
「Man of the People」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(2ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





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Man of the Peopleの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 100


Notes: People lived as long as fifty years in those days as expressed in a famous song, and the actors who turned fifty were generally retired, but Ebizo ICHIKAWA II (Danjuro ICHIKAWA II) played the role of young man Sukeroku at the age of sixty-one in this program for the first time over thirty-three years. 例文帳に追加

備考:「人間五十年」の時代、不惑の歳を迎えた役者は隠居するのが常だったが、この年61歳になった二代目海老蔵(二代目團十郎)は33年ぶりに若衆の助六を演じた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the seventh volume "Consideration of the jobs of people", he painted a very loyal hero who sacrificed himself to his lord, and an ordinary man who killed himself because he could not uphold the order from his lord, with the same brush. 例文帳に追加

第7編「国民の職分を論ず」において、主君のために自分の命を投げ出す忠君義士の討死と、主人の命令を守れなかったために首をくくった権助の死を同一視している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

At his fall the guardsmen took to their heels in one direction and the loungers in the other, while a number of better-dressed people, who had watched the scuffle without taking part in it, crowded in to help the lady and to attend to the injured man. 例文帳に追加

彼が倒れると、近衛兵たちは一方へ、浮浪者どもは他方へと逃げ出したが、乱闘に加わらずに見守っていた身なりのいい多数の人々が、婦人を助け、けが人の手当てをしようと押し寄せた。 - Arthur Conan Doyle『シャーロック・ホームズの冒険』

From the perspective of Buddhism, a man of Kangiten was the first son of Daijizaiten (Mahesvara) and a fierce god who violated world, and was called 'Jozui-ma ().' who always peered into people's emptiness. 例文帳に追加

仏教的観点から説明すると、歓喜天の男子は大自在天の長子として世界に暴害を為す荒神で、また「常隋魔」と呼ばれ、つねに人の虚を覗く悪鬼神であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


But there is a man in the print that is thought to be Kira Kozukenosuke, and though only 21 people are depicted instead of the "47 samurai," the scene clearly depicts the raid by the Ako roshi. 例文帳に追加

しかし,版画中に吉(き)良(ら)上(こうずけ)野(の)介(すけ)と思われる男がおり,「四十七士」のかわりに21人しか描かれていないが,その場面は明らかに赤穂浪士による討ち入りを描写している。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave


Although Ito may be minor as a military man, it was only Ito and Sukeshige MAKINO, the last lord of Tanabe Domain of Tango Province, who were granted the peerage among people from Maizuru City, and thus Ito is said to be respected as a rare great figure in the district. 例文帳に追加

海軍軍人としてはマイナーだが、舞鶴市出身で爵位を受けたのは最後の丹後田辺藩主牧野弼成(すけしげ)と伊藤の2人だけであり、地元では稀代の偉人として尊敬されているという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

A 53-year-old man from Minamisoma in Fukushima Prefecture said, "It must be difficult to keep the memory of the disaster from fading. I can see how the people of Kobe have worked together to restore their community." 例文帳に追加

福島県南(みなみ)相(そう)馬(ま)市(し)から来た53歳の男性は,「震災の記憶を風化させないようにすることは大変に違いない。神戸の人々がどのように力を合わせて地域社会を復興してきたかがわかった。」と話した。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave

But much more of the meaning even of these would have been understood, and what was understood would have been far more deeply impressed on the mind, if the man had been accustomed to hear it argued pro and con by people who did understand it. 例文帳に追加

しかし、その意味を理解した人々の賛否両論を聞き慣れていれば、そういう真理の意味もさらにいっそう理解できるし、より深く心に刻みつけることになるでしょう。 - John Stuart Mill『自由について』

crying out, “Men of Israel, help! This is the man who teaches all men everywhere against the people, and the law, and this place. Moreover, he also brought Greeks into the temple, and has defiled this holy place!” 例文帳に追加

叫んで言った,「イスラエルの人たち,手伝ってくれ! この男は至るところであらゆる者に,民と律法とこの場所に反することを教えている。その上,ギリシャ人たちを神殿に連れ込んで,この聖なる場所を汚すことまでしたのだ!」 - 電網聖書『使徒行伝 21:28』


The Yamato race consists of people living in the Japanese archipelago, where the race was formed as the Yamato sovereignty (the ancient Japan sovereignty), composed mainly of people living in the Japanese archipelago since the end of the Jomon Period (Jomon man) and people from the Eurasian Continent (Yayoi people) between the late Jomon period and the Yayoi period, controlling various groups of people which had spread across the Japanese archipelago and assimilating them. 例文帳に追加

大和民族とは、日本列島に住んできた人類で構成される民族で、そこでは縄文時代から日本列島に住んできた人々(いわゆる縄文人)と、縄文末期から弥生時代にユーラシア大陸から渡来した人々(いわゆる弥生人)が中心となって形成したヤマト王権が、日本列島各地に散在していた様々な人的集団を勢力下に置き、同化したことにより大和民族が成立していったと考えられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Old man said that formerly in autumn in the year of the horse of Emperor Gyou (Ame no shita shiroshimeshishi) twenty-seven year in Makimuki no tamaki no miya, many people died from hunger.' 例文帳に追加

「古老曰へらく、昔、巻向珠城宮(まきむきのたまきのみや)に御宇(あめのしたしろしめしし)天皇の二十七年戌午年の秋、飢えて人民多く亡せき。」 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After this man, Judas of Galilee rose up in the days of the enrollment, and drew away some people after him. He also perished, and all, as many as obeyed him, were scattered abroad. 例文帳に追加

その男の後で,ガリラヤのユダが登録のころに立ち上がり,かなりの民を離反させて自分の側に付けましたが,彼も滅び,彼に従っていた者たちもみなほうぼうに追い散らされたのです。 - 電網聖書『使徒行伝 5:37』

The setting for this story in which a man and woman exchange their roles is not realistic, but the portrayal of the characters, particularly these two people, is realistic and multilayered, so it's truly worth reading even today. 例文帳に追加

この作品は、男性と女性が入れ替わるという非現実的な設定である反面、2人を中心とする人間関係の描写は現実的かつ重層的であり、現在でも十分に味わい深く鑑賞できる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is told that long ago in China, when a man named Wu SU was abandoned in a country where the people were of a difference race, his wife and children at home climbed a koro (high tower) and pounded a kinuta because they were concerned about the cold at night in the place where he was.' 例文帳に追加

「昔、中国の蘇武という人が、異民族の国におきざりにされたとき、古里の妻子は夫のいるところの夜の寒さを案じて、高楼にのぼって砧を打ったといいます。」 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Razan HAYASHI wrote in his book "Honcho Jinja Ko" (a study of Japanese shrine) that, in the early Edo period, an old man named Zanmu told the Genpei War and people believed that he was Kaison. 例文帳に追加

江戸時代初期に残夢という老人が源平合戦を語っていたのを人々が海尊だと信じていた、と『本朝神社考』に林羅山が書いている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He is an old man who serves Oyamato-jinja Shrine, and he instantly looks through the true form of Manago and Maroya, and then two people plunge into the falls and vanish with water flowing out. 例文帳に追加

このひとは大和神社につかえる翁で、たちまち真女児とまろやの正体をみやぶると、二人は滝に飛び込み、水が湧き出て、どこかへ行ってしまった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Zhu Xi read the word 'qin', meaning 'being affectionate,' as 'xin,' meaning 'new,' and interpreted 'xinmin' as 'renovating the people', meaning that a man of virtue, who has discoverd his own virtue, spread it to others and renewed them. 例文帳に追加

まず朱子は「親」を「新」と読み替え、「民を新たにす」(自分自身の明徳を明らかにした君子が、他者にまでそれを及ぼし革新する)という風に解した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

But there was a certain man, Simon by name, who used to practice sorcery in the city, and amazed the people of Samaria, making himself out to be some great one, 例文帳に追加

ところで,そこにはある人がいたが,名をシモンといい,その町で以前から魔術を行なってサマリアの人々を驚かせ,自分を何か偉い者のように見せかけていた。 - 電網聖書『使徒行伝 8:9』

On the other hand, he is described as a good-looking man with generosity of showing careful attention to people such that Shokei (a high-ranking court noble) MINAMOTO no Toshikata, who visited Michitaka just before his death to pronounce an imperial edict, repeatedly mentioned Michitaka's splendid bearing afterwards. 例文帳に追加

その一方で、容貌が端正だった上に、人への気配りが行き届く気の広さを持ち、薨去直前に宣命を伝えに来た上卿源俊賢は、彼の優れた立ち居振る舞いを後々まで忘れずに口にかけたという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Some people criticized him as a spoiled man who was ignorant of the real world hardships, however he was also reputed to be mild-mannered, loved music, had a hand drum and a bell on his desk at office and played them himself after work. 例文帳に追加

しかし「深宮の内に養長して未だ嘗て世俗の艱難を知らず」と評され、性格は温雅で音楽を愛好し、座右に鼓鐘を置いて、退庁の後は自ら弾じて楽しんだという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is called Tenjin Sokan Shiso (Idea of Correlation between Heaven and Man), and according to a widely-accepted theory, this idea led people to call the storm that saved Japan Kamikaze. 例文帳に追加

これを天人相関思想というが、日本を救った暴風雨を神風と呼ぶこととなったのも、この天人相関思想に起因するという説が有力となっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Recognize that health emergency systems and plans need to be in place to provide an initial response to maximize the saving of people's lives in natural and man-made disasters.例文帳に追加

自然及び人為的な災害時において人命救助を最大限行うべく初期対応を提供するため、緊急時医療システム及び計画を整備する必要があることを認識する。 - 厚生労働省

When Peter saw it, he responded to the people, “You men of Israel, why do you marvel at this man? Why do you fasten your eyes on us, as though by our own power or godliness we had made him walk? 例文帳に追加

これを見て,ペトロは民に答えた。「イスラエルの人たち,なぜこの人のことで驚き怪しむのですか。どうして,わたしたちが自分の力や信心によってこの人を歩かせたかのように,わたしたちを見つめているのですか。 - 電網聖書『使徒行伝 3:12』

According to "Kenzo tenno ki (Records of Emperor Kenzo)" of Chapter 15 of "Nihon Shoki," a god of the moon who claimed Takamimusubi as his (or her) ancestor possessed a man and said, 'Worship my god of the moon, then you will have pleasures,' and the people, having heard the words, erected a shrine in Kadono no kori in Yamashiro Province and had Oshiminosukune (the ancestor of Agatanonushi of Iki) serve it. 例文帳に追加

書紀巻十五の顕宗天皇紀には、タカミムスビをわが祖と称する月の神が人に憑いて、「我が月神に奉れ、さすれば喜びがあろう」と宣ったので、その言葉通り山背国の葛野郡に社を建て、壱岐県主の祖・押見宿彌(オシミノスクネ)に祭らせたという記録がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This way of decision-making, in which the highest man of power had the authority of the final decision while suppressing complaints of under class people using the form of adopting their opinions, had been kept as a 'traditional' and 'fundamental' way until the Edo period. 例文帳に追加

下位の者の意見を取り上げる形式をとって下位の不満を抑えつつも、最終的な決裁権は最高権力者が保持し続けるというこのやり方は江戸時代に至るまで、「伝統的」・「原則的」手法として守られ続けていった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Further, because the Emperor asked 'if there were a wise man, bring him as a tribute, 'in response to his order, sent as a tribute was Wanikishi. Accompanying this man, there were presented 10 volumes of Rongo Analects and 1 volume of Senjimon, total 11 volumes. This Wanikishi was the ancestor of Humi no obito, etc. Also sent as tributes were two people, a blacksmith named Takuso and a weaver, Saiso.' 例文帳に追加

また「もし賢人しき人あらば貢上れ」と仰せになったので、「命を受けて貢上れる人、名は王仁(わにきし)。すなわち論語十巻、千字文一巻、併せて十一巻をこの人に付けてすなわち貢進りき。この和爾吉師は文首等の祖。また手人韓鍛(てひとからかぬち)名は卓素(たくそ)また呉服(くれはとり)の西素(さいそ)二人を貢上りき」。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Many programs contained in the selection feature a role of a handsome man or boy with his face painted white (or a similar role), or a role that appeals his good voice and eloquency, or a role with Edo-style sophisticated and gallant appearance in the case of plays dealing with the lives of ordinary people, and the selection contains few works of Maruhon Kabuki (Plays written for ningyo joruri (traditional Japanese puppet theater) that have been adapted for Kabuki (traditional drama performed by male actors)). 例文帳に追加

役としては白塗りの二枚目立役または若衆役かそれに類するものであること、調子のよい口跡を聞かせる役が多いこと、世話ものでは江戸前の粋でいなせな風情を見せる役が多いこと、丸本歌舞伎が少ないことなどが特徴。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Akutagawa added a conversation of two types of people, a young samurai who takes only the physical comforts as happiness and an old man who regards psychological satisfaction as most important, at end of the plot of its original to show two different kinds of feeling of happiness and his own color. 例文帳に追加

芥川は、物質的な幸福だけを真の幸福と考える若侍と、精神の内部における幸福を最大視する翁と、この相対する二つの型の人間の会話を最後において、種類の異なった幸福感を示し、原作に多少の綾を付与した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It means that when larger groups of people were organized by a new ruler that integrated individual villages of the Yayoi period, changes occurred in the ceremonial style from one of each community to one of a man with absolute power, leading to burial of dotaku that had been used in each village. 例文帳に追加

つまり、弥生時代の個々の村落を統合する新しい支配者が現れる等して人々がより大きな集団を構成する際に、それまでのそれぞれの共同体の祭儀から専制的権力者の祭儀への変化が起き、各々の村落で使われていた銅鐸を埋納したというものである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Article 97. The fundamental human rights by this Constitution guaranteed to the people of Japan are fruits of the age-old struggle of man to be free; they have survived the many exacting tests for durability and are conferred upon this and future generations in trust, to be held for all time inviolate. 例文帳に追加

第九十七条 この憲法が日本国民に保障する基本的人権は、人類の多年にわたる自由獲得の努力の成果であつて、これらの権利は、過去幾多の試錬に堪へ、現在及び将来の国民に対し、侵すことのできない永久の権利として信託されたものである。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Laying temperature set by a room temperature setting device 56 is corrected by a correcting circuit 14 according to number of people inside the vehicle detected by a man sensor 10 to control operation of an air- conditioning unit 58 on the basis of the corrected temperature.例文帳に追加

室温設定器56によって設定されている設定温度を、人感センサ10によって検出される車内の人数に応じて補正回路14によって補正し、その補正温度に基づいて、エアコンユニット58の運転を制御する。 - 特許庁

be it known to you all, and to all the people of Israel, that in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified, whom God raised from the dead, in him does this man stand here before you whole. 例文帳に追加

あなた方全員もイスラエルの民すべても,このことを知ってください。あなた方がはりつけにし,神が死んだ者たちの中から起こされたナザレのイエス・キリストの名において,そうです,この方によってこの人は皆さんの前に立っているのです。 - 電網聖書『使徒行伝 4:10』

Furthermore, "Karako" as it is inscribed in the September 531 entry of the "Nihonshoki" refers to a 'child born of union between a Japanese man and a woman from a neighboring country'; since Karako is a common term used to describe people of mixed Wa (Japanese) and Korean descent, it is hard to believe that it specified any individual. 例文帳に追加

また、韓子は『日本書紀』継体天皇24年秋9月の条の注に「大日本人娶蕃女所生為韓子也」(大日本人、蕃女(となりのくにのめ)を娶りて生めるを韓子とす)とされているように、倭韓混血児の通称であり、実在の人物名としては考えがたい。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

For example, "the Vocabvlario da Lingoa de Iapam" (Nipojisho, Japanese-Portuguese Dictionary), published in early seventeen century, gave the meaning of the terms Buxi and Mononofu as 'bujin' (warrior) and 'gunjin' (military man), respectively, however, Saburai was translated as 'a nobleman or person to be respected', suggesting that samurai were special people within the bushi class. 例文帳に追加

たとえば、17世紀初頭に刊行された『日葡辞書』では、BuxiやMononofuはそれぞれ「武人」「軍人」という訳語が与えられているのに対して、Saburaiは「貴人、または尊敬すべき人」と訳されていることからも、侍が武士階層の中でも特別な存在であったことは窺えよう。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Specific examples include mounds for man-made items such as ningyo-zuka (a doll tomb), hocho-zuka (a kitchen knife tomb), and dogu-zuka (a tool tomb); mounds for creatures such as kujira-zuka (a whale tomb) and uo-zuka (a fish tomb); and mounds for the people killed in war, disasters, or other accidents and the things belonging to them, for example moko-zuka (a tomb for Mongol warriors), kubi-zuka (a grave of the executed), and katana-zuka (a mound for Japanese swords). 例文帳に追加

具体的な例としては、人形塚・包丁塚・道具塚などの人工ものや、鯨塚や魚塚といった生き物、または、戦乱や災害や不幸や事件で無くなった人やその遺品の塚として、蒙古塚・首塚・刀塚などがる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

To provide a map information updating method for generating map information especially covering a narrow path through which a man can but a car cannot go down, a mountain road, or places where people do no frequently come and go without spending a large amount of money on the generation of map information.例文帳に追加

地図情報の制作に多大な費用をかけることなく、特に、人程度が通れる小さな道、もしくは、山道その他の人の行き交う頻度の少ない場所を網羅する地図情報を作成する地図情報更新方法を提供する。 - 特許庁

A book, Sasekishu, evaluated Yasutoki as follows: 'Yasutoki is a real wise man. He feels people's grief as his own, and he is a person who is like everybody's parent'; it described Yasutoki as one who, repeats 'reason, reason' in trials and is deeply moved even the point of tears, saying, 'There is nothing more interesting than reason,' when he listens to a reasonable episode. 例文帳に追加

沙石集は泰時を「まことの賢人である。民の嘆きを自分の嘆きとし、万人の父母のような人である」と評し、裁判の際には「道理、道理」と繰り返し、道理に適った話を聞けば「道理ほどに面白きものはない」と言って感動して涙まで流すと伝えている - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The emperor says `As far as I understand, "Teiki and "Honji" (accounts of origin) that have been handed down to families are falsified and are not like the original one. The original intentions will be lost within a few years unless corrected now. These are the precious teachings of the imperial court, to establish a sold foundation to guide the people. Therefore, I will advisedly select Teiki, and find kyuji to eliminate the false parts and find the truth to succeed future generations. He was such a bright man and was able to immediately express something he saw in words and never forgot the word he heard. The emperor immediately ordered Are to read and learn Kyuji that describes the lineage and incidents of past emperors that the emperor determined and selected himself. 例文帳に追加

…(於是天皇詔之朕聞諸家之所帝紀及本辭既違正實多加虚僞當今之時不改其失未經幾年其旨欲滅斯乃邦家經緯王化之鴻基焉故惟撰録帝紀討覈舊辭削僞定實欲流後葉時有舍人姓稗田名阿禮年是廿八爲人聰明度目誦口拂耳勒心即勅語阿禮令誦習帝皇日繼及先代舊辭) - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Because he entered Kan'ei-ji Temple for disciplinary confinement as soon as the New Government designated him as the Imperial Court's enemy, he was considered as a reasonable man who respected the Emperor and the Imperial Court (perhaps this was due to the teaching of Mito-han [Clan] that highly respected the Emperor and also to the fact that his mother was from the Imperial Family); however, on the other hand, he was also called weak-kneed because as the lord of his people, he was not able to stand resolutely in the face of the enemy. 例文帳に追加

新政府から朝敵とされるや否や、寛永寺に謹慎した事などから、天皇や朝廷を重んじる心ある者だと評価される(尊王思想である水戸学や、母親が皇室出身であることなどが多分に影響していると思われる)が、一方で、主君として敵に毅然とした対応を示さなかったため、「弱腰」とも言われた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It also states that Du Mu praised Jang as a man of humanity and justice comparing Jang and Jeongyeon's relationship with that of Bunyang GWAK and Imhoe YI at the An Lushan War and as a comment of Song Qi who edited the story collection of "Shintojo", he listed the names of people, who thought about the nation first with the mind of righteousness during a difficult time for the country, as Qi Xi of the Jin (Spring and Autumn) Period and Bunyang GWAK and Bogo JANG of the Tang Period, saying 'How can we say that there were no excellent people in the foreign countries of East' (Original: 乎、怨毒槊、而國家・保皋、孰無人). 例文帳に追加

さらに続けて、杜牧が張保皐・鄭年の交わりを安禄山の乱における郭汾陽・李臨淮の交わりに見立てて仁義の人であると賞賛したことを伝え、『新唐書』の列伝を編纂した宋祁の評として、国難の時期に義の心を持って国家の憂患を第一に考えた人として晋(春秋)代の祁奚、唐代の郭汾陽・張保皐を挙げ、「どうして東方の蛮国に優れた人物がいないということがあろうか」と称えている(原文:嗟乎、不以怨毒相槊、而先國家之憂、晉有祁奚、唐有汾陽・保皋、孰謂夷無人哉。)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The man conveyor includes footboards to be driven along a guide rail, each footboard consisting of a tread plate stamped by people, a riser face plate exposed to the sides of the tread plate, and a base to support the tread plate and riser face plate, wherein the tread plate, the riser face plate, and the base are formed in a single piece through hardening of a molten resin.例文帳に追加

踏段をガイドレールに沿って駆動させる乗客コンベアにおいて、乗客に踏まれる踏面板と、踏面板の側方に露出しているライザー面板と、踏面板とライザー面板を支える踏段ベースとを有し、踏面板とライザー面板と踏段ベースとが溶融樹脂の硬化により一体に成形されている踏板を用いる。 - 特許庁

Yesterday, the Metropolitan Police Department arrested several people, including a Nigerian man, for a case of violation of the Anti-Organized Crime Act. This case reportedly involves suspected organized money laundering, and the inadequacy or other shortcomings in the system of checks by financial institutions in Japan is said to be one of the grounds for such acts. Please give us your thought, if any. 例文帳に追加

昨日、警視庁が組織犯罪処罰法の事件で、ナイジェリア人の男などを逮捕する事件がありました。これは組織的なマネーローンダリングの疑いも取りざたされているようですが、背景の一つとして日本の金融機関のチェック体制の甘さみたいなものもあるという指摘もあるやに聞いています。大臣、ご所見がありましたら。 - 金融庁

44 Some people point out that the cause of the flood was the man-made operation errors of the two dams(many such views are voiced in the affected area), but some experts advocate that the flood events were largely inevitable due to technological difficulties in predicting seasonal precipitation, and when considering the fact that the two dams were constructed for irrigation and power generation purposes without water control capacity.例文帳に追加

44 2 つのダムの人為的なオペレーションミスを今般洪水の原因として指摘する意見(現地の論調として多い)もあるが、降雨量の季節予測の技術的困難さや、元々灌漑・発電用ダムで治水容量はないことなどに鑑みれば、致し方ない側面が大きいとする専門家もいる。 - 経済産業省

According to "Hone ha kataru: Tokugawa Shogun Daimyoke no hitobito" (Bones talk: the people of Tokugawa shogun and daimyo families) by Hisashi SUZUKI, who observed the refurbishment of the Tokugawa shogun family's grave site at Zojo-ji Temple where Ienobu was also buried and who was also in charge of inspecting the remains, Ienobu was apparently a soft-looking, lean-faced handsome man with a shapely nose and he shared very little resemblance with his father Tsunashige except for the fact that he was round-shouldered. 例文帳に追加

家宣の埋葬された増上寺で徳川将軍家の墓地が改葬された際に、これに立ち会い被葬者の遺骨の調査を担当した鈴木尚の著書『骨は語る徳川将軍・大名家の人びと』によると、家宣は細面で鼻筋が通っていて穏やかな顔立ちをした美男であったといい、父・綱重とは猫背であったこと以外に似ている部分は非常に少なかったという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Besides priests, fukuotoko (the luckiest man); fukumusume (the luckiest girl); people involved in Shinto rituals (such as the arrow gatherer of a bow and arrow performance at a festival); performers and promoters at a festival (including sumo wrestlers, daikagura lion dance performers, and stall keepers) as well as their sources (such as the medieval sarugaku form of theater and kugutsu puppet theater) are all 'kannagi' and have long been thought to have special power to bring good luck. 例文帳に追加

神職だけでなく福男や福娘や神事に携わる庶民(祭り弓矢の矢取りなど)や祭りの興行者(相撲の力士や太神楽の芸人あるいは、縁日の露天商なども)その源流(猿楽・くぐつなど)は「かんなぎ」であり、良い縁起を齎すものとして、特別な力があると考えられてきた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Regarding Mr.Noda, his election as the new leader is the DPJ's decision.As I always say, we are working in a coalition government of the People's New Party and the DPJ.I think that Mr.Noda, who was elected as the new leader through the DPJ's formal procedure, is an excellent man. 例文帳に追加

まず野田さんに関しましては、これは民主党がお選びになることでございますから、私はいつも言っていますように、国民新党と民主党とが連立内閣を組ませていただいているわけでございますから、野田さんというのは民主党が正式な手続きによって選ばれたわけでございまして、立派な方だと思っています。 - 金融庁

(1) Western clothes became more popular than ever in Japan; (2) there brought about a tendency to deny the previous culture because of the loss of the war, and, to make the matter worse, the fundoshi was something the military forced them to wear; (3) because of the advancement of industrialization, people moved from agricultural communities to urban areas to change the traditional family form to a nuclear family, and thus it made it hard to continue the culture in which wearing fundoshi was often symbolically celebrated as a rite of passage to be a grown-up man; (4) as women were encouraged to participate in society, household chores were simplified and thus the time for sewing fundoshi at home became limited; (5) manufacturers of fundoshi were practically decreased and it made it hard for people to get fundoshi at stores; and (6) new types of undergarments, such as a brief type and a trunks type of underpants, appeared at low prices, those functional, and were seen fashionable, undergarments became popular mainly among young people. 例文帳に追加

日本人の洋装化が一段と進んだこと、敗戦で軍隊で強制されていたことの嫌悪感から旧文化が否定される風潮になったこと、日本の工業化の進展で農村部から都市部に人口の移動が起こり、核家族化が進行して「褌祝」の私的祭事に象徴される褌継承の文化が断絶したこと、女性の社会進出で家事が簡略化されて自家で縫製する機会がなくなったこと、製造販売する業者も少なく店頭に並ばず、入手性に難があったこと、ブリーフ、トランクス等の新しい下着が廉価で出現して、機能性だけでなくファッション性のある下着が若者を中心に普及したことなどである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Especially before and after the political change on August 18, the samurai of the Choshu Domain, people loyal to the Emperor who remained in Kyoto such as Chuzaburo TERAJIMA and Genzui KUSAKA, had contacted various Taifu of Arisugawanomiya or aides many times, such as Yoshikaze AWAZU and Shigeyuki MAEKAWA through the former Bishamon do aides, Shutaro FURUTAKA (KOTAKA), who pretended to be a business man and named 'Kiemon MASUYA,' they had contact by organizing to have a place for secret meeting, or they both exchanged secret messengers in hiding to each others, Prince Taruhito ordered Awazu and Maekawa to send a letter of consolation to the Chief retainer of a feudal lord of Choshu Domain, Kanenobu MASUDA. 例文帳に追加

特に八月十八日の政変の前後からは、商人を装い「枡屋喜右衛門」を名乗っていた元毘沙門堂家臣・古高俊太郎を仲介者として、寺島忠三郎や久坂玄瑞ら京に残った勤王派の長州藩士達が、粟津義風・前川茂行といった有栖川宮の諸大夫や家臣達と複数回にわたり接触し、両者の間で密会の場を設けたり密使を潜伏させあうなどの交際を行っているほか、熾仁親王は粟津や前川に命じ、長州藩家老の益田兼施宛に慰問の書状を出させたりしている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Shylock being a hard-hearted man, exacted the payment of the money he lent with such severity, that he was much disliked by all good men, and particularly by Anthonio, a young merchant of Venice; and Shylock as much hated Anthonio, because he used to lend money to people in distress, and would never take any interest for the money he lent; therefore there was great enmity between this covetous Jew and the generous merchant Anthonio. 例文帳に追加

シャイロックは冷酷な心の持ち主であり、貸したお金の返済をとても厳しく要求してきたために、すべての善良な人たちに嫌われていた。その中でも特にアントニオというヴェニスの若い商人がシャイロックを憎んでいて、シャイロックもまたアントニオを憎んでいた。というのは、アントニオは困っている人によくお金を貸していて、そのお金に決して利息をつけなかったからである。このことから、このどん欲なユダヤ人と寛大なる商人アントニオは互いに激しい敵意を抱いていた。 - Shakespeare『ヴェニスの商人』


For the past two years and eight months since the change of government, he has been doing his part behind the scenes as senior vice minister without any grumbles, and he is a man of reputation. When I recommended him to Prime Minister Noda as my successor, the prime minister said, “I know of him well.He is a man of reputation among experts. While he may lack glamour, I place firm confidence in him. It is important to gain the people's confidence and to have a broad perspective as minister for financial services in a democratic country. Regarding the international perspective and technical matters, it is necessary to seek the support of civil servants. However, he knows well what should be looked at from a broad perspective and what should be looked at from the technical perspective. Therefore, I believe that we may rest assured about him. 例文帳に追加

また、(政権交代後の)2年8か月、ここのところずっと、言うなれば、副大臣ということで、縁の下の力持ち的なことを不平も一つも言わずやってきて、大変評価の高い人間でございます。野田総理に言った時も、「そうですか、あの人はよく知っていますよ。」と、何かプロ筋には非常に評判のいい人でございまして、一見華やかではないですけれども、そういった意味で、私は彼に万全の信頼を持っておりますし、非常にきちんと国民の信頼を得て、民主主義国家における金融担当大臣として、大所高所が大事ですから、国際的な目とか、技術的なことは、それは色々、みんな官僚の方に助けていただくことも必要ですけれども、彼はどこが技術的で、どこが大局かというのをよく分かっている人間でございますから、そういう意味では私は安心して見ておれる方だというふうに思っております。 - 金融庁


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