor Shirakawa and FSA Vice Commissioner for International Affairs Kono attended this meeting. 例文帳に追加

6月25日土曜日、スイスのバーゼルにおきまして、グローバルなシステム上重要な銀行、G-SIFIs、リーマン・ショック以来、大変大きな世界的な問題になりまして、ある意味で大き過ぎてつぶせないと、そういうふうな表現も一面されたG-SIFIsに対する自己資本の上乗せ規制について議論するために、中央銀行総裁と銀行監督当局長官による会合(GHOS)が開催されました。当庁からは三國谷長官と、日本銀行総裁の白川総裁、それから、我が庁から河野(金融国際政策)審議官が国際担当でございますが、行くということで許可をさせていただきました。 - 金融庁

This is a global issue, and it is not only related to the economy and accounting technicalities. It is also an important issue related to national economic strategies.Therefore, Keidanren raised the status of the person in charge of the Committee on Corporate Accounting - I hear that committees, which are comprised of divisions and various other organizations, have a very high status - and appointed as the committee's new Chairman Mr. Hirose, who succeeded Mr.Yonekura (the current Chairman of Keidanren) as President of Sumitomo Chemical and who is now Vice Chairman of the company. 例文帳に追加

あるいは、私が今言いました、これはグローバルな話、経済、会計技術のみならず、非常に国家の経済戦略にも関係する大事なことでございますから、そういった意味で、日本経済団体連合会の企業会計委員会、経団連も実は企業会計委員会の責任者を格上げされまして、非常に格の高い、委員会というのは部会とか色々種類があって、委員会というのは非常に(格が)高いそうでございますけれども、その方に、廣瀬さん、今の経団連の会長の後の住友化学の社長さんで、今は副会長でございますが、その人に代えられたということでございます。 - 金融庁

Mr. Sato has a long period of experience in the field of accounting, as you know.Having long worked for Mitsubishi Electric, a major Japanese electric machinery manufacturer, he has an experience as a manager as well as an accounting expert, as he served as Vice President of the company. Those are the reasons why I appointed these three people as Advisers. 例文帳に追加

佐藤さんは、この方はもうご存じのように非常に経理畑の長い人でございまして、皆様ご存じと思いますが、企業の中では経理畑といいまして、非常に専門的で、そういうのが日本の昔の企業の常でございましたが、この方はずっと三菱電機、日本の大変大きな電気会社でございますが、ずっと専門家で副社長、経営者もされたということで、そういった意味で今3人きちっと参与にさせていただいたわけでございます。 - 金融庁

In relation to that, when Incubator Bank of Japan failed last year, then Senior Vice Minister for Financial Services Otsuka said that although he conducted an investigation into the establishment of the bank as there were some legally questionable points, he did not find evidence of illegal acts. Could you explain the background to and the basis of your comment at the press conference on August 30 that Mr. Takenaka's legal responsibility may be discussed? 例文帳に追加

これは去年、振興銀行が破綻した際に、当時金融担当副大臣だった大塚副大臣がこのように発言されています。「振興銀行の設立について、法的に疑問に思って調べてみたが、違法行為は見つからなかった」というご発言を、同じ金融担当、当時の副大臣がされていますが、大臣が30日の記者会見で、「法的な責任についても議論の対象になり得る」という発言をされた背景と、その根拠はどういうところにあるのでしょうか。 - 金融庁

This news spread worldwide as it was reported by Reuters, as I understand it. Naturally, while an exchange of information among Japan, China and South Korea is important, the FSA properly maintains communications through telephone meetings with various countries, including European countries and the United States, at the vice-ministerial level and working level, several times a week. 例文帳に追加

これは確かロイターに載っていたのだと思いますが、これが全世界に広がったということでございますが、実は、当然ですが、各国色々な情報の交換、日中韓も大事でございますが、ヨーロッパの国々とか、アメリカ等々、各国間の電話会議を事務次官レベル、あるいは課長補佐レベルでも週に何回かの頻度で、金融庁の当然の義務としてきちんと連絡を取合っているわけでございまして、次官レベルから、そういった実務者レベルまでやっているわけでございます。 - 金融庁

Two years ago, I visited Beijing to attend the Japan-China High-Level Economic Dialogue and talked with Chinese officials in charge of overseeing banks, securities companies and insurance companies. I also held talks with Mr. Wen Jiabao and Mr. Wang Qishan (Vice Premier). As was announced the other day, it has been decided that China will open the automobile liability insurance market to foreign competition. Regarding Japan-China financial cooperation, China has its own circumstances, so I hope that steady progress will be made step by step. 例文帳に追加

これは、確か私も一昨年、日中ハイレベルの経済閣僚会議で北京に行かせて頂きまして、銀行、証券、保険、それぞれの中国の責任者と(話をし)、温家宝さん、あるいは王岐山さんとも話をさせて頂きまして、この前、確か発表させて頂きましたけれども、自賠責(保険)の話(について)は(中国が)外国にオープンにするということが決定しましたので、こういう日中金融協力について、相手の事情もございますし、ステップ・バイ・スップで確実に前進させていきたいというふうに思っております。 - 金融庁

Today, decisions were made at the Cabinet meeting attended by the Senior Vice Minister and the Parliamentary Secretary. 例文帳に追加

今日は、副大臣、大臣政務官が閣議で決定したわけでございますが、当然私は金融担当(大臣)と郵政改革(担当大臣)でございますから、官房長官に閣僚懇で、郵政改革の所掌、今度は東(祥三)副大臣が来られますが、それから、総務省に森田高大臣政務官が来られますが、「このお二人は郵政改革の所掌ですか」という質問を、再確認でございますけれども、させていただいたら「そのとおりです」ということでございました。また郵政改革は東副大臣と森田高総務省の大臣政務官と主に3人でやることになると思っております。再確認を今日の閣僚懇でやらせていただきました。 - 金融庁

As I said recently, I served as Parliamentary Vice-Minister for the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (now Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry), which was responsible for SMEs, 21 years ago for a period of one year and three months. Take, for example, a micro-enterprise whose business customer suddenly went under at the end of a year, leaving the micro-enterprise with no prospect of receiving hundreds of thousands of yen that would otherwise have come from the customer. As the company has to pay bonuses to its employees, those are very important moniesas an example like this implies, it is after all necessary for small businesses to have recourse to the small, unsecured, unguaranteed loans that are at issue here. 例文帳に追加

私はこの前申し上げたように、21年前、中小企業担当の通産省(現経済産業省)の政務次官を1年3カ月しておりまして、確かに私は中小企業の町、北九州出身でございますから、零細企業の取引先が年末に急に倒産し、入ってくるはずの何十万の金が入ってこない。そうすると、どうしてもやはりボーナスを払わなければいけないから、企業にとっては非常に大事なお金でございまして、そういったときにこういった少額、無担保、無保証というお金が零細企業にやはり必要なのですよ。 - 金融庁

On the topic of integrated exchange, a study meeting was held yesterday by Senior Vice Ministers and Parliamentary Secretaries cutting across ministries and agencies. What is your vision of the integrated exchange? Presuming that the government is going to be developing institutions and so forth to enable the creation of an exchange and leave the rest to the management judgment of the exchange, one exchange each may be created in, for example, Tokyo and Osaka. In your opinion, what would be the ideal form of the exchange? 例文帳に追加

総合取引所についてなのですが、昨日、副大臣、政務官と省庁をまたがって検討会があったということですけれども、総合取引所のあるべき姿というのをどのようにお考えなのかという点なのですが、つまり政府としては取引所が創設できるような制度等を整備して、あとは取引所の経営判断に委ねるという形だと思うのですが、そうなると例えば東京と大阪に1つずつ取引所ができるような事態もあると思うのですが、大臣御自身としては、取引所はどういう形が望ましいとお考えでしょうか。 - 金融庁

In fact, we plan to announce the interim draft of the Action Plan today. Senior Vice Minister Shozo Azuma will be providing you with an explanation this afternoon, so please ask him about the details on that occasion. Please note that the announcement today will be limited to the interim draft. After the presentation of the interim draft, we plan to gather more feedback from interested parties in various fields as necessary and compile the final version by the end of the year. 例文帳に追加

実は本日、アクションプランの中間案を発表させていただく予定でございまして、午後に東副大臣から記者の方々に説明させていただきますので、ぜひそちらの方で詳しい内容を聞いていただきたいと思っています。本日発表させて頂くのはあくまで中間案でございまして、中間案の発表後、必要に応じて各方面の関係者からご意見をさらに聴取させていただいて、年内に最終版を取りまとめる予定でございます。 - 金融庁

Specifically speaking, as I explained by citing the example of Sendai in Tohoku yesterday as well, I was the Parliamentary Vice-Minister of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry twenty years ago. As I also observed in the Tohoku Region yesterday, there are local organizations called Societies of Commerce and Industry, which are not Chambers of Commerce and Industry and are smaller than them. The percentage of construction businesses in them is 25 percentit is about 30 percent in my constituency, a figure similar to the Tohoku region, where 25 percent of Society of Commerce and Industry members are also construction businesses. 例文帳に追加

具体的に申せば、昨日も少し東北、仙台で1例申し上げたのですけれども、私から言うのもおかしいような話なのですけれども、私は20年前、中小企業を担当する通産省政務次官をさせて頂きました。昨日も東北地方に行きますと、商工会というのがあり、それは商工会議所でなくてさらに小さな組織です。やっぱり25%は建設業で、私の選挙区だって(建設業が)30%ぐらいあるのですが、東北地方でも商工会に入っている企業のうち25%は建築業なのです。 - 金融庁

There was a development two nights ago that is related to the question you have just asked: the Comprehensive Exchange Study Team, which consists of Senior Vice Ministers and Parliamentary Secretaries of the Financial Services Agency (FSA), the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), put together an interim summary. I would like to express my deep gratitude to the members who enthusiastically attended the meetingsa total of six official meetings were held in the short period of less than two months, starting with the first meeting on October 28and also convened impromptu meetings or kept in contact by phone to put together the interim summary. 例文帳に追加

今ご質問がございました一昨日の夜でございますけれども、金融庁、農林水産省、経済産業省の副大臣、大臣政務官の間で構成する総合的な取引所検討チームが中間整理をまとめました。10月28日の第1回会合以来2か月に満たない短期間で正式に6回、大変熱心に会合を開催した上、臨時にも集まり、あるいは電話で連絡をとり合いながら中間整理をまとめて頂いた各位のご努力に大変感謝申し上げたいと思っています。 - 金融庁

It comprises an input clock frequency decision circuit which decides that the input clock signal changes from the first frequency band to the second frequency band or changes vice versa when the input clock signal CKIN is faster than a second reference frequency or slower than a first reference frequency, respectively, and outputs an input clock frequency decision signal.例文帳に追加

入力クロック信号CKINが第2の基準周波数より速くなった場合に、入力クロック信号が第1の周波数帯域から第2周波数帯域に変化したと判断し、入力クロック信号が第1の基準周波数より遅くなった場合に、入力クロック信号が第2の周波数帯域から第1周波数帯域に変化したと判断して、入力クロック周波数判定号を出力する入力クロック周波数判定回路を含む。 - 特許庁

To provide an ultra-high density data storage medium using a semiconductor compound which is suitable for a medium and a data storage cell, wherein the semiconductor compound is easily converted from crystal to amorphism and vice versa, is chemically stable even under conversion processes over a lot of cycles, and has electric characteristics easily distinguishable from an electric signal generated from an amorphous semiconductor compound.例文帳に追加

結晶状態からアモルファス状態へ、アモルファス状態から結晶状態への両方向に容易に変換され、何サイクルにもわたる変換を行っても化学的に安定しており、結晶状態の半導体化合物から生成される電気信号が、アモルファス状態の半導体化合物によって生成される電気信号と容易に区別できるような電気的特性を示す、媒体及びデータ記憶素子に適した半導体化合物を使用する超高密度データ記憶媒体を提供する。 - 特許庁

To provide new tableware synergistically improving a beautifual appearance of dishing-up tableware and saucer tableware, either Western style tableware or Japanese style tableware, exhibiting a Japanese style appearance even in a Western style dish for using knives and forks and vice versa, increasing a degree of freedom of design, forming a nonbulky and compact aesthetic shape and structure, having excellent facility and enjoying the dish and the tableware.例文帳に追加

洋食器、そして和風食器の既成の固定観念を超えて、盛り付け食器と受け皿状食器とが、その各々の美観性を相乗的に向上させることができ、ナイフ、フォーク等を使用する洋風料理であっても和風観が発揮され、またその逆も可能とされる、意匠自由度を大きなものとし、しかもかさばらずにコンパクトな美的形状、構造とすることができ、利便性にも優れ、料理と食器を二重に楽しむことのできる、新しい食器を提供する。 - 特許庁

To provide a vehicle power conversion device in which a transition condition from diode rectification to synchronous rectification and vice versa is set, and furthermore, the transition condition is made variable, depending on a power generation voltage to enable synchronous rectification at a low load time, thereby enlarging an operational region that allows efficient synchronous rectification, regarding a vehicle power conversion device that converts between a DC power and an AC power.例文帳に追加

直流電力と交流電力を変換する車両用電力変換装置において、ダイオード整流から同期整流、同期整流からダイオードへの遷移条件を設定し、さらに発電電圧に応じて遷移条件を可変とすることにより、低負荷時においても同期整流を実施可能であり、効率の良い同期整流の運転領域を拡大することが可能な車両用電力変換装置を提供することにある。 - 特許庁

In this production method, the moisture-retaining gel or an organic polymer solution in a solvent, prepared by the sol-gel process, is brought into contact with metal oxide, metal alkoxide, or partially hydrolyzed or polycondensed metal alkoxide to effect the solution diffusion of the components from one to the other or vice versa or mutually.例文帳に追加

金属アルコキシ基を有する有機重合体からゾル−ゲル法によって作製した湿潤ゲル又は溶剤に溶解する有機重合体と;金属酸化物、金属アルコキシド化合物又は金属アルコキシド化合物の部分的加水分解および重縮合物とを;接触させ、相互にまたは一方から他方へ溶液拡散させる工程を包含する、有機重合体成分および/または金属酸化物成分の濃度が連続的に変化した成分傾斜構造を有する有機−無機成分傾斜複合材料の製造方法。 - 特許庁

Thus, a pressurized medium can be conveyed into the 1st or 2nd pressurized medium space 12 or 13 from the pressurized medium chambers 6a to 6d or vice versa.例文帳に追加

両圧力媒体室は直接接続されておらず、第1圧力媒体室12または第2圧力媒体室13が少なくとも1個の共通の制御可能な方向制御弁52aを介してコンプレッサ入口14またはコンプレッサ出口16に接続可能であり、それによって圧力媒体が圧力媒体チャンバ6a〜6dから第1または第2圧力媒体室12,13に搬送可能であるかあるいは圧力媒体が第1または第2圧力媒体室から圧力媒体チャンバに搬送可能である。 - 特許庁

4 Vice Finance Minister Zhu Guangyao criticized by saying, "United States of America seems unaware of the responsibility of a nation issuing a major reserve currency to stabilize the international capital markets". Additionally, the state media of Beijing reported that they called on the leaders attending G20 meeting that "An international currency framework should be built to limit irresponsible issuance of large quantity of dollar by the United States". (Sankei Shimbun, web edition, "Up-value demand for Yuan" vs. "monetary easing criticism" G20, "Remaining source of trouble from heating up conflict between the United States of America and China", November 11, 2010例文帳に追加

4 財務省の朱光耀次官は、「主要な準備通貨の発行国が国際資本市場を安定させる責任を負っていることを米国は気付いていないようだ」と批判、さらに、共産党機関紙「人民日報」は、G20 に参加する首脳に「米国の無責任なドル大量発行を制限する国際通貨枠組みを構築すべきだ」と呼びかけたと報じた(産経新聞ウェブ版「「元切り上げ要求」VS「金融緩和批判」 G20、米中対立激化で禍根」2010 年11 月11日)。 - 経済産業省

As part of the efforts to provide information obtained through the consultations, and to conduct domestic discussions, the ministers, senior-vice ministers and parliamentary secretaries from the Cabinet Secretariat, METI, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries participated in theRegional Symposium to Think TPP Together,” which was hosted by the Japan Regional Newspapers Association, etc. and was held in nine places nationwide from February to March; in other occasions, the government, upon request, dispatched to prefectures officers to explain the TPP, and exchanged opinions over TPP with the organizations that had expressed interest in or concerns over TPP.例文帳に追加

協議で得られた情報の提供、国民的議論については、2 月から 3 月にかけて全国地方新聞社連合会等が主催し、全国 9 か所で開催された「TPP をともに考える 地域シンポジウム」に内閣官房・経済産業省・外務省・農林水産省から政務三役が参加した他、要望に応じ、政府から都道府県に説明員を派遣し、関心や懸念を表明している関係団体と TPP に関する意見交換を実施した。 - 経済産業省

In addition, this exhibition section underwent a significant refurbishment in 2009, under the supervision of Dr. Hiroyuki Sakaki, who serves as the vice president at Toyota Technological Institute. After the renewal, the section added "the Spring of Wishes," "the River of Creativity," and "the Sea of Fertility" in a similar manner to the "water cycle" in order to exhibit a series of flows "how electric bulbs, quantum computers, or other innovative technologies have been created from the past to the present day," with a focus on the two themes: "People's wishes (i.e., imagination)" and "driving forces to actualize such wishes (i.e., creativity)."例文帳に追加

また、2009年に展示構成を大幅にリニューアルし、豊田工業大学副学長(当時)の榊裕之博士の総合監修のもと、「人の願い(想像力)とそれを実現するための原動力(創造力)、これら二つの「ソウゾウリョク」をテーマに、電球や量子コンピュータなど、過去から現在にいたるまで革新的な技術がどのように生み出されるのか、それらの一連の流れを「水の循環」になぞらえて、「願いの泉」、「創造力の川」、「豊饒の海」という形で展示している。 - 経済産業省

The ERIA Symposium "Energy and Food Strategy for Sustainable Economic Growth in East Asia"was participated in by a total of 300 people, including a wide range of leaders, such as ambassadors, members of Parliaments, officials of ministries and agencies, business leaders, and academic experts. Keynote speeches were delivered by Toshihiro Nikai (Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry),Seiko Hashimoto (State Secretary for Foreign Affairs), Noritoshi Ishida (Senior Vice-Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries) and Dr. Surin Pituswan (Secretary-General of ASEAN). After the speeches there were two panel discussion sessions on Food Strategy for Sustainable Economic Growth and Energy Strategy for Sustainable Economic Growth.例文帳に追加

ERIAの「エネルギー・食料資源戦略に関するシンポジウム」は、各国大使、国会議員、各省庁幹部、企業関係者、学識有識者等幅広いトップリーダーを含む計約300 名の聴衆を得て開催され、二階経済産業大臣、橋本外務副大臣、石田農林水産副大臣及びスリンASEAN事務総長の基調講演が行われるとともに、「持続可能な経済成長に向けた食料戦略」及び「持続可能な経済成長に向けたエネルギー戦略」の2 つのセッションにおいてパネルディスカッションが行われた。 - 経済産業省

In this context, if we are to proceed with postponing the expiration of the Act, we will properly request various organizations to submit data or conduct interviews with them. When I served as Parliamentary Vice-Minister of International Trade and Industry twenty years ago, I was in charge of SMEs as required as the Parliamentary Vice-Minister of International Trade and Industry appointed from the House of Representatives back then for one year and three months under (former) Minister of International Trade and Industry Eiichi Nakao. Based on such experience, I have been told by SMEs how extremely helpful the Act has been. I may have also told you previously that according to what I have been informed by bureaucrats, a megabank attended a gathering of various financial institutions-a gathering of shinkin banks and credit unions at one of the financial bureaus-for the first time ever since the establishment of the Act. In that sense, my intuition as a politician is that the Act is proving to be extremely effective against the backdrop of the strong yen at this stage when we are considering the possibility of postponing its expiration. 例文帳に追加

ですから、そういった意味では、当然延長ということであれば、きちんと色々な団体からデータも出す、あるいはお話を聞かせていただくということもしますけれども、我々やはり感覚的に、20年前、私、通産政務次官をしていまして、中小企業担当の、あれは衆議院から行った通産政務次官は当時中小企業担当でしたから、1年3か月、中尾栄一(元)通産大臣のもとでやらせていただきました。そんなことで、中小企業からの非常に助かっているという声を聞きますし、また、いつかお話ししたかと思いますけれども、色々な金融の集まり、ある財務局での信用金庫・信用組合の集まりに、この法律ができて初めてメガバンクが来たという話も、これはきちんと官僚機構から聞いていますから、そういう意味では、私は非常に今の時代、データがあるかないかと言われたら今からそれをやるのですけれども、政治家の勘として、こういった円高の中でやはりこれは、まさに延長を視野に入れている今の段階で、非常によく効果をあらわしているなというふうに私は思っております。 - 金融庁

(i) University president, vice president, dean, professor, associate professor, assistant professor, lecturer, assistant or other staff member exclusively engaged in research, of universities as prescribed in Article 1 of the School Education Act (hereinafter in this Article referred to simply as "Universities"); college president, professor, associate professor, assistant professor, lecturer, assistant or other staff member exclusively engaged in research, of national college of technology as prescribed in Article 1 of the same Act (hereinafter in this Article referred to simply as "Colleges of Technology"); or the director or staff member exclusively engaged in research, of the Inter-University Research Institute Corporation prescribed in Article 2, paragraph 3 of the Incorporated National University Act (Act No. 112 of 2003) (hereinafter referred to simply as "Inter-University Research Institutes") (referred to collectively hereinafter as "University, etc. Researcher") that is the inventor of that patented invention (limited to employee invention (meaning those prescribed in Article 35, paragraph 1 of the Patent Act; hereinafter the same shall apply). 例文帳に追加

一 その特許発明(職務発明(特許法第三十五条第一項に規定するものをいう。以下同じ。)に限る。)の発明者である学校教育法第一条に規定する大学(以下この条において単に「大学」という。)の学長、副学長、学部長、教授、准教授、助教、講師、助手若しくはその他の職員のうち専ら研究に従事する者、同法第一条に規定する高等専門学校(以下この条において単に「高等専門学校」という。)の校長、教授、准教授、助教、講師、助手若しくはその他の職員のうち専ら研究に従事する者又は国立大学法人法(平成十五年法律第百十二号)第二条第三項に規定する大学共同利用機関法人(以下単に「大学共同利用機関法人」という。)の長若しくはその職員のうち専ら研究に従事する者(以下「大学等研究者」と総称する。) - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(ii) Where the individual conducts an act of manufacturing, etc. (including extraction; hereinafter the same shall apply in this item) outside or in Japan, and then transfers, in or outside Japan, respectively, inventory assets acquired through the said act of manufacturing, etc. (including the case where the individual additionally conducts another act of manufacturing, etc. in or outside Japan, respectively, with regard to the said inventory assets, and then transfers inventory assets thus acquired): Part of the whole income arising from the said transfer which, if the operations performed by the individual in the course of conducting the said transfer or act of manufacturing, etc. were divided into those performed in Japan (hereinafter referred to as "domestic operations" in this Article) and those performed outside Japan (hereinafter referred to as "overseas4 operations" in this Article) and the overseas operations were performed by a person other than the individual and the said assets were transferred from such other person to the individual under ordinary trade terms, and vice versa, should have arisen from such domestic operations 例文帳に追加

二 その個人が国外又は国内において製造等(採取を含む。以下この号において同じ。)をし、かつ、当該製造等により取得したたな卸資産をそれぞれ国内又は国外において譲渡する場合(当該たな卸資産につきそれぞれ国内又は国外において更に製造等をした後譲渡する場合を含む。) 当該譲渡により生ずる所得のうち、その個人が行なう当該譲渡又は製造等に係る業務を国内において行なう業務(以下この条において「国内業務」という。)と国外において行なう業務(以下この条において「国外業務」という。)とに区分し、他の者が国外業務を行ない、かつ、当該他の者とその個人との間において通常の取引の条件に従つて当該資産の譲渡が行なわれたものとした場合にその国内業務につき生ずべき所得 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(vii) Where the corporation conducts any business (including an act conducted as a part of a business) that consists of operations both in and outside Japan and falls under none of the categories listed in the preceding items: Part of the whole income arising from the said business which should have arisen from the domestic operations if the operations performed in the course of conducting the said business were divided into domestic operations and overseas operations, and these operations were performed by different independent business operators, and transactions were then made between these operators under ordinary trade terms, and vice versa, or which should be determined as that arising from the domestic operations based on the revenue arising from or expenses incurred in relation to the domestic operations, the value of the fixed assets used for the domestic operations, or any other factor by which the degree of contribution of the domestic operations to the generation of the income of the said business can be sufficiently estimated. 例文帳に追加

七 その法人が国内及び国外にわたつて前各号に該当しない事業(事業に係る行為を含む。)を行なう場合 当該事業により生ずる所得のうち、当該事業に係る業務を国内業務と国外業務とに区分し、これらの業務をそれぞれ独立の事業者が行ない、かつ、これらの事業者の間において通常の取引の条件に従つて取引が行なわれたものとした場合にその国内業務につき生ずべき所得又はその国内業務に係る収入金額若しくは経費、その国内業務の用に供する固定資産の価額その他その国内業務が当該事業に係る所得の発生に寄与した程度を推測するに足りる要因を勘案して判定したその国内業務につき生ずべき所得 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


His children played many important roles in the imperial court: Yoshiaki KAJUJI became Sangi (councilor); Kunitoyo SHIBAYAMA who was adopted by Gon Dainagon Mochitoyo SHIBAYAMA became Kudai-taifu (post of imperial household ministry); Tameoki REIZEI who was adopted by Gon Dainagon Tamesato REIZEI served at Konoefu (the headquarters of the inner palace guards); a daughter became the wife of Gon Chunagon (provisional middle councilor) Yasuchika HORIKAWA; Tadako KAJUJI (Higashikyogokuin) became Jusango and Naishi no suke (handmaid) for Emperor Kokaku and bore Emperor Ninko; Toshiaki BOJO who was adopted by Gon Dainagon Toshichika BOJO became Gon Dainagon as well; Tokuko KAJUJI became Naishi no suke for Emperor Ninko; a daughter became the wife of Gon Dainagon Tatefusa MADENOKOJI: a daughter became the wife of Gon Chunagon Kinnori OGIMACHISANJO; a daughter became the wife of Jun-daijin (vice minister) Sukenaru HINO; a daughter became the wife of Gon Dainagon Tokiakira HIRAMATSU, a daughter became the wife of Michinori ANDO who was Iga no kami (governor of Iga Province), Tsuke-garo (attendant chief retainer) of the Kii family, and the lord of the Kii Tanabe Domain; Tsunechika KAJUJI attained Jugoinoge (junior fifth rank, lower grade); a daughter became the wife of Chunagon (middle councilor) Nagamasa TAKAKURA. 例文帳に追加

実子に、参議・勧修寺良顕、宮内大輔・芝山国豊(権大納言・芝山持豊の養子)、近衛府・冷泉為起(権大納言・冷泉為訓の養子)、権中納言・堀河康親の室、東京極院・勧修寺ただ子(准三后、光格天皇の典侍、仁孝天皇の生母)、権大納言・坊城俊明(権大納言・坊城俊親の養子)、勧修寺徳子(仁孝天皇の典侍)、権大納言・万里小路建房の室、権中納言・正親町三条公則の室、准大臣・日野資愛の室、権大納言・平松時章の室、伊賀守・安藤直則(紀伊家付家老、紀伊田辺藩主)の室、従五位下・勧修寺経睦、中納言・高倉永雅の室など。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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