
「As though」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(48ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





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As thoughの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 2672


In many cases, though individuals may not do the particular thing so well, on the average, as the officers of government, it is nevertheless desirable that it should be done by them, rather than by the government, as a means to their own mental educationa mode of strengthening their active faculties, exercising their judgment, and giving them a familiar knowledge of the subjects with which they are thus left to deal. 例文帳に追加

多くに場合、個々人は特定のことがらを、平均すると、政府官僚ほどうまくやれないかもしれないが、それにもかかわらず、自分の精神的教育の手段として、つまり、その行動能力を強化し、判断を訓練し、彼らに委ねることでその課題の一般的知識を習得させるやり方として、政府が行なうより、個人が行なうほうが望ましいのです。 - John Stuart Mill『自由について』

But, before I shew that, let me explain to you—as it is quite necessary for our purpose—that, though I take a candle and give you, as the general result, its combustion in the form of a flame, we must see whether combustion is always in this condition, or whether there are other conditions of flame; and we shall soon discover that there are, and that they are most important to us. 例文帳に追加

でもそれを見せる前に、まず話しておくべきことがあります。わたしたちの目的のためには是非とも必要なことです。ロウソクを使うと、ふつうの結果としては、こういう炎の形で燃焼が起こりますね。でも、燃焼が必ずこういう形になるのか、それとも別の状態の炎があり得るのかどうか、確かめなきゃいけません。そしてすぐにわかりますが、別の状態があるんです。 - Michael Faraday『ロウソクの科学』

There they go, that to the right (H) filling very rapidly; the one to the left (O) filling not so rapidly; and though I have allowed some bubbles to escape, yet still the action is going on pretty regularly; and were it not that one is rather smaller than the other, you would see that I should have twice as much in this (H) as I have in that (O). 例文帳に追加

ほーらほら、右側のやつ (H) はすごい勢いで満杯になってきました。左のやつ (O) はそれほどの勢いじゃありません。ちょっとあぶくを逃がしちゃいましたけれど、でも反応はほとんど変わらずに続いていますね。で、筒の大きさがちょっとちがうのではっきりしないでしょうけれど、こっちの (H) には、こっちの (O) やつの倍の量の気体がたまってるんです。 - Michael Faraday『ロウソクの科学』

(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, a fee-charging employment placement business provider shall not collect any fees from job seekers; provided, however, that in a case specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare as one where collection of a fee from a job seeker is found to be necessary for the interest of said job seeker, a fee may be collected though only in the cases listed in the items of the preceding paragraph. 例文帳に追加

2 有料職業紹介事業者は、前項の規定にかかわらず、求職者からは手数料を徴収してはならない。ただし、手数料を求職者から徴収することが当該求職者の利益のために必要であると認められるときとして厚生労働省令で定めるときは、同項各号に掲げる場合に限り、手数料を徴収することができる。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


(That tarfile is considered ``dumb'' because it has to be unpacked in a specific location to work.)Thus, the above command on a Unix system createsDistutils-1.0.plat.tar.gz; unpacking this tarball from the right place installs the Distutils just as though you haddownloaded the source distribution and run python setup.pyinstall.例文帳に追加

(tar ファイルは、特定の場所に手作業で解凍しないと動作しないので、 ``ダム: 賢くない'' 形式とみなします。 )従って、 Unix システムで上記のコマンドを実行すると、Distutils-1.0.plat.tar.gz を作成します; この tarball を正しい場所で解凍すると、ちょうどソース配布物をダウンロードして python setup.py install を実行したのと同じように、正しい場所に Distutils がインストールされます。 - Python


However, it can't be denied that the content of Kangakue was gradually formalized, and even in the Kangakue held in 1071, which is said to be a Kangakue in which old customs were revived, an event was only held for half a day, from 2 p.m. through 10 p.m., even though originally, it should be held for three days (actually, two days) (it is believed that as the formalization advanced, the period and content of Kangakue was reduced, too). 例文帳に追加

だが、次第に内容が形式化していった事は否めず、旧儀が再興されたと言われている延久3年の勧学会でも3月15日の未の刻より亥の刻までと、本来の3日(実質2日)がかりの行事がわずか半日で終了している(形式化が進んだ以後の勧学会は更に時間も内容も削られていったと考えられている)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, this article is not reliable as a historical source, and seems to have been inserted by an editor of Nihon Shoki later; since the period of Wei (220 - 265), Chinese people decided 'not to use joshi any more,' while Kenzo no ki (records of the era of the Emperor Kenzo) still used joshi, and moreover, in the ninen no jo (article of the second year of the Emperor Kenzo's reign) of Kenzo no ki, the family names based on the ranks of headdresses appeared, though these were the names used around the seventh century, and there was a gap in the official record until the eighth century. 例文帳に追加

しかし、魏(220年~265年)以降「3日を用いて上巳を用いず」としており、顕宗の記が依然として上巳を用いているほか、顕宗の記2年の条では喜び集まったの記載にある公卿以下といった冠職姓は7世紀ごろの呼称であり、公式の記録も8世紀まで飛んでいるため、この記事については日本書紀の編者が挿入したとみられ、史料としての信憑性は低い。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The number of the tellers of rakugo stories steadily increased: TSUYU no Gorobe II, Matsunosuke SHOFUKUTEI and Bunga KATSURA (III) who all joined the rakugo world almost simultaneously with those new household names, Somemaru HAYASHIYA III who was their age though starting rakugo before the War, Somegoro HAYASHIYA (III), Bunko KATSURA (IV), Beishi KATSURA, and Kacho TSUKITEI, all of whom started in the late 1950s and were improving their skills as mid-level storytellers. 例文帳に追加

この二人とほぼ同時期に入門した露の五郎兵衛2代目、笑福亭松之助、桂文我(3代目)、戦前入門ながら彼らとは同世代の3代目林家染丸のほか、林家染語楼(3代目)、昭和30年代前半入門組の桂文紅(4代目)、桂米紫、月亭可朝などの中堅も力をつけてくるなど、落語家の人数も着実に増え始めた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There are various theories why Shigaraki became a capital even though it was too deep in the mountains one that he was connected to the Fujiwara clan including FUJIWARA no Nakamaro in opposition to the Tachibana clan that had their base around Kunikyo; the Emperor selected Shigaraki in accordance with the advice from monks such as Roben (Ryoben) or Gyoki in pursuit of his own base of faith for Buddhism. 例文帳に追加

紫香楽の地は、当時の感覚においては余りに山奥である事から、ここを都としたことを巡っては諸説があり、恭仁京周辺に根拠を持つ橘氏に対抗して藤原仲麻呂ら藤原氏に関与したとする説や天皇が自らの仏教信仰の拠点を求めて良弁・行基などの僧侶の助言を受けて選定したとする説などがある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


It is said that, long afterward in 624, when Umako hoped for the right to rule Katsuragi-ken Prefecture (which is said to be Umako's birthplace), she refused this demand by saying that "even though you are my uncle, if I donate a public land to a private person, the future generation will call me a foolish woman and, on the other hand, they will criticize you as being disloyal." 例文帳に追加

ずっと後のことではあるが、推古天皇32年(624年)、馬子が葛城県(馬子の本居(ウブスナ)とされる)の支配権を望んだ時、女帝は、「あなたは私の叔父ではあるが、だからといって、公の土地を私人に譲ってしまっては、後世の人には私が愚かな女だといわれ、一方であなたも、不忠だと謗られよう」と言って、この要求を拒絶したという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The first Emperor to become Daijo Tenno was Emperor Jito, who handed over the throne to Emperor Monmu, (though there is an example of Empress Kogyoku, who transferred the throne to her younger brother Emperor Kotoku, but at this time, there was no title of 'Daijo Tenno' and, thereafter, she acceded to the throne again as Empress Saimei) and up until Emperor Kokaku handed over the throne to Emperor Ninko in the late Edo period, there were 62 Joko's in total. 例文帳に追加

持統天皇が文武天皇に譲位をして太上天皇になったのが最初であり(皇極天皇が弟・孝徳天皇に譲位した例はあるが、このときには「太上天皇」号は存在しておらず、また、その後斉明天皇として重祚している)、江戸時代後期光格天皇が仁孝天皇に譲位するまで、計62人の上皇が存在した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to "Shincho Koki" (biography of Nobunaga ODA), Toshimasa (Dosan) was very surprised when he met Nobunaga at Shotoku-ji Temple (present-day Tomida, Ichinomiya City (former Nishio City), Aichi Prefecture) after Kicho married Nobunaga, because even though Nobunaga was known as empty-headed he showed up formally dressed and he had his guards equipped with many rifles; Toshimasa SAITO (Dosan) anticipated a bright future for Nobunaga and said, "My sons will be tying that empty-headed man's (Nobunanga's) horse." 例文帳に追加

帰蝶を信長に嫁がせた後の聖徳寺(現在の愛知県一宮市(旧尾西市)冨田)で会見した際、「うつけ者」と評されていた信長が多数の鉄砲を護衛に装備させ正装で訪れたことに大変驚き、斎藤利政は信長を見込むと同時に、「我が子たちはあのうつけ(信長)の馬をつなぐようになる」と述べたと信長公記にある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Though he declined the request, claiming there he didn't have much to say, Ieyasu and his retainers persisted, so he eventually relented, offerring the response, 'The honor rightfully belongs to my three brothers, starting with Yoshihiro, and our retainers, such as Tadamoto NIIRO, who put up a unified front in fighting the battles, without internal dissent, I never led the troops in battle, but just looked after the castle in Kagoshima.' 例文帳に追加

話す事はないと断ったが、家康や家康の家臣が強く要請するので渋々、「義弘をはじめとする3人の弟たちや、新納忠元らの家臣団が相反することなく一致団結して戦ってくれたので、私が先頭に立ち戦に出たことはなく、ただ鹿児島の城にて留守番をしていただけのことです」と答えた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The collection of tales, "Kokon chomon shu" (Collected Stories of Ancient and Modern Times), written in the mid-Kamakura period, mentioned several conversations with ABE no Muneto, who was captured after the Earlier Nine Years' War and became a servant (though this was not true), that portrayed Yoshiie as a supernatural warrior who excelled in archery, was kind to not unnecessarily kill animals, and was bold in the way that he turned to his back to his one-time enemy, ABE no Muneto, and let him insert arrows into the arrow holder. 例文帳に追加

鎌倉時代中期の説話集『古今著聞集』には前九年の役の後、捕虜となったのち、家来とした(事実ではないが)安部宗任との話がいくつかあり、射芸に秀で、意味もなく動物を殺そうとしない優しさ、更に射た矢を取ってきたかつての敵・安部宗任に背中を向け、背負った矢入れに入れさせた剛胆さ、更には神通力まで備えた超人的な武士として描かれている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The plan to reform the court proceeded gradually, beginning on January 25, 1747, with Kaneyoshi passing the position of Kanpaku to his son, Michika, who was serving as Nairan, and being promoted to Daijo-daijin, and when Emperor Sakuramachi abdicated in favor of Emperor Momozono and started a cloistered government six months later, the entry of Kaneyoshi's daughter, Tomiko, to the court was decided quickly (though it actually happened in November 1755, after Kaneyoshi died).例文帳に追加

この動きは延享3年12月15日_(旧暦)(1747年1月25日)に兼香がこれまで内覧を務めてきた息子・道香に関白を譲って太政大臣に昇進し、半年後に桜町天皇が桃園天皇に譲位して院政を開始すると、早くも兼香の娘・富子の入内が決定(実施は兼香没後の宝暦5年(1755年)11月)され、官制改革の構想も徐々に進めていく事になる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Though Torii zenni could not become Kumano betto because of her gender, she exerted a great influence through her family members occupying the central part of the organization controlling Kumano Sanzan, such as her husband Yukinori, her younger brother-in-law Noritomo (the 20th Kumano betto), her son-in-law Tanzo (the 21st Kumano betto) and her sons and grandsons, and she is said to have passed away due to considerable old age around 1210. 例文帳に追加

鳥居禅尼は女性なので別当にこそなれなかったが、熊野三山統轄機構の中枢部にいた夫の行範や義弟の範智(20代熊野別当)、それに娘婿の湛増(21代熊野別当)、さらには子や孫を通じてその影響力を大いに発揮し、1210年頃、かなりの高齢で死去したと伝えられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Tadatsugu enjoyed great confidence of Ieyasu, and when he was inquired by Nobunaga ODA about Nobuyasu MATSUDAIRA, a legitimate child of Ieyasu, in 1579, Tadatsugu was designated as an envoy for defense and went to Azuchi Castle together with Tadayo OKUBO, but he was not able to defend Nobuyasu well enough and thus failed to prevent the order for Nobuyasu's seppuku (suicide by disembowelment) from being given (though there is a different view on the claim that the incident of Nobuyasu's seppuku was under the order of Nobunaga). 例文帳に追加

家康の厚い信任を受けていた忠次ではあったが、天正7年(1579年)に家康の嫡子・松平信康の件で織田信長からの詰問を受けたとき、大久保忠世とともに弁解の使者に立てられて安土城に赴いたものの、信康を十分に弁護せず信康切腹の命令を防げなかった(ただし、信康切腹事件が信長の命令によるという件は、異説も存在する)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is said Naomasa was the only man Ieyasu, who didn't much like homosexuality, loved; though homosexuality was so common in samurai society at that time that it was regarded as one of a samurai's accomplishments, and being loved by a lord was the fastest way to advance (other examples include Nobunaga ODA and Toshiie MAEDA, Kagekatsu UESUGI and Naganori KIYONO, Masamune DATE and Shigetsuna KATAKURA/Sakujuro TADANO). 例文帳に追加

当時の武士階級では衆道は武士の嗜みともいわれるほど一般的であり、主君の寵童出身であることは出世への近道でもあったが(その例として織田信長‐前田利家など、上杉景勝‐清野長範、伊達政宗‐片倉重綱・只野作十郎が挙げられる)、直政は衆道をあまり好まなかった家康が唯一愛した男性だとも言われている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Even though Hidetada's ability in the military affairs was doubtful, he became the successor, for which it is said that Ieyasu regarded Hidetada suitable as a ruler in the 'Maintenance Ages' (Ieyasu read "Joganseiyo," a book written about Taiso, the second Emperor of Tang Dynasty in China and is thought to have naturally read a sentence in it saying 'Starting a reign is less difficult than carrying it through'). 例文帳に追加

そのように軍事面での才能には疑問が持たれる秀忠だが、それでも後継者となったのは家康が秀忠を「守成の時代」の君主に相応しいと考えていたからだと言われている(家康は太宗(唐)の治世について記した『貞観政要』を読んでおり、当然その中の「守成は創業より難し」という一文も読んでいたと思われる)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There is also a theory that he was forced to commit seppuku, not just because of his disorderly behaviours, but because of the close relation with the sonnojoi ha (supporters of the doctrine of restoring the emperor and expelling the barbarians) such as Mito Domain, Choshu Domain and Tosa Domain, because Niimi is enshrined in Kyoto Reizan Gokoku-jinja Shrine which was built to enshrine the tobakuha (anti-Bakufu, crushing-the-Bakufu faction) sonnojoi patriots in the Maiji period, though shinsengumi was the enemy of the tobakuha and Niimi was the leader. 例文帳に追加

明治になって倒幕派尊王攘夷志士を祀るためつくられた霊山護国神社に倒幕派の敵だったはずの新選組幹部である新見が祀られていることから、切腹は単純な乱暴狼藉ではなく水戸や長州藩、土佐藩などの尊王攘夷派との親密な関係があったからではないかという説もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Soho TOKUTOMI mentioned that the reason why Goto was not chosen to become the prime minister even though he had been often named as a candidate largely depended on the fact that he was disliked by Kinmochi SAIONJI, the last senior statesman (genro), because he orchestrated the downfall of Saionji, the former prime minister and chairman of the Constitutional Party of Political Friends (Rikken Seiyukai), when he was the Minister of Communications in the third KATSURA Cabinet promoting the Constitution protection movement. 例文帳に追加

なお、しばしば総理大臣候補として名前が取り沙汰されながら結局死ぬまで選ばれなかった原因として、第3次桂内閣逓信大臣だった護憲運動時に前首相で政友会総裁の西園寺公望の失脚を画策し、最後の元老となった西園寺に嫌われていたことが大きいことを徳富蘇峰が語っている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Though there is a theory that doubts whether the sweet potatoes made by Konyo for trial purposes led directly to the spread in Kanto, as pointed out by Nobuhiro SATO (refer to the "Konyo and Nobuhiro SATO" mentioned later), it is a fact that Konyo had gotten fame because of the sweet potatoes in the same period, and was called 'Sweet Potato Teacher' by future generations. 例文帳に追加

昆陽の薩摩芋試作が関東における普及に直接繋がったかは、佐藤信淵の指摘(後述「昆陽と佐藤信淵」を参照)に見られるように疑問視する説もあるが、昆陽が同時代に薩摩芋によって名声を得ていたことは事実であり、後世"甘藷先生"と称され、墓所の瀧泉寺(目黒不動)には「甘藷先生之墓」がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, it turned out that with no sources in the Korean Peninsula, the only sources of gem-grade jade in Asia were Japan and Myanmar; that though none of the magatama excavated in the Korean Peninsula can be definitively traced back to the same time period as those excavated in Japan, the latest examination of their chemical composition showed that they were identical to the ones from the site surrounding Itoigawa. 例文帳に追加

しかし、勾玉に使われる宝石レベルのヒスイ(硬玉)の産地は、アジアでは日本とミャンマーにほぼ限られ、朝鮮半島にはその産地がないことや、また朝鮮半島で出土されるものは日本出土の硬玉製勾玉を時期的にさかのぼる例が認められないことに加えて、最新の化学組成の検査により朝鮮半島出土の勾玉が糸魚川周辺遺跡のものと同じものであることが判明した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, "though it was the 'Way of the Gods,' distinct from 'each Shinto sect' of Sect Shinto, in particular that was called State Shinto, it was customarily known as 'shrines' (jinja) by lawyers and administrators," the term 'State Shinto' being a technical term used by the Bureau of Shinto Shrines, the top brass in the army, Shinto scholars and so on, and not by the general public. 例文帳に追加

ただし、教派神道の「『神道各派』から区別された神ながらの道は特に国家神道とも呼ばれるが、法律家や行政実務家は以前からそれを神社と呼ぶのが例」であり、「国家神道」の語は政治家や内務省(日本)、その神社局、陸軍上層部、神道学などの場での専門用語であって、一般民衆に流通した語彙ではなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, as his soldiers deserted one after another, Mitsuhide secretly left Shoryuji-jo Castle and tried to retreat to Sakamoto-jo Castle (Otsu City) where he had been based, but on his way he came across native villagers hunting fleeing soldiers of the enemy in a yabu (bamboo grove) at Ogurisu (in today's Fushimi Ward, Kyoto City) (the grove is now called 'Akechi Yabu') and, though he managed to survive the ambush, is said to have committed jijin, seconded by one of his vassals. 例文帳に追加

しかし、兵の脱走が相次ぎ、光秀は勝竜寺城を密かに脱出して居城坂本城(大津市)をさして落ち延びる途中、小栗栖(京都市伏見区)の藪(現在は「明智藪」と呼ばれる)で土民の落ち武者狩りに遭い、なんとか逃れたものの力尽き家臣の介錯により自刃したと言われる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In contrast to this, the influence of the village community was strong in the south of India and though the more loose Raiyatowari system was introduced there on the premise of traditional farmers' landownership, the lands were confiscated by government officials because of non-payment of 50 to 60 percent of land tax, or the lands were seized by money brokers who consisted of the lords and landowners because of tax payments for debts and through these, the land government system spread as in the north of India. 例文帳に追加

これに対して南インドでは伝統的な村落共同体の影響が強いために、農民の従来通りの土地所有を前提としてより緩やかなライーヤトワーリー制が導入されたものの、5-6割の地租の前に未納を理由とした官の没収もしくは納税のための借金のかたに領主・地主層からなる金融業者の差押を経て北インドと同様の土地支配体制が広がっていった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As the head of FUJIWARA clan assumed the position of the chief of Kangaku-in concurrently with Sekkan (regents and advisers) or Ichinokami (the ranking Council Member), Kyuryo-gakusei of Kangaku-in were regarded, thanks to the political power of the FUJIWARA clan, equally with Kokuso-in's Kyuryo-gakusei who were selected by Daigakuryo, though Daigakuryo denied it ostensively. 例文帳に追加

勧学院は藤氏長者が長となり、しかも大抵の場合は摂関あるいは一上との兼務であったから、大学寮側は表向きは拒絶し続けていたものの、実際には勧学院の給料学生は藤原氏の政治的権力を背景として、大学寮で選抜した穀倉院の給料学生と同格と見なされるようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Though, in later years, it is acknowledged that they were falsified and forged due to the questionable content such as grammar that was not used in those days and unnatural use of honorific expressions, it is possible that Kanetsugu's reply received by Jotai really existed and Ieyasu was outraged by that based on the letter sent from Nagamori MASHITA, Masaie NAGATSUKA, and others to Ieyasu and the record of "Rokuon-nichiroku Diary". 例文帳に追加

当時使われない文法や不自然な敬語の使い方など内容に疑問があるため後世の改ざん・偽作とする見方もあるが、増田長盛・長束正家等が家康に送った書状や『鹿苑日録』の記録から、承兌が受け取った兼続の返書が存在し、それにより家康が激怒したことは確かのようである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In terms of the war, an old saying 'Life is heavier than Mount Taishan in a sense, and lighter than a feather of a stork in another sense' was put in a phrase 'Keep it in mind that justice is heavier than a mountain and life is lighter than a feather of a stork,' that was an order meaning 'Do not waste life usually, but sometimes die for justice, for example for Emperor and the state' (cf. Senjinkun military code says, "Do not live as a captive to be subjected to humiliating treatment", and the Senjinkun idea of denying surrender), though why it was rephrased is unclear. 例文帳に追加

戦いに於いては「義は山嶽より重く死は鴻毛より軽しと心得よ」と、「死は或いは泰山より重く或いは鴻毛より輕し」という古諺を言換え、「普段は命を無駄にせず、けれども時には義のため、喩えば天皇のため国のために、命を捨てよ」と命じた物とされる(戦陣訓『生きて虜囚の辱を受けず』、戦陣訓降伏・投降の否定の思想を参照)が、換言の意図は不明である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

A department store Daimaru Kobe, which was in The Foreign Settlement, made the modern architecture it owned designed by William Merrell Vories into the shop as Live Lab West (now The Former Foreign Settlement 38th Building), opening up luxury boutiques aggressively in modern western architectures nearby, though Chamber of Commerce and Industry Building itself had been torn down. 例文帳に追加

商工会議所ビル自体は解体されたが、居留地の一角を占める百貨店大丸神戸店が自ら所有していたウィリアム・メレル・ヴォーリズ設計の近代建築をLiveLabWest(現旧居留地38番館)として店舗化し、さらに周辺の近代西洋建築へ高級ブティックを積極的に出店していった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, triggered by the dispute over naming of the Ikko sect (the issue that government attempted to enforce the name of 'Ikko' as an official name on the Jodo Shinshu sect even though the sect had officially rejected it), the repugnance against the government grew within the Jodo Shinshu sect, and the Jodo Shinshu sect withdrew from Kyobusho after the policy of Kyobusho reached a deadlock on the basis of the separation of religion and politics. 例文帳に追加

一向宗宗名論争(浄土真宗が公式に否認している「一向宗」を宗派名として強要しようとした問題)を機に浄土真宗内部からも政府への反発が高まってきたこともあり、教部省の施策が暗礁に乗り上げると政教分離の観点から脱退するといった動きを見せた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Though there is no crucial evidence to determine whether the Sankakubuchi Shinjukyo Mirror was made in the Wei dynasty or in Japan, it is one of the compelling evidences of the Yamato theory of the Yamatai-Koku kingdom because the mirror inscribed with the years 239 and 240 can be considered to be mirrors from the third century as seen when counting years according to the accepted view of chronology in recent years. 例文帳に追加

魏の鏡であるか、それとも日本製なのかについては、どちらの説にも決定的な証拠はないが、近年定説化しつつある年代観からすれば景初三年銘、正始元年銘の三角縁神獣鏡自体は紀年にあるとおり3世紀の鏡として理解できるため、邪馬台国大和説の有力な根拠のひとつとなっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Even though Jyunnyo (who died before his father) and Jitsunyo were treated as successor and the four of the other five sons were dispatched to Hokuriku and virtually gained the positions of kokushu (landed daimyo) in Kaga and the surrounded provinces, the sixth son Renjun was appointed to the chief priest of Kensho-ji Temple which Jyunnyo left and forced to remain in Kinai, which made him discontent about not being given an important mission in the religious community. 例文帳に追加

ところが、後継者とされた順如(父に先立ち死去)・実如はともかく、他の5人の男子のうち4人が北陸に派遣されて共同で加賀とその周辺の事実上の国主としての地位を得たのにも関わらず、6男の蓮淳だけは順如が遺した顕証寺の住持に補されて畿内に留められ、教団内において大きな仕事を与えられてこなかったことに不満を抱いていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

At school, however, some of the books, being treated courteously, were kept and stored safe in a box made of paulownia wood, because "The book was granted by the Emperor and we fear soiling it in a classroom" thus allowing only a few important figures such as a principal to see: it is, without question, not the aim of the distribution, though. 例文帳に追加

しかし、実際の教育現場では「天皇陛下から賜ったものを授業で汚すなど畏れ多い」という理由で少数部が桐箱に納められて厳重に保管されて校長などわずかな人物しか見ることが許されないという極めて厳重な取り扱い方を受けた(もちろん、そのような趣旨で頒布された訳ではない)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Though Wayojo was composed in either case, there were other forms of documents for a compromise in the sense of 'donation', such as a leave notice (eviction notice) and the Kamakura Shogunate reinforced the right to annul the transfer of property rights and banned Taninwayo in order to control shogunal retainers' careless decentralization of territories, so there are not many Wayojo existing. 例文帳に追加

和与状はいずれの場合でも作成されたが、「贈与」の和与の場合には去状(避状)など他の文書形式も存在したことや鎌倉幕府が御家人の所領の安易な分散化を規制するために親族に対する悔返権の強化及び他人和与の禁止を行ったことで、現存する和与状は多くは無い。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Even though there are temples with a Chinese-style symmetrical garan layout in which a sanmon gate is connected through the corridors to the Buddha hall, behind which a lecture hall and a hojo (head priest's living quarters) are built, a kuin and a sodo on the left and right sides of the corridors, and a yokushitsu and tosu are placed diagonally across the sanmon gate; such temples whose whole garan structures (including the corridors) remain are limited to those built in the early-modern times, such as Zuiryu-ji Temple (Takaoka City, Toyama Prefecture), Mampuku-ji Temple (Kyoto Prefecture), etc. 例文帳に追加

三門からの回廊が仏殿に達し、後ろに法堂・方丈を建て、回廊左右に庫院と僧堂を、三門斜前方に浴室と東司を設けるという中国風の左右対称の伽藍配置をもつ寺院もあるが、回廊まで含めて残っているのは富山・瑞龍寺(高岡市)、京都・萬福寺など近世以降のものに限られている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Generally speaking, though, the Securities and Exchange Surveillance Commission is responsible for monitoring markets rigorously for the purpose of ensuring fairness and investor protection in securities trading and is expected to take a strict line on any incidence found to involve an act of statutory violation, based on the investigations that it conducts on an as-needed basis. 例文帳に追加

ただし、一般論として申し上げれば、要するに証券取引等監視委員会は、証券取引の公正性及び投資者保護の確保のために、厳正に市場を監視しているものでございますので、法令違反行為があると認められた場合には必要に応じて調査をして厳正に対処することになっております。 - 金融庁

Twenty-four major securities companies, which are listed companies, announced financial results for the fiscal first half that ended in September. I am aware that 11 of the 24 companies reported losses as a result of a decline in the value of stock transactions due to the weak market condition and a steep drop in fund-raising deals even though investment trust sales stayed mostly firm despite signs of a slowdown. 例文帳に追加

主要証券会社24社でございますが、上場しているところだと思いますが、平成23年の9月期中間期決算が、投資信託の販売が減速感はあるものの、概ね堅調に推移した一方、市況の低迷による株式売買代金の減少、資金調達案件の大幅な減少などから、24社中11社が赤字計上となったことは承知をいたしております。 - 金融庁

Regarding the SME Financing Facilitation Act, you explained why you have decided to extend it again even though many financial institutions say that their stance will remain unchanged even if the act expires next March as the efforts made in accordance with it are taking root. v 例文帳に追加

円滑化法なのですが、金融機関の方からは、その取組みが定着しているので、来年3月に期限は切れたとしても対応としては変わることはないというふうに言う銀行も多いのですが、あえて再延長というところの考え方のご説明をいただいたのですけれども、金融機関側からそういうふうなことを言われるのですけれども、再延長の必要性というのがあるという理由を、もう一度ちょっとご説明いただけませんか。 - 金融庁

However, as the SESC is independent, I cannot instruct it to do something at a certain time even though I am the minister in charge. This concerns the basic issue of how the state authorities should relate to a liberal economy, so it would not be appropriate for me to give instructions. 例文帳に追加

だけれども、いつ、どう(こうする)ということを、証券取引等監視委員会はやはり独立性があるわけですから、私は主務大臣といえども、今さっき言ったような基本的に自由主義経済において、国家権力と自由主義経済とどう関わるかという基本的な問題ですから、これは私からどうこう指示するということは適当でないと思っています。 - 金融庁

Secondly, some banks that have been recapitalized with public funds are not making progress in paying them back; for example, Shinsei Bank is one of the banks with no prospects of repaying the public funds in full even though a decade has passed since being recapitalized with public funds. Although this is primarily up to the bank, there are concerns that it may make no progress in making repayments even if the same supervisory approach is taken as before. Your thoughts on these matters will be appreciated. 例文帳に追加

併せて、公的資金を注入されて返済が進んでいない銀行も幾つかあって、例えば新生銀行なども注入して10年たっても完済のめどは全く立っていないと。一義的には銀行の問題だと思うのですが、これまでと同じような監督上の対応をしていても返済が進まないのではないかと懸念しているのですが、この辺についてお伺いします。 - 金融庁

As a result, the company will be making an announcement in late June, after the passage of a long time. Moreover, even though its general shareholders' meeting was held two days ago, the company revealed nothing specific there, and after the meeting, it is now going to make an announcement. How do you feel about this behavior of Nomura Securities, which is a major Japanese company and the leading company in the Japanese stock market? 例文帳に追加

結果として、この6月末という非常に時間が経ってから公表するかもしれないということになり、さらに言えば、2日前に株主総会があったにもかかわらず、そこではそういう具体的なことがなく、それが終わるや発表するということなのですが、日本を代表する証券会社、あるいは日本の株式市場を担うトップの立場である企業として、こういうことはどうお感じになりますでしょうか。 - 金融庁

With reference to subparagraph (k) of paragraph 1 of Article 3 of the Convention: It is understood that a pension fund or pension scheme shall be treated as exempt from tax on income derived with respect to the activities described in clause (ii) of that subparagraph even though it is subjected to the tax stipulated in Article 8 or 10-2 of the Corporation Tax Law (Law No. 34 of 1965) of Japan or paragraph 1 of Article 20 of its supplementary provisions. 例文帳に追加

条約第三条1(k)の規定に関し、年金基金又は年金計画は、日本国の法人税法(昭和四十年法律第三十四号)第八条若しくは第十条の二又は同法附則第二十条第一項に規定する租税が課される場合においても、条約第三条1(k)(ii)に規定する活動に関して取得する所得につき租税を免除される者として取り扱われることが了解される。 - 財務省

With reference to subparagraph (m) of paragraph 1 of Article 3 of the Convention: A pension fund or pension scheme shall be treated as exempt from tax on income derived with respect to the activities described in clause (ii) of that subparagraph even though it is subject to the tax stipulated in Articles8 or 10-3 of the Corporation Tax Law (Law No. 34 of 1965) of Japan or paragraph 1 of Article 20 of its supplementary provisions 例文帳に追加

条約第三条1(m)に関し、年金基金又は年金計画は、日本国の法人税法(昭和四十年法律第三十四号)第八条若しくは第十条の三又は同法附則第二十条第一項に規定する租税が課される場合においても、条約第三条1(m)(ii)にいう活動に関して取得する所得につき租税を免除される者として取り扱われる。 - 財務省

With reference to subparagraph (m) of paragraph 1 of Article 3 of the Convention, it is understood that a pension fund shall be treated as exempt from tax with respect to the activities described in clause (ii) of that subparagraph even though it is subject to the tax stipulated in Articles 8 or 10-2 of the Corporation Tax Law(Law No. 34 of 1965) of Japan or paragraph 1 of Article 20of its supplementary provisions. 例文帳に追加

条約第三条1(m)に関し、年金基金は、日本国の法人税法(昭和四十年法律第三十四号)第八条若しくは第十条の二又は同法附則第二十条第一項に規定する租税が課される場合においても、条約第三条1(m)(ii)にいう活動に関して租税を免除される者として取り扱われることが了解される。 - 財務省

1. With reference to clause (iii) of subparagraph m) of paragraph 1 of Article 3 of the Convention, it is understood that a pension fund shall be treated as exempt from tax on income derived with respect to the activities described in clause (ii) of that subparagraph even though it is subject to the tax stipulated in Articles 8 or 10-2 of the Corporation Tax Law (Law No. 34 of 1965) of Japan or paragraph 1 of Article 20 of its supplementary provisions.例文帳に追加

1条約第三条1(m)(iii)の規定に関し、年金基金は、日本国の法人税法(昭和四十年法律第三十四号)第八条若しくは第十条の二又は同法附則第二十条第一項に規定する租税が課される場合においても、条約第三条1(m)(ii)に規定する活動に関して取得する所得につき租税を免除される者として取り扱われることが了解される。 - 財務省

In total, it would be difficult to conceive of currencies such as the euro, the yen (which I'll discuss next) and the renminbi, becoming global reserve currencies and means of payment -key currencies, in other words -- on par with the dollar in the foreseeable future, even though their usage might expand in neighboring countries and regions. 例文帳に追加

以上、今後の基軸通貨体制を展望した場合、結論としては、ユーロ、次に述べる円、そして将来的には人民元の使用が、その周辺国・地域で拡大していくことはあるとしても、予見しうる将来にこれらの通貨がドルに並ぶようなグローバルな準備通貨や支払い手段、すなわち基軸通貨になるとは考えにくい。 - 財務省

Inventions included in either of the inventions whose functions or characteristics are common, used among a person skilled in the art commonly, or relation to the arts commonly used is understood by a person skilled in the art, even though they are not commonly used, but those inventions whose functions or characteristics are combined and included in the inventions defined by said (i) as a whole. 例文帳に追加

当該機能・特性等が、標準的なもの、当該技術分野において当業者に慣用されているもの、又は慣用されていないにしても慣用されているものとの関係が当業者に理解できるもののいずれかに該当するが、これらの機能・特性等が複数組合わされたものが、全体として(ⅰ)に該当するものとなる場合 - 特許庁

"Yogurt containing Ingredient A for use in strengthening bones" is not food that provides a novel use since "yogurt containing Ingredient A" and the "yogurt containing Ingredient A for use in strengthening bones" are both provided just as foods even though the invention is derived from the discovered unknown attribute that promotes your bone to absorb calcium. 例文帳に追加

「成分Aを添加した骨強化用ヨーグルト」が、骨におけるカルシウムの吸収を促進するという未知の属性の発見に基づく発明であるとしても、「成分Aを添加したヨーグルト」も「成分Aを添加した骨強化用ヨーグルト」も食品として利用されるものであるので、成分Aを添加した骨強化用ヨーグルト」が食品として新たな用途を提供するものであるとはいえない。 - 特許庁


Inventions included in either of the inventions whose functions or characteristics are common, used among a person skilled in the art commonly, or relation to the arts commonly used is understood by a person skilled in the art, even though they are not commonly used, but those inventions when some of these functions or characteristics are combined and the combinations are included in the inventions defined by said i. as a whole. 例文帳に追加

当該機能・特性等が、標準的なもの、当該技術分野において当業者に慣用されているもの、又は慣用されていないにしても慣用されているものとの関係が当業者に理解できるもののいずれかに該当するが、これらの機能・特性等が複数組合わされたものが、全体として①に該当するものとなる場合 - 特許庁


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