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The brush 1 has a pin 5 made of a natural material chosen from a bamboo or a wood and a pin 6 made of boar's hairs, and the pins are placed mixedly on a base 3 of a main body 2 of the brush. - 特許庁


The exposure unit 1 has cylindrical lenses 220 for directing respective laser light beams for KCMY emitted from laser diodes 101 toward respective photoreceptor drums 3, and further has adjustment screws 227 for adjusting the position of the cylindrical lenses 220, and eccentric cams 226 which are dislocated according to the turning of the adjustment screws 227. - 特許庁


The polishing plate 1 to polish a work while it is in slide contacting with the work consists at least of a base material and an abrasive material, wherein the abrasive material comprises a gas-phase synthesized polycrystalline diamond film 3 deposited on that surface of the base material 2 which makes slidable contact with the work. - 特許庁


Doyo SASAKI (Takauji) who became the family head, at the end of the Kamakura period, worked as Kebiishi, officers having function of police and judge, in the Imperial court and as gosobanshu, an advisor in the Kamakura bakufu, but in 1333 when Takauji ASHIKAGA received the order from the Emperor Godaigo to topple the bakufu, Doyo contributed to it and was involved in the new administration.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



He was appointed leader of the Genji clan (1323) and Dainagon(chief councillor of state) (1325), any of which had been disallowed for the Kitabatake clan up to that point and at the age of 38 in 1330, feeling responsible for the sudden death of Imperial Prince Yoyoshi, he became a priest (at that time, the rank of Junii (Junior Second Rank), Dainagon (chief councillor of state), a leader of Genji clan and Naikyobo no Betto (chief of Naikyobo,)), and resigned from politics for a time (at that time, he was appointed the rank of Juichii (Junior First Rank) and Gido-sanshi minister (vice minister)) (there were conflicting reports regarding the periods).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



After the polycrystalline silicon layer 5 is formed via an insulation film 3 on one surface of a semiconductor substrate 1, a first oxide film 6, which does not comprise an impurity element adjusting the diffusion of an impurity element, is formed and then a second oxide film 7 comprising an impurity element is formed. - 特許庁


Out of two or more kinds of the side-wires 310, 311 having the different diameters, the side-wires 310 having the maximum diameter sliding on the inner peripheral surface of the outer casing 2 are disposed almost at equal intervals in the circumferential direction in the cross section in the axial longitudinal direction of the inner cable 3, and made of stainless steel. - 特許庁


This traffic accident prevention device comprises a first CCD camera 1a, a second CCD camera 1b, an ultrasonic generator 2, an ultrasonic receiver 3, a handle steering angle sensor 4, a yaw rate gyro 5, a car speed sensor 6, a determination part 7 individually connected thereto, and an alarm device 8 connected to the determination part 7. - 特許庁


An applicant or his representative who objects to the decision adopted by the State Patent Bureau after the re-examination shall have the right to file with the Appeals Division of the State Patent Bureau (hereinafter - Appeals division), within three months from the day of sending of the decision, a written appeal with a substantiated request for a review of the findings of the examination and a document certifying the payment of the fixed fee. ? - 特許庁


審査の結果,商標に第9条 (3)により保護の対象とならない商標の構成部分である標識が含まれ,かつ,当該標識が排他権の範囲に関して疑義を生じさせる可能性があることが明らかになった場合は,特許庁は,出願人にその旨を通知し,かつ,保護の対象とならない構成部分への同意又は説明の提出のために少なくとも2月の期間を定めるものとする。例文帳に追加

If an examination reveals that a trade mark contains a sign which constitutes an element of the trade mark which is not subject to protection pursuant to subsection 9 (3) of this Act and such sign may cause doubt as to the extent of the exclusive right, the Patent Office shall notify the applicant thereof and set a term of at least two months to agree to the element which is not subject to protection or to provide explanations.  - 特許庁



Kagetora captured Musashi Matsuyama-jo Castle (Musashi Province), and in March 1561, supported Norimasa UESUGI, Kanto Kanrei, and besieged Odawara-jo Castle with a large force consisting of 100,000 vassals of old Uesugi clan such as Narimasa NAGANO, Hidetsuna OYAMA, Ujiharu ODA, Suketane NASU, Yoshishige SATAKE (the 18th family head), Sukemasa OTA, Tsunahide MITA, Nagayasu NARITA and so on.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

第五十六条 懲役又は禁錮の言渡しを受けた少年(第三項の規定により少年院において刑の執行を受ける者を除く。)に対しては、特に設けた刑事施設又は刑事施設若しくは留置施設内の特に分界を設けた場所において、その刑を執行する。例文帳に追加

Article 56 (1) Regarding a Juvenile sentenced to imprisonment with or without work (excluding a person subject to execution of punishment at a juvenile training school pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (3)), the punishment shall be executed in a specially established penal institution or a specially partitioned area within a penal institution or detention facility.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

請求項1の発明は、凹部を有してなる導光体2と;蛍光体を含み、前記凹部2aに配設された蛍光体樹脂と;発光ダイオード素子4aが配設され、前記蛍光体樹脂により接着された基板4と; を具備することを特徴とする。例文帳に追加

The device is equipped with a light guiding body 2 having a recessed part, a phosphor resin 3 which contains phosphor and is installed in the recessed part 2a, and a substrate 4 on which a light-emitting diode element 4a is arranged and is adhered by the phosphor resin. - 特許庁


In the differential device using contrate gears 1, 3 for a pair of output-side side gears 1, 3, a tooth height H from the rotation center of the contrate gears 1, 3 radially outward is continuously made low, so that an increasing portion 105 having a rotational width W is provided in an addendum flank top surface 7. - 特許庁


Criticism of the new government was not limited to warrior families and commoners, however; in 1338, before Akiie KITABATAKE led his army out, he remonstrated with Emperor Godaigo about the failures of the new government, and his father Chikafusa KITABATAKE's "Shokugensho" as well as other nobles' diaries record comments critical of and indicating their dissatisfaction with the government, showing that later on, even nobles like the Kitabatake father-son duo, who fought to oppose the Northern dynasty, did not fully support the new government.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


While Emperor Godaigo dispatched his princes to various places to rally the forces of the Southern Court throughout Japan, Yoshinori, along with Imperial Prince Muneyoshi, Chikafusa KITABATAKE and others, left for Oshu from Ominato in Ise province, but on the way, they were overtaken by a storm and broken up, and then Yoshinori returned to Yoshino.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


By his mediating between such well known daimyo as Harumune DATE and Tanemune DATE (in 1548), Shingen TAKEDA and Kenshin UESUGI (in 1558), Takahisa SHIMAZU and Yoshishige OTOMO, and Motonari MORI and Haruhisa AMAGO (in 1560), the shogun's authority was recognized by various daimyo.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The barium silicide polycrystal, in which the density is ≥3.0 g/cm^3 and the maximum diameter of silicon coarse grains existing in the barium silicide polycrystal is150 μm, is produced by using barium and silicon powder with average grain diameter of ≤5 mm. - 特許庁

(5) 特許庁は,発明の主題が第6条及び第7条の規定により特許による保護を受けることができず若しくは特許クレームに表示されている発明の内容が技術水準と比較したときに第8条に定めた特許性の基準を遵守しておらず若しくは出願人が第9条(3)により定めた日までに単一性の要件に違反する発明を特許出願から分離せず若しくは特許出願書類の様式及び内容が第19条(4)に基づいて定めた様式及び内容に関する要件を遵守していないと認定した場合又は出願人が訂正若しくは補正をせず若しくは説明を提示せず若しくは(2)により請求された翻訳文を提出せず若しくは(3)により請求された決定書謄本を提出しなかった場合は,特許出願の審査を終結させ,特許出願を拒絶する決定をし,出願人にその旨を書面で通知しなければならない。例文帳に追加

(5) If the Patent Office finds that the subject of the invention cannot be protected by a patent pursuant to the provisions of §§ 6 and 7 of this Act or the subject matter of the invention as expressed in the patent claims does not comply, when compared to the state of the art, with the criteria of patentability established in § 8 of this Act or the applicant fails to separate an invention which violates the requirement of unity from the patent application by the due date set pursuant to subsection 9(3) of this Act or that the form or contents of the patent application documents do not comply with the requirements relating to form and contents established on the basis of subsection 19(4) of this Act or if the applicant fails to make the corrections or amendments or provide the explanations or submit the translations requested pursuant to subsection (2) or to submit the copies of decisions requested pursuant to subsection (3) of this section, the Patent Office shall terminate the examination of the patent application, make a decision to reject the patent application and shall notify the applicant thereof in writing.  - 特許庁


An appeal to the Federal Patent Court and an appeal on a point of law to the Federal Court of Justice shall lie from decisions taken by the Patent Office pursuant to the provisions specified in this Chapter. The provisions in Part 3 of this Law concerning appeal proceedings before the Patent Court and proceedings on appeals on a point of law before the Federal Court of Justice shall apply mutatis mutandis.  - 特許庁


The oligonucleotide probe comprises an oligonucleotide capable of hybridizing with a target polynucleotide sequence, a fluorescent substance molecule attached to a first end of the oligonucleotide, a quenching substance molecule attached to a second end of the oligonucleotide, an 5' end formed so as not to be digested by 5'→3' exonuclease activity of a polymerase and an 3' end formed so as not to be influenced by 5'→3' elongation activity of the polymerase. - 特許庁

第二百二十二条の十三 その資力(法第三十六条の二に規定する資力をいう。第二百八十条の三第一項において同じ。)が基準額(法第三十六条の三第一項に規定する基準額をいう。第二百八十条の三第一項において同じ。)以上である被疑者が法第三百五十条の三第一項の請求をする場合においては、同条第二項において準用する法第三十七条の三第二項の規定により法第三十一条の二第一項の申出をすべき弁護士会は法第三百五十条の二第三項の確認を求めた検察官が所属する検察庁の所在地を管轄する地方裁判所の管轄区域内に在る弁護士会とし、当該弁護士会が法第三百五十条の三第二項において準用する法第三十七条の三第三項の規定により通知をすべき地方裁判所は当該検察庁の所在地を管轄する地方裁判所とする。例文帳に追加

Article 222-13 In cases where a suspect whose financial resources (meaning the financial resources prescribed in Article 36-2 of the Code; the same shall apply in Article 280-3, paragraph (1)) are equal to or greater than the base amount (meaning the base amount prescribed in Article 36-3, paragraph (1) of the Code; the same shall apply in Article 280-3, paragraph (1)) files a request as set forth in Article 350-3, paragraph (1) of the Code, the bar association to which requests as set forth in Article 31-2, paragraph (1) of the Code are to be filed pursuant to the provisions of Article 37-3, paragraph (2) of the Code as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 350-3, paragraph (2) of the Code shall be a bar association within the jurisdictional district of the district court with jurisdiction over the location of the public prosecutor's office to which the public prosecutor who is making a confirmation as set forth in Article 350-2, paragraph (3) of the Code is assigned, and the district court to which said bar association is to give notice pursuant to the provisions of Article 37-3, paragraph (3) of the Code as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 350-3, paragraph (2) of the Code shall be the district court with jurisdiction over the location of said public prosecutor's office.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


The advantages of the fluorescent lamp include: (1) best lamp working temperature can be adjusted within a wide range; (2) mercury-vapor pressure inside the lamp tube can be adjusted to provide a stabilized working state; and (3) the cathode can be rapidly started, thus overcoming the slow starting problem of existing fluorescent lamps using amalgam. - 特許庁


A method for manufacturing the substrate includes the stages of preparing a bonded substrate formed by bonding a 1st substrate 1 and a 2nd substrate 3 having insulators 2 at least on surfaces, forming a compound substrate 5' by forming a gettering layer 4 for capturing metal impurities on the surface of the bonded substrate 5, heat-treating the compound substrate 5', and removing the getternig layer 4 from the compound substrate 5'. - 特許庁


The nebulizer 1 includes a metering chamber 6 which has an ultrasonic transducer 4 to drive a horn 5 to be vibrated in an area of a mesh plate 3 and is arranged so as to feed a substance to be nebulized to the nebulization device, and a second chamber 7 arranged to hold and retain any of this substance in excess of the volume held in the metering chamber 6. - 特許庁


On April 14, 1867 (March 10 according to the old calendar), a plan by Kashitaro ITO (who broke away from the Shinsengumi and organized the Goryo-eji (guards of Imperial mausoleums, also known as Kodaiji-to) and led a movement to revere the emperor and overthrow the shogunate) to assassinate Isami KONDO (head of the Shinsengumi) together with Satsuma was outed by Hajime SAITO, a spy that was sent from the Shinsengumi.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


(3) In cases where provisional quarantine certificate are invalidated pursuant to the provisions in the preceding two paragraphs, if such a vessel still lays at anchor in the port, or such an aircraft is still on the ground in the country (including waters in the port), the quarantine station chief who received the notification specified by the provisions in Paragraph 1, or the quarantine station chief who delivered the provisional quarantine certificate, may give instructions to the master of the vessel etc. to move the vessel into a quarantine area or other specified area, or to move the vessel out of the port, or to let the aircraft to take off from the airport or water.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


In 1598, his all-too-lavish lifestyle brought the slanders of a civilian party including Mitsunari ISHIDA by which Hideyoshi confiscated his mansion that was said to be too luxury for his position and rank; but Sukezaemon, knowing it in advance, donated the grand mansion and belongings to his ancestral Daian-ji Temple before escaping to Luson with a Japanese quarter.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


This work contains very different elements of story: a story of Princess Kaguya's being born from a bamboo (a story of extraordinary birth); a story of sudden growth as Kaguya's becoming grown-up in three months; a story of becoming a rich man as Taketori no Okina's flourishing due to miracles created by Princess Kaguya; a story of suitors and difficult tasks as her giving difficult tasks to the suitors to fail in solving them; a story of Emperor's marriage proposal as her refusing Emperor's courtship; a story of rising to heaven (a story of a robe of feathers) as Princess Kaguya's returning to the moon; a story of an origin of the name of the place as the name of Mt. Fuji being revealed at the end of the tale.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

第三条 政府は、この法律の目的を達成するため、特定先端大型研究施設のうち研究者等の共用に供される部分又は放射光専用施設を利用した研究等(以下「施設利用研究」という。)を行う者に対する支援、施設利用研究の促進のための方策に関する調査研究及び施設利用研究の促進に資する国際交流の推進その他の特定先端大型研究施設の共用を促進するために必要な措置を講ずるよう努めなければならない。例文帳に追加

Article 3 For achieving the purpose of this Act, the government shall endeavor to support persons engaged in the Researches, etc. utilizing the portion of the Specific Advanced Large Research Facilities that is made available for public utilization by the Researchers, etc. or the Dedicated Facilities for Synchrotron Radiation (hereinafter referred to as the "Researches Utilizing Facilities"), conduct researches and studies concerning measures to promote the Researches Utilizing Facilities, promote international exchange that would contribute to the promotion of the Researches Utilizing Facilities and take other measures necessary to promote public utilization of the Specific Advanced Large Research Facilities.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

この点に関しては、2007 年 3月に開催された全国人民代表大会における「政府活動報告」では、2010 年の目標達成に向けた決意が改めて示されるとともに、低調な結果となった背景として、①産業構造の調整がなかなか進まず、エネルギー多消費産業の拡大が続いていること、②過剰生産能力の淘汰が進んでいないこと、③一部の地方と企業が省エネ・環境保護の法規と基準を実施していないこと、④関連施策の成果が明らかになるには一定の時間を要することが報告されている。例文帳に追加

In regard to this point, the “Report on the Work of the Governmentof the National People’s Congress, which was held in March 2007, once again indicates determination to achieve the objective for 2010, and as for factors behind the poor results, it mentions: (a) the continued expansion of energy-intensive industries without very much progress in adjustments to the industry structure, (b) the lack of progress in weeding out excess production capacity, (c) the failure of some local governments and companies to enforce regulations and standards for energy conservation and environmental protection, and (d) the need for a certain amount of time before the results of related measures are clear. - 経済産業省


By highlighting serious issues facing the country, such as slowdown in national economic growth following the Asian Currency Crisis, sluggish growth in domestic capital spending and consumption, deterioration in the global economic outlook, concerns over rising resource prices, etc., the Plan proposed the following 3 pillars of actions: (1) economic recovery through expansion of investment and consumption, (2) sustainable growth through improvement of corporate environment through, for example, deregulation and financial globalization, etc., and (3) long-term growth by enhancing the economic foundation that would lead new growth by, for example, increasing R&D investment, enhancing competitiveness in the service industry, and enhancing human resources. - 経済産業省


It also should be noted that emerging markets in their development process are facing challenge of constraint on environmental and natural resources as is indicated by the soaring prices of natural resources and food prices, urbanization, aging societies, health and safety3 including natural disasters,and are expected to addressing these challenges in consistent with economic growth. - 経済産業省


The second pillar protrusion (3) is formed by a cylindrical rubber bar (7), and a magnet (10) to attach the needle is embedded in the plate body (1). - 特許庁

(3) 利害関係人がそのように請求した場合は,通知は,工業所有権公報における公告により,ファックスにより,電子メールにより,又はその他スペイン特許商標庁が利用可能な技術的媒体により行う。専門的代表者経由の利害関係人宛の通知は,規則により定められる方式で,スペイン特許商標庁が利用可能な私書箱への預託,電子メール,又は同庁が利用可能なその他の適切な媒体により,単なる情報の目的で処分書の全文が当該代表者に伝達されている事実を害さずに,あらゆる場合において,下された決定の工業所有権公報における公告により行うものとし,それが行政レベルで最終的なものか否か,該当する救済措置,提出すべき官庁及び期限を示すものとする。例文帳に追加

(3) Where the interested party so requests, notifications shall be made by publication in the Official Industrial Property Gazette, via facsimile, electronic mail or any other technical means available to the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office. Notifications made to an interested party through a professional representative shall, in all cases, be through the publication in the Official Industrial Property Gazette of the decision taken, with an indication of whether it is final in administrative terms, the appropriate remedies, the body to which they must be submitted and the time limit within which they must be made, without prejudice, also previously, to the fact that, for simple information purposes, the full text of the act is communicated to said representative by depositing it in the post box available at the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office, electronic mail or other suitable means available at the Office, in the form determined by regulation. - 特許庁


The other issue is that documents which financial institutions are required to submit to the Financial Services Agency (FSA) have been increasing over the past decade. I discussed this issue yesterday with the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry to reduce the documents by 20 percent. In the organization of bureaucracy, there is no one but the Minister of State elected by the people who can make such a suggestion. Financial institutions cannot say that they would like to have the burden of paperwork reduced to the FSA, a regulatory authority, even if they want to. The three representatives I asked yesterday told me that their burden of paperwork is enormous. As this issue has been in my mind for some time, I told the FSA Commissioner, on their behalf, to look into specific ways of reducing the documents to be submitted by financial institutions to the FSA. I intend to work on this issue properly.  - 金融庁


Because Jien asserted that Emperor Gosanjo at that time was intent upon initiating insei ("Gukansho"), Chikafusa KITABATAKE ("Jinno-Shoto-ki"), Hakuseki ARAI ("Tokushiyoron"), Katsumi KUROITA, Hiroyuki MIURA, etc., also supported such an assumption; however, there were different views, such as that of Hidematsu WADA, who asserted that the initiation of insei was not intended due to three reasons--disasters/accidents, Gosanjo's illness and Imperial Prince Sanehito's assumption of the position as the Crown Prince--which reasons were limited only to illness by Kiyoshi HIRAIZUMI.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In the broadest sense, the term "Muromachi period" refers to the 235-year span during which the country was at least nominally ruled by an Ashikaga Shogun, beginning when Takauji ASHIKAGA enacted the Kenmu Code in 1336 before formally creating the bakufu in Kyoto in 1338, and ending when Nobunaga ODA exiled the fifteenth Shogun, Yoshiaki ASHIKAGA, in 1573; however, both the early and late stages of the Muromachi period can also be classified as the Northern and Southern Courts (Nanbokucho) (Japan) and Sengoku periods, respectively, so many favor a narrower definition of the Muromachi period, in which it is limited to the span from the unification of the two courts (in 1392) until the outbreak of the Meio Coup (in 1492, or alternatively the outbreak of the Onin War in 1467).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In the dielectric ceramic, (a) a rectangular void type crystal defect exists in a dielectric particle, (b) the maximum diameter of the rectangular void type crystal defect is ≤3 nm, (c) the proportion occupied by dielectric particle having a perovskite type crystal structure of ABO_3 is99 mass% and (d) the average particle diameter is200 nm. - 特許庁


Specifically, the package includes four measures concerning the FSA, which are related to the facilitation of financing for SMEs. The first is carefully examining the current status of financing for SMEs and conducting follow-up checks, and the second is requesting financial institutions to facilitate financing for SMEs. The third is supporting efforts to strengthen the capital base of SMEs and promote business rehabilitation, and the fourth is further improving the conduct of inspections in ways to encourage financial institutions to exercise their financial intermediary function.  - 金融庁

5 財務大臣及び事業所管大臣は、第三項の規定により対内直接投資等を行つてはならない期間を延長した場合において、同項の規定による審査をした結果、第一項の規定による届出に係る対内直接投資等が国の安全等に係る対内直接投資等に該当すると認めるときは、関税・外国為替等審議会の意見を聴いて、当該対内直接投資等の届出をしたものに対し、政令で定めるところにより、当該対内直接投資等に係る内容の変更又は中止を勧告することができる。ただし、当該変更又は中止を勧告することができる期間は、当該届出を受理した日から起算して第三項又は次項の規定により延長された期間の満了する日までとする。例文帳に追加

(5) Where the Minister of Finance and the minister having jurisdiction over the business have extended the period in which inward direct investment, etc. is prohibited pursuant to the provision of paragraph 3, when he/she finds through examination pursuant to the said provision that inward direct investment, etc. pertaining to a notification pursuant to the provision of paragraph 1 falls under Inward Direct Investment, etc. Pertaining to National Security, etc., he/she may recommend a person who has given notification of the inward direct investment, etc. to change the content pertaining to the inward direct investment, etc. or discontinue the inward direct investment, etc. pursuant to the provisions of Cabinet Order after hearing opinions of the Council on Customs, Tariff, Foreign Exchange and other Transactions; provided, however, the period for making the recommendation of the change or discontinuance shall be up to the expiration date of the period extended pursuant to the provision of paragraph 3 or 6, counting from the day of acceptance of the notification.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

5 財務大臣及び事業所管大臣は、第三項の規定により技術導入契約の締結等をしてはならない期間を延長した場合において、同項の規定による審査をした結果、第一項の規定による届出に係る技術導入契約の締結等が国の安全等に係る技術導入契約の締結等に該当すると認めるときは、関税・外国為替等審議会の意見を聴いて、当該技術導入契約の締結等の届出をした者に対し、政令で定めるところにより、当該技術導入契約の締結等に係る条項の全部若しくは一部の変更又は中止を勧告することができる。ただし、当該変更又は中止を勧告することができる期間は、当該届出を受理した日から起算して第三項又は次項の規定により延長された期間の満了する日までとする。例文帳に追加

(5) Where the Minister of Finance and the minister having jurisdiction over the business have extended the period in which the Conclusion of a Technology Introduction Contract, etc. shall not be conducted pursuant to the provision of paragraph 3, when he/she finds through examination pursuant to the said paragraph that the Conclusion of a Technology Introduction Contract, etc. pertaining to a notification pursuant to the provision of paragraph 1 falls under the Conclusion of a Technology Introduction Contract, etc. pertaining to National Security, etc., he/she may recommend a person who has given notification of the Conclusion of a Technology Introduction Contract, etc. to change, in whole or in part, the provisions pertaining to the Conclusion of a Technology Introduction Contract, etc. or to discontinue it after hearing the opinions of the Council on Customs, Tariff, Foreign Exchange and other Transactions; provided, however, that the period for making the recommendation of the change or discontinuance shall be up to the expiration date of the period extended pursuant to the provision of paragraph 3 or 6, counting from the day of acceptance of the notification.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

 検疫所長は、前項の規定による報告又は質問の結果、健康状態に異状を生じた者を確認したときは、当該者に対し、保健所その他の医療機関において診察を受けるべき旨その他検疫感染症の予防上必要な事項を指示するとともに、当該者の居所の所在地を管轄する都道府県知事(保健所を設置する市又は特別区にあつては、市長又は区長とする。第二十六条の三において同じ。)に当該指示した事項その他の厚生労働省令で定 める事項を通知しなければならない。例文帳に追加

(3) If any health problems are found following the report or questions pursuant to the provisions in the preceding paragraph, the quarantine station chief shall give notice of the instructions and other matters specified by the Ordinance of the Health, Labour and Welfare Ministry to a governor who has jurisdiction over the location of such person's residence (mayor or headman for a city or a special ward where a public health center is established; the same shall apply in Article 26-3), as well as instructing such a person to go for a check-up in a public health center or other medical institution, and giving advice about prevention measures concerning quarantinable infectious diseases.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

経済産業省、外務省、(独)日本貿易振興機構(以下「ジェトロ」という)等の関係省庁及び機関が連携し、東京電力(株)福島第一原子力発電所事故への対応や、国内のモニタリング及び食品・鉱工業品の安全確保等に関する我が国の取組についての説明会等を、国内外で実施した。平成24年3月末現在、海外の産業界向け説明会(12 か国・地域、15 都市)に加え、国内の外資系企業や在京・在関西の領事団及び国際機関向けにも説明会(東京4 回、大阪3回)を開催した。例文帳に追加

Relevant ministries, agencies, and organizations, including METI, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO), worked together to organize briefings and similar events in Japan and overseas to explain, among other things, the action being taken to deal with the crisis at Tokyo Electric Power’s Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, monitoring in Japan, and measures being taken by Japan to ensure the safety of food and industrial goods. As of the end of March 2012, briefings had been held for overseas business leaders in 15 cities in 12 countries and regions, and had also been held for foreign-affiliated enterprises in Japan, consular officials in Tokyo and the Kansai region, and international organizations (four times in Tokyo and three times in Osaka).  - 経済産業省


As you know, DPJ President and Prime Minister Kan and (PNP) Chief Kamei had a leader meeting the day following the day Prime Minister Kan assumed office, I believe, during which a decision to form a coalition was made. As I happened to be the Secretary General back then, I was also present at this meeting to witness, as I have explained, President Kan and Chief Kamei reach an agreement on creating an alternative to the Ministerial Committee on Basic Policies, which had been set up for the previous three-party coalition to coordinate their policies. This has not been done because everyone got a little busy in preparation for the election, as I have just talked about. Another point is that members of the PNP, being one of the parties in the coalition, have naturally raised voices requesting strongly that views of the party be reflected in the coalition. It is therefore not so much about the ceiling debate, although there are, of course, voices raised on the subject of ceilings, as it is simply natural that a coalition government should need to coordinate policies. That is what I reminded Prime Minister Kan of today, and he responded by saying that it is a matter of fact and telling Policy Research Committee Chair and Minister of State Gemba to create a proper system for it. While I did have a talk with Mr. Gemba later on, this is an issue between parties and I am sure that it will accordingly be handled properly, as it should be, by the Chief, or Secretary General or Policy Research Committee Chair of our party.  - 金融庁

(3) 証明書には,次に掲げる事項が含まれる。 1) 国名-エストニア共和国 2) 国の紋章-エストニア共和国の小紋章 3) 特許証番号 4) 次の文言,すなわち「本特許証は,1994年5月23日に施行された特許法第5条に基づいて発行されたものである。特許は,特許出願日から20年間有効とする。特許の有効性を継続させるためには,各年度分の国の手数料を納付しなければならない。この特許証は,登録及び当該特許の所有者の発明に対する排他権を証明する。」 5) 特許証を発行した行政機関に関する情報(当該行政機関の名称及び所在地,当該行政機関の長の役職名,名称及び署名,当該行政機関の印章) 6) 特許証の署名日例文帳に追加

(3) A certificate contains the following: 1) the name of the country - the Republic of Estonia; 2) the coat of arms of the country - small national coat of arms of Estonia; 3) the number of the letters patent; 4) the text “The patent is issued on the basis of § 5 of the Patents Act which entered into force 23 May 1994. A patent shall be valid for twenty years as of the filing date of the patent application. A state fee shall be paid each year for the continued validity of the patent. The letters patent certifies the registration and the exclusive right of the proprietor of the patent to the invention.”; 5) information on issuing agency (name and location of the agency, title, name and signature of the head of the agency, seal of the agency); 6) the date of signing the letters patent.  - 特許庁

2 前項の規定による労働保険料の徴収については、徴収法の規定(第四条及び第二十二条から第二十五条までの規定を除く。)を適用する。この場合において、徴収法第十二条第二項中「及び労働福祉事業」とあるのは「、労働福祉事業及び石綿による健康被害の救済に関する法律(以下「石綿健康被害救済法」という。)第五十九条第一項の特別遺族給付金(以下「特別遺族給付金」という。)の支給」と、「費用の額」とあるのは「費用の額、特別遺族給付金の支給に要する費用の額」と、同条第三項中「とする。第二十条第一項において同じ。)」とあるのは「とする。第二十条第一項において同じ。)と特別遺族給付金(石綿健康被害救済法第六十二条第二号の場合に支給される特別遺族一時金、特定の業務に長期間従事することにより発生する疾病であつて厚生労働省令で定めるものにかかつた者(厚生労働省令で定める事業の種類ごとに、当該事業における就労期間等を考慮して厚生労働省令で定める者に限る。)に係る特別遺族給付金(以下この項において「特定疾病にかかつた者に係る特別遺族給付金」という。)及び第三種特別加入者に係る特別遺族給付金を除く。)の額(石綿健康被害救済法第五十九条第二項の特別遺族年金については、その額は、厚生労働省令で定めるところにより算定するものとする。)」と、「、特定疾病にかかつた者に係る保険給付に要する費用」とあるのは「、特定疾病にかかつた者に係る保険給付に要する費用、石綿健康被害救済法第五十九条第二項の特別遺族年金の支給に要する費用、特定疾病にかかつた者に係る特別遺族給付金に要する費用」とするほか、必要な技術的読替えは、政令で定める。例文帳に追加

(2) The provisions of the Collection Act (excluding the provisions of Article 4 and Articles 22 through 25) shall apply to the collection of the labor insurance premiums pursuant to the provision of the preceding paragraph. In such case, the term "and labor welfare services" in Paragraph 2, Article 12 of the Collection Act shall be deemed to be replaced with ", labor welfare services and the payment of the special survivor benefit set forth in Paragraph 1, Article 59 (hereinafter referred to as "the special survivor benefit") of the Act on Asbestos Health Damage Relief (hereinafter referred to as "the Asbestos Relief Act");" the term "the amount of the expense," with "the amount of the expense, the amount of the expense required for the payment of the special survivor benefit;" the term "shall be ... . The same shall apply in Paragraph 1, Article 20)" in Paragraph 3 of the same article, with "shall be ... . The same shall apply to Paragraph 1, Article 20) and the amount of the special survivor benefit (excluding the special survivor lump sum payment paid in the case of Item 2, Article 62 of the Asbestos Relief Act, the special survivor benefit pertaining to a person suffering from any of the diseases caused by engaging in specific activities for a long period of time and prescribed in the Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (limited to a person prescribed in the Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare for each business prescribed in the Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, considering the employment period, etc. in the said business) (this special survivor benefit shall be referred to as "the special survivor benefit pertaining to a person afflicted with a specified disease"), and the special survivor benefit pertaining to the class 3 special insured person) (The amount of the special survivor pension set forth in Paragraph 2, Article 59 of the Asbestos Relief Act shall be calculated as prescribed in the Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare);" and the term ", the expense required for the insurance benefit pertaining to a person afflicted with a specified disease," with ", the expense required for the insurance benefit pertaining to a person afflicted with a specified disease, the expense required for the payment of the special survivor pension of Particle 2, Article 59 of the Asbestos Relief Act, the expense required for the payment of the special survivor benefit pertaining to a person afflicted with a specified disease," and the other necessary replacement of technical terms shall be as prescribed in the Cabinet Order.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


The three very important missions of the Financial Services Agency (FSA) are to prevent the financial sector from being struck by systemic risks-Japan was nearly hit by a systemic risk more than 10 years ago-both in Japan and abroad, to facilitate financing, and to protect users. As you know, the global financial system has destabilized significantly since the Lehman shock, which occurred three years ago. Therefore, with such things in mind, we will perform our duties properly. In particular, Japan announced last year that it would extend the SME Financing Facilitation Act (Act concerning Temporary Measures to Facilitate Financing for SMEs, etc.) for one year and we believe that we must facilitate financing for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) under the present circumstances.  - 金融庁

第五十三条の四 附則第五十三条の二第一項の雇用保険率の変更があった場合において、平成十九年四月一日から始まる保険年度において石綿による健康被害の救済に関する法律(平成十八年法律第四号。以下この条において「石綿健康被害救済法」という。)第三十八条第一項において読み替えて準用する新徴収法第十九条第一項又は第二項の規定により申告書を提出し、石綿健康被害救済法第三十八条第一項において読み替えて準用する新徴収法第十九条第三項の規定により第一項一般拠出金を納付すべき事業主(変更日以後に石綿健康被害救済法第三十八条第一項において読み替えて準用する新徴収法第十九条第一項又は第二項の規定により申告書を提出し、石綿健康被害救済法第三十八条第一項において読み替えて準用する新徴収法第十九条第三項の規定により第一項一般拠出金を納付すべき事由が生じた事業主を除く。)に係る石綿健康被害救済法第三十八条第一項の規定の適用については、同項において読み替えて準用する新徴収法第十九条第一項中「保険年度ごとに、次に」とあるのは「次に」と、「その保険年度の初日(保険年度の中途に保険関係が消滅したものについては、」とあるのは「平成十九年四月一日から始まる保険年度の初日(その保険年度の中途に保険関係が消滅したものについては、その保険年度の初日及び」と、「五十日以内」とあるのは「五十日にその保険年度の初日から雇用保険法等の一部を改正する法律(平成十九年法律第三十号)附則第五十三条の二第二項に規定する変更日(以下この条において「変更日」という。)の前日までの日数を加えた日数以内」と、「第十五条第一項第一号」とあるのは「第十五条第一項第一号及び第二号」と、「その保険年度の直前の保険年度」とあるのは「平成十九年四月一日から始まる保険年度の直前の保険年度」と、「労働者(」とあるのは「労働者(平成十九年四月一日から始まる」と、「保険関係が成立し、又は消滅したものについて」とあるのは「保険関係が消滅した場合であつて、当該保険関係が消滅した日から五十日にその保険年度の初日から変更日の前日までの日数を加えた日数以内に申告書を提出するとき」と、同条第二項中「五十日以内」とあるのは「五十日に平成十九年四月一日から始まる保険年度の初日から変更日の前日までの日数を加えた日数以内」と、「第十五条第一項第一号」とあるのは「第十五条第一項第一号及び第二号」と、同条第三項中「その保険年度の初日」とあるのは「平成十九年四月一日から始まる保険年度の初日」と、「五十日以内」とあるのは「五十日にその保険年度の初日から変更日の前日までの日数を加えた日数以内」と読み替えるものとする。例文帳に追加

Article 53-4 If the employment insurance rate has been modified pursuant to the provision of Article 53-2, paragraph (1) of the Supplementary Provisions, with regard to the application of Article 38, paragraph (1) of the Act on Asbestos Health Damage Relief (Act No. 4 of 2006; hereinafter referred to as the "Asbestos Health Damage Relief Act" in this Article) to the business operators who are required to submit the notification pursuant to Article 19, paragraph (1) or (2) of the New Collection Act as replaced and applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 38, paragraph (1) of the Asbestos Health Damage Relief Act and required to pay the paragraph (1) general contributions pursuant to Article 19, paragraph (3) of the New Collection Act as replaced and applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 38, paragraph (1) of the Asbestos Health Damage Relief Act during the insurance year starting on April 1, 2007 (excluding the business operators in respect of which the cause of the submission of the notification pursuant to Article 19, paragraph (1) or (2) of the New Collection Act as replaced and applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 38, paragraph (1) of the Asbestos Health Damage Relief Act and the payment of the paragraph (1) general contributions pursuant to Article 19, paragraph (3) of the New Collection Act as replaced and applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 38, paragraph (1) of the Asbestos Health Damage Relief Act occurs on and after the date of modification), the term "every insurance year the declaration form...the following" in Article 19, paragraph (1) of the New Collection Act as replaced and applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 38, paragraph (1) the Asbestos Health Damage Relief Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "the declaration form...the following", the term "the first day of such insurance year (or in case of extinction of the insurance relation in the midst of an insurance year" with "the first day of the insurance year starting on April 1, 2007 (or in case of extinction of the insurance relation in the midst of such insurance year, the first day of such insurance year", the term "within 50 days" with "within the number of days calculated by adding to 50 days the number of days from the first day of such insurance year to the day preceding the date of modification prescribed by Article 53-2, paragraph (2) of the Supplementary Provisions of the Act Revising a Portion of the Employment Insurance Act, etc. (Act No. 30 of 2007) (hereinafter referred to as the "date of modification" in this Article)", the term "Article 15, paragraph (1), item (i)" with "Article 15, paragraph (1), items (i) and (ii)", the term "the insurance year immediately preceding such insurance year" with "the insurance year immediately preceding the insurance year starting on April 1, 2007", the term "all workers employed during such insurance year (...the midst of an insurance year" with "all workers employed during such insurance year (...the midst of the insurance year starting on April 1, 2007", the term "in case of establishment or extinction of the insurance relation in the midst of an insurance year" with "in case of extinction of the insurance relation in the midst of an insurance year, and if the notification is to be submitted within the number of days calculated by adding to 50 days the number of days from the first day of such insurance year to the day preceding the date of modification inclusive from the day of extinction of such insurance relation,", and the term "within 50 days" in the same Article, paragraph (2) shall be deemed to be replaced with "within the number of days calculated by adding to 50 days the number of days from the first day of the insurance year starting on April 1, 2007 to the day preceding the date of modification", the term "Article 15, paragraph (1), item (i)" with "Article 15, paragraph (1), items (i) and (ii)", and the term "the first day of such insurance year" in the same Article, paragraph (3) shall be deemed to be replaced with "the first day of the insurance year starting on April 1, 2007", the term "within 50 days" with "within the number of days calculated by adding to 50 days the number of days from the first day of such insurance year to the day preceding the date of modification".  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


ただし、次に掲げる各号を条件とする。登録官が、出願を受理できる期間の延長を認めた場合、特許への公印付与には、当該24 月の後にさらに4 月の延長期間が認められる。公印付与が、政府への不服申立て、又は当該特許付与に対する異義申立て、又は第(1A)項の規定に基づく登録官の指示を得るため取られた手続き、又は登録官が、その時点で施行されているその他の何らかの法令により当該登録官に付与された権限の行使にあたり、出願に関連する何らかの行為を懈怠若しくは遅延したために遅延した場合、当該特許は登録官が指示する時に公印を付与されることができる。当該特許が、当該特許への公印付与に認められた期間が経過するまでに死亡した出願人の法定代理人に付与される場合、当該特許は、出願人の死亡日後12 月以内の任意の日、又はそれ以降で登録官が適切と考える日に公印が付与される。何らかの理由で、本条前3 項の規定のいずれかにより認められた期間内に特許の公印を付与できない場合、その期間は、所定の手数料納付及び前記所定の条件の遵守を条件として3 月を超えない請求された限度で延長することができる。例文帳に追加

Provided that,- where the Registrar has allowed an extension of the time within which an application may be accepted a further extension of four months after the said, twenty-four months shall be allowed for the sealing of the patent; where the sealing is delayed by an appeal to the Government, or by opposition to the grant of the patent, or by any proceedings taken for obtaining a direction of the Registrar under the provisions of sub-section (1A), or by reason of the Registrar, in exercise of the powers given to him by 8[ any other law for the time being in force], having omitted to do or delayed the doing of anything relating to the application the patent may be sealed at such time as the Registrar may direct; where the patent is granted to the legal representative of an applicant who has died before the expiration of the time which would otherwise be allowed for sealing the patent, the patent may be sealed at any time within twelve months after the date of his death or at such later time as the Registrar may think fit; where for any reason a patent cannot be sealed within the period allowed by any of the foregoing provisions of this section that period may on payment of the prescribed fee and on compliance with the prescribed conditions be extended to the extent applied for but not exceeding three months.  - 特許庁


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