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該当件数 : 9740



However, in the case of commodities, particularly agricultural products, there are such issues as self-sufficiency and weather conditions. Unfavorable weather results in a poor harvest, and as developing countries are enjoying continuous economic growth, demand has grown very strong. As a result, the global supply-demand balance is being upset, leading to the price upsurge. That is one way of looking at this problem. There is also the view that speculative traders are the cause, as you know. However, the cause has not yet been fully analyzed.  - 金融庁


However, we must strike a balance. It would be wrong to depend excessively on taxpayer money. In the case of a profitable project, if the private sector can undertake it on its own, it will generate decent profits and create new jobs, even without the involvement of DBJ. However, in Kyushu, projects of a public nature are carried out entirely at the national government’s expense. In such a case, the public nature is very strong. However, compared with in Tokyo, Osaka and Nagoya, it is very difficult, or even impossible, for the private sector to generate profits in Kyushu. Still, from the viewpoint of convenience for local communities and residents, policy-based finance is necessary. I believe that if a fixed low interest rate is available, a project can be carried out without losses even though profitability may be lower than in Tokyo and Osaka. I know of many such cases and what I have said is based on this knowledge.  - 金融庁


I know what you mean. However, at the extreme opposite, DBJ is underwriting convertible bonds issued by a company that is operating department stores and other retail facilities in Tokyo. In addition, last year, DBJ was often involved in syndicated loans to projects that could have been undertaken by the private sector on its own. I have no intention of blaming DBJ. DBJ cannot be blamed as it is not sure about its own identity. It does not know whether it is a private-sector or public-sector institution. As the government has left DBJ’s status unclear for as long as one year, the bank has fallen into this situation. That is what I have been pointing out all along.  - 金融庁


As for other ministries, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries faces problems such as the loss of farmland and fishing boats, while the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism must tackle problems such as the loss of many houses. The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry faces problems related to nuclear power stations. Therefore, I instructed the FSA Commissioner at that time that the FSA should do supporting work with all its might in various fields in relation the overlapping loan problem. As the Prime Minister has issued his instructions, I will renew my instruction for the FSA staff to work hard.  - 金融庁



Although I say this, after detecting problems through inspection, I quickly took every possible action within my power, including issuing a business improvement order within the same day, as this case has a significant impact, and I expect you to understand that. From the political perspective, it is very regrettable that cases like this cause strong worries among people who have entrusted pension assets, so we are proactively taking measures so that facts related to the case of AIJ Investment Advisors will be clarified as soon as possible.  - 金融庁



That prompted the late Mr. Ryutaro Hashimoto - at that time, Mr. Tatsuo Ozawa, Mr. Kunikichi Saito, Mr. Ryutaro Hashimoto and Mr. Masami Tanaka were the Big Four regarding health and welfare-related matters - to come to Mr. Ibuki and me and tell us, “Please stop making trouble, because this system was created when those two great men (Ozawa and Saito) were directors at the Ministry of Health and Welfare and at the Ministry of Labour.”  - 金融庁


In particular, employees of regional banks, shinkin banks and credit unions have a close relationship with SMEs, so they have good knowledge of financial instruments that are selling well and other such information. Accordingly, one of the objectives of the SME Financing Facilitation Act is to have such consulting functions properly utilized. Unemployment is high at present, with total unemployment rate standing at 5.1 percent and the number of wholly-unemployed persons totaling 3.35 million: the economy has not recovered from the recession since the Lehman Brothers shockwave.  - 金融庁


I have been appreciating the advice that I received from my mentor, Mr. Nakasone – "understanding finance means understanding the economy" – in the past half year after I assumed ministerial office, strongly agreeing that finance is indeed the core of the economy. A malaise called recession has brought home to me that the entire world is organically connected, because once it affects one area, it affects the whole.  - 金融庁


I would like to ask you about the Financial System Council's consultative group on basic issues, which was established after you took office as FSA commissioner and which held its first meeting last week. According to a briefing held after last week's meeting, future meetings will be closed to the public. As this group is responsible for deciding a broad framework related to basic financial issues, it is important that its discussions be open to the public. Will the group open its meetings to the public after holding several closed meetings? A group like this loses its significance if its meetings are closed to the public. Don't you plan to enhance the transparency of the process in which decisions on important matters related to financial administration are made?  - 金融庁


だったらこう考えてくれ。今僕たちが、脱走―そう呼びたくなければ好きなように呼んでくれ―をしようとしているところに、国法が、政府とともにやってきて、僕にこう聞くんだ。「答えよ、ソクラテス。そなたは何をするつもりだ? そなたがやろうとしているその行動は、我々を転覆させるものだ。国法と国全体とを、そなたに関係ある分に限ってだが、ひっくり返そうともくろむことになるのだ。それともなにかね、国家が転覆することなんてありえないとでも言うのか。法の決定が無力で、私人の手によって決定が覆《くつがえ》されるような国家が存続し続けられるとでも言うのか。」それに対して僕たちは、どんなふうな言葉で答えるんだろうね。というのは、特に雄弁家みたいな人は、一度下された判決は有効であるとする法律を守るために、力のかぎり言うべきことがあるはずだからね。例文帳に追加

Then consider the matter in this way:--Imagine that I am about to play truant (you may call the proceeding by any name which you like), and the laws and the government come and interrogate me: 'Tell us, Socrates,' they say; 'what are you about? are you not going by an act of yours to overturn us--the laws, and the whole state, as far as in you lies? Do you imagine that a state can subsist and not be overthrown, in which the decisions of law have no power, but are set aside and trampled upon by individuals?' What will be our answer, Crito, to these and the like words? Any one, and especially a rhetorician, will have a good deal to say on behalf of the law which requires a sentence to be carried out.  - Plato『クリトン』



When Portia parted with her husband, she spoke cheeringly to him, and bade him bring his dear friend along with him when he returned;yet she feared it would go hard with Anthonio, and when she was left one, she began to think and consider within herself, if she could byany means be instrumental in saving the life of her dear Bassanio'sfriend; and notwithstanding, when she wished to honour her Bassanio,she had said to him with such a meek and wife-like grace, that shewould submit in all things to be governed by his superior wisdom,yet being now called forth into action by the peril of her honouredhusband's friend, she did nothing doubt her own powers, and by thesole guidance of her own true and perfect judgment, at once resolved to go herself to Venice, and speak in Anthonio's defence.  - Shakespeare『ヴェニスの商人』


Portia could not be prevailed upon to accept the money; but upon Bassanio still pressing her to accept of some reward, she said, "Give me your gloves; I will wear them for your sake:" and then Bassanio taking off his gloves, she espied the ring which she had given him upon his finger: now it was the ring the wily lady wanted to get from him to make a merry jest when she saw her Bassanio again, that made her ask him for his gloves; and she said, when she saw the ring, "And for your love I will take this ring from you."  - Shakespeare『ヴェニスの商人』

ロウソクは水をつくるし、この気体が水から出てくるんなら、ロウソクが大気中で燃えたのと同じ燃焼プロセスで、なにが出てくるかを見てみましょう。で、このためには、ランプをこんな装置の下に置いてみましょう [と講師は、漏斗をひっくり返してそこに横向きの太い試験管をつなげたような装置をとりだして、燃える水素をその漏斗の下のところに置いた] 。これで、燃焼から出てきたものはすべて、この円筒の中に凝集されることになります。  ちょっと待つだけで、この円筒に湿気が見られるようになります。やがて水がその中をつたい落ちはじめます。そしてこの水素の炎から得られる水は、各種の試験すべてに対してまったく同じ反応を示します。これまでと同じ、一般的なプロセスで得られたものだからです。例文帳に追加

Inasmuch as the candle produces water, and this gas comes out of the water, let us see what this gives us by the same process of combustion that the candle went through when it burnt in the atmosphere; and for that purpose I am going to put the lamp under this apparatus, in order to condense whatever may arise from the combustion within it In the course of a short time you will see moisture appearing in the cylinder, and you will get the water running down the side; and the water from this hydrogen flame will have absolutely the same effect upon all our tests, being obtained by the same general process as in the former case.  - Michael Faraday『ロウソクの科学』

一 法第三十条第二項の場所において特定事業(法第十五条第一項の特定事業をいう。)の仕事を自ら行う請負人で、建築工事における躯体工事等当該仕事の主要な部分を請け負つたもの(当該仕事の主要な部分が数次の請負契約によつて行われることにより当該請負人が二以上あるときは、これらの請負人のうち、最も先次の請負契約の当事者である者)例文帳に追加

(i) The contractor who carries out the work of the specified undertaking (meaning the specified undertaking set forth in paragraph (1) of Article 15 of the Act) at a place set forth in paragraph (2) of Article 30 of the Act and who contracts the main part of the construction work such as building frame construction (the earliest constructor in the case there are two or more contractors concerned due to the fact that the main part of the construction work consists of several steps of contracts).  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

このファイルはローカルネットワーク上に存在するマシンの IP アドレスとホスト名を含んでいるはずです. 最低でも ppp を動作させるマシンのエントリが含まれている必要があります. そのマシンのホスト名が foo.bar.comで, IP アドレスが であると仮定すると, /etc/hosts は 以下の行を含んでいなければいけません:一つめの行は localhostを現在のマシンの別名として定義しています. マシン固有の IP アドレスが何であっても,この行の IP アドレスは 常に でなければいけません.二つめの行はホスト名 foo.bar.com (と, その省略形 foo) を IP アドレスにマップします.もしプロバイダから固定の IP アドレスとホスト名を割り当てられて いるのであれば, それを10.0.0.1 エントリのかわりに使ってください. /etc/resolv.conf ファイルの編集例文帳に追加

x.x.x.x y.y.y.y  - FreeBSD


She lived happily with her husband Tadatoki, bearing their eldest daughter Katsuhime (later Enseiin) in 1618 and eldest son Yukichiyo in 1619. However, after Yukichiyo died in 1621 at the age of three, she suffered repeated miscarriages, having difficulty in bearing a child (this was rumored to be the curse of Hideyori). In 1626, she lost her husband Tadatoki, mother-in-law Kumahime and mother Sugenin, one after another. After a series of these unfortunate events, she left the Honda family together with her daughter Katsuhime to go to Edo-jo Castle and later became a Buddhist priest, calling herself Tenjuin.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The manufacturing method is used for a lithium secondary battery, and the lithium secondary battery includes the electrode for the lithium secondary battery. - 特許庁


The method for embedding the meta-data for delivery in a syndicated content feed under a mobile radio environment has the steps of: receiving contents from a syndicated content provider; forming a modified content by embedding the meta-data in the content by using an expanding structure of a standard scheme; and publishing the modified contents. - 特許庁


The elastic boundary wave apparatus 1 includes: a first medium 11 formed of a piezoelectric material; a second medium 12 formed on the first medium 11; a third medium 13 formed between the first medium 11 and the second medium 12; an IDT electrode 16 provided between the first medium 11 and the third medium 13; and an optical catalyst layer 17 provided between the third medium 13 and the second medium 12. - 特許庁


The apparatus for managing cache consistency includes: a ping-pong monitoring part 110 monitoring a ping-pong migration sequence generated among a plurality of processors; a counting part 130 counting the number of successive generation of the ping-pong migration sequence in accordance with a monitoring result; and a request modifying part 150 modifying a migration request to a request of a non-migratory sharing method on the basis of a counting result. - 特許庁


In the silicon carbonitride film film-deposited by a plasma CVD (Chemical Vapor-phase Deposition) method using a material gas consisting of a first gas made of a precursor molecule containing silicon, carbon and hydrogen, and a second gas containing nitrogen, the amount of nitrogen atoms constituting the silicon carbonitride film and present as a Si-N-Si bonding is at least 7% of the amount of all nitrogen atoms in the silicon carbonitride film. - 特許庁


In a front plate of a microcapsule type electrophoretic display device, the microcapsule layer, an adhesive layer and the release sheet are laminated in this order on one surface of the film support member, and the microcapsule layer comprises positively charged white particles, negatively charged colored particles, a transparent liquid dispersion medium, and a sufficient amount of binder to connect gaps between microcapsules to form a single film, and the binder included in the microcapsule layer has an adhesive function. - 特許庁


A transmitting apparatus using a plurality of transmit antennas includes an encoder for encoding an inputted symbol sequence according to a predetermined space-time coding matrix; and an antenna circulator for selecting one out of substitution matrices according to a predetermined rule, and generating a plurality of symbol vectors by substituting the space-time coded symbols according to the selected substitution matrix. - 特許庁


Then a circuit wiring body 3, constituted of separately provided flat conductors 5 and an insulating film, is superposed upon the back board 2 and the end sections 4 of the flat conductors 5 exposed from the circuit wiring body 3 are respectively welded to their corresponding conductor welding sections of the back board 2. - 特許庁


The cathode for the fuel cell has a catalyst layer comprising a catalyst carrying conductor; a polymer electrolyte; and a conductor whose surface is modified with a high oxygen selective polymer, or has the catalyst layer comprising the catalyst carrying conductor and the polymer electrolyte, and the surface of the catalyst carrying conductor is modified with the high oxygen selective polymer. - 特許庁


To provide an apparatus for forming a fiber lump fleece composed of cotton, chemical fiber, etc., for the processing of a fiber material delivered from an upstream card feeder with a downstream processing equipment and composed of an opening roller rotatable at a high speed and at least one feeding apparatus comprising a feed roller rotating at a low speed and a dish plate composed of plural individual dish plates rotatable around an axial line. - 特許庁


Also, the microbal classifier for the diameter below 1.00 mm includes a feeder for supplying at least the microballs, at least one or more cylindrical sieves constituted by rounding the plate materials with the apertures formed by punching to the cylindrical shape and a recovering container for receiving the microballs classified by the cylindrical sieves, in which the classified microballs are supplied from the feeder into the rotating cylindrical sieves and are sieved by the cylindrical sieves. - 特許庁

無菌化放射線に抵抗性の重合体組成物であって a) 少なくとも50%の1種又はそれ以上のアルキルメタクリレート単量体に由来する単位、及び、場合により、ビニル及びビニリデン単量体から選択される1種又はそれ以上の他の単量体に由来する単位を含む重合体;および b)単量体の0.5〜2重量%の少なくとも1種の脂肪族アルコール(このアルコールは10個までの炭素原子を有する)を含む重合体組成物。例文帳に追加

This polymer composition is resistant to sterilizing radiant rays and comprises a) least 50% of one or more species of units derived from an alkyl methacrylate monomer and, if necessary, one or more species of monomers selected from vinyl and vinylidene monomers and b) 0.5-2 wt.% of at least one aliphatic alcohol (having≤10C) based on the monomer. - 特許庁


The body liquor absorbent article has a liquid permeable surface layer 2 provided on the side facing the human skin, a leakproof layer 3 provided farther from the human skin and a body liquor absorbing part 1, provided between the both, corresponding to the main absorption range along the direction of the surface containing at least a discharged portion. - 特許庁


The contextualized requirements are processed through analyses for deciding the exact essence of the requirements, analyses for limiting the range of reference investigated for providing results, and analyses for selecting optimal contents and formats in order to present users with results obtained from other service providers, whereby appropriate and narrowed retrieval results are provided to users of mobile communications devices. - 特許庁


The foot rest part 1, the base part 2 and the sidewall part 3 are integrally formed by one material into a hollow box-shaped body, and the box-shaped body can be freely expanded/contracted in a thickness direction by the bellows body of the sidewall part 3. - 特許庁


When manufacturing the nonaqueous electrolyte secondary cell, the end part of the first electrode plate, located at the outermost periphery of the electrode group, is made to cross the end part of the separator and the upper end part of the second electrode plate, and made to locate on the first electrode plate. - 特許庁


The pressure-sensitive adhesive composition comprises (A) an acrylic copolymer comprising a (meth)acrylic ester as the main component, a hydroxyl-containing copolymerizable monomer, and a carboxyl-containing copolymerizable monomer, (B) aliphatic and/or alicyclic polyfunctional isocyanate compounds and/or polyfunctional isocyanurates, and (C) a compound showing keto-enol tautomerism. - 特許庁


A semiconductor device contains the first and second semiconductor elements 4, 6 whose opposite sheet faces are electrically insulated to be laminated, a film 8 made of insulating material extended between the first and second semiconductor elements 4, 6 interposed between the first an second semiconductor elements 4, 6 on both sides of the same 4, 6 as well as the first and second circuit patterns 10, 12. - 特許庁


The unsaturated alcohol-alkylene oxide adduct-based polymer is obtained by copolymerizing a monomer mixture containing an unsaturated monomer (A1) and an unsaturated alcohol-alkylene oxide adduct (B), where the unsaturated monomer (A1) is at least one monomer selected from the group consisting of an unsaturated monomer bearing at least five nitrogen atoms in one molecule, a (poly)amine unsaturated monomer and a polyalkyleneimine unsaturated monomer. - 特許庁


An element which keeps the plate wave sensors arranged in an array form is also disclosed. - 特許庁


This method for producing the fine polymer particles includes adding a chain transfer agent to a solvent capable of dissolving a vinyl monomer and a dispersion stabilizer but substantially incapable of a polymer produced from the vinyl monomer at a stage of vinyl monomer polymerization conversion of 10 to <30% and simultaneously polymerizing the vinyl monomer to obtain the fine polymer particles having an average particle diameter of 1 to 10 μm. - 特許庁


In the measurement recorder system taking synchronization at a measuring time between the plurality of the measurement recorders connected through a network, when the measurement recorder operated as a master is impossible in communication, the plurality of the recorders operated as slaves output self device information to the network to compare the self device information with device information delivered from the other measurement recorders so as to determine the measurement recorder to be the master. - 特許庁


The high frequency component is provided with: the low pass filter including a first inductance element, a second inductance element connected in series with the first inductance element, a first capacitance element connected in parallel with the first and second inductance elements, and a second capacitance element connected to a position between the first and second inductance elements and ground; and the directional coupler comprising the first inductance element and the third inductance element coupled to each other. - 特許庁


The clothes pole holder which is always set in a balcony or in a veranda has such various functions as follows; sensing an intruder intruding from the balcony or veranda and making the intruder retreat with bright flushing light, or preventing crimes with a lighting device mounted in the clothes pole holder to be automatically turned on or turned off, or having lighting device for a user to safely take in the washing at night. - 特許庁


The copolymer latex composition contains a specific amount of at least one compound selected from p-hydroxybenzoic acid ester compounds, salicylic acid ester compounds and their salts in a copolymer latex obtained by polymerizing a monomer mixture having a specific composition composed of a conjugated diene monomer, an ethylenic unsaturated carboxylic acid monomer and other monomers copolymerizable with the above monomers in the presence of a specific amount of a naphthalenesulfonic acid formaldehyde condensate or its salt and an anionic surfactant. - 特許庁


In a method for allowing a user to pay the price of a pay service or purchased merchandise from a predetermined contents provider having a site on the Internet, the user completes a payment procedure to a predetermined charge collecting agent, and then an authentication key selling company issues an authentication key to the user, and the user receives the pay service or the purchased merchandise by using the authentication key at the site of the contents provider. - 特許庁


This server device for the information distributor is provided with an access key issue condition acquisition means acquiring an access key issue condition in receipt of access key issue request data from the provider, an access key issue condition comparing means comparing the access key issue request data with the access key issue conditions, and an access key issue instruction means instructing issue of the access key, if the comparison results are in agreement. - 特許庁


Alternatively, the other system comprises a server computer which includes a memory and is configured to store the box-office value corresponding to the box-office event, and a computing device which is configured to electronically access an electronic vendor, acquire the box-office value from the electronic vendor, store the box-office value in the memory related to the server computer and provide an identifier related to the box-office value. - 特許庁


This resin composition comprises a graft copolymer (A) obtained by graft polymerizing one or two or more kinds of monomers (c) selected from aromatic alkenyl compounds, methacrylic acid esters, acrylic acid esters, cyanide vinyl compounds and copolymerizable monomers in the presence of a conjugate rubber consisting of a polyorganosiloxane (a) and an alkyl-(meth)acrylate rubber (b), a polycarbonate resin (B) and a phosphoric acid ester compound (C). - 特許庁


An output voltage is extracted to each corresponding load(discharge tubes L1, L2, ...) from a point provided between the common terminal c and each output terminal o1, o2, ... of the serial connections (serial connection of S0 and S1, serial connection of S0 and S2, ...) of the common coil S0 and individual coils S1, S2, .... - 特許庁


The method contains a step for producing W/O type emulsion obtained by containing a component (A) of at least one sort selected from epoxy resins, (B) at least one sort selected from monomers each having ethylenic double bond and (C) at least one sort selected from emulsifiers; a step for the phase inversion of the emulsion to O/W type emulsion; and a step for radical polymerization. - 特許庁


This system is provided with a barcode reader, a radio frequency (RF) label interrogator, and a computer for acquiring first identification information from the barcode reader, second identification information from the RF label interrogator, which associates receipt of the first identification information with a certain item when that item includes a barcode label, and which associates receipt of the second identification information with the item if the item includes a RF label. - 特許庁


This cleaning method for removing the dirt remaining and accumulated on the molding surface of a molding part by repeating steps of molding a molding material by heating and/or pressurizing by using the molding surface composed of a conductor such as a metal, and taking out the molded product comprises subjecting the molding surface to an induction heating to remove the dirt from the molding surface. - 特許庁



This sealed stack is characterized by including: the pair of end plates 22; a unit cell assembly 10 comprising the plurality of unit cells 10a stacked between the pair of end plates 22; and a resin layer 30 surrounding the outside surface of the unit cell assembly 10 exposed from an area between the pair of end plates 22. - 特許庁


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