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The expression is used in a masochistic way about 'a person who has lived abroad and become ignorant of Japanese fashion or felt awkward,' 'a person who has just returned from his or her place of assignment and who gets confused by changes at the head office,' or 'a person who has been away from society and who doesn't know about current affairs or new technologies and feels that he or she has been left behind.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


This book was published at a time when the demand for skill and knowledge of basic mathematics in daily life was increasing due to social and economic development, and it run into several impressions because it had no equal; therefore, it became an enduring and best-selling book of mathematics published in the Edo period.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The story situated during the Sengoku period (period of warring states) with two women who were mourning for young warriors that died in battle happened to meet each other, and its gazoku-setchu style, i.e. the mixture of dialogue in common language and narrative in elegant literary style received favorable reviews as the symbol of new style of contemporary literature, so Koyo suddenly became famous as a popular writer.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Hideo ARAI, in his paper, 'A Little Thought on 'Ochimizu that Tsukuyomi Has'' (in 'Nihon Bungei Kenkyu' (Japanese Literary Studies), April, 1991) pointed out from the standpoint of folklore that several rituals that obtain 'wakamizu,' which expels evil atmosphere for the year, are performed on New Year's Day in various localities in Japan, and that 'Wakamizu wo sonau' (offering of wakamizu) performed on the first day of spring as an annual event during the Heian period is observed in records such as "The Engishiki" (an ancient book for codes and procedures on national rites and prayers) "Nenchu gyoji hisho" (record of annual events) and issho (lost book) "舊記."  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



The Tale of the Heike describes, 'It's a human but not a human, a bird but not a bird, a dog but not a dog, and it has human arms and legs, a dog's head and a pair of wings, and it flies'; moreover, in the Kamakura period Tendai monks flaunting miraculous efficacy made it an objective to prove the transcendence of Buddhism, and some books, including "Zegaibo Emaki," mention stories that Tengu challenged a Tendai monk to a fight and was defeated miserably.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



On the other hand, swords are traded for money, and especially from the Meiji period to the modern times, when swords, as antiques and art objects, came to have character as commodities or hobby objects, there are descriptions without objectivity, promotional descriptions to increase commercial value, descriptions to stimulate desires for possession and descriptions full of feelings toward a favorite sword.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Sensu invented in Japan were exported through China to the West in the age of discovery, and because of its convenient folding into a compact size it developed in a unique way, becoming very popular among high-class women of the times, as a communication tool when there were about 150 shops handling Sensu in Paris during the 17th century.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, today it is said that both cultures are generally discussed together as 'Muromachi culture' according to the following reasons; when Higashiyama culture began and ended is not clear, there is criticism that the era of Yoshimochi and Yoshinori are ignored and both have many points in common such as the influence of the Zen sect and the fusion of the culture of the nobility and the culture of the samurai class.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In the Muromachi Period because of its organizational power and the ease-of-getting information the Bashaku played the central role at the riots in which the Tsuchi-ikki in Shocho era and the Tokusei-ikki in Kakitsu era were famous for, and in the latter the Bashaku in Omi Province who were taken under Hieizan Enryaku-ji Temple that was attacked by the riot seceded from the riot force so that the Bashaku power itself was split.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



Also, even if there had been enough demand, the volume of copper production had been absolutely small, which made it impossible, from the beginning, to supply sufficient copper coins and substitute material money then-current in Japan (copper was so precious then in Japan that its era was renamed 'Wado (literally, Japanese copper),' upon discovery of copper ore mines, and, as described afterward, the quality of copper coins had rapidly deteriorated as time went on.)  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



It is thought that 'karesansui' written here refers to the style of how to put the stones or ornamental garden rocks in the corner of a garden, which is called 'the Heian period style of dry landscape' or 'the early style of dry landscape' as to distinguish it from the 'Hiraniwa karesansui' (a style of dry landscape in a flat Japanese garden without hills), at the same time, there is the opinion that there is no need to distinguish them because they are all the same style.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In the capital at the time, Tokyo, many daimyo-residences and attached gardens were destroyed one after another, and Keijiro OZAWA seeing this, collected records and data of these old gardens in his spare time outside his duties, and after his retirement, he researched these teiens and published Meiji Teien-ki (A Record of Gardens during the Meiji period) in 1915.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


During the Meiji period, as the rakusui-shi in Tokyo had been highly estimated, the development of large-size fusuma paper was very popular even in the Echizen region which took pride in the long tradition, and the tesuki-fusumabari-taishi (handmade large paper for fusuma) was invented at the Takano paper mill in Shinzaike, Imadate-cho, Fukui Prefecture (present Shinzaike-cho, Echizen City) in 1885.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In the "Teikin-orai" (Epistolary for Home Instruction) completed from the period of the Northern and Southern Courts (Japan) to the Muromachi period, many names of merchants and workmen are described as 'people who should stay in the castle town' including masters of fusuma-shoji such as kami-shi, kyo-ji, paper making, craftsmen of lacquer ware and handiworks, and craftsmen of gold and silver handiworks, which shows that fusuma-shoji was widespread in the samurai class and they required specialized craftsmen.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


According to such descriptions written in a volume captioned 'Eawase' (picture contest) in "Genji Monogatari,' many scrolls of illustrated tales may be assumed to have been produced during the beginning and middle Heian period in Japan, but since none of such scrolls are now existing that were produced between the 9th and 11th centuries, we are unable to trace clearly how the styles of illustrated scrolls, of that period, had developed.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


On May 15, people dressed in Heian period costumes march with a gissha (cow carriage) from Kyoto Imperial Palace via Shimogamo-jinja Shrine to Kamigamo-jinja Shrine and Konoe no tsukai (Imperial Guard delegate), and as guards, officers from Kebiishicho (Office of Police and Judicial Chief) such as 'Kebiishi jo' (second officer of the imperial police bureau), 'Kebiishi shi' (third officer of the imperial police bureau), Yamashiro no tsukai (delegate of the Yamashiro Province), Maryo no tsukai (delegate of Maryo (the section taking care of imperial horses)), and Kura no tsukai (delegate of Kuraryo (the Inner Treasury Office)), and make a main march.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Originally, they started wabicha to oppose the use of expensive karamono such as Meibutsu and, instead, were using inexpensive utensils including rakujawan, bamboo vases and lacquered tea container natsume (tea utensil), but as the head family of the school was taking power in the Edo period, such inexpensive tea utensils became Meibutsu because of hakogaki (description written on tea utensil's case), records of history and naming.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


They appear not only in the shrine festivals accompanied by a shrine maiden and a historic pageant, but also in a flower festival at a temple (birthday ceremony, kanbutsue (the Buddha's birthday festival), Shakyamuni's birthday ceremony), days consecrated to the Bodhisattva of Compassion and Fudo Myoo, the anniversary of the death (memorial service) of the founders, such as Honen and Nichiren, grand Buddhist memorial services held once in decades or hundreds of years such as a celebration of completion of a main hall or the inauguration ceremony for the head priest of a temple.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, "Jingo-ji Temple ryakki" (a journal of Jingo-ji Temple), written around the period of the Northern and Southern Courts (in the middle of the 14th century) described that Jingo-ji Temple had the portraits including Goshirakawain, TAIRA no Shigemori, MINAMOTO no Yoritomo, FUJIWARA no Mitsuyoshi, and TAIRA no Narifusa and they were drawn by FUJIWARA no Takanobu; this was the clue to judge the figures as TAIRA no Shigemori, MINAMOTO no Yoritomo, and FUJIWARA no Mitsuyoshi.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


"Kyuho" was defined as archery and horsemanship, and the 7th head of the clan, Sadamune OGASAWARA, who served Emperor Godaigo during the period of the Northern and Southern Courts, was asked by the Emperor 'to improve archery and horsemanship skills and to set new standards for manners, which samurai families should follow'; it was at this time that the Ogasawara school's three arts of 'archery, horsemanship and courtesy' were established as samurai manners.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


According to the "Shin-sarugoki" (a textbook written about lives and cultures of the people of Kyoto in the Heian period) by FUJIWARA no Akihira in the late Heian period, the four elements shrine maidens were required to master were the abilities of uranai (fortune-telling,) kami-asobi (playing music and dancing in front of gods,) yotsura (beating out strings of Japanese bows as a ritual to ward off evil spirits) and kuchiyose (mediumship or technique to communicate with spirits), and in this book Akihira described his actual experience of witnessing a shrine maiden playing kami-asobi (Kagura), which to him appeared as if an immortal mountain wizard was enjoying dancing with a god.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The New Year's court ceremony itself was discontinued during the reign of the Emperor Ichijo, and clothes were no longer worn at the annual event but were worn until the enthronement ceremony of the Emperor Komei (Raifuku for women after the enthronement of the Emperor Gokashiwabara, and mokaraginu (a short coat for noblewomen with a train) was worn instead; however, the Empress during the Edo period wore the raifuku of white twill with no pattern and a style of tailoring following that of the Emperor).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The most generally accepted theory is that the yakiniku culture that had revolved around establishments such as the Edo period restaurant Momonji-ya underwent changes due to the influence of Western European barbeque following the Meiji Restoration, and developed further as a result of exposure to grilled meat dishes from around the world (European steak, North American barbeque, etc.) to become modern Japanese yakiniku.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Apart from 和琴 (Wagon), 'Kin () no Koto,' which was also introduced in the Nara period, was apparently regarded as an important stringed instrument because it related to the religious services of the Chinese court: stringed instruments, all of which were called 'OO no Koto' in those days, were regarded as superior to wind instruments, because wind instruments would not make sound unless human beings breathed into them.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Although originally the same length as Japanese swords, towards the end of the Edo period, many people started using shinai over 1.2 meters long since it gave them an advantage in tournaments (the famous Susumu OISHI used a very long shinai of 5 shaku 3 zun, or about 161 cm), and due to the above situation it is said that people began to use shinai longer than swords.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


After the Kamakura period, yusoku kojitsu became as specialist field and the subject of active research, leading to the authorship of books including those on ceremonies such as "Kinpisho" written by Emperor Juntoku, "Kemmu Nenchu Gyoji" written by Emperor Godaigo, and "Kuji kongen" (the Rules of Court) written by Kaneyoshi ICHIJO; those on the government system such as "Shokugensho" written by Chikafusa KITABATAKE; and those on clothing such as "Masasuke Shozoku Sho" (Masasuke's rule book on costumes) written by MINAMOTO no Masasuke.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The shikijozo production system was incorporated in the annual cycle of people of the early Edo Period similar to the 'seasonal' or 'natural' vegetables or fish of nowadays, and the sake that was made with kanzukuri process was treated apart from other sake, but the custom has disappeared now.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


On the other hand, Hiroshi UEHAEA, who was the former judge of the alcoholic beverages advisory council, stated that the fermentation becomes more rapid at the last stage of fermenting unfiltered Japanese sake, and sake became less stringent during the period when the rice-polishing ratio techniques was not refined and amazake (Japanese sweet rice wine) was poured in at the fourth stage (amazake yondan) to adjust it.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


This was because the government had introduced foreign liquors with various preferential treatments and promoted to produce and consume foreign liquors made in Japan since the Westernization policy in the early part of the Meiji period, which finally resulted in the situation that 'buy foreign liquors made in foreign countries because you have already gotten used to the taste.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In the latter part of the Meiji period, since sake came to be distributed in 1.8 liter bottles, the way of consuming sake of the Japanese changed from a style in which they drank sake as a treat heavily only a few special days in a year to one in which they drank their favorite sake for dinner or individually almost every normal day and got drunk to some extent (namayoi) (see the section of 'The change of distribution and consumption forms').  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The change from the style of dead drinks several times a year at the time of special events such as festivals and having no sake bottle in daily life before the early part of the Meiji period to the style of drinking with dinner after that, also made that border ambiguous historically, which was seen as an extension of the trend toward low-alcohol drinks.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The internal construction was gorgeous and each room created each country's atmosphere with the architectural style, furniture and fixtures: British room, Chinese room, Arabian room, British large room of the feudal period style, western style bathroom and toilet, and office on the first floor and Indian room, book room with corridor, Egyptian room, western guest room, bed room of the chief priest on the second floor and kitchen and others on the basement.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In ancient times, people from imperial families ate whale meat in the Imperial Court, expecting medical effects, but later in the Sengoku Period (Period of Warring States) (Japan) whale meat was loved by busho (Japanese military commander) and highly valued by samurai families, for geidon (a swallow by a whale) means 'annexation of another country,' toki no koe (toki can be expressed by a pair of kanji meaning, a whale's wave, and toki (鯨波) sometimes written as in Chinese character) is associated with a victory, and geiko (a whale's outcry) means 'booming out.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


It is said that, up until the early Meiji period, some still practiced the custom of ehomairi; however, as each railway company in the Keihanshin region (namely, Osaka, Kyoto, and Kobe) started to advertise the shrines and temples of their choice along their own railway lines, by saying that 'the eho for the year is XX,' people became to visit those in other than the actual eho direction which leads the meaning of eho fade away and people visit well-known shrines and temples.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Jisha fushin aimed to construct, repair and manage jisha (temples and shrines) and specifically, it included holding festivals or fairs along the sando (the road approaching a temple), inside the precincts, or in the temple town; they also collected a portion of the sales from street vendors as rent for their stalls, proceeds from tomikuji (lottery), precursor to today's takarakuji, and terasen (fee charged to a gambling salon) as rent from gambling halls in the days when gambling held by common people was legal.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In China, the kirikane technique is found in two statues of Bosatsu (bodhisattva) in Northern Qi period (550 to 577) (owned by Qingzhou Museum in Shandong Province): For one of them, it is used in the motif of a double-line kikkomon (hexagonal pattern) in which a tortoise is drawn, and the motif which two patterns of plant with three leaves are arranged one above the other in a vertically long kikkomon in its mosuso (hem of pants), and for the other, in the boundary line between green pattern with white circle and red pattern with white circle in its mo (long pleated skirts).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Until the Edo period, there was no standardized name for ninja and it varied in each region, for example, there were name such as "Rappa", "Suppa (素破) (the origin of a slang word "Suppanuki" meaning divulgation)", "Suppa ()", "Suppa ()", "Toppa (突破)", "Toppa (透破)", "Ukagami", "Dakko", "Kusa", "Nokizaru", "Kyodo", "Kyodan", "Monomi", "Kanshi", "Kikimonoyaku", "Arukimiko", "Kamari" and "Hayamichi no mono".  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, those started in the late Edo period were not always practical, and considered that a school could not cope with all the different forces of water, and so in 1932, Japan Aquatic Competition Federation (forerunner of Japan Swimming Federation) selected important ones from the conventional styles, designating them to be 'standard styles of swimming' including competitive styles focused on speed, setting them as a compulsory subject at schools.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The Japanese people used the word Kimono to indicate clothing in general during the sixteenth century which was long before the Meiji period when the word Wafuku was coined in Japan--The word Kimono was recognized by the European people as the word to indicate Japanese clothing like the word Wafuku in the modern Japanese sense, and the word Kimono with that sense have prevailed in the world so that what the Japanese people call Wafuku is called Kimono in the world.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Furthermore, during the time when the Limited Express "Towada" (later replaced by "Hakkoda"), which ran from Ueno Station to Aomori Station, was in regular service, the timetable was set to give a rather long standing time for the downtrain (departing from Ueno Station) at Morioka Station during 6:50 and 7:00 in the morning to wait to be overtaken by the successive train, an overnight train service; accordingly, harakomeshi was sometimes sold out when there were many passengers buying the ekiben for breakfast.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


It was common that popular music like joruri (dramatic narrative chanted to a shamisen accompaniment), which contained narration or songs with a distinct melody played by shamisen, composed of up-tempo tunes and slow-tempo tunes, was used for traditional performing arts that became popular during the Edo period such as kabuki (traditional drama performed by male actors), bunraku (Japanese puppet theater), and classical Japanese dance, especially for performances for the common people in a theater or on an outdoor stage.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, the part stating that Juko instructed the Way of Tea to Yoshimasa ASHIKAGA (1436 to 1490) in the Higashiyama period (cultural and artistic period of the mid-Muromachi period) via Noami (1397 to 1471) lacks credibility, because it was in 1475 and after Noami's death that Yoshimasa left Ogawagosho Palace and went into seclusion in Higashiyama.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Although Gokaihajime itself ceased to be held in the Muromachi period, Emperor Gokashiwabara held a monthly poetry reading as an independent ceremony on New Year's Day in 1501 on the model of waka gokaihajime during the Eiwa era of the Emperor Goenyu's reign, according to "seiwa utagokai saho kojitsu" (Ancient Practices of New Year Imperial Poetry Reading Party Manner.) (Its author is unknown, but a copy of the book hand written by the Retired Emperor Reigen is possessed by National Museum of Japanese History.)  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


With his imposing stature and bright and open hearted benevolence, he won acclaim in roles in domestic dramas including Benkei in "Kanjincho," Gongoro KAMAKURA in "Shibaraku," aragoto style such as Kumedera Danjo in "Kenuki," Gonta in "Yoshitsune Senbon-zakura," "Kamiyuishinzo," "Mekuranagaya-umega-kagatobi," "Sakana Sogoro," and historical plays including Yuranosuke OBOSHI in "Kanadehon Chushingura," Heiemon TERAOKA and Naozane KUMAGAI in "Kumagai Jinya," Tomomori and Tadanobu KITSUNE in "Yoshitsune Senbon-zakura."  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Handing down methods from father to son had increased since the late Muromachi period, when the members' roles inside the troupe became traditional, and two of the heads are known as striking masters: the third head Katsuuji (the son of Toyouji) about whom a lot of anecdotes are seen in "Yoza yakusha mokuroku (Catalog of Actors of the Four Noh Troupes)", and the fourth head Ujishige (the son of Katsuuji) who accompanied Zenpo and Ujiaki KONPARU on their stage and was appointed to Gon no kami.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The sekitai that was a secret treasure of Asuka-jinja Shrine, an auxiliary shrine of Kumano-hayatama-taisha Shrine in the early Muromachi Period, was tied by passing a thread through three holes made diagonally and inconspicuously from the side to the back of the precious stones, but from the middle of the Muromachi Period there was another method of sewing the stones with threads from the top, and this came to be the sole method in the Edo Period.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


This is because many Japanese people engage in rituals of multiple religions, holding the seven-five-three festival and other seasonal festivals at shrines and visiting shrines at the beginning of the New Year based on annual events and rituals developed in the natural climate from ancient ethnic religions of Japan, and by the influence of the temple guarantee system in the Edo period, holding funerals and bon festivals (a festival of the dead or Buddhist all soul's day) with Buddhist rites.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


During the Meiji period Shoyo TSUBOUCHI, in "Shosetsu shinzui" (The essence of the novel), criticized "Hakkenden" as the typical gesaku literature from another age which must be overcome by early-modern literature, insisting that 'the eight dog warriors were monsters of Jingi-hachigyo instead of being human beings,' but such criticism gives evidence of the major impact that "Hakkenden" had in those days.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


One example that represents such items is Kingindenso-no-Karatachi, featuring a hilt covered with white shark skin, karatsuba (Chinese-style sword guard), elaborately pierced nagakanamono (cylindrical fittings mounted around the scabbard), and hanging fittings (ashikanamono) with yamagata-kanamono (mountain-shaped fittings), all of which are found in ornamental swords in later periods, which makes the sword deemed as their forerunner.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



It is said that in Japan, the origin of the history of Doburoku production is almost the same as that of rice production, but the production of Doburoku, which used to be made in farm houses, etc. for personal consumption, was forbidden by the Liquor Tax Act as a factor for reducing brewery tax (liquor tax before 1940) revenues, which were major tax revenues for the government in the Meiji period and is still forbidden to the present date.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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