
「慶」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(131ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索










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On January 8, 882, after the death of Imperial Princess Masako, at the request of Imperial Prince Tsunetada, the Court established Kugyo betto at this palace to manage Junna-in Palace, the imperial mausoleums of the Retired Emperor Saga, TACHIBANA no Kachiko and Dowager Empress Junna (Imperial Princess Masako), Daikaku-ji Temple associated with the Retired Emperor Saga and Danrin-ji Temple associated with the Empress Danrin.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


After that, Yodo kojo Castle was successively governed by Hikan of the Hosokawa family, but control was gradually transferred from the Hosokawa's government (Sengoku Period (Period of Warring States)) to Miyoshi's government and when Nagayoshi MIYOSHI unified Kyoto in 1559, Ujitsuna HOSOKAWA became the Joshu (castellan) of Yodo kojo Castle, and upon the death of Ujitsuna HOSOKAWA in 1563, Yoshitsugu MIYOSHI succeeded him, and subsequently a Busho (Japanese military commander) belonging to Hisahide MATSUNAGA appeared to govern the castle.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


There were many castles built by Japanese forces in the southern region during the Bunroku-Keicho War, but they are known as wagon (Japanese-style castles), due to the considerable economic development in recent years in South Korea, many of these wagon have been destroyed despite being important historical sites, due to the strong anti-Japanese sentiment.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, when Nagamichi and Katsukiyo fought in the Battle of Hakodate, faithful to the Tokugawa shogunate to the end, the Yodo Domain under the rule of Masakuni refused point blank to open the gate of Yodo castle when the shogunate troops who had been betrayed by Takayuki TODO and routed in the Boshin War of 1868 asked for shelter (Masakuni was in Edo Castle at the time).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



According to the "Ishibashi Clan Family Tree" handed down to Dr 石橋 of Yame City, Fukuoka Prefecture, the Ishibashi clan in the Yame region started when Uemon-morikiyo ISHIBASHI (died in 1601), a senior vassal of the lord of the Shimoda-jo Castle of the Chikugo Province 貞元 who was a Seiwa Genji-lined samurai from Hizen Province and a family member of the Otomo clan of the Bungo Province, settled in Hoshino-mura village, Ikuha County, Chikugo Province in a certain point of the Tensho era (1573 - 1593).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



As the megabanks are private-sector banks, it is natural that they wish to raise capital from the market on their own. We have been worried about whether it is possible for them to do so under the current market conditions. However, we are very glad that they have the prospect of raising capital from the market, and they will not necessarily have to use funds made available by the government.  - 金融庁


When a position shift detection section 106 detects a position shift and a position correction parameter setting section 105 receives a print command of a halftone dot image, image correction to a print color material of a similar color to a print color material used to print the halftone dot pixel is prohibited, and a correction parameter is set for making correction by print color material other than the print color material of the similar color. - 特許庁


To provide a folded-paper crane storage mount for easily and beautifully storing folded-paper cranes made for celebration, visit, encouragement, etc., and to provide a folded-paper crane storage mount D for storing 100 folded-paper cranes or a desired number of folded-paper cranes by producer of folded-paper cranes using combination of a few mounts of from one to a plurality of kinds. - 特許庁


This artificial flower of the wreath is characterized by installing a back surface plate at the back surface of a petal part, a boss part bored with an insertion hole at the back surface of a flat plate part having a rim part at its outer circumference on a decoration part installed with a wire covered with a coating material, and also installing an attaching tool installed with a nipping piece. - 特許庁


備考: 東部は、北京、天津、上海、河北省、江蘇省、浙江省、福建省、山東省、広東省、海南省、中部は、山西省、安徽省、江西省、河南省、湖北省、湖南省、西部は、重市、四川省、内蒙古、広西チワン族、自治区、貴州省、雲南省、チベット自治区、陝西省、甘粛省、青海省、寧夏回族自治区、新彊ウィグル自治区。例文帳に追加

The western area includes Chongqing, Sichuan Province, Inner Mongolia, Guangxi province, GuizhouProvince, Yunnan Province, the Tibetan Autonomous Region, Shaanxi Province, Gansu Province, Qinghai Province, the Ningxia HuiAutonomous Region, and the Shinjang Uyghur Autonomous Region. - 経済産業省


2010 年10 月に州で開催された20 か国財務大臣・中央銀行総裁会議では、「通貨の競争的な切下げを回避する」ことについて合意し、同年11 月のG20 ソウル・サミットにおいては、首脳宣言に同文言が盛り込まれたとともに、G20 諸国の行動をコミットする「ソウル・アクションプラン」が立ち上げられた。例文帳に追加

The finance ministers and central bank governors of 20 nations held a meeting in Gyeongju in October 2010 agreeing to "avoid competitive devaluation of their currency." And the summit communiqu? adopted this language at the G20 Summit in November of the same year, and the "Seoul Action Plan" was approved to commit actions by G20 countries. - 経済産業省

2000 年に廃止された大店法は、中小商店等の比較的小規模な小売店の事業機会を適正に確保できるように配慮するための調整を図ることを意図されたものであったが、應義塾大学専任講師の松浦氏らの研究では、「大型店の参入が中小商店に与える影響は極めて限定的である」ことが指摘されている。例文帳に追加

The Large-Scale Retail Store Act, abolished in 2000, had various provisions intended to ensure that relatively small-scale retailers had adequate business opportunities. According to research by Professor Matsuura of Keio University, "the effect on small and mid-sized stores of large stores entering the market is quite limited in scope."  - 経済産業省


The party of TAIRA no Masakado, who called himself 'Shinno' (new emperor) in the Kanto region in the Heian period, Takauji ASHIKAGA, who broke away from the Kenmu Restoration, which was initiated by Emperor Gotoba after the fall of the Kamakura bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun), at the end of the Edo period, Choshu clan, which was brought down by the Coup of August 18 in 1864 (became choteki by firing at the Kyoto Imperial Palace in the Kin-mon Gate Incident, and was attacked by the bakufu in the conquest of Choshu, which led to two Bakucho Wars (wars between bakufu and Choshu)), Yoshinobu TOKUGAWA, the 15th Shogun, in the oseifukko (restoration of imperial power) (Japan) (Yoshinobu confined himself at the Ueno Kanei-ji Temple when he was deemed choteki), and the Edo bakufu side in the Boshin War (Aizu Clan, which was seen as the central force received concentrated attacks by the new government troops, and Yonezawa Clan, which strongly supported the Aizu Clan, faced serious charges despite their relatively early surrender) were considered choteki.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


At this time, in July 1862, Yoshinaga MATSUDAIRA became the president of political affairs, and Yoshinobu TOKUGAWA became the Shogun-kokenshoku officer (reformation of shogunate administration in Bunkyu) that took in Satsuma's opinion; also, on the main island, in an intercalary year on August, Katamori MATSUDAIRA of the lord of the Aizu domain attained the title of Kyoto Shugoshoku, and Sadaaki MATSUDAIRA of the lord of the Kuwana domain became Kyoto Shoshidai (the local governor of Kyoto), and the power of the Bakufu (feudal government) was showing an inclination to reconstruction, however in May 1863, the Choshu domain caused an incident in that gunfire at a North American ship was discharged and the Tenchugumi-no-ran War at Nara Gojo, and the seven nobles outrunning to Choshu (Coups of August eighteenth) occurred in August, and Ikuno-no-Hen (Conspiracy of Ikuno) occurred in October, and also the radical Joi (those who held to the principle of excluding foreigners) group, which was against opening the port, provided resistance several times to thward the plans of the domain.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The position of 'Soke', or Grand Master, who was in charge of "Kyuho" and the Ogasawara style of etiquette, was passed down in Soryo-ke (the main branch of the family) for generations, but in 1562, to prevent the horseback archery technique from dying out, the 17th head of the family, Nagatoki OGASAWARA, and his son Sadayoshi OGASAWARA, who as daimyo (Japanese territorial lord) in the Sengoku period were involved in fierce battles against Shingen TAKEDA, handed the art of "kyuho", the family geneology and records to their cousin, Tsunenaga OGASAWARA, entrusting him with passing on the arts of archery, horsemanship and courtesy.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Black and navy was used for the make-up of 'Kugeare' (wild kuge (noble)), who was the villain (FUJIWARA no Sihei of "Sugawara Denju Tenarai Kagami") that schemed to overthrow the government, female that turned into ogre with jealousy ('hannya-guma' (makeup like hannya, female demon) (Shirabyoshi (a women who play Shirabyoshi (Japanese traditional dance)) Hanako of "Musume Dojoji" (Young Woman) whose real name was Kiyohime (Princess Kiyo)), female monster 'kijo-kuma' (makeup like a female ogre) (female ogre that gathered autumn leaves or ogre that disguised itself as the female of Modori-bashi bridge, 'borei-guma' (ghost make-up) that expressed the grudge of crazed evil spirit (TAIRA no Tomomori of Funa Benkei) that roughness equaled that of crimson colored Kumadori, but used on villains who were cruel or used spiritual power.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Those who enrolled at universities under the new system because of educational reform while at former higher schools include novelist Akiyuki NOSAKA (from Niigata Higher School to Niigata University, then to Waseda University), Kazumi TAKAHASHI (from Matsue Higher School (under the old system) to Kyoto University), Takeshi KAIKO(from Osaka Higher School (under the old system) to Osaka City University), Sakyo KOMATSU (from Third High School to Kyoto University), Seiji TSUTSUMI (from Seijo Higher School to the University of Tokyo), Takatada IHARA (from Gakushuin High School to Keio University), and Keiichi KONAGA (from the Sixth Higher School to Okayama University) who was the first person to become a deputy secretary after graduating from a university that was not a university under the old system.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The picture was supposedly taken by Guido Herman Fridolin Verbeek in 1866 or 1867, but the notion that Saigo and others who had made achievements serving the country in the Meiji Restoration got together around that time is historically impossible, and Saigo himself was already obese by this point, but in the picture his cheek bones show and he had a normal sized body, so there are many problems with it; moreover, the picture was distorted by Taneomi SOEJIMA and Guido Herman Fridolin Verbeek, so it is likely to be nothing more than unnamed men of the warrior class in Saga, instead those who had achievements serving their country.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The story of the duel was developed by added Ganryu's origin and detailed descriptions of the fight in "Honcho Bugei Shoden" (1716), "Heiho Taiso Bushu Genshin-ko Denrai" (1727), "Buko-den" (finished in 1755) and so on; and at last, Kagehide TOYOTA based on his father's book "Buko-den" to write "Niten-ki" and added many unreliable description including about Ganryu's origin, Ganryu's original name Kojiro SASAKI, Musashi's letter, the date of the duel April 13, 1612, the permission from lords, and the details of the duel.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To encourage the soldiers of the 'western' army, who were frightened by a report that Ieyasu arrived at Akasaka, Mino Province, though he was considered not to be able to move from Edo in fear of betrayal of Kagekatsu UESUGI of Aizu and Masamune DATE in the north region, Sakon led a squad of 500 soldiers to fight against the 'eastern' army of Kazuhide NAKAMURA and Toyouji ARIMA (Battle of Kuise-gawa River) in the evening before the Battle of Sekigahara in 1600, and his squad and the squad of Takenori AKASHI (vassal of Hideie UKITA) won a complete victory.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In December 14, 1853, the Edo bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun) ordered Okayama Domain to guard Boso ('Hojo' [Hojo, Tateyama City, Chiba Prefecture] and 'Takegaoka' [Kagamigaura and Yawata, Tateyama City, Chiba Prefecture], which continued until July 1858) due to the arrival of the Black Ships, and thereby Gonrokuro moved from Okayama to the spot as the chief of staff, but he caused a mess such as making Boso Otsu-e (Otsu paintings, named after the town of Otsu in Shiga Prefecture) Song (a song of famous places and products) and holding a wild drinking party with soldiers every day, and even Tadazumi Igi, the commander in chief, indulged in a tea ceremony, and therefore, Tadatake KAGAWA, Igi's subordinate, submitted a petition of reformation in samurai (warrior) style (enforcement of official discipline) to Yoshimasa IKEDA.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Therefore, Gonrokuro who belonged to the sonjo party went up to Kyoto and started activities uniquely as an official to procure the state affairs together with Ichizen TOKURA (senior retainer), Ryuhei DOI (head clerk), Yoichiro ITO (head of the servants), Eima EMI (archer), etc., but it is said that Tadaka was outraged and said to 'have Yoshimasa retire' because his scheme to grasp the initiative in the Imperial Court suppressing Satsuma and Choshu domains by linking with the lord of Okayama Domain did not work well as he planned.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Mochimasa IKEDA who was recommended by the Sonjo-ha party became the lord of the domain on March 26, 1863, but gradually strayed and when Yoshinobu TOKUGAWA, his real older brother, became Seiitaishogun (great general), Mochimasa retired from the procurement work between the Shogunate and the Imperial Court, and after the incident that Atsunobu SHINJO, Hiromichi TSUDA, Shigemichi HIRAI, etc. in the procurement side of state affairs (Sonjo-ha) pressed Mochimasa to retire and threatened him by the sound of a cannon from Bansei Pass (Bansei, Okayama City) to the Okayama-jo Castle, Mochimasa ordered thier dismissal of the role and house arrest, but Gonrokuro mediated to release from the house arrest.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


But having reached the period of the Kowa/Entoku and Genchu/Shitoku eras, Imperial Prince Kaneyoshi, Akiyoshi KITABATAKE, and Imperial Prince Muneyoshi, who had been fighting for the Southern Court from the early days of their anti-shogunal struggle, and had been the Southern Court's main support, died one after the other, and when Emperor Chokei--who had been such a stalwart opponent of the Northern Court--abdicated, the Southern Court entered a period of extreme decline; during the Meitoku period, Yoshimitsu ASHIKAGA was able to greatly reduce the power and influence of the strongest shugo daimyo one after another, until almost all means to resist the Northern Court had been lost.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Subsequently, fourteen court nobles advanced in rank on May 3, 1611, in conjunction with Emperor Gomizunoo's ascension to the Imperial throne while nineteen nobles on Jun 2, 1611, getting the promotion of court nobles, which had been hindered during the Toyotomi administration, to be awarded all together; it was only natural for Ieyasu to establish, in 1615, the same year as the Toyotomi clan was collapsed, the 'Kinchu narabini kuge shohatto' (a set of regulations that applied to the emperor and Kyoto nobles), which completely separated the official rank of the court nobles and that of the samurai class, for Ieyasu had witnessed the struggle of the Imperial Court regarding to official ranks at the end of the Toyotomi administration.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


According to the description of July 8, 884 in "Nihon Sandai Jitsuroku," when Mototsune was requested on June 7 of the same year by the Emperor Koko to assume state affairs (although this request is generally believed to have been the beginning of his tenure of Kanpaku (chief adviser to the Emperor), it could have been the request to continue to serve as Dajodaijin (grand minister) or Sessho (regent) since the word "Kanpaku" was used for the first time in the shochoku issued by Emperor Uda in 887), he once declined and used in his reply the phrase of "I wonder whether I can fulfill Ako's responsibilities even though I work hard regardless of heat and cold."  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


After Hancheong, which had been the capital of Yi Dynasty Korea, fell easily, Japanese commanders held a war council in June in Hancheong and determined targets of subjugation called Hachidokuniwari (literally, dividing the country into eight routes) by each corps (the First Division of Yukinaga KONISHI and others from Pyeongan Province, the Second Division of Kiyomasa KATO and others from Hangyong Province, the Third Division of Nagamasa KURODA and others from Hwanghae Province, the Forth Division of Yoshinari MORI and others from Gangwon Province; the Fifth Division of Masanori FUKUSHIMA and others from Chungcheong Province; the Sixth Division by Takakage KOBAYAKAWA and others from Jeolla Province, the Seventh Division by Terumoto MORI and others from Gyeongsang Province, and the Eighth Division of Hideie UKITA and others from Gyeonggi Province).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Also, the fact that monjo hakase and kiden students (monjosho) played roles in lectures on the chronicles of Japan (lectures on "Nihonshoki" (Chronicles of Japan)) (in particular, YATABE no Nazane (gimonjosho (student passed Ryoshi) later, Dainaiki (Senior Secretary of the Ministry of Central Affairs)) who attended the lecture on the chronicles of Japan in the Gangyo era and later compiled 'Nihonshoki Shiki' (The Private Record of Chronicles of Japan) is well known) and that kiden students joined the staff of the Senkokushisho (History Compilation Bureau), which involved compiling the national history, shows that they probably had lectures on "Rikkokushi" (the Six National Histories), which includes "Nihonshoki" (Chronicles of Japan) and others.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Furthermore, under the significant deviations from the face value since around Ansei era (1854 to 1859) in circulating the Kanei-tsuho do ichimonsen (copper Kanei-tsuho equivalent to one mon), the tetsu ichimonsen coins, and the shinchu shimonsen coins, and so on, the issuance of Bunkyu-eiho (a coin first minted in Bunkyu era [1854 to 1859]) brought the disorder of the exchange market; therefore in January 1863, the bakufu reordered to fix the rate of the Tenpo-tsuho by 100 mon, however, by reports that this rate was impossible and others, in June 1865, the Edo bakufu had to accept to circulate it by the fair market price not by the face value as follows with the standard of the tetsu ichimonsen coin equivalent to one mon and the Tenpo-tsuho equivalent to 100 mon  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Early that morning, the group left the inn at Shinagawa (Shinagawa Ward, Tokyo) where they had had a party the night before, and proceeded along the Tokaido (now the National Route 15); they turned at Fudanotsuji after going through Okido; they passed Amisaka (near present-day Keio University, Minato Ward, Tokyo), Myojinzaka and Nakanohashi (now the Tokyo Metropolitan Expressway Ring Route) to Sakurada Street, and finally assembled at the Atago Jinja Shrine on the street leading to the Sakuradamon Gate.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


On November 1st, 1864 left Daigo - 3rd in Kawahara - 4th in Koebori - 5th Yaita - 6th Kobayashi - 7th Kanuma - 8th Ogaki - 9th Kuzu - 10th Yanada - 11th and 12th Ota - 13th Honjo - 14th Yoshii - 15th Shimonita - 16th Honjuku - 17th Hiraga - 18th Mochizuki - 19th Wada - 20th Shimosuwa - 21st Matsushima - 22nd Kamiho - 23rd Katagiri - 24th Komaba - 25th Seinaiji - 26th Magome - 27th Oi - 28th Mitake - 29th Unuma - 30th Tennno - December 1st Ibi - 2nd Hinata - 3rd Nagamine - 4th Ogawahara - 5th - 6th Nakajima - 7th Hokeiji - 8th Yabuta - 9th and 10th Imajo - 11th Shinbo  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To support our efforts toward meeting these commitments, we call on our Framework Working Group, with technical support from the IMF and other international organizations, to develop these indicative guidelines, with progress to be discussed by our Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors in the first half of 2011; and, in Gyeongju, our Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors called on the IMF to provide an assessment as part of the MAP on the progress toward external sustainability and the consistency of fiscal, monetary, financial sector, structural, exchange rate and other policies.  - 財務省


To support our efforts toward meeting these commitments, we call on our Framework Working Group, with technical support from the IMF and other international organizations, to develop these indicative guidelines,with progress to be discussed by our Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors in the first half of 2011; and, in Gyeongju, our Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors called on the IMF to provide an assessment as part of the MAP on the progress toward external sustainability and the consistency of fiscal, monetary, financial sector, structural, exchange rate and other policies.  - 財務省

大規模店参入が中小小売業のパフォーマンスに及ぼす影響(2009年 10月独立行政法人経済産業研究所ディスカッションペーパー松浦寿幸 (應義塾大学)、菅野早紀 (東京大学))大店法廃止前後(19972004年)を対象に、大規模小売店の参入・撤退が、中心市街地における中小小売店の売上高・従業者数、生産性に及ぼす影響に関する分析。例文帳に追加

Influence of entries by large-scale stores on the performance of medium-and small-sized retail stores (Toshiyuki Matsuura (Keio University) & Saki Sugano (University of Tokyo), Discussion Paper, Research Institute of Economy, Trade & Industry, IAA, October 2009) Analyzes the influence of entries and withdrawals of large-scale retail stores on the sales, the number of employees, and the productivity of medium-and small-sized retail stores in central districts of cities, covering the times around the abolishment of the Act on the Measures by Large-Scale Retail Stores for Preservation of Living Environment (1997 to 2004)  - 経済産業省


China may be broadly developed into four regions in which heavy concentrations of industry have formed: 1) the Bohai Sea Rim Economic Zone around the northeast and north (including, for example, Beijing, Dalian, and Tianjin); 2) the Yangtze River Delta Economic Zone around the east of the country (including Shanghai, Suzhou, and Hangzhou); 3) the Zhujiang (Pearl) River Delta Economic Zone around the south (including Guangzhou and Shenzhen); and 4) the emerging Central West Economic Zone around Chongqing and Sichuan (Fig. 2-2-7).  - 経済産業省


People who received benefit from this system were as follows; Yoshifuru AKIYAMA, a military serviceman in the Meiji and the Taisho periods, Chung-hee PARK, a military serviceman and President of the Republic of Korea in the Showa period, (both of them entered Army War College (Japan) after a teaching career), Keita GOTO, a businessman (the first leader of the Tokyu Group; he graduated from Ueda Senior High School in Nagano Prefecture, worked as an elementary school assistant teacher, entered Tokyo Higher Normal School, working as an English teacher, and went on to The University of Tokyo), etc. (Kan KIKUCHI, a writer, was forced to enter Tokyo Higher Normal School for an economic reason, but expelled because of his bad behavior and reentered Daiichi Senior High School with financial support from a rich person).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

松川の戦い(まつかわのたたかい)は、『改正三河後風土記』(第42巻:上杉・伊達合戦の事)、『常山紀談』(巻之16:伊達上杉陸奥国松川合戦の事 附永井善左衛門 岡左内が事)、『東国太平記』(巻第15:松川合戦政宗福島ノ城ヲ攻ムル事)、『会津陣物語』(第4巻:松川合戦に政宗、福島城を攻める事、井せて須田大炊介、政宗と逢隈川合戦(陣幕を切り取る)事)によれば、長6年(1601年)4月26日に、現在の福島県福島市の中心部で伊達政宗と上杉景勝麾下の本庄繁長・須田長義が戦った合戦だとされる。例文帳に追加

The Battle of Matsukawa is said to be the battle where Shigenaga HONJO and Nagayoshi SUDA under the command of Kagekatsu UESUGI fought against Masamune DATE in the central area of the present Fukushima City, Fukushima Prefecture on April 26, 1601, according to "Kaisei Mikawago Fudoki (Foundation of the Tokugawa clan)" (Vol. 42: The battle between Uesugi and Date), "Jozenkidan (a collection of anecdotes compiled in the Edo period)" (Vol. 16: The Battle of Matsukawa between Date and Uesugi in Mutsu Province with the episode of Zenzaemon NAGAI and Sanai OKA), "Togoku Taiheiki (the battle chronicle on the eastern Japan)" (Vol. 15: Attack to the Fukushima-jo Castle by Masamune in the Battle of Matsukawa), "Aizujin Monogatari (stories on the Battle in Aizu)" (Vol. 4: Attack to the Fukushima-jo Castle by Masamune in the Battle of Matsukawa and the episode of Oiinosuke SUDA cutting off the camp enclosure during the Battle of Abukuma-gawa River against Masamune).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The global financial sector had been in turmoil since the Lehman Brothers collapse sent shockwaves around the world in September 2008. You may already be well aware that on the economic front at present, the question of how to rebuild the sector and how to harmonize markets on an international scale is a major economic and political issue not just in Japan but worldwide. As just mentioned in the question, at the G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors' Meeting to be held in Gyeongju, Republic of Korea on Friday, October 22 and Saturday, October 23, the main agendas are expected to be the global economy, the reform of international financial institutions such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the reform of financial regulations, in the lead up to the Seoul Summit next month.  - 金融庁


In response, the Japan Investment Council Expert Committee (Chair: Haruo Shimada, Professor of Keio University, Special Advisor to the Cabinet Office), which is under the auspices of the Japan Investment Council (Chair: Prime Minister), was resumed in October 2002. The Expert Committee deliberated on the ideal vision of measures to promote FDI into Japan. In March 2003,the committee compiled the Program for the Promotion of Foreign Direct Investment into Japan, which consisted of a report and an appendix to the report consisting of 74 concrete measures under five priority categories: (i) review of administrative procedures; (ii) improvement of the business environment; (iii)creation of favorable employment and living environments; (iv) improvement of local and national structures and systems; and (v) dissemination of information within Japan and abroad. The program was presented to and approved by the Japan Investment Council (Fig.3.1.15). - 経済産業省



The subject of the financial regulatory reforms has already been a significant discussion topic in the past as well. I heard that during the Financial Ministers and Central Bank Governors meeting held from October 22 to 23 in Gyeongju, the proposed capital adequacy requirement for banks and a new liquidity framework, which were drawn up in a recent meeting of the Group of Governors and Heads of Supervision, were welcomed along with the commitment to having them come into full force by the prescribed due date, and an endorsement was given to the policy framework, work processes and timelines proposed by the Basel Committee on Banking, one of the subordinate organs of the Financial Stability Board, with respect to the issue of addressing systematically important financial institutions (SIFIs) that you have just raised. The meeting accordingly agreed to give priority to this initiative as an agenda item of the G20 Summit. In that sense, implementing international financial regulatory reforms will contribute to an enhanced financial system and improved soundness of financial institutions in the medium to long term. In the meantime, it is also extremely important to, among other things, make the set of requirements a well-balanced one that fully takes into account differences between countries in terms of the actual operation of their financial systems and to implement it over time by, for instance, allowing an ample planning time in adequate consideration of any impact on the real economy - this is also an approach that Japan applies in attending the ongoing Summit meeting.  - 金融庁


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