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該当件数 : 1149



The first patent application validly filed in a Member Country of the Cartagena Agreement or to the Paris Convention, or in another country that grants reciprocal treatment to applications originating in Member Countries of the Cartagena Agreement, shall confer on the applicant or on his successor in title the right of priority for a period of one year, calculated from the date of the said application, within which to apply for a patent for the same invention in Peru. The latter application shall not seek to claim the priority of subject matter not included in the earlier application. - 特許庁


No evidentiary material other than documents shall be allowed. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any of the parties may request the right to speak, at the same time specifying whether his statement will bear on matters of fact or of law. The allowing or refusal of the request shall be left to the discretion of the Chamber of the Tribunal, depending on the importance and implications of the case. Where the parties are summoned to an oral exchange, this shall take place with the persons who were present at the hearing. - 特許庁


A right of priority deriving from an earlier filing, made in a State not party to the Paris Convention may only be claimed, under the conditions and with effect equivalent to that laid down in that Convention, insofar as that State, by virtue of an international agreement, grants, on the basis of a first filing of a Belgian patent application or of a European or international patent application designating Belgium, a right of priority under conditions and having effects equivalent to those under the Paris Convention.  - 特許庁


(6) Where on a reference under this section it is alleged that, by virtue of any transaction, instrument or event relating to an invention or an application for a patent, any person other than the inventor or the applicant for the patent has become entitled to be granted (whether alone or with any other persons) a patent for the invention or has or would have any right in or under any patent so granted or any application for any such patent, an order shall not be made under subsection (2)(a), (b) or (d) on the reference unless notice of the reference is given to the applicant and any such person, except any of them who is a party to the reference. - 特許庁



Where the earlier foreign application has been filed in a State which is not bound by an international agreement on the recognition of priority, the applicant may claim a right of priority corresponding to that under the Paris Convention provided that, after publication by the Federal Ministry of Justice in the Federal Law Gazette, the other State grants a right of priority for a first filing with the Patent Office which is, according to its requirements and contents, comparable to that under the Paris Convention.  - 特許庁



Every assignment and every other document giving effect to or being evidence of the transfer of a patent or affecting the proprietorship thereof or creating an interest therein as claimed in such application, shall, unless the Controller otherwise directs, be presented to him together with the application which shall be accompanied by two copies of the assignment or other document certified to be true copies by the applicant or his agent and the Controller may call for such other proof of title or written consent as he may require.  - 特許庁

第31条 優先権 条約,協定又は法律によりフィリピンの国民に類似の特典を与える外国において同一の発明について先に出願をした者によりなされた特許出願は,その外国での出願をした日に出願をしたものとみなす。ただし, (a)当該出願において優先権を明示して張し, (b)最先の外国での出願がなされた日から12月以内に出願し,かつ (c)フィリピンにおける出願日から6月以内に当該外国での出願の認証謄本を英語での翻訳文とともに提出することを条件とする。例文帳に追加

Sec.31 Right of Priority An application for patent filed by any person who has previously applied for the same invention in another country which by treaty, convention, or law affords similar privileges to Filipino citizens, shall be considered as filed as of the date of filing the foreign application: Provided, That: (a) the local application expressly claims priority; (b) it is filed within twelve months from the date the earliest foreign application was filed; and (c) a certified copy of the foreign application together with an English translation is filed within six months from the date of filing in the Philippines. - 特許庁

条約又は法律によりフィリピンの国民に同様の特典を与える外国において同一の発明を先に出願している者によりなされた特許出願は,その外国出願の出願日になされたものとみなす。ただし,次を条件とする。 (a)当該フィリピンにおける出願において優先権を明示的に張すること (b)当該出願を最先の外国出願を行った日から12月以内に行うこと,及び (c)フィリピンにおける出願日から6月以内に当該外国出願の認証謄本を英語の翻訳文とともに提出すること (IP法第31条)例文帳に追加

An application for patent filed by any person who has previously applied for the same invention in another country which by treaty, convention, or law affords similar privileges to Filipino citizens, shall be considered as filed as of the date of filing of the foreign application: Provided, That: (a) the local application expressly claims priority; (b) it is filed within twelve months from the date the earliest foreign application was filed and (c) a certified copy of the foreign application together with an English translation is filed within six months from the date of filing in the Philippines (Sec. 31, IP CODE). - 特許庁


Any foreign national or juridical person whether or not engaged in business in the Philippines may bring a petition for opposition, cancellation or compulsory licensing: Provided, that the country of which he or it is a national, or domiciled, or has a real and effective industrial establishment is a party to any convention, treaty or agreement relating to intellectual property rights or the repression of unfair competition, to which the Philippines is also a party, or extends reciprocal rights to nationals of the Philippines by law. - 特許庁


意匠登録の存続期間中,何人も,所定の手数料を納付して,次の何れかの理由に基づき,意匠の取消を局長に申請することができる。 (a)意匠が工業製品又は手工芸品に特別の外観を与えておらず,これらの模様として機能していないこと (b)意匠が新規又は独創的でないこと (c)意匠が技術的な結果を得るための本質的に技術的若しくは機能的考慮による特徴をとしていること (d)意匠が公の秩序,健康又は善良の風俗に反すること (e)意匠の内容が原出願の内容を超えていること例文帳に追加

At any time during the term of the industrial design registration, any person upon payment of the required fee, may petition the Director to cancel the industrial design on any of the following grounds: (a) that the industrial design does not give a special appearance to and can not serve as pattern for an industrial product or handicraft; (b) that the industrial design is not new or original; (c) that the industrial design is dictated essentially by technical or functional consideration to obtain a technical result; (d) that the industrial design is contrary to public order, health or morals; or (e) that the subject matter of the industrial design extends beyond the content of the application as originally filed. - 特許庁



This aromatic polyamide fibrous paper essentially comprises 40-90 wt.% of aromatic polyamide staple fibers and 10-60 wt.% of aromatic polyamide pulp; wherein the aromatic polyamide pulp is such as to be obtained by applying shearing force to an aromatic polyamide dope by beating action and solidifying the dope with a precipitant, and this aromatic polyamide, fibrous paper has been heat-treated at a temperature of as high as ≥350°C. - 特許庁


This method for producing the polymer composite composed of the cellulosic polymer and the thermoplastic polymer comprises carrying out at least one kind of treatment selected from grinding, blending, kneading and rolling treatments, together with the thermoplastic polymer, in such a state that the cellulosic polymer is swollen by a solution which gives motility to the main dispersion region in the dynamic viscoelasticity measurement or thermal stimulating current measurement for the cellulosic polymer. - 特許庁


In a system for conducting interactive advertisement and remuneration a sponsor distributes the digital interactive game coupon to integrate the advertisement and the remuneration onto a game, a game provider is allowed to design the game to receive the advertisement and the remuneration, a gamer/a player gets the recompense as a form of a digital interactive game coupon, and uses the coupon for discount of an article, a gift or exchange to points. - 特許庁

中国CICの運用資産は2,000 億ドル(資本金)で、アブダビ投資庁の6,250 億ドルの3分の1にも満たないものの、米議会の諮問機関である「米中経済安全審査委員会」は、中国の共産党一党独裁体制やCICの運営制度整備の遅れ、投資方針や投資行動が検証できない点を懸念しており、2008年2月にに中国SWFを対象にした「SWF投資の国家安全に与えるインパクトに関する公聴会」を開催している。例文帳に追加

The assets under management (capital) of China's CIC are $200.0 billion and it is less than one thirds of the size of Abu Dhabi Investment Authority of $625.0 billion. An advisory body for the U.S. Congress, "The United States - China Economic and Security Review Commission" showed its concern over China's dictatorial single-party political system run by Communist Party of China. It also mentioned about the slow progress on CIC's management system facilitation and pointed out that CIC's investment policy and investment behavior cannot be verified. The commission held "Hearing on the Implications of Sovereign Wealth Fund Investments for National Security" focusing on China's SWF in February 2008. - 経済産業省

第百条 厚生労働省の女性管局長(厚生労働省の内部部局として置かれる局で女性労働者の特性に係る労働問題に関する事務を所掌するものの局長をいう。以下同じ。)は、厚生労働大臣の指揮監督を受けて、この法律中女性に特殊の規定の制定、改廃及び解釈に関する事項をつかさどり、その施行に関する事項については、労働基準管局長及びその下級の官庁の長に勧告を行うとともに、労働基準管局長が、その下級の官庁に対して行う指揮監督について援助を与える。例文帳に追加

Article 100 (1) The Director-General of the Women's Management Bureau (the director of an internal bureau, within the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, responsible for matters relating to Labor issues associated with the special characteristics of women workers; the same shall apply hereinafter ) of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, under the direction and supervision of the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare, shall administer matters relating to the establishment, revision, abrogation and interpretation of special provisions in this Act relating to women, and, with respect to matters concerning the enforcement thereof, shall advise the Director-General of the Labor Standards Management Bureau and the directors of the government agencies subordinate to that Bureau and shall assist in the direction and supervision of those subordinate government agencies by the Director-General of the Labor Standards Management Bureau.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

一 イ又はロのいずれかに該当する業種として務省令で定める業種に係る対内直接投資等(法第二十六条第二項第一号から第四号まで及び前条第九項第一号に掲げる対内直接投資等にあつては、これらの規定に規定する会社の子会社(会社法(平成十七年法律第八十六号)第二条第三号に規定する子会社をいい、本邦にあるものに限る。以下同じ。)並びに当該会社が財務及び営業又は事業の方針の決定に対して重要な影響を与えることができる他の法人等として務省令で定めるもの(子会社を除く。)が当該務省令で定める業種に属する事業を営んでいる場合を含む。)例文帳に追加

(i) Inward direct investment, etc. pertaining to the business types specified by a Cabinet Order as the business types which fall under either (a) or (b) (with regard to inward direct investment, etc. listed in Article 26, paragraph (2), item (i) to item (iv) of the Act and paragraph (9), item (i) of the preceding Article, including the cases where a subsidiary company of a company prescribed in these provisions (meaning subsidiary companies prescribed in Article 2, item (iii) of the Companies Act (Act No. 86 of 2005) and limited to those located in Japan; the same shall apply hereinafter) and those specified by an ordinance of the competent ministry as other juridical persons, etc. said company can have a material influence on the determination of their financial, operational or business policies (excluding subsidiary companies) operate business in the business types specified by said ordinance of the competent ministry):  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


The exclusive right conferred by a patent shall imply that no one except the proprietor of the patent may without permission exploit the invention: by making, offering, putting on the market or using a product which is the subject-matter of the patent, or by importing or stocking the product for such purposes, or by using a process which is the subject-matter of the patent or by offering the process for use in this country, if the person offering the process knows, or it is obvious in the circumstances, that the process may not be used without the consent of the proprietor of the patent, or by offering, putting on the market or using a product obtained by a process which is the subject-matter of the patent or by importing or stocking the product for such purposes.  - 特許庁

5 第二項第九号及び第十号の「要株」とは、会社の総株又は総出資者の議決権(株式会社にあっては、株総会において決議をすることができる事項の全部につき議決権を行使することができない株式についての議決権を除き、会社法第八百七十九条第三項の規定により議決権を有するものとみなされる株式についての議決権を含む。以下同じ。)の百分の二十(会社の財務及び営業の方針の決定に対して重要な影響を与えることが推測される事実として内閣府令で定める事実がある場合には、百分の十五)以上の数の議決権(社債、株式等の振替に関する法律(平成十三年法律第七十五号)第百四十七条第一項又は第百四十八条第一項の規定により発行者に対抗することができない株式に係る議決権を含み、保有の態様その他の事情を勘案して内閣府令で定めるものを除く。以下この条及び第十七条第一項において「対象議決権」という。)を保有している者をいう。例文帳に追加

(5) The term "Major Shareholder" set forth in paragraph (2)(ix) and (x) shall mean a person who holds not less than twenty-hundredths (in cases where there is any fact specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance as a one that is presumed to have a material influence on decisions about the company's finances and business policies, fifteen-hundredths) of the voting rights (including those pertaining to shares which cannot be asserted against an issuer pursuant to the provisions of Article 147(1) or Article 148(1) of the Act on Transfer of Bonds, Shares, etc. (Act No. 75 of 2001), and excluding those specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance which have been specified in consideration of the condition of holding or other circumstances; hereinafter referred to as "Subject Voting Rights" in this Article and Article 17(1)) of all shareholders or investors of the company (for a stock company, excluding voting rights for shares which can be exercised only for part of the matters that can be resolved at a shareholder's meeting, but including voting rights for shares which are deemed to be held pursuant to the provisions of Article 879(3) of the Companies Act,; the same shall apply hereinafter).  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

当該同時係属中の出願が, (A) 当該クレームで特定された題を開示した特許出願をカナダにおいて又は関して先に正規にした者,又はその代理人,法律上の代表者若しくは前権利者によりされたか,又は (B) カナダが締約国である特許に関する条約又は協定に定める条件に基づいて保護を受ける権利を有する者であって,条約,協定又は法律がカナダ国民に同様な保護を与える他の国において若しくはその国に対して当該クレームで特定された題を開示している特許出願を先に正規にした者により又はその代理人,法律上の代表者若しくは前権利者によりされ,例文帳に追加

the co-pending application is filed by (A) a person who has, or whose agent, legal representative or predecessor in title has, previously regularly filed in or for Canada an application for a patent disclosing the subject-matter defined by the claim, or (B) a person who is entitled to protection under the terms of any treaty or convention relating to patents to which Canada is a party and who has, or whose agent, legal representative or predecessor in title has, previously regularly filed in or for any other country that by treaty, convention or law affords similar protection to citizens of Canada an application for a patent disclosing the subject-matter defined by the claim,  - 特許庁

商標登録出願について,補正が次の変更に係わる場合は,如何なる補正もすることができない。 (a) 登録官による移転の認可後を除き,出願人の同一性の変更 (b) 商標の識別性を変更しないか又はその同一性に影響を与えない場合を除き,商標の変更 (c) 証拠がその事実によって変更の正当性を証明する場合を除き,その商標のカナダで最初に使用した日又は公知にした日のうち何れか先の日への変更 (d) 出願前にその商標がカナダで使用され又は公知になった旨の張のない出願から,使用され又は公知になった旨の張のある出願への変更,又は (e) 法律第30条に従って行われた出願時に願書に含まれていた商品又はサービスの記載を拡張する商品又はサービスの記載への変更例文帳に追加

No application for the registration of a trade-mark may be amended where the amendment would change (a) the identity of the applicant, except after recognition of a transfer by the Registrar; (b) the trade-mark, except in respects that do not alter its distinctive character or affect its identity; (c) the date of first use or making known in Canada of the trade-mark to an earlier date, except where the evidence proves that the change is justified by the facts; (d) the application from one not alleging use or making known of the trade-mark in Canada before the filing of the application to one alleging such use or making known; or (e) the statement of wares or services so as to be broader than the statement of wares or services contained in the application at the time the application was filed pursuant to section 30 of the Act.  - 特許庁

2 認定研究開発事業者又は認定統括事業者の取締役、執行役又は使用人である個人が、外国法人(当該認定研究開発事業者又は認定統括事業者を当該外国法人の子会社等(当該外国法人がその総株等の議決権の過半数を保有していることその他の当該外国法人と密接な関係を有する国内の会社として務省令で定める会社をいう。)とするものに限る。以下この項において同じ。)から与えられた新株予約権の行使により当該外国法人の株式の取得をした場合における当該株式の取得に係る経済的利益については、租税特別措置法で定めるところにより、課税の特例の適用があるものとする。例文帳に追加

(2) Pursuant to the provisions of the Act on Special Measures Concerning Taxation, the special provisions for taxation shall apply to the economic interests of an individual who is a director, executive officer or employee of a Certified Research and Development Business Operator or a Certified Supervisory Business Operator deriving from the acquisition of shares in the case where said individual has acquired shares of a foreign juridical person (limited to a foreign juridical person controlling said Certified Research and Development Business Operator or said Supervisory Business Operator as its Subsidiary or Other Similar Entity (meaning a company in which said foreign juridical person has the majority of the Voting Rights of All Shareholders or Others, or which is otherwise prescribed by an ordinance of the competent ministry as being a domestic company having a close relationship with said foreign juridical person)) by exercising share options given to him/her by said foreign juridical person.  - 経済産業省

カナダ特許出願(以下「係属中の出願」と称する)におけるクレーム日は,次に掲げる場合を除き,その出願日とする: 係属中の出願が, (i) 当該クレームで特定された題を開示している特許出願をカナダにおいて又は関して先に正規になした者,又はその代理人,法律上の代表者若しくは前権利者によりなされたか,又は (ii) カナダが締約国である特許に関する条約又は協定に定める条件に基づいて保護を受ける権利を有する者であって,当該クレームで特定された題を開示している特許出願を条約,協定又は法律によりカナダ国民に同様な保護を与える他の国において若しくはその国に対して先に正規になした者により又はその代理人,法律上の代表者若しくは前権利者によりなされた場合であり, (b) 係属中の出願の出願日が先に正規になされた出願の出願日から12月以内であり,また (c) 出願人が先に正規になされた出願に基づいて優先権を張した場合。例文帳に追加

The date of a claim in an application for a patent in Canada (the “pending application”) is the filing date of the application, unless (a) the pending application is filed by (i) a person who has, or whose agent, legal representative or predecessor in title has, previously regularly filed in or for Canada an application for a patent disclosing the subject-matter defined by the claim, or (ii) a person who is entitled to protection under the terms of any treaty or convention relating to patents to which Canada is a party and who has, or whose agent, legal representative or predecessor in title has, previously regularly filed in or for any other country that by treaty, convention or law affords similar protection to citizens of Canada an application for a patent disclosing the subject-matter defined by the claim; (b) the filing date of the pending application is within twelve months after the filing date of the previously regularly filed application; and(c) the applicant has made a request for priority on the basis of the previously regularly filed application.  - 特許庁

第百三条の二 何人も、株式会社金融商品取引所の総株の議決権の百分の二十(その財務及び営業の方針の決定に対して重要な影響を与えることが推測される事実として内閣府令で定める事実がある場合には、百分の十五。以下この章において「保有基準割合」という。)以上の数の議決権(取得又は保有の態様その他の事情を勘案して内閣府令で定めるものを除く。以下この章において「対象議決権」という。)を取得し、又は保有してはならない。ただし、認可金融商品取引業協会、金融商品取引所又は金融商品取引所持株会社が取得し、又は保有する場合は、この限りでない。例文帳に追加

Article 103-2 (1) No person shall acquire or hold voting rights (excluding the voting rights specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance taking into consideration the manner of acquisition or holding and any other circumstance; hereinafter referred to as the "Subject Voting Rights" in this Chapter) not less than 20 percent (or 15 percent, when there are facts specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance as facts estimated to have material influence on the decision of the financial and operational policies; hereinafter referred to as the "Holding Ratio Threshold" in this Chapter) of the voting rights of all shareholders of a Stock Company-Type Financial Instruments Exchange; provided, however, that this shall not apply to the cases where an Authorized Financial Instruments Firms Association, a Financial Instruments Exchange or a Financial Instruments Exchange Holding Company acquires or holds the Subject Voting Rights.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


I am Nomura from Sekai Nippo. Although provisional remedial measures such as recapitalization and governmental capital injection are certainly necessary, will they resolve the European fiscal and financial crisis? Is there any fundamental solution? These questions are the cause of concern for international financial markets. The kind of policy centering on austerity and tax increase that has been adopted by Greece has created a very difficult situation, triggering large-scale demonstrations. The kind of policy centering on austerity and tax increase that has been adopted by Greece has created a very difficult situation, triggering large-scale demonstrations. Could you offer your thoughts on that?  - 金融庁


In recent years, the Incubator Bank of Japan operated under a singular business model of increasingly purchasing loan claims from money lending businesses and rapidly expanding business with major borrowers with which it had a close relationship and, as a result of its failure to perform adequate credit checks and credit management in line with such a business model, the Bank was faced with the need to set aside a large amount of additional reserves. We suspect that the main reason for the Bank's failure is the history of its operation like that. Another point is that because the bank does not offer an ordinary deposit service and therefore does not have any clearing function, and also does not raise funds from the interbank market, it does not share the same type of business operation as other financial institutions and is accordingly, in our view, situated in an environment distinct from those of other financial institutions. Judging from those circumstances of the bank, we believe that its failure will not affect the stability of Japan's financial system.  - 金融庁

次の場合は,(1)は適用しない: (a) 先の出願が,カナダが締約国である特許に関する条約又は協定に定める条件に従って保護を受ける権利を有する者であって,同一発明を記載した特許出願を条約,協定又は法律によりカナダ国民に同様な保護を与える他の国において又は関して,先に正規になした者により行われた場合 (b) 先の出願が,(a)に述べる先に正規にされた出願の後12月以内に行われた場合 (c) 先の出願の出願人が,(a)に述べる先に正規にされた出願に基づいて当該出願につき優先権張を行った場合,及び (d) (a)に述べる先に正規にされた出願が,(1)に述べる先に正規にされた出願より前に行われた場合例文帳に追加

Subsection (1) does not apply if (a) the earlier application is filed by a person who is entitled to protection under the terms of any treaty or convention relating to patents to which Canada is a party and who has previously regularly filed in or for any other country that by treaty, convention or law affords similar protection to citizens of Canada an application for a patent describing the same invention; (b) the earlier application is filed within twelve months after the filing of the previously regularly filed application mentioned in paragraph (a); (c) the applicant in the earlier application has made a request for priority in respect of that application on the basis of the previously regularly filed application mentioned in paragraph (a); and (d) the previously regularly filed application mentioned in paragraph (a) was filed before the filing of the previously regularly filed application mentioned in subsection (1).  - 特許庁

登録商標が不正に適用された商品を,(a)取引若しくは製造の目的でシンガポールに輸入する者, (b)販売する若しくは販売のために申し出る若しくは陳列する者,又は (c)取引若しくは製造の目的で所持する者は, (i)本条に基づく違反に対してすべての合理的な注意を講じており,張される違反の時点で標章の真正さを疑う理由がなく,訴追により若しくはこの代わりになされた請求に基づき,その商品を入手した者に関するすべての情報を自己の権限において与えたこと,又は (ii)善意で行為したこと,を証明しない限り有罪とし,商標が不正に適用された商品又は事物ごとに1万ドル以下(ただし,総額で10万ドル以下)の罰金若しくは5年以下の拘禁に処し又はこれを併科する。例文帳に追加

Any person who- (a) imports into Singapore for the purpose of trade or manufacture; (b) sells or offers exposes for sale; or (c) has in his possession for the purpose of trade or manufacture, any goods to which a registered trade mark is falsely applied shall, unless he proves that- (i) having taken all reasonable precautions against committing an offence under this section, he had, at the time of the commission of the alleged offence, no reason to suspect the genuineness of the mark and on demand made by or on behalf of the prosecution, he gave all the information in his power with respect to the persons from whom he obtained the goods; or (ii) he had acted innocently, be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $10,000 for each goods or thing to which the trade mark is falsely applied (but not exceeding in the aggregate $100,000) or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 5 years or to both. - 特許庁

同一の商品若しくはサービス又は同種の商品若しくはサービスに関して数個の商標の所有者であると張する者がこれらの商標の登録を求める場合において,当該商標が要部においては互いに類似するが,次の事項について異なるときは,当該商標は1の登録による連続商標として登録することができる。 (a) それぞれ使用されている又は使用される予定の商品又はサービスの表示,又は (b) 数量,価格,品質又は地名の表示,又は (c) 識別性のないその他の事項で,商標の同一性に実質的に影響を与えないもの,又は (d) 色彩例文帳に追加

Where a person claiming to be the proprietor of several trade marks, in respect of the same goods or services or the same description of goods or services, seeks to register those trade marks and the trade marks, while resembling each other in the material particulars thereof, differ in respect of-- (a) statements of the goods or services in relation to which they are respectively used or proposed to be used; or (b) statements of number, price, quality or names of places; or (c) other matter of a non-distinctive character which does not substantially affect the identity of the trade mark; or (d) colour, the trade marks may be registered as a series in one registration.  - 特許庁

(1) 同一商品若しくは単一区分の同一品目の商品に関するいくつかの商標の所有者であると張してそれらの商標の登録をしようとしており,重要事項においてそれらが類似しているとはいえ当該商標は次の点で異なっている場合,当該商標は単一の登録でシリーズとして登録することができる。 (a) 当該商標がそれに使用される若しくは使用される予定の商品についての説明若しくは表示 (b) 数,価格,品質又は場所の名称についての説明若しくは表示 (c) 弁識力がなく当該商標の同一性に実質的な影響を与えないその他の事項,又は (d) 色彩若しくはそれらの事項の中の任意の2以上の事項例文帳に追加

(1) Where a person, who claims to be the proprietor of several trade marks for the same goods or for goods of the same description within a single class, seeks to register those trade marks and the trade marks, although they resemble each other in material particulars, differ in respect of - (a) statements or representations as to the goods in respect of which the trade marks are used or proposed to be used; or (b) statements or representations as to number, price, quality or names of places; or (c) other matter which is not distinctive and does not substantially affect the identity of the trade marks; or (d) colour, or in respect of any two or more of those matters, the trade marks may be registered as a series in one registration. - 特許庁


In order to make more energetic activities of angel networks in Japan, it would be effective to form partnerships between such networks based in parts of Japan and help them share information about start-ups and best practices for angel network management. It would also be helpful to encourage them to interact with angel networks in the United States and other advanced angel networking countries and conduct surveys to learn their advanced skills to manage networks and angel investment techniques, such as convertible loan stock. Another effective way is to work to have angel investment activates understood by SME owners and other people who may potentially have interest in angel investment. Examination should be conducted on what the government should do to support such efforts. In the United States and Europe, some angel networks own venture capital funds, referred to as sidecar or affiliate funds, as a tool for making angel investments, and such funds are now becoming more common. In Japan, Nippon Angels Forum, an angel network, has a sidecar fund. On the other hand, some of the venture capital funds there which raise money mainly from retail investors provide services similar to those of angel networks. Such convergences of angel networks and venture capital may help angel investors learn the expertise venture capital funds have on venture investment, and in turn allow venture capitals to use the business experience people in angel networks have and knowledge and know-how experts there possess when they perform diligence or provide business advisory services.  - 経済産業省

次のものは,特許所有者の排他権の侵害とみなされない。 (1) 外国籍の輸送手段(航海,河川,航空,陸上及び宇宙)の構造又は機能における特許によって保護された工業所有権の題を含む手段の適用であって,その輸送手段がキルギス共和国領域に一時的又は偶発的に滞在し,その輸送手段の必要のために使用されることを条件としてのもの。当該行為は,その輸送手段がキルギス共和国の輸送手段の所有者に同一の権利を与える国の自然人又は法人に属する場合は,特許所有者の排他権の侵害とみなされない。 (2) 工業所有権の題を含む物品をもって科学研究又は実験を行うこと (3) 緊急時(自然災害,大災害,大事故)における当該手段の適用。これには特許所有者に事後的に相応の補償を伴う。 (4) 特許によって保護された工業所有権の題を含む手段の適用であって,当該手段が特許所有者によって供与された権利に順じて適法に経済的転用に導入される場合のもの。この場合は,特許された工業所有権の題を含む又は特許された方法の実施によって製造された手段を特許所有者の許可に基づいて取得する者は,再許可を得ることなく,この手段を実施又は処分する権利を有するが,ただし,別段の定がある場合はこの限りでない。例文帳に追加

The following is not recognized as an infringement of the exclusive right of the patent owner: (1) application of the means containing objects of industrial property protected by patents in the construction or during exploitation of transport facilities (sea-going, river, air, land and cosmic) of other countries under condition that said facilities temporarily or accidentally stay in the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic and are used for the needs of transport facility. Such actions shall not be considered as an infringement of the exclusive right of the patent owner if transport facilities belong to natural persons or legal entities of the countries that provide the same rights to the owners of transport facilities of the Kyrgyz Republic; (2) conducting scientific research or an experiment with an article containing an object of industrial property; (3) application of such means during emergency situation (natural calamities, catastrophes, big accidents) with subsequent payment of a commensurate compensation to the patent owner; (4) application of means containing objects of industrial property protected by patents if these means are introduced into an economic turnover in a legal way in compliance with the rights granted by a patent owner. In this case the person who under the permission of the patent owner acquires a mean containing patented object of an industrial property or manufactured with the use of the patented method, shall have the right to use or dispose this mean without additional permission, unless otherwise is provided by the agreement. - 特許庁


I will look into the fine details later, but basically, government offices are financed by taxes, and have authority based on the Constitution and laws, as a matter of course. The Cabinet is formed as a result of election by the people; then the Prime Minister comes forth, who appoints the Minister for Financial Services according to the Constitution. As this is an extremely democratic government office, it is common sense from my point of view to properly keep or publicly disclose the minutes regarding financial regulation and supervision which have a huge impact in ordinary circumstances as a basic rule, given that an executive branch of government is basically in the public domain. From what I have heard, minutes of seven or eight meetings were disclosed to the public after it was said that this would be done initially, but information on the progress in the interim was not disclosed at all. I think this is extremely odd in view of the rules of the executive branch of government. Basically, from the viewpoint of common sense, it is odd as a government in an open democratic nation that there are no minutes, especially on such a matter that has later had a significant impact on banking regulation and supervision, given the rules of government offices.  - 金融庁

1989年10月1日の直前に有効な第43条に特定される抵触が,1989年10月1日前にされたカナダ特許出願(以下「先の出願」と称する)と,その日以後にされたカナダ特許出願(以下「後の出願」と称する)との間に存在し,かつ (a) 後の出願が,カナダが締約国である特許に関する条約又は協定に定める条件に従って保護を受ける権利を有する者であって,同一発明を記載した特許出願を条約,協定又は法律によりカナダ国民に同様な保護を与える他の国において若しくはその国に対して先に正規にした者により行われ, (b) 後の出願が,その先に正規にされた出願の後12月以内に行われ,(c) 後の出願の出願人が,その先に正規にされた出願に基づいて該当出願につき優先権張を行い,また (d) 先の出願が当該先に正規にされた出願の後に行われた場合は, 先の発明日を有する出願人が特許を受けることができるものとし,これらの出願は,1989年10月1日の直前に有効な第43条に従って取り扱い,かつ,処理しなければならない。例文帳に追加

Where a conflict, as defined in section 43 as it read immediately before October 1, 1989, exists between an application for a patent in Canada filed before October 1, 1989 (the “earlier application”) and an application for a patent in Canada filed on or after that date (the “later application”) and (a) the later application is filed by a person who is entitled to protection under the terms of any treaty or convention relating to patents to which Canada is a party and who has previously regularly filed in or for any other country that by treaty, convention or law affords similar protection to citizens of Canada an application for a patent describing the same invention, (b) the later application is filed within twelve months after the filing of the previously regularly filed application, (c) the applicant in the later application has made a request for priority in respect of that application on the basis of the previously regularly filed application, and (d) the earlier application is filed after the filing of the previously regularly filed application, the applicant having the earlier date of invention shall be entitled to a patent and the applications shall be dealt with and disposed of in accordance with section 43, as it read immediately before October 1, 1989.  - 特許庁


Nothing in this Act entitles the owner of a registered trade mark to interfere with or restrain the use by any person of a trade mark identical or similar to it in relation to goods or services in relation to which that person or the owner's predecessor in title had continuously used that trade mark from a date prior to the commencement of the Trademarks Amendment Act 1994 if, before that date, the use of that trade mark by that person did not infringe the right to the use of the first-mentioned trade mark given by the registration; or object (if use is proved) to that person being put on the register for that identical or similar trade mark in respect of those goods or services or similar goods or services. No infringement where certain connection in course of trade - 特許庁

(4) 変更請求は,共同体商標出願として付与された出願日に提出されたとみなされ,優先権又は経過年数が張されている場合は,これらの権利を享受するものとする。更に,変更請求は国内商標出願と同様に処理される。ただし,変更の請求対象が既に登録された共同体商標に言及する場合は,更なる手続なく,国内商標の地位が付与され,第22条(4)の規定が適用されるが,放棄,不更新又は商標所有者に起因するその他の理由により,決定がスペインにおける保護に影響を与える可能性のある無効又は失効の理由の実質に関して係属しているという事実は除くものとし,この場合は,当該請求は国内商標出願として処理される。本項に定める直接付与の合意に対しては,絶対的又は相対的禁止事由の存在を根拠として審判請求することができないが,当該審判請求は,有効な変更の要件又は申請した共同体商標を直接付与する要件を充足しないことを根拠として行うことができる。例文帳に追加

(4) An application for conversion shall be considered filed on the filing date granted to it as a Community trademark application and, if it claimed priority or age, it shall benefit from these rights. Moreover, the application for conversion shall be processed in the same way as a national trademark application. Nevertheless, if the application for conversion refers to a Community trademark already registered, it shall be granted the status of a national trademark without further procedure, and the provisions of Article 22(4) shall apply, apart from the fact that, owing to renunciation, failure to renew or any other cause attributable to its owner, a pronouncement has been pending as regards the substance of any reason for invalidity or lapse capable of affecting the protection of the trademark in Spain, in which case it shall be processed as a national trademark application. No appeal based on the existence of absolute or relative prohibitions may be lodged against the direct grant agreement provided for in this paragraph, but such an appeal may be based on failure to satisfy the requirements for the valid conversion or direct grant of the Community trademark applied for. - 特許庁

1この条約の適用上、文脈により別に解釈すべき場合を除くほか、(a)「日本国」とは、地理的意味で用いる場合には、日本国の租税に関する法令が施行されているすべての領域(領海を含む。)及びその領域の外側に位置する区域であって、日本国が国際法に基づき権的権利を有し、かつ、日本国の租税に関する法令が施行されているすべての区域(海底及びその下を含む。)をいう。(b)「オランダ」とは、オランダ王国のうちヨーロッパに位置する部分(領海及びその領海の外側に位置する区域であって、オランダが国際法に基づき管轄権又は権的権利を行使する区域を含む。)をいう。(c)「一方の締約国」及び「他方の締約国」とは、文脈により、日本国又はオランダをいう。(d)「租税」とは、文脈により、日本国の租税又はオランダの租税をいう。(e)「者」には、個人、法人及び法人以外の団体を含む。(f)「法人」とは、法人格を有する団体又は租税に関し法人格を有する団体として取り扱われる団体をいう。(g)「企業」は、あらゆる事業の遂行について用いる。(h)「一方の締約国の企業」及び「他方の締約国の企業」とは、それぞれ一方の締約国の居住者が営む企業及び他方の締約国の居住者が営む企業をいう。「国際運輸」とは、一方の締約国の企業が運用する船舶又は航空機による運送(他方の締約国内の地点の間においてのみ運用される船舶又は航空機による運送を除く。)をいう。(j)「権限のある当局」とは、次の者をいう。(i)日本国については、財務大臣又は権限を与えられたその代理者(ii)オランダについては、財務大臣又は権限を与えられたその代理者(k)「国民」とは、次の者をいう。(i)日本国については、日本国の国籍を有するすべての個人、日本国の法令に基づいて設立され、又は組織されたすべての法人及び法人格を有しないが日本国の租税に関し日本国の法令に基づいて設立され、又は組織された法人として取り扱われるすべての団体(ii)オランダについては、オランダの国籍を有するすべての個人及びオランダにおいて施行されている法令によってその地位を与えられたすべての法人、組合又は団体(l)「事業」には、自由職業その他の独立の性格を有する活動を含む。(m)「年金基金」とは、次の(i)から(iii)までに掲げる要件を満たす者をいう。(i)一方の締約国の法令に基づいて設立され、かつ、規制されること。(ii)として、老齢年金、障害年金若しくは遺族年金、退職手当その他これらに類する報酬を管理し、若しくは給付すること又は他の年金基金の利益のために所得を取得することを目的として運営されること。(iii) (ii)に規定する活動に関して取得する所得につき当該一方の締約国において租税を免除されること。例文帳に追加

1. For the purposes of this Convention, unless the context otherwise requires: a) the termJapan”, when used in a geographical sense, means all the territory of Japan, including its territorial sea, in which the laws relating to Japanese tax are in force, and all the area beyond its territorial sea, including the seabed and subsoil thereof, over which Japan has sovereign rights in accordance with international law and in which the laws relating to Japanese tax are in force; b) the termthe Netherlandsmeans the part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands that is situated in Europe, including its territorial sea and any area beyond the territorial sea within which the Netherlands, in accordance with international law, exercises jurisdiction or sovereign rights; c) the terms “a Contracting State” and “the other Contracting Statemean Japan or the Netherlands, as the context requires; d) the termtaxmeans Japanese tax or Netherlands tax, as the context requires; e) the termpersonincludes an individual, a company and any other body of persons; f) the termcompanymeans any body corporate or any entity that is treated as a body corporate for tax purposes; g) the termenterpriseapplies to the carrying on of any business; h) the termsenterprise of a Contracting State” and “enterprise of the other Contracting Statemean respectively an enterprise carried on by a resident of a Contracting State and an enterprise carried on by a resident of the other Contracting State; i) the terminternational trafficmeans any transport by a ship or aircraft operated by an enterprise of a Contracting State, except when the ship or aircraft is operated solely between places in the other Contracting State; j) the termcompetent authoritymeans: (i) in the case of Japan, the Minister of Finance or his authorised representative; and (ii) in the case of the Netherlands, the Minister of Finance or his authorised representative; k) the termnationalmeans: (i) in the case of Japan, any individual possessing the nationality of Japan, any juridical person created or organised under the laws of Japan and any organisation without juridical personality treated for the purposes of Japanese tax as a juridical person created or organised under the laws of Japan; and (ii) in the case of the Netherlands, any individual possessing the nationality of the Netherlands and any legal person, partnership or association deriving its status as such from the laws in force in the Netherlands; l) the termbusinessincludes the performance of professional services and of other activities of an independent character; and m) the termpension fundmeans any person that: (i) is established and regulated as such under the laws of a Contracting State; (ii) is operated principally to administer or provide old age, disability or survivor’s pensions, retirement benefits or other similar remuneration or to earn income for the benefit of other pension funds; and (iii) is exempt from tax in that Contracting State with respect to income derived from the activities described in clause (ii).  - 財務省


1. For the purposes of this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires: (a) the termHong Kong Special Administrative Region”, when used in a geographical sense, means the land and sea comprised within the boundary of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China, including Hong Kong Island, Kowloon, the New Territories and the waters of Hong Kong, and any other place where the tax laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China apply; (b) the termJapan”, when used in a geographical sense, means all the territory of Japan, including its territorial sea, in which the laws relating to Japanese tax are in force, and all the area beyond its territorial sea, including the seabed and subsoil thereof, over which Japan has sovereign rights in accordance with international law and in which the laws relating to Japanese tax are in force; (c) the terms “a Contracting Party” and “the other Contracting Partymean Japan or the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, as the context requires; (d) the termtaxmeans Japanese tax or Hong Kong Special Administrative Region tax, as the context requires; (e) the termpersonincludes an individual, a company and any other body of persons; (f) the termcompanymeans any body corporate or any entity that is treated as a body corporate for tax purposes; (g) the termenterpriseapplies to the carrying on of any business; (h) the termsenterprise of a Contracting Party” and “enterprise of the other Contracting Partymean respectively an enterprise carried on by a resident of a Contracting Party and an enterprise carried on by a resident of the other Contracting Party; (i) the terminternational trafficmeans any transport by a ship or aircraft operated by an enterprise of a Contracting Party, except when the ship or aircraft is operated solely between places in the other Contracting Party; (j) the termnationalmeans, in the case of Japan, any individual possessing the nationality of Japan, any juridical person created or organised under the laws of Japan and any organisation without juridical personality treated for the purposes of Japanese tax as a juridical person created or organised under the laws of Japan; (k) the termcompetent authoritymeans: (i) in the case of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the Commissioner of Inland Revenue or his authorised representative; and (ii) in the case of Japan, the Minister of Finance or his authorised representative; and (l) the termbusinessincludes the performance of professional services and of other activities of an independent character.  - 財務省

2 消防長又は消防署長は、前項の規定によつて同意を求められた場合において、当該建築物の計画が法律又はこれに基づく命令若しくは条例の規定(建築基準法第六条第四項又は第六条の二第一項(同法第八十七条第一項の規定によりこれらの規定を準用する場合を含む。)の規定により建築事又は指定確認検査機関が同法第六条の三第一項第一号若しくは第二号に掲げる建築物の建築、大規模の修繕(同法第二条第十四号の大規模の修繕をいう。)、大規模の模様替(同法第二条第十五号の大規模の模様替をいう。)若しくは用途の変更又は同項第三号に掲げる建築物の建築について確認する場合において同意を求められたときは、同項の規定により読み替えて適用される同法第六条第一項の政令で定める建築基準法令の規定を除く。)で建築物の防火に関するものに違反しないものであるときは、同法第六条第一項第四号に係る場合にあつては、同意を求められた日から三日以内に、その他の場合にあつては、同意を求められた日から七日以内に同意を与えて、その旨を当該行政庁若しくはその委任を受けた者又は指定確認検査機関に通知しなければならない。この場合において、消防長又は消防署長は、同意することができない事由があると認めるときは、これらの期限内に、その事由を当該行政庁若しくはその委任を受けた者又は指定確認検査機関に通知しなければならない。例文帳に追加

(2) Where a fire chief or fire station chief is requested to give consent pursuant to the provision of the preceding paragraph, if the plan for the building is not in violation of the provisions of any Acts or any order or prefectural/municipal ordinance thereunder (if a fire chief or fire station chief is requested to give consent in cases where a building official or designated confirmation and inspection body makes a confirmation pursuant to the provisions of Article 6, paragraph (4) or Article 6-2, paragraph (1) of the Building Standards Act (including cases where these provisions are applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 87, paragraph (1) of said Act) for the construction, major repair (meaning a major repair as set forth in Article 2, item (xiv) of said Act), major remodeling (meaning major remodeling as set forth in Article 2, item (xv) of said Act) of a building set forth in Article 6-3, paragraph (1), item (i) or item (ii) of said Act or for a change of intended purpose of such building, or makes a confirmation for the construction of a building as set forth in Article 6-3, paragraph (1), item (iii) of said Act, the provisions of the laws and regulations concerning the building standards specified by Cabinet Order as set forth in Article 6, paragraph (1) of said Act as applied by replacing the relevant terms and phrases pursuant to the provision of Article 6-3, paragraph (1) of said Act shall be excluded), the fire chief or fire station chief shall give consent within three days from the day on which he/she was requested to give consent in the case falling under Article 6, paragraph (1), item (iv) of said Act or within seven days from the day on which he/she was requested to give consent in other cases, and give notice to the administrative agency or person delegated thereby or the designated confirmation and inspection body to that effect. In this case, the fire chief or fire station chief, when he/she finds any grounds on which he/she cannot give consent, shall give notice to the administrative agency or person delegated thereby or the designated confirmation and inspection body to that effect by such time limit.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


I might add my personal comment, though – the action plan for the New Growth Strategy, which we developed recently, advocates growth of financial institutions themselves and it is therefore quite critical for various financial segments, including securities, to have as many trading activities as possible, which makes any potential impact on them from taxation quite significant. At the same time, there are the principles of simplicity, fairness and neutrality in taxation that we should bear in mind as I realize, from many years of my involvement in the area of taxation when I was with the ruling party, that this is the kind of area in taxation that is traditionally prone to general criticism as a tax break for the rich. That being the case, in the context of a growing consensus on international cooperation between nationseach of which has its own economic, financial, and fiscal policies and is faced with its own challenges in the wake of the Lehman crisis, and is also founded on its own economic, historical, and traditional qualitieswe are hoping to ultimately make a decision on how to add more vitality to financial and economic activities, bearing in mind the points that I have just made and incorporating, as a democratic nation, inputs from various people.  - 金融庁

(2) 本条において, 「権限ある公務員」とは,商標に関する外国の成文法に基づき商標登録簿又はその他商標に関する記録の調製と保管の権限を当該外国政府から与えられた者又は当局をいう。 「書類」とは,次をいう。 (a) 商標に関する外国の成文法に基づき当該外国で維持管理されている商標登録簿又はその他商標記録の印刷若しくは手書きの謄本又は抄本,又は (b) 外国で商標として登録され若しくはその他承認された商標に関する何らかの事項又は行為に係るその他の書類 「商標」とは,図案,ブランド,標題,ラベル,チケット,名称,署名,語,文字,数字又はそれらの組合せであって,当該商品又はサービスと所有者又は登録使用者として当該商標を(当該外国において)使用する権利を有する者との間の業としての関係を,その者の身元の表示の有無に拘らず,表示する目的で若しくは表示するために,何らかの商品又はサービスに関して使用されており若しくは使用される予定であり,かつ,(商標に関する当該外国の成文法に基づいて)当該外国で商標として登録され若しくはその他承認されているものをいう。ただし,当該外国において,他の外国との相互義に基づく協定により当該外国が登録し又はその他承認している他の外国の商標を含まない。例文帳に追加

(2) For the purpose of this section . “authorised officermeans a person or authority authorised by the government of the foreign state to keep and maintain a register or other record of trade marks under any written law in force in the foreign state relating to trade marks; “documentmeans - (a) a printed or written copy of or, extract from, the Register or other records of trade marks kept and maintained in the foreign state under any written law in force in the foreign state relating to trade marks; or (b) any other document pertaining to any matter or act in relation to trade marks registered in or otherwise recognised by the foreign state as trade marks; “trade markmeans any device, brand, heading, label, ticket, name, signature, word, letter, numeral or any combination thereof which is used or proposed to be used in relation to goods or services for the purpose of indicating or so as to indicate a connection in the course of trade between the goods or services and a person having the right either as proprietor or as registered user to use the trade mark (in the foreign state) whether with or without any indication of the identity of that person and which is registered or otherwise recognised by the foreign state as a trade mark (under any written law in force in the foreign state relating to trade marks) but does not include the trade marks of another foreign state registered in or otherwise recognised by the foreign state by virtue of a reciprocal arrangement between the foreign state and that other foreign state. - 特許庁

当事者は,強制ライセンスのロイヤルティ料率を含む基本的条件について合意することができる。当事者間の合意がない場合は,局長が,次の条件に従って,強制ライセンスのロイヤルティ料率を含む基本的条件を定める。 (a)強制ライセンスの範囲及び期間は,許可された目的に限定される。 (b)強制ライセンスは,非排他的なものとする。 (c)強制ライセンスは,当該発明を実施している企業又は事業の一部とともにする場合を除き,譲渡することができない。 (d)強制ライセンスの対象の実施は,としてフィリピン市場への供給のためにされなければならない。ただし,この制限は,当該ライセンスの付与が,司法上又は行政上の手続によって特許権者による当該特許の実施の態様が反競争的である旨が決定されたことに基づく場合は,適用しない。 (e)強制ライセンスは,その付与をもたらした状況が存在しなくなり,かつ,その状況が再発しそうにないことが適切に示されたときは,取り消すことができる。ただし,実施権者の正当な利益に対して適切な保護を与えるものとする。 (f) 特許権者は,付与又は許諾の経済的価値を考慮に入れて,適正な報酬を受ける。ただし,強制ライセンスが,司法上又は行政上の手続の結果反競争的と決定された行為を是正するために許諾された場合は,報酬の額の決定に当たり,反競争的な行為を是正する必要性を考慮に入れることができる。例文帳に追加

The parties may agree on the basic terms and conditions including the rate of royalties of a compulsory license. In the absence of agreement between the parties, the Director shall fix the terms and conditions including the rate of royalties of the compulsory license subject to the following conditions: (a) The scope and duration of such license shall be limited to the purpose for which it was authorized; (b) The license shall be non-exclusive; (c) The license shall be non-assignable, except with the part of the enterprise or business with which the invention is being exploited; (d) Use of the subject matter of the license shall be devoted predominantly for the supply of the Philippine market: Provided, that this limitation shall not apply where the grant of the license is based on the ground that the patentee’s manner of exploiting the patent is determined by judicial or administrative process to be anti-competitive. (e) The license may be terminated upon proper showing that circumstances which led to its grant have ceased to exist and are unlikely to recur: Provided, that adequate protection shall be afforded to the legitimate interest of the licensee; (f) The patentee shall be paid adequate remuneration taking into account the economic value of the grant or authorization, except that in cases where the license was granted to remedy a practice which was determined after judicial or administrative process, to be anti-competitive, the need to correct the anti-competitive practice may be taken into account in fixing the amount of remuneration. - 特許庁

5 会社法第二百二条から第二百十三条まで(第二百二条第三項、第二百七条第九項第三号及び第五号並びに第二百十三条第一項第三号を除く。)(株に株式の割当てを受ける権利を与える場合、募集株式の申込み、募集株式の割当て、募集株式の申込み及び割当てに関する特則、募集株式の引受け、金銭以外の財産の出資、出資の履行、株となる時期、募集株式の発行等をやめることの請求、引受けの無効又は取消しの制限、不公正な払込金額で株式を引き受けた者等の責任、出資された財産等の価額が不足する場合の取締役等の責任)、第八百六十八条第一項(非訟事件の管轄)、第八百七十条(第二号及び第七号に係る部分に限る。)(陳述の聴取)、第八百七十一条(理由の付記)、第八百七十二条(第四号に係る部分に限る。)(即時抗告)、第八百七十四条(第一号に係る部分に限る。)(不服申立ての制限)、第八百七十五条(非訟事件手続法の規定の適用除外)及び第八百七十六条(最高裁判所規則)の規定は、第一項の特定目的会社の募集特定出資について準用する。この場合において、これらの規定中「株」とあるのは「特定社員」と、「株式」とあるのは「特定出資」と、「数」とあるのは「口数」と、「第百九十九条第一項第三号」とあるのは「資産流動化法第三十六条第一項第三号」と、「第百九十九条第一項第四号」とあるのは「資産流動化法第三十六条第一項第四号」と、同法第二百二条第一項中「募集事項」とあるのは「社員総会の決議により、募集事項」と、同条第二項中「一株」とあるのは「一口」と、同条第五項中「第百九十九条第二項から第四項まで及び前二条」とあるのは「資産流動化法第三十六条第二項及び第三項」と、同法第二百四条第二項中「株総会」とあるのは「社員総会」と、同法第二百七条第九項第一号中「発行済株式の総数」とあるのは「特定出資の総口数」と、同法第二百十条中「自己株式」とあるのは「自己特定出資(資産流動化法第五十九条第二項に規定する自己特定出資をいう。)」と、同条第一号中「法令又は定款」とあるのは「法令、資産流動化計画又は定款」と、同法第二百十三条第一項第一号中「業務執行取締役(委員会設置会社にあっては、執行役。以下この号において同じ。)その他当該業務執行取締役」とあるのは「取締役その他当該取締役」と、同項第二号中「株総会」とあるのは「社員総会」と読み替えるものとするほか、必要な技術的読替えは、政令で定める。例文帳に追加

(5) The provisions of Articles 202 to 213 inclusive (excluding Article 202(3), Article 207(9)(iii) and (v) and Article 213(1)(iii)) (Cases Where Entitlement to Allotment of Shares Is Granted to Shareholders; Applications for Shares for Subscription; Allotment of Shares for Subscription; Special Provisions on Subscription and Allotment of Shares for Subscription; Subscription for Shares for Subscription; Contribution of Property Other Than Monies; Performance of Contributions; Timing of Shareholder Status; Demanding Cessation of Issue of Shares for Subscription; Restrictions on Invalidation or Rescission of Subscription; Liabilities of Persons Who Subscribed for Shares with Unfair Amount To Be Paid In; Liabilities of Directors in Case of Shortfall in Value of Property Contributed), Article 868(1) (Jurisdiction over Non-Contentious Cases), Article 870 (limited to the portion pertaining to item (ii) and item (vii)) (Hearing of Statements), Article 871 (Appending of the Reason), Article 872 (limited to the portion pertaining to item (iv)) (Immediate Appeal), Article 874 (limited to the portion pertaining to item (i)) (Restrictions on Appeal), Article 875 (Exclusion from Application of the Provisions of the Non-Contentious Cases Procedures Act), and Article 876 (Supreme Court Rules) of the Companies Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to the Specified Equity for Subscription of a Specific Purpose Company set forth in paragraph (1). In this case, the term "shareholder" in these provisions shall be deemed to be replaced with "Specified Equity Member," the term "shares" in these provisions shall be deemed to be replaced with "Specified Equity," the term "number" in these provisions shall be deemed to be replaced with "number of units," the term "Article 199(1)(iii)" in these provisions shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 36(1)(iii) of the Asset Securitization Act," the term "Article 199(1)(iv)" in these provisions shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 36(1)(iv) of the Asset Securitization Act," the term "Subscription Requirements" in Article 202(1) of the Companies Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "Subscription Requirements determined by resolution at a general meeting of members," the term "one share" in paragraph (2) of that Article shall be deemed to be replaced with "one unit," the phrase "paragraphs (2) to (4) inclusive of Article 199 and the preceding two Articles" in Article 202(5) of the Companies Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 36(2) and (3) of the Asset Securitization Act," the term "shareholders meeting" in Article 204(2) of that Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "general meeting of members," the phrase "total number of Issued Shares" in Article 207(9)(i) of the Companies Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "total number of units of Specified Equity," the term "Treasury Shares" in Article 210 of the Companies Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "The Company's Own Specified Equity (meaning a Company's Own Specified Equity as defined in Article 59(2) of the Asset Securitization Act)," the phrase "laws and regulations or articles of incorporation" in Article 210(i) of the Companies Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "laws and regulations, Asset Securitization Plan, or articles of incorporation," the phrase "Executive directors who carried out duties regarding the solicitation of subscribers for such Shares for Subscription (or, for a Company with Committees, executive officers; the same shall apply hereinafter in this item) and other persons prescribed by the applicable Ordinance of the Ministry of Justice as persons who were involved, in the performance of their duties, in the execution of the business of such executive directors" in Article 213(1)(i) of that Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "Directors who carried out duties regarding the solicitation of subscribers for such Shares for Subscription and other persons prescribed by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Justice as persons who were involved, in the performance of their duties, in the execution of the business of such directors," the term "shareholders meeting" in item (ii) of said paragraph shall be deemed to be replaced with "general meeting of members," and any other necessary technical replacement of terms shall be specified by a Cabinet Order.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

法第百四十四条第一項の務省令で定める事項は、吸収合併存続商品取引所が会員商品 取引所である場合にあっては、次に掲げる事項とする。一 第五十六条の二各号に掲げる事項についての定め(当該定めがない場合にあっては、 当該定めがないこと)の相当性に関する事項 二吸収合併存続会員商品取引所についての次に掲げる事項 イ最終事業年度(会員商品取引所にあっては各事業年度に係る法第六十六条第一項 に規定する決算関係書類等につき法第六十八条の承認を受けた場合における当該 各事業年度のうち最も遅いものとし、株式会社商品取引所にあっては会社法第二 条第二十四号に規定する最終事業年度とする。以下同じ。)に係る財産目録、貸借 対照表及び当該貸借対照表とともに作成された損益計算書の内容 ロ最終事業年度の末日(最終事業年度がない場合にあっては、吸収合併存続会員商 品取引所の成立の日)後に重要な財産の処分、重大な債務の負担その他の当該吸 収合併存続会員商品取引所の財産の状況に重要な影響を与える事象が生じたとき は、その内容(法第百四十四条第四項の会員総会の日の十日前の日後吸収合併の 効力が生ずる日までの間に新たな最終事業年度が存することとなる場合にあって は、当該新たな最終事業年度の末日後に生じた事象の内容に限る。) 三吸収合併消滅会員商品取引所(法第七十七条第一項において準用する会社法第四百 七十五条(第一号及び第三号を除く。)の規定により清算をする会員商品取引所(以 下「清算会員商品取引所」という。)を除く。)において最終事業年度の末日(最終事 業年度がない場合にあっては、吸収合併消滅会員商品取引所の成立の日)後に重要な 財産の処分、重大な債務の負担その他の当該吸収合併消滅会員商品取引所の財産の状 況に重要な影響を与える事象が生じたときは、その内容(法第百四十四条第四項の会 員総会の日の十日前の日後吸収合併の効力が生ずる日までの間に新たな最終事業年度 が存することとなる場合にあっては、当該新たな最終事業年度の末日後に生じた事象 の内容に限る。)四吸収合併が効力を生ずる日以後における吸収合併存続会員商品取引所の債務(法第 百四十四条第五項において準用する法第百二十四条第一項の規定により吸収合併につ いて異議を述べることができる債権者に対して負担する債務に限る。)の履行の見込 みに関する事項 五法第百四十四条第四項の会員総会の日の十日前の日後、前各号に掲げる事項に変 更が生じたときは、変更後の当該事項例文帳に追加

The matters specified by an ordinance of the competent ministry set forth in Article 144, paragraph 1 of the Act shall be as follows, in the case where a Member Commodity Exchange Surviving an Absorption-Type Merger is a Member Commodity Exchange: (i) matters concerning the appropriateness of the provisions on matters listed in the respective items of Article 56-2 (in the case where there are no such provisions, the fact thereof); (ii) the following matters concerning the Member Commodity Exchange Surviving an Absorption-Type Merger: (a) an inventory of property and a balance sheet pertaining to the final business - 84 - year (for a Member Commodity Exchange, the final business year in the case where approval under Article 68 of the Act was received for Settlement Related Documents, etc. prescribed in Article 66, paragraph 1 of the Act pertaining to the respective business years, and for an Incorporated Commodity Exchange, the final business year prescribed in Article 2, item 24 of the Company Act; the same shall apply hereinafter), and the contents of a profit and loss statement prepared along with said balance sheet; (b) when there has occurred an event that has a significant influence on the status of the property of the Member Commodity Exchange Surviving an Absorption-Type Merger, such as the disposition of important property and the sharing of significant liabilities after the last day of the final business year (in the case where the final business year does not exist, the day of the establishment of said Member Commodity Exchange Surviving an Absorption-Type Merger), the contents thereof (in the case where a new final business year emerges during the period between 10 days prior to a general meeting of members set forth in Article 144, paragraph 4 of the Act and the day when the Absorption-Type Merger came into effect, limited to the contents of an event which occurred after the last day of said new final business year); (iii) when there has occurred an event that has a significant influence on the status of the property of the Member Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Absorption-Type Merger, such as the disposition of important property and the share of significant liabilities after the last day of the final business year (in the case where the final business year does not exist, the day of the establishment of said Member Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Absorption-Type Merger) at said Member Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Absorption-Type Merger - 85 - (excluding Member Commodity Exchanges which clear the account pursuant to the provisions of Article 475 (excluding item 1 and item 3) of the Company Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 77, paragraph 1 of the Act) (hereinafter such Member Commodity Exchange shall be referred to as a "Clearing Member Commodity Exchange"), the contents thereof (in the case where a new final business year emerges during the period between 10 days prior to a general meeting of members set forth in Article 144, paragraph 4 of the Act and the day when the Absorption-Type Merger came into effect, limited to the contents of an event which occurred after the last day of said new final business year); (iv) matters concerning estimates of the performance of liabilities (limited to liabilities to be borne for creditors who may state objections against the Absorption-Type Merger pursuant to the provisions of Article 124, paragraph 1 of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 144, paragraph 5 of the Act) of the Member Commodity Exchange Surviving an Absorption-Type Merger on and after the day when the Absorption-Type Merger came into effect; (v) when there have been changes to the matters listed in the preceding items after 10 days prior to a general meeting of members set forth in Article 144, paragraph 4 of the Act, said new matters.  - 経済産業省

法第百四十四条第一項の務省令で定める事項は、吸収合併存続商品取引所が株式会社 商品取引所である場合にあっては、次に掲げる事項とする。一法第百四十二条第二号及び三号に掲げる事項についての定め(当該定めがない場合 にあっては、当該定めがないこと)の相当性に関する事項 二吸収合併消滅会員商品取引所の会員に対して交付する株式等(法第百四十二条第二 号に規定する株式等をいう。以下同じ。)の全部又は一部が吸収合併存続株式会社商 品取引所の株式であるときは、当該吸収合併存続株式会社商品取引所の定款の定め 三吸収合併存続株式会社商品取引所についての次に掲げる事項 イ最終事業年度に係る計算書類等の内容(最終事業年度がない場合にあっては、吸 収合併存続株式会社商品取引所の成立の日における貸借対照表の内容)ロ最終事業年度の末日(最終事業年度がない場合にあっては、吸収合併存続株式会 社商品取引所の成立の日。ハにおいて同じ。)後の日を臨時決算日(会社法第四百 四十一条第一項に規定する臨時決算日をいう。以下同じ。)(二以上の臨時決算日 がある場合にあっては、最も遅いもの)とする臨時計算書類等(会社法施行規則 第二条第三項第十三号の臨時計算書類等をいう。以下同じ。)があるときは、当該 臨時計算書類等の内容 ハ最終事業年度の末日後に重要な財産の処分、重大な債務の負担その他の当該吸収 合併存続株式会社商品取引所の財産の状況に重要な影響を与える事象が生じたと きは、その内容(法第百四十四条第四項の会員総会の日の十日前の日後吸収合併 の効力が生ずる日までの間に新たな最終事業年度が存することとなる場合にあっ - 87 - ては、当該新たな最終事業年度の末日後に生じた事象の内容に限る。)四 吸収合併消滅会員商品取引所(清算会員商品取引所を除く。)において最終事業年 度の末日(最終事業年度がない場合にあっては、吸収合併消滅会員商品取引所の成立 の日)後に重要な財産の処分、重大な債務の負担その他の当該吸収合併消滅会員商品 取引所の財産の状況に重要な影響を与える事象が生じたときは、その内容(法第百四 十四条第四項の会員総会の日の十日前の日後吸収合併の効力が生ずる日までの間に新 たな最終事業年度が存することとなる場合にあっては、当該新たな最終事業年度の末 日後に生じた事象の内容に限る。)五吸収合併が効力を生ずる日以後における吸収合併存続株式会社商品取引所の債務 (法第百四十四条第五項において準用する法第百二十四条第一項の規定により吸収 合併について異議を述べることができる債権者に対して負担する債務に限る。)の履 行の見込みの有無に関する事項 六法第百四十四条第四項の会員総会の日の十日前の日後、前各号に掲げる事項に変更 が生じたときは、変更後の当該事項例文帳に追加

The matters specified by an ordinance of the competent ministry set forth in Article 144, paragraph 1 of the Act shall be as follows in the case where a Member Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Absorption-Type Merger is an Incorporated Commodity Exchange: (i) matters concerning the appropriateness of the provisions on matters listed in item 2 and item 3 of Article 142 of the Act (in the case where there are no such provisions, the fact thereof); (ii) when the whole or part of the shares of stock, etc. (which means shares of stock, etc. prescribed in Article 142, item 2 of the Act; the same shall apply hereinafter) issued for a member of the Member Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Absorption-Type Merger are shares of stock of the Member Commodity Exchange Surviving an Absorption-Type Merger, the provisions of the articles of incorporation of said Member Commodity Exchange Surviving an Absorption-Type Merger; (iii) the following matters concerning the Member Commodity Exchange Surviving an Absorption-Type Merger: (a) the contents of accounting documents, etc. pertaining to the final business year (in the case where the final business year does not exist, the contents of a balance sheet as on the day of the establishment of the Member Commodity Exchange Surviving an Absorption-Type Merger); (b) when there are extraordinary accounting documents, etc. (which means extraordinary accounting documents, etc. set forth in Article 2, paragraph 3, item 13 of the Ordinance for Enforcement of the Company Act; the same shall apply hereinafter) as deeming a day after the last day of the final business year (in the case where the final business year does not exist, the day of the establishment of said Member Commodity Exchange Surviving an Absorption-Type Merger; the same shall apply in (c)) as an extraordinary closing day (which means an extraordinary closing day prescribed in Article 441, paragraph 1 of the Company Act; the same shall apply hereinafter) (in the case where there are two or more extraordinary closing days, the last one), the contents of said extraordinary accounting documents, etc.; (c) when there has occurred an event that has a significant influence on the status of the property of the Member Commodity Exchange Surviving an Absorption-Type Merger, such as the disposition of important property and the share of significant liabilities after the last day of the final business year, the contents thereof (in the case where a new final business year emerges during the period between 10 days prior to a general meeting of members set forth in Article 144, paragraph 4 of the Act and the day when the Absorption-Type Merger came into effect, limited to the contents of an event which occurred after the last day of said new final business year); (iv) when there has occurred an event that has a significant influence on the status of the property of the Member Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Absorption-Type Merger, such as the disposition of important property and the share of significant liabilities after the last day of the final business year (in the case where the final business year does not exist, the day of the establishment of said Member Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Absorption-Type Merger) at said Member Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Absorption-Type Merger (excluding Clearing Member Commodity Exchanges), the contents thereof (in the case where a new final business year emerges during the period between 10 days prior to a general meeting of members set forth in Article 144, paragraph 4 of the Act and the day when the Absorption-Type Merger came into effect, limited to the contents of an event which occurred after the last day of said new final business year); (v) matters concerning estimates of the performance of liabilities (limited to liabilities to be borne for creditors who may state objections against the Absorption-Type Merger pursuant to the provisions of Article 124, paragraph 1 of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 144, paragraph 5 of the Act) of the Member Commodity Exchange Surviving an Absorption-Type Merger on and after the day when the Absorption-Type Merger came into effect; (vi) when there were changes to the matters listed in the preceding items after 10 days prior to a general meeting of members set forth in Article 144, paragraph 4 of the Act, said new matters.  - 経済産業省

法第百四十四条の二第一項の務省令で定める事項は、次に掲げるものとする。 一 第五十六条の二各号に掲げる事項についての定め(当該定めがない場合にあっては、 当該定めがないこと)の相当性に関する事項 二 吸収合併消滅会員商品取引所(清算会員商品取引所を除く。)についての次に掲げ る事項 イ最終事業年度に係る財産目録、貸借対照表及び当該貸借対照表とともに作成され た損益計算書の内容 ロ最終事業年度の末日(最終事業年度がない場合にあっては、吸収合併消滅会員商 品取引所の成立の日。第四号において同じ。)後に重要な財産の処分、重大な債務 の負担その他の当該吸収合併消滅会員商品取引所の財産の状況に重要な影響を与 える事象が生じたときは、その内容(法第百四十四条の二第二項の会員総会の日 の十日前の日後吸収合併の効力が生じた日までの間に新たな最終事業年度が存す ることとなる場合にあっては、当該新たな最終事業年度の末日後に生じた事象の 内容に限る。)三 吸収合併消滅会員商品取引所(清算会員商品取引所に限る。)が法第七十七条第一 項において準用する会社法第四百九十二条第一項の規定により作成した貸借対照表 四吸収合併存続会員商品取引所において最終事業年度の末日(最終事業年度がない場 合にあっては、吸収合併存続会員商品取引所の成立の日)後に重要な財産の処分、重 大な債務の負担その他の当該吸収合併存続会員商品取引所の財産の状況に重要な影響 を与える事象が生じたときは、その内容(法第百四十四条の二第二項の会員総会の日 の十日前の日後吸収合併の効力が生じた日までの間に新たな最終事業年度が存するこ ととなる場合にあっては、当該新たな最終事業年度の末日後に生じた事象の内容に限 る。) 五吸収合併が効力を生じた日以後における吸収合併存続会員商品取引所の債務(法第 百四十四条の二第三項において準用する法第百二十四条第一項の規定により吸収合 併について異議を述べることができる債権者に対して負担する債務に限る。)の履行 の見込みに関する事項 六法第百四十四条の二第二項の会員総会の日の十日前の日後吸収合併の効力が生じた 日までの間に、前各号に掲げる事項に変更が生じたときは、変更後の当該事項例文帳に追加

The matters specified by an ordinance of the competent ministry set forth in Article 144-2 paragraph 1 of the Act shall be as follows: (i) matters concerning the appropriateness of the provisions on matters listed in the respective items of Article 56-2 (in the case where there are no such provisions, the fact thereof);(ii) the following matters concerning the Member Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Absorption-Type Merger (excluding Clearing Member Commodity Exchanges): (a) an inventory of property and a balance sheet pertaining to the final business year and the contents of a profit and loss statement prepared along with said balance sheet; (b) when there has occurred an event that has a significant influence on the status of the property of the Member Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Absorption-Type Merger, such as the disposition of important property and the share of significant liabilities after the last day of the final business year (in the case where the final business year does not exist, the day of the establishment of said Member Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an - 89 - Absorption-Type Merger; the same shall apply in item 4), the contents thereof (in the case where a new final business year emerges during the period between 10 days prior to a general meeting of members set forth in Article 144-2, paragraph 2 of the Act and the day when the Absorption-Type Merger came into effect, limited to the contents of an event which occurred after the last day of said new final business year); (iii) a balance sheet which the Member Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Absorption-Type Merger (limited to a Clearing Member Commodity Exchange) prepared pursuant to the provisions of Article 492, paragraph 1 of the Company Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 77, paragraph 1 of the Act; (iv) when there has occurred an event that has a significant influence on the status of the property of the Member Commodity Exchange Surviving an Absorption-Type Merger, such as the disposition of important property and the share of significant liabilities after the last day of the final business year (in the case where the final business year does not exist, the day of the establishment of said Member Commodity Exchange Surviving an Absorption-Type Merger) at said Member Commodity Exchange Surviving an Absorption-Type Merger, the contents thereof (in the case where a new final business year emerges during the period between 10 days prior to a general meeting of members set forth in Article 144-2, paragraph 2 of the Act and the day when the Absorption-Type Merger came into effect, limited to the contents of an event which occurred after the last day of said new final business year); (v) matters concerning estimates of the performance of liabilities (limited to liabilities to be borne for creditors who may state objections against the Absorption-Type Merger pursuant to the provisions of Article 124, paragraph 1 of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 144-2, paragraph 3 of the Act) of the Member Commodity Exchange Surviving an Absorption-Type - 90 - Merger on and after the day when the Absorption-Type Merger came into effect; (vi) when changes have taken place to the matters listed in the preceding items during the period between 10 days prior to a general meeting of members set forth in Article 144-2, paragraph 2 of the Act and the day when the Absorption-Type Merger came into effect, said new matters.  - 経済産業省

法第百四十四条の三第一項の務省令で定める事項は、新設合併設立商品取引所が会員 商品取引所である場合にあっては、次に掲げる事項とする。一第五十七条各号に掲げる事項についての定めの相当性に関する事項 二他の新設合併消滅会員商品取引所(清算会員商品取引所を除く。以下この号におい て同じ。)についての次に掲げる事項 イ最終事業年度に係る財産目録、貸借対照表及び当該貸借対照表とともに作成され た損益計算書の内容 ロ他の新設合併消滅会員商品取引所において最終事業年度の末日(最終事業年度が ない場合にあっては、他の新設合併消滅会員商品取引所の成立の日)後に重要な 財産の処分、重大な債務の負担その他の当該他の新設合併消滅会員商品取引所の 財産の状況に重要な影響を与える事象が生じたときは、その内容(法第百四十四 条の三第四項の会員総会の日の十日前の日後新設合併設立会員商品取引所の成立 の日までの間に新たな最終事業年度が存することとなる場合にあっては、当該新 たな最終事業年度の末日後に生じた事業の内容に限る。) 三 他の新設合併消滅会員商品取引所(清算会員商品取引所に限る。)が法第七十七条 第一項において準用する会社法第四百九十二条第一項の規定により作成した貸借対照 表 四当該新設合併消滅会員商品取引所(清算会員商品取引所を除く。以下この号におい て同じ。)において最終事業年度の末日(最終事業年度がない場合にあっては、当該 新設合併消滅会員商品取引所の成立の日)後に重要な財産の処分、重大な債務の負担 その他の当該新設合併消滅会員商品取引所の財産の状況に重要な影響を与える事象が 生じたときは、その内容(法第百四十四条の三第四項の会員総会の日の十日前の日後 新設合併設立会員商品取引所の成立の日までの間に新たな最終事業年度が存すること となる場合にあっては、当該新たな最終事業年度の末日後に生じた事象の内容に限 る。) 五新設合併設立会員商品取引所の成立の日以後における当該新設合併設立会員商品取 引所の債務(他の新設合併消滅会員商品取引所から承継する債務を除く。)の履行の 見込みに関する事項 六法第百四十四条の三第四項の会員総会の日の十日前の日後、前各号に掲げる事項に 変更が生じたときは、変更後の当該事項例文帳に追加

The matters specified by an ordinance of the competent ministry set forth in Article 144-3, paragraph 1 of the Act shall be as follows in the case where a Member Commodity Exchange Established by an Incorporation-Type Merger is a Member Commodity Exchange: (i) matters concerning the appropriateness of the provisions on matters listed in respective items of Article 57; (ii) the following matters concerning another Member Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger (excluding Clearing Member Commodity Exchanges; the same shall apply in this item): (a) an inventory of property and a balance sheet pertaining to the final business year and the contents of a profit and loss statement prepared along with said balance sheet; (b) when there has occurred an event that has a significant influence on the status of the property of another Member Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger, such as the disposition of important property and the share of significant liabilities after the last day of the final business - 92 - year (in the case where the final business year does not exist, the day of the establishment of said other Member Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger) at said other Member Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger, the contents thereof (in the case where a new final business year emerges during the period between 10 days prior to a general meeting of members set forth in Article 144-3, paragraph 4 of the Act and the day of the establishment of the Member Commodity Exchange Established by an Incorporation-Type Merger, limited to the contents of an event which occurred after the last day of said new final business year); (iii) a balance sheet which another Member Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger (limited to a Clearing Member Commodity Exchange) has prepared pursuant to the provisions of Article 492, paragraph 1 of the Company Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 77, paragraph 1 of the Act; (iv) when there has occurred an event that has a significant influence on the status of the property of another Member Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger, such as the disposition of important property and the share of significant liabilities after the last day of the final business year (in the case where the final business year does not exist, the day of the establishment of said Member Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger) at said Member Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger (excluding Clearing Member Commodity Exchanges; hereinafter the same shall apply in this item), the contents thereof (in the case where a new final business year emerges during the period between 10 days prior to a general meeting of members set forth in Article 144-3, paragraph 4 of the Act and the day of the establishment of the Member Commodity Exchange Established by an Incorporation-Type Merger, limited to the contents of an event which occurred after the last day of said new final - 93 - business year); (v) matters concerning estimates of the performance of liabilities (excluding liabilities inherited from another Member Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger) of the Member Commodity Exchange Established by an Incorporation-Type Merger on and after the day of the establishment of said Member Commodity Exchange Established by an Incorporation-Type Merger; (vi) when there have been changes to the matters listed in the preceding items after 10 days prior to a general meeting of members set forth in Article 144-3, paragraph 4 of the Act, said new matters.  - 経済産業省

法第百四十四条の三第一項の務省令で定める事項は、新設合併設立商品取引所が株式 会社商品取引所である場合にあっては、次に掲げる事項とする。 一法第百四十三条第一項第六号及び第七号に掲げる事項についての定めの相当性に関 する事項 二他の新設合併消滅商品取引所(清算株式会社及び清算会員商品取引所を除く。以下 この号において同じ。)についての次に掲げる事項 イ最終事業年度に係る計算書類等又は財産目録、貸借対照表及び当該貸借対照表と ともに作成された損益計算書(最終事業年度がない場合にあっては、他の新設合 併消滅株式会社商品取引所の成立の日における貸借対照表)の内容 ロ最終事業年度の末日(最終事業年度がない場合にあっては、他の新設合併消滅商 品取引所の成立の日)後の日を臨時決算日(二以上の臨時決算日がある場合にあ っては、最も遅いもの)とする臨時計算書類等があるときは、当該臨時計算書類 等の内容 ハ他の新設合併消滅商品取引所において最終事業年度の末日(最終事業年度がない 場合にあっては、他の新設合併消滅商品取引所の成立の日)後に重要な財産の処 分、重大な債務の負担その他の当該他の新設合併消滅商品取引所の財産の状況に 重要な影響を与える事象が生じたときは、その内容(法第百四十四条の三第四項 の会員総会の日の十日前の日後新設合併設立株式会社商品取引所の成立の日まで の間に新たな最終事業年度が存することとなる場合にあっては、当該新たな最終 事業年度の末日後に生じた事業の内容に限る。) 三 他の新設合併消滅商品取引所(清算株式会社又は清算会員商品取引所に限る。)が 会社法第四百九十二条第一項(法第七十七条第一項において準用する場合を含む。) の規定により作成した貸借対照表 四当該新設合併消滅会員商品取引所(清算会員商品取引所を除く。以下この号におい て同じ。)において最終事業年度の末日(最終事業年度がない場合にあっては、当該 新設合併消滅会員商品取引所の成立の日)後に重要な財産の処分、重大な債務の負担 その他の当該新設合併消滅会員商品取引所の財産の状況に重要な影響を与える事象が 生じたときは、その内容(法第百四十四条の三第四項の会員総会の日の十日前の日後 新設合併設立株式会社商品取引所の成立の日までの間に新たな最終事業年度が存する こととなる場合にあっては、当該新たな最終事業年度の末日後に生じた事業の内容に 限る。) 五新設合併設立株式会社商品取引所の成立の日以後における当該新設合併設立株式会 社商品取引所の債務(他の新設合併消滅商品取引所から承継する債務を除く。)の履 行の見込みに関する事項 六法第百四十四条の三第四項の会員総会の日の十日前の日後、前各号に掲げる事項に 変更が生じたときは、変更後の当該事項例文帳に追加

The matters specified by an ordinance of the competent ministry set forth in Article 144-3, paragraph 1 of the Act shall be as follows in the case where a Member Commodity Exchange Established by an Incorporation-Type Merger is an Incorporated Commodity Exchange: (i) matters concerning the appropriateness of the provisions on matters listed in Article 143, paragraph 1, item 6 and item 7 of the Act; (ii) the following matters concerning another Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger (excluding clearing corporations and Clearing Member Commodity Exchanges; hereinafter the same shall apply in this item): (a) accounting documents or an inventory of property and a balance sheet pertaining to the final business year, and the contents of a profit and loss statement prepared along with said balance sheet (in the case where the final business year does not exist, a balance sheet as on the day of the - 94 - establishment of another Incorporated Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger); (b) when there are extraordinary accounting documents, etc. as deeming a day after the last day of the final business year (in the case where the final business year does not exist, the day of the establishment of another Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger) as an extraordinary closing day (in the case where there are two or more extraordinary closing days, the last one), the contents of said extraordinary accounting documents, etc.; (c) when there has occurred an event that has a significant influence on the status of the property of another Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger, such as the disposition of important property and the share of significant liabilities after the last day of the final business year (in the case where the final business year does not exist, the day of the establishment of said other Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger) at said other Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger, the contents thereof (in the case where a new final business year emerges during the period between 10 days prior to a general meeting of members set forth in Article 144-3, paragraph 4 of the Act and the day of the establishment of the Incorporated Commodity Exchange Established by an Incorporation-Type Merger, limited to the contents of an event which occurred after the last day of said new final business year); (iii) a balance sheet which another Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger (limited to a clearing corporation or Clearing Member Commodity Exchange) prepared pursuant to the provisions of Article 492, paragraph 1 of the Company Act (including the case where it is applied - 95 - mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 77, paragraph 1 of the Act); (iv) when there has occurred an event that has a significant influence on the status of the property of the Member Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger, such as the disposition of important property and the share of significant liabilities after the last day of the final business year (in the case where the final business year does not exist, the day of the establishment of said Member Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger) at said Member Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger, the contents thereof (in the case where a new final business year emerges during the period between 10 days prior to a general meeting of members set forth in Article 144-3, paragraph 4 of the Act and the day of the establishment of the Incorporated Commodity Exchange Established by an Incorporation-Type Merger, limited to the contents of an event which occurred after the last day of said new final business year); (v) matters concerning estimates of the performance of liabilities (excluding liabilities inherited from another Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger) of the Incorporated Commodity Exchange Established by an Incorporation-Type Merger on and after the day of the establishment of said Incorporated Commodity Exchange Established by an Incorporation-Type Merger; (vi) when there have been changes to the matters listed in the preceding items after 10 days prior to a general meeting of members set forth in Article 144-3, paragraph 4 of the Act, said new matters.  - 経済産業省

法第百四十四条の五第一項の務省令で定める事項は、次に掲げるものとする。一法第百四十二条第二号及び第三号に掲げる事項についての定め(当該定めがない場 - 97 - 合にあっては、当該定めがないこと)の相当性に関する事項 二 吸収合併消滅会員商品取引所(清算会員商品取引所を除く。)についての次に掲げ る事項 イ最終事業年度に係る財産目録、貸借対照表及び当該貸借対照表とともに作成され た損益計算書の内容 ロ最終事業年度の末日(最終事業年度がない場合にあっては、吸収合併消滅会員商 品取引所の成立の日。第四号において同じ。)後に重要な財産の処分、重大な債務 の負担その他の当該吸収合併消滅会員商品取引所の財産の状況に重要な影響を与 える事象が生じたときは、その内容(法第百四十四条の五第一項各号に掲げる日 のいずれか早い日後吸収合併の効力が生じた日までの間に新たな最終事業年度が 存することとなる場合にあっては、当該新たな最終事業年度の末日後に生じた事 象の内容に限る。) 三 吸収合併消滅会員商品取引所(清算会員商品取引所に限る。)が法第七十七条第一 項において準用する会社法第四百九十二条第一項の規定により作成した貸借対照表 四吸収合併存続株式会社商品取引所において次に掲げる事項 イ最終事業年度の末日(最終事業年度がない場合にあっては、吸収合併存続株式会 社商品取引所の成立の日)後に重要な財産の処分、重大な債務の負担その他の当 該吸収合併存続株式会社商品取引所の財産の状況に重要な影響を与える事象が生 じたときは、その内容(法第百四十四条の五第一項各号に掲げる日のいずれか早 い日後吸収合併の効力が生じた日までの間に新たな最終事業年度が存することと なる場合にあっては、当該新たな最終事業年度の末日後に生じた事象の内容に限 る。)ロ吸収合併存続株式会社商品取引所において最終事業年度がないときは、吸収合併 存続株式会社商品取引所の成立の日における貸借対照表 五吸収合併の効力が生ずる日以後における吸収合併存続株式会社商品取引所の債務 (法第百四十四条の十第一項の規定により吸収合併について異議を述べることができ る債権者に対して負担する債務に限る。)の履行の見込みに関する事項 六法第百四十四条の五第一項各号に掲げる日のいずれか早い日後吸収合併の効力が生 じた日までの間に、前各号に掲げる事項に変更が生じたときは、変更後の当該事項例文帳に追加

The matters specified by an ordinance of the competent ministry set forth in Article 144-5, paragraph 1 of the Act shall be as follows: (i) matters concerning the appropriateness of the provisions on matters listed in Article 142, item 2 and item 3 of the Act (in the case where there are no such provisions, the fact thereof); (ii) the following matters concerning a Member Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Absorption-Type Merger (excluding Clearing Member Commodity Exchanges): (a) an inventory of property and a balance sheet pertaining to the final business year and the contents of a profit and loss statement prepared along with said balance sheet; (b) when there has occurred an event that has a significant influence on the status of the property of the Member Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Absorption-Type Merger, such as the disposition of important property and the share of significant liabilities after the last day of the final business year (in the case where the final business year does not exist, the day of the establishment of said Member Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Absorption-Type Merger; the same shall apply in item 4), the contents thereof (in the case where a new final business year emerges during the period between the earliest day among those listed in respective items of Article 144-5, paragraph 1 of the Act and the day when the Absorption-Type Merger came into effect, limited to the contents of an event which occurred after the last day of said new final business year); (iii) a balance sheet which the Member Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Absorption-Type Merger (limited to a Clearing Member Commodity Exchange) prepared pursuant to the provisions of Article 492, paragraph 1 of the Company Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 77, paragraph 1 of the Act; (a) when there has occurred an event that has a significant influence on the status of the property of the Member Commodity Exchange Surviving an Absorption-Type Merger, such as the disposition of important property and the share of significant liabilities after the last day of the final business year (in the case where the final business year does not exist, the day of the establishment of said Member Commodity Exchange Surviving an Absorption-Type Merger), the contents thereof (in the case where a new final business year emerges during the period between the earliest day among those listed in respective items of Article 144-5, paragraph 1 of the Act and the day when the Absorption-Type Merger came into effect, limited to the contents of an event which occurred after the last day of said new final business year); (b) when the final business year does not exist at the Member Commodity Exchange Surviving an Absorption-Type Merger, a balance sheet as on the day of the establishment of said Member Commodity Exchange Surviving an Absorption-Type Merger; (v) matters concerning estimates of the performance of liabilities (limited to liabilities to be borne for creditors who may state objections against the Absorption-Type Merger pursuant to the provisions of Article 144-10, paragraph 1 of the Act) of the Member Commodity Exchange Surviving an Absorption-Type Merger on and after the day when the Absorption-Type Merger came into effect; (vi) when there have been changes to the matters listed in the preceding items during the period between the earliest day among those listed in respective items of Article 144-5, paragraph 1 of the Act and the day when the Absorption-Type Merger came into effect, said new matters.  - 経済産業省


法第百四十四条の十二第一項の務省令で定める事項は、次に掲げる事項とする。 一法第百四十三条第一項第六号及び第七号に掲げる事項についての定めの相当性に関 する事項 二新設合併消滅株式会社商品取引所の全部又は一部が新株予約権を発行しているとき は、法第百四十三条第一項第八号及び第九号に掲げる事項についての定め(当該事項 についての定めとして、全部又は一部の新株予約権の新株予約権者に対して交付する 新設合併設立株式会社商品取引所の新株予約権の数及び金銭の額を零と定めた場合に おける当該定めを含む。)の相当性に関する事項 三他の新設合併消滅商品取引所(清算株式会社及び清算会員商品取引所を除く。以下 この号において同じ。)についての次に掲げる事項 イ最終事業年度に係る計算書類等又は財産目録、貸借対照表及び当該貸借対照表と ともに作成された損益計算書(最終事業年度がない場合にあっては、他の新設合 併消滅株式会社商品取引所の成立の日における貸借対照表)の内容 ロ最終事業年度の末日(最終事業年度がない場合にあっては、他の新設合併消滅株 式会社商品取引所の成立の日)後の日を臨時決算日(二以上の臨時決算日がある 場合にあっては、最も遅いもの)とする臨時計算書類等があるときは、当該臨時 計算書類等の内容 ハ他の新設合併消滅商品取引所において最終事業年度の末日(最終事業年度がない 場合にあっては、他の新設合併消滅商品取引所の成立の日)後に重要な財産の処 分、重大な債務の負担その他の当該他の新設合併消滅商品取引所の財産の状況に 重要な影響を与える事象が生じたときは、その内容(法第百四十四条の十二第一 項各号に掲げる日のいずれか早い日後新設合併設立株式会社商品取引所の成立の 日までの間に新たな最終事業年度が存することとなる場合にあっては、当該新た な最終事業年度の末日後に生じた事業の内容に限る。)四 他の新設合併消滅商品取引所(清算株式会社又は清算会員商品取引所に限る。)が 会社法第四百九十二条第一項(法第七十七条第一項において準用する場合を含む。) の規定により作成した貸借対照表 五当該新設合併消滅株式会社商品取引所(清算株式会社を除く。以下この号において 同じ。)についての次に掲げる事項 イ当該新設合併消滅株式会社商品取引所において最終事業年度の末日(最終事業年 度がない場合にあっては、当該新設合併消滅株式会社商品取引所の成立の日)後 に重要な財産の処分、重大な債務の負担その他の当該新設合併消滅株式会社商品 取引所の財産の状況に重要な影響を与える事象が生じたときは、その内容(法第 百四十四条の十二第一項各号に掲げる日のいずれか早い日後新設合併設立株式会 社商品取引所の成立の日までの間に新たな最終事業年度が存することとなる場合 にあっては、当該新たな最終事業年度の末日後に生じた事象の内容に限る。)ロ当該新設合併消滅株式会社商品取引所において最終事業年度がないときは、当該 新設合併消滅株式会社商品取引所の成立の日における貸借対照表 六新設合併設立株式会社商品取引所の成立の日以後における当該新設合併設立株式会 社商品取引所の債務(他の新設合併消滅商品取引所から承継する債務を除く。)の履 行の見込みに関する事項 七法第百四十四条の十二第一項各号に掲げる日のいずれか早い日後、前各号に掲げる 事項に変更が生じたときは、変更後の当該事項例文帳に追加

The matters specified by an ordinance of the competent ministry set forth in Article 144-12, paragraph 1 of the Act shall be as follows: (i) matters concerning the appropriateness of the provisions on matters listed in Article 143, paragraph 1, item 6 and item 7; (ii) when all or part of the Incorporated Commodity Exchanges Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger issue the rights to subscribe for new shares of stock, matters concerning the appropriateness of the provisions on matters listed in Article 143, paragraph 1, item 8 and item 9 of the Act (including the provisions that specify that the number and the amount of the money of the rights to subscribe for new shares of stock of the Incorporated Commodity Exchange Established by an Incorporation-Type Merger which are to be issued to the holders of the rights to subscribe for the whole or part of new shares of stock shall be zero); (iii) the following matters concerning another Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger (excluding clearing corporations and Clearing Member Commodity Exchanges; hereinafter the same shall apply in this item): (a) accounting documents or an inventory of property and a balance sheet pertaining to the final business year, and the contents of profit and loss statement prepared along with said balance sheet (in the case where the final - 106 - business year does not exist, a balance sheet as on the day of the establishment of another Incorporated Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger); (b) when there are extraordinary accounting documents, etc. deeming a day after the last day of the final business year (in the case where the final business year does not exist, the day of the establishment of another Incorporated Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger) as an extraordinary closing day (in the case where there are two or more extraordinary closing days, the last one), the contents of said extraordinary accounting documents, etc.; (c) when there has occurred an event that has a significant influence on the status of the property of another Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger, such as the disposition of important property and the share of significant liabilities after the last day of the final business year (in the case where the final business year does not exist, the day of the establishment of said other Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger) at said other Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger, the contents thereof (in the case where a new final business year emerges during the period between the earliest day among those listed in the respective items of Article 144-12, paragraph 1 of the Act and the day of the establishment of the Incorporated Commodity Exchange Established by an Incorporation-Type Merger, limited to the contents of an event which occurred after the last day of said new final business year); (iv) a balance sheet which another Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger (limited to a clearing corporation or Clearing Member Commodity Exchange) has prepared pursuant to the provisions of - 107 - Article 492, paragraph 1 of the Company Act (including the case where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 77, paragraph 1 of the Act); (v) the following matters concerning said Incorporated Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger (excluding clearing corporations; hereinafter the same shall apply in this item): (a) when there has occurred an event that has a significant influence on the status of the property of the Incorporated Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger, such as the disposition of important property and the share of significant liabilities after the last day of the final business year (in the case where the final business year does not exist, the day of the establishment of said Incorporated Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger) at said Incorporated Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger, the contents thereof (in the case where a new final business year emerges during the period between the earliest day among those listed in the respective items of Article 144-12, paragraph 1 of the Act and the day of the establishment of the Incorporated Commodity Exchange Established by an Incorporation-Type Merger, limited to the contents of an event which occurred after the last day of said new final business year); (b) when the final business year does not exist at said Incorporated Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger, a balance sheet as on the day of the establishment of said Incorporated Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger; (vi) matters concerning estimates of the performance of liabilities (excluding liabilities inherited from another Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger) of the Incorporated Commodity Exchange Established by an Incorporation-Type Merger on and after the day of the establishment of said Incorporated Commodity Exchange Established by an Incorporation-Type Merger; (vii) when there were changes to the matters listed in the preceding items after the earliest day among those listed in respective items of Article 144-12, paragraph 1 of the Act, said new matters.  - 経済産業省


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