
「but as」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(341ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索









but asの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 17457


Japanese Eiten system in modern times mainly included Ikai, decorations and peerages, but in some cases, it also included the following: special posts, such as Jako no ma shiko (emperor's personal attendant in the Jako room), Kinkei-no-ma shiko (Kinkei Hall attendant) and an imperial court councilor; the preference to veteran statesmen called Genro (elder statesman); the courteous reception of the previous post given to a person who used to be a prime minister or a Chairman of the Privy Council; an Emperor's cup (prize cup) based on a decoration; and the imperial rescript and the state funeral for a minister who especially had a great achievement. 例文帳に追加

日本の近代に於ける栄典制度は主に位階・勲章・爵位が挙げられるが、他に麝香間祗候・錦鶏間祗候や宮中顧問官のように特別な官職につく例や元老と称される元勲優遇、内閣総理大臣・枢密院議長を経験した者になされる前官礼遇の様に待遇に関する物、勲章に準ずる賜杯(賞杯)、特に功績のあった臣下に賜る勅語・国葬が挙げられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Tokyo-tei was where Emperor Seiwa (his mother was FUJIWARA no Akira Keiko (Somedono no Kisaki) was born in 850, so it was honored as the Ubugami (birth gods) and the Ubusunagami (guardian deity of one's birthplace), and next year of the emperor's enthronement in 859, Shonii (Senior Second Rank) was given to Munakata Sanjojin (promoted to Juichii (Junior First Rank) later), and in 865, Jusanmi (Junior Third Rank) was also given to Amanoiwatowake no kami, the shrine in the same mansion, and on May 19 of the same year, a shield, a pike, and a saddle were dedicated to the shrine but this dedication was not recorded in "Jinmyocho (the list of deities) of Engishiki" (codes and procedures on national rites and prayers). 例文帳に追加

東京第は嘉祥3年(850年)に清和天皇が誕生した場所で(母は冬嗣の孫、藤原明子(染殿后))、その縁から同天皇の産神・産土神と崇められたようで、宗像3神には即位の翌年である貞観元年(859年)に正二位が授けられており(その後従一位に昇進)、同7年(865年)には同じく邸内社であった天石戸開神にも従三位が授けられ、同年4月17日(旧暦)には特に楯・桙・鞍を奉納するほどであったが、『延喜式神名帳』には登載されずに終わった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After the end of the World War II, between the countries of the UN, the opinion to punish the Emperor for militarism and abolish Tennosei was strong, but because the Japanese government strongly advocated the preservation of the Emperor, General Douglas MACARTHUR and the General Headquarters of the Allied Powers (GHQ/SCAP), to smoothly advance the administration of occupation and as a bulwark against communism, took the direction that the Imperial Household system should be preserved. 例文帳に追加

第二次世界大戦の終戦後、連合国(UN)の間では、軍国主義の一因として天皇を処罰し、天皇制を廃止すべきだという意見が強かったが、日本政府がその維持を強く唱えたこともあり、ダグラス・マッカーサー元帥、連合国軍最高司令官総司令部(GHQ/SCAP)は、日本の占領行政を円滑に進めるため、また共産主義に対する防波堤としても皇室制度は存続させるべきだという方向性を取った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Also, from the fact that even though the names differ slightly, in the introduction of the Kojiki, usually it is recorded with two history books set side by side like the "Teiki" and "Kyuji," there is a viewpoint that they were not just separate Records, but was originally written with the premise that these would be combined to make one Record, and it exists as a 'Japanese style biographical historiography' different from the Chinese biographical historiography which combines two history books, 例文帳に追加

また古事記の序文などにはそれぞれ名前は微妙に異なるものの、ほとんどの場合に『帝紀』と『旧辞』をはじめとして二つの史書が並べて記されていることなどから、これらは単に別々のものを並べているのではなくもともと組み合わせることを前提に作られた一体のものであり、二つの史書を組み合わせた中国の紀伝体とは異なる「日本式の紀伝体」とでもいうべき形態が存在するのではないかとする見方もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


She does not have numerous exploits to her credit but judging from the most convincing theory about the year of the birth of her son, the Prince Tamura, she seems to have lived a long life in those days going through various incidents, such as the diarchy system of the Soga clan and the Mononobe clan, which conflicted each other on the Buddha worship and the succession to the throne, the reign of the Empress Suiko, during which the Prince Umayado seemingly wielded great power, the despotism of the Soga clan which enforced after the demise of the Prince, the Taika Reforms, and the wars against other countries. 例文帳に追加

(彼女にとって)長男田村皇子の有力生年から、彼女自身には伝わる事績は多いとはいえないが、崇仏や王位継承などを巡って対立した蘇我・物部両氏の二頭体制から、厩戸皇子が活躍したとされている推古朝、彼亡き後深まった蘇我氏の専横、大化の改新、対外戦争等と数多くの事件を見ながら当時としてはかなりの長寿を全うしたと思われる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Among adopted children and children considered as his, there are: MINAMOTO no Narinobu (son of Prince Munehira, nephew of Rinshi), whose father became an ordained monk and passed away so his relative, Michinaga, took guardianship; FUJIWARA no Nobumoto (Norimichi's son, later FUJIWARA no Michimoto) and FUJIWARA no Kaneyori (Yorimune's son), who were Michinaga's biological grandsons but Michinaga adopted them in order to facilitate their promotion; and the brothers adopted for the same reason, FUJIWARA no Kanetsune and Domyo (Betto of Shitenno-ji Temple), who were biological sons of Michitsuna, who was Michinaga's half brother by a different mother. 例文帳に追加

なお、養子・猶子となった者に実父の出家・死去によって縁戚の道長が後見を務めた源成信(致平親王の子・倫子の甥)、道長の実の孫でその昇進の便宜のために道長が養子とした藤原信基(教通の子、後の藤原通基)・藤原兼頼(頼宗の子)、同様のケースと考えられる道長の異母兄道綱の実子である藤原兼経・道命(四天王寺別当)兄弟が挙げられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He planned to live his life as a high priest, but after the 5th shogun, Yoshikazu ASHIKAGA, the son of his older brother, the 4th Shogun, Yoshimochi ASHIKAGA, died suddenly in 1425, and Yoshimochi died in 1428 without deciding his heir, the Kanrei (shogunal deputy), Mitsuie HATAKEYAMA, suggested a plan that the next shogun should be selected from the candidates (Gisho KAJII, Gisho DAIKAKUJI, Eiryu KOZAN, and Gien) by a lottery at Iwahimizu Hachimangu Shrine. 例文帳に追加

このまま義教は高僧として生涯を終えるはずであったが、1425年(応永32年)、兄で4代将軍足利義持の子である5代将軍足利義量が急逝し、義持も1428年(正長元年)に後継者を決めないまま没したため、管領畠山満家の発案によって、石清水八幡宮で行われたくじ引きで複数の候補者(兄弟の梶井義承・大覚寺義昭・虎山永隆・義円)の中から将軍に選ばれることになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Putting this theory aside for the moment, perhas they had become vassals of Toyotomi only after have first resisted him with arms, unlike the other daimyo, the fact that there were a number of excessive demands made upon the Shimazu clan, such as the construction of Daibutsu-den (the Great Buddha hall) of Hoko-ji Temple, that they were ordered to immediately dispatch troops to Korea, and that there was an incident in which Yoshihisa was ordred to execute Toshihisa by Hideyoshi because of the Umekita Uprising (an uprising by a retainer of the Shimazu family, Kunikane UMEKITA), leaving him no choice but to comply, show that Yoshihisa and other members of the Shimazu clan were at odds with the Hideyoshi administration. 例文帳に追加

この説はともかく、他大名と異なり豊臣秀吉に抗戦した後の降伏・臣従という経緯であったためか、島津家には方広寺の大仏殿建立など過大な負担が要求されることが多かった上に、矢継ぎ早に朝鮮出兵への命令、更にその時に起こった梅北一揆で歳久が一方的に秀吉に処罰を申し渡され処刑せざるを得なかった事件など、義久はじめ島津家臣団と秀吉政権の間に確執があったのは事実のようである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This is same man (Suketomo Kyo), who was once taking shelter from the rain in the gate of To-ji Temple, where there were gathered together many cripples with twisted arms and distorted legs bent backwards. Noting their various peculiar deformities he thought, 'These are all very strange freaks, and are certainly well worth preserving.' But, when he looked at them more closely, he soon lost all pleasure in them and, regarding them as ugly and vile, thought, 'Surely there can be nothing better than the unusual upright form.' So on his return home, his well-loved little trees, which he had collected and carefully trained into queer shapes to make his eyes glad, from that time forth no longer gave him any pleasure; for he felt that to love them was like loving those cripples. Accordingly, he dug up and threw away all his dwarf trees that he had cultivated in little pots. 例文帳に追加

この人、東寺の門に雨宿りせられたりけるに、かたは者どもの集まりゐたるが、手も足もねぢゆがみ、うちかへりて、いづくも不具に異様なるを見て、とりどりにたぐひなき曲者なり、もつとも愛するに足れりと思ひて、まもり給ひけるほどに、やがてその興つきて、見にくく、いぶせく覚えければ、ただすなほに珍しからぬ物にはしかずと思ひて、帰りて後、この間、植木を好みて、異様に曲折あるを求めて目を喜ばしめつるは、かのかたはを愛するなりけりと、興なく覚えければ、鉢に植ゑられける木ども、皆掘り捨てられにけり。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Although she was ordered to do so days ago, she hesitated to obey the order, using her illness as an excuse or saying it would be quite a disgrace for the concubine of Yoshitsune to appear on a gala occasion although she was not in a position to blame somebody for her misfortune, but Masako frequently recommended Yoritomo to see Shizuka's dance, saying "It would be a great disappointment to miss the great performance of an excellent dancer while the dancer happens to be at this place and is going to return very soon," and persuaded Shizuka to perform the dance by saying "The dance is dedicated to Hachiman Daibosatsu." 例文帳に追加

この事は以前から命じていたところ、病気のためと称して断ったり、わが身の不遇はあれこれ言う事は出来ないといえども、豫州(義経)の妾として晴れの場に出るのはすこぶる恥辱であると言って渋り続けていたが、政子が「天下の舞の名手がたまたまこの地に来て、近々帰るのに、その芸を見ないのは残念なこと」としきりに頼朝に勧め、「八幡大菩薩に備えるのだから」と言って静を説得。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Basara daimyo (unconventional warriors) in general more or less downplayed conventional authority such as the Imperial Court, but for Tadayoshi, the Retired Emperor Kogon was the only authority (chiten no kimi (supreme ruler)) that guaranteed a legitimate reason for the appointment of his older brother, Takauji, to Seii Taishogun (literally, "great general who subdues the barbarians") and the reason for Emperor Komyo's ascent to the throne, and therefore, Tadayoshi thought that forgiving his behavior would threaten his authority and would negate the legitimacy of the Muromachi bakufu. 例文帳に追加

婆娑羅大名には多かれ少なかれ朝廷などの旧来の権威を軽んじる風潮があったが、直義にとって光厳上皇は兄・尊氏の征夷大将軍任命とそれを行った光明天皇の即位に対する大義名分を保障する唯一の権威(治天の君)であり、その権威を揺るがす行為を容認することは室町幕府の正統性そのものを否定することにもつながりかねない事と考えていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Because he betrayed Katsuyori at the last minute despite being a Takeda family member, Nobukimi ANAYAMA had a negative reputation alongside Yoshimasa KISO, who was also the son-in-law of Shingen but switched sides to the Oda family, and Nobushige OYAMADA, who committed betrayal just before the fall; however, Hachiro SATO gives him a favorable appraisal, justifying his daring decision to turn away in order to sustain the family name, while Toshifumi YANO believes that the relationship between the Takeda clan and local samurai lords such as Anayama and Oyamada was a coalition government, and that with the fall of Takeda family, Nobukimi broke away from the perspective of an individual feudal lord. 例文帳に追加

武田一族にも関わらず土壇場で勝頼を裏切ったことから、同じく信玄の娘婿でありながら織田家に寝返った木曽義昌や滅亡寸前に裏切った小山田信茂らと共に否定的評価がある一方で、佐藤八郎など家名存続のため敢えて背いた情勢判断を正当視する好意的評価や、矢野俊文による武田氏と国人領主の穴山や小山田の関係が連合政権であるとする立場から、滅亡に際して個別領主の立場から離反に至ったとする見解もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to a legend that the night Kikunomae killed herself was the 12th night on a lunar calendar, the villagers called the day 'Juniya Gozen' (literary, the lady of 12th night) and build a shrine with straw and humbly gave offerings including rice on 12th day of January among other months in those days; Yamada Kanoraiki wrote that there were formerly seven to eight houses in the village, but in the latter half of the Edo period when the document was written, only two houses were left; and now, as the Sekine-mura village has been defunct, the memorial service is no longer carried out, and the tragedy and the site called 'Juni Gozen' have been mostly forgotten. 例文帳に追加

菊の前が自害した夜が十二夜であったという伝承があり、「十二夜御前」と呼ばれ、特に正月十二日に藁宝殿を作り、米や供物を捧げていたが、山田環往来記によれば、昔は7~8軒の民家があったが、環往来記が書かれた江戸時代後期には2軒の民家しかなくなり、現在は、1軒もなく、関根村自体が消滅したため、供養は一切行われておらず、また、地元の人でも、十二御前の場所やその悲劇を知らない人が多い。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the trial of the Arisugawa no Miya fraud case, the female suspect who played the role of Princess Arisugawa, the wife of the male suspect who was self-proclaimed Hisahito ARISUGAWA, stated, "The home of my husband's parents running a greengrocery is a descendant of MINAMOTO no Yoshisue (Yoshisue TOKUGAWA)," which was widely publicized, but their story was laughed off as a totally absurd fabrication because there was no connection between their initial claim of being a descendant of the Arisugawa no Miya family founded in the Edo period by an illegitimate child of Takamatsu no Miya and her statement about the descendant of MINAMOTO no Yoshisue. 例文帳に追加

有栖川宮詐欺事件の裁判において、有栖川宮識仁を僭称する被疑者男性の妻・有栖川宮妃を演じた被疑者女性が、『八百屋を営んでいる夫の実家は源義季(得川義季)の末裔である』旨を供述して話題になったが、そもそも主張していた高松宮のご落胤(非嫡出の隠し子)で江戸時代に創設された有栖川宮家の末裔という主張と、源義季の末裔というのはなんら接点のない荒唐無稽な法螺話であるとして一笑に付された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The reason why Chacha banished Katsumoto KATAGIRI and Urakusai ODA who struggled to avoid a war as they knew the fight against Tokugawa meant the fall of the Toyotomi family, and furthermore refused the reconciliation scheme proposed by the Tokugawa side, has been attributed to her pride and obstinacy, but nowadays, we see such an explanation that although Yodo-dono accepted to become a hostage, the supreme commander Hideyori hated and denied the offer. 例文帳に追加

徳川と争えば豊臣を滅ぼす事になると、戦を回避しようと努力していた片桐且元や織田有楽斎を追放した上、さらに徳川方が提示した和睦案を蹴ったのも、従来は淀殿の気位の高さと強情によるものと説明されることが多かったが、今日では実は淀殿は自ら人質となることを承諾していたものの、総大将の秀頼が母を人質することを嫌いこれを蹴ったものと説明されることが多くなっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Some books such as "Sengoku Armor Collection Book" list what is considered a 'Ranmaru MORI's armor,' but the armor was discovered in Hikone City by the chairman of the Japanese Armor History Society, Tatsuo II (then Tatsuo NAKAMURA), who sold it to an antique dealer in Kawagoe City, Nagayoshi OKUHIRA, and upon official announcement of their names, the two men have flatly denied that the armor belonged to Ranmaru MORI, stating, 'the armor was discovered and kept by us and is nameless (not Ranmaru MORI's).' 例文帳に追加

『決定版図説・戦国甲冑集』などには「森蘭丸の具足」とされる物が記載されているが、この具足は日本甲冑史学研究会会長の井伊達夫(当時中村達夫)が彦根で発見して川越の古美術商・奥平長良に譲ったものであり、両人とも名前を公表した上で「自分たちが発見、預かった品で(森蘭丸のものではなく)無名の鎧」とはっきりと森蘭丸の鎧であることを否定している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This was based on the relationship in which because Ujisato had no son of his own, in exchange of presenting Takatoyo with the seven pieces of the family treasure that were handed down for generations by the Rokkaku family, he adopted Takatoyo's son to make him his successor (before this, he received Shigenaga NIWATA, a child of Masazumi NIWATA, to make his successor from the Niwata family which was the Tosho-ke [the hereditary lineage family of Court nobles occupying relatively high ranks] of the same Uda-Genji [the Minamoto clan of the Uda lineage] as he was, and after Shigenaga returned to his parents' home, he tried to get his successor by handing his family treasure over to the Chikuzen Kuroda family and the Tsuwano Kamei family, but in vain.) 例文帳に追加

これは実子がなかったことから六角家に代々伝わる家宝七品を高豊に贈り、高豊の子を迎えて後継者とした(これ以前には同じ宇多源氏の堂上家である庭田家から庭田雅純の子・庭田重条を迎えて後継者としており、重条が実家に戻った後には筑前黒田家や津和野亀井家に家宝を譲渡し後継者を得ようとしたが、成功していない)縁によるものである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is said that the plan had advanced to the point of getting the license for extending the line to Misu, but brewers in Fushimi revolted against it, saying "Subway extension will stop the flow of the clear groundwater (Fushimi), indispensable for brewing Japanese sake" (when Nara Electric Railway was planning to construct the existing Kintetsu-Kyoto Line in the immediate area of Fushimi as a subway line, they waged similar opposition campaign and had it changed to an elevated railway). 例文帳に追加

実は昔、三栖までの事業免許を取得する直前まで計画は進んでいたのだが、そのときに伏見の酒造家たちが「地下鉄延長によって酒造に欠かせない地下水(伏水)が出なくなる恐れがある」と計画に猛反発した(なお奈良電気鉄道(奈良電)が1928年に、現在の近鉄京都線を伏見付近において地下線で建設する予定であったときも、同様の反対運動を起こして高架線に変更させたことがあった)ためといわれている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The line had been competing over higher speeds with the Tokaido Main Line in order to attract passengers, but since the late stage of the Japan National Railway the Hankyu Kyoto Main Line had been left behind in speed competitions owing to JNR's intensified investment in speeding up and developing new types of rolling stock, and after the privatization of Japan National Railway, the Tokaido Main Line increased the number of stops, for example by making the special rapid train stop at Takatsuki Station, while maintaining its velocity; therefore, the Hankyu Kyoto Line also had to change its policy to increase the number of stops in between as a means to attract passengers. 例文帳に追加

東海道本線とは当初から互いにスピード競争を行って乗客獲得競争を行っていたが、国鉄末期以降はスピードアップや新型車両投入により、スピード競争では敗北し、さらにJR化後は新快速を高槻駅に停車させるなど、スピードを維持したまま停車駅を増やしたため、阪急京都線も途中駅にこまめに停車して集客する方法に方針転換する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Originally the shortest route between Tsuruga and Kyoto was by way of the Kosei Line, but the direct line going through Tsuruga was not set up and instead the direct line going through the Maizuru Line and the Sanin Main Line was set up, because it met the coming and going from Kyoto, Osaka region to the west of Wakasa region and it also undertook the local transportation on the Obama Line (for example, we can raise the local trains directly linking Tsuruga with Fukuchiyama or the express train 'Tango' and so on, whose departure and arrival was in Kyoto and which ran as a local train eastward from Higashi-Maizuru, that is, on the Obama Line). 例文帳に追加

そもそも、敦賀-京都間は湖西線経由が最短ルートなのに、敦賀経由の直通列車は設定されず、舞鶴線・山陰本線経由で直通列車を設定していたのは、京都・大阪方面から若狭地方西部への出入りに対応したのと、小浜線内の地域輸送とを兼用したためである(例として敦賀-福知山間を直通していた普通列車や、東舞鶴以東つまり小浜線内が普通列車となる京都発着の急行「丹後」などが挙げられる)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Same as before, they planned to perform an operation on the city outskirts on the Tokaido Line and so on, but when they operated a steam locomotive 'Keihan 100-nen-go' between Kyoto Station and Osaka Station on September 4, 1976, fans' bad behavior caused an elementary school student to die on contact with the train (Refer to the Keihan 100-nen-go Accident for details), and for this reason they gave up the project, changing it into a permanent operation on the local lines. 例文帳に追加

前回同様、運行線区として東海道本線など都市近郊での実施を予定していたが、1976年9月4日に「京阪100年号」として京都駅-大阪駅間で蒸気機関車の運転を行った際、鉄道撮影を行う観客のマナーの悪さから小学生が機関車に接触して死亡するという事態になった(詳しくは京阪100年号事故を参照)こともあり断念、地方線区での恒久的実施に方針を切り替えた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Initially, the governor of Fukui Prefecture, Eizo KITA, accommodated the plan 'Framework on Hanko Canal' (運河構想) to connect the Sea of Japan and the Seto Inland Sea via Lake Biwa, but because Sukenori HIRATA, who was then the mayor of Yokkaichi City, was keen on the plan, the alliance for the construction of the canal to connect Wakasa Bay and Ise Bay via Lake Biwa (at a total cost of 250 to 350 billion yen) was formed with Banboku ONO, the Vice President of the Liberal Democratic Party, as chairman, among Fukui Prefecture, Shiga Prefecture, Gifu Prefecture, Aichi Prefecture, Mie Prefecture, Nagoya City, Tsuruga City and Yokkaichi City. 例文帳に追加

当初は、琵琶湖から日本海と瀬戸内海を結ぶ阪敦運河構想を北栄造福井県知事が調整し始めたが、当時の平田佐矩四日市市長が熱心だったこともあり、福井県・滋賀県・岐阜県・愛知県・三重県、名古屋市・敦賀市・四日市市の間で、自民党副総裁の大野伴睦を会長に、総工費2500億円~3500億円に及ぶ若狭湾~琵琶湖~伊勢湾を結ぶ運河の建設期成同盟が結成された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The bakufu, as concerning the system of the alternate enthronement of the two rival imperial lines, adopted a policy of making recommendations concerning the imperial succession and mediating between the daikakuji and jimyoin lineages without being drawn in too deeply to successional disputes, but in the end, after a long period of confusion over the succession, the imperial court made a new request for the bakufu to intervene, while the faction on the losing end of this dispute, nursing newfound dissatisfaction against the bakufu because of the results of this intervention, ended up making a request of their own, leading to a vicious circle that conflicted ever deeper with the bakufu's hands-off policy. 例文帳に追加

幕府は両統迭立原則によって大覚寺統・持明院統両皇統間における話し合いによる皇位継承を勧めて深入りを避ける方針を採ったが、結果的に紛糾の長期化による朝廷から幕府に対する新たな介入要請を招き、その幕府の介入結果に不満を抱く反対派による更なる介入要請が出されるという結果的に幕府の方針と相反した悪循環に陥った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Today, the following are known as effects caused by kosa, but it is not known clearly how kosa works completely: When being placed over forests or sea, kosa grains provide the so-called umbrella effect to prevent the penetration of the sunlight (cooling effect); When being placed on snow areas or glaciers, they provide the effect of warming the air through absorbing sunlight (heating); Being able to become nuclei of generating clouds, they provide the effect of controlling the distribution of clouds above the earth; Because substances included in kosa affect the growth of plants and planktons, kosa also provides the effect of affecting the carbon cycle. 例文帳に追加

黄砂の粒子が森林や海洋の上にあるときは太陽放射を遮蔽する日傘効果(冷却)、黄砂の粒子が雪や氷河の上にあるときは太陽光線を吸収して大気を暖める効果(加熱)、黄砂の粒子が雲核となって地球上の雲の分布を左右する効果(冷却・加熱)、黄砂に含まれる成分が植物やプランクトンに作用することで炭素循環に作用する効果などがあり、結果的にどう作用するかは現在はっきりと分かっていない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After the Sword Hunt, keeping arms that supported the right to judge criminal cases as a safeguard military police power had the form of waiving the right and people in a farming rank showed their waiver by not wearing a sword, their rank symbol, but actually an individual community had big stockpiles of swords, spears, and guns under the pretext of dedicating things to Shinto and Buddhist deities or the extermination of harmful animals and the governmental powers could not openly touch them even after the Meiji Restoration. 例文帳に追加

こうした自検断権の裏づけとなる軍事警察力の保証としての武器の保有も、建前上は刀狩以降放棄した形式をとり、百姓身分の者は身分表象としての帯刀を放棄することでそれを示していたが、実際は個々の村には膨大な数の刀槍、鉄砲が神仏への献納物、あるいは害獣駆除の名目で備蓄されており、明治維新以降も国家権力はあからさまにこれに手をつけられない状態であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Around this time, the heredity of San hakase grew in importance, and being part of a hereditary family joined passing Hoshi as a requirement for assuming the role of San hakase; initially, in the early Heian period, the Iehara and Okura clans began to make it into the heredity, but this did not last; then, after the ruin of the preceding clans, the Ozuki and Miyoshi clans began to utilize heredity, made their own Sando into hereditary learning and secret teachings, and excluded other clans by adopting capable disciples to inherit the family name. 例文帳に追加

この頃になると、算博士の世襲化が進み算道によって奉試に合格するとともに、譜第の家系であることが算博士就任の要件とされるようになり、当初は家原氏・大蔵氏が平安時代前期には世襲化も兆候を見せるものの長続きせず、両氏の没落後は小槻氏・三善氏の両氏が世襲するようになり、自己の算道を家学・秘伝化し、また有能な門人を養子として家名を継承させることで他氏を排除するようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The problem of embezzling of jisharyo (holdings of temples and shrines) by kokuga (imperial household officials or an estate manager) or bushi (samurai) was the background of the tendo -- But in some cases, as Buddhist monks and Shinto priests inherited the shoryo, which was necessary for maintenance of the facilities and support of the rituals, accompanying their religious belief (Buddhist monks inherited the shoryo from the master to the disciple, correspondingly to the case of the Shinto priests where they inherited the shoryo from father to children), they began to privatize the shoryo such that they could use the shoryo for private purposes, which had nothing to do with their religious activities, or that they sold the shoryo to the other person at their own discretion in the worst cases. 例文帳に追加

その背景として国衙や武士による寺社領の横領という問題もあったが、僧侶や神官によって信仰に付随して施設や儀式の維持とそのために必要な所領が相続継承されていく(僧侶の場合は師弟間の継承が神官の子弟間の相続に相当する)うちに私有化され、宗教とは関係のない私的目的に利用されたり、場合によっては勝手に他者に売却される場合もあった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The state of rule differed between the temple and shrine -- In the temples, the right of shoen ryoshu (estate proprietor) was not divided into multiple positions in a system and the estate was put under centralized control, or alternatively, the right was divided between the main temple and inge (temple next in rank of monzeki that had imperial connections), that belonged to the main temple, to prevent an invasion from outside; but in fourteenth century, as the temples were exposed to invasions of bushi, the temples enhanced its direct rule in the shoen near the precinct of the temple to secure its kajishi (additional tax). 例文帳に追加

ただし、寺院と神社では支配の傾向に違いがあり、寺院では荘園領主としての権限が複数の職の体系に分割されずに一元的な支配が行われるか、寺院本体とそこに属する院家の間で分割され、他者の参入を防ごうとしたが、14世紀になると武士による侵略に晒されたために、寺院周辺の荘園における直務支配を強化して確実に加地子得分の確保を目指すようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After the Pacific War ended, various quarters demanded to make it possible to handle checking accounts even in Mujin companies for war-damage reconstruction, but in those days the GHQ regarded Mujin as gambling and was against it, therefore, while making it possible to do business at a banking level at that time, the government planned a financial institution system where it would be possible to handle Mujin and set up a Mujin company level in the system to supervise, and thereby the Mutual Loan and Savings Bank Act was established in 1951 and all companies except Nihon Jutaku Mujin K.K. shifted to the mutual banking system. 例文帳に追加

太平洋戦争終結後、戦災復興のために各方面より無尽会社でも当座預金の取扱を可能としようとする要請が為されるようになったものの、連合国軍最高司令官総司令部は当時、無尽を賭博的でギャンブルの一つであると見ており、これに難色を示したため、政府は当時の銀行並の業務を可能としつつも、無尽の取扱が可能で制度・監督上は無尽会社程度で設立可能な金融機関制度を企画、1951年に相互銀行法が成立し、日本住宅無尽株式会社を除く全社が相互銀行へ転換した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Prior to the homecoming of the official travel group of Iwakura Mission including OKUBO, on the August 17, dispatch of SAIGO to the Korea as an ambassador plenipotentiary was once approved in a Cabinet meeting, but when the Emperor Meiji received a report of the proposal on the next day he rejected the SAIGO's dispatch plan based on the agreement that "won't decide important matters related to the country until the official travel group's homecoming", and asked them to wait for homecoming of Tomomi IWAKURA, and report it again after deep deliberation with IWAKURA (IWAKURA comes home on September 17). 例文帳に追加

大久保ら岩倉使節団の外遊組帰国以前の8月17日、一度は閣議で西郷を朝鮮へ全権大使として派遣することが決まったが、翌日この案を上奏された明治天皇は「外遊組帰国まで国家に関わる重要案件は決定しない」という取り決めを基に岩倉具視が帰国するまで待ち、岩倉と熟議した上で再度上奏するようにと、西郷派遣案を却下している(岩倉の帰国は9月17日)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, according to Kenjiro UME, one of the drafting committee members of Minpoten (the legal code that stipulates basic regulations related to Civil Code), in Old Civil Codes drawn up by Gustave Emile BOISSONADE it was stipulated as 30 years based on the legislation of the time, but it became easier to figure out distant properties thanks to better transportation and also it was necessary to determine the rights more quickly because of more frequent transactions, it was shortened to 20 years, and he didn't mention the links to the old law in Japan. 例文帳に追加

ただし、民法典の起草委員の一人である梅謙次郎によれば、ギュスターヴ・エミール・ボアソナード起草の旧民法では当時の立法例に則して30年となっていたものを、交通の便が開けたことにより遠くにある財産の把握が容易になったこと、取引が頻繁にされることにより権利の確定を早期に行う必要があることから20年に短縮したものと説明されており、日本の旧来の法には触れていない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There were some opinions that the punishment for injuring foreigners was too severe, and from the Japanese viewpoint the act of TAKI was quite natural for a samurai, at least as a reaction to 'Tomowari,'but it was difficult to resist the strong demand of the powerful countries and the plea for saving TAKI made by Munenari DATE through ITO and Saisuke GODAI (later Tomoatsu GODAI) to the last minute of the deadline was rejected by the voting of Leon ROCHES of France and other minister-counselors'. 例文帳に追加

この事件における外国人側被害に対して処罰が重すぎるのではないかとの声もあり、また、日本側としては滝の行為は、少なくとも「供割」への対処は武士として当然のものでもあったが、列強の強い要求の前に抗うことが出来ず、伊藤や五代才助(後の五代友厚)を通じた伊達宗城の期限ギリギリまでの助命嘆願もフランスのレオン・ロッシュをはじめとする公使投票の前に否決される。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Under the amended system, the government cannot bestow the medals for merit like 'the XXX Order of Merit,' but the Decrees of Cabinet still stipulates 'Six Classes' as the concept of the medals for merit without individual naming; therefore, the decorations conferred under the new system belong to any of the medals for merit, which is divided into six without individual naming, so that the bestowal (or receipt) of the decoration virtually means, if not explicitly, the bestowal (or receipt) of the medals for merit. 例文帳に追加

制度改正により、新制度下で「勲○等」の勲等を授与することはできなくなったが、太政官布告の規定上は「六級」(6つの級)という個別呼称のない概念としての勲等が引き続き存置されており、新制度下の勲章はそれら個別名称を持たない6区分の勲等のいずれかに属しているものとなっているため、勲章を授ける(受ける)ことの意義の中に(明示的ではないが)事実上勲等の属性を帯びたものとなっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

While diplomatic measures were conducted based upon the request of the domestic administration reform toward the Korean government by the Meiji government, Yukichi FUKUZAWA and others were not against it but two years after that, after watching suppression of the pro-domestic administration reform group (Progressive group 'the Kaehwadang') by the Korean government as below, they reached a totally opposite conclusion to their former attitude saying 'we do not have the luxury of time to wait,' 'Simply adapting the ways of the Westerners is sufficient' and 'the refusal.' 例文帳に追加

そのように明治政府の朝鮮政府に対する内政改革の要望にもとづいた外交施策がされていた中、福澤諭吉らもそれに反対するようなことはなかったが、その2年後、以下記述するような朝鮮政府の内政改革派(開化派)に対する弾圧を見て、福澤諭吉らは「猶予ある可らず」とか「正に西洋人が之に接するの風に從て處分す可きのみ。」とか「謝絶」というそれまでの姿勢とは全く逆の結論に至ることになる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Freedom and People's Rights Movement once declined because of the government's oppression, which led Liberal Party (Meiji Period) to dissolve and the Constitutional Progressive Party to halt its activities, but in 1887, when so called the petition movement of three major events happened, Shojiro GOTO, a leader of former Liberal Party, advocated the reunion of factions of the Freedom and People's Rights Movement to prepare for upcoming of the first House of Representatives election and he called for the establishment of parliamentary government within the Imperial Diet to deal with difficult problems such as treaty revision, a land tax, and financial affairs; in March of the same year, he got principal members of former Liberal Party and the Constitutional Progressive Party to participate, which triggered the movement to unite for a common purpose. 例文帳に追加

自由民権運動は政府の弾圧によって衰微し、自由党_(明治)は解党、立憲改進党も休止状態にあったが、1887年にいわゆる三大事件建白運動が発生すると、かつての自由党の領袖である後藤象二郎は自由民権運動各派が再結集して来るべき第1回衆議院議員総選挙に臨み、帝国議会に議会政治の打ち立てて条約改正や地租・財政問題という難題にあたるべきだと唱え、3月に旧自由党・立憲改進党の主だった人々に呼びかけたのがきっかけである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This is said to be a plan made by the Nanki group, but some stated that Iesada, although being almost disabled or in a critical condition, did not lose his mental capacity completely and appointed Yoshitomi whom he liked personally because he disliked his rival Yoshinobu (according to the reflection of Kansui ASAHINA who was Iesada's attendant page and later served as kanjo bugyo [commissioner of finance], Iesada hated Yoshinobu because 'Yoshinobu was more handsome than him'). 例文帳に追加

これについては南紀派による画策であると言われているが、家定自身も廃人もしくはそれに近い重態ではあったものの、完全に意思能力が失われていたわけではないため、本人の意向で自分の対抗馬である慶喜を嫌って個人的に気にかけていた慶福を指名したとする見方もある(家定の側小姓で後に勘定奉行などを歴任した朝比奈閑水の回想によれば、家定は「自分より慶喜の方が美形」という理由で慶喜に反感を抱いていたと記している)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There were some examples of Edo merchants who did daimyogashi mainly to domains in the Kanto and the Tohoku regions, but Edo did not become a stable financial source for domains because annual rice tax and special products of the Edo bakufu or hatamoto (direct retainers of the bakufu) who lived in Edo to guard the bakufu were sold in Edo, and sometimes the bakufu ordered restriction of rice delivery out of Edo for rice-price keeping operation for the bakufu's fiscal stability (as a result most of rice that were dealt in Edo were from the bakufu, hatamoto, and some merchants, and only partial amount of rice from domains in the Kanto region and the Tohoku region were dealt). 例文帳に追加

関東地方・東北地方を中心に江戸商人との取引も行われ、江戸商人による大名貸の例もみられるが、江戸は江戸幕府本体及びその親衛隊として江戸に常住した旗本の年貢米・特産品の売却地でもあり、幕府財政安定を意図した米価維持のための諸藩への廻米制限令が出されることもあり、藩にとっては安定した資金調達先にはなり得なかった(結果的に江戸への米は幕府米・旗本米・商人米が大部分を占め、関東・東北諸藩の年貢米の一部が売却されるのみとなる)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

"Sankazue" (Picture Collection of Three Coins: History of Coinage in Japan), authored by Morishige KONDO and Naokata KUSAMA, includes many gold and silver coins issued from the Sengoku period to the Edo period, among which there were even those created later on and not a few of which were made using the old diagrams and are now treated as ganshohin (ornamental items), but many of them lack accurate records, and it is unknown whether some of them were originally circulated coins or ganshohin. 例文帳に追加

近藤守重のおよび草間直方の『三貨図彙』には戦国時代から江戸時代に掛けての多くの金貨および銀貨が収録されているが、その中でも領国貨幣には後世の創作によると思われるものまで含まれ、またそれが後世に図録を元に作成され、今日、玩賞品(がんしょうひん)として扱われているものも少なくないが、確固たる記録に欠けるものが多く、本来の通貨であるか玩賞品であるか判明していないものも存在する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to a book of Takahisa MIYAUCHI, houses are the most fundamental center of one's existence and from ancient times people have made efforts to protect life or fortune, but natural disasters (eg. earthquakes) were mysterious in those days so they desired to understand 'the principles governing and controlling the world' including factors for disasters, as a result of which the concept of living space materialize, over the years cultivated through knowledge, a standard influencing the construction of a house, from an outlook of the world was produced. 例文帳に追加

宮内貴久の著物によれば、住居とは生存の拠り所として、最も根本的な施設であり古来より生命や財産を守るための工夫を重ねてきたが天災によって、当時としては不可解な被害(例えば地震)に見舞われていたことから災いの要因を含めた「世界を支配し統括する原理を知りたい」という欲求に晒された結果、住宅に対して、人々が居住生活に求める概念を実体化させて、長い年月を経て培われた知見が規範化され影響力を持ち家相の世界観が生み出されたと述べられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Through the main branch of the family of FUJIWARA no Yoshifusa of Fujiwara Hokke (Fujiwara Hoku Family), in the early Kamakura period, FUJIWARA no Tadamichi's sons, Motozane KONOE and Kanezane KUJO established the Sekkan Family (Sekkan-ke) of the Konoe group and Kujoryu Sekkan-ke, a regent family, respectively; this resulted in the division of the main branch of the family into two families (although there was, in addition the Matsudono Family of the Sekkan Family (Sekkannke) of the Matsudono group, the originator of which was Motofusa MATSUDONO, who was also a son of Tadamichi; but, the Matsudono Family is not counted as sekke, with the two families because, after Moroie MATSUDONO became regent, no one from the Matsudono Family became a regent or chief advisor of the Emperor and the family line failed many times). 例文帳に追加

藤原北家の藤原良房の嫡流を経て、鎌倉初期に至り藤原忠通の子の近衛基実と九条兼実がそれぞれ近衛流摂関家と九条流摂関家を成立させ、嫡流が2家に分裂した(この他に同じ忠通の子である松殿基房を祖とする松殿流摂関家の松殿家があったが、松殿師家が摂政になった後は摂政・関白を輩出することなく何度も断絶を繰り返しているため摂家には数えない)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the Period of the Northern and Southern Courts, in which the Kyoto Court (Northern Court [Japan]) and Yoshino Court (Southern Court) both stood, the Emperor Godaigo, who set up the Southern Court in the middle of Mt. Yoshino, not only ordered Yoshisada NITTA to dispatch the Imperial Prince Kanenaga and the Imperial Prince Tsuneyoshi to Hokuriku region and appointed the Imperial Prince Korenaga Seisei shogun to dispatch him to Kyushu region, but also dispatched other imperial princes of his own to various places such as the Imperial Prince Muneyoshi to the eastern Japan, and the Imperial Prince Norinaga to Mutsu Province, in order to oppose the Northern Court. 例文帳に追加

吉野の山中にて南朝を開き、京都朝廷(北朝(日本))と吉野朝廷(南朝)が並立する南北朝時代に後醍醐天皇は、尊良親王や恒良親王らを新田義貞に命じて北陸へ向かわせたほか、懐良親王を征西将軍に任じて九州へ、宗良親王を東国へ、義良親王を陸奥国へと、各地に自分の皇子を送って北朝方に対抗させようとした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

To that end, it proposed a "sharp, effective and selective administrative response through the introduction of a rating system into inspections that is based not only on the financial situation, but also on various viewpoints of financial institutions." Based on the deliberation results, etc. of the Financial Inspection Rating System Study Group, we have developed and decided to implement the Financial Inspection Rating System for financial institutions as shown below, which you are asked to fully acquaint yourself with and internalize. 例文帳に追加

その具体的施策の1つとして、「財務状況のみならず、様々な観点からの、検査における評定制度の導入等によるメリハリの効いた効果的・選択的な行政対応」が提案されたところであるが、今般、「評定制度研究会」の検討結果等を踏まえ、下記のとおり、「預金等受入金融機関に係る検査評定制度」(以下「金融検査評定制度」という。)を定め、運用することとしたので、了知のうえ、遺憾なきよう期せられたい。 - 金融庁

If any of the following is recognized through the process of inspection, it shall be considered as a positive factor in giving a rating. (1) Disclosure documents and other materials used by the financial institution for making explanations to customers take account of the customer’s standpoint and provide specificdescriptions to facilitate their understanding, rather than providing abstract explanations, and the financial institution reviews and revises these materials on an ongoing basis in order to make them easy-to-understand and suited to the needs of customers, by reflecting the opinions of customers in the revisions. (2) The Customer Explanation Management and Customer Support Management are effectively coordinated to produce synergy effects. For example, the financial institution promptly and properly reviews and revises the Customer Explanation Manuals in light of problems identified in the process of customer support management. (3) The financial institution not only makes proper efforts to enhance the Customer Explanation Management System, the Customer Support Management System, the Customer Information Management System and the Outsourcing Management System, but also ensures the effectiveness of customer protection by properly managing other processes it has determined to be essential to customer protection and improving customer convenience. (4) Assessment and improvement activities conducted by the Board of Directors, etc. and the managers in charge of customer protection produce effective results, leading customers to constantly appreciate improvements made by the financial institution. 例文帳に追加

取締役会等及びコンプライアンス統括部門の管理者が行う評価・改善活動が有効に機能しており、法令等遵守に関する役職員の取組等が常に向上しているような好循環がみられる場合には、評定を行う上でのプラス要素として勘案するものとする。 - 金融庁

It will help banks strengthen their management foundation through the expansion of their capital and establish a framework for providing a diverse range of financial services in an effective and efficient manner. From this viewpoint, recapitalization using public funds can be regarded as a last-resort safety net, but financial institutions should also make various efforts on a voluntary basis. The “various effortsinclude business integration and restructuring moves. 例文帳に追加

それで銀行が自己資本の拡充など経営基盤を強化していく、あるいはさまざまな多様な金融サービスを効果的に効率よく提供できるような体制をしっかりと整備してくという、そういった観点からみますと、公的資金による資本注入というのは一つの有力な最終セーフティネットでありますが、それ以外にも当然のことながら金融機関自身による自主的なさまざまな努力ということが、まずは期待されているということであります。 - 金融庁

(Note 1)The equity capital of banks, securities firms or financial holding companies comprising financial conglomerates shall be always included in the calculation of combined equity capital, but the equity capital of companies located in countries where the information necessary for the measurement of equity capital is legally difficult to obtain, companies whose size is so small as to be negligible for the calculation of equity ratios, and companies whose inclusion for calculation purposes is deemed (only when the summation of equities of these small companies is also negligible) inappropriate or misleading shall be excluded. 例文帳に追加

(注1)合算自己資本の計算には、金融コングロマリットに含まれる銀行、証券会社又は金融持株会社の自己資本を必ず含むこととし、自己資本の計測に必要な情報の入手等が法的に困難な国にある会社、自己資本比率の算出上無視しうるほどに規模の小さい会社(それらを合算して無視できない規模になる場合を除く)、その会社を計算に含めることが不適当或いは誤解を招くこととなると考えられる会社の自己資本を除くこととする。 - 金融庁

(2) If a material uncertainty regarding the going concern assumption exists but the auditor concludes that the use of the going concern assumption is appropriate when an adequate disclosure is not made to the effect in the financial statements, he or she shall express a qualified opinion with such effect specified as the basis of the qualification, or an adverse opinion that the financial statements are not presented fairly with the reason specified in the auditor’s report. 例文帳に追加

2 監査人は、継続企業を前提として財務諸表を作成することが適切であるが、継続企業の前提に関する重要な不確実性が認められる場合において、継続企業の前提に関する事項が財務諸表に適切に記載されていないと判断したときには、当該不適切な記載についての除外事項を付した限定付適正意見を表明するか、又は、財務諸表が不適正である旨の意見を表明し、その理由を記載しなければならない。 - 金融庁

Furthermore, with regard to Article 192 of the FIEA, which enables the Courts to issue prohibition and suspension orders, the 2008 amendment to the Act resulted in enabling the petitions to be filed not only by the Commissioner of the FSA but also by the SESC.In working together with the stock exchanges and other bodies, further consideration should be made as to how these measures can be utilized effectively. 例文帳に追加

また、金融商品取引法192条に基づく裁判所による禁止・停止命令については、平成20年の金融商品取引法の改正により、その申立権が金融庁長官から証券取引等監視委員会にも委任されたところであるが、取引所等との連携強化を図っていく中で、こうした手段をどう活用していくことができるかといった点についても、今後検討が深められていくことを期待したい。 - 金融庁

On the other hand, as I said earlier, it is important to do something with articles of incorporation in order to prepare for the implementation of a quick capital increase, namely a capital increase through the issuance of preferred shares, in the event of an emergency — this applies to not only to cases of the injection of public funds but also to cases of a capital increase through market-based or private arrangements like a third-party share allotment schemefrom the viewpoint of ensuring quick response to any emergency. 例文帳に追加

他方で、先ほども申し上げたように、いざというときの備えとして、速やかに増資ができる、優先株の発行による増資ができる、これは別に公的資金に限らず市場ベースあるいは第三者割当といった民間ベースでの増資の場合も同様であると思いますが、そういった定款上の備えをしておくことは、いざというときの備えとして速やかな対応を可能にするという意味で意義のあることだと思います。 - 金融庁

The fact that there is a demand for funding means, in a sense, that many people are in hardship due to such high interest rates and for being heavily indebted, but at the same time, it is also true that some people are only receiving loans in small amounts for emergencies. How could we prevent these people from becoming insolvent as a result of the full enforcement of the Act on June 18? 例文帳に追加

やはり、ニーズが存在している(という)ことは、この高利で多重債務という形で大変な方々が、ある意味では、今の状況では生活も追い込まれていっているという状況がありますけれども、一方、喫緊の、小口の緊急な融資を受けている(だけの方もいる)という現実もあるわけでして、そういう人たちが、この法律の6月18日の完全施行によって立ち行かなくなるという事態をどうしたら防ぐことができるか。 - 金融庁


As a result of the sudden enactment of the Smoot-Hawley Act in the United States at the time of the Great Depression, protective tariffs were raised around the world, leading to the division of the world into several economic blocs. Although protectionism may bring benefits to the countries adopting it, the overall impact is certain to be negative. But there may be something of a fallacy of composition in this. 例文帳に追加

だから円高というのは国会答弁的に言うと両面あるんだと思います。輸入が安くなるということと外貨を稼いでくれる方の輸出がダメージを受けるということと。この話と保護主義とは私は分けてちょっとお話をしたいと思いますけれども、保護主義は良くないと思います。これは大恐慌の時のスムート・ホーリー法ですか、あれをアメリカがどんと出した結果、世界的に保護関税を引き上げてブロック経済化をしてしまった。保護主義というのはその国にとってはプラスかもしれないけれども、トータルとしては絶対的なマイナスになると。合成の誤謬というやつですかね。 - 金融庁


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