
「業恵」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(3ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





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しかし我が国がより広 範な国々と協定を結び、より多くのビジネス・ セクターがその特の下、活発な事活動を展 開するようになれば、EPA 及びBIT の解釈・適 用を巡る紛争が生じる可能性は高まる可能性が ある。例文帳に追加

However, if Japan agrees on such agreements with a wider range of countries, and as a result, more business sectors actively develop businesses by virtue of preferential treatment granted thereunder, it would be increasingly likely that there will be disputes concerning the interpretation and/or application of the EPAs or BIT. - 経済産業省


Those youth lacked the chance of being employed right after their graduation amid the cutback on hiring after the collapse of the bubble economy. Since then, they could not have an opportunity for vocational capability building, while working as non-regular employees and have reached their mid-30s, facing a difficult situation getting a job in the mid-career employment market since those corporations seek people who can be immediately effective - 厚生労働省


When the Sabbath had come, he began to teach in the synagogue, and many hearing him were astonished, saying, “Where did this man get these things?” and, “What is the wisdom that is given to this man, that such mighty works come about by his hands?  - 電網聖書『マルコによる福音書 6:2』


Relationship with Central Asia that has the world's leading energy resource must be placed beyond mere resource trade, and recognizing the need of expanding mutually beneficial trade and investment relations to build a balanced relationship, for Small Businesses Development in Central Asia has to come with public and private sectors together helping to diversify the industry and advanced technology transfer. - 経済産業省


中小企の更なる海外展開支援ニーズの高まりを受け、平成24 年3 月に改定した「中小企海外展開支援大綱」を踏まえ、クール・ジャパンを活かしたサービス、食品、環境等、日本の知、技・感性を通じた種別・分野別のマーケティング支援を強化するとともに、海外展開に要する資金調達の多様化・資本の充実化を進める。例文帳に追加

Marketing support will be strengthened in specific fields (e.g., services, foods, and the environment) in which Japanese knowledge, skills, and sense can be leveraged in association with the Cool Japan Campaign in order to cater to SMEsgrowing need for assistance with overseas business development in line with the “Framework for Supporting SMEs in Overseas Businessrevised in March 2012. At the same time, action will be taken to diversify sources of financing and enhance capital needed for overseas business development.  - 経済産業省


フリーターなどの職能力形成機会にまれない者を対象として、① ジョブ・カードを活用した、きめ細かなキャリア・コンサルティングを通じた意識啓発やキャリア形成上の課題の明確化を行い、② 企実習と座学などを組み合わせた実践的な職訓練(職能力形成プログラム)を提供するとともに、③ 職訓練での企からの評価結果や職務経歴などをジョブ・カードとして取りまとめることにより、就職活動やキャリアアップに活用する「ジョブ・カード制度」が2008(平成20)年4月に創設された。例文帳に追加

Targeting those who lack the opportunity for vocational skills development, the “Job Card system,” a mechanism used for job search and career enhancement, was set up in April 2008 by clarifying challenges on awareness enhancement and career development through painstaking career consulting utilizing the Job Card while providing practical job training (Vocational Capability Development Program) combining corporate training and lectures and by compiling evaluation results on corporate training from corporations and work experiences as the Job Card. - 厚生労働省

第十八条 中国に常駐住所又は営場所を持たない外国人、外国企又はその他外国組織が中国で特許を出願する場合、その所属国と中国が締結した協定、あるいは共に締結した国際条約によるか、又は互の原則に従い、本法に基づいて処理する。例文帳に追加

Article 18 Where a foreigner, foreign enterprise or other foreign organization without a regular residence or business site in China applies for a patent in China, the application shall be handled in accordance with the agreements concluded by the country he or it belongs to and China or the international treaties to which both the countries have acceded or in accordance with this Law on the principle of reciprocity.  - 特許庁


Growth pattern as seen in India is like an industry leapfrogging intermediate stages and instantly moving into the most advanced stage. Behind the achievement of such growth in India were abundant human resourcesthose who can speak English and have high academic background – and the 117 country having actively accepted the wave of economic globalization in the world by encouraging investment by U.S. and European businesses. - 経済産業省


Companies utilizing preferential tariff rates under EPA/ETAs are required to pay a certain degree of costs to comply with the rules of origin. Therefore, in negotiations regarding the rules of origin, Japan aims at establishing rules that are easy and less costly to comply with, at the same time assuring the clear indication of origin of goods according to the actual state of manufacturing processes and trade. - 経済産業省


同センターは、貿易協会、大韓貿易投資振興公社(Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency。以下、KOTRAと呼ぶ。)、中小企振興公団、大韓商工会議所等の団体や、関税、会計、IT の専門家が特関税や原産地基準などの情報を中小企に提供し、通関や貿易相手国政府の検証等でもサポートする。例文帳に追加

At the center, information concerning preferential tariffs and standards on the origin of products are provided to SMEs by various organizations, such as the Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency (hereinafter "KOTRA"), the Trade Association, Small & Medium Business Corporation, and Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry, as well as specialists of tariffs, accounting and IT area, thereby helping SMEs in the custom clearance and the examination of the government of the trade partner. - 経済産業省



Japan’s fashion industry has strong potential for growth, such as being rich in the foundations of craftsmanship in producing areas which bring forth excellent materials. On the other hand, the industry is not fully utilizing its strengths, as imports continue to exceed exports, and although there is refined taste and excellent technical strengths, there are few exports of fashion products, and only a small share is taken of value added, etc. - 経済産業省


The CEPEA is an initiative based on such an idea. If all the countries in East Asia can receive preferential tariff rates based on the same rules of origin under the CEPEA, business activities in East Asia are expected to be revitalized as the business networks of parts procurement, production, and sales can be established in a single region of East Asia. - 経済産業省


This agreement provides a program for the harmonization of rules of origin for application to all non-preferential commercial policy instruments. It also establishes disciplines that must be observed in instituting or operating rules and provides for dispute settlement procedures and creates the rules of origin committee. However, details on the harmonization of rules of origin are left for future negotiations (see Chapter 9 "Rules of Origin"). - 経済産業省


This agreement provides general obligations regarding trade in services, such as most- favored-nation treatment and transparency. In addition, it enumerates 155 service sectors and stipulates that a member country cannot maintain or introduce, in the service sectors for which it has made commitments, market access restriction measures and discriminatory measures that are severer than those on the commitment table (see Chapter 11 "Trade in Services"). - 経済産業省


With this said, looking back at the process of this Task, we can see that this Verification Committee has been a forum of cooperative work and combined wisdom, where various agencies and organizations of the government, groups in society, and various individuals gathered together -even though they had different positions and opinions - to seek the truth concerning unprecedented national-level violations of human rights, namely the Hansen's disease problem, and to prevent future recurrences of such violations. - 厚生労働省


More specifically, (1) user-friendly systems need to be designed so that the knowledge and technology created by universities and other public research institutions lead to the creation and fostering of ventures and small and medium enterprises; (2) appropriate protection and distribution needs to be provided for digital content in line with the advent of the network society; while internationally, (3) counterfeits and other infringements of the intellectual property rights of Japanese companies abroad need to be dealt with appropriately, and (4)intellectual property systems need to be internationally harmonized in response to the globalization of patent applications. - 経済産業省


I told him (the chairman) that the FSA intends to take appropriate measures to deal with the growing wave of failures and voluntary liquidations, and I sought his understanding on my proposed measures, including the moratorium scheme. As the chairman expressed his understanding, I asked him to give me his opinions and advice as to how we can draft a good bill based on the banking industry's knowledge of the practical affairs of the banking business as we prepare to enact the bill, whose formal name has not yet been decided. He expressed his willingness to do so, and as he is a quick decision maker, he proposed that consultations be started next week. For my part, I proposed next Wednesday as the starting date in light of our schedule. Several representatives from the Japanese Bankers Association, which is comprised of second-regional banks and larger banks, will hold consultations with our senior vice minister and parliamentary secretary. The chairman said, “As we will send several representatives to you, please listen to our explanations of the current situation and our opinions,” and we agreed on next Wednesday as the starting date. I instructed the senior vice minister to deal with this matter appropriately.  - 金融庁


It cannot be denied that some companies show hesitation in involving in BOP business stating the reason such as lack of local information or obscurity with regard to contribution toward short-term profit. However, in the middle to long term perspective, an involvement in BOP business by Japanese companies including small-medium business entities are deemed such an innovative challenge toward capturing new markets. Not only that, such companies could gain benefit more or less in ways they get an opportunity in laying out stepping stones to capture prospective middle-income class, enhancing international reputation (evaluation), gathering information that are closely related to the local country, procuring excellent staff in emerging markets, etc. - 経済産業省


Eichi was most enthusiastic about social activities in the business world and served as the president of nursing house at the request of Tokyo City and was involved in the establishment of Tokyo Jikei Kai, Japanese Red Cross Society and Rai Yobo Kyokai (Japan preventive association for leprosy) and served as the first presidents of St.Lukes International Hospital and Takinogawa-Gakuen and the Japanese chairman of the YMCA pacific rim liaison conference.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The Treaty of Amity and Commerce between the United States and Japan was an unequal treaty including unfavourable conditions against Japan such as extraterritoriality, resignation of tariff autonomy (tariff agreement system) and unilateral MFN (most favoured nation) status, therefore when the Japanese market was opened to the world, domestic industries were defenceless against the impact of price increases and the draining of gold reserves which gave rise to the Sonno Joi Movement (a movement advocating reverence to the Emperor and expulsion of foreigners), uprising, and destructive urban riots.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Government support is a privilege and must come with strong conditions, such as a commitment to continue providing credit to appropriately meet demands according to commercial criteria, improving governance, dividend policy restrictions and executive remuneration caps. It may involve appropriate restructuring, including as necessary measures to limit competition distortions.  - 財務省


A stock is selected by lottery, and not only investors but also general public is widely informed that a higher amount of dividend than that of other stock is paid to the winning stock, and preferential dividend is paid by lottery, so that it is possible to improve attraction of investment to the stock of the company. - 特許庁

これは、FTA/EPA に基づく関税の撤廃又は引下げの結果として輸入が増加することにより、国内産に重大な損害が生じ又はそのおそれが発生した場合に、緊急措置として、FTA/EPA における関税撤廃・削減の約束を一時的に撤回し、GATT 上の最国関税に戻すことを認めるもので、その内容及び手続を規定するものである。例文帳に追加

These measures allow for the temporary withdrawal of the commitment to eliminate or reduce tariffs under the relevant FTA/EPA, returning to tariffs of the most-favored nation under GATT as an emergency measure if serious injury to the domestic industry, or threat thereof, occurs due to an increase in imports resulting from the elimination or reduction of tariffs under the agreement, and provide the substantive and procedural rules therefor. - 経済産業省


Therefore, if Japan extends preferential treatment, including at the practice level, to certain countries on a bilateral basis, the issue at negotiation would be the setting of the scope and conditions for entry of acceptable professionals within the extent of the aforesaid discretion (e.g., nurses and care workers), in order to improve the level of commitment and/or to work out more favorable conditions for permitted entry and stay only with certain countries. - 経済産業省


Accordingly, where Japan participates in FTAs, or where Country A and Country B reduce tariffs on a most-favored-nation basis, even those companies that would have ordinarily continued to produce in Japan will move overseas, a different phenomenon from the usual offshore shift in response to changes in comparative advantage. - 経済産業省


Thus, due to the domestic industrial linkage among districts, we can see that "Ripple Effect" varies among districts, there by even in Hokkaido where the amount of direct imports is small in terms of supplying intermediate goods that are used by exporting goods in other districts, there is a structure in which it is indirectly receiving the benefit of exports. - 経済産業省


As for inducement ofspillovers” (affected) by exports (the upper side of the graph), countries/regions are similar in that even sectors with small exports such as “9. Steel and non-ferrous metal productsbenefit from exports by indirectspillovers,” and that sectors in tertiary industries without exports are also indirectly affected byexternal demand. - 経済産業省

これに加え、CEPTに先立つ形で1996年11月に発効したASEAN産協力スキーム(AICO:ASEAN Industrial Cooperation scheme)は、ASEAN諸国内で現地資本比率30%以上や現地調達比率40%以上などの条件の下、AICO適用製品として認定された製品について、域内の二国以上の認定国間で相互に0~5%の特関税が適用される制度である。例文帳に追加

The ASEAN Industrial Cooperation (AICO) scheme came into effect in November 1996, preceding the CEPT. Under such system, 0-5% preferential tariff rates are mutually applied to trade between two or more countries within the region of the products which the member countries authorize as AICO Products that meet certain conditions (including the minimum 30% national equity (for manufacturers) and the minimum 40% local content in the ASEAN countries). - 経済産業省


Although some countries select negotiating ahead forpolitical reasons, South Korea is positive in it‟s negotiation with the main export countries from aneconomic point of view. The entire country feels the benefit of the economic effect as a result of themarket opening by the FTA. Fiscal expenditure is planned for 10 years aiming at competitive edgestrengthening support for the agriculture sector. A strategy that is actually suitable is executed (seeFigure 3-1-3-39). - 経済産業省


Special Zones for Structural Reform is a system that allows local governments to carry out regulatory reforms that are available only in their own specific regions in order to utilize their knowledge and ingenuity, based on proposals made through the initiative of local public organizations and private businesses. By discovering special characteristics of local regions through this system, industrial clusters and new industries are created that are tailored to such characteristics. And it leads to the revitalization of the local economy. Moreover, it is expected that by presenting successful cases of structural reforms carried out in specific regions, it could be a good example of national regulatory reform14 and will revitalize the economy of the entire country. - 経済産業省


It is not given at the chance of the occupational skills development, and because that might be a restriction of starting work, the mother's of fatherless family development of the vocational capability is important. To provide the security during training period, when the employment insurance can not be paid and person has dependents, 120 thousand yen per month byTraining and Life Support Benefit Systemif the person meets the requirement such as the person is main Earner of household. - 厚生労働省


(a) Any person who is a national or who is domiciled or has a real and effective industrial establishment in a country which is a party to any convention, treaty or agreement relating to intellectual property rights or the repression of unfair competition, to which the Philippines is also a party, or extends reciprocal rights to nationals of the Philippines by law, shall be entitled to benefits to the extent necessary to give effect to any provision of such convention, treaty or reciprocal law, in addition to the rights to which any owner of an intellectual property right is otherwise entitled by the Intellectual Property Code. - 特許庁

第3条 国際条約及び相互主義 フィリピンが同盟国である知的所有権若しくは不正競争の防止に関する協定,条約若しくは取決めの同盟国である国若しくは法によりフィリピン国民に相互主義的権利を与える国の国民又はそれらの国に居住するか若しくは現実かつ真正の産上の営所を有する者は,本法によって知的所有権の所有者に与えられる権利に加えて,それらの協定,条約又は相互主義法の規定に効力を与えるために必要な範囲において恩を受ける権利を有する。例文帳に追加

Sec.3 International Conventions and Reciprocity Any person who is a national or who is domiciled or has a real and effective industrial establishment in a country which is a party to any convention, treaty or agreement relating to intellectual property rights or the repression of unfair competition, to which the Philippines is also a party, or extends reciprocal rights to nationals of the Philippines by law, shall be entitled to benefits to the extent necessary to give effect to any provision of such convention, treaty or reciprocal law, in addition to the rights to which any owner of an intellectual property right is otherwise entitled by this Act. - 特許庁


To actualize high-level economic partnerships in a compatible manner with revitalization of agriculture, forestry, and fisheries, as well as improvement of food self-sufficiency, it is indispensable to resolve problems described in the Basic Policy and Action Plan for the Revitalization of Japan’s Food, Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries, and to secure public understanding and stable financial resources in addition. Consideration will thus be made in a concrete manner on issues, such as a shift from the consumers pay principle to the taxpayers pay principle, reform of direct payment framework, and creation of benefits distribution mechanisms accrued from opening up the country. - 経済産業省


As for approaches to promoting economic development, it is said that Asia is an area where "the Japanese-style of support for developing countries that combines trade, investment and aid yields significant results lead to a departure of the aid ultimately" and where "a double-truck approach in which 'rural and local development spread of benefit of development political and social stabilization economic development' and 'development of infrastructure creation of investment environment advancement of export-driven industrialization economic development'" has taken hold. - 経済産業省


All right. Allow me to give a little more detailed account – when I met with Premier Wen Jiabao, I requested, from the standpoint of further promoting mutually beneficial cooperation between Japan and China in the area of financial services as well, that a flexible stance be taken in relation to Japanese financial institutions in enforcing the requirement on the loan-to-deposit ratio, or the so-called LDR, so as to facilitate further support from Japanese financial institutions in financing Chinese companies.  - 金融庁


I was questioned about that in the Diet yesterday. Because the size of the postal insurance business is large although it has been reduced, we will handle matters relating to the insurance sector cautiously in relation to economic cooperation while collecting information concerning developments in the United States and Europe, and in the Asia-Pacific region. If there is some problem that obstructs overall economic cooperation, we must rack our brains to deal with it. That is the issue of interest for me now.  - 金融庁


The new strategy explores the best ways to deliver further benefits of financial integration to both industry and consumers, i.a. by focusing on dynamic consolidation of progress made, ensuring sound implementation and enforcement of existing rules, driving through "better regulation" principles, enhancing supervisory convergence, creating more competition between service providers, especially those active in retail markets, and expanding the EU's external influence in globalizing capital markets.  - 財務省


To this end, the government will promote efforts to: accumulate creative human resources from both at home and abroad in the regions; discover new regional resources from domestic and international perspectives, especially from the standpoint of foreigners; combine technological capabilities, elaborate techniques, sensibility and wisdom accumulated in Japan; promote the development of products highly evaluated overseas and expansion of their sales channels; create new creative industries (including those for traditional crafts, fashion, design, and contents); advance the overseas development of regional resources; and promote the attraction of foreign visitors. - 経済産業省

共通実効特関税(CEPT:Common Effective Preferential Tariff)制度により、段階的に域内関税を引下げ、最終的には2003年までに0~5%に引き下げ、CEPT対象品目(付加価値の40%以上がASEAN域内で生産された全ての工製品と農産品)に関する数量制限を2003年までに撤廃するとしていたが、1998年12月のASEAN首脳会議において、CEPT対象品目の拡大及びASEAN6か国(フィリピン、タイ、マレーシア、シンガポール、ブルネイ、インドネシア)の域内関税の引下げを目標の2003年から2002年に前倒しすることを決定した。例文帳に追加

Due to the Common Effective Preferential Tariff (CEPT) framework, it was planned to gradually reduce the intra-regional tariff, ultimately to 0-5%, by 2003. It was also planned to eliminate the quantitative restrictions for CEPT products (all those manufactured products and agricultural products in respect of which 40% or more of whose added value was produced in the ASEAN region) by 2003, but at the ASEAN Summit in December 1998, it was agreed to expand the scope of CEPT products and to accelerate the target year from 2003 to 2002 in respect of a reduction of intra-regional tariffs on CEPT products. - 経済産業省


He also pointed out clearly that since Japan and China together make up 17 percent of the global GDP, economic interactions between Japan and China in a mutually beneficial relationship based on common strategic interests are now taking place on a private-sector level. The leading role in any economic interaction is played by companies, which could not operate well without sound and robust financial institutions. In that and other senses, a variety of points were made at the Japan-China High-Level Economic Dialogue, including the fact that the Chinese economy is extremely strong in the current global context and that an increasing number of Japanese companies operating in China excel particularly in the field of technology, including those with highly advanced anti-pollution, global environmental, or energy saving technology.  - 金融庁


All those things considered, the consultancy function of local small and medium-sized construction businesses, which in the Tohoku region make up 25 percent of the industry, looms significant. In the business of housing construction, a very high gross margin can be achieved from renovation or construction projects. It is roughly 25 percent to 30 percent. However, the gross margin from building a private condo, for example, is very small, because any business that orders a condo construction project is, of course, a professional entity. The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) is also currently encouraging the industry to venture more aggressively into the housing renovation and construction business. Considering that the construction industry is something that remains necessary for all time, even in times of fewer public works projects, and the MLIT and the banking industry are also aware of their potential consultancy function in that area, I also feel that it will probably be necessary for businesses to, among other things, shift their management policy in that direction in an attempt to reform their business structure in the coming year. I think that it is necessary to try coming up with various ideas in that regard. To give them time to make such an attempt, we found it appropriate to allow one more year, which was one of the reasons behind the one-year period of extension.  - 金融庁


In order to revitalize the economy and generate employment in the local regions, the Headquarters for the Regional Revitalization attaches importance on the various resources and strengths of the regions including their industry, technology, human resources, tourism resources, natural environment, culture and history to revitalize the regional communities through cultural and social interactions while making use of its knowledge and ingenuity, and on securing sufficient employment through the sound development of private business. Therefore, based on theBasic Guidelines for the Promotion of Regional Revitalization,” 673 ideas were submitted from 392 entities in January 2004. From them, selection was made on February 27, 2004 for “the Program for the Promotion of Regional Revitalization,” with 23 adopted as measures limited to certain regions and 118 adopted as national measures. - 経済産業省

第一条 この法律は、環境基本法(平成五年法律第九十一号)の基本理念にのっとり、生物の多様性の保全及び持続可能な利用について、基本原則を定め、並びに国、地方公共団体、事者、国民及び民間の団体の責務を明らかにするとともに、生物多様性国家戦略の策定その他の生物の多様性の保全及び持続可能な利用に関する施策の基本となる事項を定めることにより、生物の多様性の保全及び持続可能な利用に関する施策を総合的かつ計画的に推進し、もって豊かな生物の多様性を保全し、その沢を将来にわたって享受できる自然と共生する社会の実現を図り、あわせて地球環境の保全に寄与することを目的とする。例文帳に追加

Article 1 The purpose of this Act is to set fundamental principles for conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity in line with the basic principle of the Environment Basic Act (Act No. 91 of 1993), to clarify the responsibility of the government, local governments, businesses, citizens and private bodies, and to promote policies for conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity in a comprehensive and planned manner by developing the National Biodiversity Strategy and prescribing other matters that serve as a basis of policies for conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, thereby conserving rich biodiversity, and to aim at realizing a society in coexistence with nature where human beings can continue enjoying benefits therefrom in the future and to contribute to conserving the global environment.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第2条 国家の政策の宣言 国家は,効果的な知的上かつ産上の財産制度がフィリピンにおける創造的な活動の発展のために重要であり,技術移転を促進し,外国からの投資を誘引し,また,フィリピンの製品に対する市場のアクセスを保証するものであることを認識する。本制度は,科学者,発明者,芸術家その他の才能にまれた公民の排他的権利を,それらの者の知的所有権及び創作物に対して,人民に対して有益であるときには特に,本法で定める期間について保護し,及び確保する。 知的所有権の利用は,社会の機能を支える。この目的のため,国家は,国の発展及び進展並びに公共の利益の促進のために知識及び情報の普及を促進する。 特許,商標及び著作権の登録のための行政手続を合理化し,技術移転に関する登録を緩やかにし,そしてフィリピンにおける知的所有権の行使を高めることも,国家の政策である。例文帳に追加

Sec.2 Declaration of State Policy The State recognizes that an effective intellectual and industrial property system is vital to the development of domestic and creative activity, facilitates transfer of technology, attracts foreign investments, and ensures market access for our products. It shall protect and secure the exclusive rights of scientists, inventors, artists and other gifted citizens to their intellectual property and creations, particularly when beneficial to the people, for such periods as provided in this Act. The use of intellectual property bears a social function. To this end, the State shall promote the diffusion of knowledge and information for the promotion of national development and progress and the common good. It is also the policy of the State to streamline administrative procedures of registering patents, trademarks and copyright, to liberalize the registration on the transfer of technology, and to enhance the enforcement of intellectual property rights in the Philippines. - 特許庁


Specifically, Sakaiya (a) defined the value of creative knowledge that is socially recognized by conforming to the structure of society and social subjectivity as "knowledge value," and argued that in the 1980s, the creation of "knowledge value" became the principal source of economic growth and corporate profits and the economy and society as a whole are beginning to shift in a major way to a society where the "knowledge value" will be a predominant worthiness (knowledge-value society); (b) this "knowledge-value society" should not be interpreted as a society with the growing tendency to turn away from material possessions or a highly service-oriented society but as a society where designs, brand images, sophisticated technology or the creation of specified functions, regardless of for goods or services, would be accorded much greater importance in the prices of goods and services. - 経済産業省


Although the FSA has made efforts since last year to restore the state of its inspection and supervision to what it should be by revising the direction of its guidance, the lender-borrower relationship is, unfortunately, not in an ideal state.  - 金融庁



In this context, the financial sector has ballooned more than the real economy, and risks can no longer be contained within the risks of one financial institution. The Lehman Brothers shockwave was a typical example of this. It has a broad impact on the national economy and the global economy. Back in 1929, economies were organized into economic blocks, which became a remote cause of the Second World War according to some people. Having learned a bitter lesson from the War, G8 and G20 mobilized their wisdom and reached a consensus on Basel III as well. I am looking forward to seeing an accord reached on Basel III at the upcoming Seoul Summit. I believe that the human race has learned a few lessons since the Great Depression after 1929 in conjunction with the globalization of economies around the world. With this in mind, the general rule is to facilitate the financial sector that supports companies, as well as the yen, and properly execute risk management. As relationship of trust is fundamental to financial businesses, financial institutions do not function properly if customers lack confidence in financial institutions, as you are well aware. Taking this into account, we are steering the financial sector at an extremely difficult time. Even at times like this when the financial sector is undergoing dramatic change on a global scale, we are committed to fulfilling our responsibilities properly while seeking your wisdom and people’s opinions, bearing in mind that Japan’s economy is not isolated but interlinked with American and Chinese economies as well due to globalization.  - 金融庁


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