
「思_」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(914ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索










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DPJ, the Social Democratic Party and PNP together issued the three-party pact. This represents a common policy of the three parties issued on August 16 of last year in the run-up to the election. It was developed in the circumstances in which excessive regulatory reforms implemented by Mr. Koizumi, coupled with excessive market fundamentalism, had brought much instability to the lives of the Japanese people. That is the basic premise of this coalition government. Subsequently, after winning the election, we articulated the idea into the three-party pact. I find it a positive thing that the people are voicing various opinions in line with the cause. And we have made a decision to set up an inspection committee. I believe that it is necessary to properly inspect any significant incident on a case-by-case basis.  - 金融庁


In my view, politics must have a vision as to "whether to give short-term benefits or deliver a policy that will be beneficial over time." Currently, 16.5 million individuals, or one person in every three households, own stocks. As 70 percent of the Japanese people are making five million yen or less in annual income, this means that common people own stocks. We live in a capitalistic society, so the question is how great an effect can be expected from the movement of money and rises in stock prices that a policy entailsas stocks are capital, a stock tax break carries a meaning different from other tax breaks.  - 金融庁


We also had the "Development and Strengthening of A System of Support for Mid-sized to Large Companies' and Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises' Entry into the Asian Region, etc. under A Partnership between Japanese Financial Institutions, the Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC), the Japanese External Trade Organization (JETRO) and Others," which was not written up much (in newspapers and other media). This represents an approach of utilizing JBIC (Japan Bank for International Cooperation) and JETRO (Japan External Trade Organization), which is overseen by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), and this is a quite revolutionary initiative unprecedented in the history of economic and fiscal policies and financial policies in the 65 years in post-war Japan.  - 金融庁


I apologize for specifically naming him, but I wrote in my blog about a special article that he contributed in the New Year combined issue, or December 25 or special Christmas issue, of Diamond Weekly. I feel humble enough not to say that I share his exact same thought but, having served as the Minister for Financial Services for half a year, I highly sympathized with his article. In that sense, as I have just explained with an analogy between a human body and the economy as a doctor with 40 years in the profession, I appreciate the experience that I had by serving as the Minister for Financial Services and accordingly feel committed to continuing to work hard.  - 金融庁



It is said that there are demand-supply gaps amounting to 25 trillion yen. This means that due to the recession, blood cannot serve its full function without healthy organs and healthy muscles. In that light, establishing the SME Financing Facilitation Act was tantamount to supplying proper nutrition to the parts that were receiving virtually no nutrition. There is a fact from a viewpoint of the overall economy that 99.7 percent of all companies (in Japan) are SMEs, which was why I visited Tokyo, Osaka, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka, Sendai and other cities to hear voices of SME business groups firsthand. In the face of a case of frostbite or close to becoming frostbitten in the snow, so to speak, it is an important task for a politician to warm the patient and facilitate blood circulation, because a recovery is very possible.  - 金融庁



While a consensus was reached on some issues at the Seoul summit, the financial system is integrated. As a broad framework of the global economy is important in that sense, I, as the head of an administrative agency, would like to listen to various opinions from the officials involved in policy-making decisions. I will listen to them about what they are going to do while looking them in the eye and watching how they look. For Japan, the financial sector has been a very significant destabilizing factor for the past few years in particular. In this sense, I will go to Europe with a resolve to perform my duties as the head of an administrative agency-although I hear that it is very cold in Europe.  - 金融庁


Concerning the Incubator Bank of Japan, we invoked the “payoffprocedure (limited deposit protection) last year for the first time since the end of World War II. As a result of the failure of the Incubator Bank of Japan, some depositors face cuts in the portion of their deposits that are in excess of 10 million yen and interest on that portion as you mentioned in your question, and I feel very sorry for the people as the minister in charge. At the same time, however, the “payoffis internationally the mainstream measure to be taken in the event of a failure of a financial institution or bank. As we must take financial discipline into consideration, and as ensuring the stability of the financial system as a whole is an important task for the Financial Services Agency (FSA), we have decided to invoke the payoff procedure for the first time since the end of World War II as an inevitable measure.  - 金融庁


In any case, Mr. Tanabe, a former official of the Bank of Japan, has been appointed as the new governor of DIC. During the previous Diet session, I heard Mr. Tanabe, who was not yet the DIC governor at that time, speak before the House of Councillors’ Financial Affairs Committee. His remarks sounded very reasonable and I found him to be well versed in financial affairs and a man of great character. Therefore, I nominated him as the governor. Since his appointment was approved by the Diet, I hear that he has been leading DIC with strong enthusiasm and conscientious dedication. In any case, I understand that DIC will consider this matter appropriately in accordance with law.  - 金融庁


I said in the morning, a review committee will be established. Although I was told that this was a matter to be decided by Prime Minister Kan and PNP leader Kamei, I will undertake the establishment of this committee because I have been appointed as the Minister for Financial Services for the third term. The people’s trust is the most important thing for the financial sector, so it is necessary to appropriately review matters regarding which we receive questions. We are now selecting committee members. Although it is too early to make an announcement, we are making selections behind the scenes.  - 金融庁



As for the continued strong preference for savings, which you mention, as you know, more than half of the financial assets held by individuals, worth 1,500 trillion yen in all, are held in the form of cash and bank deposits. In order to establish a society in which everyone feels affluent, we believe that it is critical to provide individual investors with appropriate opportunities to invest. The FSA has been implementing various measures, such as creating an environment favorable to investment by individual investors in risk-laden assets, including through tax measures and the diversification of products available on exchanges. The FSA intends to continue promoting a shift from "savings to investment."  - 金融庁



I have questions about the remarks made by Minister for Financial Services Watanabe during his trip to Kuala Lumpur and reported by newspapers. I understand that the minister indicated his intention to call for the U.S. and European authorities to take prompt actions regarding major financial institutions that face capital shortages, including the injection of public funds, from the viewpoint of ensuring their soundness. What is your thinking in this regard? Also, I hear that Minister Watanabe indicated a plan under which the Japanese authorities will provide financial support for such actions. Could you tell me about your views on this plan, including whether there is a scheme for the provision of such support?  - 金融庁


Rather than giving scores to the current state of affairs, we should establish a framework that enables dispute settlement which provides sufficient satisfaction to both sides of the dispute, namely the provider of financial services and the consumer. This should be the ultimate goal. I think that we should continue our study on what kind of framework is the most realistic one that produces sustainable effects for Japan.  - 金融庁


I would like to refrain from commenting directly on the activities of foreign law enforcement authorities. This is a point that the FSA has been aware of since last autumn and that has been pointed out in the first report of Minister Watanabe's Financial Markets Strategy Team, but behind the fact that the subprime mortgage problem has led to a criminal case is the fact that this problem is related to a business model known as "originate-to-distribute" (which creates credit on the premise that risks will be transferred from the originator to other parties), based on the financial engineering technique of securitization.  - 金融庁


I would like to remind you that, as was pointed out at the summit, it is extremely important that financial institutions holding subprime-related products or facing various other risks disclose data properly, including the extent of their exposures, in line with the leading disclosure practices. It is also important to steadily implement the recommendations by the FSF (Financial Stability Forum). These matters were pointed out in the summit declaration. Major Japanese financial institutions have made enhanced disclosures in the announcements of their financial results for the fiscal year ended in March 2008 and in their IR (investor relations) materials, in line with the leading disclosure practices specified by the FSF. I expect that Japanese financial institutions have gained a certain degree of market confidence through such disclosure efforts.  - 金融庁


As I said earlier, Japanese financial institutions have begun to be confronted with the current global financial market turmoil and the resultant stock price plunge at a time when their bad loans and bad assets have decreased compared with the 1990s, after the bursting of the bubble, and the early 2000s, while their capital has increased. In light of our experiences of the 1990s, I believe that their resilience against market turmoil like this has considerably improved.  - 金融庁


Today, the Prime Minister instructed us to consider expanding the scope of the government’s capital participation under this act. As this act is intended to secure the stability of the financial foundation of financial institutions, even as volatile market movements occur, and to enable financial institutions to actively take risks and act as financial intermediaries so that they can smoothly exercise their financial functions for regional economies. Therefore, I believe that we should consider this matter with a view to ensuring a sufficient amount of funds.  - 金融庁


In the meantime, regarding global market developments, a flight to quality has occurred in the United States and Europe, as well as in other regions, in the form of the flow of funds to sovereign bonds and the commodities market as a result of the reduced risk tolerance of various investment funds. Furthermore, recently, even the flight to cash has occurred. Amid these violent upheavals sweeping through the global markets, the stock market has also shown a very sharp volatility.  - 金融庁


This uses a market value as the basis of evaluation when the trading volume of a specific financial product is sufficient to make the market price reliable - which represents a mark-to-market approach - while using a price calculated on the basis of rational estimation, or a theoretical value, when a reliable market price is not available for reasons such as market turmoil- which represents a mark-to-model approach. The set of these two approaches constitutes fair-value accounting, and "jika-kaikei" as used by accounting professionals usually means fair-value accounting in this sense. Meanwhile, I suppose that there are general misunderstandings that "jika-kaikei" refers only to the mark-to-market part of these two elements and universally applies market prices.  - 金融庁


The public comment process is intended to receive opinions from people involved in practical work processes and from a broad range of investors, namely market participants actually doing transactions, and reflect reasonable opinions in our plan. As I said earlier, we will seek to strike the right balance between the effectiveness of the regulation and the smooth conduct of securities companieswork processes with due consideration of opinions received through the public comment process.  - 金融庁


We will approve capital injection if applicants are judged to be eligible as a result of the screening of their business plans by a panel of third-party experts, and I hope that they will use the funds as the source of loans for the local economy and to small and medium-size enterprises (SMEs). Thus, these funds are not targeted at financial institutions but at local SMEs that need funds. In this sense, although we cannot force them to use public funds injected as capital, I would appreciate it if they actively use the funds.  - 金融庁


Regarding the revised Act on Special Measures for Strengthening Financial Functions, which will be put into effect on December 17, I would like to confirm some points related to the flow of procedures from the application to the capital injection. Are you considering setting a deadline for accepting applications as the United States does under the TAAP (capital injection program) or screening applications as they come at random times? If the fund-raising situation at the end of the calendar and fiscal years is taken into consideration, I think that it may be reasonable to set a deadline.  - 金融庁


There is speculation that a G7 meeting (meeting of the Group of Seven Finance Ministers and central bank governors) will be held in Italy, although a formal announcement may not have been made. I suppose that this may be characterized as a preparatory meeting for the financial summit scheduled to be held in London in April. While there is an argument that something like an international financial surveillance organization should be established under the United Nations amid the ongoing debate on international finance, you have been calling for the enhancement of cooperation between the authorities. How do you feel about the idea of establishing an international surveillance organization or something similar?  - 金融庁


Regarding restructured loans, a measure called "an expansion of criteria for treating loans as not equivalent to restructured loans" was announced on November 7 last year. This was adopted as a permanent measure to enable financial institutions to relax the lending terms for small and medium-size enterprises in order to improve their fund-raising and business conditions. This measure was taken so that financial institutions could support corporate activity amid the deterioration of Japan's real economy. While it is true that the financial results are based on the implementation of measures adopted for this purpose, I think that it is important to carefully watch the financial conditions of financial institutions, including the total credit costs.  - 金融庁


Regardless of whether Japan will consider taking such a measure, the FDIC is responsible for managing the federal deposit insurance system and covers the cost of protecting depositors in the case of a bankruptcy of a financial institution with the insurance premiums it collects, hence, the financial burden on FDIC would increase if a financial institution facing a deteriorating management condition, which theoretically means an increasing probability of bankruptcy, solicits deposits at high interest rates and eventually goes bankrupt. As this will impose a burden on other financial institutions that pay insurance premiums, a situation of moral hazard will arise.  - 金融庁


Last week, a recommendation was made in relation to an insider trading case involving a certified public accountant. This is the second insider trading case involving a certified public accountant, following the one that involved an accountant at Ernst & Young ShinNihon LLC. What do you think of the fact that a certified public accountant, from whom a high level of ethics is required, was involved in a case like this? It has been recognized that an employee of Nomura Securities leaked M&A-related information. Another employee of the company was previously involved in an insider trading case. What do you think of the fact that a similar incident occurred again at the same division of the same company? Also, about what points will the FSA question Nomura Securities and what actions will it take?  - 金融庁


You pointed out that the structure of business entities is transforming with regard to the securities business, or I should say the investment banking business, and traditional commercial banking. However, apart from the issue of how a financial institution engaging in the financial intermediary business should be structured, there are various channels of financial intermediation, including both direct financing, which is part of the investment banking business, and indirect financing, which mainly comprises deposit-taking and the lending of funds.  - 金融庁


If we look at the current state of the conduct of financial administration by the FSA after considering the respective roles of the rules- and principles-based approaches, we recognize that as Minister Lozano said, the positions of the FSA and the Ministry of Finance as separate administrative organs have become clear, both in name and in substance, now that the FSA has more than 10 years of experience of financial administration in its legal capacity as an agency separate from the ministry and based on the exclusive authority over financial administration delegated to it.  - 金融庁


Although this article included some personal opinions of my own, there is a consensus within the FSA, for example on the idea that it is necessary to remain cautious about the argument that the required capital adequacy level should be raised universally without accurately identifying the differences in business models and risk profiles between individual financial institutions or paying adequate attention to an appropriate assessment of asset value, namely without putting sufficient emphasis on the accuracy of the risk asset amount, which constitutes the denominator of the calculation formula of the capital adequacy ratio.  - 金融庁


As far as the revised Money Lending Act is concerned, to tell you the truth, I saw on TV that fulltime homemakers with no particular income are having great difficulties because they need to have a letter of consent from their respective spouses who have an income in order to get a loan. At the institutional level, the Act was passed unanimously by all the parties, so it may be essential for them to comply with the Act, but government administration needs to get an accurate grasp of whether the legislation is really functioning as intended according to the actual circumstances. I have been informed that about 15 million people are front-line users of money lending services. In that sense, I took the political initiative in creating the Follow-up Team. Your understanding will be highly appreciated in this regard.  - 金融庁


However, of course, there is a possibility that the use of public funds could impose a burden on taxpayers, so we may say that this is a framework for risk-taking by taxpayers. In this sense, the application of the existing act was naturally conditioned on the viability of the collection of injected public funds. Generally speaking, when we design a framework for capital injection, the need to avoid creating a framework that may foster moral hazard is one of the matters we must consider.  - 金融庁


As I did not watch that television program, I do not exactly know what he meant by the expressionkeep themselves going beyond the end of the year.” However, similar expressions are often used by business managers, including SME managers, such as when they say that they do not knowwhether we can secure sufficient funds to keep us goingbeyond the end of the year, or beyond the end of the fiscal year. The condition of Japan’s real economy - the condition of regional economies and SMEs - is very severe. Therefore, business managers apparently speak of the difficulty of keeping themselves going beyond the end of the year. However, we have taken measures to keep the financial system stable, and those measures have now been well established, as I said earlier.  - 金融庁


One of them, which constitutes a major pillar of the reform, is the adoption of a macro-prudential policy, which seeks to strengthen the stability of the financial system as a whole with systemic risks in mind. On this point, Japan is in deep agreement with the United States, and Japan will need to study this matter in relation to how its own financial regulation and supervision should be conducted while carefully watching global developments from the viewpoint of realizing internationally consistent regulation and supervision. We should also strive to ensure appropriate supervision while strengthening our cooperation with foreign supervisory authorities as well as with the Bank of Japan, although there is already considerable cooperation  - 金融庁


Many countries agree with this argument but think that the strengthening of regulation should be discussed after the global financial system has been normalized. We have to give consideration to two points. One is whether or not the strengthening of capital adequacy regulation will lead to a credit crunch. The other is whether we can secure an international agreement that suits the circumstances of the Japanese financial sector. As conclusions concerning these matters will be reached by December, Japan also wants to actively participate in the working-level debatesI understand that the FSA (Financial Services Agency) Commissioner will visit Basel soon — that are intended to lay down common global rules.  - 金融庁


Regarding the review of the postal businesses, as I told you the other day, we intend to draw up a bill to suspend the sale of shares and assets before the start of the extraordinary Diet session, and, if possible, we hope to enact a basic law, too. However, as the period of the session is very short, we must race against the clock if we are to enact the latter. Therefore, it is not clear whether we can fix the details of the basic law in the short period of time, so it may be better to listen to more opinions from various people. The Prime Minister also offered me a good idea (about business of the Japan Post) when I met him yesterday. As I told you over and over again, I have no intention of restoring the postal businesses, which have been broken up by Mr. Koizumi (former Prime Minister), to their status before the breakup  - 金融庁


Regarding global taxes, we are concerned that establishing taxes earmarked for development expenditures would create fiscal rigidity.Also, it would be hard to identify taxable objects that clearly have close link to ODA, thus making it difficult to justify them as taxes earmarked to development expenditure.Moreover, because we still have to overcome many difficult issues, such as how to establish a global taxation authority and how to coordinate specific tax schemes among participant countries, the feasibility of global taxes seems to be rather low.We also have to carefully consider who would make decisions to use and allocate these tax revenues and how those decisions would be made.  - 財務省


Provision may be made by rules as to the amendment of registered particulars relating to a licence so as to reflect any alteration of the terms of the licence; the removal of such particulars from the register where it appears from the registered particulars that the licence was granted for a fixed period and that period has expired; or where no such period is indicated and, after such period as may be prescribed, the Registrar has notified the parties of his intention to remove the particulars from the register; the amendment or removal from the register of particulars relating to an interest by way of security on the application of, or with the consent of, the person entitled to the benefit of that interest.  - 特許庁

2) 登録官は,当該付託書及び陳述書の写しを次の者に送付する。(a) 付託の当事者でなく,かつ,求められている命令に対する同意の意を別段に書面で表示していない各共同所有者 (b) 特許出願に係る何らかの権利が移転又は付与されるべき者として当該付託書に記載されている者 (c) 付託当事者でなく,特許出願について何らかの権利を有する者として登録簿に記入されている者 (d) (付託の当事者でなく)関連する取引,証書又は事件について登録官に通知を行った者,及び (e) 特許出願又は第24条(2)(a)に基づいて提出される陳述書において,当該発明に係る発明者若しくは共同発明者として,又は発明者若しくは共同発明者であると信じられる者として確認されたすべての者例文帳に追加

(2) The Registrar shall send a copy of the reference and statement to -- (a) each co-proprietor who is not a party to the reference and who has not otherwise indicated, in writing, his consent to the making of the order sought; (b) any person to whom it is alleged in the reference that any right in or under an application for a patent should be transferred or granted; (c) any person, not being a party to the reference, who is shown in the register as having a right in or under the patent application; (d) any person (not being a party to the reference) who has given notice to the Registrar of a relevant transaction, instrument or event; and (e) every person who has been identified in the application for the patent or a statement filed under section 24(2)(a) as being, or being believed to be, the inventor or joint inventor of the invention. - 特許庁


(e) where the application is an international application for a patent (Singapore) that has entered the national phase in Singapore under section (3) -- (i) file -- (A) a copy of the international search report issued in respect of the application; (B) where the international search report is not in English, an English translation of the international search report; (C) a copy of each prescribed document and, where required by the rules, an English translation of the document if it is not in English; and (D) a request in the prescribed form for an examination report, and pay the prescribed fee for an examination report; or (ii) file a notice in the prescribed form of the applicant's intention to rely on the international preliminary report on patentability in respect of that application. - 特許庁

(3) 契約又はライセンスの条件は,次の場合は,本条により無効とされない。 (a) 契約の成立又はライセンスの許諾の時点で,当該供給者又は実施許諾者が契約又はライセンスに指定する適切な条件により,かつ,(1)にいうような条件なしに,当該製品の供給又は場合により当該発明実施のライセンス許諾を,供給を受ける者又は実施権者に行う意があった場合,及び (b) 供給を受ける者又は実施権者が当該契約又はライセンスに基づいて,相手方に書面をもって3月の予告通知を行い,かつ,大臣により任命された仲裁人により決定される補償金の当該相手方への支払(供給契約の場合は,当該契約の残余期間分及びライセンスの場合は,当該ライセンスの残余期間分のロイヤルティの一括払又は定期分割払)を行った上で,当該条件を遵守する義務を免れる場合例文帳に追加

(3) A condition or term of a contract or licence shall not be void by virtue of this section if -- (a) at the time of the making of the contract or granting of the licence, the supplier or licensor was willing to supply the product, or grant a licence to work the invention, as the case may be, to the person supplied or the licensee, on reasonable terms specified in the contract or licence and without any such condition or term as is mentioned in subsection (1); and (b) the person supplied or the licensee is entitled under the contract or licence to relieve himself of his liability to observe the condition or term on giving to the other party 3 months' notice in writing, and subject to payment to that other party of such compensation (being, in the case of a contract to supply, a lump sum or rent for the residue of the term of the contract and, in the case of a licence, a royalty for the residue of the term of the licence) as may be determined by an arbitrator appointed by the Minister. - 特許庁

(3)商標登録出願が2004年7月1日より前になされ,当該商標が, (a)先の商標と同一又は類似のもの,及び (b)先の商標の保護の対象である商品又はサービスとは類似しない商品又はサービスについて登録しようとする後の商標は, 次の場合は登録されない。すなわち,(i)先の商標がシンガポールで周知である場合 (ii)後の商標の登録を求める商品又はサービスに関する後の商標の使用が,その商品又はサービスと先の商標の所有者との関係を示すとわれる場合 (iii)当該使用を理由に,公衆の側に混同を生じる虞がある場合,及び (vi)先の商標の所有者の利益が当該使用により損なわれる虞がある場合例文帳に追加

(3) Where an application for registration of a trade mark is made before 1st July 2004, if the trade mark (a) is identical with or similar to an earlier trade mark; and (b) is to be registered for goods or services which are not similar to those for which the earlier trade mark is protected, The later trade mark shall not be registered if- (i) the earlier trade mark is well known in Singapore; (ii) use of the later trade mark in relation to the goods or services for which the later trade mark is sought to be registered would indicate a connection between those goods or services and the proprietor of the earlier trade mark; (iii) there exists a likelihood of confusion on the part of the public because of such use; and (iv) the interests of the proprietor of the earlier trade mark are likely to be damaged by such use. - 特許庁

(8)次の事項に関する規定を,規則によって制定することができる。 (a)ライセンスの条件の変更を反映するために,(3)に基づき登録官に通知された,商標登録出願に基づくライセンスの付与の細目に関して登録官が保管する記録を補正すること,及び (b)次の場合,すなわち, (i)ライセンスが一定の期間について付与され,かつ,その期間が満了したことが登録された細目から認められる場合,又は (ii)当該期間が何ら示されず,かつ,所定の期間の後に,登録官が当該細目を記録から抹消するという自己の意を当事者に通知した場合, (3)に基づき登録官に通知された,商標登録出願に基づくライセンスの付与の細目を登録官が保管する記録から抹消すること。例文帳に追加

(8) Provision may be made by rules as to — (a) the amendment of the record maintained by the Registrar relating to the particulars of a grant of a licence under an application for registration of a trade mark, notice of which has been given to the Registrar under subsection (3), so as to reflect any alteration of the terms of the licence; and (b) the removal from the records maintained by the Registrar of the particulars of a grant of a licence under an application for registration of a trade mark, notice of which has been given to the Registrar under subsection (3) — (i) where it appears from the particulars that the licence was granted for a fixed period and that period has expired; or (ii) where no such period is indicated and, after such period as may be prescribed, the Registrar has notified the parties of his intention to remove the particulars from the records. - 特許庁

(7) 発明者が自己の身元の開示に反対の場合は,その者は,特許出願人又はその者の代理人を仲介者として,特許出願のファイルが公衆の閲覧に供せられる前に,その旨記述した意表示書を庁宛に送達しなければならない。この不記載を求める書類には,日付入りで発明者によって署名の上,次の書類を添付しなければならない。 (a) 庁がこの指定書を既に所持している場合を除いて,日付入りで特許出願人又はその者の代理人によって署名された,発明者に対応する指定書,又は該当する場合は指定に関する判決書 (b) 不記載を求める書類及び対応する指定書が特許出願と共に提出された原書類に添付されている場合を除いて,補正手数料の納付証例文帳に追加

7. When the inventor opposes the disclosure of his identity, he must have the patent applicant or his representative as an intermediary, and before the date on which the file of the patent application is made available to the public, send to the Service a demonstration of will, expressed and written to that effect. This document of non-mention, dated and signed by the inventor, must be accompanied with the following documents: (a) the corresponding designation of the inventor, dated and signed by the owner of the patent application or by his representative, except when this designation is already in the possession of the Service, or, if need be, the judicial decision concerning the designation; (b) the proof of payment of the regularization fee, except when the document of non-mention and the corresponding designation are attached to the original documents filed with the patent application. - 特許庁

ある者が未成年者,精神錯乱又はその他無能力という理由で宣言又は本法により求められる若しくは認められることを行うことができない場合,無能力者の後見人若しくは委員,又は,そのような後見人若しくは委員が存在しない場合は,当該無能力者に代わる者又は当該宣言を行いたい若しくは物事を行いたいとっている誰か別の者の要請により,無能力者の財産について管轄権を有する裁判所が指名した者が,当該宣言(又は,状況が許す限り当該宣言に近い宣言)を行うことができ,また,当該無能力者の名義で当人の代理としてそのことを行うことができ,そのように行われた全ての行為は,本法の適用上,当該無能力者によって行われ,かつ,その者は当該宣言又はそのことが行われた時点で無能力ではなかったかのごとく 有効に行われる。例文帳に追加

If a person is by reason of infancy, lunacy or other disability, incapable of making a declaration or doing anything required or permitted by this Act, the guardian or committee of the incapable person, or if there is no such guardian or committee, a person appointed by a court possessing jurisdiction in respect of the property of incapable persons, on the petition of a person on behalf of the incapable person or of some other person interested in the making of the declaration or the doing of the thing, may make the declaration (or a declaration as nearly corresponding to the declaration as the circumstances permit) and may do that thing, in the name and on behalf of the incapable person and all acts so done are, for the purposes of this Act, as effectually done as if they had been done by the incapable person and that person had not been incapable at the time of the making of the declaration or the doing of the thing. - 特許庁


As a rule, only one view of each invention can be shown in the IPO Gazette illustrations. The selection of that portion of a drawing best calculated to explain the nature of the invention or its specific improvement would be facilitated and the final result improved by judicious execution of a figure with express reference to the IPO Gazette, but which must at the same time serve as one of the figures referred to in the specification. For this purpose the figure may be a plan, elevation, section, or perspective view, according to the judgment of the draftsman. All its parts should be especially open and distinct, with very little or no shading, and it must illustrate only the invention claimed, to the exclusion of all other details. When well executed, it will be used without curtailment or change, but any excessive fineness or crowding or unnecessary elaborateness of detail will necessitate its exclusion from the IPO Gazette. - 特許庁

(5) 第 50条の規定により,如何なる形式においても公表が認められていない特許出願及び特許のファイルに関しては,特許庁は,最上級の所轄連邦当局の意見を聞いた後にのみ,その閲覧を認めることができるが,閲覧を請求する者の保護に値する特別な利害関係が閲覧の許可を正当化するとわれ,かつ,ドイツ連邦共和国の対外安全保障にとっての重大な不利益の危険が予期されない場合で,かつ,その範囲を条件とする。手続において第 3条(2)第 3文に基づく特許出願又は特許が技術水準として引用される場合は,ファイル中のその引用に該当する部分について,第 1文が準用される。例文帳に追加

(5) Inspection of the files of patent applications and patents which, pursuant to Section 50, shall not be published in any form, can be permitted by the Patent Office only after hearing the competent highest federal authority if and to the extent a special interest, warranting protection, of the person making the request appears to justify allowing inspection and no risk of serious detriment to the external security of the Federal Republic of Germany is to be expected. If a patent application or a patent under the third sentence of Section 3(2) is cited in proceedings as state of the art, the first sentence shall apply mutatis mutandis to the part of the file pertaining to this citation.  - 特許庁

(2) 特許出願日は,第 34条(3)1.及び 2.にいう書類が受領され,かつ,それらが外見上,発明の説明を構成するとわれる陳述を含んでいる場合は,第 34条(3)4.にいう書類が,2.特許情報センターが連邦法律官報における連邦法務省の公示によって当該目的で指定されているときは,その情報センターにおいて,受領された日とする。書類がドイツ語で作成されていない場合は,この規定は,ドイツ語翻訳文が(1)第 1文にいう期限内に特許庁によって受領された場合にのみ適用される。当該翻訳文が提出されないときは,その出願はされなかったとみなされる。出願人が(1)第 2文に従って,提出するよう求められた後に遺漏した図面を提出したときは,特許庁におけるその図面の受領日が出願日を構成する。提出がされなかったときは,その図面への言及はされていないものとみなされる。例文帳に追加

(2) The filing date of a patent application shall be the date on which the documents referred to in Section 34(3), nos. 1 and 2, have been received and, if they contain any statements that would appear to constitute a description, the date on which documents referred to in Section 34(3), no. 4, have been received 1. at the Patent Office; or 2. at a Patent Information Center if said Center has been designated for said purpose in an announcement by the Federal Ministry of Justice in the Federal Law Gazette [Bundesgesetzblatt]. Should the documents not be drafted in German, this shall apply only if a German translation is received by the Patent Office within the time limit referred to in the first sentence of subsection (1); if no such translation is filed, the application shall be deemed not to have been filed. If the applicant files the omitted drawings after having been invited to do so in accordance with the second sentence of subsection (1), the date of receipt of the drawings at the Patent Office shall constitute the filing date; if such is not done, any reference to the drawings shall be deemed not to have been made.  - 特許庁


In regards to checking for the lower limit of 0.05 mm, the description clearly indicates that the earlier application invention has abrasion resistance, chemical resistance (oil and grease resistance), etc., as well as antistatic properties. Also, for a polyethylene resin layer, when considering that the outer periphery of the main hose layer is spirally wrapped with an ultrahigh molecular weight polyethylene tape or film in order to make a “thin-walledpolyethylene resin layer, it is confirmed that the earlier application invention, as is the case with the claimed invention, is also assumed that all oil or grease resistance, namely chemical resistance and abrasion resistance are main the operational effects of the invention.  - 特許庁


The server, which includes a user recognition means, a storage for storing retrieval conditions, a means to generate the information to be transmitted, and a means of converting transmission data, features that a user can obtain the retrieved information based on retrieval conditions specified by the user's intention by receiving the converted transmission data via a communication means the user specified. - 特許庁

運送約款などの普通契約約款に関する過去の判例(例えば航空運送約款に関する大阪高判昭和40年6月29日・下級民集16巻6号 1154頁、自動車運送約款に関する京都地判昭和30年11月25日・下級民集6巻11号 2457頁など)は、約款を顧客に開示(掲示など)することを約款に法的拘束力を認めるための要件として要求しているが、運送契約などについては約款による取引の商慣行が存在することを理由として、約款が適切に開示されていれば、必ずしも顧客からの約款への同意の意表示がなくても旅客運送や貨物輸送などの取引に関する契約に当該約款の内容が組み込まれることを認めている。例文帳に追加

In the past, cases regarding general conditions of contract such as in a transportation agreement (for example, Judgment of Osaka High Court, June 29, 1965, 16-6 Kakyusaibansho Minji Saibanreishu ("Kaminshu") 1154; Judgment of Kyoto District Court, November 25, 1955; 6-11 Kaminshu 2457 (concerning motor carrier transportation agreement)), the disclosure (e.g. representation) of the terms and conditions was a prerequisite to ruling that the terms and conditions had binding force. However, the court held that terms and conditions are deemed to be incorporated into a contract for transactions concerning the carriage of passengers or cargo transports if such terms and conditions are disclosed to the customers appropriately, so long as it is the established business practice when entering into transactions for such transportation agreements or other similar agreements.  - 経済産業省


そして、被告が本件番組において本件各音源を送信しこれを受信者がMDに録音する場合における、被告と受信者との間の関係をみると、被告と受信者との間には、被告がその送信に係る本件番組の受信を受信者に許諾し、これに対して受信者が一定の受信料を支払うという契約関係が存するのみで、受信された音源の録音に関しては何らの合意もなく、受信者が録音を行うか否かは、専ら当該受信者がその自由意に基づいて決定し、自ら任意に録音のための機器を準備した上で行われるものであって、被告が受信者の右決定をコントロールし得るものではないことからすれば、被告が受信者を自己の手足として利用して本件各音源のMDへの録音を行わせていると評価しうる程度に、被告が受信者による録音行為を管理・支配しているという関係が認められないことは明らかである。」 例文帳に追加

As with the relationship between the Defendant, sending the sound source in the Program and the receiver of such sound source who records it on MD, the only agreement that exists by and between these parties is that the Defendant shall license the receiver to receive such Program and the receiver shall pay certain amount of consideration for receipt of such Program. There is no agreement on the receiver's recording of the sound source. Whether or not to record the sound source depends on the receiver's voluntary will, and the receiver will record it at its discretion by preparing the equipments for recording. Considering that the Defendant has no way to exercise any control over the receiver's decision making, therefore, it is evident that the relationship between the Defendant and the receiver shall not be so constituted that the Defendant has control over the receiver's act of recording to the extent that the Defendant is regarded as causing the receiver to record the sound source on MD as if the receiver were the Defendant's tool.  - 経済産業省


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