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I spoke with FRB (Federal Reserve Board) Chairman Bernanke two weeks ago and also had a chance to speak with People's Bank of China Governor Zhou Xiaochuan this week. Frankly speaking, this is, as a matter of fact, a kind of issue to be decided on by the global forum of the G20, as it relates to stability of financial institutions worldwide and, at the same time, the definition of capital adequacy, and the quality and quantity debate, among other things. A dozen years or so ago, Japan was hit by a financial crisis. When I was previously a minister, I witnessed something similar – the failure of the Hokkaido Takushoku Bank – which resulted in a credit crunch and credit withdrawal that, as many of you must remember, indeed caused a large number of companies to go under one after another. In that sense, it is not necessarily a positive thing to make a capital adequacy ratio higher and higher.  - 金融庁


Today, the history after the Meiji restoration is generally periodized with the use of gengo (name for an emperor's period of reign), such as the Meiji period, Taisho period, Showa period and Heisei period, but the history before the Meiji restoration is normally periodized with the use of names of political centers, such as the Kamakura period and Edo period (except for the periods for which the political center cannot be ascertained, such as the Yayoi period and Sengoku period); thus there comes up a view that calling the periods after the Meiji restoration with their gengo is inappropriate.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Meanwhile, I would like to refrain from commenting directly on the dispute involving Nipponkoa Insurance, as it is a matter concerning an individual company. Concerning the treatment of investors, our basic principle is to treat foreign investors and domestic investors equally. I believe that investors, including investment funds - whether they be domestic investors or foreign ones - should naturally follow market rules. Based on this premise, it is quite natural for an investment fund to make demands in its capacity as a shareholder.  - 金融庁

硬直的な為替レート制度の下、年間約 2,000 億ドル以上の外貨準備を純増させる中国については、健全な国内マクロ経済運営のためにも一層柔軟な為替レート相場形成のための改革の加速が必要ではあるものの、為替レート水準の調整そのものではこうした貯蓄・投資バランス不均衡の縮小に果たす役割は限定的であり、経常収支不均衡の大幅な縮小は期待できない。例文帳に追加

China has brought about a net increase in foreign exchange reserves of approximately US$200 billion or greater per year based on a rigid currency exchange rate system. While China needs to accelerate reforms for more flexible exchange rates for sound domestic macroeconomic management, making exchange rate level adjustments to the exchange rate level itself has a limited role in reducing this type of IS balance, and there cannot be expected to be a significant reduction in the current account imbalance. - 経済産業省


これら我が国に輸入される食品等(以下「輸入食品等」という。)の現状を踏まえ、平成 20 年度において、厚生労働省本省(以下「本省」という。)及び検疫所は、輸入時の検査項目を拡充するとともに、中国産冷凍餃子による薬物中毒事案を踏まえ、加工食品について残留農薬検査の対象を拡大するなど、食品衛生法(昭和 22 年法律第 233 号。以下「法」という。)第 28 条の規定に基づくモニタリング検査や法第 26 条の規定に基づく検査命令等の輸入時における監視指導の強化を行った。例文帳に追加

In light of actual conditions of the foods, etc. imported into Japan (hereinafter referred to as “the imported foods”), in FY 2008, the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (hereinafter referred to as “the MHLW”) and quarantine stations expanded the scope of items to be inspected at the time of importation and reinforced import inspections, such as monitoring inspection based on the provision of Article 28 of the Food Sanitation Act (Act No. 233 of 1947; hereinafter referred to as “the Act”) and inspection orders based on the provision of Article 26 of the Act, by increasing the scope of processed foods to be inspected for residual agricultural chemicals, taking into account cases of chemical poisoning involving Chinese frozengyoza’ dumplings. - 厚生労働省



Even after the system for the trains providing through-service between the Uji Line and the Keihan Main Line was divided in 2000 with Chushojima as the boundary, this track was used for the trains returning for Sanjo Station or Demachiyanagi Station at this station; however, after the train schedule was changed in the autumn of 2003, only one train returning at this station was operated on a weekday, and then, when the train schedule was changed in the spring of 2006, the operation for the trains returning at this station was abolished; accordingly, today only a few trains on the Uji Line use this track in the early morning (two trains a day in the weekday and a train on holidays).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

なお、出羽国の戦国大名 安東氏では当初、北海道南部にも勢力を持ち、奥州十三湊日之本将軍、または東海将軍と称して北海道南部に土着した安東氏の庶家や蠣崎氏後の松前氏を上国守護職、下国守護職、松前守護職などに封じているなど、幕府以外にも守護職が独自に設置・任免された事績も確認できる。例文帳に追加

In fact, it has been confirmed that, beginning with the warlords of Dewa Province, the Ando clan, who also had influence in southern Hokkaido, a branch of the Ando clan indigenous to southern Hokkaido called Oshu Tosaminato Hinomoto Shogun or Tokai Shogun, or the Matsumae clan after the Kakizaki clan, were made Jogoku (major province) shugoshiki (post of provincial constable), Gekoku (minor province) shugoshiki, or Matsumae shugoshiki, examples of Shugo being installed independently of the Shogunate.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Prices of food and crude oil were rising backed by situations such as tight supply-and-demand conditions caused by the high economic growth of the emerging economies Including China, funds inflow from the monetary market, political uneasiness in Middle East and North Africa. These factors combined with advancing decrease of euro value caused pressure to raise prices of upstream sectors such as import prices and producer prices. - 経済産業省


As pointed out in the ADB (2008), taking the gap that the labor force population has decreased in Northeast Asian countries (including Japan and China) while increasing in South and Southeast Asian countries as the driving force, the movement of people73 in the region, which brings economic benefit to both sending and receiving countries, will become more and more active in the future (see Figure 2-1-30). - 経済産業省



Regarding promotion and strengthening of international competitiveness of media content industries, building anIntellectual Property-Based Countryis one issue incorporated in the government’s Intellectual Property Strategic Program, and efforts by government and industry are progressing. The environment for media content industries is rapidly changing, with advances by other countries in each media content sector (especially progress in Asia: China, South Korea, etc.), diversification of contents distribution routes accompanying the move to broadband Internet, etc. Considering these changes, it is necessary to improve and accelerate efforts for promotion of Japan’s media content industries. - 経済産業省



The Financial Services Agency (FSA), together with the Bank of Japan (BOJ), has issued instructions concerning the implementation of measures to deal with the damage inflicted by Typhoon No. 12. The instructions were issued to financial institutions in Tottori Prefecture by the Chugoku Finance Bureau and the BOJ, to those in Mie Prefecture by the Tokai Finance Bureau and the BOJ and to those in Nara and Wakayama Prefectures by the Kinki Finance Bureau and the BOJ, so as to ensure appropriate responses to the disaster.  - 金融庁


Also, from the fact that even though the names differ slightly, in the introduction of the Kojiki, usually it is recorded with two history books set side by side like the "Teiki" and "Kyuji," there is a viewpoint that they were not just separate Records, but was originally written with the premise that these would be combined to make one Record, and it exists as a 'Japanese style biographical historiography' different from the Chinese biographical historiography which combines two history books,  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


And since two history books, "Teiki" and "Kyuji" are mentioned alongside each other in most cases, having slightly different names in the introduction of "Kojiki" or others, there is an opinion that these were not simply mentioned alongside each other, but united originally for being combined, and that there might have existed a form we can call 'Japanese style Kidentai (biographical historiography),' different from Chinese Kidentai combining two history books.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


I hear that this was a matter agreed upon at a meeting between Prime Minister Noda and Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao. What I will say from now on will be the same as Mr. Azumi's announcement. Direct exchange between the yen and the yuan that does not go through a third-country currency (U.S. dollar) has such positive effects as cutting the trading cost and reducing the settlement risk for financial institutions, so it will help to improve the convenience of both the yen and the yuan, and will invigorate the Japanese market.  - 金融庁


The system comprises a multi-layer plane heating element 3 laminated through waterproof electric insulating material 2 made of polyimide group resin excellent in temperature resistant characteristics, mechanical characteristics, electric characteristics, resistance to chemicals, or the like, with a conductive material consisting of graphite and carbon black dispersed and mixed in a synthetic resin dispersion medium, and a synthetic resin vessel 4 storing the plane heating element in layers. - 特許庁


If we take the targeting of China and other optimum global sites by Japanese manufacturing companies as a prerequisite for beating the global competition, then presumably there will be structural change in Japan whereby the trade balance surplus through goods exports by Japanese companies from Japan will shrink on the surface, and the proportion of the balance on income, including disbursements from overseas assets and business activities of Japanese companies will increase more than ever. (The ratio of the trade balance to the balance on income (taking the balance on income as 1.0) shrunk from3.69 in 1991 to 1.42 in 2002 (Fig. 3.4.19). - 経済産業省


To provide a storage battery with prevention effect of liquid leakage the cause of which is that in a storage battery having characteristics that an electrolytic solution decomposes to generate a gas, the generated gas stays in a space formed between the electrode plate group upper face and the rear face of the upper wall, namely the space under the cap, trapping electrolytic solution existing in the vicinity in large bubbles that escape outside the storage battery. - 特許庁

中国や韓国の中間財の競争力向上に伴い、我が国の中間財輸出競争力は、電気機械等において、低下傾向(特化係数を示す線が左下に低下する傾向)を示しており(第3-2-2-4 図)、また、ここ数年現地調達率は概ね上昇傾向であるが、他方で日本からの調達率は低下傾向であり、今後も現地における技術の向上等により現地調達率の向上が一層図られることを勘案すれば(第3-2-2-5 図)、引き続き中国をはじめとしたアジア新興国の市場拡大に伴って、我が国の中間財輸出が右肩上がりで伸びていくとは必ずしも限らない可能性がある。例文帳に追加

However, on the other hand, as for the trade specialization coefficient with China and Korea, in line with improved competitive power in intermediate commodities of China and Korea, the intermediate commodity export competitiveness of Japan, for instance in the electric machinery business, indicates a downward trend (the specialization coefficient line declines in the lower left of the graph) (Figure 3-2-2-4). And also, in these past several years, the local content rate points to an upward trend, while on the other hand, the procurement rate from Japan displays a downward trend. Taking the increase of local content rate in accordance with the progress of technology in local countries in the future into consideration (Figure 3-2-2-5), it is not always true that intermediate commodity exports of Japan are steadily growing and extending from now onward in line with the continuous market expansion of emerging Asian countries, including China. - 経済産業省


Buddhism, which began in northern India as a world religion, is mainly categorized into Theravada Buddhism (Nanden bukkyo [Buddhism that spread from India to Sri Lanka and Southeast Asian countries such as Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, and Cambodia]) which spread in southeast Asia (Khmer Dynasty, Sriwijaya Kingdom), and Mahayana Buddhism (Hokuden bukkyo [Buddhism that spread from India to northern Asia]) which spread to China, the Korean peninsula, and other regions through the western regions of China (Central Asia).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


There were two types of foreign settlement police: the first kind (present at the foreign settlements in Tsukiji, Yokohama, and Nagasaki) was under the jurisdiction of the ongoku bugyo (magistrates of distant provinces) in the Edo period and the prefectural police departments during the Meiji period, while the second kind of foreign settlement police force (like that in place at the foreign settlements in Kawaguchi and Kobe) was established autonomously by the inhabitants and was entirely unsupervised by Japan's Ministry of Home Affairs.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


This method for obtaining the DNA sample removed with substances blocking the PCR reaction is obtained by adding a pulverized rock sample into an alkaline solution, heating at a high temperature, preferably at 90-95°C for a long period of time, preferably ≥2 hr, and then performing an extraction with chloroform or an organic solvent containing the chloroform, and a purification by precipitation with an alcohol. - 特許庁


A contracted enterprise 11 outsources a series of paper work ranging from the planning of the business trip to the expense adjustment to a travel company (travel agency) 12, an accounting office (trust agent being trust destination of financial accounting processing or the like) 15, and a credit card company 14 by using a computer network such as the Internet 10. - 特許庁

1 ここでは、新興国のデータについて、経済規模、データ制約を考慮し、以下27の国・地域を対象としている。中国、香港、韓国、台湾、インド、インドネシア、タイ、ベトナム、シンガポール、マレーシア、フィリピン、パキスタン、トルコ、アラブ首長国連邦(UAE)、サウジアラビア、南アフリカ、エジプト、ナイジェリア、メキシコ、アルゼンチン、ブラジル、ベネズエラ、ペルー、ロシア、ハンガリー、ポーランド、ルーマニア。例文帳に追加

1 Here, considering economic scale and data restrictions, the necessary information concerning the emerging countries are collected from following 27 subject countries and regions, such as, China, Hong Kong, Korea, Taiwan, India, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, Singapore, Malaysia, Philippine, Pakistan, Turkey, United Arab Emulates (UAE), Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Egypt, Nigeria, Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, Venezuela, Peru, Russia, Hungary, Poland and Rumania - 経済産業省

22 ここでは、新興国のデータについて、経済規模、データ制約を考慮し、以下27 の国・地域を対象としている。中国、香港、韓国、台湾、インド、インドネシア、タイ、ベトナム、シンガポール、マレーシア、フィリピン、パキスタン、トルコ、アラブ首長国連邦(UAE)、サウジアラビア、南アフリカ、エジプト、ナイジェリア、メキシコ、アルゼンチン、ブラジル、ベネズエラ、ペルー、ロシア、ハンガリー、ポーランド、ルーマニア。例文帳に追加

22 Here, considering economic scale and data restrictions, the data of emerging countries are collected from following 27 subject countries and regions: China, Hong Kong, Korea, Taiwan, India, Indonesia, Thai, Vietnam, Singapore, Malaysia, Philippine, Pakistan, Turkey, United Arab Emulates (UAE), Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Egypt, Nigeria, Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, Venezuela, Peru, Russia, Hungary, Poland and Rumania. - 経済産業省


From 2007, for the high-speed train-cars (200 km/h to 250 km/h) on existing railway lines, CRH1-type train-cars (CRH is the abbreviation of 'China Railway High-Speed'), based on Regina in Sweden (from Bombardier in Canada), CRH5-type train-cars, based on Pendolino ETR600 train cars in Italy (from Alsthom in France), and CRH2-type train-cars, 'kodanto' (bullet), based on E2 Shinkansen train-cars (from Kawasaki Heavy Industries Rolling Stock Company), have been introduced, and then for BeijingTianjin Intercity Railway that started operation between Beijing and Tianjin City for the Beijing Olympic Games in 2008, CRH3-type train-cars, based on the CRH2-type passenger train-car specifications and on ICE in Germany (from Siemens), have been introduced.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Especially in the European and American block, the culture of 'Japan' as imagined by foreign people was likely to be exaggerated in some part or being mixed with China and being stereotyped, due to curiosity (exoticism) about a culture of which the ancestry was completely different from that of Christian culture, and many 'perception biases' from the Japanese viewpoint were seen (even now, there are many foreign travelers who are surprised to know that Japan has no 'ninja' (professional spy in feudal Japan highly trained in stealth and secrecy)).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


China may be broadly developed into four regions in which heavy concentrations of industry have formed: 1) the Bohai Sea Rim Economic Zone around the northeast and north (including, for example, Beijing, Dalian, and Tianjin); 2) the Yangtze River Delta Economic Zone around the east of the country (including Shanghai, Suzhou, and Hangzhou); 3) the Zhujiang (Pearl) River Delta Economic Zone around the south (including Guangzhou and Shenzhen); and 4) the emerging Central West Economic Zone around Chongqing and Sichuan (Fig. 2-2-7).  - 経済産業省


Therefore, if business entities enter into a transaction in the territory of Japan, where all the parties are located in the same jurisdiction, then the legal capacity of the transacting business entities shall be determined by the laws of Japan, as Japan is the place of the juristic act. By contrast, if the parties to a transaction entered into via a server placed in Japan but are located in a number of jurisdictions, then the legal capacity of the consumer shall be, pursuant to the basic principle, determined by the law which governs the business entity's home country, as all the parties are located in different jurisdictions.  - 経済産業省


Not only deposits of relatively large fine powder of several μm to tens of μm but also deposits of relatively small fine powder of ≤ 1 μm can be removed, and the die hole 131 is hardly clogged with deposits, enabling consistent and durable wire drawing. - 特許庁


The 'Kumadori' of kabuki assumed the human face shape and generally used only for humans ('kaen-guma' (makeup like flames) of Genkuro Gitsune that appeared in Yoshitsune Senbonzakura (Yoshitsune and One Thousand Cherry Trees) represented not animal but spiritual power), but there were several kumadori that assumed the animal role starting with the Kumadori of Goku SON in 'renpu' of Chinese opera.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


(28 towns integrated into Fukakusa village in 1889) towns of Ijiki, Jinai, Nanasegawa, Kita Hasuike, Minami Hasuike, Kagiya, Yamamura, Inarienokibashi, Inarinakano, Inarionmae, Jukyuken, Genba, Kita Shin-machi, Gokuraku, Toriizaki, 1-chome Sujikaibashi-Kita, 1-chome Sujikaibashi-Minami, 2-chome to 11-chome Sujikaibashi (counted as 10 towns), Sujikaibashi Kata-machi  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


It was of course for the protection of the legation, but other main objectives included expansion of Japanese interests in China, establishing Japanese advantage at the Korean Peninsula by defeating the Qing dynasty, and restrainment of Russia which was sending a great army just like Japan, and Japan also dispatched troops alongside the allied western powers to show its presence as the 'military policeman of the Far East' (in order to correct the unequal treaty).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To provide a wire electric discharge machining method for making a thin laminated cylindrical body of a laminated block body of laminating and bonding an extremely thin plate, without separating a laminated plate of the thin laminated cylindrical body, without reducing adhesive strength of an adhesive of adhering the laminated plate, even if discharge heat is generated in electric discharge machining. - 特許庁


This functional food for inhibiting the elevation of blood glucose or blood pressure is characterized by containing the extract of the whole body (pericarp-containing fruit) of a dwarf citrus fruit comprising the hybrid of a citrus with a kumquat which is a kind of the genus Fortunella in the family Rutaceae, is native to Philippine and the southern area of China, and is widely cultivated in the Southeast Asia. - 特許庁


The sheet body includes a nonwoven fabric composed of entangled superfine fibers with a single fiber fineness of less than 0.5 dtex, and an elastic resin binder principally containing polyurethane existing in an inner space of the nonwoven fabric, wherein the polyurethane has a carbonate structure represented by specific chemical formulas (1) and (2). - 特許庁


To suppress deterioration of a cycle characteristic and a storage characteristic caused by expansion and contraction of an electrode plate due to charge-discharge cycle or gas generation in a high-temperature storage or the like, because weaving and buckling of electrode plate groups are difficult to occur in winding, and furthermore because the winding-type electrode plate group is integrated when completed. - 特許庁


By supplying an aqueous solution of a cleaning agent for a floor surface to be cleaned, making the tip parts of the fine wires for the brush abuts thereon, and providing a cavitation action while providing ultrasonic oscillations for the fine wires for the brush with a large number of the extremely finely sharpened tips by the ultrasonic oscillator, it is possible to effectively clean the floor surface. - 特許庁


In addition, as for nine raw materials (preceding case by the United States, the EU and Mexico), China implemented the recommendations by the end of 2012—the deadline for the implementation (Export quotas were abolished for five itemsbauxite, coke, fluorspar, silicon-carbide and zinc. Export taxes were abolished for seven itemsbauxite, coke, fluorspar, magnesium, manganese, silicon metal and zinc, and duty rate for yellow phosphorus became in compliance with the protocol.)  - 経済産業省


In the Muromachi and Sengoku (warring states) periods, the Imperial Court and the Muromachi bakufu were in severe financial difficulties, and as a result, the reisen as a gratuity was expected to be presented as a condition for receiving the documents of awarding government posts and official positions as well as of the tsugime ando (receiving again the ando-jo, or document to authorize the ownership and control of the shoryo, or territory, in case of appointment of Shogun); before long, the logic was changed, and whether the documents were issued or not came to depend on the amount of the reisen presented.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Considering the rapid development of China and other Asian countries and regions, as well as systematic changes including financial restrictions in Japan, we should advance comprehensive cooperation according to the characteristics, issues and changing needs of partner countries, in terms of both hardware infrastructures and software infrastructures (e.g. establishment of systems and business practices). Such cooperation utilizing Japanese strength leads to the win-win relationship between Japan and Asian countries. - 経済産業省


The market share of state-owned enterprises, which were dominant in the period of the planned economy,has dwindled dramatically in terms of total industrial production through the process of reform and open has dwindled dramatically in terms of total industrial production through the process of reform and openhas dwindled dramatically in terms of total industrial production through the process of reform and open involves the issue of a main body seeking corporate governance, the other issue concerns accounting systems that are adjusted to harmonize with recent trends in the capital market. - 経済産業省


As explained above, from the perspective of trade structure as well, not only had the trade imbalance between Germany and the four countries been widening through the 2000s (while Germany's trade surpluses with the other three countries were increasing, the other three countries' trade deficits with Germany were increasing), but while the other three countries were losing their presence in the export market due to strong pressures of price competition with emerging economies including China, Germany maintained its advantage by specializing in very technologically-intensive and high value-added manufacturing products for export items, giving the impression that the discrepancy of competitiveness was arising between Germany and the other three countries. - 経済産業省

具体的には、① 第1章において、国際経済の動向を概観した上で、国際的な経常収支不均衡の拡大や原油価格上昇に伴う新たなオイルマネーの動向の分析等を通じて、国際資本移動の活発化を中心とした経済のグローバル化の姿を描き、② 第2章において、アジアのダイナミズムを概観した上で、日本企業による国際事業ネットワーク形成が分業面・貿易面において、いわば「水平的」なアジアを創出しつつある状況をミクロからマクロにわたる複層的な視点から分析するとともに、国際事業ネットワーク形成に際して重要な進出先となっている中国とASEANの状況を分析し、③ 第3章において、以上の調査分析を踏まえて、企業活動の場(フィールド)の自由化・調和・安定化と事業拠点間を結ぶ「ビジネスコスト距離」の短縮等を通じた国際事業環境整備の推進、生産性向上を伴う我が国への対内直接投資の拡大、人的資本の育成・活用、「複線的」構造に立脚した「投資立国」の実現、という4つの取組について論じた。例文帳に追加

Concretely, the following analyses and discussions are made in the White Paper. (1) In Chapter 1, the globalization of the economy, mainly by increased international capital movement, was described by surveying the trend in the international economy and analyzing the expansion of international current account imbalances, together with the new trend in petromoney caused by higher crude oil prices. (2) In Chapter 2, after surveying the dynamism of Asia, an analysis was made from multilayered points of view, including macro and micro perspectives on the formation of international business networks by Japanese companies, which are creating a “horizontalAsia in terms of both division of labor and trade. Conditions in China and ASEAN, which have become important business partners in the process of the formation of international business networks, were also analyzed. (3) Based upon the results of these researches and analyses, in Chapter 3, discussions were made about four issues: promoting the improvement of the international business environment through the liberalization, harmonization and stabilization of fields for corporate activities; shorteningbusiness cost distancebetween business bases; expanding inward direct investment in Japan which will be accompanied by improved productivity, and realizing aninvestment powerhouse” through fostering and utilizing human resources with a “dual-track” structure. - 経済産業省


The reason for his Kaieki, punishment, was technically said as the unauthorized marriage of the adopted daughter of Tadachika and Shigenobu YAMAGUCHI, however, there are many theories on the real reasons such as the one by the Incident of Nagayasu OKUBO, or by the conspiracy of Masanobu HONDA and Masazumi HONDA, or by Ieyasu who had the intention to get rid of the Toyotomi government alienated Tadachika who had a close relationship with Saigoku Daimyo (Japanese territorial lord in western Japan) and might present a peace plan (according to the "Tadayo and Tadachika OKUBO, the Lord of the Odawara Domain" written by Kuniteru MITSUGI) but the clear reason has not been known.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


When manufacturing the nonaqueous electrolyte secondary cell, the end part of the first electrode plate, located at the outermost periphery of the electrode group, is made to cross the end part of the separator and the upper end part of the second electrode plate, and made to locate on the first electrode plate. - 特許庁

この中間財貿易の中心産業となっている電気機械分野では、2000 年から2005 年にかけて、従来主要な貿易フローとなっていなかったASEAN から中国への輸出が大きく増加するなどダイナミックな産業展開がうかがわれ、中間財貿易額で電気機械に次ぐ化学製品分野においては貿易フローのパターンを基本的に維持したまま量的拡大をしている状況と対照的になっている(第2-2-12 図、第2-2-13 図)。例文帳に追加

The electrical equipment field, which is a core industry for trade in intermediate goods, has been undergoing a dynamic industrial expansion, as demonstrated by the substantial rise between 2000 and 2005 in exports to China from ASEAN, which was previously not prominent in the principal flow of trade. This stands in contrast to chemical products-the field second to electrical equipment in the volume of trade in intermediate goods-which is undergoing a quantitative expansion while basically maintaining the same pattern of trade flow (Figure 2-2-12 and 2-2-13). - 経済産業省


Its major tenets are worship of nature and of the dead (animism), and also emphasizes an extended understanding of and respect for the lives, souls, and gods of one's ancestors, conceiving of these things as the essence of life, and whose material substance it is possible to know; it also views existence as divided between the Tokoyo (the spiritual world, the realm of gods, heaven and hell) and the Utsushiyo (this world, the realm of human beings), and also affirms the existence of Kinsokuchi, places where gods dwell (within whose hallowed borders one may not enter), as well as barriers that prevent crossing between the realms, and the efficacy of prayers and fortune-telling (shamanism), including in the determining of government policy, and finally in the creation of a mythology of the world and of human beings.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 4, an individual who is a member of a diplomatic mission, consular post or permanent mission of a Contracting State which is situated in the other Contracting State or in a third State shall be deemed, for the purposes of this Convention, to be a resident of the sending State if: (a) in accordance with international law he is not liable to tax in the receiving State in respect of income from sources outside that State, and (b) he is liable in the sending State to the same obligations in relation to tax on his total income as are residents of that State.  - 財務省


It is almost presumed from historical facts that some sort of group deeply related to Wakoku (such as government officials and military men dispatched by Wakoku or local powerful clans who served Wakoku) possessed certain military clout and economic interest in Gaya region (another name of Mimana); Wakoku's advance to the Korean Peninsula is recorded in history books of China and Korea as well as "Nihonshoki" (Chronicles of Japan); "Gwanggaeto Stele" tells that Wakoku subjugated Silla and Baekje; large keyhole-shaped tomb mounds, which are peculiar to the Japanese archipelago, are starting to be discovered in the Korean Peninsula; a massive amount of Japanese jade magadama (comma-shaped beads) have been excavated in the influence area of Silla, Baekje and Gaya (rare in the former territory of Goguryeo).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



In 1340, when Iinoya-jo Castle fell under the attack of KO no Moroyasu and Yoshinaga NIKI,he stayed in Teradomari, Echigo Province (currently Nagaoka City, Niigata Prefecture), or Hojozu, Ecchu Province (currently Imizu City, Toyama Prefecture); after that, he went to Okawara (currently Oshika-mura, Nagano Prefecture) at the invitation of Takamune KOSAKA (a member of the Mochizuki clan, who were a branch of the Shigeno clan) of Ina County, Shinano Province (currently Nagano Prefecture) in 1344.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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