
「He's back」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(48ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





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He's backの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 2386


and giving merited honour to every one, whatever opinion he may hold, who has calmness to see and honesty to state what his opponents and their opinions really are, exaggerating nothing to their discredit, keeping nothing back which tells, or can be supposed to tell, in their favour. 例文帳に追加

また、どんな意見を抱いているのであれ、自分の反対派とその意見が本当はどんなものか、平静に理解し誠実に語り、反対派の不評を大げさにせず、反対派に有利に語られ、あるいは語られると思われるようなことを隠さない人はだれでも、当然の敬意を受けるべきです。 - John Stuart Mill『自由について』

As a brief discussion of the point will enable us to see the bearings of an important question, I will here permit a disciple of Lucretius to try the strength of the Bishop's position, and then allow the Bishop to retaliate, with the view of rolling back, if he can, the difficulty upon Lucretius. 例文帳に追加

この点を簡単に議論しておけば、ある重要な問題の意味が私たちにわかるようになるので、ここでルクレティウスの弟子に司教の立場の強みを試してもらい、その後に、司教には、できるのであれば、その主張を押し戻すために、ルクレティウスの問題点を応酬してもらうことにしましょう。 - John Tyndall『英国科学協会ベルファースト総会での演説』

He also said to the one who had invited him, “When you make a dinner or a supper, don’t call your friends, nor your brothers, nor your kinsmen, nor rich neighbors, or perhaps they might also return the favor, and pay you back. 例文帳に追加

彼は自分を招いた人にも言った,「あなたが昼食や夕食を設ける時は,自分の友人たちも,兄弟たちも,親族たちも,富んでいる隣人たちも呼んではいけない。そうでないと。彼らも逆にもてなして,あなたに返礼することになるかも知れない。 - 電網聖書『ルカによる福音書 14:12』

(vii) With regard to the case, the judge has participated in a ruling, summary order or the decision of the lower court prescribed in item (ii) of Article 266, or in the original judgment of a case which was sent back or transferred pursuant to the provisions of Articles 398 to 400, 412, or 413, or in the examination of evidence which formed the basis of such decisions; provided, however, that this shall not apply when he/she participated as a delegated judge. 例文帳に追加

七 裁判官が事件について第二百六十六条第二号の決定、略式命令、前審の裁判、第三百九十八条乃至第四百条、第四百十二条若しくは第四百十三条の規定により差し戻し、若しくは移送された場合における原判決又はこれらの裁判の基礎となつた取調べに関与したとき。ただし、受託裁判官として関与した場合は、この限りでない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


In 1467 his father Rennyo was declared 'an enemy of Buddhism' by Enryaku-ji Temple and driven away from Kyoto; during the period Rennyo was depressed by Enryaku-ji Temple's persecution, he was forced to live in retirement, to disinherit his eldest sun Junnyo, and to transfer the family headship to Jitsunyo, who at that time was known as Mitsutanemaru (), but Rennyo regained his influence following the resurgence in Hongan-ji Temple's own power, which left the inheritance question up in the air, until eventually things went back to the way they had been, with Junnyo reinstalled as his successor. 例文帳に追加

1467年(文正2年)延暦寺から「仏敵」とされ京都を追われた父・蓮如がやむなく延暦寺に屈した時に蓮如の隠居と長男順如の廃嫡、そして当時光養丸と呼ばれていた実如への家督継承が強要されるが、本願寺の勢力回復とともに有耶無耶となり、元のように順如が法嗣とされた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Thinking back on the failure of the Kenmu government, Takauji entrusted to the Onshogata a wide spectrum of work including acceptance of applications for the Onsho award, selection of land given as a reward, instructions on a land change (in the trial held between new and old lords, if the land in question belonged to the old lord) and Funshitsu Ando (providing authorization for a substitute document concerning the awarded Onsho), while he left the ultimate decision-making authority to himself. 例文帳に追加

尊氏は建武政府の恩賞方の失敗に学んで引き続き最終決定権は尊氏の親裁としたものの、恩賞方は恩賞の申請受理・恩賞地の選定・恩賞替地の沙汰(恩賞地が他者の所領であった場合の新旧領主間の裁判)・恩賞下文の紛失安堵などの広範な業務を任された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the old days it was believed that Emperor Uda came to power due to his strict Buddhist belief; however, one recent theory says the reason was that dominant political control had been taken away from the Fujiwara clan, or that it was done to stop the complaints from the royal families after Emperor Uda came into power by coming back to the Imperial Family, although he had become an allegiant (as indicated by the retired Emperor Yozei in his remark in "Okagami (The Great Mirror)," which is described below). 例文帳に追加

天皇の譲位については古くは仏道専心説が有力であったが、近年では藤原氏からの政治的自由を確保するためとする説、一旦臣下から皇族に復帰して即位したためにこれに不満を抱く他の皇族の皇位要求の動きに先んじた説などがある(後述の『大鏡』の陽成上皇の発言はその暗示ともされる)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the myth of 'Yamasachihiko and Umisachihiko' compiled in the "Kojiki," there is an anecdote: Hitohiro-wani (Hitohiro shark) accompanied Hoori no mikoto (known as Yamasachihiko) on the way back to Ashihara no nakatsukuni (literally 'Central Land of Reed Plains,' which refers to the country or location of Japan) from Watatsumi no miya (the palace of the tutelary of the sea), and on parting with each other, Hoori no mikoto gave Hitohiro-wani (literally 'shark of 1.818m,' as 'hitohiro' is a unit of length equivalent to 6-shaku or 1.818m) a knife with a string, which he had carried with him, and hung it to the neck of Hitohiro-wani, to express his gratitude, therefore, Hitohiro-wani became the deity currently known Sahimochi no kami. 例文帳に追加

『古事記』にある山幸彦と海幸彦の神話に、海神宮から葦原中国に帰る火遠理命(ホオリ 山佐知毘古(山幸彦))を送った一尋和邇(一尋鰐)が、その御礼に、火遠理命が身に付けていた紐小刀を鰐魚の首につけてもらったので、この一尋和邇を、今謂う佐比持神(さひもちのかみ)とある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Most of the views that 'he could not go back to Kyoto so quickly without any preparation' are mentioned by recent researchers, and there is no records to doubt 'Chugoku Ogaeshi' by warlords who had relations to Hideyoshi or TOYOTOMI clan at that time (if it was too quick from the viewpoint of warlords in those days, it is unnatural that warlords such as Nobukatsu and Nobutaka ODA, Katsuie SHIBATA and Ieyasu TOKUGAWA, who was against Hideyoshi later, did not insist it. 例文帳に追加

『事前に用意していなければ出来ない』とする説はほとんどが近年の学者が述べている発言であり、当時秀吉や豊臣家と関係があった武士からは敵味方を問わず中国大返しを疑問視した発言や記録は出ていない(当時の武士から見ても速すぎるのであれば後に秀吉と敵対した織田信雄・信孝・柴田勝家・徳川家康らがそれを主張しないのは不自然である)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The collection of tales, "Kokon chomon shu" (Collected Stories of Ancient and Modern Times), written in the mid-Kamakura period, mentioned several conversations with ABE no Muneto, who was captured after the Earlier Nine Years' War and became a servant (though this was not true), that portrayed Yoshiie as a supernatural warrior who excelled in archery, was kind to not unnecessarily kill animals, and was bold in the way that he turned to his back to his one-time enemy, ABE no Muneto, and let him insert arrows into the arrow holder. 例文帳に追加

鎌倉時代中期の説話集『古今著聞集』には前九年の役の後、捕虜となったのち、家来とした(事実ではないが)安部宗任との話がいくつかあり、射芸に秀で、意味もなく動物を殺そうとしない優しさ、更に射た矢を取ってきたかつての敵・安部宗任に背中を向け、背負った矢入れに入れさせた剛胆さ、更には神通力まで備えた超人的な武士として描かれている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, at the Battle of Okehazama when Nobunaga's vassal Kazutada HATTORI first tried to slash at Yoshimoto, Yoshimoto fought back by drawing his sword and cutting Hattori on the knee, then Yoshikatsu MORI tried to slash at Yoshimoto and they crossed swords several times, and when Mori was finally about to decapitate him, Yoshimoto bit off Mori's finger before dying, so it cannot be said that he completely lacked personal military prowess. 例文帳に追加

しかし桶狭間の戦いでは信長の家臣・服部一忠が真っ先に斬りつけようとした時、自ら抜刀して春安の膝を斬りつけて撃退、更に毛利良勝が斬りつけようとした時にも数合ほどやり合った末に首を掻こうとした毛利の指を食い千切って絶命したと伝えられており、必ずしも個人的武勇が無かった訳ではない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Influenced by such an interest in the East Asia, on the next day of June seventh (old calendar), 1582, when Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI went back to Himeji-jo Castle on the occasion of Chugoku Ogaeshi, responding to the Honnoji Incident, Korenori KAMEI answered 'I would like to receive Ryukyu Province,' to Hideyoshi when asked which province he wanted as a reward instead of the half of Izumo Province, which had been promised to Korenori but became no longer available because of the pacification with the Mori clan. 例文帳に追加

亀井茲矩はこうした東アジアへの関心に影響されてか、1582年に豊臣秀吉が本能寺の変に対応して中国大返しによって姫路城に戻った6月7日の翌日、毛利と講和したため茲矩に約束していた出雲半国を与えられなくなった代わりに恩賞となる別国の希望を聞いたところ「琉球国を賜りたい」と答えた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Of all administrations in the military government, each samurai authority of Kamakura, Muromachi, and Tokugawa were set up by force and could be traced back to the establishment by MINAMOTO no Yoritomo; he started the bakufu by arriving in power of seii taishogun (literally, "great general who subdues the barbarians") in the form of being entrusted by the Imperial Court, achieved decentralized governance, called a "feudal system," and adopted a form of coalition government of samurai who held sway over their region as a local feudal lord. 例文帳に追加

そのうち鎌倉、室町、徳川の各武家権力は、武力により政権を樹立し、源頼朝が確立したが、形式上朝廷から任ぜられる形で征夷大将軍の位に付く事で幕府を開き、封建制とも呼ばれる分権的な統治を行い、地方領主として地域の実効支配権を持つ武士の連合政権の形をとった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Back to the arrest of Mr. Takeshi Kimura. Mr. Kimura's work record includes serving as the Advisor to the FSA, and he was also a person who was once deeply involved in the work of formulating FAS’s Financial Inspection Manuals. This is, therefore, an incident in which someone who has been closely associated with financial administration in the past was arrested for allegedly evading an inspectionI would like to ask once again about your view on this, the view that you have as the Minister for Financial Services. 例文帳に追加

先ほどの点に関連してもう一度改めて、木村剛さんの逮捕について、金融庁の顧問も務めた経歴もあり、検査マニュアルの策定にも深くかかわった、そういう金融行政と密接な関係を過去に持った方が、検査忌避という容疑で逮捕される。こういう事態について、金融担当大臣としてどういうご所見をお持ちか、もう一度お伺いしたいと思います。 - 金融庁

Thus, a user can lower slowly in the condition without back-straining and rest on the toilet while sitting on the toilet, he/she can raise his/her weight by a net reaction force against lowering of the armrest arm by repulsion force of the gas spring and putting the weight on the armrest (8) while standing up, and the auxiliary toilet seat makes less knee and hip problems.例文帳に追加

これにより、便器に着座する際に膝、腰に負担のかからない状態でゆっくり下降し便器上に静止することができるとともに、立ち上がる際には、ガススプリングの反発力と肘掛(8)に体重を預けることで肘掛アームが下降する反作用の合力で体重を持ち上げることを可能とした、膝及び腰に負担の少ない補助便座である。 - 特許庁

When coming back from the business trip, the employee mounts the RFID clip on his or her own time card C, and inserts the time card into the time recorder he or she uses on regular basis to read the attending/leaving time data at the business trip destination from the RFID clip, and to perform time print on the time card and data storage in a memory.例文帳に追加

出張から戻ったときに自分のタイムカードCへRFIDクリップを装着し、通常使用しているタイムレコーダへタイムカードを挿入すれば、RFIDクリップから出張先での出勤/退出時刻データが読込まれ、タイムカードへの時刻印字及びメモリへのデータ保存が行われる。 - 特許庁

The portable monitoring operation controller 47 has a reception antenna 36, a data receiving means 44, a vibrator 48 and a sound source output device 37 or the like, receives the above call destination transmission data, discriminates them, vibrates itself, changes a ring back tone and informs a person who carries the device with him that he is being called.例文帳に追加

携帯用監視操作制御装置47は、受信アンテナ36とデータ受信手段44と振動装置48と音源出力装置37等を有して前記呼出し先送信データを受信して判定し、自装置を振動させ、また、呼出し音を変化させて携帯者へ自己が呼び出されていることを知らせる。 - 特許庁

The air bags are provided at a position of user's thigh part, right and left shoulders or backside when he/she lies on his/her back on the base mat.例文帳に追加

空気袋は、ベースマット上に仰臥した身体背面の大腿部、左右肩部、叉は臀部に対応して設けられており、制御装置は、複数の空気袋が人体の呼吸周期のうち呼気相において呼気動作に対応して身体を屈曲させるように、大腿部、左右肩部、叉は臀部のいずれか一つ叉は複数の空気袋を選択的に給排気制御する。 - 特許庁

He says, “When I used a personal computer I borrowed from a friend to check my mailbox, it was filled with large numbers of orders and words of encouragement from all over the country! Also, as I went back and forth to clean up our one remaining shop in front of Natori train station, the local people and customers from Yuriage said they were eager for us to reopen soon. I gradually regained my strength and after about a month I felt ready to move forward with rebuilding the company.” 例文帳に追加

佐々木社長は、「知人に借りたパソコンを立ち上げると、全国から多くの注文や励ましの連絡が届いていた。また、ただ一つ残された名取駅前の販売店舗の片付けに通う中で、地域の方々や閖上地区の顧客から早期復活を期待された。次第に気持ちが整理され、1か月ほど経過した頃、再建への手応えを感じ始めた。」と語る。 - 経済産業省

waiting at the shop door until the shop was empty, standing at the counter and trying to appear at his ease while the girl piled ladies' blouses before him, paying at the desk and forgetting to take up the odd penny of his change, being called back by the cashier, and finally, striving to hide his blushes as he left the shop by examining the parcel to see if it was securely tied. 例文帳に追加

店が空になるまで店の戸口で待ち、彼の前で女店員が婦人もののブラウスを積む間カウンターに立ってくつろいで見えるように努め、デスクで支払いをして余分のペニーのつり銭を取り忘れ、レジ係りに呼び戻され、そして最後に店を出る時にはしっかり縛ってあるか確かめるために包みを調べることで赤面を隠そうと努めた。 - James Joyce『小さな雲』

He falls back from the more perfectly to the less perfectly developed instinct—from the hive-bee to the humble bee, which uses its own cocoon as a comb, and to classes of bees of intermediate skill, endeavouring to show how the passage might be gradually made from the lowest to the highest. 例文帳に追加

彼はより完成された本能からあまり完成されていない本能へ、ミツバチから自分たちの繭を巣穴として使うマルハナバチへ、中間的な技能をもつハチの仲間へと後戻りし、もっとも未発達のものからもっとも発達したものへと段階的にどのように推移していったかを示そうと努めるのです。 - John Tyndall『英国科学協会ベルファースト総会での演説』

But he was too deep, and too ready, and too clever for me, and by the time the two men had come back out of breath and confessed that they had lost the track in a crowd, and been scolded like thieves, I would have gone bail for the innocence of Long John Silver. 例文帳に追加

でも僕には、この男はあまりに腹黒くて用意周到でずるがしこすぎるやつだったので、2人の男が息を切らしてもどってきて、人ごみにそいつを見失ったと報告して、どろぼうみたいに叱りつけられている頃には、僕はロング・ジョン・シルバーの無実をすっかり保証してもいいくらいの気持ちになっていた。 - Robert Louis Stevenson『宝島』

It is well known that when he had a conflict with the powerful camera operator, Kazuo MIYAGAWA, over the script of "Zatoichi Meets Yojinbo," finally he pushed through with his continuity, and art director Yoshinobu NISHIOKA recalled another anecdote occurred while a TV drama "Kinagashi Bugyo" was in shooting (Nishioka was involved in it as President of the production company at that time); in which Okamoto almost stepped down in anger for some reason in the middle of the production, and the producer team hastily visited him at home and kneeled down on the ground in front of the entrance to beg him to calm down (from Yoshioka's book on the back lot anecdotes in TV drama production "Monjiro mo Onihei mo Inugamike mo Koshite Dekita"). 例文帳に追加

「座頭市と用心棒」で大カメラマンの宮川一夫と衝突し、結局は自分のコンテを通したことは有名だが、美術監督の西岡義信はTV映画「着流し奉行」(西岡はプロダクションの社長としてタッチ)で岡本が途中降板騒ぎとなり、プロデューサー陣が自宅玄関前で土下座してなだめたエピソードを語っている(「紋次郎も鬼平も犬神家もこうしてできた」より)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After he came back home, he worked again as a government official to the Imperial Household Ministry and assumed the following important posts: Kunai shojo (Junior Secretary of the Imperial Household Ministry), Kunai taijo (Senior Secretary of Imperial Household Ministry), Kunai-daishokikan (great secretary of the Imperial Household Ministry), Kogogu no daibu (Master of the Empress's Household), Kasei torishimariyaku (Senior Managing Director of the Household to Arisugawa no Miya of the Kaninnomiya family), Kotaigogu no suke (Assistant Master of the Empress Dowager's Household), Kunai no sho (Junior Assistant Minister of the Imperial Household Ministry), Director of the Peerage, Togu goyoiku shunin (chief nurturing staff for Imperial children), Tonomo no kami (Director of the Imperial Palace Keeper's Bureau), Shoryo no kami (Chief inspector of imperial tombs), Shume no kami (Manager of the Bureau of Imperial Mews), Kanin no miya betto (superintendent of Kanin no miya), Daizen no daibu (Master of the Palace Table), Goyo gakari (a general affaires official of the Imperial Household) of Higashi Fushimi no Miya, Daizen no to (Manager of the Palace Table), Gijo kan (Senior official of the Decoration Bureau), Privy Councilor, Kotaigu no daibu (Master of the Empress Dowager's Household). 例文帳に追加

のちに再び宮内少丞、宮内大丞、宮内大書記官、皇后宮大夫、有栖川宮閑院宮家政取締、皇太后宮亮、宮内少輔、華族局長、久宮御養育主任、主殿頭、諸陵頭、主馬頭、閑院宮別当、大膳大夫、東伏見宮御用掛、大膳頭、議定官、枢密顧問官、皇太后宮大夫など、宮内官僚として要職を歴任した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There are some taxi companies that hire people who have a right to take a Class II driver license (who took Class I driver license three years ago or before) as aspiring drivers and have them obtain a Class II driver license (many of the major taxi companies in Tokyo run a driving school as a group company, which can offer training to obtain a Class II driver license), but the people are usually tied to the company for a few years (most of the time, the aspiring drivers are supposed to agree to a contract saying "if he/she quits the company before the training period is over, he/she must pay back the cost for obtaining the license." before they were employed, but this is not legally binding). 例文帳に追加

二種免許の取得資格がある者(普通第一種運転免許を3年以上取得している者)を教習生として雇い、二種免許を取得させる事業者もあるが(都内の大手タクシー会社では、グループに自動車教習所を持っている場合が多く、ここで二種免許取得のための教習が可能)、その場合数年(おおむね1~2年)の拘束期間が発生する(この期間を終える前に退職した場合、取得費用を返還しなければならないという契約で雇用されている場合が多い。ただし、法的な拘束力はない)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

I believe that in the work of examining or implementing the financial administration, it is generally important to turn to what a wide range of external experts have to say. From such a standpoint, I did say that he was "one of them," so to speak, as he was among the group of economic and financial experts back in - if my memory serves me right - fiscal year 2002, when the non-performing loan problem was posing a serious challenge, and I am aware that Mr. Kimura was appointed to serve as an advisor to the FSA. 例文帳に追加

金融行政の検討、遂行に当たり、外部の識者の意見を幅広く参考にすることは、一般的に重要であると考えておりますが、そういった観点から不良債権問題が大きな課題となっていた平成14年度当時だと思いますが、経済・金融についての有識者の1人として「One of them」ということを言いましたが、木村氏は当局の顧問として選任されたものと承知をいたしております。 - 金融庁

It is said that during the Kyoho era (1716 - 1736), the head monk of Shoren-in Temple at the base of Mt. Kacho, one of Higashiyama mountain range (in Kyoto Prefecture), brought back with him striped potatoes shaped like shrimp when he returned from his travel over Kyushu; the potatoes were given to Gondayu HIRANO who served the monk, and when the potatoes were cultivated in the land of Maruyama, which is a hillock on the western side of the Mt. Kacho, the potatoes harvested were of excellent quality and had warpage and stripe patterns like those of shrimp, and thus were given the name ebiimo. 例文帳に追加

海老芋は、享保(1716~1736)の頃、東山(京都府)の1つ、華頂山麓にある青蓮院の門跡が、九州を巡行し、海老のような縞模様の芋を持ち帰り、その芋を仕えていた平野権太夫が拝領して、同じ華頂山西側の小丘である円山の地で栽培したところ、海老のような反りと縞模様をもった質の良い芋ができたので、その姿から、海老芋と名付けられたと云われている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He was saved and went back to Kyoto when the Taira clan died out, however Emperor Gotoba had already succeeded to the throne in Kyoto. (in "Masukagami" (The Clear Mirror) it is said Imperial Prince Morisada and Imperial Prince Takahira (Emperor Gotoba) were called in by the Cloistered Emperor Goshirakawa, and Takahira, who took to the Emperor before Morisada, was appointed to succeed to the throne, however there was another theory that it was Morisada's half younger brother, Imperial Prince Koreaki (Emperor Takakura's third Prince) who was called with Takahira, but there were two different theories of the author of 'Masukagami,' one was 'the direction theory' and another one was 'the misunderstanding theory.' 例文帳に追加

平家滅亡時に救出されて帰京するが、都では既に後鳥羽天皇が即位していた(ちなみに『増鏡』では、守貞親王と尊成親王(後鳥羽天皇)が後白河法皇の前に呼ばれて、すぐに法皇に懐いた尊成が皇位に立てられたとする記述があるが、実際に尊成とともに呼ばれたのは守貞親王の異母弟惟明親王(高倉天皇第三皇子)といわれており、これについては『増鏡』作者による「演出説」と「勘違い説」に分かれている)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In Tang, he learned not only Confucianism, but also astronomy, music and military science, and brought back "Tokan Kanki" (historical records of Eastern Han Dynasty) to Japan, and offered to the Imperial Court many other books and materials, including Keisho (Confucianism documents [130 volumes of "Torai"]), an astronomical calendar book (one volume of "Taien Calendar" and 12 volumes of "Daienreki Ryusei"), a sun clock (Sokuei Kaneshaku), music instruments (Dorikkan, , 律管12), music theory books (ten volumes of "Gakusho Yoroku"), bows (arms) (馬上飲水1) and arrows (20 of Shakosen [square arrow] and 10 of Heishasen [flat arrow]). 例文帳に追加

唐では儒学のほか、天文学や音楽、兵学などを学び、帰朝時には、経書(『唐礼』130巻)、天文暦書(『大衍暦経』1巻、『大衍暦立成』12巻)、日時計(測影鉄尺)、楽器(銅律管、鉄如方響、写律管声12条)、音楽書(『楽書要録』10巻)、弓(武器)(絃纏漆角弓、馬上飲水漆角弓、露面漆四節角弓各1張)、矢(射甲箭20隻、平射箭10隻)などを献上し、『東漢観記』を持ち来たらした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Katsumi KUROITA, based on an investigation conducted by Tokyo Imperial University's naval hydrographic department into the tidal currents on May 2, 1185, proved that the westward tidal current in the Kanmon straits started flowing eastward at 8:30 in the morning, reaching a speed of eight knots by around 11 AM, and returned to flowing westward at around 3 in the afternoon; asserting that the times given in the "Gyokuyo" for when the battle was fought (from noon to 4 PM) were correct and thus that the battle took place in the afternoon, he further stated that as long as the current was flowing east the Taira clan had the advantage, but after it switched back to flowing west, there was a reversal of fortunes and the Minamoto clan gained the upper hand. 例文帳に追加

黒板勝美は大日本帝国海軍水路部の元暦2年3月24日(ユリウス暦で5月2日)の関門海峡の潮流の調査を元に、午前8時30分に西への潮流が東へ反転して、午前11時頃に8ノットに達し、午後3時頃に潮流は再び西へ反転することを明らかにし、合戦が行われた時間帯は『玉葉』の午の刻(12時ごろ)から申の刻(16時ごろ)が正しく合戦は午後に行われたとして、潮流が東向きだった時間帯は平氏が優勢で、反転して西向きになって形勢が逆転して源氏が優勢になったとした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He has not come back to Japan yet, but I am aware that it was revealed in a press release issued after the meeting that a broad agreement has been reached on the design of the regulatory reform package, while the level and phased-in enforcement of the new regulations will be discussed at another occasion in September. Seeing that the equity capital definition and other matters thus agreed on include measures designed to pay attention to Japan's circumstances as well, I appreciate that what Japan has been arguing for in the past is now accepted. 例文帳に追加

まだ帰国をしておりませんが、会議後のプレスリリースが発表されまして、規制改革案の設計の大筋については合意しつつ、規制水準及び段階的実施については、これは9月において改めて検討する旨が明らかにされたというふうに承知をいたしておりまして、今回合意された自己資本の定義等には我が国の実情にも配慮した措置が盛り込まれておりまして、これまでの我が国の主張が取り入れられたものだというふうに私は評価いたしております。 - 金融庁

(1) Any person who wishes to use the invention on the basis of an offer of an ex-officio license shall notify the Registry of Industrial Property accordingly in triplicate, indicating the use he intends to make of the invention. The Registry shall send to the owner of the patent by registered post one copy of the notification and shall send another copy back to the applicant. Both copies shall bear the stamp of the Registry and the same date of dispatch.例文帳に追加

(1) 実施許諾用意の申出に基づき発明を使用することを希望する者は,これに従い当該発明を使用する意図を示す書面3通により産業財産登録庁に通知しなければならない。産業財産登録庁は,当該通知の写し1通を書留郵便により特許権者に送付するものとし,他の1通をライセンス取得申請人へ送付するものとする。双方の写しには,産業財産登録庁及び発送日の刻印がなければならない。 - 特許庁

Since the surface of he substrate 21 is exposed to light while its whole back is attracted to the surface of the substrate placing device 16, the surface of the substrate 21 is flat and has no warping when it is exposed to light even if it is warped.例文帳に追加

基板21は、その裏面全面が基板載置装置16の表面に静電吸着された状態で、その表面が露光されるため、仮に基板21に反りが生じた場合であっても、基板21の表面には反りが無く、表面が平坦な状態で露光されるので、基板表面が平坦でない状態で露光処理をすることにより十分な焦点精度が確保できなかった従来と異なり、十分な焦点精度を確保し、ぼけのない像を基板21の表面に結像することができる。 - 特許庁

Your question strikes me as very much to the point. I believe that back in those days, the FSA also issued a banking license to banks other than the Incubator Bank of Japan, including Seven Bank and Sony Bank, and I have received a report stating that the processing time and other details in the Incubator Bank's case were not so different compared to those other cases. Still, considering that it is a case involving someone who was an advisor to the FSAthough he supposedly applied for the license after he resigned from that postit evokes the saying "Suspicious haunts the guilty mind." As Mr. Heizo Takenaka was also a Diet member in addition to being a minister, I am of the opinion that the moral question should still be pursued in a proper fashion in dealing with this case. 例文帳に追加

大変核心を突いた質問だと思っておりますが、当時、日本振興銀行と一緒にセブン銀行、ソニー銀行なども、銀行としての免許を金融庁として与えたと思っておりますが、それに比べても、その与えた時期等はあまり変わらないという報告はいただいておりますが、しかし、やはり金融庁顧問をしていた方でございまして、お辞めになった後に申請したという話は聞いておりますけれども、やはり「瓜田に履を納れず李下に冠を正さず」という言葉があるわけですから。竹中平蔵さんも、大臣と同時に国会議員もしておられたわけですから、やはりその辺はきちんと、道義的に追及していくことは追及していくべきだと私は思っています。 - 金融庁

Our top-down initiative to have the Amended Money Lending Business Act Follow-Up Team established in the face of a situation like that may sound like a minor thing, but it was nevertheless a decent and fair action brought about by the change of administration. The fact is that we live in a democratic nation, and our government is a publicly elected government. If a politician's eyes are always turned upwards like those of a flounderwell, I would not quite say that he would become oblivious to how the people are living, but he nevertheless could become increasingly insensitive to how each individual person is living or how each individual person is faring or suffering in life. Looking back at my 22 years with the Liberal Democratic Party, I myself admit with remorse that I also had such a tendency. 例文帳に追加

そういった中で、本当にこれはトップダウンで改正貸金業法フォローアップチームを作らせていただけたということは、非常に私、小さな話のようですけれども、やはり政権交代してきちんと当たり前(のことをしたの)です。我々は民主主義国家ですから、国民から選んでいただいた政府ですから、やはりヒラメのように目が上ばかり向いているということが、逆に国民の生活を忘れたとは申しませんけれども、私も自由民主党に22年いまして、段々段々それがひどくなってきて、一人一人の息吹、あるいは一人一人の生活の寝音、生活の苦しみ、それが段々段々分からなくなってきたということを、私自身も反省を含めてそう思ってくるわけでございます。 - 金融庁


As you know, DPJ President and Prime Minister Kan and (PNP) Chief Kamei had a leader meeting the day following the day Prime Minister Kan assumed office, I believe, during which a decision to form a coalition was made. As I happened to be the Secretary General back then, I was also present at this meeting to witness, as I have explained, President Kan and Chief Kamei reach an agreement on creating an alternative to the Ministerial Committee on Basic Policies, which had been set up for the previous three-party coalition to coordinate their policies. This has not been done because everyone got a little busy in preparation for the election, as I have just talked about. Another point is that members of the PNP, being one of the parties in the coalition, have naturally raised voices requesting strongly that views of the party be reflected in the coalition. It is therefore not so much about the ceiling debate, although there are, of course, voices raised on the subject of ceilings, as it is simply natural that a coalition government should need to coordinate policies. That is what I reminded Prime Minister Kan of today, and he responded by saying that it is a matter of fact and telling Policy Research Committee Chair and Minister of State Gemba to create a proper system for it. While I did have a talk with Mr. Gemba later on, this is an issue between parties and I am sure that it will accordingly be handled properly, as it should be, by the Chief, or Secretary General or Policy Research Committee Chair of our party. 例文帳に追加

それはご存じのように、菅代表、総理と亀井(国民新党)代表との話し合いでも、これは総理大臣になった次の日でしたか、党首会談をやりましたね。そして、連立を組むということに決定したわけでございますが、そのとき私はたまたま幹事長でしたから、党首会談に同席させていただいておりまして、そのときも今さっき言いましたように、それまでは3党でしたから、基本政策閣僚会議というのが3党の政策のすり合わせでございましたが、そういったものにかわるものをつくろうということを菅代表と亀井代表と合意しておりまして、そういった意味で、これは今さっき話したような選挙で少しみんなお互いに忙しくなりましたので、やっておりませんし、また我が党内のこれはいろいろ当然連立政権でございますから、党内の意見も連立政権与党として反映したいという強い当然意見がございますので、そこら辺を踏まえてシーリングということよりも、シーリングにも当然意見があると思いますが、連立政権ですから、当然政策のすり合わせというのは、これは当然のことでございますから、そのことを改めて今日菅総裁に申し上げて、菅総理からも当然のことだし、きちっと玄葉政調会長、国務大臣にそのことをきちっとシステムをつくるようにということで、玄葉さんとあと話しましたけれども、党と党との話でもございますから、当然党首、あるいは幹事長、政調会長が我が党におりますから、そこら辺できちっとやっていこうといくというふうに思っていますよ。 - 金融庁


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原題:”On Liberty”

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