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In "Tale of the Heike" it is said that Yoshinaka won the title of Asahi no Shogun then, and since Yoshinaka and Yukiie did not like the fact they shared their assigned territory with each other Yoshinaka was transferred to Iyo Kokushu, land related with Genji head family, and Yukiie was transferred to Bizen Kokushu; however, it was only Yukiie who showed his dissatisfaction at the difference between him and Yoshinaka, and there is no record of Yoshinaka's dissatisfaction ("Gyokuyo" Entry of August 11). 例文帳に追加

『平家物語』ではここで義仲が朝日の将軍という称号を得て、義仲と行家が任国を嫌ったので義仲が源氏総領家にゆかりのある伊予国守に、行家が備前国守に移されたとしているが、義仲と差があるとして不満を示したのは行家のみで、義仲が忌諱した記録は見られない(『玉葉』8月11日条)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There were virtually no retainers of the old TOKI clan who wanted to support Dosan because of the way he gained Mino; in April of 1556, Yoshitatsu's army of 17,000 warriors fought Dosan's army of only 7,000 men at Nagara-gawa River (Battle of Nagara-gawa River), and even though Dosan's son-in-law, Nobunaga, sent his army to help it did not reach the battle in time, and Dosan died in the lopsided battle. 例文帳に追加

国盗りの経緯から道三に味方しようとする旧土岐家家臣団はほとんどおらず、翌弘治2年(1556年)4月、1万7千の兵を率いる義龍に対し、7千の兵の道三が長良川河畔で戦い(長良川の戦い)、娘婿の信長が援軍を派兵したものの間に合わずに衆寡敵せず、戦死した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

A wife of Saigo's, Itoko, who was invited to the opening, was surprised and said 'my husband didn't look like that' (a theory that claiming that the statues did not in fact look alike stems from this statement), and also she said 'he didn't walk around in a yukata' in a strong dialect of Satsu-gu (the dialect of Satsuma and Osumi Province) and she was censured by the people around her. 例文帳に追加

公開の際に招かれた西郷夫人糸子は「宿んし(うちの主人)はこげんなお人じゃなかったこてえ(あら、こんな人ではなかったですよ)」と腰を抜かし(この発言を銅像の顔が本人に似てない事と解釈する説もある)、また「浴衣姿で散歩なんてしなかった」といった意の言葉(薩隅方言)を漏らし周囲の人に窘められたという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although Yoshitane did not have any sons, he fled to Awa accompanied by Yoshitsuna, a son of Yoshizumi, the former Shogun and Yoshitane's opponent, whom he adopted as his son and after Yoshitane's death, Yoshitsuna came into conflict with his older brother Yoshiharu, who had succeeded to the Shogunate, causing another power struggle between the Yoshitane faction (Yoshitane, Yoshitsuna, Yoshihide and Yoshisuke) and the Yoshizumi faction (Yoshizumi, Yoshiharu, Yoshiteru and Yoshiaki). 例文帳に追加

義稙には息子がなかったが、前将軍で対立者でもあった義澄の子・足利義維を養子として阿波に伴ったため、義稙の死後、義維は将軍職を継いだ兄の足利義晴と対立し、義稙流(義稙・義維・義栄・義助)と義澄流(義澄・義晴・義輝・義昭)に分かれ、新たな戦乱の火種となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Not only did he hold special conferences such as the 'Ogikubo Meeting' on July 19, 1940, in which he confirmed the construction of 'new order in East Asia,' and 'Tekigaiso Meeting' on October 15, 1941, in which he negotiated the pros and cons of war against the U.S., at times, he even held regularly scheduled top-level ministerial meetings at Tekigaiso and on the eve of the Second World War, many important national policies were approved here. 例文帳に追加

「東亜新秩序」の建設を確認した昭和15年7月19日の「荻窪会談」や、対米戦争の是非とその対応についてを協議した昭和16年10月15日の「荻外荘会談」などの特別な協議はもとより、時には定例会合の五相会議までをも荻外荘で開いており、第二次世界大戦前夜の重要な国策の多くがここで決定されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


When Munemori was told secretly, on August 1, that MINAMOTO no Yoritomo had secretly suggested to In (Goshirakawa) that 'If we are not allowed to annihilate the Taira family, the Minamoto clan and the Taira clan should serve together as we did in the past'; however, Munemori refused by responding, 'All of our family members, including our children and grandchildren should fight and die for Yoritomo to the last one' in keeping with Kiyomori's dying will ("Gyokuyo"). 例文帳に追加

8月1日に源頼朝が密かに院に奏上して「もし平家を滅ぼしてはならぬという事であれば、昔のように源氏・平氏が相並んで召し仕えるべきである」と申し入れてきたことを、内々に宗盛に告げたところ、亡き清盛の遺言として「我が子や孫にいたるまで、最後の一人になっても骸を頼朝の前に晒すべし」と述べて、これを拒否している(『玉葉』)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Motohisa YASUDA could not erase the doubt over the "Hyakuren-sho" and noted in "Nihon no Rekishi, Vol. 7, Insei to Taira " (A history of Japan, Vol. 7, The Cloistered Government and the Taira family), 'if the measures mentioned in "Hyakuren-sho" were carried out, it must have been by nobles below Sadaijin (the senior chief of an Imperial Japanese Council of State, ranked above Udaijin) Toshifusa, in collusion with Kanpaku Morozane and did not reflect the will of the emperor.' 例文帳に追加

この件は、安田元久も『百錬抄』には疑いを拭いきれないようで、1974年の『日本の歴史(7)院政と平家』の中で「もし『百錬抄』にいう措置がとられたのであれば、それは左大臣俊房以下の公卿たちが、関白師実とともにとった処置であって、上皇の意志からでたものではなかったことになる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to the ancient Kojidan" written narratives, Yorimichi had a strong desire to pass the position of Sessho and Kanpaku to his son, Morozane, and made his younger brother Norimichi, who had become Kanpaku promise to do; however, because Norimichi apparently did not actually do this at all, he said 'I have to see the job (as Sessho and Kanpaku) Morozane does with my own eyes,' to which Norimichi responded, 'This I can not allow for my own reasons' which is something Yorimichi is said to have bitterly resented. 例文帳に追加

『古事談』によると頼通は実子師実に摂関を伝えることを強く望み、関白となった弟の教通に約束させたが、教通は一向に実行しようとしなかったので「自分は師実が職(摂関)にあることを目にしなければ、冥することができない」と言ったが、これに対して教通は「私の勝手で、できることではない」と答え、頼通はひどく恨んだという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This rank was vacant for a long time after the death of Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI, and Motohiro was the first to be inaugurated to the position during the Edo period (Ieyasu TOKUGAWA and Hidetada TOKUGAWA were actually assigned to this position but did not participate in the imperial court government), and Motohiro, who had deep trust from both the Emperor Higashiyama and Ienobu TOKUGAWA, was inaugurated to the position. 例文帳に追加

この座は豊臣秀吉が死去して以後長く空位で、江戸時代に入ってからは基熈が実質上初めての就任(実際には徳川家康・徳川秀忠父子が就任しているが、ともに実際の朝廷の政務に当たった事は無い)であり、東山上皇・徳川家宣双方からともに厚い信頼を受けていた基熈であったからこそ可能となった就任といえる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Since according to "Eiga monogatari" (A Tale of Flowering Fortunes), FUJIWARA no Morosuke is evaluated as being compared with Saneyori by writing 'Ichi (Saneyori) Kurushiki Ni no hito (Morosuke)' (literally, 'as the top person (Saneyori) has little power, the second (Morosuke) comes'), it is believed that Saneyori did not have full control of government, Morosuke controlled the administration during the reign of Emperor Murakami, and that during the reigns of Emperor Reizei and Enyu, children of Morosuke, who was a maternal relative to both emperors, including FUJIWARA no Koretada and FUJIWARA no Kaneie, had actual control of the government. 例文帳に追加

また、『栄花物語』が、藤原師輔を、「一(実頼)苦しき二の人(師輔)」と実頼とを比較して評していることから、実頼の政治的実権が乏しく、村上天皇朝においては師輔、冷泉天皇・円融天皇朝においては両天皇と外戚関係にあった師輔の子藤原伊尹・藤原兼家等が実権を掌握したと捉えられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, in reality, Tadazane was 22 in 1099 when his father Moromichi died suddenly and he became Sessho (Regent) at a tender age (younger than his great grandfather, who had taken on the role at 26 years), and as he had not even served as a Minister, he did not become Kampaku (Chancellor) and was confined to private audiences, and his grandfather FUJIWARA no Morozane, who was already retired, had no remaining influence to support Tadazane, leading to a decline in the power of the Sekkan-ke (family eligible to be Regents). 例文帳に追加

だが現実の忠実は康和元年(1099年)22歳で父・師通が急死、最年少で摂政となった曽祖父藤原頼通の26歳を下回り大臣も経ていないため、関白になれず内覧にとどまった事と、既に引退していた祖父藤原師実には、忠実を支える余力が無かった事が摂関家勢力を落とす要因になった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On February 11, 982, the Emperor Enyu carried out jimoku (to appoint ranks and positions) and joi (conferment of a Court rank) and, on that occasion, he only made FUJIWARA no Nobutaka, a kurodo (the emperor's secretary), report to Yoritada the decision but Yoritada was not allowed to join the decision making and, therefore, Yoritada did not join the jimoku and joi to protest; but, the Emperor ordered to carry out the jimoku and joi as the top court noble ignoring Yoritada's protest ("Shoyuki" (the diary of FUJIWARA no Sanesuke)). 例文帳に追加

天元5年1月10日に円融天皇は除目と叙位を行ったが、その際に関白の頼忠には決定のみを蔵人藤原宣孝に報告させたのみで実際の決定に参加させなかったために頼忠は抗議して欠席したが、天皇はこれに対して雅信に上卿としてその実施を命じて頼忠の抗議を無視している(『小右記』)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Also, educational matters and welfare policies began to suffer frequent criticisms that 'the educational policy of Ninagawa's administration did nothing but indulge and spoil students (by citing instances of decreased percentage of enrollment from prefectural senior high schools to the Kyoto University),' 'high-handed behaviors of teachers' unions inside and outside the schools are intolerable,' and 'his welfare policy is pork-barrel politics which waste tax money.' 例文帳に追加

また、教育問題や福祉などでも「蜷川府政の教育政策は生徒を甘やかし、駄目にするだけだ(京都大学への府立高校からの進学率低下などが材料にされた)」「学校内外で教職員組合の横暴が過ぎる」「税金によるばら撒き福祉だ」という批判が頻繁に出されるようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On the other hand, he built a fine tomb stone for Ichiro MINAMI, his close friend, became a devout Christian, and showed a generous side by being affectionate toward his children, and continued the missionary work despite being persecuted at the beginning of the Christian period, nor did he show any emotion when a cancer of the stomach grew to a size that even surprised his doctors, which l indicated that he was an individual that possessed a strong will. 例文帳に追加

その一方で親友・南一郎の死に際して立派な墓碑を建立したり、キリスト教の敬虔な信者となったり、子に対しても慈しみ深いなど、優しさも持った人物であり、さらに初期キリスト教時代の迫害を受けつつも伝道を行い、またその死に際しては医師が驚くほど胃癌が進行するまで顔色一つ変えないなど、精神的な強さも持っていたと思われる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When Kanpaku (chief adviser to the Emperor) Iezane KONOE tried to press charges on Sadamichi, who was Shonii (Senior Second Rank) Dainagon (chief councilor of state) at that time, Sadamichi made a rebuttal, saying that it was not fair that the monks accused himself, a court noble, when the present Rokuhara tandai Yasutoki HOJO (Sadamichi's brother-in-law) had fished at the same place without knowing about the prohibition and the monks did not complain about the bushi Yasutoki, and demanded punishment of the monks in stead by saying "I am a bushi as well." 例文帳に追加

関白近衛家実が当時正二位大納言であった定通の責任を追及しようとしたところ、定通は当時の六波羅探題北条泰時(定通の義兄)が事情を知らずに同じ場所で釣りをした際には、神人達は武士である泰時を責めなかったのに、公卿である自分が責められるのは納得がいかないと反論し、『我もまた武士なり』と言って、逆に神人達の処断を迫ったという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Even a scholar of Myobodo needed permission by the Emperor's decree to lecture at home, and only SANUKI no Naganao in the early Heian Period, Tadasuke's great-grandfather (or grandfather) KOREMUNE no Naomoto, and Tadasuke that time were actually permitted to do this, which shows his social prestige was exceptional, as did the grant to Yoshimune in the previous year. 例文帳に追加

明法道の学者といえども自宅での講義には天皇の宣旨による許可が必要とされており、実際にこれを許されたのは平安前期の讃岐永直、允亮の曽祖父(祖父とも)である惟宗直本とこの時の允亮の3例のみであり、前年の令宗賜姓と並んで彼の社会的名声が破格のものであった事を示している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is widely known that Masaie was invited to Lake Biwa on September 16, 1500 by Takayori ROKKAKU, who was Omi no kuni shugodai (provincial governor of Omi Province), and he read eight waka concerning Omi Hakkei (Eight Sceneries of Omi) impromptu became the origin of Omi Hakkei, but it is believed that Hakkei (Eight Sceneries) was not started by Masaie (there was a powerful theory that Masaie did not travel down to Omi at this time). 例文帳に追加

なお明応9年8月13日(旧暦)(1500年9月6日)に近江国守護六角高頼の招待で琵琶湖へ出向していた政家が、近江八景の和歌8首を即興で詠んだことが、近江八景の由来として広く知られているが、近年では八景の始まりは政家によるものではない(政家はこの時期、近江へ下向していない)とする説も有力である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Tokinobu was the jiju (a chamberlain) at that time, but did not attend Kamo no rinjisai (Kamo shrine, special festival) along with his coworker FUJIWARA no Tadanobu and FUJIWARA no Nobutaka, who was the Kurodo (Chamberlain), and received the disapproval of Emperor Kazan, and Nobutaka being the oldest among the three was dismissed from his post, while Tokinobu and Tadanobu were lectured in front of his parents in consideration of their youth according to "Shoyuki" (the diary of FUJIWARA no Sanesuke). 例文帳に追加

永観2年(984年)に当時侍従であった時叙が同僚の藤原斉信、蔵人の藤原宣孝とともに賀茂臨時祭への出席をさぼって花山天皇の激怒を買い、年長の宣孝は処分されたものの、時叙と斉信は「年歯太若」であることを理由に両親の前で誡められたことが藤原実資の『小右記』に記されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, he did not get along with Tadakuni MIZUNO, who was the head of roju, as he made objections to Agechi-rei (confiscation command of territory), Shonai tenpu (changing the territory to Shonai Domain) and Kenyaku-rei (laws regulating expenditures); on top of these, in an attempt to drive Tadakuni out of the government, he requested Nariaki TOKUGAWA, head of Mito Domain who was then back home, to go to Edo, and plotted to hinder Tadakuni's Tenpo Reforms by masterminding Nariaki. 例文帳に追加

しかし、老中首座の水野忠邦とソリが会わず、上知令、庄内藩転封、倹約令などにそのつど反対を標榜し、挙句、忠邦を幕閣を放逐せんとして策謀をめぐらし、水戸に帰国していた水戸藩主徳川斉昭に出府を要請し、斉昭を背後から操って忠邦の天保の改革を潰そうと画策した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Shunmoji married Tadataka HOSOKAWA, the legitimate son of Tadaoki HOSOKAWA, in 1597, but was 'divorced from the Hosokawa family in 1600 for a certain reason (which was she did not commit suicide with the mother-in-law, Garasha HOSOKAWA)' (according to "Hosokawakeki menkoshuroku" (Records of the Hosokawa family)), and later remarried Nagatsugu MURAI, the son of Nagayori MURAI, who was from one of the eight Maeda Kaga families, and deeply trusted by Matsu (Hoshunin) (There are different theories on the timing: see 'Mystery about the timing of remarriage'). 例文帳に追加

春香院は、1597年に細川忠興の嫡男細川忠隆と結婚するが、「故あって(義母細川ガラシャとともに自害しなかったことを指す)、慶長五年(1600年)に細川家から離縁。」(細川家記綿考輯録より)され、のち前田加賀八家のひとつでまつ(芳春院)の信頼が深い村井長頼の子村井長次に再嫁した(時期には異説がある。再婚時期の謎。)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, there is a theory that the credibility of the Sayaka traditions is low because no name of a corresponding major commander who was exiled exists in Japanese historical materials, he allegedly surrendered in the beginning of the war when Japan dominated, and Korea did not accept Japanese soldiers who surrendered (called in Korea) but executed many during the beginning of the war. 例文帳に追加

しかし、日本側史料には該当するような大物の亡命武将の名前は見あたらない事、日本が優勢であった緒戦期での投降とされている事、緒戦期では朝鮮が日本からの投降者(朝鮮では降倭という)を受け入れずに多数死刑にしている事、等から沙也可に関する一連の伝承は信憑性が薄いという説がある(ちなみに死刑を免れた者は「賤民」とされた)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Daisho (Major Captain) of kyogata, Kawachi no jo (judge, magistrate) FUJIWARA no Hidezumi (younger brother of FUJIWARA no Hideyasu, the ringleader of kyogata) had a stupid stunt of dispersing their army with a small number of soldiers, and Shigetada advised an aggressive strategy to gather the force, control the situation, attack the provincial capital of Owari Province, defeat the army of bakufu and go to Kamakura, but coward Hidezumi did not adopt that strategy. 例文帳に追加

京方の大将の河内判官藤原秀澄(京方の首謀者・藤原秀康の弟)は少ない兵力を分散する愚策をとっており、重忠は兵力を集中して機制を制して尾張国府を襲い、幕府軍を打ち破って鎌倉まで押し寄せる積極策を進言するが、臆病な秀澄はこれを取り上げなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

From a children's song that says 'Sanada like an ogre accompanied by Hideyori like a flower fled as far as Kagoshima' was popular in Kamigata after the fall of the Osaka-jo Castle, we can surmise that there were a rumor about Hideyori's escape and survival and that Hideyori did not die and was secretly relieved by a busho who enjoyed Hideyoshi's favor. 例文帳に追加

また、大坂城落城後に上方で「花のようなる秀頼様を、鬼のようなる真田が連れて、退きも退いたよ鹿児島へ」という童歌がはやったことなどから、秀頼は死亡しておらず秀吉恩顧の武将により密かに救出され落ち延びたとする脱出・生存の風説が流れたことがうかがえる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Because of this connection, Ichiyo's marriage to Soseki's oldest brother Daisuke (Taichi) was proposed; however, as Noriyoshi often asked Naokatsu for loans and Naokatsu did not think much of this, he refused the proposal, saying, "He has asked me for loans so often, simply because we are a superior and a subordinate, that I cannot know what he will ask if we become relatives." 例文帳に追加

その縁で一葉と漱石の長兄・大助(大一)を結婚させる話が持ち上がったが、則義が度々直克に借金を申し込むことがあり、これをよく思わなかった直克が「上司と部下というだけで、これだけ何度も借金を申し込んでくるのに、親戚になったら何を要求されるかわかったものじゃない。」と言って、破談にしたという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He was one of leading candidates as the fifth shogun along with Tsunayoshi TOKUGAWA, Tsunashige's younger brother and the lord of the Tatebayashi Domain in Kozuke Province, when Ietsuna became critically ill in 1680 because Ietsuna had no male child, but because Masatoshi HOTTA strongly recommended Tsunayoshi, who was more closely related to Iemitsu by blood, for the shogun, Tsunatoyo did not take office as shogun. 例文帳に追加

延宝8年(1680年)、家綱が重態となった際には、家綱に男子がなかったことから綱重の弟に当たる上野国館林藩主・徳川綱吉とともに第5代将軍の有力候補であったが、堀田正俊が家光に血が近い綱吉を強力に将軍に推したため、綱豊の将軍就任はならなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As he studied international law during his time abroad, when he was captain of the Japanese cruiser Naniwa in the First Sino-Japanese War, he correctly judged the sinking of the British merchant ship Kowshing, which did not respond after being warned to stop, as not a violation of international law. 例文帳に追加

この留学の間に国際法を学んだことによって、日清戦争時に防護巡洋艦浪速(防護巡洋艦)の艦長として、停船の警告に応じないイギリスの商船「高陞号」を撃沈する(高陞号撃沈事件)にあたって、このことは国際法に違反しない行為であると正しく判断できたのだとされている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Actually, whatever his real feelings might be, after the ruin of Katsuie, he simply took the tonsure without resistance and bowed before Hideyoshi, and he dispatched only a small troop for the Battle of Shizugatake, which might be due to public position of preparations for the Uesugi clan, it is widely thought that especially after the death of Nobunaga, they tied the relationship due to the interest that they did not want to create enemy each other. 例文帳に追加

実際、本心はともかく勝家の滅亡後は、あっさり抗戦する事なく剃髪し秀吉に降っていたり、上杉家への備えという建前もあるが、賤ヶ岳の戦いでも僅かな援兵しか派遣していない事などから、ことさら信長死後は、お互い背後に敵を作りたくないという利害関係上、結んでいたという見解が強い。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Izo OKADA, Toranosuke SENYA, and Kinosuke IGARASHI from Tosa, and Chuzaburo TERAJIMA joined from Choshu, and they split up to take both of the men in and kill them, but they did not kill because of the pleas of their family to spare their lives, and because of their class as townsmen; the two men were put on public display alive, by being tied naked on to a stake which was used for exposing cotton on the riverside of Kamo-gawa River. 例文帳に追加

土佐からは岡田以蔵・千屋寅之助・五十嵐幾之助らが、長州からは寺島忠三郎らが加わり、手分けして両名を連行して殺害しようとしたが、家族の助命嘆願もあり町人でもあることから殺すことはせず、加茂川河岸の木綿を晒す杭に両名を裸にした上で縛り付け、生き晒しにした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

By the way, Nobunaga ODA also looks as if he ran away for his life at the Battle of Kanagasaki, but it was a full retreat without major damage or confusion while being attacked from both sides, and from these facts we know Nobunaga ran away with his own small forces after giving a handful of directions and did not run away without trying to help the allies. 例文帳に追加

ちなみに、織田信長も金ヶ崎の戦いでは同様にただ一目散に逃亡したかのようであるが、退却戦である上に挟撃されるという状況ながら大した混乱もなく本隊は被害を小規模に留めており、この事からある程度の指示を与えてから僅かな手勢のみを引き連れて逃亡したのであり、見殺しにしたわけではない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Anyway, the letter let Nobumori choose to either go into seclusion for the remainder of his life or regain his honor by making achievements at the risk of his life, and so the banishment was his choice and it should be taken into account that Nobunaga did not banish him without any choices (Toshiie MAEDA regained his honor by making an achievement). 例文帳に追加

どちらにせよ、折檻状は命を惜しんで隠棲するか命を懸けて功績を挙げ挽回するかという道を選ばせており、少なくとも追放されたのは信盛自身が選択したことで信長自身が問答無用で追放したのではないことを考慮する必要がある(ちなみに前田利家は功績を挙げて挽回したくちである)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

(Tsunayoshi was appealing to the Imperial Court for Keisho-in about Juichii [Junior First Rank] and it is highly likely she will be granted it in that year) Also, it is highly possible the weak punishment of the past contributed to that incident because despite Tadakatsu NAITO, the uncle of Asano Takumi no Kami, had committed the same crime, this time his close blood relatives did. 例文帳に追加

(綱吉は桂昌院のために朝廷に従一位叙任の働きかけを行っていた時期でうまくいけばこの年にも叙任がある可能性が高かった)また、浅野内匠頭の叔父である内藤忠勝も似たような事件を起こしているにも拘わらず近親者が同様の事件を起こしたことから、これまでの処罰の軽さが今回の事件の一因となったと考えた可能性も高い。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Other retainers seemed to lose their fighting spirit and did not fight (Roshi, who raided Kira's residence, cried, 'a group of 50 people, a group of 100 people, trying to pretend to be a raid by many people, so a tofu (bean-curd) dealer living in Kira's neighborhood told the people in the residence of the Yonezawa domain about this attack, saying that 'about 150 Ako ronin had conducted a raid). 例文帳に追加

それ以外の家臣は戦意を喪失して戦わなかったようである(討ち入った浪士たちは口々に「五十人組、百人組」等と叫び、大人数での討ち入りであると見せかけようとしており、米沢藩邸に急を知らせた吉良邸近所の豆腐屋も、「赤穂の浪人およそ百五十人ほど討ち入り」と伝えていたという)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to the theory, it is thought that because Kawachi-Genji sharply declined after Yoshitada's death, no one did not care about who the leader of Kawachi-Genji was at the time, and inside of the disjointed families of Kawachi-Genji, people formed each faction and regarded themselves as the leader in it, and Yoshinobu also regarded himself as the leader. 例文帳に追加

その説では、義忠の死後、河内源氏の衰退が極まったこともあり、河内源氏の棟梁が誰であるかという意識は往時にはなく、まとまりを失った河内源氏の一族内ではそれぞれ派閥が構成されて自らを棟梁として認識していたとも考えられており、義信も自らを棟梁として意識していたとされている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, because of his strong belief as a Christian, he was viewed as a threat to the bakufu (Japanese feudal government), and since Shigekatsu himself did not conduct the domain duties, was indulged in debauchery, drove mad, murdered the father and son of the vassal, Shinzaemon OIKE who was remonstrating, and had many vassals commit suicide, the bakufu deprived his position, and he was handed down to Tadaharu HORIO. 例文帳に追加

しかしキリシタンとして熱心な信仰を行なっていたために幕府に危険視され、また茂勝自身も藩政を省みずに放蕩に耽り、終いには発狂して諫言をする家臣・尾池清左衛門父子を殺害、多くの家臣を切腹させた為に遂に幕府から改易を申し渡され、堀尾忠晴に身柄を預けられた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although he took part in preparations for the 1900 formation of ITO's Rikken Seiyukai, he did not join the party; while he stayed outside the party, he often appeared in the political scene by way of his political connections, and proclaimed himself to be 'guardian of the Constitution' as he got involved in various maneuvers for the bureaucratic power; and he remained a powerful figure in the Privy Council and continued to be influential in the political world until the early Showa era. 例文帳に追加

1900年(明治33年)伊藤の立憲政友会結成に際してその準備過程には参加しながら入党せず、政党外部に身を置きつつ気脈を通じてしばしば政界の表面に登場し、「憲法の番人」を自任して官僚勢力のために種々の画策を講じ、枢密院の重鎮として昭和初期まで政界に影響力を保った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Then Nanshu said "oh, that's unheard-of incident, maybe a fox did some trick, we should call you Ukatsu-sensei (Mr. Careless) from now on," and Seppo answered "call me whatever you like, since it's convenient to have a lot of names," and they promised each other, "whoever gets out of here first would support the other." 例文帳に追加

南州が「それは前代未聞のこと、狐にでもだまされたんですかな、これからは<迂闊先生>とでも着け替え申そう」と言ったら、雪篷は「どうでもお勝手に、名前はいくらでもあった方が便利です」と答えて、それから次の約束を交わしたという、「われわれ二人はどちらでも先に赦免された者が、おくれた者を扶養すること」。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is quite possible that Prince Asa did make a portrait of Prince Shotoku, considering the active cultural exchange between Baekje and Japan at that time, during the Three Kingdoms period (of Korean history); however, the matter is still in doubt, due to stylistic problems with such an attribution and the fact that historical records in the Republic of Korea do not mention Prince Asa. 例文帳に追加

このように現在伝えられる聖徳太子像は、様式上の問題点と同時に、阿佐太子に対する記録が大韓民国側資料にはないという事実によって、未解決の課題だが、三国時代(朝鮮半島)当時の百済と日本との活発な交流を考慮すれば、その可能性は充分に認められる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Ujimasa IMAGAWA had stopped the supply of salt to Shingen TAKEDA who Kenshin disliked, (Ujimasa had anticipated this as Kai and Shinano Provinces under the control of Takeda clan did not produce salt being inland provinces), Shingen criticized this as 'a cowardly act,' and Kenshin sent salt to Shingen saying, 'I send you salt from Echigo Province as I intend to settle with you through battle (it is believed that the phrase 'sending salt to an enemy' originated from this anecdote). 例文帳に追加

しかし、嫌っていた武田信玄が今川氏真によって塩止めを受けたときは(武田氏の領国甲斐国と信濃国は内陸のため、塩が取れない。これを見越した氏真の行動であった)、氏真の行いを「卑怯な行為」と批判し、「私は戦いでそなたと決着をつけるつもりだ。だから、越後の塩を送ろう」といって、信玄に塩を送ったという(「敵に塩を送る」という言葉はここから派生したといわれている)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Later, Gonrokuro was active in Kyoto with Akimasa IKEDA as the representative, but it did not work well against Satsuma and Choshu of which lord of the domain himself stood in the front, so it was decided to have Yoshimasa retire, but Gonrokuro and Emi visited Tadaka ICHIJO for consultation because Teigoro IKEDA, Yoshimasa's son, was ingorant, and Tadaka said to 'select Mochimasa IKEDA in Mito Domain', and therefore, they submitted an opinion to the upper stratum to adopt Kuromaro. 例文帳に追加

その後、池田政詮を名代にたてて京都で活動したが藩主自らが先頭に立つ薩長相手に思うようにいかなかったので、慶政を隠居に追い込むこととしたが慶政の息子・池田鼎五郎は暗愚であるため権六郎と江見は一条忠香に相談に伺い、忠香は「水戸藩の池田茂政にせい」といったので上層部に九郎麿を養子にするようにと上申したという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As for all the ghost stations on the line, which serially opened after the war (the early 1960s), even some of the local trains did not stop at them until the late 1990s because the users decreased (such stations included Nishi-Tsuruga station, Higashi-Mihama station, Kiyama station, Fujii station, Wakasa-Arita station, Seihama station and Mitsumatsu station). 例文帳に追加

戦後(昭和30年代後半)立て続けに開業した同線内の無人駅すべてに言えることだが、利用者僅少という事情とあいまって1990年代後半までは、普通列車でも通過する列車が何本かあった(西敦賀駅・東美浜駅・気山駅・藤井駅・若狭有田駅・勢浜駅・三松駅がこれに該当)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Ministry of Railways on the mainland, as well as the Korean Railway Bureau, which adopted a standard gauge and ran with Japanese technology, and railroad companies in the China continent including South Manchuria Railway did not surpass Europe and America in the locomotive technology. 例文帳に追加

本土の鉄道省は元より、日本の技術で運営される標準軌鉄道であった朝鮮鉄道局、および南満州鉄道ほか中国大陸の鉄道も、機関車技術で欧米を凌駕するものではなかった(鉄道省の機関車に比べれば高性能であった南満州鉄道の流線形機関車「南満州鉄道の車両急行旅客用」でさえ例外ではない)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to the investigation by the Nara Prefectural Board of Education, the locals usually did not call the road 'Kohechi,' instead of it, particularly in Nosegawa Village, they called it 'Koya-michi' or 'Koya-kaido' after Mt. Koya (Temple), particularly in Totsukawa Village, they called it 'Kumano-michi' or 'Kumano-kaido' after Kumano (Shrines), presumably the road reflected local people's strong beliefs not only in Kumano Shrines but also in Mt. Koya Temple and in Daishi (higher priests). 例文帳に追加

また、奈良県教育委員会の調査報告によれば、小辺路の名は地元ではあまり用いられず、高野山や熊野に由来する「高野道」「高野街道」(野迫川村内)ないし「熊野道」「熊野街道」(十津川村内)と呼ばれることが多く、高野山ないし大師信仰との結びつきの強さも指摘できよう。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On the same day, June 1 in the evening, Mitsuhide departed the Tanba Kameyama-jo Castle to Kyoto at the head of an army of 13,000 (There is another view that Mitsuhide did not visit Kameyama-jo Castle (Tanba Province) before or after the event and he moved toward Honno-ji Temple from Sakamoto-jo Castle at the head of 3,000 troops and arrived around nine o'clock, that is several hours after seven thirty A.M. when the Honno-ji Temple burnt down.) 例文帳に追加

同じ6月1日の夕、光秀は1万3000の手勢を率いて丹波亀山城を出陣し京に向かった(光秀は亀山城(丹波国)には事件前にも後にも死ぬまで立ち寄っておらず、坂本城より3000の兵で本能寺に向かい、到着したのは本能寺が焼け落ちた午前7時半より数時間後の9時頃だったとする説もある)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As a refutation against this view on the point that 'Nobunaga had been receiving funds from the Society of Jesus,' it is pointed out that the constant income of the Society at that time was around 20,000 cruzados and that more than a half of it had been remitted to India and, therefore, the Society did not have sufficient fund for maintenance and operation. 例文帳に追加

この説に対する反論としては「信長はイエズス会から資金提供を受けていた」という点に関し、当事の会の定収入は年2万クルザード程度であり、しかもその半分以上はインドに送金されており、そもそも会を維持運営するのにも事欠く有様であったことなどが挙げられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In recent years, Shigeki YOSHIMURA has been asserted on the grounds that there was no sharp rise in disasters/accidents at that time, and Gosanjo's illness (assumed to be diabetes) became significantly worse only after his abdication, and that this was intended for the expansion of sovereignty by having Imperial Prince Sanehito, who did not have Sekkan-ke as cognates, succeed to the throne, thereby preventing the return to Sekkan seiji; however, there was no intention to start insei, and consequently such a view has become accepted. 例文帳に追加

近年では吉村茂樹が、当時の災害異変が突出していないこと、後三条の病気(糖尿病と推定されている)が重篤化したのが退位後であることを理由として、摂関家を外戚に持たない実仁親王に皇位を継承させることによる王権の拡大を意図し、摂関政治への回帰を阻止したものであって院政の意図はなかったと主張し、通説化している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Criticism of the new government was not limited to warrior families and commoners, however; in 1338, before Akiie KITABATAKE led his army out, he remonstrated with Emperor Godaigo about the failures of the new government, and his father Chikafusa KITABATAKE's "Shokugensho" as well as other nobles' diaries record comments critical of and indicating their dissatisfaction with the government, showing that later on, even nobles like the Kitabatake father-son duo, who fought to oppose the Northern dynasty, did not fully support the new government. 例文帳に追加

1338年(延元3年/建武(日本)5年)には北畠顕家が出陣前に新政の失敗を諌める諫奏を行い、北畠親房の『職原抄』や公家の日記などにも新政への批判や不満を述べる文章があるなど、武家や庶民のみならず、後に後醍醐天皇方について北朝と対立した北畠父子のような公家でさえ、新政を支持していなかったことが示唆される。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the end, based on the description in "Dainihonshi" (Great Japanese History) as evidence, the Emperor Meiji decided that the Southern Court was the legitimate line because it owned the Three Sacred Treasures (however, the current academic theory has basically established that the three Northern Court emperors, Emperors Kogon, Komyo and Suko, had owned the Three Sacred Treasures, so the assumption that all of the emperors in the Northern Court were 'not legitimate' because they did not own the sacred treasures is incorrect. 例文帳に追加

最終的には「大日本史」の記述を根拠に、明治天皇の裁断で三種の神器を所有していた南朝が正統であるとされ(ただし、現在の学説では北朝の光厳・光明・崇光の三帝は三種の神器を保有していたことがほぼ確実とみられ、神器の有無を根拠に北朝のすべてを「正統でない」とするのは無理である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Thereafter, using the fact that Yoshiaki had never officially been dismissed from the post of Seii taishogun as a pretext, movements did arise in various provinces to restore the bakufu to power, but against the momentum of the new governmental structure created by Nobunaga and Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI, such efforts were entirely fruitless, and so the Muromachi bakufu--and the Muromachi period itself--is considered to have ended at the point Yoshiaki was driven from Kyoto. 例文帳に追加

その後も義昭は征夷大将軍職を解任されていない事を盾に各地で幕府再建運動を行うが、信長、そして豊臣秀吉による新秩序形成の勢いを前には全くの無力であり、義昭の京都追放の時点をもって室町幕府および室町時代の終期と看做されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Sengoku period (period of warring states), in particular, was a time based on merit when bloodline did not guarantee rank or power; the Hosokawa clan, the shoryu, took power as the kanrei (shogunal deputy) from the Ashikaga Shogun family, the chakuryu of the Ashikaga clan who established the Muromachi bakufu; and the Amago clan, the shoryu, usurped the position of Shugo (Provincial Constable) from the Kyogoku clan, Izumo Shugo, and the chakuryu. 例文帳に追加

特に戦国時代(日本)は室町幕府を開いた足利氏の嫡流 足利将軍家に対し、庶流の細川氏が管領として実権を奪ったり、出雲守護で嫡流であった京極氏は庶流の尼子氏に守護の地位を簒奪されるなど、血筋では地位や権力を担保し得ない実力本位の時代でもあった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The Konoike zaibatsu, as the wealthiest merchant in Japan during the Edo period, did not expand its business from finance to other fields due to the family rule that prohibited the business expansion to other than the family business; however, it can be said that the Konoike zaibatsu had the characteristics of an investment zaibatsu because the Konoike family ultimately founded various enterprises in response to requests from financial communities that had tried to acquire the family reputation after the Meiji period, and consequently the family had the status of a major shareholder. 例文帳に追加

江戸時代の日本最大の豪商、鴻池財閥は、家業以外への進出を禁じた家憲によって、金融業から他の事業へ営業分野の拡大は図らなかったが、明治期以降は同家の名声を欲する財界の要請で、鴻池家が様々な企業の発起人となり、大株主として君臨したことから、投資財閥の性格をもっていたとも言える。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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