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In addition, there is controversy as to whether the description in the Lotus Sutra means Buddhahood after changing into a man or Buddhahood just as a woman who she is, and whether the dragon should be regarded as the dragon god classified in Tenbu (deities who resides in the heavenly realm, one of six realms in which the souls of living beings transmigrate from one to another), in terms of Rokudo (six realms of reincarnation) or Jikkai (ten spiritual realms), or as an animal inferior to human beings. 例文帳に追加

なお、この記述が変成男子で成仏したか、女人身そのままの成仏か、あるいは竜を六道や十界の観点から天部に位置する竜神と見るか、それとも人間より劣る畜生と見るかなどの議論がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Nichiren also subscribed to this theory and described in "Kanjin Honzon Sho" (Spiritual Contemplation and the Most Venerable One), connecting it with mappo mukai (a concept to deny the validity of precepts in the Final Dharma Age), 'Sakyamuni's Ingyokatoku no niho (the practices done by Sakyamuni over a long period of time and the virtues cultivated for them) are all contained in the five words of myo, ho, ren, ge, and kyo (in Myohorenge-kyo (Hoke-kyo), and if we remember (and honor) the teachings of Buddha with these five words, his kudoku (merits) of cause and effect are naturally transferred to us.' 例文帳に追加

また、日蓮もこの説を継承し、末法無戒と結びつけ、『観心本尊抄』に「釈尊の因行果徳の二法は妙法蓮華経の五字に具足す。我等此の五字を受持すれば自然に彼の因果の功徳を譲り与え給う」と述べている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On the other hand, not only was a bow used as a weapon for hunting and for battle, but also Yumiya/Kyushi (bow and arrow) were believed to have spiritual power, so that in Nara Period dedications of Yumiya and Yumiire shrine rituals were performed, which became the origin of present festivals and shrine rituals in various places. 例文帳に追加

一方で弓は武器として狩猟、戦場で用いられた事は勿論だが、人々の間で弓矢には霊妙な力があると信じられており、奈良時代には弓矢の奉納、弓射神事が行われ、またそれらを起源とした祭りや神事が現在でも各地に残っている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, some Kokugaku (study of ancient Japanese literature and culture) theories that rose to prominence in the late Edo period asserted that any spiritual phenomenon including shinrei no hyoi (spirit possession) should be considered as inshi jakyo (evil heresies), which led to a negative campaign against shrine maidens themselves, who tended to be linked with such folkways. 例文帳に追加

ところが、江戸時代後期に勃興した国学の中には、神霊の憑依などの霊的現象を淫祠邪教として否定的に捉える学説が現れるようになり、そのような民間習俗と結びつきやすい巫女そのものに対しても否定的な動きが出始めた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


It is a representative military art in Japan that includes ideas from the Zen sect (a Buddhist sect that strongly maintains the spirit of awaking through ascetic training in India) such as ho-shin (absentmindedness), shi-shin (adherence (to something)), mu-shin (a state of mind free from delusion), zan-shin (physical and spiritual alertness after delivering a strike or thrust), tan-shin (sincerity) and ren-shin (training the mind) with Shinto and Taoism and established them as an unique 'kokorone' (feelings) in Japan. 例文帳に追加

放心・止心・無心・残心・丹心・錬心など禅宗(インドの苦行開眼精神を色濃く残す仏教の一派)の概念を神道や道教などと渾然一体となし、日本独自の「心根」にした代表的な武芸である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The phrase 'shiraha no ya ga tatsu' which means to be selected among people originates from the tale which has been transmitted in various parts of Japan, that is, 'an arrow is shot as a sign on the roof of the house of which daughter becomes a victim of god or a monster,' so that it does not have a good meaning originally and shows the spiritual aspect of Yumiya. 例文帳に追加

望まれて抜擢されるという意味の「白羽の矢が立つ」とは、元は「神や物の怪の生け贄となる娘の選択の明示として、その娘の家の屋根に矢が立つ(刺さる)」という、日本各地で伝承される話から来ており、本来は良い意味ではなく、心霊現象としての弓矢を現してる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After being appointed to Yoshida-jinja Shrine shuku (male spiritual medium) (Shinto priest) in 1816, he worked to maintain and manage the shrine as a Shinto priest, and formed friendships with court nobles, including Sanetsumu SANJO, and Mitsunaru YANAGIWARA, and scholars of Japanese classical literature, including Atsutane HIRATA, Ekisai KARIYA, and Hirokata YASHIRO in Edo, and Nobutomo BAN, and Yoshika MUTOBE in Kyoto. 例文帳に追加

同13年(1816年)に吉田神社の祝(神職)職に補任されてからは神職として同神社の維持経営に努め、公家の三条実万や柳原光愛、国学者では江戸の平田篤胤や狩谷棭斎、屋代弘賢、京の伴信友や六人部是香らと交友を持った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

For patients that were deeply troubled, he performed Chinkon and became a medium for gods to tell of gods' message, see patient's previous incarnation and predict the future by the leading of Tokainotsukasa Daishinsen-sama (Sukunahikona no mikoto), and teach the way of living in this world like a present spiritual counselor. 例文帳に追加

複雑な悩みを抱える相談者には、自らの鎮魂に依り神懸りして託宣を述べ、神霊界に鎮まる東海司大神仙様からの御幽導によって、人の前世や行く末などを的確に予言したり、処世の大道を諭す、スビリチュアル・カウンセリングのようなものを行っていたようである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The rumor of believing Masamune as the reincarnation of one-eyed high priest Mankai was widely spread from the days of Masamune; among those folklores in Tohoku regions, some stories related with this belief have been transmitted, such as "the story of a peasant who set out on a journey for asking Sendai-sama (Lord Masamune) to cure the illness of his mother by the spiritual energy of Masamune." 例文帳に追加

隻眼の行者、満海上人の生まれ変わりであるという逸話は、政宗の存命中から広く知れ渡っており、東北地方の昔話の中には「仙台様(政宗のこと)の霊力で母親の病気を治してもらうために旅に出る農民の話」などが伝わっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Furthermore, in Nakatsugawa City, Gifu Prefecture (former Yamaguchi-mura Village, Nagano Prefecture), there is the Higashiyama Kaii Kokoro-no-Tabiji (Spiritual Journey) Art Gallery with a collection of about 500 woodblock prints which were donated later to express his appreciation for a warm reception he was given when he was caught in a heavy shower during a camping trip in his days in the Tokyo School of Fine Arts. 例文帳に追加

また、美術学校時代のキャンプ旅行の途中、激しい夕立に遇った際に温かいもてなしを受けたことに感謝して後に寄贈された約500点の版画を収蔵する東山魁夷心の旅路館が、岐阜県中津川市(旧長野県山口村)にある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Kameoka City in the suburbs of the major metropolitan areas enjoys urban convenience, while the city itself is surrounded by nature, such as Hozu-kyo Gorge for example; the city also possesses many historic resources which attract tourism such as the Izumo-Daijingu Shrine and Tanba Kameyama-jo Castle (spiritual center of Omoto), however, except for the Yunohana-onsen Hot Spring, little accommodation is available for tourists. 例文帳に追加

大都市近郊にあって都市的な利便性を有しながら、保津峡等の豊かな自然を併せつつ、さらに出雲大神宮、丹波亀山城(大本本部)等といった歴史的な観光資源があるものの、湯の花温泉_(京都府)を除けば宿泊施設が少ない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It should be noted that in his book titled 'Repose of Souls Theory of Shinobu ORIGUCHI' (Shunjusha Publishing Company, 1990), the author Hirofumi TSUSHIRO maintains that the concept of the repose of souls represents the foundation of Shinto, and that it consists of a greater body of thought than is generally considered to be the case; he stresses that ORIGUCHI's famous Marebito theory (theory of visitation by a divine being bringing spiritual gifts and wisdom) and the theory of repose of souls are interchangeable. 例文帳に追加

尚、津城寛文は、著作「折口信夫の鎮魂論」(春秋社1990年)で、鎮魂とは神道の根本となる、一般に考えられているよりももっと大きな思想で、折口の有名なまれびと論も鎮魂論で置き換えられる、と主張している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In particular, due to the separation of Buddhism and Shintoism, which was promoted during the Meiji Restoration, the synthesis of Shinto and Buddhism suffered a fatal blow and was excluded from the center of Shinto teachings, which, under Jinjahishukyoron (theory that Shinto is not a religion), shed religious colors and figured on becoming practical, ritualistic, and spiritual pillars for the people. 例文帳に追加

特に明治維新の際に打ち出された神仏分離によって神仏習合思想は壊滅的な打撃を受け、神社非宗教論のもと宗教色を切り捨てて国民の慣習・儀式・精神的支柱を目指した神道教義の中心から外れた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the Revelation, the future catastrophe and maelstrom of war are called 'Big Mountain Pass' and 'Large-scale Washing of the Three Thousand World' which will occur equally in whole world including the human and spiritual worlds and the spirit called it as 'Massive Reconstruction of all the Three Thousand World.' 例文帳に追加

神示の中ではこれから起こるらしい大災厄や戦乱を「大峠」や「三千世界の大洗濯」と呼び、それらは現界に生きている人間のみならず霊界等も含めた全ての世界に等しく起こるとされ、神霊の言葉によれば「三千世界すべての大建替」になるという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Much like Shuten Doji (known in his boyhood as "Gedomaru," meaning "Apostate Boy"), who was famous for his good looks and received huge numbers of love-letters from the girls in the neighborhood, Ibaraki Doji was also said to be a very handsome youth, wooed by many young ladies in his area, leading his mother, anxious over his spiritual future, to send him off to Yahiko-jinja Shrine. 例文帳に追加

美男子で知られ娘たちから山ほど恋文を送られていた外道丸こと酒呑童子同様、茨木童子も美少年として多くの女性に言い寄られ、将来を案じた母親に弥彦神社に送られることになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

While the subject matter of this book is Bushido in feudal society, it is not a direct interpretation of Bushido, but a guideline for a universal truth for finding out the basis of Bushido as a phenomenon which appeared as a spiritual base in Japan. 例文帳に追加

本著は封建社会の武士道を題材としているが同時に武士道を直接的に解釈したのではなく「武士道」という日本の精神的土壌に発現した現象をその根本から探り当て普遍的真理を導こうとするものである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Kajuji/Kanjuji ryu set Kaju-ji Temple in Yamashina as the spiritual base of family unity, and tended to be more morally serious than the other lineages: a number of families in the lineage were responsible for supervising the practical work of the Imperial Court, and the lineage was well-known for producing Benkan (Oversight department officials) and the Sekkanke keishi (officials in a section handling the domestic affairs of regents and advisers). 例文帳に追加

勧修寺流は、山科の勧修寺を一門の結束の精神的な拠所とし、傾向としては他の流派よりも比較的堅く、また家職として朝廷の実務を担当する家が多く、弁官や摂関家家司を多く輩出していることで知られる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When information that an information transmitter wants to transmit to the decedent in a spiritual world is transmitted from the information transmitter through an Internet terminal to a web server by an electronic mail, the transmitted information is received by the web server, and necessary charging is performed.例文帳に追加

幽界における故人に対して情報発信者が伝えたい情報を、インターネット端末を介して、上記情報発信者からウェブサーバーに電子メールによって送信すると、その伝達情報を、上記ウェブサーバーにおいて受信したうえで、必要な課金を行う。 - 特許庁

To provide a ceramic for ornamental parts, which has a golden color tone, can provide a quality appearance, a feeling of aesthetic satisfaction and a spiritual ease, and also can provide the gloss of the decorative surface without enlarging the dimension extraordinarily, and to provide the ornamental parts using the same.例文帳に追加

黄金色の色調を有し、高級感,美的満足感および精神的安らぎが得られるとともに、装飾面の光沢が得られ、寸法が異常に大きくなることのない装飾部品用セラミックスおよびこれを用いた装飾部品を提供する。 - 特許庁

To provide a content providing system for providing the content information adapted to a present state of interest and taste, and present spiritual and physical states of a user without making the user perform a troublesome operation every time.例文帳に追加

ユーザの趣味嗜好及び現在の精神・肉体的な様態等に起因する現状に適合したコンテンツ情報を、ユーザにその都度、手間が掛かる操作を行わせること無く提供することができるコンテンツ提供システムを提供する。 - 特許庁

To provide a sanitary water supply faucet allowing the fingers to be washed cleanly and safely at all times without touching a handle turn cock of the water faucet and capable of removing spiritual uncomfortable feeling based on secondary dirt adhesion and shutting off a secondary pollution source with respect to hygiene.例文帳に追加

水道蛇口の把手回し栓に触れることなく、常にきれいな手指洗浄ができ、二次的汚れ付着の精神的不快感を取り除き、衛生的二次汚染源を断絶する、常に清潔をもって安心な手指を洗浄をすることができる衛生的水道蛇口。 - 特許庁

To provide a communication method, giving new feeling of spiritual uplift using a central unit such as a web server computer, a portable communication unit such as a cellular phone and a terminal device such as a game machine, a communication system, a central unit, a terminal device and a computer program.例文帳に追加

ウェブサーバコンピュータ等の中央装置と、携帯電話等の携帯型通信機と、遊技機等の端末装置とを用いて新たな昂揚感を与える通信方法、通信システム、中央装置、端末装置及びコンピュータプログラムを提供する。 - 特許庁

To provide a timer control method for electric apparatus and a timer control system for electric apparatus capable of reducing the power consumption of the electric apparatus for resource saving, improving the convenience due to the simplification of the time correction of a timer, and achieving spiritual serenity.例文帳に追加

電気機器の消費電力を少なくして省資源化を図ることができるとともに、タイマーの時間修正の簡素化による利便性の向上を図ることができ、さらに、精神的な安らぎを得ることができる電気機器のタイマー制御方法および電気機器のタイマー制御システムを提供する。 - 特許庁

and during the protracted evolution of industry before this point had been reached the discipline of associated life still consistently ran in the direction of industrial efficiency, both as regards men's physical and mental traits and as regards their spiritual attitude. 例文帳に追加

そしてこの時点に到達する以前の産業の延長された進化の間、社会化された生活の修練は、人間の肉体的および精神的な特徴の点でも、精神的態度の点でも、産業的能率という方向へとずっと一貫して進んで行ったのである。 - Thorstein Veblen『ワークマンシップの本能と労働の煩わしさ』

Oh! if thou never hadst need to eat or drink, or sleep, but wert always able to praise God, and to give thyself to spiritual exercises alone; then shouldst thou be far happier than now, when for so many necessities thou must serve the flesh. 例文帳に追加

もしも、心のすべて、声の限りを尽くして主なる神を賛美する以外にすることがなかったなら、もしも、食べたり、飲んだり、眠ったりする必要がなく、常に神をほめたたえ、霊的な探求に専念することができるなら、肉体のすべての必要の奴隷となっている現在に比べて、どれほど幸せになるでしょう。 - Thomas a Kempis『キリストにならいて』

In the modern world, the greater size of political communities, and above all, the separation between spiritual and temporal authority (which placed the direction of men's consciences in other hands than those which controlled their worldly affairs), prevented so great an interference by law in the details of private life; 例文帳に追加

現代の世界では、政治的共同体がより大きくなり、とりわけ霊的権威と世俗的権威が分離したことで(それで人の良心の統制は世俗的事柄を統制する者とは別の手に委ねられたのですが)、このように広汎に私的生活の細部まで法が干渉することは防がれたのです。 - John Stuart Mill『自由について』

The inconstant moon is conceived to work good or ill through a sympathetic influence or spiritual infection which suggests a quasi-personal fringe, but which assuredly does not imply ownership on her part. 例文帳に追加

定かならざる月は、交感的な影響力や霊的な感化作用を通じて人に幸不幸をもたらすと考えられているのだが、こうした影響力や感化作用は疑似人格的周縁部を連想させるが、しかし月の所有権を意味しているわけではないのは確実である。 - Thorstein Veblen『所有権の起源』

The practice of prayer directed to pure bodhisattva's spiritual awakening which is opened by Richi funi Raisan is done in order that the prayer recognizes that he or she is in a direct line of Shingon's third founder, Naagaarjuna (Ryuju), and at the same time, the practice is connected to the belief in and assurance of Shingon Esoteric Buddhism, which exists so as that its believers try to realize rishu (the Principle of the Perfection of Wisdom) of bettoku (Distinguished virtue) Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, which all are made from Dainichi Nyorai as Fumon Sotoku (all virtues of Universal Gateway). 例文帳に追加

また理智不二礼讃によって明かされる清浄菩提心に向かう祈りの実践は、真言第三祖/龍猛ナーガルジュナの直系たることを自覚するものであり、同時に、全ては普門総徳大日如来から生み出される別徳諸仏諸菩薩の理趣を体得せんとして在る真言密教への篤信と確信に繋がるものである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The 15 states that lead one to Hell include giving an evil stare at one's husband/wife, men/women, and kenzoku (one's family and relations), groping in empty space by raising one's both hands, crying in tears without following the teachings of the kalyaana-mitra (one who offers spiritual friendship and guidance that is non-directive, non-denominational, and non-religious), not learning and knowing how to defecate and urinate, keeping one's eyes shut, and constantly covering one's head. 例文帳に追加

地獄に堕す15の相のいくつかを挙げると自らの夫妻・男女・眷属において悪眼を以って瞻視(せんし、見上げること)す、その両手を挙げ虚空を捫模(もんぼ、ボの元字は、莫の下に手、探り求めること)す、善智識の教えに相い随順せず、悲号啼泣嗚咽(ひごうていきゅうおえつ)して涙を流す、大小便利を覚えず知らず、目を閉じて開かず、常に頭面を覆すなどがある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

They are as follows; the first benefit of being protected by unseen divinities, the second one of attaining the utmost virtue, the third one of transforming all one's evils into good, the fourth one of being protected by all Buddhas, the fifth one of being praised by all Buddhas, the sixth one of being constantly protected by Amida's spiritual light, the seventh one of having much joy in mind, the eighth one of acknowledging Amida's benevolence and responding in gratitude to his virtue, the ninth one of constant practicing great compassion, and the last one of entering 'shojoju' (those guaranteed to be born in the Pure Land). 例文帳に追加

「一つには冥衆護持の益、二つには至徳具足の益、三つには転悪成善の益、四つには諸仏護念の益、五つには諸仏称讃の益、六つには心光常護の益、七つには心多歓喜の益、八つには知恩報徳の益、九つには常行大悲の益、十には正定聚に入る益なり。」 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In ancient Iran, a religious event was held to invite ancestors' Fravaši (the spirit or lower-class god, or a spiritual existence that resides in everything and causes all natural phenomena: it is said that this Fravaši also resides in human beings and constitutes the most sacred portion, providing a relationship to connect worship of Fravaši with the worship of ancestors' souls), or in other words, ancestors' souls, and to offer them a memorial service. 例文帳に追加

古代イランでは、祖先のフラワシ(Fravaši、ゾロアスター教における聖霊・下級神、この世の森羅万象に宿り、あらゆる自然現象を起こす霊的存在、この「フラワシ」は人間にも宿っており、人間に宿る魂のうち、最も神聖な部分が「フラワシ」なのだと言う、ここから、フラワシ信仰が祖霊信仰と結びついた)すなわち「祖霊」を迎え入れて祀る宗教行事が行われていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Originally 'genkan' was a Chinese term used in Taoism (in the Neidan, or spiritual alchemy method of Chinese alchemy, the genkan is the place where the ki [vital force that operates the body] first enters the body in order to circulate), and also a term used in Zen Buddhism (it is thought that when Daruma [Bodhidharma] brought Zen to Japan he directed that the word dhyana, meaning meditation, should be translated as "gen", which later became "zen"), and from these concepts 'genpinnokan' (gate leading to the road of genmyo [something black and not recognizable as to what it is but potentially spiritually deep]). 例文帳に追加

本来、中国の道教(錬丹術の内丹の法では体内にある気を巡らすための最初に気を通す場所のことである)、禅(達磨による禅の伝来の際、達磨の指示でディヤーナを玄(後に禪(禅)と訳す)と訳したともされる)などの用語で「玄関」とは「玄妙の道に入る關門」(「玄牝の関」)ことである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As the objects for worship, Dainichi Nyorai of both Kongokai (spiritual principles) and Taizokai (physical principles) are enshrined in Saito (literally, Western Tower) and Konpon Daito (literally, Primal Tower), and there is a danjo (platform for religious practice) on which Garan and halls such as Miedo Hall (It was a dwelling of Kobo Daishito and now enshrines Mie (image) of Kobo Daishi) and Fudodo Hall are built, and the mausoleum of Kobo Daishi in Okunoin, where he attained Nirvana, is the sacred place. 例文帳に追加

信仰の対象としては、西塔・根本大塔には両部(金剛界・胎蔵界)大日如来を祀り、御影堂(みえどう)(弘法大師御住坊・現在は、真如様(しんにょよう)の弘法大師御影(絵像)を祀る)・不動堂などの伽藍・諸堂がある壇上があり、弘法大師入定の地・奥の院御廟は聖地。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Following the dances of King of Wu and Kongo, various dance performances are played by different characters; a speedy dance of Karura represented as a spiritual bird gobbling up a snake; the performance of Kuron making a play for a woman of Wu in obscene actions, to be punished by Rikishi; the act of Baramon taking off his loincloth to wash it himself; a performance of an old man named Taiko to pray for Buddha; a comical play between Drunk Persian King and his attendant. 例文帳に追加

呉王、金剛による登場の舞に続いて、霊鳥である迦楼羅が蛇を食べるテンポの速い舞、崑崙が呉女に卑猥な動作で言い寄り力士にこらしめられる演技、波羅門が褌をぬいで洗う所作、大孤という老人が仏に礼拝する演技、酔胡(酒に酔った胡の王)とその従者(酔胡従)による滑稽な演技がおこなわれた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The 'Kumadori' of kabuki assumed the human face shape and generally used only for humans ('kaen-guma' (makeup like flames) of Genkuro Gitsune that appeared in Yoshitsune Senbonzakura (Yoshitsune and One Thousand Cherry Trees) represented not animal but spiritual power), but there were several kumadori that assumed the animal role starting with the Kumadori of Goku SON in 'renpu' of Chinese opera. 例文帳に追加

歌舞伎の「隈取」は人間の顔かたちを想定したものなので基本的には人間にしか用いない(義経千本桜に登場する源九郎狐の「火炎隈」などもあるが動物の隈取というより神秘的な力を現す隈取)が、京劇の「瞼譜」は有名な孫悟空の隈取をはじめ動物役を想定した隈取が何種類も存在する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Further, when these families began to assume even higher government posts, surpassing the role of Onmyoryo while remaining onmyoji in reality, the official Onmyoryo became totally reduced to a shell and onmyoji became the charismatic spiritual rulers identified exclusively by their religious magic and ceremonies and thereby dominating the Imperial Court. 例文帳に追加

さらにはその実態を陰陽師としながらも陰陽寮職掌を越えて他のさらに上位の官職に付くようになるに至って、官制としての陰陽寮は完全に形骸化し、陰陽師は朝廷内においてもっぱら宗教的な呪術・祭祀の色合いが濃いカリスマな精神的支配者となり、その威勢を振るうようになっていった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although the place where a god stays has been changed to a sanctuary of shinto called yashiro, most of several ten thousand shrines in Japan were each originally constructed at a place where there was himorogi in Koshinto and, therefore, each of those shrines has shinboku as himorogi or a spiritual stone (rock) as iwakura in its precincts and it is deified. 例文帳に追加

神の居る場所は、社(やしろ)といわれる神道の神殿に移っていったが、日本に数万ある神社は、もともとは、この古神道における神籬のある場所に建立されたものがほとんどであり、そのことから境内に神籬としての神木や磐座としての霊石(岩)やあるいは碑や塚が存在し祀られている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There is a big difference between Shinto and Buddhism, and while people have believed in Shinto for the purpose of having Kami (God) protect communities (tribes and villages) connected by territorial and blood ties, like Kami (God)s do in mythologies, people have believed in Buddhism for the purpose of securing individuals' Anjin-ryomyo (spiritual peace and enlightenment) and have their souls relieved and keep the state's peace and security. 例文帳に追加

神道と仏教の違いについては、神道は神話に登場する神々のように地縁・血縁などで結ばれた共同体(部族や村など)を守ることを目的に信仰されてきたのに対し、仏教はおもに個人の安心立命や魂の救済、国家鎮護を求める目的で信仰されてきたという点で大きく相違する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, the view points out that the Oracle Incident can be seen as an extension of the attempt by the Usa Hachiman-gu Shrine to regain power by approaching Dokyo side, from the fact that FUJIWARA no Nakamaro who had given a significant influence in establishing this course of event fell from power, and instead, Dokyo who was a Buddhist priest but at the same time had a characteristic of a spiritual medium such as actively conducting prayers, took over the center of the politics. 例文帳に追加

だが、この路線確立に大きな影響力を与えてきた藤原仲麻呂が失脚して、仏教僧でありながら積極的に祈祷を行うなどの前代の巫的要素を併せ持った道鏡が政権の中枢に立ったことによって、宇佐八幡宮側が失地回復を目指して道鏡側に対して接触を試みた延長線上に同事件を位置づけられるという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

To provide a living situation monitoring system which can be easily set in a plurality of home electric appliances matched to the living situation of a person to be monitored, can reduce the spiritual oppressive feeling of the person to be monitored, and perform the unitary management of the living situation of the plurality of persons to be monitored under the sufficient consideration of the security of information.例文帳に追加

監視対象者の生活状況に合わせた複数の家庭電気製品に簡単に設置可能で、監視対象者の精神的な圧迫感を軽減すると共に、多数の監視対象者の生活状況を情報のセキュリティを十分に考慮して一元管理できる生活状況モニタリングシステムを提供する。 - 特許庁

The preference model of a carismatic person in a field concerned such as a talent, artist, disc jockey, music critic or the like is made usable and selectable its permission by the designation by the user, and its contents identification information is transmitted to the user through Internet, whereby the user can make a fresh experience capable of expanding its own spiritual space.例文帳に追加

タレント、アーチスト、ディスクジョッキー、音楽評論家等の当該分野のカリスマの許諾を得て、彼らの選考モデルをユーザーの指定により利用して選定できるようにし、そのコンテンツ識別情報をユーザーにインターネットを介して送信することにより、ユーザーが自分の精神空間を拡大できる新鮮な経験を可能にする。 - 特許庁

Black and navy was used for the make-up of 'Kugeare' (wild kuge (noble)), who was the villain (FUJIWARA no Sihei of "Sugawara Denju Tenarai Kagami") that schemed to overthrow the government, female that turned into ogre with jealousy ('hannya-guma' (makeup like hannya, female demon) (Shirabyoshi (a women who play Shirabyoshi (Japanese traditional dance)) Hanako of "Musume Dojoji" (Young Woman) whose real name was Kiyohime (Princess Kiyo)), female monster 'kijo-kuma' (makeup like a female ogre) (female ogre that gathered autumn leaves or ogre that disguised itself as the female of Modori-bashi bridge, 'borei-guma' (ghost make-up) that expressed the grudge of crazed evil spirit (TAIRA no Tomomori of Funa Benkei) that roughness equaled that of crimson colored Kumadori, but used on villains who were cruel or used spiritual power. 例文帳に追加

黒・藍色系統では、「公家荒」と呼ばれる国家転覆を狙う大悪人(菅原伝授手習鑑の藤原時平)の隈や、嫉妬の鬼と化した女性の「般若隈」(道成寺の白拍子花子、その本性は清姫)、女妖怪に使う「鬼女隈」(紅葉狩の鬼女紅葉や戻橋の女に化けた鬼など)、荒れ狂う悪霊の怨念を表した「亡霊隈」(船弁慶の平知盛)など猛々しさは紅色の隈取に匹敵するが、冷酷であったり妖力を使う悪役のものである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Its major tenets are worship of nature and of the dead (animism), and also emphasizes an extended understanding of and respect for the lives, souls, and gods of one's ancestors, conceiving of these things as the essence of life, and whose material substance it is possible to know; it also views existence as divided between the Tokoyo (the spiritual world, the realm of gods, heaven and hell) and the Utsushiyo (this world, the realm of human beings), and also affirms the existence of Kinsokuchi, places where gods dwell (within whose hallowed borders one may not enter), as well as barriers that prevent crossing between the realms, and the efficacy of prayers and fortune-telling (shamanism), including in the determining of government policy, and finally in the creation of a mythology of the world and of human beings. 例文帳に追加

その要素は自然崇拝・精霊崇拝(アニミズム)または、その延長線上にある先祖崇拝としての命・御魂・霊・神などの不可知な物質ではない生命の本質としてのものの概念や、常世(とこよ・神の国や天国や地獄)と現世(うつしよ・人の国や現実世界)からなる世界観と禁足地や神域の存在とそれぞれを隔てる端境とその往来を妨げる結界や、祈祷・占い(シャーマニズム)による祈願祈念とその結果による政(まつりごと)の指針、国の創世と人の創世の神話の発生があげられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The ubuya not being completely thatched was a childbirth folkway (Okinawa), the ubuya built on the seaside was associated with the demonstration of the spiritual power of the newborn using the mysterious power of water, the fact that the husband asked Toyotama-hime the name of the newborn can be traced back to the system when the mother had the naming rights as in the article of Emperor Suinin in 'Kojiki,' and when Toyotama-hime intercepted Unazaka and the traffic between land and sea came to an end, it was an outburst of a sense of strange land among the ancient Japanese, centered around the area of residence, similar to Yomotsu Hirasaka (the slope that leads to the land of the dead). 例文帳に追加

産屋を完全に葺かずにおくことは生産習俗であり(沖縄)、産屋を海浜に設けるのは水の神秘的勢能による生児の霊力の証示と関連し、夫がトヨタマヒメに生児の名を問うたのは「古事記」垂仁天皇条と同じく命名権が母に存した制の名残であり、トヨタマヒメが海阪を塞き止め海陸往来が絶えたのはヨモツヒラサカと同じく古代日本人の住域を中心とする異郷意識の発露である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Trafficking in persons is a grave abuse of human rights and a prompt and accurate response is called for from a humane perspective. This is because trafficking in persons causes serious spiritual and bodily pain to its victims,particularly to women and children, and the damage it causes is difficult to repair. The authorities concerned address this issue through the “Japan’s Action Plan of Measures to Combat Trafficking in Personsdecided in the Inter-Ministerial Liaison Committee Regarding Measures to Combat Trafficking in Persons in December 2004. 例文帳に追加

人身取引は,重大な人権侵害であり,人道的観点からも迅速・的確な対応を求められている。これは人身取引が,その被害者,特に女性と児童に対して,深刻な精神的・肉体的苦痛をもたらし,その損害の回復が困難であるためであり,関係省庁は平成 16年12月に「人身取引対策に関する関係省庁連絡会議」で決定された「人身取引対策行動計画」により対応している。 - 特許庁

In a client 30, a keyword showing at least one piece of user information among individual information of the user using the client 30, interest/taste information and present state information due to spiritual and physical states is extracted in accordance with a word and a clause constituting an electronic mail transmitted/received by the client 30, and the extracted keyword is transmitted to a server 40 as data of a content acquirement request.例文帳に追加

クライアント30において、当該クライアント30を利用するユーザの個人情報、趣味嗜好情報及び、現在の精神・肉体的な様態に起因する現状情報の少なくとも1つのユーザ情報を表すキーワードを、当該クライアント30で送受信される電子メールを構成する単語・文節に応じて抽出し、この抽出されたキーワードをコンテンツ取得要求のデータとしてサーバ40へ送信する。 - 特許庁

To discover to the world something which deeply concerns it, and of which it was previously ignorant; to prove to it that it had been mistaken on some vital point of temporal or spiritual interest, is as important a service as a human being can render to his fellow-creatures, and in certain cases, as in those of the early Christians and of the Reformers, those who think with Dr. Johnson believe it to have been the most precious gift which could be bestowed on mankind. 例文帳に追加

世間とは深く関わっているが、それまで世間から無視されていたことを、世間に明らかにすること、世俗的あるいは霊的な利害についての非常に重要な点で世間が犯している誤りを、世間に立証することは、人間が同胞に貢献できる重要な奉仕であるし、また初期キリスト教徒や宗教改革者のような場合には、ジョンソン博士と考えを同じくする人たちは、それは人類にもたらされたもっとも貴重な贈り物だと信じているのです。 - John Stuart Mill『自由について』


However, only those close to the shogun who came from the Royal Family or the court noble class were devoted to Onmyodo, whereas, the Regent Hojo clan was indifferent and, from Bando hachi Heishi (the Taira clan in Eastern Japan) to the class of warriors originating from all regions throughout the country who later became known as 'kokujin' (people of the country) serving under the Hojo clan were not interested in prestige of the Imperial Court nor were they in the habit of consulting onmyoji on the code of conduct, onmyoji never acquired the power of spiritual influence to trample on the entire samurai class, limiting their visibility to within the powerless Imperial Court as well as the world of kugyo and court nobles. 例文帳に追加

ただ、皇族・公家出身の将軍近辺のみ陰陽道に熱心なのであって、実権を持っていた執権の北条一族は必ずしも陰陽道にこだわりを持っておらず、配下のいわゆる関東八平氏から全国の地域地盤に由来する後に「国人」と呼ばれるようになった武士層に至るまで、朝廷代々の格式を意識したり陰陽師に行動規範を諮る習慣はなかったため、総じて陰陽師は武家社会全般を蹂躙するような精神的影響力を持つことはなく、もっぱら傀儡である皇族・公家出身将軍と、実権を失った朝廷や公卿・公家世界においてのみ、その存在感を示すにとどまった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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