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としてはきちっと、この前初めて関係閣僚会議でこういう話が出まして、要するに、約850億毎年益金処理がされておりますが、約4割に当たる350億円の支払要求があり、損金の処理をされておりますが、口座、12億口座ございますし、払戻しのためのコスト、それから管理コストが別途生じるわけでございますから、そういった意味で、850億円から350億円引いたら500億円ですがね。 500億円から基本的には、法人税かかりますからね。例文帳に追加

This issue was raised for the first time at the relevant cabinet ministers' meeting held recently.  In short, around 85 billion yen worth of dormant deposits is recorded as profits each year for the accounting purpose, and claims for repayment are made with regard to around 40% of the total, or 35 billion yen, which is recorded as losses.  The total number of accounts is as high as 1.2 billion, and the costs of repayment and account management arise.  The balance of 50 billion yen remains after the deduction of the 35 billion yen from the 85 billion yen. On the 50 billion yen, corporate tax would be imposed in principle.  - 金融庁


I am aware that the euro-zone finance ministers held a meeting on Monday, February 20, European time, and that debate on aid for Greece is ongoing. As the details of the debate have not been made public, I would like to refrain from making specific comments. However, as I have been saying all along, I believe it is essential that in addition to extending aid to Greece in order to deal with the European debt crisis, Europe should adopt and steadily implement a comprehensive package of measures which realizes economic recovery as early as possible, and which simultaneously improves the fiscal deficit and regains the trust of financial markets. Japan will continue to carefully monitor the situation.  - 金融庁


In that sense, the involvement of former SIA employees in this case is very regrettable. We are working hard to identify the cause. The FSA and the SESC - although the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare has jurisdiction over pensions, the FSA has jurisdiction over the management of pension funds entrusted (to investment advisory companies and other financial institutions) - will make every possible effort to prevent the recurrence without ruling out any option while maintaining close communications with relevant government ministries and agencies.  - 金融庁


However, information may become available at the session of the House of Coucillors' Audit Committee. This matter has been taken up by various media and has also been debated in the Diet in particular, so various useful proposals have been made by various Diet members. With all of those things in mind, we will strive to prevent a recurrence without ruling out any option, as I said.  - 金融庁



I have various memories concerning pensions as I have been involved in pension-related affairs as a Diet member of the ruling party for a long time: in 1989, the Investment Advisory Business Act. This was under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Finance. As I said the other day, pension assets were previously entrusted to life insurance companies and trust banks.  - 金融庁



That is one possibility. However, basically, the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare has jurisdiction over pension-related matters as a whole, and as I said earlier, we will maintain close cooperation with that ministry. It is not easy now to set a prospective yield of 5.5%, for example, so although there were previously around 1,800-1,900 pension fund associations, the number has declined to around 500 as most major companies have abolished their pension fund associations. The remaining associations are mostly general-type associations comprising small and medium-size companies.  - 金融庁


If we can sell shares, the law stipulates that all of the proceeds should be used for reconstruction related to the Great East Japan Earthquake. Although it is difficult to specify the schedule, it is necessary for the three postal business to work together to start providing universal service as early as possible.  - 金融庁


The fortunes of companies move up and down like that, the industrial structure changes and economic globalization is ongoing, so it is up to managers to appropriately manage their companies by accurately understanding that. This is a liberal economy and companies are free to do as they wish. As I am the head of an administrative agency, it would be better for me, in this liberal society, to leave their management to their discretion and refrain from making comments.  - 金融庁


Of course, I believe that this program is part of the series of measures taken to ease the financial turmoil in the United States. As I have mentioned in my speeches, Japan learned from its bad-loan problem that it is important to eliminate the risk of additional losses arising in the future by removing non-performing assets from banks' balance sheets. I think that the U.S. program may be regarded as reflecting that lesson.  - 金融庁



The FSA has been implementing the Better Regulation initiative as a major task for financial administration since I took office as FSA Commissioner in the summer of 2007. We are implementing a variety of measures. One typical such measure, taken in April last year, was sharing the recognition of the 14 major principles that form the basis of the principles-based supervisory approach through discussions between the FSA and financial services business operators, and we publicly announced these principles.  - 金融庁



The FSA should conduct administration in an appropriate manner so as to meet the needs of the time based on the broad direction of financial administration, as represented by the Better Regulation initiative and the three major administrative objectives that Commissioner Mikuniya mentioned. The Better Regulation initiative is a package of measures to promote the improvement of the way of administration, and he indicated that further improvement efforts will be made. I also hope that further improvement efforts will be made.  - 金融庁


As you see, there is a problem of different treatments. An attempt of the FSA to receive private-sector employees (from the TSE) would face an issue of salary difference and, on the other hand, the FSA staff members who go there and come back might have to see their salary go up and then drop significantly. So, how could the FSA overcome very difficult tasks like those, while exercising proper oversight - how could we become a robust FSA that is capable of providing effective inspections and guidance? Anyhow, this is truly a serious issue.  - 金融庁


I take this question as it relates to a factual matter. What happened today was based strictly on the intention of the Incubator Bank of Japan, which held a Board of Directors meeting from 6:02 a.m. today and proceeded to submit an Article 24 report and file an Article 74 statement upon conclusion of their meeting. What is commonly called the Friday-to-Monday preparation approach thus did not follow this time and the preparations began on Friday morning insteadthat is how I recognize the situation.  - 金融庁


I am not well versed in ADR, but I assume that it means out-of-court settlements. Insurance involves a variety of factors, including, as a matter of fact, peace of mind and security for the public, as well as the viability as a business. At the same time, its social security aspect also matters in the light of its public nature and public interests that rest with, in particular, sickness insurance, a segment that is now booming. I think that we must put user protection aspects firmly into perspective as well.  - 金融庁


In fact, those of you who have carefully read the agreement reached among the three parties at the time the Act was created would know that it is written in the tripartite agreement. While I was serving as the chairman of the Policy Research Council of the People's New Party (PNP) at the time, and the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ), the Social Democratic Party (SDP) and the PNP had in fact agreed before the change of government on what kind of policy pledges they would fulfill if they came into power, about a week before the public notice of the commencement of the election on August 30-it was one of the six policy pledges.  - 金融庁


I reported this issue at the informal gathering with Cabinet ministers as well. As exemplified by documents that universities are required to submit to the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), documents which various institutions are required to submit not only to the FSA but also to other government offices have substantially increased over the past decade. I will give you an example as a doctor: back in the day, few documents had to be prepared upon medical examination, but nowadays we have to write documents in detail. To go to the extreme, we could say that we spend more time writing documents than examining patients. This defeats the purpose.  - 金融庁

そういったところでバーゼル III の話もあったわけですから、そんなことを我々は12年前に日本の金融危機という、当時が郵政大臣をしたころに北海道拓殖銀行が倒産し、山一證券が崩壊し、痛いほど自由主義社会における金融機関の健全性が求められましたが、しかし当時は余り健全性、自己資本比率ばかり高めるといいますと、凄まじい貸し渋り・貸しはがしが起こりました。例文帳に追加

The topic of Basel III also came up in that context. During the financial crisis in Japan twelve years ago, while I was serving as Minister of Posts and Telecommunications, Hokkaido Takushoku Bank went bankrupt, Yamaichi Securities collapsed and the soundness of financial institutions became a stringent requirement in liberal society. However, efforts made at the time focused solely on improving the soundness and the capital adequacy ratio of financial institutions, giving rise to severe credit crunch and credit withdrawal.  - 金融庁


At the time, there was something called the warranty against defects, which was extremely problematic. It goes without saying that financial discipline is necessary, but in those days, financial businesses collapsed one after the other. Given that such outcome is not desirable either, I believe it is necessary to have a balanced view on these matters as the Minister of State in charge of financial regulation and supervision. It is vital to maintain balance and carefully monitor the situation with both eyes.  - 金融庁


As I often say, what frequently happened in the past is that in the case of co-financing where a SME is co-financed by multiple financial institutions, such as the combination of a mega-bank and a regional bank or shinkin bank, one of them stops financing it. In particular, the mega-bank would typically be the first one to do so. However, everybody was saying that since this law came into force, this phenomenon has ceased.  - 金融庁


In that sense, I believe that SME development is one of the most important functions of a financial institution whose core business rests with financial intermediation and, considering that Japan's foundation consists of the SMEs that make up 99.7 percent of all companies in Japan, mega-banks in particular need to review the way they manage their banks that focuses too much on looking upwards, so to speakan attitude typical in pre-Lehman daysor looking abroad, aiming only at profit-making. In that sense, I take pride as the Minister for Financial Services that the Act has probably contributed to changing the awareness of those who engage in the financial business.  - 金融庁


Until 2007, there were concerns over banks abusing their dominant position as money lenders. At the time, there were debates as to whether banks would persuade borrowers to buy insurance products in return for providing loans. That was the major issue at the time, when I was a member of the Liberal Democratic Party. Nevertheless, the ban was completely removed in 2007, and the outcome was to review the ban in three years time.  - 金融庁


I find this to be a very important policy. It must be put into practice with minute care and, after being launched, must be monitored at the same time. In reality, some things just do not flow or work well. We will assume a very flexible attitude in addressing those cases. It is our desire to have either technologically advanced or motivated mid-to-large companies and SMEs excel overseas, particularly in Asia, that spurred us to decide on implementing this policy.  - 金融庁


Excuse me for taking so much time, but I am wishing strongly that the press will have a good understanding. Another point is that we will not be adamant about not changing a policy that we have once decided on. As all of you are well versed on economic issues and have extensive interviews with various SMEs, please fill us in with any advice you may have for us.  - 金融庁


That depends on how you interpret it but, presumably, many cash advance service users are suffering from large debts. As part of our actions to address the multiple-debt problem, we are currently making an array of efforts, including issuing an order to enhance the operation of multiple-debt consultation counters in local finance bureaus and elsewhere. As, in any case, protecting users is one of the basic duties of the FSA, I have a serious concern about this matter as the head of administration (authorities).  - 金融庁


I have a stark memory of the circumstances around jusen loan claimswell, I am sure that all of you know that the RCC (Resolution and Collection Corporation) is in the process of developing a disposal plan designed to complete the debt collection and other related procedures by December 2011 in accordance with law. The RCC is currently working hard to collect debts to minimize the burden on taxpayers, taking into account, at the same time, the circumstances of debtors, and the FSA is also examining ways how to eventually close the RCC's jusen account.  - 金融庁


Which banks should be selected as SIFIs and how to treat them are naturally related to our deliberation on the criteria to be used. Some people think that the larger amount of deposits a bank holds, the more important it is. Or should we assume that the more a company engages in international business-or in investment banking business, to use the previous criteria-the more important it is because of the greater international influence it may have? I hear that the debate has started with basic issues such as this.  - 金融庁


I was keeping watch on how debate involving the DPJ, our ruling coalition partner, will evolve. Although I am not aware of details of the debate, I appreciate Prime Minister Noda’s resolve to stake his political life on this matter and I think supporting him is my job as the minister for financial services, as the minister for postal privatization, and as a cabinet member. I hope that this bill will be properly debated in the Diet, agreed upon and enacted.  - 金融庁


There is no doubt that essentially, the lender-borrower relationship in each country strongly reflects the various circumstances of the country, such as social customs and the state of human relationships. The lender-borrower relationship is not pure and mechanical. The FSA will conduct its inspections, etc. based on the judgment that loans to which the moratorium scheme is applied are not necessarily non-performing loans, so I do not think foreign companies should regard that as unnatural  - 金融庁


Richard Dale, the director of the film, says, “When I met astronauts who walked on the moon, I was totally impressed by their powerful aura. This film is not a documentary about the development of scientific technology, but the story of brave men who fought for the dream of human space exploration. You’ll be impressed by the film’s breathtaking, awe-inspiring images. All the stories in the film are real, and there is no place in it for imagination or dramatic effects.”  - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave


3. I have discussed the Doha Development Agenda (DDA) with many trade ministers in occasions such as those at APEC and in Geneva. Last week I had meetings with ASEAN ministers. Through these discussions, I became confident that we all share the same desire for economic development through expansion of trade by a successful conclusion of the DDA. This Ministerial Conference must be a solid step forward to make our desire a reality.  - 経済産業省


I much fear that by attempting to form the mind and feelings on an exclusively religious type, and discarding those secular standards (as for want of a better name they may be called) which heretofore co-existed with and supplemented the Christian ethics, receiving some of its spirit, and infusing into it some of theirs, there will result, and is even now resulting, a low, abject, servile type of character,  - John Stuart Mill『自由について』


When Bassanio read Anthonio's letter, Portia feared it was to tell him of the death of some dear friend, he looked sopale; and enquiring what was the news which had so distressed him, he said, "O sweet Portia, here are a few of the unpleasantest words thatever blotted paper: gentle lady, when I first imparted my love to you, I freely told you all the wealth I had ran in my veins; but I should have told you that I had less than nothing, being in debt."  - Shakespeare『ヴェニスの商人』


Among the G-20 and G-7 countries, and even in the United States, the need for regulation has been recognized, as indicated by the enactment of the Dodd-Frank Act, which strengthens financial regulations, as opposed to neo-conservatism, which basically pursues the thorough deregulation of the financial sector and the minimization of government involvement. Following the enactment of that act, the United States is working out the details of regulations, including the Volcker Rule. As for European banks, U.K. banks are rather closer to the U.S. style of finance as you know, while Germany and France have continental financial systems, which are conservative, like the Japanese financial system. As to the first question, which concerned neo-conservatism, the mood around the world some time ago was such as to encourage financial institutions to create any type of financial product in exchange for accepting full self-responsibility, and Japan was no exception. However, now, the mood has changed very much even on Wall Street. In that sense, I think that countries have a feeling of contrition about the wave of neo-conservatism that swept through the world at one time.  - 金融庁


That said, according to the staff in charge, the Incubator Bank of Japan was cooperative in the first inspection but extremely uncooperative in the second inspection. Mr. Kimura is in a sense truly a specialist, having worked at the Bank of Japan. I have been told that the staff in charge had an extremely tough time in the inspection. The third inspection was conducted with the same lineup after extensive consideration with a strong sense of commitment, where it would normally take three to six months. In the end, the Bank was deemed to have been evading inspections. Being an executive branch of government, our operations must be based on laws and facts, as you are well aware. Basically, it is necessary to ensure fairness, abide by laws and issue business improvement orders or business suspension orders based on facts, so I hope you understand that difficulties were involved in the process. However, what you said is indeed understandable in the context of public sentiment, so I intend to properly fulfill my duty as Minister with that in mind.  - 金融庁


As I also mentioned last time, it is a law with specified duration designed to serve its role of accommodating financing needs over two calendar year ends and two fiscal year ends, but the gentleman that I've just told you about, among other people I've listened to, has expressed his strong wish to "have it extended." Under the current circumstances, it is indeed very important that money should go to SMEs, considering that 99.7 percent of all companies are SMEs, 28 million people work for SMEs and they make up a very important segment of the Japanese economy and that SMEs also actually excel greatly in flexibility and resilience.  - 金融庁


I know such dual aspects of banks well, so although news stories like that may allege that the government will require banks to build up capital, that is not true. Regional banks in particular play a very significant role in regional economies. Moreover, the SME Financing Facilitation Act stipulates that banks should exercise their consulting function and the guidelines for inspection and supervision have been revised.  - 金融庁


I have instructed the new director-general of the Supervisory Bureau of the Financial Services Agency (FSA) to visit the earthquake-stricken areas next week first of all. Ahead of the director-general's visit, we dispatched the Director of the Banks Division II, Mr. Nishida, to those areas immediately after he was appointed to the post for a meeting with representatives from financial institutions in the Tohoku region. I have instructed the new Director-General of the Supervisory Bureau to visit the Tohoku region next week first of all. This is the top priority issue, so I greatly appreciate cooperation provided by financial institutions and life and non-life insurance companies in this respect. This is the top priority issue, so I greatly appreciate cooperation provided by financial institutions and life and non-life insurance companies in this respect. Regarding earthquake insurance, I have been told that insurance claims totaling more than one trillion yen have been paid, including more than 500 billion yen in Miyagi Prefecture alone. The other day, the chairman of a certain bank came to me after being appointed to the post at a general shareholders' meeting and told me that deposits at his bank's Sendai branch had increased.  - 金融庁


When Ashikaga Bank fell into the state of negative net worth and was nationalized in November 2003, I was serving as minister, and I have a vivid memory of that incident. At that time, the people in the bank's service area were worried about the future of financing there and faced a huge challenge. However, Ashikaga Bank has made institution-wide efforts, such as sharply reducing salaries and suspending bonus payments, over the past four years and several months, according to the management plan adopted by the new management team. At the same time, the bank provided loans to small- and medium-size companies in a conscientious manner and implemented drastic management reforms, and I believe that these measures have led to improved management, with the improvement reflected clearly in the bank's financial results.  - 金融庁


However, in the case of commodities, particularly agricultural products, there are such issues as self-sufficiency and weather conditions. Unfavorable weather results in a poor harvest, and as developing countries are enjoying continuous economic growth, demand has grown very strong. As a result, the global supply-demand balance is being upset, leading to the price upsurge. That is one way of looking at this problem. There is also the view that speculative traders are the cause, as you know. However, the cause has not yet been fully analyzed.  - 金融庁


In addition, as a result of deregulation due to the revisions of the Act on Worker Dispatching Undertaking and other labor-related laws that were implemented under the government of former Prime Minister Koizumi, the number of non-regular workers has increased to around 17.6 million, meaning that one in three workers is a non-regular worker. In light of this, Minister (for Government Revitalization) Renho will convene a meeting of the Council for Regulatory Reform today. Nowadays, it is in no way permissible for people to protect their own vested interests, for organizations to protect their interests, or for administrative agencies to protect their vested interests on the pretext of safety. However, as that is in their nature, at an informal meeting of cabinet ministers, I expressed hope that regulatory reforms satisfactory for the people will be implemented with due consideration given to the distinction between economic and social regulation.  - 金融庁


From my experience of the Diet session that focused on the jusen issue, I know that political parties and parliamentary groups have very divergent opinions on matters like this. However, basically, everyone agrees on the need to make appropriate compensation to the people affected by the nuclear accident and to ensure the stable supply of electricity. Although I hear that there are various opinions on to how to do so, as the minister in charge of the financial sector and as a member of the inner circle that has worked on the bill, I hope that forward-looking, substantive Diet deliberations will be conducted from various perspectives so as to enact it, with each party expressing its own opinion.  - 金融庁


The interim report requires the decision to be made in 2012 at the earliest, so if we take a period of preparation into account, we have only around a year left. This has to do with corporate accounting, and companies have complained that one year is too short. Moreover, the economy is weak and the Great East Japan Earthquake and tsunami and the nuclear power plant accident occurred, greatly damaging the supply chains. In light of those circumstances, I believe that it is important to spend an appropriate amount of time on decision-making.  - 金融庁


Even if a financial institution wants to forgive a loan on a factory machine swept away by the tsunami, it may not be able to do so unless its capital base is strengthened. Although this is up to managers of private financial institutions to decide on a case-by-case basis, if the capital base is strengthened, reducing or forgiving existing debts may be added to the range of available options.  - 金融庁


The global economy, including the European economy, has been undergoing significant change, or has been growing unstable, since the Lehman shock. That is the greatest change. To be more specific, U.S. SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) Chairwoman Schapiro said that calls for the application of IFRS from U.S. companies and investors are not very strong. According to a report recently issued by Keidanren, during the two years since the introduction of a voluntary application of IFRS, only three of the 3,600 eligible Japanese companies have applied it. That roughly means only one in 1,000 companies.  - 金融庁


One of the positive effects of this act is that it promotes syndicated loans, as I mentioned previously. Various financial institutions, including megabanks in some cases, are providing syndicated loans. When the borrower is an SME, a regional bank and a Shinkin bank or credit cooperative may provide a syndicated loan.  Previously, megabanks were reluctant to participate in such syndicated loans.  However, I have heard from various quarters that since the enactment of this act, megabanks have made conscientious efforts to participate in syndicated loans.  When I recently visited Osaka, the top officials of three regional financial institutions told me about the change in megabanks' stance.  - 金融庁


Accordingly, more than 50% had to be invested in bonds. However, the regulation was abolished as part of the financial liberalization. Also, in the era of the Koizumi cabinet, the investment advisory business shifted from the authorization system to the registration system, so the wave of deregulation grew considerably. Deregulation increases employment opportunities and invigorates the economy, but self-responsibility, and self-discipline or ethics are very important. For example, regarding the Lehman Shock that occurred in the United States, capitalism has been affected by Puritanism since the time of its inception.  - 金融庁


The former chairperson of a subsidiary of Shinsei Bank, of which the government is a major shareholder, has taken up a post as an advisor to a bank that would be a conflict of interest under laws and regulations. From the perspective of the government, it does not make sense to me that this could happen in relation to a problem that could potentially be damaging; also from the perspective of the supervisory agency that is supervising both two companies, what could be beneficial to one company could be detrimental to the other. It is a bit hard to understand that an officer would be shared between banks where a conflict of interest exists in their relationship. It may also give rise to substantial difficulties in supervision. What are your thoughts on this?  - 金融庁


Another change will be in the treatment of software, as I also mentioned last week. The treatment of computer software and other assets accounted for as intangible fixed assets has also been addressed in such a fashion that the inequality arising from a difference in accounting standards can be rectified. As continental Europe is situated in an economic condition rather similar to Japan and, accordingly, banks in France or Germany are basically in a different shape than their Anglo-American counterparts, Japan's position is currently being shared increasingly by participating countries, of which there are I believe 27, to form a collective viewthat is the current state of affairs as has been reported to me.  - 金融庁


Your question strikes me as very much to the point. I believe that back in those days, the FSA also issued a banking license to banks other than the Incubator Bank of Japan, including Seven Bank and Sony Bank, and I have received a report stating that the processing time and other details in the Incubator Bank's case were not so different compared to those other cases. Still, considering that it is a case involving someone who was an advisor to the FSAthough he supposedly applied for the license after he resigned from that postit evokes the saying "Suspicious haunts the guilty mind." As Mr. Heizo Takenaka was also a Diet member in addition to being a minister, I am of the opinion that the moral question should still be pursued in a proper fashion in dealing with this case.  - 金融庁



The question is, how should risks be managed? And of course, there are various needs in society: there is demand for funds among large companies, and as I just mentioned, there is demand for funds among microenterprises. In everyday life, there are times when an individual may not have enough money to pay for a doctor in the sudden event of a traffic accident. Including such matters, it is important to know the warmth, pain and sadness of each individual, based on my 40-years of experience as a doctor. Bearing this in mind, I shall give serious thought to this by taking all factors into consideration as a politician, by treating it as a crucial challenge in the medium and long run.  - 金融庁


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