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該当件数 : 368



This is a complicated field. It concerns not only Japan but the entire world, so it is difficult to grasp entire transactions. One moment we are about to get a hold on them in Japan, and the next moment, they flee to the United States or Europe. However, we are now considering how to prevent the entire economy from suffering significant damage when huge losses arise and spread. These are the two tasks we face now.  - 金融庁


I would like to talk about the issue of Takefuji, which just failed. On the day of the failure, I believe that you presented a view to the effect of saying that "it will likely entail no significant impact on the financial system" but, now that about five days have passed since then, I would like to know how you are finding that impact to have turned out to be. Additionally, I think that you also said that you would like to ask government-affiliated and other financial institutions to take attentive actions so as not to affect financing for individual borrowers or small and medium-size enterprise (SME) borrowers – could you please explain specifically what kind of request you subsequently made on that note?  - 金融庁


However, in the case of commodities, particularly agricultural products, there are such issues as self-sufficiency and weather conditions. Unfavorable weather results in a poor harvest, and as developing countries are enjoying continuous economic growth, demand has grown very strong. As a result, the global supply-demand balance is being upset, leading to the price upsurge. That is one way of looking at this problem. There is also the view that speculative traders are the cause, as you know. However, the cause has not yet been fully analyzed.  - 金融庁


At least from the information I have received, the number of corporate failures has been declining because of the SME Financing Facilitation Act. Nevertheless, the global economic situation is very unfavorable, as indicated by the yen's recent strength, the European sovereign debt problem, and downside risk for the U.S. economy. In the case of Japan, the rising number of failures that you mentioned may be related to the yen's strength. In my electoral district, too, there are many export-dependent SMEs. Exchange market intervention has been conducted, and measures to deal with the yen's strength will be included in the third supplementary budget.  - 金融庁



The WTO agreement has been very important for Japan in pursuing free trade in the postwar era, as it is an island country which is poor in natural resources and depends on exports of processed products. As the Prime Minister has repeatedly stated in the Diet in relation to this matter, we will reiterate Japan's intention to ensure consistency with international commitments and seek relevant countries' understanding.  - 金融庁



I would like to ask you about the 10 years since the establishment of the FSA. Before the reorganization, the Ministry of Finance used to be criticized for allegedly allowing sectionalism to undermine the functions of the ministry as a whole. Now that 10 years have passed since the FSA was separated from the ministry as a new organization, is there not concern that the organization has become rigid, for example hampering communications between the agency's bureaus (although there are only three bureaus)? Are you aware of the issues and problems in terms of organization?  - 金融庁


Specifically, the credit risk involved in the underlying asset may not have been sufficiently communicated or disclosed, or the nature of the product may not have been sufficiently explained by the lender to the borrower during the process of origination of the underlying asset. In particular, there is the risk that the lender may have eased the borrower screening criteria because the credit risk involved is to be immediately transferred away from itself through the sale of the asset or securitization. Also, the lender may have encouraged overly easy borrowing, on the assumption that refinancing and repayment would be easy as housing prices continued to rise. Sufficient information concerning the risk involved in the underlying asset may also not have been provided to the arranger of the securitized product. Against the background of such potential problems, the subprime mortgage crisis has spread beyond the U.S. housing market to the market for securitized products in general, as well as the global financial and capital markets.  - 金融庁


Mr. Mikuniya, you said that a variety of problems have occurred across different business sectors during the current financial crisis. Although you did not say you will reform the FSA's supervisory framework, you acknowledged that the extent of the authority of the Supervisory Bureau over various business sectors, such as banks, securities companies and insurance companies, differs from sector to sector. There are even some sectors over which the FSA does not have strong supervisory authority. In this situation, are you planning to reform or review the supervisory framework in light of the various cross-sectoral problems that occurred in the United States?  - 金融庁


Regarding fair-value accounting, many banks will announce their financial results starting next week. This week, some banks announced results based on the use of theoretical values in their accounting, while others used market prices. Such divergence may cause a problem in terms of consistency. Is the FSA planning to take action in this respect, such as requiring them to use only one or the other of market prices and theoretical values?  - 金融庁



I would like to ask a specific question in connection with the question that Mr. Iwakami has just asked. I also asked a related question last time, but please allow me to point to an incident that I believe took place when the Incubator Bank of Japan was in the process of acquiring its banking license, where Mr. Kimura got paid 100 million yen for entering into a licensing consultation service agreement while he was an incumbent advisor to the FSA. This constitutes a case of someone in the position of a part-time civil servant as an advisor who went ahead to work as a licensing administration consultant at the same time and got paid for it - doesn't that carry any issues?  - 金融庁



I understand that regarding the damages compensation for Tokyo Electric Power's nuclear power station accident, Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Edano has implicitly called for partial forgiving of debts by saying that creditors such as financial institutions should naturally shoulder a burden that would have arisen without government support. In response, people in the financial industry have expressed opposition, saying that they are not assuming the possibility of forgiving debts. As the minister responsible for overseeing financial institutions, how do you view the necessity of forgiving debts?  - 金融庁


If I remember correctly, rules on what to do with the assets and liabilities of local branches of a failed foreign financial institution with international operations were set in the 1990s under the Basel agreement. However, those rules were criticized as utterly unrealistic. Isn't there any risk that problems like this will emerge in the future?  - 金融庁


Human beings cannot live without food, water and air. Agriculture is greatly constrained by natural conditions, and although agriculture is a highly intensive industry in Japan due to the development of chemical fertilizers and advances in cultivating technologies, there are natural impediments, such as the size of cultivated land and the aging of people engaging in agriculture.  - 金融庁


Considering that the very purpose of the EU is to form a community in which the members help each other out, what it is doing may be a matter of course - I still think that it is a very welcome step. The IMF (International Monetary Fund) seems to be involved in this move as well, which means that Japan is also providing indirect support through the funds it contributes to the IMF. In that sense, I am hoping that the EU will solve the problem on its own initiative by making every possible effort; that, in other words, the EU will work hard so that this problem should not drag the global economy down.  - 金融庁


I recognize that supporting individuals and companies suffering from overlapping loan problems as a result of the disaster is a very important task. As I have mentioned at Budget Committee meetings and on other occasions, this matter involves such government organizations as the FSA, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism. Moreover, the Cabinet Secretariat naturally plays the central role in dealing with the overlapping loan problem. So, the relevant ministries and agencies are drawing up and implementing specific support measures in accordance with the government's policy on how to deal with that problem, which was determined in June.  - 金融庁


One of the five principles set forth when the Postal Service Privatization Act was enacted prescribes that funds totaling more than 200 trillion yen should flow to vulnerable regions, remote islands to which economic benefits have not reached, and depopulated regions so that Japan as a whole can be invigorated. The way that fiscal loan and investment funds were used was questioned, so one of the principles prescribed that the funds should be used for vulnerable people.  - 金融庁


The Argentine crisis has also revealed the fact that in the medium-term macroeconomic stabilization and liberalization of the economy per se did not lead to greater competitiveness of domestic industries.  - 財務省


Therefore, the FSA sees from the perspective of the National Public Service Act that there was presumably no particular problem in his engagement in the work other than the one as a civil servant. Even if that is how law is written, however, "never invite suspicions needlessly." I would therefore like to have strict oversight exercised, taking such a viewpoint into consideration. In other words, in order to regain public trust that has been lost, I, as someone elected to the Diet for 25 years, expect that a scrupulous attitude should be assumed in comprehensive consideration of all those points.  - 金融庁


In relation to the case of insider trading related to public offering of new shares that was announced by the Securities and Exchange Surveillance Commission last Friday, it was Nomura Securities, the largest securities company, that leaked information, according to industry and company sources.Could you offer your frank opinion on the fact that the largest securities company had been involved in three successive cases of insider trading?  - 金融庁


Also, we must keep a watchful eye on the upsurge in prices of commodities, as was instructed today by Prime Minister Kan. As the establishment of a comprehensive exchange is included in the New Growth Strategy, it is important from the perspective of Japan’s economic growth. Problems of commodities exchanges have become a globally important challenge as they were taken up at the G20 meeting. Therefore, I believe that the establishment of a comprehensive exchange has grown in priority in my eyes as a politician. In that sense, although I understand that each ministry has its own tradition and history, we must study this matter. That the Prime Minister issued an instruction regarding this and it was discussed at the G-20 meeting means that it has paramount political importance globally. Therefore, we must study this matter while maintaining appropriate cooperation with relevant ministries and agencies.  - 金融庁


On the subject of the amendment to the Insurance Business Act regarding mutual aid activity regulation, it seems that some public interest corporations engage in a financing service charging low interest rates under the name of a mutual aid business, which, reportedly, has led to bad debts and other problems. Given those circumstances, please tell us your view of whether it would really be acceptable or not to set in place some kind of system overseen by the FSA under the new amended Act, or why the FSA has no oversight role.  - 金融庁


At the time, there was something called the warranty against defects, which was extremely problematic. It goes without saying that financial discipline is necessary, but in those days, financial businesses collapsed one after the other. Given that such outcome is not desirable either, I believe it is necessary to have a balanced view on these matters as the Minister of State in charge of financial regulation and supervision. It is vital to maintain balance and carefully monitor the situation with both eyes.  - 金融庁


As for the bill for the moratorium, as I told you earlier, this alone would not get SMEs out of their current problems, so I believe that the government must take on the responsibility for ensuring that jobs are contracted out to SMEs in an appropriate manner. Therefore, we will devote conscientious efforts to the compilation of the supplementary budget and the full budget for the next fiscal year, which will start from now on.  - 金融庁


I would like to ask you about the case of Citibank. A heavy punishment was imposed on Citibank when you were director-general of the Supervisory Department. Mr. Gomi, who was FSA commissioner at that time, said that there were problems related to corporate culture and governance and that Citibank had failed to do the minimum that it should have done. Nevertheless, Citibank has not made improvement, so this case is apparently different from other cases in terms of maliciousness and background factors. As an official who was in charge at that time, how do you feel about the latest administrative action?  - 金融庁


I would like to bring up the topic of Shinsei Bank. I believe that you also made a comment during last week's press conference in which you criticized the way that the bank had been managing its business and, as it turned out, the bank did report a massive loss for the second consecutive year in its P/L statements. What is your plan as to the timing for issuing a Business Improvement Order down the road?  - 金融庁


This inspection is targeted at three areas, namely loans to small and medium-size enterprises, loans to middle-ranking and large companies, and housing loans, and it is intended to examine the status of efforts made by financial institutions to facilitate financing in the period leading to the end of the last fiscal year and their status of the provision of credit in the period since the start of the new fiscal year. We are conducting the inspection particularly from the perspective of whether financial institutions are adequately exercising the financial intermediary function that is expected of them and whether they are not engaging in practices that may be construed as inappropriate curbs on new loans and forcible withdrawals of outstanding loans.  - 金融庁


A Yomiuri Shimbun news article on Sunday reported that an FSA official who was introduced by a government-employed secretary working for Mr. Hidenao Nakagawa, a former secretary-general (of the Liberal Democratic Party), to an investor in a certain company was asked by the investor whether or not that company would be delisted and conveyed the view that that case did not meet the criteria for delisting. What do you think of this news, and do you think that conduct like this will raise some kind of problem?  - 金融庁


In relation to the postal businesses, I guess that foreign insurance companies, for example, may be hoping to use the network of post offices to sell their new insurance products, or domestic insurance companies, too, may be hoping that the network will be opened sufficiently so that it can be used to sell their financial products. What approachesfor example, forming alliances with these foreign and /or domestic companiesdo you think should be taken?  - 金融庁


The Act on Special Measures for Strengthening Financial Functions expired in March this year, when the subprime mortgage problem had already emerged. Around June, you said financial institutions should strengthen their capital base by raising funds from the private sector and avoid indifferently depending on public funds, if I remember correctly. Over the several months since then, the situation has changed. Could you explain what changes have occurred in the external environment and Japan's financial system in relation to the necessity (of capital injection) for financial soundness?  - 金融庁


As you may already know, DICJ’s application to process this buyback was examined in light of the so-calledThree Principlesof DICJ, namely, ensuring the soundness of the financial institution’s management, avoiding a public burden, and stabilizing the financial system, and was consequently approved on the grounds that there are no problems in any of the aspects of management soundness, avoidance of public burden, and financial system stability.  - 金融庁


Until 2007, there were concerns over banks abusing their dominant position as money lenders. At the time, there were debates as to whether banks would persuade borrowers to buy insurance products in return for providing loans. That was the major issue at the time, when I was a member of the Liberal Democratic Party. Nevertheless, the ban was completely removed in 2007, and the outcome was to review the ban in three years time.  - 金融庁


Regarding your second question - what should be done with the large amount of government bonds held by the Japan Post Group - basically, I am not in a position to make comments although I am in charge of the postal reform bill, since Japan Post is basically a joint stock company and it is under the jurisdiction of the Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications. I think that the government should not intervene in the affairs of Japan Post, which has now become a joint stock company. Rather, in principle, this is a matter that should be considered by the company's management team.  - 金融庁


As you see, there is a problem of different treatments. An attempt of the FSA to receive private-sector employees (from the TSE) would face an issue of salary difference and, on the other hand, the FSA staff members who go there and come back might have to see their salary go up and then drop significantly. So, how could the FSA overcome very difficult tasks like those, while exercising proper oversight - how could we become a robust FSA that is capable of providing effective inspections and guidance? Anyhow, this is truly a serious issue.  - 金融庁


This brings us to imagine that in the case of agricultural crops, which have been overseen by the MAFF, or its predecessor, the Ministry of Agriculture and Commerce, since the cabinet system was established in Japan in 1884, the MAFF presumably has its own ideas. As this issue is fundamentally connected to its licensing authority, I understand well that it must feel an attachment in various areas. For oil and other trading that is under the jurisdiction of the METI, we are, frankly, having much difficulty because it forms part of the METI's industrial policy.  - 金融庁


In this respect, the FSA (Financial Services Agency) is considering a radical revision of the financial inspection manual. If we implement the amended Money Lending Act without properly addressing the issue of whether Japanese financial institutions should perform their function, a variety of problems will occur, so I believe that it is important to address that issue.  - 金融庁


As the plan needs to be passed by both the Senate and the House of Representatives, I will continue watching the situation.Now that the House of Representatives has passed it, the only remaining hurdle is a vote by the Senate, which is the majority-controlled by the Democratic Party, President Obama’s party, so there will be no problem. In any case, we will closely watch the potential impact on the financial and capital markets.  - 金融庁


Second, when we think of issues such as employability, education and training, and employment, we must ensure that young people do not enter into careers that will only lead them into a dead end. In order to ensure that young people, who may need to work for 30 years or 40 years to come, can continue meaningful work throughout their lifetime, and that they can make contributions to society and realize their potential in their own way, we must focus particularly on careers for youth, careers that progress into the future, not the careers of the past. - 厚生労働省


Cruelty of disposition; malice and ill-nature; that most anti-social and odious of all passions, envy; dissimulation and insincerity, irascibility on insufficient cause, and resentment disproportioned to the provocation; the love of domineering over others; the desire to engross more than one's share of advantages (the of the Greeks); the pride which derives gratification from the abasement of others; the egotism which thinks self and its concerns more important than everything else, and decides all doubtful questions in its own favour;—these are moral vices, and constitute a bad and odious moral character:  - John Stuart Mill『自由について』


We recognize the need for further action to address the debt issues of the Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs).In deliberating specific actions, we have to adopt a case-by-case approach, taking into account the debt sustainability analysis, and policies and institutional environment in each country.To promote developing countries’ self-sustainable economic growth, we should not overlook the importance of fostering credit culture even for low-income countries, which means effective utilization of external resources and good external debt management.  - 財務省


In this situation, major regulatory authorities have had very frequent and close communications and exchanges of views about this matter since the autumn of 2007. The FSA is cooperating with foreign authorities in establishing an international framework and working on measures that should be implemented through international cooperation and, in Japan, it is of course cooperating with the Bank of Japan and other financial authorities.  - 金融庁


Basically, this is a matter concerning an individual financial institution's capital policy, so I would like to refrain from making comments. However, if a recapitalized bank proposes to make repayment, we will conduct deliberation based on the Deposit Insurance Corporation's three principles, namely ensuring the soundness of management of financial institutions, avoiding placing a burden on the people and maintaining the stability of the financial system. If no particular problem is recognized, repayment will be approved in principle.  - 金融庁


Japan’s crisis concerned conventional loans while in the current crisis, a variety of problems have spread throughout the world at once through securitization products. Prices of securitization products are immediately affected by drops in land and real estate prices.  - 金融庁


As you know, the FSA's broad administrative purposes include protecting users and investors. Until now, the mainstream approach of the supervisory authorities, including the FSA, to financial administration has been to regulate and supervise business operators that have engaged in inappropriate transactions with customers and take necessary actions if problems are found as a result of investigation  - 金融庁


From around noon today, I am scheduled to receive a briefing from the FSA staff on the double loan problem. Numerous questions have been asked about the double loan problem at the Budget Committee and I have replied to some of them. Forgive me for mentioning this over and over again, but basically, the FSA is responsible for inspecting and supervising private financial institutions. In principle, the financial source of private financial institutions is deposits entrusted by individuals - savings in the case of Japan Post Bank - and those funds must be repaid with interest in principle. Therefore, we will use the Act on Special Measures for Strengthening Financial Functions to increase capital. Under the Act on Special Measures for Strengthening Financial Functions, we will not pursue the responsibility of managers nor will we demand the setting of efficiency targets. As this is a once-in-a-millennium tsunami, the government needs to do its utmost to appropriately deal with it, rather than pursuing the responsibility of managers. In that sense, financial institutions should take appropriate actions in the Tohoku region.  - 金融庁


I would like to ask you about the Financial System Council's consultative group on basic issues, which was established after you took office as FSA commissioner and which held its first meeting last week. According to a briefing held after last week's meeting, future meetings will be closed to the public. As this group is responsible for deciding a broad framework related to basic financial issues, it is important that its discussions be open to the public. Will the group open its meetings to the public after holding several closed meetings? A group like this loses its significance if its meetings are closed to the public. Don't you plan to enhance the transparency of the process in which decisions on important matters related to financial administration are made?  - 金融庁


Today, I read your (past) press conference transcript. There, you used the expression "never invite suspicions needlessly" when you were speaking about the Incubator Bank of Japan (Nihon Shinko Ginko). I would like to ask a question from this viewpoint about lawsuits between the Incubator Bank of Japan and several trust banks regarding the problem of them having acquired the same loan claims. Considering that both sides are licensed business operators, it strikes me as a disgraceful occurrence and, behind the scene of those goings-on between licensed operators, it is said that a person who used to be the chairman of one of the lawsuit parties may assume the office of advisor to the Incubator Bank of Japan. My question is whether or not such a turn of events falls under the implication of the saying, "never invite suspicions needlessly."  - 金融庁


If those markets are going well every day, players can simply engage in an "I win, I lose" type of mutual transactions. If the transactions remain contained in a mutual setting, they are just like a game of gambling among the rich announcing their wins or losses and may therefore be nothing to be concerned about. The point, however, is that their impacts should not reach as far as general investors and the general public. That is where the FSA's responsibility lies, and we are struggling to determine how far our regulatory net should be extended. It is indeed a very nerve-racking question how to grasp the actual goings-on and how to determine ways to regulate them, as well as to guide and oversee them. I myself would like to hear any good ideas out there. I am sure the FSA Commissioner feels the same.  - 金融庁


Regarding the DPJ's manifesto -- you may answer my question in general terms, instead of commenting on the specifics of the manifesto -- the DPJ has proposed a “public company act.It has been calling for the establishment of such a law for some time. Last month, a study group of the Financial System Council drew up a report indicating that it would be premature to establish legislation applicable specifically to listed companies because of problems related to the consistency between the Companies Act and the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act. At your inaugural press conference as FSA commissioner, you said that it will be necessary to continue strengthening the market in light of the declining birthrate and the aging of society. Could you tell us whether you think it is necessary to establish legislation applicable specifically to listed companies in order to strengthen the market?  - 金融庁


There have been voices raised about the possible confusion emerging from the fact that a series of stationery store or music store gift certificates, or so-called kinken (cash vouchers) in general, are expiring one after another. Seeing that this is an issue associated with the Payment Services Act, I would like to have your opinion on this. Also in relation to the same issue, some criticize that general consumers may not be informed of the existence of the Act itself in the first place or that the refund period set by statute, which can apparently be as short as 60 days after a public notice, may be the source of the problemcan I please confirm if there is any specific step or action slated to be taken to address this issue in the future, or any policy of that sort?  - 金融庁



On the other hand, SMEs have a strong desire to expand their business into the Asian market, especially China. I have had some concern about this for a while. However, companies, including mid-to-large companies and SMEs, do have a bank that they normally do business with. SMEs have a long-term relationship with such a bank and consult with the bank about financing and various corporate matters. Therefore, it would be great for an SME entering China if its bank were to accompany itbut if its bank is a regional bank, it is not feasible for it to do so. The fact is that it is quite rare for SMEs to do business with a mega-bank.  - 金融庁


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