
「That was good」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(13ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





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That was goodの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 705


I also heard from another Minister during today's Cabinet meeting that the president of a certain regional bank that he met with said to him, "When the SME Financing Facilitation Act was established, I thought it was a bad law but, once it came into force, it turned out to be a very good one." 例文帳に追加

また、今日も閣議がございまして、閣議の間に他の閣僚から、ある地方銀行の頭取と会ったら、(中小企業金融円滑化法を)作った時には、これはとんでもない、率直に言えば悪い法律だと思っていたけれども、法律が施行されてみるとこれは非常にいい法律だというふうに言っていたというような話を聞きました。 - 金融庁

Even where a registered trademark that has been used in Finland for a period of five consecutive years is liable to be confused with a mark registered or established earlier, the use of the later mark may not be prohibited provided that the application for registration was made in good faith and the proprietor of the earlier mark was aware of the use of the later mark for the said period. 例文帳に追加

フィンランドにおいて5年間継続して使用されている登録商標が,先に登録されたか又は確立されたものとなっている標章との混同を生じさせる虞がある場合であっても,その登録出願が善意で行われ,かつ,当該先の標章の所有者が前記期間における後の標章の使用を認識していたときは,当該後の標章の使用は,禁止されないものとする。 - 特許庁

Later, in the days of Shonyo's son Kennyo, the book was to have been given to Sakihisa KONOE, the former chief adviser to the emperor who had worked to bring about peace during the Ishiyama War, but he refused to accept it on the grounds that 'a national treasure should not be given away without good reason,' and the book has been in the possession of Hongan-ji Temple as a national treasure ever since. 例文帳に追加

これは、後に息子・顕如の時代に石山合戦の和議に尽くした前関白近衛前久に贈ろうとしたものの、「天下の宝物をみだりに遣り取りすべきでない」として辞退したという代物で現在も西本願寺に所蔵されている国宝である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although the painters of the Kanoha group in the late Edo period are not well appreciated generally, there is a move to reappraise SEISENIN as the progress of the study after the late twentieth century recognizes that he was a painter with good technique who eagerly studied art from ancient paintings and on to the new painting movement at the end of the Edo period. 例文帳に追加

一般に、江戸時代後期の狩野派絵師に対する評価はあまり高くないが、20世紀後半以降の研究の進展により、晴川院は古典絵画から幕末の新しい絵画の動きまで熱心に研究した、高い技術をもった絵師であったことが認識されるようになり、再評価の動きがある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Its origin is that peasants in a region where farming during only a summer period could not produce enough money due to poor lands formed a group involving young people in their villages, and they went to another region called sake-dokoro (a place famous for sake brewing) where people brewed sake using the local good water, in order to make some additional incomes during a winter period, which was an agricultural off-season. 例文帳に追加

概して土地が乏しく夏場の耕作だけでは貧しかった地方の農民が、農閑期である冬に年間副収入を得るべく、配下に村の若者などを従えて、良い水が取れ酒造りを行なっている地域、いわゆる酒どころへ集団出稼ぎに行ったのが始まりである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In case that roles of evil strangers and heroes were clearly casted among children, there was a cardinal rule 'evil strangers are always defeated by heroes at the end - encouraging the good and punishing the evil,' following the convention of historical dramas, therefore there were often competitions for heroes. 例文帳に追加

鉄則は、時代劇の文法を守って「最後に悪人は正義の味方に倒される(勧善懲悪)」というものであり(ただし明確に悪人役が決められて遊ぶ場合に限る)、このため役を決めて遊ぶ場合には、正義の味方役が奪いあいになることがよくあった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Of the 21 statues, the 5 Buddhas (Important Cultural Property) and 5 Bodhisattvas were added from the Muromachi to the Edo period, while the other 15 are from the time the Lecture Hall was built; the latter set of statues are good examples of esoteric Buddhist sculpture of the early Heian period that have been designated National Treasures. 例文帳に追加

21体の仏像のうち、五仏(重要文化財に指定)のすべてと五大菩薩の中尊像は室町時代から江戸時代の補作であるが、残りの15体は講堂創建時の像で、平安時代前期を代表する密教彫像として国宝に指定されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After the introduction of the study of modern history in the Meiji period, the principle that history should be described on the basis of historical documents at the same period or compiled historical documents in good quality, being considered to have been based on documents at the same period, was widely approved. 例文帳に追加

明治に入り、近代歴史学が導入されると、歴史は、同時代史料や、同時代史料に基づくと推定される良質の編纂史料に根拠を持つものによってのみ叙述されるべきだという原則が広く承認されるようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, in contrast to Ichikawa, who was good at depicting women, he specialized in movies performed by actors in leading roles, and his forte flourished in action comedies such as "Epoch of Murder Madness" (1967), influencing many young people at that time including Hayao MIYAZAKI. 例文帳に追加

ただし、女性を描くことを得意とする市川とは対照的に、男性路線であり、その長所は『殺人狂時代(1967年の映画)』(1967年)などのアクションコメディに最大限に発揮され、宮崎駿など、当時の多くの若者に影響をあたえた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, because aristocrats in monjoka increased their interest in official history and Chinese poetry, on December 23, 820, Daijokanpu (official documents from Daijokan to local governments) stated that the policy was changed and only 'children of good (kugyo) families' could become monjosho. 例文帳に追加

ところが文章科で専攻していた正史・漢詩に対する貴族階層の関心の高揚を背景に弘仁11年11月15日(旧暦)(820年12月23日)の太政官符において、従来の方針を一転して文章生は「良家(公卿)子弟」のみに限定する規定が定められた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Yasutoki was deeply moved and, with tears in his eyes, said, 'He is a good loser indeed. Even in what appears to be a lost cause, people usually make excuses. But you have admitted that you lost. Your attitude is truly great, and you are an honest person. I have supervised trials for a long time as the regent, but I have never experienced such pleasantness as this.' 例文帳に追加

泰時は「見事な負けっぷりだ。明らかな敗訴でも言い訳をするのが普通なのに、自分で敗訴を認めた貴殿は実に立派で正直な人だ。執権として長い間裁判をやってきたが、こんなに嬉しい事は初めてだ」と言って涙ぐんで感動した - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Due to the end of the wars and those from the younger generation who were good at civil administration (civilian party), such as Masazumi HONDA, gaining power as close advisors to Ieyasu and Hidetada TOKUGAWA, military exploit party members such as Tadakatsu were distanced from the center of the Edo bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun) and it is said that he was unhappy in his later years. 例文帳に追加

晩年は、戦乱の収束により本多正純などの若く文治に優れた者(吏僚派)が家康・徳川秀忠の側近として台頭してきたため、忠勝のような武功派は次第に江戸幕府の中枢から遠ざけられ、不遇であったと言われる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Masanori, a member of the Akamatsu family, was allowed the succession to the head position in a family in October with his achievement that he recovered a sacred jewel from Gonan-cho (Second Southern Court) through the good offices of the Akamatsu family's old retainers such as Taro IWAMI, Tatewaki NYUYA and Yoshimitsu KOZUKI in 1458 and then Masanori began to revive the Akamatsu family as a shugo daimyo in a half of Kaga Province. 例文帳に追加

長禄2年(1458年)、赤松家旧臣である石見太郎、丹生屋帯刀、上月満吉らの尽力で後南朝から神爾を奪回した功績により、9月に赤松一族である政則の家督相続が許され、政則は加賀国半国の守護大名として赤松家を再興することとなった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Despite his image as a scholar of Western sciences for his involvement in the revision of "Seiyo Iji Shusei Hokan" (Treasure Chest of Collected Western Medical Facts), he was originally an expert of traditional medicine and ranked far higher than Sokichi HASHIMOTO in the list of good doctors published every year at that time. 例文帳に追加

『西洋医事集成宝凾』に校閲者として関わっていることから、蘭学者としての印象が強いが、もともと伝統的な本道医学にも通暁しており、当時毎年発表されていた名医の番付では、橋本宗吉よりもはるかに上位に位置づけられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Meanwhile, as Nishu gin silver coins contained about four thirds of silver in spite that its face value was half of ichibu-gin silver, the bakufu decided to limit the use of those coins to international trade because it could not emit a large quantity of good money, accustomed to emitting bad money for the purpose of acquiring marginal gain. 例文帳に追加

一方、二朱銀については一分銀の半分の額面にもかかわらず、約4/3倍の含有銀量であり、出目獲得を目的とした悪貨の発行に慣れた幕府にとって良貨は多量に発行できるものでなかったため、貿易取引に限定するものとした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

A TV series makes it out like it was Sawaemon's spontaneous idea; however, according to "Onodera Shojo," they had previously received information that a lot of Kira's retainers were good at shooting arrows, and therefore they decided to cut off bowstrings as soon as they found them. 例文帳に追加

ドラマなどではこれは幸右衛門のその場の機転のようになっているが、『小野寺書状』によると吉良家臣は弓の使い手が多いという情報を事前につかんでいたので弓は発見次第に弦を切るよう事前に決めていたとしている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Being focused on under "Tennosei to Buraku sabetsu" (Emperor system and Buraku discrimination) by Ryo SUZUKI, this problem became recognized as an important issue to attribute the cause of Buraku problem to the Emperor system, with the theory that it was a good example of domineeringness by the state power having the emperor at its center. 例文帳に追加

『天皇制と部落差別』と題して鈴木良により採り上げられたことをきっかけとして、天皇を主軸とした国家権力による横暴の好例であるとの論旨をもって、部落問題の原因を天皇制に求めるうえでの重要議題として認知されるに至った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, the Tsushima Domain still did not receive Ninjindai Oko Chogin allocated for the year of 1713 after this reminting, and they thought paying with Shotoku Chogin would hinder the trade because the hallmark differed from that of Ninjindai Oko Chogin although Shotoku Chogin was good quality, and therefore, they petitioned the Shogunate repeatedly for Ninjindai Oko Chogin to be delivered to the Tsushima Domain and they finally received the coin in 1714. 例文帳に追加

が、この正徳の改鋳後も対馬藩はまだ、正徳3年(1713年)分の往古銀を受け取っておらず、正徳銀は良質とはいえ極印が異なることから交易に差し支えるとして陳情に努め、正徳4年(1714年)7月にようやく従来の往古銀を受け取った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Today, the first trading day of the year, the TSE (Tokyo Stock Exchange) made a good start as stock prices (as measured by the Nikkei Average) rebounded to 9,000.How do you feel about this? Also, following the largest annual stock price drop ever that was recorded last year, how would you like the stock market to perform this year? 例文帳に追加

今日東証の大発会で株価が9,000円に回復しまして幸先のいいスタートを切ったと思うんですが、これについての感想と、去年は最大の下落率を記録しましたけれども、今年はどういった年になってほしいというふうにお考えですか。 - 金融庁

Individuals express their own opinions to the government. Although that is nothing extraordinary, the solicitation of public comments through the web site, which was introduced two years ago following the change of government, is a very good initiative. 例文帳に追加

一人ひとり、個人が政府にものを言う。当たり前ですけれども、国民が作った政府ですから、そのことをきちんとツールとしてホームページに出したということは、これは2年前から、政権交代してからだということでございますが、非常にいい方法だというふうに(思っております)。 - 金融庁

It was agreed that while this good cooperation must be maintained, Japan and the EU should also continue to work together in international fora - and possibly contemplate enhancing their strategic cooperation - in order to enhance the protection of Japan and EU citizens from counterfeit goods.例文帳に追加

この良い協力を維持しつつ、日本と EUが国際フォーラムでの共同作業を継続すること、日本国民及び EU市民の模倣品からの保護を強化するため、戦略的協力の強化をできる限り考慮することが合意された。 - 財務省

If utility model protection lapses ex tunc, only the portion of the royalties collected in good faith by the right holder of the utility model protection or the inventor of the utility model that was not covered by the benefits derived from exploitation of the utility model may be reclaimed. 例文帳に追加

実用新案保護がその成立に遡って消滅した場合は,実用新案保護の権利所有者又は実用新案の考案者が善意で取得したロイヤルティの内,実施から生じる利益に該当しなかった部分についてのみ返還を請求することができる。 - 特許庁

However, where the requirements prescribed by the Civil Code for an apparent representation ("hyoken-dairi") are met: (a) a plausible appearance; (b) the counterparty acted without fault and in good faith; and (c) the identity theft victim is at fault, there are cases which have held that the expression of intention by a spoofer belongs to the principal as the requirements for apparent agency have been fulfilled (Articles 109, 110, and 112 of the Civil Code), and consequently a contract was formed. 例文帳に追加

しかし、a)外観の存在、b)相手方の善意無過失、c)本人の帰責事由という民法上の要件を満たせば、表見代理の規定(民法第 109条、第 110条、第112条)を類推適用して、本人に効果帰属が認められ、契約が成立する場合がある。 - 経済産業省

In addition, only one Japanese-owned company was included in the 25 companies awarded asChina’s Most Respected Companiesof 2007. This shows that, in China, the quality of Japanese products and services have won a good reputation, but the companiesimages in general are not given so much credit (Figure 2-2-2-32).例文帳に追加

また、2007年度「中国で最も尊敬される企業」受賞25企業では日本企業は1社しか受賞しておらず、中国においては日本製品・サービス自体の品質は評価されながらも、総合的な企業イメージについては高く評価はされていない。 - 経済産業省

The novelty of the idea to make a bag using thinned cedar, together with the beauty of its design which takes advantage of the natural grain of the wood, charmed consumers, turning it into a popular product that was even awarded the Japan Industrial Design Promotion Organization’s Good Design Award 2006.例文帳に追加

杉の間伐材でバッグを作るという発想の斬新さと、自然の木目を活かしたデザインの美しさが、消費者を惹きつけ、人気商品となっており、(財)日本産業デザイン振興会「2006年度グッドデザイン賞」も受賞している。 - 経済産業省

D. If the Front-line Supervisor signs the export certificate and determines that the certifying official’s refusal to sign the export certificate was not based on good and sufficient reasons as outlined in Section B above (e.g., the documents are incomplete, or he or she cannot verify requirements), the Front-line Supervisor documents the incident and forwards a report to the DO.例文帳に追加

D.監督官(Front-lineSupervisor)が輸出証明書に署名し、証明担当職員の署名拒否に上記Bにいう相当の根拠(例:文書に不備がある、条件を満たしているかどうかを確認できない)がないと判断する場合、監督官はこの事例を文書化し、当該地域事務所に報告書を送付する。 - 厚生労働省

Freddy Malins bade the Misses Morkan good-evening in what seemed an offhand fashion by reason of the habitual catch in his voice and then, seeing that Mr. Browne was grinning at him from the sideboard, crossed the room on rather shaky legs and began to repeat in an undertone the story he had just told to Gabriel. 例文帳に追加

フレディ・マリンズはモーカン姉妹に、彼の声にいつもある引っかかりのためにぞんざいに思えるやり方で挨拶をし、それからブラウン氏が食器棚のところから彼に笑いかけているのを見てややふらつく足取りで部屋を横切り、今ゲイブリエルにしたばかりの話を小声で繰り返し始めた。 - James Joyce『死者たち』

This was Mary Jane's idea and she had also suggested apple sauce for the goose but Aunt Kate had said that plain roast goose without any apple sauce had always been good enough for her and she hoped she might never eat worse. 例文帳に追加

これはメアリー・ジェーンのアイデアで、彼女はまたガチョウにアップルソースをと提案したが、ケイト叔母がアップルソースなんかつけないあっさりした焼いたガチョウでいつも十分おいしかったし、下手なことをするなら食べないほうがいいと言った。 - James Joyce『死者たち』

To them it was revealed, that not to themselves, but to you, they ministered these things, which now have been announced to you through those who preached the Good News to you by the Holy Spirit sent out from heaven; which things angels desire to look into. 例文帳に追加

彼らは,天から遣わされた聖霊によってあなた方に福音を宣教した人たちを通してあなた方に知らされたそれらの事柄のために奉仕しましたが,それが,自分たちのためではなく,あなた方のためであることを啓示されました。それは,み使いたちもひとめ見たいと望んでいる事柄です。 - 電網聖書『ペトロの第一の手紙 1:12』

In the first half of 17th century, a large amount of cupellated silver such as soma silver (Sama, iwami Province), nagito silver (Nagato Province), seda silver (Sado Province) and tajima silver (Tajima Province) was exported, and bakufu, in principle, prohibited export of good quality cupellated silver by the Order of 1609 and decided that settlement was made by keicho-chogin whereas although ratio of export of cho-gin and cupellated silver was unknown by frequent illegal export of cupellated silver, many of ishu-gin that had been proud of producing largest amount in the world was minted to keicho-gin and then exported. 例文帳に追加

17世紀前半はソーマ銀(佐摩、石見国)、ナギト銀(長門国)、セダ銀(佐渡国)およびタジマ銀(但馬国)等といわれる灰吹銀が多量に輸出され、幕府は慶長14年(1609年)令で良質の灰吹銀の輸出を原則禁止とし、決済は慶長丁銀で行うよう定め、その一方で不正な灰吹銀の密輸出が横行し、丁銀および灰吹銀の輸出高の比率は不明であるものの、当時世界有数の産出高を誇った石州銀などは、その多くが慶長銀に鋳造されて輸出されたことになる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Consistent with this approach, issuers may explicitly state that, if true, their reasonable country of origin inquiry was reasonably designed to determine whether the conflict minerals did originate in the Covered Countries or did not come from recycled or scrap sources and was performed in good faith, and the issuer’s conclusion that the conflict minerals did not originate in the Covered Countries or came from recycled or scrap sources was made at that reasonableness level.例文帳に追加

発行人はこの方式に従い、それが真実であれば、紛争鉱物が対象国を実際に原産国とするか否か、または再生利用品、もしくはスクラップ起源でないか否かを判断するための合理的な原産国調査は合理的に設計され、誠実に実行されており、紛争鉱物は対象国を原産国としない、または再生品、もしくはスクラップ起源のものであるという発行人の結論はその合理性の水準でなされたと明確に述べることができる。 - 経済産業省

About the juyo (wedding of higher class nobles and other higher social stature personals) process of Tenshoin (An adopted daughter of Nariakira SHIMAZU, Atsuko; and later, she became an adopted daughter of Tadahiro KONOE and changed her name to, Sumiko), historians and other experts determined that Iesada and the O-oku (Edo Bakufu Shogun's inner palace residence and where successive shoguns' wives, ladies, and children were living) residents hoped to have his third lawful wife would be a Satsuma born woman to share in the good luck of his grand father, Ienari, who lived longer and had many children (Kodaiin; she was midaidokoro [a wife of a shogun or a highest-ranking nobleman] of Ienari and was a daughter of Shigehide SHIMAZU).例文帳に追加

天璋院(島津斉彬の養女・篤子、のち近衛忠煕の養女・敬子)の入輿について、家定や大奥が長命で子沢山だった祖父・家斉にあやかって薩摩出身の夫人を望んだことが明らかになっている(家斉の御台所広大院は島津重豪の娘)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Moreover, thunder was thought to be a sign of the Ina no kami, the god of rice, and was believed to bring a good harvest, which is why lightning came to be called "Inazuma" (Ina's wife); and to an archipelago like Japan, whales that drifted ashore or were beached became an important source of food, so out of gratitude the people began to call such whales "Ebisu" (today worshipped as the god of fishing), and people in many different provinces began to believe in Yorikami ("the god who visits," also known as hyochakujin, the god who drifts ashore, or as kyakujin, the guest-god). 例文帳に追加

また雷を「稲の神」としは五穀豊穣をもたらすものとして、「稲妻」と呼び、クジラは島嶼部性の高い日本においては、座礁や漂着した貴重な食料として、その感謝から「えびす」と呼び、各地に寄り神信仰(寄り神は、漂着神や客神ともいう)が生まれた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There is an anecdote that Kinmochi was not good at playing the biwa Japanese lute, which should have been the family business of the Saionji Family, and during Kinmochi's time in office as prime minister, the Emperor Meiji said out of mischief to Kinmochi, "For the first time in a long while, I would like to listen to biwa Japanese lute," and therefore he was forced to play the biwa Japanese lute in dire distress together with the officials of Utaryo in the Imperial Household Ministry. 例文帳に追加

ちなみに公望は、西園寺家の家業である筈の琵琶の演奏が苦手であったが、首相在任中に明治天皇から悪戯半分に「久しぶりに西園寺家の琵琶が聞きたい」と言われ、宮内省の雅楽寮の職員と琵琶の共演をさせられて四苦八苦したというエピソードが伝わっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Placed at the summit of all the previous attainments of humanity, with an open, unfettered intellect, and a character which led him of himself to embody in his moral writings the Christian ideal, he yet failed to see that Christianity was to be a good and not an evil to the world, with his duties to which he was so deeply penetrated. 例文帳に追加

それまでの人間の積み上げた英知の高みに立ち、偏見がなく束縛されない知性を持ち、その道徳的著作にキリスト教的理想を体現するような性格でありながら、骨の随まで染み込んだ義務感から、彼はキリスト教がこの世に善きものであって邪悪なものではないことを見誤ったのです。 - John Stuart Mill『自由について』

Now were we right in maintaining this before I was condemned? And has the argument which was once good now proved to be talk for the sake of talking--mere childish nonsense? That is what I want to consider with your help, Crito:--whether, under my present circumstances, the argument appears to be in any way different or not; and is to be allowed by me or disallowed. 例文帳に追加

ところで、有罪判決を受けた今、その主張はまだ正しいのだろうか。それとも、昔は正しいものに思えた主張は、実は単なるおとぎ話に過ぎず、子供だましのナンセンスな主張に過ぎないのだろうか。そこで、君と一緒に議論したいんだ、クリトン。今の状況では、あの議論が違ってくるのかどうか、あの主張は守るべきか捨てるべきか。 - Plato『クリトン』

About the origin of the name fukujinzuke, the following theories are held, that because it contains various kinds of vegetables, that because the shop was near the shrine deifying Benzaiten (the Goddess of Eloquence, Music, and Art) at the Shinobazu-no-Ike Pond in Ueno, or that a writer Kinga BAITEI named it because no other subsidiary for rice are needed so long as fukujinzuke is an accompaniment to, then food cost would be saved and it is happy as if the Shichifukujin (Seven Deities of Good Luck) had come to home. 例文帳に追加

いろいろな野菜が入っていること、また店が上野不忍池の弁才天近くにあったこと、更には「ご飯のお供にこれさえあれば他におかずは要らず、食費が抑えられ金がたまる(=家に七福神がやってきたかのような幸福感)」という解釈で、作家の梅亭金鵞が名付けたという説もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

To these demands, Ujinao explained his inability to visit the capital that there were rumors that Ujimasa would be detained or his ruling domain would be changed, and urged Hideyoshi to remove these worries before going up to the capital, claiming that the difference in treatment between him in the Nagurumi Incident and Ieyasu TOKUGAWA who received good treatment from Hideyoshi when offering his vassalage; Ieyasu was allowed to take Hideyoshi's younger sister, Asahihime, for his wife, i.e. Ieyasu had Omandokoro (the mother of Hideyoshi) as a sort of his hostage before visiting the capital. 例文帳に追加

これに対して氏直は、氏政抑留か国替えの惑説があるため上洛できないことと、徳川家康が臣従時に秀吉が朝日姫と婚姻し大政所を人質とした上で上洛した厚遇を受けたことに対して、名胡桃事件における北条氏に対する秀吉の態度との差を挙げ、抑留・国替がなく心安く上洛を遂げられるよう要請した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In addition, the survey also shows that the single largest reason for feeling that cultural exchange became active is "because economic relations are active." As stated above, the largest reason for cultural exchange being good for the country or region in question was given as "because it has a favorable impact on economic aspects," and this would suggest that there is a high degree of recognition concerning the mutual relationship between active cultural exchange and active economic exchange.例文帳に追加

さらに、「意識調査」の結果においても、文化交流が活発になったと感じる理由は「経済関係が活発だから」が最も高く、前述したように、文化交流が活発化することが自国・地域にとって良いことである理由も、「経済面に良い影響を与えるから」が最も高くなっており、文化交流の活発化と経済関係の活発化は関係があると、高い水準で認識されていることが示されている。 - 経済産業省

The reasons for this follow; in the Edo period Tsunayoshi TOKUGAWA prohibited hunting and the possession of a gun by farmers in principle; that the transfer of a gun was limited; that, commonly believed, the technological advance of guns stagnated from the influence of the exclusion of foreigners (national isolation); that a flintlock gun (flintlock system) had a stronger spring than a hinawaju and when the gunlock operating the impact was big and after trigger was pulled, the ignition mechanism for the explosive charge momentarily wavered and the accuracy of fire was bad and thus Japanese who liked to 'ippatsu hicchu' (hit with one shot), disliked the flintlock gun; that good quality flints could not be found in Japan and could not be mass-produced; and that, as a big factor, the art of gun was inherited probably in the form of a school-style gun for competitions like all the martial arts and as a result, the improvement of the weapon was necessarily avoided. 例文帳に追加

その理由として、江戸時代に入って徳川綱吉によって諸国鉄砲改めによる百姓の狩猟及び銃の原則所持禁止、銃器の移動制限がなされたことや、鎖国の影響による技術進歩の停滞という通説、フリントロック式は火縄式に比べ強力なバネが装着されており、撃鉄作動時の衝撃が大きく、引金を引いてから一瞬遅れて装薬に着火する機構のため銃身がぶれ、火縄銃に比べ命中率が悪く「一発必中」を好む日本人から嫌われたらしいことのほかに、日本では良質の火打石が産出せず大量生産ができなかったこと、またおそらくはすべての武術と同じく鉄炮術も一種の競技的な要素を含んで流派形式で継承されたため、その結果必然的に器具類の改変は避けられた、という要素も大きかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

No claim shall be allowed in respect of any infringement of a patent that occurred in good faith during the time that the patent was kept secret under this section, and any person who, before the publication of the patent, had in good faith done any act that, but for this subsection would have given rise to a claim, is entitled, after the publication, to obtain a licence to manufacture, use and sell the patented invention on such terms as may, in the absence of agreement between the parties, be settled by the Commissioner or by the Federal Court on appeal from the Commissioner. 例文帳に追加

当該特許が本条に基づいて秘密にされている期間中に生じた善意の特許侵害に関しては,如何なる権利主張も許されない。また,本項がなければ権利主張を生じさせた筈である行為をかかる特許の公告前に善意で行った者は,当該公告の後に,当事者間の合意がないときは長官により又は長官に対する上訴に基づいて裁判所により決定される条件で,その特許発明を製造,実施又は販売するためのライセンスを取得することができる。 - 特許庁

Jugo Gien, the eightieth head priest and chief restorer of Daigo-ji Temple, which had been deserted since the Onin War, had a good relationship with Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI, overseeing his entry into the priesthood, and since he felt that Hideyoshi was near the end of his life, he quietly made arrangements for the Daigo no Hanami so that the greatest hero of the age would have an appropriate stage. 例文帳に追加

応仁の乱のあと荒れ果てていた醍醐寺を復興した中興の祖、第80代座主である義演准后は、豊臣秀吉の帰依を得て良好な関係を築いていたが、秀吉の最期が近いことを感じ取り、一代の華美な英雄の最後にふさわしい大舞台をしつらえるために、あちこちにそれとなく手配をしてこの醍醐の花見を催させたともいう。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After that, people in Toyooka (the former Kaketsuka-cho) in the former Ryuyo-cho learned that raising ebi-imo was bringing substantial income to the Kegojima area, and Hiroshi ITO, the head of the farmers' cooperative of the former Ryuyo-cho, grew it from in 1938 to 39 and produced good potatoes, after the start the cultivation of ebi-imo in this area greatly developed. 例文帳に追加

その後、気子島地区では海老芋栽培によって高収入をあげていることが旧竜洋町豊岡(旧掛塚町)に伝わり、昭和13~14年にかけて、当時の旧竜洋町農業協同組合長、伊藤弘氏がこれを栽培し、良好な成績を得たのをきっかけに、この地域における海老芋栽培は大きく発展した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This play is very unique among Joruri plays, for its setting in ancient times, the motif of myths and legends like Ama no Iwato (the Heavenly Rock Cave: the myth that the Goddess of Sun hid herself in the cave), Jusan-gane (Thirteen Bells: the legend that a 13-year-old boy who had killed a deer was punished by Ishikozume) and Kinukake Yanagi (Robe Draped over a Willow: the legend about a court who lady drowned herself in Sarusawa-ike Pond), and particularly its structure similar to current fantasy action, which makes Iruka a horrible monster and the good guys who search for his weakness. 例文帳に追加

古代を舞台にし、天の岩戸・十三鐘・絹懸柳などの神話伝説をモチーフにしている点、とりわけ入鹿を恐るべき怪物にし、その弱点を求めて善玉が活躍するという現代のファンタジーアクションに通じる構成は、他の浄瑠璃作品と比べ極めて異色。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

At the time it occurred, it was criticized by Nichiren, and in a later era, there were both arguments for and against; some criticized it as a reckless act that gave the enemy a reason for the second invasion of Japan, and others affirm it, including Sanyo RAI and "Dainihonshi" (Great History of Japan), which states that it did not influence the Yuan's second invasion of Japan and is a good example to be followed when tackling a crisis of the nation. 例文帳に追加

同時代では日蓮が批判し、後世の評価では2回目の日本侵攻の口実になった暴挙であると評価する論者と、元の2回目の対日侵攻には影響を与えなかった、あるいは国難に対しては手本にするべき好例であると肯定的に評価する『大日本史』や、頼山陽らがいる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

A later right to a registered trade mark may co-exist with an earlier right to a confusingly similar trade mark, provided that the application for registration was filed in good faith and that the proprietor of the earlier right has been aware of and tolerated the use in this country of the later right for a period of five successive years. 例文帳に追加

登録商標についての後の権利は,混同を生じる程に類似する商標についての先の権利と併存することができる。ただし,その登録出願が善意で行われ,かつ,先の権利の所有者が連続5年間,後の権利がデンマークにおいて行使されていることを知りながら容認していたことを条件とする。 - 特許庁

Where in proceedings for the infringement of a patent the plaintiff proves that the specification of the patent was framed in good faith and with reasonable skill and knowledge, the Court may grant relief in respect of that part of the patent which is valid and infringed, subject to the discretion of the Court as to costs and as to the date from which damages should be reckoned. 例文帳に追加

特許侵害訴訟において,特許明細書が誠実に,かつ,合理的な技術及び知識をもって作成されたことを原告が証明する場合は,裁判所は,費用に関し及び損害賠償の計算を開始すべき日に関して裁判所の裁量に従うことを条件として,有効であり,かつ,侵害された特許の当該部分につき救済を与えることができる。 - 特許庁

In the event that a patent is invalidated on the grounds referred to in paragraph (1)(e) and the party who is entitled to the patent by virtue of the provisions contained therein has obtained a patent for the relevant invention himself, licences that are acquired in good faith in respect of the invalidated patent prior to the date on which the writ of invalidation was recorded in the register shall be deemed to be licences under the existing patent.例文帳に追加

(1)(e)にいう理由によって特許が無効とされ,かつ,そこに含まれている規定によってその特許を受ける権原を有する者自身がそれに係る発明についての特許を取得している場合は,無効令状が特許登録簿に記録された日より前に,無効にされた特許に関して善意で取得 されたライセンスは,存続する特許に基づくライセンスとみなされる。 - 特許庁

159.1. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 155 hereof, a registered mark shall have no effect against any person who, in good faith, before the filing date or the priority date, was using the mark for the purposes of his business or enterprise: Provided, That his right may only be transferred or assigned together with his enterprise or business or with that part of his enterprise or business in which the mark is used;例文帳に追加

159.1第155条の規定に拘らず,登録標章は,その出願日又は優先日の前に善意で自己の営業又は事業において当該標章を使用していた者に対しては効力を生じない。ただし,当該使用者の権利は,当該標章が使用されている営業若しくは事業又はその一部と共にする場合を除くほか,移転又は譲渡することができない。 - 特許庁


So these tragical beginnings of this rich merchant's story were all forgotten in the unexpected good fortune which ensued; and there was leisure to laugh at the comical adventure of the rings, and the husbands that did not know their own wives: Gratiano merrily swearing, in a sort of rhyming speech, that 例文帳に追加

そういったわけで、ここに書かれた金持ちの商人にふりかかった悲劇は、続けて起こった予期せぬ幸運のうちにすべて忘れられた。そして、指輪に関する喜劇めいた出来事や、夫たちが自分の妻を見分けられなかったことを笑うだけの余裕ができたのである。グレイシアーノは、一種の韻を踏んだ言葉でこう誓った。 - Shakespeare『ヴェニスの商人』


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原題:”On Liberty”

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