
「had time」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(67ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





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had timeの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 3782


At one time a special direct train was operated to Saga-Arashiyama Station from Kobe and Osaka, making use of a bypass lane that proceeded directly to the Tanbaguchi Station of the Sanin Main Line (Sagano Line) from the Umekoji Station Yard, but it has not been fixed due to inconveniences such as the fact that many passengers had happened to take the train by mistake. 例文帳に追加

このほか、梅小路駅構内から直接山陰本線(嵯峨野線)丹波口駅間の短絡線を利用して一時期神戸・大阪から嵯峨嵐山への直通臨時列車が走ったことがあるが、誤乗が多かったことなどから定着しなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Model 350 cars, which had been in Nishikori-shako Depot during the daytime after finishing the operation in the morning rush hours on the Ishiyama-Sakamoto Line, were again used on the line in the evening rush hours, but at this time a sub-sign reading, 'Thank you for model 350 cars,' was attached to the model 350 cars of 353-352. 例文帳に追加

石山坂本線内における朝のラッシュ時の運用を終え、昼間時は錦織車庫に入庫していた350形は、夕方のラッシュ時から再び同線内での運用に就いたが、この際に350形353-352号車には「ご苦労様でした350形」と書かれた副標識が取り付けられた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Echigo Kotsu Building had no anchor tenant for some time after Daiei's withdrawal, but on December 1, 2007, 'E・PLAZA,' the commercial complex of specialized stores consisting of thirteen stores--including Miyawaki book-store and Fashion-Ichiba Sanki--opened in the building. 例文帳に追加

越後交通ビルはダイエー撤退以降、長らくキーテナントが決まらなかったが、2007年12月1日に宮脇書店、ファッション市場サンキなど13店舗のテナントで構成される専門店複合型商業施設「E・PLAZA」としてリニューアルオープンした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In fiscal year 2003, UA one-step buses were introduced for two consecutive years, using bodies manufactured by Nishinippon Shatai Kogyo for the first time in 30 years since the last bus was discarded in March 1974 because, as mentioned above, Fuji Heavy Industries had ceased the manufacture of bus bodies. 例文帳に追加

2003年度は昨年度に引き続きUAワンステップが導入されたが、上記にもある通り、富士重工がバス車体製造を終了したため、1974年3月廃車分から実に30年ぶりの西日本車体工業製のボディが導入された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


A full-size (12m) high-deck sightseeing bus, the S'elega R-FD, was introduced for the first time for Kyoto Bus, and although its body design inherited that of medium-size salon car introduced in 2002, it had 60 seats (including spare seats) and was equipped with two LCD monitor TVs (at the front and back of the bus) as well as synthesizer karaoke. 例文帳に追加

また京都バスでは初めてとなる大型フルサイズ(12m)ハイデッカー観光バスセレガR-FDが導入され、ボディデザインは2002年導入の中型サロンカーを踏襲しているが、定員は60席(補助席込み)となり、前後2ヶ所の液晶モニターテレビ、シンセサイザーカラオケなどの装備を備えている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Saint Tokudo persuaded people to make the Sanjusankasho junrei (pilgrimage), but it did not become popular due to the lack of trust towards him among the public; thus, he decided to wait for the right time and placed the hoin he had received from Enma Daio in a stone urn at the Nakayama-dera Temple in Settsu Province. 例文帳に追加

上人はこの三十三所巡礼を人々に説くが世間の信用が得られずあまり普及しなかったため、機が熟すのを待つこととし、閻魔大王から授かった宝印を摂津国の中山寺_(宝塚市)の石櫃に納めた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the first place, there is no cultural history of Komainu in Korea, and the Chinese character, "高麗", has been used just to borrow the sound; Komainu was never meant to be a dog from Korea, but was thought to be an imaginary divine beast, and Shishi, the other in pairs, is a lion, which had never been witnessed by the Japanese at that time. 例文帳に追加

また、朝鮮に狛犬の文化は無く、高麗とは音から来る当て字で「高麗の犬」という意味ではなく、あくまで「狛犬(こまいぬ)」という想像上の神獣であり、同じく対になる獅子も当時の日本人はライオンを見たことが無い。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

But some consider that Ninigi might have descended to 'Hyuga in Tsukushi Province,' not 'Hyuga Province' established at a later time, partly because both the Kojiki and Nihonshoki mention the location of his descent as 'Tsukushi' (spelled as '竺' or '筑紫' in the Kojiki and '筑紫' in Nihonshoki), and partly because the region included in Hyuga Province in the seventh century had previously been part of Kumaso Province. 例文帳に追加

一方、行政上、日向国が設置されたのは7世紀であり、それ以前の時代には日向国地域は熊曽国に含まれていたとして、古事記の「竺紫」=「筑紫」、日本書紀の「筑紫」から、降臨地は「筑紫国の日向」であって後世の「日向国」ではないと解釈する異説がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Also, traditions and research into the historical background of holy precincts called kannabi (places such as a mountain or a forest where a divine soul resides), which had been regarded as shintai since before the time of Emperor Kanmu, a period known as Jodai, mean the origins of modern Shrine Shinto are well-understood and anything whose concept is different is referred to by the word "kamishiro". 例文帳に追加

そして上代(じょうだい)といわれる桓武天皇の時代以前から神体とされた神域としての神奈備(かんなび)などの時代考証や伝統により、由来のはっきりした現在の神社神道と概念の異なるものは、かみしろ(神代・上代)とされ語句がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In many cases, the former group refer to a description in "Takachika Nikki" (Takachika NAKAYAMA's Diary) of January 10, 1574 and the latter a description in "Kanemikyoki" of May 13, 1581, it is observed that they tend to pick up a part of Nobunaga's policy with respect to the Imperial Court that had changed over time to use as the ground for their own view. 例文帳に追加

前者が天正元年12月8日の『孝親日記』、後者が天正9年4月1日の『兼見卿記』の記述を挙げてることが多く、信長の皇室政策の時期的に相違する部分の一部を捉えて自説の論拠として挙げる傾向が見られる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The Shimazu clan at that time lacked sufficient knowledge regarding the situation in the Kyoto-Osaka district, so it had no choice but to join the Western Army; it was their regret over this decision that resulted in the Satsuma clan starting to show signs of becoming an independent realm, placing spies in various regions and trying to strengthen its ability to collect information. 例文帳に追加

当時の島津氏は上方の情勢に疎かったがために西軍に付かざるを得ない状況となり、この反省から、以後薩摩藩は独立王国の様相を呈し始め、各地に密偵を配置し、情報収集力の増強に努めた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The retired Emperor Gotoba possessed many talents, including exceptional skill in the arts--as evidenced by the fact that he personally chose the poems that were recorded in the "Shinkokin wakashu" (A New Collection of Ancient and Modern Japanese Poetry)--but his skills also extended to the martial arts, and he was fond of hunting as well, making him quite unique as a sovereign; in the time leading up to his revolt, he had worked to bolster his military strength by establishing a Western Guard Corps and adding this to his existing Northern Guard Corps. 例文帳に追加

後鳥羽上皇は多芸多才で『新古今和歌集』を自ら撰するなど学芸に優れるだけでなく、武芸にも通じ狩猟を好む異色の天皇であり、それまでの北面の武士に加えて西面の武士を設置し軍事力の強化を行っていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Most renowned is the Enkyu-no Shoen Seiri-rei (an order given in the Enkyu era to consolidate manors) issued in 1069 by Emperor Gosanjo to consolidate all manors together nationwide, but from the days of Emperor Daigo, 150 years prior to this, it had been issued every time the Emperor changed. 例文帳に追加

特に有名なのが、1069年(治暦5年延久元年)に後三条天皇が全国の荘園を一斉整理する目的で発令した延久の荘園整理令であるが、実はこれを遡る事150年前の醍醐天皇の時代から天皇の代替わりごとに度々発令されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Taira clan reorganized the west forces and reestablished its troops, gradually pushing Yoshinaka away at the Setouchi seacoast, and by the time Yoshinaka was eliminated by the Yoritomo government troops (troops of MINAMOTO no Noriyori and MINAMOTO no Yoshitsune) in January 1184, they had recovered Fukuhara. 例文帳に追加

平氏は、西国の勢力を再編成して軍の再建を進め、瀬戸内沿岸で義仲軍を徐々に押しやり、寿永3年(1184年)1月に義仲が頼朝政権軍(源範頼・源義経軍)に滅ぼされる頃には福原を回復するまでに至っていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In December of the year before Hideyoshi became Naidaijin, then Kanpaku and Sadaijin (Minister of the Left), Uchimoto ICHIJO, had yielded the position of Kanpaku to Akizane NIJO; the administration was supposed to be run for the time being by Sadaijin Uchimoto ICHIJO, Kanpaku and Udaijin Akizane NIJO, and Naidaijin Nobusuke KONOE. 例文帳に追加

秀吉が内大臣になる前年の12月にこれまで関白左大臣であった一条内基が二条昭実に関白を譲り当面は左大臣一条内基・関白右大臣二条昭実・内大臣近衛信輔の体制で当面行く筈であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Also involved were: the family of MINAMOTO no Yorimasa who had served Hachijoin since the time of Bifukumonin; Hachijoin's Kurodo (Chamberlain) of MINAMOTO no Yukiie and MINAMOTO no Nakaie; the local lord of the shoen in the Hachijoin-ryo, MINAMOTO no Yoshikiyo (Yada no Hangandai (assistant officer who served an administration organization called Innocho)); and a samurai called Yukihira SHIMOKOBE. 例文帳に追加

また、この以仁王の挙兵には美福門院から八条院に仕えてきた源頼政一族、八条院蔵人の源行家・源仲家、八条院領荘園の在地領主であった源義清(矢田判官代)・下河辺行平といった武士が関係していた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

At this point in time, it was known by Korean military planners that the most powerful inhabitants of Tsushima were away on voyages to Ming China and elsewhere, and moreover as the invasion was launched they ordered the simultaneous internment of all Japanese merchants living and operating within Korea, revealing how carefully they had planned this assault to take advantage of the weakness of Tsushima's defensive preparations and target the general population (not only the Wako). 例文帳に追加

この時期は対馬の有力者が明などに渡航し不在であることを知り、また同時に朝鮮国内の在留商人らを一斉に抑留するなど、防備の弱体に乗じ一般民衆を標的にした周到な計画であったことが知られる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Furthermore, the emperor's stay from May, 842 within a lot of Reizei-in Palace, where the Imperial Prince Tsunesada was living at that time, by reason of the Imperial Palace's repair also supports the theory, because troops serving the emperor that had been staying in the residence on the pretext of the emperor's guard were ready to besiege the crown prince. 例文帳に追加

同年4月以後内裏の修理を理由として天皇が当時恒貞親王が居住していた冷然院内に滞在しており、天皇の警護を名目として院内に滞在していた天皇側の兵が、いつでも皇太子を囲むことが出来る状況下にあったことも挙げられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Before that, Japan had been ruled by the ritsuryo system of governance (a constitutional form of governance) built on an ancient family register system, tax book, handenshuju-no-ho (law on the distribution and collection of farmlands) and so on, but at that time, vagrancy, elopement, false family registration of the people dramatically increased and the ritsuryo system of governance ran into an impasse. 例文帳に追加

それ以前は、古代の戸籍制度・計帳・班田収授法などに立脚した律令制統治が行われていたが、この頃には、人民の浮浪・逃亡・偽籍が著しく増加したため、律令制統治が行き詰まりを見せていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In ancient times, in addition to shinden (also referred to as kanda; land held by a shrine) and jiden (also referred to as terada; land held by a temple), fuko (households of temples and shrines) granted by the Ritsuryo state (state based on ritsuryo code in the seventh century) and the early time shoen (estate) which was established by konden (development of fallow land or creation of new rice paddies) were the main source of income for the temples and shrines (Some big temples and shrines had systems such as zojishi (officials responsible for building temples, and shingun - also referred to as kamikoori; deity district). 例文帳に追加

古代においては自前の神田・寺田に加え、律令国家によって給付された封戸や墾田開発によって成立した初期荘園が寺社の大きな収入源であった(一部の大寺院・大神社には造寺司や神郡の制度もあった)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although it is unknown when the castle was built, according to an old book "Taiheiki" (The Record of the Great Peace), Ujiyori ROKKAKU barricaded himself inside the castle preparing for an attack from Akiie KITABATAKE who belonged to the Southern Court (the Yoshino Court) in the period of the Northern and Southern Courts, the castle had already been built at that time. 例文帳に追加

正確な築城年代は定かではないが、古典『太平記』には、南北朝時代(日本)のに、南朝(吉野朝廷)側の北畠顕家軍に備えて六角氏頼が篭もったという記述があり、そのころには築かれていたと考えられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On the other hand, the split and conflicts among the Hatakeyama clan had lasted for a long time after the latter part of the 15th century, and there were some strong temple and shrine powers, so that any samurai powers could not grow up to Sengoku daimyo (Japanese territorial lord in the Sengoku period) who controlled the whole Kii Province. 例文帳に追加

一方で15世紀後半以降、畠山氏の分裂と抗争が長期間続いたことが大きく響き、また複数の強力な寺社勢力の存在もあって、武家勢力の中から紀伊一国を支配する戦国大名が成長することはなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Until the time of Masayori TAKANASHI, a grandson of Masamori, the Takanashi clan remained independent, but Shingen TAKEDA, of Kai Province, who had destroyed the Murakami clan, invaded the land of the Takanashi clan and they retreated to the Iiyama area close to the boundary of Shinano and Echigo from Nakano, the base, between 1555 and 1558. 例文帳に追加

それでも政盛の孫の高梨政頼の頃まで独立性を保ってきたが、村上氏を撃破した甲斐国の武田信玄の侵攻を受け、弘治(日本)年間(1555-1558)に本拠地中野郷から信越国境に近い飯山郷まで後退した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Since a large number of soldiers (samurai) shifted their activities from counterproductive military activities to administrative activities due to the rise of peaceful state and new rice fields were cultivated in various places, the economic development which had sustained for a long time from the Warring States period to the Azuchi Momoyama period accerelated explosively, and a high-growth era started. 例文帳に追加

平和が招来されたことにより、大量の兵士(武士)が非生産的な軍事活動から行政的活動に転じ、広域的な新田開発が各地で行われたため、戦国時代から安土・桃山時代へと長い成長を続けていた経済は爆発的に発展し、高度成長時代が始まった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As the records of the Tokugawa clan reveal, the Edo Castle was not regarded as a vital branch-castle in the time of the Gohojo clan and its modest structure that was constructed in the 15th century remained; However, it should be noted that the foundations that would enable Edo to develop into the capital of eight provinces had already been laid. 例文帳に追加

確かに徳川氏の記録が伝えるように、後北条氏時代の江戸城は最重要な支城とまではみなされず城は15世紀の粗末なつくりのまま残されていたが、関八州の首府となりうる基礎はすでに存在していた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although there was a shared understanding within the government at that time that Haihan-chiken had to be carried out in order to move towards a centralized administrative system, Takayoshi KIDO (who insisted on radical reform) and Toshimichi OKUBO (who insisted on moderate reform) continued to hold differing views concerning practical procedures. 例文帳に追加

当時、中央集権体制を進めるために廃藩置県の必要があることは政府内の共通認識となっていたが、その実施に向けた方策について急進的な木戸孝允と漸進的な大久保利通との対立が続いていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although it acquired the railway and lease for the territory in South Manchuria and exclusive authority over the Korean Empire, Japan failed to obtain the war reparation it had counted on to cover its war-time military expenditures of 2 billion yen, equivalent of four times its national budget. 例文帳に追加

この条約において、日本は、満州南部の鉄道及び領地の租借権、大韓帝国に対する排他的指導権などを獲得したものの、戦争中に軍事費として投じてきた国家予算の約4倍にあたる20億円を埋め合わせるはずの戦争賠償金は取得することができなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Imperial Court of the time had the opportunity to learn about the Ritsuryo system and its basic concepts through talks with the Sui Dynasty (envoys to the Sui Dynasty, including Einichi, returned Japan in 622 and reported to Empress Suiko on the Tang Dynasty's Ritsuryo system) but they were not capable enough to put this knowledge into practice. 例文帳に追加

当時の朝廷は、隋との交渉の中で、律令制とその基本理念を知る機会はあった(622年に帰国した遣隋使の恵日らが推古天皇に唐の律令制について報告している)が、それを実行に移す能力は未だ朝廷に備わっていなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The civilization and enlightenment is the phenomenon of absorption and intake of Western civilization flew into Japan in parallel with the renovation of political system, during the time when the strongly feudalistic Japanese culture that had been unbrokenly continued throughout the Edo period was coming to the limits due to the isolationism and the like. 例文帳に追加

文明開化は、江戸時代を通じて連綿と続いてきた封建制色濃い日本文化が鎖国などの事情で飽和状態に達していた所に、政治体制の刷新にも伴い流入した西洋文明によって発生した日本での西洋文明の吸収・取り込み現象である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When Akira KUROSAWA made the Japan-US joint production 'Tora! Tora! Tora!' he used the Toei Kyoto Movie Studio for the first time, but on the first day of filming he got angry at the fact that one of the curtains on the set had a crease in it and immediately ceased production; the conflict between Kurosawa and the staff of the studio is said to be one of the reasons he abandoned the movie halfway through. 例文帳に追加

黒澤明は、日米合作「トラ!トラ!トラ!」の撮影に際して初めて東映京都撮影所を使用し、そのスタッフとの軋轢が降板の一因となったと言われるが、初日にセットのカーテンの折り皺に激怒し即撮影中止となったエピソードが伝えられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

They had been broken up by patrolling officers at that time, but people started to have meetings and the number of people who demanded to sell rice increased further, and moreover, nearly 200 residents gathered in Mizuhashi-machi town, Nakaniikawa County on August 3 to ask rice marketers and wealthy people to stop transporting rice and sell it. 例文帳に追加

この時は巡回中の警官によって解散させられたが、住民らは集会をはじめるなど、米の販売を要望する人数はさらに増加していき、翌月8月3日には中新川郡水橋町で200名弱の町民が集結し、米問屋や資産家に対し米の移出を停止し、販売するよう嘆願した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the cases of Mitsumasa YONAI and Hideki TOJO, it was pointless for them to attend a conference when their own policy lines had been rejected and therefore they were resigning, but at the time of the entire third KONOE Cabinet resignation, when Fumimaro KONOE did not attend a conference because of illness, he drew a lot of criticism that said, 'Is he in a worse condition than 91-year-old Keigo KIYOURA?' 例文帳に追加

米内光政と東條英機は、自らの路線を否定されて辞めるので出席しても仕方がないというケースであるが、第3次近衛内閣総辞職時の近衛文麿は病欠で「91歳の清浦奎吾より悪いのか」と批判された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In Korea at the time, the government had been divided between two factions even since the Ganghwa Island incident: the 'Conservative Party' (also known as the Sadaedang, or 'Serve the Great' Party) which advocated that Korea should remain a vassal state of Qing China and 'the Gaehwadang' (Progressive Party, also called the Independence Party) that was anxious about the current situation and hoped to modernize Korea. 例文帳に追加

江華島事件以来、当時の朝鮮は、朝鮮は清朝の冊封国(または冊封国)としての朝鮮のままであるべきであるという「守旧派」(事大党ともいう)と、現状を憂い朝鮮の近代化を目指す「開化派」(独立党ともいう)とに分かれていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Kyoto, currently known as the cultural and industrial center, had been the national capital since the period of Heian-kyo with the Imperial Court and the headquarters of a numerous leading Buddhist sects, despite the serious setbacks suffered in the Onin War, and it was the city representing Japan as the center of the academic activities, arts and religion at that time, 例文帳に追加

文化および工業都市・京は平安京以来の都であり、応仁の乱によって大打撃を受けたものの、依然として朝廷や仏教の有力宗派のうちのいくつかの本山などが設置され、学術・芸術・宗教の面では当時の日本を代表する都市であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Some say that this was because in the first place, the KIYOURA cabinet had a role as a caretaker cabinet to administer the general election planned on May 10 next year and to serve for a limited period of time, so people thought it was only natural that such a short-term cabinet was dominated by members of House of Peers who were less political in order to keep the cabinet neutral. 例文帳に追加

これは当時、清浦内閣を翌年5月10日に予定されていた総選挙施行のための期間限定の選挙管理内閣であり、中立性に配慮した結果、政党色のない貴族院議員が占めるのは仕方がないとする見方もあったからである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although Yoritomo had such consciousness, the notion of Tenka at the time did not overcome the recognition of the emperor as a real ruler of the dynasty yet, and in fact, the emperor (or chiten no kimi [supreme ruler] as the head of the Imperial family) was expected to be the president of Tenka in many cases. 例文帳に追加

しかし頼朝がこのような意識をもっていようと、この時期の天下概念はいまだ現実の天皇の王朝支配を克服しきれておらず、天下の主宰者としては天皇(あるいは天皇家の家督者としての治天の君)が期待されている事例が多い。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On June 17, 1999, the Tokyo District Court rejected the plaintiff's claim because of the following reasons; the international law at that time had a principal that individual war damage would not be compensated; Japanese domestic law did not have a legislation that the govenment would exchange the former military currency with other currency. 例文帳に追加

が、1999年6月17日に東京地方裁判所は、当時の国際法で戦争被害に対する個人の損害を補償しないという原則と、日本の国内法に軍票を交換する法律が存在しないことを理由に請求を棄却した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Around that time, a police inspector 安楽 was patrolling the islands on a steam ship and was about to enter the Chosui Harbor of Miyako-jima Island, however, an islander who had observed the huge disturbance informed the police inspector about the incident, and thus he turned around and headed to Naha to report the abnormal situation of Miyako. 例文帳に追加

そのころ県内各島を巡回中であった警部安楽権中を乗せた汽船が、島の漲水港に入港するところであったが、大騒擾を傍観していた島民から事情を聞くと、踵を返して那覇市へ戻り、宮古の異状を伝えた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

For a long time, Ito had been wary of Motoda who was known for his adverse opinion towards the modernization of Japan, and Ito immediately wrote 'Kyoikugi' (Proposition on Education) protesting vehemently that Motoda's view is the unrealistic theory; and thus they fiercely confronted each other. 例文帳に追加

かねてより日本の近代化そのものに否定的な考えを持っていることで知られた元田に警戒感を抱いていた伊藤は、ただちに「教育議」を執筆して元田の主張こそ現実離れの空論であると噛み付き、両者は激しく論争した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Kaoru INOUE, who had left the government to start a business in Osaka at the time, was concerned about this situation, and with the recognition of the necessity of cooperation between Okubo, Kido and Itagaki to break the political chaos, he attempted to mediate between them with his sworn friend, Hirobumi ITO. 例文帳に追加

当時官界を去り、大阪で実業界に入っていた井上馨は、この情勢を憂い、混迷する政局を打開するには大久保・木戸・板垣による連携が必要であるとの認識を抱き、盟友の伊藤博文とともに仲介役を試みる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The reason for adopting sedentary life is assumed that the problems the Jomon people had in order to adopt the sedentary life up to that time were being solved; in fact, the Jomon people were able to solve problems of securing food, waste disposal issues, and the need to come to terms with the view of life and death in the sedentary life. 例文帳に追加

定住が開始された理由としては、それまで縄文人集団が定住を避けていた理由、すなわち食料の確保や廃棄物問題、死生観上の要請などが定住によっても解決出来るようになったためではないかと見られる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In more details, the Qing dynasty that had deemed foreign countries as "iteki" from its sense of value based on Sinocentrism, but it prohibited to denote western countries as "i (, a character means other ethnic groups)" in its official documents and, at the same time, established Zongli Yamen which was a diplomatic organization in charge of modern international relations. 例文帳に追加

具体的には、それまで清朝は諸外国を中華思想的価値観から「夷狄」とみなしていたが、清朝の公文書に西欧諸国を指して「夷」と表記することを禁じ、同時に総理衙門という近代的国際関係を担う外交機関を設けた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Today, it is translated as "大統領" to mean a head of republic, but, at that time, since readers had no knowledge of that kind, it was considered that, even if they used a newly created word, readers could not understand correctly and it was determined to express pronunciation of the work in Chinese characters. 例文帳に追加

現在では共和国元首という意味で「大統領」と訳されるが、当時にあっては読者にそういう知識は無かったので新造語をあてても、正確に読者に伝わらないと考えられ、そのまま言語の音を漢字に置き換えたものである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the Qing dynasty, a foreign minister had to do three kneelings and nine kowtows to meet a holy emperor directly, therefore it took very much time to reach an agreement between the Qing dynasty side and foreign ministries side and it was not easy to meet an emperor of the Qing dynasty until 1870's. 例文帳に追加

清朝にあっては、外国人公使が神聖なる中国皇帝と直接と会見する際には三跪九叩頭の礼をしなければならず、礼を求める清朝側とこれを拒否する外国公使側とで折り合いがつかず、1870年代まで清朝皇帝と簡単には会うことができなかったのである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On the other hand, the Edo bakufu, which had relatively affluent resources, tried to win the favor of hatamoto, and at the same time, to raise their allegiance by changing the provision form of chigyo to hatamoto from kuramaichigyo to jigatachigyo, and applied jikata-naoshi to them in the name of the reward for their past achievements and services. 例文帳に追加

これに対して、比較的余裕を有していた江戸幕府では地方直を行って旗本の知行を蔵米知行から地方知行に改めることでこれまでの働きに対する恩賞として、旗本たちの歓心買うとともに将軍への忠誠を高めようとした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Meiji Government, suffering from economic difficulties that had lingered since the Seinan War as well as peasants' resistance against the land-tax reform, raised tax on sake repeatedly because the sake brewing industry generated higher production value than any other industries in Japan at that time and sake is almost free from problems concerning customs duty as most of it was consumed within the country. 例文帳に追加

西南戦争以後の財政難と地租改正に対する農民の抵抗に悩まされた明治政府は、当時の日本の工業で最も生産額が多く、かつほとんどが国内消費に回されていて関税の問題も薄い日本酒に対する増税を度々行った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Since kinsatsu in the three prefectures (Tokyo/Kyoto/Osaka) was to be collected, and each prefecture would be issued 2,500 ryo for each stipend of ten thousand Goku crop yields, in twice of June and July, the specie which corresponds to this is to be payed to the finance office by the appointed time (it was silently accepted that the 'specie' in this case had counterfeit money mixed in it). 例文帳に追加

-三都府(東京・京都・大阪)にある金札を回収して各府藩県に対して禄高1万石あたり2,500両分を6・7月の2回に分けて交付するので、それに相当する正貨を所定期間までに会計官に納付すること(この場合の「正貨」には贋金が混じっている事を黙認している)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

England in particular had traded large amounts of money with the Satsuma Domain since the end of Edo period, and Parkes was cautious about the possibility that if the counterfeit money paid during this time was to become invalid, English merchants and businesses would suffer losses, and Japanese trade would fall into great confusion. 例文帳に追加

特にイギリスは幕末以来薩摩藩と多額の取引を行っており、その際に支払われた贋金が無効と言う事になれば、イギリスの商人や企業が打撃を受け、日本の貿易は大混乱に陥る事を警戒したのである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In addition, the expenditure was often reduced since repayment of bonds had a higher percentage of the annual government expenditure at that time, and some of the councilors of Minto called for budget distribution to their local public work projects, indicating a specific measure for expense savings could not be finalized even in Minto. 例文帳に追加

また、当時の歳出は公債返済の占める割合が多く削減の割合が多かったこと、また民党議員でも地元の公共事業への予算配分を求める意見があるなど政費節減のための具体策については民党内でもまとまらなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Especially there were strong adverse effects at the time of party cabinets, at every regime change, for upcoming election, the party in power replaced prefectural governors and top officials of police who had been appointed by the previous ruling party (the opponent) and appointed bureaucracy who supported own party, and this kind of appointments of personnel was called 'adverse effect of a party' and criticized. 例文帳に追加

特に政党内閣期にはその弊害が強く、政権交代が起きるたびに予め来るべき選挙に備えて反対党の前政権が任命した知事や警察幹部を更迭して、自党を支持する内務省(日本)官僚を任命する人事が横行し、こうした人事は「党弊」と呼ばれて非難を浴びた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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