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該当件数 : 22672


第一条 この法律は、我が国を取り巻く国際経済環境の変化等に伴い、我が国がアジア地域その他の地域における国際的な経済活動の拠となることが重要となっていることに鑑み、我が国において新たに研究開発事業及び統括事業を行おうとする特定多国籍企業の活動を促進するための特別の措置を講ずることにより、新たな事業の創出を図るとともに、就業の機会の増大に寄与し、もって国民経済の健全な発展に資することを目的とする。例文帳に追加

Article 1 The purpose of this Act is to facilitate the creation of new business and contribute to the expansion of work opportunities by taking special measures to promote the activities of Specified Multinational Enterprises that intend to newly engage in Research and Development Business and supervisory business in Japan, given the growing importance of Japan becoming the center for global economic activities in Asia or other regions in the midst of changes in the global economic environment surrounding Japan and other circumstances, thereby aiming to contribute to the sound development of the national economy.  - 経済産業省


Under this project, when companies in affected areas form into groups, prepare reconstruction business plans, and gain approval from the prefecture, they can receive subsidies for the restoration and preparation of facilities and equipment. The groups formed by companies should meet one of the following four types of requirements: (1) important industrial agglomeration for the region because of the range of economic transactions, (2) core and peripheral companies important for the region in terms of employment scale, (3) company group that forms an important supply chain for the national economy, or (4) regional shopping center district essential for the local community.  - 経済産業省

長野市においては、行政とTMOの主導により、公共施設や食品スーパー等が併設された拠施設を整備したところ、新たな来街者の創出と周囲のマンション建設を誘発した。 そこで更に、その来街者・居住者という新たな客層と、従来の善光寺への観光客とを見込んだ複合商業施設をまちづくり会社が整備したところ、そこで生まれた新たな人の流れを見込んで、更に地域のブランド店が幾つも進出するなど民間投資が誘発される、という好循環が生まれている。例文帳に追加

In Nagano City, the establishment of a hub facility adjoining public facilities and a food supermarket at the initiative of the local government and a TMO generated new visitors and encouraged the construction of condominiums in the surrounding area, setting in motion a virtuous cycle that brought in more and more privatesector investment: attracted by the creation of a new market i.e., the new visitors to the hub and condominium residents and also existing tourists visiting the Zenko-ji temple, a town development company established a shopping complex in the town center, and this in turn led to the opening of several local brand-name retailers in anticipation of the expected extra influx of shoppers to the area. - 経済産業省


On that occasion, we need to conduct thorough discussions from the perspective of how to realize a best mix of energy sources by considering such issues as what to do with nuclear power, the expanded introduction of renewable energy, effective utilization of fossil fuels, and further promotion of energy conservation by society as a whole. - 経済産業省



Of course, success of personal services largely depends on the selection of locations for stores,which serve as the access points for customers. In this sense, securing tenancy of business sites in places such as shopping malls and newly developed commercial areas is a crucial factor in achieving success for a Japanese service sector business targeting local wealthy and middle-income class people. - 経済産業省



Some argue that such problems could be solved by promoting the manner of working that is in between regular and irregular employment rather than the dualism of these forms, and permitting the selection of work styles that fit the stages of the lives of workers. In order to eliminate the so-calleddualism,”64 opportunities for adequate vocational education and training must be provided to irregular employees and their abilities must be appropriately evaluated. - 経済産業省


As NISA performs the safety regulation administrative work committed by the Minister of METI, and at the point of completion of safety review when NISA issues the license for reactor installment pursuant to the Reactor Regulation Act, they shall consult the review with the Atomic Energy Commission and the Nuclear Safety Commission. This means implementation of the safety regulation is supervised independently. - 経済産業省


The U.S. National Association of Manufacturers (NAM), for example, has maintained that the Chinese yuan has been undervalued against the dollar by about 40%. On the other hand, a study using the theory ofrelativepurchasing power parity shows that the yuan was undervalued against the dollar by about an estimated 7.3% as of 2003 compared with the 1995 standard. So, a big discrepancy has existed in the valuation of the yuan against the dollar from one estimate to others, making it difficult to deny the possibility that the yuan may lose its value depending on changes in economic fundamentals in China. Summed up, it is hard for anyone to accurately forecast future levels of the yuans exchange rates and the currency’s direction. - 経済産業省


Therefore, problems are taking place such financial institutions being divided on whether a certain transaction is right or wrong and it requiring long periods of time to receive approval. (b) As Islamic finance, which has religious restrictions on loan behavior, continues to steadily expand in size, problems are arising in terms of how to balance points of rationality and religion which are sometimes in conflict. (c) Human resources that have a combination of specialized knowledge regarding both the Islamic religion and financial technologies and markets, which are needed to support Islamic financial business, are mostly lacking, and it is necessary to foster such human resources. - 経済産業省



However, while institutions analysis looks mainly at the incentive schemes as offered to various entities including both individuals and organizations (companies, universities, government,etc.) and the balance brought about by their strategic behavior and its standardization, the interest of the new spatial economic analysis of agglomerations lies with the spatial aspects arising from the driving force to agglomerate (this force can be negative, in which case it works against agglomeration) brought about by various entities and by parameters such as transport costs in their broad sense. - 経済産業省



The policy has the following TRIMs Agreement-related problems: First, the policy requires that 50 percent local content be achieved within three years of the date on which the first imported parts (CKD, SKD) are cleared through customs; the requirement increases to 70 percent within five years of first clearance. Second, the policy requires that export of automobiles or parts begin within three years of start-up; restrictions on the amount of parts (CKD, SKD) that can be imported depend on the degree to which the export requirement is met. This policy amounts to an export/import balancing requirement. - 経済産業省

本省は、食品の安全性の確保の観から、法違反を繰り返す輸入者又は法違反により健康被害を発生させた若しくは発生させるおそれを生じさせた食品等の輸入者などに対し、法違反の原因を改善させ、法違反の再発を防止させ、その他衛生上の必要な措置を講じさせることを目的として、法第 55 条第2項に基づく輸入者の営業の禁止又は停止(以下「輸入者の営業の禁停止処分」という。)を命ずる。例文帳に追加

For the purpose of ensuring food safety, the MHLW may order a prohibition or suspension of business with respect to importers who commit repeated violations, or food importers, etc. who have caused harm or posed risks to public health by violating the Act, in accordance with Article 55, paragraph 2 of the Act (hereinafter referred to as the “prohibition or suspension of business of importers”), in order to make them improve the causes of the violation, prevent recurrence, and take other required sanitary measures. - 厚生労働省


Second, when we think of issues such as employability, education and training, and employment, we must ensure that young people do not enter into careers that will only lead them into a dead end. In order to ensure that young people, who may need to work for 30 years or 40 years to come, can continue meaningful work throughout their lifetime, and that they can make contributions to society and realize their potential in their own way, we must focus particularly on careers for youth, careers that progress into the future, not the careers of the past. - 厚生労働省


For the purpose of ensuring food safety, the MHLW may order a prohibition or suspension of business with respect to importers who commit repeated violations, or food importers, etc. who have caused harm or posed risks to public health by violating the Act, in accordance with Article 55, paragraph 2 of the Act (hereinafter referred to as the “prohibition or suspension of business of importers”), in order to make them improve the causes of the violation, prevent recurrence, and take other required sanitary measures. - 厚生労働省


Furthermore, as the presence of specialists who support the implementation is also important in clinical studies and trials, it is necessary to educate specialists such as clinical study coordinators and biostatisticians who support clinical studies. In addition, it is important to improve the medical environment where various pharmaceutical products developed can be properly used, and in consideration that pharmacotherapy, explanation to patients and instruction on dosage and administration in addition to the improvement of medical facilities can be adequately conducted, human resources development is also necessary for healthcare professionals such as physicians and pharmacists. - 厚生労働省

欧米と比較して、日本におけるライフサイエンス関連予算は規模が小さいとの指摘がある。このライフサイエンス関連予算の拡充を図り、特に、ライフサイエンス関連予算の中で医薬品分野へ重化・拡充するとともに、その中身についても、ア)臨床研究・実用化研究(臨床への橋渡し研究を含む)、イ)がん・精神神経疾患・難病等の重大疾病領域、希少疾病領域、ウ)新たな技術(バイオマーカー、疾患モデル化、テーラーメイド医薬、再生医療等)の領域を重視する必要がある。(2007 年度~)例文帳に追加

It has been pointed out that the life sciences-related budget in Japan is smaller than in Europe and the US. As well as increasing this budget and, in particular, prioritizing and expanding the pharmaceutical fields covered, priority should also be given as follows according to their content: a) Clinical research and applied research (including bridging studies for clinical application), b) Cancer, neuropsychiatric disorders, refractory and other major diseases, rare diseases, c) New technologies (biomarkers, creation of disease models, tailor-made medicine, regenerative medicine etc.) (Fiscal 2007 ~ ) . - 厚生労働省

GCP省令については、国際的な標準(ICH-GCP)と比較して、運用上多くの必須文書が求められている等の指摘があり、治験事務の効率化や国際共同治験の推進等の観から被験者の保護等に支障がない範囲でその合理化を図ることが関係者からも望まれている。このような現状を踏まえ、GCP省令の運用改善を行い、治験の円滑化が図られるよう検討することとしている。(2007 年度)例文帳に追加

It has been pointed out that the GCP Ordinance requires more implementation documents than the global standard (ICHGCP). In the interest of promoting efficient clinical trial administration and the conduct of multinational trials, the parties concerned are also seeking its rationalization insofar as matters such as the protection of trial subjects are not affected. With reference to this situation, discussion shall be held with a view to improving the implementation of the GCP Ordinance and facilitating the conduct of clinical trials. (Fiscal 2007) - 厚生労働省


From this perspective, given the situation under the present drug pricing system where, even during the patent life, drug prices are structured to fall continuously and moreover are used for comparison in the calculation of drug prices, even the corrected prices of new drugs are likely to fall below the level in the major European countries and the US, leading to more increases rather than reductions on the application of the foreign price adjustment. In respect of drugs which thus are expected to be more highly priced abroad than in Japan, it has been pointed out that launch overseas gives more favorable drug pricing and that the pricing system has become unfavorable to domestic lead-off development. - 厚生労働省

また、関係省、研究機関及び産業界による連携組織を官民対話の下に作り、医薬品・医療機器分野内での重研究開発領域、ベンチャー企業の育成策、臨床研究・治験環境の整備をテーマとして意見の調整等も行うこととしている。そのほか、今後も必要に応じてあらゆるレベルでの官民対話の場を設け、今後の医薬品産業について議論することについても検討する必要がある。(2007 年度~)例文帳に追加

In addition, a subordinate liaison unit shall be established by the relevant ministries, research institutions and industry, which shall also carry out functions such as coordinating the views on the subjects of priority areas for drug and medical device research, the policies for the nurture of venture firms and the provision of the clinical research and trials infrastructure. Where necessary a forum for public-private dialogue at all levels shall also be provided, since discussions on the future status of the drug industry should also be considered. (Fiscal 2007 ~ ) - 厚生労働省


Subsequently, in light of, such as, the knowledge accumulated through inspection results and dose reduction measures, changed focus of measures taken against radionuclide from radioactive iodine to radioactive cesium, expansion of foods subject to inspections based on the actual situation of the public food intake, and the enforcement of the maximum limits for radioactive cesium as of April 1, 2012, we made necessary revisions to the following: inspection plans for properly assessing the need for restricting the distribution and/or consumption of foods, criteria for judging the necessity of restricting the distribution and/or consumption based on inspection results, and the concept of cancelling the distribution and/or consumption restrictions. - 厚生労働省

第百三十二条の三 予告通知を受けた者(以下この章において「被予告通知者」という。)は、予告通知者に対し、その予告通知の書面に記載された前条第三項の請求の要旨及び紛争の要に対する答弁の要旨を記載した書面でその予告通知に対する返答をしたときは、予告通知者に対し、その予告通知がされた日から四月以内に限り、訴えの提起前に、訴えを提起された場合の主張又は立証を準備するために必要であることが明らかな事項について、相当の期間を定めて、書面で回答するよう、書面で照会をすることができる。この場合においては、同条第一項ただし書及び同条第二項の規定を準用する。例文帳に追加

Article 132-3 (1) When a person who has received the advance notice (hereinafter referred to as a "recipient of advance notice" in this Chapter) has made a response to the advance notice by providing the advance noticer with a document stating the gist of his/her answers regarding the gist of the claim and the points of the dispute set forth in paragraph (3) of the preceding Article that are stated in the document of the advance notice, the recipient of advance notice, within four months after the day on which the advance notice has been given, may specify a reasonable period and make an inquiry by means of a document to the advance noticer in order to request him/her to make a response by means of a document, before the filing of the action, with regard to the matters that would be obviously necessary for preparing allegations or proof should the action actually be filed. In this case, the provisions of the proviso to paragraph (1) of said Article and paragraph (2) of said Article shall apply mutatis mutandis.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


In light of consistency with IFRS, and from the perspective of providing investors with more useful information, the revision to the Regulations Concerning Financial Statements, etc. is currently under consideration, such that if there are events or conditions that may cast significant doubt on the entity’s ability to continue as a going concern, and a material uncertainty exists even after considering relevant management’s plans for future actions, management shall disclose the effect in a note, such as: (1) that the said events or conditions exist, and the outline thereof; (2) the management’s plans for future actions to deal with these events or conditions, and (3) that there is a material uncertainty related to these events and conditions, and the reasons thereof.  - 金融庁


Petition may be filed with the Director from any repeated action or requirement of the Examiner which is not subject to appeal and in other appropriate circumstances. Such petition, and any other petition which may be filed, must contain a statement of the facts involved and the point or points to be reviewed. Briefs or memoranda, if any, in support thereof should accompany or be embodied in the petition. The Examiner, as the case may be, may be directed by the Director to furnish a written statement setting forth the reasons for his decision upon the matter averred in the petition, supplying a copy thereof to the petitioner. The mere filing of a petition will not stay the maximum period of four months counted from the mailing date of the Examiner's action subject of the appeal for replying to an Examiner's action nor act as a stay of other proceedings. - 特許庁

行政再審査請求は特許商標庁に提出するものとし,それには次の事項を記載しなければならない。 (i) 行政再審査を請求する者の名称又は企業名及び郵便宛先 (ii) 行政再審査の対象とする特許の登録番号並びに特許所有者の名称又は企業名及び発明の名称 (iii) 再審査請求の範囲,及びその請求の基づくすべての理由についての陳述,並びにその理由を支持して提示されたすべての事実,証拠及び論についての完全な説明,又はその請求が特許所有者によって行われている場合は,要望する補正 (iv) 再審査を請求する者が代理人を選任している場合は,代理人の名称又は事務所名及び郵便宛先,及び (v) 実施権者が特許登録簿に登録されている場合は,再審査請求が行われたことを当該実施権者に通知したことを証明する書類例文帳に追加

A request for administrative re-examination shall be filed with the Patent and Trademark Office and shall include: (i) the name or firm name and postal address of the person making the request for re-examination, (ii) the registration number of the patent with respect to which re-examination is requested, as well as the name or firm name of the proprietor of the patent and the title of the invention, (iii) a statement of the extent of the re-examination requested and of all the grounds on which the request is based as well as a complete account of all the facts, evidence and arguments presented in support of these grounds, or, if the request is made by the proprietor of the patent, the desired amendments, (iv) if the person requesting the re-examination is represented by an agent, the name or firm name and postal address of the agent, and (v) if licensees are entered in the Register of Patents, documentation to prove that such licensees have been notified that re-examination has been requested.  - 特許庁


If in any legal proceeding for rectification of the register before the Appellate Board a decision is on contest given in favour of the registered proprietor of the trade mark on the issue as to the validity of the registration of the trade mark, the Appellate Board may grant a certificate to that effect, and if such a certificate is granted, then, in any subsequent legal proceeding in which the said validity comes into question the said proprietor on obtaining a final order or judgment in his favour affirming validity of the registration of the trade mark shall, unless the said final order or judgment for sufficient reason directs otherwise, be entitled to his full costs, charges and expenses as between legal practitioner and client.  - 特許庁

(2) 商品又は商品の容器上に,登録簿のA部又はB部に登録される商標の登録所有者又は登録使用者が本条の適用される行為を行ってはならないと記載している場合,当該商品の現に所有者であって,その行為を行う者,又は,取引の過程において若しくは取引の過程で当該商品を取り扱うことを目的として当該商品にそれが行われることを認める者は,次に掲げる場合を除き当該商標を侵害する。 (a) その者が当該商品を購入することに合意した時で,当該商品に表示されたその記載に気付かず善意で行動した場合,又は (b) 当該商品を購入することにすでに合意していた別の者に由来する権利によって当該商品の所有者となった場合例文帳に追加

(2) Where by notice on goods or on the container of goods, the registered proprietor or a registered user of a trade mark registered in Part A or Part B of the Register makes a statement prohibiting the doing of an act to which this section applies, a person who, being the owner for the time being of the goods, does that act, or authorizes it to be done in relation to the goods in the course of trade or with a view to a dealing with the goods in the course of trade, infringes the trade mark unless - (a) at the time when that person agreed to buy the goods he acted in good faith without notice that the statement appeared on the goods; or (b) he became the owner of the goods by virtue of a title derived from another person who had so agreed to buy the goods. - 特許庁

出願が微生物学的方法又はこれにより得られる物に関連し,かつ,微生物の使用を必要とする場合において,その発明を当該技術の熟練者が実施することができるような方法では,その微生物を出願に十分に開示することができず,また,その微生物を公衆の利用に供することができないときは,発明は,次の状況においてのみ開示されたものとみなす。 (a)微生物の培養体が出願前に寄託機関に寄託されていること (b)寄託機関及び培養体寄託番号が出願書類に記載されていること。この情報が出願の時で未だ入手可能でない場合は,当該情報は,審査官の請求から2月以内に提出しなければならない。IP法第44条に基づく出願の公開は,当該情報の提出を待って行われる。及び (c)なされた出願が,微生物の特性に関して,出願人による入手が可能な関連情報を与えること例文帳に追加

Where the application concerns a microbiological process or the product thereof and involves the use of a microorganism which cannot be sufficiently disclosed in the application in such a way as to enable the invention to be carried out by a person skilled in the art, and such material is not available to the public, the invention shall only be regarded as being disclosed if: (a) A culture of the microorganism has been deposited in a depositary institution before filing the application; (b) The depositary institution and the file number of the culture deposit are stated in the application. If this information is not yet available at the time of filing the application, the said information shall be submitted within two months from request of the Examiner. Publication of the application under Section 44, IP CODE shall be held pending submission of said information; and (c) The application as filed gives relevant information as is available to the applicant on the characteristics of the microorganism. - 特許庁


The audit’s objective is to express an opinion or conclusion as to whether the design of the issuer’s due diligence measures as set forth in the Conflict Minerals Report, with respect to the period covered by the report, is in conformity with, in all material respects, the criteria set forth in the nationally or internationally recognized due diligence framework used by the issuer, and whether the issuer’s description of the due diligence measures it performed as set forth in the Conflict Minerals Report, with respect to the period covered by the report, is consistent with the due diligence process that the issuer undertook. - 経済産業省


Chief- Justice Johnson has observed, in the leading case, that it may have its probable foundation in the idea that where direct proof is absent as to both the fact of the death and of criminal violence capable of producing death, no evidence can rise to the degree of moral certainty that the individual is dead by criminal intervention, or even lead by direct inference to this result; and that, where the fact of death is not certainly ascertained, all inculpatory circumstantial evidence wants the key necessary for its satisfactory interpretation, and cannot be depended on to furnish more than probable results.  - Melville Davisson Post『罪体』


It is a document that lodged a very outright criticism against the fact that excessive competition policies implemented by Mr. Koizumi, or Mr. Takenaka, led to a considerable loss of Japan's social stability, including the so-called safety nets. As Policy Research Committee Chair (of the PNP), I wrote that point at the very beginning of the six items in the common policy platform, which was put together in the run-up to the election, and I also articulated in writing that even after the change of government, Mr. Koizumi's excessive competition policies had substantially damaged various social safety nets or regional economies. Further still, the three-party agreement spelled out that the per-household income level dropped by one million yen in the course of ten years during which the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) was in power. While I may not use expressions as sharp as those of (PNP) Chief Kamei, I am still intending to take a firm stance, keeping in mind the original intention behind the change of government, in addition to the points I've just made.  - 金融庁


As for the relationship between the new regulation and the better regulation initiative, they are related to each other in several points. For one thing, the better regulation initiative calls for enhancement of transparency and predictability concerning regulatory actions. An unspecified number of customers are participating in FX transactions, while business operators who act as mediators for customers' transactions, unlike banks and insurance companies, for example, operate under the registration system and are subject to relatively easy regulation. In this regard, the increasing leverage poses a problem from the viewpoint of customer protection as I mentioned earlier, and it will become inevitable in some cases to apply rules-based regulation universally to an unspecified number of market participants. However, we pay some consideration to the predictability of the rules-based regulation by drafting proposals for the regulation based on various opinions and soliciting public comments on the proposals.  - 金融庁


If a person sells, or exposes for sale, or has in his possession for sale or for any purpose of trade or manufacturer any goods or things to which a false trademark or a false trade description is applied or which, being required under section 108 to have applied to them an indication of the country or place in which they were made or produced or the name and address of the manufacturer or producer or the person for whom the goods are manufactured or produced are without the indication so require, he shall, unless the proves (a) that, having taken all reasonable precautions against committing an offence against this section, he had at the time of the commission of the alleged offence no reason to suspect the genuineness of the trademark or trade description or that any offence had been committed in respect of the goods; and (b) that, on demand by or on behalf of the prosecutor he gave all the information in his power with respect to the person from whom he obtained such goods or things; or (c) that otherwise he acted innocently, be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to 2 (two) years, or with fine, or with both, and in case of a second or subsequent conviction, with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to 3 (three) years, or with fine, or with both.  - 特許庁

第三十六条 第八条から第八条の二の三までの規定は、火災以外の災害で政令で定めるものによる被害の軽減のため特に必要がある建築物その他の工作物として政令で定めるものについて準用する。この場合において、第八条第一項から第四項までの規定中「防火管理者」とあるのは「防災管理者」と、同条第一項中、「政令」とあるのは、「火災その他の災害の被害の軽減に関する知識を有する者で政令」と、「消火、通報及び避難の訓練の実施、消防の用に供する設備、消防用水又は消火活動上必要な施設の検及び整備、火気の使用又は取扱いに関する監督、避難又は防火上必要な構造及び設備の維持管理並びに収容人員の管理その他防火管理上」とあるのは「避難の訓練の実施その他防災管理上」と、同条第四項、第八条の二第一項及び第八条の二の二第一項中「防火管理上」とあるのは「防災管理上」と、同項中「火災の予防に」とあるのは「火災以外の災害で政令で定めるものによる被害の軽減に」と、「、消防の用に供する設備、消防用水又は消火活動上必要な施設の設置及び維持その他火災の予防上」とあるのは「その他火災以外の災害で政令で定めるものによる被害の軽減のために」と、同項、同条第二項及び第八条の二の三第一項第二号ニ中「防火対象物検資格者」とあるのは「防災管理検資格者」と、同号イ及び同条第六項第二号中「又は第十七条の四第一項若しくは第二項」とあるのは、「、第十七条の四第一項若しくは第二項又は第三十六条第一項において準用する第八条三項若しくは第四項」と読み替えるもとのする。例文帳に追加

Article 36 (1) The provisions of Article 8 to Article 8-2-3 shall apply mutatis mutandis to a building or another structure specified by Cabinet Order as one for which the respective measures set forth in these provisions are particularly necessary in order to mitigate any damage arising from disasters, other than fires, specified by Cabinet Order. In this case: in Article 8, paragraph (1) to paragraph (4), the term "fire prevention manager" shall be deemed to be replaced with "disaster prevention manager"; in Article 8, paragraph (1), the phrase "qualified persons specified by Cabinet Order" shall be deemed to be replaced with "qualified persons who have knowledge of the mitigation of the damage arising from fires and other disasters and who are specified by Cabinet Order," and the phrase "conduct drills for fire extinguishing activities, reporting and evacuation, inspect and improve the equipment used for fire defense, water supply for fire defense or facilities necessary for fire extinguishing activities, supervise the use or handling of fire, maintain and manage the structure and equipment necessary for evacuation or fire prevention, manage the capacity of the property at the appropriate level, and perform any other operations necessary for fire prevention management" shall be deemed to be replaced with "conduct drills for evacuation and perform any other operations necessary for disaster prevention management"; in Article 8, paragraph (4), Article 8-2, paragraph (1) and Article 8-2-2, paragraph (1), the phrase "for fire prevention management" shall be deemed to be replaced with "for disaster prevention management"; in Article 8-2-2, paragraph (1), the phrase "on the prevention of fire" shall be deemed to be replaced with "on the mitigation of the damage arising from disasters, other than fires, specified by Cabinet Order," and the phrase "the installation and maintenance of equipment used for fire defense, water supply for fire defense or facilities necessary for fire extinguishing activities and other matters necessary for prevention of fire" shall be deemed to be replaced with "and other matters necessary for the mitigation of the damage arising from disasters, other than fires, specified by Cabinet Order"; in Article 8-2-2, paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) and Article 8-2-3, paragraph (1), item (ii)(d), the term "qualified inspector of property under fire prevention measures" shall be deemed to be replaced with "qualified inspector for disaster prevention management"; in Article 8-2-3, paragraph (1), item (ii)(a), and paragraph (6), item (ii) of said Article, the phrase "or Article 17-4, paragraph (1) or paragraph (2)" shall be deemed to be replaced with ", Article 17-4, paragraph (1) or paragraph (2), or Article 8, paragraph (3) or paragraph (4) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 36, paragraph (1)."  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(5) 登録によって生じる証明商標の使用の権利は,次の場合は,ある者により当該標章が使用されても,それにより侵害されたとはみなされない。 (a) 当該商標の登録所有者が証明する商品又はそれら商品を含む一群の商品に関してその登録所有者又は関係規約に基づいてその登録所有者から授権された者が当該商標を使用し,その後これを除去又は消去していない場合 (aa) 登録所有者が何れかの時その商標の使用に明示的又は黙示的に同意を与えている場合,又は[法律A881による挿入] (b) 当該商標が付与された権利を侵害することなく使用されており,又は現にそのように使用することができる別の商品又はサービスの構成部分又は付属要素となるよう改作された商品又はサービスについて,それら商品又はサービスがそのように改作されていることを示すために当該商標の使用が必要であると合理的に認められ,かつ,その使用の目的と効果が何れも,対象の商品又はサービスが登録所有者によって証明されていることを事実に従う以外の方法で示すものでない場合 ただし,(a)は,当該標章が使用される商品又はサービスが(a)に規定される商品又はサービスであっても,そのような使用が関係規約に反している場合は適用されない。例文帳に追加

(5) The right to the use of a certification trade mark given by registration shall not be deemed to be infringed by the use of any such mark by a person . (a) in relation to goods certified by the registered proprietor of the trade mark if, as to those goods or a bulk of which they form part, the proprietor or another in accordance with his authorisation under the relevant rules has applied the trade mark and has not subsequently removed or obliterated it; (aa) where the registered proprietor has at any time expressly or impliedly consented to the use of the trade mark; or [Ins. Act A881] (b) in relation to goods or services adapted to form part of, or to be accessory to, other goods or services in relation to which the trade mark has been used without infringement of the right given or might for the time being be so used, if the use of the mark is reasonably necessary in order to indicate that the goods or services are so adapted and neither the purpose nor the effect of the use of the mark is to indicate otherwise than in accordance with the fact that the goods or services are certified by the registered proprietor, except that paragraph (a) shall not have effect in the case of use consisting of the application of any such mark to any goods or services notwithstanding that they are such goods or services as are mentioned in that paragraph, if such application is contrary to the relevant rules. - 特許庁

3 前項に定めるもののほか、製品、容器等であって、これが循環資源となった場合におけるその循環的な利用を適正かつ円滑に行うためには国、地方公共団体、事業者及び国民がそれぞれ適切に役割を分担することが必要であるとともに、当該製品、容器等に係る設計及び原材料の選択、当該製品、容器等が循環資源となったものの収集等の観からその事業者の果たすべき役割が循環型社会の形成を推進する上で重要であると認められるものについては、当該製品、容器等の製造、販売等を行う事業者は、基本原則にのっとり、当該分担すべき役割として、自ら、当該製品、容器等が循環資源となったものを引き取り、若しくは引き渡し、又はこれについて適正に循環的な利用を行う責務を有する。例文帳に追加

(3) In addition to the provisions in the preceding paragraph, it is necessary for the State, local governments, business operators, and citizens to properly divide their respective roles in order to undertake in a proper and smooth manner the cyclical use of products, containers, etc. which have become circulative resources. In cases in which the roles of any particular business operators are deemed important in establishing a Sound Material-Cycle Society from the viewpoint of such considerations as the design and selection of raw materials for products, containers, etc. and the collection, etc. of products, containers, etc. that have become circulative resources, pursuant to the Basic Principles, the business operators undertaking the manufacture, sale, etc. of these products, containers, etc. are themselves responsible for collecting or delivering, or undertaking the proper cyclical use of, these products, containers, etc. which have become circulative resources, as their responsibility within the division of roles.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

3 国は、製品、容器等が循環資源となった場合におけるその循環的な利用が適正かつ円滑に行われることを促進するため、当該循環資源の処分の技術上の困難性、循環的な利用の可能性等を勘案し、国、地方公共団体、事業者及び国民がそれぞれ適切に役割を分担することが必要であり、かつ、当該製品、容器等に係る設計及び原材料の選択、当該製品、容器等が循環資源となったものの収集等の観からその事業者の果たすべき役割が循環型社会の形成を推進する上で重要であると認められるものについて、当該製品、容器等の製造、販売等を行う事業者が、当該製品、容器等が循環資源となったものの引取りを行い、若しくは当該引取りに係る循環資源の引渡しを行い、又は当該引取りに係る循環資源について適正に循環的な利用を行うよう、必要な措置を講ずるものとする。例文帳に追加

(3) In order to promote the appropriate and smooth cyclical use of products, containers, etc. when they have become circulative resources, with regard to the products, containers, etc. for which it is deemed necessary for the State, local governments, business operators and citizens to share their respective roles properly, and for which the roles of the business operators concerned are deemed important in establishing a Sound Material-Cycle Society from the viewpoints of the design of such products, containers, etc., the selection of their raw materials, and the collection, etc. of such products, containers, etc. when they have become circulative resources, the State shall, after taking into consideration the technological difficulty in disposing of the circulative resources concerned, the possibility of cyclical use of such resources, etc., take necessary measures so that business operators engaged in manufacturing, selling, etc. of such products, containers, etc. may collect such products, containers, etc. which have become circulative resources, or deliver such circulative resources collected, or make appropriate cyclical use of such circulative resources collected.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

4 前項の規定により市町村の長が事務を行う場合においては、工場立地法の規定及び工場立地の調査等に関する法律の一部を改正する法律(昭和四十八年法律第百八号)附則第三条第一項の規定中都道府県知事に関する規定は、当該同意企業立地重促進区域については、市町村の長に関する規定として当該市町村の長に適用があるものとする。この場合において、工場立地法第九条第二項第一号中「第四条の二第一項の規定により地域準則が定められた場合にあつては、その地域準則」とあるのは、「企業立地の促進等による地域における産業集積の形成及び活性化に関する法律第十条第一項の規定により準則が定められた場合にあつては、その準則」とする。例文帳に追加

(4) Where the head of a municipality carries out affairs as prescribed in the preceding paragraph, part of the provisions of the Factory Location Act and the provision of Article 3, paragraph (1) of the Supplementary Provisions of the Act for Partial Revision of the Act on Investigation of Factory Location, etc. (Act No. 108 of 1973) concerning prefectural governors shall apply to said head of the municipality, as the provision concerning heads of municipalities. In this case, the term "in the case where local rules have been established as prescribed in Article 4-2, paragraph (1), said local rules" in Article 9, paragraph (2), item (i) of the Factory Location Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "in the case where rules have been established as prescribed in Article 10, paragraph (1) of the Act on Formation and Development of Regional Industrial Clusters through Promotion of Establishment of New Business Facilities, etc., said rules."  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第八条 学校、病院、工場、事業場、興行場、百貨店(これに準ずるものとして政令で定める大規模な小売店舗を含む。以下同じ。)、複合用途防火対象物(防火対象物で政令で定める二以上の用途に供されるものをいう。以下同じ。)その他多数の者が出入し、勤務し、又は居住する防火対象物で政令で定めるものの管理について権原を有する者は、政令で定める資格を有する者のうちから防火管理者を定め、当該防火対象物について消防計画の作成、当該消防計画に基づく消火、通報及び避難の訓練の実施、消防の用に供する設備、消防用水又は消火活動上必要な施設の検及び整備、火気の使用又は取扱いに関する監督、避難又は防火上必要な構造及び設備の維持管理並びに収容人員の管理その他防火管理上必要な業務を行なわせなければならない。例文帳に追加

Article 8 (1) A person who holds the title to manage a school, hospital, factory, workplace, entertainment facility, department store (including a large-scale retail store specified by Cabinet Order as being equivalent thereto; the same shall apply hereinafter), a multi-purpose property under fire prevention measures (meaning a property under fire prevention measures used for two or more intended purposes specified by Cabinet Order; the same shall apply hereinafter), or any other property under fire prevention measures to which a number of people have access or in which a number of people work or reside and which is specified by Cabinet Order, shall appoint a fire prevention manager from among qualified persons specified by Cabinet Order, and have him/her prepare a fire defense plan, conduct drills for fire extinguishing activities, reporting and evacuation, inspect and improve the equipment used for fire defense, water supply for fire defense or facilities necessary for fire extinguishing activities, supervise the use or handling of fire, maintain and manage the structure and equipment necessary for evacuation or fire prevention, manage the capacity of the property at the appropriate level, and perform any other operations necessary for fire prevention management according to the fire defense plan with regard to said property under fire prevention measures.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第三十二条の五 特定保守製品を、売買その他の取引により、又は特定保守製品以外の物に関する取引に付随して取得しようとする者(特定保守製品を再度譲渡することを目的として取得しようとする者及び主務省令で定める者を除く。第三十二条の八第三項において「取得者」という。)に対し、当該取引の相手方たる事業者(以下「特定保守製品取引事業者」という。)は、当該特定保守製品の引渡しに際し、次の事項について説明しなければならない。ただし、当該特定保守製品の検期間が経過している場合その他正当な理由がある場合は、この限りでない。例文帳に追加

Article 32-5 (1) Explanation of the following matters shall be given to any person who intends to acquire the specified maintenance products through sales or other transaction or linked to the transaction of articles other than the specified maintenance products (except for those who intend to acquire the specified maintenance products for the purpose of re-transferring the specified maintenance products and those who are provided for by the Ordinance of the competent ministry; hereinafter referred to as an "acquirer" in Article 32-8, paragraph (3)) by a business operator who transacts with said person (hereinafter referred to as a "business operator transacting specified maintenance products"), upon the delivery of said specified maintenance products; provided, however, that this shall not apply in the case where the inspection period of said specified maintenance products has expired and any other case where there are justifiable grounds:  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


I am aware that there have been various media reports regarding the holdings of GSE bonds, and those reports apparently focused on the holdings of such bonds by major banks and insurance companies in Japan. As major banks and insurance companies together hold assets totaling around 800 trillion to 900 trillion yen, they naturally have diversified asset portfolios comprising a variety of financial products and loan claims, and the characteristics and structure of the portfolios vary from institution to institution.  - 金融庁


Regarding violation of laws pointed out in inspection reports, and acts and situations that are related to Financial Instruments Business Operatorsbusiness operations and assets and registered financial institutionsbusiness operations, and that are problematic from the viewpoint of protecting public interests and investors, as well as important matters pointed out in the previous inspection regarding which improvement is not sufficient, supervisors shall order, under Article 56-2(1) of the FIEA, the submission within one month (the deadline for the submission may be shortened on an item-by-item basis) of a report on factual confirmation, the analysis of causes, and improvement and corrective measures, when they deem it necessary and appropriate to do so.  - 金融庁


Third, in light of Japan's experiences, in order to stabilize the financial system, it is very important to accurately recognize losses and the sources of the losses, remove non-performing loans and assets from the balance sheets to the maximum possible extent, and quickly cover a capital shortfall if any such shortfall is recognized as a result of these processes. I believe the action taken by the U.S. authorities at this time is an important step toward stabilizing the entire financial sector.  - 金融庁


While deposits may have increased as an ultimate result of the payment of insurance claims, financial institutions have a very significant role to play in protecting the people's lives and industries in the Tohoku region in the wake of the once-in-a-millennium tsunami disaster, so keeping that in mind, we have been working hard since March 11 with a sense of obligation to exercise the FSA's powers to the maximum on behalf of disaster victims. Please feel free to point out anything you have noticed or anything lacking in our efforts.  - 金融庁


As to the methodology for the assessment of the systemic importance and the additional capital requirement, I hear that basically, there has been no change in the agreement reached at a recent meeting of the Group of Governors and Heads of Supervision (GHOS), in which, from Japan, FSA (Financial Services Agency) Commissioner Mikuniya and Bank of Japan Governor Shirakawa participated. The FSA has been arguing - I have been saying this for more than a year - that we should aim to adopt a comprehensive policy package, rather than focus on additional capital requirements. It may seem that the more capital banks are required to have, the safer they are. However, from my experience of Japan's financial crisis, I know of a case in which that caused a credit crunch. In my electoral district, my hometown of Kitakyushu City, two large department stores failed because of that, as I have often mentioned.  - 金融庁


Regarding the other point of your question, which concerns postal savings - 15 years ago, I served as the Minister of Posts and Telecommunications under the second Hashimoto cabinet - fixed-term savings deposited before the privatization of the postal savings business change to ordinary postal savings after maturity, and after the passage of another 10 years, which would mean the passage of a total of 20 years, notices urging savers to take action are sent.  If claims for repayment are not made for two months after the notice, the savers' rights to savings expire under Article 29 of the former Postal Savings Act.  - 金融庁


Today, I read your (past) press conference transcript. There, you used the expression "never invite suspicions needlessly" when you were speaking about the Incubator Bank of Japan (Nihon Shinko Ginko). I would like to ask a question from this viewpoint about lawsuits between the Incubator Bank of Japan and several trust banks regarding the problem of them having acquired the same loan claims. Considering that both sides are licensed business operators, it strikes me as a disgraceful occurrence and, behind the scene of those goings-on between licensed operators, it is said that a person who used to be the chairman of one of the lawsuit parties may assume the office of advisor to the Incubator Bank of Japan. My question is whether or not such a turn of events falls under the implication of the saying, "never invite suspicions needlessly."  - 金融庁


The deposits with the Incubator Bank of Japan will be protected under the deposit insurance system up to a maximum principal of 10 million yen, plus its interest, per depositor. For the deposits protected by the deposit insurance system, the plan is to make arrangements so that the payback can be started shortly after the beginning of the next week. As those deposits are protected irrespective of the timing of the payback, we would like to ask depositors to act calmly. The portion of a principal in excess of 10 million yen and its interest per depositor will become payable according to the asset condition of the Bank and is, from a viewpoint of ensuring convenience for depositors, scheduled to be paid back before long at an estimated proceeds payment rate under the estimated proceeds payment program of the Deposit Insurance Corporation.  - 金融庁


This was not hammered out by Mr. Kamei out of the blue; it was based on the common policies agreed upon by the three parties before the August 30 election was announced by the previous administration. It was one of those policies. As it was an extremely tough era back then, a similar bill that had in fact been passed in the House of Councillors by the DPJ, SDP and PNP was scrapped regrettably due to the lack of majority vote in the House of Representatives at the time. This bill, which had been actually submitted by, among others, former chairman of the Policy Research Council Masayuki Naoshima and myself and scrapped in the House of Representatives, basically became the foundations of the Act, so I hope you understand that.  - 金融庁


これを受けて、G7 の財務大臣は以下のについて合意した。我々は、国によっては債務返済に支障をきたすおそれがあることに鑑み、世界銀行と IMF が被災国の完全な復興・資金ニーズアセスメントを完了するまでの間、要請があった被災国について、債務の支払いを期待しない。我々は、この方策につき、パリクラブにおいて、他の債権国ともコンセンサスが得られるよう作業する。我々は、上記のニーズアセスメントの結果によっては、更なる支援のため、あらゆる適切な措置について検討する用意もある。IMF、世界銀行、アジア開発銀行及びその他の国際機関は、緊急災害向けファシリティを通じた支援を含め、被災国に対して資金支援を行うよう最大限の努力をすべきである。我々は、国際社会の適切な場において、インド洋における効果的な津波早期警戒システムの構築及びそのために必要なインフラ整備について、早急に検討することを支持する。例文帳に追加

In response G7 Finance Ministers agreed that we would not expect debt payments from affected countries that request it until the World Bank and IMF have completed a full needs assessment of their reconstruction and financing requirements, recognizing that some countries may be unable to make debt payments. We will work, within the Paris Club, with other creditors to achieve a consensus for this approach; depending on the conclusions of the needs assessments, we also stand ready to consider all appropriate measures for further assistance; the IMF, World Bank, Asian Development Bank and other multilateral institutions should make the strongest efforts possible to provide financial assistance, including through emergency post-disaster facilities; and we support urgent consideration by relevant fora of the international community to put in place an effective tsunami early warning system in the Indian Ocean, and the infrastructure necessary to make it effective.  - 財務省


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