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However, the districts to which the original Yoritomo administration's actual rule extended are thought to have been limited to mostly the eastern half of Japan; from the area around Kyoto westward, there was strong resistance from Emperor Gotoba and temples; at Emperor Gotoba (who instituted cloister government after abdicating) ordered the post of Shugo abolished, and Koreyoshi OUCHI (son of Tomomasa HIRAGA) of the emperor's darling Shinano Genji was appointed Shugo of 7 provinces around the Kyoto area; and other policies of interference were carried out.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Also, in consideration toward Tofukumonin (Masako TOKUGAWA), to the birth mothers of Emperor Gokomyo, Emperor Gosai and Emperor Reigen (Mibuin Mitsuko SONO, Hoshunmonin Takako KUSHIGE, Shinkogimonin Kuniko SONO), Nyoin go was presented just before they died (to Mibuin, Nyoin go was presented immediately after Emperor Gokomyo died) and their fathers (Mototo SONO, Takashi KUSHIGE, Motone SONO) were secretly given a special rank and position; it is said that the government maintained direct and indirect pressure upon the Imperial Palace.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Another theory denies the theory that `Emperor Gensho ascended as a relay because the Prince Obito was only fourteen years old at the time Emperor Gensho ascended to the throne. (There is a theory that the issues of the imperial court at that time; including issues concerning Prince Nagaya or FUJIWARA no Fuhito, didn't allow the prince Obito to ascend to the throne considering his age). Also, Emperor Gensho ascended to the throne as a child of his father, Prince Kusakabe, not as a child of his mother, Emperor Genmei, however, Prince Kusakabe himself was also Male & Female-line Emperor having Emperor Tenmu for his father and Emperor Jito for his mother.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Around this period, the Emperor's loss of power was remarkable, and the 3rd Shogun of Muromachi Bakufu, Yoshimitsu ASHIKAGA, is said have planned to take over the Imperial throne by making his son, Yoshitsugu ASHIKAGA, heir, but since the death of Yoshimitsu, when the Imperial Court tried to give the honorable title Daijo Tenno to Yoshimitsu, the 4th Shogun of Muromachi Bakufu, Yoshimochi ASHIKAGA, strongly refused to accept this (it is said that it was because he didn't like his father since Yoshimitsu cared more about Yoshitsugu than himself), the truth is not yet certain.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



While there is a theory that such speedy promotion of Suzuka no Okimi was the results of the Imperial Court's influence, who intended to appease the spirit of Nagayao, who died feeling mortified, another theory says that as a plague in 737 killed most members of the Imperial Family and nobles working in the Giseikan (Legislature), leaving very few princes and nobles meeting the requirements to fill ministerial positions, there was a desperate need to quickly fill in the position of Chidaijoikanji whose only requirement was being a member of the Imperial Family and in a position equivalent to the ministers.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



An ancient example of Imperial Court' is regarded as either the pledge of obligation by three Korean countries at the conquest by Jinguu Empress or the order which Koken Emperor told an emissary of Silla that the King should come to see him in 752; Hideyoshi thought Korean King should serve Japanese Emperor and sent an emissary to Joseon Dynasty to tell this idea (Kouichi SHIMIZU ' About the idea to build a base at Hakata - relate to the forbiddance of Christianity - (Tamotsu Fujino Sexagenarian Memorial Association "Governance and foreign diplomacy of modern Japan" 1993, Yuhikaku Press, ISBN 9784639011954).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In 1392, Yoshimitsu accelerated negotiations with the Southern Court with a help of Yoshihiro OUCHI as an intermediary, as the national influence of the Southern Court was declining. In the negotiations, he presented several following proposals for reconciliation: the emperor should be selected alternately from the two imperial lineages, Jimyoin-to and Daikakuji-to; all the state-owned territories (of which there was actually very little) should belong to the Daikakuji-to; the Three Sacred Treasures which were in the possession of Emperor Go-Kameyama should be presented to Emperor Go-Komatsu of the Jimyoin-to, so that the Southern Court would be dissolved. In this way, he achieved integration of the Northern and Southern Courts, and put a stop to the 58 year split between the courts.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


This kanpu has conventionally been interpreted as having been issued to have TAIRA no Yoshikane, TAIRA no Sadamori and MIMAMOTO no Mamoru subjugate Masakado; however, because inconsistencies arose between the facts preceding and following the event, another theory, holding that Yoshikane and others had angered the Imperial Court when Yoshikane and Sadamori attacked Ikuha no mimaya, which officially belong to Meryo (the section taking care of imperial horses), and that Masakado had received the kanpu as an order to subdue them, has become prominent.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, because the maiden taken by the Emperor as Empress was unable to provide a son and, due to conflicts such as the Toi Invasion, the TAIRA no Tadatsune Rebellion and the Zenkunen War, the absolute power of the Fujiwara clan in the inner circles of the imperial court was eroded at home and abroad and rocked to its political foundations time and again; in its final years, the Fujiwara clan, who kept the position of Sessho and Kanpaku, saw the unrelated Emperor Gosanjo enthroned and as such, and headed towards decline; in time, there was a transition to a period of cloistered government and the ascendance of samurai warriors. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



While Motohiro was known as the Kugyo who promoted the shogunate marital union with the imperial family, he strongly opposed the Koka (marriage of an imperial princess to a subject) of Yasonomiya (Imperial Princess Yoshiko), the daughter of the Retired Emperor Reigen, to Shogun Ietsugu TOKUGAWA after the death of Ienobu under recommendation from Hakuseki ARAI (this was probably due to an attempt by Ietsugu's biological mother, Gekkoin, to get rid of Retired Emperor Reigen, who tried to improve the relation with the bakufu, and Hiroko KONOE (who became a monk called Teneiin)), and did not forget to distance himself from the bakufu as Choshin (Imperial retainer).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



Basara daimyo (unconventional warriors) in general more or less downplayed conventional authority such as the Imperial Court, but for Tadayoshi, the Retired Emperor Kogon was the only authority (chiten no kimi (supreme ruler)) that guaranteed a legitimate reason for the appointment of his older brother, Takauji, to Seii Taishogun (literally, "great general who subdues the barbarians") and the reason for Emperor Komyo's ascent to the throne, and therefore, Tadayoshi thought that forgiving his behavior would threaten his authority and would negate the legitimacy of the Muromachi bakufu.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Kiyoyuki was pointed out for his involvement in the political change because Kiyoyuki pointed out to Tokihira that all of the students of SUGAWARA no Kiyokimi, a grandfather of Michizane, would be punished and the Imperial Court would come to a standstill if all parties related to Michizane were involved, and he imposed the penalty only on the relatives of Michizane and close advisers of the Retired Emperor Uda, and because Kiyoyuki succeeded to Daigaku no kami (director of the Bureau of Education) due to the downfall of SUGAWARA no Takami, a legitimate son of Michizane.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Therefore, Gonrokuro who belonged to the sonjo party went up to Kyoto and started activities uniquely as an official to procure the state affairs together with Ichizen TOKURA (senior retainer), Ryuhei DOI (head clerk), Yoichiro ITO (head of the servants), Eima EMI (archer), etc., but it is said that Tadaka was outraged and said to 'have Yoshimasa retire' because his scheme to grasp the initiative in the Imperial Court suppressing Satsuma and Choshu domains by linking with the lord of Okayama Domain did not work well as he planned.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Earlier theories asserted that political affairs were in fact conducted at Incho, but Shigeo SUZUKI asserted that no details regarding national government could be seen in the documents issued by Incho at that time, and Yoshihiko HASHIMOTO, based on this fact, strongly criticized the view that political affairs were conducted at Incho; consequently, in recent years it has become the prevalent view that the In put pressure on the Imperial Court by using inzen, which had the aspect of a non-official document, and that by placing his aides in positions of general council of state he took virtual control of the government.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Naturally, Godaigo worked on the court management system, speedy court case processing and recruitment of useful human resources that past Chiten had worked on, but he also worked on financial measures such as Koshu-ho (Law defining the price of rice and sake), Jiguchisen-ka to Rakuchu (extra tax on houses and fields in central Kyoto) but he also tried to enlarge the power base of the Imperial Court itself by actively working on areas that the authority of past Chiten did not reach and issued Rakuchu Shuroyaku Fuka-rei, Shinjin Koji Teishi-rei, Sekishoteishi-rei, etc.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The bakufu, as concerning the system of the alternate enthronement of the two rival imperial lines, adopted a policy of making recommendations concerning the imperial succession and mediating between the daikakuji and jimyoin lineages without being drawn in too deeply to successional disputes, but in the end, after a long period of confusion over the succession, the imperial court made a new request for the bakufu to intervene, while the faction on the losing end of this dispute, nursing newfound dissatisfaction against the bakufu because of the results of this intervention, ended up making a request of their own, leading to a vicious circle that conflicted ever deeper with the bakufu's hands-off policy.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


As the Ritsuryo system declined and the court itself started to function as the institution to manage the Emperor's family's household, it became tradition for the position of Kuranokami (the chief of Kuraryo) to be filled by court officials of the fourth rank that had previously been Kurodonoto (the chief of Kurodo Dokoro) or worked in the Benkan (clerical section) or Konoefu (Imperial palace guards), and then in the period of governments by cloistered emperors became a position for prominent Zuryo (head of provincial government) with strong financial power, and in the early Muromachi period, the Yamashina family held the position together with the position, Mizushidokoro Betto (superintendent of the cooking section for the emperor), and it has been essentially their hereditary post ever since.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Subsequently, fourteen court nobles advanced in rank on May 3, 1611, in conjunction with Emperor Gomizunoo's ascension to the Imperial throne while nineteen nobles on Jun 2, 1611, getting the promotion of court nobles, which had been hindered during the Toyotomi administration, to be awarded all together; it was only natural for Ieyasu to establish, in 1615, the same year as the Toyotomi clan was collapsed, the 'Kinchu narabini kuge shohatto' (a set of regulations that applied to the emperor and Kyoto nobles), which completely separated the official rank of the court nobles and that of the samurai class, for Ieyasu had witnessed the struggle of the Imperial Court regarding to official ranks at the end of the Toyotomi administration.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In the Muromachi and Sengoku (warring states) periods, the Imperial Court and the Muromachi bakufu were in severe financial difficulties, and as a result, the reisen as a gratuity was expected to be presented as a condition for receiving the documents of awarding government posts and official positions as well as of the tsugime ando (receiving again the ando-jo, or document to authorize the ownership and control of the shoryo, or territory, in case of appointment of Shogun); before long, the logic was changed, and whether the documents were issued or not came to depend on the amount of the reisen presented.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Simply speaking, military officers were 'government officials (espcially one of low to medium rank) who were armed and a full-time government [public] employee-like officials trained under the Ritsuryo-system,' while the bushi were 'the people who consisted of a 'lower ranking nobles,' 'lower ranking government officials' and 'people from powerful or medieval families' who regarded the new military art established during the 10th century as their iegei and were officially authorized to be armed by the Imperial Court or kokufu (provincial office)' and they did not acquire the military art of the Ritsuryo-system style in the training institution of the organization of the government according to the Ritsuryo codes.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Yet, from the fact that there were no records to prove that "Engi Gishiki" was practically used in formalities at the imperial court, that its surviving fragment first appeared in "Hokuzansho" which was written more than one hundred years after the Engi era, and that it only appeared in documents during the period under the rule of Cloistered Emperors, some said that Engi Gishiki was compiled in the Engi era, but just as a partial improvement of "Jogan Gishiki" ("Gishiki"), some said that it was completed, but did not come into use, some said that it was not completed, and some said that it was not compiled during the Engi era, but records on the formalities in the Engi era established until the eleventh century were considered to be Gishiki.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In subsequent cases, judgments proceeded from the second opinion, but Decision of the Second Petty Bench of the Supreme Court dated on April 15, 2008 (case number 2007 (A) No. 839) stated 'it does not go so far as to mean, as argued by the accused, that photographing of a person's appearance, etc. by police officials should not be permitted except in cases where it is found that the crime is currently being committed or has just been committed' and 'videotaping operations such as videotaping the defendant's appearance, etc. on the public road and in the pachinko parlor can be recognized as legal Investigation activities', which means that the second opinion has been dominant, at least in precedents.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The Imperial Court, including Emperor Ichijo and nairan sadaijin (minister of the left who has a right to read and deal with documents before reporting to the Emperor from Daijokan, the Great Council of State) FUJIWARA no Michinaga, was so concerned about growing social unrest and a series of disasters that it decided to rebuild the dairi on July 11 and discussed unconventionality in the Buddhist and the Shinto rituals as well as a ban on luxurious dressing, in order to subdue social unrest through a belief in God and to restore order by reinforcing control. ("Shoyuki" (the diary of FUJIWARA no Sanesuke), "Gonki" (FUJIWARA no Yukinari's diary))  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


After that, the Asuke clan survived as a vassal of the shogunate, but its relationship with the Imperial Court was still so close that the fourth head, Shigekata ASUKE, and his son Chikashige ASUKE had been given official rank and allowed to enter the denjo room in the palace; moreover, its dissatisfaction with the Kamakura bakufu increased because of problems such as the Shimotsuki Affair in 1285, in which Shigefusa ASUKE was involved and destroyed because, in the Asuke clan, there were relatives of the powerful gokenin (an immediate vassal of the shogunate in the Kamakura and Muromachi through Edo periods), Adachi clan.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


After the statesmen of the Aizu clan had come to Kyoto, the Sonno Joi movement gained additional strength, assassinations and threats by masterless samurai extremists became commonplace; even in the Court, sympathetic court nobles to Sonno Joi had a great influence, they often gave Imperial order without asking the Emperor's permission and demanded that the Shogunate immediately renounce the treaties with foreign countries following the Joi group's proposal (expulsion of foreigners), and what's more, in August 1863 (according to the old lunar calendar) they planned the Emperor's visit to Yamato for carrying out the Emperor's direct commitment to Joi.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, the lord of a domain changed to a non-hereditary Chihanji, (note that in fact, apart from the Fukuoka domain, whose rank changed by the 'kaieki' sanction (sudden dismissal and deprivation of position, privileges and properties) successors were of heredity) and since feudal retainers of the domain, who were baishin (indirect vassals) were also considered vassals (vassas of the king)of the Imperial Court (Meiji government), which are the same as Chihanji, it contradicted the relationship between the lord and vassal that was established by Bushido (the way of the samurai) based on Shushigaku (Neo-Confucianism) so resistance by domains were expected.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In the battle over "government cost-cutting" and "budget for navy" with minto, he reached a compromise based on the imperial rescript of "Wachukyodo (work together in the same spirit)" from Emperor Meiji, 3 million yen of daily living expenses, and 10% cut of salary for government officials to pass the budget, and subsequently opposed to movement of Taigaikoha (hard-line group against foreign countries) which were rising among a minto party (the Constitutional Progressive Party) and right-wing groups (including National Association and Great Japan Association) toward the end of negotiation for treaty revision by dissolution of the House of Representatives twice, and successfully removed exterritoriality by conclusion of the Anglo-Japanese Treaty of Commerce and Navigation.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The classification includes such items as literary art, chogi (ceremony at Imperial Court), Jingikan (Department of Divinities), Daijokan (Grand Council of State), the Setsuroku family (the family which produced the Regent and the Chief Adviser to the Emperor), the Kugyo family (kugyo means a Court noble), besso, achievements, teii (Chinese name of police), naiki (secretary of the Ministry of Central Affairs), kiden (biographical books), Onmyodo (yin-yang philosophy), rekido (the study of the calendar), tenmondo (astrology), ido (medical ethics), Buddhist service, Dazaifu (local government office in Kyushu region), foreign countries, miscellaneous writings, misfortunes, shokoku-zatsuji (miscellaneous matters of various districts), shokoku-kumon (official documents of various districts) and shokoku koka (merits and demerits of various districts), however, these items are about existing parts, therefore, it is unknown what kinds of classification were included in the missing nine volumes.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In the mid-to-late Heian period, the Sugawara clan was temporarily displaced from its dominant position in the field of Kidendo by the Oe clan and, as a result, and with the notable exceptions of Sugawara no Fumitoki (899-981) (Junior Third Rank, non-Councilor) and Sugawara no Sukemasa (925-1009) (Court Rank, Councilor, Dazaifu, foreign affairs office in Kyushu), members of the Sugawara clan were not ranked as Court nobles over this time, but at the beginning of the Kamakura period Sugawara no Tamenaga (1158-1246) was promoted to Senior Second Court Rank, Councilor, Treasury Office and his descendants were subsequently ranked as Court nobles, taking all the important Kidendo posts at Court.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


An action for the infringement of a patent may be brought in that court of record that, in the province in which the infringement is said to have occurred, has jurisdiction, pecuniarily, to the amount of the damages claimed and that, with relation to the other courts of the province, holds its sittings nearest to the place of residence or of business of the defendant, and that court shall decide the case and determine the costs, and assumption of jurisdiction by the court is of itself sufficient proof of jurisdiction.  - 特許庁


A licensee under paragraph (1)(a) is entitled to call on the patentee to take proceedings to prevent infringement of the patent, and if the patentee refuses or neglects to do so within two months after being so called on, the licensee may institute proceedings for infringement in his own name as though he were the patentee, making the patentee a defendant, but a patentee added as defendant is not liable for any costs unless he enters an appearance and takes part in the proceedings.  - 特許庁


One of two or more joint proprietors of a patent may without the concurrence of the others bring proceedings in respect of an act alleged to infringe the patent, but shall not do so unless all the others are made parties to the proceedings as defendants, but any of the others who, pursuant to the requirements of this subsection, is made a defendant shall not be liable for any costs or expenses unless he enters an appearance and takes part in the proceedings.  - 特許庁


Unless otherwise directed by the Court, the Controller may, in lieu of appearing and being heard, submit to the Court a statement in writing, signed by him, giving particulars of the proceedings before him in relation to the matter in issue, or of the grounds of any decision given by him affecting the same, or of the practice of the Office in like cases, or of such matters relevant to the issues, and within his knowledge as Controller, as he shall think fit, and such statement shall be deemed to form part of the evidence in the proceedings.  - 特許庁

(b) 自己がマラヤ高等裁判所の法弁護士及び事務弁護士,サバ高等裁判所並びにサラワク高等裁判所の事務弁護士であるか,審査委員会によって承認された高等教育機関の該当分野又は工学又は科学の学位若しくはこれと同等の資格を有する者,又は審査委員会が認定する専門的工学若しくは科学の教育機関の卒業資格を受ける権原のある資格を有する者であること,及び例文帳に追加

(b) that he is an advocate and solicitor of the High Court in Malaya or an advocate of the High Court in Sabah and Sarawak, or has a relevant degree or its equivalent in an appropriate branch or engineering or science from an institution of higher learning approved by the Board of Examiners, or has qualifications entitling him to graduate membership of a professional engineering or scientific institution or the like recognized by the Board of Examiners; and - 特許庁

(4) 法に基づいて登録官に提出されるべき又はその他の者に送達されるべきその他の書類又は写しは,ファックス送信により又は電子的送信手段により提出又は送達することができる。ただし,そのように送信される書類又は写しが規則1A(4)の要件を遵守しており,従って原本であるとみなされる場合を除き,書類又は場合に応じて写しの原本がそれらの署名日から15開日以内に提出又は送達されることを条件とする。例文帳に追加

(4) Any other document or copy to be filed with the Registrar or served on any other person in terms of the Act may be filed or served by facsimile transmission or by means of electronic transfer: Provided that the original document or copy, as the case may be, is filed or served within 15 court days of the date of the signature thereof, unless the document or copy so transmitted complies with the requirements of regulation 1A(4) and is, therefore, deemed to be original. - 特許庁


Instead of appearing in person, the Commissioner may, unless otherwise directed by the Court, give the Court a written statement of the following particulars that are within the Commissioner's knowledge: the issues: the grounds of any decision given by him or her: the practice of the Patent Office in similar cases: any other matters that are relevant to the issues; and that is signed by the Commissioner. - 特許庁

「第133A条 一定の法的手続における証拠第131条に対する違反行為についての法的手続においては,裁判所は,第1審における聴聞の方法によるか又は上訴その他の方法によるかを問わず,著作権の存在又は所有権についての証拠として宣誓供述書を受領することができる。法的手続の当事者は,宣誓供述書による証拠を提出した者を反対尋問のために出させるよう,裁判所に申請することができる。また裁判所は,それに従って命令を出すことができる。」例文帳に追加

133A. Evidence in certain proceedings In proceedings for an offence against section 131, whether by way of a hearing in the first instance or by way of appeal or otherwise, the court may receive an affidavit as evidence of the existence and ownership of copyright. A party to the proceedings may apply to the court to require a person whose evidence has been given by affidavit to attend the proceedings for the purposes of cross-examination; and the court may make an order accordingly. - 特許庁


Unless otherwise directed by the court, the Registrar may instead of appearing submit to the court a statement in writing signed by him, giving particulars of ? any proceedings before him in relation to the matter in issue; the grounds of any decision given by him affecting it; the practice of the registry in like cases; or such matters relevant to the issues and within his knowledge as Registrar as he thinks fit, and the statement shall be deemed to form part of the evidence in the proceedings.  - 特許庁

(7) 特許又は特許出願についての2以上の共同所有者の1である者は,他の全共同所有者の同意なしに紛争を本条に基づいて裁判所に付託することができるが,ただし,他の全共同所有者を当該手続の当事者とするものでない限り,その付託をしてはならず,他の共同所有者のうちで被告とされる者がいるときは,この者は,出して当該手続に参加しない限り,費用又は経費について支払義務はない。例文帳に追加

(7) One of the 2 or more joint proprietors of a patent or an application for a patent may, without the concurrence of the others, refer a dispute to the court under this section, but shall not do so unless the others are made parties to the proceedings; but any of the others if made a defendant shall not be liable for any costs or expenses unless he enters an appearance and takes part in the proceedings. - 特許庁


Unless the Appellate Board otherwise directs, the Registrar may, in lieu of appearing, submit a statement in writing signed by him, giving such particulars as he thinks proper of the proceedings before him relating to the matter in issue or of the grounds of any decision given by him affecting it, or of the practice of the Trade Marks Registry in like cases, or of other matters relevant to the issues and within his knowledge as Registrar, and such statement shall be evidence in the proceeding.  - 特許庁


Where before the institution of a complaint of an offence referred to in sub-section (1), any application for the rectification of the register concerning the trade mark in question on the ground of invalidity of the registration thereof has already been properly made to and is pending before the tribunal, the court shall stay the further proceedings in the prosecution pending the disposal of the application aforesaid and shall determine the charge against the accused in conformity with the result of the application for rectification in so far as the complainant relies upon the registration of his mark.  - 特許庁


The Registrar or any officer of the Trade Marks Registry shall not, in any legal proceedings to which he is not a party, be compellable to produce the register or any other document in his custody, the contents of which can be proved by the production of a certified copy issued under this Act or to appear as a witness to prove the matters therein recorded unless by order of the court made for special cause.  - 特許庁

(2) 裁判所が別段の指示をする場合を除いて,登録官は,出し聴聞を受ける代わりに,裁判所に対して,争点となっている事項に関する自己の下での手続,当該事項に影響を及ぼす自己が行った決定の理由,類似の事例に関する商標局の慣行,その他適当と考える当該問題に関係する事項であって自己の知識内にあるものについての詳細を述べた自己の署名入り陳述書を提出することができ,当該陳述書は,法的手続における証拠の一部を構成するとみなされる。例文帳に追加

(2) Unless otherwise directed by the Court, the Registrar, in lieu of appearing and being heard, may submit to the Court a statement in writing signed by him, giving particulars of the proceedings before him in relation of the matter in issue or of the grounds of any decision given by him affecting the same or of the practice of the office in like cases, or of such other matters relevant to the issues, and within his knowledge as Registrar, as he thinks fit, and such statement shall be deemed to form part of the evidence in the proceedings. - 特許庁

本法に基づく法的手続き(法における法的手続きではない)の当事者である者が当該手続きの係属中に死亡した場合,登録官は次のようにすることができる。 (a) 要請に基づき,かつ,死亡者の権益移転につき登録官の納得できる証拠がある場合,当該手続きにおいて権益譲受人を死亡者の代わりとすることができる。又は, (b) 登録官が死亡者の権益は生存当事者により十分に代理されると考える場合,権益譲受人を代置することなく当該手続きを継続させることができる。例文帳に追加

If a person who is party to a proceeding under this Act (not being a proceeding in a court) dies pending the proceeding, the Registrar may - (a) on request, and on proof to his satisfaction of the transmission of the interest of the deceased person - substitute in the proceeding his successor in interest in his place; or (b) if he is of opinion that the interest of the deceased person is sufficiently represented by the surviving parties - permit the proceeding to continue without the substitution of his successor in interest. - 特許庁

第20条(2)に従うことを条件として,ある者が商標法及び実務に関しての資格試験を受験する資格を有する場合とは,その者がその試験の受験を希望する年の10月1日前に,その者がカナダに居住しており,かつ,次の者に該当する場合である。 (a) ある州において開業する資格を有する法弁護士又は事務弁護士,又はケベック州において開業する資格を有する公証人,又は (b) カナダにおいて商標登録出願の準備及び手続を含むカナダ商標法及び実務の分野において,24月以上の期間業務を行ったことがある者例文帳に追加

Subject to subsection 20(2), a person is eligible to sit for a qualifying examination relating to trade-mark law and practice if, before October 1 of the year in which the person proposes to sit for the examination, the person resides in Canada and (a) is a barrister or solicitor entitled to practise as such in a province, or a notary entitled to practise as such in the Province of Quebec; or (b) has worked in Canada in the area of Canadian trade-mark law and practice, including the preparation and prosecution of applications for the registration of trade-marks, for a period of not less than 24 months.  - 特許庁


If the defendant in an action for infringement of registered trademark rights claims that the registration is null and void and the truth of the matter is not immediately clear, the court shall allow him a period within which to bring action in a separate court hearing in order to have the registration declared null and void; no ruling in the original case may be handed down until the matter of the validity of the registration has been finally settled. If the secondary action is not brought within the period allowed, the court shall rule on the case without regard to the counterclaim.  - 特許庁


An injunction issued under this Section must not endanger the right of a third party to send and receive messages. Subject to the provisions of Chapter 7, Section 7, of the Code of Judicial Procedure, the injunction comes into force when the plaintiff gives the bailiff the security referred to in Chapter 7, Section 16, of the Execution Act (37/1895). An injunction issued under paragraph 2 or 3 of this Section lapses if the action referred to in Section 38(1) is not brought within a month from the issuance of the injunction.  - 特許庁


(3) Unless the High Court Division otherwise directs, the Registrar may, in lieu of appearing, submit a statement in writing, signed by him, giving such particulars as he thinks proper of the proceedings before him relating to the matter in issue, or of the grounds of a decision given by him affecting it, or of the practice of the Trademarks Registry in like cases, or of other matters relevant to the issues and within his knowledge as Registrar, and such statement shall be evidence in the proceeding.  - 特許庁


The Registrar or any other officer of the Trademarks Registry shall not, in any legal proceeding to which he is not a party, be compellable to produce the Register or any other document in his custody, the contents of which can be proved by the production of a certified copy issued under this Act or to appear as a witness to prove the matters therein recorded unless ordered by the Court for special cause.  - 特許庁


なお、表見代理制度は、取引の相手方が当該第三者に代理権があると誤認した場合の規定であり、なりすましの場合に直接適用されるものではないが、判例は、代理人が直接本人の名で権限外の行為を行い、その相手方がその行為を本人自身の行為と信じた場合について基本代理権の存在を認定した上で、民法第 110条の規定の類推適用を認めている(最高裁昭和44年12月19日第二小法判決・民集23巻12号2539頁)。例文帳に追加

The principle of apparent representation applies where the counterparty to a transaction believed that an unauthorized agent had the power of representation. Consequently, apparent representation does not directly apply to cases of simple spoofing. However, case law has held that Article 110 of the Civil Code should apply to cases where an agent (who, as determined by the court, had certain basic powers of representation) performed an unauthorized act as a principal and the counterparty believed in good faith that it was the act of the principal (Judgment of the Supreme Court of Japan, 2nd Petty Bench, December 19, 1969, 23-12; 2539 Minshu 2539).  - 経済産業省


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