
「idea」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(89ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索










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In the days of ancient commentaries it was attempted to explain the theme from the Buddhist perspective, stating that 'it takes the 60-volume Tendai as a model,' or 'it represents the idea of Isshin-sankan (Tendai-shu sect's Contemplation), and there were also many Confucianist and Taoist explanations based on the various old, respected Chinese classics like "Shunju History Book," "Soshi" and "Shiki Chinese History Book," thus constituting the dominant view in those days. 例文帳に追加

古注釈の時代には「天台60巻になぞらえた」とか「一心三観の理を述べた」といった仏教的観点から説明を試みたものや、『春秋』、『荘子』、『史記』といったさまざまな中国の古典籍に由来を求めた儒教的、道教的な説明も多くあり、当時としては主流にある見解と言えた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is a style in which someone asks Teika to correct a waka, and Teika teaches him while preaching 10 types of waka rules of behavior (the ushin (sentiment with artistic sensibility) style, the Yugen (the subtle and profound) style, style with concrete meaning, balanced and harmonious style, elegant style with sense of tension and neatness, style with distinct visual depictions, intellectually artful style, style with uncommon idea, complicated and skilled style, and strong and sharp style), among which Teika especially placed importance on the ushin style. 例文帳に追加

形態はある人が毎月定家に和歌の添削を請い、それに対し定家が和歌の作法について10種類の有り様(有心体、幽玄な様、事の然るべき様、麗しい様、長高な様、見様、面白い様、一節ある様、濃い様、鬼拉体)を説きながら指導したもので、特に有心体を重要視したものである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He was good at expressing the background of the play by sticking to his fantastic idea and realism, which features the development of his plot by mixing quite different worlds such as: having a wedding ceremony at the scene of a crime ("Tokaido Yotsuya Kaidan"); making a courtesan visit a row house ("Ukiyozuka Hiyoku no Inazuma"); making the court noble become professional homosexual from hardship of life ("Shitenno Momiji no Edoguma"); and making a princess become a prostitute ("Sakurahime Azumabunsho"). 例文帳に追加

奇想天外な着想とリアリズムに徹した背景描写を得意とし、殺人現場で婚礼を行ったり(『東海道四谷怪談』)、花魁が長屋に来たり(『浮世柄比翼稲妻』)、公家が生活苦のため陰間になったり(『四天王楓江戸粧』)、姫君が辻君になったりする(『櫻姬東文章』)など、全く異なる世界をないまぜにする展開が特徴的。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It was also related with religion (Shinto, Buddhism, and folk beliefs) and the idea of 'michi' (way), forms a part of the concept of value and heart in the way of military arts such as zan-shin and the engi (writing about history) as in Shinto rituals or in the concept of values and hearts such as hare (noticeably cheerful and formal situations or such places) or shako-shin by a mixture of fortune telling or Shinto rituals and pleasure, and consists of Japanese culture. 例文帳に追加

さらに宗教(神道・仏教・民間信仰)や「道」という概念と渾然一体となって武芸の残心という所作や神事としての縁起などの価値観や心、若しくは占いや神事と遊興が結びついてハレや射幸心(射倖心)といった価値観や心の一端を形成し、日本の文化を担っている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


This idea of Geido, which is peculiar to Japan, seems to interest foreigners, such that when German philosopher Eugen Herrigel was at Tohoku University, for example, he was so impressed by how different the practice of Kyudo (Japanese archery) was from that of western-style archery that he wrote "Zen in the Art of Archery," a book that has been introduced to the Western World through various means. 例文帳に追加

外国人にはこうした日本固有の芸道観念が興味深くうつるらしく、ドイツ人の哲学者オイゲン・ヘリゲルが、東北大学に在任中、洋弓(アーチェリー)とは違った日本の弓道の修業の仕方に感銘を受けて『弓と禅』をあらわしたのを嚆矢として、欧米世界にさまざまに紹介されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Yoshiaki SHIRAISHI who was a proprietor of a stand-up-eating sushi restaurant in Osaka got an idea from a conveyer belt for beer production and invented 'rotating conveyer belt table' to serve a lot of orders effectively at a lower costs and in 1958 opened the first Kaitenzushi shop 'Genrokuzushi' at the north exit of Fuse Station of Kintetsu in Fuse City of Osaka Prefecture (now Higashi Osaka City). 例文帳に追加

大阪の立ち喰い寿司店経営者・白石義明が、ビール製造のベルトコンベアをヒントに、多数の客の注文を低コストで効率的にさばくことを目的として「コンベヤ旋廻食事台」を考案し、1958年、大阪府布施市(現・東大阪市)の近畿日本鉄道布施駅北口に最初の回転寿司店である「元禄寿司」を開いた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, Nobunaga ODA in fact received an imperial recommendation for 'appointment to Seii Taishogun,' so realistically there was no basis for the idea that one could not be Shogun if he was not from the Minamoto clan (it seems that the reason Ieyasu claimed Minamoto heritage was not only to become Shogun, but that by becoming the Minamoto clan chief and entering the post of Shogun, he would oppose Hideyoshi's warrior Kampaku system and aimed to gain authority to rule over both the warriors and the nobles). 例文帳に追加

しかしながら、実際に織田信長に「征夷大将軍拝命」の勧めの勅使が来ていることもあり、現実的には源氏でなければ将軍になれないというのは根拠がない(おそらく家康が源氏を称した理由はただ将軍になるのではなく、源氏長者となり、さらに将軍職へ就くことにより、秀吉の武家関白制に対抗し、武家と公家の双方を支配する権利を得るのが目的だったのであろう)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The old theories about the setup of 'Ise Yamada bugyo' by the Edo bakufu, such as it having been established at the request of the members of Yoda sanpo, or that a Goshuinjo (letter of command with a stamp to show its authenticity) from Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI to Jobu Ecchunokami (Governor of upper-Ecchu Province), was the precedent for Yamada bugyo in the Edo bakufu, are still compatible with the idea of Tadasuke OOKA as Yamada bugyo. 例文帳に追加

徳川幕府の「伊勢山田奉行」の設置について「山田三方会合衆の要請に依った」とか昭和四年刊行の宇治山田市史の「豊臣秀吉の上部越中守への御朱印状を以て江戸幕府・山田奉行の前例とする」説は、現在に於いても大岡忠相の山田奉行手柄話と共にまことしやかに語られている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Based on the assumption that the Northern Court was legitimate, there is an idea that he should be called Gentoku (Gentoku-in) for the first half of the period (until the Genko Incident) and Go-Daigo (Go Daigo-in) for the latter half (from his return to Kyoto and the new government of Kenmu to the enthronement of the Emperor Komyo); however, considering that "the once abdicated Emperor Go-Daigo returned to the throne after an interval of the era of Emperor Kogon," this is only a personal opinion. 例文帳に追加

北朝を正統とする場合、「後醍醐は光厳天皇の治世期間をはさんで重祚した」とみなし、前半(元弘の変まで)を「元徳天皇(元徳院)」、後半(京都帰還・建武の新政から光明天皇即位まで)を「後醍醐天皇(後醍醐院)」とする案もあるが、これはあくまで私案である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Of course Emperor Showa and some Imperial Family members were against this movement, there was an idea to keep Miyake such as the Kuninomiya family which was the original family Empress Kojun was from, and the Higashikuninomiya family, to which Emperor Showa's first Prince, Shigeko HIGASHIKUNI married into, but finally three families were kept, they were Emperor Showa's younger brother's family, Chichibunomiya, Takamatsunomiya, Mikasanomiya, and the other 11 Miyake were all to cease being members of the Imperial Family. 例文帳に追加

当然、この動きには昭和天皇や一部の皇族からの抵抗があり、香淳皇后の実家である久邇宮家や昭和天皇の第一皇女東久邇成子の嫁ぎ先である東久邇宮家など一部の宮家は皇室に残す案も出たが、最終的には、昭和天皇の実弟である秩父宮・高松宮家・三笠宮家の3宮家のみを残し、伏見宮流の11宮家は全て皇籍離脱させることになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


There was a legend that prayer organized in various shrines such as the Ise-jingu Shrine, used to beat the opposition worked well, and also the fact, that Samurai who struggled to fight back against the former dynasty's group tactics and asked for protection from god, further spread the idea within Japan that Japan was Shinkoku. 例文帳に追加

この嵐が伊勢神宮をはじめとする諸神社によって盛んに行われた異敵調伏の祈祷と成果とする喧伝と実際に戦闘を行った武士達が元王朝の集団戦法に苦戦して神への加護を求めていたという事実が、日本を神国とする認識を国内各層に浸透させる事となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As studies of the Kojiki and the Nihonshoki advanced, scholars began to doubt the existence of early emperors (Eight Undocumented Sovereigns), and some people released the idea that the Japanese dynasty was changed when the 26th Emperor Keitai succeeded to the throne (according to a current study, Emperor Keitai had no blood relationship with emperors before him). 例文帳に追加

また、古事記や日本書紀などの古代史の研究が進むにつれて、考古学の成果により初期の天皇の実在に疑問がなされたり(欠史八代)、第26代の継体天皇の即位を王朝交代とする説がなされた(現在では、継体天皇は第25代までの天皇とは血のつながりがないとの説も存在する。)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This shows Hideyoshi might think that Japanese laws and rules such as Soubujirei (an order to ban battles between Daimyo) should be implicated to Korea; in fact on May 9, he sent a letter to a woman 'Koho' who served Hideyoshi and his wife to suggest the idea of conquest of Korea (Joseon Dynasty) after the conquest of Kyusyu as following; ' I sent an emissary to Korea and ordered to conquest that country as well'. 例文帳に追加

これは朝鮮が惣無事令などの日本の法令の適用対象として認識していた可能性を示すもので、実際に5月9日の段階で秀吉夫妻に仕える「こほ」という女性に対して「かうらい国へ御人しゆつか(はし)かのくにもせひはい申つけ候まま」と記して、九州平定の延長として高麗(朝鮮)平定の意向もある事を示す書状を送っている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Though this idea has been picked up by several books, it has been transmitted orally that Mitsuhide's mother was held and protected in Tamba Midono, and if we believe this, this theory can be discounted as a major cause of Honno-ji no Hen, though Mitsuhide sacrificed his aunt as a hostage. 例文帳に追加

この偽物説は、過去いくつかの書籍で取り上げられていたが、丹波味土野には、口伝として光秀の母堂を隠しその身を守ってきたとする伝承があり、これに信をおくとすれば、長年の恨み説の中で八上城に関する部分は人質である叔母の犠牲は伴うものの、本能寺の変の原因の主因としては考慮からはずしてもよいことになる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

About his relation with NARUSE, he said that 'when I was serving as the executive secretary at Ministry of Education, at my house I was often visited by a person called Jinzo NARUSE, who scrambled to establish a women's university at today's Mejiro, and a person called Shozo ASO' which was representative of the fact that NARUSE and another person visited NAKAGAWA to discuss an idea to establish a school ('Nakagawa Socho Kowa (II)' (Nakagawa Headmaster's talk), "Nakagawa-ke Bunsho" (Document of the Nakagawa Family). 例文帳に追加

成瀬との関係について中川は、「吾輩が文部省で秘書官をしていた時分、現在の目白にある女子大学を創立しやうとして色々奔走していた成瀬仁蔵といふ人と麻生正蔵といふ人とが吾輩の家に寄寓していた」と述べており、成瀬らが中川を訪れ学校設立について具体的に協議を行っていたことを窺わせる(「中川総長講話(二)」『中川家文書』)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is said that it can be summarized as 'the past and the future deny each other, but join together at the present and move from the present to the present' or 'the Logic of Topos' (locational logic) (the self is a true self when the self denies itself') which reinterprets 'the Logic of Sokuhi' (Superrational Logic) (an idea in Kongo-kyo Sutra that 'A is non-A and therefore is A') of Daisetsu SUZUKI in Western philosophy. 例文帳に追加

その要旨は「過去と未来とが現在において互いに否定しあいながらも結びついて、現在から現在へと働いていく」、あるいは、鈴木大拙の「即非の論理」(「Aは非Aであり、それによってまさにAである」という金剛経に通底する思想)を西洋哲学の中で捉え直した「場所的論理」(「自己は自己を否定するところにおいて真の自己である」)とも言われている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It was an incorrect judgment based upon the idea of predominance of men over women and, as he did not have many children with a number of ladies other than Kodaiin (if we count a child during the age of Nagahama-jo Castle as really existing, there must have been two boys and a girl who died very young before Hideyori.), we should consider that Hideyoshi's physical conditions were the causes why he did not have many children. 例文帳に追加

これは男尊女卑に基づく陋習であり、高台院以外の多くの女性との間にも子ができにくかった(長浜城時代の子を事実として含めれば、夭折した男児二人、女児一人が秀頼の前にいたことになる)ことから、やはり秀吉自身が子ができない(できにくい)体質であったと考えるべきだろう。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

A ground to read '' as 'To' is, for example, based on the description in "Chinese Phonology" written by Akiyasu TODO, in which he said 'It is a famous fact that "Yamato" was written as "" in the Gishiwajinden.', but it is pointed out that his description seemed to be merely depending on the then prevailing idea of reading '' as 'Yamato'. 例文帳に追加

「臺」を「と」と読む根拠は、例えば藤堂明保『国語音韻論』に、「魏志倭人伝で、『ヤマト』を『邪馬臺』と書いてあるのは有名な事実である」と記載されていることに求められているが、これはすなわち「邪馬臺ヤマト」という当時の通説に基づいた記述に過ぎないことが読み取れると言う指摘がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The novelist Haruhiko HIGUCHI writes in his book "Nobunaga no kashin-dan--'Tenka-fubu' wo sasaeta busho 34 nin no kiroku" (The Vassals of Nobunaga--A Record of 34 Commanders Who Supported 'Tenka-fubu' [a slogan that means that the samurai governs the whole world]) that the reason that Nobumori was banished was that Nobumori, who held territory in both Kinai and Mino, was an obstacle to Nobunaga, who owned Kinai and Mino as the directly controlled land of the Oda family and also had an idea of unifying the whole country, and HIGUCHI also claims that the letter of chastisement consisting of 19 articles was Nobunaga's false accusation written in order to confiscate Nobumori's territory with no conditions. 例文帳に追加

作家・樋口晴彦は著書『信長の家臣団―「天下布武」を支えた武将34人の記録』の中で、信盛が追放された理由は、畿内・美濃を織田家の直轄地とする信長の天下統一構想において双方に領地を持つ信盛の存在が邪魔になったためで、19ヶ条の折檻状は無条件で領地を取り上げるための言いがかりであったとしている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In "The Record of the Disturbance in 1877" (Teichu Joranki) by Shiro ICHIKI he was described as 'Although people say he (Kirino) was a militarist, they do not know his profound idea. After he resigned and returned home in the winter of 1873, he always worried that the affairs of state could not be corrected, thought up measures to prevent the degradation of the imperial authority and insisted that it was necessary to enlighten the people. And most of all, he wished to establish the constitutional state and expand people's rights.' 例文帳に追加

市来四郎の『丁丑擾乱記』には、「世人、これ(桐野)を武断の人というといえども、その深きを知らざるなり。六年の冬掛冠帰省の後は、居常国事の救うべからざるを憂嘆し、皇威不墜の策を講じ、国民をして文明の域に立たしめんことを主張し、速に立憲の政体に改革し、民権を拡張せんことを希望する最も切なり」とある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Anyway, because Konyo's trial pieces were the real trial prototype that the shogunate (magistrate of the town) had done, 'Idea of Sweet Potatoes' was published, the spread of cultivation was intended, the shogunate came to regard the sweet potato as an emergency crop after this experimental trial, and this experimental trial led to an epoch-making event for the spread of the sweet potato to Kanto, thus Konyo's status was firmed. 例文帳に追加

いずれにしても、昆陽の試作が、幕府(町奉行)が行った本格的な試作であったこと、「蕃薯考」が出版され、栽培の普及を意図したこと、この試作以降、薩摩芋を幕府が救荒作物として考えるようになったことなどから、この試作が、薩摩芋の関東への普及にとって画期的な事件であったと位置づけられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Subsequently, due to problems concerning the route of the Tozai Line near Yamashina, it became physically impossible for trains of the Keishin Line coming from the direction of Hamaotsu to connect to the Tozai Line at Yamashina, and thus the related parties decided to adopt the idea of newly establishing the subway Misasagi Station as a connection station of the Keishin Line and the Tozai Line, doing so in the section between Hinooka and Misasagi, which was running along Sanjo-dori Street, and thus to move Misasagi Station of the Keishin Line underground. 例文帳に追加

その後、東西線の山科付近のルートの都合で、浜大津方面から京津線の山科での乗り入れは物理的に不可能となり、京津線と東西線との接続駅として、三条通を走る日ノ岡~御陵間に地下鉄御陵駅を新設し、ここに京津線の御陵駅を移設・地下化することに決まった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Keihan had originally intended to spin off these two lines from Keihan Electric Railway and establish an independent company in the autumn of 2004, but in view of the dismal prospects of a new company it decided to postpone the implementation of such an idea until the revenue and expenditures reach break-even status through the efforts of cost reduction. 例文帳に追加

京阪は、これら2線の経営を本社から分離し、独立採算制をとる分社化を検討しており、当初2004年秋に分社化を予定していたが、この時点で分社化しても収支改善が見込めず経営に行き詰まるとして見送られ、経費削減を図り収支が均衡した時点で分社化に踏み切ることになっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Shito Jimukyoku, which had decided to enshrine in its temple four gods and Zokasanshin (the three gods of creation)-Ameno minakanushi no kami, Takamimusubi no kami and Kamimusubi no kami-and Amaterasu Omikami met with opposition from the Izumo group, which stressed the idea of Yuken ichinyo (the unity of this world and the world after death) and insisted on worshipping five gods, including Okuni nushi no okami, the ruling god of Yukai (the world after death). 例文帳に追加

神道事務局は、事務局の神殿における祭神として造化三神(天之御中主神、高御産巣日神、神産巣日神)と天照大神の四柱を祀ることとしたが、これに対して「出雲派」は、「幽顕一如」(あの世とこの世との一体性)を掲げ、祭神を「幽界」(あの世)を支配する大国主大神を加えた五柱にすべきだと主張した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In addition, the same idea underlay the enshrinement of humanized divinities (gods in human form or captured while human) who appeared in the Kojiki (Records of Ancient Matters) and the Nihonshoki (Chronicles of Japan) as gods, and people thought that a god's power resided in something related to or symbolic of that god, and they even believed that a god could influence people by embodying himself or herself in such things. 例文帳に追加

また、日本の神として古事記や日本書紀にある人格神(人の形や人として捉えられる神)を崇拝する場合にも、根底に同じ考え方があり、所縁のある物や象徴する物などに内在している、あるいは、それらに依り憑いて具象化することで力を及ぼすと考えられたようである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The movement to overthrow the Shogunate arose because the system of coexistence between the bakufu and the Imperial Court was not appropriate for creating Japan as a modern nation, and it agreed with the new Meiji government's intentions to build a powerful monarchy centered around the Emperor, therefore giving rise to the idea of the Emperor, coming from an unbroken imperial line, being the head of both Shinto and the state. 例文帳に追加

幕府と朝廷の両立体制は近代国家としての日本を創成していくには不都合であったが故の倒幕運動であり、天皇を中心とする強力な君主国家を築いていきたい明治新政府の意向とも一致したため、万世一系の天皇を祭政の両面でこれの頂点とする思想が形成されていった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Later, in addition to the forms of the ancient temples and the styles and the rites of the ceremonies, with an influence of Buddhism, the form of the Buddhist architecture, and the rites since Nara period, Inyo (Onmyo) gogyo shiso (Yin-Yang Wu-Xing Idea) was taken into Shinto in the Taoism in Heian period, Onmyoji (Master of Yin yang) and the cosmic dual forces ideology emerged, whereby the Inyo gogyo shiso is present in the present Shrine Shinto. 例文帳に追加

その後、古来からある神殿の形式や祭礼の様式・儀式に加え、奈良時代頃からは、仏教や仏教建築の形式や儀式の影響を受け、平安時代には、道教の陰陽五行思想を神道に取り入れ、陰陽師と陰陽思想が台頭し、そして現在の神社神道にもその陰陽五行思想が存在する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Yoshinaka nicknamed this imperial prince 'Prince Hokuriku,' and when he triumphantly marched into the capital a few years later, he planned to put him forward as a potential replacement for Emperor Antoku, who had fled with the Taira to the west, on the imperial throne, but was forced to abandon the idea by Cloistered Emperor Goshirakawa, who had been displeased by prince Mochihito's usurpation of the title of 'imperial prince' when he issued his command. 例文帳に追加

義仲はその皇子を「北陸宮」と名付けて、上洛時にこれを押し立てて平氏とともに西走した安徳天皇に代わって皇位に就けようと画策するが、かつて以仁王が勝手に親王を称して令旨を発行したことを不快に思っていた後白河法皇によって退けられたという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There is a theory by Koji HIRATA and others that Kanpyo no chi was a transition and preparatory period for the dynasty state system led by SUGAWARA no Michizane and Engi no chi was intended to transit to the national system ruled by imperial families by Tokihira who took over the idea of Michizane, but the details were unknown because the political records of Michizane were destroyed by Tokihira. 例文帳に追加

なお、寛平の治は菅原道真の主導による王朝国家体制への転換準備期であり、延喜の治は道真の着想を引き継いだ時平による王朝国家体制への移行を意図したものであったが、時平により道真の政治の記録が抹殺されたため詳細が不明となっていたにすぎないとする平田耿二等の説がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Its idea was also introduced into bunkokuho (the law individual sengoku-daimyo [Japanese territorial lord in the Sengoku period] enforced in their own domain) in the Sengoku period (period of warring states) (Japan): Imagawa Kana Mokuroku (Kana List of Articles of the Imagawa) of the Imagawa clan laid down that 'those who engaged in an armed conflict were both to be executed, irrespective of the question of right or wrong,' and 'who having borne and controlled himself under the provocation... and peacefully settled the matter for the moment was judged as reasonable..., and was to be exempt from punishment' (Article 8). 例文帳に追加

こうした考え方は戦国時代(日本)の分国法にも取り入れられ、今川氏の今川仮名目録では「喧嘩におよぶ輩は理非を論ぜず双方とも死罪」「喧嘩を仕掛けられても堪忍してこらえ・・とりあえず穏便に振る舞ったことは道理にしたがったと・・して罪を免ぜられるべき」(第8条)とある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

While shinsei before Chohogannenrei were no more than a "new ban" which retained characteristics of the former laws, Chohogannenrei was the first to be established based on the idea of promotion of "virtuous rule" for eradicating disaster and rehabilitating politics, originating from tenjin sokansetsu (one of ancient Chinese views of the world and political thought, the theory that there is close relationship between human action or political affairs, personnel affairs, and natural phenomenon), which was the main motivation for issuing shinsei in the medieval period. 例文帳に追加

それまでの新制は、従来から行われてきた法令の性格を残した「新しい禁制」としての新制に留まっていたのに対し、長保元年令は中世における新制公布の最大の動機である天人相関説に由来する攘災と政治再建のための「徳政」の推進という理念に基づいて定められた最初のものであった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, limitations for the sake of the 'public welfare' defined by the current constitution could be also a kind of limitation of human rights, some people opposed to the common idea instructed at schools, 'the former constitution was too restrictive, but the current constitution was unlimited' and they thought there was not radical difference between two constitutions (but they approved the relative difference). 例文帳に追加

但し、現憲法の「公共の福祉」による制限も法律による人権の制限の一種であり、現在教育の現場で解説されるように「旧憲法のそれは非常に制限的であり、現憲法のそれは開放的である」とする程の本質的な差はないとする意見もある(但し、比較的な傾向としては肯定する)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Specifically, Wang Xinzhai put emphasis on the "Classic of Filial Piety", or "Xiao Jing", and The Four Books but, ideologically, was characterized by preaching the teachings that he had learned himself without being obsessive about commentaries on the Classics, advocating his original idea of 'Junnan kakubutsu,' and maintaining a primitivism whereby he made the ancient times his ideal, but above all he made it his duty to propagate Yomeigaku outside of the intellectual classes. 例文帳に追加

具体的には王心斎は、『孝経』と四書を重視したが、経書の注釈に拘らない自得の学問を説き、独特な「淮南格物」を主張したこと、古代を理想とする尚古思想をもっていたことがその思想的特徴といえるが、なによりも重要なのは、知識人層以外の階層に陽明学を広めることを己が責務としたことである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to a series of books written by Masaaki SUGIYAMA and page 449 of "Chugokushi 3" (The History of China, Volume 3) (published by Yamakawa Shuppansha) says that a purpose for organizing most of the Southern Yangtze Army with soldiers from the former Southern Sung Dynasty was to get rid of them, and they would cause social anxiety if left alone (in fact, to support this idea, no ship in which Mongol commanders were on board sank, and tombs of the soldiers joined in the Southern Yangtze Army have not been found in the former territory of the Southern Sung Dynasty). 例文帳に追加

江南軍のほとんどが嘗ての南宋の兵であり、放っておけば社会不安の要因となる彼らを厄介払いする目的もあったと言われる杉山正明の一連の著作、『中国史3』P449など(山川出版社)(それを裏付けるように、モンゴルの司令官たちが乗った船は一隻も沈んでおらず、江南軍に従軍した兵士達の墓も旧南宋の領内では確認されていない)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Assuming the government district was and the Kanzeon-ji Temple district was 三町, Kagamiyama pointed out that the southern border of them could be aligned on an east-west axis, and also he found that the distance between the eastern border of the government district and the western border of the Kanzeon-ji Temple district was equal to two Cho (approx. 218 meters), then he made a hypothesis that a city development plan based on the Cho unit existed and that many peripheral streets and causeways would match with the idea when he expanded the coverage of the plan. 例文帳に追加

鏡山は、政庁域を方四町、観世音寺域を方三町と推定した場合、両者の南辺を東西線上に一致させることができること、かつその場合の政庁東辺と観世音寺西辺の間が二町となることをもって、一町を単位とする造成企画の存在を想定し、その適用範囲を広げると周囲の道路や畦畔に合致するものが多いことを指摘。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On the side of the Army (and a part of the Navy), however, since the imperial rescript was given by Emperor ahead of the Constitution of the Empire of Japan, there was an idea that the Imperial Rescript to Soldiers and Sailors secures their independence from the government and the parliament (Some members of the Army even interpreted 'Military men are neither perplexed at political opinions nor involved in politics.' as 'Military men need not care about what the government and statesmen say'). 例文帳に追加

ところが大日本帝国憲法に先行して天皇から与えられた「勅諭」であることから、陸軍(および海軍の一部)は軍人勅諭を政府や議会に対する自らの独立性を担保するものと位置づけていた(陸軍の一部には「政論に惑わず政治に拘わらず」について「政府や政治家が何を言おうと気にする必要はない、ということだ」という解釈すらあったという)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In terms of the war, an old saying 'Life is heavier than Mount Taishan in a sense, and lighter than a feather of a stork in another sense' was put in a phrase 'Keep it in mind that justice is heavier than a mountain and life is lighter than a feather of a stork,' that was an order meaning 'Do not waste life usually, but sometimes die for justice, for example for Emperor and the state' (cf. Senjinkun military code says, "Do not live as a captive to be subjected to humiliating treatment", and the Senjinkun idea of denying surrender), though why it was rephrased is unclear. 例文帳に追加

戦いに於いては「義は山嶽より重く死は鴻毛より軽しと心得よ」と、「死は或いは泰山より重く或いは鴻毛より輕し」という古諺を言換え、「普段は命を無駄にせず、けれども時には義のため、喩えば天皇のため国のために、命を捨てよ」と命じた物とされる(戦陣訓『生きて虜囚の辱を受けず』、戦陣訓降伏・投降の否定の思想を参照)が、換言の意図は不明である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although he was a Frenchman, he disagreed to the direct import of Code Napoleon, and asserted that Minpoten should include considerations of the domestic situation in Japan (Oki agreed to the idea, and in the same year and in 1883 'Zenkoku Minji Kanreirui-shu' (national civil customary) was complied based on the nationwide research of customary law related to Civil Code. 例文帳に追加

彼はフランス人ではあったが、ナポレオン法典の直輸入には反対してあくまでも日本国内の事情にも配慮した民法典を作成すべきであると主張していた(大木もこの考えに同意して、この年と1883年に民事法に纏わる全国的な慣習法調査が行われて「(全国)民事慣例類集」として編纂された)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Though the idea was universal conscription, those who did not meet the physical standard or were ill were exempted, and the other exemptions included 'masters of the family,' 'heirs,' 'grandsons to succeed directly from their grandfather' (collectively successors,) 'those who had paid proxy fee (270 yen),' 'officials of central and local governments, students of military schools and public schools,' and 'adopted children living in their foster parents.' 例文帳に追加

国民皆兵を理念とはしたが、体格が基準に達しない者や病気の者などは除かれ、また制度の当初、「一家の主人たる者」や「家のあとを継ぐ者」、「嗣子並に承祖の孫」(承継者)、「代人料(270円)を支払った者」、「官省府県の役人、兵学寮生徒、官立学校生徒」、「養家に住む養子」は徴兵免除とされた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Unlike the thought which put a high value on 'Equality,' 'Righteousness' and 'Independence' by Yukichi FUKUZAWA and others, 'Bad friends' in the 'Datsu-A Ron' was the word used meaning the Qing and Joseon Dynasty Korea where, adhering to their old customs of Keibatsu (network by blood connection), lineage government and petit Sinocentrism (idea of disrespect for Japan), bloody strifes over authority were repeated, being Sadaejuui (Loving and admiring the great and powerful) and faithless in diplomacy and diplomatic policies changed so often. 例文帳に追加

ここでの「悪友」とは、福澤諭吉らの「平等」や「義」や「独立心」を重んずる思想と違って、福澤らから見れば、閨閥、門閥政治、小中華思想(日本蔑視思想)などの旧弊に固執し血なまぐさい権力闘争を繰り返し、事大主義で外交において信義がなく、外交方針がころころ変わる清国や李氏朝鮮という認識で用いられた言葉である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although the bakufu shifted to the quasi-emergency regime due to the chaotic political situation since the opening of the country to the world in 1854, such change was not initiated by the bakufu itself (the cabinet officials of the Shogunate) but was forced under the pressure from the imperial envoy dispatched by the initiation of Hisamitsu SHIMAZU who was the father of the the lord of the Satsuma Domain as well as the court nobles supporting Kobu Gattai (an idea of uniting the court and the shogunate), so the reality was that the shogunate had no option but to carry out the reform. 例文帳に追加

1854年の開国以来の混沌とした政治情勢を受けて半ば非常時の体制へ移行したものであるが、その主導者は幕府自身(幕閣)ではなく、薩摩藩主の父・島津久光および朝廷の公武合体派公卿らに主導されて出された勅使による圧力の下、やむを得ず改革を迫られたというのが実情である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

From the official bakufu documents it is confirmed that the "Atake Maru", the largest Ataka bune in history, which Hidetada TOKUGAWA ordered Tadakatsu MUKAI, the chief of the bakufu navy to build, had all oars and the whole hull covered with copper plates for the prevention of fire and erosion, which proves a definite fact that an idea of covering the surface of a warship existed in 1635. 例文帳に追加

、徳川秀忠が幕府御船手頭向井忠勝に建造させた史上最大級の安宅船「安宅丸」は、総櫓及び船体の総てに防火・防蝕を目的とした銅板貼りが施されていた事が幕府の公式な記録から確認されており、1635年当時、軍船の表面に金属板を貼るという発想が存在していた事そのものは疑いがたい事実と言えよう。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Because of this situation, Kokkagakkai at the beginning had close ties with politicians and bureaucrats outside the University, and its members were not only scholars and instructors of the University but also celebrities outside the University who were 'important people specializing in the science of the nation and supported the idea of the group' including Ito, Shigenobu OKUMA, Kaoru INOUE, Kowashi INOUE, Eichi SHIBUSAWA and so on. 例文帳に追加

以上のような事情から発足当初の学会は、学外の政治家・官僚との結びつきが強く、会員には学者・大学教官のみならず、伊藤のほか大隈重信・井上馨・井上毅・渋沢栄一など「国家学専門ノ名士ニシテ本会ノ目的ヲ協賛スル」学外著名人も含まれていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Go-ryo ban (five-ryo coin) minted from August 1837 was originally the idea of Shinjo GOTO the fifteenth of Obanza (an organization associated with minting); however, the coin is also said to have been intended for bail-out measure for the organization because Oban minting emerged at the time when the organization was struggling to cope with economic difficulties after they had lost the role to mint coins to kin-za (an organization in charge of casting and appraising of gold during the Edo period) because the coin was currency. 例文帳に追加

天保8年(1837年)8月から鋳造された五両判はもともと大判座の後藤十五代真乗が発案したものであったが、通貨であることを理由に金座に鋳造担当を奪われたことから大判座の財政難対策に苦慮していたところに登場した大判鋳造であり、大判座救済策の意味合いもあったとされる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When Tokimasa HOJO consulted with his sons Yoshitoki and Tokifusa about whether or not Shigetada should be subdued, they declined to do so as they believed that Shigetada was faithful enough not to rebel against them; however, it is said that Yoshitoki ended up agreeing with the idea when Maki no kata's older brother Tokichika Ooka put pressure on him by claiming that he was planning a rebellion since Maki no kata was his mother in law. 例文帳に追加

時政が子の北条義時と北条時房に重忠討伐を相談すると、2人は重忠の忠勤を訴えて謀反など起こすがはずがないと反対したが、牧の方の兄大岡時親に「牧の方が継母だから仇をしようと思っているのだろう」と迫られ、やむなく義時は重忠討伐に同意したという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

I expect that the tax revision will mostly converge with the policy mission. The preferential treatment for elderly people that you asked me about is partly based on the idea that the breakdown by age group of the 1,500 trillion yen of financial assets held by individuals should be taken into consideration. 例文帳に追加

全体で見ると、その政策課題といわば収斂(しゅうれん)していく部分が大きいのかなという意識を持っているのですが、いまお尋ねの高齢者にとっての優遇措置といったような部分は、今申し上げた我が国の個人金融資産1,500兆円、これがどのような構成になっているか、内訳なども踏まえていくという趣旨も含まれているということでございます。 - 金融庁

I have a related question, which may have already been asked previously. Financial institutions are very vulnerable to stock price movements, and this leads to calls for the purchase of their shareholdings each time stock prices slump. What do you think of the argument - a similar idea has been floated in the LDP yesterday - that bankspractice of owning shares should be reviewed? 例文帳に追加

今の関連で前にもお聞きしたことがあるかもしれませんが、金融機関が株価に非常に脆弱であり、これだけ(株価が)低迷する度に株を買ってやるという議論が出てくるわけですが、そもそも銀行が株を持つということについて、それ自体を見直すという、今日も自民党でそのような意見が出ていましたが、長官はその点をどのようにお考えでしょうか。 - 金融庁

On this point, while market participants expressed views that were generally in accord with the idea that greater use of the JGBCC is necessary, they also pointed out that in expanding the use of the JGBCC, its systems (financial base, personnel), capacity to procure funds/JGBs, and its operational performance are needed to be strengthened. 例文帳に追加

この点、市場関係者からは、同機関の利用拡大が必要であることは概ね一致した考えが示されたものの、同時に、同機関の利用拡大にあたっては、同機関の態勢面(財務基盤、人員)及び資金・国債の調達能力やオペレーション上の遂行能力の強化の必要性も併せて指摘されているところである。 - 金融庁

Another point is that the amended Money Lending Act is designed, with the aim of solving the multiple debtor problem, to deal with over-lending and other issues and to form a consumer finance market that the public can access with peace of mind. As far as I have read in newspaper articles, the Osaka Prefectural Government's idea for a special zone appears to involve relaxing the cap of the amount of total borrowing, which I think is also not appropriate as that would lead to evasion of law, considering that law should apply equally throughout Japan as a general rule. 例文帳に追加

また、改正貸金業法は、多重債務問題、ご存じのように、これを解決しようということで、過剰貸付けの問題等に対処し、国民が安心して利用できる消費者金融市場を形成することを目的としたものでありましたが、一部の地域、今、大阪府の特区構想というのは新聞記事では読んでおりますけれども、総量規制等を緩和することは、法の…。 - 金融庁


The Incubator Bank of Japan once applied a scoring model to provide financing for small and medium-sized enterprises but stopped using it at a quite early stage. I believe that the FSA was also promoting the use of a scoring model (at one point). If you currently have any idea about what a desirable form of SME financing should be, please fill us in. 例文帳に追加

日本振興銀行は、かつて中小企業金融を行うためにスコアリングモデルを採用していて、かなり初期段階でやめているわけですけれども、金融庁も一時期はスコアリングモデルを推進をしていたこともあったかと思うのですが、今金融庁が中小企業金融のあるべき姿、中小企業に対する融資のあり方について何かお考えがあれば大臣に教えていただきたいのですけれども。 - 金融庁


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