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Sources: Nanbo OTA, 'Kansei 10 nen, Bogo, Edonin betsu' from vol. 26 of "Ichiwa Ichigen" (1820); Shigetami YAMASHITA, 'Edo shigai Tokei Ippan' from vol.1 (pp. 18-26) of "Edokai zasshi" (1889); Kaishu KATSU, 'Edo Jinko Shoki' from "Suijinroku" (1890); Yasusuke KOMIYAMA, 'Funai no Jinko' from vol. 2 (pp. 1923) of "Edo kyujiko" (1891) and vol. 9 (pp. 1210–1243) of "Nihon Zaise Keizai Shiryo" (1922); Juzo YUZUKI and Yasuzo HORIE, 'Honpo jinko hyo' from vol. 7 (pp. 188–210) of "Keizaishi Kenkyu" (1930); Shigetomo KODA, 'Edo no Chonin no Jinko' from vol. 8 (pp. 1–23) of "Shakai Keizai gakkaishi" (1938); Yasujiro TAKAMI, 'Edo no Jinko no Kenkyu' from the 7th conference (pp. 5983) of "Zenkoku Toshi Mondai kaigi" (1940); Bonsen TAKAHASHI, "Nihon Jinkoshi no Kenkyu" from Sanyusha publishing (1941), Naotaro SEKIYAMA, "Kinsei Nihon no Jinko Kozo" published by Yoshikawa Kobunkan Inc. (1958); Kazuo MINAMI, "Bakumatsu Edo Shakai no Kenkyu" published by Yoshikawa Kobunkan Inc. (1978).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Also, from the fact that even though the names differ slightly, in the introduction of the Kojiki, usually it is recorded with two history books set side by side like the "Teiki" and "Kyuji," there is a viewpoint that they were not just separate Records, but was originally written with the premise that these would be combined to make one Record, and it exists as a 'Japanese style biographical historiography' different from the Chinese biographical historiography which combines two history books,  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


And since two history books, "Teiki" and "Kyuji" are mentioned alongside each other in most cases, having slightly different names in the introduction of "Kojiki" or others, there is an opinion that these were not simply mentioned alongside each other, but united originally for being combined, and that there might have existed a form we can call 'Japanese style Kidentai (biographical historiography),' different from Chinese Kidentai combining two history books.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


As for the matter over the personnel of the Imperial Court in 1985, historical materials, records, documents including the "kugyo bunin" (list of high court nobles) list different dates for the matter, and thus, it is too distorted to put in order the dates of accessions in the first half of the year coherently, causing historians to puzzle over the matter; roughly speaking, however, it is assumed that the position of Sadaijin was transferred from Uchimoto ICHIJO to Akizane NIJO and then to Nobusuke KONOE, that that of Udaijin from Akizane NIJO to Nobusuke KONOE and then to Harusue KIKUTEI (former Naidaijin), and that that of Naidaijin from Harusue KIKUTEI to Nobusuke KONOE and finally to Hideyoshi.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



Volume 1 deals with the history of Confucianism in Japan from the ancient times to the prosperity stage of Gozan Bunka (culture of the Five Official Temples between the end of the Kamakura Period and the Muromachi Period) such as the age of Empress Jingu which was thought in the author's day to be the time when Confucianism was introduced to Japan, then Jofuku, Wani (Wang In), Prince Shotoku, AWATA no Mahito, KIBI no Makibi, SUGAWARA no Michizane and Shushin Gido, Volume 2 deals with the period from Gozan Bunka to the appearance of Genju KEIAN who brought prosperity to the culture of Confucianism in Satsuma domain, Volume 3 deals with the activity of Tadayoshi SHIMAZU and Bunshi NANPO who tried to develop Satsunangaku school (school of Neo-Confucianism in Satsuma) and Confucianism in early Edo period, and Volume 4 deals with the history of Shoryu-ji Temple (in current Ibusuki City) which was the center of Satsunangaku school and the history of Confucianism in Satsuma domain after the Genroku and the Kyoho Era, but this volume is unfinished.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


また、この説は大政奉還路線と武力倒幕路線の対立を必要以上に強調しすぎたきらいがあり、両者は相容れない路線ではなかったとする学説 家近良樹『幕末政治と倒幕運動』(吉川弘館、1995年)・高橋秀直「「公議政体派」と薩摩倒幕派-王政復古クーデター再考-」(『京都大学学部研究紀要』41、2002年)・佐々木克『幕末政治と薩摩藩』(吉川弘館、2004年)・井上勲「大政奉還運動の形成過程(一)」(『学雑誌』81-11、1972年)などが参考になる。例文帳に追加

And also there are some argues that this theory emphasizes too much the conflict between Taisei-hokan policy and violent overthrow of the Shogunate policy, which is also another theory and points out that the both policies are not so much contradicting: "Politics in the end of Edo era and Movement of overthrow of the Shogunate" by Yoshiki IECHIKA (Yoshikawa kobunkan, 1995), "Supporters for Politics by Congress and Supporters for Overthrow of the Shogunate by Satsuma - Review on Imperial Rule Restoration Coup d'etat -" by Hidenao TAKAHASHI ("Kyoto University, Faculty of Letters, Research Report" 41, 2002), "Politics in the End of Edo Era and Satsuma Clan" by Suguru SASAKI (Yoshikawa kobunkan, 2004), and "Formation Process of Taisei-hokan Movement (1)" by Isao INOUE ("Shigaku zasshi" 81-11, 1972).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


According to an afterword to the book, her motive for writing the book and the origin of the title came from the episode in which, when Naidaijin (minister of the center) FUJIWARA no Korechika presented to his younger sister FUJIWARA no Empress Teishi and Emperor Ichijo a bundle of paper, which was still expensive in those days, the Empress inquired, 'Emperor used the paper to copy "Shiki (Records of the Grand Historian),' what do you think we could write on this?" to which Sei Shonagon answered, 'it (the book) would be good to use as a pillow.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


It describes 176 years of the Imperial Court's history, the reigns of 14 emperors from Emperor Montoku's ascension up to 1025 and the reign of Emperor Go-ichijo, with the prosperity of the Northern House of the Fujiwara clan, and especially the glory of Michinaga FUJIWARA as its core, being written in the style of a dialogue between two extremely old men, 190-year-old OYAKE no Yotsugi and 180-year-old NATSUYAMA no Shigeki, with the criticisms of a young samurai, taking place at the enlightenment sermons (bodaiko) held at the Urinin.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


"Azuma Kagami" was compiled in such times, looking back on the history of the Kamakura bakufu, on which the pillar (Yoriaishu) of the Sadatoki HOJO administration, especially the writers' family members depended, and also looking back on the establishment of the Hojo Tokuso family administration, especially the reign of Minamoto clan which lasted over three generations, those of Yasutoki and Tokiyori HOJO, and on the appearance and formation of the 'Family' system.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



From such a career, the diary has detailed entries about conflicts between the Kamo-jinja Shrines, the Great Thanksgiving Festival in 1466 that in fact became the last such festival held in the medieval period, the relationship between court aristocrats and warriors (Muromachi bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun)), the circumstances of the Onin War, what the frequently-occurring do-ikki (uprisings of cultivators and other commoners) were like, and the ordinary life of court nobles, etc., so it is an important historical source to know about this period.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



However, it seems to have been presented by 957, because a chronicle shows that the poetry bureau was established at Shoyosha (Nashitsubo, Ladies' Quarters) in the court in November 951 and that the five officers in Nashitsubo, MINAMOTO Shitago, ONAKATOMI no Yoshinobu, KIYOHARA no Motosuke, SAKANOUE no Mochiki, and KI no Tokibumi, carried out works deciphering the text of the "Manyoshu" (Collection of Ten Thousand Leaves) and compiling a new imperial collection of waka, and that, as the head of the poetry bureau, FUJIWARA no Koretada directed the compilation.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


As mentioned above, there are many problems from the view of an academic level of the present text study of The Tale of Genji, and the variorum is often criticized, but it was the best organized variorum among those of The Tale of Genji which can be used for the regular study even in the 21st century, although it was the earliest academic variorum of The Tale of Genji in history.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Because the age of the scenery in the picture is not necessarily connected directly to the age of completion, and there is a possibility that the picture was painted based on drafts, and the seal 'Kuninobu,' the Shubun Enkaku nai Tsubogata In (pot-shaped seal in a round frame with shunbun style (shunbun means seals carved around the characters, leaving red characters on the paper with white background)), which is put on the picture is of the highest credibility among seals Eitoku held, the art historians now regard it is the genuine Eitoku's.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, Japanese restaurants overseas serve not only Japanese dishes with tradition and history, but also relatively new dishes ranging from teppanyaki (foods grilled on an iron plate), teriyaki (grilling with soy sauce and sugar), curry and rice, pork cutlet on rice and ramen (Chinese soup noodle) to American-style sushi roll like California roll, which were created by mixing various ideas extracted from the foods culture of Japan and others.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Although Gokaihajime itself ceased to be held in the Muromachi period, Emperor Gokashiwabara held a monthly poetry reading as an independent ceremony on New Year's Day in 1501 on the model of waka gokaihajime during the Eiwa era of the Emperor Goenyu's reign, according to "seiwa utagokai saho kojitsu" (Ancient Practices of New Year Imperial Poetry Reading Party Manner.) (Its author is unknown, but a copy of the book hand written by the Retired Emperor Reigen is possessed by National Museum of Japanese History.)  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Like Shi, Geki was originally a high ranking post to serve as a stepping-stone toward higher posts for low ranking officials who excelled at Confucianism and writing; but after the Kamakura period, the post was inherited by the Funabashi family (Kiyohara clan) and the Oshikoji family (Nakahara clan), both of which were families that had produced Myogyodo scholars for generations, and some members were appointed to Kokusoin betto which had been traditionally held by the nobles.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In agreement with the criticism on "Kiki"'s credibility as historical material and from the fact that the chronology before Emperor Keitai is far from truth, and that it is hard to believe that the Imperial family kept written records on a steady basis, some people strongly deny the meaning of the attempt to presume the five kings of Wa from the Oriental zodiac and the genealogy in "Kiki".  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Our teacher dedicated his life to the study requiring great pains; as to "Koshi-den", at the end of the Bunka era (1804-1818), he began to write the draft, and by the early Bunsei era (1818-1830), about 12 volumes had been completed; however, by that time, he had also gradually gained an insight into the study and understood the teachings of the master of Suzunoya (Norinaga MOTOORI), then he realized that this world was the product of our great gods of Japan, so he decided to suspend "Koshi-den" temporarily, and first explore and read through all the past annotations of the histories of our country as well as those of India and Europe to use new knowledge to his advantage in writing "Koshi-den"; therefore, since the middle of the Bunsei era, he intensly studied foreign literature and culture mainly, and during a period of over 20 years, he completed almost all his works, which he left for us, including "Sekiken Taiko-den" (Japanese Early History); although he was never satisfied with his works, his students, of course, including myself, with a feeling of gratitude, thought that our master had succeeded in completing most his researches and studies, and were concerned about the delay in completing "Koshi-den" and because of our master's age, we repeatedly begged him to restart the writing, then thankfully at about the 10th year of the Tenpo era (1839), he restarted; however, he was requested to write on linguistic methods so he began to write "Goju Ongi" (Pronunciation and Meaning of 50 Kana) and suspended "Koshi-den" again; after a year, he was banished to Akita Province by order of the former bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun), fortunately since Akita was his hometown and there were many relatives of his, besides the former load treated him very kindly, they relieved him off poor living, although under those conditions, he had no time to finish the remaining works; he was always concerned about those unfinished works, and after only a few years, he became sick and regrettably died.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Since he was young, Atsutane HIRATA had been thinking that the Dark ('' hidden or mysterious things) and the Light ('' appeared or clear things) were the one and the same, and that this world was formed by the working of those opposing factors; Atsutane wanted to analyze the true nature of the world and tried to demonstrate his ideas in many works including 'Tama no Mihashira' (Concept of Afterlife), 'Koshi Seibun' (Early History), 'Senkyo Ibun' (Another Story of Unworldly Men's World) and 'Kokon Yomi-ko' (Studies on Mysterious Things of Ancient and Modern Japan).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Starting as a part-time professor (of artistic anatomy, aesthetics and western art history) at Tokyo School of Fine Arts (present Tokyo University of the Arts), Ogai also served as an instructor of aesthetics at Keio University, an examiner of the western painting department of 'the 1st Bunten exhibition,' the director general of Imperial Museum, the 1st director of The Japan Art Academy and so on.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


He died in 1589 at the age of 97, (it is based on the Hojo Godai Ki [Chronicles of the Hojo family through five generations], however, current studied suggest it has many discrepancy between contemporary first class historical materials such as the Myoho-ji Ki [Chronicles of the Myoho-ji Temple] or ancient documents such as old letters, making its credibility doubtful, and Motoki KURODA dated Genan's birth during the Eisho era [1504-1521]. If it is true, his age of death was 10 years younger) one theory has it he was born in 1501.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


It is confirmed that Genpo translated 99 titles (nearly 160 volumes in total) including "Taisei Meii Iko" (literary, Western medicine), the first medical journal in Japan, "Geka Hitsudoku" (literary, essentials for surgery), "Sanka Kanmei" (literary, a brief explanation about obstetrics), "Oranda Bunten" (literary, grammar of Dutch language), "Hakko Tsushi" (literary, the overview of world history), "Suijosen Setsuryaku" (literary, a brief explanation about steamboat), "Seisei Kiko" (literary, records on the Western world) and his specialty ranged from medical science, language, history of the Western world, to military science and philosophy of religion.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Additionally, Motohiko IZAWA, a novelist who wrote "Gyakusetu no nihonnshi" ("Japanese History in Paradox"), says in his book that ancient Japanese, under the influence of Chinese Civilization, believed that spirits totally neglected by their decendents would become onryo, which he defines as "the stage before goryo shinko", and that due to the incident of Prince Nagaya and the four Fujiwara sons, the stage developed into a typical Japanese onryo shinko whereby the departed soul of a man who died because of a false charge would become an onryo.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In the study of history and Japanese literature, it is assumed that the Watarai clan, the Shinto priests of the outer Ise-jingu Shrine, wrote the books so as to raise the status of the outer shrine up to or higher than the Naiku (inner shrine - enshrined deity: Amaterasu Omikami, the Sun Goddess), insisting that its enshrined deity Toyoukebime was equivalent to Ame no Minakanushi no Kami (one of the gods in Japanese mythology) and Kuninotokotachi no mikoto and was the universal godhead superior to Amaterasu Omikami.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In the Nara period, the biography of the FUJIWARA three generations began with FUJIWARA no Kamatari, "Kaden" (Family history) and "Shotokutaishi Denryaku" (Biography of Shotokutaishi) were written, and in the Heian period MIYAKO no Yoshika (the compiler of an authentic history "Nihon Montoku Tenno Jitsuroku" [Fifth of the six official national history books]) wrote "Dojo Hoshi Den" (Biography of Dojohoshi), Kiyoyuki MIYOSHI wrote "FUJIWARA no Yasunori den" (Biography of FUJIWARA no Yasunori) and "Enchin Osho Den" (Biography of Enchin), and KI no Haseo wrote "Tsunesada Shinno Den" (Biography of Imperial Prince Tsunesada).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In the early days of the Daigaku-ryo, the regular course (Myogyodo) for the education of general government officials and Sando, for the education of technical government officials, were virtually the only ones in existence, but somewhere between 724 and 729, Ritsugaku hakase (later Myoho hakase) (professor of law, for the teaching of the Ritsuryo Code) and Monjo hakase (professor of literature. for the teaching of history) were established by separating from Myogyodo, subsequently becoming independent departments between 729 and 748; they would later evolve into Myobodo (study of Code) and Kidendo (study of the histories).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Then, Mitsukuni succeeded to the family after his father, TOKUGAWA Yorifusa, died and became busy with official duties, so that he stayed away from the enterprise, but the government ordered HAYASHI Gaho to compile a chronicle of Japan, "Honchotsukan" and Mitsukuni asked HAYASHI Gaho about compiling policy and legitimacy, in person.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


"Nihon bijutsu-shi" refers to the chronological explanation - or the academic field - of Japanese art history, such as the trend of Japanese art, the transition of its style, the research of the representative works and artists in each period, their mutual influence, and the historical background of the works and artists - that is, the works' and artists' relation with Japanese politics, economy, religion, customs, society, literature and others.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


It says that in the 1974 arbitration, the mining pollution issues were 'ended' (from "History of 100 Years of Business from Foundation") and yet, it is not mentioned that Furukawa Mining had not admitted their responsibility for contamination by cadmium (it does not mention the Agreement of Pollution Control made in 1976 either, however this literature was published in the same year as the agreement was made, and they might not have been able to include it in the editing process.)  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The opinion was put forth by folklorist Tsuneichi MIYAMOTO and historian Yoshihiko AMINO that the races of eastern Japan and of western Japan are different, emphasizing cultural contrasts; however, this is not the conventional opinion because the people of the two regions are rarely thought to be different races in the modern age.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


During the Heian period, as the reconstruction of Owada no tomari is described in the June 812 chapter in "Nihonkoki" (Later Chronicle of Japan), Zo Owada funaseshi was set up and the reconstruction work was always done like building stone dikes (iwakura) for storm and wave prevention and so on and to cover the cost, shosairyo (custom duty for freight) or funaseshodento was levied, which is confirmed in various documents (historical study).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In particular, getting Daiko class (granting of permanent inheritence of rice fields) was an exceptional case and only four persons have been recognized as Daiko in history: FUJIWARA no Kamatari (645), EMI no Oshikatsu (758), TAIRA no Kiyomori (1167), and MINAMOTO no Yoritomo (1190), each person being granted 991,740 square meters of land (Koden was confiscated from Oshikatsu and Kiyomori for the reason that they or their descendants had rebelled against the government).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Three kanmon written by daihanji (judge) SANUKI no Naganao, Myobo hakase 長道 and Sadaishi (senior recorder of the left) in the so-called 'Zengai Jiken'(described in the article of December 6, 846 of "Shoku Nihon Koki" (Later Chronicle of Japan Continued)), in which benkan Yoshio TOMONO accused all of his five fellow benkan of violating Soni ryo (Regulations for Monks and Nuns) in their customary public administration which had been implemented for many years, are well known.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Historians are divided over whether to think such inconsistencies were due to lawyers stretching the interpretation of Meirei-ritsu to adapt it to the reality or to simply think that the decline of the study of codes and advance in hereditary learning led to lowering academic standards and loosening of the ritsuryo law itself, resulting in a situation where the original meaning of the Article was left behind and the inconsistencies were overlooked.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The Digital Library from the Meiji Era makes it possible for anyone, at any time or place, to access the digitized contents of materials published during the Meiji/Taisho period; thus its cultural and historical value as materials is deemed extremely high, although its scope is limited to the materials for which the copyright protection period can be confirmed as having expired, or materials with the approval of a copyright holder.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


There were many castles built by Japanese forces in the southern region during the Bunroku-Keicho War, but they are known as wagon (Japanese-style castles), due to the considerable economic development in recent years in South Korea, many of these wagon have been destroyed despite being important historical sites, due to the strong anti-Japanese sentiment.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Io' of Ioto no miya refers to "Anshitsu," i.e. a humble cabin, which a person who lives a life aloof from the affairs of the world such as a person of refined taste, or a priest uses at work, or refers to a camp for controlling the army (adapted from "Wamyoruiju-sho" [famous Heian-period Japanese dictionary]), so that Ioto no miya is believed to be derived from the residence of Emperor Korei who was literally the governor of the government.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The character history production method is provided with a means giving an order to the home page of the Internet, a means performing recording/interviewing by visiting service, a means dubbing sound in a personal computer based on recording, a means requesting rewriting from an Internet terminal, a means requesting proofreading from the Internet terminal and a means requesting an initial draft from the Internet terminal. - 特許庁


As it is difficult to differentiate products and increase their added value independently item by item, efforts should be taken to comprehensively combine local history/culture, traditional lifestyle or nature and goods or services specific to the region, so as to emphasize the uniqueness of the region. This is effective in that it reveals the intrinsic value of Japanese regional resources and raises their profile in international markets. - 経済産業省


Therefore, based on both the plain reading of the provision and the legislative history of the provision, we are persuaded that it would be inconsistent with the language in the Conflict Minerals Statutory Provision to include mining issuers as manufacturing issuers under the final rule unless the mining issuer engages in manufacturing, either directly or through contract, in addition to mining. - 経済産業省

機能や価格だけでなく、作り手のこだわりや歴化など、ユーザーの感性に訴え感動や共感を呼び起こす商品を作る事を提唱するとともに、我が国の「感性」というコンセプトを海外に発信するイベントとして、2008年12 月にパリで「kansei-Japan Design Exhibition」を開催したところであり、2009 年5 月にはニューヨークでも同展示会を開催する予定である。例文帳に追加

METI held the Kansei-Japan Design Exhibition in Paris in December2008 aiming to advocate the production of goods with values, refined skills of producers as well as history and culture that would appeal to the sense of users, intrigue them and arouse their emotions in addition to conventional values such as functionality and price. A similar exhibition is scheduled to beheld in New York in May 2009. - 経済産業省


During the Meiji period, Kencho SUEMATSU, a student studying in London read this in the book "Nihon" (Japan) of Philipp Franz von Siebold, and wrote his graduation thesis at Cambridge University titled 'The great conqueror Genghis Khan and Japanese hero MINAMOTO no Yoshitsune are the same person,' with the purpose of claiming the presence of Japan, because at that time Japan was seen as a mere tributary state of China, and this article was also published in Japanese under the title of "Yoshitsune Saikoki" (the rebirth story of MINAMOTO no Yoshitsune) (Meiji Shigakukai Zasshi (completion of Japanese history records)), and the book created a boom.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


As the minister in charge, I hope that the discussion pays due attention to the fact that the “accounting standards” are not merely technical issues, but much broader issues highly relevant to the status of Japanese firms based on the country’s history, business culture, and national heritage- there are differences in economic culture between countries like the United Kingdom, which started the Industrial Revolution from scratch, and countries like Japan, which adopted development-oriented capitalism, as often seen in Asia, led by the government in order to strengthen its military power and develop industries after Commodore Perry arrived in Japan around 150 years ago - as well as related legal systems including the Companies Act and the tax system, and Japanese firmsglobal competitiveness.  - 金融庁


Search under Art. 11 of the Law on Marks and Geographical Indications shall be conducted on the basis of: coats of arms, flags or other emblems, full or abbreviated official names of States or intergovernmental organizations; official Bulgarian or international control and warranty signs and stamps; list and catalogue kept by the Ministry of Culture of historical and cultural monuments of the Republic of Bulgaria; lists kept by the World Health Organization of the recommended free names of pharmaceutical substances; vocabularies, encyclopaedia and other reference books.  - 特許庁


Central urban areas formed in this way do not simply bring together commercial functions. They also form the core of people's lives and cultural activities, and their role as centers of culture and tradition accumulated over many years make them in a sense the "faces" of their towns and cities. With the growth of motorization in recent years, however, the field of people's activities has spread to the suburbs. - 経済産業省


While the position of the chief abbot became in rotation from Hachihonzan in the period as Nichiren Honmon Sect, it broke away from the sect under the official allowance of the branch temples of Taiseki-ji Temple to be independent, and called themselves Fuji School of Nichiren Sect in 1900, then renamed Nichiren Shoshu Sect in 1912 up to the present, however, it was apparent that they called themselves Shoshu Sect, which supposably meant shoshubun (the main part) of Hoke-kyo (Lotus Sutra), until at least the middle of the Edo period, according to the book of Kanazawa local history (it has 'Shoshu no Daimoku' (Chant of Shoshu)).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The general officer of the Imperial Japanese Army, Kanji ISHIWARA said 'Where all the human beings believe in the Arahitogami, the civilization of the rule of Right shows its real value for the first time. The last war, the final match between the rule of right and the rule of might is in fact a match between people who believe in the Emperor and people who don't. So the war is to decide if the Emperor becomes the Emperor of the world or the Western President becomes the leader of the world. This is the biggest event of all time in our history.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Firstly, following detailed research that appeared in Yoshihiko AMINO's "Wakasa no kuni ni okeru shoensei no keisei" (The formation of the manor system in Wakasa Province) (1969), Susumu ISHII's "Insei jidai" (The Age of Cloistered Emperors) (1970) and "Oota Fumi" (The letters of Oota) in "Sobu no bushidan" (Bushi groups of the Sobu region), which appears in "Kamakura bushi no jitsuzo" (The Real Face of Kamakura Warriors) (1978), it became clear that most manors were established after the mid-12th century, during the reigns of the Cloistered Emperors Toba and Gotoba, and that by the time this large-scale expansion stopped in the 13th century, the ratio of shoen to national land was on average of six to four, or about even.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In Japan, some amateur historians speculate that, since the 'Kokushi-koku' was known as another name of Japan in Korea and China at that time, the Baekje royal family members were sent to Wakoku (Japan) and stayed there for a long time (assuming that the hostages that appeared in the Nihonshoki [Chronicles of Japan] included these Baekje royal family members), and as these royal family members brought back a Japanese habit of painting one's teeth black, Baekje people called them the Kokushi (literally, "black-teeth") family, which gradually became a widely-used name in the country.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



Other than the above, various kinds of digital library content have been made available to the public, including the 'Rare Books Image Database,' which reveals rare historical book and image data of Ukiyoe (Japanese woodblock prints) among the materials housed in the NDL; the 'Digital Library from the Meiji Era,' which provides scanned image data of the NDL's materials published during the Meiji period; and 'WARP' (Web Archiving Project) (project of selective accumulation of Internet-based information; formerly an experimental project of selective accumulation of Internet-based information), etc.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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