意味 |

Tatoebaでの「小学時分は、心から、先生をえらい人だと思っていたから、先生の態度、教訓で、動かされたが、中学は、一つのビジネスにすぎなかった。」の英訳 |
When I was in elementary school I thought, from the bottom of my heart, that the teachers were great people and I was influenced by the teachers' attitudes and moral lessons, but middle school was just a business like any other.
Weblio例文辞書での「小学時分は、心から、先生をえらい人だと思っていたから、先生の態度、教訓で、動かされたが、中学は、一つのビジネスにすぎなかった。」に類似した例文 |
When I was in elementary school I thought, from the bottom of my heart, that the teachers were great people and I was influenced by the teachers' attitudes and moral lessons, but middle school was just a business like any other.
What surprised me most when I first entered college was how few of my classmates knew how to study efficiently.
When I was a university student in Kyoto, I was doing part-time jobs, skipping classes, and having fun with my friends, just like other students.
When I was very young, my father died. His younger brother, due to the vicissitudes of the times and to his own laziness, dissipated his own fortune and afterwards became a peddler of writing materials. He often came to our house, but when he came, my mother would scold him and he would be troubled.
But the boys I defeated in elementary school started growing bigger and stronger and I couldn't beat them anymore.
"I guess you just slept through our last class." "Yeah, I wasn't able to keep myself awake any longer. Do you think the teacher noticed?" "They didn't seem to notice, but you completely dozed off, so all the boys were laughing about it." "Yikes. That's probably even worse."
In middle school, I was talking with my therapist, and seeing as we were having such a great talk, I suddenly thought "There's a chance", and I tried to get a kiss. But she told me to stop. Then, as I headed to my next class, I felt so embarrassed.
In my secondary school days, I was much impressed by how my hospitalised grandfather would often tell the nurses there, "Thank you, I appreciate your help."
"What are you studying at university?" "Philosophy" "Philosophy? How is that going to be useful?" "So that I can learn about the importance of things which have no use."
"I just ran into a friend today who had transferred schools a while back." "Cool!" "Yeah. Then, we talked about movies, and they suggested we go watch one sometime soon. Is that OK?" "Sure! But, is this friend a boy or a girl?" "....."
He never got married because, as he said, “It's too much trouble humoring [《口語》 buttering up] a woman."
Lots of people don't get into university the first time around. Why don't you pull yourself together, spend an extra year study, and try again next year?
In the old days we always used to go home at lunchtime, but nowadays most children have lunch at school.
When I was in middle school, I had a friend in the track club who normally studied 3 hours a day. He didn't speed up the pace before tests. On the contrary, he didn't have any club activities and so had lot of free time, so before the test we would go to his house and play video games every day. If we hadn't done that, I would have gotten better grades too.
But looking back on those days, I think the friendly competition was essential for my development.
A man with a knife entered the school grounds, killed seven second graders and one first grader, and wounded many others.
When I was in my first years of grade school, my father taught me a haiku and I longed to be a poet. On my Tanabata wish, I also wrote "Please make me a poet". Thirty years have passed and my wish has been granted. I am without doubt an invalid.
"You should write a novel or something." "Nah, I don't think so. I can't see myself coming up with anything good, anyways."
I recently changed the way I take notes, and ever since then I've gained confidence in math. For example, usually when I take tests, I don't know anything, and I get bad grades. But yesterday I took a test, and although I don't know my score yet, I think it went well for once.
Then, while saying this, the memories of the men who had seduced her, her husband's colleague who had approached her as if it were a joke, the section chief with whom she had held hands, her relative who she had tried to kiss while she was drunk, shined as if projected upon a broken mirror.
I don't get why test scores are more important for the education system than real learning. Just because that kind of system is easier to implement, doesn't mean it's the best choice.
To make time for skating, I did my homework during recess and training breaks and got changed in a car on my way to school after morning practice.
To make time for skating, I did my homework during recess and training breaks and got changed in a car on my way to school after morning practice.
"What made you decide to become a doctor?" "I was interested in the human body, and I wanted to help other people."
At that time, bicycles were just starting to get popular and, here and there, there were many unskilled beginners who ran into people and broke through their hedges.
When I was in middle school, I was talking with my therapist, and we had such a great talk that I thought "Maybe there's something between us", and I tried to get a kiss. But she gave me the cold shoulder and told me to stop. It was at this moment I knew I had screwed up.
I had imagined that the newbies fresh from university would probably be stuck with all the backstage work - collecting reference material, getting copies and such but I couldn't have been proved more wrong.
Although I broke test tubes and played about with chemicals for fun, I did occasionally manage to obey the teacher's instructions as well; repeating experiments that others had long ago undertaken.
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