
「言ってはいけない」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(4ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





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Hirotsune also had a relationship by marriage with the Satake clan and proposed a meeting to Yoshimasa SATAKE and Hideyoshi SATAKE; however, Hideyoshi SATAKE said that he could not come up immediately, and confined himself in the Kinsa-jo Castle.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Jesus said to her, “Don’t hold me, for I haven’t yet ascended to my Father; but go to my brothers, and tell them, ‘I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.’”  - 電網聖書『ヨハネによる福音書 20:17』


As I have been saying this for quite a while, we are not currently confronted with a situation where bank after bank might go bankrupt. I do not therefore, believe that there are concerns from the standpoint of depositors that make them feel that it (the “pay-offceiling amount) should be raised from 10 million yen.  - 金融庁


As for next month's World Championships, he said firmly, "I can't come back unless I get good results at the World Championships. Of course, I'm going to compete in both the 100 and 200."  - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave



When his subordinates asked him to take a bath, his excuse was "military soldiers had to be prepared every minute for the enemy in the battlefield," "soldiers could not be ready to fight if something happened during bathing," and "we did not come all way here to the battlefield to take a bath."  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



To solve the problem with frame interpolation processing to a recorded video source, wherein the degradation of image quality such as picture collapse or a discontinuous image occurs when a parameter setting of the frame interpolation processing is improper. - 特許庁


But if this is true, what is the application? In leaving the prison against the will of the Athenians, do I wrong any? or rather do I not wrong those whom I ought least to wrong? Do I not desert the principles which were acknowledged by us to be just--what do you say? I cannot tell, Socrates, for I do not know.  - Plato『クリトン』


As I have been saying, while we will take these measures within the limited area of the jurisdiction of the FSA (Financial Services Agency), the cabinet must also properly implement economic measures so as to ensure that SMEs get jobs.  - 金融庁


What will be the fairest way of considering the question? Shall I return to your old argument about the opinions of men?--we were saying that some of them are to be regarded, and others not.  - Plato『クリトン』



First, I am not saying that the impact of the subprime mortgage problem, which has been continuing for one year, on Japan’s financial system and real economy is small. I am saying that Japan has learned lessons from its past crisis and received limited damage this time compared with the United States and Europe, so we need to carefully watch future developments.  - 金融庁



Bassanio said Anthonio should not sign to such a bond for him; but still Anthonio insisted that he would sign it, for that before the day of payment came, his ships would return laden with many times the value of the money.  - Shakespeare『ヴェニスの商人』


They are strongly encouraged not to fear to face challenges and make mistakes. However, at present, young Japanese people are not allowed to fail because, as I said earlier, they are supposed to contribute to the company right away and become a useful worker quickly. I suppose they feel distress if they are not allowed to fail. - 厚生労働省


However, managers who lack motivation, if I may say so, are dragging their feet in submitting business recovery plans even if the loan terms are modified.  - 金融庁


Until now, the stock market has shown wild swings each time a measure was taken. Following stock price rises in markets in Asia, Europe and the United States, we are waiting for the opening of the Tokyo market now. As stock prices have been dropping sharply, I am hoping for a stock price rise - would it be the first rise in eight days? - although I should not comment on market developments.  - 金融庁


But when he thought about these things, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying, “Joseph, son of David, don’t be afraid to take to yourself Mary, your wife, for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit.  - 電網聖書『マタイによる福音書 1:20』


To solve the conventional problem of an oral transmucosal administration of nicotine such as sense of incompatibility, likely to be crunched and swallowed, complexity of structure, complexness of manufacturing process, sustained release, reproducibility, controlling of the sustained release. - 特許庁


From now on, we will spend some time on listening again to the opinions of , for instance, “shinkin” banks, credit cooperatives and second-tier regional banks in particular. I think we need to communicate with them about further details, so to speak, including whether they can or are willing to tie up with Japan Post for further cooperation.  - 金融庁


If this objection against him is reasonable, it is also reasonable to point out the fact that just to say '"" can be read as Yamato, "" can be read as Toyo' based on the contents of Chinese-Japanese character dictionaries is nothing but a mere synonymous repetition depending on the popular idea as the ground; but to discuss the pronunciation of '' based on Chinese phonetics has nothing to do with this argument.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


1 and, speaking generally, it is not, in constitutional countries, to be apprehended, that the government, whether completely responsible to the people or not, will often attempt to control the expression of opinion, except when in doing so it makes itself the organ of the general intolerance of the public.  - John Stuart Mill『自由について』


In any case, I think that megabanks might as well come out into the open, rather than hiding behind their money lending affiliates, and try to meet urgent needs for small-lot loans under the favorable terms that used to be offered for consumer loans  - 金融庁


If the risk asset ratio is to be increased by 4 percentage points, 11 trillion yen would be necessary on the assumption of the risk asset amount of 550 trillion yen. To tell the truth, there are a variety of opinions, with some people arguing that the smaller the quota for capital injection, the better, while others insist that we should make an abundant amount of funds available for active capital injection. In any case, I hope that the scheme will be actively used.  - 金融庁


Today’s meeting of vice ministers was attended by the Prime Minister, the Chief Cabinet Secretary, and Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretaries Kondo and Konoike. As an instruction regarding the conduct of work at government ministries and agencies, the Prime Minister said that civil servants should place priority on speed, and report unfavorable information quickly to their superiors. He also said that civil servants must devote themselves to serving national interests and must never disavow responsibility for doing what they must do.  - 金融庁


Although the FSA may not have made a policy change because of the bill, the chairman of the Japanese Bankers Association said, “We have the impression that the FSA's stance on inspections significantly changed at that time.” The chairman has been interested in and has appreciated our efforts since we were in opposition.  - 金融庁


As I am always telling Mr. Kan, the National Strategy Bureau must consider how the government should stimulate domestic demand from that perspective with an eye on the compilation of the budget for the next fiscal year, although it may be difficult to compile a supplementary budget immediately. Although the suspension of the implementation of the supplementary budget that was adopted by the previous government has been actively debated, I have been arguing all along that the government should take action related to domestic demand in a responsible manner.  - 金融庁


The current chanoyu called 'sado' was completed by reexamining the structure of temae (a formalized chano yu procedure) of each school, adding the ritualization structure of tea parties ('one of the basic mannerism is to wear full dress at weddings'), and reexamining the original idea of sado, 'the essence of hosting a guest is (the guest cannot be truly entertained if the person does not take a full consideration of daily conduct and be aware of the essence at the bottom of one's heart).'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


He subsequently held control of the economic power in Sakai City, entrusting his armies with his competent younger brothers to fight wars in Kawachi Province, Yamato Province and Tanba Province one after another; though he built a large administration, this resulted only in his only influence stopping at the local level.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To remove a higher harmonic noise produced in controlling AC power supplied to a control object by using a thyristor at a low cost by a simple configuration, and to solve such the problem that a zero cross point cannot be accurately detected due to a phase delay. - 特許庁

「異議あり! 弁護人は、罪体《コーパス・デリクタイ》が立証されていないということを理由に、そのような申立を行うというのですか? 冗談を言っちゃいけません! それとも、証拠のことを頭に入れておられないのですか? 罪体《コーパス・デリクタイ》とは法律用語でして、犯罪構成事実、あるいは犯罪が実行されたことを示す重要な証拠品のことを指すんです。例文帳に追加

What!he said, "the gentleman bases his motion on a failure to establish the corpus delicti? Does he jest, or has he forgotten the evidence? The term 'corpus delicti' is technical, and means the body of the crime, or the substantial fact that a crime has been committed.  - Melville Davisson Post『罪体』


In the context of the issue of rules and principles, this may be seen as an action to provide specific examples of how the rules - be they rules on internal control or rules on the sale of risk-involving products under the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act - should be enforced from the broader viewpoint of the purposes for which those rules have been established.  - 金融庁


Of course, efforts should be made to take measures to prevent the Japanese economy from being affected by external factors in various ways, but as far as its real economy is concerned, Japan itself is in an unusual state compared to others around the world, in that it has not overcome the deflationary gap or spiral. The real economy itself is sagging. Shouldn’t we seriously consider how to tackle this situation, based on Japans own efforts?  - 金融庁

(5) 組織・運営計画 適正な水道料金を徴収し、人件費や水道施設の運転・管理費に充当すると言った水道会計と言う認識がない。また、水道技術者も少ない。このため、水道事業を実施する運営・維持管理に必要な組織の構築、運営方針の計画を行う。これには、人材育成計画も含む。例文帳に追加

(5) Organization and Management Plan In both cities, the accounts of the water supply works are not separated from the municipal general accounts. The concept of the water account, in which the personnel expenses and O&M expenses are to be covered by water rate from residents, should be introduced, and set the water charge at the appropriate level. In addition, in both cities, there are few number of water engineer. Therefore, organization and management plan including human resource development plan for water supply works should be established. - 厚生労働省


Certainly, reducing waste is absolutely essential. However, even though we will reduce waste, neither the country nor the people's lives can be sustained unless we do the “buildingpart of the scrap-and build approach. That perspective is important for the Hatoyama government, too. I am not just calling for an increase in public works.  - 金融庁


While, this decision states the following: "The discrimination and prejudice generated by the policy on Hansen's disease, such as the Campaign for Leprosy-Free Prefectures, is clearly different in nature as compared to those that had existed earlier. It is no exaggeration to say that the discrimination and prejudice against Hansen's disease patients, which still continues today, originated there," nevertheless many points of this campaign were left to be analyzed later. - 厚生労働省


Today, the chairman of the Japanese Bankers Association and I agreed on a variety of matters, including the assessment of the current economic situation. Regarding the bill that the three parties, then opposing parties, previously submitted as a measure to deal with curbs on new loans, the chairman told me, “That has apparently prompted the FSA to make a policy change.” I am not sure whether that led to a policy change by the FSA, and there was probably no change because the FSA paid no heed to us at that time.  - 金融庁


If I were 10 or 15 years younger, I would have called for the creation of a new organization. However, as I have grown older and gained experience, I now hesitate to grab at whatever is new in a situation like this. People cannot become experts on matters like this overnight.  - 金融庁


Q.Regarding this matter, a media report said that when you talked with a senior U.S. government official on July 16, you expressed your concern about the management crisis at the two U.S. mortgage finance companies and said in effect that you would not only prevent the sale of GSE bonds held by the government but also ask private financial institutions not to sell their holdings. Is this report correct?  - 金融庁


There are people appointed from both the private sector and the government. As the Prime Minister said in his policy speech yesterday, we should make the most of the precious human resources, including personnel in both the private sector and the government, and the appointment of executives at these financial institutions reflected this concept. So, it is not appropriate to say that the appointments for these financial institutions were predicated on the “amakudari” arrangement, or to describe the appointed executives as “amakudari” officials.  - 金融庁


This is not a matter that concerns only the securities industry. I have been talking about measures to invigorate the Japanese economy. Unless we boldly implement such measures, unless we implement our manifesto, including measures to expand domestic demand, it is doubtful whether the Japanese economy can be sustained by private-sector demand alone late this year through next year. I think that it is necessary for the government to start making efforts now to directly create domestic demand.  - 金融庁


Therefore, I ordered that the necessary paperwork be reduced by two-thirds, and although the FSA staff members have apparently had great difficulty, they have managed to do somehow with the reduced paperwork. Although the staff members may think that it is better to have documents prepared, it is difficult for SMEs to complete all necessary paperwork, so I ordered the reduction of paperwork when I decided to extend the act again.  - 金融庁


Regarding the responsibility of Olympus' creditor banks, if we say they should bear responsibility, it appears to be too harsh a judgment, and yet if we say they have no responsibility, it would imply that their management is very careless. Yesterday, Chairman Nagayasu of the Japanese Bankers Association admitted to the creditor banks' social and moral responsibility.  - 金融庁


To provide a developer replenishing container which has high dimensional stability against the temperature rise in the image forming apparatus body even if its developer container is partly made by a stretching blow molding method, and which is able to normally carry out mechanical functions such as for opening or closing the replenishing port and supplying the developer. - 特許庁


I have been constantly bringing up this point since the days of former Minister Yosano when the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) was in power and, considering that Minister Jimi did point out distortions caused by the Koizumi reform after the recent change of administration and I am sure that Senior Vice Minister Otsuka, being a financial expert, must naturally be so versed in this matter that I should not have to give any detailed account, why has there been no inspection that covers people involved all the way from the day the license of the Incubator Bank was issued? I just cannot stop wondering about this question and would like to have it answered by the Senior Vice Minister as well.  - 金融庁


There is no doubt that essentially, the lender-borrower relationship in each country strongly reflects the various circumstances of the country, such as social customs and the state of human relationships. The lender-borrower relationship is not pure and mechanical. The FSA will conduct its inspections, etc. based on the judgment that loans to which the moratorium scheme is applied are not necessarily non-performing loans, so I do not think foreign companies should regard that as unnatural  - 金融庁


Both bills should be enacted quickly. Especially, the bill to facilitate financing for small and medium-size enterprises (SMEs) (Bill on Extraordinary Measures to Facilitate Financing for SMEs, etc.) must be immediately enacted and put into force, as the end of the year (when SMEs may face financial difficulties) is around the corner. It is incomprehensible why the LDP (Liberal Democratic Party) and New Komeito are refusing to deliberate the bill as a sort of delaying tactic.  - 金融庁


As you know, there is uncertainty over whether the mandatory application of IFRS to Japanese companies will be recommended in an interim report to be issued next year.The other day, the Chairman of the Business Accounting Council observed that if the interim report is delayed too much, speculation is likely to grow over whether or not the mandatory application of IFRS will be introduced in 2015.After attending the Business Accounting Council's meetings regarding IFRS, I remember that observation well.  - 金融庁


And then Gratiano, who loved to copy what his lord did, thought he must make a speech like Bassanio's, and he said, in Nerissa's hearing, who was writing in her clerk's dress by the side of Portia, "I have a wife, whom I protest I love; I wish she were in heaven, if she could but entreat some power there to change the cruel temper of this currish Jew.  - Shakespeare『ヴェニスの商人』


Despite the Army demanded to reject the conclusion of the treaty of London Naval Conference on Disarmament, at the Imperial Diet opened in the latter half of April, because the proportion of the auxiliary ships unreached to 70 percent comparing to that of the United States, the government concluded the treaty, so that Tsuyoshi INUKAI, the President of the Opposition Rikken seiyukai, and Ichiro HATOYAMA attacked the government at the House of Representatives appealing 'The conclusion of the treaty ignoring the opposite opinion given by the Army means the interference and violate of supreme command,' and following that the Chairman of the Privy Council Yuzaburo KURATOMI showed his attitude to sympathize with that.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


My understanding is that Mr. Haraguchi expressed one of his ideas or thoughts in this regard, and I believe the Japan Post Bank must attain a mechanism (structure) and expertise to gain the ability to make challenges in the future, including the overseas investments he suggested. That is, how [the Japan Post Bank will build] such mechanism or structure after the legislation comes into effect ... Our ideas are not limited to the one mentioned by Mr. Haraguchi. Not only that, but also...  - 金融庁


All the same, let me mention that at yesterday's meeting of postmasters sponsored by the Study Group on Postal Policy, Japan Post President Saito said that at a time when a certain American life insurance company has a market share of around 75% and the largest Japanese life insurance company is struggling in the market, it would be difficult for Japan Post Insurance to provide cancer insurance at the low price offered to the Japanese people by the American company. That is a managerial judgment, and our position is that we respect managers' discretion.  - 金融庁



A while back, I visited Osaka centering on the local finance bureau for the purpose of conducting a survey on the Act concerning Temporary Measures to Facilitate Financing for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs), etc. and assembled four organizations of SMEs, financial institutions and the like. Osaka is particularly noteworthy as part of the Kinki region-an economic block comprised of parts of Osaka, Hyogo, Kyoto and Nara Prefectures. As the circulation of finance cuts across prefectural and national boundaries in this day and age, a scheme to create a special zone limited to just one prefecture seems to be somewhat incongruent with the principle of equality under the law, as I have explained previously.  - 金融庁


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原題:”On Liberty”

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原題:”The Corpus Delicti”
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電網聖書はパブリック・ドメインに置かれます。電網聖書は,The World English Bible (WEB)を土台とした新しい日本語訳です。この草稿は2002年3月3日版です。
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