
「husband」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(53ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索










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It is known there is an anecdote about her having informed Nobunaga of a crisis (an attack from both sides) by giving him a 'bag of azuki beans' sealed on both sides; however, because it is well-known that she lived in harmony with her husband and was considered to have been completely on the side of the Asai family, as was the common practice in those day, this is strongly suspected of being an old wives' tale. 例文帳に追加

袋の両端を縛った「小豆袋」で信長に危機(挟み撃ち)を伝えた逸話などが知られるが、俗説である疑いが強い(彼女が夫と仲睦まじかったのは有名であり、当時の通例を考えても、完全に浅井側の人間であったとされる)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is said that Sukemasa expected Akimasa TAYA (the Taya is a branch family of the Azai) to succeed to the head position as the husband of Tsuruchiyo, his daughter with his lawful wife (an older paternal half-sister of Hisamasa), but Hisamasa, who was born of a concubine when Sukemasa was young, finally took over as head of the family. 例文帳に追加

亮政は正室との間に生まれた鶴千代(久政の異母姉)の婿として、田屋明政(田屋氏は浅井氏庶家)に家督を譲ることを望んでいたともいわれるが、亮政が若いころに側室との間に生まれた久政が家督を継ぐこととなった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

His eldest daughter, Tsuru UESUGI, became a wife of Tsunataka SHIMAZU, the lord of the Satsuma domain, the second daughter, Akuri UESUGI, married Masatake TSUGARU, a kotaiyoriai (landholding liege vassals with alternate attendance obligations) hatamoto, and the third daughter, Kiku UESUGI, also became a wife of Tadahira SAKAI, a hatamoto (Princess Tsuru was divorced from Tsunataka, and Princess Kiku had lost her husband, but later she became a wife of Tsunenari OINOMIKADO, a court noble, and gave birth to a son and a daughter). 例文帳に追加

長女上杉鶴は薩摩藩主島津綱貴の室、次女上杉阿久利は交代寄合旗本津軽政たけの室、3女上杉菊も旗本酒井忠平の室となっている(鶴姫は綱貴に離縁され、菊姫も死別するが、のちに公家大炊御門経音の室となって1男1女を産む)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Who accompanied Onabe no kata on living in the seclusion of her home in Omi was her younger maternal half-brother, Nobuyoshi ODA, and also Nobuyoshi was given the territory in Aichi County of Sanezumi OGURA, the husband of Onabe no kata, while the association between Onabe no kata and Nobutaka cannot be confirmed by historical materials at the time. 例文帳に追加

お鍋の方が近江の実家に隠棲した際伴ったのは同母弟とされる織田信吉であり、お鍋の方の夫小倉実澄の愛知郡の所領も信吉に与えられていて、お鍋の方と信高の繋がりは、当時の史料からは確認できない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In 1833, through Yoshinobu ICHIDA (her nephew and Satsuma karo (a chief retainer)), she suggested to the lord of the domain Narioki SHIMAZU (also her nephew same as Yoshinobu) to adopt her husband Ienari's legitimate child Ieyoshi's son Yoshimasa TOKUGAWA however Narioki and Yoshinobu declined politely. 例文帳に追加

天保3年(1833年)には、市田義宜(甥で薩摩藩家老)を通じて藩主・島津斉興(広大院から見れば義宜と同じく甥にあたる)に、嫡子・島津斉彬の養子として夫・家斉の嫡男である家慶の子・徳川慶昌を入れるよう持ちかけたが、義宜と斉興は広大院に丁寧に断りをいれている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Soon she remarried with Yukikazu MACHINO who was a senior vassal of Tadasato GAMO, the lord of the Aizu domain, and exerted power as a wife of the senior vassal, but their lord Tadasato GAMO died not so long afterward and the rank of the Gamo Family was forfeited because there was no successor and her husband became ronin (masterless samurai). 例文帳に追加

やがて、会津藩主蒲生忠郷の重臣町野幸和と再婚、重臣の妻として権勢を振るうが、ほどなく藩主・蒲生忠郷が死亡して、跡継ぎのいない蒲生家は改易となったため、夫は浪人となってしまう。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Rinso had five daughters; the husband of the first daughter, Kume was Shindo TSUBOI, that of the second, Michiko was Gencho ITO, that of the third, Hideko was Komin KAWAMOTO, that of the fourth, Miyako was Choei TAKANO (Miyako died young at the age of 32 in April 29, 1849, 6 months later of their marriage) and they married famous Dutch scholars as seen in above. 例文帳に追加

林宗には五人の娘がいて、長女粂の夫は坪井信道、次女三千子の夫は伊東玄晁、三女秀子の夫は川本幸民、四女宮子の夫は高野長英(宮子は結婚後半年目の嘉永2年4月7日(旧暦)(1849年4月29日)、32歳で早世)と高名な蘭学者に嫁いる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The sacred tree or the meotoiwa (a pair of rocks in two sizes, the larger one is thought to be the husband, the smaller the wife) in the himorogi belief and the iwakura belief in the Ancient Shinto, and Mt. Fuji as a sacred mountain are also called a kannabi which means the place or object where a quieted god always dwells or secretly lives (stays) in utshushiyo. 例文帳に追加

古神道の神籬(ひもろぎ)・磐座(いわくら)信仰の御神木や夫婦岩や、霊峰としての富士山などを、神奈備(かんなび)ともいい、現世(うつしよ)において神が常に鎮座するまたは隠れ住む(居る)場所や物を指す。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It was rebuilt and inherited from FUJIWARA no Yorimichi by FUJIWARA no Morozane before being resided in by the Empress FUJIWARA no Kanshi (the wife of the Emperor Goreizei) but it was subsequently renovated by Morozane and given to his older paternal half-brother FUJIWARA no Sadatsuna who gave it to his daughter's husband FUJIWARA no Ietada (a son of Morozane). 例文帳に追加

その後、再建されて藤原頼通から藤原師実に継承されて後冷泉天皇皇后の藤原寛子が居住したが、後に師実が改築して異母兄の藤原定綱に譲り、定綱はこれを師実の子で自分の娘婿でもあった藤原家忠に譲った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


For example, since a wife of the third Shogun Iemitsu, Takako TAKATSUKASA was on extremely bad terms with her husband, she was transferred to her residence from Honmaru to Naka no maru () before being formally titled "Midaidokoro" and Kasuga no tsubone held the real power in O-oku. 例文帳に追加

例えば、3代家光夫人・鷹司孝子は夫との仲が極めて険悪で、正式に「御台所」と称することのないまま、結婚後程なくしてその居所を本丸から中丸に移され、大奥の実権はもっぱら春日局らが握っていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


As a result, it can be said that 'a dispute on wives and concubines' raised questions about the equal between men and women at a private space between husband and wife, but that it was passive against the equal of political and social rights between men and women. 例文帳に追加

結果から言えば「妻妾論論争」は、夫婦間の私的な空間における男女平等については積極的な問題提起をしたが、公的な空間における政治的・社会的な男女同権については消極的姿勢に甘んじたと言って良い。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1267, compromise to a third person (compromise to a non-blood relative) which could not be the subject of Kuikaeshi was banned and before this Kuikaeshi against an ex-wife who a husband gave property to then divorced was not allowed unless she was a criminal, but it was changed to allow Kuikaeshi against ex-wife who married again. 例文帳に追加

文永4年(1267年)には悔返の対象となり得ない他人和与(第三者への譲渡)そのものを禁止し、また従来夫が所領を譲与した後に離別しても妻に罪が無ければ悔返が出来なかったが、ここで改嫁した前妻への悔返が認められた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The line descending from FUJIWARA no Munetaka, who was a courtier in the Kamakura Period and the seventh generation descended from FUJIWARA no Nobutaka (the husband of Murasaki Shikibu) of the Kajuji line, ended early after only three generations, the members of this line being Munekata ANEGAKOJI (the son of Munetaka), Akitomo ANEGAKOJI and Tadakata ANEGAKOJI. 例文帳に追加

勧修寺流藤原宣孝(紫式部の夫)から数えて7代目にあたる鎌倉時代の廷臣・藤原宗隆の子孫である姉小路宗方(宗隆の子)・姉小路顕朝・姉小路忠方の3代がいるが、早いうちに没落している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

To provide a jewel box or an ornament box for storing jewels, jewelty goods, ornaments or the like in one side or both sides with a specified relation such as a relation between a wife and husband, sweethearts or the like, and capable of holding keys for opening the box on both sides.例文帳に追加

本発明は、御夫婦や恋人間等特殊な関係のある間の一方或いは双方の宝石や宝飾品、装飾品等についての収納を行う宝石箱或いは装飾箱の提供であって、この箱を開扉するためのカギを双方が所持可能とする装飾箱の提供を課題とする。 - 特許庁

And having found her a husband, rich, young, and noble, such as the proudest maid in Verona might joyfully accept, he could not bear that out of an affected coyness, as he construed her denial, she should oppose obstacles to her own good fortune. 例文帳に追加

卿は娘のために、金持ちで、若くて、上品で、ヴェロナのどんな気位の高い娘でも大喜びで承知するような夫を捜してやったので、内気を装って(ジュリエットが拒否するのを、卿はこうとった)娘が自ら幸運を避けるようなふるまいを我慢できなかった。 - Charles and Mary Lamb『ロミオとジュリエット』

looked at the coroner with determined eyes under that corrected brow of hers, and swore that her sister had never seen Gatsby, that her sister was completely happy with her husband, that her sister had been into no mischief whatever. 例文帳に追加

検死官を書きなおされた眉の下からまっすぐ見据え、彼女の姉はギャツビーに会ったことがないということ、彼女の姉が夫と一緒にいてこよなく幸せだったこと、彼女の姉がいかなる悪戯もやったことがないということを、言明した。 - F. Scott Fitzgerald『グレイト・ギャツビー』

Portia bid Anthonio not to grieve at that, for that he was welcome notwithstanding; and then Anthonio said, "I once did lend my body for Bassanio's sake; and but for him to whom your husband gave the ring I should have now been dead. 例文帳に追加

ポーシャはアントニオに、そんなことを心配なさらないでください、あなたが来られてうれしいんですよと頼んだ。そこでアントニオは言った。「私は一度バサーニオのために体をお貸ししました。ですが、もしもあなたのご主人が指輪を差し上げたお方がいなかったら、私は今では死んでしまっていることでしょう。 - Shakespeare『ヴェニスの商人』

Article 61 (1) The provisions of Article 758(2) and (3) and Article 759 of the Civil Code shall apply mutatis mutandis where a bankruptcy proceeding is commenced against a husband or wife who administers the property of his/her spouse, and the provision of Article 835 of said Code shall apply mutatis mutandis where bankruptcy proceedings are commenced against a person who exercises parental authority. 例文帳に追加

第六十一条 民法第七百五十八条第二項及び第三項並びに第七百五十九条の規定は配偶者の財産を管理する者につき破産手続が開始された場合について、同法第八百三十五条の規定は親権を行う者につき破産手続が開始された場合について準用する。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

The 15 states that lead one to Hell include giving an evil stare at one's husband/wife, men/women, and kenzoku (one's family and relations), groping in empty space by raising one's both hands, crying in tears without following the teachings of the kalyaana-mitra (one who offers spiritual friendship and guidance that is non-directive, non-denominational, and non-religious), not learning and knowing how to defecate and urinate, keeping one's eyes shut, and constantly covering one's head. 例文帳に追加

地獄に堕す15の相のいくつかを挙げると自らの夫妻・男女・眷属において悪眼を以って瞻視(せんし、見上げること)す、その両手を挙げ虚空を捫模(もんぼ、ボの元字は、莫の下に手、探り求めること)す、善智識の教えに相い随順せず、悲号啼泣嗚咽(ひごうていきゅうおえつ)して涙を流す、大小便利を覚えず知らず、目を閉じて開かず、常に頭面を覆すなどがある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When she was to present a poem, Shijo Chunagon (vice-councilor of state - FUJIWARA no Sadayori) asked her maliciously 'if she had already sent a messenger to her mother in Tango (Izumi Shikibu lived in Tango, where her husband was working) in order to ask her to compose a poem instead, and if the messenger had already come back yet,' so it is said that she composed a poem on the spot. 例文帳に追加

歌合に歌を詠進することになった小式部内侍に、四条中納言(藤原定頼)が「丹後のお母さん(和泉式部は当時、夫の任国である丹後に下っていた)の所に、代作を頼む使者は出しましたか。使者は帰って来ましたか」などと意地の悪い質問をしたのに対し、その場で詠んだ歌とされている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to temple legend, it was built by Eshin Sozu Genshin's (priest) (942-1017) younger sister Anyoni in the year 985, but in actual fact was built slightly later during the end of the 12th century by Takamatsu Chunagon (vice-councilor of state) FUJIWARA no Sanehira's wife Shinnyobo-ni to pray for the soul of her late husband (this fact is known from the description in the diary, 'Kikki', kept by her nephew, Tsunefusa YOSHIDA). 例文帳に追加

寺伝では恵心僧都源信_(僧侶)(942年-1017年)の妹、安養尼が985年(寛和元年)に建てたものと伝えられてきたが、実際はもう少し時代が下った12世紀末に、高松中納言藤原実衡の妻である真如房尼が、亡き夫の菩提のために建立したものである(この史実は、彼女の甥にあたる吉田経房の日記「吉記」の記述により明らかとなっている)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

His wife, Kita no Mandokoro, (who was also known as Nene and later took the name 'Kodaiin Kogetsuni' after becoming a Buddhist nun) vowed to establish a temple to pray to Buddha for the happiness of her late husband, and originally attempted to use Kotoku-ji Temple (used to be in Teramachi, Kyoto), in which her mother Asahi no Tsubone was buried, for this purpose but it was too small so she established a new temple on Kodai-ji Temple's current site in Higashiyama. 例文帳に追加

秀吉の正室である北政所(ねね、出家後は高台院湖月尼)は秀吉の菩提を弔うための寺院の建立を発願し、当初は北政所の実母・朝日局が眠る康徳寺(京都の寺町にあった)をそれに充てようとしたが、手狭であったため、東山の現在地に新たな寺院を建立することになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When she was forgotten by her husband (FUJIWARA no Yasumasa), she visited Kifune-jinja Shrine where she watched the fireflies flying around the Mitarashi-gawa River and composed a poem:'Mono omohebasawa no hotaru mowagami yoriakugare idurutama ka to zo miru(So lost in thought,even the fireflies in the valley,seem like my spirit,escaped from my body,and wandering about). 例文帳に追加

「男(夫の藤原保昌)に忘れられている頃、貴船神社に参拝し、御手洗川に蛍が飛んでいるのを見て詠んだ歌」として「物おもへば沢の蛍も我が身よりあくがれいづる魂(たま)かとぞみる」(恋しさに悩んでいたら、沢に飛ぶ蛍も私の体から抜け出した魂ではないかと見える)という歌である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Different from Imperial Princess Isoko (or called Kinshi) and Imperial Princess Masako who were the former wives of Morosuke and her elder sisters with a different mother, no Waka remains because Imperial Princess Yasuko had no talent for composing Waka; however, since she seemed to be good with her hands and was dedicated, it is said that many pairs of Japanese socks sewn for her husband, Morosuke, were found when opening a box among her belongings after her death. 例文帳に追加

師輔の先妻にして異母姉に当たる勤子内親王や雅子内親王とは違い、歌心はあまりなかったようで和歌などは残っていないが、手先が器用でまめやかな女性であったようで、死後遺品の箱を開けてみると、夫・師輔のために縫っていた足袋が大量に出てきたという話が伝わっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Prince Kusakabe died at an early age, however, most of his families including his parents, wife, sons, daughters and close relatives took throne (moreover the theory that Prince Nagaya, who was the husband of his second daughter Imperial Princess Kibi was also treated as Imperial Prince as a special case and had the right of succession to the Imperial Throne has been pointed out), while his descendants became bearers of culture and politics as main branch of the Imperial line from the Emperor Tenmu in Nara Period. 例文帳に追加

早世した草壁皇子だが、両親・妻・息子・娘と近親者(さらに次女・吉備内親王の夫、長屋王も実際は特例として親王待遇を受け、皇位継承権があったとの説が指摘されている)の殆どが皇位につき、彼の子孫達は天武系の嫡流として奈良時代における文化・政治の担い手となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

A wife of Saigo's, Itoko, who was invited to the opening, was surprised and said 'my husband didn't look like that' (a theory that claiming that the statues did not in fact look alike stems from this statement), and also she said 'he didn't walk around in a yukata' in a strong dialect of Satsu-gu (the dialect of Satsuma and Osumi Province) and she was censured by the people around her. 例文帳に追加

公開の際に招かれた西郷夫人糸子は「宿んし(うちの主人)はこげんなお人じゃなかったこてえ(あら、こんな人ではなかったですよ)」と腰を抜かし(この発言を銅像の顔が本人に似てない事と解釈する説もある)、また「浴衣姿で散歩なんてしなかった」といった意の言葉(薩隅方言)を漏らし周囲の人に窘められたという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

During the Edo Period, the Confucian ideals of humanity and morality were important, and Masako is given high praise in the "Dai Nihon Shi" and by scholars such as Hakuseki ARAI and Sanyo RAI for her leadership of the Kamakura government after the death of her husband Yoritomo, yet added the criticism that she lacked morality, which led to the violent death of her sons (Yoriie, Sanetomo), the decline of the family she married into (the Minamoto clan) and the rise to power of her birth family, the Hojo clan. 例文帳に追加

江戸時代になると儒学の影響で人倫道徳観に重きを置かれるようになり、『大日本史』や新井白石、頼山陽などが政子を評しているが、頼朝亡き後に鎌倉幕府を主導したことは評価しつつも、子(頼家、実朝)が変死して婚家(源氏)が滅びて、実家(北条氏)がこれにとって代ったことが婦人としての人倫に欠くと批判を加えている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He violently opposed a conspiracy that came to be known as the Maki Clan Incident, which his father and Maki no kata (his father's second wife) collaboratively formed in 1205 with the intention of deposing the third shogun, MINAMOTO no Sanetomo, and helping Tomomasa HIRAGA, their daughter's husband, become the new shogun; he then forced his father to leave the shogunate in cooperation with his elder sister Masako, and became the second regent and director of the Administrative Office. 例文帳に追加

元久2年(1205年)に父が後妻の牧の方と共謀して3代将軍・源実朝を廃して娘婿の平賀朝雅を新将軍に擁立しようとした陰謀(牧氏事件)には猛反対し、姉政子と共に父を強制的に幕府から排除して政所の別当となり、第2代執権となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1664, Kagekatsu's grandson, Tsunakatsu UESUGI, died suddenly and there was a danger of the family dying out, but due to efforts by Tsunakatsu's father-in-law, Masayuki HOSOKAWA, who was a younger brother of Iemitsu TOKUGAWA, Tsunanori UESUGI, the son of his daughter's husband, Yoshihira KIRA (Kozu no suke, descendant of the female side of Ogigayatsu Uesugi family) became an adopted son of Tsunakatsu, and as a result the family was permitted to continue its family name with a half stipend of 150,000 koku (30,000 koku in actuality). 例文帳に追加

1664年、景勝の孫上杉綱勝が急死して断絶の危機を迎えたが、綱勝の舅保科正之(徳川家光の実弟)の尽力により、妹婿吉良義央(上野介、扇谷上杉家の女系子孫)の子上杉綱憲が綱勝の養子に入りした結果、半知15万石(実高30万石余)で家名存続することを許された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

At the beginning of war, he attacked Inuyama-jo Castle, and then he attempted to attack Ieyasu's home province of Mikawa together with Hidetsugu MIYOSHI (Hidetsugu TOYOTOMI), Nagayoshi MORI (husband of a Tsuneoki's daughter), and Hidemasa HORI, but he met with a misfortune of receiving a shot in the saddle and falling from a horse during the early part of the war (the misfortune doubled as he let himself become furious and lost freedom to move due to injury), he died in Nagakute together with Nagayoshi. 例文帳に追加

緒戦で犬山城を攻略したのち、三好秀次(豊臣秀次)・森長可(恒興の娘婿)・堀秀政とともに家康の本拠三河を攻めようとしたが、合戦の前半で鞍に銃弾を受け落馬したことが災いとなり(逆上してしまったことと負傷し身動きの自由を失ったことと二重に災いをなした)長久手にて長可とともに戦死。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, in 1224, following the discovery of the 'Iga Clan War,' a coup to defeat the next regent, Yasutoki HOJO, planned by Mitsumune IGA, brother of Sanemasa's wife's mother, and because Mitsumune's intention to make Sanemasa, his niece's husband, the new shogun on behalf of Yoritsune KUJO at the same time also came to light, Sanemasa was forced to divorce his wife, and then exiled to Echizen Province. 例文帳に追加

ところが、元仁元年(1224年)、妻の母方の伯父である伊賀光宗が政変を起こして次期執権の北条泰時を倒そうとしたいわゆる「伊賀氏の乱」が発覚、その際光宗は自分の姪の婿にあたる実雅を九条頼経に代わる新将軍に立てようとしていたことも発覚、実雅は妻と離別させられた上で越前国に流刑となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Though Torii zenni could not become Kumano betto because of her gender, she exerted a great influence through her family members occupying the central part of the organization controlling Kumano Sanzan, such as her husband Yukinori, her younger brother-in-law Noritomo (the 20th Kumano betto), her son-in-law Tanzo (the 21st Kumano betto) and her sons and grandsons, and she is said to have passed away due to considerable old age around 1210. 例文帳に追加

鳥居禅尼は女性なので別当にこそなれなかったが、熊野三山統轄機構の中枢部にいた夫の行範や義弟の範智(20代熊野別当)、それに娘婿の湛増(21代熊野別当)、さらには子や孫を通じてその影響力を大いに発揮し、1210年頃、かなりの高齢で死去したと伝えられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, since he had no economic base (the Ononomiya family has been driven to economic ruin because his grandfather Sanesuke left little property to the adopted son Sukehira (Sukefusa's father) and he left his property to his biological daughter and her husband FUJIWARA no Kaneyori (a son of FUJIWARA no Yorimune, a nephew of Yorimichi and Yoshinobu)), he could not secure enough political power to oppose Yorimichi. 例文帳に追加

しかし、経済的基盤を持たない(祖父実資は、養子であった資房の父・資平に財産を殆ど与えずに実娘とその夫・藤原兼頼(藤原頼宗の子、頼通・能信の甥にあたる)に与えてしまったために、小野宮家は経済的に没落の一途を辿っていた)ため、頼通に対抗できるだけの政治力を確保できることが出来なかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Other than conflicts with Katsuyori, the reason for the betrayal was said that the coup incident by Yoshinobu TAKEDA played a role (his brother Nobukuni took sides with Yoshinobu, leading to suicide), or that his wife Kenshoin suggested to her husband that her real son Nobuharu ANAYAMA (Katsuchiyo) was more suitable as the head of the Takeda family (Nobuharu was three-quarters Takeda clan blood) rather than Katsuyori who was from a line of the Suwa clan--but all such theories lack conclusive evidence. 例文帳に追加

裏切りの原因については、勝頼との対立の他に、かつての武田義信によるクーデター事件が関係しているとも(弟信邦は義信側に味方したことにより自害)、妻の見性院が諏訪氏の血を引く勝頼よりも、自らが生んだ穴山信治(勝千代)の方が武田家当主に相応しい(信治は武田氏の血を3/4継いでいる)と夫に勧めたためだとも言われるが、いずれにせよ確証はない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Yuge-jinja Shrine in Kumamoto City is the source of a folktale which relates that 'Dokyo who had already lost his position visited this place and fell in love with a seductive, gorgeous lady called Princess Fujiko at first sight, so that he married her and enjoyed her devotion to hospitality and good copulation, which made that wild, debauchee monk Dokyo live peacefully as a good husband.' 例文帳に追加

熊本市にある弓削神社(熊本市)には「道鏡が失脚した後この地を訪れて、そこで藤子姫という妖艶華麗な女性を見初めて夫婦となり、藤子姫の献身的なもてなしと交合よろしきをもって、あの大淫蕩をもって知られる道鏡法師がよき夫として安穏な日々を過ごした」との俗話がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In May, 1273 when Masamura HOJO, who served as a regent and a rensho (assistant to regents), died, he sent a letter to Sanetoki HOJO, a nephew of Masamura, and his daughter's husband, stating that 'I would like to express my sincere sorrow, however, regrettably I couldn't offer prayers because a migyosho (a document for informing people of the decision of Third Rank or upper people) prohibited jitos (managers and lords of manor) and gokenins (immediate vassals of the shogunate in the Kamakura and Muromachi through Edo periods) in Chinzei (nickname of Kyushu) from calling on you due to a foreign affair.' 例文帳に追加

文永10年(1273年)5月に執権と連署を務めた北条政村が死去した際に、政村の甥で娘婿である北条実時に宛てて「お悔やみを申し上げたいが、異国の事により鎮西の地頭御家人は参向してはならないとの御教書ですので、参拝する事できず残念です。」との書状を送っている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, several unfortunate incidents befell the throne: Princess Yamanobe no Himemiko, a sotomago (grandchild from a daughter married into another family) of SOGA no Akae followed her husband Imperial Prince Otsu to the grave when he was eliminated by Empress Jito, and ISHIKAWA no Tone no Iratsume, the wife of the late Emperor Monmu, was stripped of her rank due to infidelity and her children Hironari no Oji and Hiroyo no Oji were stripped of their standing as members of the Imperial family by association. 例文帳に追加

しかしながら、蘇我赤兄の外孫である山辺皇女が、持統天皇に排除された夫の大津皇子に殉死したり、また文武天皇の妻の石川刀子娘が、天皇崩御後に某男との関係を持った事からその身分を剥奪され、子の広成皇子・広世皇子も連座して皇族の身分を剥奪される事件なども起こしている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

About the origin of the name 'three lines and a half,' there are opinions that 'three and a half' is a half of 'seven' of the document title 'seven grounds for husbandly repudiation of the wife,' which was one-sidedly issued by the husband in repudiating his wife in uxorilocal marriage as defined in Ritsuryo code during the Nara period, or that 'three and a half' is a half of 'seven,' which is the number of lines customarily written in the permission of marriage issued by the wife's parents. 例文帳に追加

なお、「三行り半」の名前の由来には、奈良時代の律令に定められた棄妻(婿入婚における、夫からの一方的な離婚。放妻とも言う。)の際に用いられた書状七出之状(しちしゅつのじょう)の「七」を半分に割って三行り半というとする説や、婚姻の際に妻の親元が出す婚姻許可状が7行の文書であることが多かったため、その半分の3行半にするという説などもある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

His wife, Soshin-ni (a daughter of Tadamasa's second son Nobumoto MIZUNO, and Ieyasu's cousin), an adopted daughter of Mitsukatsu (Gorozaemon) NAKAYAMA (a son of the lord of Yanabe-jo Castle, Katsutoki NAKAYAMA), revived her husband's family line by adopting Shinshichiro, the biological son of her younger sister (her name is uncertain), who used the name Yasumasa MIZUNO; he and his descendants served in the Owari Domain until the end of the Edo period. 例文帳に追加

しかし、その妻総心尼(忠政の次男水野信元の娘、家康の従兄弟にあたる)は、中山光勝(五郎左衛門、父は岩滑城主中山勝時)の養子であり、総心尼の妹(名前は明らかではない)の実子である新七郎を養子として迎え、同家を再興し、新七郎は水野保雅を名乗り、彼とその子孫は尾張藩に仕えて幕末に至った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

To provide a reliable and safe condom which is never removed in use and from which sperm is not leaked in constitution where most of the penis is exposed by shortening a penis housing part continued to a glans housing part so as to avoid damaging using feeling in the condom which is not for business to be used by unspecified persons but used for a specific husband and wife at home.例文帳に追加

不特定の者の間で使用される業務用ではなく、家庭用として特定の夫婦間で使用されるコンドームに関し、使用感を損ねないように、亀頭収納部に続く陰茎体収納部が短く、陰茎体の大部分が露出するような構成において、使用中に離脱したり、精液が漏れたりする恐れのない安心かつ安全なコンドームを実現する。 - 特許庁

Now some say that Paris, by art magic, put on the appearance of Menelaus, and asked Helen to come sailing with him, and that she, thinking he was her husband, followed him, and he carried her across the wide waters of Troy, away from her lord and her one beautiful little daughter, the child Hermione. 例文帳に追加

さて、ある話では、パリスは魔法の技でメネラーオスの姿になり、ヘレネーに一緒に船出しようと言い、それが自分の夫だと思っているヘレネーは彼について行き、パリスはヘレネーを、その主人と美しく小さな一人娘、子供のヘルミオーネから引き離してトロイアへ広い海を越えて運んだということだ。 - Andrew Lang『トロイア物語:都市の略奪者ユリシーズ』

The husband was a teetotaler, there was no other woman, and the conduct complained of was that he had drifted into the habit of winding up every meal by taking out his false teeth and hurling them at his wife, which, you will allow, is not an action likely to occur to the imagination of the average story-teller. 例文帳に追加

ご亭主は禁酒主義者で、ほかに女なんかいない、で、不満の元になったふるまいというのがいつの間にか出来上がったその男の習慣さ、それが食事の終わりのたんびに入れ歯をはずして女房に投げつけるというもので、これなんかどうだい、並みの作家の想像の及ぶところではなさそうな行為だろう。 - Arthur Conan Doyle『シャーロック・ホームズの冒険』

Portia hearing this, though the kind-hearted lady was not at all\\offended with her husband for expressing the love he owed to so\\true a friend as Anthonio in these strong terms, yet could not helpanswering, "Your wife would give you little thanks, if she were present, to hear you make this offer." 例文帳に追加

ポーシャはこれを聞いて、とても優しい心を持つ女性だったから、夫がアントニオという真実の友だちに対して抱いている愛を表現するために、こういった強い言葉を使ったことに対して少しも怒ってはいなかったけれども、それでもこう答えざるを得なかった。「あなたの奥さんはあまりありがたいとは思わないでしょう、奥さんがここにいて、あなたがそんなことを言うのを聞いていたらどうするんですか。」 - Shakespeare『ヴェニスの商人』

And now Portia and Nerissa entered the house, and dressing themselves in their own apparel, they awaited the arrival of their husbands, who soon followed them with Anthonio; and Bassanio presenting his dear friend to the lady Portia, the congratulations and welcomings of that lady were hardly over, hen they perceived Nerissa and her husband quarrelling in a corner of the room. 例文帳に追加

そしてポーシャとネリッサは家に入っていき、めいめい自分の服に着替えて夫の帰りを待った。すると夫たちはアントニオとともに返ってきた。バサーニオが自分の愛する友を妻のポーシャに紹介し、祝賀と歓迎の言葉が終わるか終わらないかのときに、一同はネリッサとその夫が喧嘩しているのを見つけた。 - Shakespeare『ヴェニスの商人』

Article 97 (1) In cases where a commencement order for compulsory administration has been issued for a building in which the obligor resides, if the obligor is unable to find another place to reside, the execution court may, upon petition, permit use of such building to the extent necessary for residence of the obligor and any relatives living together who share the same livelihood with the obligor (including a person who is in a de facto husband and wife relationship or foster parent and child relationship with the obligor with no notification of marriage or adoption having been given; hereinafter referred to as the "obligor, etc.") for a period it has specified. 例文帳に追加

第九十七条 債務者の居住する建物について強制管理の開始決定がされた場合において、債務者が他に居住すべき場所を得ることができないときは、執行裁判所は、申立てにより、債務者及びその者と生計を一にする同居の親族(婚姻又は縁組の届出をしていないが債務者と事実上夫婦又は養親子と同様の関係にある者を含む。以下「債務者等」という。)の居住に必要な限度において、期間を定めて、その建物の使用を許可することができる。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

In the trial of the Arisugawa no Miya fraud case, the female suspect who played the role of Princess Arisugawa, the wife of the male suspect who was self-proclaimed Hisahito ARISUGAWA, stated, "The home of my husband's parents running a greengrocery is a descendant of MINAMOTO no Yoshisue (Yoshisue TOKUGAWA)," which was widely publicized, but their story was laughed off as a totally absurd fabrication because there was no connection between their initial claim of being a descendant of the Arisugawa no Miya family founded in the Edo period by an illegitimate child of Takamatsu no Miya and her statement about the descendant of MINAMOTO no Yoshisue. 例文帳に追加

有栖川宮詐欺事件の裁判において、有栖川宮識仁を僭称する被疑者男性の妻・有栖川宮妃を演じた被疑者女性が、『八百屋を営んでいる夫の実家は源義季(得川義季)の末裔である』旨を供述して話題になったが、そもそも主張していた高松宮のご落胤(非嫡出の隠し子)で江戸時代に創設された有栖川宮家の末裔という主張と、源義季の末裔というのはなんら接点のない荒唐無稽な法螺話であるとして一笑に付された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

While, as a kajin (waka poet) of the Kyogoku school of poetry, he had 24 poems of his own adopted in Chokusen wakashu (anthologies of Japanese poetry compiled by Imperial command) subsequent to Shingosen Wakashu (New Later Collection of Japanese poems), it is said that he had little political ability, and it is recorded in the articles of March 26 and 27 of the first year of Bunpo era (in the old lunar calendar, that is, May 15 and 16 of 1317 in the Gregorian calendar) of "Hanazono Tenno Shinki" (The Records of Emperor Hanazono) that when Kinaki was in charge of writing Omagaki (a list of candidates) of Agatameshi no jimoku (ceremony for appointing local officials), because he didn't know the manner, he learned it from the husband of his daughter, Michihira NIJO, in the presence of Emperor Hanazono, and that the emperor who wrote these records was indignant at their behaviors. 例文帳に追加

京極派の歌人として新後撰和歌集以下の勅撰和歌集に計24首採録されているが、政治的才能には乏しかったとされ、『花園天皇宸記』文保元年3月26・27日条には公顕が県召除目の大間書執筆を担当した際に、その作法が分らずに娘婿の二条道平が天皇の御前で舅に教えている有様に記主である花園天皇が憤慨したことが記されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The ubuya not being completely thatched was a childbirth folkway (Okinawa), the ubuya built on the seaside was associated with the demonstration of the spiritual power of the newborn using the mysterious power of water, the fact that the husband asked Toyotama-hime the name of the newborn can be traced back to the system when the mother had the naming rights as in the article of Emperor Suinin in 'Kojiki,' and when Toyotama-hime intercepted Unazaka and the traffic between land and sea came to an end, it was an outburst of a sense of strange land among the ancient Japanese, centered around the area of residence, similar to Yomotsu Hirasaka (the slope that leads to the land of the dead). 例文帳に追加

産屋を完全に葺かずにおくことは生産習俗であり(沖縄)、産屋を海浜に設けるのは水の神秘的勢能による生児の霊力の証示と関連し、夫がトヨタマヒメに生児の名を問うたのは「古事記」垂仁天皇条と同じく命名権が母に存した制の名残であり、トヨタマヒメが海阪を塞き止め海陸往来が絶えたのはヨモツヒラサカと同じく古代日本人の住域を中心とする異郷意識の発露である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On December 21, 1196, chugu (Palace of the Empress) Ninshi KUJO was expelled from kokyu (empress's residence) and on the 23rd of the same month, kanpaku Kanezane KUJO was dismissed and was replaced by Motomichi KONOE; Takayosho ICHIJO, whose mother was the sister of Yoritomo, Bomon hime, was appointed as sangi, Kintsune SAIONJI, the husband of Bomon hime's daughter, was appointed as Kurodo no to (Head Chamberlain), and on the 24th of the same month, Jien, the head priest of the Tendai sect of Buddhism, was ordered to stay inside the residence, and FUJIWARA no Kanefusa, the Grand Minister, was reshuffled (both Jien and Kanefusa were both Kanezane's younger brother-uterine). 例文帳に追加

翌建久7年(1196年)の11月23日に中宮九条任子が後宮から退去させられ、同月25日関白九条兼実が罷免され、近衛基通が関白に、頼朝の妹・坊門姫を母とする一条高能が参議に、坊門姫の娘を妻とする西園寺公経が蔵人頭にそれぞれ任じられ、同月26日に天台座主慈円が籠居を命じられ、太政大臣藤原兼房(太政大臣)も更迭された(慈円・兼房はともに兼実の同母弟)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The generous Anthonio then said, that he would give up his share of Shylock's wealth, if Shylock would sign a deed to make it over at his death to his daughter and her husband; for Anthonio knew that the Jew\\ had an only daughter, who had lately married against his consent to a young Christian, named orenzo, a friend of Anthonio's, which had so offended Shylock, that he had disinherited her. 例文帳に追加

そのときあの寛大なアントニオは言った。シャイロックの財産に対する私の取り分は、シャイロックが死ぬときに娘とその夫とに財産を譲るという証書に署名すれば放棄いたします。というのは、シャイロックには一人娘がいたのであるが、娘は最近父の意に反して、アントニオの友人で名をロレンゾという若いキリスト教徒と結婚していたのである。このことにシャイロックは激怒し、娘を勘当してしまったことをアントニオは知っていたのだ。 - Shakespeare『ヴェニスの商人』


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