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Moreover, in the Japanese (and east Asian) society before modern times that premised absoluteness of domination and order by governors, it gave an effect to deny people's right to ask for trial and to confirm that governors had no obligation to give people a legal protection.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


We further committed to additional steps to ensure strong, sustainable, and balanced growth, to build a stronger international financial system, to reduce development imbalances, and to modernize our architecture for international economic cooperation.  - 財務省


In the modern times, there has been a strict role sharing, where companies (private sector) pursue their benefits at market, and administration (public sector) uses the tax revenues collected from the private sector to solely take the responsibilities to provide public goods distinguished from those in market.12  - 経済産業省


It has incorporated a joint-venture area franchise company in Shanghai and operates stores. The company was able to capture a new market by carrying out overseas business of a modern auto parts store, which is an ordinary system for offering products and services in Japan. The company has expanded its business to operate 13 stores in China, 5 in Taiwan and 2 in the United Arab Emirates, as of March 2009. - 経済産業省



Since the modern system of foreign relations that had been forged by European countries was based on the principle of sovereign equality, in other words, the diplomacy between independent nations, the order of kai was forced to change or dissolve according to the development of such system of foreign relations.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



For a long time, Ito had been wary of Motoda who was known for his adverse opinion towards the modernization of Japan, and Ito immediately wrote 'Kyoikugi' (Proposition on Education) protesting vehemently that Motoda's view is the unrealistic theory; and thus they fiercely confronted each other.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


We welcome ongoing implementation of the WBG’s Post Crisis Directions and actions to modernize the WBG’s structures and operations to reinforce its ability to improve client responsiveness and to deliver, measure, and report on effective results.  - 財務省


The restoration affected all areas of life, such as the organization of the central government, legislation, the Imperial court, the class system, the local administration, the distribution system, industry, education, diplomacy, and religious policy, and effectively converted Japan into the first Western-style modern state in Asia.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Some of the reasons for the success of the Meiji Restoration are that Japanese people in the Edo period worked hard, were well educated, and abided by laws, and they had enough knowledge to accept modern rational scientific spirit.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



Knowledge on international law was actively required because Korea was in the international circumstance where Western powerful countries appeared and the Qing dynasty and Japan promoted their modernization, and people were greatly concerned about how Korea should survive in such situation.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



Okuma's policies were to stabilize the Meiji Government's financial base by Haihan-chiken, land-tax reform and Chitsuroku-shobun (Abolition Measure of Hereditary Stipend), to promote a modern trade and craft industry (encouragement of new industry) by building government-owned factories, and to develop private entrepreneurs by injecting government funds through National Bank (Meiji).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The building model substantializing the image of a building can be assembled in a short period of time by adopting an assembling method wherein basic structural elements in modern architecture such as a pillar and a floor (roof) are made of a bamboo skewer and a styrene board and the model is completed by just skewering the styrene board on the bamboo skewer even without using paste. - 特許庁


To provide a glass vessel having both a modern and refreshing texture intrinsic to a transparent or semi-transparent glass vessel and a luxurious texture produced through the decoration formed by lacquering intrinsic to a lacquer ware fused together with each other. - 特許庁


Thus, in the eighteenth century, when nearly all the instructed, and all those of the uninstructed who were led by them, were lost in admiration of what is called civilization, and of the marvels of modern science, literature, and philosophy, and while greatly overrating the amount of unlikeness between the men of modern and those of ancient times, indulged the belief that the whole of the difference was in their own favour; with what a salutary shock did the paradoxes of Rousseau explode like bombshells in the midst, dislocating the compact mass of one-sided opinion, and forcing its elements to recombine in a better form and with additional ingredients.  - John Stuart Mill『自由について』


The sixth comment was found in 'Kokuminteki Dokuritsu to Kokka Risei' (National Independence and Reason of State) by a political scientist Yoshitake OKA and 'Nihon to Asia' (Japan and Asia) ("Kindai Nihon Shiso-shi Koza" [Modern Japanese History of Ideas], published by Chikuma Shobo) by a scholar of Chinese literature Yoshimi TAKEUCHI in June, 1961.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Moreover, they offered to transfer the technique to Japan, which would allow Japan to obtain the modern printing technique; therefore the Japanese government ordered nine kinds of bills in October 1870, of which the total amount was worth 50,000,000 yen (later on they ordered an additional amount of 53,530,000 yen).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Until mid Meiji period, source-based study of modern history did not emphasize the validity of Emperor Go-Daigo (the Southern Court), but at around 1907 40 when the Nanbokucho Seijunron arose, the validity of Emperor Go-Daigo came to be stressed, creating a negative evaluation of Takauji.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, as philological study has developed in modern times, many people have pointed out that, since Buddhist thought developed in stages, entire sutras of Buddhism, including Theravada, were established gradually over periods as long as several centuries to begin with, and that the oldest sutras of Hokuden (Mahayana) Buddhism and Nanden Buddhism (Buddhism that spread from India to Sri Lanka and Southeast Asian countries such as Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, and Cambodia) do not contain description of 'Nyozegamon' (I heard this); Nakamoto TOMINAGA, who dealt with the 'Hokke-kyo Sutra (the Lotus Sutra) has no meaning theory', is one such person.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, since the restoration work by traditional techniques infringed on the Building Standards or Fire Prevention Act, there were problems in that entry into gates and turrets was restricted or castle towers could not be constructed due regulations on building height for disaster prevention, with modern techniques being partly introduced or reconstruction plans given up as in the case of Sanju Yagura (three tiered turret) of Sendai-jo Castle.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However in 1793, the United Kingdom, which tried to colonize India, introduced the Zamindari system in the north of India, admitted the lords and landowners as those who had a modern landownership, but forcibly deprived the traditional local people of landownership and the right to cultivate and made them tenant farmers who belonged to the lords and landowners and systematically collected tax as cash money through the lords and landowners permanently.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


There is a background for criticism of the above, on the contrary to many traditional religious schools in Japanese Buddhism who tried to democratize the nature of the religious group by going through trial and error in the movement of 'modernization from the base' after the 1970's, however, Nichiren Shoshu Sect has a tendency to traditionally focus political power on one person, kancho, and maintains the centralization of power.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


There is the accusation as well that his establishment of a completely centralized feudal control system, in which, with the Tokugawa shogun family placed as the absolute monarch, even the emperor family in addition to the Imperial court as well as daimyo, temples and shrines throughout the nation were placed under its control virtually and closed diplomatic policies were taken, was a factor that delayed modernization of Japan.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In the 19 century, in order to resist the invasion of the western powers in Asia, the Qing dynasty tried to shift the traditional international relationships in Asia to the modern ones with the Qing emperor in the center intactly to maintain the influential status by means of changing the subordinate countries under the tributary system, such as Korea, Vietnam and Ryukyu, to protected states, or merging them, thus promoted to make its subordinate countries protectorates.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

このようなメモリリークが一旦紛れ込んでしまうと、長い間検出されないままになることがよくあります: エラーによる関数の終了は、全ての関数呼び出しのに対してほんのわずかな割合しか起きず、その一方でほとんどの近代的な計算機は相当量の仮想記憶を持っているため、メモリリークが明らかになるのは、長い間動作していたプロセスがリークを起こす関数を何度も使った場合に限られるからです。例文帳に追加

Such leaks, once introduced, often go undetected for a longtime: the error exit is taken only in a small fraction of all calls,and most modern machines have plenty of virtual memory, so the leakonly becomes apparent in a long-running process that uses the leakingfunction frequently.  - Python


After World War II, Marxian history began to define samurai as the ruling class and the peasants as the ruled class, emphasizing the misery of the peasants' life and the existence of a class struggle derived from this misery, with merchants as the bourgeoisies who accumulated property (capital) which ushered in the modern age.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


As western powers colonized Asian countries and Japan forced Korea to open the country to the world and intervene in it, Qing, as a result, was spurred into using this war to try to transform the conventional relationship between Qing and Korea based upon a concept of a family with the same origin into a modern suzerain-dependency relationship (suzerain-colony relationship) and keep Korea under control.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


On the whole, in modern times when the speed of traffic and cultural interaction increased, corresponding has advanced on the international level, the cultural interaction has increased as a result of the speed of information-exchange by means of telephone, the Internet, and electronic mail and the ease of travel with the increase of airplanes has increased tremendously, nihon-ryori in the broad sense, including Japanese-style of eating as well as nihon-ryori dishes, and dishes from foreign cultures have all strongly influenced each other.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Nevertheless, there is a fact that one must ponder very seriously: it is the fact that, despite all the differences in the context of historical development, the modern nation moved, from having allowed patients in early-modern ages to live according to their circumstances of family, regions, and communities, toward calling "leprosy" a fearful infectious disease, continuing compulsory confinement, and so convincing and unifying people's minds and the social system as to reinforce the absolute segregation of patients of the disease. - 厚生労働省


Small pilgrimage churches that took care of pilgrims who fell sick or were looking for a bed were called hospices (the root word for the modern hospice, a place where the terminally ill live out their lives), which led to the word 'Hospitality' and a section within the church devoted to the care of the sick became the 'Hospital.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The Digital Library from the Meiji Era makes it possible for anyone, at any time or place, to access the digitized contents of materials published during the Meiji/Taisho period; thus its cultural and historical value as materials is deemed extremely high, although its scope is limited to the materials for which the copyright protection period can be confirmed as having expired, or materials with the approval of a copyright holder.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


From the original viewpoint of 'Japanese swords as weapons to fight with,' each of the special blades became a perfect Japanese sword using modern technology and had an essential practical utility, but most of them have no taste of beauty in appearance (some swords including semi-forged Showa Swords of Seki have both), so, today, they are not supposed to be included together with Japanese swords, also from the standpoint of the production method.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


On the other hand, in regions where the Sangaku-shinko faith exists, people placing too much confidence in modern gear, facing serious danger as a result of reckless acts, or conversely attacking nature due to excessive self-defense, by for instance, bringing in a large amount of goods and leaving the garbage behind, seen here and there, draws a fresh look at the spirituality of the Sangaku-shinko faith, which was cultivated for the purpose of coexisting with nature.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The opinion was put forth by folklorist Tsuneichi MIYAMOTO and historian Yoshihiko AMINO that the races of eastern Japan and of western Japan are different, emphasizing cultural contrasts; however, this is not the conventional opinion because the people of the two regions are rarely thought to be different races in the modern age.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Modern international law including "Bankoku Koho" brought a 'principle' to East Asia that all sovereign nations in the world are equal (Right to equality of nations) and the equality is based on wide variety of rights and duties between countries, but the thought is completely different from the point of view of Kaichitsujo, which admits China dynasty to maintain a 10-to-1 advantage.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Later, to expand the capacity for the Japan World Exposition '70 held in 1970, a new high-rise building was planned to be built at the south of the dining room of the main building, but because the area was under several regulations as for scenic reserve, it was called off when the basic foundation was completed of which a modern half-underground grillroom has been newly built on the base; in accordance with it, the unnecessary lounge was removed.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


When he returned to Japan due to his illness in 1905, he brought back a vast number of Western paintings including 'Impressionists' ones to build a real modern Western Art museum in the future, as well as Japan and Oriental Arts including 'Ukiyoe' which had flowed out of Japan and his book collection; however, he took a turn for the worse and died next year before he was understood by the people.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In ancient Japan, many bussharito were built as wooden five-storied pagodas or three-storied pagodas such as Hoko-ji Temple, Horyu-ji Temple, and Shitenno-ji Temple in the Asuka period, but in recent times, bussharito were built for peace in the post war period etc. such as Shiroyama in Kushiro City, Hokkaido, Heiwa Park in Gotenba City, Shizuoka Prefecture, and Mt. Hachibuse in Takaoka City, Toyama Prefecture, etc.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, he was still not quite free of influence from Gesaku (literary work of a playful, mocking, joking, silly or frivolous nature) literature himself, and later, the incompleteness of these modern literature standpoints were critically indicated by Shimei FUTABATEI in "Shosetsu Soron"(general remarks of a novel), "Ukigumo (Shimei FUTABATEI)" (Floating Clouds) (the first "Ukigumo" was published in the name of Yuzo TSUBOUCHI for commercial reasons).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Japan conquered principle of excluding foreigners that emerged at the end of Edo period, and the Meiji Government had tackled the following issues since the Bushing War: the construction of a modern state through the introduction of western civilization; the revision of the unequal treaties that the bakufu signed, with western countries; the definition of the border with Russia that had been promoting southward expansion; and the restructing of diplomatic relations and definition of the territory with East Asian countries.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

これを受け、2010年10月29日に開催された第13回日ASEAN首脳会議において、我々の首脳は、我々に対して、ASEANシングルウィンドウ及びその他の貿易円滑化の措置の実施を通じて、日 ASEANの制度連結性の更なる強化を図るよう指示した。我々の首脳は、また、ADBを通じて ASEAN税関当局の業務の近代化を支援する日本の計画を評価した。例文帳に追加

This was followed by our leadersinstruction at the 13th ASEAN-Japan Summit on October 29, 2010, that we should further enhance ASEAN-Japan institutional connectivity through establishing and implementing the ASEAN single window and other trade facilitation measures. Our leaders also appreciated Japan’s plan to assist ASEAN customs authorities in modernizing their customs operation through the ADB. - 財務省


To provide a two-stage parking lot unit having a modern sense excellent in appearance at a low cost and having equipment allowing a vehicle to easily entering and leaving the unit and having anti-pollution measures capable of coping with exhaust gas rising from the vehicle, in the case of newly constructing or remodeling a parking lot. - 特許庁


Other than the above, various kinds of digital library content have been made available to the public, including the 'Rare Books Image Database,' which reveals rare historical book and image data of Ukiyoe (Japanese woodblock prints) among the materials housed in the NDL; the 'Digital Library from the Meiji Era,' which provides scanned image data of the NDL's materials published during the Meiji period; and 'WARP' (Web Archiving Project) (project of selective accumulation of Internet-based information; formerly an experimental project of selective accumulation of Internet-based information), etc.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


More than observing laws, principles such as never cheating other people or telling lies have formed the philosophical basis of the remarkable development of modern capitalism, so we should act in an appropriate manner in that respect, although the idea that earning money is everything was evident in various incidents that took place around the time of the Lehman shock in the United States in particular. That's how I personally feel about this issue.  - 金融庁


Major collections include the following: stock of the old Han schools (schools of the feudal domains) and the Tokugawa Shogunate Succession Documents that were inherited from the former Imperial Library; the Ito Bunko (Ito collection) and the Shirai Bunko (Shirai collection), consisting of old books on herbalism; the Modern Political and Constitutional History, comprising materials on the modern political history, which were collected as a high priority considering the nature of a post-war national library as a facility for the Diet; the collection of official gazettes and statutes of Japan and foreign countries; the Ashihara Eiryo Collection, a collection of materials related to ballet and chanson inherited from the Ueno Branch Library; and the Nunokawa Bunko (Nunokawa collection) (the collection formerly possessed by Kakuzaemon NUNOKAWA), which concentrated on materials related to the history of publications and culture.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

このため、社会協力はいかなる関心事項も扱うことが できるとし(同第2項)、優先すべき措置として貧 困の削減や差別との戦いを促進すること、経済 社会発展過程における女性の地位を向上させる こと、労使関係、労働条件、社会保障及び職務保証 を発展・近代化させること、職能訓練・人材育成を 促進すること、中小・零細企業における雇用創出機 会を生み出すためのプロジェクトを促進すること 等を列記している(同第4項)。例文帳に追加

This agreement also provides that cooperation may cover any area of interest of the parties (Article 44, Item 2); and lists priority measures aimed at: reduction of poverty and the fight against social exclusion; promoting the role of women in the economic and social development process; developing and modernizing labor relations, working conditions, social welfare and employment security; promoting vocational training and development of human resources; and promoting projects and programmes which generate opportunities for the creation of employment within micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (Item 4). - 経済産業省


Shushigaku (considered to have arisen in opposition to traditional thinking), and especially Yomei-gaku (as described later, considered to have arisen in opposition to Shushigaku, which was officially authorized by the Ming Court), were easily linked in a defeated Japan to concepts such as modern thinking, antiauthoritarianism and human emancipation; as a result, most scholars have frequently attempted to extract from Shushigaku and Yomei-gaku the elements that are relatively close to these concepts and attempt to attach an ideological value to them.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

LaTeX ドキュメントクラスとLaTeX2HTML サポートは、いずれもこのドキュメントのために設計された特殊なマークアップを完全に実装しています。 高度にカスタマイズされたマークアップが、ドキュメントを処理するための深遠なる機構と組み合さってしまうと、こんな疑問が出てきます:もっと簡単にできないの? あるいは、もっとましにならないの?コミュニティとのたくさんの議論を重ねた結果、我々は近代的な構造化ドキュメント生成システムの追求にも時間を費やす価値があるという結論に達しました。例文帳に追加

The LaTeX document classes and LaTeX2HTML support are both complete implementations of the specific markup designed for these documents.Combining highly customized markup with the somewhat esotericsystems used to process the documents leads us to ask some questions: Can we do this more easily? and, Can we do this better? - Python


Synergy effects are gained from the combination of financial and mail services. It is said that post offices, elementary schools, and “kobanpolice boxes contributed to the modernization of Japan. We are reminded of that when we visit a rural region, although it does not spring to our mind while in Tokyo. In that sense, I believe that we need to have a broad perspective and a historical perspective, rather than merely thinking about financial and mail services.  - 金融庁


Shintoists of the Hirata-ha school, who sympathized with Atsutane HIRATA's way of thinking, and scholars of Japanese classical literature from Tsuwano Domain proposed that the spirit of the Meiji Restoration should be based on the spirit of Emperor Jimmu and the restoration of imperial rule should make modern Japan a country of 'saisei icchi' (unity of religion and state) and the declaration of the restoration of imperial rule contains the phrases "restoration of imperial rule" and "Emperor Jimmu"; the restoration of imperial rule and 'doing everything as in the time of Emperor Jimmu,' which until then had been advocated as ideals, became reality when building an actual country and took on public significance with the slogan of 'renewal of everything.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



Realizing structural reform during the safeguard imposition period means rationalizing, modernizing and differentiating industry in order to boost or restore the competitiveness of the industry to the extent needed to cope with the international competition induced by free trade, while production factors idle in the industry in question (or which could become idle) need to be absorbed by other industries to realize the optimal resource distribution in terms of sustaining the growth of the economy as a whole. - 経済産業省


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