例文 (999件) |
該当件数 : 2018件
Fig. 2-5-11 is based on the Financial Conditions Survey and shows the distribution of the rates of stock possession by company representatives and their relatives. More than 60% of SMEs have over 50% of their stocks held by the company representatives and their relatives, and as many as one in four companies have 100% of their stocks held by the company representatives and their relatives. - 経済産業省
In the Survey of Financial Institutions, over 80% of financial institutions answered that their assessment abilities had improved greatly or had improved somewhat, whereas in the Financing Conditions Survey a little less than 40% answered that the assessment abilities of financial institutions had improved greatly or had improved somewhat, showing a difference in perception between respondents to the two surveys regarding the improvement in the assessment abilities of financial institutions. - 経済産業省
Specifically, they aim to: (1) assess clearly the skill levels of staff members, (2) oversee the upskilling of each staff member on an individual basis and encourage them to quickly achieve the target levels set for them, (3) ensure the abilitybased grade system matches individual employee’s skills, (4) evaluate staff skill levels through their pay, and (5) proactively expand the field of work which only their own staff is able to carry out. - 経済産業省
We agreed to deepen our cooperation, especially in regard to discussions on achieving more durable and balanced global growth, increasing capacity building activities in key areas such as combating corruption and bribery, denying safe haven to corrupt officials, strengthening asset recovery efforts, and enhancing transparency in both public and private sectors. - 経済産業省
For SMEs trying to participate and expand sales channels in Asian and other growing foreign markets, METI will cooperate with relevant organizations in enhancing JETRO support for participation in overseas trade fairs and assistance regarding information, human resources development and fund-raising operations and in developing the environment for their smooth business operations after their expansion into these markets. - 経済産業省
これに加え、CEPTに先立つ形で1996年11月に発効したASEAN産業協力スキーム(AICO:ASEAN Industrial Cooperation scheme)は、ASEAN諸国内で現地資本比率30%以上や現地調達比率40%以上などの条件の下、AICO適用製品として認定された製品について、域内の二国以上の認定国間で相互に0~5%の特恵関税が適用される制度である。例文帳に追加
The ASEAN Industrial Cooperation (AICO) scheme came into effect in November 1996, preceding the CEPT. Under such system, 0-5% preferential tariff rates are mutually applied to trade between two or more countries within the region of the products which the member countries authorize as AICO Products that meet certain conditions (including the minimum 30% national equity (for manufacturers) and the minimum 40% local content in the ASEAN countries). - 経済産業省
Under such agreement, a large portion of the average tariff rate (16%, based on annual average effective tariff rate as of 2001) which was previously imposed on export products to Mexico are to be eliminated within 10 years. In areas such as investment and services, and governmental procurement, Japan enjoys a competitive environment similar to that enjoyed by Western countries with Mexico. - 経済産業省
「コンゴ民主共和国を原産国とする紛争鉱物の採鉱と取引に関する議会の意見」を述べている第1502(a)条の表題に反映されているように、議会は紛争鉱物法律規定を制定するに当たって、DRC でのきわめて暴力的で、DRC を原産国とする紛争鉱物の採鉱と取引をその部分的な資金源としてきた紛争を終わらせるという人道的目標の達成をさらに進めることを意図していた。例文帳に追加
As reflected in the title of Section 1502(a), which states the “Sense of the Congress on Exploitation and Trade of Conflict Minerals Originating in the Democratic Republic of the Congo,” in enacting the Conflict Minerals Statutory Provision, Congress intended to further the humanitarian goal of ending the extremely violent conflict in the DRC, which has been partially financed by the exploitation and trade of conflict minerals originating in the DRC. - 経済産業省
According to an analysis conducted by the Ministry of Commerce of China, the supply of 430 consumer goods items, centering on industrial products, is expected to become excessive in China in the first half of 2006, accounting for 71.7% of all consumer goods. The prospect reflects slackening growth in exports of textile products business strategy is shifting to domestic sale), excessive production capacity for home electronics appliances and rapid expansion of automobile production mainly by foreign-affiliated carmakers. - 経済産業省
In this section, we will discuss measures for facilitating SME finance in the regions, outlining the state of progress of community-based finance and the extent of use of a variety of newly-developed fundraising schemes aimed at SMEs, and examine issues involved in strengthening the functions of regional SME finance. - 経済産業省
In the above analysis, we examined the state of information disclosure and corporate governance by SMEs. In order to further develop, in the future, an environment that facilitates fundraising by SMEs from financial institutions, SMEs and financial institutions must compare and adjust their views concerning optimal methods for information disclosure and corporate governance, and develop a favorable business relationship. - 経済産業省
従来、地域密着性が主要な企業の競争力の源泉となってきたサービス産業にとって、その事業規模は限られ、結果として規模の利益を享受することに限界があったと考えられるが、以上のように、IT 投資の積極的拡大や大量調達とグローバル展開を同時に進めることで規模の利益を実現し、双方が成果を生む好循環を生み出していると考えられる。例文帳に追加
In the past, regional bonding was the main source of competitive strength for companies in service sector, business scale became limited, and as a result there were limits to obtaining economies of scale. But as mentioned above, achieving economies of scale by simultaneously pushing forward with active expansion of IT investments, large volume purchasing and global expansion can bring a favorable cycle of benefits from all these factors. - 経済産業省
特に、域内における自由で開かれた貿易及び投資の実現を、先進国は2010 年までに、発展途上国は2020 年までに達成するという期限付きの目標、いわゆる「ボゴール目標」は国際的な注目を浴び、APECは一層具体的な目標と方向性を掲げる国際協力枠組みとしての道を歩み始めた。例文帳に追加
In particular, international attention was drawn to the “Bogor Goals,” which set “free and open trade and investment in the Asia-Pacific by 2010 for developed economies and 2020 for developing economies.” These initiatives pushed APEC further on its path of an international framework of cooperation with even more specific goals and directions. - 経済産業省
The "positive adjustment to import competition" stipulated by Section 201 is defined as occurring when (1) the domestic industry is able to compete successfully with imports after actions taken under this section terminate; and (2) the domestic industry experiences an orderly transfer or resources to other productive pursuits and dislocated workers in the industry in question experience an orderly transition to productive pursuits. - 経済産業省
同条項(当初案)の経済効果について分析した試算11 によると、公共事業で調達される鉄鋼製品の全てを米国産とすることで鉄鋼製品の5 千万トンの増産が見込まれるが、鉄鋼産業は他の産業と比較し資本集約的であるため雇用創出効果はわずか1 千人に過ぎない。例文帳に追加
According to tentative calculations analyzing the economic effect of the provision (based on the initial draft of the Act),11 switching all iron and steel products procured for public works to American products will increase the production of iron and steel products by 50 million metric tons; however, because of the capital-intensive nature of the iron and steel sector, this would only create job opportunities for one thousand people. - 経済産業省
近年我が国企業の海外生産比率は3 割に達し、外国子会社の利益が10年間で4 倍超に増加したが、これまでは海外現地法人の内部留保額が毎年2 ~ 3 兆円のペースで急増する一方、配当額は微増にとどまっており、海外から国内への資金還流は伸び悩んでいた(第3-2-2-10 図)。例文帳に追加
The ratio of overseas production of Japanese-owned companies has reached 30% in recent years, and the income of overseas subsidiaries has quadrupled in four years. In the past, while the amount of internal revenues of overseas affiliated companies increased at the pace of 2-3 trillion yen every year, the dividend has been limited to a small increase and the inflow of funds from overseas into Japan has been sluggish (see Figure 3-2-2-10). - 経済産業省
The WTO Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures (ASCM) broadly defines "subsidies" as any government measure that can benefit the recipient, including grants, loans, equity infusion, loan guarantees, tax deductions or tax exemptions, government procurement and government provision of goods and services. In principle, the ASCM disciplines subsidies granted to any product except agricultural products, which fall under the scope of the Agreement on Agriculture. However, the ASCM does cover forestry and fishery products. - 経済産業省
Lifecycle emissions of CO2 is the CO2 equivalent of environmental burdens a product imposes throughout the chain of materials procurement, research and development, production, use and consumption, disposal and recycling and distribution. It is the approach to look at environmental burdens in an integrated manner covering not only those arising from inside the company but also those that could be generated in business activities at large. - 経済産業省
Under this regime, not only is the outside public ill-qualified, for want of practical experience, to criticize or check the mode of operation of the bureaucracy, but even if the accidents of despotic or the natural working of popular institutions occasionally raise to the summit a ruler or rulers of reforming inclinations, no reform can be effected which is contrary to the interest of the bureaucracy. - John Stuart Mill『自由について』
第二十四条 経済産業大臣は、居住者による特定資本取引(第二十条第二号に掲げる資本取引(同条第十二号の規定により同条第二号に準ずる取引として政令で定めるものを含む。)のうち、貨物を輸出し、又は輸入する者が貨物の輸出又は輸入に直接伴つてする取引又は行為として政令で定めるもの及び鉱業権、工業所有権その他これらに類する権利の移転又はこれらの権利の使用権の設定に係る取引又は行為として政令で定めるもの(短期の国際商業取引の決済のための資本取引として政令で定めるものを除く。)をいう。以下同じ。)が何らの制限なしに行われた場合には、我が国が締結した条約その他の国際約束を誠実に履行することを妨げ、若しくは国際平和のための国際的な努力に我が国として寄与することを妨げることとなる事態を生じ、この法律の目的を達成することが困難になると認めるとき又は第十条第一項の閣議決定が行われたときは、政令で定めるところにより、当該特定資本取引を行おうとする居住者に対し、当該特定資本取引を行うことについて、許可を受ける義務を課することができる。例文帳に追加
Article 24 (1) When the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry finds that if specified capital transactions by a resident (meaning capital transactions listed in Article 20, item 2 (including those specified by Cabinet Order as transactions equivalent to item 2 of the said article pursuant to the provision of item 12 of the said article), which are specified by Cabinet Order as transactions or acts committed by a person who imports or exports goods directly accompanying the import or export of the goods, or which are specified by Cabinet Order as transactions or acts pertaining to the transfer of the mining right, industrial property right or other right equivalent thereto or establishment of the right to use these rights (excluding those specified by Cabinet Order as capital transactions to settle short-term international commercial transactions)), are conducted without any restrictions, it will cause a situation that prevents Japan from sincerely fulfilling obligations under the treaties and other international agreements it has signed or from making its contribution to international efforts for achieving international peace, which will make it difficult to achieve the purpose of this Act, or when a cabinet decision set forth in Article 10, paragraph 1 has been made, he/she may impose, pursuant to the provisions of Cabinet Order, on a person who intends to commit the specified capital transactions, the obligation to obtain permission for the implementation of the specified capital transactions. - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
Actions include: infrastructure investment (Brazil, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, South Africa); supporting research, education and skills development and eliminating tariffs on machinery and manufacturing inputs (Canada); reform of pricing for factors of production, promote market-based interest rate reform in an orderly manner and gradually achieve RMB capital account convertibility as stated in its current 5-year plan (China); structural reforms in the services sector to boost productivity (France, Germany, Italy, Korea); tax reform aimed at a more employment-friendly taxation (Germany, Italy); raising standards of disclosure of information by financial institutions (Russia); phasing out wasteful and distortive subsidies in the medium term, while providing targeted support for the poor (India, Indonesia); reforms to energy efficiency and greater use of renewable and domestic energy resources (Turkey), agriculture (Argentina); ; enhanced regional integration to promote trade and investment (South Africa); improved practices and enhanced oversight of the short-term financing markets and reforms to help promote a rise in household savings as a share of GDP (US); transitioning to a clean energy economy through effective carbon price mechanism (Australia) and, efforts to promote green growth (Korea). - 財務省
Internal control is defined as a process performed by everyone in an organization and incorporated in its operating activities in order to provide reasonable assurance of achieving four objectives: effectiveness and efficiency of business operations, reliability of financial reporting, compliance with applicable laws and regulations relevant to business activities, and safeguarding of assets. Internal control consists of six basic components: control environment, risk assessment and response, control activities, information and communication, monitoring, and response to IT (Information Technology). - 金融庁
For example, internal notices from that company's management, questionnaires that management prepared for people within and outside the organization, documents in which predecessors describe to successors the content of operations, documents prepared when salespeople receive orders, software manuals, original documents such as vouchers and receipts, and shipping instructions output from a sales management system after orders are input, etc. - 金融庁
我々は、開発途上国が 2015 年までにミレニアム開発目標(MDGs)を達成することを支援すること、現在の進捗状況では 2015 年までに MDGs のいずれも達成できないアフリカに対し特に努力を払うこと、開放された貿易システム、援助の効率性の強化、吸収能力、援助水準の向上、債務救済に関する開発資金国際会議(モンテレイ)の合意を更に実施するために採り得ると信ずるステップを G8 首脳に対し明らかにすること、以上の 2 月会合におけるコミットメントを再確認した。例文帳に追加
We reaffirm the commitments we made at our meeting in February this year to help developing countries achieve the Millennium Development Goals by 2015, to make particular efforts in Africa, which on current rates of progress will not meet any of the Millennium Development Goals by 2015, and to set out for G8 Heads of Government and States the steps we believe can be taken to further implement the Monterrey Consensus on an open world trade system; increased aid effectiveness; absorptive capacity; increased levels of aid; and debt relief. - 財務省
調停官は,調停会議の間,当事者に対し,紛争の解決に資する公正かつ相互に利益のある和解に達するよう促す。調停官は,紛争の早期和解の利益を強調して調停手続を説明し,かつ,即時の和解を図るものとする。 和解に達さない場合は,紛争解決のために調停官が提案する様々な選択肢を検討するために,更に10日以内にもう1回の会合を設定する。必要な場合は,調停官は,当事者間に別の合意点を探求するために,次回会合の前に,各当事者と別個の会議を開くことができる。例文帳に追加
During the mediation conference, the Mediator shall encourage the parties to arrive at a fair and mutually beneficial compromise that will resolve the dispute. The Mediator shall explain the mediation proceedings stressing the benefits of an early settlement of the dispute and shall attempt immediate settlement. If no settlement is reached, another session shall be set within ten days therefrom to consider various options proposed by the Mediator to resolve the dispute. If necessary, the Mediator may hold separate conferences with each party before the next session to explore alternative points of agreement between the parties. - 特許庁
Upon calculating out production amount, supply amount, transportation means of a plurality of products, various kinds of target values thereof are set into restriction conditions when those restriction conditions are formulated into a linear programming problem, and then feasible production plan is calculated out, so that the estrangement between the management indices calculated from executable solutions of the linear programming problems and the target values thereof comes to be minimal. - 特許庁
The law excludes from state agency procurement: (1) companies that have a principal place of business in Myanmar or who otherwise conduct business in Myanmar, including any majority-owned subsidiaries of such companies; (2) companies providing financial services to the Government of Myanmar; (3) companies promoting the importation or sale of gems, timber, oil, gas or other related products from Myanmar (trading in all is largely controlled by the Government of Myanmar); and (4) companies providing any goods or services to the Government of Myanmar. - 経済産業省
In addition to increases in environmental awareness among consumers and the strengthening of environmental regulations, many companies, especially large enterprises, actively try to develop new technology such as fuel cells, while “green procurement,”10) which prioritizes the procurement of parts and materials with a small environmental impact, is also expanding. As a result, SMEs are also thought to be actively working to develop various environmentally friendly products and services. - 経済産業省
二 中小企業者のうち資本金の額が三億円を超える株式会社が認定利用計画に従って新エネルギー利用等を行うために必要とする資金の調達を図るために発行する株式、新株予約権(新株予約権付社債に付されたものを除く。)又は新株予約権付社債等(中小企業投資育成株式会社法第五条第一項第二号に規定する新株予約権付社債等をいう。以下この項及び次項において同じ。)の引受け及び当該引受けに係る株式、新株予約権(その行使により発行され、又は移転された株式を含む。)又は新株予約権付社債等(新株予約権付社債等に付された新株予約権の行使により発行され、又は移転された株式を含む。)の保有例文帳に追加
(ii) Subscription for shares, a right to subscribe for new shares (except for those attached to bonds with a right to subscribe for new shares),or bonds with a right to subscribe for new shares, etc. (referring to bonds with a right to subscribe for new shares, etc. as provided for in Article 5, paragraph (1), item (ii) of the Small and Medium Business Investment & Consultation Companies Act; the same applying in the rest of this paragraph and in the following paragraph), which have been issued by a corporation among Small and Medium Sized Enterprise Operator with stated capital exceeding 300,000,000 yen in order to raise the funds required to practice New Energy Utilization, etc. in accordance with a Certified Utilization Plan, and the holding of the shares, the right to subscribe for new shares (including the shares issued or transferred through the exercise of the right to subscribe for new shares), the bonds with a right to subscribe for new shares, etc. (including the shares issued or transferred through the exercise of the right to subscribe for new shares attached to the bonds with a right to subscribe for new shares, etc.) obtained through said subscription, - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
二 承認事業者が承認計画に従って行う特定大学技術移転事業により特定研究成果の移転を受けて、中小企業者のうち資本金の額が三億円を超える株式会社が当該特定研究成果を活用する事業を実施するために必要とする資金の調達を図るために発行する株式、新株予約権(新株予約権付社債に付されたものを除く。)又は新株予約権付社債等(中小企業投資育成株式会社法第五条第一項第二号に規定する新株予約権付社債等をいう。以下この条において同じ。)の引受け及び当該引受けに係る株式、新株予約権(その行使により発行され、又は移転された株式を含む。)又は新株予約権付社債等(新株予約権付社債等に付された新株予約権の行使により発行され、又は移転された株式を含む。)の保有例文帳に追加
(ii) To subscribe shares, to apply for share options (except for those attached to bond with share option) or to purchase bond with share option, etc. (referring to bonds with share option, etc. as provided in Article 5, paragraph 1, item 2 of the Small and Medium Business Investment & Consultation Companies Act; hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph), or to hold the subscribed shares, the share options (including the shares issued or transferred through the exercise of the share options), or the bonds with share option, etc. (including the shares issued or transferred through the exercise of the share options attached to the bonds with share option, etc.), which have been issued by a corporation that falls within the definition of Small and Medium Sized Enterprise Operators and that has a stated capital exceeding 300,000,000 yen in order to raise the funds required to implement the business utilizing the said Specified Research Results which was transferred to an Accredited TLO pursuant to the Specified University Technology Transfers Operations to be carried out in accordance with an Approved Plan. - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
二 認定研究開発事業者又は認定統括事業者である中小企業者のうち資本金の額が三億円を超える株式会社が認定研究開発事業計画又は認定統括事業計画に従って研究開発事業又は統括事業を行うために必要とする資金の調達を図るために発行する株式、新株予約権(新株予約権付社債に付されたものを除く。)又は新株予約権付社債等(中小企業投資育成株式会社法第五条第一項第二号に規定する新株予約権付社債等をいう。以下この号及び次項において同じ。)の引受け及び当該引受けに係る株式、新株予約権(その行使により発行され、又は移転された株式を含む。)又は新株予約権付社債等(新株予約権付社債等に付された新株予約権の行使により発行され、又は移転された株式を含む。)の保有例文帳に追加
(ii) Subscription for shares, share options (excluding those attached to bonds with share option), or Bonds with Share Options, etc. (meaning Bonds with Share Options, etc. as defined in Article 5, paragraph (1), item (ii) of the Small and Medium-sized Enterprise Investment Business Corporation Act; hereinafter the same shall apply in this item and in the following paragraph), and the holding of the shares, the share options (including the shares issued or transferred through the exercise of the share options), or the Bonds with Share Options, etc. (including the shares issued or transferred through the exercise of the share options attached to the Bonds with Share Options, etc.) pertaining to such subscription, which have been issued by a stock company with stated capital exceeding 300,000,000 yen that is a Small and Medium-sized Enterprise Operator being a Certified Research and Development Business Operator or a Supervisory Business Operator in order to raise the funds required for the purpose of engaging in Research and Development Business or Supervisory Business according to a Certified Research and Development Business Plan or a Certified Supervisory Business Plan. - 経済産業省
Considering the status of globalization of Japan’s industries and the economic situation of East Asia in recent years, it is essential to build a framework to enable Japan’s companies to recover appropriate profits from East Asia, etc. Support for the financial aspect of this framework requires implementation of a method of financial environment development for integrated industrial development with East Asia, etc (Asia Industrial Finance Zone Initiative). In other words:(1) Development of domestic and foreign financial environments for smoother expansion of Japanese companies into East Asia, etc., and repatriation of resulting profits (dividends from business investment and financing, royalties for provision of intellectual property, etc.)(2) Development of the environment of Japan’s financial markets, to incorporate the growth and activity of businesses expanding in East Asia, etc., for Japan to achieve economic growth (3) Development of fundamentals to achieve the above - 経済産業省
二 他勘定預金契約等 他の特別国際金融取引勘定承認金融機関との間の前項第十一号イ若しくはロに掲げる取引であつて当該取引に係る資金の運用若しくは調達に関する経理が当該他の特別国際金融取引勘定承認金融機関における特別国際金融取引勘定において整理されるものに係る契約又は他の特別国際金融取引勘定承認金融機関との間の外国公社債等若しくは流動化証券の取得若しくは譲渡であつて当該行為に係る資金の運用若しくは調達に関する経理が当該他の特別国際金融取引勘定承認金融機関における特別国際金融取引勘定において整理されるものをいう。例文帳に追加
(ii) Deposit contract for other account, etc.: Meaning a contract pertaining to the transactions listed in item (xi)(a) or (b) of the preceding paragraph with another approved financial institution for the special international financial transactions account, of which accounting related to the operation or procurement of funds pertaining to the transactions is adjusted in the special international financial transactions account of the another approved financial institution for the special international financial transactions account, or the acquisition or negotiation of the foreign public or corporate bonds, etc. or liquid securities from or to another approved financial institution for the special international financial transactions account, of which accounting related to the operation or procurement of funds pertaining to the act is adjusted in the special international financial transactions account of the another approved financial institution for the special international financial transactions account - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
The most important thing is that financial institutions, mainly regional ones, properly and actively exercise their financial intermediary function for SMEs. In this sense, we would like to continue requesting an active exercise of the financial intermediary function while remaining conscious of the end of the fiscal year as you mentioned in your question. Banks should use the Act on Special Measures for Strengthening Financial Functions based on their own management judgment if they find their capital bases inadequate as a result of efforts to actively exercise their financial intermediary function or when they are about to make such efforts and if they have difficulty in raising necessary capital from the market or on a commercial basis alone or face very tough terms. - 金融庁
10 第七項第三号又は第八項第三号の承認を受けようとする商品取引員は、次に掲げる 事項を記載した承認申請書に契約書の写し又はこれに準ずる書類を添付して、主務大臣 に提出しなければならない。 一商号 二許可年月日又は許可更新年月日 三期限前弁済等の額(外貨建てである場合にあっては、期限前弁済等の額及びその円 換算額)四現在及び期限前弁済等を行った後の短期劣後債務又は長期劣後債務の額(外貨建て である場合にあっては、短期劣後債務又は長期劣後債務の額及びその円換算額)五期限前弁済等を行う理由 六期限前弁済等の予定日 七十分な純資産額規制比率(法第二百十一条第一項に規定する純資産額規制比率をい う。以下同じ。)を維持するための資本金調達その他の具体的措置の内容 八期限前弁済等を行った後の純資産額規制比率の推定値例文帳に追加
(10) When a Futures Commission Merchant intends to receive approval under paragraph 7, item 3 or paragraph 8, item 3, he/she shall submit a written application for approval including the following matters to the competent ministry with a copy of contract or an equivalent document attached to it: (i) trade name; (ii) the date of receiving permission or the date of the renewal of permission; (iii) the amount of the Payment before Maturity, etc. (in the case where the amount is denominated in a foreign currency, the amount of the Payment before Maturity, etc. and the amount thereof in Japanese Yen); (iv) the amount of the current short-term subordinated debts or long-term subordinated debts and those after making the Payment before Maturity, etc. (in the case where the amount is denominated in foreign currency, the amount of the short-term subordinated debts or long-term subordinated debts and the amount thereof in Japanese Yen); (v) the reasons for the Payment before Maturity, etc.; (vi) the scheduled date of the Payment before Maturity, etc.; (vii) the financing methods and other concrete measures for maintaining the sufficient Net Assets Regulation Ratio (which means the Net Assets Regulation Ratio prescribed in Article 211, paragraph 1 of the Act; the same shall apply hereinafter); (viii) the estimated Net Assets Regulation Ratio after making the Payment before - 56 - Maturity, etc. - 経済産業省
That is a question with a grand scope. The financial sector has undergone significant progress especially since the days of (former British Prime Minister) Margaret Thatcher and (former US President) Ronald Reagan, under so-called neo-conservatism: in particular, investment banks in the United States have come to generate huge profits by taking advantage of financial engineering, which evolved especially with the advance of information technology. Apparently, stocks are purchased and sold in 2 milliseconds at the Tokyo Stock Exchange. Stocks are purchased and sold in 1 or 2 milliseconds at the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, which I visited the other day. This is the kind of world we are talking about. - 金融庁
Improvements were seen in July 1999 with a new agreement obligating institutions that were formerly exempt from the agreement — local government institutions, education committees and other organizations using public funds to procure academic research, insurance or services — to adhere to non-discriminatory, transparent and fair procedures in their procurement processes. However, Canada still maintains some exceptions. For example, institutions can give preferential treatment to domestic suppliers if the price difference is less than 10 percent, and can limit bidding to Canadian suppliers if Canadian markets are found to be sufficiently competitive and Canadian products are found to be sufficiently high in quality. - 経済産業省
第五十二条 国土交通大臣は、貨物の流通の円滑化に資するため、高度かつ多様な貨物の運送サービスに対する利用者の選好の動向、これに対応する貨物の流通に関する事業活動の動向等に配慮しつつ、貨物利用運送事業の健全な発達並びに利用者に対する貨物の運送サービスの改善及び向上を図るために必要な施策を総合的に実施するよう努めなければならない。例文帳に追加
Article 52 The Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism shall endeavor to comprehensively execute the measures necessary for sound development of the consigned freight forwarding business and improvement and enhancement of the freight forwarding business for the users with due consideration to the trend of selection by the users of the highly accomplished and diversified freight forwarding business and the trend in the business activities related to distribution of the freight to meet their needs in order to contribute to smoother freight distribution. - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
第三条 政府は、この法律の目的を達成するため、特定先端大型研究施設のうち研究者等の共用に供される部分又は放射光専用施設を利用した研究等(以下「施設利用研究」という。)を行う者に対する支援、施設利用研究の促進のための方策に関する調査研究及び施設利用研究の促進に資する国際交流の推進その他の特定先端大型研究施設の共用を促進するために必要な措置を講ずるよう努めなければならない。例文帳に追加
Article 3 For achieving the purpose of this Act, the government shall endeavor to support persons engaged in the Researches, etc. utilizing the portion of the Specific Advanced Large Research Facilities that is made available for public utilization by the Researchers, etc. or the Dedicated Facilities for Synchrotron Radiation (hereinafter referred to as the "Researches Utilizing Facilities"), conduct researches and studies concerning measures to promote the Researches Utilizing Facilities, promote international exchange that would contribute to the promotion of the Researches Utilizing Facilities and take other measures necessary to promote public utilization of the Specific Advanced Large Research Facilities. - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
チ 信託契約に係る元本の受益権の行使は、商品取引員が通知商品取引員に該当することとなった場合その他受益者代理人である委託者保護基金が当該商品取引員の有する取引委託者に対する委託者資産の返還に係る債務の円滑な弁済のために必要と判断した場合に、当該委託者保護基金がすべての取引委託者について一括して行使するものであること。この場合において、当該信託契約は、その目的を達成したものとして終了することを妨げない。例文帳に追加
(h) when a Futures Commission Merchant has fallen under the category of a Futures Commission Merchant Subject to a Notice, or when a Consumer Protection Fund that is the agent for a beneficiary of a trust judges it is necessary for the smooth repayment of said Futures Commission Merchant's debts pertaining to the return of the customer's assets to a Transaction Customer, the beneficiary rights to the principal pertaining to the Trust Contract shall be executed by said Consumer Protection Fund for all Transaction Customers in a lump sum. In this case, it shall not preclude the termination of said Trust Contract deeming that its purpose has been attained; - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
第五十六条の九 保育の実施への需要が増大している都道府県(厚生労働省令で定める要件に該当するものに限る。以下この条において「特定都道府県」という。)は、市町村保育計画の達成その他の市町村における保育の実施の事業及び主務省令で定める子育て支援事業その他児童の保育に関する事業であつて特定都道府県が必要と認めるものの供給体制の確保に資するため、各市町村を通ずる広域的な見地から、当該供給体制の確保に関する計画を定めるものとする。例文帳に追加
Article 56-9 (1) In order to contribute to achieving the Municipal Daycare Plans and ensuring the system for supplying the Daycare Practice and the Child Care Support Services specified by an ordinance of the competent ministry and such other services concerning daycare of children that the specified prefecture (as defined below) finds necessary in the municipalities other than specified municipalities, the prefecture facing an increasing demand for the Daycare Practice (limited to the prefectures falling under the requirements specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare; referred to as a "Specified Prefecture" hereinafter in this Article) shall formulate a plan to ensure said supply system from a cross-regional standpoint across the respective municipalities. - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
第百六十六条 公訴を提起するについて、犯人が国外にいたこと又は犯人が逃げ隠れていたため有効に起訴状若しくは略式命令の謄本の送達ができなかつたことを証明する必要があるときは、検察官は、公訴の提起後、速やかにこれを証明すべき資料を裁判所に差し出さなければならない。但し、裁判官に事件につき予断を生ぜしめる虞のある書類その他の物を差し出してはならない。例文帳に追加
Article 166 When, in instituting prosecution, it is necessary to prove that a copy of the charge sheet or of a summary order could not be validly served since the offender was outside Japan or he/she was concealing himself/herself, the public prosecutor shall submit to the court materials proving thusly promptly after institution of prosecution; provided, however, that he/she shall not submit any document or any other article which raises concerns of causing the judge to be biased with regard to the case. - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
It has been considered that this corresponded to the exact opposite conclusions drawn by FUJIWARA no Sadaie and MINAMOTO no Mitsuyuki in the context of nearly the same material and with the recognition that 'the existence of different texts make it difficult to find out which one is correct': Sadaie said, 'It was impossible for me to solve the question,' and Mitsuyuki said, 'I was able to solve the question completely after various investigations were conducted.' - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
There were some examples of Edo merchants who did daimyogashi mainly to domains in the Kanto and the Tohoku regions, but Edo did not become a stable financial source for domains because annual rice tax and special products of the Edo bakufu or hatamoto (direct retainers of the bakufu) who lived in Edo to guard the bakufu were sold in Edo, and sometimes the bakufu ordered restriction of rice delivery out of Edo for rice-price keeping operation for the bakufu's fiscal stability (as a result most of rice that were dealt in Edo were from the bakufu, hatamoto, and some merchants, and only partial amount of rice from domains in the Kanto region and the Tohoku region were dealt). - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Despite the policy of full-scale abolishment of umakai and zakko developed and implemented in 744, "review of and changes in the reform path" were pursued in 752 probably because military goods, in the manufacturing and procurement of which zakko had been involved, were usually in no demand from (or forbidden to) ordinary citizens, unlike luxury and sophisticated goods produced by shinabe, which caused problems in meeting the demand for the military goods and in handing down skills. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
(Note) "Crisis" means, for example, a situation such as (i) a bankruptcy of large-lot borrowers, which may lead to a deterioration of the financial condition to an extent where recovery becomes difficult if the situation is left unattended; (ii) a drastic change in the fund-raising environment caused by rumors and the like, leading to a liquidity problem, which may be difficult to cope with; (iii) system troubles or irregularities, which may cause a significant loss of creditworthiness; and (iv) disasters and accidents such as large-scale natural disasters or acts of terrorism, causing damages to an extent where continued operations of business becomes difficult. - 金融庁
Until now, larger companies have raised funds through direct finance to a substantial extent, rather than indirect finance, so the issue of alternative relationship or complementary relationship between direct finance and indirect finance is now emerging. As the Bank of Japan and financial institutions related to policy-based finance have already taken measures concerning the CP (commercial paper) market and the corporate bond market, I believe that it is important, of course, to maintain close communications with those relevant authorities. - 金融庁
As for points of attention, we will need to keep a close watch on how the U.S. economic conditions will develop in relation to the macro-economic indicators that were used for the assumptions of stress case scenarios, how much confidence in the overall market will be restored, how quickly banks will raise capital and how the state of lending by banks will play out following the capital-raising. - 金融庁
There are various options, including common shares, preferred shares, preferred securities, subordinated debts and valuation profits on securities holdings. From the viewpoint of the quality of loss-absorbing buffers, there are several elements, such as stability, simplicity - simplicity also means visibility - and clarity. On the other hand, it is important how flexibly the loss-absorbing buffer can be acquired. - 金融庁
The FSA is routinely monitoring banks’ financial conditions, including their procurement of dollar funds, based on monitoring data collected from and hearings held with financial institutions. As facts related to the media report you mentioned concern the specifics of practical processes of supervision, I would like to refrain from making comments. The FSA is closely monitoring the impact of market developments on financial institutions with high alertness. - 金融庁
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