
「In the house」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(161ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





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In the houseの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 8084


Information on the following points were communicated for the second time: 1) Prefectures receiving evacuees, whether they were from the surrounding areas of the Tokyo Electric Power Company's (TEPCO's) Fukushima No. 1 Nuclear Power Plant, can claim for compensation in full amounts of expenses incurred in carrying out rescue activities to the affected prefectures, according to the Disaster Relief Act; 2) Emergency provisional housings can be provided if a person cannot live in his/her own house for a long term, even though no direct damage is done to the person's home; and 3) Funds are provided to people deemed to be in need as much as possible, in the light of the purpose of emergency rescue activities. (April 4, 2011)例文帳に追加

①災害救助法の救助費用は、東京電力福島第一原子力発電所(以下「東電福島第一原発」という。)の周辺区域からの避難者か否かに関わらず、受入れ都道府県から被災県に全額求償できる旨、②応急仮設住宅について、住家に直接被害がなくても、長期にわたり自らの住家に居住できない場合には提供できること、③資力要件は、応急救助との趣旨等を踏まえ、必要と考えられる希望者にはできる限り供与することにつき改めて周知(平成23年4月4日) - 厚生労働省

In fact, we announced in the Committee on Financial Affairs in the Diet (Upper House) session yesterday that the first meeting would be held by the respective Senior Vice Ministers and Parliamentary Secretaries of two ministries and one agency. In the first meeting held yesterday, the ''Integrated Exchange Study Team'' was launched, comprised of the respective Senior Vice Ministers and Parliamentary Secretaries of the Financial Services Agency (FSA), the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI). 例文帳に追加

この話は、実は昨日の国会(参議院)の(財政金融)委員会でも3省(庁)の副大臣、政務官で第1回の会合をやるということを発表させていただいたわけでございますけれども、昨日、検討の場として金融庁、農林水産省、経済産業省の副大臣、大臣政務官で構成する「総合的な取引所検討チーム」を立ち上げたところでございまして、昨日は第1回ということでございました。 - 金融庁

It was commonly accepted that Engi Gishiki was compiled in parallel with Engi Kyakushiki during the Engi era -- According to "Honcho hoke mokuroku monjo" (Catalogue of legalist documents in our country) and "Honcho shoseki mokuroku" (Catalogue of books in our country), Engi Gishiki and Engi Kyakushiki were in ten volumes respectively and ninety items were listed for the former; and such documents as "Hokuzansho" (Manual of court rules and customs), "Goke shidai" (Ritual Compendium by the House of Oe), and "Chuyuki" (The Diary of the Minister of the Right, written by Munetada FUJIWARA) recorded the parts which was considered to be a surviving fragment of the former; and "Kanju hisho" (also referred to as Kanzu hisho; Secret Notes by Head Chamberlain) written by FUJIWARA no Toshinori recommended the former as a must for Shikiji (Chamberlains). 例文帳に追加

通説によれば、延喜年間に延喜格式と並行して編纂が行われたとされ、『本朝法家目録文書』及び『本朝書籍目録』によれば、ともに10巻とし、前者には約90条の目録を掲げているが、『北山抄』・『江家次第』・『中右記』などにその逸文とされるものが記載されており、藤原俊憲の『貫首秘抄』でも職事が持つべき書として挙げている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

At that time, when I was still young, I served as the deputy secretary-general of a group calledRoad Lovers. ” We barged into the office of the Director-General of the Budget Bureau at the Ministry of Finance and demanded return of the 420 billion yen, insisting that funds in the special account for road improvement should essentially be used for road improvement. I remember that day well. The Director-General, who later became Vice Finance Minister, told me, “Mr.Jimi, poverty dulls the wit. Isn't it lawmakers' responsibility to consider ways to ensure a smooth stream of revenue?” With me were dauntless guys such as Mr.Shin Sakurai (a former member of the House of Councillors) and Mr.Akira Fukida (a former member of the House of Councillors), but we were beaten back. 例文帳に追加

私も若い頃、あまり柄にも似合わないのですけれども、「道路を愛する会」というのを作りまして、(その会の)事務局次長で、大蔵省の主計局長に怒鳴り込みに行きまして、4,200億円返せと、元々道路特別会計というのは道路に使うためではないかと言ったことがございまして、今でもよく覚えていますが、その時に、後に事務次官になった人が、「自見さん、貧すれば鈍するだよ。きちんと歳入が入るように考えるのが与党の国会議員の責任ではないか」と言われました。私と、(元衆議院議員の)桜井新さんとか、それから(元衆議院議員の)吹田あきらさんとか、猛者が行ったのですけれども、ちょっと撃退された事をよく覚えております。 - 金融庁


The old woman testified that she had gone directly to the house of her son, and later had discovered that she had forgotten some articles of clothing which she needed; that thereupon she had returned to the house and had gone up the back way to her room,— this was about eight o'clock; that while there she had heard Nina San Croix's voice in great passion and remembered that she had used the words stated by the policemen; that these sudden, violent cries had frightened her greatly and she had bolted the door and been afraid to leave the room; shortly thereafter, she had heard heavy footsteps ascending the stairs, slowly and with great difficulty, as though some one were carrying a heavy burden; that therefore her fear had increased and that she had put out the light and hidden under the bed. 例文帳に追加

老家政婦はこう証言した。自分は息子の家に身を寄せたが、その後で当面必要な衣服を何着か屋敷に忘れてきたことに気づき、屋敷に戻って今まで自分がいた部屋に入った。大体八時頃だった。その時、ニーナ・サン・クロワのけたたましい怒鳴り声が聞こえてきた。警官が述べたような言葉を使っていたことを覚えている。突然そんな罵声が聞こえてきたからとても驚き、出ていくのが怖くなったから、ドアにカギをかけて部屋に閉じこもった。少ししたら、誰かが階段を上る音が聞こえてきた。一歩一歩がゆっくりで、何か重いものを持っているみたいな感じだった。それを聞くとますます怖くなり、部屋の明かりを消してベッドの下に身を隠した。 - Melville Davisson Post『罪体』


Portia, when she returned, was in that happy temper of mind which never fails to attend the consciousness of having performed a good action; her cheerful spirits enjoyed every thing she saw: the moon never seemed to shine so bright before; and when that pleasant moon was hid behind a cloud, then a light which she saw from her house at Belmont as well pleased her charmed fancy, and she said to Nerissa, "That light we see is burning in my hall; how far that little candle throws its beams, so shines a good deed in a naughty world:" and hearing the sound of music from her house, she said, "Methinks that music sounds much sweeter than by day." 例文帳に追加

ポーシャが家に帰ってきたとき、いいことをしたと自覚しているときに必ず感じるあの幸せな気分に浸っていた。心がうきうきしていたから、何を見ても楽しかった。月は今までにない輝きを見せていた。そのすばらしい月が雲の後ろに隠れると、ベルモントの家からやってきた明かりが、月を見たときと同じようにポーシャの愉快な心を喜ばせた。そしてポーシャはネリッサに言った。「私たちが見ているあの光は広間で燃えているのよ。あそこの小さいロウソクが、こんなところまで光を投げるのね。あのロウソクのように、善い行いはけがれた世の中に光り輝くものなのね。」そして家からもれてくる音楽を聴くとこう言った。「たぶん、あの音楽は昼間よりずっと美しく聞こえるのね。」 - Shakespeare『ヴェニスの商人』

Yesterday, I explained the purpose of the postal reform bills at a session of the House of Representatives' Special Committee on Postal Reform, as you know. This was the first time for me to explain the purpose of these reform bills in the one and a half years since I took office as the minister in charge. At the cabinet meeting and informal meeting of cabinet ministers, I expressed my appreciation to the relevant people and organizations. As the agreement signed by Prime Minister Noda and Mr. Kamei, leader of the People's New Party, stipulates that full-fledged efforts should be made to enact the bills during the current Diet session, I requested that each minister issue relevant instructions so as to ensure the bills' enactment. 例文帳に追加

昨日、ご承知のように郵政改革法案が、衆議院郵政改革特別委員会で、趣旨の説明をさせていただきました。これは、(私の大臣就任から)1年6カ月になるのですけれども、初めてこの改革法案の趣旨の説明をさせていただいたわけでございますから、閣議、閣僚懇で関係各位へのお礼と、野田総理と亀井(国民新党)代表と(の合意書の中で)、今国会中に全力を挙げて成立を図る旨、書いているわけですから、司、司でしっかり成立に向けてご指導いただきたいということを申しておきました。 - 金融庁

Despite the Army demanded to reject the conclusion of the treaty of London Naval Conference on Disarmament, at the Imperial Diet opened in the latter half of April, because the proportion of the auxiliary ships unreached to 70 percent comparing to that of the United States, the government concluded the treaty, so that Tsuyoshi INUKAI, the President of the Opposition Rikken seiyukai, and Ichiro HATOYAMA attacked the government at the House of Representatives appealing 'The conclusion of the treaty ignoring the opposite opinion given by the Army means the interference and violate of supreme command,' and following that the Chairman of the Privy Council Yuzaburo KURATOMI showed his attitude to sympathize with that. 例文帳に追加

4月下旬に始まった帝国議会において、ロンドン海軍軍縮会議締結に対し、軍令部が要求していた、補助艦の対米比7割に満たないとして条約締結拒否を言ったにもかかわらず、この条約を結んだことを理由に、野党の立憲政友会総裁の犬養毅と鳩山一郎が衆議院で、「軍令部の反対意見を無視した条約調印は統帥権の干犯である」と政府を攻撃、続いて枢密院議長倉富勇三郎もこれに同調する動きを見せた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Since all the gunpowder, bullets, arms, and making machinery in the Kagoshima arsenal had been constructed or purchased with the money contributed by the then retainers of the Satsuma Domain, the former retainers took it for granted that these things were to be used by the retainers and their descendants in an emergency; therefore, because the Shigakko students got angry with the central government for carrying the domain's property out from there like a thief and for the purpose of being prepared with arms and ammunition for a possible conflict with the central government, they made a night attack on the powder house at Somuta and seized bullets and arms. 例文帳に追加

また、旧薩摩藩士の心情として、鹿児島属廠の火薬・弾丸・武器・製造機械類は藩士が醵出した金で造ったり購入したりしたもので、一朝事があって必要な場合、藩士やその子孫が使用するものであると考えられていた事もあり、私学校徒は中央政府が泥棒のように薩摩の財産を搬出した事に怒るとともに、当然予想される衝突に備えて武器・弾薬を入手するために、夜、草牟田火薬庫を襲って弾丸・武器類を奪取した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, the political structure and financial/military support at that time were insufficient to maintain such a situation, and because many Emperors were young and short-lived in the middle of the Heian period, there was no Joko with the energy and health needed to exercise sufficient authority; consequently, this structure by which authority was exercised by the Emperor's father gradually declined and was eventually replaced by a system called Sekkan seiji (摂関政治), in which a member of the Northern House of the Fujiwara clan exercised rights and performed duties in place of the Emperor, became widespread. 例文帳に追加

だが、当時はまだこの状態を常に維持するための政治的組織や財政的・軍事的裏付けが不十分であり、平安時代中期には幼く短命な天皇が多く十分な指導力を発揮するための若さと健康を保持した上皇が絶えて久しかったために、父系によるこの仕組みは衰退し、代わりに母系にあたる天皇の外祖父の地位を占めた藤原北家が天皇の職務・権利を代理・代行する摂関政治が隆盛していくことになる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The Freedom and People's Rights Movement once declined because of the government's oppression, which led Liberal Party (Meiji Period) to dissolve and the Constitutional Progressive Party to halt its activities, but in 1887, when so called the petition movement of three major events happened, Shojiro GOTO, a leader of former Liberal Party, advocated the reunion of factions of the Freedom and People's Rights Movement to prepare for upcoming of the first House of Representatives election and he called for the establishment of parliamentary government within the Imperial Diet to deal with difficult problems such as treaty revision, a land tax, and financial affairs; in March of the same year, he got principal members of former Liberal Party and the Constitutional Progressive Party to participate, which triggered the movement to unite for a common purpose. 例文帳に追加

自由民権運動は政府の弾圧によって衰微し、自由党_(明治)は解党、立憲改進党も休止状態にあったが、1887年にいわゆる三大事件建白運動が発生すると、かつての自由党の領袖である後藤象二郎は自由民権運動各派が再結集して来るべき第1回衆議院議員総選挙に臨み、帝国議会に議会政治の打ち立てて条約改正や地租・財政問題という難題にあたるべきだと唱え、3月に旧自由党・立憲改進党の主だった人々に呼びかけたのがきっかけである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the connection structure of the triangular panel block bodies 2 in the dome house and its manufacturing method, the triangular panel block bodies 2 and the triangular steel plates having the same shape as the triangular panel block bodies are stuck through the roofings 6 larger than the external shapes of the triangular panel block bodies while the roofings are superposed and stuck doubly to each connecting section of the triangular panel block bodies 2.例文帳に追加

三角状パネルブロック体2と、この三角状パネルブロック体2と同形状の三角形状鋼板とを前記三角状パネルブロック体の外形より大きなルーフィング6を介して貼着されると共に、三角状パネルブロック体2の各連結部にルーフィングが二重に重合粘着するようにしたことを特徴とするドームハウスにおける三角状パネルブロック体2の連結構造及びその製造方法。 - 特許庁

- it was this deficiency, perhaps, of collateral issue, and the consequent undeviating transmission, from sire to son, of the patrimony with the name, which had, at length, so identified the two as to merge the original title of the estate in the quaint and equivocal appellation of the "House of Usher"- an appellation which seemed to include, in the minds of the peasantry who used it, both the family and the family mansion. 例文帳に追加

——この分家がないということと、世襲財産が家名とともに父から子へと代々よそへ逸(そ)れずに伝わったということのために、とうとうその世襲財産と家名との二つが同一のものと見られて、領地の本来の名を「アッシャー家」という奇妙な、両方の意味にとれる名称——この名称は、それを用いる農夫たちの心では、家族の者と一家の邸宅との両方を含んでいるようであった——のなかへ混同させてしまったのではなかろうか、と。 - Edgar Allan Poe『アッシャー家の崩壊』

Since Sokka Gakkai was excommunicated in 1990 (the official year of excommunication was in the following year, 1991), they spent much time and energy attacking Nichiren Shoshu Sect, and their point of view is that it is important to 'attack the opposition to Buddha,' and they repeatedly wrote slander and gossip or invasion of human rights in their in-house magazines such as the Seikyo newspaper, and there is repeated severe slander towards the high priest including former Hoshu, Nikken. 例文帳に追加

創価学会は、1990年(平成2年。正式な破門は翌1991年)に日蓮正宗に破門されて以来、日蓮正宗への攻撃に多くの時間と労力を費やしており、「仏敵を責めること」が重要であるという立場から、聖教新聞などの機関誌では連日のように日蓮正宗への誹謗中傷や人権侵害を繰り返しており、特に前法主日顕を含む高僧に対しては、とりわけ激しい中傷が繰り返されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

To provide a holder for a fuel refilling container to house it in which breakage of an electromotive part can be prevented by enabling consecutive injection by a small amount and furthermore by maintaining pressure in the fuel housing part at a fixed level or less in injecting the fuel from outside into a fuel housing part of the fuel cell body side with a low remaining amount of the fuel in a direct methanol fuel cell or the like.例文帳に追加

ダイレクトメタノール型燃料電池などにおいて、燃料が残り少なくなった燃料電池本体側の燃料収容部内に、外部から燃料を注入、補給するに際し、少量ずつの連続注入を可能とし、さらに、燃料注入時の燃料収容部内の圧力を一定以下に維持することにより、起電部の破損を防止することができる燃料補給容器を収容するための燃料補給容器用ホルダーを提供する。 - 特許庁

But the struggle for power with the Kenkyukai gradually began to produce friction, and after the turmoil of the Manko cabinet, the cooperation between the Kenkyukai and the Rikken Seiyukai (the Friends of Constitutional Government Party, or "Seiyukai" for short) and other challenges, the struggle for influence between the Tea Party and the Kenkyukai gradually developed into open hostility, and when some of the members of Hara's Seiyukai cabinet were chosen from the Kenkyukai, not only did the Tea Party abandon the doctrine of transcendence and join forces with the opposition Kenseikai (Constitutional Government Party), they also formed links with the various other factions among non-Kenkyukai House of Peers members in an effort to isolate and surround the Kenkyukai. 例文帳に追加

だが、次第に研究会との勢力争いによって摩擦が生じるようになり、鰻香内閣騒動や研究会と立憲政友会との連携などを経て茶話会と研究会は次第に対立し、政友会の原内閣に研究会が閣僚を送ると、茶話会も超然主義を放棄して反対党である憲政会と連携する一方、研究会以外の他の貴族院の各会派と連携して研究会を包囲する動きを見せた(幸四派)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In one strut erected on the ground and the prefabricated house mounted on the strut, the strut comprises a metal pipe separable into a plurality of pipes, an angle brace formed of the metal pipe connecting a plurality of horizontal metal pipes extended in the radial direction from the front end of the strut, the strut and the horizontal pipe are included, and the metal pipes are separably fixed each other with bolts.例文帳に追加

地面に立設させた一本の支柱と支柱上に載置した組立式家屋において、支柱は複数に分離できる金属製パイプから構成されており、該支柱の先端から放射方向に伸びる複数本の水平な金属製パイプと前記支柱と水平パイプを結合する金属製パイプからなる方杖を有し、前記金属製パイプ相互を全てボルトにより分離可能に固定されていることを特徴とする組立式家屋。 - 特許庁

Reaching the age of 61, he built the Tsusentei retreat in Kyoto's Higashiyama district, and taking it upon himself to bear the burden of assembling the requisite tea utensils, he created a seated establishment, much like a regular tea-house, along the capital's main thoroughfare, where he would entertain guests with a conversation that fused elements of Zen with commoner culture as he served them green tea, and as they drank it, he would engage them in excellent dialogues and give lectures on different worldviews, people's ways of being and the tainted hearts of the worldly, encouraging them to continuously abandon their besmirched selves and embrace an ascetic life in order to gradually achieve a simple lifestyle of honorable poverty. 例文帳に追加

61歳で、東山に通仙亭を開き、また自ら茶道具を担い、京の大通りに喫茶店のような簡素な席を設け、禅道と世俗の融解した話を客にしながら煎茶を出し、茶を喫しながら考え方の相違や人のあり方と世の中の心の汚さを卓越した問答で講じ、簡素で清貧な生活をするが為に次第に汚れていく自己をも捨て続ける行を生涯つづけようとしている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

At the July 26 session of the House of Representatives' Special Committee on Reconstruction after Great East Japan Earthquake, the bill to establish an organization to support compensation for nuclear accident damage was approved in response to Tokyo Electric Power's nuclear power station accident, and a supplementary resolution was adopted in relation to that. In the market, there are various speculations, such as that stakeholders may be required to cooperate or that the cabinet decision made on June 14 may be reviewed. Put simply, the responsibility of shareholders will be pursued and financial institutions with outstanding loans will be required to cooperate. 例文帳に追加

先だって、(7月)26日の衆議院の東日本大震災復興特別委員会で、東京電力の原発事故を受けての賠償支援機構法案というのがあるのですけれども、これに絡んで附帯決議がなされて、いわゆるステークホルダー(利害関係者)の協力を求めるだとか、6月14日の閣議決定を見直すのではないかとか、色々と市場の方でも、どういうことになっているのだという声も聞かれたりもするのですけれども、端的に言うと株主の責任、あるいは融資している金融機関の協力を求めると。 - 金融庁

Agriculture tax, for example, had been levied based on standard farm production? the amount of an average grain production ?regardless of each farm household’s income levels as minimum taxable income was not applied to farmers, a taxation system that makes poor households poorer. In imposing agriculture tax, China’s provincial governments have leeway in levying extra tax as a way of securing financial sources for infrastructure improvement. Furthermore, farm house holds have to shoulder various farming expenses on their own. All these necessary expenses have posed bigger financial burden to low-income earners in farm districts, compared with urban households and high-income earners in farm districts, worsening the poverty of rural areas in China.例文帳に追加

例えば、①農業税は最低課税限度額が存在せず、穀類作物の平年生産量を基準に課税されていたことから、貧困層にとって、より厳しい税制となっていたこと、②農業税には地方政府が自前で行うインフラ整備のための財源として、付加税を自由にかけることができたこと、③農業経営に係る費用負担は各家計の負担となっていること、等の必要経費が、都市部家計及び農村部の高所得家計に比べて農村部の低所得家計にとって大きな負担となり、農村部の貧困に拍車をかけた。 - 経済産業省

His petition dealt with a wide range of matters: 'Constitution,' i.e. the separation of the administrative, legislative, and judiciary branches of government; 'Giji-in' (Diet), i.e. having a bicameral parliament with a lower and upper house; 'Schools'; 'System reform'; 'National polity,' i.e. the shift from the feudal system to the county/prefecture system, abolishment of the hereditary system, and tax system reform; 'Nation building techniques'; 'Iron and steel production'; 'Currency'; 'Food and clothing'; 'Education for women' that promoted the education of girls; 'Heikin-ho' (averaging method), i.e. the average distribution of property; 'Brewing methods'; 'Treaties'; 'National warship program'; 'Harbor regulations'; 'Citizen welfare'; 'Laws concerning hair'; 'Henbutsu-ho' (laws concerning temples), i.e. the opening up of temple schools to the public; 'Shoritsu' (commercial laws); 'Jiho' (timetable method); 'Rekiho' (method of making calendars), i.e. the promotion of the adoption of the solar calendar; and 'Kani' (office doctor), i.e. the promotion of the adoption of Western medical science. 例文帳に追加

三権分立の「政体」に始まり、大院・小院の2院制の「議事院」「学校」「変制」、封建制から郡県制への移行や世襲制の廃止、税制改革まで唱えた「国体」「建国術」「製鉄法」「貨幣」「衣食」女子教育を勧めた「女学」遺産の平均分与の「平均法」「醸造法」「条約」「軍艦国体」「港制」「救民」「髪制」寺の学校への開放を唱えた「変仏法」「商律」「時法」太陽暦の採用を勧めた「暦法」西洋医の登用を訴えた「官医」と内容は多岐にわたる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The outer side of the feeder house 3 is superposed to the lower part of an operation panel 2 in the cabin 1 by plane view, both members are placed inside of a crawler traveling device 10, and the connection rod 7 of each operation lever 6 in the cabin 1 forms a link mechanism connected to the supporting shaft 8 laterally extended at the back of the cabin 1.例文帳に追加

昇降自在のフィーダハウスをキャビンと並列配置にし、後方にグレンタンクを連設した普通型コンバインにおいて、キャビン1内に設けた操作パネル2の下方にフィーダハウス3の外側を平面視で重合させ、双方をクローラ走行装置10よりも内側に設置するとともに、該キャビン1内に配置した各操作レバー6の連結ロッド7を前記キャビン1の後部に横架した支点軸8に接続するリンク機構にしたキャビン装置の提供である。 - 特許庁

This method of constructing a floor heater in a house in which a person can get under a floor comprises the working step of mounting a heating element 10 in an existing flooring under the floor, a working step of applying a heat insulator 4 onto the heating element, and the working step of supplying a heat source to the heating element.例文帳に追加

床下に人が潜れる住宅において、床下に潜り既設床材に発熱体を取り付ける作業工程と断熱材を発熱体にあてがい固定する作業工程、および発熱体に熱源を供給する作業工程を備えた床暖房施工方法で、既設床の上に置いてある物には一切手をつけず、床下に潜り既設床材に上記工程の床暖房施工を行うことにより課題「床暖房施工費用その他の軽減を目的とする。 - 特許庁

The cause was just going to be heard before the duke and senators of Venice in the senate-house, when Portia entered this high court of justice, and presented a letter from Bellario, in which that learned counsellor wrote to the duke, saying, he would have come himself to plead for Anthonio, but that he was prevented by sickness, and he requested that the learned young doctor Balthasar (so he called Portia) might be permitted to plead in his stead. 例文帳に追加

裁判は元老院において、元首とヴェニスの元老院議員の御前にて今まさに審問されようとしていた。そのときポーシャが裁判所に入ってきて、ベラーリオからの手紙を差し出した。その中で、かの学識ある法律顧問は元首にこう書いていた。曰く、本当は自分がアントニオを弁護するためにそちらへ出かけるべきではあるが、自分は今病気でそちらに行けない。博学で若いバルサーザ(彼はポーシャをこう呼んでいた)に、自分のかわりにアントニオを弁護させることをお許しいただきたい。 - Shakespeare『ヴェニスの商人』

In the battle over "government cost-cutting" and "budget for navy" with minto, he reached a compromise based on the imperial rescript of "Wachukyodo (work together in the same spirit)" from Emperor Meiji, 3 million yen of daily living expenses, and 10% cut of salary for government officials to pass the budget, and subsequently opposed to movement of Taigaikoha (hard-line group against foreign countries) which were rising among a minto party (the Constitutional Progressive Party) and right-wing groups (including National Association and Great Japan Association) toward the end of negotiation for treaty revision by dissolution of the House of Representatives twice, and successfully removed exterritoriality by conclusion of the Anglo-Japanese Treaty of Commerce and Navigation. 例文帳に追加

民党との「政費節減」・「海軍予算」を巡る攻防では、明治天皇よりの「和衷協同」詔勅と内廷費300万円と官吏の俸禄1割削減を条件に妥協を成立させて予算案を通過させ、続いて条約改正交渉末期に差し掛かって民党(立憲改進党)や右翼(国民協会、大日本協会など)の間で高まる対外硬派の動きに対しては2度の衆議院解散をもって対抗して、日英通商航海条約締結による治外法権の撤廃に成功する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Every Minister of the Government shall, before the 1st day of April in every year, lay before each House of the Oireachtas a report of every (if any) exercise by him during the year ending on the previous 31st day of December of the several powers conferred on him by paragraph (c) or (d) of subsection (1) and also, if and so far as he considers it to be in the public interest, of any or all of the powers conferred by paragraph (a), (b) or (e) of subsection (1). 例文帳に追加

政府の各大臣は,各年4月1日前にアイルランド議会の各院に,前年12月31日に終了する年度中に(1) (c)若しくは(d)により当該各大臣に付与された幾つかの権限について,及び当該各大臣が公共の利益であるとみなすときは,その限りにおいて,(1) (a),(b)又は(e)により付与された権限の何れか又は全てについて,当該各大臣による各権限行使(ある場合)に関する報告書を提出する。 - 特許庁

<Examples of indicators> ・The number of IT workers ・The number of business tie-up contracts with universities and business schools ・The number of visitors to corporate websites ・The number of patents ・The number of days of training and education per employee, etc. (Disclosure of the "Intellectual Capital Statement") As explained earlier, the statement to be prepared in a manner described above can serve not only as a management tool for corporate managers to deepen their understanding about the strength and future potentiality of their own companies by putting their in-house intellectual assets into words, but also as a communication tool with investors, customers, employees and other stakeholders by fully or partially publicizing it.例文帳に追加

〈「指標」の例〉・IT労働者の数・大学及びビジネススクールとの業務提携契約の数・企業のホームページの訪問者数・特許の数・従業員1人当たりの研修日数等(「知的資本報告書」の開示について)上記のような内容で作成される報告書は、前述したように、自社の知的資産を言語化することで企業の経営者が自社の強みや将来の可能性に関する理解を深めるマネジメント・ツールのみならず、その結果の全部ないしは一部を公表することで、投資家、顧客、従業員等のステークホルダーへの伝達手段にもなり得る。 - 経済産業省

In the later period of the Kyogoku school's history, Shoshi SAIONJI (also known by her Buddhist name, Eifukumonin), Emperor Hanazono, and Emperor Kogon were its principal active poets, and Kogon (by order of Emperor Hanazono) was selected to compile the 17th Imperial waka anthology, "Fuga wakashu" (Collected Elegant Waka), but during the Kanno Disturbance, the most important members of the Jimyoin lineage imperial court such as Emperor Kogon were put under confinement by Southern Court forces, and as a result the Jimyoin lineage imperial court suffered a major blow to its power and prestige, and while Emperor Kogon was still under house arrest, Emperor Gokogon, the successor to both the Jimyoin lineage and to the poetic traditions of the Kyogoku school, switched his allegiance to the Nijo school, leaving the Kyogoku school facing extinction, without a suitable successor. 例文帳に追加

後期京極派においては、永福門院、花園天皇、光厳院らが主要な歌人として活躍し、十七番目の勅撰集『風雅和歌集』(花園院下命、光厳院親撰)が編まれたが、観応の擾乱によって光厳院ら持明院統の要人が南朝側に監禁された結果、持明院統宮廷が大きな打撃を受け、そして光厳院が監禁されている間に持明院統を継いだ後光厳院が二条派を重んじたため、思わしい後嗣を得ないままに断絶した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This Trial argued the rights and wrongs of in-house production/consumption of Doburoku, which is (insisted as) one of food cultures, in constitutionally-guaranteed right to pursue happiness, and highlighted the Maeda' claim that 'various restrictions in the Liquor Tax Act actually favor only alcoholic liquor manufacturers with large capital that can possess equipment enabling large-scale production and prevent the development of small-scale alcoholic liquor manufacturers.' 例文帳に追加

裁判では、食文化の一つである(と主張する)どぶろくを、憲法で保障された人権における幸福追求権において、自家生産・自家消費する事の是非に始まって、「酒税法上で設けられた様々な制限が、事実上において大量生産が可能な設備を保有できる大資本による酒類製造のみを優遇し、小規模の酒類製造業が育たないようにしている」という前田側の主張がクローズアップされている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

大化け (obake: big changing in the literal meaning): it's often the case that obake generally means phenomena whose size and effect have increased; Ancient Shinto, which is connected with Japanese folk belief, has a concept of value by which it is thought that the higher ranking divine spirits reside in bigger things, such as himorogi (temporarily erected sacred space or "altar" used as a locus of worship) and iwakura (dwelling place of a god, usually in reference to a large rock): a tree which has grown to a greater extent than others or a rock which is larger than others can be a house of (bakeru [change to]) the divine spirit. 例文帳に追加

お化けには、大化けという表現があるように、総じて大きさや効果が増大する現象をいう場合が多いが、日本の民間信仰でもある古神道も、同様の価値観があり、大きいものほど宿る神霊の位が高いとする価値観があり、巨木や巨石を信仰するものとして、神籬(ひもろぎ)・磐座(いわくら)があり、大きく成長した木または、通常より大きい岩に神が宿る(化ける)とされる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When private apartments, abandoned houses, and public housings were rented out as emergency temporary housings, Prefectural Governments were notified in regard to the accessory equipment, such as air-conditioning, that: 1) Under ordinary circumstances, an amount equivalent to the relevant expense was included in the house rent; and 2) if it was difficult to address the matter by 1) and when a considerable amount was paid to the owners and managers of the houses for installing it, the cost could be funded from tax revenues. (May 30, 2011)例文帳に追加

民間賃貸住宅、空き家、公営住宅等を借り上げて応急仮設住宅として提供した場合のエアコン等の附帯設備については、① 通常は、家賃等の中で当該費用相当を上乗せすること、② これにより対応が困難な場合で、住宅の所有者管理者に対して相当の設置費用を支出した場合には、国庫負担の対象とすることとして差し支えない旨を、各都道府県あて通知(平成23年5月30日) - 厚生労働省

Now as it was utterly impossible for Shylock to cut off the pound of flesh without shedding some of Anthonio's blood, this wise discovery of Portia's, that it was flesh and not blood that was named in the bond, saved the life of Anthonio; and all admiring the wonderful sagacity of the young counsellor, who had so happily thought of this expedient, plaudits resounded from every part of the senate-house; and Gratiano exclaimed, in the words which Shylock had used, "O wise and upright judge! mark, Jew, a Daniel is come to judgment!" 例文帳に追加

さて、シャイロックがアントニオの血を一滴も流すことなく1ポンドの肉を切り取ることはまったく不可能であったから、ポーシャが賢くも、証文に書かれているのは肉であって血ではないということを発見したことで、アントニオの命は救われたのであった。人々はみな、この便法を巧みにこしらえた、若い法律顧問のすばらしい賢明さをほめたたえたので、拍手喝采が元老院のあらゆるところから響き渡った。グレイシアーノは、シャイロックが使った言葉を叫んでいた。「おお、賢く正しい裁判官様! 聞けユダヤ人、ダニエル様がお裁きにいらっしゃったのだ!」 - Shakespeare『ヴェニスの商人』

As noted in previous sections, A Loan such as the lease house entering early day’s expense for the homeless retired employee, enforcement of training and life support by "the urgent personnel training / finding employment support fund" etc, B For people who do not become the object of the measure of above A, it is the provision of the housing allowance, support by the advance of funds for restarting life C supporting the stopgap fund loan for the interval before taking support of the entitlement program and perform the support that an employment measure and a welfare measure support it promptly, and can maintain independence.例文帳に追加

前節でみたとおり、ア.住居喪失離職者に対する賃貸住宅入居初期費用等の貸付、「緊急人材育成・就職支援基金」による訓練・生活支援の実施等、イ.上記アの施策の対象とならない者等に対し、住宅手当の支給、生活の立て直しのための資金の貸付け等による支援、ウ.公的給付等による支援を受けるまでの間のつなぎ資金貸付を実施し、雇用施策と福祉施策が相まって直ちに支援の手が差しのべられて自立を維持できるような支援を行う。 - 厚生労働省

(1) Whenever it appears to any Magistrate upon written information on oath and after any enquiry which he may think necessary that there is reasonable cause to believe that in any dwelling house, shop, building or place there is being committed an offence against this Act, or any regulations made thereunder, he may issue a warrant authorizing any authorized officer or police officer named therein, by day or night and with or without assistance to enter the dwelling house, shop, building or place and there search for and seize or take copies of all books, accounts, documents or other articles which contain or are suspected to contain information as to any offence so suspected to have been committed or any other thing relating to the offence.例文帳に追加

(1)何れかの治安判事にとって,宣誓による書面情報を基にし,かつ,当人が必要と考える調査を行った後,何れかの住宅,店舗,建物又は場所において,本法又はそれに基づいて制定される規則に違反する行為が行われていると考えるときは,その治安判事は,授権公務員又は警察官を指定した令状を出し,その受権公務員又は警察官に,昼夜を問わず,補助を得て又は補助を得ないで,その住宅,店舗,建物又は場所に立ち入り,そこで前記のとおりに行われていると疑われる違法行為に関する情報を含んでいる又は含んでいると疑われるすべての帳簿,計算書,書類その他の物件,又はその違法行為に関するそれ以外の物品を捜索し,かつ,差し押さえ又は写しをとる権限を与えることができる。 - 特許庁

Although intensive deliberations were held yesterday, if the prospect remains uncertain...if 60 days pass without this bill being enacted - this assumes an extension of the Diet session - it would be put to a second vote in the House of Representatives on January 5 for enactment on the back of the ruling coalition’s two-thirds majority there. That would be in the new year, however, and I believe we must by all means avoid causing borrowers to fail because they cannot raise necessary year-end funds. 例文帳に追加

昨日も熱心に審議はしていただいておりますけれども、先が見えないということになりますと、仮に60日と、これは国会が延長すればという前提でございますけれども、60日経過した場合には、1月5日には3分の2で再可決をするということでございますけれども、1月5日というのはもう年を越してしまってという時期でございまして、成立はしたけれども年末資金繰りが出来なくて残念な結果になりかねないということは、我々としては絶対に避けなければいけないと思っております。 - 金融庁

To provide an air purifier for reducing a toxic component such as nitrogen oxides NOX, sulfur oxides SOX, etc., or carbon dioxide CO2 in the outdoor air, or purging the indoor air by modifying air, which can deal with environmental contaminations by removing the toxic component such as NOX, SOX, etc., or CO2 in the outdoor air and deal with a sick house group or the like by purging the indoor air.例文帳に追加

空気を改質することによって屋外の空気中の窒素酸化物NO_x 、硫黄酸化物SO_x 等の有害成分や二酸化炭素CO_2 等を減少させ、或いは室内の空気を浄化することができる空気浄化装置に関し、屋外の空気中のNO_x 、SO_x等の有害成分やCO_2 等を除去して環境汚染に対処することができ、また室内の空気を浄化してシックハウス群等に対処することができる空気浄化装置を提供することを課題とするものである。 - 特許庁

However, information may become available at the session of the House of Coucillors' Audit Committee. This matter has been taken up by various media and has also been debated in the Diet in particular, so various useful proposals have been made by various Diet members. With all of those things in mind, we will strive to prevent a recurrence without ruling out any option, as I said. 例文帳に追加

しかし、きちんと新聞があれだけ書かれておられることですから、今からまた参議院の決算委員会がありますけれども、当然その時に情報が入るかどうか知りませんけれども、これは当然きちんといろいろなメディア、あるいは特に国会での審議をやっておりますし、いろいろな議員からいろいろな示唆に富んだ提案もありますから、そんなことを全部含めて、私が言いましたように、あらゆる選択肢を排除することなく、きちんと再発防止に取り組んでまいりたいといふうに思っています。 - 金融庁

This polyolefin-based resin film for agriculture, characterized by forming an antifogging coating film consisting mainly of an acrylic resin and an inorganic colloid sol on the inner surface of a spread green house and containing an ethylenic copolymer obtained by copolymerizing ethylene with a cyclic aminovinyl compound and having hindered amine groups in side chains in an amount 0.05 to 5 wt.% in the polyolefin-based resin film of the substrate.例文帳に追加

展張時ハウス内面に、アクリル系樹脂および無機質コロイドゾルを主成分とする防曇被膜を形成し、かつ基材のポリオレフィン系樹脂フィルム中にエチレンと環状アミノビニル化合物とを共重合させて得られたヒンダードアミンを側鎖に有するエチレン系共重合体を該ビニル化合物単位の割合で0.05〜5重量%含有することを特徴とする農業用ポリオレフィン系樹脂フィルム。 - 特許庁

From now on, we will waste no time in considering measures to deal with those problems while taking account of the results of the SESC's ongoing investigation and the survey targeting all companies managing customers' assets based on discretionary investment contracts, and we will implement adopted measures. As you know, the House of Representatives' Committee on Financial Affairs will conduct intensive deliberation on the AIJ case starting at 9 a.m. today. In addition, various people will be summoned tomorrow to testify, so we will deal with this case appropriately while listing to various opinions. 例文帳に追加

また、今後、証券取引等監視委員会によるさらなる調査や投資一任業務に対する一斉調査の結果も踏まえつつ、これらの課題について、関係者の意見を踏まえながら、早急に検討を進め、成案が得られたものから実施してまいりたいと思いますが、ご存じのように、今日、9時から衆議院の財務金融委員会で、このAIJの問題が集中討議されますし、それから今日は参考人として色々な方が来られるということでございますから、そういったことを色々聞きながら、きちんとやっていきたいと思っております。 - 金融庁

On the other hand, in order to prevent a considerable impact on Japan’s stock market if banks decide to reduce shareholdings, the Bank of Japan has recently decided to resume purchasing shares from banks, and preparations for the resumption of the business operation of BanksShareholdings Purchase Corporation, which is a matter under deliberation in the House of Councillors, are under way, so this scheme should be utilized. 例文帳に追加

他方で、経営判断として株式保有を減らしていこうと判断された場合には、そのことが我が国の株式市場に甚大な影響を及ぼさないように、先般日本銀行のほうで銀行からの株式買取りを再開していただくということになったわけですし、現在参議院でご審議いただいていますが、政府の銀行等保有株式買取機構の業務再開に向けた準備も進められているところですから、こういったスキームを活用していただくということだと思います。 - 金融庁

An ASP server is provided with a signal reception means receiving a control signal from an operation terminal and a reception request response means holding the response to a reception request until the signal reception means receives the signal when the reception request is received from a home server installed in the house and transmitting the response including information on the signal to the home server when the signal reception means receives a control signal.例文帳に追加

操作端末から制御信号を受け付ける信号受付手段と、屋内に設置されたホームサーバから受信要求を受信すると、前記受信要求に対する応答を前記信号受付手段が前記信号を受け付けるまで保留し、前記信号受付手段が制御信号を受け付けたときは、この信号の情報を含む前記応答をホームサーバに対し送信する受信要求応答手段とを備えたASPサーバとする。 - 特許庁

In the house, the temperature-measuring means 50 is installed so as to descendible toward the food in the freezing chamber 200.例文帳に追加

冷気を導入して食品81を冷凍貯蔵する冷凍室200と、冷凍室200に貯蔵された食品81の温度を計測する温度計測手段50と、温度計測手段50の計測結果に基づいて、冷凍室200に貯蔵された食品81を凍結点以下の温度でも凍らない過冷却状態に維持するように、冷凍室200に導入される冷気を調整する制御手段46とを備え、温度計測手段50は、冷凍室200内の食品に向けて下降可能に設けられたことを特徴とする。 - 特許庁

Article 293 (1) When an inmate (limited to those corresponds to the person prescribed in Article 97 of the Penal Code), a workhouse detainee or a court-ordered confinement house detainee has been liberated pursuant to the provision of paragraph (2) under Article 83 (including the cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 288 and paragraph (1) of Article 289) but failed to appear at the penal institution or the specified location violating the provision of paragraph (3) under Article 83 (including the cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 288 and paragraph (1) of Article 289), imprisonment with work for not more than one year shall be imposed. 例文帳に追加

第二百九十三条 第八十三条第二項(第二百八十八条及び第二百八十九条第一項において準用する場合を含む。)の規定により解放された被収容者(刑法第九十七条に規定する者に該当するものに限る。)、労役場留置者又は監置場留置者が、第八十三条第三項(第二百八十八条及び第二百八十九条第一項において準用する場合を含む。)の規定に違反して刑事施設又は指定された場所に出頭しないときは、一年以下の懲役に処する。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

I understand that the DPJ's manifesto that you mentioned will be announced today. However, as this is a matter concerning a political party's arguments in a campaign for the election to the House of Representatives, I would like to refrain from making comments. As for the conduct of financial administration, it has three missions. The first is stabilizing the financial system, the second is protecting users and improving their convenience and the third is establishing a fair, transparent and vibrant market. We will continue to make efforts every day to perform these missions. 例文帳に追加

まずご質問の同党のマニフェストでございますが、本日公開されると承知をしております。しかし、これは衆議院選挙に関連しました公党のご議論でございますので、コメントは差し控えさせていただきたいと思いますが、ご質問の金融行政という点について申し上げますと、金融行政には3つの任務、1つは金融システムの安定、2点目は利用者の保護と利用者利便の向上、3点目は公正・透明で活力ある市場の確立という3つの任務が課されております。私どもといたしましては、引き続き、その実現に向けて1日1日行政に取り組んでいくということかと思います。 - 金融庁

The secondary battery has: an electrode assembly with a positive electrode, a negative electrode, and a separator interposed between the positive and negative electrodes; a case to house the electrode assembly; a cap assembly connected to the case and having a terminal electrically connected to the electrode assembly through a lead tap; and a spacer connected to the lead tap and having a part located in between the lead tap and the case.例文帳に追加

本発明の一実施形態に係る二次電池は、正極、負極、および前記正極と前記負極との間に介在したセパレータを含む電極組立体と、前記電極組立体を収容するケースと、前記ケースに結合し、リードタップを介して前記電極組立体に電気的に連結する端子を含むキャップ組立体と、前記リードタップに連結し、前記リードタップと前記ケースとの間に位置する部分を有するスペーサとを含む。 - 特許庁

According to a book of Takahisa MIYAUCHI, houses are the most fundamental center of one's existence and from ancient times people have made efforts to protect life or fortune, but natural disasters (eg. earthquakes) were mysterious in those days so they desired to understand 'the principles governing and controlling the world' including factors for disasters, as a result of which the concept of living space materialize, over the years cultivated through knowledge, a standard influencing the construction of a house, from an outlook of the world was produced. 例文帳に追加

宮内貴久の著物によれば、住居とは生存の拠り所として、最も根本的な施設であり古来より生命や財産を守るための工夫を重ねてきたが天災によって、当時としては不可解な被害(例えば地震)に見舞われていたことから災いの要因を含めた「世界を支配し統括する原理を知りたい」という欲求に晒された結果、住宅に対して、人々が居住生活に求める概念を実体化させて、長い年月を経て培われた知見が規範化され影響力を持ち家相の世界観が生み出されたと述べられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In Nagoya, there are management teams of financial institutions and four SME organizations such as the Federation of Aichi Prefecture Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Yesterday, I exchanged opinions with the four SME organizations about the state of regional communities. I had the opportunity to work on SME policies for one year and three months under Minister of International Trade and Industry Eiichi Nakao while I served as the Parliamentary Vice-Minister of International Trade and Industry 20 years ago, when the Parliamentary Vice-Minister appointed from the House of Representatives was required to take charge of SMEs. 例文帳に追加

名古屋においては、金融機関の経営陣や愛知県商工会議所連合会をはじめとする中小企業4団体というのがございますが、ちょうど私も20年前、通産政務次官をしておりまして、中小企業担当の政務次官、当時は衆議院から出た政務次官が中小企業担当ということでございましたが、1年3か月、中尾栄一通産大臣のもとで、中小企業政策の下働きをさせていただきましたが、(昨日)中小企業4団体の方々と、地方の状況についての意見交換を行ったとところであります。 - 金融庁

The Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) plans to submit to the House of Councillors a bill for the facilitation of regional finances, which requires financial institutions to make information disclosure, regarding their loans to small- and medium-size enterprises (SMEs). In the past, there were moves by local assemblies and SME associations to request a similar information disclosure requirement. As the ongoing financial crisis has drawn attention to the need to facilitate financing for SMEs, what is your view on the necessity of such a bill? 例文帳に追加

民主党が、金融機関に対して中小企業向け融資の情報開示などを求めた「地域金融円滑化法(案)」を参議院に提出する方針ということですが、過去にも地方議会や中小企業団体などからそういう要請があった経緯があったようですが、今、この金融危機の状況の中で金融庁は中小企業向け融資の円滑化に注視されているわけですが、こうした法律の必要性などについてどうお考えですか。 - 金融庁

What I said in reply to the second question was that at G-7 meetings held so far this year, there was some kind of consensus. I do not have any intention for now to strongly urge the United States to work hard or act quickly, as the negotiations between the U.S. government and the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives are at the final stage. 例文帳に追加

さっき2つ目のご質問にお答えしたのは、あくまでも今年になって過去に行われたG7とか、そういうところでのそういうような多分コンセンサスみたいなものがあったと記憶しておりますけれども、今まさにアメリカ政府と上下両院が大詰めの調整をしているところでございますから、そこに現段階で日本の方から早くやれとかしっかりやれとかですね、そういうことを強く申し上げるというつもりは現時点ではございません - 金融庁


The telecontrol system 5A outputting a telecontrol signal to control the electric devices in the subscriber's house on the basis of a signal received via a telephone line is provided with a telephone line connection 1, a first output section 21 outputting an infrared ray telecontrol signal, a second output section 23 outputting an ultrasonic wave telecontrol signal and a first changeover switch that selects the infrared ray telecontrol signal or the ultrasonic wave telecontrol signal.例文帳に追加

電話回線を介して入力される信号に基づき、宅内の電気機器を制御するテレコン信号を出力するテレコントロール装置5Aにおいて、前記電話回線接続部11と、赤外線によるテレコン信号を出力する第1の出力部21と、超音波によるテレコン信号を出力する第2の出力部23と、前記テレコン信号を赤外線または超音波に切り換える第1の切換スイッチを備えた。 - 特許庁


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