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The Castleの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 7103


Also, on September 23, around the time of his move, those who seemed to be close friends of Yoshihisa, such as Yasutoshi SHODA, a Ometsuke, (the man who said that Naganori ASANO was a criminal and made him commit hara-kiri in the garden), and Fuyushige TOJO (Yoshihisa's younger blood brother), shoinhanshi (the shogun's bodyguard or the castle guard), were relieved of their posts because 'they were not doing well' and they were made kobushin (samurai without official appointments who received small salaries). 例文帳に追加

また、この屋敷替えに合わせるように、8月21日、大目付の庄田安利(浅野長矩は罪人であるとして庭先で切腹させた人物)・高家肝煎の大友義孝(吉良義央腹心の部下)・書院番士の東条冬重(義央の実弟)など、義央に近いと見られた人物が「勤めがよくない」として罷免されて小普請編入となっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Battle of Yamazaki was fought between Mitsuhide AKECHI, who had defeated Nobunaga ODA in the Honnoji Incident in June and July 1582, and Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI returning from an attack on Takamatsu-jo Castle (in Bicchu Province); the scene of the battle was Yamazaki (Yamazaki, Shimamoto-cho, Mishima-gun, Osaka Prefecture and Oyamazaki-cho, Otokuni-gun, Kyoto Prefecture), located on the border between Settsu Province and Yamashiro Province, where Toyotomi's forces passed on their way to Kyoto and clashed head on with Akechi's on July 2. 例文帳に追加

山崎の戦い(やまざきのたたかい)は、天正10年(1582年)6月に本能寺の変で織田信長を討った明智光秀に対して、高松城(備中国)の攻城戦から引き返してきた豊臣秀吉が、6月13日(西暦7月2日)京都へ向かう途中の摂津国と山城国の境に位置する山崎(大阪府三島郡(大阪府)島本町山崎、京都府乙訓郡大山崎町)で、明智軍と激突した戦いである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The 1st volume of "Kasshi Yawa" said, 'It has been said that, while Ieyasu TOKUGAWA was at the Shinpu-jo Castle, young individuals such as bakufu hatamoto (direct retainers of the bakufu) in Edo frequently committed tsujigiri and citizens were mourning the situation. (snip) Although rumors of tsujigiri occurring were occasionally heard, there was no one to capture them and it appeared that there were less and less individuals who were skilled in martial arts. (snip) Those who were at a high official rank announced that everyone should keep in mind that they must capture those who committed tsujigiri so that tsujigiri would stop in the end.' 例文帳に追加

『甲子夜話』第1巻には、「神祖駿府御在城の内、江戸にて御旗本等の若者、頻りに辻切して人民の歎きに及ぶよし聞ゆ。(省略)所々辻切の風聞専ら聞え候、それを召捕候ほどの者なきは、武辺薄く成り行き候事と思召候。いづれも心掛辻切の者召捕へと御諚のよし申伝へしかば、其のまま辻切止みけるとぞ」とある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

At the beginning, Masatsune expelled Takakiyo from Omi Province thereby gaining the position of Shugo (military governor) of Izumo, Oki and Hida Provinces, but Masatsune lost the battle against the Rokkaku clan after that, and moreover although he expelled deputy Shugo of Izumo and Oki Tsunehisa AMAKO who did not obey the order of tax collection and he was deprived, in return, of Gassan Tomita-jo Castle that was a foothold in Izumo. 例文帳に追加

始めは政経が高清を近江から追放し、出雲、隠岐、飛騨の守護職を得るが、政経はその後の六角氏との戦いに敗れ、さらには徴税の命令に従わなかった出雲、隠岐の守護代である尼子経久を追放するも、逆に出雲の拠点である月山富田城を奪い返されたと伝わる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Japanese anime has gained high regard around the world as original contents from Japan. Films by director Hayao Miyazaki such as Spirited Away, which won the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature, and Howl's Moving Castle which won the Osella Award for Technical Contribution at the Venice International Film Festival, are examples of anime that have also gained acclaim in East Asia. Japanese film, television programs, videos, and DVDs are also penetrating the markets of many East Asian countries and regions.例文帳に追加

我が国のアニメは、オリジナルなコンテンツとして世界的に高い評価を得ており、アカデミー賞長編アニメ賞を受賞した宮崎駿監督の「千と千尋の神隠し」やベネチア国際映画祭でオゼッラ賞を受賞した「ハウルの動く城」等が東アジアにおいて好評を博した例に見られるように、多くの東アジア諸国・地域において、映画、テレビ番組、ビデオ・DVD等の形で浸透している。 - 経済産業省


In 1340, when Iinoya-jo Castle fell under the attack of KO no Moroyasu and Yoshinaga NIKI,he stayed in Teradomari, Echigo Province (currently Nagaoka City, Niigata Prefecture), or Hojozu, Ecchu Province (currently Imizu City, Toyama Prefecture); after that, he went to Okawara (currently Oshika-mura, Nagano Prefecture) at the invitation of Takamune KOSAKA (a member of the Mochizuki clan, who were a branch of the Shigeno clan) of Ina County, Shinano Province (currently Nagano Prefecture) in 1344. 例文帳に追加

1340年(暦応3年、興国元年)に足利方の高師泰・新木義長らに攻められて井伊谷城が落城した後、越後国(新潟県)の寺泊(現、新潟県長岡市)や、越中国(富山県の放生津(現、富山県射水市)などに滞在した後、1344年(興国5年/康永3年)に信濃国(長野県)伊那郡の豪族香坂高宗(滋野氏支流望月氏の一族)に招かれ、大河原(現、長野県大鹿村)に入った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is recorded that when Yoshishige OTOMO visited the Osaka-jo Castle, Hidenaga TOYOTOMI said to him, "I will take care of all the official business, and Soeki (Rikyu) will handle all personal matters," which suggested how deeply Rikyu was involved in the politics in the TOYOTOMI administration, therefore it is clear that there were some groups against Rikyu wanting him to lose his position. 例文帳に追加

利休が秀吉の政事に大きく関わったことは、大友義鎮が大坂城を訪れた際、豊臣秀長から「公儀のことは私に、内々のことは宗易に」と耳打ちされたことなどからも伺え、そのように利休が深く政務に関わることに反発し利休の失脚を望む勢力は確かに存在したと言われる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Because his eldest brother, Naganori KANAMORI, sacrificed himself for Nobutada ODA by committing suicide in Nijo-jo Castle at the Honnoji Incident in 1582, Arishige KANAMORI, another adopted son of Nagachika, took over as the head of the Kanamori family and inherited the territory of Hida Province, and when Nagachika passed away in 1608, Nagamitsu inherited 23,000 koku in Kozuchi, Seki, and Kaneda in Kawachi Province. 例文帳に追加

長兄の金森長則が天正10年(1582年)の本能寺の変で二条城において織田信忠に殉じていたため、金森家の家督と飛騨国の領土は長近の養子・金森可重が継いで、長光は慶長13年(1608年)に長近が死去すると、上有知・関・河内国金田2万3,000石を相続することとなった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Tadatsugu enjoyed great confidence of Ieyasu, and when he was inquired by Nobunaga ODA about Nobuyasu MATSUDAIRA, a legitimate child of Ieyasu, in 1579, Tadatsugu was designated as an envoy for defense and went to Azuchi Castle together with Tadayo OKUBO, but he was not able to defend Nobuyasu well enough and thus failed to prevent the order for Nobuyasu's seppuku (suicide by disembowelment) from being given (though there is a different view on the claim that the incident of Nobuyasu's seppuku was under the order of Nobunaga). 例文帳に追加

家康の厚い信任を受けていた忠次ではあったが、天正7年(1579年)に家康の嫡子・松平信康の件で織田信長からの詰問を受けたとき、大久保忠世とともに弁解の使者に立てられて安土城に赴いたものの、信康を十分に弁護せず信康切腹の命令を防げなかった(ただし、信康切腹事件が信長の命令によるという件は、異説も存在する)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


After the Mimasetoge Battle, although Ujimasa resisted Shingen's invasion of Izu and Suruga Provinces, castles in Suruga Province including Kanbara-jo and Fukazawa-jo Castles fell one after another, and also, Ujiyasu, a guardian of Ujimasa, became too sick to stay in the battlefront, and finally in 1570, Suruga Province was merged and virtually owned by Shingen except Kokokuji-jo Castle and a part of southern Sunto County which remained in the hands of the Hojo clan. 例文帳に追加

その後も信玄が伊豆・駿河方面に進出するとこれに対抗するが、蒲原城、深沢城等の駿河諸城が陥落し、後見役であった氏康が病がちになり戦線を後退、元亀元年(1570年)には北条方の駿河支配地域は興国寺城及び駿東南部一帯だけとなり、事実上駿河は信玄によって併合された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In 1561, although Kagetora NAGAO's attempt to fully conquer Odawara-jo Castle in order to rescue Fujiuji and put down the Hojo clan by sending a large force of over hundred thousand soldiers including Kanto Kanrei Norimasa UESUGI and Kanpaku (chief advisor to the Emperor) Sakihisa KONOE to Kanto region was unsuccessful, he brought most of Kanto region under his control by completely conquering Koga Imperial Palace and banishing a puppet of the Hojo clan Yoshiuji ASHIKAGA who barricaded himself in the Imperial Palace (Fujiuji entered Koga instead). 例文帳に追加

藤氏救援と北条討伐のため、永禄4年(1561年)、関東管領上杉憲政・関白近衛前久を擁して10万余の大軍で関東に出兵した長尾景虎は小田原城の完全攻略には失敗したものの、古河御所は完全に制圧し、御所に籠る北条氏傀儡の足利義氏を追放する(代って藤氏が古河に入った)など、関東の大半を制した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Therefore, while Tadaoki HOSOKAWA was joining the army to attack the Aizu Domain as a member of the eastern army, Mitsunari ISHIDA raised an army of 15,000 soldiers mainly consisting of various Daimyo of Tanba Province and Tajima Province, such as Shigetsugu ONOGI (Kimisato ONOGI), Shigekatsu MAEDA, Nobukane ODA, Yoshimasa KOIDE, Nagafusa SUGIHARA, Moritomo TANI, Nagakatsu FUJIKAKE and Nagamasa HAYAKAWA, all of whom were members of the western army, to attack and capture Tanabe-jo Castle. 例文帳に追加

このため、東軍に与して会津攻めに参加していたのだが、石田三成はその田辺城を制圧するために、西軍に与した小野木重次(小野木公郷)・前田茂勝・織田信包・小出吉政・杉原長房・谷衛友・藤掛永勝・早川長政ら、丹波国・但馬国の諸大名を中心とした軍勢、1万5000人に攻撃させたのである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This means that many of the famous modern castles have not experienced actual fighting, at least in their current conditions and therefore they have structural remains which have been well preserved and, on the other hand, one of the reasons why castles in the Sengoku Period were ruined or could not be changed to a modern castle is that they experienced falling and then were abandoned. 例文帳に追加

これは、有名な近世城郭の多くは、少なくともその状態での実戦を経験していないために現在まで良く保存された遺構が残されている一方で、戦国時代の城が没落し、あるいは近世城郭に生まれ変わることのできなかった原因の1つは、陥落を経験し、その後、放棄されてしまったためであることを示すものでもある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This time, I sent Shuichiro KONO and Ippo YAMANODA to the enemy base to inform the enemy that we are ready to die, and I also intend to die at based on legitimate reason and with justification up to the end; All of you should feel relieved, and it is vital to resolve not to leave disgrace to later generations, through making more strenuous efforts, because we should fight the last fight, considering dying in this castle. 例文帳に追加

今般、河野主一郎、山野田一輔の両士を敵陣に遣はし候儀、全く味方の決死を知らしめ、且つ義挙の趣意を以て、大義名分を貫徹し、法庭に於て斃れ候賦(つもり)に候間、一統安堵致し、此城を枕にして決戦可致候に付、今一層奮発し、後世に恥辱を残さざる様、覚悟肝要に可有之候也。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In contrast, Nobushige SANADA, one of the ronin shu, asserted a two-stage strategy that they should bring down Kinai region under control, then move troops to Yodo River in Omi Province, fight the Tokugawa Army coming from Kanto region and while the Tokugawa army were hung up they should win a number of daimyo over to their side, and if that was impossible, they should stay in the castle and fight them. 例文帳に追加

これに対し浪人衆の真田信繁は、まず畿内を制圧し、近江国の淀川まで軍を進め、ここで関東から進軍してくる徳川軍を迎え撃ち、足止めしている間に諸大名を味方につけ、その見込みが無いときに初めて城に立て籠もって戦う、二段構えの作戦を主張した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There are several castles which were built under the influence of the western castle construction style for artillery battles and the bastion-type fortresses (such as Goryokaku), but except for Goryokaku, they were not fit for actual fighting because of reduced construction period and budget, and the construction work for most of them was suspended by Haihan-chiken (abolition of feudal domains and establishment of prefectures). 例文帳に追加

また、大砲戦に対応した西洋式築城の影響を受けて、五稜郭など稜堡式要塞の影響を受けて築城された城もいくつか存在するが、五稜郭以外は、工期・予算を大幅に短縮又は圧縮されてとても実戦に耐えうるものではないもの、廃藩置県により工事が中止になったものがほとんどである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to a historical story of Kibitsu-jinja Shrine in Okayama City, which has been passed down throughout Okayama Prefecture, Kibitsuhiko no Mikoto and his three retainers, Inukai Takeru, Sasa Morihiko, and Tome Tamaomi defeated Ura, an 'oni' (ogre) who lived in Kino-jo Castle and was terrorizing the area, and to break his curse, they are said to have sealed Ura under the iron pot of the shrine. 例文帳に追加

岡山県にて広く語り継がれている吉備津神社(岡山市)の縁起物語によると、地域を荒らし鬼ノ城(きのじょう)に住む「鬼」である温羅(うら)を犬飼健(いぬかいたける)・楽々森彦(ささもりひこ)・留玉臣(とめたまおみ)という三人の家来と共に倒し、その祟りを鎮めるために温羅を神社の釜の下に封じたとされている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although Yoshimoto accepted the submission of Hirotada MATSUDAIRA in Mikawa Province, who felt threatened by Nobuhide ODA of Owari Province, in exchange for Hirotada's legitimate son as a hostage Takechiyo (later Ieyasu TOKUGAWA), a kokujin ryoshu (local samurai lord) of Tawara-jo Castle in Mikawa Province (Tahara City, Aichi Prefecture) named Yasumitsu TODA, who was in charge of escorting the hostage, betrayed Yoshimoto and sent Takechiyo to the Oda clan, Yoshimoto's enemy. 例文帳に追加

三河においても尾張の織田信秀の進出により圧迫を受けた西三河の松平広忠の帰順を受け、広忠の嫡男・竹千代(のちの徳川家康)を人質に迎え入れようとするが、護送を請け負った三河・田原城(三河国)(愛知県田原市)の国人領主・戸田康光が裏切って護送中の竹千代を敵方の織田氏に送り届けてしまった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It was an incorrect judgment based upon the idea of predominance of men over women and, as he did not have many children with a number of ladies other than Kodaiin (if we count a child during the age of Nagahama-jo Castle as really existing, there must have been two boys and a girl who died very young before Hideyori.), we should consider that Hideyoshi's physical conditions were the causes why he did not have many children. 例文帳に追加

これは男尊女卑に基づく陋習であり、高台院以外の多くの女性との間にも子ができにくかった(長浜城時代の子を事実として含めれば、夭折した男児二人、女児一人が秀頼の前にいたことになる)ことから、やはり秀吉自身が子ができない(できにくい)体質であったと考えるべきだろう。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Even after Ieshige's death in 1761, Okitsugu was trusted by the 10th shogun, Ieharu TOKUGAWA, Ieshige's heir; he was promoted quickly, given an additional fief of 5,000 koku of rice, promoted from an officer in charge of general affairs and accounts (goyonin) to a shogunate chamberlain (sobayonin), advanced to the junior fourth rank, became the lord of Sagara Castle with a fief of 20,000 koku, and was promoted to a grand chamberlain (jiju) and a senior councilor (roju). 例文帳に追加

宝暦11年(1761年)、家重が死去した後も、世子の第10代将軍徳川家治の信任は厚く、破竹の勢いで昇進し、明和4年(1767年)にはさらに5,000石加増、御用人から側用人へと出世し従四位に進み2万石の相良城主となって、明和6年(1769年)には侍従にあがり老中格になる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

At this time, Masanobu HONDA and one of Tokugawa-shitenno (four generals serving Ieyasu TOKUGAWA) Yasumasa SAKAKIBARA, and others proposed that they should not downgrade the outnumbered Sanada clan, but pass Ueda-jo castle in silence and hurry to the major battlefield against the Western Camp (Sekigahara), but because there were many generals who were unfamiliar with battlefields including Toshikatsu DOI, they could not reverse Hidetada's decision. 例文帳に追加

このとき本多正信や徳川四天王の一人・榊原康政などは寡兵の真田氏を侮ることはせず、上田城を黙殺して西軍との主戦場(関ヶ原)に急ぐべきだと進言するが、土井利勝を始めとする戦場に疎い将が多かったこともあり、秀忠の決断を覆すことは出来なかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When Yoshimoto was killed in the Battle of Okehazama and the IMAGAWA Clan became disorganized, "Jiro Saburo Motonobu SERATA" and his comrades captured Hamamatsu-jo Castle and tried to occupy Mikawa Province, but were defeated by Ieyasu (Motoyasu at that time), and forced to submit to him and return his son, Nobuyasu, and became the vassal of Ieyasu. 例文帳に追加

そして桶狭間で義元が信長に討たれて今川氏が混乱すると、「世良田二郎三郎元信」は同志を集めて浜松城を落とし、さらに勢いに乗じて三河を攻略しようとしたが、松平元康と名乗っていた家康に敗れて降伏し、信康の身柄を元康に返還することを条件に罪を許され、その家臣になったという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The claim that the erection of Sugiyama-jo Castle was by the Yamauchi Uesugi family rests on the following: the discovery of kawarake earthenware representing the characteristics of the period before the Yamauchi Uesugi clan was destroyed, the fact that Koseto style earthenware pots were made during the era of the Yamauchi Uesugi clan, that kawarake excavated from other castles have been considered to indicate a connection with the Yamauchi Uesugi clan, the lack of artefacts pointing to the era of the Gohojo clan in the 16th century, and the location of the castle itself, which as a result of research into the Kamakura kaido was found to be strategically unimportant in the era of the Gohojo clan, but was considered important as a key spot during the era of the Yamauchi Uesugi clan. 例文帳に追加

杉山城の築城を山内上杉家によるものとする根拠は、山内上杉氏滅亡以前の時代的特徴を有する土器(かわらけ)の出土、古瀬戸の甕などの遺物の編年が山内上杉氏時代に属すること、他の城から出土するかわらけの分布を検討しても山内上杉氏の城として違和感がないこと、16世紀代の後北条氏時代の遺物が出土しないこと、さらに、後北条氏の時代の鎌倉街道を調査すると杉山の地は必ずしも要衝の地ではないのに対し、逆に山内上杉氏の時代だと要衝として重要視されるという立地条件などがある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Also, in 1608, Nikkyo of Nichirenshu sect's Joraku-in Temple who criticized Jodoshu sect (Pure Land sect of Buddhism) in Owari Province (Aichi Prefecture) was prosecuted, called back to the Edo bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun), and ordered to hold a dialogue with Jodoshu sect at Edo-jo Castle, but failed in fully answering questions because he had been attacked and injured by a mob at the previous night or because he pretended he was sick, thus ending up a victory of Jodoshu sect. 例文帳に追加

また慶長13年(1608年)には、日蓮宗常楽院の日経が、尾張(愛知県)で浄土宗を批判したため、訴追されて江戸幕府に召還され、江戸城で浄土宗と問答を行うよう命じられたが、その前夜に暴徒に襲われ負傷した、もしくは病を称して問答に十分応えず、浄土宗の勝利に終わった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to an old document titled 'Okusano miya no outa' that was completed in 1550 and kept in Daigo-ji Temple, Kyoto, there was a plausible theory that he died at his long-time base in Okawara, Shinano Province; according to the Nanchojounroku (records handed down since the Southern Court of Japan), however, he died in Ii-jo Castle, Totomi Province, in 1385,. 例文帳に追加

終焉場所についても、1550年(天文(元号)19年)に作成された京都醍醐寺所蔵の「大草の宮の御哥」と題された古文書の記述から、長らく拠点であった信濃国大河原で没したとの説が有力とされるが、南朝紹運録には1385年(元中2年/至徳2年)に遠江国井伊城で没したと記されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He is "supposed to have been pierced" because the head assumed to be his rotted in the hot summer and could not be identified; some theories say that Mitsuhide, fatally injured, asked his subordinate Shigetomo MIZOO to cut off his head, which was then buried in a bamboo grove or carried by Shobei MIZOO to Sakamoto-jo Castle or Kokusho-ji Temple. 例文帳に追加

「される」とするのは、光秀のものとされる首が夏の暑さで著しく腐敗し、本当に光秀かどうか確かめようがなかったからである(土民の槍で致命傷を負ったため、家臣の溝尾茂朝に首を打たせ、その首は竹薮に埋められたとも、坂本城又は丹波亀山の谷性寺まで溝尾庄兵衛が持ち帰ったとも言われている)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

She was already extremely well known as a woman of great beauty in those days and after her lord, Yukinaga KONISHI was defeated in the Battle of Sekigahara and decapitated together with Mitsunari ISHIDA at Rokujo-gawara, Kyoto City, Ieyasu TOKUGAWA, who had instantly liked her incomparable beauty and intelligence, took her to the O-oku of Sunpu-jo Castle, and since then, she directly served Ieyasu as a waiting woman and was much loved by him. 例文帳に追加

当時より既に絶世の美女として世にはなはだ名高く、主君行長が関ヶ原の戦いに敗れて、石田三成とともに京六条河原で斬首された後、おたあの類稀な美貌と才気を見初めた徳川家康によって駿府城の大奥に身柄を召し上げられ、家康付きの侍女として側近く仕え、家康の深い寵愛を大いに受けた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

From a children's song that says 'Sanada like an ogre accompanied by Hideyori like a flower fled as far as Kagoshima' was popular in Kamigata after the fall of the Osaka-jo Castle, we can surmise that there were a rumor about Hideyori's escape and survival and that Hideyori did not die and was secretly relieved by a busho who enjoyed Hideyoshi's favor. 例文帳に追加

また、大坂城落城後に上方で「花のようなる秀頼様を、鬼のようなる真田が連れて、退きも退いたよ鹿児島へ」という童歌がはやったことなどから、秀頼は死亡しておらず秀吉恩顧の武将により密かに救出され落ち延びたとする脱出・生存の風説が流れたことがうかがえる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He and Sadayori ROKKAKU were tied by strong relationship as a master and servant, but after Yoshikata ROKKAKU inherited the family, Sadahide's power became more powerful and reversed this master and servant relationship, and he lent money to Yoshikata that was struggling against hard living because he was forced out of his castle by the Kannonji family feud in 1564, and he steadily secured a pledge of refund. 例文帳に追加

六角定頼とは主従の絆で結ばれていたが、六角義賢の時代からは主従の力が逆転してむしろ定秀の力のほうが上であり、永禄7年(1564年)には観音寺騒動で居城を追われて生活苦にあえぐ義賢に対して金銭を貸し、しっかりと返済の約束も取り付けたりしている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

One was that Kenshin still in his twenties fell in love with Isehime, a daughter of Uneme CHIBA an enemy commander and lord of Hirai-jo Castle in Kozuke Province, they were torn apart by strong opposition from a senior vassal (Kageie KAKIZAKI and others), after taking tonsure and becoming a priest, the daughter killed herself, Kenshin was distressed to the extent of not eating and finally becoming bedridden ('Shorin Yawa'). 例文帳に追加

ひとつは、彼がまだ二十代の折、敵将の上野・平井城主千葉采女の娘である伊勢姫と恋に落ちたが、重臣(柿崎景家ら)の猛烈な反対によって引き裂かれ、娘が剃髪出家した後、ほどなくして自害してしまい、食事ものどを通らず病床に伏せてしまうほどに心を痛めたというもの(「松隣夜話」)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As is apparent from the fact that many commercial clusters in central urban areas and other such locations are formed in castle towns and around railway stations, commercial functions cluster in response to need when cities form for some reason and people begin to reside there and engage in various day-today activities, rather than it being the other way round.例文帳に追加

中心市街地などの商業集積の多くが城下町や鉄道の駅周辺に形成されてきたことから分かるように、何らかの原因で都市が形成され、人が住み、日常的に様々な活動が行われるようになると、その必要に応じて、商業機能が集積していくのであり、その逆ではない。 - 経済産業省

The Battle of Matsukawa is said to be the battle where Shigenaga HONJO and Nagayoshi SUDA under the command of Kagekatsu UESUGI fought against Masamune DATE in the central area of the present Fukushima City, Fukushima Prefecture on April 26, 1601, according to "Kaisei Mikawago Fudoki (Foundation of the Tokugawa clan)" (Vol. 42: The battle between Uesugi and Date), "Jozenkidan (a collection of anecdotes compiled in the Edo period)" (Vol. 16: The Battle of Matsukawa between Date and Uesugi in Mutsu Province with the episode of Zenzaemon NAGAI and Sanai OKA), "Togoku Taiheiki (the battle chronicle on the eastern Japan)" (Vol. 15: Attack to the Fukushima-jo Castle by Masamune in the Battle of Matsukawa), "Aizujin Monogatari (stories on the Battle in Aizu)" (Vol. 4: Attack to the Fukushima-jo Castle by Masamune in the Battle of Matsukawa and the episode of Oiinosuke SUDA cutting off the camp enclosure during the Battle of Abukuma-gawa River against Masamune). 例文帳に追加

松川の戦い(まつかわのたたかい)は、『改正三河後風土記』(第42巻:上杉・伊達合戦の事)、『常山紀談』(巻之16:伊達上杉陸奥国松川合戦の事 附永井善左衛門 岡左内が事)、『東国太平記』(巻第15:松川合戦政宗福島ノ城ヲ攻ムル事)、『会津陣物語』(第4巻:松川合戦に政宗、福島城を攻める事、井せて須田大炊介、政宗と逢隈川合戦(陣幕を切り取る)事)によれば、慶長6年(1601年)4月26日に、現在の福島県福島市の中心部で伊達政宗と上杉景勝麾下の本庄繁長・須田長義が戦った合戦だとされる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although Naomori has long been believed to have planned his attack as a result of his grievance against this incident, the story that he rescued Senhime from Osaka-jo Castle is today considered as being questionable. In all actuality, Senhime is most likely to have been escorted by a Toyotomi warrior named Ujihisa HORIUCHI to Naomori's camp and was then taken by Naomori to Hidetada TOKUGAWA. 例文帳に追加

直盛の襲撃計画はこのことを恨んでのものとされ、長く信じられていたが、現在ではそもそも大坂城で直盛が千姫を救出した話自体が疑わしいとされている(実際には堀内氏久という豊臣方の武将に護衛されて直盛の陣まで届けられた後、直盛が徳川秀忠の元へ送り届けた、というのが真相らしい。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Just after he killed his younger brother Fuyuyasu ATAGI because of slanders from Hisahide MATSUNAGA in 1564, he died on August 20 in a house near Kawachi Imoriyama Castle due to extended illness, passed at a time when it seemed as if he was following his brother (There are opinions that it was an assassination, rather than a death from illness. Hisahide MATSUNAGA and three other people from the Miyoshi family are suspected; however, this theory is believed to be a myth created by writers in later years). 例文帳に追加

永禄7年(1564年)5月、松永久秀の讒言を受けて弟・安宅冬康を誅殺した直後、元々前年から病がちだったため、自身も後を追うように7月4日に河内飯盛山城下の屋敷において病死した(病死ではなく謀殺説もあり、犯人は松永久秀や三好三人衆の中の誰かではないかと推測し、俗説もしくは後世の作家の創作だとも考えられている)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As for all kinds of Daimyo (Japanese feudal lord), Mito Tokugawa family (Mito Domain) who were obligated to live permanently in Edo by Ieyasu TOKUGAWA and lords of domains (mainly fudai daimyo [a daimyo in hereditary vassal to the Tokugawa family]) who held public posts of Edo bakufu including roju (member of shogun's council of elders), wakadoshiyori (a managerial position in Edo bakufu), and jisha-bugyo (magistrate of temples and shrines) and stationed at Edo-jo Castle were of course Jofu because they needed to live permanently in Edo. 例文帳に追加

諸大名にあっては、徳川家康によって江戸定住が定められていた水戸徳川家(水戸藩)と、老中・若年寄・寺社奉行など江戸幕府の公職にあって江戸城に詰めている藩主(主に譜代大名)は、江戸に定住する必要性があったので、当然に定府となる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

For an example, Ishikawa prefecture has an abundant of regional resources which offer real Japanese experience, such as the castle town (jyouka-machi) Kanazawa where history and tradition of Kaga-hyakumanngoku still rooted in, traditional crafts such as Wajima lacquer-ware, Yutani-yaki (china), Ryoutei (restaurant) and Japanese style inn (ryokan) service. By making use of these resources, there is a move to supply order-made individual trips, which offer high quality hospitality and special experience.例文帳に追加

地域の具体事例についてみれば、例えば、石川県には、加賀百万石の歴史と伝統が今なお根付く城下町金沢をはじめ、輪島塗、九谷焼や加賀蒔絵などの伝統工芸品、料亭・旅館サービスなど、本物の日本を体感できる地域資源が多く、高品質なホスピタリティと特別な体験などを提供するオーダーメイド型の個人旅行を扱おうとする動きが本格化してきている。 - 経済産業省

One reason why the Tokugawa clan chose the Edo Castle as its primary residence was that the geographical location of Edo was ideally aligned with shijin-soo philosopy that sought geographic analogs of the four Daoist gods Genbu (God of Water), Suzaku (Red Phoenix), Seiryu (Blue Dragon) and Byakko (White Tiger) respectively manifest in the geographic forms of hills in the north, a basin to the south, a river in the east, and a broad avenue to the west; Such geographic analogs of geomantic ideals were manifest in the Kojimachi plateau to the north, the Hibiya Inlet to the south, the Kanda-gawa River in the east, and the Tokai-do road to the west; the geographic analogs of geomantic ideals were respectively reconfigured to the Hongo highlands (Bunkyo Ward), Edo bay, O-kawa River (Sumida-gawa River), and the Koshu-kaido Road in response to the growth of Edo. 例文帳に追加

そもそも江戸城が徳川氏の城に選ばれた理由の一因には、江戸の地が当初は北の玄武は麹町台地、東の青龍は神田川(東京都)、南の朱雀は日比谷入江、西の白虎は東海道、江戸の拡大後は、玄武に本郷(文京区)台地、青龍に大川(隅田川)、朱雀に江戸湾、白虎に甲州街道と四神相応に則っている点とされる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is said that the meat-eating culture of the Koreans looked barbaric to the Japanese at that time and this was one cause of the conflicts, and as grounds for this, the following are listed: There is the expression of 'Tsushinshi brought fish and meat into a temple and ate them littering the place' in a comical poem in "Ezuiri Chosenraiheikizen" (Descriptions of Korean visits, with pictures), and part of the picture depicting the arrival of Chosen envoy at Yodo Castle in "Chosenjin Raiheiki" (see the picture on the right), a document in the Yodo province: It is said that this picture depicted the scene where an officer of Tsushinshi who stole a chicken kept by a townspeople was fighting with Japanese while escaping with the chicken. 例文帳に追加

当時の日本人には朝鮮人の肉食文化が野蛮なものに見えたことが原因であるとし、その根拠として『画図入(えずいり)朝鮮来聘記全』内の狂詩における「通信使が寺の中に魚や肉を持ち込んで食い散らかしている」という表現、及び淀藩の資料『朝鮮人来聘記』内の朝鮮聘礼使淀城着来図の絵に描かれたうちの一部(右図)を「通信使一行が町人の飼っている鶏を盗んで逃げようとし、日本人と喧嘩になっている」様子だとしたうえで挙げている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Mochimasa IKEDA who was recommended by the Sonjo-ha party became the lord of the domain on March 26, 1863, but gradually strayed and when Yoshinobu TOKUGAWA, his real older brother, became Seiitaishogun (great general), Mochimasa retired from the procurement work between the Shogunate and the Imperial Court, and after the incident that Atsunobu SHINJO, Hiromichi TSUDA, Shigemichi HIRAI, etc. in the procurement side of state affairs (Sonjo-ha) pressed Mochimasa to retire and threatened him by the sound of a cannon from Bansei Pass (Bansei, Okayama City) to the Okayama-jo Castle, Mochimasa ordered thier dismissal of the role and house arrest, but Gonrokuro mediated to release from the house arrest. 例文帳に追加

文久3年(1863年)2月8日に尊攘派に推されて藩主になった池田茂政であるが次第に迷走するようになり、実兄の徳川慶喜が征夷大将軍になると一切の朝幕間周旋の仕事から身を引いたため、国事周旋方(尊攘派)の新庄厚信・津田弘道・平井重道らが隠居を迫り万成峠(岡山市万成)から岡山城へ大砲の音を鳴らして威嚇する事件があり、茂政より役目罷免・蟄居謹慎を命ぜられたが権六郎が執りなして蟄居謹慎を解かせた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although it is not clear since when Mitsuhide made his mind to rebel, there is a view that he made his mind to rebel at the time of the party for renga (linked-verse) in the Atago-gongen Shrine before going to battle from the Kameyama-jo Castle by understanding the first line made by Mitsuhide, 'Tokihaima amegashitashiru satsukikana' (The time is now in May which everybody knows), as 'toki' means Mitsuhide himself, who belonged to the Toki clan which descended from the Minamoto clan and 'amegashitashiru' as 'to govern the area under the heaven,' namely governing the whole country. 例文帳に追加

光秀がいつ頃から謀反を決意していたかは明らかではないが、亀山城出陣を前にして、愛宕権現での連歌の会で光秀が詠んだ発句、「時は今 天が下知る 五月哉」は、「時(とき)」は源氏の流れをくむ土岐氏の一族である光秀自身を示し、「天が下知る」は、「天(あめ)が下(した)治る(しる)」、すなわち天下を治めることを暗示していると解し、この時点で謀反の決意を固めていたのだとする説もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Residences of fudai daimyo (hereditary vassals to the Tokugawa clan) were built on the western outskirts of the interior castle moat between the Oote-mon and Wadakura-mon gates, an area south of the Sakurada-mon gate was designated the residence of the tozama daimyo (nonhereditary feudal lord), and Hatamoto and Gokenin (shogunal retainers) were housed on a hillside stretching between the outskirts of the western Hanzo-mon gate to Hitotsubashi-mon and Kandabashi-mon gates; choninchi (residential and commercial areas for townspeople) the reclaimed lands in Hibiya stretched between Tokiwa-bashi Bridge, Gofuku-bashi Bridge, Kaji-bashi Bridge, Sukiya-bashi Bridge, Sumida-gawa River and the Edo Bay. 例文帳に追加

内城の堀の外は東の大手門下から和田倉門外に譜代大名の屋敷、南の桜田門の外に外様大名の屋敷と定められ、西の半蔵門外から一ツ橋門、神田橋門外に至る台地に旗本・御家人が住まわされ、さらに武家屋敷地や大名屋敷地の東、常盤橋・呉服橋・鍛冶橋・数寄屋橋から隅田川、江戸湾に至るまでの日比谷埋立地方面に町人地が広げられた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, it is difficult to believe that Tsuchimochi clan occupied this castle in this region of warring factions around the 12th to 13th centuries as between the end of the 12th century and the beginning of the 13th century this area (Misu, Miwa, Tsunetomi districts; these were formerly known as Agata no sho (manor) occupied by Usamiya and Niina no sho (manor) of Yose Gori occupied by Shimazu) was occupied by Kadokawa Ito clan (in Agata no sho) and Chikayoshi NAKAHARA (in Niina no sho) who held the position of Chinzei Bugyo (Defense Commissioner of the West) and Bungo Shugo (the Governor of Bungo Province) as well as a close retainer of MINAMOTO no Yoritomo; and the area in Nobeoka (then Agata-Nobeoka) occupied by Tsuchimochi clan was limited to Okatomi no sho (manor) in Usamiya, north of the Gokase-gawa River ("Kenkyuzudencho" (cadaster of domains, established by the order of Kamakura bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun)). 例文帳に追加

しかし、12世紀末-13世紀初頭にかけて、この地域(三須・三輪・恒富地区=宇佐宮領縣荘および島津領寄郡新名荘)を領有していたのは、門川伊東氏(=縣荘)および源頼朝側近にして鎮西奉行・豊後守護の中原親能(=新名荘)であり、延岡(当時は縣延岡)地域における土持氏領は五ヶ瀬川以北の宇佐宮領岡富荘に限られている(『建久図田帳』)ことから、12-13世紀、敵対勢力地のこの城を縣土持氏が領有しているとは考え難い。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There was documents exchanged between Machidai and the Kyoto city magistrates called 'Machidaiyaku no Oboe' consisting of 17 Articles compiled on January 7, 1669 (prior to the establishment of the Kyoto city magistrates), which states duties of Machidai as follows: Outside works of transmission of ordinance and notification issued by the city magistrates, submission of various applications and written reports entrusted by the town, New Year visit to the shogun in Edo-jo Castle as a representative of Kyoto citizens, collection of levy from towns, examination of the scene of a fire and a confiscated estate, and patrol; and Machidai alternately does desk works in Machidai room of the Kyoto city magistrates' office to assist court clerical on the day when a court is held. 例文帳に追加

京都町奉行の成立に先立つ寛文8年12月5日(旧暦)に作成された「町代役之覚」という17ヶ条の町代と町奉行間で交わされた文書によると、町奉行から出された法令・触書の伝達、町から出された様々な請願・届出の提出、京都市民を代表して江戸城の征夷大将軍への年頭拝礼、町人役(町々への賦課)の徴収、火災・闕所・見廻などの出役などがあり、訴訟事務などのために公事・訴訟が行われる日には交替で1名が奉行所内の町代部屋に出仕して事務処理の補佐を行った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the Edo period, Taiseki-ji Temple was allowed to have dokureiseki (privilege to meet shogun face to face) at Edo-jo Castle, and Hiyori the twenty fifth, a grandchild of Emperor Gomizunoo, was adopted as the son of Hiroko KONOE, the lawful wife of the sixth Shogun Ienobu TOKUGAWA, and he was respected by the Imperial family, court nobles, the shogunate families and daimyo family (feudal lord family); however, there was strict control over missionary work by Edo bakufu, the same as for other religious schools, and there was continuous religious persecution in many places such as Kaga clan, Sendai clan, Ii and Owari clan, and Hachinohe clan, and so on. 例文帳に追加

江戸時代、大石寺は江戸城では独礼席を許され、また第25世の日宥は後水尾天皇の皇孫であり第6代将軍徳川家宣正室の近衛熙子の猶子(養子)に迎えられている他、皇室や公家・将軍家や大名家などの崇敬を得たが、他の宗派と同様に布教活動は江戸幕府の厳しい統制を受け続け、加賀藩・仙台藩・伊那・尾張藩・八戸藩などの各地では法難が続発した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There is a description that in the end of the battle at the Kanazawa barrier the Yoshiie army which surrounded it remembered the dreadful defeat at Numanosaku in the previous year, which was written as 'Suffering from big snow, the Imperial army lost advantages for fighting and many soldiers died of coldness and hunger, or ate horse meat,' wrote a letter and sent anything which could be changed to traveling cost for their wives and children who remained at kokufu (provincial office, i.e., the Taga castle) to be able to go back to Kyoto after their death. 例文帳に追加

金沢の柵での戦いの終盤で冬になり、柵を包囲する義家軍も「大雪に遭い、官軍、戦うに利をうしない、軍兵多くは寒さに死し飢えて死す、或いは馬肉を切りて食し・・・」(康富記)という、前年の沼柵での悲惨な敗北を思い出し、自分が死んだあと、国府(多賀城)に残る妻子が、なんとか京へ帰れるようにと、手紙を書き、旅賃に変えられそうなものを送り届けるシーンがある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On the other hand, the governmental posts assumed by the Hatamoto with a small salary of around 100 koku to 200 koku included the following: a member of Kojunin-ban (Kojunin group), Nando, Kanjo, daikan (local governor), hiroshiki (inner apartment supply officer for Edo-jo Castle), Yuhitsu, Doho-gashira, Kofukinban-shihaigashira, Hinoban-kumigashira, Gakumonshokinban-kumigashira, Kumigashira of Kachi-metsuke, Sukiya-gashira, makanai-gashira (chief of cooks), Kura-bugyo, Kane-bugyo, Hayashi-bugyo, Fushinkata-shitabugyo, Tatami-bugyo, Zaimokuishi-bugyo, Gusoku-bugyo, Yumiyayari-bugyo, Fukiage-bugyo, Zen-bugyo, Shomotsu-bugyo, Teppodamayaku-bugyo, Jisha-bugyo-ginmimonoshirabeyaku, Kanjo-Ginmi-aratame yaku (inspector of the documents inspected by assistant minister of treasury) and Kawabune-aratameyaku. 例文帳に追加

一方、100石から200石程度の小禄の旗本は、小十人の番士、納戸、勘定、代官、広敷、祐筆、同朋頭、甲府勤番支配頭、火之番組頭、学問所勤番組頭、徒(徒士)目付の組頭、数寄屋頭、賄頭、蔵奉行、金奉行、林奉行、普請方下奉行、畳奉行、材木石奉行、具足奉行、弓矢槍奉行、吹上奉行、膳奉行、書物奉行、鉄砲玉薬奉行、寺社奉行吟味物調役、勘定吟味改役、川船改役をはじめとする諸役職についた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Kira was forced to change his residence located in Gofuku-bashi near Edo-jo Castle to the residence of Nobumochi MATSUDAIRA located in Honjo, the edge of Edo (current location of Ryogoku, Sumida Ward, Tokyo) on September 21, 1701, and on August 23, the bakufu then called the governor of Shimousa, Shoda (ometsuke who was in charge of Asano's seppuku in the yard), Yoshitaka OTOMO (a Koke member who was close with Yoshinaka KIRA) and Fuyushige TOJO (who was a biological brother of Yoshinaka KIRA) and took their positions away by saying 'your services were not good enough.' 例文帳に追加

まず元禄14年8月19日(旧暦)(1701年9月21日)に吉良家の屋敷が江戸城のお膝元呉服橋から当時江戸の外れといわれていた本所(現東京都墨田区両国(墨田区))の松平信望の上ゲ屋敷に屋敷代えとなり、さらにその直後の8月21日(旧暦)(8月23日)には、庄田下総守(浅野を庭先で切腹させた大目付)、大友義孝(吉良義央と親しくしていた高家仲間)、東条冬重(吉良義央の実弟)の三名を同時に呼び出して「勤めがよくない」などと咎めて役職を取り上げた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Because there is an entry in "ODA Nobukatsu Bungencho" (registers of vassals of Nobukatsu ODA) that says that a woman called 'Azuchi-dono' was given chigyo fief worth 600 kanmon, that she was listed third in the order of female vassals following Nobukatsu's lawful wife and Tokuhime, that she was listed prior to 'Okatadono-sama,' who is believed to be Dota-gozen, and that her name included 'Azuchi' from Azuchi-jo Castle, it can be assumed that she retained a prominent position in the Oda family and she could be the lawful wife of Nobunaga, the deceased father of Nobukatsu ODA. 例文帳に追加

『織田信雄分限帳』に「安土殿」という女性が、600貫文の知行を与えられているのが記載されており、女性としては信雄正室、徳姫に続き三番目に記載され、土田御前と推測される「大方殿様」よりも先に記載されている事、安土城の「安土」という土地を冠されている事から、織田家における地位の高さがうかがえ、織田信雄の亡き父・信長の正室にあたるのではないかとも考えられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

She lived happily with her husband Tadatoki, bearing their eldest daughter Katsuhime (later Enseiin) in 1618 and eldest son Yukichiyo in 1619. However, after Yukichiyo died in 1621 at the age of three, she suffered repeated miscarriages, having difficulty in bearing a child (this was rumored to be the curse of Hideyori). In 1626, she lost her husband Tadatoki, mother-in-law Kumahime and mother Sugenin, one after another. After a series of these unfortunate events, she left the Honda family together with her daughter Katsuhime to go to Edo-jo Castle and later became a Buddhist priest, calling herself Tenjuin. 例文帳に追加

夫・忠刻とも夫婦仲睦まじく、翌元和4年(1618年)には長女・勝姫(円盛院)、元和5年(1619年)には長男・幸千代が生まれるが、元和7年(1621年)に幸千代が3歳で没したのを始め、その後は流産を繰り返すなど子宝に恵まれず(これは秀頼の祟りだと言われた)、寛永3年(1626年)には夫・忠刻、姑・熊姫、実母・崇源院が次々と没するなど不幸が続き、本多家を娘・勝姫と共に出て江戸城に入り、出家して天樹院と号す。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Because she did not earn her place in history after she married, it has often been considered she was poor in health or divorced, or even incapable of managing concubines and other female attendants of the castle; in fact, it can be assumed that she was indeed an able woman who could manage the O-oku system at the time, in which a shogun had one lawful wife and many other concubines and lovers, because Nobunaga's scandals related to his bedrooms never came out and were well managed. 例文帳に追加

結婚後は歴史の表舞台に一切名を残さなかったせいか、病弱説や離婚説、奥を取り仕切るだけの器量がなかったなどという評価がなされる事があったが、実際は信長の閨房における醜聞が一切表に出ずきちんと取り仕切られていたことから、決して無能な女性ではなく一正室多側室多愛妾多伽係という当時の奥制度をきちんと管理出来る女性だったと考えられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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