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On the other hand, it is stipulated in an agreement on the outline of the tax system revision, reached at the end of last year between the government and the ruling parties, that the reduced tax rate of 10% applicable to stock dividend income should be raised back to the original rate of 20% at the end of 2008. In addition, some tax experts have pointed out that the planned tax exemption measures would make the tax system too complicated and problematic, from the viewpoint of the integrated taxation of financial income. It is said that taxation is politics. As the minister in charge of both the FSA, which makes tax-related requests, and the Ministry of Finance, which makes judgments on the requests, how are you going to deal with the issue of tax revision? My second question is - I will keep this simple - do you think it will be appropriate to combine the fiscal and financial affairs portfolios at the vice ministerial and parliamentary secretary levels? 例文帳に追加

ただ一方で、昨年末に政府・与党が合意した税制改正大綱では、その株式配当に適用している軽減税率10%を本則の20%に戻すと、2008年末で廃止すると明記されており、租税法の専門家からの間からも金融所得の一体課税など課税の中立性の観点から税制を複雑にするといった指摘もあがっていますが、税は政治と言いますけれども、財務省と金融庁、この要望側とそれをどうするか判断する側、両方を所管される大臣として、まさにこの問題にどう取り組んでいかれるかというあたりをお伺いしたいのが1点と、2点目は簡潔に、人事のあり方として、副大臣、政務官人事についても兼務するのが相応しいとお考えかどうか、この点について教えてください。 - 金融庁

Whether it is possible for the government to order changes in the terms of existing contracts by enacting a new law is a matter of legal technicality. Should such an order be allowed, there would be the issue of who should bear responsibility for possible defaults. So, the proposed bill looks like “tokuseirei” (a decree for wholesale debt forgiveness issued in the Middle Ages to bail out cash-strapped vassals). I believe that legal and budgetary issues, including principles under the Civil Code and the extent of the coverage of government guarantee, should be considered carefully before the bill is introduced. He has apparently concluded that the proposed moratorium is technically possible and necessary for social and economic reasons. 例文帳に追加

既存の契約の変更を法律で命じることが出来るのかどうか、そういう法技術的な問題があって、仮に命令出来た時にデフォルトを起こしたという場合は誰の責任にするのかというような問題もあるので、徳川時代の徳政令みたいな話かなと思っているんですけれども、そういう点は民法上の原則とか政府の保証というのがどこまで及ぶのかと、これは法律上の問題、予算上の問題、よくご検討されてやられたらといいと思っています。そのこと自体、技術的に可能であって、なおかつ社会的、経済的な必要性があるという判断は判断としてあるんだろうと思っています。 - 金融庁

Major national newspapers have written about the growing prominence of problems arising from the division into five companies. In that sense, the shelving of the postal reform bill undermines the people’s interests, and the size of post offices to be rebuilt in the disaster areas will depend on the fate of the bill. As was pointed out by some newspaper article or other, business sections such as the general affairs and planning sections can be unified into one if the three postal businesses are merged into one. However, if the five-way division is maintained, large post offices, such as the one in Ishinomaki, may need four separate office spaces to accommodate general affairs and accounting staff in some cases. You have written news articles about the struggle to plan for the future and rebuild post offices destroyed by the disaster, and I strongly hope that Diet deliberations will be quickly conducted 例文帳に追加

この大震災の中で、5分社化の弊害が非常に顕著になってきたということは、全国の有力紙にも書いてありますように、そういった意味で、この郵政改革関連法案の棚ざらしは国民利益にも反しており、将来どうなるかによって、今回、被災した郵便局等の再建する郵便局の規模も変わってきますので、どこかの新聞記事にも書いていましたように、総務部とか企画室というのは、3事業一体になれば一つでいいのです。ところが、5分社化のままであれば、総務だとか経理だとか、石巻郵便局程度の大きいところは、場合によっては四つ(室を)とらなければいけませんから、そんなことでも、なかなか将来設計、被災をされた郵便局の再建にも、苦労しているという記事を皆様方は書いておられましたけれども、まさにそういったことを、私から強く、まさに速やかな審議を強くお願いしたいというふうに思っております。 - 金融庁

While the act was promulgated today, we must work out a relevant ministerial ordinance and cabinet order so as to enable the injection of public funds, and that is a laborious task. I hope that Shinkin banks and credit cooperatives will achieve self-recovery in 10 years. However, depending on the circumstances, mergers may be adopted as an option in exceptional cases. Or support may be provided by local companies and municipal governments, and if things get really bad, Deposit Insurance Corporation may make compensation. That would be a quite unusual situation for the financial industry. 例文帳に追加

それは、公的資金の導入に踏み込む、これはまだ省令、政令を整備していかなければなりませんから、法律は今日公布されましたが、省令・政令を整備するということは大事業でございまして、皆さん方の方がご専門かもしれませんけれども、信用金庫・信用組合、これは特例的に、10年経ったら、当然、自力で再建していただきたい等々ありますけれども、場合によっては合併という選択肢もございますし、あるいは地元の企業からの応援だとか、地元の市町村からの応援ということもございますし、いよいよそうなった場合は預金保険機構から補てんをするという話でございまして、金融界としては極めて異例の話だと私は思っております。 - 金融庁


To carry out the reform, I believe that it is an urgent task to enact the postal reform bills quickly. On Tuesday, August 30, an agreement was reached between Prime Minister Noda, who is the new leader of the Democratic Party of Japan, and Mr. Kamei, the leader of the People's New Party, that in light of the severe situation of the postal businesses, efforts should be made to secure an agreement on those bills - the People's New Party and the Democratic Party have been working together on the bills for as long as four years - as the top priority matter through inter-party revision consultations and enact them in the next extraordinary session of the Diet. Cabinet ministers will work together toward quick enactment of the postal reform bills under the Prime Minister's leadership. 例文帳に追加

その改革のために、郵政改革関連法案を速やかに成立させることが喫緊の課題と考えておりまして、8月30日火曜日でございますが、国民新党と民主党との間で、郵政改革法案については、郵政事業の逼迫する現状を踏まえ、最優先課題として取組み、各党修正協議での合意を図り、次期臨時国会において成立を期す旨が、これは政党と政党でありますけれども、国民新党と民主党と、もう4年がかりの合意でございますが、新たな民主党の代表、内閣総理大臣・野田代表と、(国民新党の)亀井代表の間で改めて合意したわけでございまして、総理大臣のリーダーシップの下、内閣が一丸となって速やかに郵政改革法案の成立を目指してまいりたいと思っております。 - 金融庁


Even so, this is a serious case that has caused a public uproar, and it is very troubling to see investors, both domestic and foreign, question the fairness and transparency of the Japanese financial markets.  We have been trying to develop various institutional systems, including through the revision of the FIEA, in order to ensure the fairness and transparency of the market.  However, if there are points that should be improved in relation to this case, we will make appropriate improvements.  As a factor behind the cover-up of losses that lasted for many years, the presence of outside collaborators has been pointed out.  As I mentioned at the beginning, outside collaborators are not subject to the administrative monetary penalty system under the current FIEA, so we will positively consider the possibility of imposing fines on offenders with a view to possible revision of the law. 例文帳に追加

しかし、今回の大変世間を騒がせた大きな事案でございまして、内外の投資家から我が国市場の公正性、透明性に関して疑念を持たれるようなことは極めて憂慮すべきことでございまして、これまでの市場の公正性、透明性を確保すべく、金融商品取引法の改正等、各般の制度設置に努めてきたところでございますが、今回の問題の案件について改善すべき点がある場合には、適切に改善をしていくということでございまして、その辺で、長年にわたる損失隠蔽が発生した要因の一つとして外部協力者の存在が指摘されておりますが、そこで、最初に申し上げましたように、外部の協力者に関しましても今の法律の対象とされていませんので、そういったところは積極的に課徴金を課すことについて、法律の改正等も含めて視野に入れて、しっかり検討を行っていきたいというふうに思っております。 - 金融庁

As I have repeatedly said, the SESC is an independent organization, so it is not under the chain of command under me. All the same, the FSA and the SESC will work together to further clarify facts related to this very regrettable case. The FSA and the SESC face the grave task of making every possible effort to prevent a recurrence without ruling out any option while maintaining close communications with the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, as this case relates to the private portion of employee pension plans, which have numerous members. 例文帳に追加

私は何回も言っていますように、この証券取引等監視委員会は独立性がございますから、私の指示・命令系統にはございませんけれども、やはり一緒になってさらなる事態の解明を進めて、極めて遺憾なことでございますが、あらゆる選択肢を排除することなく、関係官庁とも緊密に連絡しながら、これは厚生年金、いわゆる私的年金の部門でございますが、たくさんの方が私的年金に入っておられますので、そういった意味で、金融庁・証券取引等監視委員会、厚労省ともしっかり連絡をとりながら、総力を挙げて再発防止に努めていかねばならないという大変重たい課題でございます。 - 金融庁

As you just mentioned, many major banks posted a substantial increase in earnings for the April-June quarter. The financial results of all major banks and other financial institutions for the quarter ended June 30, 2010 became available to the public by last Friday, on July 30. As pointed out just now, the financial results of major banks for the quarter ended June 30 released to the public recently revealed that their gross financial margin—which, as you know, is the profit margindecreased, whereas market-related revenue such as proceeds from selling and purchasing of government bonds and other such financial instruments increased, while service revenue such as sales commission of investment trusts recovered. In addition, credit-related expenses decreased, as relatively few large-scale corporate bankruptcies during the April-June quarter brought about the decrease in the allowance for doubtful accounts, write-offs and so forth. I believe these factors made a positive contribution, and by and large, resulted in an increase in net income on a year-on-year basis. 例文帳に追加

今ご指摘のように、主要行の4-6月期の決算、実は多くの大幅増益となったということでございますが、主要行等の平成22年度の6月期決算は先週の金曜日でございますが、7月30日までに出揃ったところでございますが、今もご指摘のように今般公表された主要行の6月期決算では、資金利益が落ち込む一方、これはご存じのように利ざやですね、落ち込む一方、投資信託の販売手数料など、役務収益が回復している中、国債等の売買といった市場関連収益の増加のほか、与信関連費用が減少したことにより、これはご存じのように大型の会社の倒産というのが比較的この期(4-6月期)少なかったし、まあ、そういったこともございまして、それからそういったことの貸倒引当金、それから償却等が減りましたので、そんなことがプラスに働いたのではないかと思っておりますけれども、最終的な利益は前年同月比ではおおむね増収となりました。 - 金融庁

However, looking back at 2002, the trend at the time was to deregulate everything and leave the rest up to the market in the name of self-responsibility-I ultimately objected to this and dropped out of politics for 1 year and 10 months. This historical backdrop will be taken into account, but on the other hand, transparency and objectivity are required in administration as just mentioned. Accordingly, my basic and primary approach will be to closely monitor the developments in the Incubator Bank case, which will be dealt with properly by the Deposit Insurance Corporation of Japan (DICJ) in view of taking criminal and/or civil action, while having a sharp critical awareness. 例文帳に追加

しかし、当時2002年は、多分私が顧みるに何もかも規制緩和して、あとは市場が判断して、要するに自己責任だと、こういうことに、私は最終的には反対して、1年10か月浪人したわけですけれども、そういう時代でもあったわけでございまして、そういう時代の背景を踏まえながら、しかし、今言われたとおり、行政には透明性と客観性が必要ですから、そういった問題意識を持ちながら、この問題、基本的には第一義的には、日本振興銀行の場合は預金保険機構が刑事事件、民事事件を視野に入れてきちんとやるということでございますから、そこを注視しつつ、そういった問題意識もしっかり持って私はやっていきたいと思っています。 - 金融庁


As I have already stated a number of times, this is a crucial matter. The money-lending market meets some people's demand, so it is important for the FSA to develop a sound money-lending market. Bearing this in mind, given that this is a major issue that has escalated into a social problem, interest rates in the gray zone were abolished and legislation was passed to prevent the problem of multiple debtors under the revised Money Lending Act unanimously by all political parties. As problems like this might arise, we will keep a close eye out and follow up on them. 例文帳に追加

何度も申し上げましたように、これは非常に大事な問題でございますし、この貸金業のマーケットというのは、ニーズが国民の中にもございますから、健全な貸金業のマーケットを育成していくということは、金融庁としても大事なことだと思っていますので、そういったことを含めて、改正貸金業法の多重債務者の問題を全党一致でこれを防ごうという、これはもう社会的問題にまでなった大きな問題でございますから、そういったことでグレーゾーン金利を廃止しまして、法律になったわけでございますけれども、そういったことが色々出てくる可能性がございますから、そんなことにしっかり目を配りながら、フォローアップしてまいりたいというふうに思っております。 - 金融庁


In the meantime, financial discipline is extremely important when it comes to a lending term change and so on, and so it is vital to bear that point in mind in developing and carrying out an effective corporate economic reconstruction plan. I think it is necessary to establish a stream of actions in which, as financial institutions take such steps as changing lending terms on the one hand, inputs provided by those financial institutions, particularly regional banks that boast a very practical consultancy function, as well as other consultants, including those from local Societies of Commerce and Industry and Chambers of Commerce and Industry, are firmly taken in and are fully utilized on the other hand so that corporate management and debt-payment abilities of SMEs, above all, can be improved as a result. 例文帳に追加

一方で、貸付条件の変更等に関しては、金融規律は非常に大事でございまして、これを考慮して実効性ある経済の経営再建計画を策定、実行することが重要であります。金融機関が貸付条件の変更等を行っている間に、金融機関は、企業にとって非常に有意義なコンサルタント機能を実際に有しておりますから、このためには、地域の商工会、商工会議所の経営指導員なんかもおりますから、しっかりとそんな人たちの意見も吸収しつつ、特に地方の銀行、金融機関は非常に実際的なコンサルタント機能を持っていますので、これを十分発揮することにより、中小企業の経営あるいは返済能力の改善等につながるという流れを定着する必要があると考えております。 - 金融庁

That being the case, the volume of public works is, as is evident from the state of the housing construction sector, for example, no longer as plentiful as in the past. Thanks to the SME Financing Facilitation Act, which was enacted when the effect of the largesse, in a sense, given by the LDP administration in its last days was gradually running out, the construction industry has managed to survive. Given the nation's debt that now amounts to 9 trillion (yen), however, I believe that no matter which political party takes the reins, it would just not be feasible to go with any policy measure involving a large increase in public works spending at the levels seen in the past. 例文帳に追加

ところが、例えば住宅、これは1例昨日申し上げたのですけれども、公共事業が昔のようには潤沢にはない。自由民主党政権が最後にこの公共事業をある意味で大盤振る舞いしましたが、それの効果がだんだん切れつつある中で中小企業円滑化法案を出しましたので、何とか生き長らえてきたが、やっぱり今コンサルタント機能というのを言いましたが、もうかつてのように公共事業が非常に増額されるということは、基本的にどの政党が政権をとりましても、今900兆(円)の借金、国債があるときに、私はそうフィージブルな、実現可能な政策だとは思っておりません。 - 金融庁

In the past, the Ministry of Finance and the Japanese External Trade Organization, which is an extra-governmental organization of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) or the former Ministry of International Trade and Industry, would strive to promote exports but, as Japan's trade surplus grew, it embarked on promoting imports in turn. Anyway, it is an organization that boasts knowledge of trade issues that it has garnered over time. Then there is the Japan Bank for International Cooperation, which is one example of the wholesale integration of policy-based financial institutions during the Koizumi administration that was carried out under the banner of "From public to private." I hear, however, that there is talk of separating JBIConly JBIC, which has actually played an extremely significant role in the expansion of the Japanese economy overseas after World War IIback to its original form, because it is arguably found to be somewhat different from the rest. 例文帳に追加

また、金融庁といたしましては、これまで財務省、経済産業省や日本貿易振興機構、これは昔で言う通産省の外郭団体でございまして、輸出振興ということを一生懸命やりましたが、途中から日本の貿易黒字が大きくなりまして、今度輸入振興ということをやり出しました。いずれにしても非常に貿易に関しては長年のノウハウを持っている団体でございます。それから国際協力銀行、これは小泉さんのときに「官から民へ」ということで官の政策金融機関をみんな合わせろという話でしたが、どうもJBICだけは少し色彩が違うということで、JBICだけ独自にまた昔のように離そうかという話もあると聞いていますけれども、これも日本の経済の海外進出に対して戦後、実は非常に大きな役割を果たしてきたのです。 - 金融庁

Recently, the publishing world has seen a stream of books come out one after another that have a tone of accusation against those who represent a pro-U.S. stance, including "Heizo Takenaka Is the One Who Needs to Testify" by Makoto Sataka, "'Defeat and Fall' of a BOJ Elite" by Takashi Arimori, which is a book denouncing Takeshi Kimura, and "Japan's Independence" by Kazuhide Uekusa. What is occurring parallel to this trend is the recent increase in the number of comments posted on the Internet in support of PNP, of which Mr. Kamei is the chief, or Minister Jimi. In view of the unfolding turn of events, including the establishment of an inspection committee for the Incubator Bank of Japan, please let us know how you consider the state of affairs that I just described? 例文帳に追加

最近、本の世界で佐高信の「竹中平蔵こそ証人喚問を」という本が出されたり、(有森隆氏の)「日銀エリートの「挫折と転落」」という、これは木村剛を糾弾する本なのですけれども、植草一秀氏による「日本の独立」といった従米属国勢力を糾弾するような本が立て続けに出ていて、こういった風潮の一方で、亀井国民新党を礼賛したり、また、自見大臣をもっと頑張れと大変支持しているぞというような声が、ネット上で最近多く見受けられるのですけれども、日本振興銀行の検証委員会の設置等の流れ等に鑑みまして、大臣のご所見、このような中でどのように認識されているのかというところをお願いします。 - 金融庁

I would like to refrain from commenting directly on the activities of foreign law enforcement authorities. This is a point that the FSA has been aware of since last autumn and that has been pointed out in the first report of Minister Watanabe's Financial Markets Strategy Team, but behind the fact that the subprime mortgage problem has led to a criminal case is the fact that this problem is related to a business model known as "originate-to-distribute" (which creates credit on the premise that risks will be transferred from the originator to other parties), based on the financial engineering technique of securitization. 例文帳に追加

海外の司法当局・警察当局の動きについて直接コメントすることは差し控えたいと思いますけれども、このサブプライム・ローン問題をめぐってこういう動きに発展したということの背景には、昨年の秋以来金融庁としては基本的な認識としてそういう問題点を認識しておりましたし、渡辺大臣の「金融市場戦略チーム」の第一次報告にも述べておりますけれども、証券化という金融技術を前提とした、いわゆるオリジネイト・トゥ・ディストリビュート(originate-to-distribute)というビジネスモデル(自らは保有せず他に移転することを前提に信用を創造するというビジネスモデル)は、原債権が貸し手と借り手との間で創造された後、証券化商品の組成者(アレンジャー)によって証券化を経て、最終的に投資家に販売されるまでの一連の流れで構成されているわけであります。 - 金融庁

You pointed out that the structure of business entities is transforming with regard to the securities business, or I should say the investment banking business, and traditional commercial banking. However, apart from the issue of how a financial institution engaging in the financial intermediary business should be structured, there are various channels of financial intermediation, including both direct financing, which is part of the investment banking business, and indirect financing, which mainly comprises deposit-taking and the lending of funds. 例文帳に追加

今、欧米の側でいわゆる証券業務と申しましょうか、あるいは投資銀行業務と申しましょうか、それから伝統的なコマーシャルバンキング(商業銀行業務)との間で、業者というかエンティティー(事業体)の組織のあり方に関して、形が変わりつつある、エンティティーの仕組みというか、形態が変わりつつあるというご指摘がございましたが、その金融仲介業を行う金融機関の組織形態のあり方の問題とは別に、金融仲介の様々なルート、チャネルが、いわゆる直接金融そして間接金融、投資銀行業務の中に位置づけられる直接金融の世界を仲介する仕事、それから商業銀行を通じて預金の受入れ、そして資金の貸出というようなことを中心とする商業銀行の業務の両方が存在しているということであろうかと思います。 - 金融庁

There are a variety of views on the stock price trend, so I would like to cite some views as examples, rather than offering any definitive assessment. As for the factors behind the stock price rise, first, there are hopes for an economic recovery in both the United States and Japan because of improvements in some economic data. Second, the financial results announced by major U.S. companies were relatively strong and the results announced by Japanese companies contained data that raised hopes for a bottoming-out of corporate earnings. Third, as foreign stock and commodities markets are generally firm and interest rate movements are stable around the world, there are hopes that foreign investors' risk tolerance will grow, leading to an inflow of funds into Japanese stocks 例文帳に追加

これについては、市場関係者の見方、当然株価でございますので、様々な見方がありますので、確定的な見方ということではなくて、こういった見方もあるということで言いますと、まず、上昇の要素としては、一つは、経済指標の一部、これはアメリカの方も日本も方も、その一部に改善を示しているということに対する景気への期待という点、それから米国主要企業の決算発表が、比較的好調だったということ、それから国内の主要企業の決算につきましても、業績の底打ちを期待させるような内容もあったということ、それから3点目として、海外の株式市場や商品市場が総じて堅調でありまして、また世界的に金利も安定しておりますことから、外国人投資家のリスク許容度が高まって、日本株への資金流入が期待されるのではないかといった見方がございます - 金融庁

The IMF has also approved a number of measures to increase transparency in member countries' economic policies as well as its own operations, including: (i) greater use of Public Information Notices to provide information on IMF policy issues; (ii) procedures for the release of Letters of Intent, Memoranda of Economic and Financial Policies, and Policy Framework Papers that underpin IMF-supported programs; (iii) publication of the Chairman's statement following Board approval or review of members' programs; and (iv) a pilot project for the voluntary public release of Article IV staff reports. In the World Bank, Country Assistance Strategies, which set out the major development challenges of individual countries and guide the Bank's lending programme, will in principle be made public as of July 1999.例文帳に追加

IMFはまた、加盟国の経済政策及びIMF自身の業務の透明性を向上させるため多くの措置を承認してきている。これには、(1) IMFの政策に関する情報を提供するためのパブリック・インフォメーション・ノーティスの一層の活用、 (2) IMFの支援プログラムの基礎となる政策趣意書、経済・金融政策に関するメモランダム、及びポリシー・フレームワーク・ペーパーを公表するための手続き、 (3) 加盟国のプログラムを承認・レビューする理事会の後の議長ステートメントの公表、及び(4) 4条協議のスタッフ・レポートの自主的な公表のためのパイロット・プロジェクトなどが含まれる。世銀においては、各国の開発上の主要な課題及び世銀の融資プログラムの指針を示す国別支援戦略を1999年7月から原則として公表する予定である。 - 財務省

(1) The financial institutions specified by an ordinance of the competent ministry set forth in Article 103, paragraph 7 of the Act (hereinafter referred to as a “Bank, etc.in this Article) shall be as follows: (i) a bank; (ii) a credit cooperative association; (iii) a credit association (shinkin bank); (iv) the Agricultural and Forestry Central Bank (Norinchukin Bank) or the Central Cooperative Bank for Commerce and Industry (Shoko Chukin Bank); (v) an agricultural cooperative association or the Federation of Agricultural Cooperative Associations, either of which can accept deposits or savings commercially; (vi) a trust company (limited to a person who is approved by the prime minister for carrying out business pertaining to obligation guarantees based on the provisions of Article 21, paragraph 2 of the Trust Act and Trust Business Act [Act No. 154 of 2004]); (vii) an insurance company. 例文帳に追加

1 法第百三条第七項の主務省令で定める金融機関(以下この条において「銀行等」とい う。)は、次に掲げるものとする。 一銀行 二信用協同組合 三信用金庫 四農林中央金庫及び商工組合中央金庫 五業として預金又は貯金の受入れをすることができる農業協同組合及び農業協同組合 連合会 六信託会社(信託業法(平成十六年法律第百五十四号)第二十一条第二項の規定に基 づき、債務の保証に関する業務を行うことについて内閣総理大臣の承認を受けた者に 限る。) 七保険会社 - 経済産業省

Requirements specified by an ordinance of the competent ministry set forth in Article 166, paragraph 1 of the Act shall be subject to all of the following respective items; provided, however, that this shall not apply to a case where the competent minister has granted approval: (i) the committee member shall not be subject to any of the provisions of (a) through (k) of Article 15, paragraph 2, item 1 of the Act; (ii) the committee member shall not have any relationship with a business organization related to transactions of Listed Commodity Component Products, etc. (which means Listed Commodity Component Products, etc., prescribed in Article 15, paragraph 1, item 1 of the Act; the same shall apply hereinafter); (iii) the committee member shall not be an officer, advisor, or councilor of any corporation engaged commercially in accepting the consignment of transactions, etc. on the Commodity Market (excluding Commodity Clearing Transactions) or carrying out transactions on the Commodity Market, join directly or indirectly in the management of said corporation, receive any compensation for performance from said corporation, or hold an investment in said corporation. 例文帳に追加

法第百六十六条第一項の主務省令で定める要件は、次の各号のいずれにも該当するこ ととする。ただし、主務大臣の承認を受けたときは、この限りでない。一法第十五条第二項第一号イからルまでのいずれにも該当しないこと。二上場商品構成物品等(法第十五条第一項第一号に規定する上場商品構成物品等を いう。以下同じ。)の取引に関係のある事業者団体と関係を持っていないこと。三 商品市場における取引等(商品清算取引を除く。)の委託を受けること又は商品市 場における取引を業として営む企業の役員、顧問若しくは評議員となり、直接間接 に当該企業の経営に参加し、当該企業から反対給付を受け、又は当該企業に投資し ていないこと。 - 経済産業省

The matters specified by an ordinance of the competent ministry set forth in Article 175, paragraph 2, item 6 of the Act shall be as follows: (i) matters pertaining to the business incidental to the Business of Assuming Commodity Transaction Debts; (ii) matters pertaining to the Business of Assuming Commodity Transaction Debts;(iii) with regard to the basic contract pertaining to Commodity Clearing Transactions between a Clearing Participant who carries out Commodity Clearing Transactions and a Member, etc., when the Member, etc. intends to close a transaction on the Commodity Market for and on behalf of a Clearing Participant, the fact that such (iv) in the case of determining the Clearing Deposit prescribed in Article 180, paragraph 1 of the Act, any matters and the management method pertaining to a Clearing Deposit. 例文帳に追加

法第百七十五条第二項第六号の主務省令で定める事項は、次に掲げるものとする。一商品取引債務引受業に附帯する業務に関する事項 二商品取引債務引受業に関連する業務に関する事項 三商品清算取引を行う清算参加者と会員等の間の商品清算取引に係る基本契約におい ては、会員等が清算参加者を代理して商品市場における取引を成立させようとする ときは、当該会員等が商品清算取引の申込みをし、かつ、当該清算参加者が当該商 品清算取引の受託をしたこととする旨 四法第百八十条第一項に規定する清算預託金を定める場合にあっては、清算預託金 及びその管理方法に関する事項 - 経済産業省

Some of the points that has been remarked include the fact that: (i) it is not so hard to evaluate copyright values because there is a sort of an external market for them, but patent rights and trademark rights have no such external markets, making it difficult to evaluate values of these rights in the first place; and (ii) in evaluating patent right values, in particular, it is necessary to distinguish between patent rights that are generating cash flows and those that are not. Therefore, the Industrial Structure Council is considering and sorting out the points of interest regarding methods of evaluating intellectual property value according to types of intellectual property rights (patent rights, trademark rights, copyrights, etc.), assumed purposes of evaluation and entities that evaluate intellectual property value in line with the above-mentioned points.例文帳に追加

産業構造審議会では、①著作権は外部市場が一応存在するため、比較的価値評価は難しくないが、特許権や商標権は外部市場が存在せず、そのため、そもそも価値評価に難しさがあること、②特に、特許権の価値評価については、キャッシュフローを生んでいるものとそうでないものとを峻別する必要があること等が指摘されており、これらを踏まえ、知的財産権の種類(特許権、商標権、著作権等)、想定される目的及び評価を行う主体等に応じた知的財産価値評価手法の留意事項の検討及び整理が行われている。 - 経済産業省

This program requires municipal governments to (1) sort out the situations of public assistance recipients and the factors inhibiting their independence and set up support programs for independence for each of them to describe the details and procedures of independence support, (2) choose the appropriate program for each public assistance recipient and provide independence support pursuant to it in an organized manner, in cooperation with related departments, public health centers, medical institutions, welfare centers, and specific nonprofit corporations. Independence support is divided into 3 categories: (i) support for financial independence, (ii) support for independence of everyday life, and (iii) support for independence of social life. These are provided according to the abilities of each public assistance recipient. More effective efforts are underway with regard to employment support for public assistance recipients as part of the above.例文帳に追加

これは、(1)自治体が生活保護受給者の状況や自立阻害要因を類型化し、自立支援の具体的な内容と手順を定めた「自立支援プログラム」を策定するとともに、(2)個々の生活保護受給者に必要なプログラムを選択した上で、これに基づき関係部署、保健所、医療機関、福祉施設、特定非営利活動法人等と連携して自立支援を組織的に実施するものであり、①経済的自立の支援、②日常生活自立の支援、③社会生活自立の支援、に分類され、それぞれの生活保護受給者の有する能力に応じた自立の支援に取り組んでいる。 - 厚生労働省

Then consider the matter in this way:--Imagine that I am about to play truant (you may call the proceeding by any name which you like), and the laws and the government come and interrogate me: 'Tell us, Socrates,' they say; 'what are you about? are you not going by an act of yours to overturn us--the laws, and the whole state, as far as in you lies? Do you imagine that a state can subsist and not be overthrown, in which the decisions of law have no power, but are set aside and trampled upon by individuals?' What will be our answer, Crito, to these and the like words? Any one, and especially a rhetorician, will have a good deal to say on behalf of the law which requires a sentence to be carried out. 例文帳に追加

だったらこう考えてくれ。今僕たちが、脱走―そう呼びたくなければ好きなように呼んでくれ―をしようとしているところに、国法が、政府とともにやってきて、僕にこう聞くんだ。「答えよ、ソクラテス。そなたは何をするつもりだ? そなたがやろうとしているその行動は、我々を転覆させるものだ。国法と国全体とを、そなたに関係ある分に限ってだが、ひっくり返そうともくろむことになるのだ。それともなにかね、国家が転覆することなんてありえないとでも言うのか。法の決定が無力で、私人の手によって決定が覆《くつがえ》されるような国家が存続し続けられるとでも言うのか。」それに対して僕たちは、どんなふうな言葉で答えるんだろうね。というのは、特に雄弁家みたいな人は、一度下された判決は有効であるとする法律を守るために、力のかぎり言うべきことがあるはずだからね。 - Plato『クリトン』

Inasmuch as the candle produces water, and this gas comes out of the water, let us see what this gives us by the same process of combustion that the candle went through when it burnt in the atmosphere; and for that purpose I am going to put the lamp under this apparatus, in order to condense whatever may arise from the combustion within it In the course of a short time you will see moisture appearing in the cylinder, and you will get the water running down the side; and the water from this hydrogen flame will have absolutely the same effect upon all our tests, being obtained by the same general process as in the former case. 例文帳に追加

ロウソクは水をつくるし、この気体が水から出てくるんなら、ロウソクが大気中で燃えたのと同じ燃焼プロセスで、なにが出てくるかを見てみましょう。で、このためには、ランプをこんな装置の下に置いてみましょう [と講師は、漏斗をひっくり返してそこに横向きの太い試験管をつなげたような装置をとりだして、燃える水素をその漏斗の下のところに置いた] 。これで、燃焼から出てきたものはすべて、この円筒の中に凝集されることになります。  ちょっと待つだけで、この円筒に湿気が見られるようになります。やがて水がその中をつたい落ちはじめます。そしてこの水素の炎から得られる水は、各種の試験すべてに対してまったく同じ反応を示します。これまでと同じ、一般的なプロセスで得られたものだからです。 - Michael Faraday『ロウソクの科学』

Article 26-11 (1) The amount of income tax to be credited against corporation tax out of the amount deemed to be income tax to be collected when receiving the redemption prescribed in Article 41-12, paragraph (4) of the Act pursuant to the provisions of said paragraph shall be the amount calculated, pursuant to the provisions of Article 140-2 of the Order for Enforcement of the Corporation Tax Act, with regard to the amount of said income tax (where the amount of said income tax is not clear, with regard to the amount obtained by deducting the issue price for the discount bonds (where said discount bonds are national bonds listed in Article 41-12, paragraph (9), items (i) to (viii) of the Act which are those falling under the category of short-term government or company bonds prescribed in said paragraph or other national bonds specified by Ordinance of the Ministry of Finance (hereinafter referred to as "short-term national bonds, etc." in this paragraph) and are discount bonds other than those whose issue price is not clear, such issue price shall be the issue price on the final issue date for said discount bonds, and where said discount bonds are said short-term national bonds, etc., such issue price shall be the price specified by Ordinance of the Ministry of Finance as equivalent to said issue price for said discount bonds; such issue price shall be referred to as the "issue price, etc. on the final issue date" in Article 26-13, paragraph (1), item (i) and paragraph (5), item (ii)) from the face value of said discount bonds and then multiplying the remaining amount after deduction (where said discount bonds are issued outside Japan by a foreign corporation, the amount specified by Cabinet Order, prescribed in Article 41-12, paragraph (3) of the Act) by the rate of income tax on profit from redemption for said discount bonds collected at the time of issuance pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (3) of said Article, and where the discount bonds have been redeemed by bringing the redemption date forward or retired by purchase prior to the redemption date, with regard to the remaining amount after deducting the amount to be refunded that was calculated pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) of the following Article from the amount of the income tax). In this case, the term "interest" in Article 140-2, paragraph (1), item (i) of the Order for Enforcement of the Corporation Tax Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "profit from redemption (meaning profit from redemption as prescribed in Article 41-12, paragraph (7) (Separate Taxation, etc. on Profit from Redemption, etc.) of the Act on Special Measures Concerning Taxation; the same shall apply in the following paragraph and paragraph (3))"; the term "out of the number of months" in paragraph (2) of said Article shall be deemed to be replaced with "out of the number of months (the number of days, where said dividend of interest, etc. is profit from redemption for short-term government or company bonds (meaning short-term government or company bonds prescribed in Article 41-12, paragraph (9) of the Act on Special Measures Concerning Taxation; the same shall apply in the following paragraph); hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph);" and the term "the amount of income prescribed in paragraph (1), item (i)" in paragraph (3) of said Article shall be deemed to be replaced with "the amount of income (excluding the amount of income tax on profit from redemption of short-term government or company bonds) prescribed in paragraph (1), item (i)." 例文帳に追加

第二十六条の十一 法第四十一条の十二第四項の規定により同項に規定する償還を受ける時に徴収される所得税とみなされたもののうち法人税の額から控除する所得税の額は、当該所得税の額(当該所得税の額が明らかでないときは、その割引債の券面金額から当該割引債に係る発行価額(当該割引債が同条第九項第一号から第八号までに掲げる国債で同項に規定する短期公社債に該当するものその他財務省令で定める国債(以下この項において「短期国債等」という。)でその発行価額が明らかでないもの以外の割引債であるときは当該割引債に係る最終発行日における発行価額とし、当該割引債が当該短期国債等であるときは当該割引債に係る当該発行価額に準ずるものとして財務省令で定める価額とする。第二十六条の十三第一項第一号及び第五項第二号において「最終発行日における発行価額等」という。)を控除した残額(当該割引債が外国法人が国外において発行したものであるときは、法第四十一条の十二第三項に規定する政令で定める金額)に、当該割引債の発行の際に同条第三項の規定により当該割引債に係る償還差益について徴収された所得税の税率を乗じて計算した金額とし、その割引債が償還期限を繰り上げて償還をされたもの又は当該期限前に買入消却をされたものであるときは、その所得税の額から次条第一項の規定により計算した還付する金額を控除した残額とする。)について、法人税法施行令第百四十条の二の規定により計算した金額とする。この場合において、同条第一項第一号中「の利子」とあるのは「の償還差益(租税特別措置法第四十一条の十二第七項(償還差益等に係る分離課税等)に規定する償還差益をいう。次項及び第三項において同じ。)」と、同条第二項中「月数のうち」とあるのは「月数(当該利子配当等が短期公社債(租税特別措置法第四十一条の十二第九項に規定する短期公社債をいう。次項において同じ。)に係る償還差益であるときは、日数。以下この項において同じ。)のうち」と、同条第三項中「所得税の額を前項」とあるのは「所得税の額(短期公社債の償還差益に対する所得税の額を除く。)を前項」とする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(1) When a Commodity Clearing Organization manages clearing margins based on the provisions of Article 103, paragraph 4 of the Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 179, paragraph 5 of the Act, the clearing margins shall be managed separately from its own property and property other than that of the clearing margins, by the categories set forth in the following items, respectively, and by each Member, etc.:(i) in cases set forth in Article 179, paragraph 1, item 1, (a) of the Act, where a Member, etc. carries out transactions on a Commodity Market on his/her own account, the clearing margins deposited by said Member, etc. based on the provisions of the same paragraph; (ii) in cases set forth in Article 179, paragraph 1, item 1, (a) of the Act, where a Member, etc. carries out transactions on a Commodity Market for which the Member, etc. accepted a consignment by receiving a deposit of customer margins based on the provisions of paragraph 2 of the same Article, the clearing margins deposited by said Member, etc. based on the provisions of paragraph 1 of the same Article; (iii) in cases set forth in Article 179, paragraph 1, item 1, (b) or (d) of the Act, the clearing margins deposited by a customer or an Intermediation Customer based on the provisions of the same paragraph;(iv) in cases set forth in Article 179, paragraph 1, item 1, (c) of the Act, the clearing margins deposited by an Intermediary based on the provisions of the same paragraph; (v) in cases set forth in Article 179, paragraph 1, item 2, (a) of the Act, where a Member, etc. carries out transactions on a Commodity Market on his/her own account, the clearing margins (excluding the clearing margins described in the following item) deposited by said Member, etc. based on the provisions of the same paragraph; (vi) in cases set forth in Article 179, paragraph 1, item 2, (a) of the Act, where a Member, etc. carries out transactions on a Commodity Market for which the Member, etc. accepted a consignment by receiving a deposit of customer margins based on the provisions of paragraph 2 of the same Article, the clearing margins deposited by said Member, etc. based on the provisions of paragraph 1 of the same Article; (vii) in cases set forth in Article 179, paragraph 1, item 2, (b) or (d) of the Act, the clearing margins deposited by a Clearing Intermediation Customer or a customer who consigned a Clearing Intermediary based on the provisions of the same paragraph; (viii) in cases set forth in Article 179, paragraph 1, item 2 of the Act, the clearing margins deposited by a Clearing Intermediary based on the provisions of the same paragraph. 例文帳に追加

1 商品取引清算機関は、法第百七十九条第五項において準用する法第百三条第四項の 規定に基づき取引証拠金を管理するときは、次の各号に掲げる区分ごと、かつ、会員等 ごとに、自己の固有財産その他の取引証拠金以外の財産と分別して管理しなければなら ない。一法第百七十九条第一項第一号イに掲げる場合のうち会員等が自己の計算において 商品市場における取引を行うときに、同項の規定に基づき当該会員等から預託を受 けた取引証拠金 二法第百七十九条第一項第一号イに掲げる場合のうち会員等が受託した商品市場に おける取引を同条第二項の規定に基づき委託証拠金の預託を受けて行うときに、同 条第一項の規定に基づき当該会員等から預託を受けた取引証拠金 三法第百七十九条第一項第一号ロ又はニに掲げる場合に、同項の規定に基づき委託 者又は取次委託者から預託を受けた取引証拠金 四法第百七十九条第一項第一号ハに掲げる場合に、同項の規定に基づき取次者から 預託を受けた取引証拠金 五法第百七十九条第一項第二号イに掲げる場合のうち会員等が自己の計算において 商品市場における取引を行うときに、同項の規定に基づき当該会員等から預託を受 けた取引証拠金(次号の取引証拠金を除く。)六法第百七十九条第一項第二号イに掲げる場合のうち会員等が受託した商品市場に おける取引を同条第二項の規定に基づき委託証拠金の預託を受けて行うときに、同 条第一項の規定に基づき当該会員等から預託を受けた取引証拠金 七法第百七十九条第一項第二号ロ又はニに掲げる場合に、同項の規定に基づき清算 取次委託者又は清算取次者に対する委託者から預託を受けた取引証拠金 八法第百七十九条第一項第二号ハに掲げる場合に、同項の規定に基づき清算取次者 から預託を受けた取引証拠金 - 経済産業省

Article 333 (1) In the case where an incorporator of an Insurance Company, etc., director at the time of its incorporation, executive officer at the time of its incorporation, company auditor at the time of its incorporation, director, executive officer, accounting advisor or a member who shall carry out its duties, company auditor, accounting auditor or a member who shall carry out its duties, liquidator, commissioned company prescribed in Article 144, paragraph (1) (including the cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 272-30, paragraph (2)), insurance administrator, insurance inspector, liquidator representative set forth in Article 525, paragraph (1) of the Companies Act (including the cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 184), supervising committee member set forth in Article 527, paragraph (1) of the same Act (including the cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 184), examination committee member set forth in Article 533 of the same Act (including the cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 184), acting director, executive officer, company auditor or liquidator who has been appointed pursuant to the provisional disposition order prescribed in Article 56 of the Civil Provisional Relief Act, any person who shall carry out the duties of a temporary director, accounting advisor, company auditor, representative director, committee member, executive officer or representative executive officer prescribed in Article 322, paragraph (1), item (vi) or Article 960, paragraph (1), item (v) of the Companies Act, any person who shall carry out the duties of a temporary liquidator or Representative Liquidator prescribed in Article 322, paragraph (2), item (iii) or Article 960, paragraph (2), item (iii) of the same Act, any person who shall carry out the duties of a temporary accounting auditor prescribed in Article 328, paragraph (1), item (iii) or Article 967, paragraph (1), item (iii) of the same Act, inspector, administrator of shareholder registry, administrator of bond registry, bond administrator, bond administrator who is succeeding the affairs, representative bondholder, resolution executor or manager, a Representative Person in Japan of a foreign Insurance Company, etc, liquidator, commissioned company prescribed in Article 144, paragraph (1), as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 211, insurance administrator, insurance inspector or manager, any person who represents a license Specified Juridical Person and subscription member in Japan, any person who has concluded a contract set forth in Article 190, paragraph (3) with a Foreign Insurance Company, etc., any person who has concluded a contract set forth in Article 223, paragraph (3) with a license Specified Juridical Person or any person who has concluded a contract set forth in Article 272-5, paragraph (3) with a small sum short-term insurer, officer of Policyholders protection corporation, Large Holder of Insurance Voting Rights (when the Large Holder of Insurance Voting Rights is a juridical person (including organizations that are not juridical persons listed in Article 2-2, paragraph (1), item (i); hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph except for items (lxv) and (lxxi)), its director, executive officer, accounting advisor or a member who shall carry out its duties, company auditor, representative person, manager, member who executes the business, or liquidator, including former large holders of insurance voting rights in the case where large holders of insurance voting rights are no longer large holders of insurance voting rights), insurance major shareholder or Short Term Insurance Major Shareholder (when the insurance major shareholder or Short Term Insurance Major Shareholder is a juridical person, its director, executive officer, accounting advisor or a member who shall carry out its duties, company auditor, representative person, manager, member who executes the business, or liquidator, including former insurance major shareholders or Major Shareholder of Small Amount and Short Term Insurance Provider in the case where Major Shareholders of Insurance Company or Short Term Insurance Major Shareholders are no longer Major Shareholders of Insurance Company or Major Shareholder of Small Amount and Short Term Insurance Provider), Specified Major Shareholder or specified Major Shareholders of Insurance Company (when the Specified Major Shareholder or specified Major Shareholders of Insurance Company is a juridical person, its director, executive officer, accounting advisor or a member who shall carry out its duties, company auditor, representative person, manager, member who executes the business, or liquidator, including former Specified Major Shareholders or specified Major Shareholders of Insurance Company in the case where Specified Major Shareholders or specified Major Shareholders of Insurance Company are no longer holders of the voting rights of an Insurance Company, etc. which amount to not less than the Major Shareholder Threshold), the director, executive officer, accounting advisor or a member who shall carry out its duties, company auditor, manager or liquidator of an Insurance Holding Company or Small Amount and Short Term Insurance Holding Company (including former insurance holding companies or Small Amount and Short Term Insurance Holding Companies in the case where insurance holding companies or Small Amount and Short Term Insurance Holding Companies are no longer insurance holding companies or Small Amount and Short Term Insurance Holding Companies), or the director, executive officer, accounting advisor or a member who shall carry out its duties, company auditor, manager, member who executes the business or liquidator of a Specified Holding Company or specified Small Amount and Short Term Insurance Holding Company (including former specified holding companies or specified Small Amount and Short Term Insurance Holding Companies in the case where specified holding companies or specified Small Amount and Short Term Insurance Holding Companies are no longer holding companies of which an Insurance Company, etc. is a Subsidiary Company) falls under any of the following items, he/she shall be punished by a non-penal fine of not more than one million yen; provided, however, that this shall not apply when a punishment shall be given for the act: 例文帳に追加

第三百三十三条 保険会社等の発起人、設立時取締役、設立時執行役、設立時監査役、取締役、執行役、会計参与若しくはその職務を行うべき社員、監査役、会計監査人若しくはその職務を行う社員、清算人、第百四十四条第一項(第二百七十二条の三十第二項において準用する場合を含む。)に規定する受託会社、保険管理人、保険調査人、会社法第五百二十五条第一項(第百八十四条において準用する場合を含む。)の清算人代理、同法第五百二十七条第一項(第百八十四条において準用する場合を含む。)の監督委員、同法第五百三十三条(第百八十四条において準用する場合を含む。)の調査委員、民事保全法第五十六条に規定する仮処分命令により選任された取締役、執行役、監査役若しくは清算人の職務を代行する者、第三百二十二条第一項第六号若しくは会社法第九百六十条第一項第五号に規定する一時取締役、会計参与、監査役、代表取締役、委員、執行役若しくは代表執行役の職務を行うべき者、第三百二十二条第二項第三号若しくは同法第九百六十条第二項第三号に規定する一時清算人若しくは代表清算人の職務を行うべき者、第三百二十八条第一項第三号若しくは同法第九百六十七条第一項第三号に規定する一時会計監査人の職務を行うべき者、検査役、株主名簿管理人、社債原簿管理人、社債管理者、事務を承継する社債管理者、代表社債権者、決議執行者若しくは支配人、外国保険会社等の日本における代表者、清算人、第二百十一条において準用する第百四十四条第一項に規定する受託会社、保険管理人、保険調査人若しくは支配人、免許特定法人及び引受社員を日本において代表する者、外国保険会社等と第百九十条第三項の契約を締結した者、免許特定法人と第二百二十三条第三項の契約を締結した者若しくは少額短期保険業者と第二百七十二条の五第三項の契約を締結した者、機構の役員、保険議決権大量保有者(保険議決権大量保有者が保険議決権大量保有者でなくなった場合における当該保険議決権大量保有者であった者を含み、保険議決権大量保有者が法人(第二条の二第一項第一号に掲げる法人でない団体を含む。第六十五号及び第七十一号を除き、以下この項において同じ。)であるときは、その取締役、執行役、会計参与若しくはその職務を行うべき社員、監査役、代表者、支配人、業務を執行する社員又は清算人)、保険主要株主若しくは少額短期保険主要株主(保険主要株主又は少額短期保険主要株主が保険主要株主又は少額短期保険主要株主でなくなった場合における当該保険主要株主又は少額短期保険主要株主であった者を含み、保険主要株主又は少額短期保険主要株主が法人であるときは、その取締役、執行役、会計参与若しくはその職務を行うべき社員、監査役、代表者、支配人、業務を執行する社員又は清算人)、特定主要株主若しくは特定少額短期主要株主(特定主要株主又は特定少額短期主要株主が保険会社等の主要株主基準値以上の数の議決権の保有者でなくなった場合における当該特定主要株主又は特定少額短期主要株主であった者を含み、特定主要株主又は特定少額短期主要株主が法人であるときは、その取締役、執行役、会計参与若しくはその職務を行うべき社員、監査役、代表者、支配人、業務を執行する社員又は清算人)、保険持株会社若しくは少額短期保険持株会社(保険持株会社又は少額短期保険持株会社が保険持株会社又は少額短期保険持株会社でなくなった場合における当該保険持株会社又は少額短期保険持株会社であった会社を含む。)の取締役、執行役、会計参与若しくはその職務を行うべき社員、監査役、支配人若しくは清算人又は特定持株会社若しくは特定少額短期持株会社(特定持株会社又は特定少額短期持株会社が保険会社等を子会社とする持株会社でなくなった場合における当該特定持株会社又は特定少額短期持株会社であった会社を含む。)の取締役、執行役、会計参与若しくはその職務を行うべき社員、監査役、支配人、業務を執行する社員若しくは清算人は、次の各号のいずれかに該当する場合には、百万円以下の過料に処する。ただし、その行為について刑を科すべきときは、この限りでない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

i) Where an event listed in Article 66-8(1)(i) of the Act has occurred with regard to a specified foreign subsidiary company, etc. related to a domestic corporation prescribed in the said paragraph (excluding the case where the said event occurred during the business year or consolidated business year preceding the business year of the domestic corporation including the day on which two months had elapsed after the day following the final day of the business year of the specified foreign subsidiary company, etc. including the base day for the payment of a dividend of surplus, etc. specified in Article 66-8(1)(i) of the Act (hereinafter the business year including such base day shall be referred to as the "base business year" in this item and the next paragraph, and such business year of the domestic corporation shall be referred to as the "applicable business year" in the next paragraph)), when the said amount of a dividend of surplus, etc. proves to exceed the amount of a dividend of surplus, etc. to be deducted for calculating the amount of eligible retained income prescribed in Article 66-6(1) of the Act for the relevant base business year of the specified foreign subsidiary company, etc.: The amount obtained by multiplying the said excess amount by the ratio of the shares, etc. for considering the claims held by the said domestic corporation that are prescribed in Article 39-16(3)(i) out of the total issued shares, etc. of the said specified foreign subsidiary company, etc. at the end of the said base business year (in the case where a dividend of surplus, etc. has been paid to an affiliated foreign company related to the domestic corporation (excluding a specified foreign subsidiary company, etc. related to the domestic corporation and a specified foreign subsidiary company, etc. prescribed in Article 68-90(1) of the Act; hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph) whose tax burden imposed in the state of the head office on the amount of the dividend of surplus, etc. that it receives is not more than the low tax-burden base or to any other specified foreign subsidiary company, etc. related to the domestic corporation (including a specified foreign subsidiary company, etc. prescribed in Article 68-90(1) of the Act; hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph); excluding the shares, etc. for considering the claims indirectly held (meaning the shares, etc. for considering the claims indirectly held prescribed in Article 39-16(3)(ii); the same shall apply in the next item) via the said affiliated foreign company and the said other specified foreign subsidiary company, etc. 例文帳に追加

一 法第六十六条の八第一項に規定する内国法人に係る特定外国子会社等につき同項第一号に掲げる事実が生じた場合(当該事実が当該特定外国子会社等の同号に定める剰余金の配当等の支払に係る基準日を含む事業年度(以下この号及び次項において「基準事業年度」という。)終了の日の翌日から二月を経過する日を含む当該内国法人の事業年度(次項において「適用事業年度」という。)前の事業年度又は連結事業年度の期間内に生じた場合を除く。)において当該剰余金の配当等の額が当該特定外国子会社等の当該基準事業年度に係る法第六十六条の六第一項に規定する適用対象留保金額の計算上控除される剰余金の配当等の額を超えることとなるとき 当該超える部分の金額に、当該基準事業年度終了の時における当該特定外国子会社等の発行済株式等のうちに当該基準事業年度終了の時における当該内国法人の有する当該特定外国子会社等の第三十九条の十六第三項第一号に規定する請求権勘案保有株式等(当該内国法人に係る外国関係会社(当該内国法人に係る特定外国子会社等及び法第六十八条の九十第一項に規定する特定外国子会社等を除く。以下この項において同じ。)でその受ける法第六十六条の八第一項第一号に定める剰余金の配当等の額につきその本店所在地国において課される税の負担が軽課税基準以下のもの又は当該内国法人に係る他の特定外国子会社等(法第六十八条の九十第一項に規定する特定外国子会社等を含む。以下この項において同じ。)に支払われた場合における当該外国関係会社及び当該他の特定外国子会社等を通じて保有する請求権勘案間接保有株式等(第三十九条の十六第三項第二号に規定する請求権勘案間接保有株式等をいう。次号において同じ。)を除く。)の占める割合を乗じて計算した金額 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

i) Where an event listed in Article 68-92(1)(i) of the Act has occurred with regard to a specified foreign subsidiary company, etc. related to a consolidated corporation prescribed in the said paragraph (excluding the case where the said event occurred during the consolidated business year or business year preceding the consolidated business year of the consolidated corporation including the day on which two months had elapsed after the day following the final day of the business year of the specified foreign subsidiary company, etc. including the base day for the payment of a dividend of surplus, etc. specified in Article 68-92(1)(i) of the Act (hereinafter the business year including such base day shall be referred to as the "base business year" in this item and the next paragraph, and such consolidated business year of the consolidated corporation shall be referred to as the "applicable consolidated business year" in the next paragraph)), when the said amount of a dividend of surplus, etc. proves to exceed the amount of a dividend of surplus, etc. to be deducted for calculating the amount of eligible retained income prescribed in Article 68-90(1) of the Act for the relevant base business year of the specified foreign subsidiary company, etc.: The amount obtained by multiplying the said excess amount by the ratio of the shares, etc. for considering the claims held by the said consolidated corporation that are prescribed in Article 39-116(3)(i) out of the total issued shares, etc. of the said specified foreign subsidiary company, etc. at the end of the said base business year (in the case where the dividend of surplus, etc. has been paid to an affiliated foreign company related to the consolidated corporation (excluding a specified foreign subsidiary company, etc. related to the consolidated corporation and a specified foreign subsidiary company, etc. prescribed in Article 66-6(1) of the Act; hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph) whose tax burden imposed in the state of the head office on the amount of the dividend of surplus, etc. that it receives is not more than the low tax-burden base or to any other specified foreign subsidiary company, etc. related to the consolidated corporation (including a specified foreign subsidiary company, etc. prescribed in Article 66-6(1) of the Act; hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph); excluding the shares, etc. for considering the claims indirectly held (meaning the shares, etc. for considering the claims indirectly held prescribed in Article 39-116(3)(ii); the same shall apply in the next item) via the said affiliated foreign company and the said other specified foreign subsidiary company, etc. 例文帳に追加

一 法第六十八条の九十二第一項に規定する連結法人に係る特定外国子会社等につき同項第一号に掲げる事実が生じた場合(当該事実が当該特定外国子会社等の同号に定める剰余金の配当等の支払に係る基準日を含む事業年度(以下この号及び次項において「基準事業年度」という。)終了の日の翌日から二月を経過する日を含む当該連結法人の連結事業年度(次項において「適用連結事業年度」という。)前の連結事業年度又は事業年度の期間内に生じた場合を除く。)において当該剰余金の配当等の額が当該特定外国子会社等の当該基準事業年度に係る法第六十八条の九十第一項に規定する適用対象留保金額の計算上控除される剰余金の配当等の額を超えることとなるとき 当該超える部分の金額に、当該基準事業年度終了の時における当該特定外国子会社等の発行済株式等のうちに当該基準事業年度終了の時における当該連結法人の有する当該特定外国子会社等の第三十九条の百十六第三項第一号に規定する請求権勘案保有株式等(当該連結法人に係る外国関係会社(当該連結法人に係る特定外国子会社等及び法第六十六条の六第一項に規定する特定外国子会社等を除く。以下この項において同じ。)でその受ける法第六十八条の九十二第一項第一号に定める剰余金の配当等の額につきその本店所在地国において課される税の負担が軽課税基準以下のもの又は当該連結法人に係る他の特定外国子会社等(法第六十六条の六第一項に規定する特定外国子会社等を含む。以下この項において同じ。)に支払われた場合における当該外国関係会社及び当該他の特定外国子会社等を通じて保有する請求権勘案間接保有株式等(第三十九条の百十六第三項第二号に規定する請求権勘案間接保有株式等をいう。次号において同じ。)を除く。)の占める割合を乗じて計算した金額 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(2) Where the facts mentioned in clause (a) or clause (b) of the proviso to sub-section (1) are proved with respect to any words, then, - (a) for the purposes of any proceedings under section 51- (i) if the trademark consists solely of such word or words, the registration of the trademark, so far as regards registration in respect of the article or substance or service in question or any goods or services of the same description, shall be deemed to be an entry wrongly remaining in the Register; (ii) if the trademark contains such word or words and other matter, the Tribunal, in deciding whether the trademark shall remain on the Register, so far as regards registration in respect of the article or substance or service in question of any goods or services of the same description, may, in case of a decision in favour of its remaining on the Register, require as a condition thereof that the proprietor shall disclaim any right to the exclusive use in relation to that article or substance or service and any goods or services of the same description, of such word or words : Provided that no disclaimer shall affect any rights of the proprietor of a trade except such as arise out of the registration of the trademark in respect of which the declaimer is made : (b) for the purposes of any other legal proceedings relating to the trademarks- (i) if the trademark consists solely of such word or words, all rights of the proprietor under this Act or any other law to the exclusive use of the trademark in relation to the article or substance or service in question or to any goods or services of the same description, or 29 (ii) if the trademark contains such word or words and other matters, all such rights of the proprietor to the exclusive use of such word or words, in such relation as aforesaid, shall be deemed to have ceased on the date at which the use mentioned in clause (a) of sub-section (1) first become well-known and established, or at the expiration of the period of 2(two) years mentioned in clause (b) of sub-section (1). 例文帳に追加

(2)本条第(1)項但し書きの(a)又は(b)に述べる事実が任意の単語について立証された場合、そのときは次に掲げるとおりとする。(a)第51条に基づく手続きの目的上、(i)当該商標がかかる1個又は数個の単語のみで構成される場合、当該商標の登録が問題の物品若しくは物質又は役務、又は表示が同一である商品若しくは役務に関する登録に関する限りにおいて、過誤により登録簿上に残存する記載とみなされる。(ii)当該商標がかかる1個又は数個の単語及びその他の要素から構成される場合、審判機関は、当該商標を登録に残すべきかどうかの判断に際し、当該商標の登録が問題の物品若しくは物質又は役務、又は表示が同一である商品若しくは役務に関する登録に関する限りにおいて、登録簿にそれを残すことを支持する判断の場合、その条件として、所有者がその物品若しくは物質又は役務、又は、表示が同一である商品若しくは役務に関して1個又は数個の当該単語に係る排他的使用権を放棄するよう求めることができる。ただし、当該権利放棄は、当該権利放棄がなされた当該商標登録に起因して生ずる取引を除き、所有者の取引に係る権利に何ら影響を与えない。(b)当該商標に関するその他の法的手続きの目的上、(i)当該商標がかかる1個又は数個の単語のみで構成される場合、本法、又は問題の物品若しくは物質又は役務、又は表示が同一である商品若しくは役務に係る商標の排他的使用に関するその他の法律に基づき、当該所有者のすべての権利、又は(ii)当該商標がかかる1個又は数個の単語及びその他の要素から構成される場合、かかる単語の排他的使用に関する所有者のすべての当該権利は、前述のような関係において、本条第(1)項の(a)に述べる使用が最初に周知となり定着するようになる日に、又は本条第(1)項の(b)に述べる2年の期間満了時に消滅するとみなされる。 - 特許庁

(i) Wholesale business: Where, out of the total revenue from selling inventory assets (meaning inventory assets prescribed in Article 2(xx) of the Corporation Tax Act; hereinafter the same shall apply in this item) for the relevant business year (where there are any commissions to be received for agent or intermediary services for the buying or selling inventory assets for the relevant business year, such revenues shall include the amount from the transactions for which the said commissions were generated; hereinafter referred to as the "amount of sales transactions" in this item), the ratio of the sum of the amount of sales transactions with a person other than affiliated persons (meaning those listed in the items of Article 40-4(1), items of Article 66-6(1), items of Article 68-90(1) of the Act and the preceding items who are related to the said specified foreign subsidiary company, etc.; hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph and the next paragraph) exceeds 50 percent, or out of the sum of the acquisition costs for acquiring inventory assets for the relevant business year (where there are any commissions to be received for agent or intermediary services for the buying or selling inventory assets for the relevant business year, such acquisition costs shall include the amount from the transactions for which the said commissions were generated; hereinafter referred to as the "amount of purchase transactions" in this item), the ratio of the sum of the amount of purchase transactions with a person other than affiliated persons exceeds 50 percent 例文帳に追加

一 卸売業 当該各事業年度の棚卸資産(法人税法第二条第二十号に規定する棚卸資産をいう。以下この号において同じ。)の販売に係る収入金額(当該各事業年度において棚卸資産の売買の代理又は媒介に関し受け取る手数料がある場合には、その手数料を受け取る基因となつた売買の取引金額を含む。以下この号において「販売取扱金額」という。)の合計額のうちに関連者(当該特定外国子会社等に係る法第四十条の四第一項各号、第六十六条の六第一項各号、第六十八条の九十第一項各号及び前項各号に掲げる者をいう。以下この項及び次項において同じ。)以外の者との間の取引に係る販売取扱金額の合計額の占める割合が百分の五十を超える場合又は当該各事業年度において取得した棚卸資産の取得価額(当該各事業年度において棚卸資産の売買の代理又は媒介に関し受け取る手数料がある場合には、その手数料を受け取る基因となつた売買の取引金額を含む。以下この号において「仕入取扱金額」という。)の合計額のうちに関連者以外の者との間の取引に係る仕入取扱金額の合計額の占める割合が百分の五十を超える場合 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 46 (1) With regard to a client undertaking involving dust work prescribed in item (iii) of paragraph (1) of Article 2 of the Pneumoconiosis Act (Act No. 30 of 1960) (hereinafter such work shall be referred to as "dust work" in this Article), to which workers are dispatched for dispatch work in said undertaking, the provisions of Articles 5 to 9-2 inclusive, Articles 11 to 14 inclusive, paragraph (3) of Article 15, Articles 16 to 17 inclusive and Article 35-2 of said Act (including penal provisions pertaining to these provisions) shall be applied to such undertaking, by deeming the person carrying out the client undertaking to be the business operator, as prescribed in item (v) of paragraph (1) of Article 2 of said Act, employing the workers under dispatching (limited to those who are or have been regularly engaged in dust work; hereinafter the same shall apply up to paragraph (4) and in paragraph (7)) (hereinafter such business operator shall be referred to simply as a "business operator" in this Article), and by deeming the workers under dispatching to be workers employed by the person carrying out the client undertaking concerned. In this case, the term "separation from employment" in paragraph (1) of Article 9-2 shall be deemed to be replaced with "separation from employment (with regard to a worker under dispatching prescribed in paragraph (1) of Article 46 of the Act for Securing Proper Operation of Worker Dispatching Undertakings and Improved Working Conditions for Dispatched Workers (hereinafter referred to as "the Worker Dispatching Act"), the termination of the provision of Worker Dispatching services, as prescribed in item (i) of Article 2 of the Worker Dispatching Act, pertaining to the worker under dispatching concerned; hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph);" and the term "this Act" in Article 35-2 shall be deemed to be replaced with "this Act (including the provisions of Article 46 of the Worker Dispatching Act)". 例文帳に追加

第四十六条 労働者がその事業における派遣就業のために派遣されている派遣先の事業で、じん肺法(昭和三十五年法律第三十号)第二条第一項第三号に規定する粉じん作業(以下この条において単に「粉じん作業」という。)に係るものに関しては、当該派遣先の事業を行う者を当該派遣中の労働者(当該派遣先の事業において、常時粉じん作業に従事している者及び常時粉じん作業に従業したことのある者に限る。以下第四項まで及び第七項において同じ。)を使用する同法第二条第一項第五号に規定する事業者(以下この条において単に「事業者」という。)と、当該派遣中の労働者を当該派遣先の事業を行う者に使用される労働者とみなして、同法第五条から第九条の二まで、第十一条から第十四条まで、第十五条第三項、第十六条から第十七条まで及び第三十五条の二の規定(これらの規定に係る罰則の規定を含む。)を適用する。この場合において、同法第九条の二第一項中「、離職」とあるのは「、離職(労働者派遣事業の適正な運営の確保及び派遣労働者の就業条件の整備等に関する法律(以下「労働者派遣法」という。)第四十六条第一項に規定する派遣中の労働者については、当該派遣中の労働者に係る労働者派遣法第二条第一号に規定する労働者派遣の役務の提供の終了。以下この項において同じ。)」と、同法第三十五条の二中「この法律」とあるのは「この法律(労働者派遣法第四十六条の規定を含む。)」とする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 5 (1) Among living marine resources other than specified living marine resources, the governor of each prefecture may designate, etc. living marine resources by Prefectural Ordinance as living marine resources to be preserved and controlled in the area of the sea designated by Prefectural Ordinance (hereinafter referred to as "the designated area of the sea") by deciding the prefectural catch limit (meaning the maximum annual limit for gathering or catching each type of living marine resources in the designated area of the sea by persons other than those operating a designated fishery, etc. and those provided by Cabinet Order set forth in item (vi) of paragraph (2) of Article 3; hereinafter the same shall apply) (hereinafter referred to as "Class I designated living marine resources") or may designate, etc. living marine resources by Prefectural Ordinance as living marine resources to be preserved and controlled, by deciding the prefectural limit for fishing effort (meaning the maximum limit of the total annual fishing effort for the prefecture (the amount of fishing work (excluding work by persons who operate a designated fishery, etc.) carried out for gathering or catching each type of living marine resources, with this amount being expressed as a number of fishing days and by any other index provided in Prefectural Regulations for each mode of gathering or catching related to that type of living marine resources; hereinafter the same shall apply) for each type of living marine resources and for the mode of gathering or catching to which each such type is subject, and in cases where each type of living marine resources are controlled based on the prefectural fishing effort within designated areas of the sea or designated periods of time in relation to a mode of gathering or catching, this shall mean the maximum limit of the total annual fishing effort for the prefecture for each such mode of gathering or catching each type of living marine resources, etc.) (hereinafter referred to as "Class II designated living marine resources"), and when the governor designates Class I and Class II designated living marine resources, he/she shall prescribe the following matters in the Prefectural Plan: 例文帳に追加

第五条 都道府県の知事は、特定海洋生物資源でない海洋生物資源のうち、都道府県の条例で定める海域(以下「指定海域」という。)において、都道府県漁獲限度量(指定海域において、指定漁業等を営む者及び第三条第二項第六号の政令で定める者以外の者が採捕することができる海洋生物資源の種類ごとの年間の数量の最高限度をいう。以下同じ。)を決定すること等により保存及び管理を行う海洋生物資源として都道府県の条例で定める海洋生物資源(以下「第一種指定海洋生物資源」という。)又は都道府県漁獲努力限度量(指定海域において、海洋生物資源の種類ごとにその対象となる採捕の種類並びに当該採捕の種類に係る海域及び期間を定めて都道府県漁獲努力量(海洋生物資源を採捕するために行われる漁ろう作業(指定漁業等を営む者に係るものを除く。)の量であって、採捕の種類別に操業日数その他の都道府県の規則で定める指標によって示されるものをいう。以下同じ。)による管理を行う場合の海洋生物資源の種類ごとの当該採捕の種類に係る年間の都道府県漁獲努力量の合計の最高限度をいう。以下同じ。)を決定すること等により保存及び管理を行う海洋生物資源として都道府県の条例で定める海洋生物資源(以下「第二種指定海洋生物資源」という。)について、都道府県計画において、次に掲げる事項を定めるものとする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

i) The amount of income or amount of a loss calculated, with regard to the amount of income of a specified foreign subsidiary company, etc. in its settlement of accounts for the relevant business year, in accordance with the provisions of Part II, Chapter I, Section 1, Subsections 2 to 10 of the Corporation Tax Act (excluding Article 23, Article 26(1) to (4), Article 28, Article 38 to Article 41, Article 55(3), Article 57, Article 58, Article 59, and Article 61-11 to Article 61-13 of the said Act) and the provisions of Article 43, Article 45-2, Article 52-2, Article 57-5, Article 57-6, Article 57-8, Article 57-10, Article 61-4, Article 65-7 to Article 65-9 (limited to the part pertaining to item (xix) of the table in Article 65-7(1) of the Act), Article 66-4(3), Article 67-12 and Article 67-13 of the Act (hereinafter referred to as the "provisions of the laws and regulations of Japan" in this item) (where the provisions of paragraph 66-4(1) or Article 68-88(1) of the Act are applied to a transaction with a domestic corporation listed in the items of Article 66-6(1) of the Act related to the said specified foreign subsidiary company, etc., the amount of income or amount of a loss calculated in accordance with the provisions of the laws and regulations of Japan by deeming that the transaction was carried out at the arm's length price prescribed in these provisions 例文帳に追加

一 当該各事業年度の決算に基づく所得の金額につき、法人税法第二編第一章第一節第二款から第十款まで(同法第二十三条、第二十六条第一項から第四項まで、第二十八条、第三十八条から第四十一条まで、第五十五条第三項、第五十七条、第五十八条、第五十九条及び第六十一条の十一から第六十一条の十三までを除く。)の規定並びに法第四十三条、第四十五条の二、第五十二条の二、第五十七条の五、第五十七条の六、第五十七条の八、第五十七条の十、第六十一条の四、第六十五条の七から第六十五条の九まで(法第六十五条の七第一項の表の第十九号に係る部分に限る。)、第六十六条の四第三項、第六十七条の十二及び第六十七条の十三の規定(以下この号において「本邦法令の規定」という。)の例に準じて計算した場合に算出される所得の金額又は欠損の金額(当該特定外国子会社等に係る法第六十六条の六第一項各号に掲げる内国法人との間の取引につき法第六十六条の四第一項又は第六十八条の八十八第一項の規定の適用がある場合には、当該取引がこれらの規定に規定する独立企業間価格で行われたものとして本邦法令の規定の例に準じて計算した場合に算出される所得の金額又は欠損の金額) - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, a domestic corporation listed in the items of Article 66-6(1) of the Act may deem that the amount obtained by adding the amount of income calculated, with regard to the amount of income of a specified foreign subsidiary company, etc. in its settlement of accounts for the relevant business year, pursuant to the provisions of the laws and regulations concerning corporate income taxes of the state of the head office of the said specified foreign subsidiary company, etc. (where there are two or more laws and regulations concerning the said corporate income taxes, pursuant to the provisions of the principal ones; hereinafter referred to as the "laws and regulations of the state of the head office" in this paragraph), (where the provisions of Article 66-4(1) or Article 68-88(1) of the Act are applied to a transaction between the said specified foreign subsidiary company, etc. and the said domestic corporation, the amount of income calculated pursuant to the provisions of the laws and regulations of the state of the head office by deeming that the transaction was carried out at the arm's length price prescribed in these provisions), and the sum of the amount listed in item (i) to item (xiii) pertaining to the said calculated amount of income and then deducting therefrom the amount listed in item (xiii) and item (xiv) pertaining to the said calculated amount of income (where the amount calculated pursuant to the provisions of the laws and regulations of the state of the head office proves to be a loss, the said amount shall be the remaining amount after deducting the sum of the said amount of loss and the amount listed in item (xiv) to item (xvi) pertaining to the said calculated amount from the sum of the amounts listed in item (i) to item (xiii) pertaining to the said calculated amount) shall be the amount calculated in accordance with the standards specified by a Cabinet Order prescribed in Article 66-6(2)(ii) of the Act: 例文帳に追加

2 法第六十六条の六第一項各号に掲げる内国法人は、前項の規定にかかわらず、特定外国子会社等の各事業年度の決算に基づく所得の金額につき、当該特定外国子会社等の本店所在地国の法人所得税に関する法令(当該法人所得税に関する法令が二以上ある場合には、そのうち主たる法人所得税に関する法令をいう。以下この項において「本店所在地国の法令」という。)の規定により計算した所得の金額(当該特定外国子会社等と当該内国法人との間の取引につき法第六十六条の四第一項又は第六十八条の八十八第一項の規定の適用がある場合には、当該取引がこれらの規定に規定する独立企業間価格で行われたものとして本店所在地国の法令の規定により計算した場合に算出される所得の金額)に当該所得の金額に係る第一号から第十三号までに掲げる金額の合計額を加算した金額から当該所得の金額に係る第十三号及び第十四号に掲げる金額の合計額を控除した残額(本店所在地国の法令の規定により計算した金額が欠損の金額となる場合には、当該計算した金額に係る第一号から第十三号までに掲げる金額の合計額から当該欠損の金額に当該計算した金額に係る第十四号から第十六号までに掲げる金額の合計額を加算した金額を控除した残額)をもつて法第六十六条の六第二項第二号に規定する政令で定める基準により計算した金額とすることができる。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

i) The amount of income or loss calculated, with regard to the income of a specified foreign subsidiary company, etc. in its settlement of accounts for the relevant business year, in accordance with the provisions of Part II, Chapter I, Section 1, Subsections 2 to 10 of the Corporation Tax Act (excluding Article 23, Article 26(1) to (4), Article 28, Article 38 to Article 41, Article 55(3), Article 57, Article 58, Article 59, and Article 61-11 to Article 61-13 of the said Act) and the provisions of Article 43, Article 45-2, Article 52-2, Article 57-5, Article 57-6, Article 57-8, Article 57-10, Article 61-4, Article 65-7 to Article 65-9 (limited to the part pertaining to item (xix) of the table in Article 65-7(1) of the Act), Article 66-4(3), Article 67-12 and Article 67-13 of the Act (hereinafter referred to as the "provisions of the laws and regulations of Japan" in this item) (where the provisions of paragraph 68-88(1) or Article 66-4(1) of the Act are applied to a transaction with a consolidated corporation listed in the items of Article 68-90(1) of the Act (including other consolidated corporations which have the consolidated full controlling interest with the said consolidated corporation) or a domestic corporation listed in the items of Article 66-6(1) of the Act that is related to the said specified foreign subsidiary company, etc., the amount of income or loss calculated in accordance with the provisions of the laws and regulations of Japan by deeming that the transaction was carried out at the arm's length price prescribed in these provisions 例文帳に追加

一 当該各事業年度の決算に基づく所得の金額につき、法人税法第二編第一章第一節第二款から第十款まで(同法第二十三条、第二十六条第一項から第四項まで、第二十八条、第三十八条から第四十一条まで、第五十五条第三項、第五十七条、第五十八条、第五十九条及び第六十一条の十一から第六十一条の十三までを除く。)の規定並びに法第四十三条、第四十五条の二、第五十二条の二、第五十七条の五、第五十七条の六、第五十七条の八、第五十七条の十、第六十一条の四、第六十五条の七から第六十五条の九まで(法第六十五条の七第一項の表の第十九号に係る部分に限る。)、第六十六条の四第三項、第六十七条の十二及び第六十七条の十三の規定(以下この号において「本邦法令の規定」という。)の例に準じて計算した場合に算出される所得の金額又は欠損の金額(当該特定外国子会社等に係る法第六十八条の九十第一項各号に掲げる連結法人(当該連結法人との間に連結完全支配関係がある他の連結法人を含む。)又は法第六十六条の六第一項各号に掲げる内国法人との間の取引につき法第六十八条の八十八第一項又は第六十六条の四第一項の規定の適用がある場合には、当該取引がこれらの規定に規定する独立企業間価格で行われたものとして本邦法令の規定の例に準じて計算した場合に算出される所得の金額又は欠損の金額) - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

i) The amount of income or amount of a loss calculated, with regard to the amount of income of a specified foreign subsidiary, etc. in its settlement of accounts for the relevant business year, in accordance with the provisions of Part II, Chapter I, Section 1, Subsection 2 to Subsection 9 (excluding Article 23, Article 26, paragraphs (1) to (4), Article 28, Articles 38 to 41, Article 55, paragraph (3), Article 57, Article 58, Article 59, and Articles 61-11 to 61-13 of the Corporation Tax Act), and Subsection 11 of said Act, and the provisions of Article 43, Article 45-2, Article 52-2, Article 57-5, Article 57-6, Article 57-8, Article 57-10, Article 61-4, Articles 65-7 to 65-9 (limited to the part pertaining to item (xix) of the table in Article 65-7, paragraph (1) of the Act), Article 66-4, paragraph (3), Article 67-12 and Article 67-13 of the Act (hereinafter referred to as the "provisions of the laws and regulations of Japan" in this item) (where the provisions of Article 66-4, paragraph (1) or Article 68-88, paragraph (1) of the Act is applied to a transaction with a domestic corporation listed in the items of Article 66-6, paragraph (1) of the Act related to said specified foreign subsidiary, etc., the amount of income or amount of a loss calculated in accordance with the provisions of the laws and regulations of Japan by deeming that the transaction was carried out at the arm's length price prescribed in these provisions 例文帳に追加

一 当該各事業年度の決算に基づく所得の金額につき、法人税法第二編第一章第一節第二款から第九款まで(同法第二十三条、第二十六条第一項から第四項まで、第二十八条、第三十八条から第四十一条まで、第五十五条第三項、第五十七条、第五十八条、第五十九条及び第六十一条の十一から第六十一条の十三までを除く。)及び第十一款の規定並びに法第四十三条、第四十五条の二、第五十二条の二、第五十七条の五、第五十七条の六、第五十七条の八、第五十七条の十、第六十一条の四、第六十五条の七から第六十五条の九まで(法第六十五条の七第一項の表の第十九号に係る部分に限る。)、第六十六条の四第三項、第六十七条の十二及び第六十七条の十三の規定(以下この号において「本邦法令の規定」という。)の例に準じて計算した場合に算出される所得の金額又は欠損の金額(当該特定外国子会社等に係る法第六十六条の六第一項各号に掲げる内国法人との間の取引につき法第六十六条の四第一項又は第六十八条の八十八第一項の規定の適用がある場合には、当該取引がこれらの規定に規定する独立企業間価格で行われたものとして本邦法令の規定の例に準じて計算した場合に算出される所得の金額又は欠損の金額) - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

i) The amount of income or loss calculated, with regard to the income of a specified foreign subsidiary, etc. in its settlement of accounts for the relevant business year, in accordance with the provisions of Part II, Chapter I, Section 1, Subsection 2 to Subsection 9 (excluding Article 23, Article 26, paragraphs (1) to (4), Article 28, Articles 38 to 41, Article 55, paragraph (3), Article 57, Article 58, Article 59, and Articles 61-11 to 61-13 of the Corporation Tax Act), and Subsection 11 of said Act, and the provisions of Article 43, Article 45-2, Article 52-2, Article 57-5, Article 57-6, Article 57-8, Article 57-10, Article 61-4, Articles 65-7 to 65-9 (limited to the part pertaining to item (xix) of the table in Article 65-7, paragraph (1) of the Act), Article 66-4, paragraph (3), Article 67-12 and Article 67-13 of the Act (hereinafter referred to as the "provisions of the laws and regulations of Japan" in this item) (where the provisions of Article 68-88, paragraph (1) or Article 66-4, paragraph (1) of the Act is applied to a transaction with a consolidated corporation listed in the items of Article 68-90, paragraph (1) of the Act (including other consolidated corporations which have the consolidated full controlling interest with said consolidated corporation) or a domestic corporation listed in the items of Article 66-6, paragraph (1) of the Act that is the domestic corporation of said specified foreign subsidiary, etc., the amount of income or loss calculated in accordance with the provisions of the laws and regulations of Japan by deeming that the transaction was carried out at the arm's length price prescribed in these provisions 例文帳に追加

一 当該各事業年度の決算に基づく所得の金額につき、法人税法第二編第一章第一節第二款から第九款まで(同法第二十三条、第二十六条第一項から第四項まで、第二十八条、第三十八条から第四十一条まで、第五十五条第三項、第五十七条、第五十八条、第五十九条及び第六十一条の十一から第六十一条の十三までを除く。)及び第十一款の規定並びに法第四十三条、第四十五条の二、第五十二条の二、第五十七条の五、第五十七条の六、第五十七条の八、第五十七条の十、第六十一条の四、第六十五条の七から第六十五条の九まで(法第六十五条の七第一項の表の第十九号に係る部分に限る。)、第六十六条の四第三項、第六十七条の十二及び第六十七条の十三の規定(以下この号において「本邦法令の規定」という。)の例に準じて計算した場合に算出される所得の金額又は欠損の金額(当該特定外国子会社等に係る法第六十八条の九十第一項各号に掲げる連結法人(当該連結法人との間に連結完全支配関係がある他の連結法人を含む。)又は法第六十六条の六第一項各号に掲げる内国法人との間の取引につき法第六十八条の八十八第一項又は第六十六条の四第一項の規定の適用がある場合には、当該取引がこれらの規定に規定する独立企業間価格で行われたものとして本邦法令の規定の例に準じて計算した場合に算出される所得の金額又は欠損の金額) - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

On the other hand, experts have pointed out various issues pertaining to the EU-ETS, including the following. ① Regarding the reduction targets of Phase I, there are problems in cap setting, such as moderate emissions allowances that lead to a price fall when the moderate allocation is realized. ② There are problems related to fairness and equity with respect to the cap. For example, during Phase I, in the process of creating national allocation plans that determine each country’s emissions cap, there were about 800 cases26 in all the EU countries wherein the companies sued their national governments over allocation methods and allocation amounts. Further, during Phase II, the former East European countries, such as Czech Republic, Latvia, Poland, Hungary, and Estonia, sued the European Commission over its strict demand on the allocation amount27. ③ There are concerns about “carbon leakageand a loss of international competitiveness among the EU companies. For example, Jean-Louis Borloo, the French Minister of Ecology and Sustainable Development, expressed his concern about “carbon leakage,” which occurs when economic activities and plant locations move from the EU countries to countries with lesser or no environmental regulations. Secretary General Mr. Richmann of German Federation of Industry and Energy stated that in a situation wherein the competitors do not need to bear carbon costs, domestic industries cannot pass on the carbon costs to the international market. This would lead to not only loss of the labor market but also migration of the manufacturing bases, resulting in increased emissions outside of Europe.例文帳に追加

一方、EU-ETSに対しては、①第一約束期間の削減目標については、排出枠の設定が緩く、割当の緩さが判明した時点で価格が暴落するなど、キャップの設定に課題があったこと、②各国の排出上限量となる国別割当計画の策定過程において、割当方法及び割当量をめぐって、第一約束期間においては、企業が各国政府を提訴した事例がEU全体で800件程度あり、第二約束期間については、チェコ、ラトビア、ポーランド、ハンガリー、エストニア等旧東欧諸国が欧州委員会の要求する厳しい割当量を巡り、欧州委員会を相手に訴訟を起こしているなど、キャップの衡平性に課題があること、③フランスのボルローエコロジー・持続可能な開発整備相が、「EU域内から環境規制が緩いまたは無い他の地域に工場など移転する、いわゆる『炭素リーケージ』について懸念がある。」と表明し、ドイツの産業エネルギー連盟リヒマン事務総長が、「競争相手に炭素コストが生じなければ、産業界はこのコストを世界市場で転嫁できないので、労働市場が失われるだけではなく、生産拠点の移転もあり得るが、これは、欧州外での排出増加になる。」と発言しているなど、炭素リーケージ及び域内企業の国際競争力低下の懸念があること、等、様々な課題が指摘されている。 - 経済産業省

(a) the amount obtained by multiplying the transaction amounts of the transactions prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (8), item (i) of the Act (excluding transactions based on a person's own account and the transactions set forth in (e)) in each business year by the Problematic Conduct Rate -- which means the proportion of the total sum of the payments made as a result of any Problematic Conduct [which means the Problematic Conduct prescribed in Article 112] in each business year starting within three years prior to the commencement of the relevant business year [excluding payments pertaining to transactions in cases where a Futures Commission Merchant receives a consignment of transactions, etc. on the Commodity Market (excluding Commodity Clearing Transactions; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article) from a Person With Specialized Knowledge and Experience (which means a person specified in Article 107; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article) or receives a consignment of transactions, etc. on the Commodity Market by using an Electronic Data Processing System (which means an Electronic Data Processing System connecting a computer used by the Futures Commodity Merchant and a computer [including the input/output devices] used by the customer through a telecommunications line; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article) without carrying out solicitation]; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article) to the total sum of the transaction amounts of the transactions prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (8), items (i) to (iii) of the Act and the amount of the consideration for the transactions prescribed in item (iv) of the same paragraph (excluding the transaction amounts and the amount of the consideration for transactions in cases of transactions based on a person's own account and in cases where a Futures Commission Merchant receives a consignment of transactions, etc. on the Commodity Market from a Person With Specialized Knowledge and Experience or receives a consignment of transactions, etc. on the Commodity Market by using an Electronic Data Processing System without carrying out solicitation -- or the amount equivalent to 0.0001 percent of the transaction amounts, whichever amount is greater (in cases where the amount of liability reserve for commodity trading that has already been accrued [in cases where a specific amount of money is used under the provisions of Article 221, paragraph (2) of the Act, the amount after deducting said amount; the same shall apply in the following item] is less than ten million yen, the amount obtained by adding, to such larger amount, an amount obtained by multiplying -- an amount calculated by dividing the amount that has been obtained by deducting the amount of liability reserve for commodity trading and the amounts listed in (b) to (h) from ten million yen by double the Problematic Conduct Rate, or by 0.0002 percent, whichever rate is higher (or, if said calculated amount exceeds the transaction amount in the relevant business year, such amount shall be the transaction amount in the relevant business year; hereinafter the same shall apply in this item) -- by the Problematic Conduct Rate or an amount equivalent to 0.0001 percent of said calculated amount, whichever amount is greater); 例文帳に追加

イ 各事業年度における法第二条第八項第一号に規定する取引(自己の計算による取引及びホに掲げる取引を除く。)の取引金額に事故率(当該事業年度開始日前三年以内に開始した各事業年度における事故(第百十二条に規定する事故をいう。)による支払額(商品取引員が、専門知識及び経験を有する者(第百七条で定める者をいう。以下この条において同じ。)から商品市場における取引等(商品清算取引を除く。以下この条において同じ。)の委託を受ける場合並びに電子情報処理組織(商品取引員の使用に係る電子計算機と、顧客の使用に係る電子計算機(入出力装置を含む。)とを電気通信回線で接続した電子情報処理組織をいう。以下この条において同じ。)を使用して勧誘を伴わずに商品市場における取引等の委託を受ける場合の取引に係る支払額を除く。)の合計額の、法第二条第八項第一号から第三号に規定する取引の取引金額と同項第四号に規定する取引の対価の額の合計額(自己の計算による取引並びに商品取引員が、専門知識及び経験を有する者から商品市場における取引等の委託を受ける場合並びに電子情報処理組織を使用して勧誘を伴わずに商品市場における取引等の委託を受ける場合の取引金額及び取引の対価の額を除く。)に占める割合をいう。以下この条において同じ。)を乗じた金額と取引金額の百万分の一に相当する金額とのいずれか大きい金額(既に積み立てられた商品取引責任準備金の金額(法第二百二十一条第二項の規定により使用された金額がある場合には、当該金額を控除した金額。次号において同じ。)が千万円に満たない場合には、当該いずれか大きい金額に、千万円から当該商品取引責任準備金の金額、及びロからチまでに掲げる金額を控除した金額を事故率に二を乗じて得た率と百万分の二とのいずれか大きい率で除して計算した金額(当該計算した金額が当該事業年度の取引金額を超える場合には、当該事業年度の当該取引金額。以下この号において同じ。)に事故率を乗じた金額と当該除して計算した金額の百万分の一に相当する金額とのいずれか大きい金額を加算した金額) - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 325 (1) When any of the persons listed in Article 322, paragraph (1), items (i) to (viii) inclusive or any person who has been entrusted with the solicitation of funds or subscribers to the bonds of a Mutual Company (meaning bonds prescribed in Article 61), in soliciting subscribers for the shares, funds, share options, bonds (meaning bonds prescribed in Article 61 and bonds prescribed in Article 2, item (xxiii) of the Companies Act; hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph), or bonds with a share option, has used materials explaining the business of an Insurance Company, etc. or other matters or an advertisement or other documents relating to said subscription which contain a false statement regarding a material matter, or has offered an electromagnetic record which contains a false statement regarding a material matter for carrying out affairs for said solicitation for subscription in the case where an electromagnetic record has been created in lieu of the creation of said documents, he/she shall be punished by imprisonment with work for not more than five years or a fine of not more than five million yen, or both. 例文帳に追加

第三百二十五条 第三百二十二条第一項第一号から第八号までに掲げる者又は基金若しくは相互会社の社債(第六十一条に規定する社債をいう。)を引き受ける者の募集の委託を受けた者が、株式、基金、新株予約権、社債(第六十一条に規定する社債及び会社法第二条第二十三号に規定する社債をいう。以下この項において同じ。)又は新株予約権付社債を引き受ける者の募集をするに当たり、保険会社等の事業その他の事項に関する説明を記載した資料若しくは当該募集の広告その他の当該募集に関する文書であって重要な事項について虚偽の記載のあるものを行使し、又はこれらの書類の作成に代えて電磁的記録の作成がされている場合における当該電磁的記録であって重要な事項について虚偽の記録のあるものをその募集の事務の用に供したときは、五年以下の懲役若しくは五百万円以下の罰金に処し、又はこれを併科する。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(i) Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries: with regard to Commodity Exchanges which open only the Commodity Markets on which the Listed Commodities consist solely of Commodities related to the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (which refers to such Commodities specified by a Cabinet Order; the same shall apply hereinafter) or the Commodity Markets on which the Listed Commodities consist solely of Commodity Indices whose sole target Goods are Commodities related to the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (hereinafter referred to as "Commodity Markets related to the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries"), Commodity Clearing Organizations which conduct Business of Assuming Commodity Transaction Debts solely pertaining to Commodity Markets related to the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, establishers of Facilities Similar to Type 1 Specified Commodity Market or Facilities Similar to Type 2 Specified Commodity Market for carrying out transactions solely for Commodities related to the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries or for Commodity Indices of which the sole target Goods are Commodities related to the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, or Over-the-Counter Commodity Futures Transactions Dealers pertaining to Over-the-Counter Commodity Futures Transactions, etc. solely using quotations on the Commodity Markets related to the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries 例文帳に追加

一 農林水産省関係商品(商品のうち政令で指定するものをいう。以下同じ。)のみを上場商品とする商品市場若しくはその対象となる物品が農林水産省関係商品のみである商品指数を上場商品指数とする商品市場(以下「農林水産省関係商品市場」という。)のみを開設する商品取引所、農林水産省関係商品市場のみに係る商品取引債務引受業を行う商品取引清算機関、農林水産省関係商品のみ若しくはその対象となる物品が農林水産省関係商品のみである商品指数のみについて取引をするための第一種特定商品市場類似施設若しくは第二種特定商品市場類似施設の開設者又は農林水産省関係商品市場における相場のみを利用した店頭商品先物取引等に係る店頭商品先物取引業者については、農林水産大臣 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

ii) Where an event listed in Article 40-5(1)(ii) has occurred with regard to a specified foreign subsidiary company, etc. related to a resident prescribed in Article 40-5(1) of the Act: The amount obtained by multiplying the amount prescribed in the said item by the ratio of the shares, etc. for considering the claims held by the said person of the said specified foreign subsidiary company, etc. prescribed in Article 25-21(3)(i) out of the total issued shares, etc. of the said specified foreign subsidiary company, etc. at the time when the said event occurred (where the money or any other assets have been delivered to an affiliated foreign company related to the said resident whose tax burden imposed in the state of the head office on the amount of the money that it receives as prescribed in Article 40-5(1)(ii) of the Act is below the low tax-burden base or to any other specified foreign subsidiary company, etc. related to the said resident, such shares, etc. for considering the claims held shall exclude the shares, etc. for considering the claims indirectly held via the said affiliated foreign company or the said other specified foreign subsidiary company, etc. 例文帳に追加

二 法第四十条の五第一項に規定する居住者に係る特定外国子会社等につき同項第二号に掲げる事実が生じた場合 同号に定める金額に当該事実が生じた時における当該特定外国子会社等の発行済株式等のうちに当該事実が生じた時におけるその者の有する当該特定外国子会社等の第二十五条の二十一第三項第一号に規定する請求権勘案保有株式等(当該居住者に係る外国関係会社でその受ける法第四十条の五第一項第二号に定める金額につきその本店所在地国において課される税の負担が軽課税基準以下のもの又は当該居住者に係る他の特定外国子会社等に対して交付された場合における当該外国関係会社及び当該他の特定外国子会社等を通じて保有する請求権勘案間接保有株式等を除く。)の占める割合を乗じて計算した金額 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(i) Where the amount of a dividend, etc. that the said specified foreign subsidiary company, etc. receives from any other specified foreign subsidiary company, etc. related to the said domestic corporation (including a specified foreign subsidiary company, etc. prescribed in Article 68-90(1) of the Act; hereinafter referred to as the "other specified foreign subsidiary company, etc." in this paragraph) in the relevant business year does not exceed the amount of a dividend payable corresponding to the capital contributions of the said specified foreign subsidiary company, etc. out of the total amount of a dividend payable by the said other specified foreign subsidiary company, etc. in the business year including the base date for paying the said dividend, etc. (hereinafter referred to as the "base business year" in this paragraph) and the said base business year is the business year during which the taxable retained income prescribed in Article 66-6(1) of the Act (hereinafter referred to as the "taxable retained income" in this Section) or individually taxable retained income prescribed in Article 68-90(1) of the Act (hereinafter referred to as the "individually taxable retained income" in this Section) arises: The amount of the said dividend, etc. 例文帳に追加

一 当該特定外国子会社等が当該各事業年度において当該内国法人に係る他の特定外国子会社等(法第六十八条の九十第一項に規定する特定外国子会社等を含む。以下この項において「他の特定外国子会社等」という。)から受ける配当等の額が当該他の特定外国子会社等の当該配当等の額の支払に係る基準日の属する事業年度(以下この項において「基準事業年度」という。)の配当可能金額のうち当該特定外国子会社等の出資対応配当可能金額を超えない場合であつて、当該基準事業年度が法第六十六条の六第一項に規定する課税対象留保金額(以下この節において「課税対象留保金額」という。)又は法第六十八条の九十第一項に規定する個別課税対象留保金額(以下この節において「個別課税対象留保金額」という。)の生ずる事業年度である場合 当該配当等の額 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(2) The amount calculated as specified by a Cabinet Order prescribed in Article 66-6(1) of the Act shall be the amount obtained by multiplying the eligible retained income prescribed in the said paragraph for the relevant business year of a specified foreign subsidiary company, etc. related to a domestic corporation listed in the items of the said paragraph (hereinafter referred to as the "eligible retained income" in this paragraph) by the ratio of the shares, etc. for considering the claims held by the said domestic corporation out of the total issued shares, etc. of the said specified foreign subsidiary company, etc. at the end of the relevant business year of the said specified foreign subsidiary company, etc. (where any of the events listed in item (i) or item (ii) occurred with regard to the said specified foreign subsidiary company, etc. or an event listed in item (iii) occurred with regard to an affiliated foreign company related to the said domestic corporation (limited to those that hold the taxed amount of a dividend, etc. before deduction pertaining to the said specified foreign subsidiary company, etc.) in the relevant business year of the said domestic corporation relating to the application of the provisions of the said paragraph, such amount shall be the remaining amount after deducting the amount specified respectively in these items from the said calculated amount): 例文帳に追加

2 法第六十六条の六第一項に規定する政令で定めるところにより計算した金額は、同項各号に掲げる内国法人に係る特定外国子会社等の各事業年度の同項に規定する適用対象留保金額(以下この節において「適用対象留保金額」という。)に、当該特定外国子会社等の当該各事業年度終了の時における発行済株式等のうちに当該各事業年度終了の時における当該内国法人の有する当該特定外国子会社等の請求権勘案保有株式等の占める割合を乗じて計算した金額(当該内国法人の同項の規定の適用に係る各事業年度において、当該特定外国子会社等につき第一号若しくは第二号に掲げる事実が生じた場合又は当該内国法人に係る外国関係会社(当該特定外国子会社等に係る控除未済課税済配当等の額を有するものに限る。)につき第三号に掲げる事実が生じた場合には、当該計算した金額からそれぞれこれらの号に定める金額を控除した残額)とする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

ii) Where an event listed in Article 66-8(1)(ii) of the Act has occurred with regard to a specified foreign subsidiary company, etc. related to a domestic corporation prescribed in the said paragraph: The amount obtained by multiplying the amount specified in the said item by the ratio of the shares, etc. for considering the claims held by the said domestic corporation that are prescribed in Article 39-16(3)(i) out of the total issued shares, etc. of the said specified foreign subsidiary company, etc. at the time when the said event occurred (in the case where money or any other assets have been delivered to an affiliated foreign company related to the domestic corporation whose tax burden imposed in the state of the head office on the amount that it receives as specified in Article 66-8(1)(ii) of the Act is not more than the low tax-burden base or to any other specified foreign subsidiary company, etc. related to the domestic corporation; excluding the shares, etc. for considering the claims indirectly held via the said affiliated foreign company and the said other specified foreign subsidiary company, etc. 例文帳に追加

二 法第六十六条の八第一項に規定する内国法人に係る特定外国子会社等につき同項第二号に掲げる事実が生じた場合 同号に定める金額に当該事実が生じた時における当該特定外国子会社等の発行済株式等のうちに当該事実が生じた時における当該内国法人の有する当該特定外国子会社等の第三十九条の十六第三項第一号に規定する請求権勘案保有株式等(当該内国法人に係る外国関係会社でその受ける法第六十六条の八第一項第二号に定める金額につきその本店所在地国において課される税の負担が軽課税基準以下のもの又は当該内国法人に係る他の特定外国子会社等に対して交付された場合における当該外国関係会社及び当該他の特定外国子会社等を通じて保有する請求権勘案間接保有株式等を除く。)の占める割合を乗じて計算した金額 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(i) Where the amount of a dividend, etc. that the said specified foreign subsidiary company, etc. receives from any other specified foreign subsidiary company, etc. related to the said consolidated corporation (including a specified foreign subsidiary company, etc. prescribed in Article 66-6(1) of the Act; hereinafter referred to as the "other specified foreign subsidiary company, etc." in this paragraph) in the relevant business year does not exceed the amount of a dividend payable corresponding to the capital contributions by the said specified foreign subsidiary company, etc. out of the total amount of a dividend payable by the said other specified foreign subsidiary company, etc. in the business year including the base date for paying the said dividend, etc. (hereinafter referred to as the "base business year" in this paragraph) and the said base business year is the business year during which the individually taxable retained income prescribed in Article 68-90(1) of the Act (hereinafter referred to as the "individually taxable retained income" in this Section) or taxable retained income prescribed in Article 66-6(1) of the Act (hereinafter referred to as the "taxable retained income" in this Section) arises: The amount of the said dividend, etc. 例文帳に追加

一 当該特定外国子会社等が当該各事業年度において当該連結法人に係る他の特定外国子会社等(法第六十六条の六第一項に規定する特定外国子会社等を含む。以下この項において「他の特定外国子会社等」という。)から受ける配当等の額が当該他の特定外国子会社等の当該配当等の額の支払に係る基準日の属する事業年度(以下この項において「基準事業年度」という。)の配当可能金額のうち当該特定外国子会社等の出資対応配当可能金額を超えない場合であつて、当該基準事業年度が法第六十八条の九十第一項に規定する個別課税対象留保金額(以下この節において「個別課税対象留保金額」という。)又は法第六十六条の六第一項に規定する課税対象留保金額(以下この節において「課税対象留保金額」という。)の生ずる事業年度である場合 当該配当等の額 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(2) The amount calculated as specified by a Cabinet Order prescribed in Article 68-90(1) of the Act shall be the amount obtained by multiplying the eligible retained income prescribed in the said paragraph for the relevant business year of a specified foreign subsidiary company, etc. related to a consolidated corporation listed in the items of the said paragraph (hereinafter referred to as the "eligible retained income" in this paragraph) by the ratio of the shares, etc. for considering the claims held by the said consolidated corporation out of the total issued shares, etc. of the said specified foreign subsidiary company, etc. at the end of the relevant business year of the said specified foreign subsidiary company, etc. (where any of the events listed in item (i) or item (ii) occurred with regard to the said specified foreign subsidiary company, etc. or an event listed in item (iii) occurred with regard to an affiliated foreign company related to the said consolidated corporation (limited to those that hold the taxed amount of a dividend, etc. before deduction pertaining to the said specified foreign subsidiary company, etc.) in the relevant consolidated business year of the said consolidated corporation relating to the application of the provisions of the said paragraph, such amount shall be the remaining amount after deducting the amount specified respectively in these items from the said calculated amount): 例文帳に追加

2 法第六十八条の九十第一項に規定する政令で定めるところにより計算した金額は、同項各号に掲げる連結法人に係る特定外国子会社等の各事業年度の同項に規定する適用対象留保金額(以下この節において「適用対象留保金額」という。)に、当該特定外国子会社等の当該各事業年度終了の時における発行済株式等のうちに当該各事業年度終了の時における当該連結法人の有する当該特定外国子会社等の請求権勘案保有株式等の占める割合を乗じて計算した金額(当該連結法人の同項の規定の適用に係る各連結事業年度において、当該特定外国子会社等につき第一号若しくは第二号に掲げる事実が生じた場合又は当該連結法人に係る外国関係会社(当該特定外国子会社等に係る控除未済課税済配当等の額を有するものに限る。)につき第三号に掲げる事実が生じた場合には、当該計算した金額からそれぞれこれらの号に定める金額を控除した残額)とする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


ii) Where an event listed in Article 68-92(1)(ii) of the Act has occurred with regard to a specified foreign subsidiary company, etc. related to a consolidated corporation prescribed in the said paragraph: The amount obtained by multiplying the amount specified in the said item by the ratio of the shares, etc. for considering the claims held by the said consolidated corporation that are prescribed in Article 39-116(3)(i) out of the total issued shares, etc. of the said specified foreign subsidiary company, etc. at the time when the said event occurred (in the case where money or any other assets have been delivered to an affiliated foreign company related to the consolidated corporation whose tax burden imposed in the state of the head office on the amount that it receives as specified in Article 68-92(1)(ii) of the Act is not more than the low tax-burden base or to any other specified foreign subsidiary company, etc. related to the consolidated corporation; excluding the shares, etc. for considering the claims indirectly held via the said affiliated foreign company and the said other specified foreign subsidiary company, etc. 例文帳に追加

二 法第六十八条の九十二第一項に規定する連結法人に係る特定外国子会社等につき同項第二号に掲げる事実が生じた場合 同号に定める金額に当該事実が生じた時における当該特定外国子会社等の発行済株式等のうちに当該事実が生じた時における当該連結法人の有する当該特定外国子会社等の第三十九条の百十六第三項第一号に規定する請求権勘案保有株式等(当該連結法人に係る外国関係会社でその受ける法第六十八条の九十二第一項第二号に定める金額につきその本店所在地国において課される税の負担が軽課税基準以下のもの又は当該連結法人に係る他の特定外国子会社等に対して交付された場合における当該外国関係会社及び当該他の特定外国子会社等を通じて保有する請求権勘案間接保有株式等を除く。)の占める割合を乗じて計算した金額 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


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