
「believed in」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(39ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





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believed inの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 1967


This teahouse is said to be the relocated structure of a teahouse favored by Sowa KANAMORI that stood at Kinryu-in Temple (closed during the Meiji period), a sub-temple of Daitoku-ji Temple and an ancestral place of the Kanamori family, but this is believed to be mistaken due to the fact that Edo period drawings at Shinju-an Temple show the Teigyoku-ken Teahouse. 例文帳に追加

この茶室の由来については、金森家の菩提所であった大徳寺塔頭・金龍院(明治時代に廃寺となる)にあった宗和好みの茶室を移したものであると伝わるが、真珠庵に伝わる江戸時代の古図にも庭玉軒が描かれていることから、金龍院から移したとする説は誤りとされている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The title 'Tarashihiko' was held by the twelfth Emperor, Keiko, the thirteenth Emperor, Seimu, and the fourteenth Emperor, Chuai, although this title is believed to have come into use in the early seventh century, when it was used by the thirty-fourth Emperor, Jomei and the thirty-fifth Emperor, Kogyoku, both of whom are known to have existed, and added later to the twelfth, thirteenth, and fourteenth Emperors, raising doubts about the actual existence of Emperor Chuai (theory of Emperor Chuai as a fictional person). 例文帳に追加

「タラシヒコ」という称号は12代景行、13代成務、14代仲哀の3天皇が持ち、ずっと下がって7世紀前半に在位したことの確実な34代舒明、35代皇極の両天皇も同じ称号をもつことから、タラシヒコの称号は7世紀前半のものであり、12,13,14代の称号は後世の造作ということになり、仲哀天皇の実在性には疑問が出されている(仲哀天皇架空説)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The stories of Yamato Takeru and Empress Jingu are thought to have been inserted into the Kojiki and Nihonshoki, with Yamato Takeru believed to be based on legends of heroes in Yamato region, condensed into the person of Osu no Mikoto, and Empress Jingu's story to be based on the sequence of events from the Battle of Hakusukinoe through the enthronement of Emperor Monmu by Empress Jito. 例文帳に追加

日本武尊の話は複数の大和地方の英雄の事跡を小碓命(おうすのみこと)一人にあてがって、一大英雄伝説に仕立て上げた物であり、神功皇后の話は白村江の戦いから、持統天皇による文武天皇擁立までの経緯をもとに神話として記紀に挿入された物である、としている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Oshisaka no Hikohito no Oenomiko's hereditary private properties such as Otsusakabe and Marukobe were called '皇祖大兄御名入部,' and handed over to his son of the Emperor Jomei and the grandson of Naka no Oe no Oji (later the Emperor Tenchi), and it is believed that such private properties were returned to the nation after Taika no Kaishin (the Great Reformation of the Taika Era) (April 13, 646 section in "Nihonshoki" [Chronicles of Japan]). 例文帳に追加

忍坂部や丸子部といった押坂彦人大兄皇子伝来の私領は「皇祖大兄御名入部」と呼ばれて、以後も息子である舒明から孫の中大兄皇子(後の天智天皇)らへと引き継がれて、大化の改新後に国家に返納された(『日本書紀』大化2年3月20日_(旧暦)条)と考えられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


During the Taisho period, Zenichiro OYABE, who after having studied in the United States became a priest and migrated to Hokkaido, and while he was working for the issues concerning the Ainu, he heard about Okikirmuy, that the Ainu people believed was Yoshitsune, and then, he went over to the continent to travel to Manchuria and the Mongolian plateau to find out the truth of the Yoshitsune north refuge legend. 例文帳に追加

大正に入り、アメリカ合衆国に学び牧師となっていた小谷部全一郎は、北海道に移住してアイヌ問題に取り組んでいたが、アイヌの人々が信仰するオキクルミが義経であるという話を聞き、義経北行伝説の真相を明かすために大陸に渡って満州・モンゴル高原を旅行した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Although Naomori has long been believed to have planned his attack as a result of his grievance against this incident, the story that he rescued Senhime from Osaka-jo Castle is today considered as being questionable. In all actuality, Senhime is most likely to have been escorted by a Toyotomi warrior named Ujihisa HORIUCHI to Naomori's camp and was then taken by Naomori to Hidetada TOKUGAWA. 例文帳に追加

直盛の襲撃計画はこのことを恨んでのものとされ、長く信じられていたが、現在ではそもそも大坂城で直盛が千姫を救出した話自体が疑わしいとされている(実際には堀内氏久という豊臣方の武将に護衛されて直盛の陣まで届けられた後、直盛が徳川秀忠の元へ送り届けた、というのが真相らしい。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The so-called Chotoku Incident was provoked by an event: Korechika mistakenly believed that Emperor Kazan had trysts with Korechika's beloved third daughter of the late Daijo-daijin (grand minister of state) Kotokuko FUJIWARA no Tamemitsu, whereas in fact the emperor had trysts with the fourth daughter, plotted with his brother Takaie to hide along the emperor's way, and their attendants shot arrows, one of which pierced the emperor's sleeve (according to "Shoyuki" (Diary of FUJIWARA no Sanesuke), two attendants of the retired emperor (Kazan) died). 例文帳に追加

いわゆる長徳の変は、故太政大臣恒徳公藤原為光の四女に通う花山天皇を、わが思い人為光三女目当てと誤解した伊周が弟隆家と謀って道すがら待ち伏せ、彼らの従者が放った矢が法皇の袖を突き通した一件に発端する(『小右記』によれば、法皇の従者の中に2名の死者が出たとも言う)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In recent years, Takeo OGAWA, who is the researcher of Yoshimoto NIJO, the man who is strongly believed to be the author of the "Masukagami" advocated a new theory of the "Masukagami" being `edited by Yoshimoto and written by Tadamori,' given the fact that, although Yoshimoto NIJO contributed to the completion of the "Masukagami," Yoshimoto was a politician and eventually served Jimyoin-to (imperial lineage from Emperor Gofukakusa to Emperor Gokomatsu), which makes it difficult for him to write such literary work. 例文帳に追加

近年においては『増鏡』著者の有力説とされる二条良基の研究家である小川剛生の見解として、二条良基が『増鏡』成立に深く関わったとしつつも、現役の公家政治家でかつ最終的に持明院統に仕えた良基を直接の筆者とすることの困難を挙げて、「良基監修・忠守筆者」説を唱えている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, it is said that he was forced to bury the bell in the earth because the dolly to carry the bell was too heavy to be carried up a hill before the troops reached the capital of Kyoto, or that he brought the bell back to Kyoto and relied on Hokke-kyo Sutra (the Lotus Sutra) believed to be the most powerful of Sutras and a Nichiren prayer and made an offering of the bell to Myoman-ji Temple for Anchin and Kiyohime to be liberated from a grudge. 例文帳に追加

しかし、行軍の途中に京洛の手前で重い鐘を乗せた台車が坂を登りきれなかったため、やむなく鐘を土中に埋めたとも、そのまま京都に持ち帰り、安珍清姫の怨念解脱のために経力第一の法華経を頼って妙満寺に鐘を納めたともいわれている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


For example, some believed that "truth is a great rock upon which the church can be built," while others held that "if you seek the truth, gaze at your reflection in a mirror, and all shall be revealed," according to which truth was something that could be comprehended or grasped; yet both suggest that the "koto" (essence of the matter) itself is not something we human beings can ever know. 例文帳に追加

たとえば「真理とは巌(いわお)のようなものであり、その上に教会を築くことができる」と考えたり、あるいは「真実を知りたければ鏡に汝自身を映してみよ、それですべてが明らかになる」といい、それは知りうるものであり、また実感として捉えられるものであるとみる意見や、「こと」自体はわれわれでは知りえないものであるという主張もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


He is believed to be a deity of rice ears and agriculture, and enshrined in Toda-hachimangu Shrine and Katsuhi-jinja Shrine (Yasugi City, Shimane Prefecture), Tarobo-no-miya Shrine (or Aga-jinja Shrine, Higashiomi City, Shiga Prefecture), Hikosan-jingu Shrine (Soeda-machi, Tagawa-gun, Fukuoka Prefecture), Sasamuta-jinja Shrine (Oita City, Oita Prefecture), Kibata-jinja Shrine (Uji City, Kyoto Prefecture), and Amenooshihowake-jinja Shrine (Kagami-cho, Kami-gun, Kochi Prefecture). 例文帳に追加

稲穂の神、農業神として信仰されており、富田八幡宮/勝日神社(島根県安来市)、太郎坊宮(阿賀神社、滋賀県東近江市)、英彦山神宮(福岡県田川郡添田町)、西寒多神社(大分県大分市)、木幡神社(京都府宇治市)、天忍穂別神社(高知県香美郡香我美町)などに祀られている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The joi-ha all over the nation believed that foreigners would be expelled by the establishment of the Meiji Government whose main members were from Satsuma and Choshu clans that played important roles in the expulsion of the foreigners, but they were deeply disappointed and outraged by the Meiji Government's issuance of the 'Kaikoku Washin (opening the country to the world with peace and amity)' policy immediately after the end of the Boshin War. 例文帳に追加

尊皇攘夷の中心的な役割を果たしてきた薩摩藩・長州藩両藩を中心とした明治政府が成立したことにより、攘夷が断行されると信じていた全国の攘夷派は明治政府が戊辰戦争が終わると直ちに「開国和親」を国是とする方針を打ち出したことに強い失意と憤慨を抱いた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

At that time, Shikibu TAKENOUCHI, a vassal of the Tokudaiji family, who believed in Ansai YAMAZAKI's theory, gave lectures on Shinto and Confucian books to the kinju (attendants) of Emperor Momozono; Kinmura TOKUDAIJI, Toshimichi KOGA, Kintsumu OGIMACHISANJO, Mitsutane KARASUMARU, Toshihaya BOJO, Kinkoto IMADEGAWA,, Tokina NISHINOTOIN, and Takafuru TAKANO, for legitimate reasons. 例文帳に追加

その頃、徳大寺家の家臣で山崎闇斎の学説を奉じる竹内式部が、大義名分の立場から桃園天皇の近習である徳大寺公城をはじめ久我敏通・正親町三条公積・烏丸光胤・坊城俊逸・今出川公言・中院通雅・西洞院時名・高野隆古らに神書・儒書を講じた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When Tokimasa HOJO consulted with his sons Yoshitoki and Tokifusa about whether or not Shigetada should be subdued, they declined to do so as they believed that Shigetada was faithful enough not to rebel against them; however, it is said that Yoshitoki ended up agreeing with the idea when Maki no kata's older brother Tokichika Ooka put pressure on him by claiming that he was planning a rebellion since Maki no kata was his mother in law. 例文帳に追加

時政が子の北条義時と北条時房に重忠討伐を相談すると、2人は重忠の忠勤を訴えて謀反など起こすがはずがないと反対したが、牧の方の兄大岡時親に「牧の方が継母だから仇をしようと思っているのだろう」と迫られ、やむなく義時は重忠討伐に同意したという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Examples include followings: Osaka Kasuga Mukaiyama-kofun Tumulus (with the side lengths of 63 and 60 meters) specified as the mausoleum of Emperor Yomei.amada Takatsuka-kofun Tumulus (with the side lengths of 63 and 56 meters) specified as the mausoleum of Empress Suiko, Ishibutai-kofun Tumulus (with a competing view that it is a dome-shaped mound on a square base) believed to be the tomb of SOGA no Umako, and Ryukakuji Iwaya-kofun Tumulus in Chiba Prefecture (with the side lengths of 80 meters and the height of 13 meters). 例文帳に追加

例としては現在、用明天皇陵に指定されている大阪春日向山古墳(辺長63m×60m)や、推古天皇陵に指定されている山田高塚古墳(辺長63m×56m)、蘇我馬子の墓と考えられている石舞台古墳(上円下方墳との説あり)、千葉県の龍角寺岩屋古墳(辺長80m、高さ13m)などがある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As for the issue of the “pay-off For example, of course, it is now believed that there is little risk of bank failure in the case of Japan Post Bank. Do you think that for the sake of regional financial institutions which cater to retail customers, you should consider radical reforms like revising the “pay-offceiling amount or reviewing the “pay-offscheme itself? 例文帳に追加

ペイオフの…、例えば、今、ゆうちょ(銀行)は、当然、「ペイオフの心配があまりない」とされていますけれども、信金・信組も、そういう小口の地域金融機関にとっては、例えば、ペイオフの上限額とか、ペイオフそのものを見直したりとか、そういう根本的なことを考えても良いかなと思われておられますか。 - 金融庁

After the collapse of the Bretton-Woods system, all of the major countries and many others opted for a floating exchange rate regime, because it was believed at that time that a floating rate would shield a country from external shocks, including high inflation overseas, and that it had a built-in mechanism for rectifying current account imbalances among countries.例文帳に追加

ブレトン・ウッズ体制の崩壊後、すべての主要国や他の多くの国々が、変動為替相場制を選択しました。当時、変動相場制はその国を海外のインフレーションなど外部からのショックから遮断し、各国間の経常収支不均衡を自動的に修正するメカニズムを持っていると信じられていました。 - 財務省

Exchanges are also developing mechanisms to tackle antisocial groups. They are expected to work together with related parties and make further efforts to support companies in preparing internal systems that protect them from harm. When the statutory annual securities report a company attaches to the application for listing carries a note of significant doubt, there is little chance, it is believed, that the listing will be approved. 例文帳に追加

他方、反社会的勢力との関係では、各証券取引所で制度面での整備を行っているが、各取引所には、関係者の協力を得ながら、反社会的勢力による被害を防止するための企業の社内体制の整備や個々の企業行動への反社会的勢力の介入防止に向けた一層の対応が望まれる。 - 経済産業省

Here, we used the import price gap of 1.25 times as a threshold to decide whether the quality of products is the same between Japan and other East Asian countries. But given big differences existing in component elements believed to determine import and export prices between Japan and other East Asian countries, such as labor costs, it would be natural to think that products with the same quality should have prices differences bigger than 1.25 times.例文帳に追加

さらに、ここでは輸出入品の価格差が1.25倍以上か否かによって品質の同等性を判断したが、我が国と東アジアの国・地域との間で労働コスト等要素価格に大きな差が存在することにかんがみれば、同品質のものについて1.25倍よりも大きな価格差があることが自然であると考えられる。 - 経済産業省

The effects of such lowered tariffs are believed to already be manifest, evidenced by a surge of the volume of goods imported from Japan to Mexico, with transportation machinery playing a central role. By contrast, South Korea, which is yet to conclude an EPA/FTA with Mexico, is seeing a smaller surge of its export of transportation machinery to Mexico than Japan is, while South Korea’s exports of general machinery is on a decline in terms of monetary amount (Figures 4.2.12 and 4-2-13).例文帳に追加

こうした関税の引下げ効果は既に出ていると見られ、輸送機械を中心として我が国からメキシコへの輸出量が大きく増加している中、いまだメキシコとEPA / FTAを結んでいない韓国からの輸送機械の輸出は我が国に比べ伸び幅が小さく、一般機械については輸出額が減少している(第4-2-12図、第4-2-13図)。 - 経済産業省

As such, Singapore houses a good number of manufacturing bases coming from overseas. This is reflected in the breakdown of exports from Japan to Singapore: 60% of which accounts for machinery and electronic devices. Many of these items are believed to be exported again within the East Asian region, thus making the EPA with Singapore highly important for Japan to capture the regional demand (Figure 4-2-19).例文帳に追加

その結果、我が国からシンガポールへの輸出構成を見ても、6割を機械・電子機器が占め、その多くが加工・組立てを経た後シンガポールから東アジア域内に再輸出されているものと考えられ、シンガポールとのEPAは東アジアの需要を取り込んでいく上でも極めて重要である(第4-2-19図)。 - 経済産業省

Further development of the division of labour on an international scale is believed to exist behind such changes to the trade structure: specifically, corporations have been trying to increase overseas production and imports of labor-intensive goods and low value-added products, whose price competitiveness has weakened because of the appreciation of the Japanese yen following the Plaza Agreement in 1985, and they have been shifting from domestic products or exports to more value-added products.例文帳に追加

こうした貿易構造の変化の背景には、1985年のプラザ合意以降の円高の進展などにより、業が価格競争力を喪失した労働集約財や低付加価値製品の海外生産や輸入増大を図り、国内製品や輸出製品をより高付加価値製品にシフトさせる国際分業の進展があると考えられる。 - 厚生労働省

Angel taxation in Japan, however, is only used for a small amount of investment. In 2006, the favorable tax treatment only applied to angel investments of a little less than 1,300 million yen. Even in 2005, when the all-time record was set, it failed to reach 2,500 million yen. Especially, recent records show investments the angel taxation appears to fluctuate just in line with changes in prices in the stock market. The linkage is believed to take place because the treatment of investment being deterred for the year when the equities are purchased (mentioned above in (a)) is linked to gains realized in the year from sale of stocks. 例文帳に追加

しかしながら、日本のエンジェル税制の利用状況は低調にとどまっている。本税制を利用したエンジェル投資は18年度13億円弱にとどまっており、過去最高を記録した平成17年度においても25億円弱に過ぎない。特に近年のエンジェル税制の利用実績を見ると、株式市場の株価動向に連動した動きを見せているが、これは、投資時点の投資額繰延措置(上記a))が当該年の株式譲渡益額とリンクしているためと考えられる。 - 経済産業省

The first record that mentions the Yagyu clan is about Nagayoshi YAGYU (Muneyoshi YAGYU) who was believed to be a child of Daizen no suke (person who was in charge of meals in the Imperial Court) Nagaie YAGYU in the period of the Northern and Southern Courts (Japan); and according to a genealogy of the Yagyu clan "Gyokuei Shui," Nagayoshi supported the Southern Court and fought against the forces of Nagatoki HOJO and Tokimasu HOJO who had their base at Rokuhara Tandai (an administrative and judicial agency in Rokuhara, Kyoto), and for the achievement in the battles, Emperor Godaigo gave him the possession and status of the lord of Koyagyusho district (or Oyagyusho district) in Yamato Province, ever since then, he called himself the Yagyu clan; however, it is said that the articles in "Gyokuei Shui" are nothing but folklore. 例文帳に追加

実際の柳生氏の事項が明らかになるのは、南北朝時代(日本)の柳生永珍(別名:宗珍、大膳亮柳生永家の子とされる)の頃からで、柳生家の家譜である『玉栄拾遺』によると、元弘3年(1331年)に、南朝(日本)として、六波羅探題の北条仲時・北条時益の軍勢と戦った永珍は戦功によって、後醍醐天皇から賜った大和国小楊生(大楊生とも)庄の領主となり、柳生氏と名乗った事から始まるとされる(ただし、『玉栄拾遺』の記述自体も伝承の域を出ないという)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

(2) Any person who intends to obtain the permission set forth in the preceding paragraph shall submit, as provided for in the Ordinance of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, a written application in which the kind and quantity, origin, time and place of import of such aquatic animals and other items provided for in the Ordinance of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries are described to the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries with an inspection certificate issued by the governmental organization of the exporting country in which the content is described, or its copy attached to the effect that it is confirmed or believed that the aquatic animals in question are not infected with a disease or diseases subject to import quarantine as a result of inspection conducted by such organization. 例文帳に追加

2 前項の許可を受けようとする者は、農林水産省令で定めるところにより、当該水産動物の種類及び数量、原産地、輸入の時期及び場所その他農林水産省令で定める事項を記載した申請書に、輸出国の政府機関により発行され、かつ、その検査の結果当該水産動物が輸入防疫対象疾病にかかつているおそれがないことを確かめ、又は信ずる旨を記載した検査証明書又はその写しを添えて、これを農林水産大臣に提出しなければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

In small or medium scaled powerful families in the Kinai area and among local powerful families, ujigami was believed to be an extension of the conventional belief, however, in the late Heian period when the shoen-koryo system (a manor and public territory system) was established and the handing down of territories and properties between fathers and children became common, the conventional manner of ujigami worship in each clan collapsed and, when territory management by 'family' as a unit gradually became common, chien-gami god (the locally connected god) of each territory or ubutsuchi-gami god (soil producing god) of one's home town was worshipped as ujigami and, as this confusion advanced, new ujigami were established in various places. 例文帳に追加

畿内の中小豪族や地方豪族では、旧来の延長上の氏神信仰が行われてきたが、平安時代後期に荘園公領制が成立して、父子間の所領・財産継承が行われるようになると、各氏族の氏神崇拝の従来のあり方が崩れていき、次第に「家」単位での所領経営が行われるようになるとそれぞれの所領の地縁神もしくは出身地の産土神を氏神とするようになり、その混同が進行するとともに各地に新たな氏社が成立するようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Based on the statement in "Original records of Paekche" in section of "25 years of Emperor Keitai" in "Chronicles of Japan", saying "百濟 大歳辛亥三月 ? 高麗 日本天皇太子皇子 辛亥 廿矣"(Emperor in Japan and the prince passed away at the same time), Jugo KUROIWA believed that Ankan and Senka did not succeed to the throne and they were actually assassinated or under custody. 例文帳に追加

これに対して黒岩重吾は『日本書紀』継体天皇廿五年での『百済本記』引用「百濟本記爲文其文云大歳辛亥三月軍進至于安羅營乞乇城是月高麗弑其王安又聞日本天皇及太子皇子倶崩薨由此而言辛亥之歳當廿五年矣」天皇および太子、皇子が同時に死んだという記述等を根拠にそれぞれ実際には即位していない安閑・宣化は暗殺・軟禁されたとした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In addition, Fumihide TANAKA in his 1997 paper, "Kawachi Genji to sono jidai" (The Kawachi branch of the Minamoto clan and their era) (in "In-sei to sono jidai" (The government by a retired emperor and the era)) introduced the idea that Ishikawa Manor, founded by Yoshiie, donated to the Sekkan-ke and believed to have been inherited by his son, Saemonnojo Yoshitoki, after Yoshiie became Azukaridokoro, consisted of several towns and farmlands as big as several to several dozen koku (5.12 U.S. bushels) spread over a wide area. 例文帳に追加

また田中文英は1997年に書いた論文「河内源氏とその時代」(『院政とその時代』に収録)において、義家が立荘して摂関家に寄進し、自らは預所となってそれを子の左衛門尉義時が受け継いだものかと推測する石川荘が、かなり広い地域の中に散在する数町から小さいものでは数段、つまり数十石から数石ぐらいの田畑の寄せ集めの様相を示していることを紹介している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to the description of July 8, 884 in "Nihon Sandai Jitsuroku," when Mototsune was requested on June 7 of the same year by the Emperor Koko to assume state affairs (although this request is generally believed to have been the beginning of his tenure of Kanpaku (chief adviser to the Emperor), it could have been the request to continue to serve as Dajodaijin (grand minister) or Sessho (regent) since the word "Kanpaku" was used for the first time in the shochoku issued by Emperor Uda in 887), he once declined and used in his reply the phrase of "I wonder whether I can fulfill Ako's responsibilities even though I work hard regardless of heat and cold." 例文帳に追加

『日本三代実録』元慶8年7月8日条によれば、同年6月7日に光孝天皇から政務の要請された(通常、これを関白の開始とするが、「関白」という言葉自体は宇多天皇が出した仁和3年の詔が初出であって、太政大臣あるいは摂政としての継続の意味であった可能性もある)際に一旦これを辞退した際の基経の返答に「如何、責阿衡、以忍労力疾、役冢宰以侵暑冒寒乎。」という語句を含めている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It has been believed that the reason why Yasutoki studied "Hososhiyo-sho" (a legal book compiled by the Sakanoue clan between the end of Heian period and the early Kamakura period) as well as the criterion of Myobodo (study of Codes) (legal documents of petition, petition for objection, and so forth) and why his uncle Tokifusa HOJO, a bakufu rensho (assistant to regents in bakufu) who had worked as Rokuhara Tandai (an administrative and judicial agency in Rokuhara, Kyoto) with him and person who had come from lower-ranking government official in Kyoto and their descendents participated in the compilation were that he sought the source of law not for the common law for samurai families, but for the court noble law. 例文帳に追加

これは泰時が『法曹至要抄』や明法道の目安(訴状・陳状などの法律文書)を研究していたことや、編纂に参加しているのが泰時とともに六波羅探題を務めた叔父の北条時房(幕府連署)や京都の下級官人出身者やその子弟が中心であったのも御成敗式目の法源を武家慣習法ではなく公家法に求めたからと考えられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Kanezane KUJO (the sixth generation descendant of Michinaga), who was involved in the establishment of shinsei in Jisho and Kenkyu eras as a minister and Sekkan (regents and advisers), often insisted that it was fundamental for the establishment of seifu (an official code of new laws issued by Daijokan, Great Council of State) or shinsei to "follow the example of Choho" (articles dated April 23 and June 5, 1178 of "Gyokuyo") and it follows that even two hundred years after the Choho era it was widely believed in the court noble society that Chohogannenrei should be a starting point for shinsei and that kugeho (laws issued by the imperial court) in the medieval period was greatly influenced by such a belief. 例文帳に追加

治承・建久の2度の新制の制定に大臣・摂関として関わった九条兼実(道長の6代目の子孫)は「長保以後代々制符」が制符(新制)策定の基本であるべきであると度々主張(『玉葉』治承2年4月23日・6月5日条)しており、長保から200年経た後世においても長保元年令が新制の出発点になるとする考え方が公家社会に広く存在し、中世公家法に対して強い影響を与えたことが分かる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In order to concentrate the shares in the hands of successors in a smooth manner, the purchase of shares by successors through salary increases, among other means, can be promoted incrementally. In addition, other measures that make use of the Corporation Law can also be conceived, such as: (1) Increasing the holding ratio of successors through the company's acquisition of its company shares; and (2) Restricting voting rights for shares to be inherited by persons other than successors. A prompt response involving experts is believed to be effective.例文帳に追加

後継者への株式の集中を円滑に進めるためには、給与を増額するなどして、後継者による株式買取りを少しずつ進めていくことのほか、(1)会社による自社株式の取得を行い後継者の持株比率を上げる、(2)後継者以外の人に相続する予定の株式を議決権制限株式にしておくなど、会社法を活用した対策も考えられるところであり、専門家を交えた早期の対応が有効と考えられる。 - 経済産業省

In terms of supply, it is believed that one of the major causes were fears about supply due to circumstances of oil producing countries including Russia and Venezuela amid scarce extra capacity in Middle Eastern countries as well as in the rest of the world, along with temporary declines in supplies as a result of damages to U.S. oil producing facilities incurred from hurricanes, among other causes. Amidst the increasingly tight supply-demand relationship, the influx of investment funds into the oil market further spurred the crude oil price hikes.例文帳に追加

また、供給面からは、中東諸国を中心に世界的に増産余力が乏しい中3、ロシア・ベネズエラ等の産油国の個別事情による供給不安や、ハリケーンによる米国石油生産施設への損害等による一時的な供給減少等の要因があったためと考えられている。こうして、需給関係に逼迫感が増す中、さらに、投資資金が原油取引市場に流入したことが、原油価格の高騰に拍車をかけることとなった。 - 経済産業省

In other words, it is believed that, amid the easing of monetary conditions: (a) as stocks, houses and other assets, the prices of which fluctuate greatly according to interest rate levels, increased their weight on the balance sheet of the household budget16 , and as the wealth effect attributable to declining interest rates strengthened (a decline in interest rates has the effect of forcing up household consumption expenditure through increases in the market value of assets held); (b) debt increased further as the ratio of deposits to household assets decreased, interest-bearing liabilities exceeded interest-bearing assets, and a structure was being reinforced whereby declines in interest rates would improve the interest paid and received situation (see Figure 1-2-20).例文帳に追加

すなわち、金融緩和の中で、①株式、住宅等その価格が金利水準によって大きく変動する資産が家計のバランスシートに占めるウェイトが上昇し16、金利低下による資産効果(金利低下が保有資産の時価上昇を通じて家計の消費支出を押し上げる効果)が強まる中、②家計資産に占める預金等の比重低下と借入金の増加が同時に進み、利付資産・負債がネットで負債超の状態となり金利の低下が家計の利息収支を改善させる構造が強まっていったと考えられる(第1-2-20図)。 - 経済産業省

On the other hand, in 1979, concurrently with Kusumi Shuzo considering the revival of Kameno-o brand sake, another brewer Kazuyoshi SATO of Koikawa Shuzo, a brewery at Amarume-machi, Higashi-Tagawa County, Yamagata Prefecture, made up his mind to restore Kameno-o brand, since he believed that his predecessor Junichi SATO had kept an ardent wish to revive Kameno-o that was born in this Amarume-machi in the Meiji Period and to manufacture incomparable sake using the Kameno-o rice, although he has not seen the light of day yet because he had delayed one year before the debut of his newly brewed sake. 例文帳に追加

一方では、製成酒が世に出るのが一年遅れたために日の目を得ていないが、久須美酒造が亀の尾の復活を考えていたのとまさに同時期に、山形県東田川郡余目町(あまるめまち)の酒造家である鯉川酒造の蔵元佐藤一良は、明治時代に地元余目町で誕生した亀の尾の復活と、それを使って誰にも負けない酒を造ることが先代の蔵元佐藤淳一の悲願であったことを受けて、1979年(昭和54年)に亀の尾の復活を決心した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although there are various theories as to when and how kaki furai was made for the first time, one of the major views, based on the written record known as the oldest material suggests that in the late Meiji era (1868 to 1912), the time of civilization and enlightenment and the developing period of yoshoku (Western-style meal), Motojiro KIDA, who is believed to have invented cutlet, was experimentally frying all kinds of ingredients, one of which happened to be oyster at 'Rengatei,' a yoshoku restaurant in Ginza, Tokyo, which was founded in 1895. 例文帳に追加

カキフライが初めて作られた時期・発祥は諸説あるが、洋食メニュー発展期・文明開化の明治時代(1868年–1912年)後期に東京銀座の洋食屋「煉瓦亭」(創業明治28年)でカツレツを考案したと伝えられる木田元次郎が、あらゆる食材を油で揚げて試していた食材の一品がカキ(貝)であったという煉瓦亭の記録文献が、最古の資料として現在は有力と考えられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Because there is an entry in "ODA Nobukatsu Bungencho" (registers of vassals of Nobukatsu ODA) that says that a woman called 'Azuchi-dono' was given chigyo fief worth 600 kanmon, that she was listed third in the order of female vassals following Nobukatsu's lawful wife and Tokuhime, that she was listed prior to 'Okatadono-sama,' who is believed to be Dota-gozen, and that her name included 'Azuchi' from Azuchi-jo Castle, it can be assumed that she retained a prominent position in the Oda family and she could be the lawful wife of Nobunaga, the deceased father of Nobukatsu ODA. 例文帳に追加

『織田信雄分限帳』に「安土殿」という女性が、600貫文の知行を与えられているのが記載されており、女性としては信雄正室、徳姫に続き三番目に記載され、土田御前と推測される「大方殿様」よりも先に記載されている事、安土城の「安土」という土地を冠されている事から、織田家における地位の高さがうかがえ、織田信雄の亡き父・信長の正室にあたるのではないかとも考えられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to the legend written in "Tomomitsu Ko Ki" (biography of Tomomitsu Ko [Ko means His Serene Highness]), he was born, during Yoritomo's exile in Izu Province, to Yoritomo and the daughter of Samukawa no Ama who had been performing his mother's roll; after birth he was sent to the Hatta family, Samukawa no Ama's parents home, to be taken care of, then raised as the third son (some say the fourth son) of Masamitsu OYAMA and Samukawa no Ama; but there can be found utterly no mentioning to this story in the first rated history books of that timesuch as the "Azuma Kagami" (The Mirror of the East) which was the official record of bakufutherefore it is widely believed that this story is nothing but a mere supposition. 例文帳に追加

『朝光公記』によれば、伊豆配流中の頼朝の世話をしていた寒河尼の娘との間に生まれ、寒河尼の実家・八田氏へ預けられた後、小山政光と寒河尼の三男(四男説もある)として育てられたというのが、その伝説の筋であるが、幕府の公式記録『吾妻鏡』をはじめとする当時の一級資料には、一切、このことには触れられていないことから、推測の域を出ないというのが大方の見方である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The shape of the 'setsu' (a pattern which was presented by Chinese emperors or kings to emissaries) drawn on the observer's right of the picture of the person buried in the tomb in the Mural Painting of Koguryo Tomb (such as in the Angaku No.3 Tomb believed to be from around the middle of the fourth century) looks like the Kasamatsu Pattern drawn on the Sankakubuchi Shinjukyo (Triangular-rimmed mirrors) (the one on the mirror is slightly more flat than the one on the mural painting), and assuming that the Kodo (Yellow Flag) tentatively given to Nashime by the Wei dynasty has the same shape as this setsu, it is possible that the shape looks like a yellow tachibana. 例文帳に追加

高句麗古墳壁画(4世紀中頃とされる安岳3号古墳等)の墓主の画像に向かって右側に描かれている「節(せつ)」の形が、三角縁神獣鏡に描かれる笠松文様に似ていることや(壁画に比べて鏡の方が少し形が平ら)、もし魏から難升米に仮授せしめた黄幢(こうどう)が、この節と同じ形をしているものと仮定すると、黄色い橘の形にも見える可能性はある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

But when they are sure (such reasoners may say), it is not conscientiousness but cowardice to shrink from acting on their opinions, and allow doctrines which they honestly think dangerous to the welfare of mankind, either in this life or in another, to be scattered abroad without restraint, because other people, in less enlightened times, have persecuted opinions now believed to be true. 例文帳に追加

しかし、その意見が正当ならば(こうした論者はこのようにいうでしょうが)、まだ開化の進んでいない時代に、昔の人たちが今日では真実だと思われている意見を迫害したことがあるからという理由で、その正当な意見に基づいて行動することにひるみ、真剣に考えるとこの世でもあの世でも人類の福祉に危険であるような教説が広くばら撒かれるのを許すというのは、良心にもとるばかりか卑怯なことではないのか。 - John Stuart Mill『自由について』

(iii) Where the competent minister, in so far as it is necessary for the enforcement of this Act, has ordered his/her officials to conduct an on-site inspection of the specified engines concerned, books, documents or other objects at the plants or workplaces of the designated foreign manufacturer, etc. of the specified engines or at places where designated specified engines are believed to be stored or interrogate the relevant persons on the spot, and the inspections are refused, obstructed or evaded and no statement is made in reply to any questions or a false statement is made thereof. 例文帳に追加

三 主務大臣がこの法律の施行に必要な限度においてその職員に指定外国特定原動機製作者等の工場若しくは事業場又は型式指定特定原動機の所在すると認める場所において当該特定原動機、帳簿、書類その他の物件についての検査をさせ、又は関係者に質問をさせようとした場合において、その検査が拒まれ、妨げられ、若しくは忌避され、又は質問に対し陳述がされず、若しくは虚偽の陳述がされたとき。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 6 (1) Imported plants (excluding plants that are not used for cultivation and provided for in the Ordinance of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries as those with little possibility of Quarantine Pests being attached: hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph and the following paragraph) and their containers or packages shall not be imported, except for those to which a phytosanitary certificate, or its copy, issued by a governmental organization of the exporting country is attached, which states to the effect that it is confirmed or believed that a Quarantine Pest is not attached to them as a result of inspection by such organization; however, this shall not apply to the following plants and their containers or packages: 例文帳に追加

第六条 輸入する植物(栽培の用に供しない植物であつて、検疫有害動植物が付着するおそれが少ないものとして農林水産省令で定めるものを除く。以下この項及び次項において同じ。)及びその容器包装は、輸出国の政府機関により発行され、かつ、その検査の結果検疫有害動植物が付着していないことを確かめ、又は信ずる旨を記載した検査証明書又はその写しを添付してあるものでなければ、輸入してはならない。ただし、次に掲げる植物及びその容器包装については、この限りでない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

While he was making work progress further, he noticed that a common view which was believed in those days about the differences among the manuscripts of The Tale of Genji was wrong; it was said that 'there are a lot of tiny differences among the manuscripts and woodblock books of The Tale of Genji, which were due to simple mistakes made in copying, but there is almost nothing which affects the meanings of sentence or the plot.' 例文帳に追加

さらに作業を進めていく中で、源氏物語本文の写本ごとの異なりが当時一般に言われていたような「源氏物語の本文には、写本や版本によって単純な写し間違いなどに起因すると見られる細かい差異は多数存在するものの、文の意味や話の筋立てに影響を及ぼすような違いはほとんど存在しない」という状況ではなく、古注の解釈の上でも無視できない差異がしばしば見られることが明らかになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On May 20, 922, after being reinstated as Udaijin from the Junii rank Dazai Gon no sochi and posthumously granted the Shonii rank, and was granted additional posthumous posts of the Shoichii rank Sadaijin and then the Daijo-daijin in 993 (it is believed that his honor was restored in this way partly because Tokihira, who had accused Michizane, died young leaving no descendants and therefore, descendents of his younger brother, FUJIWARA no Tadahira, who was an aide to Emperor Uda and friendly to Michizane, became the Fujiwara clan's direct-line descendants). 例文帳に追加

延喜22年4月20日(913年6月2日)、従二位大宰権帥から右大臣に復し、正二位を贈ったのを初めとし、正暦4年(993年)には贈正一位左大臣、同年贈太政大臣(こうした名誉回復の背景には道真を讒言した時平の早死にで子孫が振るわなかったために、宇多天皇の側近で道真にも好意的だった時平の弟・藤原忠平の子孫が藤原氏の嫡流となった事も関係しているとされる)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It was regarded as noteworthy and subject of discussion yet again in recent years that Hondo-ji Temple, which had been closely associated with the Chiba clan since the time of its foundation in late Kamakura period, kept its history record and it contains an entry stating Tanetsuna's age of death as 31; thus it was concluded that the age of Tanetsuna's death was incorrectly cited as "21" (May 28 koshijo, 1228) when "Azuma Kagami" was compiled referring the original historical materials, and the editors of "Chiba Taikeizu" believed the information on Azuma Kagami and made a "correction" accordingly. 例文帳に追加

ところが、近年になって鎌倉時代後期の創建であるとは言え、創建当時から千葉氏と密接なつながりを有した本土寺の過去帳に胤綱の享年を31とする記述があることが問題視され、『吾妻鏡』が編纂された時に原史料からの引用を誤って「年二十一」(安貞2年5月28日庚子条)としてしまったものを更に『千葉大系図』の編者が信じて引用して、これに合わせる形で"修正"を行ったものと考えられるようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The discrepancy between popular sentiment and government policy is due to the fact that the Japanese Government adopted a stringent policy of secrecy to keep any information that could reveal national weaknesses from falling into Russian hands; The media including newspapers used the example of the Japanese victory in the Sino-Japanese War to fan the flames of war without regard to national sentiment, and inadvertantly built up jingoistic mood which could not be easily reversed; and finally, the majority of citizens were not aware of the true nature of Japan's national strength and erroneously believed that Japan easily defeated Russia in battle. 例文帳に追加

これは、ロシア側へいかなる弱みともなることをも秘密にしようとした日本政府の政策に加え、新聞以下マスコミ各社が日清戦争を引き合いに出して戦争に対する国民期待を否応なしに煽ったために修正がきかなくなっていたこともあり、国民の多くは戦争をしている国力の実情を知らされず、目先の勝利によってロシアが簡単に屈服させられたように錯覚した反動から来ているものである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

At a time when land prices are continuing to rise and the myth that they will always continue to rise is believed, providing loans to SMEs secured by land involves extremely little risk for financial institutions. In contrast, when land prices are falling, real estate security is no longer sufficient to cover the risk. In such circumstances, financial institutions are expected to cover this risk by strengthening their "relationship banking" capabilities by methods including diverse means of lending without the use of real estate security, and methods of dealing with risk.例文帳に追加

地価は下落しないという「土地神話」を前提に地価が上昇し続ける局面では、土地を担保にとっていれば、中小企業融資に伴う金融機関側のリスクは極めて少なかったのに対し、地価下降局面では不動産担保だけではリスクをカバーしきれなくなってきており、そのリスクを不動産担保以外の多様な融資手法やリスク対応方法も含めた、リレーションシップバンキング機能の強化でカバーするようになってきていると推測される。 - 経済産業省

It was said in "Tamakiharu" that 'there was nothing that Nyoin couldn't handle nor control concerning any small detailed issues about politics,' so whatever Shigeko said had a big influence on politics and she encouraged promotion for people close to her, like Nobunori (uncle), Munemori (adopted child), Tokitada, and Chikamune, (brothers). (However, because Tokitada and Nobunori, both lost their positions and were banished because of the Kao dispute, it was believed that Shigeko did not have enough political influence to stop Emperor Goshirakawa's political power.) 例文帳に追加

「大方の世の政事を始め、はかなき程の事まで御心にまかせぬ事なし(政治の上でのどんな些細なことでも女院の思いのままにならないことはなかった)」(『たまきはる』)とまで評された政治的発言力により、自身に近い人々である信範(叔父)、宗盛(猶子)、時忠・親宗(兄弟)の昇進を後押しした(ただし、嘉応の強訴では時忠・信範が解官、配流されていることから、その発言力も後白河を押さえるほどのものではなかったと思われる)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is believed that FUJIWARA no Yoshifusa and OKASUGA no Otsugu adopted this edition with the purpose of giving government officials an official education to foster allegiance to the Emperor, as well as to foster "Kuntoku no Kanyo" in the young Emperor Seiwa, thereby tried to overcome the instability of political foundation, which was caused by the enthroning of the infant Emperor Seiwa, with the help of the political power of his maternal grandfather, FUJIWARA no Yoshifusa, against public opinion that pushed for his paternal older half-brother, Imperial Prince Koretaka. 例文帳に追加

その背景について、幼少の清和天皇が外祖父藤原良房の政治権力によって、異母兄惟喬親王を推す世論に反して擁立されたことに由来する政治基盤の不安定さを克服するために、幼い天皇の君徳の涵養を図るとともに、天皇への忠誠を官人教育を通じて強く認識させる目的によって、藤原良房と大春日雄継が導入を図ったものと考えられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Some people say that if a person puts his clamor to his action (to realize Chigyo goitsu) based on chiryochi when he has not attained the state of mind that reflects ri (Shinsokuri), the person is apt to aspire to start a revolution (Hokoku YAMADA, described later, also believed that wrong understanding of Yomeigaku might cause serious mistakes, so that he taught Yomeigaku only to the disciples who understood Shushigaku well enough to understand Yomeigaku in comparison to Shushigaku.) 例文帳に追加

鏡面のような心(心即理)の状態に無いのに、致良知に基づいて、自分の心の叫びを行動(知行合一)に移してしまうと、革命志向になりやすいという説もある(後述の山田方谷も、陽明学について誤った理解をすると重大な間違いを犯す危険があると考えて、朱子学を十分に理解して朱子学と陽明学を相対化して理解が出来る門人にのみにしか陽明学を教授しなかったと言われている)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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原題:”On Liberty”

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