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was based onの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 2694


One theory holds that because the system of birthright inheritance by the eldest son had not been established at that time, the conflict broke out because Yoshimasa's property was arbitrarily divided between his brothers (Masakado's uncles) TAIRA no Kunika and TAIRA no Yoshikane; another theory, based on the "Masakado Ki" (Record of Masakado), holds that the conflict broke out either over a daughter of the former Kokushi (provincial governors) of Hitachi Province, MINAMOTO no Mamoru, or the daughter of Yoshikane; and a third theory that states that the conflict broke out because of the interference of MINAMOTO no Mamoru and TAIRA no Maki in a territorial feud. 例文帳に追加

長子相続制度の確立していない当時、良将の遺領は伯父の平国香(國香)や平良兼に独断で分割されていたため争いが始まったとされている説、『将門記』などによる、常陸国(茨城県)前国司の源護の娘、或いは良兼の娘を巡り争いが始まったとする説、源護と平真樹の領地争いへの介入によって争いが始まったとする説などがある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Tamamo no Mae is said to be modeled after Empress Bifukumonin (FUJIWARA no Nariko) that the Retired Emperor Toba loved very much, and her story is considered to be based on the historical fact that: although Empress Bifukumonin was not from a noble family such as a regent-and-advisor family, she used her political power to plan to have her children or nephews ascend to the crown; this caused conflict with the Retired Emperor Sutoku, FUJIWARA no Tadazane, and FUJIWARA no Yorinaga; she initiated the Hogen Disturbance; and finally she established the foundation for political administration by warriors (note, however, there have been multiple theories regarding the level of Empress Bikufumonin's involvement in Imperial succession). 例文帳に追加

玉藻前のモデルは、鳥羽上皇に寵愛された皇后美福門院(藤原得子)であり、摂関家などの名門出身でもない彼女が権勢をふるって自分の子や猶子を帝位につけるよう画策して、崇徳上皇や藤原忠実・藤原頼長親子と対立して、保元の乱を引き起こし、更には武家政権樹立のきっかけを作った史実が下敷きになっているとも言われる(ただし、美福門院がどのくらい皇位継承に関与していたかについては諸説ある)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is said that the oldest full-fledged educational institution was the Daigaku-ryo within the Centralized Administration established under the Ritsuryo Legal Codes, and according to the regulations, in the regular course (later known as Myogyodo), "Rongo" and "Kokyo" (Classic of Filial Piety) of Confucianism were compulsory and specializations were determined based on the combination scriptures from the three scripture groups: the large scriptures, which included "Raiki" and "Shunju Sashiden," the medium scriptures, which included "Moshi," "Shurai" and "Girai" and the small scriptures, which included "Shueki" and "Shosho." 例文帳に追加

日本最初の本格的な教育機関は律令制における大学寮であるとされているが、学令によればその本科(後の明経道)においては、儒教のうちの『論語』と『孝経』を必修とし、『周易』、『書経』、『周礼』、『儀礼』、『礼記』、『毛詩』、『春秋左氏伝』の7経のうち、『礼記』・『春秋左氏伝』を大経、『毛詩』・『周礼』・『儀礼』を中経、『周易』・『尚書』を小経としてその組み合わせで先行する経典を定めた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, the lord of a domain changed to a non-hereditary Chihanji, (note that in fact, apart from the Fukuoka domain, whose rank changed by the 'kaieki' sanction (sudden dismissal and deprivation of position, privileges and properties) successors were of heredity) and since feudal retainers of the domain, who were baishin (indirect vassals) were also considered vassals (vassas of the king)of the Imperial Court (Meiji government), which are the same as Chihanji, it contradicted the relationship between the lord and vassal that was established by Bushido (the way of the samurai) based on Shushigaku (Neo-Confucianism) so resistance by domains were expected. 例文帳に追加

だが、藩主が非世襲の知藩事に変わり(ただし、実際には事実上の改易処分を受けた福岡藩などの例外を除いては、世襲の後継者がそのまま後任とされている)、陪臣である藩士も知藩事と同じ朝廷(明治政府)の家臣(「王臣」)とされる事で、朱子学に基づいた武士道(近代以後の「武士道」とは違う)によって位置づけられてきた主君(藩主)と家臣(藩士)の主従関係を否定することになるものであり、諸藩の抵抗も予想された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The theory to point out the possibility that the Ando family had been already settled in Akita Country before the supposed time of the Minato family's establishment, based on such findings; the family's history can be dated back even earlier period than the time of Magogoro ANDO and Andota, both of whom are confirmed as the territorial lords of the Oga Peninsula, and also earlier than the time of the legendary Kanosue's Nansen (provincial capital's relocation to the south), about which Jakuzo, Tadasue ABE, Joso ABE, etc. described in the copy of Jisha shuzo munefuda (ridge tag with history of the reparation and construction of temples and shrines) compiled in 'Ichikawa Minato Monjo' (The letter of Ichikawa Minato), and that there is an oral tradition in which a family called the Onagawa family was the territorial lord of the Oga Peninsula before the Minato family. 例文帳に追加

男鹿半島の領主として確認される安藤孫五郎、安東太の両者や、「市川湊文書」に含まれている寺社修造棟札写に残る寂蔵、安倍忠季、安倍浄宗等が鹿季の南遷と伝えられている時代以前に遡れること、湊家以前の男鹿半島の領主を女川家と伝える伝承があること等から、湊家の成立と伝えられる以前に安東一族が秋田郡に土着していた可能性を指摘する見解 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


As for the revision of the articles of incorporation, which was also mentioned in your question, I believe it is very important as a preparatory measure as it would enable individual banks to take quick action based on the judgment of the management team if a capital increase becomes necessary. Therefore, I would like to welcome moves to revise the articles of incorporation. 例文帳に追加

他方で、定款変更についてのお尋ねもございましたけれども、定款変更に取り組んでいただくということは、いざ資本増強が必要だという状況になったときに、各銀行の経営陣限りで迅速な対応が可能になるという意味で、いわばインフラを整備するという点で大変大事なことだろうと思っておりますので、こういった定款変更の動きということは、これはこれとして歓迎を申し上げたいと思っております。 - 金融庁

Forgive me for being talkative, but I have served as a Diet member for 29 years - 27 years if the period during which I was temporarily out of the Diet after losing my seat is excluded - while keeping in mind that it is a major task for me as a conservative politician and as the head of an administrative agency to fulfill my responsibilities one by one and exercise power in a restrictive manner based on a mandate given to me through election. I am very grateful to Prime Minister Noda for allowing me to follow my own principle. 例文帳に追加

少し話が長くなりましたけれども、そういった一つ一つの責任、けじめ、そして行政(機関)の長として、国民からお預かりさせて頂いた選挙によって得られた力というものを如何にきちんと抑制的に、あるいはきちんと責任を持って使っていくかということを私は常に(この大きな)保守政治家としての課題だということを思いながら、29年間、(選挙に)落ちた(期間)を入れますと(実質)27年間、(国会議員を)やらせて頂いたわけでございますけれども、きちんと貫かせて頂いたということでございまして、それをお許しいただいた野田総理に大変感謝をいたしております。 - 金融庁

To go to the extreme, the logic was that poorly-performing companies would be culled by the market so any mess left afterwards should be mopped up by the judicial system-I remember clearly that such discussions took place. Based on my experience working as a lecturer at a university in the United States, I acknowledge that the United States and Japan are indeed two different countries, with one example being the extremely large number of independent administrative commissions in the United States. Japan had created a hundred and several dozens of independent administrative commissions during General MacArthur's era. 例文帳に追加

むしろきちんとやれない企業は市場が淘汰するんだ、後始末は司法ですればいいという、極端な話、そこまでの論議があったのも私はよく覚えておりまして、私はアメリカの大学の先生もしていましたけれども、アメリカと日本というのはやはり違う国ですし、例えば一例を挙げれば独立行政委員会、あれはアメリカは非常に多いですね。日本はマッカーサーの時代に独立行政委員会を百数十個つくったのです。 - 金融庁

I understand that the objectives of the proposed U.S. regulatory reform represent the concept of the rebuilding of the regulatory framework, which is regarded as a common global challenge based on the recognition that it is necessary to restore the robustness of the financial systems and markets so as to prevent a recurrence of the global financial market turmoil that was triggered by the subprime mortgage problem 例文帳に追加

今回の米国の規制改革案に掲げられたこうした目的は、サブプライム・ローン問題を契機とするグローバルな金融市場の混乱を受け、このような混乱を再び起こさせないよう、金融システム・金融市場の強靱性を再確立する必要があるという問題意識の下、規制の枠組みの再構築ということがグローバルに共通の課題となっている中で、その考え方が示されたものであると受け止めております - 金融庁


An applicant whose right to registration of a trade-mark is based on a registration of the trade-mark in another country of the Union shall, before the date of advertisement of his application in accordance with section 37, furnish a copy of the registration certified by the office in which it was made, together with a translation thereof into English or French if it is in any other language, and such other evidence as the Registrar may require to establish fully his right to registration under this Act. 例文帳に追加

他の同盟国における商標登録に基づいて商標登録の権利を有する出願人は,第37条に従う出願公告日前に,その登録がなされた当局により認証された登録の謄本を提出しなければならず,英語又はフランス語以外の言語によるものであるときは英語又はフランス語による翻訳文を添付し,更に,本法律に基づく登録を受ける権利を十分に立証するために登録官が要求するその他の証拠を提出しなければならない。 - 特許庁


The claimed invention provides the numerical limitation " (sand) in which 90% of the contained grain have a grain mesh size within the range of 100 . 14" is numerically quite similar to the preferable limitation of the grain mesh size within the range of 50 . 12 provided in the cited invention, which shows no prominent difference in the working effect between the claimed and cited inventions. Accordingly, it should be interpreted that the claimed invention is an art that a person skilled in the art was able to easily invent based on the cited inventions and publicly known arts, when limiting the range of grain size, like the claimed invention is considered to be, those a person skilled in the art could conceive the invention without using specific creativity. 例文帳に追加

本願発明において「100メッシュないし14メッシュの範囲内にある粒度のものを90%以上含んでいる」とした点は、引用発明における望ましい粒度範囲50~12メッシュのものと数値的に極めて近似し、作用効果において、格別の差がないから、引用発明に基づき粒度範囲を本願発明のように限定することが、当業者が格別の創意を要せずになし得る程度といえる場合、本願発明は引用発明及び周知技術に基づき当業者が容易に発明できたというべきである。 - 特許庁

A person requesting the grant of a patent may make a priority claim for an invention claimed in the patent application, based on an invention disclosed in the description or scope of claims for a patent or utility model registration, or drawings in the case where the earlier application was a foreign language written application, foreign language documents originally attached to the application of an earlier application filed for a patent or utility model registration which the said person has the right to obtain hereinafter referred to as "earlier application", except in the following cases: 例文帳に追加

特許を受けようとする者は、次に掲げる場合を除き、その特許出願に係る発明について、その者が特許又は実用新案登録を受ける権利を有する特許出願又は実用新案登録出願であつて先にされたもの(以下「先の出願」という。)の願書に最初に添付した明細書、特許請求の範囲若しくは実用新案登録請求の範囲又は図面(先の出願が外国語書面出願である場合にあつては、外国語書面)に記載された発明に基づいて優先権を主張することができる。……。 - 特許庁

(2) If, at any time before the registration of the design for which priority is sought, an application is made for a design that is identical to or so closely resembles the design as to be confounded with it, the Commissioner must so advise in writing the applicant who is requesting priority and request that the applicant provide the following documents (a) a certified copy of the foreign application on which the request is based; and (b) a certificate from the office in which the application referred to in paragraph (a) was filed showing the date of its filing therein. 例文帳に追加

(2) 優先権を求める意匠の登録前に何時でも,当該意匠と同一か又は混同を生じる程に類似 する意匠について出願がされた場合は,長官は,優先権を主張する出願人にその旨を書面で 通知し,かつ,次の書類を提出するよう求めなければならない。 (a) 当該主張が基礎とする外国出願の認証謄本,及び (b) (a)にいう出願がされた特許庁からの出願日を示した証明書 - 特許庁

Also, resident foreign nationals or their agents, and Government agencies, need the material to certify or grasp residency and status of the foreign national in question in an official or private capacity. Based on application from such foreign nationals, etc., the heads of municipalities issue, as administrative certification services, a copy of the alien registration card or a certificate of registered matters, and the number of such issuances in 2009 was 1,629,586. 例文帳に追加

また,在留外国人又はその代理人,国の機関等は,公的又は私的な関係において当該外国人の居住関係や身分関係を立証あるいは把握等するための資料を必要とすることがあるが,こうした外国人等からの請求に基づき,市区町村長は,行政証明事務として登録原票の写し又は登録原票記載事項証明書を交付しており,平成 21年における交付件数は162万9,586件であった。 - 特許庁

These two standards are very different. However, we should note that, in many judgments that argue based on standard (a), the justification for such stern judgments was generally that the operators of anonymous message boards fomented and promoted the posting of illegal information by declaring that they would never preserve the access log. By contrast, it is unlikely that the stern standard of (a) will be applicable to ordinary business entities that, in the absence of the aforementioned circumstances, take a neutral position towards the contents of the information they host. 例文帳に追加

この二つの基準は大きく異なっているが、前者の基準を採用した判決の多くにおいては、匿名掲示板の管理者がアクセスログを保存しないことを宣言する等により、違法な書き込みを助長・促進していたことが、厳しい基準の根拠として認定されており、このような事情がなくホスティングを提供する情報の内容に関して中立的な通常の事業者については、前者の厳しい基準がそのまま採用される可能性は低いと考えられる。 - 経済産業省

In cases where, based on laws and regulations prior to the revision by this Act, an inquiry or any other request was made to a council or other collegiate organization to take procedures for presenting opinions, such as procedures for a hearing or the grant of opportunities for explanation as prescribed in Article 13 of the Administrative Procedures Act, the provisions then in force shall remain applicable to procedures for adverse dispositions pertaining to said inquiry or other request, notwithstanding the provisions of related Acts revised by this Act. 例文帳に追加

この法律の施行前に法令に基づき審議会その他の合議制の機関に対し行政手続法第十三条に規定する聴聞又は弁明の機会の付与の手続その他の意見陳述のための手続に相当する手続を執るべきことの諮問その他の求めがされた場合においては、当該諮問その他の求めに係る不利益処分の手続に関しては、この法律による改正後の関係法律の規定にかかわらず、なお従前の例による。 - 経済産業省

In addition, the Commission for Environmental Cooperation was established, which is comprised of a Council, a Secretariat and a Joint Advisory Committee (Article 8). The Council shall prepare an annual report of the Commission in accordance with instructions therefrom (Article 12) as well as preparing a report in its own initiative (Article 13), and prepare a factual report based on information furnished by non-governmental organizations or individuals demonstrating negligence by effective enforcement of environmental rules and regulations.例文帳に追加

また、理事会、事務局、合同小委員会で構成 される環境協力委員会(commission)を設置し ており(第8条)、事務局は、理事会の指示に従 って環境協力委員会の年次報告書を作成する他 (第12条)、自主発案の報告書を作成すること ができるとしている(第13条)。また、非政府 組織や個人からの、環境法制の有効な履行確保 を怠っているとの指摘を受け、事実報告書を作 成することになっている。 - 経済産業省

However, there had been no reference case of the check method applicable to evaluation of integrity of facilities, equipment, buildings and structures after earthquakes, and no relevant checking criteria was available.Therefore, NISA studied the issue based on expert opinions, and decided it necessary to analyze the level of a force applied due to the seismic force (seismic response analysis) by calculating the force using a model, and evaluate the integrity by combining them, in addition to detailed check of individual facilities and equipment.例文帳に追加

しかしながら、地震後の設備・機器や建屋・構築物の健全性評価に適用される点検の方法は、過去に参考にすべき事例がなく点検基準なども整備されていなかったため、原子力安全・保安院は、専門家の意見も踏まえつつ検討を行い、個別の設備・機器ごとの詳細な点検に加えて、地震力によってどの程度の力が働いたかをモデルを用いて計算することにより解析(地震応答解析)し、それらを組み合わせることによって健全性を評価することが必要と判断した。 - 経済産業省

Conventionally, NISA had evaluated adequacy of aging technical evaluation and long-term maintenance programs prepared by the licensees of reactor operation. However, NISA revised the Rules for the Installation, Operation, etc. of Commercial Power Reactors associated with revision of inspection system. It was decided that from January 2009, the long-term maintenance management policies based on the aging technical evaluation and its results shall be included in the operational safety program. Accordingly, the program such as maintenance management per operation cycle, which embodies the long-term maintenance management policies, has become included in the maintenance activity program of a nuclear installation.例文帳に追加

原子炉設置者が行った高経年化技術評価及び長期保全計画については、原子力安全・保安院がその妥当性を評価していたが、その後、原子力安全・保安院は、検査制度の見直しにともなって実用炉則を改正し、2009年1月からは高経年化技術評価及び同評価結果に基づく長期保守管理方針を保安規定の記載事項とし、長期保守管理方針を具体化した運転サイクルごとの保守管理等の計画が原子炉施設の保全活動の計画書に盛り込まれることとなった。 - 経済産業省

Fig. 2-5-17 shows the areas that SMEs engaging in research and development would like financial institutions to improve upon compared with the areas that SMEs that are not engaging in research and development would like to see improved. The percentage of SMEs engaging in research and development that mentionedlending based on assessment of future business potentialwas significantly higher than the proportion of SMEs not engaging in research and development that gave that answer.例文帳に追加

第2-5-17図は、研究開発に取り組む中小企業が金融機関に対して取組の強化を求めたいことについて、研究開発に取り組んでいない中小企業と比較する形で示したものであるが、「事業の将来性を評価した貸出」については、研究開発に取り組む中小企業が金融機関に対して取組の強化を求めたいとする回答の割合が、研究開発に取り組んでいない中小企業に比べて顕著に高いことが見て取れる。 - 経済産業省

In this report, it was said that each Asian countries must make further efforts to realize a “Sustainable Asia based on the 3Rs” (Fig. II-54). To realize the goal, each country first makes a considerable effort in constructing a sound domestic recycling system for recyclable resources. In addition, recyclable resources that cannot be recycled in each country should be utilized efficiently between Asian countries to reduce consumption of natural resources while preventing the expansion of environmental pollution. 例文帳に追加

この中では、長期的な構想としてアジア各国が「持続可能なアジア循環型経済社会圏」(図-Ⅱ-43)の構築を目指すことを掲げており、そのための課題として、まず各国単位で循環型経済社会をしっかり構築した上で、各国ごとの個別の取組では有効利用を図ることができない循環資源については、環境汚染の拡大を防止しつつアジア域内で相互に有効利用を促進し、天然資源消費量を抑制することが必要とされています。 - 経済産業省

Evaluation of intellectual assets should be developed through information gathering, evaluation and disclosure at company level, and it would be impossible to make an evaluation based solely on the data currently available. To promote the future development of evaluation methods utilizing diverse indicators, however, an experimental quantitative evaluation of the level of intellectual assets in Japan was carried out using available publicly disclosed data and drawing comparisons with other major countries and regions.例文帳に追加

本来、知的資産の評価は個別企業レベルにおける把握・評価や開示を通じて進展が図られるべきであり、現時点において得られるデータのみによって評価することは不可能であるが、今後多様な指標を用いた評価手法の発達を促すという意味において、ここでは、我が国における知的資産のレベルを、入手可能な公開データを通じて、主要国・地域と比較しながら試行的に定量評価した。 - 経済産業省

In order to monitor and provide instructions to ensure the safety of foods, etc., imported into Japan (hereafter referred to asimported foods, etc.”), the government established the imported food monitoring and instruction program in 2007 (hereinafter, “the program”).The program is based on the guidelines for monitoring and providing instructions in food sanitation (Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Notification No. 301, 2003) as per the regulations of Article 23, Paragraph 1 of the Food Sanitation Law (Law No. 233, 1947; hereinafter, “the Law”); public comments were collected and risk communication was conducted.例文帳に追加

我が国に輸入される食品等(以下「輸入食品等」という。)の安全性を確保するために国が行う監視指導については、食品衛生法(昭和22年法律第233号。以下「法」という。)第23条第1項の規定により、食品衛生に関する監視指導の実施に関する指針(平成15年厚生労働省告示第301号)に基づき、パブリックコメントの募集及びリスクコミュニケーションを実施し、平成19年度輸入食品監視指導計画(以下「計画」という。)を策定し、同条第3項の規定により官庁報告として官報に公表した上で、計画に基づいて行っているところです。 - 厚生労働省

After the subway facilities were completed, Kyoto Kosoku Railway Co., Ltd., bought the subway facilities from the Japan Railway Construction Public Corporation using a 25-year installment plan in order to lend them to the Kyoto Municipal Transportation Bureau, which would in turn operate the section between Daigo and Nijo integrally, and accordingly the Kyoto Municipal Transportation Bureau became a Type I Railway Business Operator for the sections between Daigo and Misasagi and between Sanjo-keihan and Nijo, as well as a Type II Railway Business Operator for the section between Misasagi and Sanjo-keihan, while Kyoto Kosoku Railway Co., Ltd., became a Type Railway Business Operator for the section between Misasagi and Sanjo-keihan based on the Railway Business Act, which had taken effect after the abolishment of the old local railway law when Japanese National Railways was split and privatized on April 1, 1987, whereby Keihan Electric Railway was also positioned as a Type II Railway Business Operator; therefore, the idea of continuing passenger services in the section between Misasagi and Sanjo on the Keishin Line, borrowing the subway facilities from Kyoto Kosoku Railway Co., Ltd., in cooperation with Kyoto Municipal Transportation Bureau to underground and change the route of the relevant section was re-examined; however, the parties involved decided to follow the established policy due to overhead expenses. 例文帳に追加

そして、鉄道施設の完成後、京都高速鉄道が日本鉄道建設公団から25年間の分割払いで鉄道施設を譲り受け、京都市交通局に貸与し、京都市交通局が醍醐~二条間を一体的に運営することになり、1987年4月1日の国鉄分割民営化によって、それまでの「地方鉄道法」が廃止され、新たに「鉄道事業法」が施行されたことによって、京都市交通局が醍醐~御陵間と三条京阪~二条間の第一種鉄道事業者、御陵~三条京阪間の第二種鉄道事業者となり、京都高速鉄道が御陵~三条京阪間の第三種鉄道事業者となったことから、京阪電気鉄道も第二種鉄道事業者という経営形態が確立されたため、京津線の御陵~三条間の旅客営業を廃止せず、京都市交通局とともに京都高速鉄道から鉄道施設を借り受け、同区間の地下化、ルート変更する形で旅客営業を継続してはどうかと再検討されたが、諸経費などの絡みで既定方針どおりとなった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Based on the Guidelines regarding National Reports under the Convention on Nuclear Safety (INFCIRC/572/Rev.3) adopted by the First Extraordinary Meeting of Nuclear Safety Convention in September 2009, the National Report of Japan for the Fifth Review Meeting was prepared by NISA of the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry (hereinafter referred to as METI), which is the regulatory body of nuclear installations under the Convention.The National Report was prepared in cooperation with the governmental organizations including the Agency of Natural Resources and Energy of METI, the Cabinet Office (the Atomic Energy Commission (hereinafter referred to as AEC))and the Nuclear Safety Commission (hereinafter referred to as NSC)), the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (hereinafter referred to as MEXT), the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare and Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as well as the Incorporated Administrative Agency Japan Nuclear Energy Safety Organization (hereinafter referred to as JNES), Incorporated Administrative Agency Japan Atomic Energy Agency (hereinafter referred to as JAEA) and the Federation of Electric Power Companies.例文帳に追加

原子力の安全に関する条約第5回日本国国別報告は、2009年9月に開催された原子力の安全に関する条約第1回特別会合で採択された国別報告に関するガイドライン(INFCIRC/572/Rev.3)に基づき、この条約の適用対象である発電用原子炉施設の規制を行っている経済産業省原子力安全・保安院が、経済産業省資源エネルギー庁、内閣府(原子力委員会及び原子力安全委員会)、文部科学省、厚生労働省及び外務省の政府機関のほか、独立行政法人原子力安全基盤機構、独立行政法人日本原子力研究開発機構及び電気事業連合会の協力を得て作成したものである。 - 経済産業省

Next, the Japanese subsidiary, Lehman Brothers Japan Inc., notified us on September 15 that it may become insolvent in the long term, so the FSA (Financial Services Agency) issued a business suspension order to the company on the same day. In addition, the company filed for civil rehabilitation procedures on September 16, and the start of the procedures was approved on September 19. I understand that the company will be managed in the future based on advice from its agents for the application of the bankruptcy procedures and its attorneys, as well as supervisors and lawyers appointed by the court to monitor its financial and business operations. 例文帳に追加

次に、日本拠点であるリーマン・ブラザーズ証券株式会社については、同社が長期的に見ると支払い不能に陥る恐れがあるという報告をしてまいりましたので、15日、同日ですけれども、金融庁から業務停止命令を発出したところでありますし、また翌日16日、同社から東京地方裁判所に対して民事再生手続きの開始を申し立て、19日に当該手続きの開始が決定されたということでありまして、今後の同社の経営は申立て代理人、同社の代理人弁護士や、監督員、裁判所の指名によって同社の財務、業務を監視する弁護士らの助言等を踏まえて行われるものと承知をいたしております。 - 金融庁

Under the Guideline on Policy Promotion For the Revitalization of Japan (Cabinet decision adopted on May 17, 2011), which presented the policy toward reconstruction from the Great East Japan Earthquake, the “Strategy for Strengthening Bonds between Countrieswas clearly indicated; the Guideline stated as regards EPA/FTA that “the Minister-level Meeting on FTAAP (Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific)/EPA (Economic Partnership Agreements) will consider the basic policy for strengthening “kizuna” (the bonds of friendship) with other countries, such as promoting high-level economic partnerships based onBasic Policy on Comprehensive Economic Partnership” (Cabinet decision adopted in November 2010) and establishing economic security, taking into consideration factors such as the sentiments of the farmers and fishermen who have suffered enormous damage from the earthquake and the nuclear incident, progress in the international negotiations, and concerns of de-industrialization.”例文帳に追加

さらに、東日本大震災からの復興を進める方針を提示した「政策推進指針」(平成 23 年 5 月 17 日閣議決定)では、「国と国との絆の強化による開かれた経済再生」が明記され、EPA/FTA については、「「FTAAP・EPA のための閣僚会合」において、「包括的経済連携に関する基本方針」に基づく高いレベルの経済連携推進や経済安全保障の確立等、国と国との絆の強化に関する基本的考え方を、震災や原子力災害によって大きな被害を受けている農業者・漁業者の心情、国際交渉の進捗、産業空洞化の懸念等に配慮しつつ、検討する」こととされた。 - 経済産業省

(3) In the case prescribed in the preceding paragraph, with regard to a rehabilitation claim modified pursuant to the provision of said paragraph that is not a claim without objection or valued claim, until the payment period specified in the rehabilitation plan expires (or until payment based on the rehabilitation plan is completed or the rehabilitation plan is revoked, if these events occur prior to the expiration of said period; the same shall apply in the following paragraph and paragraph (5)), it is not allowed to make or receive payment or conduct any other act to cause the claim to be extinguished (excluding a release); provided, however, that this shall not apply if the rehabilitation creditor was unable to file a proof of claim regarding such modified rehabilitation claim within the period for filing proofs of claims due to grounds not attributable thereto and such grounds have not ceased to exist before the order prescribed in Article 230(3) is made, or the modified rehabilitation claim was subject to the valuation of rehabilitation claim. 例文帳に追加

3 前項に規定する場合における同項の規定により変更された再生債権であって無異議債権及び評価済債権以外のものについては、再生計画で定められた弁済期間が満了する時(その期間の満了前に、再生計画に基づく弁済が完了した場合又は再生計画が取り消された場合にあっては弁済が完了した時又は再生計画が取り消された時。次項及び第五項において同じ。)までの間は、弁済をし、弁済を受け、その他これを消滅させる行為(免除を除く。)をすることができない。ただし、当該変更に係る再生債権が、再生債権者がその責めに帰することができない事由により債権届出期間内に届出をすることができず、かつ、その事由が第二百三十条第三項に規定する決定前に消滅しなかったもの又は再生債権の評価の対象となったものであるときは、この限りでない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 53-2 (1) The Director of Prefectural Labor Bureau may conduct all or a part of manufacturing inspection, etc. services, in the following cases: when there is no agency registered; when there was a notification to suspend or discontinue a part of or the whole service pursuant to Article 49; when there was revocation of registration or an order to suspend the whole or a part of the service of manufacturing inspection, etc., based on the previous Article; when it became difficult for the registered manufacturing inspection, etc., agency to carry out the whole or a part of the service of inspection by the natural disaster or other causes; when it is deemed to be necessary 例文帳に追加

第五十三条の二 都道府県労働局長は、登録を受ける者がいないとき、第四十九条の規定による製造時等検査の業務の全部又は一部の休止又は廃止の届出があつたとき、前条の規定により登録を取り消し、又は登録製造時等検査機関に対し製造時等検査の業務の全部若しくは一部の停止を命じたとき、登録製造時等検査機関が天災その他の事由により製造時等検査の業務の全部又は一部を実施することが困難となつたときその他必要があると認めるときは、当該製造時等検査の業務の全部又は一部を自ら行うことができる。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

As individual ministries and agencies have maintained strong powers in their areas of jurisdiction over the 65 years since the end of World War II, politicians, even the Prime Ministers, did not succeed in tearing down the wall of sectionalism. Mr. Yoshiro Mori (a former Prime Minister) supported the umbrella organization for kindergartens, while nursery schools basically had the support of Mr. Ryutaro Hashimoto. As nursery schools were divided into two groups, Mr. Hashimoto supported one of them and I supported the other. From my experience, I know that there was fierce sectionalism during the era of LDP government and the wall that separated ministries was really thick. I have the impression, based on my experience of spending my time in a governing party, an opposition party and a governing party again, that that situation has eventually led to the change of government. While I am ready to accept criticism straightforwardly, I believe that this must be done from the standpoint of the people following the change of government. 例文帳に追加

ですから、やっぱり日本国も戦後65年たちまして、各省庁が縦割りで物凄い権限を持っており、総理大臣をした政治家でもうまくいかなかったのです。幼稚園連盟の方の応援団長は森喜朗さんで、保育園の方は基本的に橋本龍太郎さんでした。保育園は2つに分かれていましたから、橋本龍太郎さんと私がやっていました。私の経験として、自由民主党の時代は縦割り行政というのは凄まじく、本当に役所の壁というのは厚かったのです。それが結局、政権交代に結びついたというようなところも、私は現実に与党、野党、与党を経験した人間としてあると思います。国民目線に対して、色々と政権交代を、ご批判されることもありますし、ご批判は率直に受けますけれども、やはりそういったことは、今の政権交代でやっていくべきことだと思っています。 - 金融庁

2 For inventions among those claimed in a patent application containing a priority claim under paragraph 1, for those that are stated in the description, scope of claims for a patent or utility model registration or drawings (in the case where the earlier application was a foreign language written application, foreign language documents) originally attached to the application of the earlier application on which the priority claim is based(), the said patent application shall be deemed to have been filed at the time when the earlier application was filed, in the case of the application of Article 29, the main clause of Article 29b is, Articles 30(1) and (2), 39(1) to (4), 69(2)(ii), 72, 79, 81, 82(1), 104() and 126(7)(),. 例文帳に追加

2前項の規定による優先権の主張を伴う特許出願に係る発明のうち、当該優先権の主張の基礎とされた先の出願の願書に最初に添付した明細書、特許請求の範囲若しくは実用新案登録請求の範囲又は図面(当該先の出願が外国語書面出願である場合にあつては、外国語書面)に記載された発明(……)についての第二十九条、第二十九条の二本文、第三十条第一項及び第二項、第三十九条第一項から第四項まで、第六十九条第二項第二号、第七十二条、第七十九条、第八十一条、第八十二条第一項、第百四条(……)並びに第百二十六条第七項(……)……の規定の適用については、当該特許出願は、当該先の出願の時にされたものとみなす。3~4(略) - 特許庁

First, what I just said about the Incubator Bank of Japan may have sounded a bit like an inside story, but it is based on the findings of our workwe examined the bank's corporate management structure and the status of its risk management system development through noncompulsory hearings, orders to submit a report, on-site inspections and other means to look into its business of purchasing loan claims from money lending businesses, which suddenly picked up in and after 2008, and of making large loans, which started showing a remarkable increase in 2009. As, in so doing, we detected a serious problem with respect to its credit risk management system concerning major borrowers and its loan claim purchase business in the results of our on-site inspection that was begun in June 2009, we recently issued a business suspension order and business improvement order on May 27 to show it a direction. My guess is that following the subsequent replacement of the bank's management, which you surely know about, the results of reassessment conducted by the new management concerning those major borrowers led to the significant change in numbers. 例文帳に追加

まず1点、この日本振興銀行は、今、少し私は内輪のような話をいたしましたが、平成20年以降、急速に貸金業者からの債権買い取りビジネス、それから平成21年以降に特に増加傾向が顕著となった大口融資に対して、任意のヒアリング、あるいは報告徴求命令、立入検査等を通じて、経営管理体制やリスク管理の整備状況について検証を行ってきたところでございまして、そういった中で平成21年6月開始の立入検査の結果において、大口融資者あるいは債権買取業務に関する信用リスク管理体制に関して重大な問題が認められたため、先般5月27日に業務停止命令及び業務改善命令を発出し、対応を示したものでございまして、この大口融資先の自己査定見直し結果が、ご存じのように新しい経営陣になりまして、大幅に変更したということがあるのではないかと思っております。 - 金融庁

In order to revitalize the economy and generate employment in the local regions, the Headquarters for the Regional Revitalization attaches importance on the various resources and strengths of the regions including their industry, technology, human resources, tourism resources, natural environment, culture and history to revitalize the regional communities through cultural and social interactions while making use of its knowledge and ingenuity, and on securing sufficient employment through the sound development of private business. Therefore, based on the “Basic Guidelines for the Promotion of Regional Revitalization,” 673 ideas were submitted from 392 entities in January 2004. From them, selection was made on February 27, 2004 for “the Program for the Promotion of Regional Revitalization,” with 23 adopted as measures limited to certain regions and 118 adopted as national measures.例文帳に追加

地域再生本部では、地域経済の活性化と地域雇用の創造の実現のためには、地域の産業、技術、人材、観光資源、自然環境、文化、歴史等地域が有する様々な資源や強みを知恵と工夫により有効活用し、文化的・社会的つながりによる地域コミュニティの活性化や、民間事業者の健全なビジネス展開を通じ十分な雇用を確保することが重要としており、「地域再生推進のための基本指針」に基づき、2004年1月に392の提案主体から673の構想が提出され、2004年2月27日には地域限定措置として23件、全国措置として118件が「地域再生推進のためのプログラム」として決定された。 - 経済産業省

Article 5 (1) The Heads of Ministries and Agencies etc. shall, when there is a demand under the provisions of Article 3, paragraph 1 and paragraph 2, perform the necessary investigation if it is possible to impose disciplinary actions based on the National Public Service Act and the Local Public Service Act, upon the employees involved in said bid rigging etc. Such action shall mean dismissal, suspension of duties, a cut in salary, or warning and other sanctions in the case of specified corporations (excluding specified incorporated administrative agencies - meaning incorporated administrative agencies (stipulated under Article 2, paragraph 2 of the Act on General Rules for Incorporated Administrative Agencies (Act No. 103 of 1999); hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph) and excluding specified local incorporated administrative agencies - meaning specified local incorporated administrative agencies (stipulated under Article 2, paragraph 2 of the Act on Local Incorporated Administrative Agencies (Act No. 118 of 2003); hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph). Provided, however, that the Heads of Ministries and Agencies, heads of specified incorporated administrative agencies or heads of specified local incorporated administrative agencies, in cases where they do not have the appointive power of the said employees (including cases where the appointive power of the said employees was assigned), it shall suffice if the notification was made to the person with appointive power (including the person who was assigned the appointive power of the said employees; hereinafter referred to as "appointer") to the effect that the demand under the provisions of Article 3, paragraph 1 or paragraph 2, was received. 例文帳に追加

第五条 各省各庁の長等は、第三条第一項又は第二項の規定による求めがあったときは、当該入札談合等関与行為を行った職員に対して懲戒処分(特定法人(特定独立行政法人(独立行政法人通則法(平成十一年法律第百三号)第二条第二項に規定する特定独立行政法人をいう。以下この項において同じ。)及び特定地方独立行政法人(地方独立行政法人法(平成十五年法律第百十八号)第二条第二項に規定する特定地方独立行政法人をいう。以下この項において同じ。)を除く。)にあっては、免職、停職、減給又は戒告の処分その他の制裁)をすることができるか否かについて必要な調査を行わなければならない。ただし、当該求めを受けた各省各庁の長、地方公共団体の長、特定独立行政法人の長又は特定地方独立行政法人の理事長が、当該職員の任命権を有しない場合(当該職員の任命権を委任した場合を含む。)は、当該職員の任命権を有する者(当該職員の任命権の委任を受けた者を含む。以下「任命権者」という。)に対し、第三条第一項又は第二項の規定による求めがあった旨を通知すれば足りる。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(2) When the total amount of a compensation pension for surviving family prescribed in item (ii) of the preceding paragraph is calculated, with regard to the amount of the compensation pension for surviving family paid for a period until July of the fiscal year containing the day of the extinction of the right prescribed in said item (in cases where the month containing the day of the extinction of said right falls on any of the months from April to July, the previous fiscal year; hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph), the amount shall be calculated according to the amount obtained by multiplying the amount actually paid by the rate specified by the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare based on the rate obtained by dividing the average salary for the fiscal year before the fiscal year containing the day of the extinction of said right by the average salary for the fiscal year one year before the fiscal year containing the months for which said compensation pension for surviving family was paid (in cases where said months fall on the months from April to July, the fiscal year two years before). 例文帳に追加

2 前項第二号に規定する遺族補償年金の額の合計額を計算する場合には、同号に規定する権利が消滅した日の属する年度(当該権利が消滅した日の属する月が四月から七月までの月に該当する場合にあつては、その前年度。以下この項において同じ。)の七月以前の分として支給された遺族補償年金の額については、その現に支給された額に当該権利が消滅した日の属する年度の前年度の平均給与額を当該遺族補償年金の支給の対象とされた月の属する年度の前年度(当該月が四月から七月までの月に該当する場合にあつては、前々年度)の平均給与額で除して得た率を基準として厚生労働大臣が定める率を乗じて得た額により算定するものとする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

He thinks that the informal decision of appointing Nobunaga as Daijo daijin had been already made after confirming his informal consent when Haretoyo talked about Sanshoku suinin mondai based on the following facts: Sakihisa KONOE, who assumed Daijo daijin in March (February in old lunar calendar), abruptly resigned in June (May in old lunar calendar); Hideyoshi called Nobunaga 'Daishokoku' (the Grand Minister) in his letter to Terumoto MORI on August 15 (July 17 in old lunar calendar) after the Honnoji Incident, while the formal discussion at court on granting a posthumous title of Daijo daijin to Nobunaga was in October; and the subsequently issued Emperor's order of the posthumous title for Nobunaga contained a word 'choji Dajodaijin' (太政大臣) (the Grand Minister again), which Hashimoto believed meant the second appointment of Nobunaga as Daijo daijin. 例文帳に追加

これは、2月に太政大臣に就任したばかりである近衛前久が5月に突如辞任していること、本能寺の変後の7月17日_(旧暦)に羽柴秀吉から毛利輝元に宛てられた手紙において、秀吉が信長のことを「大相国」と呼んでいるが、信長に対する太政大臣贈官が宮中で論じられたのは同年10月の事であること、加えてその結果出された贈官の宣命には「重而太政大臣」の語句があり、これを太政大臣の辞令が出されたのが2度目であると解釈して、1度目の辞令を三職推任問題の時に既に太政大臣就任の内諾を信長から得たことにより、非公式な内定が出されていたと解している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In that sense, banks would indeed be more stable if they have more capital, but on the other hand, too much capital and hasty capital enhancements would lead to a credit crunch. This has been discussed repeatedly in the past at meetings of the Group of Governors and Heads of Supervision. I stated at a press conference that FSA Commissioner Katsunori Mikuniya and the Governor of the Bank of Japan had participated in the meetings of the Group of Governors and Heads of Supervision in July and September 2010, where they served as a consensus builder. Japan’s position is relatively close to France and Germany. The US and the UK were interested in Systemically Important Financial Institutions (SIFIs), so an agreement was reached on SIFIs separately. As Japan played a leading role in some areas based on its bitter experience of financial crisis, we believe the targets under the Basel Accord can be fulfilled within the scope of management efforts in the real economy. 例文帳に追加

そういった意味で、銀行の資本というのは大きければ大きいほど、確かに安定するわけでございますが、(資本が)大き過ぎると、増強を急ぎ、今度は貸し渋りになります。そういった点は、中央銀行総裁・銀行監督当局による会議で過去何度も、やってまいりまして、本年7月、9月にも金融庁から三國谷長官、それから日本銀行から総裁が行かれまして、まとめたという話は記者会見で申し上げました。そういった意味で、我が国にとってかなりこの話は、日本、フランスとドイツがそういうことに比較的近くて、アメリカとイギリスはSIFIsについて興味を持っているということで、これもまた別に合意しました。そういった意味で、我々は、実態経済はかなりバーゼルの合意については、日本がそういった苦しい金融危機の経験を踏まえてリードした部分もございますから、これは経営努力の範囲内で達成できる可能性があるというふうに、我々は思っております。 - 金融庁

In addition, individual business processes that have a high degree of materiality (as described below) may be included in the scope. Instead of two-thirds of total sales on a consolidation basis, a certain ratio may be applied to aggregated sales (before elimination of inter-company transactions). For this certain ratio, if that location or business unit was in the assessment scope as a material location or business unit in the previous fiscal year, and if it is confirmed that a) the assessment result indicated effective internal control over that location in the previous fiscal year, b) there were no material changes in the design of internal controls over that location or business unit, c) among the material locations and business units, it is not a particularly material location or business unit, e.g. it is not a core company in the group, then that location or business unit could be excluded from the assessment scope. In that case, as a result, the certain ratio may be less than 2/3 of consolidated sales, etc. to some extent (Note 3) As sales amounts of affiliated companies are not included in a company's consolidated sales, the management cannot use the certain ratio of consolidated sales for affiliates. Instead, the management should evaluate the degree of the affiliate's impact on the company's financial statements and determine whether the affiliate should be deemed to be in the scope or not based on its financial statement. 例文帳に追加

この一定割合については、当該事業拠点が前年度に重要な事業拠点として評価範囲に入っており、イ)前年度の当該拠点に係る内部統制の評価結果が有効であること、ロ)当該拠点の内部統制の整備状況に重要な変更がないこと、ハ)重要な事業拠点の中でも、グループ内での中核会社でないなど特に重要な事業拠点でないことを確認できた場合には、当該事業拠点を本年度の評価対象としないことができると考えられる。その場合、結果として、売上高等の概ね2/3を相当程度下回ることがあり得る。 - 金融庁

Any party who, in the Netherlands or Netherlands Antilles, has already manufactured or applied or commenced implementation of his intention to manufacture or apply, in or for his business, the subject matter of a patent application filed by another party on the filing date thereof or, if the applicant has a right of priority under Article 9(1) or Article 87 of the European Patent Convention, on the filing date of the priority application, shall, notwithstanding the patent, continue to have the right to perform the acts referred to in Article 53(1), that right being based on prior use, unless his knowledge was obtained from matter already made or applied by the applicant or from the applicant’s descriptions, drawings or models.例文帳に追加

何人かが,他人が行った特許出願の主題を,その出願日に,又はその出願人が第9条(1)若しくは欧州特許条約第87条に基づく優先権を有する場合は優先権出願の出願日に,オランダ又はオランダ領アンチル諸島において,自己の事業において又はその事業のために,既に製造し若しくは利用しており,又はそれを製造若しくは利用する同人の意図の履行を開始している場合は,当該人は,その特許に拘らず,第53条(1)にいう行為を継続する権利,すなわち,先使用に基づく権利を有する。ただし,同人の知識が,出願人が既に製造若しくは利用している事項,又は出願人の明細書,図面若しくはひな形から取得されているときは,この限りでない。 - 特許庁

the sum of (a) with respect to the expenses of the Partnership paid or to be paid by the Partnership, the amount of contributions that would have been made by such Subsequent Partner pursuant to paragraph (6) of this Article if such Subsequent Partner had been treated as a Partner from the Effective Date pursuant to paragraph (11) of this Article, and (b) the additional admission fee that is equal to the total amount of interests on the amount under (a) above at [__]% per annum (prorated based on 365-day year) for the period from the day immediately following each day on which the expenses of the Partnership was paid to the Subsequent Closing Date. The additional admission fee provided in each of items (i) and (ii) and in this item (iii) shall collectively be referred to as the “Additional Admission Fee”. 例文帳に追加

(a)本組合によって支払われるべき本組合の費用につき、本条第11 項に従って効力発生日から組合員とされることにより当該追加出資組合員が本条第6 項に従って負担すべきであった額の出資金、及び(b)その金額に、本条第11 項に従って効力発生日から組合員とされることにより当該追加出資組合員が負担すべきであった本組合の費用の支払いがそれぞれ行われた日の翌日から追加クロージング日までの期間について年利[ ]%(年365 日の日割り計算とする。)でそれぞれ算出された利息金の合計額に相当する追加出資手数料を合計した額。 - 経済産業省

i) An application filed by a person granted a permission or an approval of business commencement of said designated fishery (including a person granted a permission or an approval of business commencement based on the application of the following item and still granted the permission or the approval of business commencement of said designated fishery on the expiration date of the valid period of said permission, if the commercialization of the new technology concerned conforms to the standard established by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries based on the recognition that the new technology allows the same level of fishery production as that of the persons granted permissions based on the applications of this item and if the expiration date of the valid period of the permission of said designated fishery is before the last day of the period during which an application for a permission or an approval of business commencement should be filed pursuant to the provision of paragraph (1) of the preceding Article), with respect to the same boat as the boat pertaining to said permission or approval of business commencement owing to the arrival of the expiration date of the valid period of the permission of said designated fishery (the valid period of the permission of the designated fishery pertaining to an approval of business commencement in the case of a person who is or was granted said approval of business commencement) (or applications filed with respect to the same mother ship and self-navigating boats as the mother ship and self-navigating boats pertaining to said permission or approval of business commencement, to constitute one complete fleet consisting of a mother ship and self-navigating boats, in the case of mother ship type fishery 例文帳に追加

一 現に当該指定漁業の許可又は起業の認可を受けている者(次号の申請に基づく許可又は起業の認可を受けている者にあつては、新技術の企業化により現にこの号の申請に基づく許可を受けている者と同程度の漁業生産を確保することが可能となつたものとして農林水産省令で定める基準に適合するものに限り、当該指定漁業の許可の有効期間の満了日が前条第一項の規定により公示した許可又は起業の認可を申請すべき期間の末日以前である場合にあつては、当該許可の有効期間の満了日において当該指定漁業の許可又は起業の認可を受けていた者を含む。)が当該指定漁業の許可の有効期間(起業の認可を受けており又は受けていた者にあつては、当該起業の認可に係る指定漁業の許可の有効期間)の満了日の到来のため当該許可又は起業の認可に係る船舶と同一の船舶についてした申請(母船式漁業にあつては、同一の船団に属する母船及び独航船等の全部について、当該許可又は起業の認可に係る母船又は独航船等と同一の母船又は独航船等についてした申請) - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Specifically, we will probably receive explanations about the U.S. financial rescue plan that was recently announced, and then there will probably be explanations about the U.S. Financial Stability Plan, a plan for the purchase of securities, including ABS (asset-backed securities), ethics and restrictions on income. In the recent telephone conference, Mme Lagarde (French Minister for the Economy, Industry and Employment) expressed hopes to put the “buy Americanprovision, or protectionism, on the agenda and everyone agreed to this, so there will be discussion on how to deal with protectionism, which is probably the opposite of international cooperation, and Japan intends to make some concrete proposals, including proposals on matters such as this one. As a result, it will be probably confirmed that a positive course of action should be taken leading up to the G-20 summit on April 2 and that international cooperation should be conducted properly, that protectionism should be avoided and that each country should do all it can domestically based on an exchange of opinions regarding recognition of the current situation and measures to be taken by individual countries. 例文帳に追加

具体的には多分、アメリカのこの前の金融救済システムについてのまず説明を聞いて、その上で今お話があったように、これが果たしてアメリカの金融安定化策、あるいはABS(資産担保証券)等の債券の買い取り策、あるいは倫理、所得制限云々かんぬんということも含めてご説明があると思いますので、その時に先日の電話会談でもフランスのラガルドさん(仏経済産業雇用相)からバイアメリカン(条項)というか、保護主義について議題にしたいという話があって、みんなもアグリー(同意)しましたので、やはりその保護主義をどういうふうに、保護主義と国際協調というのは多分裏返しの関係になると思いますので、その辺のことも含めて話をして、日本としては幾つか具体的な提案をしたいというふうに思っておりますけれども、これが4月2日のG20に向かっていい方向性につなげられるようにしていくことと、目下の状況の認識と各国の対応策をみんなで意見交換をして、そして多分国際協調をしっかりやりましょう、保護主義を止めましょう、国内でやれることは出来るだけやっていきましょうということの確認になっていくんだろうというように思っております。 - 金融庁

Article 79-56 (1) Based on a request by a General Customer of a Recognized Financial Instruments Business Operator, a Fund shall make payment of an amount calculated pursuant to the provisions of a Cabinet Office Ordinance and Ordinance of the Ministry of Finance with regard to the claims which said General Customer had held against said Recognized Financial Instruments Business Operator on the day a public notice was given under the provisions of paragraph (1) of the preceding Article (limited to those pertaining to Customer Assets of said General Customer), which the Fund finds it difficult for said Recognized Financial Instruments Business Operator to smoothly pay pursuant to the provisions of a Cabinet Order (hereinafter referred to as "Claims Subject to Compensation"). 例文帳に追加

第七十九条の五十六 基金は、認定金融商品取引業者の一般顧客の請求に基づいて、前条第一項の規定により公告した日において現に当該一般顧客が当該認定金融商品取引業者に対して有する債権(当該一般顧客の顧客資産に係るものに限る。)であつて基金が政令で定めるところにより当該認定金融商品取引業者による円滑な弁済が困難であると認めるもの(以下「補償対象債権」という。)につき、内閣府令・財務省令で定めるところにより算出した金額の支払を行うものとする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(5) Where an action for the revocation of an administrative disposition set forth in the preceding paragraph is filed with a specified court with jurisdiction pursuant to the provision of said paragraph while an action for the judicial review of an administrative disposition is pending at another court with regard to another original administrative disposition or administrative disposition on appeal that was made based on the same factual or statutory cause as that of the former, the specified court with jurisdiction may, upon petition or by its own authority, transfer the whole or part of the action to such other court or any of the courts specified in paragraph (1) to paragraph (3), when it finds it appropriate while taking into consideration the address or location of each party, the address of each witness to be examined, the points at issue or evidence common to both cases, and other circumstances concerned. 例文帳に追加

5 前項の規定により特定管轄裁判所に同項の取消訴訟が提起された場合であつて、他の裁判所に事実上及び法律上同一の原因に基づいてされた処分又は裁決に係る抗告訴訟が係属している場合においては、当該特定管轄裁判所は、当事者の住所又は所在地、尋問を受けるべき証人の住所、争点又は証拠の共通性その他の事情を考慮して、相当と認めるときは、申立てにより又は職権で、訴訟の全部又は一部について、当該他の裁判所又は第一項から第三項までに定める裁判所に移送することができる。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 5 (1) The Oil Refiner (means Oil Refiner, Specified Oil Distributor or Oil Importer designated in the Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. The same shall apply hereinafter) shall, every month and pursuant to the provisions of an Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, notify the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry of the standard stockpiles (mean the volume of oil calculated based on the criteria set forth in the Ordinance of Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry on the basis of production volume of the Designated Oil Products or the volume of sales or imports of oil (excluding Oil Gas. Hereinafter the same shall apply in this Section) for the period of twelve months immediately preceding the Notification Month in which notification was made by the Oil Refiners as the volume to be always held by them in the month after next of the Notification Month) for the month (hereinafter referred to as the "Notification Month" in this paragraph) and other matters provided in the Ordinance of Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. 例文帳に追加

第五条 石油精製業者等(石油精製業者、特定石油販売業者又は石油輸入業者のうち、経済産業省令で定めるものをいう。以下同じ。)は、毎月、経済産業省令で定めるところにより、その月(以下この項において「届出月」という。)の基準備蓄量(届出月の翌々月において石油精製業者等が常時保有すべきものとして、石油精製業者等の届出月の直前の十二箇月の指定石油製品の生産量又は石油(石油ガスを除く。以下この節において同じ。)の販売量若しくは輸入量を基礎として経済産業省令で定めるところにより算定される石油の数量をいう。以下この節において同じ。)その他経済産業省令で定める事項を経済産業大臣に届け出なければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 58-2 A person who is a foreign lawyer (excluding a person who is a registered foreign lawyer) and is engaged in legal services on the basis of the qualification to become the foreign lawyer in a foreign state (excluding a person who is employed and is providing services in Japan, based on his/her knowledge concerning foreign laws) may, notwithstanding the provision of Article 72 of the Attorney Act, represent in the procedures for an international arbitration case which he/she was requested to undertake or undertook in such foreign state, provided, however, that this shall not apply in the case where he/she is suspended from practicing by an disciplinary action under any act or regulation, etc. of a foreign state which corresponds to a disciplinary action prescribed in item (ii) of Article 52 of this Act or item (ii) of Article 57 of the Attorney Act. 例文帳に追加

第五十八条の二 外国弁護士(外国法事務弁護士である者を除く。)であつて外国において当該外国弁護士となる資格を基礎として法律事務を行う業務に従事している者(国内において雇用されて外国法に関する知識に基づいて労務の提供を行つている者を除く。)は、弁護士法第七十二条の規定にかかわらず、その外国において依頼され又は受任した国際仲裁事件の手続についての代理を行うことができる。ただし、第五十二条第二号又は同法第五十七条第二号に規定する処分に相当する外国の法令による処分により業務を停止されているときは、この限りでない - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

I would like to ask you about the Financial Stability Plan, which was announced by the U.S. Treasury Department in the middle of last week. First, I would like to know how you assess this plan. Also, this plan calls for separating non-performing loans for transfer to a “bad bank,” based on the results of stress tests and, depending on the circumstances, injecting public funds. In a speech you made in Tokyo in January, you cited four prescriptions for the financial crisis, including recognizing losses, injecting public funds and removing (non-performing loans) off the balance sheets, and this plan is largely in line with these. However, while you cited nationalization as an exceptional measure, this is not included in the Financial Stability Plan. What do you think of this? 例文帳に追加

先週の半ばにアメリカの財務省が発表した金融安定化策ですが、まず安定化策についての評価をお聞きしたいということと、安定化策の内容を見るとストレス・テストをしてその上でバッド・バンクという不良資産を切り離す対策があって、場合によっては公的資金を注入するという中身ですが、1月に長官が都内で講演された時に金融危機への処方箋(せん)として4つ挙げていて、損失の把握、公的資金、バランスシートから切り離すということで大体これに沿ったものだと思いますが、一つだけ例外的な措置として国有化ということを1月の講演では挙げていましたが、国有化については金融安定化策の中で盛り込まれていませんが、そのことについての見方も併せてお願いします。 - 金融庁

I did not necessarily mean to say such a thing. Previously, I mentioned four points, namely, the appropriateness of financial reporting based on international accounting standards, the progress in the reform of the governance of the International Accounting Standards Committee Foundation - which you mentioned now - education and training of investors and auditors, and the status of the use of international accounting standards in foreign markets and existing markets for professional investors. What I said was that we need to conduct a further study on these matters. We should not use these matters as an excuse for not taking action. 例文帳に追加

必ずしもそういう言い方をしたわけではなく、前回は4点、国際会計基準に基づく財務報告の執行の適切性の問題、それから今ありました、財団のガバナンスの改革の状況、これについてはコックス委員長とも議論してきたところでありますが、それから投資家や監査人等に対する教育であったり、研修の状況、さらに諸外国やプロ向け市場における国際会計基準の運用状況、とこういう4点を上げさせていただいたかと思うのですが、こういった問題をきちんと詰めていく必要があるということであり、これがネックになっているからやりませんとかやるとかいう問題ではないと思います。 - 金融庁

(1) A patent shall be revoked (Section 61) if it arises that 1. the subject matter of the patent is not patentable according to Sections 1 through 5; 2. the patent does not disclose the invention in a manner sufficiently clear and complete for it to be carried out by a person skilled in the art; 3. the essential contents of the patent have been taken from the descriptions, drawings, models, appliances or equipment of another, or from a process used by another, without the consent of said person (usurpation); 4. the subject matter of the patent extends beyond the content of the application as originally filed with the authority competent for the filing of the application; the same shall apply if the patent was based on a divisional application or on a new application filed in accordance with Section 7(2) and the subject matter of the patent extends beyond the content of the earlier application as originally filed with the authority competent for the filing of the earlier application. 例文帳に追加

(1) 次の事由が発生したときは,特許は取り消される(第 61条)。 1. 特許の対象が,第1条から第5条までの規定により,特許可能なものでないこと 2. 特許が,当該技術分野の熟練者が実施することができる程度に,明瞭かつ完全にその発明を開示していないこと 3. 特許の本質的内容が,他人の発明の説明,図面,ひな形,器具若しくは装置から,又は他人が使用する方法から,当該他人の同意を得ないで,取り出されていること(窃取)4. 特許の対象が,出願に係る権限を有する官庁に最初になされた形での出願の内容を超えていること。特許が分割出願又は第 7条(2)に従ってなされた新たな出願を基礎としており,かつ,特許の対象が,先の出願に係る権限を有する官庁に最初になされた形での先の出願の内容を超えている場合にも,同じ規定が適用される。 - 特許庁


On the assumption that an invention claimed in the application concerned is the invention that was amended in response to the notice of reasons for refusal indicating lack of inventive step to the other patent application, if the invention claimed in the application concerned is unable to bring about a new effect because it is made merely by adding wellknown art or commonly used art to the invention claimed in the other patent application, and is therefore found to be unable to overcome the lack of inventive step, the reason for refusal of the application concerned arising from the lack of inventive step based on the same reference document is the same as that stated in the notice given to the other patent application. 例文帳に追加

本願に係る発明を、他の特許出願の進歩性欠如の拒絶の理由を含む拒絶理由通知に対する補正後の発明であると仮定した場合において、本願に係る発明が他の特許出願に係る発明に周知・慣用技術を付加したものであって、新たな効果を奏するものではないため、当該進歩性欠如の拒絶の理由を解消していないと判断される場合には、本願についてこのような判断の下に通知しようとする同一の引用文献に基づく同旨の進歩性欠如の拒絶の理由は、当該他の特許出願の拒絶理由通知に係る拒絶の理由と同一である。 - 特許庁


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