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"as it was"を含む例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 500


As it was decided in negotiations between the armies of Ming and Yi Dynasty Korea thet, with respect to supply of provisions to the area on the Korea side from the Yalu River, Yi Dynasty Korea was responsible for procurement and transportation, Yi Dynasty Korea cruelly conducted confiscation of goods and services from common people including maintenance of both their own army and the government. 例文帳に追加

また、明軍と李氏朝鮮との交渉により鴨緑江より朝鮮側の兵糧供給は李氏朝鮮側の調達及び輸送と取り決められたため、自軍と政府の維持も含めて李氏朝鮮は民衆から過酷な食料調達を行った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As for Yoshimichi SHIONOYA, it is pointed out that, as it was in November 1574 that Yoshitsuna succeeded to the position of family head and there was an unknown period of ten years after the death of Yoshitaka, until Yoshitsuna, a lawful wife's son, went through genpuku, possibly Yoshimichi might have been the family head on a tentative basis. 例文帳に追加

また、塩谷義通については、義綱が家督を継いだのは天正2年(1574年)11月のことであり、義孝の死去から10年のブランクがあるため、正室の子である義綱が元服するまでの間、繋ぎ的に塩谷氏の当主であった可能性も指摘されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Meanwhile, it is also thought that other subjects such as literature were incorporated into the education program, as it was revealed from the content of "Ryonoshuge" (Commentaries on the Civil Statutes) that there were some questions from Wen Xuan (a book), as well as Erya, in examinations to appoint shusai (Daigaku student who passed a subject of the official appointment test) (the Imperial Examination) and shinshi (Daigaku student who passed a subject of the official appointment test). 例文帳に追加

ただし、秀才(科挙)・進士を選考する際に文選_(書物)・爾雅から問題が出されていたことが、『令集解』の内容から判明しており、文学なども教育課程には組み込まれていたものと考えられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Ritsu' consisting of 6 volumes which was equivalent to a criminal law followed Toritsu (codes in the Tang era) almost as it was, but 'Ryo' consisting of 11 volumes which was equivalent to a present-day administrative law and the Civil Code was compiled by amending Torei (codes in the Tang era) so as to conform to actual conditions of Japanese society while following it. 例文帳に追加

刑法にあたる6巻の「律(りつ)」はほぼ唐律をそのまま導入しているが、現代の行政法および民法などにあたる11巻の「令(りょう)」は唐令に倣いつつも日本社会の実情に則して改変されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


As for governing Taiwan, the government of that time settled on the governing policy based on the above viewpoint that the Constitution should be in force in Taiwan as it was Japan's territory and the legislation in Taiwan required the consent of the Imperial Diet in accordance with Article 5 of the Constitution. 例文帳に追加

台湾統治に当っては、当時の政府の見解としては、前述のとおり日本の領土であるため憲法の効力が及び、台湾における立法についても憲法5条により帝国議会の協賛を要するという見解を基本として統治方針を固めた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


It is the widely-accepted theory today that 'SANJO is not included as the Prime Ministers in the history' as it was because 'the post was continued from Kuroda Cabinet' though 'SANJO, Minister of the center, also held the post as Prime Minister' in the two months. 例文帳に追加

今日ではこの2ヵ月間に「内大臣の三條が内閣総理大臣を兼任していた」とはしながらも、それは「黒田内閣の延長」であって「三條は歴代の内閣総理大臣には含めない」とすることが時代の趨勢となっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

For that reason, it is said that Sakai was incorporated into Osaka to bring Osaka's size up to the level where it was fit to be called a 'Prefecture,' as it was the smallest in size compared to Kyoto, Tokyo or other peripheral prefectures and as the economy of Osaka had hit the bottom due to bad debts incurred by loans made to Daimyos (feudal lords) in addition to continuous bankruptcies of money-exchange businesses from the abolition of silver grain currencies. 例文帳に追加

そのため、府域が京都、東京や周辺地域と比べて最小で銀目廃止令による両替商の相次ぐ倒産に大名貸の不良債権による大阪経済の地盤沈下もあり大阪府を「府」に相応しい規模にするために行われたと考えられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Members of the Korean Progressive group (Independent Party) such as Ok-gyun KIM, Yong-hyo PAK and Jae-pil SEO, who thought that modernization might not be attained if Korea stayed as it was, contacted Yukichi FUKUZAWA, Shigenobu OKUMA and some of the key people in the political and business world in Japan that succeeded in modernization earlier and deepened their friendship. 例文帳に追加

このままでは朝鮮の近代化はおぼつかないと感じた金玉均・朴泳孝・徐載弼らの開化派(独立党)人士らは福澤諭吉や大隈重信をはじめ一足先に近代化を果たした日本の政財界の代表者達に接触し、交流を深めてゆく。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, some scholars think that it is questionable to think that Keitai dynasty as a separate 'dynasty' because at the enthronement of Emperor Keitai he inherited the form of government as it was from the previous government, and in the blood line, he inherited the imperial throne as a man whose wife was a princess of the previous great kings family and became irimuko (man who takes his wife's premarital family name). 例文帳に追加

ただし、継体天皇の即位に当たっては前政権の支配機構をそっくりそのまま受け継いでいること、また血統の点でも前の大王家の皇女を妻として入り婿の形で皇位を継承していることなどから、これを「王朝」として区別できるかどうか疑問とする考え方もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


At the same time, this movement of Europeanization later made a fat target for attacks by right and left wings of an antigovernment party as it was domestically considered as 'aristocratic-ism' or 'Europeanization from above,' under the oppression of Jiyu Minken Undo (Movement for Liberty and People's Right) and under the circumstance of the serious deflation caused by the Matsukata Finance. 例文帳に追加

だが、自由民権運動の弾圧、松方財政による深刻なデフレーションの状況下でのこの欧化の動きは国内的には「貴族主義的」あるいは「上からの欧化」と見られてやがて左右の反政府派の攻撃の格好の標的となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The name 'Yayoi' is derived from Yayoi earthware, named after the place of discovery, as it was earthware found at shell mounds in Yayoi-cho, Mukogaoka, Hongo, Tokyo Prefecture (present Yayoi, Bunkyo Ward, Tokyo) in 1884 (Precise location of discovery cannot be identified because of the later increase in urbanization.) 例文帳に追加

「弥生」という名称は、1884年(明治17年)に東京府本郷向ヶ岡弥生町(現在の東京都文京区弥生(文京区))の貝塚で発見された土器が発見地に因み弥生式土器と呼ばれたことに由来する(なお、その後の都市化の進展などもあって正確な発見地は特定できなくなっている)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Not only it was recorded in Chinese history books such as "Gishiwajinden" (literally, an 'Account of the Wa' in "The History of the Wei Dynasty") and "Zuisho; Suishu" (the Book of the Sui Dynasty), it was already established as a common law as it was referred to in Shasho (decree of amnesty) which was used during the time of the Emperor Temmu ("Nihonshoki" (Chronicles of Japan), the Article of Mizuno-e, the eighth month of the fifth year of the Emperor Temmu). 例文帳に追加

『魏志倭人伝』や『隋書』などの中国の歴史書に書かれているだけではなく、天武天皇期に用いられた「赦書」にも登場する(『日本書紀』天武天皇5年8月壬子条)など、慣習法として確立していた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As it was defined in Kujigata-osadamegaki (the law of Edo bakufu) that 連判証文請負徳用割合請取芝居木戸銭無尽, nakamagoto referred to suits concerning profit-sharing inside a group such as joint enterprise, mutual loan association, admission of play, fee of prostitute and so on. 例文帳に追加

仲間事は『公事方御定書』に「連判証文有之諸請負徳用割合請取候定・芝居木戸銭・無尽金」と定義されているように共同事業・無尽・芝居木戸銭・遊女揚代など仲間内部における利益分配を巡る訴訟を指した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As it was explained that Terumoto had been just deceived, when Hiroie KIKKAWA communicated secretly, Terumoto managed to keep his territories; however, as his name was found in a (secret) covenant under joint signature found in Osaka-jo Castle after the defeat, Ieyasu TOKUGAWA annulled the agreement, and Terumoto took the blame and his territories were diminished to the Suo Province and Nagato Province (Choshu Domain). 例文帳に追加

吉川広家の内通時に毛利氏は担ぎ上げられただけとの弁明により、所領は安泰であったが、敗戦後に大坂城で押収された書状に連判状に輝元の名があったことから徳川家康は約束を反故にし、輝元は責任を問われ周防国・長門国(長州藩)に減封された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As it was said that 'if the Imperial Palace (Ashikaga Shogunate house) ceased, Kira succeeded and if Kira ceased, Imawaga succeeded,' the Kira clan and Imawaga clan were special families that had the right of succession to the head family of Ashikaga and the Seii taishogun (great general who subdues the barbarians) if the head family of Ashikaga (Muromachi shogunate family and Kamakura kubo [shogunate] family) ceased. 例文帳に追加

「御所(足利将軍家)が絶えなば吉良が継ぎ、吉良が絶えなば今川が継ぐ」と言われていたように、足利宗家(室町将軍家系統と鎌倉公方家系統)が断絶した場合には吉良家とともに足利宗家と征夷大将軍職の継承権が発生する特別な家柄であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When Articles 10 and 18 of this Law have been observed, and once the provisions established in this Article have been satisfied and the granting of the patent in the country where the first application was filed has been proven, the patent shall be granted in Brazil, just as it was granted in its country of origin. 例文帳に追加

第10条及び第18条が遵守されており,かつ,本条に規定した条件が充足され,最初に出願した国における特許の付与が証明されたときは,原出願国において付与されたものと同じ特許をブラジルにおいて付与するものとする。 - 特許庁

The X-ray CT apparatus etc. combine a first subset of projection data collected along a continuous circular orbit with projection data collected along a different orbit from the circular orbit to reconstruct the volume data substantially as it was when the subset of the projection data has been collected.例文帳に追加

連続した円状軌道に沿って収集された投影データの第1のサブセットと、当該円状軌道と異なる軌道に沿って収集された投影データとを組み合わせて、実質的に投影データのサブセットが収集された時点でのボリュームデータを再構成するX線CT装置等である。 - 特許庁

Before the conclusion of an EPA or FTA between countries A and B, consumers of country A bought item X imported from country C as it was cheaper than the equivalent imports from country B. Once the tariff was eliminated from item X imported from country B, the import price is Pb(<Pc+t). This induces the consumers to buy item X made in country B, thus the origin of the import is diverted to country B.例文帳に追加

ここで、EPA / FTA 締結前にはA 国の消費者は価格の低いC 国の財 Xを輸入するが、EPA / FTA 締結によってB 国に対する関税が撤廃されると、B 国からの輸入価格はPb(<Pc+t)となるため、消費者はB 国の財 Xを購入することとなり、輸入先はB 国へと転換される。 - 経済産業省

All the afternoon he sat in the stalls wrapped in the most perfect happiness, gently waving his long, thin fingers in time to the music, while his gently smiling face and his languid, dreamy eyes were as unlike those of Holmes the sleuth-hound, Holmes the relentless, keen-witted, ready-handed criminal agent, as it was possible to conceive. 例文帳に追加

その午後を通して彼はこれ以上はない幸せに包まれて一等席に座り、細く、長い指を音楽に合わせて優しく揺らし、その優しく微笑んだ顔や気だるい、夢見るような目は探偵ホームズ、容赦ない、頭の切れる、迅速な犯罪捜査官ホームズのそれとは想像も及ばぬほど違っていた。 - Arthur Conan Doyle『シャーロック・ホームズの冒険』

Though the law of England, on the subject of the press, is as servile to this day as it was in the time of the Tudors, there is little danger of its being actually put in force against political discussion, except during some temporary panic, when fear of insurrection drives inisters and judges from their propriety; 例文帳に追加

出版の問題に関しては、イギリスの法は今日でもチューダー朝時代と同様、卑屈ですが、暴動を恐れて大臣や判事が礼節を逸脱するような一時的パニックの期間を除き[1]、この法が実際に政治的議論にたいして施行される危険はほとんどありません。 - John Stuart Mill『自由について』

He treats every objection with a soberness and thoroughness which even Bishop Butler might be proud to imitate, surrounding each fact with its appropriate detail, placing it in its proper relations, and usually giving it a significance which, as long as it was kept isolated, failed to appear. 例文帳に追加

彼はどの異論も、バトラー司教でさえ見習われたことを自慢に思うほど、冷静にかつ徹底的に扱い、それぞれの事実を適切な詳説で取り囲み、その固有の関係に置き、たいていは、それが孤立しているかぎりでは見えてこない重要性をそれに付与します。 - John Tyndall『英国科学協会ベルファースト総会での演説』

But what is all that smoke, and what are those little clouds of wool which will come to you if you cannot come to them, and make themselves sensible to you in the form of the old philosophic wool, as it was called? We shall have left in that crucible, also, a quantity of this woolly matter. 例文帳に追加

でも、えらく煙があがってますね。それとこの小さな綿の雲みたいな固まりはなんでしょうか? 前に出てきて見られなくても、あとでまわして見せてあげますからね。いわゆる古い哲学的な綿(old philosophic wool)の形で、さわれるようになってます。るつぼの中にも、この綿っぽいものがかなり残ります。 - Michael Faraday『ロウソクの科学』

Article 919 When a Membership Company becomes a Membership Company of another kind pursuant to the provisions of Article 638, the registration of dissolution shall be completed with regard to the Membership Company as it was prior to the change of kind and the registration of incorporation shall be completed with regard to the Membership Company as it will be after the change of kind, at the location of the head office, within two weeks from the day on which the change to the articles of incorporation prescribed in that Article became effective. 例文帳に追加

第九百十九条 持分会社が第六百三十八条の規定により他の種類の持分会社となったときは、同条に規定する定款の変更の効力が生じた日から二週間以内に、その本店の所在地において、種類の変更前の持分会社については解散の登記をし、種類の変更後の持分会社については設立の登記をしなければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

The goma service performed outdoors is referred to as the Saito goma, with the Shingon sect line Tozan school using the kanji meaning 'firewood light' for 'Saito' as it was impossible to decorate the esoteric tools such as Buddha statues and temples in a formal manner in the mountains where they built the gomadan with firewood or logs, whereas the Tendai sect line Honzan school uses the kanji meaning 'receiving the light' as that school acquires light from the saito of the Shingon sect line Tozan school to perform the goma. 例文帳に追加

野外において修される護摩法要を、柴燈・採燈(灯)(さいとう)護摩というが、真言系当山派では、山中で正式な密具の荘厳もままならず、柴や薪で檀を築いたので「柴燈」とし、天台系本山派では、真言当山派の柴燈から採火して護摩を修するようになったので「採燈」という。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Later in the Edo Period, yokyu combined with the common 'festival bows and arrows' ritual to became a gambling game called 'matoya' (written with the characters for 'target' and 'arrow') run by people who were also called 'matoya' (written with the characters for 'target' and 'monger') and which prospered from the late Edo Period through the Taisho Period (1912 - 1926), although it was occasionally banned as it was considered to be undesirable gambling and to corrupt public morals. 例文帳に追加

後に江戸時代には、この公家の楊弓と庶民の神事である祭り矢・祭り弓が元になり「的屋(まとや)」が営む懸け物(賭け事)の「的矢(弓矢の射的遊技)」として庶民に楽しまれ、江戸時代の後期には隆盛を極め、大正時代まで続いたといわれるが、江戸時代から大正に至るまで好ましくない賭博や風俗であるとされ、度々、規制や禁止がなされた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Following this, Kashima-jingu Shrine and Katori-jingu Shrine were listed in place of Isonokami-jingu Shrine in the Jimmyocho (register of deities) of Engishiki law during the Heian period and, until the Edo period, there were only three shrines with the title 'jingu' (Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine was also treated as a jingu as it was under direct royal control like Ise-jingu Shrine and regularly conducted the construction of a new shrine and the transfer of the enshrined object from the old to the new). 例文帳に追加

その後、平安時代に成立した延喜式神名帳においては、石上神宮に代わり鹿島神宮と香取神宮が「神宮」と記載され、江戸時代まで「神宮」を社号とする神社は、この3社のみであった(神宮待遇としては、伊勢神宮と同じく王権直属であり、式年遷宮を行っている住吉大社があった)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Shigeko was not only just beautiful, as it was mentioned in "Tamakiharu," 'she had an extraordinary meticulous nature,' she exercised good self discipline for any occasion,' she always paid attention that the ladies in waiting did not get board, or she was constantly behaving in a dignified manner to welcome Emperor Goshirakawa and Emperor Takakura, she always stayed with Emperor Goshirakawa in the Palace while he visited her and had meals together. 例文帳に追加

滋子はその美貌を頼むだけでなく、「大方の御心掟など、まことにたぐひ少なくやおはしましけん(心構えが実に比類なくていらした)」(『たまきはる』)とあるように、万事につけてしっかりとして几帳面な性格で、女房が退屈しないよう気配りを怠らず、いつ後白河や高倉が来ても良いように絶えず威儀を正し、後白河が御所にいる時はいつも同殿して食事を共にとった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although Emperor Komei suffered from a malignant hemorrhoids for a long time, as it was previously mentioned, apart from this the Emperor was quite healthy and it was written in Tadayasu NAKAYAMA's diary, as mentioned before, he said, 'I was very shocked to know the Emperor suffered from unusual diseases like smallpox, since he had been very healthy and did not even get the flu recently.' 例文帳に追加

孝明天皇は前述の通り長年のあいだ悪性の痔に悩まされていたが、それ以外では至って壮健であり、前出の中山忠能日記にも「近年御風邪抔一向御用心モ不被為遊御壮健ニ被任趣存外之儀恐驚」(近年御風邪の心配など一向にないほどご壮健であらせられたので、痘瘡などと存外の病名を聞いて大変驚いた)との感想が記されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In fact, after June 19, ryoji (Her Highness' - as her majesty was called) regarding government practices and human affairs by Kogimonin was issued, and on June 27, the ryoji of `Official ranks or other issues would be restored as it was done before the incident of Shohei itto' by Kogimonin was issued; with this ryoji, all the government practices, human affairs, ceremonies started working again. 例文帳に追加

実際、6月19日以降、政務・人事に関する広義門院の令旨が出され始めており、6月27日には「官位等を正平一統以前の状態に復旧する」内容の広義門院令旨(天下一同法)が発令され、この令旨により、それまで停滞していた政務・人事・儀式などが全て動き始めることとなった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to the "Azuma Kagami," the situation is described as, 'It was announced that since Yoriie was seriously ill, his first son Ichiman, who was six years old, was hired and became the So-shugo (Master of Provincial constables) of Japan and So-jito (manager and lord of a manor) of the twenty-eight provinces in the Kanto region, while MINAMOTO no Sanetomo, who was twelve years old, became So-jito of the thirty-eight provinces in the Kansai region. However, Yoshikazu was against Sanetomo's succession and planned to kill him along with the Hojo clan' (Azuma Kagami on the section under August 27th (October 10th of the current calendar)). 例文帳に追加

『吾妻鏡』によると、「頼家が重病のため、あとは6歳の長男一幡が継ぎ、日本国総守護と関東28ヶ国の総地頭となり、12歳の源実朝には関西38ヶ国の総地頭を譲ると発表された。しかし実朝に譲られる事に不満を抱いた能員が、実朝と北条氏討伐を企てた」(8月27日条)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to the Koreto Muhonki (a commentary on the Honnoji Incident) and the Renjoin Kiroku (journal written by priests of Kofuku-ji Temple Renjo-in), he wielded a sword himself to cut down enemy soldiers (this is rumored to be a myth, like that of Yoshiteru ASHIKAGA, yet it is open to debate as he was familiar with the art of swordsmanship as it was an essential discipline of that time). 例文帳に追加

また、その奮戦の具体的な内容だが、惟任謀反記や蓮成院記録によると自ら剣をふるい敵の兵を斬ったらしい(足利義輝の最期に似ているため創作ではないかとも思われるが信忠は実際に剣術を習っており、当時はたしなみの1つであったため、あながち嘘とも言えない)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is explained that the castellan might have judged that, because, same as in the case of Miki-jo Castle, the Mori clan promised to send reinforcement troops and supplied provisions through Hanakuma-jo Castle and Amagasaki-jo Castle, but no reinforcement troops did come even after one year, it was impossible to maintain if the situation remained as it was and, because sending subordinates as emissaries did not bring any result, the castellan decided to visit Aki Province by himself and directly negotiate with the Mori clan. 例文帳に追加

三木合戦もそうであったが、毛利氏は援軍の約束しながら、花隈城や尼崎城を通じて兵糧は補給していたが、1年経っても援兵はこず、このままでは城を持ちこたえるのは不可能と判断し、家臣を使者としても効果は無く、城主自ら安芸国に出向き毛利氏と直接交渉しようとしたのではないかと説明している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The establlished compromise included the following contents; the Toyotomi side should destroy Ninomau (the second bailey) and Sannomaru (the third bailey), leave Honmaru as it was, fill up the outer moat of the castle and, instead of Yodo-dono, Harunaga ONO and Urakusai ODA should offer hostages: the Tokugawa side should guarantee the safety of Hideyori and approval of his main domain and overlook soldiers in the castle. 例文帳に追加

講和内容は豊臣家側の条件として、本丸を残して二の丸、三の丸を破壊し、外堀を埋める事、淀殿を人質としない替わりに大野治長、織田有楽斎より人質を出す事が提出され、これに対し徳川家が、秀頼の身の安全と本領の安堵、城中諸士についての不問を約すことで、和議は成立している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, the more cases of excavation of bronze wares there were naturally along with increased excavations of ruins, the more situations where dohoko and doken were found in 'the dotaku cultural area' and where dotaku were discovered in 'the dohoko cultural area' (well-known example: the Yoshinogari Ruins) there were, which proved the hypothesis was not true as it was less and less often discussed. 例文帳に追加

しかし、発掘される遺跡の増加に伴い当然のことながら青銅器の出土例も増え、「銅鐸文化圏」の地域で銅矛や銅剣が、「銅矛文化圏」内で銅鐸が出土するといったこと(特に有名な例が吉野ヶ里での出土)が多くなり、この仮説は成り立たなくなり次第に論じられる事は少なくなった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to "Kyuso Shosetsu" (Kyuso's novel) by Kyuso MURO, which was written based on things Hakuseki ARAI heard through Kira's neighbor hatamoto Chikara TSUCHIYA, when he stepped outside and shouted with a wall between as it was getting noisy at his neighbor Kira's residence, he heard people say their names, Gengoro KATAOKA, Soemon HARA and Junai ONODERA, and that their long-cherished desire was satisfied by killing Kira Kozuke no Suke. 例文帳に追加

新井白石が吉良邸の隣人の旗本土屋主税から聞き取った話を室鳩巣が書き綴った『鳩巣小説』では、隣の吉良邸が騒がしくなったので外へ出て見た土屋が壁越しに声をかけたところ、片岡源五右衛門、原惣右衛門、小野寺十内と名乗った者が、吉良上野介を打ち取って本望を達したと言う声を聞いたとしている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is said the theory was combined various theories freely by freewheeling thinking released from the studies of ancient history suppressed before the World War II; such as it was influenced by Sokichi TSUDA on the basis of the theory of nonexistence of ancient emperors, and the theory that Emperor Nintoku, the king of Kyushu nation, conquered provinces surrounding Kyoto and Nara to start a dynasty was none other than the development of the theory of the Yamatai-Koku Kingdom in Kyushu. 例文帳に追加

また、古代天皇の非実在論に基づいている点は津田左右吉の影響を受けており、九州国家の王であった仁徳天皇が畿内を征服して王朝を開いたという説は邪馬台国九州説の発展に他ならず、戦前の抑圧された古代史研究から開放された自由な発想により様々な説を自由に組み合わせてできた学説であるといえる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is called 'Shokikurigata dwelling' as it was first recognized at the Shokikuri site in Fuyo District, Sud Chungcheong, Republic of Korea (However the name is only used in Japan, and the term 'Shokikuri type-' are used not only for shape of dwelling, but to whole cultural description including form of earthenware and stoneware in Korean archaeological society.) 例文帳に追加

韓国忠清南道扶余郡松菊里遺跡で最初に注目されたことから、「松菊里型住居」ともよばれる(ただしこの名称は日本国内に限定して使用され、韓国考古学界ではむしろ「松菊里類型」という用語は住居跡の形態のみでなく土器や石器組成を含めた文化総体の名称として用いられることが一般的となっている)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After repeated destruction due to war and reconstructions, the original buildings from that time do not exist any more, but the Daisho-ji Temple, one of the Amamonzeki Temples (a temple run by nuns of noble women), started as Okamatsu dono which was built inside the residence ground, remains on almost the same spot as it was in those days (originally, it is considered to have been located in Okamatsu-cho Town but it is currently located in neighboring Gosho Hachiman-cho Town). 例文帳に追加

度重なる戦乱により幾度となく消失と再興を繰り返したため当時の建物は残っていないが、邸内に建てられた岡松殿より始まる尼門跡寺院の大聖寺が、ほぼ当時の場所に残る(元は岡松町にあったものと思われるが、現在は隣接する御所八幡町にある)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Usually in the games of the J League, centering on the main stand, the stand of left side is for the home side and the right side is for the visiting side (in fact, as it was until 1996), but in the case of the north (left) side-stand of this stadium, there is a monument used as the platform (structure) bearing the Olympic flame in the first National Sports Festival's second round and the water jump used for the 3000 meters steeplechase race and thus there is not enough space there for watching games. 例文帳に追加

通常Jリーグの試合ではメインスタンドから向かって左側のサイドスタンドがホーム側、右側はアウェー側となっている(実際1996年度まではこの通りだった)が、このスタジアムの北(左)側サイドスタンドは、2巡目国体の第1回の際に聖火台として使用されたモニュメントや3000m障害競技に使われる水濠があるため充分な観戦スペースがない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

(g) Nice Classification-classification instituted by the Nice Agreement concerning the International Classification of Goods and Services for the Purposes of the Registration of Marks, signed at Nice on June 15,1957, as it was revised and modified and which Romania adopted through the Law no. 3/1998 for Romania acceding to the agreements instituting an international classification in the field of the industrial property;例文帳に追加

(g)「ニース分類」とは,1957年6月15日にニースで締結された「標章登録のための商品及びサービスの国際分類に関するニース協定」により制定された分類であって,その後改正,修正され,ルーマニアが工業所有権分野における国際分類の設立協定に加盟するために「1998年法律第3号」により採択したものをいう。 - 特許庁

IEA, in its World Energy Outlook 2008, estimates the scale of worldwide power generation for 2030, by category of energy resource. According to the estimate, solar photoelectric generation will be 88 times as much in 2030 as it was in 2006, wind power generation will be 11.5 times as much, and power generation using non-fossil energy will increase remarkably (Figure 2-2-4-2). Such results arouse expectations for the development of related markets.例文帳に追加

IEAは「World Energy Outlook 2008」で、世界全体の発電量についてエネルギー供給源別に2030年の発電規模を推計しているが、それによると、2030年の太陽光発電は2006年の88.0倍、風力発電は同11.5倍となる等、化石エネルギー以外による発電量が大幅に拡大する見通しとなっており(第2-2-4-2図)、関連市場の拡大が見込まれている。 - 経済産業省

Koban was circulated mostly in Kanto region around Edo as it was called 'financial habit of Edo', because in Togoku, there were many gold mines such as Kurokawa Kinzan (Kurokawa Gold Mine) in Kai Province, Doi Mine in Izu Province, Hitachi Province and Mutsu Province, in addition, the preparation of metal for currency casting was completed as Insu gold was imported mainly from China against the outflow of the large sum of silver from Japan in the early Edo period, and Ieyasu planned to make gold basic currency after the Koshu gold. 例文帳に追加

東国には甲斐国の黒川金山を始めとして、伊豆国の土肥鉱山、常陸国および陸奥国と金鉱山が多く偏在し、さらに江戸時代初期は多額に上る銀の日本国外流出に対し、主に中国から印子金(いんすきん)が輸入されていたため貨幣鋳造用地金の準備も整い、また家康は甲州金を手本とし基本通貨を金貨とする方針であったことから、「江戸の金遣い」と呼ばれるように、小判は江戸を中心とする関東地方で主に流通した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This news spread worldwide as it was reported by Reuters, as I understand it. Naturally, while an exchange of information among Japan, China and South Korea is important, the FSA properly maintains communications through telephone meetings with various countries, including European countries and the United States, at the vice-ministerial level and working level, several times a week. 例文帳に追加

これは確かロイターに載っていたのだと思いますが、これが全世界に広がったということでございますが、実は、当然ですが、各国色々な情報の交換、日中韓も大事でございますが、ヨーロッパの国々とか、アメリカ等々、各国間の電話会議を事務次官レベル、あるいは課長補佐レベルでも週に何回かの頻度で、金融庁の当然の義務としてきちんと連絡を取合っているわけでございまして、次官レベルから、そういった実務者レベルまでやっているわけでございます。 - 金融庁

In the policy pledges, which I call the “Super Manifesto,” our commitment to properly implement SME financing including dealing with the credit crunch and credit withdrawal-the gist of the SME Financing Facilitation Act-had already been written in the form of a common pledge before the election, based on which the three parties reached an agreement after the change of government on September 9, 2009. The content, as it was, was then passed on to and implemented by former Minister for Financial Services and Postal Reform Shizuka Kamei. 例文帳に追加

私はこれをスーパーマニフェストと呼んでおりますけれども、その中にも貸し渋り・貸し剥がしをはじめ、中小企業に対する金融をきちんとやるということは、実はそれを踏まえて、選挙の前の共通公約として実は中小企業金融円滑化法案の趣旨を書いておりまして、それを受けて2009年9月9日に、政権交代をしまして三党合意をしまして、その中身を当然そのまま引き継ぎまして、それを実は亀井静香(前)金融・郵政改革担当大臣が実行されたということでございます。 - 金融庁

No deletion or addition shall broaden the disclosure of an application to include new matter after the filing date of the application. All amendments to the specification, claims or drawing, and all additions thereto made after the filing date of the application must conform to at least one of them as it was as of the filing date. Matter not found in either, involving a departure from or an addition to the original disclosure, cannot be added to the application even though supported by a supplemental oath, and can be shown or claimed only in a separate application.例文帳に追加

如何なる削除又は追加も,出願日後に出願の開示を拡大して新規事項を導入するようなものであってはならない。明細書,クレーム又は図面のすべての補正,及び出願日後になされたすべての追加は,出願日の時点で存在していたものの少なくとも1に一致しなければならない。原開示からの逸脱か又は原開示への追加であるため,何れにも存在しない事項は,補足宣誓によって裏付けられる場合でも出願に加えることができず,別個の出願においてのみ提示又は主張することができる。 - 特許庁

. A large amount of information that obviously constitutes illegal copies of another person's copyrighted works was posted on a message board, followed by the request of the copyright holder who properly proved his status as the copyright holder to delete such information, the provider nevertheless left it as it was for an unreasonably long time. .Certain information that defames the exhibitor was posted in the evaluation column in the auction site, and the exhibitor formally requested that the provider operating the site delete it. Even after the fact of such defamation became apparent, the provider nevertheless failed to delete such information. .Where the provider transmitted illegal information by himself/herself. Example of Cases where the provider would not be held liable . Where the provider was not aware of the transmission of the illegal information 例文帳に追加

オークションサイトの評価欄に出品者の名誉を毀損する情報が書き込まれ、出品者からオークションサイトを運営する事業者に対して適正な削除要請があった結果、名誉毀損が明らかになったにもかかわらず、事業者がこれを放置した場合・事業者自身が違法情報の発信者である場合・(責任を負わないと考えられる場合)・事業者が違法な情報の流通を知らなかった場合 - 経済産業省

Now as it was utterly impossible for Shylock to cut off the pound of flesh without shedding some of Anthonio's blood, this wise discovery of Portia's, that it was flesh and not blood that was named in the bond, saved the life of Anthonio; and all admiring the wonderful sagacity of the young counsellor, who had so happily thought of this expedient, plaudits resounded from every part of the senate-house; and Gratiano exclaimed, in the words which Shylock had used, "O wise and upright judge! mark, Jew, a Daniel is come to judgment!" 例文帳に追加

さて、シャイロックがアントニオの血を一滴も流すことなく1ポンドの肉を切り取ることはまったく不可能であったから、ポーシャが賢くも、証文に書かれているのは肉であって血ではないということを発見したことで、アントニオの命は救われたのであった。人々はみな、この便法を巧みにこしらえた、若い法律顧問のすばらしい賢明さをほめたたえたので、拍手喝采が元老院のあらゆるところから響き渡った。グレイシアーノは、シャイロックが使った言葉を叫んでいた。「おお、賢く正しい裁判官様! 聞けユダヤ人、ダニエル様がお裁きにいらっしゃったのだ!」 - Shakespeare『ヴェニスの商人』

In "Jukkinsho" Section 7-27, the young Kiyomori was described as a person who 'thought it was a joke if someone did something quite unreasonable,' 'gently smiled to be kind to someone who did something that was not funny at all, and also never raised his voice to scorn someone as being useless even when that person had made a terrible mistake', 'let young attendants who served him during a cold winter sleep at the bottom of his clothes and let them sleep well if they overslept, by quietly getting out of the bed,' and 'respected a servant of the lowest rank as a person in front of the servant's family or acquaintances, and that servant was truly pleased as it was a great honor.' 例文帳に追加

『十訓抄』7-27には、若い頃の清盛について「人がとんでもない不都合な振る舞いをしても、冗談と思うことにした」「やったことがちっともおかしくなくても、相手への労わりとしてにこやかに笑い、とんでもない誤りをしても、役立たずと声を荒げることはない」「冬の寒い時に身辺に奉仕する幼い従者を自分の衣の裾の方に寝かせ、彼らが朝寝坊をしていたらそっと床から抜け出して存分に寝かせてやった」「最下層の召使いでも、彼の家族や知り合いの見ている前では一人前の人物として扱ったので、その者は大変な面目と感じて心から喜んだ」という逸話が記されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This was not hammered out by Mr. Kamei out of the blue; it was based on the common policies agreed upon by the three parties before the August 30 election was announced by the previous administration. It was one of those policies. As it was an extremely tough era back then, a similar bill that had in fact been passed in the House of Councillors by the DPJ, SDP and PNP was scrapped regrettably due to the lack of majority vote in the House of Representatives at the time. This bill, which had been actually submitted by, among others, former chairman of the Policy Research Council Masayuki Naoshima and myself and scrapped in the House of Representatives, basically became the foundations of the Act, so I hope you understand that. 例文帳に追加

この点については、何か亀井静香先生が突然打ち出したのではなくて、それは、それ以前の政権の8月30日の選挙の前に出した三党合意、確か6項目しかないのですよ、共通政策ですね。その中の一つにきちんと、当時大変厳しい時代でございましたから、それに似たような法律を実は民主党、社民党、国民新党で、参議院では通りましたけれども、残念ながら、衆議院は当時は過半数ございませんでしたので廃案になったのですが、当時、直嶋(元)政調会長だとか、私とかで法案を実は出しておりまして、当然衆議院では当時廃案になったのですけれども、基本的にそれを土台にしたことでございまして、そのことはぜひご理解しておいていただきたいと、こう思うわけでございます。 - 金融庁


I am aware that there are various reports appearing in newspapers. On a related note, it was announced at the Cabinet meeting today that Japan's unemployment rate is 5.1%. As it was, if I remember right, 5.0% last month, which means that there are approximately 3.3 million unemployed people, it is obvious that the economy, particularly employment, is in a situation not to be complacent about. Excuse me for repeatedly saying this but I, as part of my effort to determine how to deal with this Act, met with four SME business groups in Nagoya and Osaka and groups of small- and medium-size regional banks as well as shinkin banks, credit associations, etc. in the Nagoya and Osaka regions to listen firsthand to them frankly voice what they had to say. As I heard that SMEs are particularly in a grim business condition due to the high yen and other factors, we are in the process of examining the matter with the extension of the Act in mind as well. 例文帳に追加

色々新聞に載っているということは知っておりますけれども、特に今日、閣議で完全失業率が5.1(%)という発表がございました。先月は確か5.0(%)でございましたから、約330万人の完全失業者がおりまして、景気というのは、特に雇用は予断を許さない状況にあるということは、よくご存じだと思います。何度も申しますけれども、大阪、名古屋でこの法律をどうすればよいかというようなことで、名古屋、大阪の中小企業4団体、あるいは名古屋、大阪地域の中小の地方銀行、あるいは信金、信組などにもお集まりいただきまして、率直な生の声も色々聞かせていただきました。なかなか円高の影響もこれあり、特に中小企業は非常に業況が厳しいというような話も聞いておりますので、しっかり延長も視野に入れて検討しているところでございます。 - 金融庁


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