
「A war」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(85ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索









A warの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 4296


In recognition of his military service for the subjugation of the Oshu-Abe clan (the subjugation of Oshu) (the Zen Kunen no Eki [the Early Nine Years' War]) by MINAMOTO no Yoriyoshi and MINAMOTO no Yoshiie, FUJIWARA no Soen who called himself a great-grandchild of FUJIWARA no Michikane of the Northern House of the Fujiwara clan was appointed to the Bettoshiki (office of head administrator) of the Utsunomiya (another name of the present Utsunomiya Futaarayama-jinja Shrine in Utsunomiya City, Tochigi Prefecture), and since the era of his grandson, Tomotsuna UTSUNOMIYA, the family had taken the surname of Utsunomiya. 例文帳に追加

藤原氏一族の藤原北家の藤原道兼の曾孫を称する藤原宗円が、源頼義、源義家の奥州安倍氏(奥州)討伐(前九年の役)での功により宇都宮(現・栃木県宇都宮市宇都宮二荒山神社の別称)別当職に任じられ、宗円の孫の宇都宮朝綱から苗字(名字)として宇都宮氏を名のる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

What is clear from the historical records is that Masashige KUSUNOKI fought together with the court during the Genko War when Emperor Godaigo raised an army against the Kamakura bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun), joined the Kenmu Government established after the fall of the bakufu, and played an active role on the side of the Southern Court, or Yoshino Court, during the period of the Northern and Southern Courts. 例文帳に追加

史料上はっきり記されているのは、鎌倉時代後期に楠木正成が後醍醐天皇が鎌倉幕府に対して挙兵した元弘の乱において宮方に従い、幕府滅亡後に成立した建武政権に加わり、南北朝時代(日本)に南朝(日本)(吉野朝廷)方として活躍した以降である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There was a theory that, in 1440, just after the downfall of the Kamakura government in the Eikyo War, Mitsunao ASHIKAGA (nicknamed Sasagawa Gosho) was attacked and killed by Mitsuyasu HATAKEYAMA, Mochishige HATAKEYAMA, Sakon no shogen ISHIBASHI, 石橋, Morinobu ASHINA and Toshimasa TAMURA, etc, but questions remain about the Ishibashi clan's involvement (in fact, it is said that the Ishikawa clan killed Sasagawa Gosho). 例文帳に追加

鎌倉府が永享の乱で崩壊した直後の永享12年(1440年)、篠川御所足利満直は畠山満泰、畠山持重、石橋左近将監、石橋祐義、蘆名盛信、田村利政らに攻められて殺害されたとの説もあるが石橋氏らの関与は疑問が呈されている(実際に篠川御所を弑したのは石川氏であろうと言われる)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is true that Article 5 of the Public Finance Act has such a proviso. However, I would presume that you have heard from your parents about the devastating postwar inflation caused by the BOJ's underwriting of government bonds to finance war expenditures that came against the background of the strong influence of the Army and Navy Ministries. 例文帳に追加

財政法5条というのは確かにありますけれども、日本銀行による直接国債の引き受けというのは、戦前・戦中に戦費調達で、当時、陸軍省・海軍省は大変強い省でございましたから、多額の国債を日銀に引き受けした結果、戦後凄まじいインフレになったということは、皆さん方、お父さん、お母さんを通じてよく知っておられると思います。 - 金融庁


Over the past 30 years, particularly since the end of the U.S.-Soviet Cold War regime, the United States has become a country strongly oriented toward financial businesses during the Bush years, or during the period in which Greenspan served as chairman of the Federal Reserve Board, due to such factors as the remarkable development of financial engineering, the status of the United States as the sole superpower and the surplus of funds, as you know well. 例文帳に追加

ここ30年間、特に米ソ冷戦構造が終わって、金融工学の大変な発展、あるいはアメリカの一強という立場、そして、あるいは資金の余り、余剰であったというようなことも踏まえまして、ブッシュの時代、(元FRB議長の)グリーンスパンの時代、非常にアメリカという国が金融立国になったということは、皆さん方、よくご存じだと思います。 - 金融庁


Japan imports around 10% of its crude oil supply from Iran. As you know, the Strait of Hormuz is off the coast of Iran, and the “Strait of Hormuz dependencyis used as a yardstick for how much oil supply to Japan depends on this narrow passage. I was parliamentary secretary for international trade and industry when the first Gulf War broke out. 例文帳に追加

やはり、日本国はイランから大体10%の原油を輸入しておりまして、これは、皆さん方よくご存じのようにホルムズ海峡依存度というのがありまして、日本の石油エネルギーはどれくらいのホルムズ海峡依存度かということでありまして、私は第一次湾岸戦争のとき、通産政務次官だったのです。 - 金融庁

Before World War II, the Gini coefficient in Japan used to be either equal to or higher than that of the current LAC region, but through farmland reform and tax reform, increasing property tax and introducing progressive taxation, Japan was able to amend income disparities in a relatively short span of time, which led to the social stability and prosperity of our nation. 例文帳に追加

我が国も第二次世界大戦前は、ジニ係数が現在の LAC地域と同じか高い水準にありましたが、農地改革、税制改革による資産課税及び累進課税の強化等を通じ、比較的短期間に所得格差を是正したことが、その後の社会の安定と発展につながったという経験があります。 - 財務省

Any officer, servant or employee of the Crown or of a corporation that is an agent or servant of the Crown, who, acting within the scope of his duties and employment, invents any invention in instruments or munitions of war shall, if so required by the Minister of National Defence, assign to that Minister on behalf of Her Majesty all the benefits of the invention and of any patent obtained or to be obtained for the invention. 例文帳に追加

政府又は公社の公務員若しくは職員であって,その職務及び雇用の範囲内の行為において兵器又は軍需品に関する発明をした者は,国防大臣の請求があれば,当該発明及び当該発明につき取得したか又は取得すべき特許に係わるすべての利益を国の代表者としての当該大臣に対し譲渡しなければならない。 - 特許庁

Although the economy was on a recovery trend at the beginning of the year in 2002, in the latter half of the year, the economy slowed due to pessimistic business and consumer sentiment arising from uncertainties in the future economy brought about by low stock prices and the war in Iraq. Looking at 2002 overall, the economic growth rate was almost zero due to the significant drops in fixed investment as well as in personal consumption (Fig.1.1.8).例文帳に追加

2002年は、年初は回復傾向を示したものの、後半は株安、イラク戦争への先行き不安による企業・消費者のマインドの停滞から景気は減速し、2002年全体としては、固定投資の大幅減に加えて、個人消費も減少に転じ、経済はゼロ成長に近いものとなった(第1-1-8図)。 - 経済産業省


Japan concentrated its efforts on the development of infrastructure for the existing coastal industrial zones from the period of restoration after World War II until the first half of the high-growth period. As a result, population flows from rural regions to urban areas increased, income disparities among difference regions continued to grow, and the problem of overpopulation in industrialized areas began to draw attention.例文帳に追加

戦後の復興から高度成長期前半まで、我が国では既存の臨海工業地帯の産業基盤整備に重点が置かれた結果、農村部から都市部への人口流入が増大するとともに、地域間の所得格差は拡大を続け、また、工業化した地域の過大都市問題が注目されるようになった。 - 経済産業省


Not later than 1 year after the date of the enactment of this Act and annually thereafter until the termination of the disclosure requirements under section 13(p) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the Comptroller General of the United States shall submit to appropriate congressional committees a report that includes an assessment of the rate of sexual- and gender-based violence in war-torn areas of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and adjoining countries.例文帳に追加

本法(金融規制改革法)の制定日の1年後までに、またその後は1934年証券取引所法第13条(p)項に基づく開示要件が終了するまで毎年、米国の連邦会計検査院院長は、コンゴ民主共和国および周辺国の戦争で荒廃した領域における性的暴行およびジェンダーに基づく暴力の発生率の評価を盛り込んだ報告書を、該当する議会の委員会に提出する。 - 経済産業省

While some argued the unfairness of engaging in free trade with countries taking a protectionist stance, the United Kingdom maintained its free trade policy through to the end of World War I.例文帳に追加

この間イギリスでは、ドイツや米国の工業化や高関税政策に伴い、自国輸出が減少する一方で、輸入が徐々に増加していた。保護貿易を行っている国々に対して自由貿易で臨むのは不公正であるとする議論もなされたが、第一次世界大戦終了までイギリスでは自由貿易政策を維持することとなった。 - 経済産業省

By way of a summing-up, I express my deep gratitude for the generous assistance that all of you gave me. What left me with a particular impression was our inevitable choice to usefor the first time after the Second World War – the payoff program in relation to the Incubator Bank of Japan, as you know. Despite the fact that it was the first such case after the Second World War, the depositors responded in a very calm fashion. The payoff program is up and running as we speak, and I am grateful that we have been able to implement it in a tranquil fashion. To tell the truth, it was personally a heart-rending experience as I recognize the tremendous inconvenience being caused to those with more than 10 million yen plus its interest in deposit. However, the Deposit Insurance Corporation is currently dealing with the former management to properly look into its criminal and civil responsibilities and other matters. While it is still an ongoing case, this payoff implementation left me with a particularly immense impression among what happened in my three months in office of the Minister for Financial Services. 例文帳に追加

振り返らせていただきますと、大変、皆様方にもお世話になりましてありがとうございます。印象に残ることは、ご存じのように、戦後初めて日本振興銀行でペイオフを実施せざるを得なかったということでございます。預金者の皆様方に大変冷静な対応をしていただき、戦後初めてのことでございましたが、ペイオフは今、実行中でございますけれども、粛々整々と行わせていただいたことを、本当に私としては、ある意味で1,000万円プラス利子を超える方には、実際の話、大変ご迷惑もかかるわけでございますから、断腸の思いがあったのも事実でございますけれども、しかしながら、今、前の経営陣に対して、預金保険機構は刑事上・民事上の責任を含めてきちんと再生中でございます。まだ進行中でございますけれども、やはりペイオフをさせていただけたことが、この3カ月間ではございましたけれども、非常に金融担当大臣としては残っております。 - 金融庁

Concerning the Incubator Bank of Japan, we invoked the “payoffprocedure (limited deposit protection) last year for the first time since the end of World War II. As a result of the failure of the Incubator Bank of Japan, some depositors face cuts in the portion of their deposits that are in excess of 10 million yen and interest on that portion as you mentioned in your question, and I feel very sorry for the people as the minister in charge. At the same time, however, the “payoffis internationally the mainstream measure to be taken in the event of a failure of a financial institution or bank. As we must take financial discipline into consideration, and as ensuring the stability of the financial system as a whole is an important task for the Financial Services Agency (FSA), we have decided to invoke the payoff procedure for the first time since the end of World War II as an inevitable measure. 例文帳に追加

ご質問がございましたように、日本振興銀行は昨年、戦後初めていわゆるペイオフをやらせて頂いたわけでございますけれども、日本振興銀行は、大変国民の皆様方に、特に1,000万円以上とその利子がカットになられる預金者もおられますので、私は担当責任者の大臣として申しわけないというふうに思っております。しかし同時に、これはやはり金融機関、銀行が破綻したとき一つのメインロードといいますか、メインロードは国際的にはむしろペイオフでございまして、金融の規律もございますし、全体的な金融システムの安定化ということは、金融庁に与えられた大事な課題でございますから、やむを得ないこととして、私が戦後初めてペイオフということを決めさせて頂いたわけでございます。 - 金融庁

The number of public interest corporations that stated, in their reply to a questionnaire, that they are "engaged in a mutual aid business" is 329, including, for example, Nissho (Japan Firefighters Association), which is an organization that has been around since the pre-war days and has always been supervised by the Fire and Disaster Management Agency, now under the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications. Other examples include medical associations, dental associations and pharmaceutical associations that have been supervised by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare for over 100 years, including the years of supervision by its predecessor, the Health and Medical Bureau of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in pre-war periods. Also, the Japan Racing Association Mutual Aid Group is an auxiliary organization of the Livestock Industry Department of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, because horse racing has traditionally been a livestock business. 例文帳に追加

これはご存じのように、確かアンケートに対して「共済事業を行っている」と回答した公益法人は329ございまして、例えば、これはずっと戦前からあるような団体で、日本消防協会というのは昔から消防庁、今は総務省それから、これは私も医師会員でございますが、もう100年以上、医師会、歯科医師会、薬剤師会と、戦前は内務省の衛生部、今は厚生労働省の所管でございまして、それから中央競馬会弘済会、これも競馬というのは昔からの畜産事業でございますから、農林水産省の畜産局の外郭団体でございます。 - 金融庁

Although this form is followed even in the modern times, the degree of freedom on irome (color combinations) has increased and the Emperor Showa's daughters' hosonaga are ordered with many kasane (a sort of layered garment), and also after the war, that of Princess Sugako is of double fabrics of arabesque pattern of white pine upper design on red hexagonal pattern base, and that of Princess Mako is of double fabrics with a white chrysanthemum on a branch woven with plural colored threads on red hexagonal pattern base, and that of Princess Aiko is of double fabrics of circles of white chrysanthemums on a branch (usu kurenai for nakabe, moegi for ura (background), a combination of colors) woven with plural colored threads on kurenai mie tasukiji (a sort of pattern) background. 例文帳に追加

近代においてもこの形式が踏襲されているが、色目は自由度が増して、昭和天皇の皇女の細長は各種の重ねで調進されており、戦後も清子内親王のそれは紅亀甲地に白松唐草の上紋の二重織物、眞子内親王のそれは紅亀甲地に複数の色糸で白菊折枝を織った二重織物、愛子内親王のそれは紅三重襷地に複数の色糸で白菊折枝の丸(中倍薄紅裏萌黄)を織った二重織物となっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In a book named 'Battle fields of zohyo' (common soldiers) (published by The Asahi Shimbun Company in 1995) written by Hisashi FUJIKI, he presented a theory that the image of the Uesugi army was different from the real Kenshin UESUGI who was usually reputed as a loyal person based on a phrase that 'Kenshin was a savior of the people in Echigo Province because he planned and implemented venture business called war in other provinces, stricken villages in the Kanto region, which were battlefields, suffered looting and he had seen hell,' this sensational theory of 'working away from home' was supported by many experts and widely spread among the public. 例文帳に追加

藤木久志は著書である『雑兵たちの戦場』(朝日新聞社・1995年刊)で「上杉謙信は越後の民衆にとっては他国に戦争と言うベンチャービジネスを企画実行した救い主であるが、襲われた関東など戦場の村々は略奪を受け地獄を見た」と、通常言われる義人・上杉謙信像とは別の上杉軍の姿こそが実態であったとし、このセンセーショナルな「出稼ぎ」説は多くの識者から支持を得て広く世間に浸透した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Also while there were constant conflicts inside the Ogasawara clan, Masayasu OGASAWARA (a younger brother of Nagahide) of the Shinano-Ogasawara clan, who had support from bakufu, almost established control temporally at one time, but in 1441 after Shogun Yoshinori ASHIKAGA was murdered at Kakitsu War and Masayasu who lost the support died, the Shinano-Ogasawara clan had an internal conflict again among a three party - a son of Nagahide, Mochinaga OGASAWARA (Fuchu family) and a son of Masayasu, Muneyasu OGASAWARA and Mitsuyasu OGASAWARA (Matsuo family) - and furthermore the Matsuo family had a conflict splitting into three including the line of Muneyasu (Suzuoka family) and the line of Mitsuyasu (Matsuo family). 例文帳に追加

また、小笠原氏の内部においても内紛が絶えず、幕府の後ろ盾を得た信濃小笠原氏の小笠原政康(長秀の弟)が一時支配権を確立しそうになったが、嘉吉元年(1441年)の嘉吉の乱で将軍足利義教が暗殺され、後ろ盾を失った政康が死去すると、信濃小笠原氏は長秀の子の小笠原持長(府中家)と政康の子の小笠原宗康、小笠原光康(松尾家)との間で内紛が再発し、さらに松尾家は宗康の系統(鈴岡家)と光康の系統(松尾家)に分裂、三家に分かれて抗争することとなる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the case of the US port operation company, US Congress insisted on imposing restrictive measures for the following reasons: (i) the purchaser was a UAE state-run company and the country is referred as “a shelter for terrorists” (however, the US government emphasized that UAE is an ally in the war against terrorism), and (ii) concerns for transferring the job of port operations categorized as a security business to a state-run enterprise of a foreign country (however, the US government explained that port security means coast guards, customs clearance, and border security; therefore, this case is not applicable).例文帳に追加

米国港湾運営会社については、①買収主体が「テロリストの避難所」とも言われているUAE国営企業であること(ただし、米国政府はUAEが対テロ戦争の同盟国であることを強調)、②港湾という保安に類する業務を外国国営企業に移管することに対する懸念(ただし米国政府は、港湾保安はあくまで沿岸警備、通関、国境警備であり、本件の範囲外であると説明)、により、米国議会は本件に関する規制を主張した。 - 経済産業省

(2) A Self-Defense Forces Personnel engaging in the duties to enforce written internment orders, provisional detention orders or repatriation orders, to re-capture pursuant to a written internment order or a written repatriation order, to capture, detain, escort or repatriate the captive persons or the detainees, or to guard the facilities for internment or detention of such persons, (hereinafter referred to as "Self-Defense Forces Personnel guarding prisoners of war, etc."), may use their weapons with respect to execution of his/her duties within the limits judged to be reasonably necessary according to the circumstances. However, they shall not injure a person except in any of the following cases. 例文帳に追加

2 抑留令書、仮収容令書若しくは送還令書の執行、抑留令書若しくは送還令書による再拘束、被拘束者若しくは被収容者の拘束、収容、護送若しくは送還又はこれらの者の収容のための施設の警備に係る職務に従事する自衛官(以下「捕虜等警備自衛官」という。)は、その職務の執行に関し、その事態に応じ、合理的に必要と判断される限度において、武器を使用することができる。ただし、次の各号のいずれかに該当する場合のほか、人に危害を与えてはならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

However, the 'Chibanosuke Daidai Gosenzo Shidai' written in a family register of deaths of Hondo-ji Temple has a record, '4th, Tanetsuna, 31 years old, July 8, 1228,' and there is also a problem of how a samurai as young as 14 years old could lead an army in the Jokyu War, and accordingly, there is another argument that he was born in 1198 adopting his age of death being 31, and that Tokitane and Yasutsuna CHIBA brohthers, who were indicated as children of Naritane (younger brother of Tanetsuna) in "Chiba Taikeizu," were biological children of Tanetsuna. 例文帳に追加

ただし、本土寺の過去帳に載せられている「千葉介代々御先祖次第」には、「第四胤綱 卅一歳、安貞二年戊午五月廿八日」と記されており、また承久の乱で14歳の若武者が一軍を率いるという年齢的な問題もあることから、享年31を採用して建久9年(1198年)生まれとし、『千葉大系図』では成胤の子(胤綱の弟)とされている時胤・千葉泰綱兄弟を胤綱の実子とする説もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Yoshinobu, who is said to have not actively supported starting a war, stayed at Osaka Castle when the defeat of the former Shogunate forces was imminent and he was informed of the issuing of the punitive order against him on February 7; that night Yoshinobu secretly escaped from the castle and retreated to Edo on the Shogunate warship Kaiyo Maru on February 8, which had been anchored at Osaka Bay, along with a few of his close aides as well as Katsukiyo ITAKURA (a senior councilor), Tadato SAKAI (a senior councilor), Katamori MATSUDAIRA (the lord of the Aizu domain) and Sadaki MATSUDAIRA (the lord of the Kuwana domain). 例文帳に追加

8日、開戦に積極的で無かったとされる慶喜は大坂城におり、旧幕府軍の敗戦が決定的となり、7日には慶喜に対して追討令が出た報を聞くと、その夜僅かな側近及び老中・板倉勝静、同・酒井忠惇、会津藩主・松平容保・桑名藩主・松平定敬と共に密かに城を脱し、大阪湾に停泊中の幕府軍艦・開陽丸で江戸に退却した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Major collections include the following: stock of the old Han schools (schools of the feudal domains) and the Tokugawa Shogunate Succession Documents that were inherited from the former Imperial Library; the Ito Bunko (Ito collection) and the Shirai Bunko (Shirai collection), consisting of old books on herbalism; the Modern Political and Constitutional History, comprising materials on the modern political history, which were collected as a high priority considering the nature of a post-war national library as a facility for the Diet; the collection of official gazettes and statutes of Japan and foreign countries; the Ashihara Eiryo Collection, a collection of materials related to ballet and chanson inherited from the Ueno Branch Library; and the Nunokawa Bunko (Nunokawa collection) (the collection formerly possessed by Kakuzaemon NUNOKAWA), which concentrated on materials related to the history of publications and culture. 例文帳に追加

代表的なコレクションとして、帝国図書館から引き継いだ旧藩校蔵書、江戸幕府引継書類、本草学関連の古書からなる伊藤文庫・白井文庫や、戦後の国会図書館が議会のための図書館であるという性格から重点的に受け入れた近代政治史関連史資料からなる憲政資料、国内外の議会・法令関係資料、支部上野図書館で旧蔵していたバレエ・シャンソン関連資料の蘆原英了コレクション、出版文化史資料を中心とする布川文庫(布川角左衛門旧蔵書)などがある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

(2) In case referred to the preceding paragraph, the recognition officer of internment status shall, if the captive person prescribed in said paragraph agrees to the recognition of internment status as prisoner of war other than the member of armed forces, etc. and to the decision of no necessity for internment pursuant to the provision of the paragraph (2) of the preceding Article, have him/her signed a document with a statement that he/she gives the consent to the effect, issue a certificate of release pursuant to the provision of the following paragraph and release him/her immediately. The same shall apply when the captive person prescribed in the preceding paragraph files no appeal for review on the recognition of internment status as prescribed in the paragraph (4). 例文帳に追加

2 前項の場合において、同項に規定する被拘束者が、軍隊等非構成員捕虜に該当する旨の抑留資格認定及び前条第二項の規定による抑留する必要性がない旨の判定に同意したときは、これに同意する旨を記載した文書に署名させるとともに、次項の規定による放免書を交付の上、直ちにこれを放免しなければならない。前項に規定する被拘束者が第四項の資格認定審査請求をしなかったときも、同様とする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 20 (1) In cases of taking delivery of a captive person pursuant to the provision of the paragraph (2) of Article 6 or the paragraph (4) of Article 9, if the said captive person was found who has been interned pursuant to a written internment order and has subsequently escaped, the recognition officer of internment status shall, notwithstanding the provision of Article 16, notify the said captive person to the effect that he/she shall be interned again pursuant to the said written internment order, and deliver him/her immediately to a prisoner of war camp commander. 例文帳に追加

第二十条 抑留資格認定官は、第六条第二項又は第九条第四項の規定により被拘束者の引渡しを受けた場合において、当該被拘束者が抑留令書によって抑留されていた者であって逃走したものであることが判明したときは、第十六条の規定にかかわらず、当該被拘束者に対し、当該抑留令書により再び抑留する旨を告げた上、直ちにこれを捕虜収容所長に引き渡すものとする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 23-2 (1) Any person other than one who possesses Japanese nationality, a juridical person established in accordance with Japanese laws and regulations or any other organization (excluding a person who has obtained the permission set forth in paragraph (1) of the preceding Article (hereinafter referred to as "licensee of reactor operation")) who intends to put a vessel equipped with reactors (hereinafter referred to as "nuclear vessel") (excluding war vessels; hereinafter referred to as "foreign nuclear vessels") that he/she owns into the water areas of Japan shall, pursuant to the provision of the Cabinet Order, obtain the permission of the Minister of MLIT to maintain reactors in Japan in association with placing such foreign nuclear vessels in the water areas of Japan. 例文帳に追加

第二十三条の二 原子炉を設置した船舶(以下「原子力船」という。)で日本の国籍を有する者及び日本の法令により設立された法人その他の団体以外の者(前条第一項の許可を受けた者(以下「原子炉設置者」という。)を除く。)が所有するもの(軍艦を除く。以下「外国原子力船」という。)を本邦の水域に立ち入らせようとする者は、政令で定めるところにより、当該外国原子力船の立入りに伴い原子炉を本邦内において保持することについて、国土交通大臣の許可を受けなければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Therefore, a doubt has been cast on the historical opinion that Nobunaga wrongfully oppressed the Nichiren Hokkeshu sect, but on the other hand, there are other opinions, including one that Nobunaga had thought he should have somehow remonstrate the the Hokkeshu sect and he found a timely opportunity in the debate and he decided to merely take advantage of that instead of laying a plot; and that as the Nichiren Hokkeshu sect and its followers were rich, Nobunaga plotted to raise his war funds from the sect and followers, which was why he did not seriously oppress the sect unlike his actions on the Ikko-ikki uprisings of the Jodo Shinshu sect (the True Pure Land Sect of Buddhism) that occurred later. 例文帳に追加

したがって、信長が日蓮法華宗を不当に弾圧したという歴史学上の見解には疑義が提出されているが、一方では、信長の陰謀というより、かねてから法華宗をどう諌めようか想定していた所へ、折も折、法論を契機として、それを口実にして乗っかっただけ、という指摘や、その後浄土真宗の一向一揆に対して行ったような大規模な弾圧が行われていないことより、経済的に豊かであった日蓮法華宗寺院及び信者から矢銭を調達するための策略であったとする指摘もされている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Since the Liquor Tax Law was established in 1940, to maintain the liquor tax and prevent a price war of single distilled shochu (group Otshu), for four major varieties of barley, rice, sweet potato, buckwheat admitting new manufacturing licenses were refused and production couldn't commence for a long time, but in 2005 as a part of structural reform without sanctuaries, the National Tax Agency presented its views on the relaxation of regulations and admitted new licenses from 2006 though it was limited in areas and with conditions. 例文帳に追加

酒税法が制定された1940年以来、単式蒸留焼酎(乙種)は酒税の保全や過当競争防止等の理由にてムギ・米・サツマイモ・ソバの主要4品種については新規製造免許を認めない方針によって、製造の新規参入ができない状態が長らく続いていたが、聖域なき構造改革の一環として国税庁が2005年に規制緩和の見解を示し、一部地域・条件付きながら2006年以降に新規免許が認められる事となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On the model of "liberal arts colleges" the curriculum at first put emphasis on liberal arts education with some universities providing a course to a medical school, however, following the upgrading of elementary/middle schools after World War II, most of the graduates chose a teaching job, and when the revised National School Establishment Law came into force in 1966, most of departments of arts and sciences sequentially abolished courses not related to school teaching and began to change their names to "Department of Education". 例文帳に追加

カリキュラムは、当初「リベラルアーツカレッジ」にならって教養教育に重きが置かれ、大学によっては医学部への進学課程等も置かれていたが、戦後、小・中学校が整備されるとともに卒業生の進路も教員が主流となり、昭和41年に改正国立学校設置法が施行されると、ほとんどの学芸学部は教職以外の分野に進むコースを順次廃止し、その名称を「教育学部」へ変更するようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, because the maiden taken by the Emperor as Empress was unable to provide a son and, due to conflicts such as the Toi Invasion, the TAIRA no Tadatsune Rebellion and the Zenkunen War, the absolute power of the Fujiwara clan in the inner circles of the imperial court was eroded at home and abroad and rocked to its political foundations time and again; in its final years, the Fujiwara clan, who kept the position of Sessho and Kanpaku, saw the unrelated Emperor Gosanjo enthroned and as such, and headed towards decline; in time, there was a transition to a period of cloistered government and the ascendance of samurai warriors.例文帳に追加

しかし、天皇の后にした娘が男子に恵まれなかった事や刀伊の入寇・平忠常の乱・前九年の役など戦乱が相次ぎ、朝廷内部での絶対的な権勢とは裏腹に内外においてはその政治的基盤を揺るがせる事態が相次ぎ、晩年には藤原氏と縁のない後三条天皇が即位して、摂関家は衰退へ向かい、やがて院政と武士の台頭の時代へと移ることになる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There is a so called 'a legend of Togo beer' stating that Togo was so popular in Scandinavian countries which had been subjected to pressure by Russia for a long period of time that beer bottles with Togo's portrait on the label were sold in Finland; but these were part of the 'Admiral Beer Series' that was produced from 1970 to 1992 and reproduced in 2003, and also featured Isoroku YAMAMOTO as well as the Russian Admirals Stepan MAKAROV and Zinovi ROZHDESTVENSKI, who fought against Togo in the Russo-Japanese War, and the fact is that Heihachiro TOGO is not especially popular in Finland. 例文帳に追加

「長年ロシアの圧迫を受けてきた北欧諸国では人気絶大で、フィンランドでは東郷の肖像をラベルにしたビールが売られていた」といういわゆる「東郷ビール伝説」があるが、これは1970年から1992年まで製造され2003年に復刻版製造された「提督ビールシリーズ」の一つで、山本五十六や、日露戦争で東郷と戦ったロシアのステパン・マカロフ、ジノヴィー・ロジェストヴェンスキー両提督も同じシリーズのラベルになっており、フィンランドで特別に東郷平八郎が人気絶大といった事実はない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In later years Kaishu KATSU commented, 'Among Saigo's men, Kirino and Murata had an exceptional talent' (in "Kaishu's Talks at the Hikawa Mansion" [Hikawa Seiwa]), while Shigenobu OKUMA talked, 'Concerning Toshiaki KIRINO who was a formidable leader of Satsuma next to Saigo in the Seinan War, he was a very capable man and also gaudy. He had a large and splendid body as well as splendid appearance and attitude, and he never wore kimono awkwardly and all of his clothes were very clean without any dirtiness' ("Shibenobu's Talks in Waseda" [Waseda Seiwa]). 例文帳に追加

後年、勝海舟は「(西郷の)部下にも、桐野とか村田とかいうのは、なかなか俊才であった」(『氷川清話』)、大隈重信は「西南の役に大西郷に次いでの薩摩の驍将桐野利秋、彼はすこぶる才幹の男であったが、これがやはり派手であった。身体も大きくて立派なら容貌態度ともに優れた男であったが、着物をぶざまに着るようなまねはせず、それも汚れ目の見えぬきれいな物づくめであった」(『早稲田清話』)と評している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It also states that Du Mu praised Jang as a man of humanity and justice comparing Jang and Jeongyeon's relationship with that of Bunyang GWAK and Imhoe YI at the An Lushan War and as a comment of Song Qi who edited the story collection of "Shintojo", he listed the names of people, who thought about the nation first with the mind of righteousness during a difficult time for the country, as Qi Xi of the Jin (Spring and Autumn) Period and Bunyang GWAK and Bogo JANG of the Tang Period, saying 'How can we say that there were no excellent people in the foreign countries of East' (Original: 乎、怨毒槊、而國家・保皋、孰無人). 例文帳に追加

さらに続けて、杜牧が張保皐・鄭年の交わりを安禄山の乱における郭汾陽・李臨淮の交わりに見立てて仁義の人であると賞賛したことを伝え、『新唐書』の列伝を編纂した宋祁の評として、国難の時期に義の心を持って国家の憂患を第一に考えた人として晋(春秋)代の祁奚、唐代の郭汾陽・張保皐を挙げ、「どうして東方の蛮国に優れた人物がいないということがあろうか」と称えている(原文:嗟乎、不以怨毒相槊、而先國家之憂、晉有祁奚、唐有汾陽・保皋、孰謂夷無人哉。)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The lack of theoretical analyses necessary for achieving high speed railroad trains and discussions about serious vibration problems including criticism from experts that "people would not be able to endure a high speed train for very long" was reaching a frightening level, and this problem had almost been made light of until a staff member, who had been studying aircraft flutter countermeasures at the former "Kaigun Koku Gijyutusho (later called Kaigun Kugisho) at the Japanese Naval Aeronautical Technology Institution, joined the General Railway Technology Institution after the World War. 例文帳に追加

鉄道車両の高速運転の実現に必要な理論解析、特に「高速になると、人間が長時間乗れるものではなくなっていた」と専門家に評された、機関車の深刻な振動問題への考察の欠如は恐るべきレベルに達しており、この問題は第二次世界大戦後、鉄道総合技術研究所へ旧海軍航空技術廠(空技廠)において航空機のフラッター対策を研究していたスタッフが加入するまで、ほとんど等閑に付され続けた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The manor in Toba, called Toba no sho, was owned by the Saionji family as their shoryo (territory) until the Sengoku Period (Period of Warring States) (Japan) as described in "Kankenki" (The house diary of the Saionji family) which shows the manor was ruled by the Saionji family during the Onin War in Bunmei era (1469 to 1486), and in "Odachi Joko Nikki" (The Diary of Joko ODACHI) written by Hisauji ODACHI, who was a bureaucrat of the Muromachi bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun), which contains a memorandum regarding the dispute over the boundaries between the Saionji family's Toba no sho and the Koga family's Koga no sho (manor), and so on. 例文帳に追加

西園寺家の鳥羽の荘園は鳥羽荘と称されて、『管見記』によれば応仁の乱最中の文明(日本)年間にも西園寺家の支配が確認でき、室町幕府官僚の大舘尚氏による『大舘常興日記』には大永5年(1527年)に行われていた西園寺家の鳥羽荘と久我家の久我荘の境相論についての覚書が残されているなど、戦国時代(日本)まで同家の所領であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In recent years, the manga work of Kaiji KAWAGUCHI "Jipang" set Mansaku KURATA (the model is thought to be the physicist Mitsuo TAKETANI, who was involved in developing a nuclear bomb in Japan during the war period at Rikagaku Kenkyujo who had also been arrested as a member of "Sekai Bunka") as a 'scientist who was working on the nuclear bomb plan of the Japanese army and was fired from the Faculty of Science at Kyoto University in relation with the Takigawa Incident.' 例文帳に追加

近年ではかわぐちかいじの漫画作品『ジパング(かわぐちかいじ)』に「滝川事件に連座して京大理学部を免職になり、日本軍の原子爆弾計画に関与する科学者」という設定の倉田万作(モデルは『世界文化』同人として検挙されたことがあり、戦時期には理化学研究所を中心とする日本の原子爆弾開発に関わっていた物理学者・武谷三男であると思われる)が登場する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Dou XIN said, "the Art of War by Tzu SUN tells us that an obstinate attitude leads a small army to being captured by a large army. If the small army fiercely fights against the large army without considering the deference of their fighting strength, it will end up being captured. It is not a perfect plan to force tired soldiers to fight against the enemy that is increasing in number. We should withdraw." 例文帳に追加

忽敦 「孫子の兵法に『小敵の堅は、大敵の擒なり』とあって『孫子(書物)』謀攻編「故善用兵者、屈人之兵、而非戰也。;拔人之城、而非攻也。;毀人之國、必以全爭于天下、故兵不頓、利可全、此謀攻之法也。故用兵之法、十則圍之、五則攻之、倍則分之、敵則能戰之、少則能守之、不若則能避之。故小敵之堅、大敵之擒也」、少数の兵が力量を顧みずに頑強に戦っても、多数の兵力の前には結局捕虜にしかならないものである。疲弊した兵士を用い、日増しに敵軍が増えている状況で相対させるのは、完璧な策とは言えない。撤退すべきである。」 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

(f) the emblem of the Red Cross on a white ground, formed by reversing the federal colours of Switzerland and retained by the Geneva Convention for the Protection of War Victims of 1949 as the emblem and distinctive sign of the Medical Service of armed forces and used by the Canadian Red Cross Society, or the expressionRed CrossorGeneva Cross”. (g) the emblem of the Red Crescent on a white ground adopted for the same purpose as specified in paragraph (f) by a number of Moslem countries. 例文帳に追加

(f) スイス連邦の旗章の色使いを逆にした白地に赤十字の記章であって,1949年の戦争犠牲者の保護に関するジュネーヴ条約により,軍隊の医療班の記章及び識別力のある標識とされ,かつ,カナダ赤十字で使用されているもの,又は「赤十字」若しくは「ジュネーヴ十字」の表現 (g) 多数のイスラム教国内で(f)に規定の目的と同一の目的で採用された,白地に赤新月の記章 - 特許庁

Based in Tokyo’s Chiyoda City, with a workforce of 97 and capital of ¥100 million, Oriental Giken Inc. is an enterprise which originally manufactured and sold testing and measuring equipment for research and experimentation in the fields of science, medicine and biotechnology. However, because it faced a price war only with its previous line of business, it redirected its core business to a previously unknown area; the consultation and planning of equipment with the appropriate specifications for laboratories and other testing facilities.例文帳に追加

東京都千代田区のオリエンタル技研工業株式会社(従業員97名、資本金1億円)は、従来は、科学・医薬分野、バイオテクノロジー分野等における研究・実験用の設備・機器の製造・販売を行っていたが、それだけでは価格の勝負になることから、研究室や実験室に最適な仕様を有する設備に関するコンサルティングやプラニングという、これまでにない事業領域へとコア事業を転換させた企業である。 - 経済産業省

Article 14 (1) Any captive person who has received the notice set forth in the paragraph (1) of preceding Article may, if he/she is dissatisfied with the recognition of internment status set forth in the same paragraph, file an appeal for review on the recognition of internment status with the review board on the recognition of prisoners of war status, etc. by submitting a written statement containing the grounds for his/her complaint (referred to as "written appeal for review" in the following paragraph) to a recognition officer of internment status, within 24 hours from the time he/she received the notice, provided for by Cabinet Order. 例文帳に追加

第十四条 前条第一項の通知を受けた被拘束者は、同項の抑留資格認定に不服があるときは、その通知を受けた時から二十四時間以内に、政令で定めるところにより、不服の理由を記載した書面(次項において「審査請求書」という。)を抑留資格認定官に提出して、捕虜資格認定等審査会に対し、資格認定審査請求をすることができる。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(2) Notwithstanding the provisions in the preceding paragraph, with regard to either letters a detainee sends to or receives from the protecting powers or designated Red Cross International Organizations and whose contents include the matters under the authorities of those organizations prescribed in the provisions of the Third Convention or the First Additional Protocol, the prisoners of war camp commander shall not suppress their sending or receiving, or remove or erase the concerned part of the letter to authorities of those organizations for the reason that all or a part of letter pertaining to matters concerned fall under item (v) of the preceding paragraph. 例文帳に追加

2 前項の規定にかかわらず、被収容者が利益保護国又は指定赤十字国際機関との間で発受する信書であって、第三条約又は第一追加議定書の規定によるそれらの権限に属する事項を含むものについては、当該事項に係る部分の全部又は一部が同項第五号に該当することを理由としては、その発信若しくは受信を差し止め、又はその該当箇所を削除し、若しくは抹消することができない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Later, when the Onin War (1467-1477) broke out and an internal conflict occurred between East and West squads in Kaga Province, north of Yoshizaki Gobo, as the base of Hongan-ji Temple at that time in Echizen Province, the Monto of Senshu-ji School took the side of Kochiyo TOGASHI who took part in the West squad, while the Monto of Honganji School, through the assistance of Takakage ASAKURA, the Daimyo of Echizen (the 7th chief), took the side of Masachika TOGASHI, Kochiyo's brother and a former Shugo deported from Kaga, who belonged to East squad, and deported Kochiyo in 1474. (In other words, Ikko-Ikki in Kaga was started as a power struggle inside Shinshu) 例文帳に追加

やがて応仁の乱(1467年-1477年)が起こり、当時越前国にあった本願寺の根拠吉崎御坊の北、加賀国で東軍・西軍に分かれての内乱が生じると、専修寺派の門徒が西軍に与した富樫幸千代に味方したのに対し、本願寺派の門徒は越前の大名朝倉孝景(7代当主)の仲介で、文明6年(1474年)、加賀を追い出された前守護で幸千代の兄である東軍の富樫政親に味方して幸千代を追い出した(つまり、加賀の一向一揆は、最初は真宗内の勢力争いでもあった)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After the Second World War, since the ban on Onmyodo was officially annulled in conjunction with obsolescence of the laws and notices established by the old Meiji government, Rokuyo (6 yo) (originally 'Rokki' meaning sensho/sakigachi/sakikachi, tomobiki, senbu/sakimake/senmake, butsumetsu, taian and shakko/shakku), a rekichu that onmyoji used in the past became more popular than Junichoku (12 choku) and it came into general use as part of Important Dates in calendars and day planners but, first and foremost, its use remains a supplementary rekichu. 例文帳に追加

第二次世界大戦後、旧明治法令・通達の廃止にともない陰陽道を禁止する法令が公式に廃止されて以降、かつて陰陽師が用いていた暦注のひとつである六曜(本来は「六輝」と言う、先勝・友引・先負・仏滅・大安・赤口のこと)が、十二直よりも好まれカレンダーや手帳などのスケジュール表示の一部として広く一般に用いられているようになっているが、これはあくまで補助的な暦注としてのみ使用されるにとどまっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Because Emperor Shijo had died in 1242, a prince of Emperor Juntoku, Chuseio, was to be enthroned as the new Emperor; however, Yasutoki strongly objected to this because the father, the Emperor Juntoku, had been a leader in the Jokyu War, and Yasutoki took an attitude that he would compel Chuseio to abdicate if his enthronement was realized; therefore, Yasutoki forcibly enthroned the new Emperor Gosaga against the complaints and opposition of the court nobles. 例文帳に追加

仁治3年(1242年)に四条天皇が崩御したため、順徳天皇の皇子・忠成王が新たな天皇として擁立されようとしていたが、泰時は父の順徳天皇がかつて承久の乱を主導した首謀者の一人であることからこれに強く反対し、忠成王即位が実現するならば退位を強行させるという態度をとり、貴族達の不満と反対を押し切って後嵯峨天皇を新たな天皇として即位させた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The reason why Chacha banished Katsumoto KATAGIRI and Urakusai ODA who struggled to avoid a war as they knew the fight against Tokugawa meant the fall of the Toyotomi family, and furthermore refused the reconciliation scheme proposed by the Tokugawa side, has been attributed to her pride and obstinacy, but nowadays, we see such an explanation that although Yodo-dono accepted to become a hostage, the supreme commander Hideyori hated and denied the offer. 例文帳に追加

徳川と争えば豊臣を滅ぼす事になると、戦を回避しようと努力していた片桐且元や織田有楽斎を追放した上、さらに徳川方が提示した和睦案を蹴ったのも、従来は淀殿の気位の高さと強情によるものと説明されることが多かったが、今日では実は淀殿は自ら人質となることを承諾していたものの、総大将の秀頼が母を人質することを嫌いこれを蹴ったものと説明されることが多くなっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, Takao ICHIMURA raised many questions in his book, "Togoku no Sengoku Kassen" (Battles in Togoku (the eastern part of Japan, particularly Kanto region) during the Sengoku period) (published by Yoshikawa Kobunkan Inc. in 2009), like 'how the official army forming the main constituent in battle secured war funds and so on,' 'whether the enemy territory was plundered and various kinds of goods looted,' 'although the social condition was presented concretely, it is wonder how a situation of the authority side starting the battle as well as a direct opportunity leading to the battle was related to such social conditions,' and so on, and future discussions are expected. 例文帳に追加

しかし、市村高男は『東国の戦国合戦』(吉川弘文館・2009年刊)で「合戦の主体となる正規の軍隊はどのようにして軍資金等を確保することができたのか」、「敵地には略奪するほどの諸物資が存在したのであろうか」、「社会状況の具体的な提示があるものの、戦闘に至る直接の契機についてはもとより、それらの社会状況と合戦を開始する権力側のいきさつがどのように関連していたのか」など、数々の疑問を呈しており、今後の議論が待たれている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Now that they lost the production equipment of Snider Ammunition, the Snider rifle, which had symbolized the Satsuma Domain as the new weapon, meant nothing to them and they had to be armed with the outdated muzzle-loading Enfield rifles; it is said that SAIGO shouted 'Damn!' to hear the report because he had realized in the Boshin War that a difference in the burst speed between the muzzleloader and the breechloader makes a crucial difference in fighting power. 例文帳に追加

スナイドル弾薬の製造設備を失った事は、薩摩を象徴する新兵器だったスナイドル銃が無用の長物と化し、既に旧式化していた前装式のエンフィールド銃で戦わなければならなくなった事を意味しており、後装式と前装式の連射速度の違いがもたらす決定的な戦力差を戊辰戦争での実体験として知る西郷は、この報を聞いて「ちょしもたー」(しまった)との言葉を発したという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Taro KATSURA, Prime Minister, expected the alliance with the Seiyu party in order to stabilize the political situation during the war and made a secret promise with Takashi HARA that he would transfer the position of Prime Minister to Saionji (however, the recent study on the diaries kept by Hara and Katsura proved that, at first, they did not clarify the date of transfer and that they decided the date, with a sense of crisis about the weakened Katsura cabinet after the Hibiya Incendiary Incident). 例文帳に追加

桂太郎首相は、戦争中の政局の安定を図るため、立憲政友会との提携を希望して原敬との間で次の政権は政友会総裁の西園寺公望に禅譲するという政権授受の密約を交わす(ただし近年の原と桂の双方の日記の研究によって、当初はその時期を明確にしていなかったこと、日比谷焼討事件後の桂内閣の弱体化に危機感を抱いた双方の合意によって具体的な時期が定まったことが明らかになっている)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The details of this incident are described in the history book "Shoku Nihongi"; WAKE no Kiyomaro, who prevented a political conspiracy of Dokyo, was often taken up in history education in Japan before the Word War as 'a model of royal subject'; however, during the Edo period Norinaga MOTOORI had already expressed his doubts on the credibility of the series of mythical incidents, and in recent years there exist views which advocate that the articles in "Shoku Nihongi" include artifacts to justify the enthronement of Emperor Konin (the oracle does not touch on the succession to the Imperial Throne). 例文帳に追加

この事件については歴史書『続日本紀』に詳細が書かれ、道鏡の政治的陰謀を阻止した和気清麻呂が「忠臣の鑑」として戦前の歴史教育においてしばしば取り上げられてきたが、既に江戸時代に本居宣長によって一連の神話的な事件の流れに懐疑的な説が唱えられ、近年には『続日本紀』の記事には光仁天皇の即位を正当化するための作為が含まれている(神託には皇位継承については触れられていない)とする説も存在する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


This Ordinance is a document issued from the Meiji Government to Okura-sho as a notice of Dajokan, stating that among the lands and buildings of castles across the country that had belonged to the Department of War, those that are to be retained by the Army for military purposes will be kept, meaning they will continue to be national administrative assets, and the other lands and buildings will be disposed of, meaning they will be national ordinary properties managed by and to be disposed of by Okura-sho. 例文帳に追加

明治政府から太政官達書として大蔵省に発せられた文書で、今まで全国の城郭の土地建物については、陸軍省所管財産であったが、今後陸軍が軍用の財産として残す部分については存城処分、すなわち引き続き陸軍省所管の国有財産行政財産とするも、それ以外については廃城処分、すなわち大蔵省所管の国有財産普通財産に所管換えし、大蔵省において処分すべし、とした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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