
「That was right.」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(12ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





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That was right.の部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 649


However, if we decided to force financial institutions to increase their capital, a credit crunch would occur as was the case in Japan, causing a rapid economic contraction. Therefore, keeping the right balance is important for financial institutions as a whole, and that has been confirmed under the Basel III agreement. Therefore, keeping the right balance is important for financial institutions as a whole, and that has been confirmed under the Basel III agreement. 例文帳に追加

しかし、無理やり強制的に、ある意味で自己資本を高くしてくれ、などと決めますと、日本がかつて陥ったように、貸し渋り・貸し剥がしというのが起こりまして、経済が急速に縮小しますから、その辺のバランスということは全体の金融機関にとって大事なことだし、これはバーゼルIIIでもきちんと確認されて、そういったことを基本的な精神として合意がなされたと思っておりますので、そういったことをきちんと踏まえながら、外国の銀行の支店がある場合どうかというご質問でございますが、少し勉強させてください。 - 金融庁

(3) In case of an invention created in different manner than under conditions of the provision of Section 28(a) of the Act No. 84/1972 Coll. protected by an author’s certificate granted pursuant to the prior regulations, which has not been used by the organization that has the right to manage the invention or that was granted with this right, the inventor shall be entitled to ask the Office for its conversion to a patent (hereinafter referred to asrequest for conversion”) at any point in time during the validity of the author’s certificate. The applicant shall be obliged to pay administrative fee pursuant to Section 79(8) for the request for conversion of the author’s certificate to a patent.例文帳に追加

(3) 法令集法律No.84/1972第28条(a)に定める条件以外の方法で創作され,従前の規則により付与された発明者証によって保護されている発明であって,当該発明を処理する権利を有するか又は当該権利を付与された組織によって実施されていないものについては,発明者は,当該発明者証の有効期間中いつでも,庁に対して発明者証の特許への変更を請求すること(以下「変更請求」という)ができる。請求人が変更請求を行う際は,手数料(第79条(9))を納付しなければならない。 - 特許庁

Article 68-2 of the Patent Act specifies that, when the term of a patent right is extended, that patent right will not be effective for any act other than “the working of the patented invention for the product that was the subject of the disposition (where the specific use of the product is prescribed by the disposition, the product used for that use),” and the matters falling under the use are prescribed in the approval certificate for a drug product or the registration card of an agricultural chemical. Because of this if the matters to define the patented invention does not include any matters specifying use, it is appropriate to interpretto work of the patented inventionas an act of manufacturing and marketing or otherwise handling such drug product or as an act of manufacturing, importing, or otherwise handling such agricultural chemical that is defined by thematters falling under the matters to define the patented invention and the useof the drug product or the agricultural chemical that was the subject of the disposition. 例文帳に追加

ただし、第68条の2は、存続期間が延長された場合の特許権の効力について、「処分の対象となった物(その処分においてその物の使用される特定の用途が定められている場合にあっては、当該用途に使用されるその物)についての特許発明の実施」以外の行為に特許権の効力が及ばないことを規定しているところ、医薬品の承認及び農薬の登録においては用途に該当する事項が定められていることから、用途を特定する事項を発明特定事項として含まない特許発明の場合には、「特許発明の実施」は、処分の対象となった医薬品の承認書又は農薬の登録票等に記載された事項のうち特許発明の発明特定事項に該当するすべての事項及び用途に該当する事項(「発明特定事項及び用途に該当する事項」)によって特定される医薬品の製造販売等の行為又は農薬の製造・輸入等の行為、ととらえるのが適切である。 - 特許庁

There are many theories about in what year the Kamakura period truly began, of which the 1192 theory, the year MINAMOTO no Yoritomo was made Shogun (Seii taishogun (literally, "great general who subdues the barbarians")), is the orthodox view, but in addition, theories include: the 1180 theory, focusing on Yoritomo raising his army and leading his gokenin (lower-ranking warrior vassals) into battle to destroy the Taira clan, and also establishing the Samurai Dokoro (Board of Retainers, which oversaw rewards for service); the 1183 theory, in which the key moment is the official recognition of the shogunate's right to control Eastern Japan (everything along the Tokaido and Tosando highways) proclaimed by the imperial court in the tenth month; the 1185 theory, which focuses on Yoritomo's use of his struggle to destroy his younger brother MINAMOTO no Yoshitsune as a pretext to usurp the right to appoint and control the offices of shugo (provincial governor) and jito (estate steward); the 1190 theory, in which it was Yoritomo's visit to the capital and subsequent court appointments to Gon Dainagon (Deputy Major Counselor) and Ukone Taisho (Commander of the Guardsmen of the Right) that is considered the decisive moment; and a handful even believe it wasn't until 1196 that the Kamakura period truly began. 例文帳に追加

始期については、従来源頼朝が将軍(征夷大将軍)に任じられた1192年とするのが一般的であるが、頼朝が平家打倒のために挙兵し御家人を統率する侍所を設置した1180年説、寿永二年十月宣旨で東国(東海道および東山道)の支配権を朝廷に公認された1183年説、対立する弟・源義経追討の名目で惣追捕使(後の守護)・地頭の設置権を獲得した1185年説、頼朝が上洛し権大納言・右近衛大将に任命された1190年説、また一部では1196年説など様々な考え方がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


It is said that the meat-eating culture of the Koreans looked barbaric to the Japanese at that time and this was one cause of the conflicts, and as grounds for this, the following are listed: There is the expression of 'Tsushinshi brought fish and meat into a temple and ate them littering the place' in a comical poem in "Ezuiri Chosenraiheikizen" (Descriptions of Korean visits, with pictures), and part of the picture depicting the arrival of Chosen envoy at Yodo Castle in "Chosenjin Raiheiki" (see the picture on the right), a document in the Yodo province: It is said that this picture depicted the scene where an officer of Tsushinshi who stole a chicken kept by a townspeople was fighting with Japanese while escaping with the chicken. 例文帳に追加

当時の日本人には朝鮮人の肉食文化が野蛮なものに見えたことが原因であるとし、その根拠として『画図入(えずいり)朝鮮来聘記全』内の狂詩における「通信使が寺の中に魚や肉を持ち込んで食い散らかしている」という表現、及び淀藩の資料『朝鮮人来聘記』内の朝鮮聘礼使淀城着来図の絵に描かれたうちの一部(右図)を「通信使一行が町人の飼っている鶏を盗んで逃げようとし、日本人と喧嘩になっている」様子だとしたうえで挙げている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


If a reference under this section is made after the end of the period of two years beginning with the date of registration of the design to which the reference relates, no order shall be made under subsection (1) transferring any right in or under the design from the person registered as the owner of the design to any other person on the ground that the person so registered was not entitled to be registered as the owner unless it is shown that he knew at the time of the registration or, as the case may be, of the transfer of the design to him, that he was not entitled to be registered as the owner. 例文帳に追加

本条に基づく付託が,付託が関係する意匠登録の日に始まる2年の期間の終了後に行われる場合は,登録所有者が登録の時点で又は場合により当該意匠の当該人への移転の時点で,当該人が所有者として登録される権限を有していなかったことを知っていたことが示されない限り,そのように登録された者が所有者として登録される権限を有していなかったという理由により,意匠に係る権利を当該意匠の所有者として登録された者から,その他の者へ移転する(1)に基づく如何なる命令も行ってはならない。 - 特許庁

It was commonly accepted that Engi Gishiki was compiled in parallel with Engi Kyakushiki during the Engi era -- According to "Honcho hoke mokuroku monjo" (Catalogue of legalist documents in our country) and "Honcho shoseki mokuroku" (Catalogue of books in our country), Engi Gishiki and Engi Kyakushiki were in ten volumes respectively and ninety items were listed for the former; and such documents as "Hokuzansho" (Manual of court rules and customs), "Goke shidai" (Ritual Compendium by the House of Oe), and "Chuyuki" (The Diary of the Minister of the Right, written by Munetada FUJIWARA) recorded the parts which was considered to be a surviving fragment of the former; and "Kanju hisho" (also referred to as Kanzu hisho; Secret Notes by Head Chamberlain) written by FUJIWARA no Toshinori recommended the former as a must for Shikiji (Chamberlains). 例文帳に追加

通説によれば、延喜年間に延喜格式と並行して編纂が行われたとされ、『本朝法家目録文書』及び『本朝書籍目録』によれば、ともに10巻とし、前者には約90条の目録を掲げているが、『北山抄』・『江家次第』・『中右記』などにその逸文とされるものが記載されており、藤原俊憲の『貫首秘抄』でも職事が持つべき書として挙げている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (1), the Court shall not grant relief by way of damage or an account of profits in any case- (a) where in a suit for infringement of a trademark, the infringement complained of is in relation to a certification trademark; or (b) where in a suit for infringement the defendant satisfies the court- (i) that at the time he commenced to use the trademark complained of in the suit he was unaware and had no reasonable ground for believing that the trademark of the plaintiff was on the Register or that the plaintiff was a registered user using by way of permitted use; and (ii) that when he became aware of the existence and nature of the plaintiff's right in the trademark, he forthwith ceased to use the trademark in relation to goods or services in respect of which it was registered; or 65 (c) where in a suit for passing off the defendant satisfies the Court,- (i) that at the time he commenced to use the trademark complained of in the suit he was unaware and had no reasonable ground for believing that the trademark, of the plaintiff was in use; and (ii) that when he became aware of the existence and nature of the plaintiffs trademark, he forthwith ceased to use the trademark complained of. 例文帳に追加

(2)本条第(1)条の規定にかかわらず、裁判所は次の場合損害賠償又は不当収益弁済金の方法による救済を与えない。(a)商標の侵害に対する訴訟において訴訟物である侵害が証明商標に関するものである場合、又は(b)侵害に対する訴訟において被告が裁判所に次の心証を与える場合。(i)当該訴訟で審理の対象となる商標の使用を開始した時、原告の商標が登録簿に登録されていたこと、又は原告が許諾された使用の方法で使用する登録使用権者であったことを知らず、またそれを信ずるに足る十分な根拠が無かったこと(ii)当該商標に係る原告の権利の存在及び権利の性質を知った時、当該商標が登録されていた商品又は役務に関する商標の使用を直ちに中止したこと又は、(c)詐称通用に対する訴訟において被告が裁判所に次の心証を与える場合。(i)当該訴訟で審理の対象となる商標の使用を開始した時、原告の商標が使用されていることを知らず、またそれを信ずるに足る十分な根拠が無かったこと(ii)原告の当該商標の存在及び当該商標の性質を知った時、審理の対象となる商標の使用を直ちに中止したこと - 特許庁

Article 8 The provision of Article 146-2, paragraph (3) of the Real Property Registration Act revised under the provision of the preceding Article shall apply mutatis mutandis to the case of canceling any registration made after the registration of a provisional disposition prohibiting the disposition of property for the purpose of preserving the right to claim a registration of a right relating to real property, which was issued based on an application for an order of provisional disposition filed prior to the enforcement of this Act (in the case of a provisional disposition set forth in Article 15-3, paragraph (1) of the Act on Adjudication of Domestic Relations, limited to one that is a temporary restraining order prior to adjudication prescribed in Article 12 of the Supplementary Provisions), where such cancellation is based on an application filed by said obligee. 例文帳に追加

第八条 前条の規定による改正後の不動産登記法第百四十六条ノ二第三項の規定は、この法律の施行前にした仮処分の命令の申請に基づき発せられた不動産に関する権利についての登記を請求する権利を保全するための処分禁止の仮処分(家事審判法第十五条の三第一項の仮処分にあっては、附則第十二条に規定する審判前の保全処分であるものに限る。)の債権者がする申請に基づき、その仮処分の登記に後れる登記を抹消する場合について準用する。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Article 68-2 Where the duration of a patent right is extended (including the case where the duration is deemed to have been extended under Article 67-2(5)), such patent right shall not be effective against any act other than the working of the patented invention for the product which was the subject of the disposition designated by Cabinet Order under Article 67(2) which constituted the reason for the registration of extension (where the specific usage of the product is prescribed by the disposition, the product used for that usage). 例文帳に追加

第六十八条の二 特許権の存続期間が延長された場合(第六十七条の二第五項の規定により延長されたものとみなされた場合を含む。)の当該特許権の効力は、その延長登録の理由となつた第六十七条第二項の政令で定める処分の対象となつた物(その処分においてその物の使用される特定の用途が定められている場合にあつては、当該用途に使用されるその物)についての当該特許発明の実施以外の行為には、及ばない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


(7) The provisions of Article 40, Article 48, and Article 58 of the New Specified Commercial Transaction Act shall apply to a Multilevel Marketing Contract, a Contract on Specified Continuous Service Offers or a Specified Right Sales Contract, or a Business Opportunity Related Sales Contract that was concluded after the enforcement of this Act, but with regard to a Multilevel Marketing Contract, a Contract on Specified Continuous Service Offers or a Specified Right Sales Contract, or a Business Opportunity Related Sales Contract concluded prior to the enforcement of this Act, the provisions then in force shall remain applicable. 例文帳に追加

7 新特定商取引法第四十条、第四十八条及び第五十八条の規定は、この法律の施行後に締結された連鎖販売契約、特定継続的役務提供契約若しくは特定権利販売契約又は業務提供誘引販売契約について適用し、この法律の施行前に締結された連鎖販売契約、特定継続的役務提供契約若しくは特定権利販売契約又は業務提供誘引販売契約については、なお従前の例による。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

The rights conferred by a design right upon registration shall not apply to third persons being able to prove that before the date of filing of the application for registration or the date of priority they have commenced or have realized serious preparations to use the industrial design included within the scope of protection of the design right upon registration on the territory of the Czech Republic, if the used industrial design was created independently on the registered industrial design. 例文帳に追加

意匠権登録により与えられる権利は,第三者が,当該工業意匠の登録出願日若しくは優先日より前に,チェコ共和国の領域内での登録に基づく当該意匠権の保護の範囲内にある工業意匠で当該登録工業意匠とは独立に創作したものの使用を開始しているか又はその使用の真摯な準備を行っていることを証明することができる場合は,かかる第三者には及ばない。 - 特許庁

6. When the person to whom the right to the patent was acknowledged by a judicial decision with res judicata seeks the rejection of the initial patent application in accordance with Article 14, paragraph 2, letter (c) of the Law, he must submit to the Service a request to that effect, accompanied with certified copy true to the judicial decision in question, a copy of letters sent by registered mail to the beneficiaries of a license or of a real or personal right entered in the Register, informing them of the imminent rejection, as well as a copy of the receipt of the registered mail.例文帳に追加

(6) 既判力をもって行われた判決によって特許権を認定された者が,法第14条(2)(c)にしたがって原特許出願の拒絶の処分を受けようと請求する場合は,その者は,その旨の請求書に,当該確定判決の真正認証謄本,登録簿に登録されたライセンス又は物的権利若しくは私的権利からの受益者に対して切迫した拒絶処分を通知して書留便で送達した手紙の写,及び書留便受領証の写を添付の上,庁宛に提出しなければならない。 - 特許庁

I believe that you have, right from the days you when were not a Minister, always arguing for leaving deflation behind and now, relating to this subject, the second round of the quantitative easing policy of the FRB (Federal Reserve Board) was announced yesterday. Japan's central bank has also decided to purchase assets to enter in its balance sheet. That said, I believe that the role that the Financial Services Agency (FSA) can play in ensuring that cash should be circulated in markets and households is extremely large - I mean, large in terms of its regulatory role - I would like to ask you how the FSA is going to work with the central bank in this regard. 例文帳に追加

大臣は以前から、議員の時代からデフレについて、デフレ脱却ということをおっしゃっていたと思うのですが、昨日、FRB(連邦準備制度理事会)の量的金融緩和の第2弾が決まりまして、日本の中央銀行もバランスシートに資産を買っていくということを決めていますが、とはいえ、市中に、家計にお金が流れるという時点では金融庁の役割は非常に大きいというか、規制、レギュレーションの意味で大きいと思うのですが、この辺について中央銀行と協働していくのかどうかということをお聞きしたいと思います。 - 金融庁

Since the narrative part of Kojiki ends around the description of Emperor Buretsu and the rest of the description was almost solely about genealogy and the description of Nihonshoki also changes its nature hugely at around this point from the mostly narrative description with few specific dates to the description mostly based on the records with dates, he regarded the contents of 'Kyuji' to have ended around this, and that 'Kyuji,' which had been handed down orally, was documented in the 6th century right after that. 例文帳に追加

古事記の説話的部分が概ね武烈天皇のあたりで終わっておりその後はほとんど系譜のみの記述となること、また日本書紀の記述もこのあたりで大きく性格が変わり、具体的な日時をあまり含まない説話的な記述を中心としたものからきちんと日時の入った記録をもとにした記述中心に変わっていると見られる等の理由から「旧辞」の内容はこのあたりで終わり、その後まもなくそれまでもともと口承で伝えられてきた「旧辞」が6世紀ころに文書化されたものであると考えた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

(viii) the results of an investigation made by a person other than the Specific Purpose Company who has been specified by a Cabinet Order with regard to the value of the Specified Assets set forth in the preceding item (in cases where said Specified Assets consist of Real Property (meaning a land lot, building, or any right related thereto other than ownership), limited to that for which an investigation was made based on an appraisal by a real property appraiser); 例文帳に追加

八 特定目的会社以外の者であって政令で定めるものが前号の特定資産の価格につき調査した結果(当該特定資産が不動産(土地若しくは建物又はこれらに関する所有権以外の権利をいう。)であるときは、不動産鑑定士による鑑定評価を踏まえて調査したものに限る。) - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(6) Where an order of revocation of discharge has become final and binding, if there is a person who has acquired a claim against the bankrupt arising from a cause that occurred after the order of grant of discharge was made and before the order of revocation of discharge has become final and binding, such person shall have a right to receive payment of his/her claim in preference to other creditors in any additional bankruptcy proceedings. 例文帳に追加

6 免責取消しの決定が確定した場合において、免責許可の決定の確定後免責取消しの決定が確定するまでの間に生じた原因に基づいて破産者に対する債権を有するに至った者があるときは、その者は、新たな破産手続において、他の債権者に先立って自己の債権の弁済を受ける権利を有する。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 125 (1) In the case of paragraph (1) of the preceding Article, if the conference does not reach any conclusion or if the conference may not be made, the person granted the approval of the same paragraph may file an application for ruling of the Sea-area Fisheries Adjustment Commission concerning the establishment of the use right; provided that the same shall not apply if two months have passed from the day when the approval of the same paragraph was received. 例文帳に追加

第百二十五条 前条第一項の場合において、協議がととのわず、又は協議をすることができないときは、同項の認可を受けた者は、使用権の設定に関する海区漁業調整委員会の裁定を申請することができる。但し、同項の認可を受けた日から二箇月を経過したときは、この限りでない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Subsequently, in 1682, when Fusasuke TAKATSUKASA resigned from his post as kanpaku (chief adviser) to the Emperor, Emperor Reigen appointed Fuyutsune (Kaneteru) ICHIJO, of Udaijin (Minister of the right), to be a successor, although in an original orderly manner Motohiro KONOE of Sadaijin (Minister of the left), should have been appointed instead; but the Emperor did not do so, as he suspected that Motohiro KONOE was critical to him after giving measures to him in the wake of the Ogura Incident. 例文帳に追加

次いで1682年、鷹司房輔が関白を辞した際には本来の順序ならば左大臣である近衛基熙を関白に任じるべきところを、霊元天皇は彼が小倉事件ににおける自分の措置に対して批判的であると睨んでいたため、これを無視して右大臣の一条冬経(兼輝)を越任させた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the memorial record he created about and in memory of his mentor, Yuzo KAWASHIMA, entitled "Sayonara dake ga jinsei da: Eiga kantoku Kawashima Yuzo no shogai" (Life is only a chorus of goodbyes: the life of director Yuzo KAWASHIMA), he chronicled Kawashima's life using a documentary style; in it, he recounted how Kawashima kept working right on to the end, filming on location without breathing a single word to anyone that he was suffering from Lou Gehrig's disease. 例文帳に追加

彼の師匠川島雄三についての追悼録、『サヨナラだけが人生だ映画監督川島雄三の生涯』では、川島の生涯を実証的に取り上げ、川島が筋萎縮性側索硬化症に侵されながらそれを一切他言せず、最後まで映画製作の現場に立っていたことを取り上げた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Meanwhile, he firmly rejected the Retired Emperor's jito (land steward) dismissal request (Ota no sho manor in the Bingo Province) on the ground that it would crush the basis of bakufu if he allowed it, saying 'I have no reason to dismiss jito who the late MINAMOTO no Yoritomo assigned as far as they're not problematic,' and when Kintsune SAIONJI was dismissed from Ukone no daisho (Major Captain of the Right Division of Inner Palace Guards), Sanetomo pointed out the Retired Emperor's mistake and remonstrated with him. 例文帳に追加

その一方で、上皇が要求した地頭解任要求(備後国太田荘)を「故源頼朝が決めた地頭は問題がない限り解任する理由はない」と幕府の根幹を揺るがしかねないとして固辞しており、西園寺公経が右近衛大将を解任された折には上皇の非を指摘してこれを諌めている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

And in the "Setsuyo kensetsu" Ibaraki Doji is described as the child of natives of Tamematsu village in Kawabe county (which, like Tomimatsu, is part of modern-day Amagasaki City), but right from birth his teeth were all grown in, his hair long, his gaze piercing, and his strength beyond that of a fully grown man; consequently, his family were terrified of him and abandoned him near Ibaraki village in Shimashimo county, where he was picked up by Shuten Doji. 例文帳に追加

また『摂陽研説』では、茨木童子は川邊郡留松村(富松と同じく尼崎市の一部)の土民の子であったが、生まれながらに牙が生え、髪が長く、眼光があって成人以上に力があったので、一族はこの子を怖れて島下郡茨木村の辺りに捨て、酒呑童子に拾われたという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the Sengoku period (period of warring states in Japan), ichien shihai (rule the whole territory) by daimyo (Japanese territorial lord) was developed in the Sengoku period and officially Jikendan seemed to disappear and become reduced, however, after the Edo period, authorized communities such as villages and towns (cho) virtually kept possession of their autonomy similar to Jikendan under the compromise and tolerance of the government, standing on the premise that as if they waived their right to judge criminal cases. 例文帳に追加

戦国時代(日本)になると、戦国大名の一円支配が進み、自検断は表向き次第に消滅もしくは縮小していったが、江戸時代以降も村や町(ちょう)といった公認共同体は事実上それに近い自治権を、あたかも自検断権を放棄しているかのごとき建前に立った、政権との妥協と黙認の上に、保持し続けた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In addition to this, the Teibi Yakujo was greater in severity than the Jinshin Yakujo in that it stopped the right to trade for Jutoshonin (Japanese given Korean government evidence to be granted special privileges in trading) and Jushokunin (Japanese given Korean government post who has special technique such as healing art) before 1550, reduced the entry ports from both Busan Inlet and Jepo (Jinhae City, Gyeongsang-namdo Prefecture) to one of only Busan Inlet, and took those who stayed on Gadokdo Island or further west places as wako. 例文帳に追加

またそれ以外に、50年以前の受図書人(朝鮮王朝により通交許可を受けた者)・受職人(朝鮮王朝より官位を受けた者)の通交権の停止、入港場を釜山浦・薺浦(慶尚南道鎮海市)の二港から釜山浦一港に削減、加徳島以西に来泊する者は倭寇とみなす等、壬申約条よりもさらに通交の抑制を進める厳しい内容となっていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Nagasaki was the only port that had been open to international trading since the Edo period, and as such the settlement had flourished due to the large number of foreigners who had taken up unofficial residence there; beginning in the Meiji period, however, it saw comparatively little development, and indeed prospered more as a sort of health resort for foreigners living in Shanghai and other concessions in China rather than as a settlement in its own right. 例文帳に追加

江戸時代から日本唯一の対外貿易港であった長崎の居留地には、当初、多数の外国人が押しかけて繁栄したが、明治になると長崎居留地はそれほど発達せず、むしろ上海市を中心とする中国租界在住の欧米人の保養地として賑わうようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

With reference to the whole Convention: No relief shall be available under the Convention if it was the main purpose of any person concerned with the creation or assignment of any right or property in respect of which the income is paid or derived to take advantage of the Convention by means of that creation or assignment. 例文帳に追加

条約全体に関し、所得の支払又は取得の基因となる権利又は財産の設定又は移転に関与した者が、条約の特典を受けることを当該権利又は財産の設定又は移転の主たる目的とする場合には、当該所得に対しては、条約に定める租税の軽減又は免除は与えられない。 - 財務省

No relief shall be available under this Article if it was the main purpose or one of the main purposes of any person concerned with the creation or assignment of the right or property in respect of which the other income is paid to take advantage of this Article by means of that creation or assignment. 例文帳に追加

その他の所得の支払の基因となる権利又は財産の設定又は移転に関与した者が、この条の特典を受けることを当該権利又は財産の設定又は移転の主たる目的の全部又は一部とする場合には、当該その他の所得に対しては、この条に定める租税の免除は与えられない。 - 財務省

No relief shall be available under the provisions of paragraph 2 of Article 10, paragraph 2 of Article 11, paragraph 2 of Article 12, paragraph 6 of Article 13 or paragraph 1 of Article 21, if the main purpose of any person concerned with the creation or assignment of any right or property in respect of which income arises was to take advantage of such provisions by means of that creation or assignment. 例文帳に追加

所得が生ずる基因となる権利又は財産の設定又は移転に関与した者が、第十条2、第十一条2、第十二条2、第十三条6又は第二十一条1に規定する特典を受けることを当該設定又は移転の主たる目的とする場合には、当該所得に対しては、これらの規定に定める租税の軽減又は免除を与えられない。 - 財務省

A person who has exhibited a design at an official or officially recognized international exhibition as referred to in the Convention of 22 November 1928 relating to international exhibitions and who, within six months after this, applies for a design right in Norway, may claim that the application be regarded as filed on the date when the design was first exhibited at the exhibition.例文帳に追加

国際博覧会に関する1928年11月22日の条約にいう公式の又は公認の国際博覧会において意匠を展示し,かつ,この後6月以内にノルウェーにおいて意匠権出願を行う者は,その出願は当該意匠がその博覧会において最初に展示された日にされたものとみなされるべきことを主張することができる。 - 特許庁

If a request for an administrative review claiming that the holder is not entitled to hold the right to the design is filed with the Norwegian Industrial Property Office within the time limit laid down in the third paragraph, legal proceedings concerning the question, notwithstanding the third paragraph, may be instituted within two months after the day the notification of the Norwegian Industrial Property Office’s final decision was sent to the party concerned.例文帳に追加

所有者が意匠についての権原を有していない旨を主張する行政審理請求が第3段落に規定する期限内にノルウェー工業所有権庁に提起された場合は,第3段落に拘らず,この問題に関する訴訟は,ノルウェー工業所有権庁の最終決定の通知が関係人に送付された日後2月以内に提起することができる。 - 特許庁

(7) If, from the communication made according to paragraph (6) letter b), it results that the person whose right to the patent was recognized, desires to continue the procedure instead of the applicant, according to Art. 66 paragraph (2) letter a) of the Law and pays the fee for filing the modifications in the legal status of the patent application, OSIM shall publish in BOPI the mention of the change of the person entitled to be granted the patent.例文帳に追加

(7) (6)(b)に従って行われた連絡の結果として,特許を受ける権利を承認された者が,本法第 66条第 2段落(a)に従い,出願人に代って手続を続行することを希望し,特許出願に係る法的地位の変更を届け出るための手数料を納付したときは,OSIMは特許の付与を受ける権利48 を有する者の変更に関する言及を BOPIに掲載する。 - 特許庁

(11) Where from the communication made according to paragraph (6) letter b) it results that the person whose right to the patent was recognized requests the rejection of the original application, according to Art. 66 paragraph (2) letter c) of the Law, and the condition of paragraph(6) letter a) is fulfilled, OSIM shall make the decision to reject the original application and shall publish the mention thereof in BOPI and shall communicate the decision to the interested parties.例文帳に追加

(11)(6)(b)に従って行われた連絡の結果として,特許を受ける権利を承認された者が,本法第 66条第 2段落(c)に従い,原出願の拒絶を請求し,かつ,(6)(a)の条件が満たされた場合は,OSIMは原出願を拒絶する旨の決定を行い,それについての言及を BOPIに掲載し,その決定を利害関係人に連絡する。 - 特許庁

(5) If the oppositions are filed for the reason of identity or confusing similarity to the trade name or its essential part, the opposing person proves, that was incorporated before rising of the priority right of the applied sign, and encloses the list of goods or services actually provided by the enterprise under this trade name.例文帳に追加

(5) 自己の商号又はその本質的部分との同一性又は混同を生じる程の類似性を理由として異議申立を行う場合は,異議申立人は,異議申立の対象標識に優先権が生じる前に自己の当該商号が法人化されていたことを証明すると共に,自己が当該商号の下に現実に提供している商品又はサービスの一覧を示すことを要する。 3 - 特許庁

3 According to Article 4 of the supplementary provisions to the amended Code of Civil Procedure, Article 11, Paragraph 3 of the Code of Civil Procedure (including the cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 281, Paragraph 2 of the same) shall not be applicable to any agreement on competent court or on waiver of the right for appeal except the final one that was executed before the enforcement of this amended Code of Civil Procedure. 例文帳に追加

改正法附則第4条「第1条の規定による改正後の民事訴訟法(以下「新民事訴訟法」という。)第11条第3項(新民事訴訟法第281条第2項において準用する場合を含む。)の規定は、この法律の施行前にされた管轄裁判所を定める合意及び上告をする権利を留保した控訴をしない旨の合意については、適用しない。」  - 経済産業省

(a) in the case where a person who was not a major shareholder becomes a major shareholder, a document stating the name or trade name and address or location of said shareholder, the percentage of voting rights (which means a voting right prescribed in Article 86, paragraph 1 of the Act; hereinafter the same shall apply in this item) that said shareholder holds to the total number of voting rights, the relationship with said Futures Commission Merchant, and the date of the changes; 例文帳に追加

イ主要株主でない者が主要株主となった場合にあっては、当該株主の氏名又は商号 若しくは名称、住所又は所在地、所有する議決権(法第八十六条第一項に規定す る議決権をいう。以下この号において同じ。)の議決権の総数に対する割合及び当 該商品取引員との関係並びに異動のあった年月日を記載した書面 - 経済産業省

In the 7th WTO regular ministerial meeting held right after the release of the yearly report, the monitoring activity in trade measures in each country by WTO got an generally high evaluation from the attending ministers, and its importance was confirmed in the chairman's summary statement, sayingactive arguments were carried out about a functional enhancement of WTO, and there are many indications that monitoring and analysis are important for protectionism prevention”.例文帳に追加

年次報告書が発表された直後に開催された第7 回WTO 定期閣僚会議では、WTO による各国の貿易措置の監視活動は、出席閣僚から概ね高い評価を得て、議長総括において「WTO の機能強化について活発な議論が行われ、監視及び分析は保護主義防遏のために重要との指摘が多くなされた」として、その重要性が確認された。 - 経済産業省

Portia then said she would be married to Bassanio before he set out, to give him a legal right to her money; and that same day they were married, and Gratiano was also married to Nerissa; andBassanio and Gratiano, the instant they were married, set out in great haste for Venice, where Bassanio found Anthonio in prison. 例文帳に追加

それからポーシャは、バサーニオ様が出発するまえに結婚いたしましょう、あなたに私のお金に対する法律上の権利をあげたいですから、と言った。その日のうちに2人は結婚し、グレイシアーノもネリッサと結婚した。バサーニオとグレイシアーノは結婚後ただちにヴェニスへと急いで向かった。そしてバサーニオはアントニオが牢の中にいるのを見つけた。 - Shakespeare『ヴェニスの商人』

As for the separation of financial administration and fiscal management, Mr. Watanuki was the chairman of the committee, Mr. Hosei Norota was the first ranking member, Mr. Hakuo Yanagisawa was the second ranking member, and I was the third ranking member. I have learned much about the background to the separation of financial administration and fiscal management. As you said earlier, the Budget Bureau had the upper hand, and it benefited from a revenue increase when the economy was growing strongly. I also supported the separation of financial administration and fiscal management. As I have served as the minister for financial services, I have various ideas, and yet I still believe that separating financial administration and fiscal management was the right thing to do. 例文帳に追加

財金分離ということは、あのとき綿貫さんが委員長で、野呂田芳成さんが筆頭理事で、次席が柳澤伯夫で、三席、自見庄三郎でございましたから、財金分離に至った過程、あるいはまさに非常に私も経験として勉強させていただいておりまして、まさにさっき言われたように、主計局が非常に優位で、主計局がバブルであれば税収は増えますから、そういった意味で私も財金分離ということを支持しておりますし、今でも金融担当大臣をさせていただきまして、色々な考えがあるのですけれども、財金分離は今でも正しいことだというふうに思っております。 - 金融庁

He writes that Confucianism had been overwhelmed by Buddhism since the Engi and Tenryaku Period and it changed into the learning of Zen monks, that Seika FUJIWARA began the serious study of Shushigaku, and that later Jinsai ITO and his son Togai ITO, Ansai YAMAZAKI, Toju NAKAE, and Sorai OGYU tried to criticize Shushigaku for meiri (fame and profit), insisting on different theories from Shushigaku such as Yomeigaku (Neo-Confucianism based on teaching of WANG Yangming) and Kobunjigaku (study of ancient rhetoric school), and finally he stresses that Shushigaku is the right and completed Confucianism from which meiri was eliminated. 例文帳に追加

延喜・天暦以来、儒教が仏教に圧倒されて儒教が禅僧の学問と化したこと、藤原惺窩が日本における宋学の端緒を付けたこと、その後伊藤仁斎・伊藤東涯父子や山崎闇斎・中江藤樹・荻生徂徠らが、名利をもって陽明学や古文辞学などの異説を掲げて朱子学の排撃を試みたこと、だが朱子学こそが名利を捨てて学問として成就された正統な儒学であることを論じている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

(ii) In cases where a person alleging that his right was infringed by distribution of information via a specified telecommunications filed a petition that said specified telecommunications service provider take measures to prevent said information infringing his right (hereinafter referred to as "infringing information") from being transmitted (hereinafter in this item referred to as "transmission prevention measures"), indicating the infringing information and the allegedly infringed right and the reason why said person insists on said infringement (hereinafter in this item referred to as "infringing information, etc.") and where said specified telecommunications service provider provided such infringing information, etc. to the sender of said infringing information and inquired the sender if said sender agrees with implementing said transmission prevention measures, where said specified telecommunications service provider has not received any notice from said sender indicating his disagreement with implementation of said transmission prevention measures after seven days from the day of said inquiry to said sender. 例文帳に追加

二 特定電気通信による情報の流通によって自己の権利を侵害されたとする者から、当該権利を侵害したとする情報(以下「侵害情報」という。)、侵害されたとする権利及び権利が侵害されたとする理由(以下この号において「侵害情報等」という。)を示して当該特定電気通信役務提供者に対し侵害情報の送信を防止する措置(以下この号において「送信防止措置」という。)を講ずるよう申出があった場合に、当該特定電気通信役務提供者が、当該侵害情報の発信者に対し当該侵害情報等を示して当該送信防止措置を講ずることに同意するかどうかを照会した場合において、当該発信者が当該照会を受けた日から七日を経過しても当該発信者から当該送信防止措置を講ずることに同意しない旨の申出がなかったとき。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Those who were amply rewarded for their meritorious contribution to the shogunate's defeat--Takauji ASHIKAGA, Yoshisada NITTA, Masashige KUSUNOKI, etc.--were only a tiny fraction of those who fought, and Norimura (Enshin) AKAMATSU, who had joined the struggle to overthrow the shogunate from the very beginning, was forced to forfeit his Protectorship of Harima Province, and the chaos caused by situations, like when a single plot of land found itself with multiple owners, showed the unfairness of the system to reward distinguished service against the shogunate, making it likely that discontent against the new government was strong right from the beginning; but Emperor Godaigo's vassals Sadafusa YOSHIDA and Tadaaki CHIGUSA were made to take the blame for this situation and were driven out of office and forced to take the tonsure. 例文帳に追加

倒幕の功に応じて十分な恩賞を与えられた武士は、足利尊氏、新田義貞、楠木正成ら一部に過ぎず、最初から倒幕運動に加わって六波羅攻略に功を立てた赤松則村(円心)が播磨国の守護職を没収されたり、1つの土地に何人もの領主が現れて混乱するなど倒幕の功に対する恩賞が不公平で、新政の初期から武士の不満は強かったと推測され、後醍醐の近臣である吉田定房や千種忠顕が詰め腹を切らされる形で出家させられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

That’s right, Tomoko-san. The first one is based on voluntary action plans implemented by specific industries. The second point is the development of new alternative substances and promoting the use of products using such new alternatives. The third is the recovery of fluorinated gases. The Industrial voluntary action plan, which can be understood as voluntary regulations by industries, was agreed upon by 22 business organizations in 8 sectors which produce or use fluorinated gases. In these plans, a target for total emission volume in each industry sector was determined and measures to realize this target were taken through co-operations among companies concerned, such as complete management to prevent leakage of gases, the introduction of abatement equipment, and the development and introduction of non-ozone depleting and low global warming potential alternatives. 例文帳に追加

そうです。一つ目は産業界の自主行動計画に基づく取り組みですね。二つ目は、代替物質の開発等や開発されたノンフロン製品の利用の促進。三つ目が、フロン回収に係わる取り組みです。一つ目の、産業界の自主行動計画は、8分野22団体で策定しています。ここには、総排出量等の目標を挙げるとともに、その実現のための取り組み、すなわち漏洩防止のための管理の徹底、除害設備の導入、代替物質・技術の開発・導入等が取り上げられています。 - 経済産業省

Chairman Hiroshi Yokoyama explains. “I started our business in China, and if I could manage our company forever it would be OK, but I didn’t feel right about leaving this to a successor who is not familiar with Chinese business customs and practices. There have also been numerous incidents of impurities in Chinese foods, so I was worried that producing food products in China could have a negative impact on our company image. After worrying about this for half a year I reached the conclusion it was better to leave. 例文帳に追加

「中国での事業を始めた自分が、いつまでも経営を続けられるのならば良いが、中国における事業上の慣習や雰囲気を知らない後継者に、中国事業を引き継ぐことに迷いがあった。また、中国製の食品による事故が多発したことで、中国で食品を生産していることが、企業イメージに悪影響を及ぼすおそれもあったことから、半年間考え悩んだ末に結論を出した。」と、同社の横山弘会長は語る。 - 経済産業省

(iii) In the case that the patented invention was made jointly by University, etc. Researcher and person other than University, etc. Researcher (limited to the case that said patented invention is an employee invention with respect to the University, etc. Researcher), the person that establishes the University or College of Technology, or Inter-University Research Institutes which has succeeded the right to obtain a patent related to the joint ownership of the entities involved in said patented invention from the entities. 例文帳に追加

三 その特許発明が大学等研究者と大学等研究者以外の者との共同で行われたものである場合(当該特許発明が大学等研究者について職務発明である場合に限る。)において、当該特許発明に係るこれらの者の共有に係る特許を受ける権利をこれらの者から承継した当該大学若しくは高等専門学校を設置する者又は大学共同利用機関法人 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

On the other hand, right before and after the revision, many passengers seemed to be discontented due to the increased number of express and semi-express trains that started doubling back at Tenmabashi Station during the morning rush, and the decreased convenience at Kayashima Station and Kozenji Station owing to the discontinued semi-express during the daytime; so, on January 27, 2007, the timetable was again revised in order to cope with these problems (revision on the repartition of the shuttle trains that were doubling back at Tenmabashi Station and those that arrived at and departed from Yodoyabashi Station during the morning rush, the downgrading of express trains between 15:00 and 16:00 to semi-express, etc.). 例文帳に追加

一方で改正前後には、朝ラッシュ時に天満橋で折り返す急行・準急が増えたことや、昼間時の準急の廃止により萱島駅及び光善寺駅の利便性が低下したことに対する不満も上がったようで、2007年1月27日にはこれらの問題点に対応したダイヤ変更が実施された(朝ラッシュ時の天満橋折り返し列車と淀屋橋発着列車の配分の見直し、平日15時台の急行を準急に格下げ、など)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

If the Registrar had not, for the purposes of the repealed Act, been notified that an application had been made in that Convention country or in those Convention countries for the registration of the trade mark, the applicant must, within 6 months after 1 January 1996 but subject to subsection (5), claim a right of priority for the registration of the trade mark in accordance with section 29 in order to obtain registration from the date on which that application or the earliest of those applications was made in a Convention country. 例文帳に追加

登録官が,廃止法の適用上,前記の1又は複数の条約国において商標登録出願がされた旨を通知されていなかった場合は,出願人は,前記の1の出願,又は複数の出願のうち最先の出願が条約国においてされた日から登録を受けるためには,1996年1月1日後6月以内に,(5)に従うことを条件として,第29条に従って商標登録についての優先権を主張しなければならない。 - 特許庁

Any party who, in the Netherlands or Netherlands Antilles, has already manufactured or applied or commenced implementation of his intention to manufacture or apply, in or for his business, the subject matter of a patent application filed by another party on the filing date thereof or, if the applicant has a right of priority under Article 9(1) or Article 87 of the European Patent Convention, on the filing date of the priority application, shall, notwithstanding the patent, continue to have the right to perform the acts referred to in Article 53(1), that right being based on prior use, unless his knowledge was obtained from matter already made or applied by the applicant or from the applicant’s descriptions, drawings or models.例文帳に追加

何人かが,他人が行った特許出願の主題を,その出願日に,又はその出願人が第9条(1)若しくは欧州特許条約第87条に基づく優先権を有する場合は優先権出願の出願日に,オランダ又はオランダ領アンチル諸島において,自己の事業において又はその事業のために,既に製造し若しくは利用しており,又はそれを製造若しくは利用する同人の意図の履行を開始している場合は,当該人は,その特許に拘らず,第53条(1)にいう行為を継続する権利,すなわち,先使用に基づく権利を有する。ただし,同人の知識が,出願人が既に製造若しくは利用している事項,又は出願人の明細書,図面若しくはひな形から取得されているときは,この限りでない。 - 特許庁

I made a comment at the informal ministerial gathering today, which was obviously not a comment from the head of the administration, but I am Vice-Chief of the People's New Party (PNP), and the current government is, as you know, a coalition of the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) and the PNP. Accordingly, Prime Minister Kan, right after he assumed office, met with (PNP) Chief Shizuka Kamei to discuss how the two parties would cooperate in policymaking, at which meeting I was also present as the PNP Secretary-General at that time. Under the three-party coalition that preceded the current one, there was a committee called the Ministerial Committee on Basic Policies, which was set up as a forum for the parties to coordinate or match their policies, but then the Social Democratic Party left the coalition. That is why how the remaining parties should cooperate in policymaking afterwards was a subject of discussion at the party leader meeting right after Prime Minister Kan became the new Prime Minister, during which both leaders agreed to go about it properly. Then as it turned out, as you know, we had a House of Councilors election and the same subject also just came up again during the recent meeting of the two party leaders, who supposedly agreed to "do it (policy cooperation)." That is why I decided to make an elaborate comment on this subject to Prime Minister Kan at today's informal ministerial gathering, to which Prime Minister Kan responded by telling Mr. Gemba, who is a state minister and is also DPJ's Policy Research Committee Chair, to work on policy cooperation with the PNP in the proper way - therefore, Policy Research Committee Chair Gemba and I proceeded to discuss how it should be done, a task that I presume will basically be handled mainly by policy research committee chairs. 例文帳に追加

今日、閣僚懇で、私はこれは行政の長としての発言ではございませんけれども、国民新党の副代表でもございますし、両党、民主党と国民新党のご存じのように連立内閣でございますから、両党間の政策協議をどうするのかということは、実は菅総理がなられた後、すぐ亀井静香(国民新党)代表と話をされまして、当時私は幹事長でございましたから、同席をいたしまして、前の3党連立内閣のときは、基本政策閣僚委員会というのがございまして、ここで政策を整合性を図る、あるいはすり合わせをするということでございましたが、社民党さんが連立を離脱されましたので、その後の政策協力をどうするかということが当時菅総理が実現した後のすぐの党首会談でのテーマで、しっかりやりましょうという話でございましたが、ご存じのように参議院選挙になりましたので、またこの前も両党首会談でそのことが議題になって、「(政策協力を)やろう」ということでございましたから、今日閣僚懇で菅総理に相当申し上げまして、ちょうど玄葉さんが民主党の国務大臣兼政調会長でございますから、菅総理からもきちっと国民新党のほうとの政策協議をするようにということでございまして、玄葉政調会長と私ともどういうふうにするのかと、基本的に政調会長中心だというふうに思いますけれども、そのことを打ち合わせをさせていただいたわけでございます。 - 金融庁

Article 213 With regard to a bankruptcy claim that was unable to enter into the procedure for an interim distribution by reason of the failure to prove the matter prescribed in Article 198(1) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 209(3), if the bankruptcy creditor who holds said bankruptcy claim has proven said matter within the period of exclusion concerning a final distribution or within the period of exclusion concerning any interim distribution that may be made after said interim distribution, said bankruptcy creditor, in said final distribution or any later interim distribution that may be made after the previous interim distribution, may receive a liquidating distribution at the amount that he/she could have received in the previous interim distribution, in preference to other bankruptcy creditors with the same priority. The same shall apply where a holder of a right of separate satisfaction (including a holder of a quasi-right of separate satisfaction) who was unable to participate in the procedure for an interim distribution by reason of the failure to show proof or make a prima facie showing of the matter prescribed in Article 210(1) (including cases where applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to paragraph (2) of said Article) has shown proof and made a prima facie showing of said matter within the period of exclusion concerning any later interim distribution that may be made after said interim distribution. 例文帳に追加

第二百十三条 第二百九条第三項において準用する第百九十八条第一項に規定する事項につき証明をしなかったことにより中間配当の手続に参加することができなかった破産債権について、当該破産債権を有する破産債権者が最後配当に関する除斥期間又はその中間配当の後に行われることがある中間配当に関する除斥期間内に当該事項につき証明をしたときは、その中間配当において受けることができた額について、当該最後配当又はその中間配当の後に行われることがある中間配当において、他の同順位の破産債権者に先立って配当を受けることができる。第二百十条第一項(同条第二項において準用する場合を含む。)に規定する事項につき証明又は疎明をしなかったことにより中間配当の手続に参加することができなかった別除権者(準別除権者を含む。)がその中間配当の後に行われることがある中間配当に関する除斥期間内に当該事項につき証明及び疎明をしたときも、同様とする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


(1) Where a person at the priority date of the patent application - (a) was in good faith in Malaysia making the product or using the process which is the subject of the invention claimed in the application; (b) had in good faith in Malaysia made serious preparations towards the making of the product or using the process referred to in paragraph (a), he shall have the right, despite the grant of the patent, to exploit the patented invention: Provided that the product in question is made, or the process in question is used, by the said person in Malaysia: Provided further that he can prove, if the invention was disclosed under the circumstances referred to in paragraphs 14(3)(a), (b) or (c) that his knowledge of the invention was not a result of such disclosure. [Am. Act A648: s.22; Am. Act A863: s.26]例文帳に追加

(1)人が,特許出願の優先日において,(a)マレーシアにおいて善意で,その出願においてクレームされている発明の主題である製品を製造していたか又はその主題である方法を使用していた場合,(b)マレーシアにおいて善意で,(a)にいう製品を製造する又は方法を使用するために,真摯な準備をしていた場合は,その出願に対する特許の付与に拘らず,当該人は,その特許発明を実施する権利を有するものとする。ただし,前記の者によってマレーシアにおいて,その製品が生産されること,又はその方法が使用されることを条件とする。更に,その発明が第14条(3)(a),(b)又は(c)にいう事情の下で開示された場合は,当該人が,その発明についての同人の知識がその開示の結果でなかったことを証明できることを条件とする。[法律A648:s.22,法律A863:s.26による改正] - 特許庁


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