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該当件数 : 1492



While I do not have relevant knowledge about the relationship between Japanese branches of banks that have international operations and the parent companies in their home countries, that is a very important matter. Therefore, it is necessary to do everything possible to ensure the stability of the global financial system and protect users around the world. It is also essential to ensure an appropriate exercise of the financial intermediary function so as to enable each country to achieve economic development while maintaining the stability of financial institutions, as I have repeatedly said. If all we wanted to do was to strengthen financial institutions, we should raise the required capital adequacy ratio.  - 金融庁


The Financial Services Agency (FSA) is, in consideration of collected comments, intent on continuing to work to deliver smoother financing opportunities for SMEs and other companies. Being Minister for Postal Reform as well, I also visited post offices in the area to inspect, among other things, the status of their operation in the field and to exchange specific ideas. When I talked with reporters in an impromptu interview there, one of the questions was about the prospects for the SME Financing Facilitation bill. I replied that the FSA seems to be independently making various arrangements, including gathering specific data, and that I would like to form a judgment as I put in perspective the extension of the Act and also take into account the business condition of SMEsI said this in both Osaka and Nagoya, where I visited last week.  - 金融庁


While deposits may have increased as an ultimate result of the payment of insurance claims, financial institutions have a very significant role to play in protecting the people's lives and industries in the Tohoku region in the wake of the once-in-a-millennium tsunami disaster, so keeping that in mind, we have been working hard since March 11 with a sense of obligation to exercise the FSA's powers to the maximum on behalf of disaster victims. Please feel free to point out anything you have noticed or anything lacking in our efforts.  - 金融庁


This morning, at around 1:00a.m, Prime Minister Naoto Kan made a phone call to Mr. Kamei, and later to me. Then, as secretary-general of the People's New Party, I asked Mr. Kan to persuade Mr. Kamei to stay in office on the grounds that he had intended to continue serving as the leader of the People's New Party and should therefore continue serving as Cabinet Minister as well. Mr. Kamei did not change his mind despite Mr. Kan's efforts to persuade him. Accordingly, I succeeded to Mr. Kamei's position and accepted the appointment to the Minister of State for Financial Services and Postal Reform. (Omitted)  - 金融庁



As you know, the balance of loans provided to SMEs has been declining since September last year. The FSA's analysis of the situation as of June showed that the decline stemmed from the weak corporate earnings due to the high prices of crude oil and raw materials and sales-related problems, rather than a change in financial institutions' lending stance. As we must check the most recent situation in order to provide our assessment as of August, we have conducted a questionnaire survey through the Local Finance Bureaus and dispatched senior FSA officials to various regions to hold hearings with financial institutions and also listen to the voices of local SMEs, including the smallest companies -- I have directly issued an instruction in this regard. Probably, we will be able to get a rough picture by early next week.  - 金融庁



Naturally, from the perspective of a local foreign financial institution, the proper involvement of a semi-public JBIC or JETRO would be sufficient reason for it to do business with Japanese companies as it would provide peace of mind. I believe that it is the lowest level of support that the government should provide. Amid the high yen situation, we have just made a decision to have the SME Financing Facilitation Act extended for one year. It is vital to have the bill passedfor the purpose of making it easier for SMEs to enter overseas markets, specifically, Asian markets, with peace of mind. As I pointed out the importance of the best public-private balance, our decision to launch this policy reflects our wish to elevate the Japanese economy by having the public and private sectors help each other to bring out the best of each other's strengths. Our administrative staff made a huge effort to put this policy measure together.  - 金融庁


However, in any case, regarding how to regulate and supervise investment advisory companies, we are now making strenuous efforts to accurately grasp the actual status of AIJ Investment Advisors' business operation management through the inspection of the company. After that, we will conduct a survey targeting all companies managing customers' assets based on discretionary investment contracts, and based on the results of the survey and deliberation on future actions, such as conducting inspection, the FSA and the Securities and Exchange Surveillance Commission (SESC) will make every possible effort to take measures to prevent the recurrence of cases like this without ruling out any option while maintaining close cooperation with relevant government ministries and agencies.  - 金融庁


The issue of reputational risk for financial institutions considering making an application for capital injection is sometimes cited as a background factor for the argument for simultaneous capital injections. However, I think that considering making an application for capital injection will mean, so to speak, making judgment as part of forward-looking management, namely considering how the management should be conducted and how the operating environment will change one year, three years and five years from now. It may also be regarded as the expression of a commitment to supporting local economies and local SMEs by exercising the financial intermediary function properly.  - 金融庁


Regarding my duties as the Minister for Financial Services, the basic missions of the Financial Services Agency (FSA) are to ensure the stability of the financial system, protect users, improve the convenience of users, and establish a fair and transparent market. However, the facilitation of financing, regarding which I received an instruction from the Prime Minister today, is also important. As the global recession has continued since the Lehman shock, which occurred three years ago, Mr. Kamei, my predecessor as the Minister for Financial Services, put into force the SME Financing Facilitation Act (Act concerning Temporary Measures to Facilitate Financing for SMEs, etc.). After holding hearings with four associations of small and medium-size enterprises (SMEs) and regional financial institutions in various places across Japan, including Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya, Fukuoka, Kitakyushu and Sendai, I concluded that it would be the right decision to extend this act for one year as the head of the administrative agency in charge of financial affairs. We will submit a relevant bill to the next ordinary session of the Diet and do all we can to have it enacted at an early date.  - 金融庁



I would like to remind you that, as was pointed out at the summit, it is extremely important that financial institutions holding subprime-related products or facing various other risks disclose data properly, including the extent of their exposures, in line with the leading disclosure practices. It is also important to steadily implement the recommendations by the FSF (Financial Stability Forum). These matters were pointed out in the summit declaration. Major Japanese financial institutions have made enhanced disclosures in the announcements of their financial results for the fiscal year ended in March 2008 and in their IR (investor relations) materials, in line with the leading disclosure practices specified by the FSF. I expect that Japanese financial institutions have gained a certain degree of market confidence through such disclosure efforts.  - 金融庁



The General Insurance Association of Japan provided active cooperation in this respect. As I have mentioned several times, the assessment of the extent of damage is critical to the non-life insurance business. As many houses were swept away by the tsunami, a non-life insurance company belonging to the association took the very flexible step of conducting area-by-area damage assessment based on aerial photographs. As has been reported by newspapers and other media, earthquake insurance claims totaling 1.13 trillion yen have already been paid in the six prefectures of the Tohoku region and Ibaraki Prefecture.  - 金融庁


As will be mentioned in a statement to be issued by the Prime Minister, we have tackled various policy challenges since the inauguration of the cabinet in June last year in the governing coalition of the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) and the People's New Party.At the informal meeting of cabinet ministers, I, as deputy leader of the People's New Party, expressed my gratitude to the DPJ's President and my cabinet colleagues for our collaboration.Four years ago, when I won a seat in the House of Councillors, I formed an opposition parliamentary group that brought together the DPJ, Shin-Ryokufukai, the People's New Party and New Party Nippon. And then, in a general election that was held two years ago, the DPJ and the People's New Party worked together to achieve a historic change of government.I have had valuable experiences as a politician, and there were ups and downs, but our party and the DPJ have supported each other.  - 金融庁


This measure makes it possible to certify the deaths of missing people without waiting for the adjudication of disappearance due to emergency, which can be made after the passage of one year from the earthquake disaster under the existing system. As a result, deposits and savings may be repaid, death claims may be paid and procedures for inheritance may be started. This is a matter on which the FSA has been working as a major issue behind the scenes. Since immediately after the earthquake, the FSA staff has been vigorously negotiating with the Ministry of Justice. In order to help disaster victims rebuild their lives as soon as possible, the FSA has been cooperating with other relevant ministries and agencies in considering what to do. I hope that this measure will facilitate quick repayment of deposits and savings, and payment of insurance claims.  - 金融庁

この手の枠組みと申しましょうか、取組みというのはそれほど新規のものではなくて、例えば、ご案内のとおり我が国は世界に先駆けて昨年の3月末からバーゼル II を実施に移したわけでございますが、そのバーゼル II 実施に先立って、例えば我が国の3メガバンクが進出をしている国の監督当局、すなわち世界の主要なマーケットの監督当局が東京に集まって、スーパーヴァイザリー・カレッジということで、3メガバンクそれぞれの銀行のリスク管理の状況等について、我が金融庁が中心的な参加者でありますけれども、他の主要国の監督当局の方々も一緒に集まってモニターをしたということもございました。例文帳に追加

A framework or approach like this is nothing new. For example, before the implementation of the Basel II framework - as you know, Japan was the first in the world to put it into force at the end of March last year - the supervisory authorities of the countries in which Japan's three megabanks are operating, namely, the supervisory authorities of the world's major markets, gathered in Tokyo for a "supervisory college" meeting. On that occasion, the foreign supervisory authorities, together with the FSA, monitored the three megabanks' risk management status.  - 金融庁


As I said earlier, I, together with the BOJ's Governor, have requested relevant financial institutions to take appropriate measures that take account of the convenience of the disaster victims in a timely manner. In response to our request that branches be kept open on holidays, nearly 90% of the branches were open last Sunday. Also, financial institutions have paid out deposits even in cases where depositors have lost their certificates of deposit and passbooks if identification can be made in some way or other. I am also aware that they have taken other measures that take account of the convenience of disaster victims, such as flexibly responding to customers' requests for consultation about new and existing loans. Moreover, we have submitted a bill to extend the SME Financing Facilitation Act (Act concerning Temporary Measures to Facilitate Financing for SMEs, etc. I hear that as this was a once-in-a millennia tsunami disaster, various people in the region and the ruling and opposition parties have reached agreement. In order to ensure recovery from the disaster, financial institutions are making serious efforts to take various appropriate financial measures in a timely manner and are cooperating while listening to the voice of local communities, prefectural governors, municipalities, and associations of small and medium-size enterprises. The FSA will also continue efforts to take appropriate measures.  - 金融庁


The public comment process is intended to receive opinions from people involved in practical work processes and from a broad range of investors, namely market participants actually doing transactions, and reflect reasonable opinions in our plan. As I said earlier, we will seek to strike the right balance between the effectiveness of the regulation and the smooth conduct of securities companieswork processes with due consideration of opinions received through the public comment process.  - 金融庁


However, we must strike a balance. It would be wrong to depend excessively on taxpayer money. In the case of a profitable project, if the private sector can undertake it on its own, it will generate decent profits and create new jobs, even without the involvement of DBJ. However, in Kyushu, projects of a public nature are carried out entirely at the national government’s expense. In such a case, the public nature is very strong. However, compared with in Tokyo, Osaka and Nagoya, it is very difficult, or even impossible, for the private sector to generate profits in Kyushu. Still, from the viewpoint of convenience for local communities and residents, policy-based finance is necessary. I believe that if a fixed low interest rate is available, a project can be carried out without losses even though profitability may be lower than in Tokyo and Osaka. I know of many such cases and what I have said is based on this knowledge.  - 金融庁


As a substantial number of employee pension fund operators managing assets for major companies have returned the portion of pensions entrusted by the government, so the number has rapidly decreased. There used to be 1,800 to 1,900 employee pension fund operators, so I suppose that the amount of pension assets managed by such fund operators was much larger than now. In any case, I expect that the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare will make an announcement in due course. Pension funds are entrusted on the premise that our precious assets accumulated over a long time of period, whether they be employee pensions or private pensions, are appropriately managed so that we can live a comfortable life in old age. As I said earlier in the Diet, deregulation has proceeded since the 1990s, following the Japan-U.S. financial consultations. At that time, there was the so-called regulation concerning employee pension funds (which required more than 50% of pension funds to be invested in safe assets while limiting investments in both stocks and foreign-currency assets to 30% or less, and those in real estate to 20% or less) so as to ensure investments in safe and secure assets, and this was a low-risk, low-return system.  - 金融庁


It is often mentioned that the market sometimes overshoots, and our capitalist economy is based on the assumption that such a temporary overshooting could occur. Therefore, although we do not think that an overshooting itself cannot be tolerated, we believe that if the loss of the market’s price formation function continues, a minimum level of government involvement is necessary in order to restore this function.  - 金融庁


As you know, we engaged in the process of selecting the winning bidder for Ashikaga Bank from three viewpoints: ensuring the bank's sustained financial intermediary function, securing the sustainability of the bank's business and minimizing the public financial burden. After all, we arrived at a solution that allows us to expect Ashikaga Bank to continue its business with a certain level of profit-generating capability, enables the bank to exercise the financial intermediary function on a sustained basis in Tochigi Prefecture and surrounding areas, and entails no financial cost for the taxpayer. I believe that this is a fairly good achievement.  - 金融庁


As you know, DPJ President and Prime Minister Kan and (PNP) Chief Kamei had a leader meeting the day following the day Prime Minister Kan assumed office, I believe, during which a decision to form a coalition was made. As I happened to be the Secretary General back then, I was also present at this meeting to witness, as I have explained, President Kan and Chief Kamei reach an agreement on creating an alternative to the Ministerial Committee on Basic Policies, which had been set up for the previous three-party coalition to coordinate their policies. This has not been done because everyone got a little busy in preparation for the election, as I have just talked about. Another point is that members of the PNP, being one of the parties in the coalition, have naturally raised voices requesting strongly that views of the party be reflected in the coalition. It is therefore not so much about the ceiling debate, although there are, of course, voices raised on the subject of ceilings, as it is simply natural that a coalition government should need to coordinate policies. That is what I reminded Prime Minister Kan of today, and he responded by saying that it is a matter of fact and telling Policy Research Committee Chair and Minister of State Gemba to create a proper system for it. While I did have a talk with Mr. Gemba later on, this is an issue between parties and I am sure that it will accordingly be handled properly, as it should be, by the Chief, or Secretary General or Policy Research Committee Chair of our party.  - 金融庁


As for the relationship between the new regulation and the better regulation initiative, they are related to each other in several points. For one thing, the better regulation initiative calls for enhancement of transparency and predictability concerning regulatory actions. An unspecified number of customers are participating in FX transactions, while business operators who act as mediators for customers' transactions, unlike banks and insurance companies, for example, operate under the registration system and are subject to relatively easy regulation. In this regard, the increasing leverage poses a problem from the viewpoint of customer protection as I mentioned earlier, and it will become inevitable in some cases to apply rules-based regulation universally to an unspecified number of market participants. However, we pay some consideration to the predictability of the rules-based regulation by drafting proposals for the regulation based on various opinions and soliciting public comments on the proposals.  - 金融庁


Frankly speaking, I think that the Japanese people’s everyday lives are gloomy. Given Japan’s traditional belief that hard work is a virtue and brings about benefits, the fact that hard-working people are not rewarded with appropriate benefits could shake the very foundation of Japanese society. Although it is difficult to define a departure or an improvement from such a situation as I said earlier, it has been my belief that tackling this situation should be the top priority.  - 金融庁


The requests were issued under the title "Regarding Anti-Disaster Financial Measures Concerning the 2008 the Iwate-Miyagi Inland Earthquake." They included requests that financial institutions allow depositors who have lost deposit certificates and passbooks to withdraw deposits after confirming their identity, and that they accept premature cancellations of time deposits and the like depending on the circumstances of depositors and provide loans with such deposits as collateral. There was also a request that, in consideration of the damage done by the earthquake and emergency fund needs, financial institutions promptly take appropriate measures to accommodate the earthquake victims, such as opening an office for consultations concerning loans, simplifying loan screening procedures, speeding up the provision of loans and accepting debt moratorium.  - 金融庁


For example, I heard from branch managers of Japanese banks in Beijing that their LDR is 110 percent, 90 percent or something like that, as they make more loans than the deposits that they have accepted in China. Seen from another angle, the Chinese economy is extremely hot now and, accordingly, Japanese companies that went to China have very high demand for financing. As it is also not easy for those Japanese companies to borrow money from Chinese banks right after they arrive in China, what they quite commonly do, naturally, is to do business with banks that they are familiar with back in Japan. I explained those circumstances to Premier Wen Jiabao.  - 金融庁


Let me move on to the next topic, for which I had a question from Mr. Takahashi, who is a freelance journalist, during the last press conference and I said that I would answer it after looking into it. In his question, Mr. Takahashi asked for my thoughts on the fact that former Minister Takenaka has not resigned from the post of Chief Research Director of Gaitame.Com Research Institute even after a business suspension order was issued against its parent company, Gaitame.Com. Due to the lack of information that had thus far come to my attention, I am answering his question today as I am now aware that when Gaitame.Com Research Institute, a wholly owned subsidiary of Gaitame.Com, was founded in June 2009, former Minister Heizo Takenaka assumed the post of Chief Research Director and is still in office.  - 金融庁


Regarding the review of the postal businesses, as I told you the other day, we intend to draw up a bill to suspend the sale of shares and assets before the start of the extraordinary Diet session, and, if possible, we hope to enact a basic law, too. However, as the period of the session is very short, we must race against the clock if we are to enact the latter. Therefore, it is not clear whether we can fix the details of the basic law in the short period of time, so it may be better to listen to more opinions from various people. The Prime Minister also offered me a good idea (about business of the Japan Post) when I met him yesterday. As I told you over and over again, I have no intention of restoring the postal businesses, which have been broken up by Mr. Koizumi (former Prime Minister), to their status before the breakup  - 金融庁


According to the progress report, regional financial institutions are engaging in a variety of activities, including supporting improvement in the management of borrower companies, utilizing support centers for the rehabilitation of small and medium-size enterprises (SMEs), supporting corporate rehabilitation based on rehabilitation plans drawn up by the lenders and providing loans that do not rely too much on collateral or guarantee, and substantial results have been achieved, generally speaking. In addition, some financial institutions recognize that such activities are not only beneficial for borrower SMEs but are also helping to improve the financial soundness and profitability of the lending financial institutions.  - 金融庁


I spoke with FRB (Federal Reserve Board) Chairman Bernanke two weeks ago and also had a chance to speak with People's Bank of China Governor Zhou Xiaochuan this week. Frankly speaking, this is, as a matter of fact, a kind of issue to be decided on by the global forum of the G20, as it relates to stability of financial institutions worldwide and, at the same time, the definition of capital adequacy, and the quality and quantity debate, among other things. A dozen years or so ago, Japan was hit by a financial crisis. When I was previously a minister, I witnessed something similar – the failure of the Hokkaido Takushoku Bank – which resulted in a credit crunch and credit withdrawal that, as many of you must remember, indeed caused a large number of companies to go under one after another. In that sense, it is not necessarily a positive thing to make a capital adequacy ratio higher and higher.  - 金融庁


The rule change regarding the capital adequacy ratio was recently decided and announced and is now in the public comment process. The partial introduction of flexibility into the capital adequacy ratio regulation reflects circumstances specific to Japan, as exemplified by Japanese banksrelatively large exposure to stocks. Behind the increasing volatility of Japanese stock prices are foreign investment fundsactivities, as a result of which we are now witnessing seemingly irrational events, such as the average PBR (price-to-book ratio) for stocks listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange dropping below one. Meanwhile, valuation losses on securities holdings are required to be deducted from the Tier 1 capital in the calculation of the capital adequacy ratio. We have concluded that for the management of the Japanese economy, it is essential to prevent foreign investment fundsactivities from significantly affecting and undermining the financial intermediary function of Japanese deposit-taking financial institutions, so we have decided on this as an extraordinary measure.  - 金融庁


Next, the Japanese subsidiary, Lehman Brothers Japan Inc., notified us on September 15 that it may become insolvent in the long term, so the FSA (Financial Services Agency) issued a business suspension order to the company on the same day. In addition, the company filed for civil rehabilitation procedures on September 16, and the start of the procedures was approved on September 19. I understand that the company will be managed in the future based on advice from its agents for the application of the bankruptcy procedures and its attorneys, as well as supervisors and lawyers appointed by the court to monitor its financial and business operations.  - 金融庁


I do not think there are any inconsistencies in the logic. If my memory serves me correctly, the “pay-offscheme was established around 1971—back then, many banks went bankrupt. In my personal experience, while I served as Minister in the Second Hashimoto Cabinet from 1997 to 1998, Hokkaido Takushoku Bank went bankrupt, Yamaichi Securities collapsed, and dozens of financial institutions failed in Japan at the time. As depositors were extremely anxious back then due to the collapse of many financial institutions, the government decided not to implement the “pay-offscheme between 1996 and March 2002 despite the existence of legal provisions. Today, financial conditions have somewhat settled since the collapse of Ashikaga Bank, and Japan’s financial climate is calm on the whole, notwithstanding the Lehman Brothers shockwave on a global scale. At the end of the day, I believe depositors need to choose banks based on the principle of self-responsibility. At the same time, there is one thing I would like to emphasize especially to top management executives—the borrowers. They should feel very sorry to depositors if thepay-offscheme is implemented. Individuals with 10 million yen in deposits plus interest who are entitled to receive provisional payback under the Deposit Insurance Act will ultimately have the amount reduced to a certain extent, thereby causing substantial trouble to depositors. In that sense, all top management executives and others involved in the management of Japanese financial institutions should re-acknowledge the gravity of their management responsibility for financial business.  - 金融庁


In Diet deliberations, too, there is an awareness that it is necessary to take measures to counter the adverse effects of external factors on the soundness of financial institutionsfinancial conditions, including the strains in local economies caused by the current financial crisis and an increase in non-performing loans that financial institutions operating in local economies are facing, and prevent a significant erosion of financial institutionslending capacity and their financial intermediary function. To perform these tasks is the purpose of this bill. So, I believe that it is important to screen applications so as to detect cases in which the soundness of the applicant’s financial condition has declined obviously because of lax management practices.  - 金融庁


This means that we are struggling hard to make ends meet and, as everyone well realizes, international meetings have become extremely important in the world of finance since the Lehman crisis, because it is now indeed a very critical global issue to decide how to harmonize on an international scale a given country's domestic economic trends or the financial condition, or economic condition, that it has traditionally been situated in. Therefore, what has to be done on an international scale must be done properly in the form of policy coordination or as G20 initiatives, as otherwise no effect could be expected in an era of increasing globalization in finance or the economy that we live in now, and each country is equally struggling to achieve that end, which explains why there are so many international meetings. That is, as you see, the situation we have now, and I also happened to hear just yesterday in connection with this subject that our Office of International Affairs is in serious shortage of labor, a fact that stands in contrast to such critical importance of the FSA, to which a mere 22 billion yen is given as its budget, and the extremely significant role that financial policies play in an economy. As I have just said, though, now is a very important and delicate period of time both internationally and domestically and we are accordingly charged with a weighty responsibility. Seeing as the FSA is a public office with labor costs representing its main spending category, I did emphatically asked that attention should be paid to that point and, actually, similar comments were also made by the National Police Agency and the Ministry of Justice, both of them being ministries with a hefty payroll as well. In the case of the FSA, it is not really my particular intention to make a case to represent an interest of the FSA, but the fact still remains that it is in charge of a very important field.  - 金融庁


As for your question as to whether the exposures to Lehman Brothers are properly hedged, I believe that it is up to individual financial institutions to make appropriate decisions on what positions to hold and how to hedge them as part of their overall risk management. Therefore, I believe that whether their overall risk management is properly conducted is more important.  - 金融庁


The General Insurance Association of Japan, for example, provided very vigorous cooperation. Usually, assessment of the extent of damage is very important for non-life insurance. This time, one of the association's member companies has undertaken the assessment of damage based on aerial photographs. As you know, the estimated amount of earthquake insurance claims paid, mainly in the six prefectures of the Tohoku region, is 1,200 billion yen, with the amount for Miyagi Prefecture alone at 520 billion to 530 billion yen, according to a recent newspaper report. The chairman of a bank with nation-wide operations recently paid me a courtesy visit after being elected at the general shareholders' meeting and told me about an increase in deposits at his bank's Sendai branch.  - 金融庁


I made a comment at the informal ministerial gathering today, which was obviously not a comment from the head of the administration, but I am Vice-Chief of the People's New Party (PNP), and the current government is, as you know, a coalition of the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) and the PNP. Accordingly, Prime Minister Kan, right after he assumed office, met with (PNP) Chief Shizuka Kamei to discuss how the two parties would cooperate in policymaking, at which meeting I was also present as the PNP Secretary-General at that time. Under the three-party coalition that preceded the current one, there was a committee called the Ministerial Committee on Basic Policies, which was set up as a forum for the parties to coordinate or match their policies, but then the Social Democratic Party left the coalition. That is why how the remaining parties should cooperate in policymaking afterwards was a subject of discussion at the party leader meeting right after Prime Minister Kan became the new Prime Minister, during which both leaders agreed to go about it properly. Then as it turned out, as you know, we had a House of Councilors election and the same subject also just came up again during the recent meeting of the two party leaders, who supposedly agreed to "do it (policy cooperation)." That is why I decided to make an elaborate comment on this subject to Prime Minister Kan at today's informal ministerial gathering, to which Prime Minister Kan responded by telling Mr. Gemba, who is a state minister and is also DPJ's Policy Research Committee Chair, to work on policy cooperation with the PNP in the proper way - therefore, Policy Research Committee Chair Gemba and I proceeded to discuss how it should be done, a task that I presume will basically be handled mainly by policy research committee chairs.  - 金融庁


However, in other cases, we will require the exercise of the consulting function, such as diagnosis of the condition of companies and advice on and support for optimal solutions. There are also institutional frameworks and schemes for various other activities, such as enhancing relationship banking and strengthening cooperation with prefectural consultation forums on support for business rehabilitation of SMEs, as well as strengthening cooperation with prefectural industrial reconstruction organizations in the three disaster-stricken prefectures of the Tohoku region. The Rehabilitation Support Organization for Companies Damaged by the Great East Japan Earthquake was established on the basis of a bill jointly drawn up by lawmakers of the three ruling parties at that time, and support for business rehabilitation has been promoted. The Development Bank of Japan plays the central role in setting up funds in cooperation with private financial institutions.  - 金融庁


Our top-down initiative to have the Amended Money Lending Business Act Follow-Up Team established in the face of a situation like that may sound like a minor thing, but it was nevertheless a decent and fair action brought about by the change of administration. The fact is that we live in a democratic nation, and our government is a publicly elected government. If a politician's eyes are always turned upwards like those of a flounderwell, I would not quite say that he would become oblivious to how the people are living, but he nevertheless could become increasingly insensitive to how each individual person is living or how each individual person is faring or suffering in life. Looking back at my 22 years with the Liberal Democratic Party, I myself admit with remorse that I also had such a tendency.  - 金融庁


The other issue is that documents which financial institutions are required to submit to the Financial Services Agency (FSA) have been increasing over the past decade. I discussed this issue yesterday with the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry to reduce the documents by 20 percent. In the organization of bureaucracy, there is no one but the Minister of State elected by the people who can make such a suggestion. Financial institutions cannot say that they would like to have the burden of paperwork reduced to the FSA, a regulatory authority, even if they want to. The three representatives I asked yesterday told me that their burden of paperwork is enormous. As this issue has been in my mind for some time, I told the FSA Commissioner, on their behalf, to look into specific ways of reducing the documents to be submitted by financial institutions to the FSA. I intend to work on this issue properly.  - 金融庁


Since I took office as the Minister for Financial Services, I visited the United States and China as well as European cities, such as Paris and Brussels. In 1997 and 1998, when I served as the Postal Minister in the second Hashimoto cabinet, Hokkaido Takushoku Bank and Yamaichi Securities failed. At that time and in subsequent periods, I had a very bitter but valuable experience as a cabinet minister. As I repeatedly say at my press conferences here, although a larger capital base makes banks safer and sounder, they may tighten their lending stance as they seek to increase their capital.  - 金融庁



As we have done every year, we selected cases from the inspection results reported from July of last year to June of this year and published them in the form of the latest Compilation of Problem Cases Raised in Financial Inspections for the 2009 program year, as you've just pointed out, which I expect each financial institution to refer to when formulating its future internal control system. With the successful enactment of the SME Financing Facilitation Act when former Minister Kamei was in office, it is now ensured, as you know, that in times of an economic downturn like the one we currently find ourselves in, financial institutions should adequately address requests for easing lending terms or changing housing loan terms, etc. In a sense, this has achieved a substantial change, if not quite a sea change, from the way financial administration was run in the past, and we need to keep that in mind. I know an SME owner in my hometown who employs about 100 people, about 50 of them being permanent employees and the rest working on a non-permanent basis, and who says that he is able to barely survive thanks to the establishment of the SME Financing Facilitation Act but also speaks out, "Mr. Jimi, we are now desperate for more work." He also goes on to say that "I personally feel that I could close down the business, but I am hanging on, struggling with all my might - because every one of my 100 workers has a family."  - 金融庁


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